50 1 The Purpose Driven Life A series of meditations & daily readings including memory verses and questions for reflection: Compiled by Pastor Philip Johnson For Grove Lake Lutheran Church Pelican Rapids, MN Lent 2020 Thank you for joining us in these 40-days of purpose. This guide is a summary of meditations from the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Pastor Rick Warren. The way you will benefit most from this 40-day journey will be by reading each of the meditations from the book on a daily basis, pondering the questions asked both in this booklet and in the book, and joining in a small group for the pur- pose of mutual discussion, prayer, and caring. I also suggest that you write your responses either in this booklet, or in the book, if you are reading it. Write down the thoughts that strike you as insights you haven’t thought of before. Also write any questions this reading brings to mind, or a challenge this thought places in your mind. Also, try to memorize the verse. If you are reading the book you will notice the memory verses come from a variety of transla- tions. For this booklet I have used exclusively the NRSV as it is the translation we use in worship. If you don’t read the book this summary will give you my re- flections and reactions. However, this booklet will not provide you with the spiritual challenge that time spent in the book would give you. Finally, and most importantly, use this guide as a way to focus your prayers. May God lead and bless you this Lenten Season. Pastor Philip Johnson

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The Purpose Driven Life

A series of meditations & daily readings including memory verses

and questions for reflection:

Compiled by Pastor Philip Johnson

For Grove Lake Lutheran Church

Pelican Rapids, MN Lent 2020

Thank you for joining us in these 40-days of purpose. This

guide is a summary of meditations from the book “The Purpose

Driven Life” by Pastor Rick Warren. The way you will benefit most

from this 40-day journey will be by reading each of the meditations

from the book on a daily basis, pondering the questions asked both in

this booklet and in the book, and joining in a small group for the pur-

pose of mutual discussion, prayer, and caring.

I also suggest that you write your responses either in this

booklet, or in the book, if you are reading it. Write down the

thoughts that strike you as insights you haven’t thought of before.

Also write any questions this reading brings to mind, or a challenge

this thought places in your mind.

Also, try to memorize the verse. If you are reading the book

you will notice the memory verses come from a variety of transla-

tions. For this booklet I have used exclusively the NRSV as it is the

translation we use in worship.

If you don’t read the book this summary will give you my re-

flections and reactions. However, this booklet will not provide you

with the spiritual challenge that time spent in the book would give

you. Finally, and most importantly, use this guide as a way to focus

your prayers.

May God lead and bless you this Lenten Season.

Pastor Philip Johnson

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A Lutheran Companion to

The Purpose Driven Life Pastor Rick Warren’s book is filled with wisdom, insight and

helpful instruction for people of faith. I am delighted that you are

reading this booklet and may even be reading the book itself along

with me and I am confident that God will use it to help us grow. Now

Pastor Warren is a Baptist minister. As a result there are some ideas

and themes that we as Lutherans don’t agree with. In reading the

book, I earnestly hope that these issues won’t close your minds to that

which is good and helpful. But because some of the issues are

significant, I felt it was important to comment on some of them. I also

want to extend my thanks to ELCA Pastor Eric Burtness for his initial

draft of this Lutheran companion which I modified for this booklet.

On Pain, Suffering and Tragedy. In many places, Pastor

Rick says that every aspect of our lives is determined by God, either

directly (“He blended the DNA that created you.”) or indirectly

(“God deliberately allowed...”) This is one way, but not the only way

of dealing with the question of why we have pain, suffering and

tragedy in our lives. I believe that it is not necessary to believe that

everything that happens to us happens because God wants it to hap-

pen. Some of the things we experience are the result of our own

actions, not God’s. Even our own sins! Hence, what we say and what

we do matters! What we say and what we do affects us and those with

whom we come into contact for the rest of our life. We should not

blame God for suffering when suffering comes as a result of our own

foolish and sinful choices.

Additionally, some of the bad things that happen are the result

of other people’s sinful actions. There are 6 billion people on this

earth. If all of them are, at one time or another doing sinful actions

there are a lot of opportunities for people to suffer as a result of the

sinful and foolish choices made by others.

Finally, some of the bad things that happen simply reflect the

reality of the “brokenness” of creation. That is, we believe that

creation itself no longer reflects the complete wholeness and goodness

that God first had in mind when creation was made. The results of sin

have caused creation itself to be broken.


Group Agenda

1.) The leader should welcome everyone present. Be sure to let

everyone know that others are welcome to join in this group in

future weeks. Groups are not meant to be “closed,” A good way

to remember that is to make sure there is an empty chair in your

group. In that way if someone walks in, they know there is a spot

for them. Once the chair is filled be sure to pull up another one!

Then pray that it be filled.

2) Take the time to have each person in the group share at least

one “high,” (that is a good or positive event from the week) as

well as one “low” from the week.

3) Review the theme for each reading by asking questions like:

A) What caught your attention from this reading?

B) What surprised you or gave you a new insight?

C) Does anything from these readings inspire you to make

a change in your life? What is it?

D) Reflect on the questions printed in this booklet for

each of the readings from this week.

4) Conclude with prayer 15 minutes before your ending time by

giving everyone the opportunity to offer prayer. Keep in mind

special circumstances that may have arisen during the group

meeting. Hopefully everyone will pray something during the

prayer time. If their response is, “I pass” let it be. One thing I

would ask you to pray for is your empty chair, that it would be

filled the next time you meet.

Thank you for your time spent in this 40 day journey

during the season of Lent. It is now holy week. A week to honor

the most important event in history. The crucifixion and

resurrection of Jesus. Our focus on these events allow us to

remember again, “It’s not about me, it’s not about you. It is

about God. Praise be to God that He loves the world so much

that he gave us his own dear son!

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Small Group Meetings

Thank you for being part of a small group. There are

many different types of small groups. Some groups focus on

service such as the quilting group. Some small groups have a

focus on fellowship such as a bowling league. Some small

groups exist for the purpose of learning, and some for the

purpose of spiritual development, and prayer. Additionally,

some small groups are designed for a long life span and some for

a short life span. When you become a part of a group it’s good

to know what you are getting involved in.

These groups are designed with a primary emphasis on

spiritual development and prayer during the season of Lent. You

will have opportunity to meet about 6 times and then it is

expected that your life as a group will come to an end.

To gain the most from these few times of being together

it will be best if you focus your attention on the following agenda

when you meet.

Finally, it is very important that you have time for prayer

at the end of your study time. Please allow 15 minutes for such

prayer. If you use all the time, well and good, if not, that is OK

too. Agree with everyone in your group when the starting time

and ending time of each meeting will be. You each need to

commit yourselves to this time frame in order for the group to

work. I suggest a group time length of one and a half hours.

(That means of course going beyond the normal time allotted for

this gathering)


The results of this brokenness are seen, for example, in the existence

of genes that cause birth defects.

As a result, we often don’t know if the suffering we

experience was actually given to us by God or not. What we do

know, and where I agree heartily with Pastor Rick, is that “…

in all things, God is at work for the good of those who love him…”

Romans 8:28. We know that God can not cause evil, but we also

know that God can and does work good even in the midst of evil.

(You will find this issue arising on days 2, 12, 25, 30, 31 and 35.)

On Eternity. Rick believes that in eternity, we will each have

different rewards and different responsibilities, and that how we live

now will determine how much of each we receive in heaven. This

belief in various “rewards,” becomes, for Pastor Warren, a

motivation for serving and growing, as a way to “prepare for


I believe this idea is not well supported in the Bible. More

importantly, even if it is true, it should not become a motivator for

us to be involved in doing the work of God. If we serve others out

of a desire to gain rewards or status in heaven, or out of a fear that

we might lose these things, then our service is really self-serving.

This “serve-us,” attitude (rather than service) is not Christ like at all!

Jesus sets us free from greed or fear so that we can be motivated to

serve others through genuine love for God and others. (You will

find this issue arising on days 3,5,15, 29 and others.)

On the Bible, the Word and Jesus. On Day 24 Rick writes

about the power of the word of God to make us more like Jesus.

