The Pulse - Autumn 2012

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The Pulse - Autumn 2012

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Page 1: The Pulse - Autumn 2012

Spring 2012

Page 2: The Pulse - Autumn 2012

Announcements The Pulse Autumn 2012


President’s Message Doug Price

To all those bent bodies out there, we are thinking about you and wish you all the speediest of recoveries.

This has been a awful season for injuries. That being said – helmets are doing their job! I know some riders out there are using vests and I for one will be asking more questions about them.

The OCTRA season is all too quickly coming to an end. As both a rider and manager I’m already making plans for next year. How can I promote my rides better and there’s that new prospect I’m working on, I’ve nick named him Skid Mark. Will he be ready for some smaller stuff next season? And what are you plans?

More information will be coming but the OCTRA Banquet location is: The Best Western Hotel and Conference Center, Coburg, the weekend of Feb 16, 2013.

As most of you have already figured out I try to focus on one or two items till I get them hammered out and then move on. This fall it’s AGM resolutions. We have a bunch of leftovers from 2011 to deal with and I’m sure there will be more to come. With your help my aim is to clear off all the outstanding resolution. So, if you have any suggestions, please pass them along to myself, Marion or your favorite board member.

And as usual there will be opening on the board this year. If you’d like to get involved please make you name known. I know it’s not for everyone and even at that it’s not a forever commitment, turnover is healthy. We just need a few, energetic and engaged individuals. A high frustration tolerance and a good sense of humour help as well.

Happy & Safe Trails Everyone


Letter from the Editor Sarah Cuthbertson

First off, I apologize for the weather. I am completely to blame for the extreme heat and lack of rain this year. The universe likes to play games with me, and since I bought my first horse this year, it must have said “lets test her persistence!” These sorts of things just happen to me, I am sure you can forgive me for this! Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this issue. I consider this to be the Wednesday or “hump” issue, because now that the initial fun is out of the way, its time for me to get creative and start pushing for new and exciting reading material, all while being distracted by ride worthy temperatures. So thanks again to everyone! With this as my starting point, I want to introduce a column that I plan on bringing back issue after issue: Feeding the Rider. I hope you like the idea as much as I do. I know that sometimes we neglect our own health in favour of making sure our horses are above and beyond spoiled rotten, so I wanted to share some ideas that I have about keeping us humans well-nourished for the rides also.

Disclaimer, I am not a professional chef or nutritionist, just someone who has been cooking and baking since I was old enough to reach the oven, takes a great interest in food and health. I am also going to nag some of you to send in some of your best recipes for ride day!

Sincerely, Sarah Cuthbertson

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Announcements The Pulse Autumn 2012


Wishing You Well OCTRA Membership would like to extend their best wishes and/or condolences to the riders who have been presented with challenges this summer:

Michelle Bignell who after her horse fell is well into recovery from a broken wrist. Also for the retirement of her long-time mount HAF Allieena+/

Deb McBride who lost her mount Doctor D.

Paul Mann who had a bad fall at Seoul’s Corners ride. After some time in the ICU with a broken pelvis, Paul is back home and on the road to recovery. Donations can be sent via PayPal to [email protected]

Misha Green who suffered a compound fracture to her lower leg as a result of a fall. Cards can be sent to: 41 Briarwood Rd., Unionville, ON L3R 2W7

Deanna Ramsay has a broken elbow resulting from a fall.

Jessica Davis was involved in a serious auto accident, she escaped with no injuries.

Apologies for anyone we may have missed o

Cornerstone Set Speed Team Challenge update Four teams are competing for award in the 2012 Set Speed Team competition sponsored by Cornerstone Insurance.

Each team of 3 riders/horses have gathered enough points to make this a competition to the finish at the last OCTRA Set Speed event of the season [Oktoberfest.]

Winning team will be identified in October by an independent panel for Cornerstone

Date of presentation TBA.

Awards 2012

Now that the ride season is over and the awards banquet is far enough away (February in Cobourg) let me direct some homework for the membership to work on.

Part of the awards are the nominated ones which means a lot to the deserved recipient. BUT we must have nominations so I encourage you to think who you would like to put forth for the different categories.

1) ROOKIE WORKER OF THE YEAR. Given in recognition of outstanding service to OCTRA (Does not need to be an OCTRA member and may not necessarily need to be in the first year as a volunteer. 2)JUNIOR SPORTSMANSHIP/HORSEMANSHIP Is a Junior OCTRA member who consistently demonstrates horsemanship and sportsmanship by; a) regarding the horse as a team member and displays horsemanship

b) displaying good sportsmanship towards other riders, ride staff, etc.

3)SENIOR SPORTSMANSHIP/HORSEMANSHIP Is a Senior OCTRA member who consistently demonstrates horsemanship and sportsmanship. a) regarding the horse as a team member and displays horsemanship

b) displaying good sportsmanship towards other riders, ride staff, etc.


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Announcements The Pulse Autumn 2012


Given for athletic achievement (doing the best with what you've got) 5)PIT CREW OF THE YEAR A pit crew who best displays a) A willingness to help others

b) Organization and knowledge of duties

c) The ability to keep her/his cool while those around her/him are losing theirs

d) Does not need to be an OCTRA member

6)PRINCE CALIB AWARD A very coveted award so think hard on this one. Given to the person who contributes the most to OCTRA in a given year. (does not have to be a rider.)




All nominations must be in by December 16,2012. by emailing Dianne Willis <[email protected]>

and of course--mark your calendars for the Awards Banquet as we hope to see you all there---it WILL be fun!

OCTRA Banquet Date Announced Please mark your calendars! The banquet will be held at the Best Western Hotel and Conference Center, Coburg, the weekend of Feb 16, 2013.

