The Reminder Will Be Received by Him Who Fears,

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  • 8/7/2019 The Reminder Will Be Received by Him Who Fears,


    The reminder will be received byhim who fears,

    But it will be avoided by thewretched

  • 8/7/2019 The Reminder Will Be Received by Him Who Fears,



    Dedicated as a reminder for the one that has a heartor gives ear while he is heedful

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    All praise is due to Allah;we thank Him and ask for His aid and forgiveness.Weseek refuge in Allah from the evil within us and from the bad consequences ofour deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, none will misguide; and whomsoeverAllah misguides, none will guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah;He has no partner. And I bear witness that Mohammad is His Slave andMessenger. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his family, andcompanions.O h, A llah, L ord of A rch-A ngel G abriel, M ichael, and Israfeel, C reator of the heavens andEarth, Know ledgeable of the U nseen: You judge am ong your slaves in w hat they disputeabout, guide us to the Right. Verily, You guide whomsoever You want to the straightpath."And a my people! How is it that Icall you to salvation while you call me tothe Fire!" "You invite me to disbelieve in Allah, and to join partners in worshipwith Him of which Ihave no knowledge; and Invite you to the Almighty, theOft-Forgiving!" "La [arama, you call me to one that does not have a claim in

    this world or in the Hereafter. And our return will be to Allah, and thetransgressors, they shall be the dwellers of the Firet"!

    Every time we explain to the brothers and sisters the evil in partisan democracy,contesting and voting for members of the house of assembly, gubernatorial andpresidential election processes and how it is another religion that is beingworshipped and how it is compulsory for all sincere Muslims to disbelieve in itboth in principle and action, they answer you by asking; then what is the wayout, are we supposed to just keep watching without doing anything. By thisquestion they expect you to mention to them some grand plans that sooths theirdesires or something that will be a form ofmiracle to make them agree with yourproposal. The same was asked to all the prophets and their followerswhen theysimply requested their people to render sincereworship toAllah ta'aala alone.

    SoFir'awn said to his people as regarding Musa ala ih i sa lam:

    ISuratul Gaafir vs 41-43

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    "And Fir 'awn proclaimed among his people (saying): "0 my people! Is not minethe dominion of Egypt, and these rivers flowing underneath me. See you not

    then" "Am Inot better than this one (Musa) who is despicable and can scarcelyexpress himself clearly" Why then are not golden bracelets bestowed on him, orangels sent along with him" Thus hefooled his people, and they obeyed him.Verily, they were ever a people who were rebellious. So when they angered Us,We punished them, and drowned them all. And We made them a precedent, and

    an example to later generations."?"And indeed We have fully explained to man- kind, yet despite that most of

    mankind insist on disbelief. And they say: "We shall not believe in you, untilyou cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us;" "Or you have a garden of

    date palms and grapes, and cause rivers to gush forth in their midstabundantly;" "Or you cause the heaven to fall upon us in pieces, as you havepretended, or you bring Allah and the angels before (us)face to face;" "Or youhave a house of Zukhruf, or you ascend up into the sky, and even then we will

    put no faith in your ascension until you bring down for us a Book that we wouldread." Say: "Glorified be my Lord! Am Ianything but a man, sent as a


    "Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book which isrecited to them't

    "Verily, herein is mercy and a reminder for a people who belieue.'"The difference between these two is that the people of our time make use of thesame Qur' an and proofs but they twist knowingly or unknowingly the versesaway from their right places and knowingly forgetting the most importantaspects of the deen. Thus, they have looked like the Jews; (They change thewords from their (right)places...)

    2 Suratul Zukhrufvs 51-563 Suratul Israa vs 89-944 Suratul Ankabut vs 515 Suratul Ankabut vs 51

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    Ibn kathir says: "S in ce th eir c omp re he ns io n b ec am e c orr up t, th ey b eh av ed tr ea ch er ou slyw ith A llah's Ayat, altering H is Book from its apparent meanings which He sent down,and distorting its ind ications. They attributed to Allah w hat H e did not say, and we seekrefug e w ith A llah from such b eh avior. "6

    "and have abandoned a good part of the Message that was sent to them."Ibn kathir says: "by not im plem enting it and by ignoring it. "7And because of that they will always remain disunited and hatred and enmitywill always exitbetween them like the Christians;

    "And from those who call themselves Christians, We took their covenant butthey have abandoned a good part of the Message that was sent to them. So We

    planted amongst them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection:"And the hadith of the Rasul a la ih i Sa lam is being implemented over them; a partofmy ummah shall definitely worship idols.This is because the ones whom they have already surrendered their intellect tohave given them a plan of what to do. They have already been told that if youhave an evil facing you that you cannot run away from, then you should tryreducing it to the best you can ifyou cannot completely erase it.

    By this statement they mean to say that the democracy is the evil and that for thefact that we live under the system, we are already forced to either completelyremove it or reduce its evil effect on the Muslims. And the only way we canreduce its effects is by voting in Muslims that will protect the interest of theMuslims in democracy.

    The funny side of the case is most of them agree that the system of democracy isdisbelief and idolatry since it takes the right of legislation away from Allahta'aala and vest this responsibility on the people. So they say, if you have asincereMuslim, then you should vote for him to try reducing the evil.

