) V K r- - j-- "5 r , iT-- T' Uy 'X. - B f 1 ;s-..- - - -- MiK BBBBBBBBfM abm - ? is ,. j-- , 1 "iTEJtJ ,e-- t V - KSirii t ' - lsr . ,i wi mm r - t.T- - b f . ia .T' " .., - i k., - ' v - -- - - , t . Tt,ss .t i-- T Cubf4 i ear yt - a ' t'- -. . jS t ,7 " &'&.? i ' l - -- - ' "..v. , - S .- - : && :- -' The Red Cloud Chief FRIDAY, NOV. 7,188. A. C. HOSMER! - Proprietor 'Special "Notice. I am now permanently located In my new quarters three doors south of Dr. Sherer's drug store, and having a complete assortment in my line; am prejarcd to sell you goods ns cheap as small dealers can buy them. If you wish holliday presents come and look owr my stock while it is complete and :etthe"first choice. In plated ware I have the very best goods on tln market Hollow waie, all fully quadruple plat- ed, and every piece warranted, and the most beautiful design. Come and ee for you well Clocks of every kind from one dollai no, and all 'pendulum clocks warranted three years. Come and price them. I make a specialty in watches and will ell them so vou ran save 25 per cent on same quafity. Spectacle every one acknowledges I have the mot perfect ones ever sold in Red Cloud. Gold pens, all size, and the he?t article manufactured re- tailed at wholesale prices, also ladies sets in solid and rolled gold and lace pins the .same. Ear rings in endless variety, Emblem pins, culf pins, name pins something new, sieve but- tons, collar buttons, stud-- , charms, and lockets, neck chains in the latest htyk-s- , bracelets until you can't rest, o"hd gold, plain band and sut rings. Gents and ladies watch chains and guards, rolled and solid gold. A fine assortment of genuine diamond rings. I will be pleased to show you my stock whether you purcha-- e or not, come and see tnat 1 am not giving you taffy 0. II. Mary att. . Now In Your Chance To any of our subscribers who have friends in the United .Stales or Foreign countries who wish to keep their fiic-n- posted on Nebraska, we will send Tin: Chi:k. po-stag- e paid, to any part of the worn! as follows: One copy, one year $1 50 Two copies, one year 2 50 One copy, -- i.x months 75 Two copies, six mouths 1 25 Five copi", one year 5 00 Five copies, six month ... o 0J Terms cash- - Send money by register- ed letter, 1'. O. order, 1. O. notes or drafts, at our risk. A. C. Hoswek, Prop. CITY KKEVITJES J. N. UiCKAi:ns w:is in Iviverton Sat- urday. K N Lewis was in town Saturday paying taxes. Ik. Skeen is the happy father of a line baby girl. J. II. Remsdekg has purchased six head of llolstein cattle. (i S Alhuwht, is about to start a jewelry Ktoie at Blue Hill. Kkeij Hum.mell has Koy Hutchin-uon'- s new house nearly completed. The Agricultural Society meets in this city, IVovcmber 10. All should be present. The First National bank block will soon be under the roof and ready for the carpenters. Wool silk and cashmere ny files, fur caps, gloves of all description at the very bottom price at the liol den Eagle. The entire vote cast in Webster county on last Tuesday was nearly 2,000, again of 500 over that of last year. There was a surprise parly on Fri- day night at Hattie LutzV. Quite a crowd of the rising generation were present. Tolly Buos., of Amboy are going to riit their flouring mill and put- - in new machinery. They will have the roller process. We are indebted to the Chicago daily New for a map showing the con-irrepsio- districts in several of iho im-porta- nt states. 0. C.-Cas- k has returned home from Hot Springs, much improved in health. We hope the Senator may now be free of rheumatic pains- - W. N. Mouse received two fine thor- oughbred Jersey pigs from Mr. Gus. Bayha. of Craig, Missouri, the other day by express. They are very tine hogs. Hosford A Yousg have come out with a fine wagon. It is painted up very nicely and does the firm credit. Mr Ferguson done the lettering and painting. John C. Muse, who came to Web- ster county some five months ago from Virginia, has gone home, and will in a few months come back to stay with us. It is said, that, ultimately the B & M will make the Kansas City division of their line the main line and make Red Cloud the division with suitable head- quarters. We hope it will not be long. The road is now figureing for a route to St. Louis. We hope our correspondents will all give the news of their respec- tive counties after election. We ap- preciate the correspondence from these localities very much, and thank our correspondents for their eflbru in that direction. F. N. Richardsox's ten year-ol- d son George fell from a wagon load of ma- nure on Saturday and was seriously injured. The wagon passed over his shoulder aud neck fracturing his jaw it is thought. He was brought to Red Cloud, for treatment. R K Orchard, from the east part of the state has moved to Webster coun- ty, and will move on to his farm near Jnavale. While he was absent some mischevious parties stole the well bucket and some of the flooring out of his houe. The Chief welcomes Mr. O. and family to Webster county. On last Friday evening another one of the justly pleasant and social parties given by the Red Cloud Quartet took -- place at the rink in this city. A large crowd who are lovers of the mazy waltz and the Goddess 'Terpsichore reigned supreme until the small hours of the nights These entertainment irf hijjhly.aplpwciated,. w 'J Mr. E M Perkins uf wf& bare re turned to Red Cloud. M. S. Marsh and family have re- turned home from lowa. Mrs James roTTEU i vtsilins at Mc-Coo- k. Jim is a wanderer K. V. Iti'DBOw has purchaged two new buggies for his stable- - The creamery is paying 9 cent3 per inch for cream this month J. II. Peiimak was elected assessor In Red Cloud precinct. The farmers and others should not forget to come in and pay their taxc. Lorenzo Thomas living on Elm Creek is very sick with typhoid fever. The Shakespearian club will meet at Prof. Ebaugh'a residence on Saturday iiwhL The ladies Aid Focicty meets Fridav afti rnoon at the residence of Mrs. I). C. Meyers. G. R Chakey and wife have arrived from Chicago. They will soon go to housekeeping. George and John Flohrs ot Onio are vistiing Martin Roach of this city, and other relations. Last week $4,100 was paid in to Treasurer Buschow as taxes. There seems to be plenty of money in the county, C. E. Davih will go to St. Louis in a few days to attend college. Charley proposes to be efficient and after he graduates will stick out his shingle 4. lawyer. Another change of lime took place on the B &, M Sunday. The old time mail services have been restored to Red Cloud, and the people are there fore happy. Henry Teague, one of our north- west farmers is just recovering from a week's illness. lie ia considerably thinned down. We are glad to see him around again. On next Friday evening, November 14, the ladies aid society will ho.d a pumpkin social at the residence of Mrs A CJ Ho-mer- , on south Seward street. Everybody invited I)k Mosena who has practiced medi- cine in Red Cloud, will leave in a fw days for Idaho where he will go into bu-sines- with his brother, and will also practice. The doctor has our heat wishes. A .miktake occurred in the Report of the second mouth as publiscd in this paper last week. The columns of fig- ures should be inverted to corespond to the respective departments for which they are intended. Mrs. Brakxfield has two spoon which weie Used in Washington's family. They are 115 years old aud are heirlooms hiuided down to poster- ity. They are curiosities. They have been much worn by usage. Alon.o Cure, one of our prosperous farmers living near Catherton, brought in three oxen on Friday which he sold for nearly $175- - One of the animals was a tremendous fellow and ttod higher than a horse. It weighed 2040 pounds. On last Sunbsy Nov 2nd occurred the marriage of Miss. 1'hebe Patmore daughter of A. N. Patmore, of Red Cloud and Mr. Charles M.SMith of Jew- el county Kansas. Rev. Geo. O Yeiscr officiating. The happy couple have our best wishes. James Wintkrstein, the first type sticker on The Chief, when it was published in a dug out on the corner of Webster street and Third Avenue thirteen years ago, made us a pleasant call Wednesday. Red Cloud has grown out of his knowledge. Wi: understand that there was a lit- tle promiseous shooting in a cortaiu locality in the borders of Red Cloud. If so, we think that it is time to squelch such scenes and the probable