The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council IN THIS ISSUE *Kings Hill Sports Park* *New School For Kings Hill?* *Kings Hill Cricket Club* *Summer Fete* Autumn 2013 PHASE 3 PLANNING APPLICATION The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council THE VIEW FROM THE HILL PHASE 3 RESIDENTS’ COMMITTEE A local resident has offered to form a residents‟ group for people who are willing to speak out at the anticipated TMBC committee meeting about the outline planning application for Phase 3. The group hope to work with professionals and experienced individuals who can give them invaluable help in shaping the future development of Kings Hill. All residents who objected to the planning application will be invited to speak; however, if there is a coordinated and well thought out objection on each subject, spoken by a member of the group, it will give residents a better chance of being heard. If you wish to subscribe to this, please email Karen at: [email protected]. The evening of Monday July 1 st was one to remember! The turnout for this consultation exceeded all expectations and a big thank you must go to all parish staff for organising and to residents for attending the event. What is happening now? Officers at the TMBC Planning Department are now preparing to report to the Area 2 Planning Committee. During this process the planners will meet with the applicant to discuss any concerns. When the final report is available, the Parish Council and residents who sent in responses to TMBC will be notified of the Area 2 committee date. What Next? Anyone who submitted a response to TMBC will be able to speak at this meeting. The time allowed is usually 3 minutes each. A representative of the Parish Council will speak at this meeting and anyone who responded is urged to attend and speak at the meeting. Full details of the meeting will be available on the Parish Council Website: www.kingshillparish.gov.uk/home. Delivery Sponsored by Chalkwell Coach Hire and Tours Kings Hill Commuter The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council THE VIEW FROM THE HILL Autumn 2013 TO JOIN A RESIDENTS’ GROUP AND HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF KINGS HILL A WORD FROM YOUR CHAIRMAN In June we received Liberty Property Trust‟s long awaited proposal for Kings Hill (Phase 3) which set in motion our consultation process and what a success it was with over 400 people attending our public meeting and over 300 completing our questionnaire. Overwhelmingly residents expressed anger at the scale and density of the proposed development; shock at the lack of concrete proposals for a desperately needed primary school and bewilderment at its inappropriate location. This is not the viable and sustainable community we were promised: with no additional community or recreational facilities to mitigate 1,000 more houses and no land set aside should we wish to add them in the future, Kings Hill will become just another crowded housing estate. The Parish Council welcomes the news that residents have formed a group to fight this proposal and looks forward to helping and assisting them.

The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council THE VIEW … View from... · 2016-06-07 · The View From The Hill is the quarterly newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council

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Page 1: The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council THE VIEW … View from... · 2016-06-07 · The View From The Hill is the quarterly newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council

The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council


*Kings Hill Sports Park*

*New School For Kings Hill?*

*Kings Hill Cricket Club*

*Summer Fete*


The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council



A local resident has offered to

form a residents‟ group for people

who are willing to speak out at

the anticipated TMBC committee

meeting about the outline

planning application for Phase 3.

The group hope to work with

professionals and experienced

individuals who can give them

invaluable help in shaping the

future development of Kings Hill.

All residents who objected to the

planning application will be

invited to speak; however, if

there is a coordinated and well thought out objection on each

subject, spoken by a member of the group, it will give residents

a better chance of being heard.

If you wish to subscribe to this, please email Karen at:

[email protected].

The evening of Monday July 1st was one

to remember! The turnout for this

c o n s u l t a t i o n e x c e e d e d a l l

expectations and a big thank you must

go to all parish staff for organising and

to residents for attending the event.

What is happening now? Officers at

the TMBC Planning Department are now

preparing to report to the Area 2 Planning

Committee. During this process the planners will meet with

the applicant to discuss any concerns. When the final report is

available, the Parish Council and residents who sent in

responses to TMBC will be notified of the Area 2 committee


What Next? Anyone who submitted a response to TMBC

will be able to speak at this meeting. The time allowed

is usually 3 minutes each. A representative of the Parish

Council will speak at this meeting and anyone who responded

is urged to attend and speak at the meeting. Full details of the

meeting will be available on the Parish Council Website:


Delivery Sponsored by Chalkwell Coach Hire and Tours

Kings Hill Commuter

The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council


Autumn 2013





In June we received

L i ber ty P roper t y

Trust‟s long awaited

proposal for Kings Hill

(Phase 3) which set in

motion our consultation process

and what a success it was with

over 400 people attending our

public meeting and over 300

completing our questionnaire.