Call for Articles To anyone who would like to contribute to the Pulse, please send submissions to [email protected].

I am looking for articles, reviews, photos, announcements to include in the Winter issue of the Pulse. Deadline for submission is December 14th.

Due to the year we have had, I am particularly looking for someone to write up a research piece and/or product reviews on safety equipment including helmets and vests. Also, if you know of any other innovative trends in equestrian safety, send it forward! Please note this is not a means to advertise, and should offer practical unbiased information.

Looking forward to hearing from you


Royal Winter Fair 2012 Octra is making plans to have horses and riders and volunteers at the Royal to promote distance riding. The Royal runs from November 2nd to 11th.

If you are interested in volunteering for one or more of the days, please watch the OCTRA forum and Facebook groups for information about OCTRA participation at the Royal 2012 – Spirit of the Horse – Arab booth.

AHA Championships Congratulations to Diana Macdonald and Bask N Coins for their 61 finish (98 competitors) in the 50 Mile endurance at Biltmore Estate – AHA/AERC championships September 22/2012. The took top 10 in the Half Arabian and 2nd place Regional Team. Congratulations also goes to Elaine Steele with Zena Warrier Princess who were champion ½ Arab and overall reserve champion in the CTR AHA championships Sept 23 & 24th 2012. Thanks also go to Octra members Joe & Carol Steiner and Art King for volunteering and vetting at the ride.

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Member Articles The Pulse Summer 2012



The Canadian Junior Endurance Team comprised of Emma Webb of Flesherton ON, riding Serloki (owned by Jan Worthington USA), Jessica Yavis of Winfield, AB, riding Jahlad and Lee Hutten of Ottawa, ON, riding Parker AES (owned by Dessia Miller ON), were the sole team to podium at the FEI North American Junior & Young Rider Championships. The 75 Mile FEI CEI4* Endurance Championship, held on

June 20, 2012, was held at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky.

The Adequan FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships is the premier equestrian competition in North America for Junior and Young Riders, age 14-21. Young equestrians come from around the continent to vie for medals in show jumping, dressage, eventing, endurance and reining.

The endurance race, a true test of horse and rider endurance, perseverance and teamwork began at 6:30 a.m.

with a total of 16 young riders heading out on trail with their equine partners. The three Canadian team members finished the 75 mile race three abreast at the finish line at 4:10 p.m. with their hands raised in a victory salute. They made the decision out on trail to finish together as a team and to allow the FEI officials to determine their official individual placing! Throughout the duration of the race, the horses were examined by veterinary staff a total of 4 times to ensure their fitness to continue. Following each “vet check”, each horse/rider team entered into a

mandatory “hold” to allow the horses and riders a period of rest and time to refuel. The ride time for each of the Canadian team members to complete the 75 mile race was 7 hours, earning each of them placing in the Top Ten individual standings, with Lee and Parker

placing 5th overall, Emma

and Serloki placing 6th overall, and Jessica and Jahlad placing 7th overall! . The total combined team time of 21 hours earned our three Canadian girls gold medals in the team competition. This is truly an outstanding achievement and an indication of exciting times to come for Canada on the endurance stage!

This gold medal win is likely to be somewhat bittersweet for Lee, who at 20 years of age is no longer qualified to compete for Canada on the young rider stage. However, Lee is off to the University of Guelph in September where

Team Canada Finishes together. Photo by Allen MacMillan

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Member Articles The Pulse Summer 2012


she will start studying her 3rd year in the Bachelor of Bio Resource Management program with an Equine major. We are sure to see Lee competing on the international endurance stage as an adult. There were some tense moments for Lee before even starting the race when the vets were concerned about Parker’s gait at the initial vetting. Luckily, the vets decided to allow Parker to start because he was sound and forward the entire race with Lee constantly fighting him for a slower pace all day!

Next for Emma is the FEI CEI2* 75 Endurance Race being held in New Lowell ON at Coate’s Creek Farm on her regular mount, Zillary (owned by Nancy Beacon ON) where she hopes to accumulate additional points towards the Top Junior award in her home club, The Ontario Competitive Trail Riding Association (www.octra.on.ca). Emma recently graduated from grade 12 and hopes to spend the next year focusing on endurance racing and her goals, which include NAJYRC in 2013 and if the stars align, the World Endurance Young Riders Championships in France in 2013! Emma credits much of her success on the world stage to the never-ending support of her family and Nancy Beacon, Equine Canada Hall of Fame Member, and Robert Gielen, Canadian Endurance Team Member and top Canadian endurance athlete at the World Equestrian Games in 2010. In addition, Emma would specifically like to thank Jan Worthington, past member of the United States Equestrian Team, and the owner of her mount, Serloki.

Once she completes the long voyage back to Alberta, Jessica’s goals include her education, perhaps Tevis (the most difficult 100 mile race in endurance) and like Emma, the World Endurance Young Riders Championships in France next year! For Jessica, the pivotal moment of the ride was being tied for the individual gold medal at 40 miles and her horse Jahlad forgot to pick up his feet walking across the pavement and fell and skinned his right knee. At that time, Jessica chose to give up her placing and to drop back to 5th place, which she maintained until realizing that her teammates, Emma and Lee, were running just a few minutes behind. At that time Jessica chose to slow her pace so that she could ride with them and so that Team Canada could cross the finish line together! Luckily for Canada, Jessica, Lee and Emma hope to continue to qualify to represent Canada in the sport of endurance on the international stage!