cause of the same. Such institutions should not be allowed to exist in a respectable community. Elder Hrm. Sumpler and Father Ncwcomb Christian preachers will be at Red Cloud, Nov. 14 and will preach Friday and Saturday night, at the Ger- man Lutheran Church. Sunday, Sun- day School at ten o'clock, preaching at eleven, and Sunday night. All are cordially invited to attend. Rev. J. K. Harris, pastor of the Presbyterian church, has concluded to leave Red Cloud and go to other fields of labor. In whatever locality the good brother takes up his abode, the citizens will have a gooil citizen and an exemplary Christian gentleman. The Chief is sorry to learn that he has decided to go. He is a hard work er in the church and ha6 been the means of erecting a fine church in this city. A. Lindlet, who came to Red Cloud about o.ie year ago and started a drug store in Miller & Balls old stand has sold his store to Messrs. Cotting & Stonebraker of Streator, Illinois. The Cheif is sorry to lose Mr L. from the business walks of Red Cloud as he has been a good citizen and an enterpris- ing business roan. The new firm have the best wishes of The Chief for prosperity and success in their new business- - Halloween, the night when the children and some old folks are sup- posed to haye been taken possession of by some bad spirit, occured last Friday. Every youngster from the age of ten to forty were appointed a committee of one to get off some prac- tical joke on a friend or neighbor, such as piling your buggy on top of your house, placing barber poles in front of dry goods houses, changing gates, up- setting buiidiugs, knocking At the door, and hitting a fellow with a cab- bage, tying the door so you couldn't get out, and numerous little pleasant- ries were indulged iq. It wa lots of MURDERED. A Most Revolting And Fiendish Crime at Blue Hill. AN INOFFENSIVE GERMAN FARMER MEETS HIS DEATH AT THE HANDS OF A VILLIAN. Leonard Rail, the Victim, Is Decoy- ed From Hia Home and Cruel- ly Murdotod. THE MOTT HOKKIHLK Ct!MK LVKR COM. 31ITTCU IS THE VALLEY. The Manlfrer Sajipo-- d to le ohp Jopk Cook, a Hired Mas. 8700 REWARD OFFERED. On laat Sumlay afternoon word was brought to Red Cloud that another re- volting crime had been committed near Blue Hill. The news created quite an excitement in this city from the fact that only a few fhort week jgo mi other human being had met a similar fate in that portion of Webster count . AlHnanner of stories were told in re- gard to the last tragedy, and none seemed to be as bad as the re-u- li show- ed it to be. The murdered man was well known in Blue Hill, and had lived in that vicinity lhl'6, d;innir which time he had gtintd a ho-- t of friends and succeeded in accumulating a farm and considerable stock. lie was an inolfeusive hardworking farmer and no man had aught to say against him. He biborcd hard to make an 'honest living, and attended strictly to his own welf;irjThis fact alone 5 wtTalTmakes the crime so heinous in its nature. The villian, who ever he might have been could not possibly have held a grudge against this man, as he had only worked for him a week and could not have engendered any animosity against him in that time that would have led him to commit the horrible crime that took place on the fatal night of November first. Rail was simply decoyed and murdered in cold blood by this fiend incarnate in hu- man form, which shocked the peaceful citizens of Blue Ilili and sur- rounding country that all business was su-peud- ed during the investigation by the coroner. A Chief reporter in company with Dr. Mo-e- coroner of Webster county, visited the scene of the murder on Monday, and was thcro-- f re able to glean the following facLs. It seems that about oyc week previous to the death C it"ll X 1HA.MI AITEAM.D AT BLUE HILL in search of work apparently, and wn directed to several parties living near there tluit wore known to want hired help, but each man refused him as he staled, until he made application to the murdered man. who at once en- gaged him for a treason. All went well for tne week which the trampjivorked for Hall and the last named became quite attached to him fiom the fact that he appeared to be a good woik-ma- n and icady to do any work that was et before him. This fact alone would naturally have mado a man think well of the fellow. No suspicion was aroused in thc minds of Rail or family in regard to this tramp, al- though the investigation by the coro- ner would plainly show that he was maturing plans of some such crime as he finally executed on the night of November 1. His stories after being thoroughly analyzed were veiy trans- parent, and if they had been carefully weighed would have had a suspicious look. HE TOLD VUUOUS STOKIKS about asking for work, which, repeated after the murder of Rail, would have led any one to believe that .the crime was premeditated in a cold and de- liberate manner by this depraved young man, or better, fiend, who has scarcely arrived at his majority. It seems simply awful to contemplate the perpetration of such a horrible crime at the hands of so voting a man. If there could have been any cause the aspect of the case .would have been seen in a much different light. Fol- lowing the story up we find that Cook as he gave his name, had finally cul- minated his plans and fixed up a story tnat his .folks, who he said lived in Nodaway county, MTo., had sent him a letter that they had sold out their farm for J$1S,000 and wanted him lo meet them in Lincoln.Neb. and go to California, and said he would have to quit work and wanted Rail to take him to Blue Hill on Saturday night to take the 9PM train for that place. This was one part of his 6cheme to entrap Rail, and on Saturday after- noon set about to put the balance into execution. Aceordinglylfe- - went (o the house and asked Mrs. Rail for the hammer, remarking by the way that the wagon was out of kilter, and t:-a- t he wanted to fix it She not knowing where the hammer was, told him to take the hatchet that lay near by where she stood. Cook picked it up and went back to the wagon and fixed it, secreting the hatchet either in thc wagon or on his person as will hereafter be shown. To further his diabolical scheme he told another story about some fellow whom he had seen prowling around the wheat stack and suggested that he ought toCbe loeked af- ter. This etory was evidently concocted in order to get Rail to go that way so that he would not be apt to run acro3 anyone that would interfere with his SCREXKOr JftJRDE. The stacks of grain are located about one-ha- lt mile north of Rail's residence in a big meadow and an unfrequented spot, a good place to commit jurt such a crime aa was done on this occasion. It w known to Coofc Abut Kali had money in the bouse, and jmt bdon? fVi t4drfAl ffm rri "iftV rAfM!'.) I l 4i.j ""' j- -, vwv- - bii u j vMBwtjlprHj CfKtrMTotemL. that he wanted mm to go m and get Too.Oclofcrr5h.4jPI. some money to ueat mm with. Tm j Rail did, but tbe evidence oncjlcd be-- 1 1 - voa upon ojrmvl li ir,t "r n S. the enro- ,- jury .feral ilt b. , , Jjl(un. Nih or xipp(w, ,. I, i- - J"'1' $?. only lool-te- n calls. !.!! f.n re- -! cinu I t,romicd !o :c!l you b..! , , ,, ,h,., ,hr , i.vi ! ww t va a a., a x t m - am. a. . w m K... & I 'iu 31 tbe coupje sorted lime tim, one wt0 lhe Knrv of oar lAOiym u r3 Unl on a gtia,tly munlcr. the other on j f thc afterVi nfS(temWr 2151 and a kindly enaiiu. ivnen on ue nuna-j- y lnc me our nl hvl aul it ippocd cj40r we wo Mrrotindcd by tlmt Cook, and hia confederate, if he number of the native cooties, Oiincc had nyt tttnick Rail a hevy bio miiIi i amj n:.n cf dilPrent nationalities all a hatchet, over the eye. Dm blow i 04;;er otir veIt or tocptnre to have tuuneJ lull thnr supnHCtl -- o p4tniscrs or JtJlrtCe f vouie kind he was unahle to cope witn inc uenti . an,i wnTftv t.r pntne lo .ceU who following hw chancer, UcrumWo au and r ne z Ui?r nu 'e him six terrible blows on the he id with the edce of thc hab-hc- t ! laying open the knll in many dif- ferent pbues doing his nork mot Trie murderer then it ia sup- posed threw the body out of the wagon, searched the clothing for money, took . , i the team and wagon aim eciipu, wn- - Kroun,i .y Uien fir flr,, inghU he had cruelly tlm0 .,shy eimplw Cuktmlms tw ain! unpiovwiugly murdered linn for Ul(J totr,h wnsn hc michej n what hnie money he hud and hi- - team. Miifi DoaUW. it mat bv b Rail's aUencefrom home did no: create any uiucicty with lit? folks or neighbur-fo- r it w:w a custom uith him to go to ..... i - i. .;.t. t ? t , a a r a i l I .i n Uluv anu stay over mm re.