THE XTXJiJBJSli: OITIZSlsI "V"OXj. so. Answer to the FordDecaloene. I Our State Senator. W. B. Lamb of Lincoln county, f . n I4 ATTORNEY "AT LAW U' , ' 'JMfih--l Coiic-tcriuCIi:.nccry- . I 1 pJ , n J JO m rf ...7,.. - iJdJH LAPS. D. McOOi the democratic nominee for senator rora the counties of Lincoln and the Giies.addressed a large crowd from he north side of the court house in i P.,lobl loot f,l Tha rnvil ftrnt was perfectly carried'away with this of brilliant yonng orator and it was THURSDAY- - OCT 4, IB iS rag ' ' " LLL- ?- ' . ... A A M. N Vl HITS. . ..II .,. ,. II - II. 1 bdiiua Sbti LitUry Ccontf Asa- - ;;'... il u,. If from J. U. CANNt)N you buy your Po rts and Shoes, lie will guarantee you never have the blue. the almost universal verdict of It has been said that the editor Py coiors, uguwng ub uwuuc...-thos- e present that he made the best of said parwr was a crank; be it so, to party. How many of the press TT7E HAVE R. Q. Mills was renominated Monday for congress from Texas. This is Lis ninth time. , Cslifornians are delighted over President Cleveland's approval of the Chinese restriction bill. No bolting; no scratching; no kicking. Vote the ticket "from eeod to eand" from Clevela-u- down. Editob Citizen : Will you be so kind as to publish our defense "as city fathers of Pulaski," have hafnra th readers of the Giles County Demo- - i M i (: nf anifidM tn the trnna I the private as well as publio in- - terest of Pulaski. we as the municipal authority i" Pulaski, feel that in defense of citizens and the good reputa- - tion of our town that we should make a reply to Col. Ford, for in nearly or quite every issue of his paper we are censured in scathing I lass issue, -- no pains are taken 6y our city authorities to order drain- - J age, sewerage or even decent side- - walks. They are dead to every- - . . . . I tuns navinff a tendenev to imnrove . ".. . " J . r tte 10 ay re9Pct; nothing of any importance to the city is sue- - ,j 1 i m I yen unu 11 v mm v iiiHmiiHr f 11 li h . i.. J . nmrfl. Tnov Tnpef. anrl Anm tariff speech that has been made but here during the canvass. His ar- - (of guments were plain, forcible and I our logical. All who met Mr. Lamb I while here are well pleased with Lincoln's nominee and be will be I uuiversally supported by the lilies l NOW HAND THE T v quality of Ever brought to this market, which we JPrtces. LADIES', MISSES', BOOTS. SHOES democracy, we fpabliaa to-d- ay iroewric. 1 wm quote urn in tne 1 LARGEST STOCK AND BEST will sell at Greatly Reduced Also, MEN'S and BOY'S & SLIPPER! k n u in w uilly kept STflKK OFFERING- - Of every etvle quality and II 111 DDE! I " A ani a11 . . J . -- iiMiao. iuev uu noi uou lur ic - . - . aw. . s k w price. We hav6 aisotw A T?TTCrrr'T A SS SHflR A'"" "WM -- WHICH WE ARE The Methodist annual conference -- ;n nnnvenp. at Fayetteville on tne i7,i, Kowcrsl trom Pula6ki wul be A t VU. 1 there. . Pipe weeks more will eeltla the int.httt is. bv how large a majority Cleveland and Thurman are elected. , Hon. Josiah Patterson nrges j ,mn(,ru to vote the straight tick- - That is -- w.il ih imt through. tl, nil the way for democrats to do, No order in the country is more liberally to the call v.. v,oin fmm the vellow ferers than the Knights of Pythias, If there were any little refugee Tttir.mhrnlavins? around loose Tues ithout a blanket they certainlv got their toes a little frost AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. We have tried many of the adver i it. thmhiMK mvui9i iiava tnaae A hn. atrio.tlv nsrenresented. tised foods and find that the enormous out of the roods ana tne consumer nas io mn a fnw onnrnnriitinm fnr 7 " . . : rK' r woea.Dnc,es'talk iittIe bont Png ?qurt gun to pnt out nre, ana a mule and waeon to Haul w I urn. uu ruuuieu lur vu cuy. xnere is not a kve man on the board."And further on he concludes the best I thing for Pulaski just at this time I would be some first class funerals I and the daces of the deceased filled bv live men. A scarrilona criticism I on our noble 'founders, nrofiremtors ! .... - " V and their descendants, who have planned, laid off and perpetuated one of the most beautiful and taste-- 1 we have stopped dealing in advertised goous. We would be Dleased to have our call and examine our stock before purchasing. EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, ral towns in the United States and 13,000 surplus on hand, lonfi sn plptrnnHw tnt that it .I Under Opera House. PALL MILL bitten. The New York Star thinks there can be no doubt that were Lincoln now living he would be opposed to ' the monopoly policy which his par- ty has adopted. It is estimated that the wheat crop in France will amount to 100,-00- 0 000 hectolitres, or 283,700,000 bushels. As the statistics show that this is fully up to the average yield, the stories of a short crop there teem a little premature. Tho dn. sav it is barely possible EiSrs. F- - W -- IS RECEIVING HER- - Mammoth Stock of Millinery OF VEEY LATEST STYLES. -- HER- HATS.9 BONNETS. 9 FEATIi Are All Freskana Uew.SS rNQ OLD GOODb. nroverhia.1 fnr it.a hoalih ni TiDontvl and with vicrii-nc- ft wa h.T hv Aav and nitrht. n. .i,. v:Kw J. wjb,h v b. vawu wuu U UTVSkVVI against the dread scouree vellow fever. After and through the ad- - vce and direction of our nhvsicians I we put our citv in the best hv-- 1 genie state and thus while the old coon was slumberine and dead to all sense of fear because he knew that our city was clean and trusted sentinels were oa the outposts, - . I all tne tax oa the property of the i founders and the very men that he 1 invokes the death of go to pay the expenses ot all tins. Ob. duvI (Jli isnamei intoiierant. brutal! VV no, mlgnt I aSK. IS thiS man. Col. Ford, that takes the immorUl and glorious privilege of fastening I his venemous fanes and Dourinel out his scornful wrath upon the city fathers as he terms them. A ' u,cuuici iu ' miasc, a genus nomo, a species sul generis, a monster moastrc city. 1 the author of a modern decalotrne. The old gentleman has recently been toasted and gathered into the fawmncr embraces of a anlendid and chivalric oligarchy, the substance and smiles of which should have been diffused among the many, bat nevertnertneiess.examples have fur nished results as the rich blood, un- - aer certain artinciai conaiuons, is I gathered at the heart, filling that witn affluent rapture but leaving the body chilled and colorless. Qur hero who imputes to him-- self as holding the key of the fa bled "Pandora a box," his spacious sophistry italecized. Though he write or print witn ms pen or t.vn o.hnranrl with hnrn Aom nnnn the lilly leaf yet the characters are a forgery and his lofty sentiment a ahum aihila ha hancra hi t&ttarAd Lhrpda f hi nohtifal nitw and his ' rrJ filthy .rags of bigotry to pnblic gaze. Mow, Air. Jrord, we as tbe delegated power over the affairs of think you have arrogated authority I and privileges that don't belong to vou. And we would Kindiyzre- - quest you to ask yourself the two great questions, which the philoso- - Diseases PAnllar to Woman. specially monthlr disorders, am cured the timely uw of Bradfield's Female Regulator. . OA It ELESs'jtt OTHERS. Many mothers have permitted their ren to die before their eyes when might have been saved. Any r who keens house without a bet-- of Acker's Kncllsh Babv Soother band, runs a risk which she mar sometimes . ree'ret. It has saved the lives of thousands of children and is do- ing so every year." For sale by Ander- son & Co. TERR I WARN- INGS iongn in tha tnornlo?. nnrrled or difficult breathiae. raitine phlezm dgntness in the c X, qi chilliness in tWwnln night, all or any of these things are the first stages of coasumDtion. Ackers English Cough Itemed v will cure these rearrui symptoms and Is sola under positive guarantee by Anderson - Wild Cherry and Tar. Everybody knows the virtues of i Wild Cherrv and Tar as a relief and 1 I cure for anvaffanttan of the Throat and 1 Lungs. Combined with these two in- - gredienU are a. few simple healing I remedies In the competition of Dr. Bo-- sanKO'sJougb and Lung Syrup, mak ing u just tne article you snouid alway have in the house, for coughs, colds eroup ana Droncbitis. Hold by H. Ml urigsoy. 3 DO OT SUPPER ATSY LONGER. Knowing that a cough can be cheeked in a day. and iCJ first stages of con sumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Ackers JKngiun Cougn Remedy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it as per directions, ana ao not nna our statements correct. Anderson Co. Eczema, Itchy, Scaley. Skin Tortures. The simple application of "Swatnb's Ointment," without any Internal medi cine, will cure any case of Tetter. Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, dimples, Jficzema, all scaly, Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter bow obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective, na costs out a trine. TUB FIRST SYMPTOMS OF DEATH. Tired feelinsr, dull headache, pains in various 'Arts of the body, sinking at the pit ot the stomach, loss of appetite, feverish new, pimples or soreo, are all poritive evidence or poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Ack- er's English Blood Elixir ha never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold under positive guarantee. Anderson a Vo. A stitch in time saves nine, and a bottle of Ganter's Chicken Cholera Cure will save a hundred or more chick- - ns from cholera if given in time. It ia sold on the plan by Andersons to., uruggisis. Electric Bitters. lis remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special attention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song o I praise. A purer medicine does net ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Ulectnc Bitters will cure all diseases el the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other aflections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache. Con sumption and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. f rice o9 cts and Jl.00 per bottle. Warner's Loo Cabin Remedies "Sarsapar il ia," "ttouen and con sumption . iiemedy," aps and Buchu," "Extract." Hair Ton J ic," "Liver Pills," PlMt'Ts" (Porous-Electrical,- ) 'Rose Cream " for Catarrh. They are like Warner's "Tippecanoe.'' the simple, ef fective remedies of the old Log Cabin uaya. A Railroad Clerk Wakes Up and Draws $15,000. Mr. Frank Lawrence Dant held one-twenti- of ticket No. 3,894 which drew the capital prize of $300,000 in the Louisiana State Lottery, Aug. 7th. It wss collected by the Citizen's National Bank of Louisville. He Is an intelli- gent and affable gentleman, only twenty-t- wo years old and unmarried. For three years he kept books for his father, Mr. J.; N. Daut, proprietor of a large distillery of an old brand of pure Ken- tucky Whisky at Dant's station, fourteen miles from Lebanon, Ky. Harrodsburg (Ky.) Sayings and p6ings,'Aug,23. Backlen's Arnica Salve. - The h.est salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulpers.galt rheum, lever sores, chappei) bands, chilblains, corns and all skin oruptions, and positively cures plies, or no pay required. Ic is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Priee 25 cent per box. For Bale byH. M. Grigsby. may 5-- 1 y. i HOW'S TUIS. We ofter One Hundred Dollars Re- ward fur an.V case of (Vrrb tht can- not be cured by taking Hall's Cm&rrb Cure. F. J. Chunky & Co'., Props., Toledo, O. We, j'ie unilersijjned, bave known F. J. Chey,7 for the last 15 years, and be- lieve hi in 'p't-r:nl- Jfotiorable in alt bushiest trrfnsactioiip, and unancially able to carry out any obligi tiens made ,by thf ir firm. ' '. t " Wrst&Truax, Wholrsftle Drugget, Toledo, O. " Waiilfug, Kinnan'jC Marvin. Wh'.h s de VhxgH', Toledo, ,0. E. H. Von IloJSen, Ciigliii-r,- ' Toledo Nat. Bank, Toledo. O. Ilall's bts'irj "f'ure is taken Inter- nally, aiding dimply upon tjie blood and pmcus jg'irfae of the gjptem. Price 78 ctPts per pottle. Sold by all druyglst. - - gOsrpim VEINS, We bold positive proof tliat AckerV English JEljjir cures all blood bloo.1 poiw.na whfre";TCtM8aPa,1.,. ami !pd nniitiers fail. Knowing this, we Will ell it U. 