    6 Tafsir Ibn Khathir Suratul Maaidah vs 137 ibid8 Tafsir Ibn Khathir Suratul Maaidah vs 14

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    We have the following questions to ask such people; is it ever allowed for one toparticipate in shirk in order to reduce it? Or is it possible to participate in shirksincerely? Or can there be such a thing as a Christian Mushrik and a MuslimMushrik?

    "Are your disbelievers better than these (meaning better than the nations thatwere mentioned here, who were destroyed on account of their disbelief) Or have

    you immunity in the Divine Scripturest"?The truth of their claim is similar to one that passed the ruling that it is better forthe Muslim to perpetrate zina than the Christian because the Muslim might notkiss the woman or touch some sensitive areas but if you leave the Christian, hewill do everything and even more. But the main thing is that both will committhe clear zina only that the Muslim will reduce the evil of kissing. They also say;if you know that the Muslim will keep our amaanah, then it is better to vote himin. We ask which amaanah is left when the greatest of amaanah has already beingthrown to the dogs?When Allah ta'aala said;

    "Truly, We did offer the Amanah to the heavens and the earth, and themountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it. But man bore it.Verily, he was unjust and ignorant. 50 that Allah will punish the hypocrites,men and women, and the men and women who are idolators. And Allah willpardon the believers, men and women. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most

    Merciful."loAI-"Awfireported that Ibn 'Abbas said, " AI-Ama na h mea ns o bed ie nce." 11

    The first of obedience is dissociation from shirk. The amaanah that grants us ourhumanity is the amaanah of the shar i' ah , the amaanah of the hudud or limits ofAllah ta 'aala that qualify us to be human beings fit to live on the surface of theearth. And if not for the promise of Allah to his prophet he could have wiped us

    9 Suratul Qamar vs 4310 Suratul Ahzaab vs 72-73IITafsir ibn Khathir Suratul Ahzaab vs 72

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    away and replaced us with others just as he did to other nations that didn't keepthis amaanah.It really saddens the soul a great deal when I come across or hear about abrother / sister that is yet to get an ideological clarity as regarding purifyinghis/her worship to Allah ta' aala. They are still yet to clearly understand that theprimary reason they were created for was to render this sincereworship singly toAllah ta' aalawhile completely negating all deities that seek to compete with Himin His specific attributes. They are still yet to understand that the worst crimeand that the most criminal of oppressing is shirk in the worship of Allah ta'aala.Yet to understanding that you can never compare the evil of shirk with any otherevil no matter what that evil is. Yet to understand that when you are faced withtwo options one that brings about some benefits and the other an evil thatprotecting one's self from the evil is of priority to drawing the benefit no matterwhat that benefit it.

    What I have mentioned above are standard principles of jurisprudence that is nothidden from the students of knowledge. If they claim to know all these, thenwhy the indecision as regarding what to do when they are practically faced withsuch situations in their lives?

    But to them, the two evils in this case are not the evil of choosing between shirk(thus enjoying some uncertain temporal worldly benefits) and refusing toparticipate in shirk while being patient upon the consequences. So the two evilsaccording to them are between a Muslim and a Christian becoming the presidentno matter what they make use of in ruling. They claim, that if the Christianbecomes president he will deprive us some of our worldly entitlements, he willprevent us from hajjand some other religious rights.

    Don't these people see that they have fallen into a dangerous trap of the shaitan?didn't Allah ia'aala tell them that they have an excellent example in the life of theRasul a la ih i salam? Was he not beaten, were his companions not killed before hisvery eyes, was he not prevented from hajj, and as such he could only performone hajj before leaving this world? Was an economic embargo not placed on himand his companions for three years till children were dying out of hunger? Or areall these better benefits to protect than the benefit of taw'heed and sticking to theSunnah of the Rasul a la ih i salam? Didn't Allah warn us in the this way; "Say: Ifyour fathers, your sons, your brothers, your spouses, your kindred, the wealth

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    that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and thedwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger,and striving hard and fighting in His cause, then wait until Allah brings aboutHis decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are rebellious.t'I'?Didn't the leaders of Quraish present him an offer of becoming their leaderunder their systemofgovernment?13

    But did he budge and choose to blemish his taw'heed and that of his followerswith shirk?

    From the clear clear texts and the pure example in the life of the Rasul alaihisalam, you will get to know with certainty that Allah ia' aala has never made suchexcuses reasons for transgressing His exclusive rights nor did the Rasul alaihisalam nor the pious predecessors and those that followthem in truth.

    Theseare only excuses to the extreme people ofirja and their followers.

    So, Allah ia' aala said; "It is those who believe and confuse not their belief withZulm (wrong), for them (only) there is security and they are the guided."14For those in need of security and guidance, then above is the advice of yourcreator to you. And above is the example of your model if you hope for good inthe two worlds!