The Bible says much about the power of “God’s Word.”

Unfortunately, many people use that phrase to refer exclusively to

the Bible itself. It is very important that we are clear about what the

word of God is. First of all, the word of God is Jesus. For example,

John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was

with God, and the Word was God,... and the word became flesh and

lived among us.”

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Rick writes that “God’s Word generates life, creates faith,

….brings things into being…” This is true of Jesus, the word of

God, especially as we remember the work of the Holy

Trinity. For it is the Holy Spirit who generates faith.

Secondly, the Word of God is also the proclaimed

message of who Jesus is and what that means to us. In the days

of the early church saving faith was born in the lives of listeners

as the disciples proclaimed the word of God (the message of

Jesus) and people were converted. So there was faith, there were

Christians, there was even a church, long before there was a

complete Bible! In fact the New Testament wasn’t compiled until

hundreds of years after the church began. So, as you read the

devotion for this day, bear in mind that most of what Rick says

about the Bible is actually more true of Jesus himself. For

example, “I must accept it’s authority,” becomes “I must accept

Christ’s authority.” With this in mind, Day 24’s devotion

becomes a powerful call into personal relationship with the living

Lord, Jesus himself!

Yes, we as a Lutheran church do teach that the Bible itself is the

word of God, sometimes though, it is helpful to stress these

fundamental building blocks. For the Bible is not the focus of our

worship. The triune God is!

On Baptism. On Day 15, Rick writes about Baptism and says

much that is true and helpful. However, this is a point on which

Lutherans and Baptists have always understood the Bible

differently. We believe that baptism is much more than a

symbolic act. We believe that, in Baptism, God personalizes

God’s saving action. That is, when Jesus died on the cross he

died for the world (John 3:16). However, when you and I are

baptized God speaks individually to you and me saying: “The

death and resurrection of Jesus is for you!” It’s one thing to know

Christ died for the world, it is another to know Christ died for



4) What will be the communication of my life? What is my sto-

ry that can be shared with those who do not believe?

5) What will be the community of my life? Where will you

practice the “one another” commands of God.

It may take weeks or months to write a purpose

statement. Pray, think, talk and reflect on scripture. It is helpful

to have both a detailed purpose statement and a shorter slogan

that summarizes the five purposes in a way that’s memorable

and inspires you. Remember to focus on God’s purpose for your

life, not your goals or plans, since they shift. One way to think

of that is, “What would you like on your tombstone?” or “What

would you like your family and friends to say about you at your

funeral.” Of course, the only thing that matters is what God


God wants to use you: Now, in this day, in this lifetime.

The future is as bright as the promises of God.

Memory verse: Acts 13:36

David, ... served the purpose of God in his own generation...

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

When will I write my purpose statement!

Are you willing to work with your church so that together this

may be a “Purpose Driven Church?” This takes a serious com-

mitment of time, a willingness to learn from others, and a vision

for God’s work that is much greater than our own congregation.

Remember. “It’s not about you...it’s also not about us.

This is Holy Week. Although this booklet is completed

we are just now entering the days in which we especially

remember what God has done for us in Christ Jesus, His

crucifixion and resurrection. As we share these days together in

worship may the richness of God’s love and mercy embrace you

these holy days. Then, may God’s love get us moving according

to God’s purpose.

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Day 40: Sunday April 5 “Living with purpose”

“Living with purpose is the only way to really live.

Everything else is just existing.” Most people struggle with three

questions: the first is identity, “Who am I?” The second is

importance: “Do I matter?” The third is impact: “What is my

place in life?” Jesus washed feet and said, “Now that I have

done this, blessed are you as you do it too. Over the next few

days develop a purpose statement for your life then review it

periodically. What is this?

1) It summarizes God’s purpose for you: In my words

I affirm God’s purpose for me. Not a list of goals, goals

are temporary, purpose is eternal.

2) A statement that gives direction in life: As I write

this down it forces me to think of the path God has for

me. Such a statement tells me what I need to do with

time, life, money etc. It also implies what I should not be

doing with the same list of things.

3) It defines what success is for me. 4) It clarifies my role. Roles can change, purpose stays.

What role should I be fulfilling right now?

5) It’s a statement that expresses my SHAPE.

Guide for writing such a statement: Don’t do it all in one

setting. It takes time, give it time. Also, allow it to be flexible

and editable. Ask these five questions.

1) What will be the center of my life: This is a question of what

you worship. Some options include: God, career, family, sport,

hobby, money, fun... Whatever is at the center is your god.

2) What will be the character of my life? This is a question of

discipleship. We take our character into eternity. List the

character qualities you want to work on and develop in your life.

3) What will be my contribution? This is the question of service.

Based on my shape what is the best role I can play in God’s



As a result we Lutherans (as well as many other Christians)

emphasize baptism as an action of receiving a precious gift from

God. In contrast, those of a Baptist tradition see baptism as their

gift to God.

This is a fundamental reason why we will baptize infants,

while those of the Baptist tradition will only baptize someone

who is older. This is also why those in the Baptist tradition do not

recognize our baptism as being valid. We, on the other hand,

recognize any baptism done by any believer, “In the name of the

Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.” as being a valid,

one time occurrence that never needs to be repeated and can never

be reversed. Therefore, we will not re-baptize! (Nor can we

“un-baptize!) It comes down to direction. Lutherans see Baptism

as an action of receiving from God. The Baptist tradition sees

baptism as an act of giving to God.

I stress this point not so we can say, “We are right, and

they are wrong,” I stress this understanding of baptism because it

is fundamental to our identity and understanding of the faith. I

consider this theology to be a precious gift that we as Lutherans

share with the world. It is also the basis upon which we do


Finally, we must understand that Baptism is not a “work,”

that we do that somehow obligates God to “save” us. Actually,

there is nothing we can do that obligates God! We can never do

anything that gets God in a position of “owing” us. However,

God in God’s goodness has done what we cannot do. God’s

salvation took place when Jesus died on that cross so long ago. In

that event God took upon himself the sin, judgement, and

brokenness of this world so that none of those things would

separate us from God’s love. God’s personal salvation was given

to you in your baptism. When you were baptized into Christ

Jesus you were baptized into his death so that just as Christ was

raised from the dead by the glory of the father you too might live

a new life. (Romans 6)

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Finally, faith, is the trust and confidence that you and I have

placed in God’s work through the life, death, and resurrection of

Jesus Christ our Lord. From this faith, this confidence we have

in God’s Grace, we can live a life of faithfulness to God. A life

filled with purpose and meaning. A life that is A Purpose

Driven Life.

May God’s Peace and purposeful leading be with you.

Pastor Phil Johnson,

Interim Pastor,

Grove Lake Lutheran Church

Ash Wed, February 26, 2020

P.S. A Note about the 40-days of Lent.

The 40-day cycle of Lent that begins on Ash Wednesday

and concludes on Saturday before Easter Sunday is meant to be

a time of spiritual growth and renewal. When the 40 days for

lent were set aside in the ancient church Sunday’s were always

excluded because each and every Sunday was meant to be a

mini celebration of Easter, the Resurrection of our Lord. As a

result, the forty days of lent can be a challenge to count.

The following devotions follow a 7 day a week cycle.

Therefore, the 40-days of meditations conclude during Holy

Week. It is my hope and prayer, as this book of meditations

comes to a close, that Holy Week itself , with the reading of the

passion narrative will provide for you and your loved ones a

focus on the last days in the life of our Lord. Providing for us

an opportunity to see again how God gave himself for the world

in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Day 39: Saturday April 4 “Balancing your Life”

“Blessed are the balanced, they shall outlast everyone.”

The best way to keep your life on balance is by joining a group of

people who will help you be accountable. Another way is by

Journaling. Purpose driven people have these habits:

1) Talk about life with a spiritual partner or group. We learn best in community. We are meant to grow

together. Luther considered “conversation among the

saints” as just as important as all other aspects of

Christian living.

2) Give themselves a regular spiritual check-up. Evaluate yourself periodically. Five times the Bible

encourages us to test ourselves.