'fl who call at our store rn a positive uarahteet 1ot sale by A nderson & Co. ' " ' ' Pflesl jPjlest Itching Piles. Svju rroM3--Moistu- re ; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scrarrhing. It allowed to continue tu- mors furui, which often bleed and ul- cerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed- ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. , THE FIRST SYMPTOMS OF ' DEATH- - Tired feelini. dull headache, pains in various parts of the b idy, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, pimples or sores, are all pos- itive evidence ot poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be nurifled to avoid death. Acker's Enirlish Blood Elixir has 'never" failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poi sons. Sold under positive guarantee. Anderson & Co. PAKE NTH CKIMINALLY V ' LIAfUt2- - More thin half of all deaths occur before six years of age. An army of Innocent, lovely children are swept needlessly away each year. Parents are' criminally responsible for this. The death fate of children in EnirUnd is es thart half this.' Acker's English Baby Soother JhAs done more to bring" this about than aty other causes combined. You cannot afford o h wtyioutty. Anderson A Co. m m m . aiw si u ta tAk tbe acencv of fIAUItU 11 Ail oor Safes V I Inehea; wetcht 6u lbs.; retail price ; pUer mm i alsea Ta DroDortioo. A rare ebance and per ) manent b Minna. The Safes meat a daman UW More bjiM4 by ir A Tery large majority of the news papers of the state advocated pro- - nibitiou last year. As many woaia by naye probably done so again u me Question was brought up the same an independent, non-politic- way, , ,. . . QUeBllOD, ana Usu It DOl oeaa ior luo positionhejloaders or.the cause have k ta.H5tt.na arrayea inemseives in at uw hww uoui(i1u. ..w won 01 mr' " count them on the fingers and have some to spare. They have driven democratic prohibitionists away from them forever. We have not a word to say im pngninz the motives of tboan who have heretofore acted with the dem- - ocratic party and are now suftport- - ine thrithird Dartv!candidates. We believe they are honest and think - .i .... , mtj iic uums wwi wu uw concieve to be right, yet we think .hr r m.Vinr t mi.t-- k ' o ' i .ii.nin. uomwi.w.iim iui IIMM""'" rri j i s u .us jsj-I- - . v... iBuuuesn 01 meir cauuiuai,ea. yv y voting for them they indirectly oa, , TOte for the repobUcan par-- w hnna mn --ni t J v uviu eei imj u us w gee their mistake in time and re tnni to the fold of democracy, The Knights of Pythias have taken care 01 the yellow raver sur- - ferers of their order all over the south. The first appeal to the r- - der for assistance resulted In the I.... . collection ot more money tnaa was needed to take care of the sick of the o rder and !there !are about Morton has published his letter of acceptance. It is a me-to- o sort of . document. . He simply endorses tne P,atfora given him by his par- v A. syndicate has offered in Phila phia to put up, in whole or in part, iw.uuu mat uieveiana will De eiec- - ted. Money talks. Put up or shut up, WHOLESALE. O HOfC JBI VCBII BtUVft VI WIWC ries ever opened in Giles county and we are prepared to offer merchants prices to compete with any wholesale n.ir nw warehniioni have more floor-roo- m than any other house! In tbe city and we keep them packed ntth nwvlr W an uva inn irmnw Try us with an order. Our retail trade will be supplied as usual, J. S. Childkrs A Co, OLD PAPERS FOR SALE. If von want old papers to put under rneta. to cut natterna from, to wrap UD bundles, or for any other purpose call at the Citizkn Office and get large. whole, clean papers for 40 cents per hundred. ARE YOU MADE; miserable by In eestion, Constipation, Dizzlnes, Lose I. Appetite, Yellow Skin f Shiloh'i '8 Yltallzer is a positive cure. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate re lief. Price 10 cts., CO cte., $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and uanlter-uout- n "H A CKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. tup. t?"rv. men. n. tttaytcr. of :Jkirbon, Ind says; "Both myself end wile owe our lives to atuujii'S CONSUMPTION CURE." BETTER THAN SUICIpE. Professor Arnold says: '-- incura ble dyspeptic is jusLfied in committing suicide." We will guarantee to enre any dyspeptic within three months by Acker's English, Pyepeptic Tablets. Anderson & Co. . DEATH. r. Walter K. Hammond says : "Af- - ter a long experience l bave come to the conclusion that two-thir- ds of all Sfti TOwft aS jgnarantee by Anderson & tx . VASAL INJECTOR free with Mih wi A? shiTa Sh.Krrh im. edy Price BO cents. ' ' " FOR DYSPEPSIA . and Liver Com- - J - r : i. plaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's itaUzer. It W FfH SHILOH'S CURE will immediately I relieve Croup. Whoopinir Cough and I nroocui is, Vnr nrnn, that 0m.n'a T,ivr pnig cures Headache, ask your drug Jgjat for a free trial package. Only one I or a 'dose. Regular size boxes, 25 ents, Qsvlt I M rivlrroV BETTER THAN SUICIDE Professor Arnold says : "An incur- able dyspeptic is justified in committing uloisW We will guarantee to cure any ayspepuo wiuiw lurea uiuumo uj Acker's English Dyspepais Taplets Sold by Anderson & CO. ' 1 . TERRIBLE FORE WARN- - r IN OS. Cough in the morning, hurried or Ullicuik ureaiuiuij, jtuuu uuickui, tightness in the cbest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the cvenine or sweats at night, all or any of h,es,e things are the flrst suges oi consumpupn. Acker s English Cough Remedy wflj cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Anderlon & Co. It Is with much pleasure that I am AnHr!."4 to aunounce to my friends and patrons, ana g0d people of Giles and adjoining counties' J.ht I with the old reliable boot and shoe houj? ' J. P. May fc 3ona. Messrs. J. P. and G. T May' were early Jn ' tbe Eastern cities buying and having mannfactnred, especially for this market this largest, most complete and best selected stock of $aot and Shoes ever before oflered to this trada. pealing exclusively in this line I can safely guarantee the Best goods and the lowest prices and I respectfully ask the patronage of my friends and the trade which I have served so long. With heart full ol gratitude to my old friends for past fa- vors, I am always yours truly, Rob't Shapabd. ANY LON- - DONOTSUFgPR Knowing tna W cough can be check- ed In a day.'and the first stages of con-r- u motion broken in a week, we hereby guarantee Acker's English Cough Rem edy, ana will refund tne money to all who buy, take Jt as per directions, and do not find our statements correct. Sold by Anderson & Co. Pryor'H Ointment will cure Piles, Felons, Tetter, Old Sores, Ulcers, etc. It nop only relieves but cures the worst case of Pile. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misera ble by that terrible coUgh. Shiloh's Cura is the remedy for ' you. gold by Anderson &Co. 1 PPATJ. These are the actual steps wblch fol low indicestion. Acker's Entdieb Dys pepsia Tablets wilt bote cneck and cure tbis fearful disease. Guaranteed by Anderson & Co. The time was when a chicken sick ened it passed in its checks, but, since the discovery of - Ganter's Chicken Mlholera Cure, there is not only hope 1 but acsoiue cure ior it. In th event your wooer nd it. fr..ui uu, C0Du"Zr::1 ?' the Pn halming popular ote y n 0Ter IIS GRAN 11 DKA INC T.V. "r"t'ARl' nionins in the hwii in .,,,1.1.-- . ?'. re alt i, La herehjr ho arranremen?. r'uir,l.nLM porviM w. ,, , ' Commistionert. BUU- - ott.r;0.-whio- h J.W oaroounUrs. f """ tt. M. WALMssi.rv ' " riERUE LA A tA"a Nall."1 A. BALDWIN, rt ht"le NU "ank-Pr- e. K.w n.i.... v... . tAKI' WUft, Pres. ln,ou K..t, Grand Monthly Drawing lneaday, Ootober 9th, 1S88, CAPITAL PRIZE $300,000 10;.h00 Tickets at Twenty Dollar enths $2; Twentieths $1. . tt, "!T.01' prism: j nittur (SOO.OOOia i phize or ' tsoo.ooa 1PKIZEOF Moon!"' 100 000 1 PRIZE Of 25,000 50 000 8 PRIZES 25,000 of 10,000 are. 20,000 6 PRIZES or fi.OOO are SS.000 25 PRIZES of 1,000 are S5.0OO 100 PBlZE8o 600 are M.OOO 200 PRIZES of 800 are 60,000 500 PRIZES of 800 aro 100.00a rpox,M''ou phizicb: 100 Prlzea of asoo ara tuuii 100 do 80 are 100 do 80,000 200 nre on nna TERMINAL PR1ZKS: ooo A 9 d0 100 are wm 8.184 Priios amounting to ... tl 0M giM) Nor.-Tick- eta ' drawing Capit v7jS9 lri sf'Is.. W t. s - - vius nn, or any Turther desired, write legibly to the nn- - Mor" 0l' V". H,,l,,,. and NumbaT ' m .:n surod by yoiironclorfog an Knvelope le.r mff jour lull addrosi,. tend POSTAL NOTES. kPki Money Orders, cr Now York Exehanto in o,dinar loaer. (.irrencyby taprcs ( t our c,. peuse) a.ldresi-o- to ' M. A. DAU I'll l!V, Nrw Oi I. ,., I.n or HI. A. DA I! I'll, ft, V llsllin;!,,,,, ), Addrestt ISiyitterrtl I. , iter t; NKW OKI IC V;s N A 'MO? 4.1. l; ,u New OiIiuiin, I,n a regard ami Karlj, who Bro vll l t the diwitija,isfc(rui,raiUeflol 1, if. nose and integrity, H at ihaehan ws ar,. al equal, sud that no i e u puwibij dikua what nunihor will diaw a priso. ROll JWHl:K,a-..- , that th. pjn.si.,t of is UV A ilA!'l'K'l:i bv I lll'lt N A,v2 V' uxhs nie finned by the l'r, i i.t ot oh Instituti- - n h,-- el.att(,r.kl iial.i. are recognized io the highest court.; 1 fore, beware of aoy innlulione or uuouy- - mous Hcheroos. Real Estate Agency I rosrcctfuMy colieit fmm those h. . ifiir 0r I or lent any lands. .Iwellirm. hsi. nea houaoa or lots the a me lobe plstod wi'h mo. I will advert itw and rt myself .,f tl, um upou lliourma .rs.,d upon and wiil turiiii.li all ,,d ce.d- - rcdy for su-n- a nro, chifin rn-'- y reaei.nublo oi mmikMi ns tni my si rvi.es. In c Miction with 'his I ill till eo. ii'iKi the husiiios- - ol InanrantM. lueiuir all Miildmirs and coiitcnts in fiistcluts omi, pa- ne at loard rates. KDMUNDSON & STEELS. ,(amvumAiiaai CHILISFEVERpKSili Thi ENTIEK BYSTEJt 1T A T A T4 T ja I Mt - BE hv m 0 'JIG b a snra and spesdr Onr. In tha most stnhbon onus. H UioruoKhly olBttnsss tli ,,,t4.m of Malsria,Bmtrln iiTJ.'T TOnl,l"- - When taken an dtrticld, a IS GUARANTEED. nd .hould it fa, I u lirMmJlia '? lSU,"r'"rd ' KmTB Mom rou rid l,.r it. I.T01VE it a TRIAL! Bs .ur, to ak your Drucnat for KRESS' FEVER T0NI0. frioe, t jt botUfc KRESS' FEVER TONIC CO., : ST. LOUIS, M0. Mrrrn Buns. f'. , lrvyni. Aiit HOTiiL DENECHAUD 50 T. f4 Cakolixxkt St., NKW OllLEAXS, JjA, ISfContraily locatcd'nonr Principal Tha-atr- os and Cotton Exchange. 'at go and Airy Rojm Kor Kumiliei and Commercial Travelers. TERMS MODERATE. CN Till?, - American & European Plans. lml-l- T Elk River Stock Farm I. Va WILSON, Pron'r. OBEEDEIi nf Keg. Shorthorr.B-Kee- pa al. i wnya a few ehoico yoanfrstera for sals Purity of brel euarantoed and bnvsra . 