    But here we forcing ourselves upon the kufar and trying vehemently to becomelike them without them making any offer, without us having faced one of whatthe Rasul alaihi Salam was faced with. So our situation has become like thosedescribed by Allah;" 0 you who believe! Donot take friends from the Jews and the Christians, asthey are but friends of each other. And if any among you befriends them, thensurely, he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the

    wrongdoers. And you see those in whose hearts there is a disease, they hurry to12 Suratu Tawba vs 6413 Sira ibn Hishaam 1/293-29414 Suratul An'aam 82

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    their friendship, saying: "We fear lest some misfortune of a disaster may befallus. " Perhaps Allah may bring a victory or a decision according to His will. Then

    they will become regretful for what they have been keeping as a secret inthemselves. And those who believe will say: "Are these the men who swore theirstrongest oaths by Allah that they were with you" All that they did has been in

    vain, and they have become the losers."lSAnd He ta' aala said;

    "Have you not seen those (hyprocrites) who claim that they believe in thatwhich has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you, andthey wish to go for judgment (in their disputes) to the Taghut while they havebeen ordered to reject them. But Shay tan wishes to lead them far astray. And

    when it is said to them: "Come to what Allah has sent down and to theMessenger," you see the hypocrites turn away from you with aversion. Howthen, when a catastrophe befalls them because of what their hands have sent

    forth, they come to you swearing by Allah, "We meant no more than goodwilland conciliation!" They (hypocrites) are those of whom Allah knows what is intheir hearts; so turn aside from them (do not punish them) but admonish them,

    and speak to them an effective word to reach their inner selves. "16TheRasul alaihi Salam said: "you shall follow the people that came before youstep by step and if they were to enter the hole of a lizard, you will enter with

    them." Someone asked; 0the messenger of Allah, do you mean the Jews and theChristians? He alaihi salam replied; who else (if not themi)'?"We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allah's leave. If they, when they

    were unjust to themselves, had come to you and begged Allah's forgiveness, andthe Messenger had beggedforgiveness for them, indeed, they would have foundAllah All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. But no, by your Lord, they can have nofaith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them, and find inthemselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full

    submission. "18

    15 Suratul Maaidah vs 51-5316 Suratul Nissa vs 60-6317 Sahihul Bukhari18 Suratul Nissa vs 64-65

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    10 I P age

    .. Jy) ~l ~ : I}W rL J -t# ~I ~ -.JI Jl.)~I o: ~ s : b : - : l5J~1 t J ~I 4.i'-) r")l,,'jl ~ Jlj_J\ . ~.*-~ J~ : I}lj ( l)~ 'J ~ ) : Jlj

    The sheikh Ibn Tayyimiyah said in his fataawa; "A group of Jews came to theprophet and said we testify that you are the messenger of Allah. He alaihi salam thensaid; then why don't you follow me? They replied because we fear the Jews."19 So itbecame known that the first people to give the excuse fear (for not following theshariah) were the [ews."

    And He ta'aala said;

    "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the right path has become distinctfrom the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, thenhe has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah

    is All-Hearer, All-Knower."21This was the strongest rope they held on to and that was the reason for theiramnesty, guidance, success, honor, dignity and dominance above all others inboth worlds!

    And some amongst them are those that say that making humans legislators otherthan Allah or ruling with other than what Allah has reveled is not from amongstthe nullifiers of Islam it is rather a lesser degree of kufr. To these we say:

    "A llah ia'ala m akes Inkaar (i.e. vehem ently objects to) those w ho turn aw ay from Allah'sSharee' ah; the law s that are good for the M uslim s; the law s that forbid w hat is evil. Allahrejects those who follow laws of personal desires and who adopt laws of Kufr such as thelaws enforced by the Tartars who were under the control of Genghis Khan, their K ing.

    19 Fataawa Ibn Tayimiyyah (7/560)20 And don't be surprised my brother when you hear the statement of Imam Saeed ibn Jubair (rh) when hesaid; "The Murjiah are the Jews of this Ummah" (ibn batah pg168) or the statement ofImam Muhammadibn Ali ibn Hussain; "The difference of the night to the day IS just similar to the difference between theMurjiah and the Jews" (Narrated by Al Alkayyi 5/1064)21 Suratul Baqara vs 256

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    These law s w ere a m ixture of Judaism , C hristianity and law s chosen by their K ing w hichsuited his desires. Should we prefer these laws over the Sharee' ah of Allah and H isP rophet (sallallahu 'alayhi w a sallam )? ! V VflO ever does this is a K aafir and killing him isTAT "bl//22v v a a J l ."So whoever leaves the clear Shari'ah, w hich w as revealed to M uhammad Ibn Abdullah,the Seal of the Prophets, and takes the Hukm to other than it from the laws of Kufr whicha re a bro ga ted , h e h as disb elieved . So what about the one who takes the Hukm to the'Yasiq ' (the law of the Tartars which mixed Shari'ah rulings w ith invented rulings) andpu ts it b efo re it? ! V Vh oever d oes th at, h e h as d isb elieve d b y the Ijm aa ' o f th e M uslim s.//23"H ave you seen this strong description by Al-H aafidh Ibn K atheer - in the eighth century- about that m an-m ade law , which was fabricated by the enem y of Islam , Genghis Khan?Do you not see that it describes the situation of the M uslim s at present, in the fourteenthcentury? Except for one difference that we pointed out before, which was that it wasw ithin a particular group of rulers, who were destroyed so quickly. Then they werem ingled within the Islam ic ummah, and the effect of that which they did was removed.Then the M uslim s are now in a worse situation and severer in oppression and darknessthan them . This is because most of the Islam ic ummah are now about to be m ingledw ithin the law s w hich are opposed to the Sharee' ah, and w hich are sim ilar to that 'Y asiq ',"The m atter in these fabricated law s is clear w ith the clearness of the sun. It is clear Kufrand there is nothing hidden about it and there is no excuse for anyone who attributesthemselves to Islam , whoever they may be, to act according to it or to submit to it or toapprove of it. So each person should bew are and every person is responsible for him selfSo the 'U lama should make the truth clear and tell what they have been ordered to tellw ith ou t c on cealin g any th ing. //24Ibn 'Abbas said that the Messenger of Allah said,