- - i a V(.rv McroMrv 4vil A jtnriktsh alive-- , and the following day being tt two'whpelod with n am! .und;y was supposed tht ho hud,t hkft ,)p u paaton. Very n.Mt and gone to church at tat. Stephens, out when he did not come home Sunday night or Monday morning wife and neighbors Injcaine anxious, as to hi whereabouts and putting this ami that together itr was fcurmiaud that he had MET WITH roUL I'LAV and searching parlies from Blue Hill mid his neighborboCHl started out with the result above mentioned. Nm. Kirk, Earnest Kcr.st and Otto Stafi'regen finding the body of Rail near the spot indicated above. The body when found win lying on the face, as if plac- ed there by the who did the deed. Woul was at once telegraphed to Coroner Moena and that official at once proceeded to J)!ue Hill and there impanelled a jury, and later on in the , day held thorouyn invesii-aiio- n am;ti,f moro F.n.t, the some or ten witnesses, u At the inquest it was learned that Mr. Rail wanted accompany her I Knory. ot band to a neighbor but Cook insi-te- d tnat she belter not as it would probab- ly be late when they returned home, and sbe then concluded not to go, the balance of the evidence was suk-tant-ial-ly the Mine as we have .it above. The verdict of the Jury we hereto append: VXItmCT OF THE State of Nebraska, Wcbter Atan inquisition holien at liluc Hill, m ebster county, on tne .5rt day ot November, A. D.'lSS-l- , J. M. or this see the Mosena, coroner of said county, upon the body of Leonard lying oeait. liy jurors who-?- " names are hereto stibseribed, the said jurors upon their oaths do that be was murdered No- vember first, ISM, between tho hours of 7 o'clock 1 M., and 6 o'clock A. M. Nov. 2, 18S4; wii3 killed by a hatchet or some sharp instrument in the hands of one Joseph Cook, a hired hand, and he, the said Joseph Cook, murdered him feloniou-dy- . The crimo was done about two miles wet of Blue Hill, Nebraska, Webster county. In testimony whereof the said jurors have hereunto set their hands tho da)' and year aforesaid. John Ekhoot, J V. Nonius, Sol Man deli;., um, J O Buna ess, 1ii:lii IS.jck, .Ik. A. Roriscii. J. M. Mo-?.:?a- . M. D. Coroner. Leonard Rail wa- - about thirty-seve- n years old, lived in Nebraska six jear and a number of years at LaSalle, Illi- nois. He was a heavily built man and about five feet and inches hih. HIS MCKDLRER Joe Cook, i a young man twenty to twenty-thre- e years of five feet six lightjVomplexion ntj,,.r ;ropieai heights, hair, thm tacne, and bleary The people of Blue Hill are deter- mined, law-abidi- ng people, and will use every endeavor to have the "insti- gator of this dastardly deed appre- hended and brought to just and right-ec- u account for this inhuman butch- ery of one of their best citizens, viz: Leonard .Rail. Our reporter heard the indignant remarks from the people and with one accord iufeircd that it would not be healthy for tho fiend to appear in that locality. Hemp was freely spoken of as quick and cer- tain remedy for such characters, 'ihe crime of murder is becoming too gen- eral for thc public safety. A too low price is placed on human life, and The Chief believes in "letting no guilty man escape.'' Whoever the blood of this in- nocent man, Leonard KSI1, upon his head may to have the wrath and condemnation of every citi- zen upon his head and will and be meted out the severest pen alty that the law affords. There should be no such thing as as cases of this should be severely dealt $700 REWARD OFrERED, five hundred of wnich has been subscribed by the people of Hill, $200 will be offered by Gov. Dawes, for the and con viction of the culprit. The case is now in the hands of the proper officials, and in the next few days we feel that will haye been arrested. At any rate no stone will be left untamed that will lead to his capture and punishment for one of the most atrocious known in the annals of Nebraska. For Sale- .- 25 thorough-bre- d Merino Bucks, 3 miles of Cowlea. Ad- dress, H. Sheldok, Cowles, Neb. is. t IKUJI ACXUK3 THEOCEA In lfr from Vofcohw j r4hrr utrt riv (iKe gi! pTn0 tc itav jomiu o ri w ia m rul hTxi ,hore. dcjlt illian JUKV they Blue cqial tu bnmyard bile atuowg th fowU at fed time Aftrr an hour waiting the ruh wn orr and we circfully gt on board v( a mM tteam Uumh wHth run by tho awl .tart'd for trrra Jtrnui, ami how nicest did jppnr tp ton otid ee ,hc victim where Sa- - eo the mean of Mailing Im -t- st-icV: ?um-iiHi- . Tho urxt "McountMr wna tJte Jinrikiaha ilrn, a ih! iliti iu.i ;s tart Unly it his nice to ride in, and largo enough for a man uiul KU especially for a joung man and hi girl, all ivt'l be wll iflhecoohe who drawn you rjin not f,r.-- - ..V. BBBBBBBBBBm fW undert:tud the Kngli?h language and can assure you there no dungcr, after tlie vain hau had m try- ing in make mem understand. How- ever, we allowed oui '.nude to -- end our iCa to the hotvl, and we remained at the custom houso for baggage uiapce tion which whs merol formal. found ex :ellent acconuuotlations and board at tho moderate price of $'.)0 per week. After having met ami been highly entertained bv our miv .sionary friends we laid on plans for visit and Mghtseemg, only few of which can name, -- .paee and linn; ven W!j JJOt bj.ui-examini- ng eight .irolJIU tho hotel, iu lnuns eior- - related county. eight SiTPI'fEI) visited should nature dollars crimes north ho-ty- efforts good greens, beautiful bird-- , museum or art to bus- - the Imperial pot Rail the say eyes. has apprehension but nrc. lice, grand Union church where for years tho-- e heathens have been called to hear the gospel, and now to see full congregation of Japanese and native preacher will at oucc show to your mind that the labor of '.ho. Chri-thi- n has not been in vain. Next we fco "Seaman's Miraion" nice atone building beautifully furnished with fuinitii'-e- . books, papers, numc, etc for a public reading room for tho tfail- - before me who come to port. To age, beautiful pictures, minature ships, and the gift bestowed by the sailors serves to satisfy tho mo-- t fkepttcal minds tft missionary work is not farce by any means. Thc next day wo went out for a ride to see what we could. We went up over the bluffs, visited Treaty Point, and on out in the coun- try. We had opportunity to see thc Japanese in their country homes and costumes. IMcase bear in mind that they ;.re not so unsocial as to live one family in place, but they live in village or continuous- row of hou-e- s. You all have acce-- s to ns of Japanese houses, there- fore wUl not describe thorn, m for me nothing but sight will ever tell what a. house consists of, either in shape or material. In thc adornments can iay there is great .amcn-- , viz: Pig dogs babies and red lanterns. Then the field and garden to be found in the landscape view.- -. can say Japan, with its plains and vnl'oy. their foh- - t"' siirna.injr in notimas tnat oi any oi jeven inches high, recion, its short a small mus- - j puio peaks towering in wwird can dure a a a expect good leniency, with. Cook J Hife, Then a a a a a long a a iiinvi lorruiiw numia. uhm tn."iiiniun with a thousand other charms, give it claim to be considered one ot the fairest portions of toe eanh. Pas-in- g along a we did through thc agricul- tural field wo had chance to see some natural products, the most noticable of which was cotton, rice, potato, millet and tea, (and here 1 wish to say that in Japan is where we get tea that very fine.) We came to Yedo bay and san the old song as "we gathered up thc'shclls from thc sea shore." And all of our party joined in saying that this was one of the grand treat. Our coolies having had a rest wo placed our ahelU in and seated ourselves on ourjmnkishas and started ono after another for home at no slow pace as- sure you, for a man will draw you thir-t- v or more miles per day in tho--e tilings for two yen, which equals lSi in U. S. money. September 124 we Btartcd by rail for Tokio, thc capi- tal of the empire. Tokio has a popu- lation of something over a million peo- ple. I will necessarily have to le brief in making mention of her peo- ple. The first thing-- 1 noticed was the civility of the people. Whilst there are over 23,000 jinrikisha men and carts, hack?, street cars and for all financi. and the depot a hun- - dtvds ot them on the Hreets are con- - itant incentive quietude and cr-de- r, knowing that the of diso- bedience U to be cut dovrn by thc po- liceman's sword, who with his nice blue or white suit and gloves, walk his beat sater ac his side. vi nen we reacneu .lotao, our goou friend, M C whohas been ir: Jap- an for 16 years, met u-- s and party, 7 in numoer, and for a days nde. a short time we .dightedst the gate way to Shiba Temnle. We passed through the gate and &aw many curious and antique sights. Stone and lantern, which were in great' numbers standing around the temple grounus. e wem ana viewea tne great temple and its cariosities, im- ages, dragons, and foilias; the great Ura, where the ahes of the old Shoguns have rested in peace for man v Cheap makes cheap Boar. We years. Now and then the friends notice the celebrated brand "White come IMl baP haads oa the Maam -- M.aBw . . - j : r t . j . s ' I i- - I e r zv I a a j s a a I F I ..