3) Write down progress in a journal. Writing helps

clarify what God is doing.

4) Pass on what you know to others.

Remember, it’s for God’s Glory.

Memory verse: Ephesians 5:15

Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise,

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

Which of the four activities will I begin in order to stay on track

and balance God’s five purposes for my life?

Who does God bring to your mind that you could share the life-

changing message of “The Purpose Driven Life?”

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Day 38: Friday April 3 “Becoming a world class Christian”

It’s your choice. “A world class, or worldly class

citizen.” Worldly ones look to God mostly for personal

fulfillment. They are saved but self-centered. The opposite is

true of world class Christians. (Or those on a journey of

deepening and maturing faith) World class Christians are fully

alive people. “There is nothing more important than the way

you think!”

1) Shift from self-absorbed to other-centered think-

ing: “Think like mature people.” It is contrary to

advertising. We must think a moment by moment

dependence on God. That is the work of the Spirit.

Also, we need to ask for God’s spiritual guidance.

2) Shift from local to global thinking: Praying for

other countries. Prayer is the most important tool for

mission. Pray for opportunities to witness, courage to

speak up and spread God’s word. Another way is

through mission trips.

3) Shift from here and now thinking to eternal think-

ing: We must maintain an eternal perspective. Shift

from thinking of excuses to thinking of creative ways to

fulfill your commission.

Memory verse: Psalm 67:2

That your way may be known upon earth,

your saving power among all nations.

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: What part of your life message has God given you to share with

the world?

What steps can you take to prepare for a short-(or longer) term

mission experience in the next year?

How has reading the book “The Purpose Driven Life” helped

re-shape your life purpose?


Day 1: Ash Wednesday February 26 “It All Starts With God”

It’s not about you. The purpose for your life is greater

than your own personal fulfillment, peace of mind, or even your

own happiness, greater than family or career. If you want to

know why you were placed on this earth, you must begin with

God. The way to find God’s purpose for you is through the Holy

Scriptures. By reading and praying over them we will discover:

1) Our identity and purpose comes through relationship to

Jesus Christ.

2) We do have many choices we can make; spouse, career,

hobbies etc. But we have no choice over God’s purpose

for us. It was there before we were born.

3.) The purpose for our life fits into a large, cosmic pur-

pose. God’s eternity.

Memory verse: ...all things have been created through him and

for him.” (Col 1:16b)

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What do you think are implications of the first sentence of the

book, “It’s not about you”?

Despite all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself

that life is really about living for God, not myself?

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Day 2: Thursday February 27 “You Are Not an Accident”

“You are not an accident. Your birth was no mistake or

mishap. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did.”

God made us as we are with all the gifts, abilities, and

personality that are us. Even the things we might regard as

flaws are things mysteriously under God’s rule. You were

created as a result of God’s love for you. God wishes to use the

uniqueness of who you are to carry out his divine purpose in


In this devotion Pastor Rick implies that God had

everything to do with creating me and you and if we don’t

accept that we might as well accept that we are a total accident.

I personally find this to be an extreme thought that does not take

seriously God’s wonderful creating activity in the midst of the

fall and evil. For instance, I don’t believe all things about me

are the way God wants them to be! I can accept that God has

given me both strengths and weaknesses as part of his

consider weaknesses because God has made us unique.

However, I also need to recognize an ungodliness resides deep

within me. This ungodliness the church calls original sin.

When we do not acknowledge this part of ourselves it becomes

too easy to deceive ourselves and even call evil good. For this

reason, confession of sin and the hearing of forgiveness is of

vital importance to both new Christians and those of maturing

faith. That does, however, bring us back to this verse.

Memory Verse: Isa 44:2

Thus says the LORD who made you, who formed you in the

womb and will help you: Do not fear, O Jacob my servant,

Jeshurun whom I have chosen.

Question for prayerful reflection on your own, with a part-

ner, or in a small group:

Knowing that God uniquely created you, what areas of

your personality, background, and physical appearance are you

struggling to accept?


Day 37: Thursday April 2 “Sharing Your Life Message”

There are four aspects of your life message:

1) Testimony: How God began a relationship with you.

In a court room a witness tells their story. You have a story. If

you don’t tell it, it will be lost. Unbelievers see pastors as

“professional salesmen” therefore you have more credibility!

2) Life Lessons: Are the most important lessons God has

taught you. These don’t have to be personal experiences; they

can be the experiences of others! There isn’t enough time–nor

can we take the pain of learning by error! Write down major life

leaning so you can share them with others.

What has God taught me through failure, lack of money,

depression or sorrow, through waiting, disappointment, illness,

how about from my family, church, relationships, critics?

3) Godly passions: God is passionate. As you grow

closer God will teach you passion about something God loves.

God gives you passions to speak for a cause, or a people.

4) The Good News: That is, the message of salvation is

God’s most important statement. “If you have been afraid to

share the Good News with those around you, ask God to fill your

heart with his love for them.” What am I willing to do so that the

people I know will go to heaven? Invite them to church? Share

this book, take them a meal, pray for them daily.... Don’t miss the

opportunities God gives. Of the 5 purposes, only the fifth will be

finished in this world. The other 4 continue through-out eternity.

Memory verse: 1 Peter 3:15-16

Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands

from you an accounting for the hope that is in you;

16yet do it with gentleness and reverence

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

As I reflect on my personal story, who does God want me to share

it with?

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Purpose # 5

You Were Made for A Mission

Day 36: Wednesday April “You were Made for Mission”

God wants us to have a ministry and a mission. Ministry

is for God’s people, those within the church. Mission is to those

outside the church. Fulfilling your mission on earth is an

essential part of living for God’s glory.

It is a continuation of Jesus’ mission on earth.

The commission is given to every follower Matthew 28 19-20

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in

the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and

teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

This is not the great suggestion, it is, rather, a commission.

1) We have a responsibility for the unbelievers around us.

2) It is a privilege to work with God and for God.

3) Telling others of the promise of eternal life is the

greatest thing you can do for them. Sharing this greatest

news is the greatest kindness we can show anyone.

4) Your mission has eternal significance. It impacts the

eternal destiny of others. So, it’s more important than a

job. Nothing you do is more important than helping

people in relationship with God.

5) Mission gives you meaning in life. “The best way to

use life is to spend it on something that outlasts it.” If we

fail in this, we will have wasted life. There are people that

only YOU can reach.

Memory verse: Matthew 28:19-20 (above)

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What fears have kept me from fulfilling the mission God made

me to accomplish?


Day 3: Friday February 28 “What Drives My Life”

Everyone’s life is driven by something. Some lives are

driven by a need for success and the desire for wealth. Others

may be driven by problems, painful memories, fear, etc. There

are hundreds of circumstances, values, and emotions that can

drive your life. Some of these emotions include; fear,

resentment, anger, or the need for approval. In these 40-days we

will see what it means to be driven that is, guided, directed, and

controlled by God’s purpose for your life. The advantages of

being driven by God’s purposes are:

1) It keeps me from being driven by other things such as:


resentment or anger



need for approval

2) I receive the benefits of being purpose driven:

meaning in life

a simplified life

preparedness for eternity.

Memory verse: Isa 26:3

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—

in peace because they trust in you.

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What do you feel drives the lives of most people? What has been the driving force in your life?

What would my family and friends say is the driving purpose in my life?

What would I want them to say?

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Day 4: Saturday February 29 “Made to Last Forever”

This life is not all there is. “You will spend far more time

in eternity than what you do here.” When we realize this, we will

live life differently. Pastor Warren uses this meditation as a

reminder that in this life there are many choices we make. There

are only two eternal options: heaven and hell. “If you learn to love

and trust God’s Son, Jesus, you will be invited to spend the rest of

eternity with him. On the other hand, if you reject his love,

forgiveness, and salvation, you will spend eternity apart from God

forever.” He says, “Short term thinking has been the most

damaging aspect of contemporary living.”