    22 T afseer Ib n K aih eer", exp la na tio n o f S ura h A l-M a'id ah , A ya h 5 0.23 A l- Bid aa ya h w a N ih aa ya h" , V ol. 1 3/1 18 -1 19 .24 Umd aa t A t- T afseer M ukh ta asir T afseer Ib n K ath eer of A hm ad S ha akir", V ol. 4 /1 73 -1 74.

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    12 I P age

    "The most hated person to Allah is the Muslim who seeks the ways of the daysof ignorance and he who seeks to shed the blood of a person without

    justification. "25Others say that the three reveled verses (i.e /Iand for those that don't rule w ithwhat A llah has reveld then such are the disbelivers ... oppressors .... w rongdoers")are only specificto jews and Christians. To these we say:

    ') 1 , __w .l r 1 Po ~ o y~ f\ ~ :J 19 ~ _ _w .lr 1 ~ - J . . ! .1 J ~ ~ : J19 , . . :; .J4~1~~~ if~..i>- J;:-) JL ., :J19 'f~1 I} ,tif.!lI_ rJI)..l9~ ~ .& Ij 'is ,oy J S ' ~j 'Or J S ' ~ . . : : . J \ S '

    On the authority of abi Bukhtari who said; a m an asked Huzaifa (ra) as regarding thesethree verses, (so the man said); it is said that these verses are only restricted to the baniIsraeel? So (H uzaifa said); how good brothers are you to the bani Israeel i f a ll b itte r is su esare of them while all the sweet issues are for you. Nay by Allah, you shall definitelyfollow their path even (in issues that is equal in length) of a shoe lace-"

    .)~Ij ~~Ij'& 1 JJt ~ ~ J S ' - J a..~ < . / ' :.;-J -Ij ~ _Y -O .J !I J 19 jIbn M asood and H assan; they (i.e. the tree verses) applies generally to all those that don'trule w ith what Allah has reveled from amongst the Muslims, the Jews and theChrist ians.27

    . ~ a .. ~1o . .l .. .: b.iP)j , __w .l r1 ~ - J ..:;.J4~1o~..::..lJ :J19 ~IA if ')~ if ''f).fll ifjO n the authority of m ansoor from Ibrahim he said; these verse w ere revealed as regardingthe bani Israeel and (A llah) is pleased w ith its rulings for this ummah (i.e. M uslim s )28

    . ~ Ij l:.# < . / ' j ~~I - J ..::..lJ :J 19 ,.;- J-I if o..l:......!f#1 .;!..r; .J!I .s j) jIbn jarir at tabari narrated w ith his chain from H assan, he said; these verse w ere revealedas regarding the bani Israeel and (its rulings) are obligatory upon US.29

    The sheikh ibn Uthaimin (rh) said after mentioning the different categories ofpeople based on the three verses mentioned the first situation that nullifies theiman and the remaining two that doesn't nullify the iman, so he said; there exit am ajor difference betw een issues of com plete legislation that encom passes the w hole of the25 Al-Bukhari recorded Abu Al-Yaman narrating a similar Hadith, with some addition.26 Tafsir Ibn Abi Al-izz 3/327 Adwaul Bayaan (Suratul Maaidah) 1/40628 Tafsir As-San'aani 1/19129 Tafsir At-Tabari (12060) 10/357 and Tafsir Bahril Muheet (Suratul Maaidah) 3/505

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    life and the specific issues where a judge judges in a single issue with other than whatA llah has revealed. F or the issue of com plete legislation that encom passes the w hole of thelife is not categorized under the second category (the one that does not nullify im an) butrather only under the first category (the one that nullifies iman) for the legislatorlegislates a different shariah that contradicts that of Allah because of his belief that it ism ore b en eficial to th e crea tu res th an th at o f A lla h a s w e ea rlier m en tio ned . 30He (rh) also showed before this statement of his that such a person doesn't haveto declare with his tongue that he does not believe that what he legislated isbetter than that of Allah but his action of intentionally legislating a differentshariah upon the people and making it compulsory over them clearly shows thathe has preferred it above that of Allah. For he said it is natural knowledge thatman does not willingly chose one thing above the other except that he haspreferred the one he choose over the one he neglected.v

    Others say that as long as those that engage in it still believe in Allah and knowthat what they are doing is wrong, it does not take them out of Islam. To thesewe say;

    This is the aqidah of the extreme murjiah that believe that as long as one sayslaillah illallah and he does good and still claims to be a Muslim, then nothing hedoes can ever take him out of Islam. Such people have actually made iblis amuslim by such statements.