-- ,- , n i 1 I m.f.. aa.. ny c i j tidings the 13-t- r the oor hsathca walk tipsnd throw, j.i 1. r mt TWr thr t mv j ft!-- ! for i ibf ptO" Of !. Ji: - niWnnc tic ift M tft i t the corTjrf'odin;: p&zi f VlKV. iUo t ?. f f a blcvkbeo! Iwn ir tn raWtng .t f ftyfc fttl to t -- Pr of tUc orxan tfti anir;c. 4 it " ly vl.tf K aid nh t4(HV. VtM w rt - ome titw ht nting r i .uA jHjUiug iw '.r which oti b uH rt. c i alt of ihe lewpi'-- - b t v allow el to mix ' Wc Cy-- 0 1V , wlul. LtoiUitHt iKitt H t . a i tvnie tAai. J i t. h K ijrwiiU". NU thir J $ - i.ry hH-- n nai J n hWt? yo f1 ? r UiiiUrrs i;f Ua ikMo Ti ih lh Wrst I Hat- - -- lUft i cr ft s; r , Amru-i- t in er) j.u. uxx vtsik. upantd rHi-- and l ; " lt uimI be cwu!r'lv e i jo.i hf tlwi-- Ml tv - i o wil Huai j a inxktf Hi i " ' trv. Nox m vicite 1 U m a t ft I . tiiitfit uhtre a. I i on 'xhliin ad fr na? tut will to Wte i"l m d tlHMtrht Ixt i- -t t H in that olrt MvJ.i i jler.urw f rjietidm Albania iwhi m i:k 5 lge n- - itMi-- i i th.ch i lxutitub 1 i v.tte.1 til witlks. garden aUnit tho boinei of tie y retdv on the jrrouno uiidor the utMri"iouo CJmrch. Tliorf ae n.itt Uian can !c accoinm 1 1 nfef-it- y ot enatrgmg t. fact it i- - hat AortUia.-- t ie Knvlwu U4ih I dent K. Tokuki inv.' teudod the uuuital hum of the Japon .Mini . wn- - hekl nl the 'iOKt ltghlinl and decorated fr top with beaituful lan'ert met me ticai nmn ana i to ee the ndvanceil .t i't niMitm niiiottif thee ii were about 15 foreign aie phykii'iaiM proent. We plfiiMiut lime, and I an that 1 h'hj anle to leal therd as well a at thc hoi I vmited the following di CHt. 7 Wc returiK 1 t tin inoruiut; by the Kng and have prortirttl tn kc tint via iCobu ami Nan i- -. we will iMt Mime davs. Wi!itng ou a'l bvo, we. 'A ill bo glad to b. matter forwardwl to "!d will be at th.nl point nom L. 1. HI Maruiki;. At the ri bride's parents, Hmith Oct. 18th. bv thc Rev, K I Walcott, of Gayh .Miss Maggie Noble, fa Nebraska. Railway Etchinn.s. among railroad men t KM) nil ea of roail wil this winter and that IJ & M. will gure'y bu branch from here to' it from pretty good aut are to be five new bU.h round houc, ami a nci on the denot. The bi; C. B. fc Q. may be hi over south ail this till not. Gno. nAjnnNOTO otn Lady Wa-hingto- n, ivite, Uncle Sam, and of "ye oldt-- n t the rink in all their l.uaThur-da- y evening. cavion of a very plesj-a- i given by the Rupfi'--t p aud was a grand Miceei lure, there being j re evening from threo U nconle. R R Fulton U the "Father of his coin Bertha Owen was a spl tation of Martha Win Ambler was Marquw and Vjr. Ambler was both of whom were aM part of the ancient coi ber wai a genuine Unl his stnpel fUiting wa- - dentition. wtnleCarrM an old woman of the rea'ity. 3Iyra Owen, Tiarbara Newt. field. Will Mitchell, U Brown, W. Teiigard bright, L Ii allace. ell. and manv other perfection. Tlie on stewards, etc., and drj old time cOf-tume- a p the dars when the countrv" was in the down the famous chel noted little hatchet.1 gool suppers, etc, d: there seemea to oe surixa quiet ami making the evening orderly crowd, indeed it i- - well they the event ono of the did keep quiet for ten policemen m season. The around a3 weii for penalty with dangling Harrl. our started In bronze in all heathen wheat " cecdevl lh? viitl points viduals M1.1S tertainment was a!l tl be desired and will h wonderfullv. E.EHIMBFS the Goj you a chance to win j in goods as an extz buy your goods oi tl I v.BAj-- l . tvr I IUU1 til lIU Ip you want good Hacker's. Call on Hacker goods delivered .per? 1SS4 CALUOE5L1 recieved tLeLBon BEnreV)go to when in want of d furnishing goods, h you parchaee, ami will save yon The best line of Lilly" from RedOood mil.. i.mkei J&ttrSZFFl - "- - - dpwn to 91.15 persACk. Thie m glad nnmberof tbce temnles and weinr CUntd can now be hungry; ncre. -- '('. V i K. . t. f '"mi ,,'w r lrfiA) - -- H ; - V JTSfc , 4t-- j&r--3&&- . -- v' ' Vgjg ,i?V fcSlss. i"X fc r&&i - rts mi r fit .5W rr - fi .HlBnBKIaa 2ilftaaaf33iKaBVBHRBaEBaaaaaaasVaai BSa tf f nBSSIRBBBBBK.aBBAdBVWHHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBH F 5fiSdHBaaaiBiiJBBaB0 '" atfHMMMHBtfMMlHb m "CTa 'bbB bW i Si JBaaVaaVaBaBaBaBB7 VaHaaVaBaBaBaBaal iJiZ m - - ',' ft bVbVbVbVbVB aVBVaVBVaVBVam ' , b Bv VaBBBBBBBBBK 'R-- a v 1J JBB .Bk 'vBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBV' VBIBBBBBBBBb b" "i t 3H bV 4W aBaBaS aBBaBa " S W" Wttt waYaBYBBYBL aV BBBVaYBYaYaYaW MMBp kb- vi r vBB J 2 rk H Vlf M aVBBBBBBBBBBJ K" : ' t .. SSa m- '.. 4m bv T z VaVavavavavavavaw H BVavavavavavavaT BBr "1& aBBBBBBB M BBBBBBBBK BK d!& 9 KlBBVBBBHaV " m'BBBBVBBBV 9 BF K BBatBBBnH I bbbBBbi bBbp " mm ak m bVbVbS aTBm.a"" "e ', V "-- BIBbwbB laTLBLaBBr & t. " I, Br AfB b'bBBBm t -- bLB: BBH at BaBBaVaffP E l B JhBbBbBbk lift: CJASr T li i o ,nn. ? i f jmg ' i . al lnd asilc-- i faifarr .ttd ci to I wr, .rti $cre tHorts k0u Tnrc m t.'OMKlg Ihr ''it 1 :! is a . M nit t Hwnv Aw ; ffithe buf tint lHn. I rrci ) at Rnner H' fnicii h wa linn to ilkro 1 rncd f medical There i aaanene j, very ! sure NC lrwimnc. tafiwhich kham railrod. ihang- - rvnwniun re Of four - 4 lyc r mall i i. -- an wc Alllt ur H.D. m the Km, irt, Mr I; Kt'n-'M- , and itrly tcott, t . v ro;urcu ma'crial jj t l'hcre tt r-- t r.Ht UH fti d k Ct J3. .L. t i o (west 3 4sllave irily f there i i t vail 1m Uie Mf room IK-- ! ran ing 'dicken a jSmaybe illufltri-Fiyttt- e and y tier indi- - i at ip rrd glory t i the oc H &1 parly ifihudty in C1 4bbbbbbbh b 11 m cfery fea- - d'jring the ir uindred k iX m ,.' ft ? 1 cprftcn- - fL u jiF7et(, y It,Fayett uc comr-M- m Gar wtm 1 1 Wl lit ir. BP 'tHI Ba tm 1' bB) aBr St 1be S4 aW Xt .BL 'Bt' fi liBBW "I'h At -- wnu fie JMt An. J. qu Yt fCH .UH itp leu ntv jic of for the ui.r ,tm tit tne 'cre lo imib Ai.,1 m. x " and in 1 renre- - f was timus in LinitA te, Am Brake-I-Jw- n, Mm Iwart Al- - 1 1 nrU to EVERYBODY Nov if Mmi Una to g fr HOLIDAY GIFTS f G, S. ALBRIWT TBILlAOmO Jeweler OF RID OLOU9, IsrxrrrtYiBhiBoUyBok which fr vaHy xeUy In vnr rfot wf maf mm Jwlry brwitiit to tkteaTtr. 9mbrao coapJt ttom of WATCHES Neckchains, Bracelets, Castors, t 4 - f. fit mm TaBl? 1 j-fj- , , fi rtfc oW " -- : m mnimi oft n aV tJ tii , -- 'I: P Clocks. Cakebcmketo. PickleWish Toilet sets SniTet, Fork?. lit v , r 7 jti 'r Fi f J J iwkibef r. :fln-VaS- . tfiwards - Jit . P m - -- t to fptfant Mid ' C. fi MA y-awbl- y t1 ftr ... - f, mimifiu "' mf bMTMMMbCC mmWtmmwmWm. m mmmmmmmwm KM 6MI 7 2 ' y 44oiiars J -- IM mmmWf!fW J I aV mmmWm 'WmWlmmf tm' mmmWtmtt rnVmr H at! 7"" T'. &"- - jB Sm- sir,', ' Z - MS,t 9tmt mmmAmm " " "" v Lm &m --- " i- -- :zi I- - rM AM r&ihmmWJE'JmU .JB -- , r iWSIIIIlll lilt Lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tr9 Ajgv tflBB lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll wim mfr rt4MiI"4M.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH ' Jim m$m t&r lmwiMmkkkkkkkm Sbb&bbbb'.MbbbW l -- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI 5" .' :f.''"s- - - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl :kmmmmm.'. ',. ':y' .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI I 9 f " JbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW It ' l JH JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI II' ,1bbbbbbbbbbbbI Pi . "3? i ' 'ft : - jt 'r-- 31 s Ji 4 A,