1 1, wuum uu won mo examine this herd. Ad Ires ,E. WILSON. Bryson, Tana OEAFNES Oatbortnga, Whoopinff Conh, Old Age, etc., eto., t ENTIRELY relieved by a device which la J positively invisiblo and' which has hemn recommended by avert rhvsician who haa examined it. It ia successful - caw a whpra, everv othe device or remedy has failed It may be worn six months at a lira without removing, causing no pain or Incur, ve ie oa. ror sale only oy tho nv?Dtnf , U A. WAv S7seplrn ' eri fnupoitt 6t,m, OMMERCIAL HOUSE. ON First Main Street, n ar iqiiara. New Bona, and New Fnrnitoro. FmS'frCLtSS ACCGMMOMTIOiL TERM8- -fl to ft.io par day. .VvN T- - r, KKWHiif-- , p, ,, BiiiaBassaaBBaasasissisiaaaBwisBBBaaaM4ssaMa I WANT AULfl I U TO ktLtj run . MISSOURI a- - - . , 'a r. : STEAM Washer To men or wornm of enwrr and aMI.tr, wktoapra t.nhlo sniplormtmt, ucliwlvo wrruorr win I biw trith Aannor. Tho Vt'ahr Is mada ol mstal and workt nn a nea- - prinotplo whieb sarss ialwr, cl,shunarl aoaa Bj.mple aont on awea 'a trmt to ba returned ift my epXMa0 ifino antlbfacforj. . : $600 to $2.000S-S- i3 marl t maklaa t a pbaDomtaal s.wos evorrwBwa frais tUatatrated atiwiUt aadtarou el aaa iXiliUjU a) I lliar aOLMI AVI -- ITLJ McPe'ers" P ecinlly-Op.irai.i- vo en'intn Whito'B Specialty Ujufcniol Dontintry. Offor the'r to tts peopla oi PbW t uw 'icicity. NOiBoe at the o'd i.! up-st- a. ovor Oil i ational Rank. 2foi. wiles NATIONAL Bank Of PULASKI, TENN. CAPITAL $100,000. A GENERAL EX TRANSACTS BANKING BUS3NES DIALS IK m, Silver, Banls anfl Stock S. E. RCSE, President. .TXO.S. WIT.EES. V. Pwf. J.o. D. Flaptt, Ctshier.; 5 TON WAGON SCALES, T.r He. in ud B.UB Box. i. PJ and 1 JONKS h. p... tf r.lh-- w r ! '. Trie Ll.t mentln. thi. p.rr mmt 1 ' M4nw JONES BIHBHajBTIW. awV j ilirtiam DE. C. C. ABEE1TATHY f ITlLLonUnae Hie practice of Madicine VV aod Siir?ery, and will give bi ecial at Uatioa lo the troatmoct 01 FEMALE DISEASES. Ollico on lnt Main Street, opposite tha Ob Dorn Hoare, Pulaski, Term. m 1 w FjjJ anqcr. cf Liie feHotXer CtCJiiL -- old. bv ail toil W boo;To MoijibS n.lej fn. "IT7E ADV1SK OUR FK1ENDS Wflf" V V uro in want of Furniture & Mattresses to call on or correspond with Weakley & Warren, NASHVILLE, TENN., Mi.nufuo'urers and Wholesale and Retail dualers in ail kindx of Parlor, Chamber, Dining room. Hall, l.iorary and OlEce Curbed Huir, Cotton. Cotton-to- p A Shuck TRESSES! Ppriii! und Woven Wiro Bed Fprinjr. Tby hoop she lareost. fiuoet ana bent as nrntod stek iu th eonth and at reason able piioea. All orders will have prorrpi we kley a wfiRfM. WElTCmiHAN. Hil R OF 9S c m m i SHOES $1 vi3 " TENN. T ine Work a Specialty. REPAIRING DONE test no .. And in very neatest nnd niA arable style. The Best in the Market. I HAVK on hand a seloct stock of ffand J inudo Itool 11 nd Shoes the very best poods ma)o. It paya to buy tka best. 1 ulfo keep a sto:k of custom-mad- e (roods Don't buy until you see the boat in t"wn 111 a,lo by myolf, A good lino of LADIES' SHOES. 20jar.-- tf OWEN CALLAHAN. MW JllU 111 " J.UJSl JU 3?gpj 4 SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Is entire!', vvrcluoio preparation containlnir no Aien;uryt i'oU&h, Arsctiic, orothcr poisouoaa substances. " " l"Si SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Has cured hunclrcds of caws of Kplthelloma or Canrerof thcSkin.tliouriniidsof casosof Kcma. IMond Humors and bkiu Bisc-aws- , and nun. drcda of thnusaiuls of cases of Scrofula, Blood Poison, and lilood Tuint. BWIFT'S SPECIFIC lias relieved thousands nf cases nf Mercurial Poisoning, Kbeumalism, and Stiffness of the Joints. What Physicians sat or TnK Swift Specific We append tho statement of a few: 'I liavo iwil S. S. S. on patients convalescing from fever nnd fiom ineasles with the best result J. N. I.HE.'.Ev, M. 1). Kllavillu, Oa. BnEjicv, Ca. Willie White was afflicted with eer..fuh ! veil year". I irescritxjd S. . S., aud hu ia a fat uud roliust txiy. C. W. Parker, M. D. 1!iciim-in:- , Va.. Dec. T5, 18S5. 1 have taken three b,i'.ik of Swift's t)ecific, for sonlary blond iws,.'i.. J ort much r than potash or uliy other rtmiily 1 have ever used. B. F. W iNriELD, M.n Book on Contn'ious Blood Poison mailed free. All drii- - 'ists fe S. S. S. Th SwrrT Srecino Co., Ii rawer a, Atlanta, Ca. I'cw York, 759 Bruadwar. , " LYm GODEFROY, Wiiteli-M-iik- er AND West Side Square. -- C. B WriKKIVCK THOS. PARSES a CO., M.r.u'tJrtr, fronts for the saie-o- f Engines, Boilers, 0T'bl9 or 8tolior ary, Saw Mi'llc, Corn Mill3. Weed Wcrkiner Hacliiiiery ip'iwf fi, hftfuiu rumps, jji'tc Hi 2 No-- Elcd-- , Nasbvfflt?. Tcda 6aii(t8m TO THR Ladies of Pulaski m GILjSCGUNTY. WK aoliult your attention and patronata in tho DliESSM i KING bu. noss. Wa promisji to r,ve BiisisoMon. (VII ami civ os a trio.!. Yon wiil hud us 11'. Mrs.' Loo ttisham's old s and on 3rd streut. Very Kespecttolly Mir VI L (SHORT, I lSeplm MiaaM L PJCKSOS, two ;other appointments for Mr. Lamb in this county. ; Yellow Fever. Tl, . r l.l.l auo icuuim liuu bioij '""""j : t, :.u .. rT . ' , !. 11. Tk.l """""i nto u"u,,w UK new rtnAa rpnortnn at I 1 1 T T A :tU ontaouimuo x uGoutiy nivu mu s -- . t ....I ucatuo. luenuuiuun uwui . li n An I a -- ::"r " ' v. ir" x mCDv.jt u,ulu.uB u v that were thought to be yellow fe ver. One death Tuesday. Eighteen cases were under trearment and it was thought two of them would certainly be dead by morning. Memphis, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge.Shrevesport and other towns I Ifl l I .Ji A l wnicu aeciarea in iavor 01 non-- 1 intercourse, says the N. O. Times Democrat, somehow or other have I comerounaio me opinion mat me danser is not so terrific as thev had sunD08ed. In MemDhis this con- -l elusion seems to have been reached in conseonence of the "ansnicious" K I case of fever which o ccurred there, and which turned out to be noth ing more than a case of too much whisky. this same suspicious case is well known to many Pulaskians. He had a similar attack here last year when there was no yellow tever in tne country. more man i .jti . I gretiuuy, mat is iney regrei naving endorsed for him for certain small I sums of money. They would re-- I ara mm as a suspicious case 11 ne snouia return. it is positively asserted by cnair- - swatt of the democratic com I of Illinois that the repabli- - cans are importing negro voters m- - to that state. He does not deal in glittering generalities, but gives names and dales and places. As a result, .the members of the Hen dricks League throughout the state nave been instructed to pay par ticular attention to this subject and to secure the names and residence ot every colored man who comes into their respective territores. The re- - publicans are playing a desperate game, not omy in iiimoia, out irom i oca ena oi tne union 10 me otner, Avalanche, There is a very general belief that this year, 1888 89, wiil be the busiest the whole country has known for years, the Southern States especialiy. Speculation will run high, ana, wnue there may not uc ouuiici uuuui iu aguEuituiBi ui i mineral lands or City, real estate, prices will be mantined, Mem- - puis appeal. i Ben Harrison said in a speech at Til inat hefr.ro tha November election in 1876. that the Irish were fit only to shovel dirt, grade railroads and stock state prisons. He will find in this good year of loss that they are fit to vote the democratic ticket against their yillifiers. Dr. Ifelley, who has recently re turned from a third party cam paign in East Tennessee, in answer toa reporter said; "I think it safe to say that some are convinced From this mihj way pf putting it one would not think that the doc-- 1 tor is very sanguine. . . 7777. TT I If there were any little yellow ie- - "Jroueo mjiiiB out of doors without their overcoats on several mornings recently they must have felt like they naeded a corning nip mighty bad to warm them pp, The New York democrats are ac-- 1 tive, alert and very hopeful. They are a unit, and with Gov. Hill forj their leader say they will carry the Cleveland and - Thurman ticket through by a plurality of not less than 25,000, and perhaps of 0,000 Appeal The big Tennessee fair came to a close Saturday evening. The un settled condition of the public mi id on account of yellow fever excitement detracted greatly from tbe attendance vet financially it was a success. We can't understand why West Virginia should be classified as a uOubtful State. Tt haa anna Aamn. o cause for it to go back on this record this year. Mrs. Stillwaggon. of Flusfeln?. L. I , who celebrated her one hundred and third birth day last week, is sun hearty and talks of writing a dook. tier tongue is still wagin, The chairman of the New York democratic state committee claima a plurality io that state for Clev- e- land and Hill of from 20.000 t0 30.00U. Frost has fallen in the vincinity of Nashville as early as Sept. 14. i ms was in ia$7. During September the public debt was reduced $11,247,025. Peaths. A little daughter, three years old, of Mr. Frank Roller died in this place last Monday. On Big creek, Wednesday 26th, ult., Mrs. Jas. . Tucker, At Simpson's chapel, 28th, ult, Mr. Lemuel Grubhs died - of con- sumption. At Vale Mills, 2Sth, ult., Mrs. Riley. Mr. Polk English.'a. daoghter, about 16 or 18 years old, died of heart desease last Thursday night. She had been sick a long time. Died, in Pulaski, Monday Octo ber 1st, of cQsgestloa of the bow els, Annie, daughter of Mr. M. C. Camody .aged b years, months and 11 days. Burial at Maplewooa ceme tery luesday at 3 o clock, p. m Services by Jtcvs. Messrs. Collier and Wilson. WO peaca crop is about ex hausted, Twv are fery itififr puy au ages u cnuonreu ju er's Enelish Cough Remedy were only solve jthe jtwo Questions as applied carefully used in time." This wonder-t- o yourself; ."Where am I and ful remedy is sold under a positive exvrenti I ior our irtme u w amount pnid out for advertising is taken pay ior me suvi-,iiiu- -- j fnrnaar patrons a-- , tli trado generally I OflMNQN. INERY liberal pjist patronage, I respectfully Mrs. F. W. RUDD. GRIGSBY BIS DRUGGISTS, KEEP A LARGE STOCK OF School Books, , Stationery, Paints, OiI& J Variilslies, PULASKI, TEN. TELEPHONE NO. S Q ian2Mi PALE SICKLY tU.TT.'ia LOOKING CHIlGfi iiibject to SPASMS are tno.t IlkeiT troubled witl Wll R II ? The b""1 remedy 'or this In the celebrate' Been 0 rears in uwand never fail. )bere panic larlj that the initials ere B. A. thus aToiding- - imitation rrHE CITIZKN ia the boat paper pub'ished X in this oountj . We desire and endeavor to make it a welcome viKitor each weuk It ia in tact a paper that onitht to be found in the home of every resident of the cu'inty At the same time, in this proei osi vo ago every farnior should have at hm firot--i lo at least one eood, clan, pure, non sectional uffnultcural journal, in addition to Inn home paper; one devoted to all 'he purmuts in which he is engaged. Ho ncoda it tor him self. He Leeds it for his aona and daughters who are growing into manhood ami worn nil. hood, and to whom a paper of this churuc ter la of incalculable benefit. Can lie Afford It? Read Our Proposition.