Gold Medal Canadian Team Honored Photo by Allen MacMillan

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Member Articles The Pulse Summer 2012


Blast From the Past Article – How Henry Met His First Waterloo By Nancy Beacon, 1973 Waterloo Ride 1973 didn't even start out like any other competitive trail ride. Mile ½ was a swamp! My faithful sometimes pushy Morgan gelding “pill Peddler's Henry" paused at a particularly deep place where great roots protruded out of the ooze. One could hear the riders fore and aft (we left the start at one minute intervals) - "careful!" ''Ah- That's a deep one …” " Whoa... You son of a … " and such echoing through the woods. With just a little squeeze of the legs and a good hold of the horn of my Monte Forman balanced ride non leak stock saddle, Henry’s strong legs carried us through the mire, even passing a more timid horse or two. We were about the 12th entry out and I began to thank my luck that we weren't number 50 or 60 as surely by that time the horses would have been bogged down in the soup. (I later learned that riders 20 through 60 had been rerouted for the first three miles. A three day rain just before ride day had changed soft to swamp rapidly.) Out of the swamp we emerged and onto the back roads for a few miles then through the impeccably kept Mennonite farms where even behind the barn, where no one but the farmer himself sees, every strand of wire was in place. A beautifully peaceful neatness prevailed on these obviously productive farms. We rode right up the driveway, past the front of the dwelling where usually the family (always a large family or two?) would be aligned in portrait-like fashion on the front lawn. Knowing how privileged we were to be riding through their farms I nodded ''Good Morning" to each family and thanked them for letting us ride through. The usual reply was"… nice horse". That is, of course, our mutual interest. The love of good horse flesh. One rides by the watch in Competitive Trail Riding, being careful to rate the horse in the pace that he does best. The rider is penalized for arriving at the finish either too early or too late. So with only a ten minute leeway and not knowing the terrain one has to travel, time can become a formidable concern. Since Henry does not have a particularly large heart or great lung capacity, he is not a racing type horse. An even pace throughout the ride is best for him.

Being a victim of the warm sunlight, peaceful surroundings and friendly conversations with fellow trail riders, we were slowly falling behind what I call "average" time. A fast trot over several fields, a pause at a watering stop and three fast miles of dirt road later put us into a section of dense wood with much undergrowth. A pack of riders were picking their way through the little used trail. The frustration of being held back to a walk behind a group when I was "late" was too much. So I gained the lead by loudly saying "Trail Please" and further explaining that I think I can jog through. They gratefully let me by as the leader has the tough job in this situation. There were roots and holes everywhere, branches to duck under and trees to squeeze around. All the while following and searching for the white ribbons tied in trees as trail markers. Henry's years of Foxhunting and sure footedness paid off, as we jogged slowly through. This smart alec Morgan looks down at the holes and purposely avoids them. He will take a last minute decision at a touch and change directions. Whoops - There's a marker!) It's like being a centaur - Henry and I are of one body. I couldn't help thinking that this time horse number 60 would be the lucky one as the trail would be well defined after the other 59 horses went through. Out of the bush finally with a sigh of relief and full tilt we trotted. (Ah .. that Morgan trot is a lifesaver and feels like we can go on forever) I get high on Henry's trot and a stupid uncontrolled grin will come out on my face. Usually I'm alone or with another trail rider who might be getting the same high and we giggle together. Ah, pity the people who only show horses and go around in circles all their lives! The white markers took us off the road and onto rougher terrain and finally right into the Conestoga River which sure enough was on the ride map. The river was wide, not too deep, but fast flowing and naturally the bottom was covered with rocks. We have company again. Several riders picking their way right up the center of the river. It's the only place to ride and, yes sir - the line on the map is right in the middle of the water - no avoiding it! It's nice to have company here as negotiating the river for two miles is tedious work. I finally stopped trying to guide Henry over the rocks and left it entirely up to him.

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Member Articles The Pulse Summer 2012


If you have ever looked down into flowing water while travelling in it you know how dizzy one can get. One rider has a "young" horse (the youngest a horse can be to enter a Competitive ride is 4 years) that had never crossed a creek before. Well that's one horse that had total emersion training and learned rather fast how to manage in water. There was concern among all of us as it seemed everyone was falling behind time and there was no way to go faster than a walk in the middle of the Conestoga River. Getting out of that river proved to be more challenging yet. We followed the markers with our eyes and the way lead to the other side. The next marker (when it was finally spotted) was atop a sand bank straight up so that we had to crane our necks back in order to see it. A glance around showed no other or easy way out of the good old Conestogo. Then a head, body and full figure of a human being emerged from the top of the bank. "Ahoy,” said one of our riders "How do we get out of here?" "Right up here beside me" was the answer. "We are here to watch you." Reassuring - help was there - but rider number 12 was slightly chicken. After considerable hemming and hawing one rider decided to try it. He took his horse up at an angle and as the sand sank from under the horse's feet, he had to move faster in order to keep progressing. I quickly decided that should a horse balk or attempt to stay still he would slide sideways down into the river. As our brave man disappeared over the top I squeezed Henry and went up that bank. Starting with two strides at a walk then leaping straight and true with me standing in the stirrups with one hand over the horn (to prevent a stabbing!) and the other hand with reins and mane up behind his ears, being very careful not to look over the left side at the Conestoga. Henry leapt strongly, even grunting a time or two, and behold we were over the top, our hearts beating double time for sure.

The sweat was out on Henry, a healthy clear sweat not the white sweat of an unfit horse. I expected the Veterinarian team to be there to take our Pulse and Respiration but was waved on as it was just the hard working ride crew keeping an eye on us. This was a number count where anyone lost or in trouble is reported to the radio crew.