    The scholars of ahl sunnah wal jammah has agreed that iman is by the heart,tongue and the limbs and also kufr can occur through the heart, tongue and thelimbs.So the sheikh AbulMun'im Mustapha Halima (hz) said:"W ith this understanding w e can also appreciate the w ay that lmiin is a ffirm ed b y b elief,sayings and actions, K ujr (disbelief) is also confirm ed by belief, sayings and actions ina cco rda nce w ith th e d efin itio n of lmiin. U nlike som e w ho confirm the correct definition oflmiin but when it comes to Kujr they restrict it to taking place in the heart only,contradicting them selves com pletely and this is the problem w e have w ith the Salafiyun

    30 Sharh thalaathatil usul sheikh Salih ibn Uthaimin page 15931 Sharh thalaathatil usul sheikh Salih ibn Uthaimin page 158

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    14 I P age

    of today. W hen they com e with the definition of Im iin they com e w ith the understandingand evidences of Ahlus-Sunnah and when the com e with their definition of Kufr they arecome with the understanding and evidences of the Murji'ah and Jahm Ibn Safw iin andthe li ke s.W e say action is part of [man, if we leave any action does that mean we negated theim iin? Is every action a condition of Im iin or not? There are three opinions on the m atter.The K hawiirij and Extrem ists; they say every single action com es under Im iin so if youfall into the K abii'ir the m ajor sins you have negated your lm dn.The Murji'ah: Who believe you can do what you w ish and your Im iin w ill never beeffected. The best of the M urji' ah would say by dong actions you would complete yourfaith how ever leaving it does not negate faith. Both of these are upon the incorrect pathsand A hlus-Sunnah are betw een the tw o.A hlus-Sunnah: There are som e actions if you fall upon them you negate your lmiin andthere are other actions which complete your faith and by doing them you increase yourlmiin and by not doing them you decrease your lm iin but it does not negate your Im iinlike w hat the K haw iirij say. There are also actions such as Saliih w hich if you do not dow ill cause you to lose your im iin." 32We ask them; what did Imam Bukhaari mean when he titled a chapter of hisprecious work; "the chapter that talks about the fear of M uslim destroying the whole ofh is d ee ds w ith ou t kn ow in g"? 33Shaikh Ibn Tayymiyyah (rh) said: "Thus, it became known that if some p eo ple s im plycling to the label of Islam without adhering to its laws, then the obligation of fightingth em is no t ca nce lled .Therefore, any group which leaves, changes, or refuses to implement some of theobligatory prayers, or fasting, or the Hajj, or violates the blood and wealth of theMuslims, or engages in consumption of intoxicants, or adultery, or fornication, orgam bling, or m arrying the mahaarem , or who do not wage war against the Kuffaar, or donot impose the jizyah on the Jews and Christians, or any other matter from theobligations and prohibitions of the D een for which there is no excuse for not acting upon,then war must be waged against this group even if they accept that the obligation orprohibition is part of the Deen. And I do not know of any disagreement amongst thes ch ola rs in th is re ga rd .32 a'amaal tukhraju sahibuhu minal millah. Pages 16-1733 Sahhi Bukhari

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    15 I P age

    VVh ere th e sch ola rs h av e d isa gree d is re ga rd in g th e g ro up w hic h in sists o n le av in g c erta in5un an, su ch a s the rakaa tayn before 5alaat u l-F air, th e callin g of th e ad haan and iqaa mah(am ong those who do not regard it as obliga tory), and other such Islam ic practices. Thesc ho la rs h av e d isa gree d re ga rd in g th e q uestio n: 'Is th e g ro up w hic h lea ves th ese p ra ctic esfought or not? ' ...However, w ith regard to the undisputed obligations and prohib itions, which we havem ention ed before, there is no difference of opinion a bout w aging w ar on them.':

    Others in an effort to run and not be roped by accepting that it is shirk, say thatdemocracy is only najas (impure) but not shirk. To these we say; you have in facttied yourself more. Allah said; 0 you who believe! Verily , the Mushrikin areimpure. So let them not come near A l-M asjid A l-Haram after th is year ... fl. Andwhat made them najas (impure) was the shirk they perpetuated. So you justsubconsciously buttressed the truth that democracy is in fact the very shirk.

    Others say we have been compelled by necessity and thus when compelled bynecessity we are allowed to engage in such issues. To these we say;

    Ibn tayymiya said; liV ery the forb idden things are categorized into tw o; those that theshari' ah never allows any of it in any situa tion (i.e . their prohibition is absolute in a llconditions) either b eign com pelled by necessity (darura h) or no t com pelled b y necessity(darurah) like shirk, despicable sins (im morality), m aking statem ents about Allah ofw hich one has no know ledge about and dow nright oppression . These four things are thosementioned in the statement o f Allah ia'aala "Say: "(But) the things that my Lord hasindeed forbidden are the Fawahish (immoral deeds) whether comm itted openlyor secretly, and Ithm , and transgression w ithout right, and joining partners w ithAllah for which He has given no authority, and saying th ings about A llah ofwhich you have no know ledge." 50 these four issues m entioned are haram in all theshariah (reveled to all prophets) and for its purpose, A llah sent all the m essengers. A ndH e ia' aa la has never m ade any of these allow ed in any situation. And it is for th is reasonthat th is verse was reveled in a makkan sura and disclaimed the ruling of harm upono ther th an them . 50 H e only m ade haram after them blood, carcass, pork w hich he m adeharam in some situations and not haram in some other situa tions w ithout making theirp roh ib iti on abeo lu te ,

    34 Majmoo' al-Fataawa, Volume 28, pages 501-50835 Majmoo Fatawa 14/470

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    So, that say we are allowed to partake in democracy because we are beingcompelled by necessity are in effect also saying that zina is permissible forMuslims because we have been compelled by necessity of nudity all around us.Orwe are been compelled to tell liesagainst Allahbecause of necessity.