- -! To all pubecribsis who are in arears on subscription who wilt pay all du- - a and ne year in advance, and to all now nib scribers who will pay one years subscrip tion in advance, we will make- a presmt of one year's fo'jMnption to huco an bt'cui tnral paper Bit wo described aoove. it is none other than tes ah mm. A large fe monthly ronjazino, hind aomely illustrated, n.jutly priuied. loidod pated and trimmod. It is publisher! a Fort Wayne, lnd.,and has for itaoMfjCt the betterment ot the condition ot tjie r aimer, the Uardnor, the Hcroe-brceo- the Dairy- man, tha Shepherd, the ponltrjmun, and tlioir houeeholda, ao matter whera thoy live, whether IP the east, west, north or south It is a paper ot uo'.ionsl circulation, gomse into every state and territory as well asm all the provinces ol the D, minion of Cana da Tbia is the opportunity ol a lifetime. The regular subscription price of THE AMERICAN FARMER is 1 per yeer, but both papers will be sent far the price of one- - Call at this olfioe and see sample copius of this popular agruu toral paper and yon will be sure to take advantage of this magnifi- cent oaev. Iftftplf tar; Sdi uhii'.i kiL WmQBuford et altTvs Gil T Bnford.jr. et a is. OURSUANT to a decree of the chancery I L court ot Ulles county in the above cause I will sell on Tuesday. October 16Ui. 1888, at peblio sale to the highest bidder on the premise", on a credit of one, two and three years with iulerest from the day of salo, the tract ot land mentioned in the pleadings situated in tbe 12th civil district of county on Kiciil&nd Cfeek, pop;aining 27 aores, being tha same set a part to the wid- ow of the late Albert Iiuford, doo'd, out of the lands of her deceased husband is home- stead and dowert said lands will be first Id in lots a d then ai a whole and the bid realizing the most money will be aocepted. 'his is a tery disirable tiact of land in a good neighborhood ri'.l m&ko a desira-bl- o " ' ' homa for aoy op. Purohaf.eri replied to eaecuto rotciwith good and solvent pcrsonsi iurity and a lien will be retained open the land for the patmntoftho purchase money. Kept. 8rd ISSs- - J B 8TACY C te M. rrmzsrsBfBBHW, v ben Baby was sick, we pare her Ourtoria, Alien she wag a Child, ahe cried for Castoria, "ben 'she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, JVhen ahe had Children, ahe them Castoria, in the whirligig vt politics, that :.t.- - . TTris"nnr Adkirri Will 1!C UCHUTI - M - im tn tl.o United btates sena tnr Whatth possibility is babed on 'wo dou'tknow. Yet everything is poseibla'Jn politics AUhough "Old Hutch" cornered the boys pretty badly in Chi-- of cargo aaJ beat them out many miiii.ins of dollars by a system of comr-sulsion- , they can t kick, tor each and every one ot tnem is tn- - top1 in the same Dusinesa ar.d would have jobhed Hutchison iu the same way if he could. It seems to be geuerally conceded that New York tool New Jersey are certain to go democratic and thai, the hardest battle will be fought in Indiana, with Connecticut next. Senator Voorhees will speak in In- diana every day from the 8th of next month until election. He is an able stumper and his licks will be sure" to tt 11. Avalanche. Cholera is raging to an alarming cxtCDt in CtiiDa. A late steamship arrival reports that excessive heat, lias prevailed tbrougout China, and thit a scourge of cholera, the intense heat, is carrying off thousands of people in various tiarta of the country. A cattle plague is also prevailing, and ani- - cials are dyeing by the wholesale. The MeMinnville Standard thinks that while the third party may somewhat lessen the majority of one or the other of the old par- lies in some portions of the state it doesn't tluuk either of tha old parties have anything to. fear from it. Nevertheless it is well enough th kei-- an eye on this movement rand warn democrats not to be led )fl by it. Oov. Taylor has snrprised many of his warmest supporters and most intimate ftiends by the manner in which he has 'conducted the pres- ent campaign. .Those who regarded lioli Taylor a o"nly a jJb' iuimit able yarn teller, and a ruptty good left-hande- d ti.lder and a'sp'ndid miinmic, have been agreeably sur- prised to find that he is capable of handling great national questions in a masterly way and thut he has developed into a statesman of the highest order. We don't understand that a rep- resentative who is instructed in primary election as to choice! be- tween Harris and Adkins is bound solely and singly to one or tbe oth- -r to the end. We understand that if it should turn out that neith- er of these men can lie elected the representative would be free to vote for another man. We say this in view of a possible deadlock be- tween these two distinguished gen- tlemen. The question of who the candi- dates for the legislature were in fa vor of for U. S. senator was not dis- cussed that we heard ot in Giles county. We dorut know, therefore, as it has been assumed, how it is that tis question has been settled. '6iirjly because two men were clett d at thu primary who may be for one man or another, without the is sue being raised or discussed, does not indicate what the will of the peo- ple is. A primary is the fair way to eettle tbn question. The Nashville" American utters words of wisdom when it says: "'The democracy of Tennessee, as vre see it, is in good working order, and the democratic majority will be large. It is to be regretted that a few democrats are throwing their votes away on tbe prohibition cat- - didates. tor people who believe in prohibition and hope some day to see it succeed, it is a strange course. as it necessaarily creates in the minds of partisans a prejudice from which the cause will scarcely ever recover." It is a very common thing for everybody to abnse railroads for their monopolies and exhorbitant iiiscrimfcations, and no one will deny that they are a little grinding at times, yet lt us, while we abuse them for their wrong doing some- times, give them credit for noble and charitable deeds at time. The railroad companies, especially the south, have shown that they re not altogether soaiiess. They liave done an immense amount of charity work during the recent ' yellow fever troubles. They have tiever lefused to assist those af- flicted people even without money nd without prire. They have risked nhcir lives to alleviate the condi- tion of otheis and bave done rnucb 'or which they should be praised, Thanking my friends for their ask a of the same. 18eplm Insolvent Notice. rTAVTNaaiitrcr.lslc.il to the Connty Court tl of Giles county th" innolvancy of the estate of O B. Ko, .tecM, notioe ia.horeby (Civen to all peron ho'.d'r e claiti.a against said estate to file them duly aothent;eatod as the law directs, on or against March 7th, 1889. or they will bo forever barnd. FIELD ABR'way.iTfI, AdminiKtrator. tereona holdicff claims rgainst the ALL J. K. B. Jaraea will please present them, duly authenticated, on or before the Uth day ot March, 1SS9. and all persons owing Bai.lJ- - f. B. James will come for- ward at once and settle. w j aMEj, 27sr4t Adminitrator. Non-Eeslde- nt JTotice. Fannie EvAna, oil , In Cireuit Court at PnlaKki Samuel Evans, col.,) this cause it appeariDjr to the saiistao-tio- n of the clerk, frem an affidavit to the bill, that the defendant, Samuel Evans, is a non-resid- ent of the state of Tennessee so that tbe ordinary process of ihis court can not be cerved upon h,m. It is therefore or- dered "that publication be made for four weekaTnthe iulaski Citizen, a newspaper puolishcdin the town of Pulaski, in suid state, lequiring the defendant to be and ap-Oi- a firt dav ot the next terra of the Mr..n,t Mnrt to be held for the county of Qilets at the court houf in Pulaski, on the first Monday In December next, and answer plaintiffs bill or the fame will be taken for confessed as to him and aet for hearing ex J. w. Buairii, parte. 4oct4t Clerk. County Court Sale. TnRfTT TT r tn a decree of the County r nf Oilea county' in the cauee of b. Adm'r. and bthors, vs J C Moon. Trustee, I will Fell to the highest bidder at public sale, On Saturday, Qc. 27 h, 1888, the tract of lapd belonttiag to the estate of G u t.J j.. .itnnted on Pieeon boost creek, in the 12 b civil dtotnet of tiH .H,ni!n the lands of W C Douffh WS nhanman. W W le 'and others, .nntVininir abcut 118 ares, buiir the same . f nr.. r, l,i h eaid O K iioss was roaidir.g at the time of hi doath. TEKMS: Baid land . ill be sold f.ee from tbe right .... . nrn.it nf 8. 12 and 24 month. t.th interest from the day ot a,e. Notes with approved ajcunt re- quired of purl naHora and a lien rota ued lor the purchase money. 4octtd WILL 8. IZfcLL, Clerk. Dissolution Notice. 8tate of Tennessee I Ourty I A'noio all Men by these rrcseuti: 'I'llAT the partnerHhip liortorore existing I between the understood. J SvV1 ,,n. Noble BmilhsnVi, 1 N ,.j ii,a firm name of V ale Mills r, ;. ,i0',ini by mu ual co3t7 Bid-- J Smithron Noble Smithson and W T iliver relir.DP, and aaid I N f?mitfn continuing the humness. Said 1 N t?milhon has authority to cplloet all debts due th firm, Pd piUio a" debut agnlnst tl,c "rrJj" fjyjf flHON, W.T ouvru. gept. 87, 1K33- - J. a. RMrfilSN, 4octi 1 N. SMITBSON. Ml . I Siiti) TNVITE THEIR CUSTOMERS TO X inspect their PALL and WINTER Milliner Y Ladies will find ALL .THE HEW STYLES (hat taote aod f8hlon can devise in the i 4 way' oi CasAwere Jiid4on, Feather and other UOoda. ' Bonnets Hats in piusb, , Velvet and Fet, and ATTRACTIVE GOODS V ,11 linds." Withhank8 for the liberal patr.B- - see we nave aiway a nsu, we hoLie to derve more in fui are. Iff fl At W what am 1? ' We, the council, wumu enquire, uavc you uunu restine Dlace for vour lever thaU Archimjaes said if he lad hecoufd turn the world put oi its angles f Haya you discoyed the Orst ceil out " wlmh tha nniffer8fi ba- - . h(Bn Avnlvwi? Have veto d seopered that - matter was saturated with some. thin? else which thoueh it mieht ese.ana the nhsprvation ouraensea is. r- - ' nevertheless, bound up with it, wna cauea mma who iorce ac.- - ingwith it producing Cflanges of which we become conscious and which we are accustomed to call life and that an unchangeable law gov ems mind and matter? We would further askiias it been .disclosed to you the ideal of perfection and which man collectively is bound to reach ia a future time? Now, with ttue&e few remarks as pointers we cloe with this to say: fRnt. fhnan mwtriAtl Avar lilfA'tfiA m.lA. org of heaven, All of one nature, of one substance bred, Did lately meet tn the Intestine shock, Should now in , mutual, well-becomi- ng ranks marcb all one way." Take this as the barrel thrown to the whale. Thi Council. Mr. Rivers' Appointments. JJlouraoy Rivers, the democratic nominee for presidential elector for ;th,e 7th congressional strict of Tennessee, will address his fellow, citizens upon the issues of the cam- paign at the places and on the dates named in the followjng schedule. Speaking will begin as nearly as possible at 1 o'clock, p. m. A di- vision of time will be granted the representatives of any other politi cai parties, Dixon Station, Oct. 8: Charlotte. Oct. 9; Qintreville, Oct. 10; WMtfield,Oct.Jl: utna, Oct. 12- - ' ' FraDklin, Oct. 15; College Grove, Oct. 16; Hillsboro, Oct. 17; Spring Hill, Oct. 18; CuUeca,pct. 19; Columbia, Oct. 20; Mt. Pleasant, Oct. 22; St. Joseph, Oct. 23; Prospect, Oct. 26: Ljnnville,Oct 27.; Diana, Oct. 39; Bunker HU1, Oct. 30; Elk ton, Oct. 91 i Marbute, Nov. 1 ; Bodenham, Nov. 2 ; . CampbeUsville, Nov. 3; Pulaski. Noy. There has been noactualjncreaae in the price of wheat with .wholesale dealers tn Chicago, yejt the price of! bread has advanced o that city one cent per loat and the proba bilities are that it will scon go up another notch. The recent wild gambling in futures gives tbe ba kers a seeming excuse for this rise. This sort of speculation always damages the poor man in some way or other, white fey men gobble tne spo;ja. They bad a big sVfr r. I f XT -- V.