Overwhelmingly residents

expressed anger at the scale

and density of the proposed

development; shock at the lack

of concrete proposals for a

desperately needed primary

school and bewilderment at its

inappropriate location.

This is not the viable and

sustainable community we were

promised: with no additional

community or recreational

facilities to mitigate 1,000 more

houses and no land set aside

should we wish to add them in

the future, Kings Hill will

become just another crowded

housing estate.

The Parish Council welcomes

the news that residents have

formed a group to fight this

proposal and looks forward to

helping and assisting them.

Page 2: The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council THE VIEW … View from... · 2016-06-07 · The View From The Hill is the quarterly newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council



With the move into Autumn, police are advising residents in

Kings Hill to secure their properties, especially garages and

vehicles, ensure that the contents have a security mark and

report any suspicious activity using 101 or 999. Please stay

proactive and vigilant.

Speeding and parking continue to be a theme and further work is

planned with the support of Liberty Property Trust to improve

things. Drivers should be considerate when driving and parking.

Most people who are issued tickets are residents.

Halloween and Bonfire night are approaching – a family time, not

an excuse for antisocial behaviour. Please visit the Kent Police

site www.kent.police.uk for “No Trick or Treat” signs to print

off. An appeal to parents – please ensure you know what your

children are doing – police will be visiting if they find individuals

causing problems.

Finally, Kent Police now have a presence at Tonbridge & Malling

Borough Council offices at Kings Hill. This is not open to the

public but an operating base for officers, but it does mean

increased visibility around Kings Hill.






KCC , the strategic commissioner for Education Provision in Kent

is seeking a promoter for a new 1 Form entry Primary

Academy or Free school for Kings Hill. The school will have

Specialist Resourced Provision for pupils with Autistic Spectrum

Disorder. The key dates for the choice of promoter are on the

KCC website and a link to this is also on KHPC website /News.

2013 has been an amazing year

so far for KHCC; the senior side

have won their Kent Regional

League, winning all games. KHCC

aims are to get the club playing

at the top level, developing more

sides. This may take a couple of

years, but they have the players

and the infrastructure to do it,

boasting one of the best cricket

grounds in the South East. For membership please email Kevin

at [email protected].

Meanwhile the juniors are doing very well. KHCC currently run

junior training sessions on a Friday from 6pm and have over 50

junior members participating. The ground is full of life on a

Friday and there is a fantastic buzz, whilst the parents

enjoy the facilities that the club offers. KHCC have hosted the

Kent Visual Impaired fixtures this year as well as the Kent

Special Needs School tournaments thus helping spread the word

of cricket to all.

KHPC welcomes new

Community Warden

John Lees. The role

of a Community

Warden is to help

people to live safely and

independently in thei r

n e i g h b o u r h o o d s a n d

communities. They provide a

visible uniformed presence to

tack le any ant i - soc ia l

behaviour and will be in

addition to our PSCO, Wendy

Stanley. Many wardens are

regarded as the focal point for

the communities they serve

and their mobile telephone

numbers are available to all.

Community Warden John Lees

can be contacted on

07969 584177.



As a group we have decided

it is time to try and change

peoples opinions that the WI

is all about jam and cake

making! It is far more fun

than that – we are a friendly

bunch, up for a challenge and

ready for a laugh. Our ages

range from 46 to 85 and we

m e e t e v e r y f o u r t h

Wednesday of the month at

Kings Hill Community Centre

at 7:45pm. We also meet a

couple of times a month for

coffee and once a month for

lunch, with other trips and

socials planned for the future.

We are aware West Malling

WI has closed and we would

invite anyone in West Malling,

Kings Hill or the surrounding

villages to come and join our

friendly group. For further

information please phone

L i n d a S i m m o n d s o n

01732 522437.