We walked until Henry's breathing slowed quite a bit then jog, trot and off we were at that ground covering roadster pace most Morgan's are blessed with. We were setting our own pace and maybe could make up some time. A few miles further, having held that trot continuously, out from the side of the road steps Jean Milner. Jean is a statistician from the University of Toronto and Ontario Competitive Trail Ride's top recorder, so I know I've been caught at a flying trot at a Vet stop. It is tactful to come into Vet stops at the most reasonable speed you can so the pulse and respiration aren't unnecessarily elevated, Jean explains that this is a different stop with only

one pulse and respiration taken purposely at a spot where horses will be going full out, as they want to get a working pulse. If a horse is over ridden or not fit for the speed he is going he will be held for a length of time, possibly pulled from the ride, or if not too serious the rider will be warned to slow the pace. Any horses that are off gait will be noticed here too. Henry's pulse was in the mid-nineties. Not a good working pulse from my experience with other horses, but OK for Henry. The breathing was fast. Henry pants and does not consistently take good deep breaths. It was 100. A really fit good endurance horse would have the breathing lower than the heart rate. But I had been moving fast and the day was getting warmer. With a warning from the Vet to "take it easy" off we went at a walk. At that point I felt sure that number 12 would be late or if not late, would certainly be out of the ribbons with a P & R reading that high. However, I do not ride to win - at least never have - just to do the best job I can with the circumstances presented.

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Member Articles The Pulse Summer 2012


Along the way we met the ''pit crew" that many riders have following. They are always a cheerful sight and although they are not my pit crew they always offer a sip of water, an orange wedge or at least a 'how's it going - good luck''. I let them know what the trail was like and if I had seen any of their riders. Then off again, this time at a medium trot. This was a 40 mile ride and about mile 22 we again entered a hardwood forest following a small river for quite a way. Here I met with a lone rider. She rode a brown or black horse as I recall and was about number 4. We travelled together watching each others horse for signs of stress as both of us were having to move out. Soon we came to a hill that had obviously been a motorcycle climb. A ride crew member was at the bottom and one could see the Vet teams and a few spectators at the top. This was a longer hill than the sand hill, but not so steep and good footing; however, a canter straight up the hill would be hard for a fresh horse and very obvious if a horse was tired. My friend and I held off as long as we could to give the horses a breather. Then when asked to move on - the squeeze, forward position and up went Henry. This time I could feel that those last three leaps were an effort indeed. On dismounting at the top a Veterinarian immediately took the pulse with the stethoscope, then the respiration by counting his breaths per minute. The recorder showed me the figures. Both were high (Pulse and respiration in the hundreds) as is to be expected after the stress of the hill. Now for the ten minute recovery. I let Henry take a good drink of water from the buckets provided, loosened the girth, walked and wandered while he grazed hoping his heart would go down. A thoughtful spectator took Henry in hand while I got a drink of lemonade from the ride truck, a half a sandwich and stuck a piece of cheese in my pocket for later, then visited the out-house (or was it the bush). At the ten minute check Henry had recovered well. Right down to heart in the 70's and respiration finally lower than heart a nice 55. I was given the nod to continue - checked girth - remounted and trotted off. A glance at the watch and "Holy Cow", I'm going to have to move it to make the finish without penalty. With that great recovery, maybe we can do it. My friend on the dark horse joined us and we trotted on-and-on-and-on. Stopped for a short walk trying to assess each other’s breathing, then on to the trot again. We both

noticed that there were few tracks in front of us - yet we were late. Every one of the last five miles are marked which makes timing a bit easier. I have always considered it ideal to have an hour to do the last 4 or 5 miles, but at Waterloo in 1973 we had less than a half hour to do the last 4 miles! Henry appeared energetic and things seemed well so I decided to fly through those last miles and try to arrive with no time penalties. The last mile was all out at a canter (a rare thing in a competitive ride). At last the finish! A hoard of vets and recorders surrounded us - Pulse high nineties again -respiration just a few beats lower. Not good but time right on with hardly a moment to spare. Henry was due for the final vet check in 30 minutes. OCTRA rules state that a horse must not be washed until after the final vet check. This is because a very fit horse will dry off quickly following a ride and will not resweat. My strategy after a ride is to let the horse relax (bring down the P & R) drink a full bucket of water slowly (prevent dehydration) let him walk or wander occasionally (to prevent muscles stiffening) keep the saddle on the back or a saddle pad so the back will cool slowly and not raise bumps, AS the horse dries, brush the sweat marks off and hopefully present Henry to the Vet team dry, shiny, with nearly normal PR's, Well we did it on that ride! Henry dried within the 30 minutes, jogged out sound and even energetic and PR's were down close to normal which let me know that it was OK to have a flying finish - this time! The outcome of Waterloo 1973 was that Henry placed 2nd in Lightweight Division, Why? Many entries came in late - a lot did not take the motorcycle hill in good shape - several were muscle sore or slightly off gaited at the final vet check. Four were pulled at a mid-vet check and although Henry's pulse and respiration were high the recoveries were excellent showing he was up to the stress he was put to. Not only up to it- I know Henry had one heck of a good time! I have ridden in probably more than 50 competitive and endurance rides yet can remember details of the Waterloo ride - perhaps because it was a true challenge- to both horse and rider both physically and mentally. Truthfully, I have ridden faster and "better" endurance horses than Henry, but never do I have as much fun as when mounted on my ornery Morgan gelding - Henry.

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Member Articles The Pulse Summer 2012


Feeding the Rider: Make your own Protein Cookie Bars By Sarah Cuthbertson

Protein bars are one of my favourite foods for breakfast before hitting the trail or through rushed pit stops, however I find the store varieties all have the following problems

1. Expensive! 2. They have that “taste.” If you buy bars regularly,

you know this taste 3. Most of them have a ton of heavily processed

ingredients in them, and cater to weight gainers or weight losers, I want custom!

4. Usually have 3 flavours, all of which are covered in chocolate and melts in your saddlebag.

With this motivation, I started formulating my own recipe (which started from my traditional cookie recipe, so you KNOW it’s tasty!), tried and tested by my team-mates, so here is the base recipe and 2 varieties that went over well.