The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.) 1888-10-04 [p ]."V"OXj. so. THE XTXJiJBJSli: OITIZSlsI Our State Senator. Answer to the FordDecaloene. I W. B. Lamb of Lincoln county, f. n I4

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Page 1: The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.) 1888-10-04 [p ]."V"OXj. so. THE XTXJiJBJSli: OITIZSlsI Our State Senator. Answer to the FordDecaloene. I W. B. Lamb of Lincoln county, f. n I4

THE XTXJiJBJSli: OITIZSlsI"V"OXj. so.Answer to the FordDecaloene. IOur State Senator.

W. B. Lamb of Lincoln county, f . n I4 ATTORNEY "AT LAW U' ,'

'JMfih--l Coiic-tcriuCIi:.nccry-.

I 1pJ , n J JO m rf ...7,.. - iJdJHLAPS. D. McOOi

the democratic nominee for senatorrora the counties of Lincoln and the

Giies.addressed a large crowd fromhe north side of the court house in i

P.,lobl loot f,l Tha rnvil ftrntwas perfectly carried'away with this ofbrilliant yonng orator and it was

THURSDAY- - OCT 4, IB iS rag ' ' " LLL- ?- '. ...A A M. N Vl HITS.. ..II .,. ,. II - II. 1

bdiiua Sbti LitUry Ccontf

Asa-- ;;'... il u,.If from J. U. CANNt)N you buy your Po rts and Shoes,lie will guarantee you never have the blue.the almost universal verdict of It has been said that the editor Py coiors, uguwng ub uwuuc...-thos- e

present that he made the best of said parwr was a crank; be it so, to party. How many of the press


R. Q. Mills was renominatedMonday for congress from Texas.This is Lis ninth time. ,

Cslifornians are delighted over

President Cleveland's approval of

the Chinese restriction bill.

No bolting; no scratching; no

kicking. Vote the ticket "from

eeod to eand" from Clevela-u-


Editob Citizen : Will you be sokind as to publish our defense "as

city fathers of Pulaski," havehafnra th

readers of the Giles County Demo- -i

M i (: nf anifidM tn the trnna I

the private as well as publio in- -

terest of Pulaski.

we as the municipal authority i"Pulaski, feel that in defense of

citizens and the good reputa--tion of our town that we shouldmake a reply to Col. Ford, for innearly or quite every issue of hispaper we are censured in scathing I

lass issue, --no pains are taken 6your city authorities to order drain- - J

age, sewerage or even decent side--walks. They are dead to every--

. . . . Ituns navinff a tendenev to imnrove .".. . " J . rtte 10 ay re9Pct; nothing ofany importance to the city is sue- -

,j 1 i m Iyen unu 1 1 v mm v iiiHmiiHr f 1 1 li h. i.. J .nmrfl. Tnov Tnpef. anrl Anm

tariff speech that has been made buthere during the canvass. His ar-- (ofguments were plain, forcible and I ourlogical. All who met Mr. Lamb I

while here are well pleased withLincoln's nominee and be will be I

uuiversally supported by the lilies l

NOW HAND THET v quality of

Ever brought to this market, which weJPrtces.



democracy, we fpabliaa to-d- ay iroewric. 1 wm quote urn in tne 1


will sell at Greatly ReducedAlso,


& SLIPPER!k n u inw uilly kept


Of every etvle quality and I I 111 DDE! I " A ani a11

. . J .--iiMiao. iuev uu noi uou lur ic

- . - . aw. . s k wprice. We hav6 aisotw


The Methodist annual conference-- ;n nnnvenp. at Fayetteville on tnei7,i, Kowcrsl trom Pula6ki wul beA t VU. 1

there. .

Pipe weeks more will eeltla theint.httt is. bv how large a

majority Cleveland and Thurmanare elected. ,

Hon. Josiah Patterson nrgesj ,mn(,ru to vote the straight tick- -

That is-- w.il ih imt through.tl, nilthe way for democrats to do,

No order in the country ismore liberally to the call

v.. v,oin fmm the vellowferers than the Knights of Pythias,

If there were any little refugeeTttir.mhrnlavins? around loose Tues

ithout a blanket theycertainlv got their toes a little frost


We have tried many of the adveri it. thmhiMK mvui9i iiava tnaaeA hn. atrio.tlv nsrenresented.tised foods and find that the enormousout of the roods ana tne consumer nas io

mn a fnw onnrnnriitinm fnr7 " . . : rK' r

woea.Dnc,es'talk iittIe bontPng ?qurt gun to pnt outnre, ana a mule and waeon to Haul

w Iurn. uu ruuuieu lur vu cuy. xnereis not a kve man on the board."Andfurther on he concludes the best I

thing for Pulaski just at this time I

would be some first class funerals I

and the daces of the deceased filledbv live men. A scarrilona criticism I

on our noble 'founders, nrofiremtors !.... - " Vand their descendants, who haveplanned, laid off and perpetuatedone of the most beautiful and taste-- 1

we have stopped dealing in advertised goous.

We would be Dleased to have ourcall and examine our stock before purchasing.

EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE,ral towns in the United States and 13,000 surplus on hand,

lonfi sn plptrnnHw tnt that it .I Under Opera House.

PALL MILLbitten.

The New York Star thinks therecan be no doubt that were Lincoln

now living he would be opposed to'

the monopoly policy which his par-

ty has adopted.

It is estimated that the wheatcrop in France will amount to 100,-00- 0

000 hectolitres, or 283,700,000

bushels. As the statistics show

that this is fully up to the average

yield, the stories of a short crop

there teem a little premature.

Tho dn. sav it is barely possible


Mammoth Stock of MillineryOF VEEY LATEST STYLES.

-- HER-


Are All Freskana Uew.SS rNQ OLD GOODb.

nroverhia.1 fnr it.a hoalih ni TiDontvland with vicrii-nc- ft wa h.T hv Aavand nitrht. n. .i,. v:Kw J.wjb,h v b. vawu wuu U UTVSkVVIagainst the dread scouree vellowfever. After and through the ad- -vce and direction of our nhvsicians I

we put our citv in the best hv-- 1

genie state and thus while the oldcoon was slumberine and dead toall sense of fear because he knewthat our city was clean and trustedsentinels were oa the outposts,

- . Iall tne tax oa the property of the i

founders and the very men that he 1

invokes the death of go to pay theexpenses ot all tins. Ob. duvI (Jli

isnamei intoiierant. brutal!VV no, mlgnt I aSK. IS thiS man.

Col. Ford, that takes the immorUland glorious privilege of fastening I

his venemous fanes and Dourinelout his scornful wrath upon thecity fathers as he terms them. A

' u,cuuici iu 'miasc, a genus nomo, a species sulgeneris, a monster moastrc city. 1

the author of a modern decalotrne.The old gentleman has recentlybeen toasted and gathered into thefawmncr embraces of a anlendid andchivalric oligarchy, the substanceand smiles of which should havebeen diffused among the many, batnevertnertneiess.examples have furnished results as the rich blood, un- -

aer certain artinciai conaiuons, is I

gathered at the heart, filling thatwitn affluent rapture but leavingthe body chilled and colorless.

Qur hero who imputes to him--

self as holding the key of the fabled "Pandora a box," his spacioussophistry italecized. Though hewrite or print witn ms pen ort.vn o.hnranrl with hnrn Aom nnnnthe lilly leaf yet the characters area forgery and his lofty sentiment aahum aihila ha hancra hi t&ttarAd

Lhrpda f hi nohtifal nitw and his' rr Jfilthy .rags of bigotry to pnblicgaze. Mow, Air. Jrord, we as tbedelegated power over the affairs of

think you have arrogated authority I

and privileges that don't belong tovou. And we would Kindiyzre- -quest you to ask yourself the twogreat questions, which the philoso- -

Diseases PAnllar to Woman.specially monthlr disorders, am cured

the timely uw of Bradfield's FemaleRegulator. .

OA It ELESs'jtt OTHERS.Many mothers have permitted their

ren to die before their eyes whenmight have been saved. Anyr who keens house without a bet--

of Acker's Kncllsh Babv Sootherband, runs a risk which she mar

sometimes . ree'ret. It has saved thelives of thousands of children and is do-ing so every year." For sale by Ander-son & Co.


iongn in tha tnornlo?. nnrrled ordifficult breathiae. raitine phlezmdgntness in the c X, qichilliness in tWwnlnnight, all or any of these things are thefirst stages of coasumDtion. AckersEnglish Cough Itemed v will cure theserearrui symptoms and Is sola underpositive guarantee by Anderson -

Wild Cherry and Tar.Everybody knows the virtues of i

Wild Cherrv and Tar as a relief and1

Icure for anvaffanttan of the Throat and 1

Lungs. Combined with these two in--gredienU are a. few simple healing I

remedies In the competition of Dr. Bo--sanKO'sJougb and Lung Syrup, making u just tne article you snouid alwayhave in the house, for coughs, coldseroup ana Droncbitis. Hold by H. Mlurigsoy. 3


Knowing that a cough can be cheekedin a day. and iCJ first stages of consumption broken in a week, we herebyguarantee Ackers JKngiun CougnRemedy, and will refund the money toall who buy, take it as per directions,ana ao not nna our statements correct.Anderson Co.

Eczema, Itchy, Scaley. SkinTortures.

The simple application of "Swatnb'sOintment," without any Internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter. SaltRheum, Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores,dimples, Jficzema, all scaly, Itchy SkinEruptions, no matter bow obstinate orlong standing. It is potent, effective,na costs out a trine.


Tired feelinsr, dull headache, pains invarious 'Arts of the body, sinking at thepit ot the stomach, loss of appetite,feverish new, pimples or soreo, are allporitive evidence or poisoned blood.No matter how it became poisoned itmust be purified to avoid death. Ack-er's English Blood Elixir ha neverfailed to remove scrofulous or syphiliticpoisons. Sold under positive guarantee.Anderson a Vo.

A stitch in time saves nine, and abottle of Ganter's Chicken Cholera Curewill save a hundred or more chick- - nsfrom cholera if given in time. It iasold on the plan byAndersons to., uruggisis.

Electric Bitters.lis remedy is becoming so well

known and so popular as to need nospecial attention. All who have usedElectric Bitters sing the same song o I

praise. A purer medicine does net exist and it is guaranteed to do all that isclaimed. Ulectnc Bitters will cure alldiseases el the Liver and Kidneys, willremove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum andother aflections caused by impure blood.

Will drive Malaria from the systemand prevent as well as cure all Malarialfevers. For cure of Headache. Consumption and Indigestion try ElectricBitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed,or money refunded. frice o9 cts andJl.00 per bottle.

Warner's Loo CabinRemedies "Sarsapar ilia," "ttouen and consumption . iiemedy,"

aps and Buchu,""Extract." Hair TonJ ic," "Liver Pills,"

PlMt'Ts" (Porous-Electrical,- ) 'RoseCream " for Catarrh. They are likeWarner's "Tippecanoe.'' the simple, effective remedies of the old Log Cabinuaya.

A Railroad Clerk Wakes Upand Draws $15,000.

Mr. Frank Lawrence Dant held one-twenti-

of ticket No. 3,894 whichdrew the capital prize of $300,000 in theLouisiana State Lottery, Aug. 7th. Itwss collected by the Citizen's NationalBank of Louisville. He Is an intelli-gent and affable gentleman, only twenty-t-

wo years old and unmarried. Forthree years he kept books for his father,Mr. J.; N. Daut, proprietor of a largedistillery of an old brand of pure Ken-

tucky Whisky at Dant's station, fourteenmiles from Lebanon, Ky. Harrodsburg(Ky.) Sayings and p6ings,'Aug,23.

Backlen's Arnica Salve.- The h.est salve in the world for cuts,bruises, sores, ulpers.galt rheum, leversores, chappei) bands, chilblains, cornsand all skin oruptions, and positivelycures plies, or no pay required. Ic isguaranteed to give perfect satisfactionor money refunded. Priee 25 centper box. For Bale byH. M. Grigsby.may 5-- 1 y.

i HOW'S TUIS.We ofter One Hundred Dollars Re-

ward fur an.V case of (Vrrb tht can-not be cured by taking Hall's Cm&rrbCure. F. J. Chunky & Co'.,

Props., Toledo, O.We, j'ie unilersijjned, bave known F.

J. Chey,7 for the last 15 years, and be-

lieve hi in 'p't-r:nl- Jfotiorable in altbushiest trrfnsactioiip, and unanciallyable to carry out any obligi tiens made,by thf ir firm. '

'. t " Wrst&Truax,Wholrsftle Drugget, Toledo, O." Waiilfug, Kinnan'jC Marvin.

