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 · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

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Page 1:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

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Page 2:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Announcing the publication of this

beautiful book of 250

de luxe art portraits of

leading radio stars.

STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre- sents the very finest collection of beautiful art portraits of radio celebrities ever assembled under one cover

Broadcast Weekly announces the publi- cation of this de luxe edition of radio stars. No reader can afford to be without a copy of this wonderful collection of portraits of leading radio stars. This bound volume will give you many eve- nings' entertainment and will be your constant reference for information about the stars you hear.

The outside measurement of the book is 7 x 10 inches and the size of each port- rait is 5 x 7 inches. The portraits are rich reproductions and under each is a brief biographical sketch of the star fea- tured. The paper used is an A-1 coated book stock. The cover is a handsome

fabrikoid with gold lettering. A book you will be proud to own. Reserve your copy now. Only $1 now. After publication $2.50.

- -PRE -PUBLICATION COUPON- - BROADCAST WEEKLY, Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Calif.

Gentlemen: Here's $ ___________ for which send me copies (as soon as they are off the press) of the Stars of the Radio at the special pre -publication price of one dollar each



City State


Page 3:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


Harold Poe Swartwood W E EK L1( 29 South La Salle Street

Chicago The Leading Radio Guide of the Pacific Coast

NEW YORK Edwin F. Ripley

118 East 28th Street New York City

Vol. XI, No. 21 A. J. URBAIN, Editor and Publisher 726 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. May 21, 1932

RADIO POPULARITY STILL GROWING NEARLY 35,000,000 radio receiving sets

are now in use throughout the world, it is estimated by Lawrence D. Batson

of the electrical equipment division of the Department of Commerce on the basis of a survey of world conditions just completed.

The figures show that broadcasting is steadily strengthening its hold in all sections of the world, the totals for most of the foreign countries being materially greater than those of a year or more ago. They indicate a gradual settlement of the political and governmental barriers which for years held back radio development in many coun- tries, but in no foreign nation does the pro- portion of sets to population anywhere near approach that of the United States.

Approximately half of the 34,755,410 re- ceivers which Mr. Batson figures are now in use are located in North America, to which he attributes a total of 17,401,616, with 14,- 684,117 located in Europe and about 2,500,000 in all other sections of the globe.

The latest trade estimate for the United States places the total of sets in use at 16,679,253. Canadian license records show 571,898 sets in the Dominion, while esti- mates give Mexico 100,000 and Cuba 35,000. With the exception of a few countries which license receivers, it is explained, it has been necessary to make estimates of the sets in use, while in the licensing countries no allow- ance has been made for unlicensed-illegally operated-sets.

The United Kingdom leads Europe in the number of receivers in use, license records showing 4,329,754, followed by Germany with 3,980,852 licensed sets and France with an estimated 2,000,000.

Estimates for South America give a total of 719,617 sets, of which 400,000 are in Argentina and 150,000 in Brazil. Asia is esti- mated to have 910,234 sets, 800,000 of which are in Japan, while Oceania has 428,689 sets of which 341,394 are licensed in Australia. Africa has a total of 49,637 sets, with 26,025 centered in the Union of South Africa.

While a complete and accurate world cen- sus of radio receiving sets has never been possible, and probably will not be for years to come, the estimates which are made by the department from time to time have been of interest as showing the rapid spread of radio. Broadcasting abroad got off to a much slower start than was the case in the United States. A number of factors, chiefly eco- nomic and political, tended to retard its de- velopment, particularly in Europe, and it has been only within the recent past that broad- casting operations have been undertaken in some countries.

In no section of the world, it is safe to say, is broadcasting as untrammeled and free from governmental influence as in the United States. In many foreign countries, licenses and taxes have tended to slow up receiver distribution, while in hardly any foreign country is the broadcaster as free from politi- cal influence as here.

Published weekly by the Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company, 728 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. Telephone DOuglas 5273

Yearly subscription: $3.00 in the United States, $5.50 in Canada. Entered as second class matter, March 25, 1923, at the Post Office, San Francisco, California, under Act of March 3, 1879.

Copyright, 1932, by Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company



Page 4:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


Claire, Sacramento. George 'Webster (NBC) Is sixty - nine years old, was born in New Lon- don, Con- necticut, is of English origin and came to radio after many suc - c e s s f u l years before the footlights. He has the most beautiful white hair you ever saw, twinkling gray eyes, weighs approxi-

mately 175 pounds and is 5 feet 6 inches in height. You couldn't possibly miss him even in the biggest crowd, for "Dad," as he is affectionately called, is the most striking figure, the most correctly dressed man on the Avenue and carries himself with a pride that simply stuns you. I caught a glimpse of him the other day on one of our busiest streets and I'm telling you, Claire, the admiring fem- inine eyes that followed him- well, I almost felt I ought to call his daughter and warn her that her father was in danger of being abducted.

Mrs. O. L. C., Paso Robles.- Jean Campbell MacMillan is the writer of the "Bridge to Dream- land" continuity. She is the most interesting personality im- aginable; dynamic, cultured, fas- cinating. An educator of vast experience, endowed with orig- inality and business ability as well as personal charm and ar- tistic accomplishment. Her hair is red -gold and her eyes have a way of changing color to suit her mood. She is inexhaustible mentally and physically, wears exotic hues, adapts herself to any and all environments and yet never loses a certain inde- scribable distinction-something that is hers by right of heritage -wherever she may be. In pri- vate life she is Mrs. Paul Car- son.

Mrs. D. L., Sacramento.-Gus Arnheim is at the Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati, and with him are Bob, Freddie and Bob, variously known as the Rhythm Rascals, the Biltmore Trio and the Three Boys of KFI. Margaret Saun- ders may be heard on the Happy -Go -Lucky Hour (KFRC),

but no definite schedule of ap- pearances is given at this time. Meredith Willson composed his own theme song, and with true Willsonian originality, failed to name it. Arnold McGuire does the "Dicy" character you hear on KFRC. The Don Lee Octette has recently been discontinued. However, here are the names of the singers who were heard: Juanita Tennyson, Claire Up- shure and May Taylor Elliott, feminine members; Ronald Gra- ham, Victor Detwiler, Mort Gleason, Ray Nealon and Earl Towner, masculine members.

Gladys, San Francisco.-Paul Pitman gave up broadcasting to go on a lecture tour. When he returns to radio I shall be happy to advise you through this col- umn.

Mrs. A. K. F., Concord. Jack Miller (CBS) is 5 feet 8 inches in height, weighs 155 pounds, has blue eyes-rather narrow eyes that seem always to be challenging you-sandy hair, regular features and an Irish smile. He was born in Dorches- ter, Mass., thirty-one years ago on September 4, names as his pet aversion, taxi-drivers, goes in for high-powered cars, prize- fights and is frequently seen playing golf. His favorite dish is spaghetti, his preferred music Jazz; he is an orchestral direc- tor with quite a few years of experience, sings baritone, plays piano, is unmarried and offi- ciates as accompanist for Kate Smith.

Mrs. M. B. H., Alameda.- In Dixie Memories (NBC) you hear Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore, Dixie Marsh and "Chuck" Rus- sell. Mr. Moore appears as "Sambo" and the "Colonel"; Mrs. Moore answers to "Babs" and "Mandy"; Dixie Marsh is "Caroline" and Mr. Rus%ell is "Dick." Ed Evans is still asso- ciated with Mr. Dobbs at KFRC. You have no doubt found Rich- ard Le Grand by this time. He is heard over Station KYA. The Buckaroos at NBC are rep- resented by only two individuals and don't let anyone tell you differently. Ted Maxwell and Charles Marshall carry the en- tire burden of the program. In- cidentally, watching them jump from character to character is the most fascinating, breathless game imaginable.

F. D. E.. Sacramento.-Kate Smith (CBS) celebrated her

birthday on May 2, is twenty- four years of age, began her radio career on April 26, 1931, after six successful years on the stage and has recently fin- ished what turned out to be a record engagement at the Pal- ace Theatre in New York. The engagement ran eleven weeks. Station KHJ was officially opened on April 13, 1922. Kevin Ahearn is singing at Station KJBS at present. A picture of John and Ned (NBC) appeared in the January 24 to 30 issue of Broadcast Weekly.


Betty, San Francisco.-Jack Cowden (NBC) was fifteen years old on March 12, is 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighs 130 pounds and has dark brown eyes and hair. He was brought to San Francisco from Santa Barbara when he was scarcely more than a year old, received his first schooling at Gratten, switched to West Portal, somewhere along the fourth grade, and now attends Lowell High. At West Portal he met Billy Page; Billy had skipped a grade and the boys were given a locker to- gether, became fast friends and later when Billy had become affiliated with NBC, he pre- sented his young friend to Wilda Wilson Church, who was at that time casting about for a youngster to fill a part in a play she was producing. That was four years ago; since then Jack has appeared in number- less dramatic sketches, "Pen- rod," "Dairy O," "Cowboy Kids," "Uga Booga Island" and others. Now he is working in "Little Orphan Annie." He is a conscientious, unaffected lad, quiet and studious with more than his share of good common sense, interested in school ath- letics. fond of classical music and an admirer of O. Henry.

Betty, Berkeley.-Muzzy Mar- cellino is 5 feet 444 inches in height. If you will consult your March 6 to 12 issue of Broad- cast Weekly you will find vari- ous other "statistics" regarding "Big Boy Marcellino," and if you want to gaze at an excel- lent likeness of him, turn to page 40 of the March 27 to April 2 number. Don Steele's picture appeared in the May 15th issue. He is several inches taller than Muzzy, round faced and quite boyish with rippling black hair and a nice smile. Don was married to Miss Evelyn de Claremont of San Francisco on May 8.



Page 5:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-



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Page 6:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

MICROPIIO Madame Sylvia, former Holly-

wood masseuse, now heard over NBC net- works, once lost thirty pounds by the same methods she describes for her radio listeners.

Bev Palmer, chief technician at KYA, was a radio operator aboard ship for seven years and during that time he visited sixteen countries. He has a short wave con- verter at home, which enables him to listen to French Indo-China every morning at breakfast time. In his spare time, Bev does pen and ink sketches, many of which have been exhibited and received mention at art galleries in Victoria.

Mary Wood, gifted young Iyric soprano of the National Broadcasting Com- pany, is a Denver girl, who won the Colorado state championship in the Federated Music Club's competition last year and made her first visit to San Francisco as a member of the noted A Capella Choir of Denver. She returned recently to sing with the San Fran- cisco Light Opera Company, and remained to become an NBC star.

Radio in the past has often ac- complished the most surprising feats in bringing together old friends and relatives who have not seen or heard from one an- other for many years.

Naylor Rogers, vice-president and general manager of KNX, in Hollywood, was re- cently amazed to discover that the man who had called upon him to discuss buying time on the station was an old school chum whom he had not seen for more than thirty years.

Forty international broadcasts, presenting presidents and premiers, prom- inent ecclesiastics and scientists, economists and authors, have been heard through the facilities of the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- tem during the first three months of 1932. This figure is more than double that of the first quarter of 1931, when nineteen foreign broadcasts were presented, and sets a new high record for any network.

While in Chicago, Kate Smith once again proved to be the Good Samaritan.

GOSSIP After having performed for 1,400 patients at the Hines Veterans' Hospital, she found her- self late for her vaudeville engagement. Just as she was about to dash for the theatre. she remembered an assignment she had promised to carry out. A New York young- ster had written the "Songbird of the South," asking the singer to pay a visit to his father, one of the soldiers. Although she already was well behind in her schedule, she kept her word and called on the veteran.

Marsden Brooks, KYA staff art' ist, besides being a 'cellist of unusual ability, is, by trade, an instrument maker. Many of the violins and 'cellos of his fashioning- made while he worked in Boston-are being used by members of the largest symphony orchestras.

Frank Luther, NBC tenor, has mastered many vocal styles. He started as a gospel soloist, then went into opera. Later he learned hill -billy music with Carson Robinson and light classics with the de Reski Singers. With the Revelers Quartet, Luther became acquainted with modern quartet -works and finally with the Men About Town. Luther has helped develop an ultra -modern style.

Eddie Albright, creator of the fa- mous "Ten O'Clock Family" at KNX, is a great admirer of Lincoln and has in his library every book written about the Great Emancipator. Eddie likes to steal away in his car at night, and drive and drive and drive, sometimes coming home just in time to tub, change and dash to the studio for his morning activity. Sleep! Whoever heard of such a thing?

Betty Kelly, NBC soprano heard on "Team -Mates" and other programs broad- cast from San Francisco, is an accomplished swimmer. She believes this sport is one of the best a singer can choose, as it strengthens the same throat and chest muscles she uses in her vocal work.

Richard Holdgraf, of Hap and Jack (KYA) studied for the ministry.



Page 7:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


Ben Klassen, NBC tenor, started his singing career at an early age, and one of the first things he remembers about it is the rebellion which used to surge up in his heart when the choir leader who was his first instructor would say, "Here's your part, Ben."

It always was a soprano part, for Ben had an unusually clear, high voice, and, being all boy with a penchant for baseball and fight- ing, he resented having to sing the same part as the girls in the choir, while other lads his age were humming a whole octave below.

Vernon Rickard, golden -voiced tenor, is being featured nightly in the Los Angeles Biltmore dance room with Earl Burtnett's Orchestra. Vernon was seen on the local stage recently with the Duncan Sisters in "Topsy and Eva," and he also played the leading role in the musical show, "Follow Thru," produced on the Coast by Homer F. Curran. He is a Notre Dame graduate and played in "The Spirit of Notre Dame" and sang in the Fox picture, "Merely Mary Ann." Crowds are applauding his beautiful lyric voice each night in the Bilt- more Gardens. In his spare time he makes records, cartoons, writes songs and plays football.

Banning and Allen, formerly of the Greenwich Village Follies, have begun a

series of broadcasts over KJBS, direct from the Front Porch, San Francisco's newest dining palace.

Known as "The Rhythm Boys" in New York night clubs, the pair will be heard over the air during the owl program every morn- ing, and on Monday, Wednesday and Satur- day matinées, from 2 to 2:15.

Les Allen, the crooner, is said to compare with Bing Crosby, Russ Columbo and Rudy Vallee. George Banning performs on the piano.

Vinton La Ferrera and his NBC South Americans, playing : at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, are scoring a distinct hit with the younger set by converting, at a moment's notice from a regular dance band to a true Cuban Rumba combination. The boys double on the native instruments, in- cluding a Nabimba, Maraccas, Guiras, Bon- gos and Claves, all of which have been im- ported from Havana by Mr. La Ferrera.

They feature a Rumba in every dance group, and the novelty is indeed popular. These musical numbers are also imported from Cuba and are specially orchestrated for the band by their arranger, De Witt Mont- gomery.

In these days of decreasing fan mail, tiny Welcome Lewis is very close to the top of the list. Letters received from fans and admirers during the thirteen -week broadcast series she just completed on Thurs- day night, total 14,302. And on her Wednes- day night programs over Columbia her mail averages around a thousand letters a broad- cast.

"The thing I like about it," says Welcome, "is that the letters are from people who either like my work or criticize it-and not because of any contests, either!"

Richard Le Grand, well known on air lanes everywhere for his clever dramatic and character sketches, has taken over the position of "ringmaster" for KYA's "On With the Show." A ready wit and an un- limited resourcefulness will make him an especially capable master of ceremonies.

Since the Boswell sisters began asking everyone who wrote in asking them for autographed photos to send a snapshot of themselves in return, they have received several thousand photos, but they still want more. Martha Boswell, who is classifying the photos as they have come in, is binding a volume which she is going to call "Our Friends of the Air." So if you like the Bos- well sisters, send them a snapshot for their album.

Ted White. NBC tenor, seldom has to be urged to sing for his friends, but having finished his song, he leaves the piano immediately and returns to the circle of his listeners. If you ask him why, he quotes the poet Horace, and his description of singers apparently found even in his day-"who have to be begged to sing, and then, having begun, have to be begged to cease."

Jack Carter, "The Boy from Lon- don," collects stamps and plays golf for recreation, while Michael Kelley, "The Irish Reporter," of KNX, likes to try his skill with the foils whenever he can spare a minute from the studio.


Page 8:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


Making her first professional stage appearance, Mildred Lenore Epsteen, well known soprano, who has thrilled count- less thousands over radio stations KPO, KFWI and others, will be presented by Reginald Travers in characterizations taken from Edwin Lee Masters' delightful literary work the "Spoon River Anthology," at the Travers Theater, Fairmont Hotel, Tuesday evening, May 24.

Miss Epsteen was originally scheduled to appear on May 10, but, owing to the fact that the costumes and scenic effects which are unusually beautiful, have taken more time than was anticipated, her appearance was changed to the later date.

In her debut as an exponent of the histri- onic art, Miss Epsteen will portray fifteen various feminine characters from all walks of life, the interpretations demanding ex- ceptional emotional acting.

William Frederick Lavy, concert pianist, who has arranged the descriptive musical background, will assist, being heard during the short intermissions in classical piano selections.

Her appearance should attract students of the stage, as well as the general public, as it will give them an unusual opportunity to see and study facial expression.

Adding charm to her work, Miss Epsteen will add the beauty of her soprano voice in solos during her interpretations of a number of the characterizations.

Elmer Martingale, KYA cellist, has a new musical instrument which he made himself. It looks like a popcorn popper, but is really a cigar box, a long stick of wood, and a pencil. Its one string gives out a deep cello -like tone.

Let those who aver that radio listeners don't write "like they used to," read this: During the month of February KFRC's fan mail hit an all time high, reaching the tremendous total of 35,272 letters from its radio audience.

A California manufacturer whose firm is located across the bay from San Francisco, is one of the firmest advocates of Ethel Cotton's course in Cultural Con- versation, presented over the NBC-KPO net- work Monday mornings and Thursday after- noons.

"Even at work, the ability to converse easily and pleasantly makes the day go more

smoothly," he wrote Miss Cotton. "So every Monday morning, when the time for your broadcast comes, our employees lay aside their work and listen to you. I feel that this brief rest period, enlivened by your stimu- lating suggestions, is a morale builder for our whole organization."

Eddie Holden's (Frank Watanabe, KNX) grandfather, John A. Holden, who passed away at the age of ninety-six, was, before his death, the oldest living Mason in Arizona.

Gene Sullivan, KYA baritone and the sportsman of the "Sportsman's Corner," once-for a period of two years-was a pros- pector for gold in Arizona. He was also well known as an amateur boxer.

Mary Duckett and Mora Martin, KNX, who play Jeannie and Joan respec- tively, went to high school together and have been friends for years, appearing to- gether occasionally in amateur theatrical productions and in radio plays.

Whenever you see Charles Hart, director of NBC's Stringwood Ensemble, you can be certain that Andy Love isn't far away. Love is the producer for the Stringwood group, and the selection of musical numbers, the writing, rehearsal and production of the ensemble's programs represent sufficient real toil to give Andy and Charlie little time for activities apart.

The Stringwood Ensemble presents at least two programs every day of the week; sometimes as many as eighteen in six days. It is the proud boast of Hart and Love that the group does not repeat a musical number within two weeks, and they have a check and double-check system which takes the form of voluminous catalogue of the ensemble repertoire, bearing dozens of cryptic mark- ings in red and blue crayon.

At the age of six, Emily Eilers, one of the three Harmonettes, was singing with a medicine show.

Reginald Sharland, KNX, who so faithfully portrays the kindly, dignified "Hon- orable Archie," thinks Southern California the sportsman's paradise, even though he has traveled through this old world quite ex- tensively, and hopes to remain here always.


Page 9:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


June Pursell, new NBC contralto, when not singing likes to swim, ride, write letters, and listen to the radio. She is an ardent football fan and would rather see a game in preference to any of her other hobbies.

Mary Rossetti, staff soprano at KNX, appeared in "Stepping Stones," op- posite Fred Stone before the darts of Cupid hit her and she left the stage and her career for marriage.

The eight Lanin brothers, of whom Howard, the NBC maestro, is one, are all musicians, and have an agreement not to encroach on each other's territory, nor hijack each other's accounts. Howard, who is on the air five nights a week, is a favorite society conductor.

The voice of Graham McNamee, NBC announcer, first heard from the Bell Telephone Laboratories at 463 West Street, New York City, in the early days of radio broadcasting, is being recorded there again. McNamee, who is the talking reporter for Universal Newsreel, now records his talks at the Bell Laboratories instead of at Camden.

Ilomay Bailey, popular NBC song- bird heard on the Lee Sims Piano Moods program, has a mechanical turn of mind. At last she has found a way to foil autograph seekers. Ilomay carries a self -inking rubber name stamp with her wherever she goes.

Curiosity nearly killed a broadcast when Browning Mummery, NBC tenor with the Yeast Foamers, picked up a gourd used by trap drummers in rhumba numbers. The instrument produced such a crashing sound when he picked it up and rattled so at every movement that he was afraid to set it down until the program had finished.

When the Prince of Wales visited America's shores, Clarence Mackay paid Paul Whiteman $6,000 to play at an all-night reception on his Long Island estate, although a dozen band leaders offered to play free, content with the publicity. Whiteman and his Pontiac Chieftains now are heard over NBC networks.

Walter Damrosch, NBC musical counsel, has a complete file of "Punch," be- ginning with the first issue in 1841.

D'Avrey of Paris, new NBC tenor, once was a private on the general staff at- tached to the office of Marshal Ferdinand Foch of France. D'Avrey walked into the NBC studios in New York for an audition and was immediately placed under contract.

Vernon Radcliffe, director of NBC's Radio Guild and other dramatic pro- grams, received a letter a few days ago which read: "Dear Vernie Radcliffe: I heard your name on the air tonight. Are you the girl I met last summer-"

Radcliffe read no further.

Lee Sims, NBC master of mod- ern piano, keeps a stenographer busy for eight hours each day answering his fan mail. Lee answers every letter he receives.

Though the wife of Leonard Joy, NBC orchestra leader, has given up trying to make him stop working late on arrange- ments, Len's police dog, Pat Murphy, goes to the desk and barks protestingly when the clock strikes three.

Mary Wood, NBC soprano, sang contralto until Mary Garden told her that her voice's true range was higher. She took the diva's advice, and now sings F sharp above high C without effort.

When Paul Whiteman and his Pontiac Chieftains are heard Friday evenings over the NBC-WJZ network, two trios sing in that period. When the listeners hear a "hot" trio, it is the famed King's Jesters. But if the trio sings soft, dreamy, sweet songs it's an entirely new trio of lads tagged the King's Romancers.

Revva Reyes, black-eyed native of Mexico, who is now heard over NBC net- works, has her father as her guitar accom- panist. Senorita Reyes' father was Pancho Villa's favorite violinist and accompanied the revolutionist in his wanderings below the Rio Grande.

Frank Parker, NBC tenor, was horse -back riding in Central Park a few days ago. It was a glorious day-the sun was shining, birds were singing, and Frank felt at peace with the world. He raised his voice in song. His horse raised his ears, then ran for all he was worth-alone. Now Parker is nursing a bruised arm and a bruised ego.


Page 10:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

1LHOUETT! ERT CARLSON, KYA singer and character comedian, has a kalei-

doscope of experience from which to select the interesting stories which he brings to his radio audiences in nonsense songs, in narrative, and in character impersonation. This and his keen sense of humor, his pleasing baritone and his leisurely manner of presenta- tion have won him many fol- lowers.

Bert was born of Norwegian parents in the famous city of Chicago. As a small boy, Bert displayed a great appreciation for music, and a great apti- tude for understanding it. At the age of seven Bert had composed his first song. It was called "Why Do the Waves Wash My Heart Away," and it was published in Chicago. At nine, he was considered one of the world's leading boy sopranos.

As he grew older the boy- ish soprano gave way to a pleasant baritone. He toured the country as the first singer using illustrative slides, and finally joined up with the Twin City Quartet, and then Ringling Brothers' Circus. A season with a stock company, another in musical comedy, an engagement at the Savoy The- ater in San Diego - with the Megaphone Trio-and Bert joined Monte Carter in San Francisco.

I') )

With Carter, Bert went to Honolulu, and after his sea- son there, he remained to ac- cept a position managing the theatres in the Island of Maui. Hawaii, at last, seemed the place he had been looking for,

and for many years he re- mained there, learning to know and love the islands and their people, and to appreciate the characteristics of the na- tive music. The natives learned to know him and after strange circumstances surrounding a picture which he took at the eruption of Kilauea, to honor him as the White Kahuna Man-meaning "Witch man."


The story back of this title is one of the most interesting of Bert's fascinating store.

It seems that, having no- ticed the signs warning of Kilauea activity, Bert went with a party of newspaper men to the Volcano House, three miles from the crater. Cinders and smoke were thick, and the cloud of smoke di- rectly above the crater had already risen some eight thou- sand feet in the air. As he stood virtually on the brink of destruction, Bert snapped

a couple of quick photos be- fore retiring to a safer dis- tance. Although the freak formation had passed unno- ticed by the casual observers, the finished photos showed plainly the face of a Hawaiian woman in the midst of the great cloud. There is an old Hawaiian legend which tells of Madame Pele, the goddess of the volcano, who has always appeared before a Kilauea eruption, and the na- tives found their proof in Mr. Carlson's picture. For days a steady stream of natives vis- ited his dwelling to look with wonder at the strange photo and with equal amazement at the witch man who had taken it. Photographers came to examine it-but there was no fake-the picture was just a freak.

Bert came again to America in connection with the pub- lishing of some of his songs, and while here he first became practically interested in radio production.

Bert has over forty pub- lished compositions to his credit-many of them are the popular songs of Hawaii. He plays the pipe organ and the piano-he does not know the keyboard, but plays entirely by the employment of an un- usual music and harmony sense. He is a character comedian doing Italian, Swed- ish, Irish, Hebrew, French and English skits and writing his own comedy numbers.

Believe it or not, Bert Carl- son is little Margie, who per- forms during KYA's "On With the Show" almost every night.



Page 11:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-



AMAND GIRARD, NBC basso who is a mem- ber of the Cycol Four

heard in the Associated Spot- light, and a soloist on many programs, has been singing professionally since he was 18, but sometimes he feels like a beginner.

For his father, one of the most noted choir singers in Canada, sang for sixty active years without ever missing a concert engagement or a Sun- day solo.

"And he sang just as beau- tifully the last time I heard him as he did when he was a young man," says the NBC star proudly.

Singing was such an impor- tant phase of life in the Gir- ard household in Clyde, Kan., where Armand was born, that his own career was inevita- able. The French-Canadian temperament of his parents, transplanted to Kansas though it was, was inherited by their son, and he was singing "Bon Jour Ma Belle" as soon as he could pronounce the words. His musical education proper started at seven, and at 18 he made his debut in Concordia, Kan. Since then he has sung in many cities, in churches, on concert platforms and vaude- ville.

Girard first went on the air eight years ago, but joined the NBC staff in San Francisco just two years ago.

He was the original basso in The Rounders, noted radio quartet which has contributed other popular artists to NBC. Motoring and golf are Gir- ard's favorite diversions. Books and flowers are his hob- bies, together with negro spir- ituals and old Canadian bal- lads both of which he studies and arranges for his own pleasure as well as for pro- fessional appearances.


TINY girl just eight years old, who stood on the stage of a great au-

ditorium and faced an audi- ence of 3,000 persons-that was Georgia Stark when she made her debut.

The charming young KNX coloratura soprano started singing so early in life that she never really learned what stage -fright meant.

The audiences to which Miss Stark has sung have in -


eluded Italian ones-the most exacting in the world, accord- ing to opera artists. She spent three years in vocal study and opera engagements in Milan, Naples and Venice. Her other foreign experience has been in Central and South Amer- ica, Porto Rico and Cuba, where she toured with the Bracah Opera Company as prima donna.

She was born in Joplin, Missouri, and it was there that she made that "first appear- ance" before 3,000 spectators. As Joplin's child wonder, she was chosen to sing between the acts of a benefit in which the entire community was in- terested. Little Georgia's family thought she might lose her voice from fright as she faced the sea of faces across the footlights, but she proved her artist's birthright by re- sponding to the spur, and covering herself with glory. When a great bouquet of flowers, almost as large as the little girl herself, was handed up to her, Georgia bowed calmly and trotted off-stage like an old and tried trouper.

She was just 17 when she was offered her first vaude- ville engagement. Her father, a mining engineer, didn't ap- prove, but Georgia accepted anyway. Several years later, the elder Stark, visiting Den- ver, Colorado, on business, stopped in a vaudeville thea- ter and suddenly heard a fa- miliar voice. He listened crit- ically to Georgia's act, then went back -stage to bestow the parental blessing upon her ca- reer.