The Red Cloud Chief MURDERED. Si AMost Revolting And t ... · Ear rings in endless variety, Emblem pins, culf pins, name pins something new, sieve but-tons, collar buttons, stud--,

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Page 1: The Red Cloud Chief MURDERED. Si AMost Revolting And t ... · Ear rings in endless variety, Emblem pins, culf pins, name pins something new, sieve but-tons, collar buttons, stud--,




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The Red Cloud ChiefFRIDAY, NOV. 7,188.

A. C. HOSMER! - Proprietor

'Special "Notice.I am now permanently located In

my new quarters three doors south ofDr. Sherer's drug store, and having acomplete assortment in my line; amprejarcd to sell you goods ns cheap assmall dealers can buy them. If youwish holliday presents come and lookowr my stock while it is complete and:etthe"first choice. In plated ware Ihave the very best goods on tln marketHollow waie, all fully quadruple plat-ed, and every piece warranted, andthe most beautiful design. Come and

ee for you well Clocks of every kindfrom one dollai no, and all 'pendulumclocks warranted three years. Comeand price them. I make a specialtyin watches and will ell them so vouran save 25 per cent on same quafity.Spectacle every one acknowledges Ihave the mot perfect ones ever soldin Red Cloud. Gold pens, all size,and the he?t article manufactured re-

tailed at wholesale prices, also ladiessets in solid and rolled gold and lacepins the .same. Ear rings in endlessvariety, Emblem pins, culf pins,name pins something new, sieve but-tons, collar buttons, stud-- , charms, andlockets, neck chains in the latesthtyk-s- , bracelets until you can't rest,

o"hd gold, plain band and sut rings.Gents and ladies watch chains andguards, rolled and solid gold. A fineassortment of genuine diamond rings.I will be pleased to show you my stockwhether you purcha-- e or not, comeand see tnat 1 am not giving you taffy

0. II. Mary att. .

Now In Your Chance

To any of our subscribers who havefriends in the United .Stales or Foreigncountries who wish to keep theirfiic-n- posted on Nebraska, we willsend Tin: Chi:k. po-stag-

e paid, to anypart of the worn! as follows:One copy, one year $1 50Two copies, one year 2 50One copy, -- i.x months 75Two copies, six mouths 1 25Five copi", one year 5 00Five copies, six month ... o 0JTerms cash- - Send money by register-ed letter, 1'. O. order, 1. O. notes ordrafts, at our risk.

A. C. Hoswek, Prop.


J. N. UiCKAi:ns w:is in Iviverton Sat-

urday.K N Lewis was in town Saturday

paying taxes.Ik. Skeen is the happy father of a

line baby girl.J. II. Remsdekg has purchased six

head of llolstein cattle.(i S Alhuwht, is about to start a

jewelry Ktoie at Blue Hill.Kkeij Hum.mell has Koy Hutchin-uon'- s

new house nearly completed.The Agricultural Society meets in

this city, IVovcmber 10. All should be

present.The First National bank block will

soon be under the roof and ready for

the carpenters.Wool silk and cashmere ny files, fur

caps, gloves of all description at thevery bottom price at the liol den Eagle.

The entire vote cast in Webstercounty on last Tuesday was nearly2,000, again of 500 over that of lastyear.

There was a surprise parly on Fri-

day night at Hattie LutzV. Quite acrowd of the rising generation werepresent.

Tolly Buos., of Amboy are going to

riit their flouring mill and put- - in newmachinery. They will have the rollerprocess.

We are indebted to the Chicagodaily New for a map showing the con-irrepsio-

districts in several of iho im-porta- nt

states.0. C.-Cas- k has returned home from

Hot Springs, much improved inhealth. We hope the Senator may

now be free of rheumatic pains- -

W. N. Mouse received two fine thor-

oughbred Jersey pigs from Mr. Gus.

Bayha. of Craig, Missouri, the otherday by express. They are very tinehogs.

Hosford A Yousg have come outwith a fine wagon. It is painted up

very nicely and does the firm credit.

Mr Ferguson done the lettering andpainting.

John C. Muse, who came to Web-

ster county some five months ago

from Virginia, has gone home, and

will in a few months come back to

stay with us.It is said, that, ultimately the B & M

will make the Kansas City division oftheir line the main line and make Red

Cloud the division with suitable head-

quarters. We hope it will not be long.

The road is now figureing for a route to

St. Louis.We hope our correspondents

will all give the news of their respec-

tive counties after election. We ap-

preciate the correspondence from

these localities very much, and thankour correspondents for their eflbru in

that direction.F. N. Richardsox's ten year-ol- d son

George fell from a wagon load of ma-

nure on Saturday and was seriously

injured. The wagon passed over his

shoulder aud neck fracturing his jaw itis thought. He was brought to RedCloud, for treatment.

R K Orchard, from the east part of

the state has moved to Webster coun-

ty, and will move on to his farm near

Jnavale. While he was absent somemischevious parties stole the well

bucket and some of the flooring out of

his houe. The Chief welcomes Mr.

O. and family to Webster county.On last Friday evening another one

of the justly pleasant and social partiesgiven by the Red Cloud Quartet took

-- place at the rink in this city. A large

crowd who are lovers of the mazy

waltz and the Goddess 'Terpsichorereigned supreme until the small hours

of the nights These entertainment

irf hijjhly.aplpwciated,.w 'J

Mr. E M Perkins uf wf& bare returned to Red Cloud.

M. S. Marsh and family have re-turned home from lowa.

Mrs James roTTEU i vtsilins at Mc-Coo- k.

Jim is a wandererK. V. Iti'DBOw has purchaged two

new buggies for his stable- -

The creamery is paying 9 cent3 perinch for cream this month

J. II. Peiimak was elected assessorIn Red Cloud precinct.

The farmers and others should notforget to come in and pay their taxc.

Lorenzo Thomas living on ElmCreek is very sick with typhoid fever.

The Shakespearian club will meet atProf. Ebaugh'a residence on SaturdayiiwhL

The ladies Aid Focicty meets Fridavafti rnoon at the residence of Mrs. I).C. Meyers.

G. R Chakey and wife have arrivedfrom Chicago. They will soon go tohousekeeping.

George and John Flohrs ot Onio arevistiing Martin Roach of this city, andother relations.

Last week $4,100 was paid in toTreasurer Buschow as taxes. Thereseems to be plenty of money in thecounty,

C. E. Davih will go to St. Louis in afew days to attend college. Charleyproposes to be efficient and after hegraduates will stick out his shingle 4.lawyer.

Another change of lime took placeon the B &, M Sunday. The old timemail services have been restored toRed Cloud, and the people are therefore happy.

Henry Teague, one of our north-

west farmers is just recovering from aweek's illness. lie ia considerably

thinned down. We are glad to seehim around again.

On next Friday evening, November14, the ladies aid society will ho.d apumpkin social at the residence ofMrs A CJ Ho-mer- , on south Sewardstreet. Everybody invited

I)k Mosena who has practiced medi-

cine in Red Cloud, will leave in a fwdays for Idaho where he will go intobu-sines- with his brother, and willalso practice. The doctor has our heatwishes.

A .miktake occurred in the Report ofthe second mouth as publiscd in thispaper last week. The columns of fig-

ures should be inverted to corespondto the respective departments forwhich they are intended.

Mrs. Brakxfield has two spoonwhich weie Used in Washington'sfamily. They are 115 years old audare heirlooms hiuided down to poster-

ity. They are curiosities. They havebeen much worn by usage.