Who goes to heaven and who goes to hell has always been

one of those questions of which people of faith have wrestled? In

Luther’s small catechism he says, “On the last day the Holy Spirit

will raise me and all the dead and he will give me and all believers

in Christ eternal life.” (Explanation to the third article of the

creed). I like the way Luther avoids a blanket category of who

goes to hell. This is something that belongs to God. What

belongs to us, and to our witness is this statement of faith, “he will

give to me and all believers in Christ eternal life.”

Memory verse: 1 John 2:17

The world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the

will of God live forever.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

Because of eternity, what is one thing I should start doing

and one thing I should stop doing? (This obviously leads to

another question: “Then why am I not doing it now!”)


Day 35: Tuesday March 31 “God’s power in your weakness”.

God loves to use weak people. When speaking of

weaknesses, we are not talking about things you can change.

The unfortunate thing about this is that what is changeable in

one person is not in another, or at least not easily changed in


The blessings of weaknesses are 1) They help us depend

on God, 2) They keep us humble, 3) It encourages fellowship.

We need each other. (Strength breads an independent spirit).

4) They give us sympathy in ministry.

Honestly Admit Your Weaknesses. Own up to imperfections.

Stop pretending you have it altogether.

Be Content with Your Weaknesses. Our weaknesses help us

rely on God, they keep us from becoming arrogant and keep our

ego’s in check. Weaknesses also keep us in fellowship with

other believers because we need one another. Weaknesses also

help in our relationships with others. As we learn to understand

our weaknesses and limitations. We also receive the ability to be

patient with others in their limitations. They have weakness

they can’t do anything about too. Their weaknesses are different

than yours.

Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9

He (Christ)said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,

for power is made perfect in weakness.”

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: What do I need to be honest about in order to help others?

How have you seen God’s power demonstrated through you

when you felt weak?

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Day 34: Monday March 30 “Thinking Like A Servant”

Service starts in the mind. This requires a change in

attitudes. God is interested in “why” we do something as well

as “what we do.” Real servants have a Godly mind set.

Servants think more about others than about themselves. Servants focus on others without thinking less of themselves.

They just think of themselves less often. This is what it means to

“lose your life.” When we stop focusing on our own needs, and

we become aware of the needs of others. A reality in this world

of ours is that a lot of service is self-serving. We do it to others

so that we would be rewarded, or feel good, or be admired or

achieve our own goals. In these cases, service becomes

manipulation, not ministry. Real service is not natural.

Servants think like stewards, not owners. First thing:

God is owner. The most important thing a servant needs to

remember is that a servant must be faithful to their master. It’s

not that you “should not” serve God and money, you cannot!

Servants think about their work, not about what

others are doing. They don’t’ have time to compare because

they are too busy doing the work God gave them. “Real servants

don’t complain of unfairness, don’t have pity-parties, and don’t

resent those not serving.” They just trust God and keep serving.

Servants base their identity in Christ. We must settle

our identity in Christ. Only secure people can serve self-less-ly.

Insecure people are either going to worry about how they appear

to others, or they will compare themselves to others. “The

closer you get to Jesus the less you need to promote yourself.”

Servants think of ministry as opportunity, not obligation. Memory verse: Philippians 2:5

Let the same mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

Am I usually more concerned about being served or finding

ways to serve others?


Day 5: Sunday March 1 “Seeing Life From God’s View”

The way you see your life shapes your life. How you

define life determines your destiny. Your perspective will

influence how you invest your time, spend your money, use

your talents, and value your relationships. With what comparison would you describe life? Some

have said, life is like: a circus, a journey, a dance, a roller

coaster, a puzzle... The important thing to realize is this. “How

you see life influences your expectations, your values, your

relationships, your goals and your priorities.” If you believe life

is a party how does that influence your day to day decisions?

Pastor Warren encourages us to see life under three

Biblical metaphors.

1) Life is a test: The word test appears 200 times in the

Bible. We have the stories of Adam & Eve, Abraham, Joseph,

etc. Testing does two things to us. It both develops and reveals

character. How do you live even when you don’t feel God’s

presence with you? The Good News is God wants us to grow

from and pass every test!

2) Life is a trust: Our life, the resources we have in our life

and the resources we have around us are a trust given by God.

God has entrusted to us the management of all God has made.

Our culture says, “If you don’t own it, you won’t take care of it.”

The Christian has a higher standard. “Because God owns it, I

must take the best care of it I can.”

3) Life is a temporary assignment. (Next reading)

Memory verse: Luke 16:10

Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and

whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: What has happened to me that I now realize was a test

from God? What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to


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Day 6: Monday March 2 “Life Is a Temporary Assignment”

Life on earth is a temporary Assignment. Two important

truths come from this reality: first, compared with eternity, life is

extremely brief. Second, earth is only a temporary residence.

One of the results of these truths is the reality that we will never

completely feel “fulfilled,” here in this life. We will always have

longings that will never be fulfilled this side of eternity. We are

not completely happy here because we don’t belong here. Earth

is not our home! Another reality is this. We must not think the

promise of “fullness of life,” means material prosperity or popular

success. Rather, it is life in fellowship with God and God’s


Memory verse: 2 Cor 4:18

We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be

seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen

is eternal.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

It has sometimes been said of Christians, “They are so

heavenly minded they are no earthly good.” I think there

are some spiritual dangers in thinking of this life as a mere

temporary assignment. What could those dangers be?

If everyone understood that life on earth is really

preparation for eternity, how would we act differently?

How should the fact that life on earth is “a temporary

assignment” change the way I am living right now?

What have you been attached to that could keep you from

Living for God’s purpose?

How do these questions speak to the larger question,

“What drives you?”


Day 33: Sunday March 29 “How Real Servants Act”

We serve God by serving others. The world values those

who control. Power, position, prestige, and possessions are the

way the world measures success. Jesus on the other hand said

greatness comes from service. The primary way we serve must

be according to our SHAPE, however, when a need comes up that

we can do, our first call is to service. No special talent or gift is

required to stay after a meeting to pick up trash or stack chairs.

Anyone can be a servant. So what are the qualities?

Real servants make themselves available to serve. This means

our agenda’s must be flexible. God might call upon us to help

someone just when we think we need to get “somewhere else.”

Real servants also pay attention to needs: We might not get a

second chance to offer help. The need maybe simple or profound.

It might be an individual or a group, organization or government

Real servants do their best with what they have. We must not

wait around for the right conditions. On the other hand, it doesn’t

have to be perfect, but does need to be authentic service.

Real servants do tasks with dedication. It requires all our heart.

Real servants are faithful to their ministry. That is they

complete their task, they are faithful to the commitment at hand.

Real servants maintain a low profile. Jesus criticized the

Pharisees because they did good for show.

Memory verse: Matthew 10:42

Whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones

in my name truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: Which of the six characteristics of real servants

offers the greatest challenge to me?

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Day 32: Saturday March 28 “Using what God Gave you”

God wants us to serve him with our best. Therefore, we

discover our SHAPE in order to serve in a way that brings out

our best, bring a sense of pride, and is least likely to cause

frustration. The best way to assess our ability is by serving in

various areas. There are lots of tests out there, but they tend to

work in reverse, that is, they try to assess us, then tell us what

we should do. A better way is to experiment by serving in ways

that look appealing. Understand this, you have many different

talents and abilities. It is important that you learn to serve

within the context of those abilities. (This is why many people

change jobs at the age of 30+ They discover they have abilities

in areas of their life they haven’t been using)

You also need listen to your heart and personality. In

this way we can accept and enjoy our own SHAPE. It is a gift

God has given us. If we try to serve in areas outside of our

shape we will only end up with frustration. At the same time,

we must realize there will be people who have shapes close to

ours, who work and serve in areas that are like ours. We must

be open to learning from one another without comparing

ourselves to one another. Comparing can cause us to feel either:

“I’m better than they...or “I’m not as good as they.” Either way

we end up putting someone else down or putting ourselves

down. Comparing isn’t helpful. Learning is.

Memory verse: 1 Timothy 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him,

a worker who has no need to be ashamed,

rightly explaining the word of truth.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

How can I make the best use of what God has given me?”