Encouraged by him, and by teachers who saw far more than vaudeville talent in her voice, the girl went to Italy to continue her studies, and she has been almost continu- ously engaged in concert or operatic roles ever since.


Page 12:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

MODESTY IS REGUSTED yOU hear a lot these days about the

lack of modesty in and around and about the land and after you've listened

a while you get to wondering if this is so and, if so, why it should be so-don't you?

Well, here is my idea of the reason- modesty has been biffed on the fair snoot so often it has retired unto itself into some deep, deep hole and, to make certain nobody will find it, has pulled the hole in after it; yes, sir, indeedy it has, and no fooling. Mod- esty is acting natural.

Its snoot has been biffed and its toes stepped on and its shins kicked and its ears pulled and its blushes commented on until it can no longer stand the gaff; all of which I am now prepared to prove to one and all who will read a bit further with an open mind.

Last night, as I write this, or last week, as this is published, sitting in slippered ease in a huge chair in my semi -luxurious apart- ment, with a book in my lap and both ears sort of pinned back to listen to radio pro- grams, here came one extolling the virtues and merits (per song and speech) of a cer- tain well known article in common use and with my eyes firmly fixed on the electric

clock in front of uie I timed the advertising announcement for ,sixty seconds and in that space of time I heard the announcer say FIVE (5) times that this product is "ONE HUNDRED PER CENT" sumpin.

I could fairly hear poor modesty squirm- ing in her retreat and as for myself I care- fully iioted the product so that some day when I needed and wanted some I would know what to do-this is a free country, you know.

What in the dickens is meant by this ONE HUNDRED PER CENT stuff so many orators and spellbinders use-a man who used to say it oftener about himself than any other one I've ever met up with always played golf or went fishing on election day; a patent medicine that once used it was driven off the market finally by government investigators who proved the only thing right about them using it was that their medicine was that much no good for anything.

So, with these few observations modesty and myself will retire, with the one last word that we both do so after a program of this kind with a ONE HUNDRED PER CENT pain in our necks.

KIND PERMISSION OF - The copyright owner's

A lad who must sit Right close to the phone

With his ears stretched a bit

In order that artists On programs and such

May quickly with him Get in telephone touch,

So they may obtain His official O. K.,

For some musical number They're anxious to play.

Suppose he'd be grouchy And wouldn't bestow

His kindly permission And loudly yelled NO;

Suppose he were out At a banquet or ball

And wouldn't respond To the telephone call;

Suppose some supposings Of this kind or that

And then just suppose Where we all would

be at With our radio programs

Compelled to consist Of a lot of selections

The copyright missed. Oh, deary me, deary me,

What would we do Supposing supposings

Of this kind were true

\nd we were obliged To content ourselves with

Some melodies made By an ancient songsmith

Before Tin Pan Alley Got busy as bees

With mixtures of music Diluted with wheeze.

Our lives would be ruined. Our happiness wrecked.

We'd utterly losé All our good self-respect-

Oh, what would we do If these guys would go

fishin' And we couldn't get

Their most kindly permission. I2


Page 13:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

\ ` -( ll


IN t49,ä,

TUNE IN Each Saturday

Evening 7:15 to 7:45

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is created only by s in awn!

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Demand for farm help increased during February in nearly all agricultural areas of California. -U. S. Department of Labor

Sales of wholesalers in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District (7 western states) increased during Febru- ary.

-Federal Reserve Bank

Engineering contracts, ex- cluding buildings, were 18.7% greater in Decem- ber, January, February, than in same months last year. (7 western states).

-Federal Reserve Bank

Latest available data at the time this information was cdmpiled.


What causes unemployment in California? Princi- pally dollars that refuse to work. Remove large sums of money from circulation, and the entire business and industrial structure is affected. Put all inactive funds back to work and employment conditions become normal.... If you want to help your state and your nation-if you want everybody back on the job-join Bank of America's "back -to -good -times" movement. *Two hundred and eight thousand alert Californians, who, with their families, represent nearly one million people, are leading this great cam-

paign for a statewide mobilization of all inactive dollars.... Drop your fears. Buy what you need- and put your surplus in the bank. Every banked dollar releases from 5 to 10 dollars in useful credit. Abundant credit means full-time employment for every worthy worker. You can help.

+248,000 stockholders throughout the United States

Open a California Back -to -Good -Times Account in this bank-or any bank



Page 14:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-



Page 15:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

HOWARD DE LUXE MODEL New 19 -tube superheterodyne circuit with long and short wave. Automatic volume control and visible tuning meter. Large auditorium type speaker. Exquisite walnut console cabinet. Height 39 inches. Width 37 inches. Depth 91/2 inches.

Now on display at all Howard Dealers

HOWARD RADIO CO. Pacific Coast Branch -171 Second Street, San Francisco

South Haven, Mich. Phone DOuglas 5540

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!OPEÑ' -7. -_l

This department is open to all. Send in your letters. Anonymous letters will not be published. Give full name and address.

Early Jazz Music

DON'T expect this to ever sere a printing press, much less ever be printed in your

"Open Circuit," but I wanted to tell you that Walter Winchell is all right. And the music that they have over the Lucky Strike Hour is-well, there is no comparison between it and B. A. Rolfe's orchestra. With this new idea, we, on the coast, get to hear the orches- tras back east that we probably wouldn't, otherwise.

As Johnny H. of Bremerton says, we of the Northwest have been rather neglected. There has never, in my knowledge, been a mention of Seattle or Spokane.

Why don't they have jazz music before 6 o'clock on week days? I surely wish they did. All you can get are phonograph records.

And why isn't Russ Columbo heard more? He has a voice-though they can say what they please about "crooners"-some- one likes them.

I'm very glad there is a magazine like the BROADCAST WEEKLY. Big help, and what not.

Barbara M., Shelton, Wash., April 23

Appreciates NBC Organ Concerts

WOULD like to express through the Open Circuit my thanks to the National

Broadcasting Company for the organ con- certs they grant to their radio audience.

The organ being my favorite instrument, I appreciate more than words can express the early morning concerts and Paul Carson's incomparable Bridge to Dreamland, coming over the air at such an opportune time every Sunday evening.

"Keeping the home fires burning" necessi- tates my absence from home during the mid- day concerts, therefore, I doubly appreciate those in the morning and evening. Charles Runyan, Irma Glenn, Dollo Sargent and Paul Carson. I am grateful to each one for

the pleasure and inspiration they give me; but the high -lights of the week are Paul Carson's Sunday morning concert and the Bridge to Dreamland Sunday nights. Thank you.

I. Mc., Chico, Calif., April 16

Likes John P. and Walter W. IAM a constant reader of BROADCAST

WEEKLY and enjoy reading the letters in the Open Circuit department. Why is it that so many of the readers do not like Mr. John P. Medbury and Mr. Walter Winchell. We enjoy both of these programs very much and look forward to hearing them. Another entertainer we never get tired of is Mr. Don- ald Novis. We are very sorry to hear that the "RKO Theatre of the Air" is not going to broadcast any more. We like listening to Jimmie Grier's orchestra from the Am- bassador Hotel very much, but we do wish they would change the music and not play the same pieces each night.

I. A. N., Vancouver, B. C., April 15, 1932

Doesn't Like Daylight Saving Time

ir AM very pleasantly surprised to find your Open Circuit section in the BROADCAST

WEEKLY, for it gives me a wonderful oppor- tunity to publicly air my complaints, for it would seem that I am somewhat of a crab.

My chief or paramount complaint is day- light saving time, which has certainly messed up the radio programs.

For example, the most important program, Amos 'n' Andy, come on at the regular time for Frank Watanabe and the Honor- able Archie.

Then, too, Cecil and Sally come on now at the same time as Growin' Up which, of course, can't be blamed upon daylight saving time.

I only hope that enough people will agree with me and write in to this department that something will be done about it.

Ralph B., Santa Ana, Calif., May 1.



Page 17:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


Back to Normal Now

lOR lo, these many moons I have each week purchased a copy of BROADCAST

WEEKLY, as it furnished me with a large number of complete programs, fairly correct in most cases, and the one thing which more than any other made the service of value was, the programs of the different stations were complete-not a partial program con- sisting of an early morning number, reading "a. m. to p. m.," and then the program from the latter time.

If this is to be a permanent arrangement, I can only say that it does away with the usefulness of BROADCAST WEEKLY and will compel me to turn to the daily press and wade through a mass of programs "by the hour" to ascertain what any one station is going to put on the air during the day.

You have my vote in favor of restoring BROADCAST WEEKLY to the shape in which it for so long rendered valuable service to a

large number of radio fans. Charles H. R., Manteca, Calif., April 28.

Up to Standard

ON the cover of the BROADCAST WEEKLY I

notice it is called "The Leading Radio Guide of the Pacific." Maybe so, but please tell me why is it we do not have programs listed during daytime anywhere on the Pa- cific but around the Bay region. I like to hear the radio once in a while during the daytime. May turn to several stations and do not like the programs and, not having pro- grams listed during the day, I cannot tell how long they are on or what the next pro- gram is. Why should we of the Northwest, Oregon, and Southern California have our programs cut and not around San Francisco and Oakland? I think if programs should have been cut, if cut at all should not show favoritism to San Francisco and Oakland. Well, I can tell you I hope we get programs listed during the day soon or I am going to be very sorry indeed I ever subscribed to the WEEKLY.

Just recently three or four that I know were thinking of subscribing to the WEEKLY,

but when I told them about how programs were listed, they decided not to subscribe.

I hope something will be done about it,

and soon. I think it's an injustice to us. Mrs. Y., Bellingham, Wash., May 2

Sour Grapes TO FELLOW Contestants who've honestly

tried To win Radio prizes, I'll herein confide, A Secret I've found,-by arts that are clever,- Those Radio Prizes-are-no-good-whatever! The Judges' decisions are final, you see,- Although they're as rotten as rotten can be,- "Believe it or not"-we made no mistakes; But conscienceless Winners, will yell-"Sour


To all who have mixed in this Radio tout I venture to mention this joke I've found out: These games were not fair; and I think I shall

see How quickly and earnestly you will agree That incompetent Judges, with rotten decisions, Have left us no chance for other provisions! But, "Believe it or not"-we've made no mis-

takes; But pestiferous Winners still yell-"Sour


At winning an Auto-our efforts were vain; Likewise, for Cash Prizes-our luck was the

same. As for Goodyear and Seiberling Auto -Truck

Tires, We're certain the Judges were competent guyers: Because we well know what our statements were

like,- Much better than any we heard through the

"Mike," But "Believe it or not"-we've made no mis-

takes; But of course these derned Winners would yell

"Sour Grapes."

Offered as insipid consolation to the thousands of Contestants who tried their level best-but failed.

Chas. N. H., Bremerton, Washington, April 20

See Special Sub-

scription Offer

on Page 34


Page 18:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

... RADIO NEWS... pLANS for the radio installation in the

"radio city" which will occupy three full blocks in the heart of New York

tall for the largest studio in the world and the introduction of a number of new methods in broadcasting operations.

The radio operations from the New York .:enter will be handled by the National Broadcasting Company, which will have studio facilities more than double those now available. Official opening of the project is now scheduled for May, 1933, and the new studios will be introduced, it is expected, with programs in keeping with their elegance and equipment.

It has been estimated that twenty-seven studios, six audition rooms and a number of other appurtenant rooms will be required for the National Broadcasting Company plant, which will occupy approximately 500,000 square feet of space, nearly 380,000 feet of which will be utilized for the studios.

All the studios are to be two stories in height, with the exception of the one planned to be the largest in the world, which will have a height of more than three stories. The project includes a reversal of the revolv- ing stage principle, whereby a group of stu- dios will be centered about a single control room.

Four studios will thus be grouped for use in the broadcasting of complicated dramatic productions. With this set-up the orchestra can be placed in one studio, the principal actors in another, crowd scenes in a third and sound effects in the fourth, and the pick- ups electrically mixed in the common control room to create any desired effect.

This arrangement also can be used for television broadcasting, with four scenes set up in the different studios and the television pick-up equipment in the control room rotated to focus on the four in the proper sequence. In anticipation of television all studios will be electrically shielded and pro- vided with suitable lighting facilities.

In addition to the large studios there will be a number of small ones especially de- signed to accommodate speakers and, in view of the increasing number of child artists, a special lounge room has been arranged for them, together with a studio suitable for children's productions,

The public will be given unexcelled oppor- tunities to see the wheels go round. Public reception rooms at strategic points and ob- servation galleries to practically all the stu- dios will be provided. In the larger studios the observation galleries will be equipped with theater seats for the comfort of guests. In some cases the galleries will be separated from the studios by sound -insulated glass partitions, but in others they will open into the studios.

TH E steadily increasing popularity of mystery books and plays is being re- flected in radio by a constantly increas-

ing demand for mystery stories, according to reports just compiled by the Interior De- partment. Music, which for a number of years was most in demand, is losing its posi- tion in popularity in favor of dramatic and mystery programs.

The trend from music-which, neverthe- less, it is expected, will always remain the backbone of the radio program-is due to two causes, it is believed, the great improve- ment in studio technique and the desire for more varied entertainment.

Results of a recent inquiry into the popu- larity of various types of program are now being analyzed in the Office of Education for publication in a handbook for instruction by radio. A large number of stations were asked to furnish reports as to how their programs were arranged and what were the suggestions of radio audiences as disclosed by the daily mail. Many of the stations, it was found, based their programs largely upon the desires indicated in these commu- nications.

Different sections of the country vary widely in musical taste, it was found. Some sections cling to classical music; in others, modern music is in greater demand. In some localities, vocal selections are pre- ferred, and in others the orchestra is most popular.

There is, it is indicated, a steadily increas- ing demand for the dramatic program, with the mystery presentation in high favor. This has been recognized by several seriés of "mystery stories" now on the air. The ad- vancement in studio technique which has made possible the presentation of this type



Page 19:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

May 22 to 28 BROADCAST WEEKLY 19

of program in a dramatic-and sometimes hair-raising-way, with appropriate sound effects, it is said, has contributed materially to arousing this demand.

The average daily broadcast äs still about 60 per cent music, it is estimated, and there is a general belief that the proportion will not grow much less. Music must, it is felt, be the backbone of the program and, with its infinite variety, will never lose favor with the radio audience.

CONSISTENT clear reception of short- wave radio programs from all sections of the world, at all hours of the day or

night, cannot yet be assured with any type of receiver so far developed, according to radio scientists who are devoting their time and energy to the development of short-wave transmission.

"The importance of short-wave reception in the past year is demonstrated by the wide interest shown in commercial short-wave re- ceivers, the acceptance by the public and the dealer of a well -designed and engineered short-wave product, and the appeal which short-wave reception has to the user, espe- cially when reception direct from foreign countries is possible," it is declared in a re- view just issued by the Radio Manufacturers' Association.

"Unfortunately, however," the association warns, "very exaggerated advertising claims have been made regarding reception on short waves. Reception from stations in London, Paris, Berlin, Africa, Honolulu, Cuba, South America and other distant points has been almost guaranteed at any time of the day or night with perfect clarity and fidelity. Thus, the misguided public is led to many dis- appointments when one of these short-wave receivers is purchased."

Transmission and reception of short waves have been studied by the most brilliant engi- neering minds in the world, it is explained. Many of its phenomenal characteristics are very well known and much has been accom- plished in obtaining reliable and dependable broadcasting in the short-wave band. Suc- cessful transoceanic telephony on shore waves is well known to everyone and re- broadcasting of short waves from foreign stations on elaborate national broadcasting networks has passed beyond the stage of

engineering achievement and is taken as a

matter of fact by the public.

"These systems, however," it is pointed out, "have been developed with considera- tion given only to service and dependability and to obtain these two important requisites the cost of the associated apparatus has run into considerable sums of money, notwith- standing the time and cost for engineering research and development of the systems. Even with these elaborate and expensive sys- tems, service on short waves has been inter- rupted by atmospheric disturbances and other factors beyond the control of the systems used."

In commercial short-wave reception, in which entertainment must be afforded, it is declared, the problem is to design a receiver capable of good and satisfactory reception. Unusual and miraculous performance can be expected of this receiver no more than with a well -designed broadcasting receiver. No one in New York with a standard super- heterodyne broadcast receiver would expect to receive a station from Los Angeles con- sistently, although the receiver may be per- fectly capable of this reception under favor- able conditions, and yet, it is pointed out, many users of short-wave receivers expect round -the -world reception every day, in all seasons.

Short-wave reception is not only subject to atmospheric disturbance, but on some fre- quencies reception is better during the day than at night and on others the reverse is true. The seasons of the year also materially affect short-wave reception, summer being the best time for some frequencies and winter for others. Further, it is explained, the differ- ence in time between the United States and foreign countries must be taken into con- sideration, for at 8 p. m. in New York it is 1 a. m. in London, and 2 a. m. in most of Europe, and 10:30 a. m. in Melbourne, Aus- tralia, at which hours there may be few pro- grams.

"By understanding the foregoing," it is pointed out by the radio association, "it is plain to see that many factors control recep- tion at the short waves. Influences beyond the control of the systems used make it im- possible for reliable receiver manufacturers to guarantee long distance short-wave recep- tion at any time of the day or night. Under favorable conditions it is possible to receive these distant stations with clarity and fidelity, especially in locations remote from metro- politan areas."

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2, BROADCAST WEEKLY May 22 to 28

SUNDAY Programs - - May 22,1932

535.4 Meters KTAB Garfield 4700 560 Kcys. 1000 Watts Assoc. Broadcasters, Oakland. Calif. 8:30 A.M.-Recorded Program 9-The Call of the Open Road 9:30-Popular Records 9:45-Watch Tower 10-Baptist Church Bible Class 11-Church Services 12:30 P.M.-Chapel of the Chimes

Organ 1-Church of Latter Day Saints 1:30-KTAB Trio, Neil Shettler, dir. 2-Popular Records 2:31-Automobile Races at Oakland

Speedway 4-Program for Industrial Home of

Adult Blind 4:30-Popular Records 5-Chapel of the Chimes 6-Popular Records 7-Gus Arnheim's Orch., elec. trans. 7:30-Baptist Church Services 9:30-Recorded Program 10 to 11 P.M.-Beverly Hill Billies

340.7 Meters KLX Lake. 6000 880 Kcys. 500 Watts Tribune Pub. Co., Oakland, Calif. 12 noon-Records 12:30-John Wharry Lewis' Quintet 1:30-Classical Hour 2:30-Delphine Murphy, Contralto;

Clyde Diddle, Basso; Jack Manley, Violinist; Jean Ardath, Pianist

3:30-Records 4:30-Venetia Violin Ensemble 5-Records 5:30-Cocoanut Grove Ambassadors 6-Mixed Quartet 6:30-KLX Trio; Baseball Results 7:30-Hawaiian Memories with the

Three Cocoanuts and Ethel Rhi- nard and Cora Scott

8-Studio Program 9-Latham Foundation Program 9:30-Sierrans, Male Quartet 9:45-Marge Vogel and Jean Ardath 10 to 11 P.M.-Dance Program

280.2 Meters KJBS Ord. 4148-49 1070 Kcys. 100 Watts J. Brunton & Sons, San Francisco 8 A.M.-Popular Recordings 8:30-Vincent Lopez's Orchestra 9-Popular Melodies 10-Sunshine Half Hour 10:30-Recorded Music 11-Selix Program 11:30-Light Opera Hour 11:45-Popular Music 12 noon-Matson Paul Program 12 :15-Styles in Song 12:30-Dance Orchestra 12:45-Popular Program 1-Popular Selections 1:15-Will King Himself 1:30-Musical Memories 2-Frank Galvin and Jerry Herst,

the Joy Boys 2:30-Joe Green's Marimba Band 2:45-Organ Music 3-Melody Gems 3:30-Recorded Program 4:30-Musical Styles 5-Popular Selections 6-Musical Contrasts 6:30 to 7:15 P.M.-Popular Records 12-Roof Garden Orchestra 1-Front Porch Entertainers 1:30 to 6 A.M.-Owl Program


322.4 Meters KROW Glenc. 6774 930 Kcys. 1000 Watts Educa. Broad. Corp., Oakland. Calif. 8 A.M.-Recordings 8:30-Fr. Flanagan's Boys' Home 9-Recordings 9:15-Jack Murray, Pianist 9:30-Melodies of Yesterday and

Today 10-Watch Tower Program 10:45-Lloyd Adams, Pianist 11-The Star-olians 12 noon-Studio Program 12:15-Nell Callahan, Pianologues 12:30-King, Queen, Jack and Jill 1-Watch Tower Program 2-Vivian Moore, Organist; Bob

Moore, Baritone; Roy Edwards, Tenor

2:30-Off the air 6-Watch Tower Program 7-Piano Classics, Flora Boyd 7:15-Oakland Chamber of Com-

merce 7:30-Francis Fisher, Baritone;

Vivian Moore, Organist 7:50-Off the air 9-Greek Watch Tower Program 10 to 11 P.M.-Recordings

322.4 Meters KFWI Franklin 0200 930 Kcys. + rt 500 Watts Radio Entertainments, San Francisco 2:30 P.M.-Dance Music 2:45-Emanuel Rosenthal, Baritone 3-Studio Feature 3:30-The Family Album 4-Musical Masterpieces 5-English Folk Music 5:15-Anna Nettelman, Soprano 5:30-Dance Music 6-Silent Period 7:50 to 9 P.M.-Service from Fifth

Church of Christ, Scientist

491.5 Meters KFRC Prospect 0100 610 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee. Inc., San Francisco, Calif. 8 A.M.-CBS, Voice of St. Louis 8:30-CBS, International Broadcast 8:45-CBS, Street Singer 9-Home Sweet Home Concert 11-CBS, Symphonic Hour 11:45-J. Ward Hutton Concert En-

semble 12:30-CBS, All Year Club of So.

Calif., Dedication to the Olympic Games

1:30-Paradise Islanders 2:15-CBS, Ace Begode's Orchestra 2:30-Adventures, Mystery, Ro-

mance, Professor Lindsley 3-CBS, Dr. Julius Klein 3:15-CBS, Chicago Knights 3:30-KFRC Master Concert, fea-

turing Juanita Tennyson a n d Charles Bulotti

4:30-Frank Moss Piano Recital 4:45-CBS, "Your Child" 5-CBS, "Ever -ready Gaieties" 5:30-Tea Time Recital 6-CBS, Ernest Hutcheson, pianist 6:30-CBS, Ziegfeld Radio Show 7-CBS, The Gauchos 7:15-CBS, Highway Traveler 7:30-CBS, Pennzoil Parade 8-Musical Forget Me Nots 8:15-Dramatic Reading, Eugene

Eubanks 8:30-CBS, California Melodies 9-Parisian Night Life 9:15-Musical Cameos 9 :30-KHJ Concert 10-Crinoline Lady 10:30-Doakes and Doakes wtih

Mme. Fill 11 to 12 midnight-Midnight Moods

243.8 Meters KYA Prospect 3456 1230 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pac. Broadcast. Corp. San Francisco 8:45 A.M.-Musical V'oguesters 9-Popular Melodies 9 :15-Watchtower program 9:45-Musical Contrasts 10:15-Broadway Echoes 10:45-Hawaiian Echoes 11-Church Services 12 noon-Salon melodies 12:30-International Broadcast from

Germany, NBC 12:45-Masters of the Violin 1-Dance Melodies 1:30-"At the Console" 2-Operatic Airs 4-Sunday 4 o'clock Forum 4:30-At the Symphony 5:30-Artist Celebrities 5:45-Rabbi Elliot M. Burstein 6-Revue 6:30-News Bulletin 6:45-Close Harmony 7-Concert Memories 8-Musical Comedy Hits 9-News Bulletin 9:15-Classic Hour 10 to 11 P.M.-Salon Melodies

296.6 Meters KAW Columbia 777 1010 Kcys. `L 500 Watts Pac. Agric. Foundation. Ltd., San Jose 10:15 A.M.-Sunday School Lesson,

Fred J. Hart 11 to 12:30 P.M. -1st Baptist Church 7:30 to 9:30 P.M.-First Baptist

Church Services


Page 23:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Sunday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 23

379.5 Mtrs. NBC-KG0 Sutter 1920 790 Keys. 7500 Watt. National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


KECA, KFSD 8 A.M.-Organ Concert: KGO, KGW 8:30-Arlon Trio: Joyce Barthelson,

Pianist and Director; Josephine Holub, Violinist; Margery Avery, 'Cellist; Irving Kennedy, Tenor: KGO, KOMO

9:30-To be announced: EGO 10:30-Yeast Foamers: Orchestra

direction Herbie Kay; Browning Mummery, Tenor: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

11-Friendly Hour: Dr. J. Stanley Durkee, Speaker: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

11:30-National Sunday Forum: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFSD, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

12 noon-Iodent Program with Jane Froman, Contralto, and Orchestra: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KGIR, KGHL, KSL

12:15-John Fogarty, Tenor: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KTAR, KGHL

12:30-Rebroadcast from Germany: German Revelers, Comedian Har - monists, and other entertainers: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL, KGIR, KGHL, KYA

12:45-Pastels: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KTAR, KGHL

1-Sabbath Reveries: KGO, KHQ; KOMO off 1:15; KGW, KFSD, KTAR, KGIR. KGHL

1:30-Pop Concert: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KTAR

2-Sunday Concert: KGO, KOMO, KGW

3-GE Circle: Guest Artist: EGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

3:30-The Three Bakers: Billy Artz's Dance Orchestra: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

4-Chase and Sanborn Program: Guest Artist; Rubinoff's Orches- tra: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KOA

5-Enna Jettick Melodies: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

5:15-The American Album of Fa- miliar Music: Frank Munn, Tenor; Mary McCoy, Soprano; Veronica Wiggins, Contralto; Ohman and Arden, Piano Duo; Male Quartet; Orchestra direction Gustave Haen- schen: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

5:45-L'Heure Exquise: KGO, KHQ, KGW

6:15-The Old Singing Master: Harry Frankel, Master of Cere- monies; Orchestra direction Wil- liam Stickels KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI

6:45-Sunday at Seth Parker's: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFI, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

7:15-Russ Columbo and his Or- chestra: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KTAR, KGHL

7:30-Jesse Crawford, Poet of the Organ: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KGHL

8-William Stoess and his Flying Dutchmen: KGO; KOMO, KGW on 8:15; KGHL

S:30-Carnation Contented Hour:


9-Reader's Guide: Joseph Henry Jackson, Book Review: KGO, KGW, KFSD, KTAR, KOA

9:30-On Wings of Music: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KOA

10-Richfield News Flashes: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD

10:15-Paul Carson, Organist: KGO, KGW, KFI

11 P.M.-Jimmy Joy and his Bal Tabarin Orchestra: KGO

440.9 680 Keys. a' NBC KPO 000 Wa°° National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


8 A.M.-Major Bowes' Capitol Fam- ily: StPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

8:30 -Yvonne d'Arie: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KSL

8:45-Mazzucchi and his 'Cello: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

9-Waldorf Astoria Organ Concert: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

9:30-Piano Pictures: Aileen Fealy and Phyllida Ashley: KPO, KGA, KJE, KEX

10-Aeolian Trio: KPO; EGA on 10:30; KJR on 10:15; KEX

11-Bible Stories: Biblical Drama; Paul Carson, Organist: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

12 noon-Salon Orchestra: Eva De Vol, Soprano; Orchestra direction Cy Trobbe: KPO, KGA, KJR; KEX on 12:30

1-Day Dreams: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1:30-Vagabonds: Vocalist; Orches- tra direction Mahlon Merrick: KPO, KGA, KEX

2-Catholic Hour: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KTAR, KGIR

2:30-Our American Schools: KPO, EGA, KJR, KEX, KECA, KFSD, KTAR, KGIR, KGHL

3-The Guardsmen: Male Quartet direction Howard C. Kimes: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

3:30-Rhythmic Triplets: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

4-Community Forum: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KGIR

4:30-Gunnar Johansen, Pianist: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

5-Songs that Never Grow Old: KPO 5-Nathan Abas Violin Recital:

KPO on 5:15; KGA, KJR, KEX 5:30-Campus Comedians: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX 5:45-Impressions of American

Wastelands: KPO, KGA, EJR, KEX

6:45-Musical Merry - Go - Round: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