Alon.o Cure, one of our prosperousfarmers living near Catherton, broughtin three oxen on Friday which he soldfor nearly $175- - One of the animalswas a tremendous fellow and ttodhigher than a horse. It weighed 2040pounds.

On last Sunbsy Nov 2nd occurredthe marriage of Miss. 1'hebe Patmoredaughter of A. N. Patmore, of RedCloud and Mr. Charles M.SMith of Jew-

el county Kansas. Rev. Geo. O Yeiscrofficiating. The happy couple haveour best wishes.

James Wintkrstein, the first typesticker on The Chief, when it waspublished in a dug out on the cornerof Webster street and Third Avenuethirteen years ago, made us a pleasantcall Wednesday. Red Cloud hasgrown out of his knowledge.

Wi: understand that there was a lit-

tle promiseous shooting in a cortaiulocality in the borders of Red Cloud. Ifso, we think that it is time to squelchsuch scenes and the probable cause ofthe same. Such institutions shouldnot be allowed to exist in a respectablecommunity.

Elder Hrm. Sumpler and FatherNcwcomb Christian preachers will beat Red Cloud, Nov. 14 and will preachFriday and Saturday night, at the Ger-

man Lutheran Church. Sunday, Sun-

day School at ten o'clock, preaching ateleven, and Sunday night. All arecordially invited to attend.

Rev. J. K. Harris, pastor of thePresbyterian church, has concluded toleave Red Cloud and go to other fieldsof labor. In whatever locality thegood brother takes up his abode, thecitizens will have a gooil citizen andan exemplary Christian gentleman.The Chief is sorry to learn that hehas decided to go. He is a hard worker in the church and ha6 been themeans of erecting a fine church in thiscity.

A. Lindlet, who came to Red Cloud

about o.ie year ago and started a drugstore in Miller & Balls old stand hassold his store to Messrs. Cotting &

Stonebraker of Streator, Illinois. TheCheif is sorry to lose Mr L. from thebusiness walks of Red Cloud as he hasbeen a good citizen and an enterpris-

ing business roan. The new firmhave the best wishes of The Chieffor prosperity and success in their newbusiness- -

Halloween, the night when thechildren and some old folks are sup-

posed to haye been taken possessionof by some bad spirit, occured lastFriday. Every youngster from theage of ten to forty were appointed acommittee of one to get off some prac-

tical joke on a friend or neighbor, suchas piling your buggy on top of yourhouse, placing barber poles in front ofdry goods houses, changing gates, up-

setting buiidiugs, knocking At thedoor, and hitting a fellow with a cab-

bage, tying the door so you couldn'tget out, and numerous little pleasant-ries were indulged iq. It wa lots of

MURDERED.A Most Revolting And

Fiendish Crime atBlue Hill.



Leonard Rail, the Victim, Is Decoy-ed From Hia Home and Cruel-

ly Murdotod.


The Manlfrer Sajipo-- d to le ohp JopkCook, a Hired Mas.


On laat Sumlay afternoon word wasbrought to Red Cloud that another re-

volting crime had been committed nearBlue Hill. The news created quite anexcitement in this city from the factthat only a few fhort week jgo miother human being had met a similarfate in that portion of Webster count .

AlHnanner of stories were told in re-

gard to the last tragedy, and noneseemed to be as bad as the re-u- li show-

ed it to be. The murdered man waswell known in Blue Hill, and had livedin that vicinity lhl'6, d;innirwhich time he had gtintd a ho-- t offriends and succeeded in accumulatinga farm and considerable stock. liewas an inolfeusive hardworking farmerand no man had aught to say againsthim. He biborcd hard to make an

'honest living, and attended strictly tohis own welf;irjThis fact alone 5

wtTalTmakes the crime so heinous inits nature. The villian, who ever hemight have been could not possiblyhave held a grudge against this man,as he had only worked for him a weekand could not have engendered anyanimosity against him in that time thatwould have led him to commit thehorrible crime that took place on thefatal night of November first. Rail wassimply decoyed and murdered in coldblood by this fiend incarnate in hu-

man form, which shocked thepeaceful citizens of Blue Ilili and sur-rounding country that all business wassu-peud- ed during the investigation bythe coroner. A Chief reporter incompany with Dr. Mo-e- coroner ofWebster county, visited the scene ofthe murder on Monday, and was thcro-- f

re able to glean the following facLs.

It seems that about oyc week previousto the death C it"ll


in search of work apparently, and wn

directed to several parties living nearthere tluit wore known to want hiredhelp, but each man refused him as hestaled, until he made application tothe murdered man. who at once en-

gaged him for a treason. All went wellfor tne week which the trampjivorkedfor Hall and the last named becamequite attached to him fiom the factthat he appeared to be a good woik-ma- n

and icady to do any work thatwas et before him. This fact alonewould naturally have mado a manthink well of the fellow. No suspicionwas aroused in thc minds of Rail orfamily in regard to this tramp, al-

though the investigation by the coro-

ner would plainly show that he wasmaturing plans of some such crime ashe finally executed on the night ofNovember 1. His stories after beingthoroughly analyzed were veiy trans-

parent, and if they had been carefullyweighed would have had a suspiciouslook.


about asking for work, which, repeatedafter the murder of Rail, would haveled any one to believe that .the crimewas premeditated in a cold and de-

liberate manner by this depravedyoung man, or better, fiend, who hasscarcely arrived at his majority. Itseems simply awful to contemplate theperpetration of such a horrible crimeat the hands of so voting a man. Ifthere could have been any cause theaspect of the case .would have beenseen in a much different light. Fol-

lowing the story up we find that Cookas he gave his name, had finally cul-

minated his plans and fixed up a storytnat his .folks, who he said lived inNodaway county, MTo., had sent him aletter that they had sold out theirfarm for J$1S,000 and wanted him lomeet them in Lincoln.Neb. and go toCalifornia, and said he would have toquit work and wanted Rail to takehim to Blue Hill on Saturday night totake the 9PM train for that place.This was one part of his 6cheme toentrap Rail, and on Saturday after-noon set about to put the balance intoexecution. Aceordinglylfe- - went (othe house and asked Mrs. Rail for thehammer, remarking by the way thatthe wagon was out of kilter, and t:-a- t

he wanted to fix it She not knowingwhere the hammer was, told him totake the hatchet that lay near bywhere she stood. Cook picked it upand went back to the wagon and fixedit, secreting the hatchet either in thcwagon or on his person as willhereafter be shown. To further hisdiabolical scheme he told another storyabout some fellow whom he had seenprowling around the wheat stack andsuggested that he ought toCbe loeked af-

ter. This etory was evidently concoctedin order to get Rail to go that way sothat he would not be apt to run acro3anyone that would interfere with his

SCREXKOr JftJRDE.The stacks of grain are located about

one-ha- lt mile north of Rail's residencein a big meadow and an unfrequentedspot, a good place to commit jurt sucha crime aa was done on this occasion.It w known to Coofc Abut Kali had

money in the bouse, and jmt bdon?fVi t4drfAl ffm rri "iftV rAfM!'.) I


4i.j ""' j- -, vwv- - bii u j vMBwtjlprHj CfKtrMTotemL.that he wanted mm to go m and get Too.Oclofcrr5h.4jPI.some money to ueat mm with. Tm j

Rail did, but tbe evidence oncjlcd be-- 1 1 - voa upon ojrmvl li ir,t "r nS. the enro- ,- jury .feral ilt b. , , Jjl(un. Nih or xipp(w, ,. I, i-- J"'1'$?.only lool-te-n calls. !.!! f.n re- -! cinu I t,romicd !o :c!l you b..! , , ,, ,h,., ,hr ,

i.vi ! ww t va a a., a x t m - am. a. . w m

K... & I 'iu31 tbe coupje sorted lime tim, one wt0 lhe Knrv of oar lAOiym u r3

Unl on a gtia,tly munlcr. the other on j f thc afterVi nfS(temWr 2151 anda kindly enaiiu. ivnen on ue nuna-j- y

lnc me our nl hvl aulit ippocd cj40r we wo Mrrotindcd by

tlmt Cook, and hia confederate, if he number of the native cooties, Oiincchad nyt tttnick Rail a hevy bio miiIi i amj n:.n cf dilPrent nationalities alla hatchet, over the eye. Dm blow i 04;;er otir veIt or tocptnre

to have tuuneJ lull thnrsupnHCtl -- o p4tniscrs or JtJlrtCe f vouie kindhe was unahle to cope witn inc uenti . an,i wnTftv t.r pntne lo .ceUwho following hw chancer, UcrumWoau and r ne z Ui?r nu 'ehim six terrible blows on the he idwith the edce of thc hab-hc- t !

laying open the knll in many dif-

ferent pbues doing his nork motTrie murderer then it ia sup-

posed threw the body out of the wagon,

searched the clothing for money, took. , i

the team and wagon aim eciipu, wn- - Kroun,i .y Uien fir flr,,inghU he had cruelly tlm0 .,shy eimplw Cuktmlms twain! unpiovwiugly murdered linn for Ul(J totr,h wnsn hc michej nwhat hnie money he hud and hi- - team. Miifi DoaUW. it mat bv bRail's aUencefrom home did no: createany uiucicty with lit? folks or neighbur-fo- r

it w:w a custom uith him to go to..... i - i. .;.t.

t ?