Day 7: Tuesday Mar 3 “The Reason for Everything”

“It’s all for God.” The ultimate goal of the universe is to

show the glory of God. It is the reason for everything that exists,

including you. You were created for God’s good pleasure. To a

certain extent all things in creation reveal God’s glory. From the

wonder of a small seed that can give life, to the beauty of a baby,

all things reveal the greatness and wonder of God.

The greatest wonder of God is that God became a part of

our world through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. On

the other hand, only two things in creation fail to give glory to


1) Fallen angels (the devil and his court) and

2) Humans. We fail to give God glory because of sin.

“All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.”

So how can we bring God glory?

1) Through worship, it is our first responsibility to God.

2) Through loving other believers who belong to the

family of God.

3) By becoming Christ-like, from maturity in spirit. Our

model is Jesus who served by washing the feet of his


4) By serving others with our gifts. God calls us to act

where our gifts meet the needs of the world.

5) We bring glory to God by telling others about him.

Who are you going to live for? That is the most important

question that faces us this Lenten season. Will we live for

God or for ourselves?

Memory verse: Romans 11:36

For from him and through him and to him are all things.

To him be the glory forever. Amen.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: How can I become more aware of God’s Glory?

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Purpose # 1

You Were Planned for God’s Good Pleasure

Day 8: Wednesday March 4 “Planned for God’s Good


God wanted you alive and your birth brought God

pleasure. The first reason for your life therefore is because your

life brings pleasure to God. You are a child of God and each

child is precious in the eyes of their parents. As a result, your

life has tremendous significance simply because you can give

God your love. Bringing pleasure to God is called worship.

Psalm 147:11 says:

The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him,

in those who hope in his steadfast love.

Public worship is done with other people. In the

Lutheran church worship includes confession of sin and

receiving of forgiveness, giving praise to God through song and

liturgy, hearing God’s word through scripture and preaching,

offering to God prayers and gifts, receiving God in a very

physical way through the sacraments of Baptism and Holy


Worship is also personal through devotions. We

“devote” ourselves to God through prayer, reading, and


Worship is not for our benefit! We don’t worship for

what, “we get out of it” We worship because God wants our

worship. Worship is also not part of your life. It is your life.

“Whatever you do, do it in the name of God.” All of life is

worship. Luther said, “A dairymaid can milk cows to the glory

of God.” The secret to worship is doing everything as if for God.

Memory verse: Psalm 149:4

The Lord takes pleasure in His people

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner,

or in a small group: What Common task could I start doing as

if I were doing it directly for Jesus?


Day 31: Friday March 27 “Understanding Your Shape”

SHAPE language began yesterday. Having spoken of

S-for spiritual gifts and H- for heart, we now move to A-bilities.

Only You can be you. Your abilities are the natural gifts God

gave you when you were born as well as what you have done since

that time to develop some of the abilities you have been given.

Spiritual gifts are given to believers in God, abilities are given to

everyone. Each blend of abilities is unique in each person and

you have many more abilities than you will ever use. The key is to

give thanks to God for the abilities you have. To understand they

are there for giving praise to God, and to realize that we have

enough of them so we can use the ones we have a special interest

in. We are also given freedom. Therefore, we don’t have to

develop every ability we have.

Personality Your personality is unique, Celebrate it!

Experience Is also unique for each person. Each of us is

shaped by our families, education, vocational experiences,

spiritual background, all the ministry that we have already done,

and other experiences. Some experience is good, some is painful.

All of these things, plus our individual DNA help shape us as a

person. The painful experiences are often key experiences that

give us a special ability to serve God. I don’t want to say, “God

causes painful experiences.” What I do know is that God works

all things for good for those who love God. Therefore, the painful

experiences we have experienced can serve God’s mission and

ministry and bring fullness of life for us.

Memory verse: 1 Peter 4:10

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one

another with whatever gift each of you has received.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

“What God-given ability or personal experience can I offer to my


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Day 30: Thursday March 26 “Shaped for serving God”

You were shaped to serve God. Everything about you;

body, mind, psychological make-up, emotional strength, and

more all come together to make you who you are. This also

makes you different from everyone else. This unique SHAPE is

something that God delights in. Your SHAPE is also unique

because no one else can serve God the way you can. What is

meant by SHAPE?

S= Spiritual gifts,

H= Heart,

A= Abilities

P= Personality

E= Experience.

Spiritual gifts are given only to believers. “Those who

are unspiritual do not receive the gifts of God’s Spir-

it” (1 Cor 2:14) The gifts of God are given to you. You

don’t get to choose what they are. At the same time, they are not

given for your benefit, they are given so that the community of

faith can be built up and so the ministry to all people can be

served. There are different gifts, but only one God is served.

Read 1 Corinthians 12 for further information on spiritual gifts.

Heart Your heart is where your passion is. When we

speak of serving God it must be according to where our

ambitions lie, and where our hopes and dreams are formed. As

we serve God in the long haul it must be a service of things

which we love to do. This way we can serve God with our heart.

Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 12:6

There are varieties of gifts, but it is the same God

who activates all of them in everyone.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: “In what way can I see myself passionately serving others and

loving it?”


Day 9: Thursday March 5 “What Makes God Smile?”

One pastor said, “The smile of God is the goal of your

life.” So, what is it that makes God smile? There are five actions

of worship that accomplish this:

1) When we Love God supremely: God loves you and

there is nothing better we can do than love God back. God

desires a relationship with you.

2) When we Trust God completely: Trust is an element

of faith, “faith is the assurance of things hoped for,” It

means we can move forward in life with confidence in

God’s goodness and love even if, at the time, we are facing

some terrible things in life.

3) When we obey God wholeheartedly: Obedience is

something we are good at compromising. We are better at

obeying God when we want, rather than obeying God in all

things. Yet God desires complete and joyful obedience!

4) When we praise and thank God continually: The

amazing thing about this is that when we bring this pleas-

ure to God it comes back to bless us.

5) God Smiles when we use our abilities: Anything that

we do that is not sin brings pleasure to God. So, fix the

car, paint the trim, write a poem, clean the floor, wash the

dishes, cook the meal, remodel the house, love your

spouse, sing a song, etc. God loves it when we use our


Memory verse: Psalm 147:11

The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him,

in those who hope in his steadfast love.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: Since God knows what is best, in what areas of my

life do I need to trust God the most?

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Day 10: Friday March 6 “The Heart of Worship”

The heart of worship is surrender. It is an unpopular word.

Disliked almost as much as the word submission. The word is used

almost exclusively to define a negative situation. A criminal

surrenders to authorities. In a war the defeated side surrenders.

Yet true worship happens when you give yourself to God. Romans

12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters,

by the mercies of God,

to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,

holy and acceptable to God,

which is your spiritual worship.

Pastor Warren writes pages of material on what it means to

surrender. It is some of his best writing. He wants us to

understand that we all surrender to something. One of his points is

there is a moment of surrender (this, of course, is a strong Baptist

emphasis). A time when you make a conscious decision that your

life will be led by God’s will and purpose for you. One Christian

man put it this way, “I actually wrote out a contract and it said,

“From this day forward I am a slave to Jesus.” Then he signed it.

That was the moment.

For many Christians, and I suspect most Lutherans, there is

the practice of daily surrender. That is, daily living dedicated to

God. Luther spoke of this kind of surrender as something rooted in

our baptism, (as opposed to being rooted in our giving our life to

God). He called it a daily “dying to the old self and rising to the

new life born in us in Christ.” Luther always points us to God as

the source of all that really matters.

Memory verse: Romans 6:13b

...Present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from

death to life, and present your members to God as instruments of


Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: What areas of my life do I hold back from God?

Which tradition most closely reflects your identity before

God. The Baptist tradition of a day of surrender, or the

Lutheran tradition of daily dying and rising?

What is the value of each tradition?


Purpose #4

You Were Shaped for Serving God

Day 29: Wednesday March 25 “Accepting Your Assignment”

You were placed on earth to contribute. You weren’t just

put here to consume (Contrary to what our advertisers say). This

ministry of service is spoken of many times in the Bible.