7:15-Stanislas Bem and his NBC Little Symphony Orchestra: KPO

8-Wonders of the Sky: "Saturn," Talk on Astronomy by Henry M. Hyde: KPO, KGA, KEX

8:15-Henry Thompson, Tenor: KPO, KGA, KEX

8:30-Rudy Seiger and his Fairmont Hotel Orchestra: KPO, KGA; KEX on 8:45

9-Abas String Quartet Chamber Music: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

10-Songland: Refs. Miller, Soprano; Ben Klassen, Tenor: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

10:30-Around the Network: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KGIR

11 to 12 midnight-Midnight Melo- dies: KPO, KGA, KJR. KEX

CBS Columbia Broadcasting System

8 A.M.-Voice of St. Louis: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFRC

8:30-Internat'n'l Broadcast: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFRC

8:45-The Street Singer: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFRC

9-"Builders of America: An Epic of American Labor": KFBK, KOL, KFPY

9:30-Community Center Faculty Recital: KFBK, KOL, KVI, KFPY

10:30-Columbia Church of the Air: KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY

11-Toscha Seidel, Violinist: KWG, KERN, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

11:30-Cathedral Hour: KWG, KGB, KERN, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

12 noon-Cathedral Hour: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, EVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

12:30-Special Olympic Games Pro- gram: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB


1:30-Brooks and Ross: KFBK, KGB, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KHJ

2-Ace Begode's Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY; KFRC at 2:15; KHJ, KGB

3-The World's Business: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

3:15-Chicago Knights: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

3:45-Between the Bookends: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KGB

4-Alex Haas and his Budapest Gypsy Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KGB

4:45-Angelo Patri, "Your Child": KFBK, KMJ, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

5-Ever-Ready Radio Gaieties: KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

6-Ernest Hutcheson, Pianist: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

6:30-"Ziegfeld Radio Show": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ


7:15-"The Highway Traveler": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

7:30-En Route to Pennzoil Parade of Melodies: KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

8:30-California Melodies: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

361.2 Meters KOA York 5090 830 Keys. 12,500 Watts General Electric Co., Denver, Colo. 5 P.M.-NBC, Enna Jettick Melodies 5:15-NBC, American Album of Fa-

miliar Music 5:45-NBC, L'Heure Exquise 6:15-NBC, Old Singing Master 6:45-NBC, Sunday at Seth Parker's 7:15-NBC, Russ Columbo 7:30-NBC, Jesse Crawford 8-NBC, William Stoess' Orchestra 8:30-NBC, Carnation Contented Hr. 9-NBC, The Reader's Guide 9:30-NBC, On Wings of Music 10-NBC, Songland 10:30 to 11 P.M.-NBC, Around the



Page 24:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

24 BROADCAST WEEKLY Sunday Programs

254.1 Meters KEX Atwater 3111 1180 Keys. 5000 Watts Western Bread. Co., Portland, Ore. 8 A.M.-NBC, Major Bowes and the

Capital Theatre Orchestra 8:30 -NBC, Yvonne D'Arie, famous

Concert Soloist 8:45 -NBC, Mazzucchi and his 'cello 9 -NBC, Waldorf Astoria Orch. 9:30 -NBC, Famous Piano Pictures 10 -NBC, Aeolian Trio 11 -NBC, Bible Stories 12 noon -NBC, Salon Orch., with

Eva DeVol 1 -NBC, Day Dreams 1:30 -NBC, Vagabonds 2 -NBC, Catholic Hour 2:30 -NBC, Our American Schools 3 -NBC, The Guardsmen 3:30 -NBC, Rhythmic Triplets 4 -NBC, Community Forum 4:30 -NBC, Gunnar Johansen 5 -NBC, Nathan Abas Violin recital 5:30 -NBC, Campus Comedians 5:45 -NBC, Impressions of Ameri-

can Wastelands 6:45 -Musical Merry -Go -Round 7:15 -NBC, Stanislas Bem and Lit-

tle Symphony Orchestra 7:30 -Silent Period 8 -NBC, Wonders of the Sky 8:15 -NBC, Henry Thompson, tenor 8:30 -City Club program 8:45 -NBC, Rudy Seiger's Orchestra 9 -NBC, Abas String Quartet 10 -NBC, Songland 10:30 -Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight -NBC, Midnight


508.2 Meters KHQ in Ma 5383 590 Kcys. 1000 Watts Louis Wasmer, Inc., Spokane, Wash. 9 A.M.-Sunday Comics 9:30 -Club Bulletin 10 -Watch Tower Program 10:15 -Dance Program 10:30 -NBC, Yeast Foamers 11 -NBC, Friendly Hour 11:30 -NBC, Nat'l Sunday Forum 12 noon -NBC, Iodent Program 12:15 --Crazy Crystals 12:30 -NBC, Lifetime Revue 1 -NBC, Sabbath Reveries 1:30 -NBC, Pop Concert 2 -Studio Program 3 -NBC, GE Circle 3:30 -NBC, The Three Bakers 4 -NBC, Chase and Sanborn 5 -Enna Jettick Melodies 5:15 -NBC, American Album 6:15 -NBC, Old Singing Master 6:45 -NBC, Sunday at Seth Parker's 7:30 -"Rainbow Hawaiians" 8 -Louts Phillipe Program 8:15 -NBC, Carnation Milk Co. 8:30 -Editorial Page 9 -NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10 to 10:15 P.M.-KHQ Ensemble

394.5 Meters KVI Broadway 4211 760 Keys. 1000 Watt/ Puget Sound Broadcast. Co., Tacoma 8 A.M.-CBS, Voice of St. Louis 8:30 -CBS, International Broadcast 8:45 -CBS, Street Singer 9 -Dr. Kenyon's Church 9:30 -CBS, Community Center Fac-

ulty Recital 10 -Voice of Texas 10:15-Recordigs 10:30 -CBS, Church of the Air 11 -Central Lutheran Church 12 noon -CBS, Cathedral Hour 12:30 -CBS, Olympic Games Prog. 1 -CBS, Pastbrale 1:30 -CBS, Brooks and Ross 1:45 -Judge Rutherford

2 --CBS, Ace Begode's Orchestra 2:30 -American Legion Program 3 -CBS, The World's Business 3:15 -CBS, Chicago Knights 3:30 -Studio Program 3:45 -CBS, Between the Bookends 4 -CBS, Alex Haas and his Orchestra 4:30 -Harold Zollman, Pianist 4:45 -CBS, Angelo Patri 5 -CBS, Eveready Radio Gaieties 5:30 -Studio Program 6 -CBS, Ernest Hutcheson, Pianist 6:30 -CBS, Ziegfeld Radio Show 7 -CBS, The Gauchos 7:15 -CBS, Greyhound Traveler 7:30 -CBS, Pennzoil Parade 7:45 -Silent Period 9 -Little Symphony Trio 9:30 -Studio Program 10 -Program to be announced 11 to 12 midnight -Midnight Moods

236.1 Meters KOL Elliott 4466 1270 Keys. 1000 Watts Seattle Broadcast Co., Seattle, Wash. 8 A.M.-CBS, Voice of St. Louis 8:30 -CBS, International Broadcast 8:45 -CBS, The Street Singer 9 -CBS, Builders of America 9:30 -Community Center Faculty

Recital 10 -Studio Program 10:30 -CBS, Columbia Church of the

Air 11 -CBS, Symphony Hour 12 noon -CBS, Cathedral Hour 12:30-CB8, Olympic Games Prog. 1 -CBS, Pastorale 1:30 -CBS, Brooks and Ross 2 -CBS, Ace Begode's Orchestra 3 -CBS, Dr. Julius Klein 3:15 -CBS, Alex Haas and Orch. 3:45 -CBS, Between the Bookends 4 -CBS, Alex Haas and Orchestra 4:30 -Studio Program 4:45 -CBS, Angelo Patri 5 -CBS, Eveready Radio Gaieties 6 -CBS, Ernest Hutcheson 6:30 -CBS, Ziegfeld Radio Show 7 -CBS, The Gauchos 7:15 -CBS, Greyhound Traveler 7:30 -CBS, Pennzoil Parade 8 -Arizona Joe 8:15 -Dramatic Reading 8 :30 -California Melodies 9-A Night in Paris 9:15 -Studio Program 9:30 -Program to be announced 10:30-Doakes and Doakes 11 to 12 -Midnight Moods

220.4 Meters KGER Phone: 682-94 1360-Kcys. 1000 Watts Cons. Broadcast. Co., Long Beach 7 A.M.-Salon Hour 8 -Family Circle Hour 8:30 -Comrade of the Air 9 -Doris and Clarence 9 :30-Taubman's Bible Class 10 :45 -Watchtower program 11 -Placentia Church 12 noon -Paul Graham Trio 1 -Helene Smith, plano 1:30 -Los Amigos Trio 2 -Organ Melodies 2:30 -Long Beach Band 4 -Salvation Army 4 :30-Kaai's Hawaiians 5 -Recordings 6 -Salon Music 6:30 -Masterpieces 7 -Back Home Hour 7:30 -Ste. Anthony Hour 8 -Rev. E. Fuller 9 -Evening Moods 10 -Rolla Alford Ensemble 10:30 -Vagabond Dreams 11 to 12 midnight -Dance Music

204 Meters KGA Main 3434 1470 Keys. 5000 Watts NW. Broad. System, Spokane, Wash. 8 A.M. to 8:45 -Various Programs 6:45 P.M. -NBC, Musical Merry -Go -

Round 7:15 -NBC, Stanislas Bem and Lit-

tle Symphony Orchestra 8 -NBC, Wonders of the Sky 8:15 -NBC, Henry Thompson, tenor 8:30 -NBC, Rudy Seiger's Orch. 9 -NBC, Nathan Abas String Quar-

tet 10 -NBC, Songland 10:30 -Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight -NBC, Midnight


309.1 Meters KiR Seneca 1515 970 Keys. a 5000 Watts Northwest Broad.System, Seattle, Wn. 8 A.M.-NBC, Major Bowes and the

Capital Theatre Orchestra 8:30 -NBC, Yvonne D'Arle, famous

Concert Soloist 8:45 -NBC, Mazzucchi and his 'cello 9 -NBC, Waldorf Astoria Orchestra 9:30 -NBC, Famous Piano Pictures 10-Inter'l. Bible Students program 10:15 -NBC, Aeolian Trio 11 -NBC, Bible Stories 12 noon -NBC, Salon Orchestra with

Eva DeVol 1 -Mary's Sunday program 2 -NBC, Catholic Hour 2:30 -NBC, Our American Schools 3 -NBC, The Guardsmen 3:30 -NBC, Rhythmic Triplets 4 -NBC, Community Forum 4:30 -NBC, Gunnar Johansen 5 -NBC, Nathan Abas Violin Recital 5:30 -NBC, Campus Comedians 5:45 -NBC, Impressions of Ameri-

can Wastelands 6:45 P.M. -NBC, Musical Merry -Go -

Round 7:15 -NBC, Stanislas Bem and Lit-

tle Symphony Orchestra 8 -First Church of Christ Scientist 9 -NBC, Abas String Quartet 10 -NBC, Songland 10:30 -Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight -NBC, Midnight


325.9 Meters KOMO Elliott 5890 920 Kcys. 1000 Watts Fisher's Blend Station, Inc., Seattle 8 A.M.-Organ recital 9 -NBC, Arion Trio 9:45 -Bond and Mortgage Co. Talk 10 -NBC, Pop Concert 10:30 -NBC, Yeast Foamers 11 -Pilgrim Cong. Church 11:15 -Plymouth Cong. Church 12:15 -NBC, Soloist 12:30 -Broadcast from Germany 1 -NBC, Sabbath Reveries 1:15 -Songs That Never Grow Old 2 -NBC, Sunday Concert 3 -NBC, GE Circle 3:30 -NBC, Three Bakers 4 -NBC, Chase and Sanborn 5 -NBC, 'Enna Jettick Melodies 5:15 -NBC, American Album of Fa-

vorites 5:45 -NBC, L'Heure Exquise 6:15 -NBC, The Old Singing Master 6:45 -NBC, Sunday at Seth Parkers 7:15 -NBC, Russ Columbo 7:30 -NBC, Jesse Crawford 8 -NBC, Stoess Orchestra 8:15-Baldy Homespun Melodies 8:30 -NBC, Carnation Contented Hr. 9 -NBC, Reader's Guide 9:30 -NBC, Wings of Music 10 -NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Univ. of Wash. Educational



Page 25:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Sunday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 25

285.5 Meters KNX Hemp. 4101 1050 Kcys. 5000 Watts L. A. Evening Express, Los Angeles 7 A.M.-Bill Sharpies' Breakfast

Party 9-Recorded Program 10-Judge Rutherford, Lecturer 10:15-Recorded Program 10:50-Third Church of Christ, Sci-

entist 12:10 P.M.-Evergreen 12:15-Recorded Program 12:30-Louise Johnson, Astroanalyst 1-L. A. Co. of Jehovah's Witnesses 2-City Park Board Program 4-Lelia Castberg's Vesper 4:15-Recorded Program 5-Dr. John Matthews 6-News Items 6:15 --Swami Dhirandanda 6:30-Hollywood Humanists Society 7-"Good Samaritan of the Air" 7:30-Transcription 7:45-Jeannie and Joan 8-Hollywood Presbyterian Church 9-"A Night in Paris" 9:15 to 10:15 P.M.-Calmon Lubo-

viski, Violinist, and Claire Mello- nino, Pianist

333.1 Meters Kw VAndike 7111 900 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 8 A.M.-Sunday Times Comics 8:30-"Little Joe Warner" 9-Home Sweet Home Concert 10:30-CBS, Church of the Air 11-CBS, Symphonic Hour 12 noon-CBS. Cathedral Hour 12:30-CBS, Dedication to Olympic

Games Z:30-CBS, Brooks and Ross 2-CBS, Ace Begode and his Orch. 2:30-Prof. Lindsley, Readings 3-CBS, The World's Business 3:15-CBS, Chicago Knights 3:30-KFRC Master Concert 4:30-CBS, Frank Moss, Pianist 4:45-CBS, "Your Child" 5-CBS, Ever -Ready Radio Gaieties 5:30-Rabbi Edgar Magnin 6-CBS, Ernest Hutchinson, Pianist 6:30-CBS, "Ziegfeld Follies of the

Air" 7-CBS, The Gauchos 7:15-CBS, The Travelers 7:30-CBS, Pennzoil Parade 8-Studio Program 8:30-CBS, California Melodies 9-George Gramlich, Tenor 9:15-Musical Cameo 9:30-Concert Orchestra 10-World-wide News 10:10-Studio Program 10 :30-Doakes & Doakes 11 to 12 midnight-Roy Ringwald,


225.4 Meters KGB FRanklin 6151 1330 Kcys. 500 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Diego, California 8 A.M.-CBS, Voice of St. Louis 8:30-Comics with Uncle Lloyd 9:30-Recordings 10-International Bible Students 10 :15-Sunday Morning Concert 11-CBS, Symphonic Hour 12 noon-CBS, Cathedral Hour 12:30-CBS, Olympic Games Prog. 1-CBS, Pastorale 1:30-CBS, Brooks and Ross 1:45-Song Stories 2-CBS, Ace Begode's Orchestra 2:30-Prof. Lindsley 3-CBS, World's Business 3:15-CBS, Chicago Knights 3:45-CBS, Between the Book Ends 4-Master Concert

4:30-Frank Moss, pianist 4:45-CBS, Angelo Patri 5-Eveready Radio Gaieties 5:30-Rabbi Magnin 6-CBS, Edna Wallace Hopper 6:30-Ziegfeld Radio Show 7-Quaw's Orchestra 7:15-CBS, Greyhound Traveler 7:30-CBS, Pennzoil Parade 8-Studio Program 8:30-CBS, California Melodies 9-J. Warde Hutton's Concert En-

semble 9:30-Concert 10-Lavender and Old Lace 10 :30-Doakes and Doakes 11 to 12 midnight-Midnight Moods

499.7 Meters KFSD Franklin 6353 600 Kcys. 1000 Watts Airfan Radio Corp., Ltd., San Diego 8 A.M.-Studio program 9:30-NBC, Piano Pictures 10-Sponsored program 10:30-NBC, Yeast Foamers 11-NBC, Nat'l Youth Conference 11:30-NBC, Sunday Forum 12 noon-NBC, Iodent program 12:15-Studio program 12:30-NBC, Broadcast from Ger-

many 12:45-Studio program 1-NBC, Sabbath Reveries 1:30-Studio program 2:30-NBC, Our American Schools 3-NBC, GE Circle 3:30-NBC, Three Bakers 4-NBC, Chase and Sanborn 5-NBC, Enna Jettick Melodies 5:15-NBC, American Album of

Music 5:45-Twilight Musical 6 :45-NBC, Seth Parker 7:15-Organ program 7:30-NBC, Jesse Crawford, Organ-

ist 8-T. Morley Harvey, pianist 8:30-NBC, Carnation Contented 9-NBC, Reader's Guide 9:30-NBC, On Wings of Music 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Billy Emerick 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Music

239.9 Meters KFOX Phone: 67281 1250 Kcys 1000 Watts Nichols & Warinner, Long Beach, Cal. 5 A.M.-The Early Birds 8-Family Altar 8:30-Recordings 9-Popular selections 9:30-Angeles Abbey program 10:30-Pleasing Melodies 11-St. Luke's Church 12:30 P.M.-Novelty Recordings 1-Vera Graham, organist 2-Sunshine and Roses 3-Salon Recordings 4-Popular tunes 4:30-Nazarene Church 5-Cally Holden's Orchestra 6-The Three Boys 6:15-Cliff and Lolly 6 :30-KFOX School Kids 6:45-"King of the Vampires" 7-Foster Rucker, baritone

Buda Orth, accompanist 7:30-The Boy Detective 7:45-Howard's Radio Birds 8-First Church of Christ, Scientist 9-After Church Hour 10-Cally Holden Orchestra Li-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 1Y to 1 A.M.-Recordings


468.5 Meters KFI Richmond 6111 640 Kcys. 50,000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 9 A.M.-Lilyan Ariel, Pianist 9:30-NBC, Popular Concert 10:30-NBC, Yeast Foamers 11-Bob Bradford, songs, George

Redmon, pianist, and Joan Har- vey, speaker

11:15-Wesley Tourtellotte, Organist 12 noon-NBC, Iodent program 12:15-NBC, John Fogarty, tenor 12:30-NBC Broadcast from Ger-

many 1:15-Paul Taylor's Quartet 1:30-Pac. Coast Prod.. League 2-Songs of Home Sweet Home 2:30-Poetry, Prose and Melody 3-NBC, GE Circle 3:30-NBC, The Three Bakers 4-NBC, Chase and Sanborn 5-NBC, Enna Jettick Melodies 5:15-NBC, American Album of Fa-

miliar Music 5:45-NBC Program 6:15-NBC, Old Singing Master 6:45-Orchestra 7:15-NBC, Soloist 7:30-NBC, Jesse Crawford, Organ-

ist 8-Packard Concert Orchestra 8:30-NBC, Carnation Contented Hr. 9-Orchestra 9:30-NBC, Wings of Music 10-NBC, Richfield Reporter 10:15 to 11 P.M.-NBC, Paul Car-

son, Organist

209.7 Meters KECA Richmond 6111 1430 Kcys. 1000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 9 A.M.-Record program 9:30-Nick Harris 11-Temple Baptist Church 12:30-Wesley Tourtellotte, Organist 1:15-Record program 2:30-NBC, Our American Schools 3-Record program 4:30-NBC, Gunnar Johansen, pian-

ist 5-Record program 5:30-NBC, Campus Comedians 5:45-Mind Magazine 6-Masterpieces of Music 6:45-NBC, Seth Parker program 7:15-Male quartet 7:30-Samoiloff Vocal Trio 8-String Trio 8:30-NBC, Rudy Seiger and Or-

chestra 9-Imperial Male Quartet 9:30-NBC, Abas String Quartet 10-Book Review by Frederick

Shields 10:30-News release 10:45 to 11 P.M.-Record program

384.4 Meters KTM Exposition 1341 780 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pickwick Broad. Corp., Los Angeles 7 A.M.-Recorded Program 8:30-Judge Rutherford's Sermon 8:45-God's Quarter Hour 9-Watch Tower Program 10-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Play 1:30-Recorded Program 2-Howell & Aretta 2 :30-Inspiration 3-Recorded Program 4-Zandra 4:30-Martin Luther Thomas 5-Silent Period 8-Miniature Symphony 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Paul Rader and his Couriers 11-Request Records

1 to 4 A.M.-Jack Ross, Variety Pro- gram

tt I www.americanradiohistory.com

Page 26:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

26 BROADCAST WEEKLY May 22 to 28


Eo r



JOHN P. MEDBURY Master of Ceremonies





Page 27:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

May 22 tao 28 BROADCAST WEEKLY 7

MONDAY Programs

535.4 Meters KTAB Garfield 4700 560 Kcys. 1000 Watts Assoc. Broadcasters, Oakland. Calif. 7 A.M.-Popular Records 7:05-Morning Reporter 7:30-Allay-oop! with Bob Roberts 8-Radio Shopping News 8:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 9-Morning Prayer Hour 9:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 10-Household Hour, Alma La Marr 10:30-News Service 10:35-Dr. B. L. Corley 10:55-Recorded Program 11-Store Scenes 11:30-Recorded Program 12 noon-Agricultural Reports 12:15-Dr. R. M. McLain 12 :30-News Service 12:35-Studio Program 1-Beaux Art Program 1:15-Over the Teacups, Alma La

Marr 2-Popular Records 2:30-Hollywhod Star Reporter 2:45-Masterpieces of Melody 3:15-Records 3:30-X Bar "B" Ranch Boys 4-Records 4:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 5-Uncle Rod's Children's Program 5:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 6-Popular Records 6:30-Ernie Smith, Sport Page of

the Air 6:45-Reporter 7-Ronnie Wollpert 7:15-Rabbi Weinstein 7:30-News Service 7:45-The Mirror 8-Water-Witch Orchestra 8:15-This Is Romance 8:30-East Bay Division of Asso-

ciated De Molay Chapters 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Lee Anderson's Scrapbook 10:30-Moment Musicale 11 to 1 A.M.-Night Owls

280.2 Meters KJBS Ord. 4148-49 1070 Kcys. 100 Watts J. Brunton & Sons, San Francisco 6 A.M.-Alarm Klok Klub 8-Favorite Recordings 9-Assoc. Food Stores' Program 9:30-Old Favorites 10-Reporter of the Air 10:05-Popular Selections 11:30-Charles' Miniature Vaudeville 11:45-Concert Music 12 noon-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 12:30-Band Concert 12:45-Recordings 1-Stock Report and Records 1:15-Financial Common Sense 1:30-Popular Records 2-Front Porch Entertainers 2:15-Recordings 2:45-Speak-Easy Time 3-Reporter of the Air 3:30-George Taylor's Bridge Hour 4-Records 4:15-Aloha Hawaiian Trio 4:30-Popular Records 5-Andy Anderson 5:15-Recordings 6:15-Philco Varieties 6:30 to 7:15 P.M.-Recorded Program 12:01-Owl Program 12 :30-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 1-Front Porch Entertainers 1:30 to 6 A.M.-Owl Program


CBS -6:45 P.M.

491.5 Meters KFRC Prospect 0100 610 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Francisco. Calif. 7 A.M.-Seal Rocks Broadcast 7:25-N. Y. Stock Quotations 7:30-Dobbsie and Wee Willie 7:45-Dobbsie Quarter Hour 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Through the Looking Glass 9:45-Ann Welcome 10-The Almanac 10:45-Zorex Moth Cakes program 11-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:30-CBS, Sam Prager, pianist 11:45 --CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-Noonday concert 1-Edna Wallace Hopper talk 1:05-CBS, Pancho and his Orch. 1:30-Stock Quotations 1:35-The Globe Trotter 1:45-Beauty talk 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-CBS, Swiss Yodlers 4:30-Better Business Bureau 4:45-The Globe Trotter 5-Skippy 5:15-CBS, Johnny Hamp and His 5:30-Dog Chats 5:45-Conductor Jim 6-Popular program 6:30-CBS, "Music That Satisfies" 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow and Orch. 7:15-Idyllio, Walter Kelsey, Jua-

nita Tennyson, Eleanor Allen 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-CBS, Noble Sissle's Orchestra 8-Blue Monday Jamboree 10-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Henry Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Vagabond of the Air

May 23,1932

322.4 Meters KFWI Franklin 0200 930 Kcys. 500 Watts Radio Entertainments, San Francisco 7 A.M.-KFWI Opener Program 8-Silent Period 9-Morning Melodies 10-White House Program 10:30-Health Talk, Dr. Linebarger 11-Timely Topics 11:15-Concert Melodies 11:45-Folk Tunes -

12 noon-Fox Trot Time 12:30-Town Crier 12:45-News Flashes 1-Silent Period 6-Dinner Dance Music 7-Bob Robb's Sportsheet 7:15-Helen Bellevue 7:30-Silent Period 8:30-Loretta Van Dyl and Grace

King, Art Duo 8:45-John D. Barry, World Events 9-Jack Coakley's Syncopators 9:30-Ella Stankevlch, young Rus-

sion Concert Pianist 9:45-Camp's Comparsita Quintet 10-Baritone 10:15-Studio Feature 11-Master Melodies 12 to 1 A.M.-Dedication Hour

322.4 Meters KRO11 Glenc. 6774 930 Kcys. 1000 Watts Educa. Broad. Corp., Oakland, Calit. 8 A.M.-Recordings 9-Off the air 1 P.M.-Weather Forecast 1:05-Latin-Afnerican Program 2:30-Sela Safar, "Bluer than Blue" 3-Paul's Hawaiians 3:30-Phantoms of the Air 4:15-Health Questions answered 4:30-Marion Day 5-Italian Program 5:30-Eleanor Foster and Guitar 5:45-KROW Reporter 6-Off the air 7 :30-Rajput 7:45-Black Ace and his Hooded

Buckaroos 8:15 to 8:30 P.M.-The Twilight Ser-


296.6 Meters KQW Columbia 777 1010 Kcys. l 500 Watts Par. Agric. Foundation, Ltd., San Jose 7 A.M.-The Breakfast Hour 9-Community program 9:30-Helpful Hour 10:30-Cliff, Mac and Norm 11-Eleventh Hour Program 11:30-Echoes of Portugal 12 noon-Variety program 12:30-U. S. Weather Forecast 1-Leah Bernhardt Kimball 1:30-The Friendly Hour 2:30-Studio program 4:30-Story Time, Lena Leland 5-Vespers, Roger Darling 5:30-Digger Indians 5:45-Liberty Bell Quarter Hour 6-The Knickerbockers 6:15-Franco's program 6:30-State Market Reports 6:45-Radio News and Forum 7:15-Calif. Dept. of Agric. 7:45-Postal Information 7:50-Musical Tid-bits 8-Sacred Memories 8:30-Early Californians 9 to 10 P.M.-Fireside program

1 III I " " 111 www.americanradiohistory.com

Page 28:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

28 BROADCAST WEEKLY Monday Programs

440.9 Mtrs. NBC-KPO GAr. 8300 680 Kcys. 5000 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


7:30 A.M.-Sunrise Serenaders: KPO 8-Financial Service: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KEX 8:15-Crosscuts from the Log o' the

Day: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX; KTAR off 8:30

9:15-Stringwood Ensemble: KPO off 9:30; KGA, KJR, KEX

9:30-Helpful Hints to Housewives: KPO

9:45-University of California at Your Service: KPO

9:45-Organ Concert: KPO on 10, off 10:15; KGA, KJR, KEX

10:15-Cultural Conversation: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

10:30-Snapshots: Marie Leon, So- prano; orchestra direction Cy Trobbe: KPO

11-Modern Moods: Orchestra direc- tion Cy Trobbe: KPO

11:30-United States Marine Band: KPO off 11:45; KGA on 11:4,; KJR on 11:45; KEX

11:45-Organ Concert: KPO 11:50-South San Francisco Stock-

yards Report: KPO 11:57-Time Signals: KPO 12 noon-Rhythm Triplets: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX 12:30-Windjammers: Saxophone

Quartet direction Jess Norman: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1-Helen Barker Art Talk: KPO, KGA, KEX

1:15-Jingle Joe: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1:30-Swanee Serenaders: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1:45-Sparklers: Agatha Turley, So- prano; Orchestra direction Jess Norman: KPO, KGA; KJR on 2; KEX

2:30-Waldorf Astoria Sert Room Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