Page 3: The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council THE VIEW … View from... · 2016-06-07 · The View From The Hill is the quarterly newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council




Your current Parish Councillors are:

Dave Waller

Chair of the Parish Council

Ray Cassidy

Vice Chair of the Parish Council, Chair of

Finance & HR & Amenities Committees

Sarah Barker

Chair of Planning & Transportation


Matt Peake

Chair of the Kings Hill Sports Park


David Morfill

Chair of the Community Centre


Contacting the Parish Council:

01732 870382

[email protected]


Kings Hill Community Centre

70 Gibson Drive, Kings Hill,

ME19 4LG

Helen Munro Parish Clerk

Barbara Hucker Asst Parish Clerk

Debbie Airey Admin Assistant

All Community Centre Enquiries to:

Hilary Wren at

[email protected]

For Sports Park Enquiries contact

the Parish Office

Check our website for further details or if there is any information you would like us to put online, please email it to [email protected]

Graham Hall Tony Petty

Robert Griggs Lindsay Sharp

David Murray Sue Woodcock


On 16 August the management

of Kings Hill‟s new £4million

sports park was officially handed

over to the Parish Council by

Liberty Property Trust UK and

Kent County Council at a

ceremony attended by local

sporting and community groups.

Kings Hill Sports Park, located at

the western end of Beacon

Avenue, has five grass pitches, a floodlit artificial pitch and a

pavilion with changing rooms and space for a kitchen and social

area. The site will also include allotments and extensive


Rob Wickenden, Facility Supervisor, said “it is an honour to be

the supervisor at the fantastic new Kings Hill Sports Park and

my intention is for the Sports Park to become the hub of your

sporting community”.

The facilities are now being used by Kings Hill Football Club

(KHFC) and other sporting groups for training and competitive

matches. Dan Mason, Chairman of KHFC said “We feel very

lucky to be a part of what are possibly the best facilities for a

grassroots football club. I feel it will enhance the „club‟ feel and

bring a great sense of community to Kings Hill”.

The social area, kitchen, bar and finishing touches will be

completed when the lease and funding arrangements have been

finalised, hopefully by the end of 2013.


The day was packed with fun and

entertainment and the crowds turned

out to join in. There were fair rides

and plenty of stalls, including

c h a r i t i e s r a i s i n g f u n d s f o r


The fancy dress competition was judged

by the Mayor of Tonbridge and Malling,

Howard Rogers, pictured here with the

winners. The Parish Council raised

£416 towards a new sound system for

the Community Centre. Thank you to

everyone who bought raffle tickets,

joined in on the day, volunteered to help us and to all the

businesses that supported us with raffle prizes.


3G Pitch Hire at Kings Hill Sports Park

The floodlit 3G pitch is now available to hire to everyone including residents and local businesses

either as a full or 1/3 mini pitch

£30 per hour per mini pitch - To book please call 01732 870 382

Parish Council Vacancy

If you are interested in becoming a

Parish Councillor please submit a CV to Helen Munro at [email protected]

For further details please see our website or call Helen on 01732 870382 Councillor please

Page 4: The Quarterly Newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council THE VIEW … View from... · 2016-06-07 · The View From The Hill is the quarterly newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council

The View From The Hill is the quarterly newsletter from Kings Hill Parish Council




Wednesday 25th September – WI – Travels With My Chicken (Martin Gurdon) by Jennie Starr with Bring & Buy at the Community Centre


Saturday 5th October – Quiz Night at the Community Centre. 7pm for 7.30pm. Tickets £5 per person to include first drink and nibbles

Sunday 6th October - The Heart of Kent Hospice – Woofs and Wellies. 9am At East Malling Research Centre

Monday 7th October - West Malling GP Practice Patient Participation Group Open Evening on flu 6.30pm - 8.00pm West Malling Surgery

Saturday 19th October – Kids & Kaboodle Nearly New Sale 2pm- 4pm at the Community Centre

Wednesday 16th October 8pm – Malling Society – „The Hidden

Cathedral‟ talk by Douglas Chapman, Clout Institute, West Malling

Wednesday 23rd October – WI – Harvest Supper & Games at the Community Centre

Thursday 31st October – Kings Hill Christian Fellowship‟s „The Light Party‟ 5pm at the Community Centre for children up to 14 years. For tickets contact: [email protected].


Saturday 9th November – Christmas Craft Fair at the Community Centre 10am to 3pm

Sunday 10th November– Remembrance Service 10.30am at the Statue of the Running Airman, Gibson Drive

Wednesday 20th November 8pm – Malling Society – AGM followed by wine and nibbles at the Clout Institute, West Malling

Saturday 23rd November – Kids & Kaboodle Nearly New Sale 2pm to 4pm at the Community Centre

Wednesday 27th November – WI – The story of English Country Cheeses




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can now come to

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