I like to make a few batches up at a time so the mess in the kitchen (and I am terrible for this!) is contained to one episode. I will freeze them in several “ready to go” packets and pull them out before each ride. Very quick and handy when packing in a hurry. I will make both varieties at a time, so that I don’t get bored with one flavour.

Once this heat dies down and I am cool enough to use my oven again, I look forward to experimenting with different flavours and bases to share with you!

Ingredients: • 3.5 cups large flake oatmeal • 6 scoops vanilla protein

powder (look for sugar free variety)

• 1.5 cups powdered coconut milk or powdered milk if you have an allergy

• 2 tbsp Macca Root powder • 4 tbsp Chia Seeds • 4 tbsp flax seeds • 6 egg whites, or 4 whole

eggs • 1/3 cup vegetable

shortening • 1 cup agave syrup (this is a

natural sweetener) • Unsweetened applesauce.

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350C 2. Cover a cookie tray (approx. 12”x18”) with tin foil 3. Mix all dry ingredients together. 4. Cut in shortening, mix in eggs and syrup. If you have a

particularly sweet protein powder, you can avoid using the syrup all-together. Add applesauce as necessary to moisten and bind the dry ingredients. Mixture should be very firm but not break easily.

5. Add in mix-ins, my varieties are a. Chocolate chip coconut – 1 cup of semi-sweet

choco chips, 1 cup of coconut b. Fruit – 4 small apples, peeled and sliced thin, 1.5

cups dates, pitted and halved. 6. Press the dough into the covered cookie tray and flatten,

you should need to use a rolling pin. 7. Bake for 15 minutes. Cut into equal size squares or bars. 8. Let cool completely before separating and remove foil. 9. Store extras in a ziplock and freeze for up to 3 months.

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Ride Results The Pulse Spring 2012


Cayuse Canter Results 50 mile END Location: Ganaraska Forest, Millbrook, ON 2012-06-30 Starters: 14 Finishers: 11 Completion Rate: 79 %

Rider Horse Place Time

Bob Gielen Vagas 1 04:57:00 Completion

Elaine Steele Chanticleer Shadow 2 05:48:00 Completion – BC

Louise Richardson Sultan Toscana 3 06:25:00 Completion

Ruth Sturley Futurystic 4 06:26:00 Completion

Karmen Hell Hope' N Hell 5 07:00:00 Completion

Wendy Benns Flirt with Fyre 6 07:00:01 Completion

Laura Austin Good To Go 7 07:00:02 Completion – Junior & High Vet

Ron Savard Shameen 8 07:00:03 Completion

Bob Coleman Helfire 9 07:01:00 Completion

Libby Llop Fly So Free 10 08:36:00 Completion

Quentin Llop Mabel 11 08:36:00 Completion

Jim Rawski Andyn JBK 0 DNF – M

Carol Lewin Woolhaven's Inchanting Star 0 DNF – RO

Michelle Bignell HAF Allieena+/ 0 DNF – Rider Injury

13 mile SSG Location: Ganaraska Forest, Millbrook, ON 2012-06-30 Starters: 9 Finishers: 9 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place Barbara Green Parker Kalli

Mileage only (too slow) Completion

Chris White Moffitt CCA Mileage only (too slow) Completion

Michael Downing El-Marees 1 Bronze Completion

Deanna Ramsay Dressy Gal 2 Bronze Completion

Sue Simpson Ascertain 3 Bronze Completion

Donna Thomas EB Dhark Sky 4 Bronze Completion

Emily Watson Dixie's Preppy 5 Bronze Completion

Lori Hoppe Impressive Sure 6 Bronze Completion

Sue Downing Foxy Baronessa 7 Bronze Completion

28 mile SSP Location: Ganaraska Forest, Millbrook, ON 2012-06-30 Starters: 14 Finishers: 10 Completion Rate: 71 %

Rider Horse Place

Chrystal Woodhouse Miss T. Moonlite

Mileage only (parameter) Completion

Jacqueline Redmond CCF Harley 1 High Score/Bronze Completion

Dagmar Downes Princess Leah 1 High Score/Silver Completion

Barbara Lyle Robbie 2 Bronze Completion

David MacDonald Kharrington 2 Silver Completion

Tracey Bradley BW Summer 3 Bronze Completion

Linda Klarner I'm No Angel 4 Bronze Completion

Solstice Pecile Glorious Song IA 5 Bronze Completion

Christian Valois Vigil-Flash 6 Bronze Completion

Helen McMaster Majik 7 Bronze Completion

Michelle Watling Klein Bronze DNF – L

Jolanda Slik Ace's Night Hawk Bronze DNF – M

Julie Phair Barts Royal Ore Bronze DNF – L

Mary Allin ELH Sabri Bronze DNF – L

50 mile END Location: Ganaraska Forest, Millbrook, ON 2012-07-01 Starters: 4 Finishers: 2 Completion Rate: 50 %

Rider Horse Place Elaine Steele Chanticleer Shadow 1 Time: 08:03:00 Completion

Emma Webb CWMFelen Zillary 2 Time: 09:45:00 Completion

Wendy Benns My Silver Night 0 DNF – RO

Peter Klein PBK Elizabeth Hedwig 0 DNF - M

13 mile SSG Location: Ganaraska Forest, Millbrook, ON 2012-07-01 Starters: 14 Finishers: 14 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Bob Gielen Sam's Candyman Mileage only (too fast) Completion