2:45-June Pursell, Ballads: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

3-Who Cares?: KPO, KGA; KJR on 3:05; KEX; KGIR on 3:30

4-Pipe Dreams: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

4:15-Federal Business Talk: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

4:30-California State Chamber of Commerce Program: KPO

4:30-Ted Flo -Rita and Hotel St. Francis Dance Orchestra: KPO on 4:45, off 5; KGA off 5; KIR; KEX off 5:15

5-The Date Book with Stuart Strong: KPO

5:15-A Couple of Mouthfuls by Scotty: KPO

5:30-The Singing Lady: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

5:45-Little Orphan Annie: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

6-Meet the Orchestra: KPO off 6:15, on 6:30; KGA off 6:30; KJR off 6:15, on 6:30; KEX

6:15-Chief of Police Quinn: KPO 6:30-Meet the Orchestra: KPO 6:45-Cecil and Sally: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KECA 7-Tom Mitchell, Baritone: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX 7:15-Alice Gentle, Soprano: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX 8-Road Show: Variety Program,

with John and Ned, Masters of Ceremonies: KPO off 9; KGA, KJR, KEX

9-University of California: KPO

9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KIR, KEX, KECA, KOA

10-The Witch of Endor: Mystery Serial by Carlton E. Morse, Fifth Episode: KPO, KGA, KIR, KOA

10:30-Around the Network: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KGIR

11-Stringwood Ensemble: KPO, KGA, KEX

11:30 to 12 midnight-Witching Hour: KPO, KGA, KEX

243.8 Meters KY A Prospect 3456 1230 Kcys. a li i000 Watts Pac. Broadcast. Corp., San Francisco 7:30 A.M.-Rhythm Masters 8-Metropolitan Hour 9-Manual Melodies 9:30-Modern Melodies 10-Sunshine Hour 11-Salon Melodies 11:15-Manhattan Moods 11:30-Prudence Penny 11:45-Song and Dance Kings 12 noon-Broadway Echoes 12:30-"University of the Air" 12:45-Glen Goff, Organist 1:45-Parent Teachers' Association 2-Famous Songs and Singers 2:30-Glen Goff, Organist 3-Hawaiian Echoes 3:15-Novelty Bits 3:30-Great Masters of Music 4-Salon Music 4:15-B. B. Bronson, Psychiatrist 4:30-Cn Parade 5-Metropolitan Hour 6-Revue 6:30-Dance Music 6:45-Henry Starr: Songs and piano 7-Hap and Jack: Song Writers 7:15-"The Harmonettes" 7 :30-Rajput Program 7:45-News Bulletin 8-On with the Show 9-Billy Small Ensemble 9:30-Bob Allen and Geo. Bowers 9:45-Marsden Brooks: 'Cello 10-News Bulletin 10:15-G. Donald Gray, vocalist 11 to 12 midnight-Concert Mem-


340.7 Meters KLX Lake. 6000 880 Kcys. 500 Watts Tribune Pub. Co., Oakland, Calif. 7 A.M.-Exercises; Stock Reports 8-Records 9-Modern Homes Period 9:30-Clinic of the Air 10:15-Stocks; Financial Informa-

tion; Weather 10:30-Records 10:45-Aratone Program 11-Sunshine Twins 12 noon-Jack Delaney and his Band 1-Jean's Hi -Lights 2-Classical Recordings 2:35-Closing Stocks 2:45-Opportunity Hour 3:45-Records 4:30-Brother Bob's Club 5-Helen Wegman Parmelee, Pianist 5:15-The Three Cocoanuts, and

King Sisters' Harmony Trio 6-Blue Watters' Dance Orchestra;

Dot Kay, Vocal Soloist 7-News Items 7 :30-Rajput 7:45-Fred and Morris, Comedians 8-Ethel Rhinard and Cora Scott 8:15-Business Bureau Talk 8:30-Faucit Theater of the Air 9-The Wanderer 9:15-Helen Parmelee, Pianist 9:30-Studio Program 10 to 11 P.M.-Dance Program

309.1 Meters Kilt Seneca 1515 970 Kcys.

Kilt 5000 Watts

Northwest Broad. System, Seattle, Wn. 7 A.M.-Rhythm Aces, produce

quotations, news 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-Mary 9:45-NBC, Organ Concert 10:15-NBC, Cultural Conversation

by Ethel Cotton 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, U. S. Marine Band 12 noon-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12:30'-NBC, The Windjammers 1-Mary 1:15-NBC, Jingle Joe 1:30-NBC, How Can College Pro-

mote World Peace 1:45-Piano Ramblings 2-NBC, Sparklers 2:30-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Sert

Room Orchestra 2:45-NBC, June Purcell 3-The Easy Chair 3:15-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, John and Ned 4:15-NBC, Federal Business Talk 4:30-NBC, Hotel St. Francis Orch. 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-NBC, Meet tiffe Orchestra 6:15-Anson Weeks, (E. T.) 6:45-Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Alice Gentle and Orch. 7:45-Dollars and Sense 8-NBC, Road Show 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Witch of Endor 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11-Earl Gerdon hoof Garden Orch.

254.1 Meters KEX Atwater 3111 1180 Kcys. 5000 Watts Western Broad. Co., Portland, Ore. 7 A.M.-Farm Flashes; News 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 9:45-NBC, Organ Concert 10:15-NBC, Cultural Conversation,

by Ethel Cotton 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, United States Marine

Band 12 noon-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12:30-NBC, The Windjammers 1-NBC, Helen Barker 1:15-NBC, Jingle Joe 1:30-NBC, How Can College Pro-

mote World Peace 1:45-NBC, Sparklers 2:30-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Sert

Room Orchestra 2:45-NBC, June Purcell 3-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, John and Ned 4:15-NBC, Federal Business Talk 4:30-NBC, Hotel St. Francis Orch. 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-NBC, Meet the Orchestra 6:30-Pianofore Tales 6:45-Oregonian Interviews 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Alice Gentle and Orch. 7:30-Silent Period 8-NBC, Road Show 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Witch of Endor 10:30-Around the Network 11-Stringwood Ensemble 11:30-Organ Concert 12 to 1 A.M.-Allen Daniels


Page 29:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Monday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 29

508.2 Meters KHQ Main 5383 590 Kcys. 1000 Watts Louis Wasmer, Inc., Spokane, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Caterpillar Program 7:15-Inland Empire Dairy 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-Union Oil Co. 8 :45-Frisbie's Syrup 9-"Walt and Marian" 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Burgan's Home Comfort 9:45-Wolper's Fashion Notes 10-Crazy Crystals 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Bisquick Program 11:35-Jean Anthony, Organist 12 noon-Club Bulletin 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 1:15-Spokane Fur Tanning Co. 1:30-Studio Program 1:45-Sartori and Wolff 2-Studio Parade 3-Commercial Creamery 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-Peerless Dental Hygiene 4-Happy Feet 4:15-J. and D. Paint Time 4:30-NBC, Death Valley Days 5-Benewah Creamery 5:15-General Mills: Skippy 5:30-NBC, Parade of States 6-Kinman Business University 6:30-NBC, MJB Demi -Tasse Revue 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Chandu, the Magician 7:30-NBC, Firestone Program 8-NBC, Sherlock Holmes Tales 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-Editorial Page 9:15-Shell Oil Program 9:30-The Melody Girl 9:45-Babson Business Barometer 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Eight Melody Men 10:45-Timely Topics 11-Fran Morton's Orchestra 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Desert Caravan

325.9 Meters KOMO Elliott 5890 920 Kcys. 1000 Watts Fisher's Blend Station, Inc., Seattle 6:55 A.M.-Inspirational Service 7-Organ Recital 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half Hour 8:45-NBC, Hal Kemp and Orch. 9-Prudence Penny 9:15-Little Jeff 9:30-NBC, Buckaroos 9:45-Saxophone Melodies 9:55-Bisquick program 10-NBC, Rembrandt Trio 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Uncle Hank from Ciderville 11:45-Club Minutes 12 noon-Masterworks of the Piano 12:15-Farm and Home Hour 1-Marimbaphone Melodies 1:15-Einer and Einar 1:30-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 1:45-The Totem Players 2-The Home Towners 2:30-Croonettes 2:45-Island Serenaders 3:15-News of the Day 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45 --Crescent Kitchen Philosopher 4-NBC, Fine Art String Quartet 4:30-NBC, Death Valley Days 5-Doric Quartet 5:15-Just Willie 5:30-NBC, Parade of the States 6-NBC, National Radio Forum 6:30-NBC, MJB Demi -Tasse Revue 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Golden Memories 7:30-NBC, Voice of Firestone

8-NBC, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

8:30-NBC, Billy Jones and Ernie Hare

8:45-Shell Oil Co. 9-Little Symphony Hour 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-NBC, Eva Gruninger, con-

tralto 10:30-NBC, Olympian Quartet 11-Globe Trotter 11:10-NBC, Hotel St. Francis

Dance Orchestra 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Recital

CBS Columbia Broadcasting System

9 A.M.-George Hall and his Hotel Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KVI, KFPY

9:30-Armand Vecsey's Ritz Or- chestra: KFBK, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

10-Columbia Farm Community: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY

10-Ann Leaf at the Organ: KGB 10:45-Zorex Moth Chasers: KFBK,


11-Columbia Salon Orchestra: KFRC

11:15-Columbia Salon Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

11:30-Sam Prager, Pianist: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

11:45-Four Eton Boys: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

12 noon-The Captivators: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

12:20-"Rungs of the Ladder": KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

12:40-Columbia Artist Recital: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

1-Pancho and his Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

1:30-Snooks Friedman and his Paramount Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

4-Organalities: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

4:15-Swiss Yodelers: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

4:30-Willie Botts in Person: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY

5:15-Johnny Hamp's Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC

6:30-"Music that Satisfies": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

6:45-"Myrt and Marge": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

7-Howard Barlow and the Colum- bia Symphony Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KOY

7:30-The Camel Quarter Hour: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ, KOY

7:4.5-Noble Sissle and his Park Central Orcnestra: KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

8-Gus Arnheim and his Orchestra: KFBK, KOL, KFPY

8:30-Enric Madriguera's Biltmore Orchestra: KFBK, KOL, KFPY

236.1 Meters KO7 Elliott 4466 1270 Kcys. =' 1000 Watts Seattle Broadcast Co., Seattle, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Top o' the Morning 7-KOL Time Klock 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Organ Echoes 9:30-CBS, Armand Vecsey's Orch. 10-Morning Melodies 10:30-The Health Man 10:45 ---Console Capers 11:15-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:30-CBS, Sam Prager, Pianist 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-"The Carnival," with Billy

Sherwood 1-Ken Stuart's Sunshine Program 1:15-Dental School of the Air 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Harriet Links 3:45-Feminine Fancies 4-Puget Sound Crier 4:30-Cecil Solly 4:45-Brad and Al 5-Hill and Dale 5:15-"Skippy" 5:30-Billy Lowe, Bartells 5:45-Arizona Joe, Gasco 6-Guy Lombardo's Orchestra 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow 7:15-Sports Review 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-CBS, Noble Sissle Orchestra 8-CBS, Isham Jones Orchestra 8:30-CBS, Enric Madriguera's Orch. 9-Blue Monday Jamboree 10-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11 to 12-Henry Halstead's Orchestra

394.5 Meters KVI Broadway 4211 760 Kcys. 1000 Watts Puget Sound Broadcast. Co.. Tacoma 6:30 A.M.-Farm Flashes 7-Dr. Kenyon's Church 7:30-Recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Mystery Melodies 9:15-Dr. Ambrose, Health Talk 9:30-CBS, Armand Vecsey Orch. 10-Mother Hubbard's Cupboard 10:15-CBS, Columbia Farm Net-

work 11-Recordings 11:15-CBS, Salon Orchestra 11:30-CBS, Sam Prager, Pianist 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-CBS, The Captivators 12:20-CBS, Rungs of the Ladder

from London 12:40-CBS, Garden Talk 1-CBS, Pancho and his Orchestra 1:30-CBS, Snooks Friedman's Or. 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Dental Clinic of the Air 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-CBS, Swiss Yodelers 4:30-CBS, Tweet Hogan's Orchestra 4:45-Recordings 5-Twilight Reveries 5:15-CBS, Those McCarty Girls 5:30-Recordings 5:45-Ralph Horr 6-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:15-To be announced 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-Howard Barlow and Orchestra 7:15-Don Lee Studio Program 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Silent Period 9-Blue Monday Jamboree 10-Crazy Quartette 10:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11 to 12-Henry Halstead's Orchestra


Page 30:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

30 BROADCAST WEEKLY Monday Programs

204 Meters VGA Main 3434 1470 Keys. 5000 Watts NW. Broad. System, Spokane, Wash. 6 A.M. to 6 P.M.-Various programs 6 P.M.-NBC, Meet the Orchestra 6:30-Frank Funkhouser 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-Alice Gentle and Salon Or-

chestra 8-NBC, Road Show 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Witch of Endor 10:30-Around the Network 11-Stringwood Ensemble 11:30 P.M.-Organ Concert

225.4 Meters KGB lRanklin 6151 1330 Kcys. 500 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Diego, California 7 A.M.-Recordings; News; Stocks 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Betty Crocker 9:45-CBS, Armand Vecsey Ritz Or-

chestra 10-Helen Stone, Around the Town 11-CBS, Columbia Salon Orchestra 11:30-CBS, Sam Prager, pianist 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-Farm Flashes 12:15-Closing Stock Quotations 12:20-CBS program 12:40-CBS, Columbia Artist Recital 1-CBS, Pancho and Orchestra 1:30-CBS, Friedman's Paramount

Orchestra 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-CBS, Swiss Yodelers 4:30-Plantation Grill Orchestra 4:45-Town Topics 5-Studio program 5:15-Chandu the Magician 5:30-News Reel of the Air 5:45-Song Stories 6-Hutton's Concert Quartette 6:30-CBS, Music That Satisfies 6:45-Katherine Pike Skedden, pi-

anist 7:15-Idyllio 7:30-CBS, Noble Sissle Orchestra 8-San Miguel Hill Billies 9-Blue Monday Jamboree 10-News Reels 10:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11 to 12 midnight-Halstead's Orch.

499.7 Meters KFSD Franklin 6353 600 Kcys. 1000 Watts Airfan Radio Corp., Ltd., San Diego 7:30 A.M.-Studio program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half-hour 8:45-Good Cheer program 9-C. F. Pitts 9:05-Morning Musical 10-Studio program 10:30-NBC, Woman's Magazine 11:30-Studio program 12:15-NBC, Western Farm and

Home 1-Studio program 3-NBC, Orestes Caldwell 3:15-NBC, bonata 3:30-Feature program 4-Radio Dental Clinic 4:15-Leonard Spaulding 4:30-NBC, Death Valley Days 5-Late News 5:15-Leah McMahon and Terry

Sherman 5:45-Public School program 6-Cramer's Quintette 6:30 --NBC, Demi -tasse Revue 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy

7:15-Melody Mates 7:30-NBC, Voice of Firestone 8-NBC, Sherlock Holmes 8:30-NBC, Jones and Hare 8:45-String Ensemble 9:30-NBC, Rendevouz 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Studio 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Music

209.7 Meters KECA Richmond 6111 1430 Kcys. iGGal..l 1000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 9 A.M.-Louis Rueb, Exercises 9:15-Record program 10-News release 10:15-Record program 11:30-Beauty Lore by Melisse 11:45-Record program 12 noon-Biltmore Concert Orchestra 12:45-Electric Group Luncheon 1:30-Record program 1:45-Bob, Bunny and Junior 2-Record program 3:30-Alexander Bevan', Italian

language 3:45-Record program 4-News release 4:15-Record program 4:45-County Medical Assoc. Talk 5-Brother Ken and Kiddies 5:30-NBC, Kellogg program 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6-Yarley and Yenny, sketch 6:15-Wilshire Choral Club 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-Studio program 7:15-Joe Warner's Jolly Journal 7:30-Organ recital 7:45-Paul Roberts and String

Quartet 8:15-Packard Concert Orchestra

with soloist 9:15-Jean Cowan, piano and songs 9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10:30-News release 10:45 to 11 P. M.-Record program

220.4 Meters KGER Phone: 682-94 1360-Kcys. 1000 Watts Cons. Broadcast. Co., Long Beach 6 A.M.-The Bugle Boy 6:30-Wake Up Tunes 7-Dusty and Skippy 7:15-News Flashes 7:30-Breakfast Club 8-Family Circle Hour 9:30-Frances 10-Union Mutual Orch. 10:45-Ken Trainer 11-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 11:30-Cleo Hibbs 12 noon-Rocky Mountaineers 12:30-Rango 1-Paul Graham Trio 1:30-The Bookworm 1:45-Musical Matinee 2:15-Sun News Flashes 2:30-Jeraldine Judd, harpist 3:15-Kaai's Hawaiians 4-Anderson Sisters 4:15-Harmony Serenaders 4:30-Rhythm Queens 5:30-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 6-Em and Clem 6:15-Twilight Fantasy 6:45-Cheerful Earful 7-Buttercream Ragamuffins 7:15-Evening Diversions 7:30-Varieties 8-Rango 8:30-Welma Souvagoel, pianist 9-Evening Moods 10-Helen Smith, Pianist 10:15-Frank Jocelyn, organist 11 to 12 midnight-Tom Moore's


333.1 Meters KHJ VAndike 7111 900 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 A.M.-News Briefs and Records 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-"Jack and Grace" 9:15-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-CBS, Armand Vecsey's Orch. 9:55-Sperry Flour 10 --CBS, Farm Network 10:45-Male Quartet 11-Nell Larson, Organist 11:15-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:30-CBS, Sam Prager, Pianist 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-Beauty Talk and Organ 12:20-CBS, Rungs of the Ladder 12:40-World-wide News 12:55-CBS, Columbia Artists Recital 1-Times Forum 1:30-CBS, Snooks Friedman's Or. 1:45-Blue Ridge Colonel 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-All-Year Club 4:30-CBS, Tweet Hogan's Orchestra 4:45-Kerry Conway 5-"Aunt Jemima's Songs" 5:15-News Items; Town Topics 5:30-"Skippy" 5:45-Song Stories 6-CBS, Guy Lombardo's Orchestra 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow's Orch. 7:15-CBS, Maxwell House Coffee 7:30-CBS, Morton Downey and Or. 7:45-CBS, Noble Sissle and Orch. 8-Blue Monday Jamboree 10-World-wide News 10:10-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Roosevelt Dance Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Roy Ringwald, Organ

239.9 Meters KFOX Phone: 67281 1250 Kcys 1000 Watts Nichols & Warinner, Long Beach, Cai. 5 A.M.-The Early Birds 7-Recordings 7:15-Peppy Tunes 7:30-Song and Patter 7:45-News report 8-Popular selections 9-Mae Day Beauty Talk 9:10-Air Raiders 10-Vera Graham, Organist 10:30-Orange Blossom Girls 11-The Three Boys 11:30-News report 11:45-Organ recital 12 noon-Blue Ribbon Group 1-Hawaiian program 1:30-Electrical Transcription 1:45-Speak Easy 2-Afternoon Kapers 3-Musical Pastels 3:30-Pipe Dreams 4-News report 4:15-Dental Clinic of the Air 4:45-Tennessee Joe 5-Sunset Harmony Boys 5:30-Cheerio Boys 5:45-Three Boys 6-Married Life, Comedy Skit 6:15-Three Girls 6:30-Three Vagabonds 6:45-Don Franco 7-KFOX School Kids 8-Melody Garden 8:15-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra 9:30-"Harmonious Suggestions" 9-Vera Graham, organist 9:30-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra 10:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Hank Halstead's Orchestra. 12 to 5 A.M.-Recordings -


Page 31:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Monday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 31

379.5 Mtrs. NBC-KGO Sutter 1920 790 Kcys. 7500 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


KECA, KFSD 7 A.M.-Organ Concert: EGO 7:30-Singing Strings: EGO 7:45-Van and Don, the Two Pro-


8-GE Circle: Oscar of the Waldorf, Guest; Grace Ellis, Hostess; Eddie Dunham, Organist; Theodore Webb, Baritone: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

8:15-Brighten-Up Half -Hour: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR

8:45-Hal Kemp and his Orchestra: KGO, KOMO, KGW

9-Harold Stokes and his Orchestra: KGO

9:15-Beautiful Thoughts: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFI, KTAR

9:30-Buckaroos: Charles Marshall and Ted Maxwell: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KTAR

9:45-Rembrandt Trio: KGO, KOMO; KGW on 10:15; KFI on 10; KGIR

10:30-Woman's Magazine of the Air: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI; KFSD off 10:50, on 11:10; KTAR, KSL, KOA on 11:10

11:30-The League of Western Writers: EGO

12 noon-Organ Concert: EGO 12:15-Western Farm and Home


1-Stríngwood Ensemble: KGO; KOMO, KGW on 1:30

1:45-Songsters: Male Octet direc- tion Keith McLeod: KGO, KGW

2-Teddy Black and his Orchestra: KGO; KGW on 2:15; ESL, KGHL

2:30-Cotton Pickers: Tommy Mon- roe, Harold Peary, Southern Har- mony Four: KGO, KFI, KGHL

3-Talk by Orestes H. Caldwell: KGO

3:15-Sonata Recital: KGO 3:30-Swift Program: The Stebbins


3:45-News Service: EGO 4-Fine Art String Quartet: KGO,

KOMO, KFI 4:30-Death Valley Days: Dramatic


5-Doric Quartet: Ben Klassen, My- ron Niesley, Tenors; Everett Fos- ter, Baritone; Harry Stanton, Bass; Emil J. Polak, Pianist and Director: KGO, KGW

5:30-Parade of the States: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KSL

6-National Radio Forum: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KGIR, KGHL

6:30-Demi-Tasse Revue: John P. Medbury, Master of Ceremonies; Ambassador Hotel Orchestra di- rection Phil Harris: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KOA, KGIR, KGHL

7-Amos 'n' Andy, Blackface Com- edians: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL

7:15-Harry Reser and his Eskimos: KGO

7:30-Voice of Firestone: Lawrence Tibbett, Baritone: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KUIR, KUHL, EGU

8-Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

8:30-Billy Jones and Ernie Hare: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

8:45-Dinglebenders: Comedy Serial with Kolb and Dill: EGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI

9-Los Gallitos: Vocalist, Orchestra direction John Picadura: KGO, KOA

9:30-Rendezvous: The Coquettes: EGO, KFSD, KTAR

10-Richfield News Flashes: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD

10:15-Eva Gruninger, Contralto: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW

10:30-Olympians: KGO, KHQ, KGW 11-Hotel St. Francis Dance Or-

chestra: KGO, KHQ 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Concert,

Dollo Sargent: EGO

384.4 Meters KIM Exposition 1341 780 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pickwick Broad. Corp., Los Angeles 6 A.M.-Request Records 8-Texas Outlaws 8:30-God's Half Hour 9-Zandra 9:30-Pennsylvania Dutchman 9:45-Dr. Frank McCoy 10-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Inspiration 1:15-The Banjo Boys 1:45-Utah Trail Boys 2-Spanish Concert 3-Recorded Program 3:15-Howell & Aretta 3:30-Dr. Frank McCoy 3:45-Recorded Program 5-Silent Period S-Rainbow Review 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Mystery Serial 10:15-American Legion 10:45-Transcription 11:15-Request Records

1 to 4 A.M.-Jack Ross, Variety Pro- gram

361.2 Meters KOA York 5090 830 Kcys. 12,500 Watts General Electric Co., Denver, Colo. 5 P.M.-NBC, Hill' Billies 5:30-NBC, Parade of the States 6-NBC, National Radio Forum 6:30-NBC, Demi -Tasse Revue 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Hotel St. Regis Orch. 7:30-NBC, Voice of Firestone 8-NBC, Sherlock Holmes 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 9-NBC, Croatian Tamburitza En-

semble 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Drama Hour 10:30 to 11 P.M.-NBC, Around the



You will get your copy every weekl

468.5 Meters KFI Richmond 6111 640 Kcys. 50,000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc.. Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Stock Quotations 6:45-Dr. Seixas, health exercises 7:30-Studio program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half-hour 8:45-Helpful Hints to Housewives 9-NBC, Harold Stokes' Orch. 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Helen Guest, and Sally Hill 9:45-Fashion Tour with Melisse 10-NBC, Rembrandt Trio 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Peggy O'Neill, ballads I1:45-Federal and State Market

Reports 12 noon-Dept. of Agric. talk 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 1-News release 1:15-Ann Warner Chats 1:45-Jimmy Base, songs 2-NBC, Teddy Black's Orchestra 2:30-NBC, Cotton Pickers 3-Public Library Book Review 3:15-Close Partners, sketch 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-News release 4-NBC, Fine Arts String Quartet 4:30-NBC, Death Valley. Days 5-Calif. Teachers' Association 5:15-County Medical Assoc. talk 5:30-NBC, General Motors program 6-NBC, National Radio Forum 6 :30-MJB Demi -Tasse Revue 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Orchestra 7:30-NBC, Firestone program 8-NBC, Sherlock Holmes 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-NBC, The Dinglebenders 9-Orchestra 10-NBC, Richfield Reporter 10:15 to 12 midnight-Hotel Ambas-

sador Orchestra

285.5 Meters KNX Hemp. 4101 1050 Kcys. 5000 Watts L. A. Evening Express. Loa Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Recorded Program 6:45-Bill Sharpies' Gang 8:45-Inspirational Talk and Prayer 9-Clinic of the Air 9:30-News Items 9:45-Maxine's Shopping Service 10-Eddie Albright's Family 10:30-Kate Brew Vaughn 11-Recorded Prografn 12 noon-News Items 12:15-Recorded Program 12:30-Noonday Revels 1-Paris Inn 2-The Bookworm 2:30-Records 3-Matinee Mirthmakers 3:30-Recorded Program 4-Travelogue, Lost & Found, Stocks 4:15-Maxine's Shopping Service 4:45-Records 5-Town Crier 5.15-The Arizona Wranglers 5:45-Texas Cowboys 6-News 6:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 6:30-Oh-hh Elmer 6:45-Vivian Duncan and Lew Cody 7-Frank Watanabe and Hon. Archie 7 :15-Rajput 7:30-KNX Ensemble 7 :45-Centerville Sketches 8-Realty Board Californians 8:30-Georgia Fifield Players 9-News 9:15-KNX Ensemble 9:30-"Good Samaritan of the Air" 10-Starke's Bohemian Cafe 11-Paris Inn 12 to 1 A.M.---Ray Howell


Page 32:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

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TUES DAY Programs 491.5 Meters KFRC Prospect 0100 610 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. 7 A.M.-Seal Rocks Broadcast 7:25-N. Y. Stock Quotations 7:30-Dobbsie and Wee Willie 7 :45-Dobbsie Quarter Hour 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Mary and Jim 9:45-Coca Cola Program 10-The Almanac 11-Recordings 11:15-Round the World Cooking

School 11:30-CBS, Musical Americana 12 noon-Noonday Concert 1-Edna Wallace Hopper 1:05-CBS, Tommy Christian's Orch. 1:15-CBS, Meet the Artist 1:30-Closing N. Y. Stock Quotations 1:35-The Globe Trotter 1:45-Recordings 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-CBS, Bernie Cummins' Orch. 4:30-Medical Talk 4:45-The Globe Trotter 4:55-Town Topics 5-Skippy 5:15-Robert Olsen, Vocalist 5:30-All Star Radio Program 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Symphony of Color 6:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 6:30-CBS, "Music that Satisfies" 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7 :15-KFRC Feature 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-General Pa:nt Concert 8-CBS, Harold Stern's Orchestra 8:15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Skyscrapers 9-Buccaneers 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-CBS, Ben Bernie's Orchestra 10-Tillie . the Toiler 10:15-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 11-Henry Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Vagabond of the Air

322.4 Meters KROW Glenc. 6774 930 Kcys. 1000 Watts Educa. Broad. Corp., Oakland, Calif. 8 A.M.-Recordings 9-Off the air 1 P.M.-Weather Forecast 1:05-Latin-American Program 2-Recordings 2:30-Mae Church, Contralto 2:45-Odds and Ends 3-Myrtle Segal, Soprano 3:15-Studio Program 3:30-Phantoms of the Air 4-Sharkey's Stringed Trio 4:15-D. A. Ervin, Tenor 4:30-Fifteen Minutes at Home 4:45-"Rovers in Romance" 5-Recordings 5:30-Wade Forrester 5:45-KROW Reporter 6-Off the air 7:30-Arkansaw Traveler 8-Watch Tower Program 8:15-"Echoes of Paradise" 8:30-The Burlesquers 9:30-South American Quartet 10 to 11 P.M.-Fleur De Les Dance