    And we have to differentiate between the one that is forced (mukrah) and the onethat is compelled by necessity (darurah). These two are properly differentiated bythe ulama. The one that is forced has to be physically forced and be facedwith thecase of clear annihilation without any shade of doubt just as the companion amrbn yasir was forced its only in such circumstances that we are allowed to say ordo an action of kufr that will make us get free from being annihilation with thecondition that our heart is full of iman, and that we don't add to the kufrrequested from us and that we immediately leave that place so as not to beforced another time.The shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdulwahab said, while discussing about thecompanions that made jest of the Hamalatul Qur' an on whom Allah reveled theverse; /Idon't give excuse for you have disbelieved after your iman ... " the shaykhsaid; if you have established that some of the companions that fought the romans togetherwith the prophet alaih salam became disbelivers because of a statement they made withthe intention of making jest and play, then it should become very clear to you that the onethat made a stamen of disbelieve or an action of dibelive because of the fear of losing someaspects of his wealth, status orfor the sake of simply tofavour someone is worse than theone that just spoke kujr for just play or jest. /I

    He said (rh); /I the second ayah; whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief -except one who was forced while his heart is at peace with the faith - butwhoever opens their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allah, and theirswill be a terrible torment. That is because they preferred the life of this worldover that of the Hereafter. And Allah does not guide the people who disbelieve.)(108. They are those upon whose hearts, hearing (ears) and sight (eyes) Allah hasset a seal over. And they are the heedless! No doubt, in the Hereafter they will bethe losers" so and Allah didn't excuse anyone (to perform an act or statement ofdisbelief) except the one that is compelled while his heart is certain with iman. But forother than this person, then such has disbelieved after his iman either he did it with thepurpose of fear, to favor someone or for the love of his country or his family or his

    36 Suratul At- Tawba vs 66

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    tribesmen or for his wealth or for jest or for some other reasons from amongst the(n umer ou s r ea so ns th at is u su ally p re se nte d.Y ' ?But as the regarding compelled by circumstance (ad-darura) it is restricted towhat Allah has mentioned that are haram like wine, carcass or pork for the onethat fears he might die if he does not eat from it.

    It is also important that we differentiate between participating in partisan politicsand being part of the democratic process. And what we mean by democraticprocess isby coming together as oneMuslimbody united with the same aqidah toalways protect and defend our rights collectively. Just as the companions thatmigrated to Abyssinia remained a single body and always defend their interestsand rights. So the former (partisan politics) is shirk while the latter is allowed.This was the approved sunnah of the Rasul alaihi salam not the bidah that we arebeing called to.Some say; so this means that we should all leave the system because it's a systemof kufr and that all of us can be kufaar by working under them. To these we say;This looks like the statement of the kawaarij. That doesn't differentiate betweenmajor sins (kabaair) and nullifiers of faith.The ahlu sunnah w al jama' ah say that we rather look at the nature of the work. If itis one that is clear kufr that can be confirmed from explicit proofs then it istermed a nullifier, if it falls under haram, then it is haram, if it falls under thepermissible, then it is. The Rasul still stayed in Makkah doing all otherpermissible muamalah with the mushrikun till he was ordered to migrate. OtherMuslims were still slaves to the kufar but they didn't just run away, they had topay for their ransom before migrating. Do you think that if staying under themin darul kufr was a nullifier they will be ordered to stay a minute after they haveaccepted iman?

    Other statements such as; if you saywe have to reject the system, we mustn't usetheir money, roads, hospitals, markets, etc. these are ta'wilats that have neverbeen heard in history from any scholar even from the scholars of bidah becauseaccording to the scholars of usul, it is an unacceptable qiyas and exposes thechildish thinking and the false claim of those that say. Although it is enough

    37 kashfi shubuhat sharh ibn Uthaymeen pg 84-85

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    answer to say that it a qiyas fasid or batil, just in a bid to help in answer more wesay;

    The ashabul kahf8 when they dissociated (bara'a) from their people of shirkbecause of fear of being forced back to the deen of shirk they still snicked into thetown using the money that had the stamp of the tagoot on it to the market of themushrikun using the roads that had been paved by them to buy food fromthem.'? And Allah mentioned it in the Qur'an to serve as an excellent examplefor us till the end of time and made it a sunnah to always remember about themat least once every week so as to serve as a lesson to those after them. Thenplease condemn the ashaul kah before you condemn us with these childish talks

    In fact such people will condemn the prophet because the prophet when hestarted his call to tawheed and he and his companions were being punished, hestill used to make use of all the establishments in Makkah that were free fromshirk and he didn't stop using it till he was forcefully prevented and an embargowas placed on him and his companions for three years.w

    After migration a companion of his remained in Makkah and was working forone of the tawagit as a blacksmith and he was not condemned by the prophetsuch that imam Bukhari (rh)made a chapter on the issue (should a Muslim hirehimself to (or go under the employment of) a 'mushrik'" (apolytheist or adisbeliever) in the land ofwar? (i.e.The land that is at war with Islam andMuslims)?