Bobbie Martin FC Galaxy Mileage only (too fast) Completion

Barbara Green Parker Kalli

Mileage only (too slow) Completion

Chris White Moffitt CCA Mileage only (too slow) Completion

Donna Thomas EB Dhark Sky 1 Bronze/HighScore Completion

Page 12: The Pulse - Autumn 2012

Ride Results The Pulse Spring 2012


Deanna Ramsay Dressy Gal 2 Bronze Completion

Carol Lewin Woolhaven's Inchanting Star 3 Bronze Completion

Morag McMurray Lilly 4 Bronze Completion

Michael Downing El-Marees 5 Bronze Completion

Sue Simpson Ascertain 6 Bronze Completion

Sue Downing Foxy Baronessa 7 Bronze Completion

Tammy McIntosh

LM Jeszca's Jubilee 8 Bronze Completion

Laurene Winkler A Little Knight Magic 9 Bronze Completion

Courtney Paats Holiday's Star 10 Bronze Completion

Valerie Green Helfire DNS

28 mile SSP Location: Ganaraska Forest, Millbrook, ON 2012-07-01 Starters: 11 Finishers: 9 Completion Rate: 82 %

Rider Horse Place Jolanda Slik Ace's Night Hawk 1 Bronze Completion

David MacDonald Kharrington 1 Silver Completion

Linda Klarner I'm No Angel 2 Bronze Completion

Roxanna Mollohan CG Anniversary Edition 2 Silver Completion

Jessica Davis Distinctly Western 3 Bronze Completion

Susan Timbers Nanjo's Traverston 3 Bronze Completion

Dagmar Downes Princess Leah 5 Bronze Completion

Solstice Pecile Glorious Song IA 6 Bronze Completion

Karen Keller Artex 7 Bronze Completion

Lisa Drechsler Padron's Eternal Hope Bronze DNF – RO

Michelle Watling Kashif Bronze DNF - L

Michelle Bignell TT Contender Bronze DNS

Patricia Calleya Vigil-Flash Bronze DNS

Flesherton CTR Results 36 mile CTR Location: Flesherton, Ontario 2012-07-15 Starters: 16 Finishers: 13 Completion Rate: 81 %

Rider Horse Place


Elaine Steele Chanticleer Shadow

1 Res Heavyweight 2 Completi


David MacDonald Kharrington 2 Heavyweight 5.75 Completi


Deborah McBride Short Circuit 3 Heavyweight 6.75 Completi


Paul Mann Samson 4 Heavyweight 10.5 Completion

Solstice Pecile Glorious Song IA

1 Top Jun

Lightweight 2.75 Completion

Michael Steele

Zena Warrior Princess 2 Lightweight 3.25 Completi


Susan Winmill Traverston Batique 2 Lightweight 3.25 Completi


Charlene Zubrickas FC Galaxy 4 Lightweight 5.75 Completi


Susan Timbers

Nanjo's Traverston 5 Lightweight 14.2

5 Completion

Jessica Davis Distinctly Western 1 Ch. Middleweight 1.5 Completi


Michelle Watling Klein 2 Middleweight 4 Completi


Emma Webb CWMFelen Zillary 3 Middleweight 8.5 Completi


Cathy Mezenberg

Sam's Candyman

4 Turtle

Middleweight 21 Completion

Deanna Ramsay Dressy Gal Heavyweight DNF – M

Jolanda Slik Ace's Night Hawk Heavyweight DNF – M

Karmen Hell Hope' N Hell Middleweight DNF - L

15 mile MIL Location: Flesherton, Ontario 2012-07-15 Starters: 8 Finishers: 8 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse

Jan Christopher Vesi (Myth) Completion Sue Simpson Ascertain Completion Michael Downing El-Marees Completion Caroline Fell El Yusafir Completion Margaret Murray Desmil Completion Sue Downing Foxy Baronessa Completion Sandra Kendall OMO Cesan Metsa Completion Kirsten Penney Briteback Joe Completion

Page 13: The Pulse - Autumn 2012

Ride Results The Pulse Spring 2012


21 mile MIL Location: Flesherton, Ontario 2012-07-15 Starters: 2 Finishers: 2 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place Barnhild Wurzbacher Dusty 0 Completion Lesley Danko Kari Briar 0 Completion

21 mile NOV Location: Flesherton, Ontario 2012-07-15 Starters: 3 Finishers: 3 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Linda Klarner I'm No Angel 1 Penalties: 2.75 Completion

Tracey Bradley BW Summer 2 Penalties: 5 Completion Erin Rubert, Dr.

Rivendell Brego 3 Penalties: 7.5 Completion

Coates Creek Results 50 mile END Location: New Lowell, Ontario 2012-08-04 Starters: 13 Finishers: 10 Completion Rate: 77 %

Rider Horse Place Time

Chrystal Woodhouse Blazing Grace 1 BC 05:54:50 Completion

Charlene Hendriks Cherub Rosen 2 06:10:40 Completion

Ron Savard Shameen 3 06:38:58 Completion

Maribel Paulson FLF Jullianna 4 07:20:47 Completion

Susan Winmill Traverston Batique 5 07:38:00 Completion

Susan Timbers Nanjo's Traverston 6 07:40:27 Completion

Jessica Davis Distinctly Western 7 07:40:27 Completion

Michael Downing El-Marees 8 08:19:29 Completion

Holly Corcoran Poete 9 09:37:00 Completion

Emily Stemmler Ellegaante 10 09:37:00 Completion

Carol Lewin Woolhaven's Inchanting Star 0 08:19:30 DNF L

Deborah McBride Manitoulin Jingles 0 DNF RO-M

Earle Baxter NMF Benraz Halim 0 DNF L

75 mile END Location: New Lowell, Ontario 2012-08-04 Starters: 3 Finishers: 2 Completion Rate: 67 %