535.4 Meters KTAB Garfield 4700 560 Kcys. 1000 Watts Assoc. Broadcasters, Oakland, Calif. 7 A.M.-Popular Records 7:05-Morning Reporter 7:30-Allay-oop! with Bob Roberts 8-Radio Shopping News 8:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 9-Morning Prayer Hour 9 :30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 10-Household Hour, Alma La Marr 10:30-News Service 10:35-Dr. B. L. Corley 10:55-Recorded Program 11-Store Scenes 11:30-Records 12 noon-Agricultural Reports 12:15-Dr. R. M. McLain 12:30-News Service 12:35-Records 12:45-Beaux Art Program 1-Studio Program 1:15-Over the Teacups 2-Popular Records 2:30-Hollywood Star Reporter 2:45-Masterpieces of Melody 3:15-Popular Records 3:30-X Bar "B" Boys 4-Tommy Tucker 4:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 5-Uncle Rod's Children's Hour 5:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 6-Popular Records 6:30-Ernie Smith's Sport Page 6:45-Reporter 7-Dance Music 7:15-Elbert La Chelle, Organist 7:30-News Service 7:45-Italian Program 8-Golden Memories 8:30-Studio Program 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Lee Anderson's Scrap Book 10:30-Moment Musicale 11-Charles Ford, Tenor 11:15 to 1 A.M.--Night Owls

May 24, 1932

243.8 Meters KyA Prospect 3456 1230 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pac. Broadcast. Corp., San Francisco 7:30 A.M.-Rhythm Masters 8-Metropolitan Hour 9-Manual Melodies 9:30-Modern Melodies 10-Sunshine Hour 11-Salon Melodies 11:15-Manhattan Moods 11:30-Prudence Penny 11:45-Song and Dance Kings 12 noon-Marjorie Lee: Melody Girl 12:15-"University of the Air" 12:30-NBC, International Broadcast

in cooperation with British Broad- casting Company

1:30-Musical Contrasts 2-"Aunt Jemima's Songs" 2:15-Novelty Bits 2:30-Mrs. M. C. Sloss: Verses 2:45-Hawaiian Echoes 3-Glen Goff, Organist 4-NBC, Radio in Education 4:30-Famous Songs and Singers 5-Metropolitan Hour 6-Revue 6:30-Dance Music 6:45-Henry Starr, vocal and piano 7-Hap and Jack 7:15-"The Happy Men" 7:30-George Nickson: Song recital 7:45-News Bulletin 8-On with the Show 8:45-Short Stories 9-Through the Golden Gate 9:15-T. Donald Gray: Song recital 9:30-Milly and Billy 9:45-Adele Burlan: Songs 10-News Bulletin 10:15-George Nickson, vocalist 11 to 12 midnight-Concert Mem-


340.7 Meters KLX Lake. 6000 880 Kcys. 500 Watts Tribune Pub. Co.. Oakland, Calif. 7 A.M.-Exercises; Stock Reports 8-Records 9-Modern Homes Period 9:30-Records 10:15-Stocks; Financial Informa-

tion 10:30-Records 11-Sunshine Twins 12 noon-Jack Delaney and his Band 1-Jean's Hi -Lights 2-Classical Recordings 2:35-Closing Stocks 2:45-Ethel Rhinard, Pianist 3-Records 3:45-Galen Harvey, Piano Rambles 4-Records 4:30-Brother Bob's Club 5-Helen Wegman Parmelee, Pianist 5:30-The Three Cocoanuts 6-Dave Saylor's Dance Orchestra 7-News Items 7:30-William Don, Comedian 7:45-Fred and Morris, Comedians 8-Mpg Sisters Harmony Trio,

Helen Benson, Banjoist, and Galen Harvey, Pianist

8:30-Studio Program 9-Old Gospel Hymns 9:30-Egan Trio 9:45-Frank Reyes' Californians'

Dance Band 10:15-Dance Program 11 P.M.-Baseball Results


Page 36:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

36 BROADCAST WEEKLY Tuesday Programs

379.5 Mtrs. NBC-KGO Sutter 1920 790 Kcys. 7500 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


KECA, KFSD 7 A.M.-Organ Concert, Paul Car-

son: KGO 7:30-U. S. Marine Band: KGO,

KGW, KFI 7:45-Van and Don: EGO, KHQ,



8:15-Miracles of Magnolia: Negro Sketch with Fanny May Bald- ridge: KGO, KGW, KFI

8:30-Soloist: KGO, KGW, KFI


O KFI, KSL 9-Harold Stokes and his Orchestra:

KGO 9:15-Beautiful Thoughts: EGO,

KHQ, KGW, KFI, KTAR 9:30-Buckaroos: Ted Maxwell,

Charles Marshall; Songs and Dia - rogue: KGO, KFI

9:45-Dixie Memories: KGO 10-Color Harmony Program: KGO,

KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI 10:30-Woman's Magazine of the

Air: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD; KTAR, KSL, KOA off 10:50, on 11:10; KGIR off 10:50

11:30-Piano Capers: Oscar Young and Dell Perry, Piano Duo: EGO

11:45-Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Organ: KGO, KFSD, KSL

12:15-Western Farm and Home Hbur: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD; KTAR on 12:45; KSL, KGIR, KOHL

1-Stringwood Ensemble: EGO; KGW 1:30 to 1:45

2-Vagabonds: EGO 2:30-Ray Perkins, the Old Topper:


2:45-Back of the News in Washing- ton: KGO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KGIR, KGHL

3-Mid-week Federation Hymn Sing: KGO, KFI, KFSD, KTAR

3:15-Instrumental Soloists: EGO 3:30-The Stebbins Boys: KGO,

KHQ, HOMO, KGW, KFI, KSL 3:45-News Service: EGO 4-Balladettes: Orchestra direction

Rex Dunn: EGO, KGW, KFI 4:30-Little Musicale: Joseph Sto-

pak, Frank Gurowitsch, Violin- ists; Leon Fleitman, Violist: KGO, KGW

4:45-Motoring Through Europe: KGO

5-Coffee Matinee: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI

5:30-Ed Wynn and the Fire Chief Band: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

6-Lucky Strike Dance Hour, with Louis Sobol: KGO, KHQ, HOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

7 Amos 'n' Andy: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL

7:15-Memory Lane: Rural Drama by H. C. Connette, featuring Billy Page, Eileen Piggott, Ted Max- well: EGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR

7:45-Sperry Smiles: Nathan Stew- art, Baritone; Lee S. Roberts,

Pianist; Paul Carson, Organist: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KOA

8-Bluebird Melodies: Lucile Kirt- ley, Soprano; Orchestra direction Joseph Hornik: EGO

8:30-Billy Jones and Ernie Hare: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

8:45-To be announced: EGO 9-Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Or-

chestra: EGO 9:30-Musical Highlights: Orches-

tra direction Emil Polak: EGO 10-Richfield News Flashes, Sam


10:15-The Coquettes: EGO 10:30-The Medicine Show: Charles

Marshall, Vocalist; Harold Peary, Baritone; J. Anthony Smythe; Gail Taylor, Soprano; Orchestra 4, rection Rex Dunn: KGO, KGW

11-Hotel St. Francis Dance Or- chestra: KGO, KGW

12 to 12:30 A.M.-NBC Organ Con- cert, Dollo Sargent: KGO

322.4 Meters Km Franklin 0200 930 Kcys. 500 Watts Radio Entertainments, San Francisco 7 A.M.-KFWI Opener Program 8-Silent Period 9-Cal King's Country Store 9:30-Morning Melodies 10-White House Program 10:15-Bellevue Hotel Program 10:30-Health Talk, Dr. Linebarger 11-Timely Topics 11:15-Concert Melodies 11:45-Rumba Time 12 noon-Question and Answer Man 12:15-Drifting and Dreaming 12:30-Town Crier 12:45-News Flashes 1-Silent Period 6-Dinner Dance Music 6:30-Rosenthal Program 7-Vest Pocket Concert 7:15-Helen Bellevue 7:30-Silent Period 11-Master Melodies 12 to 1 A.M.-Dedication Hour

280.2 Meters KJBS Ord. 4148.49 1070 Kcys. 100 Watts J. Brunton 8C Sons, San Francisco 6 A.M.-KJBS Alarm Klok Klub 8-Variety Records 9:15-Julie and Jim 9:30-Housewives' Program 9:45-Kevin Ahearn, Tenor, and Lea

Vergano, Pianist 10-Reporter of the Air 10:05-Popular Selections 10:30-Recorded Program 11:15-Health Talk 11:30-Light Opera Hour 11:45-Concert Music 12 noon-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 12:30-Variety Recordings 1-Stock Report and Records 2-Better Business Bureau Talk 2:15-Popular Records 2:45-Speak-Easy Time 3-Reporter of the Air 3:30-George Taylor's Bridge Hour 4-Recorded Program 4:15-Pat Buckman, Tenor 4:30-Marjorie Lee, Pianist 4 :45-Records 5-Carleton Coveny 5:15-Recorded Program 5:30-Auburn Fuller Program 6-Musical Contrasts 6:30 to 7:15 P.M.-Records 12:01-Owl Program 1-Front Porch Entertainers 1:30 to 6 A.M.-KJBS Owl Program

204 Meters KGA Main 3434 1470 Kcys. 5000 Watts NW. Broad. System, Spokane, Wash. 6 A.M. to 6:45-Various programs 6:45 P.M.-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-Popular Concert Hopr 8-NBC, Ralph Kirbery 8:05-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, John and Ned 8:45-NBC, Mona Low 9-NBC, Story Teller 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Waltz Time 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11-Jimmy Joy and his Bal Tabarin

Orchestra 11:30 to 12 midnight-Witching

Hour, Organ

394.5 Meters KVI Broadway 4211 760 Keys. 1000 Watts Puget Sound Broadcast. Co.. Tacoma 6:30 A.M.-Farm Flashes 7-Dr. Kenyon's Church 7:30-Recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Mystery Melodies 9:15-Dr. Ambrose Health Talk 9:30-Lessons in English 9:45-CBS, Atlantic City Musicale 10-Mother Hubbard's Modern Cup-

board 10:15-CBS, Farm Community Net-

work 11-Recordings 11:15-Ann Leaf, Organist 11:30-CBS, Musicale Americana 12 noon-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12:30-Garden Talk 12:45-CBS, George Hall's Orchestra 1:15-CBS, Meet the Artist 1:30-Recordings 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Dental Clinic of the Air 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-Violin-Piano Recital 4:30-CBS, Bernie Cummins Orch. 4:45-CBS, Modern Male Chorus 5-Tacoma String Quartette 5:15-Don Lee Studio 5:30-CBS, Tweet Hogan's Orch. 5:45-Adventures of Black and Blue 6-Voice of a Thousand Shades 6:15-Studio Program 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-Liberty Party Speaker 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Silent Period 9-Studio Program 9:15-Crazy Quartette 9:30-CBS, Ben Bernie's Orchestra 10-Ralph Horr 10:15-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 11 to 12-Henry Halstead's Orchestra

361.2 Meters KOA York 5090 830 Kcys. 12,500 Watts General Electric Co., Denver, Colo. 5 P.M.-NBC, Gay Vienna 5:30-NBC, Texaco Program 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Orch. a 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC Program 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-General Electric Hour 8:30-NBC, Billy !ones & Ernie Hare 8:45-NBC, Mona Low 9-NBC, The Story Teller 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Waltz Time 10:30 to 11 P.M.-NBC, Around the



Page 37:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Tuesday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 37

325.9 Meters KOMO Elliott 5890 920 Kcys. 1000 Watts

oer's Blend Station, Inc., Seattle 6:55 A.M.-Inspirational Service 7-Organ Recital 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Miracles of Magnolia 8:30-NBC, Soloist 8:45-NBC, O'Cedar Melody Men 9-Prudence Penny 9:15-Uncle Hank from Ciderville 9:30-NBC, Buckaroos 9:45-Saxophone Melodies 9 :55-Bisquick Program 10-NBC, Color Harmony Class 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Gypsy Accordion 11:45-Club Minutes 12 noon-Masterworks of the Piano 12:15-NBC, Western Farm and

Home Hour 1-Stringwood Ensemble 1:15-Einer and Einar, the Two

Counselors 1:30-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 1:45-The Totem Players 2-The Home Towners 2:30-NBC, Ray Perkins 2:45-Island Serenaders 3-Memory Book 3:15-News of the Day 3:30-NBC, Stebbins Boys 3:45-Crescent Kitchen Philosopher 4-NBC, Balladettes 4:30-NBC, Romancers 5-NBC, Coffee Matinee 5:30-NBC, Ed Wynn and the Tex-

aco Fire Chief Band 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Memory Lane 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-Rajput 8:15-Spratt's Dog Story 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-Shell Oil Co. 9-Fisher's Blend Hour 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-NBC, Cheer Leaders 10:30-NBC, Medicine Show 11-Globe Trotter 11:10-NBC, Hotel St. Francis

Dance Orchestra 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Recital

508.2 Meters KHQ Main 5383 590 Kcys. ï 1000 Watts Louis Wasmer, Inc., Spokane, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Caterpillar Program 7:45-NBC, Van atfd Don 8 --NBC, GE Circle 8:15-Jean Anthony, Organist 8:45-NBC, O'Cedar Melody Man 9-Walt and Marian 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Burgan's Home Comfort 9 :45-Nucoa Program 10-NBC, Color Harmony Class 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Bisquick Program 11:35-Jean Anthony, Organist 12 noon-Club Bulletin 12:15-Spokane Chamber of Comm. 1-Crazy Crystals 1:15-Spokane Fur Tanning Co. 1:30-Alaska Junk Co. 1:45-Sartori and Wolff 2-Studio Parade 2:30-NBC, Ray Perkins 3-Commercial Creamery 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-Peerless Dental Hygiene 4-NBC, Advisory Council 4:30-J. and D. Paint Time 5-Game Commission 5:15-General Mills: Skippy 5:30-NBC, Texaco Half Hour 6-NBC, Lucky Strike

7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Memory Lane 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-U. S. Rubber: "Just Willie" 8:15-Quaker State Program 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-Editorial Page 9:15-Shell Oil Program 9:30-Musical Highlights 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Keyboard Kapers 10:30-The Singing Violin 10:45-Timely Topics 11-Fran Morton's Orchestra 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Desert Caravan

236.1 Meters KOL Elliott 4466 1270 Kcys. 1000 Watts Seattle Broadcast Co., Seattle, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Top o' the Morning 7-KOL Time Klok 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Through the Looking Glass 9:15-Organ Echoes 9:30-Colonial Dames 9:45-Studio Program 10-Morning Melodies 10:30-The Health Man 10:45-Console Capers 11:15-CBS, Ann Leaf 11:30-CBS, Musical Americana 12 noon-"The Carnival," with Billy

Sherwood 1-Ken Stuart's Sunshine Program 1:15-Parker's Dental School 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Harriet Links 3:45-Feminine Fancies 4-Puget Sound Crier 4:30-Cecil Solly 4:45-Arizona Joe 5-Hill and Dale 5:15-"Skippy" 5 :30-Aunt Jemima's Songs 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Voice of a Thousand Shades 6:15-Billy Lowe 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-Sports Review 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-General Paint Program 8-CBS, St. Moritz Orchestra 8 :15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-CBS Program 9-Bouquet Melody 9:30-Ben Bernie's Orchestra 10-U. of W. Mocking Birds 11 to 12-Henry Halstead's Orchestra

296.6 Meters KQW Columbia 777 1010 Kcys. C tr 500 Watts Pac. Agric. Foundation, Ltd., San Jose 7 A.M.-The Breakfast Hour 9-Community program 9:30-Helpful Hour 10:30-Cliff, Mac and Norm 11-Eleventh Hour program 11:30-Echoes of Portugal 12 noon-Variety program 12 :30-Weather, Market reports 1-One o'Clock program 1:30-The Friendly Hour 2:30-Studio program 3-Scandanavian program 4:30 --Story Time 5-Watch Tower 5:30-Digger Indians 5:45-Liberty Bell Quarter Hour 6-The Knickerbockers 8:15-Franco's program 6:30-State Market Reports 6:45-Radio News and Forum 7:30-News 'n' Music 7:45-The Caterpillar Crew 8 to 10 P.M.-You Never Can Tell

309.1 Meters KJR Seneca 1515 970 Keys. 5000 Watts Northwest Broad. System, Seattle, Wn. 7 A.M.-Rhythm Aces, produce quo-

tations, news 8-NBC, Financial Service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-Mary 9:45-NBC, Organ Concert 10-NBC, The Bluettes 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, Aeolian Trio 12:30 P.M.-Empire Day Ball from London 1:30-Mary 1:45-Piano Ramblings 2-NBC, Western Intercollegiate

Broadcast 2:30-NBC, Music Garden 3-Better Business Talk 3:10-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, National Advisory Coun- cil on Radio in Education 4:30-NBC, Mrs. Luther Burbank 4 :45-NBC, The Romancers 5-NBC, Gay Vienna 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-NBC, Musical Capers 6:45-NBC, Cecil and 'ally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-popular Concert Hour 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, John and Ned 8:45-Evening Sunshine 9-Lyric Trio 9:15-Eb and Zeb (E. T.) 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Waltz Time 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11-Earl Gerdon Roof Garden Orch.

254.1 Meters Atwater 3111 1180 Kcys. KEX 5000 Watts Western Broad. Co., Portland, Ore. 7 A.M.-Farm Flashes; News 8-Portland Breakfast Club 9-NBC, Crosscuts from Log of Day 9:15-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 9:30-NBC, Organ Concert 10-NBC, The Bluettes 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, Aeolian Trio 12:30-NBC, Empire Day Ball from London 1:30-NBC, Garden Melodies 2-NBC, Western Intercollegiate

Broadcast 2:30-NBC, Music Garden 3-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, National Advisory Council

on Radio in Education 4:30-NBC, Mrs. Luther Burbank 4:45-NBC, The Romancers 5-NBC, The Gay Vienna 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-Musical Capers 6:45-Newscasting 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-Popular Concert Hour 7:30-Silent Hour 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, John and Ned 8:45-NBC, Mona Low 9-NBC, Story Teller 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Waltz Time 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11-Jimmy Joy's Bal Tabarin Orch. 11:30-Witching Hour, Organ 12 to 1 A.M.-Allen Daniels

T www.americanradiohistory.com

Page 38:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

3A BROADCAST WEEKLY Tuesday Programs

440.9 Mtrs. NBC-KPO GAr. 8300 680 Kcys. 5000 Watte National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco Service to KJR, KEX, KGA, KECA, KTAR, KSL, KFSD

7:30 A.M.-Sunrise Serenaders: KPO 8-Financial Service: KPO, KGA,

KJR 8:15-Crosscuts from the Log o' the

Day: KPO, KGA, KJR; KEX on 9; KTAR off 8:45

9:15-Stringwood Ensemble: KPO, KGA, KEX

9:30-Organ Concert: KPO off 9:45; KGA; KJR on 9:45; KEX

9:45-University of California at Your Service: KPO

10-The Bluettes: Girls' Vocal Trio: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KGIR

10:30-Snapshots: Rita Lane, So- prano; Orchestra direction Cy Trobbe: KPO

11-Modern Moods: Orchestra direc- tion Cy Trobbe: KPO

11:30-Rhythmic Triplets: KPO off 11:50; KGA on 11:45; KJR on 11:45

11:50-South San Francisco Stock- yard Report: KPO

11:57-Time Signals: KPO 12 noon-Aeolian Trio: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KEX 12:30-Empire Day Ball from Lon-

don, presented in honor of the late Queen Victoria: KPO, KYA, KGA; KJR off 1; KEX, KECA; KFSD on 1; KTAR on 1; KSL; KGIR on 1; KOHL on 1

1:30-Garden of Melodies: KPO, KGA; KJR on 1:45; KEX, KTAR

2-To be announced: KPO 2:30-Music Garden: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KEX 3-Who Cares?: KPO, KGA; KJR

on 3:05; KEX; KTAR on 3:30 4-You and Your Government:


4:30-Mrs. Luther Burbank, Garden Walks: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

4:45-Romancers: Jack Dean, Ten- or; Orchestra direction Mart Grauenhorst: KPO, KJR, KEX

5-Gay Vienna: KGA, KJR, KEX 5-The Date Book with Stuart

Strong: KPO 5:15-A Couple of Mouthfuls by

Scotty: KPO 5:30-The Singing Lady: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA 5:45-Little Orphan Annie: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA 6-Musical Capers: KPO, KGA;

KJR off 6:30; KEX off 6:15; KGIR on 6:15, off 6:30; KGHL on 6:30

6:45-Cecil and Sally: KPO, KGA, KJR, KECA, KFSD

7-Tom Mitchell, Baritone: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

7:15-Popular Concert Hour: KPO, KGA, KJR; KEX off 7:30

8-Ralph Kirbery, the Dream Sing- er: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA, KGHL

8:05-Jack Pettis and his Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA, KGHL

8:30-John and Ned: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KGHL

8:45-Mona Lowe, Blues Singer: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

9-The Story Teller: KPO, KGA, KEX, KTAR, KOA, KGIR, KGni.

9:30-Earl Burtnett and his Orches- tra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA, KOA

10-Waltz Time: Betty Kelly, So- prano; Orchestra direction Mah- lon Merrick: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

10:30-Around the Network: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KGIR

11-Jimmy Joy and his Bal Tabarin Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KEX

11:30 to 12 midnight-Watching Maur: KPO, KGA, KEX

CBS Columbia Broadcasting System

9 A.M.-Current Questions Before Congress: KFBK, KVI, KFPY

9:15-George Hall and his Hotel Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KVI, KFPY

9:30-Atlantic City Musicale: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

10:15-Columbia Farm Community Network Program: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY

11:15-Ann Leaf at the Organ: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

11:30-Musical Americana: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

12 noon-"Boston Symphonette": KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

12:30-Virginia Arnold, Pianist: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KGB

12:45-Tommy Christian's Palisades Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY; KFRC at 1:05; KHJ, KGB

1:15-"Meet the Artist": KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

4-Organalities: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB


4:15-Bernie Cummins' Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

4:30-Bernie Cummins' Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

4:45-Modern Male Chorus: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

5:30-Johnny Hamp's Orchestra: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

6-"The Voice of One Thousand Shades": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

6:30-'Music that Satisfies": KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ, KOH

6:45-"Myrt and Marge": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ


7:15-Howard Barlow and the Co- lumbia Symphony Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KFPY, KFRC, KILT, KLZ, KGB

7:30-The Camel Quarter Hour: KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ, KOY

7:45-Pancho and his Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KFPY

8-Harold Stern and his St. Moritz Orchestra: KFBK, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

8:30-Coon-Sanders and Their Or- chestra: KOL, KFPY

9:30-Ben Bernie and his Blue Rib- bon Orchestra: KMJ, KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

285.5 Meters KNX Hemp. 4101 1050 Kcys. 5000 Watts L. A. Evening Express, Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Recorded Program 6:45-Bill Sharpies' Gang 8:45-Inspirational Talk and Prayer 9-Clinic of the Air 9:30-News 9:45-Maxine's Shopping Tour 10-Eddie Albright's Family 10:30-Kate Brew Vaughn 11-Jack Carter's Birthday Party 12 noon-News Items 12:15-Recorded Program 1-Paris Inn 2-Bookworm 2:30-Los Angeles Firemen's Band 3-Matinee Mirthmakers 3:30-Recorded Program 3:45-Joyce Coad, Little Movie Star 4-Travelogue, Lost & Found, Stocks 4:15-Maxine's Shopping Service 4:45-Records 5-Town Crier 5:15-The Arizona Wranglers 5:40-Salto Real Pet Stories 5 :45-Chandu 6-News Items 6:15-Vigilante Druggists 6:30-Oh-hh Elmer 6:45-Vivian Duncan and Lew Cody 7-Frank Watanabe and Hon. Archie 7:15-Rev. R. P. Shuler 7:30-"Just Willie" 7:45-After Dinner Concert 8-Carefree Hour 8:15-Calmon Luboviski, Violinist,

and Claire Mellonino, Pianist 9-News 9:15-Capt. Art Smith and KNX

Ensemble 9:30-Sol Hoopi's Hawaiians 10-Starke's Bohemian Cafe 11-Paris Inn 12 to 1 A.M.-Ray Howell

239.9 Meters KFOX Phone: 67281 1250 Kcys 1000 Watts Nichols & Warinner, Long Beach, Cal. 5 A.M.-The Early Birds 7-Chandu 7:15-Peppy Tunes 7:30-Song and Patter 7:45-News report 8-Popular selections 9-Air Raiders 10-Vera Graham, Organist 10:30-Orange Blossom Girls 11-The Three Boys 11:30-News report 11:45-Organ recital 12 noon-Blue Ribbon Group 1-Kiwanis Club 1:30-Elec. Trans. 1:45-Speak Easy 2-Afternoon Kapers 3-Musical Pastels 3:30-Pipe Dreams 4-News report 4:15-Dental Clinic of the Air 4:45-Tennessee Joe 5-Sunset Harmony Boys 5:30-Cheerio Boys 5:45-Black and Blue 6-Married Life," comedy skit 6:15-Three Girls 6:30-KFOX School Kids 6:45-Deacon Brown 7-Cheerio Boys 7:15-Mart's House Gang 7:30-The Boy Detective 7 :45-Nehi Musical Trans. 8-Melody Garden 8:15-Chandu the Magician 8:30-Blue Ribbon Group 9-Vera Graham, Organist 9:30-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra 10:15-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 11-Hank Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 5 A.M.-Recordings


Page 39:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Tuesday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY' 39

333.1 Meters KHJ VAndike 7111 900 Keys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 A.M.-News Briefs and Recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-CBS, Atlantic City Musicale 9:55-Sperry Flour Trans. 10-Gene Wolf and Organ 10:15-CBS, Farm Network 10:45-Beauty Talk and Organ 11-Safety Conference Talk 11:15-CBS, Ann Leaf, Organist 11:30-Beauty Talk 11:45-CBS, Musical Americana 12 noon-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12:15-Organ and Talk 12:30-World-wide News 12:45-CBS, George Hall's Orchestra 1-Times Forum 1:30-Roger King and Organ 1:45-Book Review 2-Happy -go -Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-U. S. C. Trojan Period 4:30-CBS, Bernie Cummins' Orch. 4:45-CBS, Modern Male Chorus 5-The Hobby Hunter 5:15-News Items; Town Topics 5:30-"Skippy" 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Voice of a Thousand Shades 6:15-Hutton's Concert Ensemble 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-CBS, Howard Barlow's Orch. 7:30-CBS, Morton Downey's Orch. 7:45-After Dinner Concert 8-CBS, Harold Stern and Orchestra 8:15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-"Historical So. California" 9-To be announced 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-Ben Bernie and Orchestra 10-World-wide News 10:10-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 11-Roosevelt Dance Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Roy Ringwald, Or-


225.4 Meters KGB FRanklin 6151 1330 Kcys. 500 Watts Don Lee, Inc.. San Diego, California 7 A.M.-News; Recordings; Stocks 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-CBS, Atlantic City Musicale 10-Helen Stone, Around the Town 11-CBS, Ann Leaf, organ 11:30-CBS, Musical Americana 12 noon-Farm Flashes 12:20-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12:30-CBS, Virginia Arnold, pi-

anist 12:45-CBS, George Hall's Orch. 1:15-CBS, Columbia Artists' Re-

cital 1:30-Parent-Teachers' program 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organilities 4:15-U. S. C. Trojan Period 4:30-CBS, Plantation Grill Orch. 4:45-Town Topics 5-KGB News Reel 5 :15-Chandu the Magician 5:30-Aunt Jemima's Songs 5:45-Black and Blue 6-Hutton's Concert Quartet 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-Gene Quaw's Music 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-CBS, Columbia Symphony Or-

chestra 7:30-CBS, To be announced 7:45-CBS, Bing Crosby 8 --CBS, Harold Stern's Orchestra

8:15-Recordings 8:30-Skyscrapers 9-Interview 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-CBS, Ben Bernie 10-KGB News Reel 10 :15-Quaw's Orchestra 11 to 12 midnight-Halstead's Or-

chestra 499.7 Meters KFSD Franklin 6353 600 Kcys. 1000 Watts Airfan Radio Corp., Ltd., San Diego 7:30 A.M.-Studio Program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-C. F. Pitts 8:20-Morning Musicale 8:35-Stock Reports 8:45-Good Cheer Program 9-Amy Lou Shopping Hour 10-Radio Dental Clinic 10:15-Studio Program 10:50-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Studio Program 11:45-NBC, Mormon Tabernacle