Wh'.h s de VhxgH', Toledo, ,0.E. H. Von IloJSen, Ciigliii-r,- '

Toledo Nat. Bank, Toledo. O.Ilall's bts'irj "f'ure is taken Inter-

nally, aiding dimply upon tjie bloodand pmcus jg'irfae of the gjptem.Price 78 ctPts per pottle. Sold by alldruyglst. - - gOsrpim

VEINS,We bold positive proof tliat AckerV

English JEljjir cures all blood

bloo.1 poiw.na whfre";TCtM8aPa,1.,.ami !pd nniitiers fail. Knowingthis, we Will ell it U. 'fl who call atour store rn a positive uarahteet 1otsale by A nderson & Co. ' " ' '

Pflesl jPjlest Itching Piles.Svju rroM3--Moistu- re ; intense itching

and stinging; most at night; worse byscrarrhing. It allowed to continue tu-mors furui, which often bleed and ul-

cerate, becoming very sore. Swayne'sOintment stops the itching and bleed-ing, heals ulceration, and in most casesremoves the tumors. Dr. Swayne &Son, Philadelphia. ,


Tired feelini. dull headache, pains invarious parts of the b idy, sinking at thepit of the stomach, loss of appetite,

pimples or sores, are all pos-

itive evidence ot poisoned blood. Nomatter how it became poisoned it mustbe nurifled to avoid death. Acker'sEnirlish Blood Elixir has 'never" failedto remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold under positive guarantee.Anderson & Co.


More thin half of all deaths occurbefore six years of age. An army ofInnocent, lovely children are sweptneedlessly away each year. Parentsare' criminally responsible for this. Thedeath fate of children in EnirUnd is esthart half this.' Acker's English BabySoother JhAs done more to bring" thisabout than aty other causes combined.You cannot afford o h wtyioutty.Anderson A Co.

m m m . aiw si u ta tAk tbe acencv offIAUItU 11 Ail oor SafesV I Inehea; wetcht 6u lbs.; retail price ; pUermm ialsea Ta DroDortioo. A rare ebance and per

) manent bMinna. The Safes meat a damanUW More bjiM4 by ir

A Tery large majority of the newspapers of the state advocated pro--nibitiou last year. As many woaia bynaye probably done so again u meQuestion was brought up the same

an independent, non-politic-way, , ,. . .QUeBllOD, ana Usu It DOl oeaa ior luopositionhejloaders or.the cause have kta.H5tt.na arrayea inemseives in


uw hww uoui(i1u. ..wwon 01 mr' "count them on the fingers and havesome to spare. They have drivendemocratic prohibitionists awayfrom them forever.

We have not a word to say impngninz the motives of tboan whohave heretofore acted with the dem- -

ocratic party and are now suftport- -

ine thrithird Dartv!candidates. Webelieve they are honest and think

- .i .... ,mtj iic uums wwi wu uwconcieve to be right, yet we think.hr r m.Vinr t mi.t--k' o 'i .ii.nin.uomwi.w.iim iui IIMM""'"rri j i s u

.us jsj-I- - . v...iBuuuesn 01 meir cauuiuai,ea. yv y

voting for them they indirectlyoa, , TOte for the repobUcan par--

w hnna mn --ni tJ v uviu eei imj u us w

gee their mistake in time and retnni to the fold of democracy,

The Knights of Pythias havetaken care 01 the yellow raver sur--ferers of their order all over thesouth. The first appeal to the r--der for assistance resulted In theI.... .collection ot more money tnaa wasneeded to take care of the sick ofthe o rder and !there !are about

Morton has published his letterof acceptance. It is a me-to- o sortof. document.. He simply endorsestne P,atfora given him by his par-

vA. syndicate has offered in Phila

phia to put up, in whole or in part,iw.uuu mat uieveiana will De eiec--

ted. Money talks. Put up or shut up,


ries ever opened in Giles county andwe are prepared to offer merchantsprices to compete with any wholesale

n.ir nw warehniioni havemore floor-roo- m than any other house!In tbe city and we keep them packedntth nwvlr W an uva inn irmnwTry us with an order. Our retail tradewill be supplied as usual,

J. S. Childkrs A Co,

OLD PAPERS FOR SALE.If von want old papers to put underrneta. to cut natterna from, to wrap

UD bundles, or for any other purposecall at the Citizkn Office and get large.whole, clean papers for 40 cents perhundred.ARE YOU MADE; miserable by Ineestion, Constipation, Dizzlnes, LoseI. Appetite, Yellow Skin f Shiloh'i'8

Yltallzer is a positive cure.

WHY WILL YOU cough whenShiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., CO cte., $1.

SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDYa positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheriaand uanlter-uout- n

"HA CKMETACK," a lasting andfragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50cents.

tup. t?"rv. men. n. tttaytcr. of:Jkirbon, Ind says; "Both myselfend wile owe our lives to atuujii'SCONSUMPTION CURE."

BETTER THAN SUICIpE.Professor Arnold says: '-- incura

ble dyspeptic is jusLfied in committingsuicide." We will guarantee to enreany dyspeptic within three months byAcker's English, Pyepeptic Tablets.Anderson & Co. .

DEATH.r. Walter K. Hammond says : "Af- -

ter a long experience l bave come tothe conclusion that two-thir- ds of all

Sfti TOwft aS

jgnarantee by Anderson & tx. VASAL INJECTOR free with

Mih wi A? shiTa Sh.Krrh im.edy Price BO cents. ' ' "

FOR DYSPEPSIA . and Liver Com- -J - r : i.plaint you have a printed guarantee on

every bottle of Shiloh's itaUzer. ItW FfH

SHILOH'S CURE will immediatelyI relieve Croup. Whoopinir Cough andI nroocui is,

Vnr nrnn, that 0m.n'a T,ivrpnig cures Headache, ask your drug

Jgjat for a free trial package. Only oneI or a 'dose. Regular size boxes, 25

ents, Qsvlt I M rivlrroV

BETTER THAN SUICIDEProfessor Arnold says : "An incur-

able dyspeptic is justified in committinguloisW We will guarantee to cure

any ayspepuo wiuiw lurea uiuumo ujAcker's English Dyspepais TapletsSold by Anderson & CO. ' 1


TERRIBLE FOREWARN- -r IN OS.Cough in the morning, hurried or

Ullicuik ureaiuiuij, jtuuu uuickui,tightness in the cbest, quickened pulse,chilliness in the cvenine or sweats atnight, all or any of h,es,e things are theflrst suges oi consumpupn. Acker sEnglish Cough Remedy wflj cure thesefearful symptoms, and is sold under apositive guarantee by Anderlon & Co.

It Is with much pleasure that I amAnHr!."4 to aunounce to my friends andpatrons, ana g0d people of Gilesand adjoining counties' J.ht I withthe old reliable boot and shoe houj? 'J. P. May fc 3ona. Messrs. J. P. andG. T May' were early Jn ' tbe Easterncities buying and having mannfactnred,especially for this market this largest,most complete and best selected stockof $aot and Shoes ever before ofleredto this trada. pealing exclusively inthis line I can safely guarantee theBest goods and the lowest prices and Irespectfully ask the patronage of myfriends and the trade which I haveserved so long. With heart full olgratitude to my old friends for past fa-

vors, I am always yours truly,Rob't Shapabd.

ANY LON--DONOTSUFgPRKnowing tna W cough can be check-

ed In a day.'and the first stages of con-r- u

motion broken in a week, we herebyguarantee Acker's English Cough Remedy, ana will refund tne money to allwho buy, take Jt as per directions, anddo not find our statements correct. Soldby Anderson & Co.

Pryor'H Ointment will curePiles, Felons, Tetter, Old Sores, Ulcers,etc. It nop only relieves but cures theworst case of Pile.

SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible coUgh. Shiloh'sCura is the remedy for' you. gold byAnderson &Co. 1

PPATJ.These are the actual steps wblch fol

low indicestion. Acker's Entdieb Dyspepsia Tablets wilt bote cneck and curetbis fearful disease. Guaranteed byAnderson & Co.

The time was when a chicken sickened it passed in its checks, but, sincethe discovery of - Ganter's Chicken

Mlholera Cure, there is not only hope1 but acsoiue cure ior it. In th event

your wooer

nd it. fr..uiuu, C0Du"Zr::1 ?' the Pnhalming popular otey n 0Ter


nionins in thehwii in .,,,1.1.-- . ?'. re alti, La

herehjrho arranremen?. r'uir,l.nLM porviM

w. ,, , ' Commistionert.




oaroounUrs. f """tt. M. WALMssi.rv ' "

riERUE LA A tA"a Nall."1A. BALDWIN, rt ht"le NU "ank-Pr- e.

K.w n.i.... v... .tAKI' WUft, Pres. ln,ou K..t,

Grand Monthly Drawinglneaday, Ootober 9th, 1S88,

CAPITAL PRIZE $300,00010;.h00 Tickets at Twenty Dollar

enths $2; Twentieths $1.. tt, "!T.01' prism:j nittur (SOO.OOOiai phize or ' tsoo.ooa1PKIZEOF Moon!"' 100 0001 PRIZE Of 25,000

50 000

8 PRIZES 25,000of 10,000 are. 20,0006 PRIZES or fi.OOO are SS.00025 PRIZES of 1,000 are S5.0OO100 PBlZE8o 600 are M.OOO200 PRIZES of 800 are 60,000500 PRIZES of 800 aro 100.00a

rpox,M''ou phizicb:100 Prlzea of asoo ara tuuii100 do 80 are100 do 80,000

200 nre on nnaTERMINAL PR1ZKS:ooo A

9 d0 100 are wm8.184 Priios amounting to ... tl 0M giM)

Nor.-Tick- eta 'drawing Capitv7jS9 lri sf'Is.. W t.s - - vius nn, or any Turther

desired, write legibly to the nn- -

Mor" 0l' V". H,,l,,,.and NumbaT

'm .:nsurod by yoiironclorfog an Knvelope le.rmff jour lull addrosi,.

tend POSTAL NOTES. kPki MoneyOrders, cr Now York Exehanto in o,dinarloaer. (.irrencyby taprcs ( t our c,.peuse) a.ldresi-o- to 'M. A. DAU I'll l!V, Nrw Oi I. ,., I.nor HI. A. DA I! I'll, ft,

V llsllin;!,,,,, ),Addrestt ISiyitterrtl I. , iter t;NKW OKI IC V;s N A 'MO? 4.1. l; ,uNew OiIiuiin, I,n

a regard ami Karlj, who Bro vll l tthe diwitija,isfc(rui,raiUeflol 1, if.nose and integrity, H at ihaehan ws ar,. alequal, sud that no i e u puwibij dikuawhat nunihor will diaw a priso.

ROll JWHl:K,a-..-,

that th. pjn.si.,t ofis UV A ilA!'l'K'l:i bv I lll'ltN A,v2 V' uxhsnie finned by the l'r, i i.tot oh Instituti- - n h,-- el.att(,r.kl iial.i.are recognized io the highest court.; 1

fore, beware of aoy innlulione or uuouy- -mous Hcheroos.

Real Estate AgencyI rosrcctfuMy colieit fmm those h. . ifiir 0rI or lent any lands. .Iwellirm. hsi.nea houaoa or lots the a me lobe plstodwi'h mo. I will advert itw and rt myself

.,f tl, um upou lliourma.rs.,d upon and wiil turiiii.li all,,d ce.d- - rcdy for su-n- a nro, chifin rn-'- y

reaei.nublo oi mmikMi ns tni my si rvi.es.In c Miction with 'his I ill till eo.ii'iKi the husiiios- - ol InanrantM. lueiuir allMiildmirs and coiitcnts in fiistcluts omi, pa-ne at loard rates.

KDMUNDSON & STEELS.,(amvumAiiaai


Mt - BE

hvm 0 'JIGb a snra and spesdr Onr. In tha most stnhbon onus.H UioruoKhly olBttnsss tli ,,,t4.m of Malsria,BmtrlniiTJ.'T TOnl,l"- - When taken an dtrticld, aIS GUARANTEED. nd .hould it fa, I u lirMmJlia'? lSU,"r'"rd ' KmTB Mom rou rid l,.r it.I.T01VE it a TRIAL! Bs .ur, to ak your Drucnatfor KRESS' FEVER T0NI0. frioe, t jt botUfcKRESS' FEVER TONIC CO., : ST. LOUIS, M0.

Mrrrn Buns. f'. , lrvyni. Aiit

HOTiiL DENECHAUD50 T. f4 Cakolixxkt St.,

NKW OllLEAXS, JjA,ISfContraily locatcd'nonr Principal Tha-atr- os

and Cotton Exchange.

'atgo and Airy RojmKor Kumiliei and Commercial Travelers.


American & European Plans.lml-l- T

Elk River Stock FarmI. Va WILSON, Pron'r.OBEEDEIi nf Keg. Shorthorr.B-Kee- pa al.i wnya a few ehoico yoanfrstera for sals

Purity of brel euarantoed and bnvsra.1 1,wuum uu won mo examine this herd. AdIres ,E. WILSON.