Rider Horse Place Time

Bob Gielen Vagas 1 08:49:00 Completion

Emma Webb CWMFelen Zillary 2 10:55:45 Completion

Wendy Benns My Silver Night 0 DNF L

Lysane Cree Mae West Holliday 0 DNS L

15 mile SSG Location: New Lowell, Ontario 2012-08-04 Starters: 10 Finishers: 10 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Jan Christopher Vesi (Myth) 0 Mileage Completion

Sandra Kendall OMO Cesan Metsa 0 Mileage Completion

Solstice Pecile Glorious Song IA 1 Completion

Michelle Watling Xtremely Irresistable 2 Completion

Charlene Zubrickas Benjamin Ben Ari 3 Completion

Erin Rubert, Dr. Rivendell Brego 4 Completion

Sue Simpson Ascertain 5 Completion

Alexandra (Sandy) McKay Traverston Benson 6 Completion

Barry Lamore Holms Lady Taylor 7 Completion

Beth Lamore MMF's Hank 8 Completion

Sarah Cuthbertson Cricklewood 0 DNS L

30 mile SSP Location: New Lowell, Ontario 2012-08-04 Starters: 6 Finishers: 6 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Barbara Lyle Robbie 0 Mileage Completion

Dagmar Downes Princess Leah 1 Completion

Jolanda Slik Ace's Night Hawk 1 Completion

Linda Klarner I'm No Angel 2 Completion

Tracey Bradley BW Summer 3 Completion

Patricia Calleya Vigil-Flash 4 Completion

50 mile END Location: New Lowell, Ontario 2012-08-05 Starters: 7 Finishers: 4 Completion Rate: 57 %

Rider Horse Place Time

Bob Gielen FC Galaxy 1 BC 05:27:51 Completion

Michelle Watling Klein 2 HVS 06:19:07 Completion

Lysane Cree Mae West Holliday 3 08:41:01 Completion

Stephanie McLeod Liatern Good 4 08:41:01 Completion

Misha Green Sam's Candyman 0 DNF L

Savanah Wilson Amber Kiera 0 DNF L

Laura Austin Good To Go 0 DNF M

Page 14: The Pulse - Autumn 2012

Ride Results The Pulse Spring 2012


15 mile SSG Location: New Lowell, Ontario 2012-08-05 Starters: 8 Finishers: 8 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Solstice Pecile Xtremely Irresistable 1 Completion

Charlene Zubrickas Kari Briar 1 Completion

Erin Rubert, Dr. Rivendell Brego 3 Completion

Michael Downing El-Marees 4 Completion

Sue Downing Foxy Baronessa 5 Completion

Sue Simpson Ascertain 6 Completion

Patricia Calleya Vigil-Flash 7 Completion

Alexandra (Sandy) McKay Traverston Benson 8 Completion

Sarah Cuthbertson Cricklewood 0 DNS L

30 mile SSP Location: New Lowell, Ontario 2012-08-05 Starters: 5 Finishers: 5 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Cathy Mezenberg Futurystic 1 Completion Linda Klarner I'm No Angel 2 Completion

Jolanda Slik Ace's Night Hawk 3 Completion

Dagmar Downes Princess Leah 4 Completion Ruth Sturley RBF Super Sport 5 Completion

Summer's End Training Ride Results 4 mile TRN Location: Bailieboro, Ontario 2012-08-12 Starters: 7 Finishers: 7 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place Emily Watson

Anastasija Neseverenko

Dixie's Preppy 0 00:51:00 Completion

mil. only

Solstice Pecile

Glorious Song IA 0 00:52:00 Completion

Michelle Watling Klein 0 00:52:00 Completion

Laura Austin Good To Go 0 00:38:00 Completion

Linda Klarner

Sarah Cuthbertson I'm No Angel 1 00:45:00 Completion

Jaclyn Ziemniak Annie Paish Java 2 00:52:00 Completion

Lesley Danko Chester 3 01:24:00 Completion

7 mile TRN Location: Bailieboro, Ontario 2012-08-12 Starters: 1 Finishers: 1 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place Carley Bradley Scooter Bee 0 Completion

15 mile TRN Location: Bailieboro, Ontario 2012-08-12 Starters: 18 Finishers: 18 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Sarah Cuthbertson Xtremely Inrresistable 1 Completion

Laura Austin 2 Completion

Michelle Watling Klein 3 Completion

Linda Klarner I'm No Angel 4 Completion

Solstice Pecile Glorious Song IA 5 Completion

Michael Downing El-Marees 6 Completion

Lisa Drechsler Padron's Eternal Hope 7 Completion

Sue Downing Foxy Baronessa 8 Completion

Tracey Bradley BW Summer 9 Completion

Deanna Ramsay Dressy Gal 10 Completion

P. Dianne Willis Willis Farms Odessa 11 Completion

Alexandra (Sandy) McKay Traverston Benson 12 Completion

Anastasija Neseverenko Ares Gold 13 Completion

Emma Knapper B-implusive Spruce it Up 14 Completion

Elizabeth Morten Willis Farms Koreena 15 Completion

Jessica Davis Distinctly Western 16 Completion

Vicki Varcoe ViViarr's Zaki 17 Completion

Margaret Dickson Titan 18 Completion

Emily Watson Dixie's Preppy 0 DNS

Seoul's Corners Endurance Results 50 mile END Location: Sharbot Lake, Ontario 2012-08-19 Starters: 13 Finishers: 10 Completion Rate: 77 %