    ~\ ~ .& Ij ~ :J\..Q ! , o \ . . p \ . . Q j \ ~t ! ,o ~ J ~\! ,jJlj.J!I'_"'t...1l..::...W.! ,L J ~J.::...5) : J19 A;S-.&I .. iPJ yy.:. if..ujj Jlo ~ J . :J ~ .u ~ J1 9 ,~ : . . : : . J ! ~.!. iy."o { ~ i ? l J :J19 ,'jJ ~ ( . ;: .J ' ; ~ .& Ij l o\ : .. :: .. ll i , ~ fo~

    .I..u jj ~lo ~ji.j J19j W 4 4 fifoU l ~\)\: {JW j:JN '& 1 JJt! ,~t!on the authorithy of Khabaab (ra), he said; (Iwas a (black smith) and Iworked

    38 Suratul Kahfvs 9-2039 Tafsiru At-tabari 17/63040 Sira ibn Hishaam Vol. 141 According to the understanding of the pious predecessors, they see kufr and shirk as same.Foranyone that falls into shirk has committed kufr and vice-versa. An example to clarify this is thehadith of tariku-sallah. The Rasul (saw) described this act as shirk in some ahadith while hedescribed as kufr in some others. Please refer to tahzeeb of sharh of aqidatu at-tahweiyah byShaykh AbdulMunim Mustapha Halima (hz) for more details.

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    for Aas bn Waail. My money became piled up with him. Ihen came to himdemanding my wages he owes me and he said; 'Iwill never pay you by Allah

    until you disbelieve in Muhammad (saw). Ihen said, (Iwill never disbelieve inhim even until you die and are resurrected). He said; 'you mean Iwill die andthen be resurrected? Isaid yes. He then said, then (i.e. when Iam resurrected), I

    will still have my wealth and my children. SoI will pay you then. Then the versewas revealed; haven't you seen the one that belies Our signs and say .....

    According to Hafidh (rh) this occurred in Makkah and at that period, it was stilla dar-ul-harb and because of this incidence, a verse was revealed. The Rasul (saw)was aware of it and didn't condem it.ibn Hajar (rh) said; Ii And he the writer (i.e. Bukhari) didn't resolve on the ruling ofapproval because of the possibility of -the approval- being conditioned by necessity, or (of thepossibility of this ruling (of approval being only before the injunction of fighting the m ushrikeenand opposing them was revealed, or (of the possibility of it) being before the (injunction) ofpreventing a believer from hum iliating him self (w as reavealed)" he (i.e. ibn R ajab) then quoted alM ahlab thus; lithe scholars detest this -i.e. w orking under the m ushrikeen- except for (cases) ofnecessity but w ith tw o conditions. The first condition; that the w ork should be a kind of w ork thata M uslim ordina rily is allowed to do, secondly, that he should never partake or assist in anythingth at its re pe rc ussio n w ill tra nsla te to h arm o n the M uslim s.4 2

    The Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ameen Ash-Shanqeetee said;

    "Take note: Know that it is Waajib to differentiate between the inventedinstitutions, which are Kufr in the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, to judgeaccording to them and between the institutions, which aren't. As for thelegislative institutions, which contradict the legislations of the Creator of theHeavens and the Earth, then judging with these is Kufr in the Creator of theHeavens and the Earth."43"So implementing this kind of system to govern people's lives, wealth, honor,lineage, minds, and religion, constitutes kufr in the Creator of the heavens andthe earth, and rebellion against the divine system which was set up by the OneWho created all of mankind and Who knows best what is in its interests.

    42 Fathu Bari (4/452) (for more on this please refer to our work "the ruling of working under a kufrgovernment)43 IiAdwaa' Al-Bayaan", Vol. 4/82-85, tafseer ofSurah Al-Kahf.

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    Glorified and exalted be He far above having any other legislator alongsideHim."44Sowhat do you order us to do?

    "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the right path has become distinctfrom the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, thenhe has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah

    is All-Hearer, All-Knower."45Allah said,

    "Those to whom We gave the Book. Yatlunahu Haqqan Tilawatih."46'Abdur-Razzaq said from Ivuim ar, from Q atadah, "They are the Jews and Christians.' ,This is the opin ion of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam , and it was also chosen by IbnJarir. Said reported from Q atadah, "They are the C om panions of the M essenger of Allah. " Abu Al- 'A liyah said that Ibn Mas 'ud said, "By He in VVhose H and is my soul! Theright Tilawah is allow ing what it makes law ful, prohib iting what it makes unlaw fu l,recite it as it was revealed by A llah, not changing the words from their places, and notinterpreting it w ith other than its actual interpreta tion." As-Suddi reported from AbuMalik from Ibn 'Abbas who said about this Ayah (2:121): "They make law ful what ita llows and they prohib it what it makes unlaw fu l, and they do not a lter its wordings.' ,'U mar bin Al-K hattab said , "They are those w ho w hen they recite an Ayah that m entionsmercy, they ask Allah for it, and when they recite an Ayah that mentions torment, theyseek refuge w ith Allah from it." This meaning was attribu ted to the Prophet, for whenhe used to recite an Ayah of mercy, he invoked Allah for mercy, and when he recited anAyah of torm ent, he sought refuge from it w ith A llah.47Allah's statement