1) You were created to serve God. Eph 2:10 “You were

created in Christ Jesus for good works,” God has

prepared us for good deeds–service.

2) You were saved to serve God. You don’t serve God

out of guilt, fear, or even duty, but out of joy and deep

gratitude for what God has done for us. You are healed to

heal...blessed to be a blessing.

3) We are called to serve God. Every Christian is called

to service. An oxymoron is a “non-serving Christian.”

4) You are commanded to serve God. Jesus said, “I did

not come to be waited upon, but to serve.” Service is just

the opposite of “serve – us.” Mother Teresa said, “Holy

living consists in doing God’s work with a smile.”

Such service fulfills God’s purpose in us for today, it

makes this world a much better place in which all of us can live.

Finally, It prepares us for eternity. Heaven is also a place of

service. It is joyful service to God.

Memory verse: Ephesians 2:10

For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good

works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: “What is holding me back from accepting the call to serve God.”

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Day 28: Tuesday March 24 “It Takes Time”

There are no shortcuts to maturity. It takes a full season for

the fruit to mature. It takes time for the fruit of the Spirit to ripen.

God is patient with us. We need to face some facts:

1) We are slow learners: We often need to learn the same

thing repeatedly. Some of us never do get it!

2) We have a lot to unlearn: Let’s face it. We learn a lot

about life from some pretty terrible sources. The internet,

TV–both the programing and the commercials. There are

also other sources; music, movies, electronic games,

billboards, newspapers, magazines, and all the stuff we

hear and see around us. Much of what we learn is not very


3) We are afraid to humbly face the truth about

ourselves: Luther said we were at the same time “Saint

and Sinner.” The sin part of us is too often something we

would like to deny or simply pass off as not important. The

importance of recognizing our sin cannot be overstated.

4) Growth is often painful and scary: There is no growth

without change, no change without fear, no fear without

loss, no loss without pain. It’s easier to say, “That’s just

the way I am,” than it is to do the work of change.

5) Habits take time to develop: Your character is the

sum of your habits. To stop bad habits is hard, to develop

and hold on to new ones is just as hard.

6) Believe God is in your life even if you don’t feel it!

7) Keep a notebook or journal of lessons learned.

8) Be patient with God and with yourself

9) Don’t get discouraged.

Memory verse: Philippians 1:6

I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among

you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: In what area of my spiritual growth do I need to be more patient

and persistent?


Day 11: Saturday March 7, “Becoming Best Friends with God”

It is amazing to me that “Friendship with God” is a theme that

starts out so mushy and ends up being developed so well in his

book. Prayer is us talking to God. It is also more. It is listening

as well. Prayer as meditation, is less understood. Meditation is

close to worry. The difference though is the focus of our

attention. Worry is a focus on self. The problems of the self, the

world of the self, etc. Meditation on the other hand, is a focus on

God. God’s word, desire, and goal. When we learn to focus in

this way God begins to share secrets the same way friends share.

Maybe secret isn’t the right word, it would be better to say that

God takes us into God’s confidence. That is, God begins to trust

us well enough to know when certain things should be said and

when they should not be said.

Pastor Warren’s question “What is something I can do to

remind myself to think about God throughout the day?” is exactly

why people started wearing a cross, or the rosary beads, or the

WWJD bracelet. Such jewelry can become a reminder of the one

in whom we are in relationship. The important thing is the

friendship, not the jewelry.

We can wear signs of our love for God. In faith we also

understand that God gives us signs of his love as well. In bread

and wine he gives us his body and blood with the promise of

forgiveness of sins and new life. In the water of baptism he

gives us a sign of his eternal promise. “You have been joined to

the death and resurrection of Jesus.”

Memory verse: Psalm 25:14a

The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him,

and he makes his covenant known to them.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What can I do to remind myself to think about God and talk to

God more often throughout the day?

How is friendship with God like any other friendship, and how is

it different?

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Day 12: Sunday March 8, “Developing Your Friendship With


You are as close to God as you choose to be. Like any

friendship it doesn’t happen by accident. It takes desire, time, and

energy. Some important ways we deepen friendship with God are:

1) To choose to be honest with God. God doesn’t expect us

to be perfect, but God does expect honesty. Many passages

of scripture even reveal God’s people expressing their

disappointment in God! (Psalm 22, 44, 88 etc.)

2) To obey God in faith: We may not think of obedience

and friendship as going together but they do when we think

of Jesus. He said, “You are my friends if you do what I


3) To choose to value what God values: What is it that Jesus

valued? He wanted all people to be in relationship with

God. Therefore, friends of God tell other people about their

friendship with God.

4) To seek friendship with God that is authentic. The

Psalms use words like this to describe our desire for God:

yearning, thirsting, hungering. God is passionate about and

for you. Therefore, God calls us to value our relationship

with God more than anything else.

Memory verse: James 4:8a

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What practical choices will I make today in order to grow closer to


When is it appropriate to express anger to God?


Day 27: Monday March 23 “Defeating Temptation”

There is always a way out. God has promised never to

allow more ON you than he puts WITHIN you to handle it.

1) Refocus your attention on something else. The key

is this. You can’t resist temptation. Especially you can’t resist it

by trying to not think about it, that usually causes us to think of

it more. That’s way diets don’t work. People think about food

all the time! One solution is “replacement” Satan can’t get your

attention if your focus is on something else. In this regard we

need to monitor our media intake. Your mind is your most

vulnerable organ. Keep your mind occupied with God’s Word.

2) Reveal your struggle to a Godly friend or group.

The model for this kind of caring are the multitude of 12 step

programs that are available. The first one of course was for the

treatment of those who were alcoholics.

Pastor Warren developed an eight-step program.

For help in dealing with temptation.

3) Resist the devil. The Bible often speaks of Christian

life as a battle against the evil forces.

4) Realize your vulnerability. Don’t place yourself in

tempting situations.

What I appreciate about this section is something that is

lost to much of the church today. That is a concern for the

seriousness of sin. Our culture too often sees sin as something

to be embraced! “Go on! Indulge yourself!” is the message we

hear in so many ways! Sin is a reality that needs to be taken


Memory verse: 1 Corinthians 10:13b

God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your

strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so

that you may be able to endure it.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

“Who can be my spiritual partner.” A person who will help me

defeat a persistent temptation by praying for me.”

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Day 26: Sunday March 22 “Growing Through Temptation”

“Every temptation is an opportunity to do good.” On the

path to maturity temptation becomes a steppingstone rather than a

stumbling block. To help discern what a temptation is look to what

is opposite of a temptation. Begin with the fruits of the spirit of

God. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control.” Temptation comes in the form of

opposites to these qualities. We are tempted to be unloving when

we are dealing with unloving people. When we are tempted to be

unfaithful then we are put in the position of having to make a

choice. So temptations are opportunities for God as well as

temptations to go against God’s will and purpose.

Temptation proceeds as follows: 1) Desire: Either we are

tempted to misuse a God given desire, or we desire that which is

wrong. Temptation then, comes from within, it is internal, not

external in its origin. 2) Doubt: We begin to doubt that it is wrong.

We go through self-justification. 3) Deception: The tempter uses

half-truths and half statements to deceive us. 4) Disobedience:

That is, we give in.

To overcome temptation:

1) Refuse to be intimidated. We will always be tempted,

in fact, Satan targets godly people.

2) Recognize your pattern of temptation and be

prepared for it. Avoid situations that bring temptation.

3) Request God’s help. That is, pray. Remember God

tempts no one! Although the Lord’s prayer does say, “Lead

us not into temptation,” better translation would be, “Do not

bring us to the test.” Think of the way Jesus was tested or

tempted by Satan.

Memory verse: James 1:12

Blessed is anyone who endures temptation.

Such a one has stood the test

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: What Christlike character quality can I develop by defeating the

most common temptation I face?


