Stay Light & Keep it Clean The rampart sentries of Gemini by Von Kotterhausen Some thoughts on the Full Moon for November 25th 2015

The Ramparts

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Full moon material for November. A lighter read in the vein of Mercury work.

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Stay Light & Keep it CleanThe rampart sentries of Gemini

by Von Kotterhausen

Some thoughts on the Full Moon for November 25th 2015

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Hello!I had some interesting observations regarding the Gemini full moon and wanted to offer some

documenting here at the ever expanding library. Full books are in the works, but this is true to the title.

What I sense right away is friction. Not the raw, abrasive confrontational kind.Rather an energized bouncing around of liquid inspiration.It's an awesome time for those intellectual pursuits you've been putting off or just started, or

have been telling yourself you just need that one extra push, spark, windfall. It's really cool but also ready to do some dynamic stuff. Just like the sign the full moon is in.

Another aspect of the sign; duality. A major one along the other major one being Pisces.

Don't view that as insulting or a deficiency either; it offers greater range potentially.Along these lines, it could be thought of as this having increased velocity of each other.An alternating current; yet with brighter lights achieved, a longer shadow will be cast. The dualistic signs have an opportunity to own that or be most prone to harm in that.It's up to you...

I had impressions of Gemini as the prototypical demon and angel, one to each of our shoulder in the famous image now passed down generations. To me at least, I observe the sign of Sagittarius, opposite where the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are now; always or way more externalizing [just look atthe symbol] and as Jupiter ruled, often from the stance of being 'right' or 'the good guy' of the stories of life. That self perception comes with fortunes, luck and blessing. It can come with a shadow of a sense of entitlement or taking things for granted.

The Moon will be squaring off with Neptune in Pisces who is squaring off with Mercury & Saturn conjunct. Which then had me thinking of Pisces – Neptune being native to – which brought up Middle Path or whirlpool flux, things stacking up as they may. All of these will tie together here. In the sign of the Fish, “anything can come through”. I'm super familiar with the sign called the bridge between matters or Cosmic Dustbin. I bring this up because in contrast, over internalizing can be the shadow or Giant to overcome...the inner turmoil or source of your own 'bad guy'.

After I looked into these, Capricorn's character came into play, who has a generational inhabitant of Pluto. This sign carried notions for me of internalizing self improvement, while externalizing “collective efforts”. A shadow very often is that The only good guy might crop up as exclusive to the Collective, and anything breaking through or free in radical individuality or

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revolutionary individuation is a threat and prototype of a Bond movie villain at the major extremes. The rule occurring in that shadow that can be oppressive is that no external chosen one or

hero can arise. A messianic or savior figure or corporal embodied monad instance is death to the World Soul projection of fragility to be governed against. It is “all bravado and machismo” and needs to sit down. Mars' child causing problems in Saturn's classroom.

So, the friction here by the full moon in mercurial and bubbly Gemini is best harnessed a lot like lunar lubrication. In pursuit of levity. Intelligence projects. Also, learning transcendence of the duality without being crushed by the duality in the substratum; meta-dualism. The only way to avoid it is to just not exist or lose self awareness. I think we all can agree having your consciousness taken over against your own willpower is not cool at all, to say the least.

You are or will now shortly be called into these projects or initiations that are different from the Springtime thoughts thereof. These are the legacy initiations which require a more tightened focus and ability to manifest from visualization and commitment of the life you seek to live and your momentum even after shedding mortal coil.

You see, with no Structure at all or appreciated Foundation, even your interactions with free form chaotic expressions and why you fell in love with unpredictability or even named as Eris as is with the Discordians, diminishes to stagnation. The inevitable entropy makes it all stale. 100% open ended reign-less systems are false projections and frail. That actually is scientific and empirical.

I can say that confidently as someone thinking he was in one as a free spirited, rebellious, innovative artist...it's still the same web, but the spider is hiding off to the side rather than playing hub-controller. Kind of like if you call yourself the Designated Keepers From Elitists Getting In - long ass title – you still have to become the elite defense status holders to fulfill that presumption. If you put on a cop uniform, a masonic uniform, or an Anonymous mask, and you promise to govern the bad government, you are still governing and subject to equal or even greater corruptions in self perceived liberties to operate outside the hub, where accountability is lesser a factor than ends are, with a grab-all in the means to accomplish.