Uluv anu stay over mm re.- -i a V(.rv McroMrv 4vil A jtnriktsh

alive-- , and the following day being tt two'whpelod with n am!.und;y was supposed tht ho hud,t hkft,)p u paaton. Very n.Mt andgone to church at tat. Stephens, outwhen he did not come home Sundaynight or Monday morning wife andneighbors Injcaine anxious, as to hi

whereabouts and putting this ami thattogether itr was fcurmiaud that he had


and searching parlies from Blue Hill

mid his neighborboCHl started out with

the result above mentioned. Nm.

Kirk, Earnest Kcr.st and Otto Stafi'regen

finding the body of Rail near the spotindicated above. The body whenfound win lying on the face, as if plac-

ed there by the who did thedeed. Woul was at once telegraphedto Coroner Moena and that official atonce proceeded to J)!ue Hill and thereimpanelled a jury, and later on in the


day held thorouyn invesii-aiio- n am;ti,f moro F.n.t, thesome or ten witnesses, u

At the inquest it was learned that Mr.Rail wanted accompany her I Knory. otband to a neighbor but Cook insi-te- d

tnat she belter not as it would probab-

ly be late when they returned home,and sbe then concluded not to go, thebalance of the evidence was suk-tant-ial-ly

the Mine as we have .itabove. The verdict of the Jury wehereto append:


State of Nebraska, WcbterAtan inquisition holien at liluc Hill,m ebster county, on tne .5rt day otNovember, A. D.'lSS-l- , J. M. or this see theMosena, coroner of said county, uponthe body of Leonard lying oeait.liy jurors who-?- " names are heretostibseribed, the said jurors upon theiroaths do that be was murdered No-

vember first, ISM, between tho hoursof 7 o'clock 1 M., and 6 o'clock A. M.Nov. 2, 18S4; wii3 killed by a hatchetor some sharp instrument in thehands of one Joseph Cook, a hiredhand, and he, the said Joseph Cook,murdered him feloniou-dy- . The crimowas done about two miles wet of BlueHill, Nebraska, Webster county. Intestimony whereof the said jurors havehereunto set their hands tho da)' andyear aforesaid.

John Ekhoot, J V. Nonius,Sol Man deli;., um, J O Buna ess,1ii:lii IS.jck, .Ik. A. Roriscii.

J. M. Mo-?.:?a- . M. D. Coroner.Leonard Rail wa- - about thirty-seve- n

years old, lived in Nebraska six jearand a number of years at LaSalle, Illi-

nois. He was a heavily built man andabout five feet and inches hih.


Joe Cook, i a young man twenty totwenty-thre- e years of five feet six

lightjVomplexion ntj,,.r ;ropieai heights,hair, thm

tacne, and blearyThe people of Blue Hill are deter-

mined, law-abidi- ng people, and will

use every endeavor to have the "insti-

gator of this dastardly deed appre-hended and brought to just and right-ec- u

account for this inhuman butch-ery of one of their best citizens, viz:Leonard .Rail. Our reporter heardthe indignant remarks from the peopleand with one accord iufeircd thatit would not be healthy for tho fiendto appear in that locality. Hemp wasfreely spoken of as quick and cer-

tain remedy for such characters, 'ihecrime of murder is becoming too gen-

eral for thc public safety. A too lowprice is placed on human life, and TheChief believes in "letting no guiltyman escape.''

Whoever the blood of this in-

nocent man, Leonard KSI1, upon hishead may to have the wrathand condemnation of every citi-

zen upon his head and will andbe meted out the severest pen

alty that the law affords. There shouldbe no such thing as as casesof this should be severelydealt


five hundred of wnich hasbeen subscribed by the people ofHill, $200 will be offered by Gov.Dawes, for the and conviction of the culprit. The case is nowin the hands of the proper officials, andin the next few days we feel thatwill haye been arrested. At any rateno stone will be left untamed that willlead to his capture and punishment forone of the most atrociousknown in the annals of Nebraska.

For Sale- .- 25 thorough-bre- d MerinoBucks, 3 miles of Cowlea. Ad-

dress, H. Sheldok, Cowles, Neb.

is. t


In lfr from Vofcohw j r4hrr utrt riv (iKe gi!pTn0

tc itav jomiu o ri w iam








cqial tu bnmyard bile atuowg thfowU at fed time Aftrr an hourwaiting the ruh wn orr and wecircfully gt on board v( a mMtteam Uumh wHth run by tho

awl .tart'd for trrra Jtrnui, amihow nicest did jppnr tp ton otid

ee ,hcvictim where

Sa- -

eothe mean of Mailing Im -t- st-icV: ?um-iiHi- .

Tho urxt "McountMr wna tJteJinrikiaha ilrn, a ih!

iliti iu.i;s tart Unly



nice to ride in, and largo enough fora man uiul KU especially for a

joung man and hi girl, all ivt'l be wlliflhecoohe who drawn you rjin not

f,r.-- - ..V. BBBBBBBBBBm


undert:tud the Kngli?h language andcan assure you there no dungcr,

after tlie vain hau had m try-

ing in make mem understand. How-

ever, we allowed oui '.nude to -- end ouriCa to the hotvl, and we remained at

the custom houso for baggage uiapcetion which whs merol formal.found ex :ellent acconuuotlations and

board at tho moderate price of$'.)0 per week. After having met amibeen highly entertained bv our miv.sionary friends we laid on plans forvisit and Mghtseemg, only few ofwhich can name, --.paee and linn;

ven W!j JJOt bj.ui-examini- ng

eight .irolJIU tho hotel, iu lnuns eior- -












greens, beautiful bird-- , museum or artto bus- - the Imperial pot








lice, grand Union church where foryears tho-- e heathens have been calledto hear the gospel, and now to seefull congregation of Japanese andnative preacher will at oucc show toyour mind that the labor of '.ho. Chri-thi- n

has not been in vain. Next we

fco "Seaman's Miraion" nice atonebuilding beautifully furnished withfuinitii'-e- . books, papers, numc, etcfor a public reading room for tho tfail- -

before me who come to port. To


beautiful pictures, minature ships, andthe gift bestowed by the sailors servesto satisfy tho mo-- t fkepttcal minds

tft missionary work is not farce byany means. Thc next day wo wentout for a ride to see what we could.We went up over the bluffs, visitedTreaty Point, and on out in the coun-

try. We had opportunity to see thcJapanese in their country homes andcostumes. IMcase bear in mind thatthey ;.re not so unsocial as to live onefamily in place, but they live in

village or continuous- row ofhou-e- s. You all have acce-- s to ns

of Japanese houses, there-

fore wUl not describe thorn, m for me

nothing but sight will ever tell whata. house consists of, either in shape ormaterial. In thc adornments can

iay there is great .amcn-- , viz: Pig

dogs babies and red lanterns. Thenthe field and garden to be found inthe landscape view.--. can say Japan,with its plains and vnl'oy. their foh- -

t"' siirna.injr in notimas tnat oi anyoi jeven inches high, recion, its

short a small mus- - j puio peaks towering in wwird can dure

















iiinvi lorruiiw numia. uhm tn."iiiniunwith a thousand other charms, give it

claim to be considered one ot thefairest portions of toe eanh. Pas-in- g

along a we did through thc agricul-tural field wo had chance to see somenatural products, the most noticable ofwhich was cotton, rice, potato, milletand tea, (and here 1 wish to say thatin Japan is where we get tea thatvery fine.) We came to Yedo bay andsan the old song as "we gathered upthc'shclls from thc sea shore." Andall of our party joined in saying thatthis was one of the grand treat. Ourcoolies having had a rest wo placedour ahelU in and seated ourselves onourjmnkishas and started ono afteranother for home at no slow pace as-

sure you, for a man will draw you thir-t- v

or more miles per day in tho--e

tilings for two yen, which equals lSiin U. S. money. September 124 weBtartcd by rail for Tokio, thc capi-tal of the empire. Tokio has a popu-lation of something over a million peo-ple. I will necessarily have to lebrief in making mention of her peo-ple. The first thing-- 1 noticed was thecivility of the people. Whilst thereare over 23,000 jinrikisha men andcarts, hack?, street cars and for all

financi.and the depot a hun- -dtvds ot them on the Hreets are con- -

itant incentive quietude and cr-de- r,

knowing that the of diso-bedience U to be cut dovrn by thc po-liceman's sword, who with his niceblue or white suit and gloves, walkhis beat sater ac his side.vi nen we reacneu .lotao, our gooufriend, M C whohas been ir: Jap-an for 16 years, met u-- s and party,7 in numoer, and for a daysnde. a short time we .dightedstthe gate way to Shiba Temnle. Wepassed through the gate and &aw manycurious and antique sights. Stone and

lantern, which were in great'numbers standing around the templegrounus. e wem ana viewea tnegreat temple and its cariosities, im-

ages, dragons, and foilias; thegreat Ura, where the ahes of the oldShoguns have rested in peace for man v

Cheap makes cheap Boar. We years. Now and then the friendsnotice the celebrated brand "White come IMl baP haads oa the

Maam - - M.aBw .