Day 13: Monday March 9 “Worship That Pleases God”

God wants all of you. God wants all your heart, soul,

strength, and mind. God desires your full devotion not

part. Therefore, the following is true:

1) God is pleased when our worship is authentic. When

we worship God looks past our words to see the attitude

of our heart. God gave us a heart, or emotions, so we

could worship God with feeling. God gave us minds so

we could worship with thoughtfulness. God gave us

bodies so we could be gathered together to praise God

with our body. And God gave us a soul that our worship

would be from the essence of who we are. God also gave

us a will so we could worship intentionally.

2) Worship must be practical: For this to be true we must

do it with our body. You have heard people say, “I can’t

make it to the meeting tonight, but I’ll be with you in

spirit.” Do you know what that means? Absolutely noth-

ing! It’s worthless. Your spirit can only be where your

body is! To offer a sacrifice of worship first means we are

present in body. Of course, that sacrifice is more obvious

to us when we are tired, or worn out.

Memory verse: Mark 12:30

You shall love the Lord your God

with all your heart, and with all your soul,

and with all your mind, and with all your strength.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: Which is more pleasing to God right now, my public worship or

my private worship? What will I do about this?

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Day 14: Tuesday March 10, “When God Seems Distant”

God is real no matter how you feel. Friendships are often

tested when you are divided by physical distance or you are unable

to talk. God doesn’t always “feel” close. The fact is, for many

people God feels quite distant. I don’t know why this is, but I do

know it is a reality. Sometimes God feeling distant is related to

what we have been doing in our lives. Sin causes us to feel

separated from God. Confession is good because it wakes you up

to God’s presence even if you don’t feel it. Additionally, when we

fail to worship, God will feel distant.

However, I, and probably you, have experienced many

times when God feels distant, even absent! When that happens we

can really feel alone. When that happens, we must cling to God’s

word, to God’s promise. For God is here whether we feel God or


A major problem develops in our Christian life when we

begin to think, “an experience with God,” is what verifies God’s

reality to us. Experiences are good. I encourage opportunities that

allow people to experience the closeness and wonder of God.

Retreats, camps, special gatherings are some ways in which God

may give this gift to you. On the other hand, we run into a danger

when we seek “an experience of God,” rather than seeking to

worship God. The fact is God doesn’t want us to trust our

emotions, God wants us to trust God.

Memory verse: Hebrews 13:5b

For he has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

How can I stay focused on God’s presence, especially when God

feels distant?

Share something you learned from a time when God felt distant?


Day 25: Saturday March 21 “Transformed by Trouble”

“God has a purpose behind every problem.” No one is

immune to pain or insulated from suffering. Some people are

very fortunate in not having many problems, others are loaded

with problems. It doesn’t seem fair. Yet God can use whatever

problems we face to show us his love and build us up. I will not

say God causes the problems, I will say God loves you amid

them, and God wants you to grow closer to God in the midst of

them. This is not automatic. Some people become bitter, some

lose heart and faith. God has said he will be with you in all

things and he will protect you in such a way that nothing evil can

separate you from God’s love.

In times of trouble it is good to remember that God’s

purpose for you, God’s hope for you, is much bigger than the

trouble you are experiencing. You can respond.

1) Remember that God’s plan is good. This is true

even if what you are experiencing now is not good. Jesus

being crucified was not good. What God did with that

was good.

2) Rejoice and give thanks. This seems impossible. Yet

Paul said we should give thanks IN all circumstances, not

FOR all circumstances. There is a big difference!

3) Refuse to give up. Let God to be your strength.

4) Refuse to give up your identity as a child of God. If

you are being abused by another person you may need

God’s strength and the protection given by community

and laws. Your story needs to be told.

Memory verse: Romans 8:28

We know that all things work together for good

for those who love God,

who are called according to his purpose

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What problem in my life has caused the greatest growth in me?

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Day 24: Friday March 20 Transformed by truth.

The truth transforms us. Spiritual growth is the process

of replacing lies with truth. To become more like Jesus we must

fill our lives with the word of God. God’s word is unlike any

other word. It is a lively word. God’s word doesn’t just

announce things, it causes them to be. Therefore, we need to

receive it, read it, research it, remember it, reflect on it and act

on it.

1) Accept the authority of the word. The Bible is the

written word of God and I must accept its authority. It

also means I must read it and reflect on it with


2) Assimilate its truth. In order for this to happen we

need to devote time to reading the Bible. We must not

deceive ourselves into thinking that watching 3-hours of

TV can be balanced by 30 seconds of Bible reading!

How we fill our minds is extremely important. If you

read the Bible 15 minutes a day you can read the Bible in

a year. There are many good ways this can be done.

Memory verse John 8:31-32

If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you

will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What has God already told me in his word that I haven’t started

doing yet?


Purpose #2

You Were Formed for God’s Family

Day 15: Wednesday March 11 “Formed for God’s Family”

God wants a family and God wants you to be a part of it.

God treasures relationships. God is identified as a relationship of

“Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” God doesn’t need the relationship

of people, God does, however, desire a relationship with you and

all people. The beginning place of being part of the family is

baptism. If you are not baptized already allow this time to be the

invitation for you to be baptized into Christ and into the Christian


When we place our faith in Christ, we then honor God as

our Father, and we hear ourselves being named as God’s children.

Other believers become our brothers and sisters, and the church

becomes our spiritual family. The family of God includes all

believers; past, present, and future. As a result, your spiritual

family is even more important than your physical family because

it will last forever. Our families are wonderful gifts, but children

grow up and leave the home. Loved ones in our family, such as

parents and grandparents die. Additionally, family relationships

are often separated by great physical distances and sometimes

they are separated by great emotional distances. On the other

hand, our spiritual family will be there forever. Both in this life

and in the age to come.

Memory verse: Ephesians 1:5

He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ,

according to the good pleasure of his will.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

How can I start treating other believers like members of my own


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Day 16: Thursday March 12 “What Matters Most”

Life is all about love. Because God is love, the most im-

portant lesson God wants you to learn on earth is how to love. To

love unselfishly is not easy. It runs counter to our self-centered

nature. God calls us to love everyone and especially, God calls us

to love a particular people. The members of God’s family. This

is the second purpose God has given us. God wants us to be

known for this characteristic more than for anything else. In

order to do this, we must be in close fellowship with other


1) Life without love is worthless. Relationships are more

important than achievements or the accumulation of

things. Here is a good formula. Life minus love equals


2) Love will last forever. When Paul wrote to the church

in Corinth he said, “Faith, hope, and love abide... The

greatest is love.” This is true because in eternity faith is

fulfilled, hope is fulfilled, but love...love continues, love is


3) We will be evaluated on our love: The essence of love

is not what we think or prove for others. It is best spelled

T-I-M-E. The best measure of love is not flowers or gifts.

It is, rather, focused attention. To love is to give up my

own preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, energy,

.... for the sake of someone else. The best time to show

love is NOW. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

Memory verse: Galatians 5:14

For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment,

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

In all honesty, are relationships my first priority? How can I

ensure that they are?

What barriers in you keep you from loving other believers?


Day 23: Thursday March 19 “How We Grow”

God wants you to grow. You were not meant to remain

as spiritual children. Spiritual growth is an intentional

commitment that is not automatic. You must want to grow,

decide to grow, make an effort to grow, and persist in growing.

It is at this point that most people miss God’s purpose for

them in their life. Many people refuse to make a commitment to

anything, others make only halfhearted commitments, still others

make commitments to the wrong things like worldly goals. The

choices you make are important, so move with God’s Spirit.

1) God’s part and your part: Christlikeness is the result

of making Christlike choices depending on God’s Spirit

to help you fulfill these choices. You will need to let go

of old routines and develop new habits. You need to

change the way you think. This is not how to be saved, it

is about how you grow in God’s Spirit. It is not about

earning God’s favor, it is about growing in fellowship

with God.