It gets very tangled and surreal when those promising to hold the terrorist accountability holders even more accountable because they are creating terrorism by even existing, start doing whatthe said original terrorists do more or less. Except now, they have a license to not be implied at all, selfstated, and are wearing the armor of a dark knight, and are willing to go another step in creating the fervor. I have seen many people donning Anonymous masks, but they aren't doing much more than playing a shoddy neighborhood watch game very close to Zimmerman and spreading rumors according to convenience of their own fear and hate. I'm careful in stating this to be balanced and notanti or advocate for any party other than stating my own truth, and interacting with reality as still a rebellious, innovative Mars-y occasionally class disruptive, at times even heroic Artist.

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Yet, ever implied...not in the luxury and ends to means of my own self proclaimed lordship and aeonic current structure found here, but the accountability of. We are all kings and queens of something, including the most strictly internalized.

I represent nothing besides...

Friction...War is sex is life is death is friction is war is...

A major duality about the duality I've seen worth addressing is the notion going around of a cycle that pushes and pulls and wants to devour the other extreme: the New Age experiential idealismof a galactic federation we are invited into, and/or the experiential cyclical urge of the Aeons old Gnosticism of War in Heaven[s]. It's clear to certain extents and so many quantum bouncing-off-walls gray lines drawn in sand that both are going on. In quantum sands of time, any time at all gets problematic. A cosmic friction can cause epic catastrophe that happens in a split second. As I recentlystated on my social media site; if you can switch the oceans without causing a major wave, it is virtually irrelevant, but if you drop a pebble in the Pacific everyone posts on it. In astro terms, I mentioned that as Ophiuchus way early on in the library here. Second or third larger work.

There is a notion that the entire universe has ended over and over, and what we perceive as any corporeal or phenomenal reality, already being either virtual or phantomesque, like the oceans switching without waves, was simply programmed to move parallel across out of the way.

Did the original harm ever happen then?Of course, but equally as virtually irrelevant and organically definable as a reality as our

notion of the saved earth moved out of the way that we still participate in, as well as the irrelevant virtual but organically describable messianic and angelic programs – or spiders in dark corners – draining or preserving, creating or destroying and where those intersect. Who actually thinks of a tree falling to ensure the phenomena did occur? You would not be able to stop thinking of that, alongwith observations of the incalculable aeons of planetary salvation incidents in a split second 'corporeal human-earthling observed time'.

Now, you are thinking more along the lines of an angel or savior, and what a hellish shadow that casts over everything fortunate enough to take for granted living in your consciousness stream [or aeonic emanation].

Such is the mindbender that tickles and torments as the Gemini Full Moon.

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Relating to a New Age galactic federation or a cosmic warfare in more graspable or palpable terms here & now in the most pragmatic, I had this idea: People with 'good energy' are often very attracting and have loads of charisma , people with incredible energy get walked on, kicked, mocked, lied about, stolen from, cold shouldered and crucified by those with this hypothetical 'good energy' that is ready for some big enlightened era. A long shadow that is a crossroads in that dualism is “Let that shit go” and exclusively perfect transcendentalism, or “Feel as the Earth feels”, which stands for imminence leaning and struggle of radical individuation tempered to a shamanic world soul, or even being the monad. Ishtar's descent into the underworld seeking Tammuz' resurrection; really now sheds light in the unification of all these in a complex conscious system facing an entropy, to be refined as more simplified dimensional elevation as in the model of Vedic described Return. While balance is always a crucial element, very often, the acting out of the ends or means requires just that, balance is a facet...not the Philosopher's Stone in personification.

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” James Madison

Isn't that one funny? Everything agents = no government?

Buddha:It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

Masks of deities, skins of angels. Without these we cannot feel loved ones passed on anymore. With them, we can know their loved ones before them who return to us from time immemorial. Glad to say that one is mine, just now.

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