Bryson, Tana


Oatbortnga, Whoopinff Conh, OldAge, etc., eto.,

tENTIRELY relieved by a device which laJ positively invisiblo and' which has hemn

recommended by avert rhvsician who haaexamined it. It ia successful - caw a whpra,everv othe device or remedy has failed Itmay be worn six months at a lira withoutremoving, causing no pain or Incur, ve ie oa.

ror sale only oy tho nv?Dtnf ,U A. WAv

S7seplrn ' eri fnupoitt 6t,m,


ON First Main Street, n ar iqiiara. NewBona, and New Fnrnitoro.

FmS'frCLtSS ACCGMMOMTIOiLTERM8- -fl to ft.io par day. .VvN

T- - r, KKWHiif--, p, ,,

BiiiaBassaaBBaasasissisiaaaBwisBBBaaaM4ssaMaI WANT AULfl I U TO ktLtj


a-- - . , 'a r. :


WasherTo men or wornm of enwrr and aMI.tr, wktoapra

t.nhlo sniplormtmt, ucliwlvo wrruorr win I biwtrith Aannor. Tho Vt'ahr Is mada ol mstal and worktnn a nea-- prinotplo whieb sarss ialwr, cl,shunarl aoaaBj.mple aont on awea 'a trmt to ba returnedift my epXMa0 ifino antlbfacforj. . :

$600 to $2.000S-S- i3marl t maklaa t a pbaDomtaal s.wos evorrwBwa

frais tUatatrated atiwiUt aadtarou el aaaiXiliUjU a) I lliar aOLMI AVI --ITLJ

McPe'ers" P ecinlly-Op.irai.i- vo en'intnWhito'B Specialty Ujufcniol Dontintry.

Offor the'r to tts peopla oi PbWt uw 'icicity.

NOiBoe at the o'd i.! up-st- a. ovor Oil iational Rank. 2foi.




m, Silver, Banls anfl Stock

S. E. RCSE, President..TXO.S. WIT.EES. V. Pwf.

J.o. D. Flaptt, Ctshier.;


T.r He. in ud B.UB Box.i. PJand

1 JONKS h. p... tfr.lh-- w r! '. Trie Ll.t mentln. thi. p.rr mmt

1 ' M4nw JONES BIHBHajBTIW.awVj ilirtiam

DE. C. C. ABEE1TATHYf ITlLLonUnae Hie practice of MadicineVV aod Siir?ery, and will give bi ecial at

Uatioa lo the troatmoct 01

FEMALE DISEASES.Ollico on lnt Main Street, opposite tha Ob

Dorn Hoare, Pulaski, Term.

m 1 w FjjJ

anqcr. cf Liie feHotXer CtCJiiL-- old. bv ailtoil W boo;To MoijibS n.lej fn.

"IT7E ADV1SK OUR FK1ENDS Wflf"V V uro in want of

Furniture & Mattressesto call on or correspond with

Weakley & Warren,NASHVILLE, TENN.,

Mi.nufuo'urers and Wholesale and Retaildualers in ail kindx of Parlor, Chamber,

Dining room. Hall, l.iorary andOlEce

Curbed Huir, Cotton. Cotton-to- p A Shuck

TRESSES!Ppriii! und Woven Wiro Bed Fprinjr.

Tby hoop she lareost. fiuoet ana bent asnrntod stek iu th eonth and at reasonable piioea. All orders will have prorrpi

we kley a wfiRfM.


9S c m m iSHOES

$1 vi3


T ine Work a Specialty.REPAIRING DONE

test no .. And in very neatest nndniA arable style.

The Best in the Market.I HAVK on hand a seloct stock of ffandJ inudo Itool 11 nd Shoes the very bestpoods ma)o. It paya to buy tka best. 1

ulfo keep a sto:k of custom-mad- e (roodsDon't buy until you see the boat in t"wn111 a,lo by myolf, A good lino of LADIES'SHOES.

20jar.-- tf OWEN CALLAHAN.

MW JllU 111 " J.UJSl JU3?gpj

4SWIFT'S SPECIFICIs entire!', vvrcluoio preparation containlnir

no Aien;uryt i'oU&h, Arsctiic, orothcr poisouoaasubstances. "

" l"SiSWIFT'S SPECIFICHas cured hunclrcds of caws of Kplthelloma or

Canrerof thcSkin.tliouriniidsof casosof Kcma.IMond Humors and bkiu Bisc-aws- , and nun.drcda of thnusaiuls of cases of Scrofula, BloodPoison, and lilood Tuint.BWIFT'S SPECIFIC

lias relieved thousands nf cases nf MercurialPoisoning, Kbeumalism, and Stiffness of theJoints.What Physicians sat or TnK Swift Specific

We append tho statement of a few:'I liavo iwil S. S. S. on patients convalescing

from fever nnd fiom ineasles with the best resultJ. N. I.HE.'.Ev, M. 1). Kllavillu, Oa.

BnEjicv, Ca. Willie White was afflicted witheer..fuh ! veil year". I irescritxjd S. . S., aud

hu ia a fat uud roliust txiy.C. W. Parker, M. D.

1!iciim-in:-, Va.. Dec. T5, 18S5. 1 have taken

three b,i'.ik of Swift's t)ecific, for sonlaryblond iws,.'i.. J ort much r than potash oruliy other rtmiily 1 have ever used.

B. F. W iNriELD, M.nBook on Contn'ious Blood Poison mailed free.All drii- - 'ists fe S. S. S. Th SwrrT Srecino

Co., Ii rawer a, Atlanta, Ca. I'cw York, 759Bruadwar. , "


Wiiteli-M-iik- er


West Side Square.


THOS. PARSES a CO.,M.r.u'tJrtr, fronts for the saie-o- f

Engines, Boilers,0T'bl9 or 8tolior ary,

Saw Mi'llc, Corn Mill3.Weed Wcrkiner Hacliiiiery

ip'iwf fi, hftfuiu rumps, jji'tc

Hi 2 No-- Elcd--, Nasbvfflt?. Tcda6aii(t8m


Ladies of Pulaskim GILjSCGUNTY.

WK aoliult your attention and patronatain tho DliESSM i KING bu. noss. Wa

promisji to r,ve BiisisoMon. (VII ami civos a trio.!. Yon wiil hud us 11'. Mrs.' Loottisham's old s and on 3rd streut.

Very KespecttollyMir VI L (SHORT, I

lSeplm MiaaM L PJCKSOS,

two ;other appointments for Mr.Lamb in this county. ;

Yellow Fever.Tl, . r l.l.lauo icuuim liuu bioij '""""j

: t, :.u ..rT . ' , !. 11. Tk.l"""""i nto u"u,,w UK

new rtnAa rpnortnn at I1 1

T T A :tUontaouimuo x uGoutiy nivumu s -- . t ....Iucatuo. luenuuiuun uwui. li n An I

a --::"r" 'v. ir"x mCDv.jt u,ulu.uB u vthat were thought to be yellow fever. One death Tuesday. Eighteencases were under trearment and itwas thought two of them wouldcertainly be dead by morning.

Memphis, Vicksburg, BatonRouge.Shrevesport and other towns I

Ifl l I .Ji A lwnicu aeciarea in iavor 01 non-- 1

intercourse, says the N. O. TimesDemocrat, somehow or other have I

comerounaio me opinion mat medanser is not so terrific as thev hadsunD08ed. In MemDhis this con- -lelusion seems to have been reachedin conseonence of the "ansnicious"


case of fever which o ccurred there,and which turned out to be nothing more than a case of too muchwhisky.

this same suspicious case iswell known to many Pulaskians.He had a similar attack here lastyear when there was no yellowtever in tne country. more man i

.jti . Igretiuuy, mat is iney regrei navingendorsed for him for certain small I

sums of money. They would re-- I

ara mm as a suspicious case 11 nesnouia return.

it is positively asserted by cnair- -swatt of the democratic com I

of Illinois that the repabli--cans are importing negro voters m- -to that state. He does not deal inglittering generalities, but givesnames and dales and places. As aresult, .the members of the Hendricks League throughout the statenave been instructed to pay particular attention to this subject andto secure the names and residenceot every colored man who comes intotheir respective territores. The re- -

publicans are playing a desperategame, not omy in iiimoia, out irom i

oca ena oi tne union 10 me otner,Avalanche,

There is a very general beliefthat this year, 1888 89, wiil be thebusiest the whole country hasknown for years, the SouthernStates especialiy. Speculation willrun high, ana, wnue there may notuc ouuiici uuuui iu aguEuituiBi ui i

mineral lands or City, real estate,prices will be mantined, Mem- -puis appeal. i

Ben Harrison said in a speech atTil inat hefr.ro tha

November election in 1876. thatthe Irish were fit only to shoveldirt, grade railroads and stockstate prisons. He will find in thisgood year of loss that they arefit to vote the democratic ticketagainst their yillifiers.

Dr. Ifelley, who has recently returned from a third party campaign in East Tennessee, in answertoa reporter said; "I think it safeto say that some are convincedFrom this mihj way pf putting itone would not think that the doc--1tor is very sanguine.


. 7777. TT I

If there were any little yellow ie- -

"Jroueo mjiiiB out ofdoors without their overcoats onseveral mornings recently theymust have felt like they naeded acorning nip mighty bad to warmthem pp,

The New York democrats are ac-- 1tive, alert and very hopeful. Theyare a unit, and with Gov. Hill forjtheir leader say they will carry theCleveland and - Thurman ticketthrough by a plurality of not lessthan 25,000, and perhaps of 0,000


The big Tennessee fair came to aclose Saturday evening. The unsettled condition of the publicmi id on account of yellow feverexcitement detracted greatly fromtbe attendance vet financially itwas a success.

We can't understand why WestVirginia should be classified as auOubtful State. Tt haa anna Aamn.

o cause for it to go back on thisrecord this year.

Mrs. Stillwaggon. of Flusfeln?. L.I , who celebrated her one hundredand third birth day last week, issun hearty and talks of writing adook. tier tongue is still wagin,

The chairman of the New Yorkdemocratic state committee claimaa plurality io that state for Clev- e-

land and Hill of from 20.000 t030.00U.

Frost has fallen in the vincinityof Nashville as early as Sept. 14.i ms was in ia$7.

During September the publicdebt was reduced $11,247,025.

Peaths.A little daughter, three years old,

of Mr. Frank Roller died in thisplace last Monday.

On Big creek, Wednesday 26th,ult., Mrs. Jas. . Tucker,

At Simpson's chapel, 28th, ult,Mr. Lemuel Grubhs died - of con-sumption.

At Vale Mills, 2Sth, ult., Mrs.Riley.

Mr. Polk English.'a. daoghter,about 16 or 18 years old, died ofheart desease last Thursday night.She had been sick a long time.

Died, in Pulaski, Monday October 1st, of cQsgestloa of the bowels, Annie, daughter of Mr. M. C.Camody .aged b years, months and11 days. Burial at Maplewooa cemetery luesday at 3 o clock, p. mServices by Jtcvs. Messrs. Collierand Wilson.

WO peaca crop is about exhausted, Twv are fery itififr

puy au ages u cnuonreu ju er's Enelish Cough Remedy were onlysolve jthe jtwo Questions as applied carefully used in time." This wonder-t- o

yourself; ."Where am I and ful remedy is sold under a positive

exvrenti I ior our irtme u w

amount pnid out for advertising is takenpay ior me suvi-,iiiu- -- j

fnrnaar patrons a--, tli trado generally



liberal pjist patronage, I respectfullyMrs. F. W. RUDD.



School Books,, Stationery,

Paints, OiI&J Variilslies,




LOOKING CHIlGfiiiibject to SPASMS are tno.t IlkeiT troubled witlWll R II ? The b""1 remedy 'or this In the celebrate'Been 0 rears in uwand never fail. )bere paniclarlj that the initials ere B. A. thus aToiding- - imitation

rrHE CITIZKN ia the boat paper pub'ishedX in this oountj . We desire and endeavorto make it a welcome viKitor each weuk Itia in tact a paper that onitht to be found inthe home of every resident of the cu'intyAt the same time, in this proei osi vo agoevery farnior should have at hm firot--i lo atleast one eood, clan, pure, non sectionaluffnultcural journal, in addition to Inn homepaper; one devoted to all 'he purmuts inwhich he is engaged. Ho ncoda it tor himself. He Leeds it for his aona and daughterswho are growing into manhood ami worn nil.hood, and to whom a paper of this churucter la of incalculable benefit.