2) Changing your autopilot: To change your life you

must change the way you think. “As you sow a thought

you reap an action, as you sow an action you reap a habit,

as you sow a habit you reap a character....As one thinks

so one goes.” We must change our “automatic

settings.” (Or to use computer language, our default

settings). The reading on p. 181 is very good at

addressing this. The way you think determines the way

you feel, and the way you feel influences the way you


Memory verse: Romans 12:2b

Be transformed by the renewing of your minds,

so that you may discern what is the will of God

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group: What is one area where I need to stop thinking my way and start

thinking God’s way?

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Purpose # 3 You Were Created to Become Like Christ

Day 22: Wednesday March 18 “Created to Become like

Christ” You were created to become like Christ. God’s purpose

has to do with character development, not career placement.

God’s purpose does not mean a narcissistic focus on me

achieving my goals or getting rich or whatever. We are not to

think our purpose is making things comfortable for us on earth.

Heaven is a goal, but for now there is work to be done. To be

made like Christ means to follow as did Christ.

1) God uses God’s word, people, and circumstances to

mold you. God’s word first of all is Jesus himself. For

Jesus is in a living relationship with you. God also uses

God’s word, the Bible, as a way to bring you the truth

you need to know in order to become like him. God uses

people around you, both those inside and those outside

the church. Finally, God’s Holy Spirit works through

circumstances and events in your life. All of these, plus

your response to all these things, help shape you.

2) Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process. You

are a work in progress that will take all the years of your

life. God is much more interested in who you become

than in what you do for a living, or your career, etc.

Those decisions God gives to us to make. God certainly

cares about them, it’s just that God is much more

concerned about your character than any of those other


Memory verse 2 Corinthians 3:18b

And all of us, ... are being transformed into the same image... for

this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

“In what areas of my life do I need to ask for the Spirit’s power

to be like Christ today?”


Day 17: Friday March 13 “A Place to Belong”

You are called to belong, not just to believe. Even in the

sinless environment of Eden God said, “It is not good for man to

live alone.” We are created for community. While our

relationship to God is personal, it is not meant to be private. A

finger severed from the body cannot live...At the same time,

when the body loses a finger, it too suffers...even though it can

survive and adapt. However, a body without fingers, or hands, or

arms or feet or legs, is a handicapped body.

Why you need a church family:

1) You will be identified as a genuine believer.

2) Church moves you out of self-centered isolation. Only in contact with ordinary, imperfect believers, can

we learn real fellowship.

3) Develops spiritual muscle–conditioning and

coordination. God wants us to “_____for one another.”

The “blank” is filled with 50 different words in the Bible;

love, pray, admonish, greet, serve, teach, accept, honor,

forgive. The list goes on.

3) The body needs you. Your role is your ministry!

4) Sharing in the mission. Teamwork to reach the


5) Keeps us from backsliding. The body of believers

keeps us from sin by providing accountability.

Memory verse: Romans 12:5

So, we, who are many, are one body in Christ,

and, individually, we are members one of another.

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

Does my level of involvement in my church demonstrate that I

love and am committed to God’s family?

What are the most common excuses people give for not joining a

church, or being uninvolved, and how would you answer them?

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Day 18: Saturday March 14, “Experiencing Life Together”

Life is meant to be shared. This is a wonderful reflection

on the need for real fellowship where people share with one

another who they are authentically.

In real fellowship people experience authenticity: It is a

place where we are genuine, not superficial and talk can be heart

to heart, gut to gut, without fear of betrayal. Too often the church

lacks this sense of genuine authenticity. It requires courage and

honesty. When courage and honesty are missing authenticity will

be absent as well, and the system will feel “unhealthy.”

In real fellowship people experience sympathy: That is

people feel they are being understood and cared for.

In real fellowship people experience mercy. When we are

hurt by someone we have three choices. One is to retaliate that is,

to get even. Secondly, we can withdraw by removing ourselves

from the fellowship. The third option is the best. It is to move

toward resolution into forgiveness. There is a tremendous need

for forgiveness! Forgiveness allows us to stay connected so that

trust can once again be developed. There is a difference between

forgiveness and trust. Forgiveness has to do with the past, trust

has to do with the future. We need to forgive the past, then, trust

can be built over time.

Memory verse: Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way

you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What one step can I take today to connect with another believer at

a more genuine heart to heart level?

What would make it easier for you to be able to share your

needs, hurts, fears, and hopes with others?


Day 21: Tuesday March 17 “Protecting the Unity of the


It is your job to protect the unity of the church. The New

Testament gives more attention to this than to either heaven or

hell. God deeply desires harmony among God’s people. It is the

soul of fellowship.

Just as parents want their children to get along with one

another so also God desires unity. Jesus prayed earnestly for unity

just before his crucifixion.

Our culture reflects the need for unity. The Civil war was

fought in order to protect the unity of the nation. That is how

important unity was. Just like the nation, the church is more

threatened by other sheep than it is by the wolves. Keys:

1) Focus on what we have in common, not differences. One Lord, one body, one purpose, one father one spirit,

one hope one faith one baptism...”

2) Be realistic with expectations. There is a gap between

the way the church is and the way it should be. Live in the

tension! Believers will let you down, but that is no reason

to stop fellowship.

3) Choose to encourage rather than criticize. It’s very

possible that your criticism interferes with God’s business.

4) Refuse to listen to gossip. Gossip is passing on

information when you are not part of the solution or the

problem. Listening to gossip is as damaging as saying it.

Have the courage to cut it off.

5) Practice God’s method of conflict resolution. Go first

to the person, then, if needed bring a third party, then use

the larger group. Always the purpose is for reconciliation.

Memory verse: Romans 14:19

Pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up building.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

What am I personally doing to protect unity in my church family

right now?

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Day 20: Monday March 16 “Restoring Broken Fellowship”

Relationships are always worth restoring. Because life is

about loving, God wants us to value relationships and maintain

them instead of discarding them when there is a rift, hurt, or

conflict. You must learn to be a peace maker; not by avoiding

conflict or running from problems, not by appeasement or

always giving in, but by seeking reconciliation. Never be

ashamed to be the first person to move toward reconciliation!

Biblical steps for restoring fellowship...

1) Talk to God before talking to the person. Pray!

2) Always take the initiative. It doesn’t matter who’s

“at fault,” God wants you to make the first move!

3) Sympathize with feelings. Use your ears more than

your mouth

4) Confess your part of the conflict. Don’t make

excuses or rationalize or trivialize your behavior.

5) Cooperate as much as possible.

6) Emphasize reconciliation, not resolution. Agreement may not be realistic. It might be fine to

simply agree that you don’t agree with one another.

Memory Verse: : Romans 12:18

If it is possible, so far as it depends on you,

live peaceably with all.

Question for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

With whom do I need to restore a broken relationship today?

Key point: Relationships are almost always worth restoring.

What are the steps you need to take to accomplish this?

Can you think of a time where seeking to restore a broken

relationship might cause more harm than good?


Day 19: Sunday March 15 “Cultivating Community”

Community requires commitment. A commitment to

setting time aside to be together as well as a commitment to

certain principles and actions.

1) Honesty. Without honesty there is superficial

interchange. We need to be frank without feeling we have

a license to say anything.

2) Humility. A great quote: “Humility is not thinking less

of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”

3) Courtesy. Manners matter. What brings us together is

not compatibility but Christ. Therefore, we also need to be

courteous to one another–even though we may be dealing

with difficult people.

4) Confidentiality. What is said needs to stay within the

group in which it is said. Gossip kills everyone.

5) Frequency. Community is built on an intentional

getting together of people, not just when it is convenient.

There are 9-characteristics of Biblical fellowship:

1) Authenticity- we share true feelings. 2) Mutuality- we

encourage each other. 3) Support- (sympathy) for on another.

4) Forgive one another- (show mercy). 5) Honesty-speaking the

truth in love 6) Humility 7) Respect differences.

8) Confidentiality–not gossip. 9) Frequency– we make the

gathering a time priority.

Memory verse: 1 John 3:16

We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us

—and we ought to lay down our lives for one another.

Questions for reflection on your own, with a partner, or in a

small group:

How can I help cultivate today the characteristics of real


What can I (we) do to protect and promote unity in our church?