Rider Horse Place Time

Michelle Watling Klein 1 04:54:00 Completion

Elaine Steele Chanticleer Shadow 2 05:00:00 Completion

Monica Grundmann Excalibur 3 05:11:00 Completion

Page 15: The Pulse - Autumn 2012

Ride Results The Pulse Spring 2012



Savanah Wilson R Mercedez 4 05:29:00 Completion

Bob Gielen FC Galaxy 5 05:29:00 Completion

Wendy Benns Flirt with Fyre 6 06:13:00 Completion

Misha Green Helfire 7 06:13:00 Completion

Stephanie McLeod Rammit 8 06:49:00 Completion

Peter Klein JC Quick Quint 9 07:28:00 Completion

Jim Rawski Andyn JBK 10 07:28:00 Completion

Lysane Cree Mae West Holliday 0 DNF L

Bob Coleman Kashif 0 DNF L

Paul Mann Samson 0 DNF RO

12 mile SSP Location: Sharbot Lake, Ontario 2012-08-19 Starters: 7 Finishers: 7 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place Peggy Angiers Holly 1 Completion Glen Abernethy Belle 2 Completion Stacey Bonfield SS Minx 3 Completion Beth Lamore MMF's Hank 4 Completion Barry Lamore Holms Lady Taylor 5 Completion Sharon Anderegg Out of Flames 6 Completion Tom Anderegg Shihlo 7 Completion

25 mile SSP Location: Sharbot Lake, Ontario 2012-08-19 Starters: 17 Finishers: 17 Completion Rate: 100 %

Rider Horse Place

Colleen Perkins Simply A Lady 0 Mileage Only Completion

Deborah McBride Futurystic 1 silver Completion

Dagmar Downes Princess Leah 1 bronze Completion

Michael Robinson Short Circuit 2 silver Completion

Patricia Calleya Vigil-Flash 2 bronze Completion

Lesley Danko Kari Briar 3 bronze Completion

Julie Chisholm Tevis 4 bronze Completion

Nancy Zukewich Serious Moonlight 5 bronze Completion

Lynda Townsend Fast Forward 6 bronze Completion

Jacqueline Redmond CCF Harley 7 bronze Completion

Judy Durst Coquetta di Ambleside 8 bronze Completion

Solstice Pecile Glorious Song IA 9 bronze Completion

Lisa Drechsler Padron's Eternal Hope 10 bronze Completion

Yvonne Carroll Rosie 11 bronze Completion

Kimberley Woolley Schakka Khan 12 bronze Completion

Helen McMaster Majik 13 bronze Completion

Michael Merriam J Walker AES 14 bronze Completion

Page 16: The Pulse - Autumn 2012

OCTRA 2012 Board of Directors/Committee Chairs The Pulse Summer 2012


Executive President Doug Price RR4, 457102Conc 3A, Chatsworth, ON, N0H 1G0 [email protected] 519-794-3175 Vice President Nancy Beacon RR 2, 794435 East Bacu Line, Flesherton, ON, N06 1E0 [email protected] 519-924-2347 Secretary Nancy Zukewich 403 Athlone Ave. Ottawa, ON, K1Z 5M6 [email protected] 613-728-9628 Treasurer Rick Burnside PO Box 504, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5P7 [email protected] 519-986-3451 Directors: Deanna Ramsay [email protected] Chrystal Woodhouse 368 Solanum Way, Pontypool, ON, L0A 1K0 [email protected] 705-277-2893 Dessia Miller 15289 County Rd 9, Berwick ON, K0C 1G0 [email protected] 613-984-2854 Marion Shearer 48 Long Stan Rd, Stouffville, ON, L4A 1P5 [email protected] 905-640-7915 Jackie Redmond 503 Victoria Ave, Belleville, ON, K8N 2G4 [email protected] 613-771-9892

Committee Chairs Archivist Rose Danko 5783 Cty Rd 9, RR1 New Lowell, ON, L0M 1N0 [email protected] 705-424-0888 Awards Dianne Willis 8467 Willis Rd, RR6 Cobourg, ON, K9A 4J9 905-342-2928 Ruth Benns 218 Framers Rd, Pontypool, ON, L0A 1K0 [email protected] 705-932-3058 Education Chrystal Woodhouse -See “Directors” Endurance Nancy Beacon - See Vice President Fundraising Position Open Membership Misha Green 41 Briarwood Rd, Unionville, ON, L3R 2W7 [email protected] 905-475-9466

Mileage Program Elaine Steele 3964 Bell Line Rd, Mountain Grove, ON, K0H 2E0 [email protected] 613-335-2529 Newsletter Sarah Cuthbertson 11 Queen St, Apt 2, Georgetown, ON, L7G2E3 [email protected], 416-523-8161 OEF Rep Fred Buchanan 471568 Sdrd 5, RR2, Mt. Forest, ON, N0G 2L0 [email protected] 519-323-3146 Publicity & Promotion Linda Klarner [email protected] Ride N Tie Phyllis Pecile [email protected], 905-797-3411 Ride Liason (West) Lesley Danko RR1 5955 Cty Rd 9, New Lowell, ON, L0M 1N0 [email protected] 705-424-2752 Ride Liason (East) Elaine Steele 3964 Bell Line Rd, Mountain Grove, ON, K0H 2E0 [email protected] 613-335-2529 Competitive Elaine Steele – See Ride Liason (East) Rider Mileage Elaine Steele – See Ride Liason (East) Set Speed Rose Danko 5783 County Rd 9, R.R.#1, New Lowell , ON L0M 1N0, 705-424-0888 [email protected] Ride Management/Sanctioning Chrystal Woodhouse See Directors Veterinary Dr. Kathy Kivi 46 Charest Place, Brooklin, ON, L1M 2B3 [email protected] 905-925-7226 Worker Credit Cathy Mezenberg 6922 7th Line, RR2 Belwood, ON, N0B 1J0 [email protected] 519-787-1416 Youth Nancy Zukewich – See Secretary Lee Hutten 12896 Cty Rd. 43, Chesterville, ON, K0C 1H0 [email protected] 613-448-106