Choir 12:15-NBC, Western Farm & Home 1-NBC, International Broadcast 1:30-Studio Program 2-NBC, Western Intercollegiate

Broadcast 2:30-Gene Perry 2:45-NBC, Back of the News 3-NBC, Hymn Sing 3:15-NBC, Melody Trail 3:30-French Lesson 4-NBC, National Advisory Council 4:30-Studio Program 5-Late News 5:15-Helen Webster Kirkham 5:30-NBC, Texaco Fire Chief Band 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Memory Lane 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-MexiBan Serenaders 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-Chamber of Commerce Talk 9-Studio Program 9 :15-Valvoliners 9:30-Colonial Four 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Studio Program 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Music

209.7 Meters KECA Richmond 6111 1430 Keys. 1000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 9 A.M.-Louis Rueb, Exercises 9:15-Record program 10-News release 10:15-Record program 11:30-Beauty Lore by Melisse 12 noon-Biltmore Concert Orch. 12 :45-Adv. Club program 1:30-Record program 1:45-Bob, Bunny and Junior 2-To be announced 2:30-Record program 4-NBC program 4:30-News Release 4:45-Dr. H. Edward Meyers 5-Brother Ken and Kiddies 5:15-E. H. Rust, the nurseryman 5:30-NBC, Kellogg program 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6-Yarley and Yenny, sketch 6:15-String Trio 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-Studio program 7:15-Joe Warner's Jolly Journal 7:30-Concert Orchestra with soloist 8-NBC, Hotel New York Orchestra 8:30-Orchestra 9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10:30-News release 10:45 to 11 P.M.-Record program

468.5 Meters KFI Richmond 6111 640 Kcys. 50,000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Stock Market Quotations 6:45-Dr. Seixas, health exercises 7:30-NBC, U. S. Marine Band 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-Miracles of Magnolia 8:30-NBC, Soloist 8:45-NBC, O'Cedar Melody Men 9-NBC, Harold Stokes' Orchestra 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-NBC, The Buckaroos 9:45-Fashion Tour wth Melisse 10-NBC, Color Harmony 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Peggy O'Neill, ballads 11:45-Market Reports 12 noon-Dept. of Agrie. talk 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hr. 1-News release 1:15-Ann Warner Chats 1:45-Baldassare Ferlazzo, violinist 2-NBC, The Vagabonds 2 :30-Ray Perkins 2:45-NBC, Back of the News 3-NBC, Hymn Sing 3:15-Close Partners 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-News release 4-Desert Rat Bill's Pack Train 4:30-Skippers Male Quartet 4:45-Nick Harris program 5-NBC program 5:30-NBC, Ed Wynn and Texaco

Fire Chiefs Band 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Memory Lane 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-Orchestra 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-To be announced 9-Orchestra 10-NBC, Richfield Reporter 10:15 to 12 midnight-Hotel Ambas-

sador Orchestra

220.4 Meters KGER Phone: 682.94 1360-Kcys. 1000 Watts Cons. Broadcast. Co., Long Beach 6 A.M.-The Bugle Boy 6:30-Wake Up Tunes 7-Dusty and Skippy 7:15-News Flashes 7:30-Breakfast Club 10:45-Ken Trainer 8-Family Circle Hour 9:30-Frances 10-Union Mutual Orchestra 11-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 11:30-Cleo Hibbs 11:45-Circuit Rider 12 noon-Rocky Mountaineers 12:30-Rango 1-Paul Graham Trio 1:30-The Bookworm 1:45-Juanita Grohs, contralto 2-Musical Matinee 2:30-Long Beach Band 4-Harmony Serenaders 4:15-Los Amigos Trio 4:30-Musical Moonbeam Orchestra 5:30-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 6-Em and Clem 6:15-Twilight Fantasy 6:45 --Cheerful Earful 7-Buttercream Ragamuffins 7:15-Kaai's Hawaiians 7:30-Long Beach Band 8-Memory Melodies 8:30-Rango 9-Evening Moods 10-Helene Smith, piano 10:15-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 10:30-Vagabond Dreams 11 to 12 midnight-Tom Moore's Or-



Page 40:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

40 BROADCAST WEEKLY May 22 to 28

and - they're


at Lucile Kirtley Closeups

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Page 41:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


WEDNESDAY Programs May 25,1932

491.5 Meters KFRC Prospect 0100 610 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Francisco. Calif. 7 A.M.-Seal Rocks Broadcast 7:25-N. Y. Stock Quotations 7:30-Dobbsie and Wee Willie 7:45-Dobbsie Quarter Hour 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Betty Crocker 9:45-Ann Welcome 10-The Almanac 10 :45-Zorex Moth Cakes program 11-Good Will Industries 11:05-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:30-CBS, Arthur Jarrett 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-Noonday Concert 1 P.M.-Edna Wallace Hopper 1:05-CBS, Girl o' Yesterday 1:15-CBS, Bill Schudt's "Going to

Press" 1:30-N. Y. Stock Quotations 1:35-The Globe Trotter 1:45-CBS, Prohibition Plainly Put 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-Ronald Graham, Vocalist 4:15-CBS, Johnny Hamp's Orch. 4:45-The Globe Trotter .

4:55-Town Topics 5-Skippy 5:15-CBS, Mardi Gras 5:30-CBS, Bernie Cummins Orch. 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, "Music That Satisfies" 6:15-KFRC Orchestra 6:30-CBS, Society's Playboy Hour 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow Orchestra 7:15-Serenade 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Heroes of the Olympics 8:15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Eno Crime Club 9-To the Ladies 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-Isle of Golden Dreams 10-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Heathman Knights of Hospi-

tality 11:30-Henry Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Vagabond of the Air

296.6 Meters K(1W Columbia 777 1010 Kcys. ll 500 Watts Par. Agric. Foundation. Ltd., San Jose 7 A.M.-Breakfast hour 9-Community program 9:30-Helpful Hour 10 :30-Cliff, Mac and Norm 11-Eleventh Hour program 11:30-Echoes of Portugal 12 noon-Variety program 12:30-Weather and market reports 1-One o'Clock program 1:30-The Friendly Hour 2 :30-Studio program 4:30-Story Time 5-Vespers 5:30-Digger Indians 5:45-Liberty Bell Quarter Hour 6-The Knickerbockers 6:15-Franco's program 6:30-State market reports 7:30-Rajput 7:45-The Voice of Portugal 8:15-Eugene Mancini, Song Recital 8:30-San Jose Civic program 9-Music Lovers program 9:30 to 10 P.M.-Wonderly's Synco-

pated Symphonists


535.4 Meters KTAB Garfield 4700 560 Kcys. 1000 Watts Assoc. Broadcasters, Oakland, Calif. 7 A.M.-Popular Records 7:05-Morning Reporter 7:30-Allay-oop! with Bob Roberts 8-Radio Shopping News 8:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 9-Morning Prayer Hour 9:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 10-Household Hour, Alma La Marr 10:30-News Service 10:35-Dr. B. L. Corley 10:55-Recorded Program 11-Store Scenes 11:30-Records 11:45-Radio Shopping News 12 noon-Agricultural Reports 12:15-Dr. R. M. McLain 12:30-News Service 12:35-Studio Program 1-Beaux Arts Studio 1:15-Over the Teacups 2-Popular Records 2:30-Hollywood Star Reporter 2:45-Masterpieces of Melody 3:15-Popular Records 3:30-X Bar B Ranch Boys 4-Studio Program 4:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 5-Uncle Rod's Children's Hour 5:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 6-Popular Records 6:30-Ernie Smith, Sport Page 6:45-Reporter 7-Song Recital, Roñnie Woolpert 7:15-Ernie Smith's Magazine Re-

view 7:30-News Service 7:45-Italian Program 8:15-Piano Flashes 8:30-Chill Peppers 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Lee Anderson's Scrapbook 10:30-Moment Musicale 11 to 1 A.M.-Night Owls.

CBS Columbia Broadcasting System

9 A.M.-George Hall and his Hotel Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, XVI, KFPY

9:30-Armand Vecsey's Ritz Orch.: KFBK, KERN, XVI, KFPY, KGB

10:.15-Columbia Farm Community Network Program: KFBK, KWG. KERN, KVI, KFPY

10 :45-Zorex Moth Chasers: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN. KFRC, KHJ

11-Columbia Salon Orch.: KFRC 11:15-Columbia Salon Orchestra:


11:30-Arthur Jarrett, with Freddie Rich's Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

11:45-Four Eton Boys: Novelty Male Quartet: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

12 noon-U. S. Navy Band Concert: KFBK, KWG, XVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

1-Kathryn Parson, "Girl o' Yester- day": KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

1:15-Bill Schudt's 'Going to Press": KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

1:45-"Prohibition Plainly Put": KFBK, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

2-Connie Boswell, with Fred Ber- rens' Orchestra: KVI

4-Organalities: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

4:15-Johnny Hamp's Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

4:30-Johnny Hamp's Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

5-Mardi Gras, Freddie Rich, Con- ductor: KFBK, KVI, KFPY

5:15-Mardi Gras: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KFRC

5:30-Bernie Cummins' Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC

6-Ruth Etting in "Music that Sat- isfies": KFBC, KMJ, KWG. KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN KFRC, KHJ

6 :30-" Society's Playboy Hour" :

Norman Brokenshire, Master of Ceremonies; Welcome Lewis, Con tralto: KFBK, KMJ, KWG., KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN KFRC, KHJ

6:45-"Myrt and Marge": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

7-Howard Barlow and the Colum. bia Symphony Orchestra: KFBK KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC. KHJ, KGB

7:30-The Camel Quarter Hour: KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

7:45-Don Redman and his Connie's Inn Orchestra: KERN, KOL, KFPY

8-Eddie Duchin and his Casino Or- chestra: KOL, KFPY

8:30-Eno Crime Club: KMJ, KWG, KFPY, KOIN, KHJ

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42 BROADCAST WEEKLY Wednesday Programs

243.8 Meters RYA Prospect 3456 1230 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pae. Broadcast. Corp., San Francisco 7:30 A.M.-Rhythm Masters 8-Metropolitan Hour 9-Studio Program 9:15-Modern Melodies 9:30-Manual Melodies 10-Sunshine Hour 11-Program to be announced 12 noon-Manhattan Moods 12:15-Hawaiian Echoes 12:30-"University of the Air" 12 :45-Glen Goff, Organist 1:45-Musical Contrasts 2-"Aunt Jemima's Songs" 2:15-Concert Memories 2:30-Community Question Box 2 :45-Novelty Bits 3-Close Harmony 3:15-Concert Waltzes 3:45-Better Business Bureau Talk 4-Salon Music 4:15-Artist Celebrities 4:30-On Parade 5-Metropolitan Hour 6-Revue 6:30-Dance Music 6:45-Henry Starr, vocal and piano 7-Hap and Jack 7:15-"The Harmonettes" 7 :30-Rajput Program 7:45-News Bulletin 8-On with the Show 9-Billy Small Ensemble 9:30-Bob Allen and George Bowers 9:45-Fight Broadcast 10:15-News Bulletin 10:30-George Nickson, vocalist 11 to 12 midnight-Concert Mem-


236.1 Meters KOL Elliott 4466 1270 Kcys. 1000 Watts Seattle Broadcast Co., Seattle, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Top o' the Morning 7-KOL Time Klock 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Organ Echoes 9:30-Betty Crocker 10-Morning Melodies 10:30-The Health Man 10:45 --Console Capers 11-Eugene Ltd. Program 11:15-CBS, Ann Leaf & Ben Alley 11:30-CBS, Arthur Jarret 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-"The Carnival," with

Billy Sherwood 1-Ken Stuart's Sunshine Program 1:15-Dental School of the Air 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Harriet Links 3:45-Feminine Fancies 4-Puget Sound Crier 4:30-Cecil Solly, Garden Talk. 4:45-Brad and Al 5-Hill and Dale 5:15-'Skippy" 5:30-Aunt Jemima's Songs 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:15-CBS, Will Osborne's Orch. 6:30-CBS, Society Playboy Hour 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-CBS, Don Redman's Orch. 8-CBS, Eddie Duchin's Orchestra 8 :15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-CBS, Art Krueger's Orchestra 8:45-CBS, Frostilla Program 9-Magic Mirror 9:30-Radio Bugs Frolic 11 to 12-McElroy's Greater Ore-


340.7 Meters KLX Lake. 6000 880 Kcys. 500 Watte Tribune Pub. Co., Oakland, Calif. 7 A.M.-Exercises; Stock Reports 8-Records 9-Modern Homes Period 9:30-Records; Business Talk 10:15-Stocks; Financial Information 10:30-Records 10:45-Aratone Program 11-Sunshine Twins 12 noon-Jack Delaney and his Band 1-Jean's Hi -Lights 2-Classical Recordings 2:35-Closing Stocks 2:45-Ethel Rhinard, Pianist 3-Records 3:45-Galen Harvey, Piano Rambles 4-Records 4:30-Brother Bob's Club 5-Helen Wegman Parmelee, Pianist 5:30-The Three Cocoanuts 6-Dave Saylor's Dance Orchestra 7-News Items 7 :30-Rajput 7:45-Fred and Morris, Comedians 8-Tribune Hour of Melody 9-Prof. Earl G. Linsley 9:15-Sunshine Twins 10:15-Dance Program 11 P.M.-Baseball Results

322.4 Meters Kf n ! Franklin 0200 930 Kcys. 500 Watts Radio Entertainments, San Francisco 7 A.M.-KFWI Opener Program 8-Silent Period 9-Cal King's Country Store 9:15-Morning Melodies 10-White House Program 10:15-Bellevue Hotel Program 10:30-Health Talk, Dr. Linebarger 11-Timely Topics 11:15-Concert Melodies 11:45-Waltzes 12 noon-Question and Answer Man 12:15-College Airs 12:30-Town Crier 12:45-News Flashes 1-Silent Period 6-Dinner Dance Music 7-Concert Selections 7:15-Helen Bellevue 7:30-Silent Period 8:30-Louise Gilbert, Pianist 8:45-John D. Barry, World Events 9-Jack Coakley's Syncopators 9:30-Studio Feature 10-Musical Gems 10:30-Dance Music 10:45-Vocal Selections 11-Master Melodies 12 to 1 A.M.-Dedication Hour

322.4 Meters KROW Glenc. 6774 930 Kcys. 1000 Watts Educa. Broad. Corp., Oakland, Calif. 8 A.M.-Recordings 9-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Weather Forecast 1:05-Latin-American Program 2--ßecordings 2:30-Watch Tower Program 2:45-Studio Program 3-Paul's Hawaiians 3:30-The "KROW-liana" 4:15-Health Questions answered 4:30-Fifteen Minutes at Home 4:45-Recordings 5-Italian Program 5:30-Eleanor Foster and Guitar 5 :45-KROW Reporter 6-Silent Period 7:30-Rajput 7:45-George J. Hatfield 8 to 8:30 P.M.-Latin-American Pro-


254.1 Meters KEX Atwater 3111 1180 Kcys. 5000 Watte Western Broad. Co., Portland, Ore. 7 A.M.-Farm Flashes; News 8-NBC, Financial Service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 10-NBC, Harmony Twins 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12 noon-NBC, Midweek Musicale 12:15-NBC, Tom and Dud 12:30-NBC, In a French Cafe 1-NBC, Jingle Joe 1:15-NBC, Swanee Serenaders 1:30-NBC, Songs of the Masters 1:45-NBC, Schermer & Schmitt 2-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Sert Rm.

Orchestra 2:15-NBC, Melody Three 2:30-NBC, Teddy Black and Orch. 3-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, Sunset Serenaders 5-48 Hours from New York 5:15-Elmer and Gweny 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-NBC, Masters of Music 6:45-Newscasting 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Silver Strains 7:30-Silent Period 8-NBC, Personal Close-ups 8:15-NBC, Marching Thru 9 --NBC, Harmonoffs 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Hill Billies 10:30-Around the Network 11-Jimmy Joy Bal Tabarin Orch. 11:30-Witching Hour, Organ 12 to 1 A.M.-Allen Daniels

309.1 970 Keys. 5000 KJR 55000 Wati Northwest Broad. System, Seattle, Wn. 7 A.M.-Rhythm Aces, produce quo-

tations, news 8-NBC, Financial Service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-Mary 9:45-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 10-NBC, Harmony Twins 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12 noon-NBC, Midweek Musicale 12:15-NBC, Tom and Dudd 12:30-NBC, In a French Cafe 1-Mary 1:15-NBC, Swanee Serenaders 1:30-NBC, Songs of the Masters 1:45-Piano Ramblings 2-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Sert Em.

Orchestra 2:15-NBC, Melody Three 2:30-NBC, Teddy Black and Orch. 3-Easy Chair 3:15-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, Sunset Serenaders 5-To be announced 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Litle Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-NBC, Masters of Music 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Silver Strains 7:45-Dollars and Sense 8-NBC, Personal Close-ups 8:15-NBC, Marching Thru 9-NBC, Harmonoffs 9:15-Eb and Zeb (E. T.) 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Hill Billies 10:30-Around the Network 11-Earl Gerdon Roof Garden Orch,


Page 43:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Wednesday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 43

508.2 Meters KHQ Main 5383 590 Kcys. l 1000 Watts Louis Wasmer, Inc., Spokane, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Caterpillar program 7:15-Inland Empire Dairy 7:30-NBC, Hind's Romance Exch. 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Union Oil Co. 8:45-Frisbie's Syrup 9-"Walt and Marian" 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Burgan's Home Comfort 9:45-Wolper's Fashion Notes 10-NBC, Keeping up with Daughter 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Bisquick program 11:35-Jean Anthony, Organist 12:15 P.M.-NBC, Farm and Home

Hour 1-Crazy Crystals 1:15-Spokane Fur Tanning Co. 1:30-Lady Esther Program 1:45-Sartori and Wolff 2-Studio Parade 3-Commercial Creamery 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Bays 3:45-Peerless Dental Hygiene 4-Happy Feet 4:15-NBC, Willys-Overland C.t. 4:30-J and D Paint Time 4 :45-Sy Jacoy's Novelty 5-Benewah Creamery 5:15-General Mills "Skippy" 5:30-NBC, Mobiloil Concert 6-NBC, Coca Cola program 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Caswell Coffee 7:30-NBC, "Team Mates" 8:30-NBC, Jones and Hare 8:45-Babson Business Barometer 9:15-NBC, Goodyear program 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Book of Memories 10:45-Timely Topics 11-Fran Morton's Orchestra 12 to 12:30-Desert Caravan

323.9 Meters KOMO Elliott 5890 920 Keys. 1000 Watts Fisher's Blend Station, Inc., Seattle 6:55 A.M.-Inspirational Service 7-Fisher's Sunrise Farm Broadcast 7:30-NBC, Soloist 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half Hr. 8:45-NBC, Hal Kemp and Orch. 9-Prudence Penny 9 :15-Uncle Hank from Ciderville

Center 9:30-NBC, Buckaroos 9:45-Saxophone Melodies 9:55-Blsquick program 10-NBC, Keeping up with Daughter 10:15-NBC, Entertainers 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Gypsy Accordion 11:45-Club Minutes 12 noon-Masterworks of the Piano 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hr. 1-Marimbaphone Melodies 1:15-Einer and Einar 1:30-NBC, Wayne King and Orch. 1:45-The Totem Players 2-The Home Towners 2 :30-Croonettes 2:45-Island Serenaders 3-Memory Book 3:15-News of the Day 3:30-NBC, Stebbins Boys 3:45-Kitchen Philosopher 4-NBC, Amer. Taxpayers League 4:15-NBC, Willys-Overland Silver

Streaks 4:30-NBC, Garden of Melodiés 5-NBC, Novelettes 5:30-NBC, Mobiloil Concert

6-NBC, Coca Cola program 6:30-NBC Artists Service Musicale 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Rochester Civic Orch. 7:30-NBC, Team Mates 8-Quaker State Carefree Hour 8:15-Vocal Recital '8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-Shell Oil Co. 9-Baldy Homespun Melodies 9:15-NBC, Goodyear program 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Greater Washington Hour 11:15-Globe Trotter 11:25-Olympic Hotel Dance Orch. 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Recital

394.5 Meters KVI Broadway 4211 760 Keys. 1000 Watts Puget Sound Broadcast. Co., Tacoma 6:30 A.M.-Farm Flashes 7-Dr. Kenyon's Church 7:30-Recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Mystery Melodies 9:15-Dr. Ambrose Health Talk 9:30-Betty Crocker 9:45-CBS, Armand Vecsey Orch. 10-Mother Hubbard's Cupboard 10:15-CBS, Farm Community Net-

work 10:45-CBS, Zorex Program 11-Recordings 11:15-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:30-CBS, Arthur Jarrett 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-CBS, U. S. Navy Band 12:30-Garden Talk 12:45-CBS, U. S. Navy Band 1-CBS, Girl o' Yesterday 1:15-CBS, Bill Schudt's "Going to

Press" 1:30-Joe Lento, Guitarist 1:45-CBS, Prohibition Plainly Put 2-CBS, Connie Boswell 2:15-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Dental Clinic of the Air 4-Pre-School Assoc. Program 4 :15-CBS, Will Osborne Orchestra 4:45-Recordings 5-CBS, Mardi Gras 5:30-CBS, Bernie Cummins Orch. 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Chesterfield 6:15-Studio Program 6:30-CBS, Society's Playboy 6:45-Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow 7:15-Don Lee Studio Program 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Silent Period 9-Magic Mirror 9:15-Crazy Quartette 9:30-Isle of Golden Dreams 10-Modernistic 1I-Jinks 11 to 12-Heathman's Knights

361.2 Meters KOA York 5090 830 Kcys. 12,500 Watts General Electric Co., Denver, Coto. 5 P.M.-NBC, Novelettes 5:30-NBC, Mobiloil Concert 6-NBC, Coca Cola 6:30-NBC, Artists Service Program 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Jesse Crawford 7:30-NBC, Team Mates 8-International Stagecoachers 8:15-Sports Interview 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-NBC, Benny Kyte's Orchestra 9-NBC, Out of the East 9:15-NBC, Goodyear Program 9:45-NBC, Mary Wood, Soprano 10-NBC, Hill Billies 10:30 to 11 P.M.-NBC, Around the


220.4 Meters KGER Phone: 682.94 1360-Kcys. 1000 Watts Cons. Broadcast. Co., Long Beach 6 A.M.-The Bugle Boy 6:30-Wake Up Tunes 7-Dusty and Skippy 7:15-News Flashes 7:30-Breakfast Club 8-Family Circle Hour 9:30-Frances 10-Union Mutual Orchestra 10:45-Ken Trainer 11-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 11:30-Cleo Hibbs 11:45-Circuit Rider 12 noon-Rocky Mountaineers 12:30-Rango 1-Paul Graham Trio 1:30-Bookworm 1:45-Musical Matinee 2:30-Long Beach Band 4-Anderson Sisters 4:15-Harmony Serenaders 4:30-Rhythm Queens 5:30-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 6-Em and Clem 6:15-Sacred Hour 6 :45-Cheerful Earful 7-Buttercream Ragamuffins 7:15-Kaai's Hawaiians 7:30-Long Beach Band 8 --Hasher's Review 8:30-Rango 9-Evening Moods 10-Helene Smith, Pianist 1C:15-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 11 to 12 midnight-Tom Moore's Or-


204 Meters VGA Main 3434 1470 Kcys. 11H 5000 Watts NW. Broad. System, Spokane, Wash. 6 A.M. to 6 P.M.-Various prog. 6 P.M.-NBC, Masters of Music 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Silver Strains 8-NBC, Personal Close -Ups 8:15-NBC, Marching Through 9-NBC, Harmonoffs 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Hill Billies 10:30-Around the Network 11-Jimmy Joy and his Bal Tabarin

Orchestra 11:30 to 12 midnight-Witching

Hour, Organ

280.2 Meters K I V Ord. 4148-49

1070 Kcys. 100 Watts J. Brunton & Sons, San Francisco 8 A.M.-Alarm Klok Klub 8-Popular Records 9:15-Julie and Jim 9:30-Old Favorites 9:45-Andy Anderson 10-Reporter of the Air 10:05-Variety Recordings 11:30-Miniature Vaudeville 11:45-Concert Music 12 noon-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 12:30-Band Concert 12:45-Popular Records 1:05-Stock Report and Records 2-Front Porch Entertainers 2:15-Recordings 2:45-Speak-Easy Time 3-Reporter of the Air 3:30-George Taylor's Bridge Hour 4-Records 4:15-Aloha Hawaiian Trio 4:30-Assoc. Food Sotres' Program 5-Variety Records 5:45-Phantom Fingers 6 to 7:15 P.M.-Recordings 12:01-Owl program 12:30-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 1-Front Porch Entertainers 1:30 to 6 A.M.-Owl program

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44 BROADCAST WEEKLY Wednesday Programs

379.5 Mirs. NBC-KG0 Sutter 1920 790 Kcys. 7500 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


KECA, KFSD 7 A.M.-Organ Concert, Charles

Runyan: ROO 7:30-Rhythm Ramblers: KGO 7:45-Van and Don: KGO, KHQ,



8:15-Brighten-Up Half -Hour: KGO, KH6, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR

8:45-Hal Kemp and his Orchestra: KGO, KOMO, KGW

9-Harold Stokes and his Orches- tra: ROO

9:15-Beautiful Thoughts: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFI, KTAR

9:30-The Buckaroos: Ted Maxwell, Charles Marshall; Songs and Dia- logue: ROO

9:45-Dixie Memories: KGO 10-Keeping Up With Daughter:


10:15-Parlor Pieces: KGO 10:30-Woman's Magazine of the


11:30-Organ Recital: ROO 12:15-Western Farm and Home


1-Stringwood Ensemble: ROO 1:30-Wayne King and his Orches-


1:45-Argentine Trio: KGO 2-Vagabonds: Orchestra direction

Mahlon Merrick: KGO, KFI 3-D'Avrey of Paris, Tenor: KGO,

KFSD 3:15-Intermezzo: KGO, KFI, KFSD 3:30-The Stebbins Boys: KGO,

KHQ, ROMO, KGW, KFI, KSL 3:45-News Service: KGO 4-American Taxpayers' League Pro-


KTAR, 4 :15-Willys-Overland Silver Streaks:


4:30-Garden of Melodies: KGO, KOMO; KGW on 4:45

5-Novelettes: Orchestra direction Mahlon Merrick: KGO, KOMO, KGW; KFI off 5:15; KOA, KOHL

5:30-Mobiloíl Concert: ROO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KTAR, KSL

6-Coca Cola Program: Interview with Grantland Rice; James Mel- ton, Tenor; All -String Orchestra direction Gustave Haenschen: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGU

6:30-NBC Artists Service Musicale: KGO, KOMO; KGW off 6:45

7-Amos 'n' Andy: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL

7:15-Rochester Civic Orchestra: ROO

7:30-Team Mates: Betty Kelly, So- prano; Irving Kennedy, Tenor: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KOA

8-NBC Drama Hour: "Affairs at Oscar's," by Edna Riese: KGO, KFI

8:30-Billy Jones and Ernie Hare: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI. KFSD, KTAR, KSL

8:45-Dinglebenders: Comedy Serial with Kolb and Dill: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI

9-Out of the East: KGO, KOMO, KOA

9:15-Goodyear Program: Guest Soloist; Revelers Quartet; Orches- tra: KGO, K1iQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

9:45-Mary Wood, Soprano: KGO, KOMO, KOA

10-Richfield News Flashcs: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD

10:15-National Concert Orchestra: KGO, 'COW

11-Ted Flo -Rita and his Hotel St. Francis Dance Orchestra: ROO

12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Concert. Dollo Sargent: ROO

440.9 Mtrs. NBC-KPO GAr. 8300 680 Kcys. 5000 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


7:30 A.M.-Sunrise Serenaders: KPO 8-Financial Service: KPO, KGA,

KTR, KEX, KGIR 8:13-Crosscuts from the Log o' the

Day: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX; KTAR off 8:30

9:15-Stringwood Ensemble: KPO off 9:30; KGA; KJR on 9:45; KEX

9:30-Helpful Hints to Housewives: KPO

9:45-University of California at Your Service: KPO

10-Harmony Twins: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

10:30-Snapshots: KPO 11-With a Senator's Wife in

Washington: KPO 11-Radio Troubadours: KGA, KJR,

KEX 11:30-Hello Marie: KPO 11:45-Rhythmic Serenade: KGA,

KJR, KEX 11:45-Organ Concert: KPO 11:50-South San Francisco Stock-

yards Report: KPO 11:57-Time Signals: KPO 12 noon-Mid-week Musicale: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX 12:15-Tom and Dudd: KPO, KGA,

RJR, KEX 12:30-In a French Cafe: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX 1-Jingle Joe, Joe Parsons, basso;

organ: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX 1:15-Swanee Serenaders, Harold

Stokes' dance orchestra: KPO, K,GA, KJR, KEX, KTAR

1:30-Songs of the Masters: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1:45-Schrimer and Schmitt, piano duo: KPO, KGA, KEX

2-Discovery Hour, direction Geo. Davis: KPO

2-Waldorf Astoria Sert Room Or- chestra: KGA, KJR, KEX, KSL

2:15-Melody Three: KGA, KJR, KEX, KGHL

2:30-Teddy Black and His Village Barn Dance: KGA, KJR, KEX, KGHL

3-Who Cares? Variety program, with Prof. Bob Bence: KPO, KGA, (KJR on 3:05), KEX

4-Sunset Serenaders: KPO, KGA, KEX, KJR

5-The Date Book with Stuart Strong: KPO

5:15-A Gtouple of Mouthfuls by Scotty: KPO

5:30-The Singing Lady: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

5:45-Little Orphan Annie: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

6-Masters of Music: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

6:45-Cecil and Sally: KPO, KGA, KJR, KECA

7-Tom Mitchell, baritone: KPO, KGA, KEX

7:15-Silver Strains: KPO, KGA, KJR (KEX off 7:30)

8-Personal Closeups, Lucile Kirt- ley, soprano, interviewed by Gypsy: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

8:15-Marching Through: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX (KECA on 8:30)

9-The Harmonoffs: KPO, KGA, (KJR off 9:15) KEX

9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

10-Hill Billies, Charles Marshall, John O'Brien, John Toffoli, Ace Wright, Charles Craver: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

10:30-Around the Network: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KGIR

11-Jimmy Joy and His Bal Tabarin Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KEX

11:30 to 12 Midnight-Witching Hr.: KPO, KGA, KEX

468.5 Meters KFI Richmond 6111 640 Kcys. 50,000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Stock Market Quotations 6:45-Dr. Seixas, health exercises 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half Hour 8:45-Helpful Hints to Housewives 9-NBC, Harold Stokes' Orchestra 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Bob Bradford, songs, George

Redmon, pianist and Joan Harvey, speaker

9:45-Fashion Tour with Meliase 10-NBC, Keeping up with Daughter 10:15-English lesson, Ayrtia L.