. - j

: r






I i- -I



I aa

j s






..-- ,- ,





m.f.. aa..

ny c i

j tidings the 13-t- r the oor hsathca walk tipsnd throw,

j.i1. r mt TWr thr t



ft!-- !


iibf ptO" Of !. Ji: -niWnnc tic ift M tft i tthe corTjrf'odin;: p&zi fVlKV. iUo t ?. f f ablcvkbeo! Iwn irtn raWtng .t fftyfc fttl to t --

Pr of tUc orxantfti anir;c. 4 it "

ly vl.tf K aid nht4(HV. VtM w rt -

ome titw ht nting r i

.uA jHjUiug iw '.rwhich oti b uH rt. c i

alt of ihe lewpi'-- - b t v

allow el to mix 'Wc Cy-- 0 1V ,

wlul. LtoiUitHt iKitt H t .

a i tvnie tAai. J i t. h K

ijrwiiU". NU thir J $ -

i.ry hH-- n nai Jn hWt? yo f1 ? r

UiiiUrrs i;f Ua ikMo Ti

ih lh Wrst I Hat- - --

lUft i cr ft s; r ,

Amru-i- t in er) j.u.uxx vtsik. upantdrHi-- and l ; " ltuimI be cwu!r'lv e ijo.i hf tlwi-- Ml tv - i

o wil Huai j ainxktf H i i

" '

trv. Nox m vicite 1 Um a t ft I. tiiitfit uhtre a. I i

on 'xhliin ad frna? tut will to Wte i"lm d tlHMtrht Ixt i- -t t H

in that olrt MvJ.i i

jler.urw f rjietidmAlbania iwhi m i:k 5

lge n- - itMi-- i i

th.ch i lxutitub 1 i

v.tte.1 til witlks. gardenaUnit tho boinei of tie y

retdv on the jrrounouiidor the utMri"iouoCJmrch. Tliorf ae n.ittUian can !c accoinm 1 1

nfef-it- y ot enatrgmg t.fact it i- - hat AortUia.--t

ie Knvlwu U4ih I

dent K. Tokuki inv.'teudod the uuuital humof the Japon .Mini .

wn- - hekl nl the 'iOKtltghlinl and decorated frtop with beaituful lan'ertmet me ticai nmn ana i

to ee the ndvanceil .t i'tniMitm niiiottif thee iiwere about 15 foreign aiephykii'iaiM proent. WeplfiiMiut lime, and I anthat 1 h'hj anle to lealtherd as well a at thc hoiI vmited the following di

CHt. 7 Wc returiK 1 t

tin inoruiut; by the Kngand have prortirttl tn kctint via iCobu ami Nan i- -.

we will iMt Mimedavs. Wi!itng ou a'lbvo, we. 'A ill bo glad to b.matter forwardwl to "!dwill be at th.nl point nom

L. 1. HI

Maruiki;. At the ribride's parents, HmithOct. 18th. bv thc Rev,

K I Walcott, of Gayh.Miss Maggie Noble, faNebraska.

Railway Etchinn.s.among railroad men t

KM) nil ea of roail wil

this winter and thatIJ & M. will gure'y bubranch from here to'it from pretty good autare to be five new bU.hround houc, ami a ncion the denot. The bi;C. B. fc Q. may be hiover south ail this tillnot.

Gno. nAjnnNOTO

otn Lady Wa-hingto-n,

ivite, Uncle Sam, andof "ye oldt--n t

the rink in all theirl.uaThur-da- y evening.cavion of a very plesj-a- i

given by the Rupfi'--t p

aud was a grand Miceeilure, there being j reevening from threo U

nconle. R R Fulton U

the "Father of his coinBertha Owen was a spltation of Martha WinAmbler was Marquwand Vjr. Ambler wasboth of whom were aMpart of the ancient coiber wai a genuine Unlhis stnpel fUiting wa- -

dentition. wtnleCarrMan old woman of therea'ity. 3IyraOwen, Tiarbara Newt.field. Will Mitchell, UBrown, W. Teiigardbright, L Ii allace.ell. and manv otherperfection. Tlie onstewards, etc., and drjold time cOf-tume-

a pthe dars when thecountrv" was in thedown the famous chelnoted little hatchet.1gool suppers, etc, d:

there seemea to oe surixa quiet ami making the eveningorderly crowd, indeed it i-- well they the event ono of thedid keep quiet for ten policemen m season. The

around a3 weii


with dangling











tertainment was a!l tlbe desired and will hwonderfullv.


you a chance to win j

in goods as an extzbuy your goods oi tl

I v.BAj-- l . tvrI IUU1 til lIUIp you want good

Hacker's.Call on Hacker

goods delivered .per?1SS4 CALUOE5L1

recieved tLeLBonBEnreV)go to

when in want of dfurnishing goods, hyou parchaee, amiwill save yon

The best line ofLilly" from RedOood mil.. i.mkei J&ttrSZFFl - "-- -dpwn to 91.15 persACk. Thie m glad nnmberof tbce temnles and weinr CUntd can now be

hungry; ncre.



K. . t. f '"mi ,,'w rlrfiA) - -- H ; - V

JTSfc,4t--j&r--3&&- .

--v' ' Vgjg,i?V fcSlss. i"Xfc r&&i -





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Aw ; ffithebuf tint

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rncdf medical

Therei aaanene

j, very! sure

NC lrwimnc.tafiwhich


ihang- -

rvnwniunre Of four

- 4 lycr mall

i i. -- an wcAlllt



m theKm,irt, Mr

I; Kt'n-'M- , anditrly tcott,

t .v ro;urcuma'crial

jjt l'hcre

tt r--t r.Ht








t i o (west3 4sllave

irily f there




vail 1m Uie

Mf roomIK-- ! raning 'dicken

a jSmaybe

illufltri-Fiyttt- e

andy tier indi- -

i atip rrd gloryt i the ocH &1 parly







cfery fea--d'jring the

ir uindredk iX m,.' ft? 1 cprftcn- -

fL ujiF7et(,

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Garwtm1 1

Wllit ir.


Ba tm

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m. x

" and in1 renre--

f wastimus in

LinitAte, Am Brake-I-Jw- n,

MmIwart Al- -

1 1 nrU to


Nov if Mmi Una to g fr





JewelerOF RID OLOU9,

IsrxrrrtYiBhiBoUyBokwhich fr vaHy xeUyIn vnr rfot wf maf mmJwlry brwitiit to tkteaTtr.

9mbrao coapJt ttom of







- f.fit mm TaBl? 1 j-fj-, ,

fi rtfc oW "--:

m mnimi oftn aV tJ tii , -- 'I:





Toilet sets



lit v , r

7 jti 'r Fi


iwkibef r.:fln-VaS- .

tfiwards - Jit .P m - -- tto fptfant Mid '

C.fi MA y-awbl-

y t1

ftr ... - f, mimifiu"' mf bMTMMMbCC mmWtmmwmWm. m mmmmmmmwm

KM 6MI 7 2 'y 44oiiars J -- IM mmmWf!fW

J I aV mmmWm 'WmWlmmf tm' mmmWtmttrnVmr H at! 7"" T'. &"- - jBSm- sir,', ' Z - MS,t 9tmt mmmAmm

" " "" v Lm&m --- " i--- :zi I--

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tr9 Ajgv tflBB lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

wim mfr rt4MiI"4M.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH' Jim m$m t&r lmwiMmkkkkkkkm

Sbb&bbbb'.MbbbW l -- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI5" .' :f.''"s- - -


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