Can lie Afford It?Read Our Proposition.- -!

To all pubecribsis who are in arears onsubscription who wilt pay all du- - a and

ne year in advance, and to all now nibscribers who will pay one years subscription in advance, we will make- a presmt ofone year's fo'jMnption to huco an bt'cuitnral paper Bit wo described aoove. it isnone other than

tes ah mm.A large fe monthly ronjazino, hindaomely illustrated, n.jutly priuied. loidodpated and trimmod. It is publisher! aFort Wayne, lnd.,and has for itaoMfjCt thebetterment ot the condition ot tjie r aimer,the Uardnor, the Hcroe-brceo- the Dairy-man, tha Shepherd, the ponltrjmun, andtlioir houeeholda, ao matter whera thoy live,whether IP the east, west, north or southIt is a paper ot uo'.ionsl circulation, gomseinto every state and territory as well asmall the provinces ol the D, minion of Canada Tbia is the opportunity ol a lifetime.

The regular subscription price of THEAMERICAN FARMER is 1 per yeer, butboth papers will be sent far the price of one- -

Call at this olfioe and see sample copius ofthis popular agruu toral paper and yon willbe sure to take advantage of this magnifi-cent oaev. Iftftplf

tar; Sdi uhii'.i kiLWmQBuford et altTvs Gil T Bnford.jr.

et a is.OURSUANT to a decree of the chancery I

L court ot Ulles county in the above causeI will sell on

Tuesday. October 16Ui. 1888,at peblio sale to the highest bidder on thepremise", on a credit of one, two and threeyears with iulerest from the day of salo, thetract ot land mentioned in the pleadingssituated in tbe 12th civil district ofcounty on Kiciil&nd Cfeek, pop;aining 27aores, being tha same set a part to the wid-ow of the late Albert Iiuford, doo'd, out ofthe lands of her deceased husband is home-stead and dowert said lands will be first

Id in lots a d then ai a whole and the bidrealizing the most money will be aocepted.'his is a tery disirable tiact of land in a

good neighborhood ri'.l m&ko a desira-bl- o

" ' 'homa for aoy op.Purohaf.eri replied to eaecuto rotciwith

good and solvent pcrsonsi iurity and alien will be retained open the land for thepatmntoftho purchase money. Kept. 8rdISSs- - J B 8TACY C te M.


v ben Baby was sick, we pare her Ourtoria,

Alien she wag a Child, ahe cried for Castoria,

"ben 'she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,

JVhen ahe had Children, ahe them Castoria,

in the whirligig vt politics, that:.t.- - .TTris"nnr Adkirri Will 1!C


im tn tl.o United btates senatnr Whatth possibility is babed

on 'wo dou'tknow. Yet everything

is poseibla'Jn politics

AUhough "Old Hutch" cornered

the boys pretty badly in Chi-- of

cargo aaJ beat them out manymiiii.ins of dollars by a system of

comr-sulsion- , they can t kick, tor

each and every one ot tnem is tn- -top1 in the same Dusinesa ar.d

would have jobhed Hutchison iu

the same way if he could.

It seems to be geuerally concededthat New York tool New Jersey arecertain to go democratic and thai,

the hardest battle will be fought in

Indiana, with Connecticut next.Senator Voorhees will speak in In-

diana every day from the 8th of

next month until election. He is

an able stumper and his licks will

be sure" to tt 11. Avalanche.

Cholera is raging to an alarmingcxtCDt in CtiiDa. A late steamshiparrival reports that excessive heat,

lias prevailed tbrougout China, and

thit a scourge of cholera,the intense heat, is carrying

off thousands of people in varioustiarta of the country. A cattleplague is also prevailing, and ani--cials are dyeing by the wholesale.

The MeMinnville Standardthinks that while the third partymay somewhat lessen the majorityof one or the other of the old par-

lies in some portions of the stateit doesn't tluuk either of tha oldparties have anything to. fear fromit. Nevertheless it is well enoughth kei-- an eye on this movementrand warn democrats not to be led

)fl by it.

Oov. Taylor has snrprised manyof his warmest supporters and mostintimate ftiends by the manner inwhich he has 'conducted the pres-

ent campaign. .Those who regardedlioli Taylor a o"nly a jJb' iuimitable yarn teller, and a ruptty goodleft-hande- d ti.lder and a'sp'ndidmiinmic, have been agreeably sur-prised to find that he is capable ofhandling great national questionsin a masterly way and thut he hasdeveloped into a statesman of thehighest order.

We don't understand that a rep-resentative who is instructed inprimary election as to choice! be-

tween Harris and Adkins is boundsolely and singly to one or tbe oth- -r

to the end. We understandthat if it should turn out that neith-er of these men can lie elected therepresentative would be free to votefor another man. We say this inview of a possible deadlock be-

tween these two distinguished gen-tlemen.

The question of who the candi-dates for the legislature were in favor of for U. S. senator was not dis-

cussed that we heard ot in Gilescounty. We dorut know, therefore,as it has been assumed, how it isthat tis question has been settled.

'6iirjly because two men were clettd at thu primary who may be for

one man or another, without the issue being raised or discussed, doesnot indicate what the will of the peo-

ple is. A primary is the fair way toeettle tbn question.

The Nashville" American utterswords of wisdom when it says: "'Thedemocracy of Tennessee, as vre seeit, is in good working order, andthe democratic majority will belarge. It is to be regretted that afew democrats are throwing theirvotes away on tbe prohibition cat- -didates. tor people who believe inprohibition and hope some day tosee it succeed, it is a strange course.as it necessaarily creates in theminds of partisans a prejudice fromwhich the cause will scarcely everrecover."

It is a very common thing foreverybody to abnse railroads for

their monopolies and exhorbitantiiiscrimfcations, and no one willdeny that they are a little grindingat times, yet lt us, while we abusethem for their wrong doing some-

times, give them credit for nobleand charitable deeds at time. Therailroad companies, especiallythe south, have shown that they

re not altogether soaiiess. Theyliave done an immense amount ofcharity work during the recent'yellow fever troubles. They havetiever lefused to assist those af-

flicted people even without moneynd without prire. They have risked

nhcir lives to alleviate the condi-

tion of otheis and bave done rnucb'or which they should be praised,

Thanking my friends for theirask a of the same.


Insolvent Notice.rTAVTNaaiitrcr.lslc.il to the Connty Court

tl of Giles county th" innolvancy of theestate of O B. Ko, .tecM, notioe ia.horeby(Civen to all peron ho'.d'r e claiti.a againstsaid estate to file them duly aothent;eatodas the law directs, on or against March 7th,1889. or they will bo forever barnd.

FIELD ABR'way.iTfI,AdminiKtrator.

tereona holdicff claims rgainst theALL J. K. B. Jaraea will please presentthem, duly authenticated, on or before theUth day ot March, 1SS9. and all personsowing Bai.lJ- - f. B. James will come for-

ward at once and settle.w j aMEj,

27sr4t Adminitrator.

Non-Eeslde- nt JTotice.

Fannie EvAna, oil , In Cireuit Court atPnlaKki

Samuel Evans, col.,)

this cause it appeariDjr to the saiistao-tio- n

of the clerk, frem an affidavit to thebill, that the defendant, Samuel Evans, is anon-resid- ent of the state of Tennessee so

that tbe ordinary process of ihis court cannot be cerved upon h,m. It is therefore or-

dered "that publication be made for fourweekaTnthe iulaski Citizen, a newspaperpuolishcdin the town of Pulaski, in suidstate, lequiring the defendant to be and ap-Oi- a

firt dav ot the next terra of theMr..n,t Mnrt to be held for the county ofQilets at the court houf in Pulaski, on thefirst Monday In December next, and answerplaintiffs bill or the fame will be taken forconfessed as to him and aet for hearing ex

J. w. Buairii,parte.4oct4t Clerk.

County Court Sale.TnRfTT TT r tn a decree of the Countyr nf Oilea county' in the cauee of

b. Adm'r. and bthors, vs JC Moon. Trustee, I will Fell to the highestbidder at public sale,

On Saturday, Qc. 27 h, 1888,

the tract of lapd belonttiag to the estate of Gu t.J j.. .itnnted on Pieeon boostcreek, in the 12 b civil dtotnet of tiH

.H,ni!n the lands of W C Douffh

W S nhanman. W W le 'and others,.nntVininir abcut 118 ares, buiir the same

. f nr.. r, l,i h eaid O K iioss wasroaidir.g at the time of hi doath.

TEKMS:Baid land . ill be sold f.ee from tbe right.... . nrn.it nf 8. 12 and 24

month. t.th interest from the day ot a,e.

Notes with approved ajcunt re-

quired of purl naHora and a lien rota ued lor

the purchase money.4octtd WILL 8. IZfcLL, Clerk.

Dissolution Notice.8tate of Tennessee I

Ourty I

A'noio all Men by these rrcseuti:'I'llAT the partnerHhip liortorore existing

I between the understood. J SvV1

,,n. Noble BmilhsnVi, 1 N

,.j ii,a firm name of V ale Millsr, ;. ,i0',ini by mu ualco3t7 Bid--

J Smithron NobleSmithson and W T iliver relir.DP, and aaidI N f?mitfn continuing the humness.

Said 1 N t?milhon has authority to cplloet

all debts due th firm, Pd piUio a"debut agnlnst tl,c "rrJj" fjyjf flHON,

W.T ouvru.gept. 87, 1K33- - J. a. RMrfilSN,

4octi 1 N. SMITBSON.

Ml . I Siiti)



MillinerYLadies will find

ALL .THE HEW STYLES(hat taote aod f8hlon can devise in thei 4 way' oi

CasAwere Jiid4on, Feather and otherUOoda. '

Bonnets Hatsin piusb, ,Velvet and Fet, and


Withhank8 for the liberal patr.B--

see we nave aiway ansu, we hoLie toderve more in fui are.

Iff fl At W

what am 1? ' We, the council,wumu enquire, uavc you uunurestine Dlace for vour lever thaUArchimjaes said if he lad hecoufdturn the world put oi its angles fHaya you discoyed the Orst ceil out "

wlmh tha nniffer8fi ba- - . h(BnAvnlvwi? Have veto d seopered that-matter was saturated with some.thin? else which thoueh it miehtese.ana the nhsprvation ouraensea is.r- - 'nevertheless, bound up with it,wna cauea mma who iorce ac.- -

ingwith it producing Cflanges ofwhich we become conscious andwhich we are accustomed to call lifeand that an unchangeable law govems mind and matter? We wouldfurther askiias it been .disclosed toyou the ideal of perfection andwhich man collectively is bound toreach ia a future time?

Now, with ttue&e few remarks aspointers we cloe with this to say:fRnt. fhnan mwtriAtl Avar lilfA'tfiA m.lA.

org of heaven,All of one nature, of one substance

bred,Did lately meet tn the Intestine shock,Should now in , mutual, well-becomi- ng

ranks marcb all one way."Take this as the barrel thrown to

the whale. Thi Council.

Mr. Rivers' Appointments.JJlouraoy Rivers, the democratic

nominee for presidential elector for;th,e 7th congressional strict ofTennessee, will address his fellow,citizens upon the issues of the cam-paign at the places and on the datesnamed in the followjng schedule.Speaking will begin as nearly aspossible at 1 o'clock, p. m. A di-

vision of time will be granted therepresentatives of any other politicai parties,

Dixon Station, Oct. 8:Charlotte. Oct. 9;Qintreville, Oct. 10;WMtfield,Oct.Jl:utna, Oct. 12- - ' 'FraDklin, Oct. 15;College Grove, Oct. 16;Hillsboro, Oct. 17;Spring Hill, Oct. 18;CuUeca,pct. 19;Columbia, Oct. 20;Mt. Pleasant, Oct. 22;St. Joseph, Oct. 23;Prospect, Oct. 26:Ljnnville,Oct 27.;Diana, Oct. 39;Bunker HU1, Oct. 30;Elk ton, Oct. 91 iMarbute, Nov. 1 ;Bodenham, Nov. 2 ;

. CampbeUsville, Nov. 3;Pulaski. Noy.

There has been noactualjncreaaein the price of wheat with .wholesaledealers tn Chicago, yejt the price of!bread has advanced o that cityone cent per loat and the probabilities are that it will scon go upanother notch. The recent wildgambling in futures gives tbe bakers a seeming excuse for this rise.This sort of speculation alwaysdamages the poor man in some wayor other, white fey men gobbletne spo;ja.

They bad a big

sVfr r. I