Drew 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Dorothy Raymond, pianist 11:45-Federal and State Market

repoxts 12 noon-Dept. of Agric. talk 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 1-News release 1:15-Ann Warner Chata 1:30-NBC, Wayne King's Orchestra 1:45-Ann Warner Chats 2-NBC, The Vagabonds 3-NBC, D'Avery of Paris 3:15-Close Partners 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-News release 4-Question Box 4:15-NBC, Willys-Overland Silver

Streaks 4:30-Winnie Fields Moore, travelog 4:45-Barbara Jamieson, pianist 5-Judge Paonessa, speaker 5:15-Adult Education Assoc. 5:30-NBC, Mobiloil Concert 6-NBC, Coca Cola program 8:30-Jean Cowan, songs 6:45-Verne Gray, tenor and string

quartet 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Orchestra 7:30-NBC, Team Mates 8-NBC, Drama Hour 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-The Dinglebenders 9-Orchestra 9:15-NBC, Gobdyear program 9:45-Orchestra 10 P.M.-NBC, Richfield Reporter 10:15 to 12 midnight-Hotel Ambas-

sador Orchestra


Page 45:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Wednesday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 45

333.1 Meters KHJ VAndike 7111 900 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 A.M.-News briefs and records 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Jack and Grace 9:15-Bristol Myers 9:30-Household Hints 9:45-Edna Wallace Hopper 9:50-Records 9:55-Sperry Flour 10-Nell Larson, organist 10:15-CBS, Farm Network 10:30-Best Foods Trans. 10 :45-Zorex, Male Quartet 11-Fred C. McNabb, Gardening 11:15-CBS, Ann Leaf 11:30-Arthur Jarrett 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-CBS, U. S. Navy Band 12:30-World-wide News 12:45-Beauty talk and soloist 1-Times Forum 1:30-Homer Gayne, tenor 1:45-Blue Ridge Colonel 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-Plain Facts About Science 4:30-CBS, Will Osborne's Orch. 4:45-Chats on Words 5-"Aunt Jemima's Songs" 5:15-News Items .

5:30-"Skippy" 5:45-"Black and Blue" 6-CBS, Music That Satisfies 8:15-To be announced 6:30-CBS, Welcome Lewis 6:45-CBS, "Myrt and Marge" 7-CBS, Howard Barlow and Or- chestra 7:15-Serenade 7:30-CBS, Morton Downey and Or- chestra 7:45-"Heroes of the Olympics" 8:15-Chandu the Magician 8:30-Eno Salts Crime Club 9-"To the Ladies" 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-"Isle of Golden Dreams" 10-World-wide news 10:10-Anson Weeks 11-Roosevelt Dance Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Roy Ringwald, Or-


499.7 Meters KFSD Franklin 6353 600 Kcys. 1000 Watts Airfan Radio Corp., Ltd., San Diego 7:30 A.M.-Studio Program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half Hour 8:45-Good Cheer Program 9-C. F. Pitts 9:05-Amy Lou Shopping Hour 10-NBC, Keeping Up with Daughter 10:15-Health Talk 10 :30-Studio Program 11-Child Psychology 11:30-Studio Program 12:15-NBC, Western Farm & Home 1-Ad Club Luncheon 1:30-American Legion Program 1:45-Studio Program 2:45-NBC, Merle Thorpe 3-NBC, D'Avery of Paris 3:15-NBC, Intermezzo 3:30-Radio Dental Clinic 3:45-Studio Program 4-NBC, Amer. Taxpayers' League 4:15-NBC, Willys-Overland Silver

Streaks 4:30-E. K. Stone's Hawaiian Quartet 5-Studio Program 5:15-Late News 5:25-Judge Phillip Smith 5:30-John Wells

5 X45-Happy Repairmen 6-NBC, Coca Cola Program 6:30-Renton Program 6:45-Caliste Conant Hudson 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Feature Program 7:30-NBC, Team Mates 8-Studio Program 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-American Legion Auxiliary 9-Helen Webster Kirkham 9:15-Goodyear Program 9:45-Larry D. Russell 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Studio Program 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Music

285.5 Meters Dix Hemp. 4101 1050 Keys. A 5000 Watts L. A. Evening Express, Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Records 6:45-Bill Sharpes' Gang 8:45-Inspirational Talk and Prayer 9-Clinic of the Air 9:30-News Items 9:45-Maxine's Shopping Service 10-Eddie Albright's Family 10:30-Kate Brew Vaughn 11-Recorded Program 12 noon-News Items 12:15-Recorded Program 12:30-Noonday Revels 1-Paris Inn 2-Bookworm 2:30-Records 3-Matinee Mirthmakers 3:30-Mrs. Emily Shutts 3:45-Howell and Aretta, Fascinat-

ing Rhythm 4-Travelogue, Lost & Found, Stocks 4:15-Maxine's Shopping Service 4:45-L. A. City Schools Program 5-Town Crier 5:15-The Arizona Wranglers 5:45-Chandu 6-News Items 6:15-The Hour of the Angelus 6:30-Oh-hh Elmer 6:45-Vivian Duncan and Lew Cody 7-Frank Watanabe and Hon. Archie 7:15-Rajput 7 :30-KNX Ensemble 7:45-Jeannie and Joan 8-Drury Lane, Tenor, and The Ser-

enaders 8:30-The Arizona Wranglers 9-News Items 9:15-KNX Ensemble 9:30-"Good Samaritan of the Air" 10-Starke's Bohemian Cafe 11-Paris Inn 12 to i A.M.-Ray Howell

384.4 Meters KTM Exposition 1341 780 Keys. 1000 Watts Pickwick Broad. Corp.. Los Angeles 6 A.M.-Request Records 8-Texas Outlaws 8:30-God's Half Hour 9-Zandra 9:30-Pennsylvania Dutchman 9:45-Dr. Frank McCoy 10-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Inspiration 1:15-The Banjo Boys 1:45-Utah Trail Boys 2-Spanish Concert 3-Recorded Program 3:15-Howell & Aretta 3:30-Dr. Frank McCoy 3:45-Recorded Program 5-Silent Period 8-Taxpayers' Program 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Mystery Serial 10:15-Paul Rader and his Couriers 11:15-Request Records 1 to 4 A.M.-Jack Ross, Variety Pro-


225.4 Meters KGB FRanklin 6151 1330 Keys. 500 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Diego, California 7 A.M.-News; Recordings; Stocks S-Shell Happytime 8 :30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Betty Crocker 9:45-CBS, Vecsey's Orchestra 10-Helen Stone, Around the Town 11-Recordings 11:15-CBS, Ann Leaf & Ben Alley 11:30-CBS, Arthur Jarrett 11:45-CBS, Four Eton Boys 12 noon-Farm Flashes 12:15-Stock Quotations 12:20-CBS, U. S. Navy Band Con-

cert 1-CBS, Girl O' Yesterday 1:15-CBS, Going to Press 1:30-Women's 100 Per Cent Asso-

ciation program 1:45-CBS, Hall's Orchestra 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-The Joneses 3:15-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-CBS, Plantation Grill Orch. 4:30-Aztec Period 4:45-Town Topics 5-News Reel of the Air 5:15-Chandu the Magician 5:30-Aunt Jemima's Songs 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Music That Satisfies 6:15-CBS, Plantation Grill Orch. 6:30-CBS, Society's Playboy 6:45-Quaw's Orchestra 7:15-Hutton's Ensemble 7:30-CBS, Don Redman's Oren. 7:45-Heroes of the Olympic 8:15-San Miguel Hill Billies 8:30-CBS, Eno Crime Club 9-To the Ladies 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-Isle of Golden Dreams 10-News Reel 10 :15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11 to 12 midnight-Halstead's Orch.

209.7 Meters KECA Richmond 6111 1430 Keys. 1000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 9 A.M.-Louis Rueb, Exercises 9:15-Record program 10-News release 10:15-Record program 11-German Lesson, Annette Do-

herty 11:15-Record program 11:30-Beauty Lore by Melisse 11:45-Record program 12 noon-Biltmore Concert Orchestra 12:45-Kiwanis Club Luncheon 1:30-Record program 1:45-Bob, Bunny and Junior 2-Record program 2:45-NBC, Talk by Merle Thorpe 3-Eleanor Autrey, ballads 3:15-Record program 3:30-Alexander Bevani, Italian,

language 3:45-Record program 4-News release 4:15-Record program 5-Brother Ken and Kiddies 5:30-NBC, Kellogg program 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6-Yarley and Yenny, sketch 6:15- L. A. Fire Dept. Orchestra 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-Studio program 7:15-Joe Warner's Jolly Journal 7:30-String Trio 7:45-Orchestra 8:30-NBC, Marching Through 9-NBC, Harmonoffs 9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10:30-News release 10:45 to 11 P.M.-Record program

11 I www.americanradiohistory.com

Page 46:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

46 BROADCAST WEEKLY May 22 to 28


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Page 47:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

May 22 ro 28 BROADCAST WEEKLY 47

THURSDAY Prograìns - May 26, 1932

491.5 Meters KFRC Prospect 0100 610 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Francisco. Calif. 7 A.M.-Seal Rocks Broadcast 7:25-N. Y. Stock Quotations 7:30-Dobbsie and Wee Willie 7:45-Dobbsie Quarter Hour 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Mary and Jim 9:45-Coca Cola Program 10-The Almanac 11-CBS, La Forge Berumen Musi-

cale 11:30-CBS, Boston variety program 12 Noon-Noonday Concert 1-Farm News Broadcast 1:15-CBS, Tito Guizar 1:30-N. Y. Stock Quotations 1:35-The Globe Trotter 1:45-Barbara Gould Beauty Talk 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-CBS, Bernie Cummin's Orch. 4:30-The Globe Trotter 4:40-Town Topics 4:45-CBS, Your Child 5-Skippy 5:15-Sunset Melodies: Robert Olsen

and Eleanor Allen 5:30-All Star Radio Program 5:45-Adventures of Black & Blue 6-CBS, Music That Satisfies 6 :15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 6:30-Bobs Sports Authority 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-Edna Fisher & Newell Chase 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-CBS, Noble Sissle's Orchestra 8-CBS, Guy Lombardo's Orchestra 8 :15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Eno Crime Club 9-Foreign Lands Concert 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-Today and Yesterday 10-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Henry Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Vagabond of the Air

280.2 Meters KJBS Ord. 4148-49 1070 Kcys. 100 Watts J. Brunton & Sons, San Francisco 6 A.M.-KJBS Alarm Klok Klub 8-Recorded program 10-Reporter of the Air 10:05-Favorite Reccrds 11:30-Robison's Light Opera Hour 11:45-Concert Music 12 noon-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 12:30-Variety records 1:05-Stock reporter and records 1:15-Financial Common Sense 2-Blindcraft Ensemble 2:30-Records 2:45-Speak-Easy Time 3-Reporter of the Air 3:30-George Taylor's Bridge Hr. 4-Recordings 4:15-Pat Buckman, Tenor 4:30-Marjorie Lee, pianist 4:45-Popular records 5-Carleton Coveny 5:15-Records 5:30-Auburn-Fuller program 6-Recordings 6:15-Philco Varieties 6:30-Recordings 12:01-Owl program 1-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 1:30 to 6 A.M.-Owl program


243.8 Meters RYA Prospect 3456 1230 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pac. Broadcast. Corp., San Francisco 7:30 A.M.-Rhythm Masters 8-Metropolitan Hour 9-Manual Melodies 9:30-Modern Melodies 10-Sunshine Hour 11-Salon Melodies 11:15-Manhattan Moods 11:30-Prudence Penny 11:45-Song and Dance Kings 12 noon-Glen Goff, Organist 12:30-"University of the Air" 12:45-Novelty Bits 1-Concert Memories 1:30-Musical Contrasts 2-"Aunt Jemima's Songs" 2:15-Glen Goff, Organist 2:45-Masters of the Violin 3-Dance Music 3:15-Walter Markham program 3:30-Great Masters of Music 4-Artist Celebrities 4:30-Famous Songs and Singers 5-Metropolitan Hour 6-Revue 6 :30-"Just Willie" 6:45-Henry Starr, vocal and piano 7-Hap and Jack 7:15-Sportsman's Corner: Gene

Sullivan 7:30-Small Concert Trio 7:45-News Bulletin 8-George Nickson, Song Recital 8:15-Sports Review 8:45-Short Stories 9-Billy Small Ensemble 9:30-Milly and Billy 9:45-Virginia Spencer: Soliloquy 10-News Bulletin 10:15-Glen Goff, Organist 11 to 12 midnight-Concert Mem-


322.4 Meters KROW Glenc. 6774 930 Kcys. 1000 Warta Educa. Broad. Corp., Oakland, Calif. 8 A.M.-Recordings 9-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Weather Forecast 1:05-Latin-American Program 2:30-Myrtle Segal, Soprano 2:45-Evelyn Stewart, Violinist 3:30-Phantoms of the Air 4-Sharkey's Stringed Trio 4:15-Dagmar Maki, Soprano 4:30-Fifteen Minutes at Home 4:45-Recordings 5:30-Wade Forrester 5:45-KROW Reporter 6-Silent Period 7:30-Hal Roberts, Banjo, and Gene

Toschi, Guitar 7:45-Italian Program 8:15-Watch Tower Program 8:30-Hal Roberts' Banjo and Gui-

tar Band 8:45-Curtainwood & Apple Bottom 9-The Lyric Trio with Willard Dan-

iel, Tenor 9:30-Pemm Repertory Players 10 to 11 P.M.-Dance Music

322.4 Meters KFWI Franklin 0200 930 Kcys. 500 Watts Radio Entertainments, San Francisco 7 A.M.-KFWI Opener Program 8-Silent Period 9-Cal King's Country Store 9:15-Morning Melodies 10-White House Program 10:15-Bellevue Hotel Program 10:30-Health Talk, Dr. Linebarger 11-Timely Topics 11:30-Open Forum 11:45-Spanish Songs 12 noon-Question and Answer Man 12:15-Fox Trot Time 12:30-Town Crier 12:45-News Flashes 1-Silent Period 6-Dinner Dance Music 7-Virginia Mifka, Pianist 7:15-Helen Bellevue 7:30-Silent Period 11-Master Melodies 12 to 1 A.M.-Dedication Hour

296.6 Meters K('W Columbia 777 1010 Kcys. ll 500 Watts Pac. Agric. Foundation, Ltd., San Jose 7 A.M.-Breakfast Hour 9-Rainbow Trouper 9:30-Helpful Hour 10:30-Cliff, Mac and Norm 11-Eleventh Hour program 11:30-Echoes of Portugal 12 noon-Variety program 12:30-Weather and market reports 1-Leah Bernhardt Kimball 1:30-The Friendly Hour 2:30-Martha Mead 3:15-Sunshine Trio 4:30-Story Time, Lena Leland 5-Vespers 5:30-Digger Indians 5:45-Liberty Bell Quarter Hour 6-The Knickerbockers 6:15-Franco's program 6:30-State market reports 6:45-Radio News and Forum 7:45-News 'n' Music 8-Old Church Choir Songs 9-Parlor Music 9:15 to 10 P.M.-Five Pretzels: Lit.

tle German Band


Page 48:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

48 BROADCAST WEEKLY Thursday Programs

440.9 Mtrs. NBC'KPO GAr. 8300 680 Kcys. 5000 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


7 :30 A.M.-Sunrise Serenaders : RPO 8-Financial Service: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KEX, KGIR 8:15-Crosscuts from the Log o' the

Day: KPO, KGA, KJR, REX, (KTAR off 9) (KGIR off 8:30)

9:15-Stringwood Ensemble: KPO, KGA, KEX

9:30-Windjammers: (KPO off 9:45) (KGA (KJR on 9:45) KEX

9:45-University of California at Your Service: KPO

10-The Chatterer, bita of philoso- phy: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KGIR

10:30-Snapshots, Rita Lane, so- prano; orchestra direction of Jess Norman: KPO

11-Standard School Broadcast: KPO, KFSD

11:45-Oigan Concert: KPO 11:45-Rhythm Serenade: KGA,

KJR, KEX 11:50-South San Francitico Stock-

yard Report: KPO 11:57-Time Signals: KPO 12 noon-Fiddlers Three, instrumen-

tal trio; Dorothy Lewis, con- tralto: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

12:30-Meet the Girl Friends: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

12:45-U. S. Navy Band: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1-Shrine Luncheon: KPO 1-May We Present: KGA, KEX,

KTAR 1:15-Swanee Serenaders, H a r -

old Stokes' dance orchestra: KGA, KJR, KEX, KTAR

1:30-Old Pappy, negro impersona- tions, songs: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1 :45-Swanee Serenaders, Harold Stokes' dance orchestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

2-To be announced 2:30-The World Today: KPO, KGA.

KJR, KEX, KFSD, KTAR 2:45-June Pursell: KPO 3-Who Cares? Variety program,

conducted by Prof. Bob Bence: KPO, KGA (KTR on 3:05) HEX, (KGIR on 3:30)

4-Blue Jays, tenor; guitarist; viol- inist; accordionist: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

4:15-Cultural Conversation: KPO. KGA, KJR, KEX

4:30-Twilight Tunes, Eileen Pig- gott, soprano; orchestra direction Rex Dunn: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

5-The Date Book with Stuart Strong: KPO

5:15-A Couple of Mouthfuls by Scotty: KPO

5:30-The Singing Lady: K P 0, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

5:45-Little Orphan Annie: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

6-Masters of Music: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

6:45-Cecil and Sally: KPO, KGA, KJR, KECA

7-Tom Mitchell, Baritone: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

7:15-Harry Reser and His Eski- mos: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

7:30-The Opera Hour: KPO, KGA, KJR

8-Jack Pettis and His Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

8:30-John and Ned: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOHL

8:45-Mona Lowe, blues singer: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA, KOA

9-Nathan Abas, violinist, popular

prog)am: KPO,

KG , (KJR off

A 9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra:


10-Great Moments of History: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

10:30-Around the Network: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KGIR

11-Nomads, Lucile Kirtiey, so- prano; orchestra direction Joseph Hornik: KPO, KGA, KEX

11:30 to 12 midnight-Witching Hr.: KPO, KGA, KEX

535.4 Meters KTAB Garfield 4700 560 Kcys. 1000 Watts Assoc. Broadcasters, Oakland. Calif. 7 A.M.-Popular Records 7:05-Morning Reporter 7:30-Allay-oop! with Bob Roberts 8-Radio Shopping News 8:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 9-Morning Prayer Hour 9:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 10-Household Hour 10:30-News Service 10:35-Dr. B. L. Corley 10 :55-Recorded Program 11-Store Scenes 11:30-Radio Shopping News 12 noon-U. S. Agricultural Reports 12:15-Dr. R. M. McLain 12:30-News Service 12:35 --Studio Program 1-Beaux Arts Program 1:15-Over the Teacups 2-Popular Records 2 :30-Hollywood Star Reporter 2:45-Masterpieces of Melody 3:15-Studio Program 3:30-X Bar B Rânch Boys 4-Studio Program 4:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 5-Uncle Rod's Children's Hour 5:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 6-Popular Records 6:30-Ernie Smith's Sport Page 6:45-Reporter 7-The International Parade 7:15-Ernie Smith's Magazine Re-

view 7:30-News Service 7:45-Dance Music 8-Water-Witch Orchestra 8:15-Baseball from Seal Stadium 10-Beverly Hill Billies 11-Charles Ford, Tenor 11:15 to 1 A.M.-Night Owls

204 Meters KGA Main 3434 1470 Kcys. 5000 Watts NW. Broad. System, Spokane, Wash. 6 A.M. to 6 P.M.-Various prog. 6 P.M.-NBC, Masters of Music 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:30-NBC, Opera Hour 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-John and Ned 8:45-NBC, Mona Low 9-NBC, Nathan Abas Popular Pro-

gram 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Great Moments in His-

tory 10:30-Around the Network 11-NBC Nomads 11:30 to 12 midnight-NBC, Organ

394.5 Meters KVI Broadway 4211 760 Kcys. 1000 Watts Puget Sound Broadcast. Co., Tacoma 6:30 A.M.-Farm Flashes 7-Church of the Air 7:30-Recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Mystery Melodies 9:15-Health Talk 9:30-CBS, Atlantic City Musicale 10-Mother Hubbard's Cupboard 10:15-CBS, Farm Community Net-

work 11-Harold Zollman, Pianist 11:15-CBS, La Forge Musicale 11:30-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12 noon-CBS, U. S. Army Band 12:30-Garden Talk 12:45-Rotary Club Program 1:45-Barbara Gould 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Dental Clinic of the Air 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-CBS, Bernie Cummins Orch. 4:45-CBS, Angelo Patri 5-CBS, Tweet Hogan Orchestra 5:15-CBS, Modern Male Chorus. 5:30-CBS, Will Osborne Orchestra 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Chesterfield 6:15-Don Lee Studio Program 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-Liberty Party Speaker 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Silent Period 9-Studio Program 9:15-Crazy Quartette 9:30-"Today and Yesterday" 10-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11 to 12-Henry Halstead Orchestra

236.1 Meters KOL Elliott 4466 1270 Kcys. 1000 Watts Seattle Broadcast Co., Seattle. Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Top o' the Morning 7-KOL Time Klock 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Organ Echoes 9:30-CBS, Ann Leaf 10-Morning Melodies 10:30-The Health Man 10:40-Console Capers 11:15-CBS, LaForge Musicale 11:30-CBS, Rhythm Kings 12 noon-"The Carnival," with

Billy Sherwood 1-Ken Stuart's Sunshine Program 1:15-Parker's Dental School 1:45-CBS, Barbara Gould Program 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Harriet Links 3:45-Feminine Fancies 4-Puget Sound Crier 4:30-Cecil Solly, Garden Talk 4:45-CBS, Cream of Wheat Pro-

gram 5-Hill and Dale 5:15-' Skippy" 5:30-Aunt Jemima's Songs 5:45-Black and Blue 6-Poet's Gold 6:15-The Happy Repairmen 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-Sports Review 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-CBS, Noble Sissle Orchestra 8-CBS, Guy Lombardo 8:15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Don Lee Feature 9-Boxing Bouts 9:30-CBS, "Today and Yesterday" 10-Boxing Bouts 11 to 12-Henry Halstead's Orchestra


Page 49:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Thursday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 49

325.9 Meters KOMO Elliott 5890 920 Kcys. 1000 Watts Fisher's Blend Station, Inc., Seattle 6:65 A.M.-Inspirationar Service 7-Organ Recital 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Miracles of Magnolia 8:30-NBC, Soloist 8:45-NBC, O'Cedar Melody Men 9-Prudence Penny 9:15-Uncle Hank from Ciderville

Center 9:30-Through the Golden Gate 9:45-Saxophone Melodies 9:55-Bisquick program 10-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11-NBC, Standard School Broad-

cast 11:45-Club Minutes 12 noon-Masterworks of the Piano 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hr. 1-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 1:15-Einer and Einar, the Two

Counselors 1:30-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 1:45-The Totem Players 2-Concert Orchestra 2:30---Croonettes 2:45-Concert Orchestra 3:15-News of the Day 3:30-NBC, Stebbins Boys 3:45-Kitchen Philosopher 4-NBC, Fleischmann Sunshine Hr. 5-NBC, Big Six of the Air 5:30-NBC, Tompkins Corners 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Caswell Coffee Concert 7:30-Vocal Ensemble 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-Rajput 8:15-NBC, Standard Symphony Hr. 9:15-Montag Fireside Melodies 9:45-NBC, Dixie Memories 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-NBC, Rainbow Harmonies 10:50-Globe Trotter 11-Olympic Hotel Varsity Vaga-

bonds 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Recital

508.2 Meter@ KHQ Main 5383 590 Kcys. K 1000 Watts Louis Wasmer, Inc., Spokane, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Caterpillar program 7:15-Crazy Crystals 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-Jean Anthony, Organist 8:45-NBC, O'Cedar Melody Man 9-Joyner's Joys, "Walt and Ma-

rian" 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Burgan's Home Comfort 9:45-Best Foods program 10-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11-Standard School Broadcast 11:45-Bisquick program 11:50-Bell Furniture Co. 12 noon-Club Bulletin 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 1:15-Spokane Fur Tanning Co. 1:30-Alaska Junk Co. 1:45-Sartori and Wolff 3-Commercial Creamery 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-Peerless Dentists 4-NBC, Fleischmann Sunshine Hr. 5-J. and D. Paint Time 5:15-General Mills-Skippy 5:30-NBC, "Real Folks" 6-NBC, Lucky Strike 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-"Chandu the Magician" 7:30-The Singing Violin 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8:15-NBC, Standard Symphony Hr. 9:15-Shell 011 program

10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Jewels of the Music Master 10:30-The Melody Girl 10:45-Timely Topics 11-Fran Morton's Orchestra 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Deseret Caravan

340.7 Meters KLX Lake. 6000 880 Kcys. 500 Watts Tribune Pub. Co., Oakland, Calif. 7 A.M.-Exercises; Stock Reports 8-Records 9-Modern Homes Period 9:30-Clinic of the Air 10:15-San Francisco Stocks 10 :30-Records 11-Sunshine Twins 12 noon-Jack Delaney and his Band 1-Jean's Hi -Lights 2-Classical Recordings 2:35-San Francisco Stocks 2:45-Ethel Rhinard, Pianist 3-Records 3:45-Galen Harvey, Piano Rambles 4-Records 4:30-Brother Bob's Club 5-Helen Wegman Parmelee, Pianist 5:30-Cocoanut Grove Ambassadors 6-Dave Saylor's Dance Orchestra 7-News Items 7:30-"Golf Sidelights" 7:45-"Where to Go Out of Doors," Joe Bean, Scout 8-King Sisters' Harmony Telo 8:15-Baseball: Oaks vs. Portland 10-The Gay Caballeros 10:30-Dance Program 11 P.M.-Baseball Results

309.1 Meters Seneca 1515 970 Kcys. KJR 5000 Watt. Northwest Broad. System, Seattle, Wn. 7 A.M.-Rhythm Aces, produce quo- tations, news 8-Financial service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log of the Day 9:15-Mary 9:45-NBC, The Windjammers 10-NBC, Organ Concert 10:30-Mardi Grass 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30 ---Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12 noon-NBC, Fiddlers Three 12:30-NBC, The Girl Friends 12:45-NBC, U. S. Navy Band 1-Mary 1:15-NBC, Swanee Serenaders 1:30-NBC, 01' Pappy 1:45-Piano Ramblings 2-NBC, Western Intercollegiate Broadcast 2:30-NBC, The World Today 2:45-NBC, June Purcell 3-Seattle Council Pre -School Assn. 3:15-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, The Blue Jays 4:15-NBC, Cultural Conversation by Ethel Cotton 4:30-NBC, Twilight Tunes 5-To be announced 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 6 P.M.-NBC, Masters of Music 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC program 7:30-NBC, Opera Hour 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, John and Ned 8:45-NBC, Mona Low 9-NBC, Nathan Abas Popular Pro- gram 9:15-Eb and Zeb (E. T.) 9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10-NBC, Great Moments in History 10:30-Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Earl Gerdon's Or.