    44 IIAdwaa' Al-Bayaan", Vol. 4/93.45 Suratul Baqara vs 25646 Suratul Baqarah vs 12147 Tafsir Ibn Kathir Suratul Baqarah vs 121

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    "they are the ones who believe therein"explains the Ayah,

    "Those to whom We gave the Book. Yatlunahu Haqqa Tilawatihi)"

    We are supposed to disbelieve in the tagoot and then believe in Allah and call onto the clear tawheed just as the Rasul a la ih i sal am did. He didn't wait for his closecompanions to bring about a magnificent theory of how to enter into shirk andchange it. The thing we have actually neglected is simply this (disbelieve in thetagoot and believe in Allah and call on to the clear tawheed) and we are lookingfor something that Allah has not revealed. Thiswas the work of the prophets andthis iswhat is inherited by the sincere scholars ofknowledge.

    The shaykh Muhammad ibn AbdulWahab (ra) said; lithe taagoot are m uch and theleaders of them are f ive amongst which he mentioned; The ruler that does not rulew ith w hat Allah has revealed, and the ruler that changes the rule of Allah ... 48

    Can't you see that this shows that the people have placed their trust more ontheir intellect than on the promise of the help fromAllah that iscertain?

    Can you remember when last the ulama have sensitized the ummah on theimportance and how imperative the sharia is and how we must work to get it?But because the scholars have left their responsibility of leading the people, thepeople now lead them, so they only say what pleases and is comfortable to thepeople and the leading power and not what is pleasing to Allah. From here youcan see the power of the mimbar used to mobilize the people to shirk but hasnever been used in the same way for the sake of Allah because of fear or whatthey callmaslaha!

    The truth is just that these scholars have made themselves professionals inselective condemnation of bidah. Since they know that condemning the tijanniya

    48 Risalatu mana tagoot by Shaikh Muhammed bn Abdulwahab

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    sect cannot land them in jail nor can it earn them the whip, they are veryvehement in condemning them. But if is a bidah or shirk of the democracy theyencourage all to engage in it because otherwise can earn them the king's whip orhis prison. Sodon't be surprised when you hear the leader of the tijanniyah say tohis people that it's better to vote for a Christian than to vote for an izala. Maybehe already knows that there is no concern of the deen with all this play of Tomand Jerry hence hejust made the playmore hilarious!

    o the scholars of islam, how will you feel on the day when you will stand beforeAllah and a lot of people will claim that you were the cause of theirmisguidance? Areyou not afraid of the statement ofAllah ta'aala when He said;

    "(And remember) when Allah took a covenant from those who were given theScripture (Jews and Christians) to make it (the truth) known and clear tomankind, and not to hide it, but they threw it away behind their backs, and

    purchased with it some miserable gain! And indeed worst is that which theybought. "49

    "This worldly life is only amusement and diversion. And if you believe and haveTaqwa of Allah, He will grant you your rewards, and will not ask from you (tosacrifice all of) your possessions. If He would demand of you all of it and urgeyou, you would withhold. And He will expose your (secret) ill--wills.) Here youare now invited to spend in Allah's cause; but among you are those whowithhold (stingily). And whoever acts stingily is but stingy toward himself. ForAllah is indeed free of needs, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He

    will replace you with other people; then they will not be like you."S O

    1~1J.,.WI~ I~ 1~1~\ ~ ~~ ) : Jlj r - L J ~ ~\ ~ ~\ Jy)

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    and when they get corrupted, the generality of the people becom e corrupt; the rulers andh h 1 // 51t esc oars.

    On the authourity of ka'ab Al-Ahbaar he said; lithe floks get rectified whith therectitude of the leader and is also corrupted by his corruptlon.v=

    The two categories of people mentioned here are those that guide the ummahwith the shariah of Allah hence this is another chance for you 0 scholars. If theleaders decide not to be rectified then the whole of the burden falls on thescholars to guide the ummah towhat pleasesAllah.

    "And you will soon remember what Iam telling you, and my affair Ieave it toAllah. Verily, Allah is the All-Seer of (His) servants. "53

    .Jtbu Dujaana .Jtf-'UmawyJumada .Jtf-.Jtwwa{ 15, 1432 (.Jtyri{ 18, 2011)

    51 Narrated by ibn AbdilBar and Abu Nuaim. Al Gazalli mentioned it.52 Hilyatul Al Awliyaa 5/36753 Suratul Gaafir vs 44

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    UtrutliisJ7oweifUfantfit _preyailS. Trutli aliays rests witli tlieminorityantftlie minority isaliays stronger t!ian tlie maJorit~because tlie minority isgenerallJl formed by t/iase w/ia reallJl!iayean qpinio~ wliite tlie strengtli ifa maJority is ilTuso~ formed bytliegangs wlio /iave no qpinion antf Wli0 tliert!fOr~ in tlie nextinstant (wlien it is evident t!iat tlie minority is tlie stronger)

    assume its qpinion. 'Wliitetrutli again reverts to a new minority.:JJietrutli aliays sets you free from bondage ifdesires. :Butfirst; itwilTmake you ang~ never qJJotOgizeor sliowingfleting. 'Wlienyou dO S0 you qJJotOgizeor tlie trutli ~~