285.5 Meters KNX Hemp. 4101 1050 Kcys. 5000 Watts L. A. Evening Express, Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Records 6:45-Bill Sharpies' Gang 8:45-Inspirational Talk and Prayer 9-Clinic of the Air 9:30-News Items 9:45-Maxine's Shopping Service 10-Eddie Albright's Family 10:30-Kate Brew Vaughn 11-Recorded Program 12 noon-News Items 12:30-Dr. John Matthews 1-Paris Inn 2-Bookworm 2:30-French Lesson, Prof. Leon 3-Matinee Mirthmakers 3:30-Louise Johnson, Astroanalyst 4-Travelogue, Lost & Found, Stocks 4:15-Maxine's Shopping Service 4:45-Recorded Program 5-Town Crier 5:15-The Arizona Wranglers 5:40-Salto Real Pet Stories 5:45-Chandu, the Magician 6-News 6:15-Vigilante Druggists 6:30-Oh-hh Elmer 6:45-Vivian Duncan and Lew Cody 7-Frank Watanabe and Hon. Archie 7:15-Bob Shuler 7 :45-KNX Ensemble 8:30-Violin Choir 9-News 9:15-Crazy Crystals 9:30-Captain Art Smith 10-Starke's Bohemian Cafe 11-Paris Inn 12 to 1 A.M.-Ray Howell

254.1 Meters KEX Atwater 3111 1180 Kcys. 5000 Watts Western Broad. Co., Portland, Ore. 7 A.M.-Farm Flashes; News 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-NBC, Stringwood 9:30-NBC, The Windjammers 10-NBC, Organ Concert 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12 noon-NBC, Fiddlers Three 12:30-NBC, The Girl Friends 12:45-NBC, U. S. Navy Band 1-NBC, May We Present 1:15-NBC, Swanee Serenaders 1:30-NBC, 01' Pappy 1:45-NBC, Instrumental Soloist 2-NBC, Western Intercollegiate

Broadcast 2:30-NBC, The World Today 2:45-NBC, June Purcell 3-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, The Blue Jays 4:15-NBC, Cultural Conversation,

by Ethel Cotton 4:30-NBC, Twilight Tunes 5-To be announced 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-Masters of Music 8:45-Newscasting 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC program 7:30-Silent Period 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, John and Ned 8:45-NBC, Mona Low 9-NBC, Nathan Abas Popular Pro-

gram 9:30-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10-NBC, Great Moments in History 10:30-Around the Network 11-NBC, Nomads 11:30-NBC, Organ Concert 12 to 1 A.M.-Allen Daniels


Page 50:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

50 BROADCAST WEEKLY Thursday Programs

379.5 Mtrs. NBC-KGU Sutter 1920 790 Kcys. 7500 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


KECA, KFSD 7 A.M.-Organ Concert, Chas. Run-

yan: KGO 7:30-Rhythm Ramblers: KGO 7:45-Van and Don: KGO, KHQ,



8:15-Miracles of Magnolia, Negro sketch with Fanny MayBaldridge: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI

8:30-Soloist: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI

8:45-O'Cedar Melody Men: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KSL

9-Harold Stokes and His Orches- tra: EGO

9:15-Beautiful Thoughts: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFI, KTAR

9:30-The Buckaroos, Ted Maxwell, Charles Marshall; songs and dia- logue: KGO, KOMO

9:45-Dixie Memories: KGO 10-Woman's Magazine of the Air:


11-Standard School Broadcast: EGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD

11:45-Shakespearean Plays: KGO, KECA, KFSD

12 noon-Organ Concert, Paul Car- son, organist: KGO

12:15-Western Farm and Home Hour: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD (KTAR on 12:45) (KSL off 12:45) KGIR, KGHL

1-On Parade: KGO, (KOMO off 1:15)

1:30-Stringwood Ensemble: KGO, (KOMO 1:30 to 1:45) KGW

2:30-Music Doctor: KGO 3-Dandies of Yesterday: KGO 3:30-The Stebbins Boys: KGO,

KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KSL 3:45-News Service: KGO 4-Fleischmann Hour, Rudy Vallee

and his orchestra: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KTAR, KSL

5-The Big Six of the Air, Rev- elers Quartet; orchestra direction Frank Black: KGO, KHQ, KFI, KOMO, KGW, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

5:30-Thompkins Corners, rural drama: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KFI, KGW, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

6-Lucky Strike Dance Hour: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

7-Amos 'n' Andy: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL

7:15-Caswell Concert: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI

7:30-Hal Kemp and his Orches- tra: KGO

7:45-Sperry Smiles, Nathan Stew- art, baritone; Lee S. Roberts, pi- anist: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KFI, KGW, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KOA

8-Imelda Montagne, Contralto: KGO, KGW

8:15-Standard Symphony Hour, or- chestra direction Alfred Hertz: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI

9:15-Earl Hines' Dance Orchestra: KGO

9:30-Chicago Terrace Gardens Or- chestra: KGO (KGW on 9:45)

10-Richfield News Flashes: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD

10:15-Rainbow Harmonies: KGO, (KGW on 10:45)

11-Ted Flo -Rita and His Hotel St. Francis Dance Orchestra: KGO, (KGW off 11:15)

12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Concert, Dollo Sargent: EGO

499.7 Meters KFSD Franklin 6353 600 Keys. 1000 Watts Airfan Radio Corp., Ltd., San Diego 7:30 A.M.-Studio Program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-C. F. Pitts 8:20-Morning Musicale 8 :35-Stock Reports 8:45-Good Cheer 9-Amy Lou Shopping Hour 10-Studio Program 10:40-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11-NBC, School Broadcast 11:45-NBC, Shakespearean Play 12 noon-Dr. Strauss' Sketchbook 12:15-NBC, Western Farm & Home 1-Studio Program 2-To be announced 2:30-NBC, The World Today 2:45-NBC, June Pursell 3-NBC, Dandies of Yesterday 3:30-Radio Dental Clinic 3:45-George Fassett 4-Studio Program 4:45-Late News 5-NBC, Big Six of the Air 5:30-NBC, Thompkins Corners 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Studio Program 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-String Ensemble 8:45-E. K. Stone's Hawaiians 9-Florentine Trio 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Studio Program 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Music

384.4 Meters KIM Exposition 1341 780 Keys. 1000 Watts Pickwick Broad. Corp., Los Angeles 6 A.M.-Request Records 8-Texas Outlaws 8:30-God's Half Hour 9-Zandra 9:30-Pennsylvania Dutchman 9:45-Dr. Frank McCoy 10-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Inspiration 1:15-The Banjo Boys 1:45-Utah Trail Boys 2-Spanish Concert 3-Recorded Program 3:15-Howell & Aretta 3:30-Dr. Frank McCoy 3:45-Recorded Program 5-Silent Period 8-The Marketeers 8:30-Musical Comedy Miniature 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Jack Dunn 11:15-Request Records 1 to 4 A.M.-Jack Ross, Variety Pro-


209.7 Meters KECA Richmond 6111 1430 Keys. 1000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 9 A.M.-Louis Rueb, Exercises 9:15-Record program 10-News release 10:15-Record program 11:30-Beauty Lore by Melisse 11:45-NBC, Shakespearean Plays 12 noon-Biltmore Concert Orchestra 12:45-Record program 1-Spanish Lesson, A. Doherty 1:15-Record program 1:45-Bob, Bunny and Junior 2-To be announced 2:30-Record program 3:30-Wesley Tourtellotte, Organist 4-News release 4:15-French Lesson, A. Doherty 4:30-Dave Martin, songs 4:45-Common Sense of Science 5-Brother Ken and Kiddies 5:30-NBC, Kellogg program 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6-Record program 6:15-String trio 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-Studio program 7:15-Joe Warner's Jolly Journal 7:30-Organ program 7:45-Concert Orchestra with Soloist 8:15-String Trio 8:45-James Knight Carden and

Cast 9-NBC, Nathan Abas 9:30-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10:30-News release 10:45 to 11 P.M.-Record program

225.4 Meters KGB FRanklin 6151 1330 Keys. 500 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Diego, California 7 A.M.-News; Recordings; Stocks 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 8:30-CBS, Atlantic City Musicale 9:45-Theodora Warfield 10-Helen Stone, Around the Town 11-Recordings 11:15-CBS, La Forge Berumen Mu-

sicale 11:30-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12 noon-Farm Flashes 12:15-CBS, Army Band Concert 12:30-CBS, National Democratic

Committee 12:45-Recordings 12:55-Stock Quotations 1-State Dept. of Agriculture 1:15-Recordings 1:30-Dave Marshall 1:45-Barbara Gould 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-School Crossings Safety Talk 3:15-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organilities 4:15-U. S. C. Trojan Period 4:30-Town Topics 4:35-News Reel 4:45-CBS, Angelo Patri 5-Theodora Warfleld 5:15-Chandu the Magician 5:30-Aunt Jemima's Songs 5:45-Black and Blue 6-Hutton's Ensemble 6:30-CBS, Music That Satisfies 6:45-Gene Quaw's Music 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-Synco Thoughts 7:30-CBS, Noble Sissle's Orchestra 7:45-Amer. Legion Revue 8:30-CBS, Eno Crime Club 9-Recordings 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-Aztec Half Hour 10-News Reel of the Air 10:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11 to 12 midnight-Halstead's Or-



Page 51:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Thursday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 51

CBS 333.1 Meters mi.) VAndike 7111 468.5 Meters VL'i Richmond 6111

Columbia Broadcasting System 9 A.M.-George Hall and his Hotel

Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KVI, KFPY

9:30-Atlantic City Musicale: KFBK, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

10-Columbia Farm Community: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY

11-La Forge Berumen Musicale: KWG, KFRC

11:15-La Forge Berumen Musicale: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KGB

11:30-"The Boston Popular Re- vue": KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

12 noon-U. S. Army Band Concert: KFBK, KWG, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

12:30-National Democratic Com- mittee: Victory Campaign Speak- er: KFBK, KVI. KFPY, KGB

12:45-George Hal and his Hotel Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KGB

1:15-Tito Guizar, Mexican Tenor, with Vincent Sorey's Orchestra: KFBK, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

1:45-Barbara Gould Beauty Talk: KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

4-Organalities: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

4:15-Bernie Cummins' Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

4:30-Bernie Cummins' Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KGB

4:45-Angelo Patri, "Your Child": KFBK, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

5-The Columbians, Freddie Rich, Conductor: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KGB

5:15-The Columbians: KFBK, KVI KFPY

5:30-Johnny Hamp's Orchestre KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY

6-"Music that Satisfies": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

6:30-Arthur Jarrett, with Freddie Rich's Orchestra: KFBK, KVI, KFRC

6:45-"Myrt and Marge": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ


7:15-Howard Barlow and the Co- lumbia Symphony Orchestra KFBK, KERN, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

7:30-The Camel Quarter Hour: KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KAJ

7:45-Noble Sissle and his Orches- tra: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KFPY, KFRC

8-Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians: KFBK, KOL, KFPY, KFRC

8:15-Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians: KFBK, KOL, KFPY

8:30-Eno Crime Club: KMJ, KWG, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

9:30-'Today and Yesterday": KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

Don Lee, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 A.M.-News briefs and recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-CBS, Atlantic City Musicale 9:45-Edna Wallace Hopper 9:55-Sperry Flour 10-Gene Wolf and Organ 10:15-CBS, Farm Network 10:45-Beauty Talk and Organ 11-Acme Sunshine Melodies 11:15-Beauty talk 11:30-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12 neon-CBS, U. S. Army Band 12 :30-World-wide news 1-Times Forum 1:30-Dave Marshall, baritone; and

organ 1:45-Barbara Gould program 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-U. S. C. Trojan Period 4:30-CBS, Bernie Cummins' Or-

chestra 4:45-CBS, "Your Child" 5-The Hobby Hunter 5:15-News Items; Town Topics 5:30-"Skippy" 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CHS, Music That Satisfies 6:15-Hutton's Concert Ensemble 6:45-CBS, "Myrt and Marge" 7-CBS, Joe Palooka 7:15-CBS, Howard Barlow and Or- chestra 7:30-CBS, Morton Downey and Or-

chestra 7:45-Inglewood Park Concert 8:15-Chandu the Magician 8:30-Eno Salts Crime Club 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-Today and Yesterday 10-World-wide News 10:10-Anson Weeks 11-Roosevelt Dance Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Roy Ringwald, Or-


220.4 Meters KGER Phone: 682-94 1360-Kcys. 1000 Watts Cons. Broadcast. Co., Long Beach 6 A.M.-The Bugle Boy 7-Dusty and Skippy 7:15-News Flashes 7:30-Breakfast Club 8-Family Circle Hour 9:30-Frances 10-Union Mutual Orch. (E. T.) 10:45-Ken Trainer 11-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 11:30 --Cleo Hibbs 11:45-Circuit Rider 12 noon-Rocky Mountaineers 12 :30-Rango 1-Paul Graham Trio 1:30-Bookworm 1:45-Juanita Grohs, contralto 2-Musical Matinee 2:30-Long Beach Band 4-Cotton Blossom Singers 4:15-Los Amigos Trio 4:30-Musical Moonbeam Orch. 5:30-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 6-Em and Clem 6:15-Twrfight Fantasy 6:45-Cheerful Earful 7-Buttereream Ragamuffins 7:15-Kaal's Hawaiians 7:30-Long Beach Band 8-Placentina Church 9-Evening Moods 10-Helene Smith, Piano 10:15-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 10:30-Vagabond Dreams 11 to 12 midnight-Tom Moore's Or-


900 Kcys. 1000 Watts 640 Kcys. 50,000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Stock Market Quotations 6:45-Dr. Seixas, health exercises 7:30-Studio program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Miracles of Magnolia 8:30-NBC, Soloist 8:45-NBC, O'Cedar Melody Men 9-NBC, Harold Stokes' Orchestra 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Helen Guest, songs and Sally

Hill, speaker 9:45-Fashion Tour with Melisse 10-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11-NBC, School Broadcast 11:45-State Market Reports 12 noon-Dept. of Agite. talk 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 1-News release 1:15-Ann Warner Chats 1:45-Laguna Beach Art Club prog. 2-Baldassare Ferlazzo, violinist 2:15-Hale Hooper, ballads 2:30-Wesley Tourtellotte. Organist 3:15-Close Partners, sketch 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-News release 4-NBC, Fleischmann Sunshine Hr. 5-NBC, Big Six of the Air 5:30-NBC, Tompkins Corners 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Caswell Coffee 7:30-Orchestra 7:45-NBC, Sperry Smiles 8-NBC, Dixie Memories 8:15-NBC, Standard Symphony Hr. 9:15-Orchestra 10-NBC, Richfield Reporter 10:15 to 12 midnight-Hotel Ambas-

sador Orchestra 239.9 Meters KFOX Phone: 67281 1250 Kcys 1000 Watts Nichols & Warinner. Long Beach, Cal. 5 A.M.-The Early Birds 7-Chandu 7:15-Peppy Tunes 7:30-Song and Patter 7:45-News Report 8-Popular Selections 9-Air Raiders 10-Vera Graham, Organist 10:30-Orange Blossom Girls 11-The Three Boys 11:30-News Report 11:45-Organ Recital 12 noon-Blue Ribbon Group 1-"Health and Efficiency" 1:30-"Crime Problems" 1:30-Electric Transcription 1:45-"Speak Easy" 2-Afternoon Kapers 3-Musical Pastels 3:30-Cally Holden's Orchestra 4-News Report 4:15-Dental Clinic 4:45-Tennessee Joe 5-Sunset Harmony Boys 5:30-Cheerio Boys 5:45-"Black and Blue" 6-"Married Life," Comedy Skit 6:15-Three Girls 6:30-KFOX School Kids 6:45-Deacon Brown 7-Cheerio Boys 7:15-Mart's House Gang 7:30-The Boy Detective 7:45-Three Vagabonds 8-Melody Garden 8:15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Train Time in Wiggsville 9-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra 9:30-Cally Holden's Orchesmtra 10:15-Anson, Weeks' Orchestra 11-Hank Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 5 A.M.-Recordings


Page 52:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

52 BROADCAST WEEKLY May 22 to 28

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Page 53:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

May 22 to 28 BROADCAST WEEKLY 53

FRIDAY Programs. May 27,1932 !

243.8 Meters KVA Prospect 3456 1230 Kcys. 1 1000 Watts Pac. Broadcast. Corp., San Francisco 7:30 A.M.-Rhythm Masters 8-Metropolitan Hour 9-Manual Melodies 9:30-Modern Melodies 10-Sunshine Hour 11-Salon Melodies 11:15-Manhattan Moods 11:30-Prudence Penny 11:45-Song and Dance Kings 12 noon-Broadway Echoes 12:15-NBC, Radio Guild 1:15-Concert Memories 1:30-Musical Contrasts 2-Famous Songs and Singers 2:30-Novelty Bits 3-Glen Goff, Organist 4-Salon Music 4:15-Artist Celebrities 4:30-On Parade 5-Metropolitan Hour 6-Revue 6:30-Dance Music 6:45-Henry Starr, vocal and piano 7-Hap and Jack 7:15-"The Harmonettes" 7 :30-Rajput Program 7:45-News Bulletin 8-On With the Show 9-Gustav Severin, talk on "War

Spies" 9:30-Bob Allen and George Bowers 9:45-Billy Small: Fiddlin' Around 10-News Bulletin 10:15-George Nickson, soloist 11 to 12 midnight-Concert Mem-


340.7 Meters KLX Lake. 6000 880 Kcys. 500 Watts Tribune Pub. Co., Oakland. Calif. 7 A.M.-Exercises; Stock Reports 8-Records 9-Modern Homes Period 9:30-Records 10:15-San Francisco Stocks 10:30-Records 10:45-Aratone Program 11-Sunshine Twins 1-Jean's Hi -Lights 2-Classical Recordings 2:35-Closing San Francisco Stocks 2:45-Ethel Rhinard, Pianist 3-Records 3:45-Galen Harvey, Piano Rambles 4-Records 4:30-Brother Bob's Club 5-The Three Cocoanuts 5:30-Cocoanut Grove Ambassadors 6-Dave Saylor's Dance Orchestra 7-News Items 7 :30-Rajput 7:45-Fred and Morris 8-Hi-Jinks: Sunshine Twins, Piano

Duo; Three Wise Owls; Cora Scott, Contralto; Ethel Rhinard, Pianist; John Wharry Lewis' KLX Orchestra; Dot Kay, Soloist; Franklin Roberts and Phebe Starr; Boris and Bertha; "Two Shop Girls"; Lily Laguna, the Mexican Diva from Tampico; Helen Benson, Banjoist; Johnny Zunino, Accordionist; "Tony"; The Three Cocoanuts; Col. Mildew; The Gay Caballeros; King Sisters' Harmony Trio

10-Dance Program 11 P.M.-Baseball Results


135.4 Meter. KTAB Garfield 4700 560 Keys. 1000 Watts Assoc. Broadcasters. Oakland, Caltt. 7 A.M.-Popular Records 7:05-Morning Reporter 7:30-Allay-oop! with Bob Roberts 8-Radio Shopping News 8:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 9-Morning Prayer Hour 9:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 10-Household Hour 10:30-News Service 10:35-Dr. B. L. Corley 10:55-Records 11-Studio Program 11:30-Popular Records 12 noon-U. S. Agricultural Reports 12:15-Dr. R. M. McLain 12:30-;:ews Service 12:35-Studio Program 1-Beaux Arts Program 1:15-Over the Teacups 2-Popular Records 2:30-Hollywood Star Reporter 2:45-Masterpieces of Melody 3:15-Popular Recorda 3:30-X Bar B Boys 4-Tommy Tucker 4:30-Jack Hall and Clem Kennedy 5-Uncle Rod's Children's Program 5:31)-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 6-Popular Records 6:10-The Fishin' Fool 6:25-Recreation Talk 6:30-Ernie Smith's Sport Page 6:45-Reporter 7-Gus Arnheim, electrical trans. 7:30-News Service 7:45-Italina Program 8-Dance Music 8:30-Ghost Story, the Black Pool

of Bulari 8:45-Studio Program 9-Beverly Hill Billies 10-Lee Anderson's Scrapbook 10:30-Moment Musicale 11 to 1 A.M.-Night Owls

491.5 Meters KFRC Prospect 0100 610 Kcys. 1000 Watts 12.,n Lee, Inc., San Francisco. Calif. 7 A.M.-Seal Rocks Broadcast 7:25-N. Y. Stock Quotations 7 :30-Dobbsie and Wee Willie 7 :45-Dobbsie Quarter Hour 8-Shell Happytime S :30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Betty Crocker 9 :45-Sally Stokely 10-The Almanac 10:45-Zorex Moth Cakes program 11-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:15-The Round the World Cook-

ing School 11:30-CBS, Arthur Jarrett 11:45-CBS, Educational Features 12 noon-Noonday Concert 1-CBS, Curtis Institute of Music 1:30-N. Y. Stock Quotations 1:35-The Globe Trotter

1 :45-CBS, Piano Pictures 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-Ronald Graham, Vocalist 4:15-CBS, Songsmiths 4:30-Fred Lane's Book Review 4:45-The Globe Trotter 5 Skippy 5:15-Pat Frayne's Sport Talk 5:30-CBS, Lovely Lady 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Beau Bachelor 6:15-Seiberling Singers 6:30-CBS, "Music that Satisfies" 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow and Orch. 7:15-Le Petite Cafe 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Vignettes 8:15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Courage, Congressional Medal

Drama 9-To the Ladies 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-Eastman Kodak Hour 10-Quaker State Carefree Hour 10:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Henry Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Vagabond of the Air

296.6 Meters KQW Columbia 777 1010 Kcys. 'L 500 Watts ifac. Agric. Foundation, Ltd., San Jose 7 A.M.-Breakfast hour 9-Rainbow Trouper 9:30-Helpful Hour 10:30-Cliff, Mac and Norm 11-Eleventh Hour program 11:30-Echoes of Portugal 12 noon-Variety program 12:30-Weather and market reports 1-One o'Clock program 1:30-The Friendly Hour 2:30-"Martha Mead" 3:30-Silent Period 4:30-Story Time 5-Vespers 5:30-Digger Indians 5:45-Liberty Bell Quarter Hour 6-Knickerbockers 6:15-Franco's program 6:30-Market reports 6:45-Radio News and Forum 7:30-5-- 7:1

RajCalif.put Dept. of Agric.

7:45-American Legion War Camp 8-San Jose Accordion Club 8:30-Studio program 9-The Cosmopolitans 9:30 to 10-"The Harvest Mooners"


Page 54:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

54 BROADCAST WEEKLY Friday Programs

379.5 Mtrs. NBC-KG0 Sutter 1920 790 Kcys. 7500 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


KECA, KFSD 7 A.M.-U. S. Marine Band: EGO 7:45-Van and Don: KGO, KHQ,



8 :15-Brighten-Up Half -Hour: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR

8:45-Hal Kemp and His Orchestra: KGO, KOMO, KGW

9-Harold Stokes and His Orchestra: KGO

9:15-Beautiful Thoughts: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFI, KTAR

9:30-The Buckaroos, Ted Maxwell, Charles Marshall: KGO, KOMO, KFI

9:45-Rembrandt T,r i o: K G O

(KOMO 10 to 10:15) 10:30-Woman's Magazine of the

Air: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KOA, (KGIR, KGHL 10:50 to 11:10)

11:30-Borden program: K G O, KHQ, KOMO, KFI, KFSD, KTAR

11:45-Organ Concert: EGO 12:15-Western Farm and Home


1-Metropolitans, orchestra direc- tion of Joseph Hornik: K G O, (KOMO, KGW on 1:30)

1:45-Stringwood Ensemble: KGO, (KGW on 2)

2 :15-Nat'l Association of Broad- casters Talk: EGO

2:15-Vagabonds, orchestra direc- tion Mahlon Merrick: KFI, (KGO on 2:20)

3-D'Avery of Paris: EGO 3:30-The

KHQ, HOMO, KGW, KFI,KGO,oys: KSL 3:45-News Service: EGO 4-Nat'l. Concert Orchestra: KGO,

KOMO, KGW, KFI 5-Friendship Town: KGO, KHQ,


5:30-Armour program, Roy Shield's orchestra; Edna Kellogg, soprano; Fireside Singers, male quartet: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KSL

6-Paul Whiteman's Pontiac Chief- tains; KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

6:30-Nat'l. Oratorio Society: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL, KTAR

7-Amos 'n' Andy: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL

7:15-A Pair of Pianos, Gertrude Lyne and Grace Frankel: EGO

7:30-Demi-Tasse Revue, John P. Medbury, master of ceremonies; Ambassador Hotel Orchestra direc- tion Phil Harris: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI

8-Voice of '76-Rhythm Orchestra; Harry Beauchert, baritone: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KGU

8:30-Billy Jones and Ernie Hare: EGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

8:45-Dinglebenders: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI

9-Rhythmic Shadows: EGO (KGW off 9:15) KFSD

9:30-One ,Man's Family: KGO, KOA, KGHL

10-Richfield News Flashes: KGO, 1117,Q, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD

10:15-Barbara Blanchard, soprano: KGO, KHQ

10:30-Across the Music Counter: KGO, KHQ

11-Ted Fio -Rita and His Hotel St. Francis Dance Orch.: EGO

12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Concert, Dollo Sargent: EGO

508.2 Meters KHQ Main 5383 590 Kcys. 1000 Watts Louis Wasmer, Inc., Spokane, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Caterpillar program 7:15-Inland Empire Dairy 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half -Hour 8:45-Frisbie's Syrup 9-"Walt and Marian" 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-Burgan's Home Comfort 9:45-Wolper's Fashion Notes 10-Nucoa program 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-NBC, Borden's Program 11:50-Bell Furniture Co. 12 noon-Club Bulletin 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hr. 1-Crazy Crystals 1:15-Spokane Fur Tanning Co. 1:30-Sartori and Wolff 2-Studio Parade 3-Commercial Creamery 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-Peerless Dental Hygiene 4-Happy Feet 4:15-Sy Jacoy's Novelty 4:30-J. and D. Paint Time 4:45-Cooke's Nut Shop 5-Benewah Creamery 5:15-General Mills-Skippy 5:30-NBC, Armour Hour 6-NBC, Paul Whiteman Orch. 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7 :15-Chandu 7:30-NBC, MJB Demi -Tasse Revue 8-NBC, Voice of '76 8:30-NBC, Jones and Hare 9:15-Shell Oil program 9 :45-Babson Business Barometer 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Jewels of the Music Master 10:30-Waltz Rhythms 10:45-Timely Topics 11-Fran Morton's Orchestra 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Desert Caravan

325.9 Meters KOMO Elliott 5890 920 Kcys. 1000 Watts Fisher's Blend Station, Inc., Seattle 6:55 A.M.-Inspirational Service 7-Organ Recital 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half Hour 8:45-NBC, Hal Kemp and Orch. 9-Prudence Penny 9:15-Uncle Hank from Ciderville

Center 9:30-NBC, Buckaroos 9:45-Saxophone Melodies 9 :55-Bisquick program 10-NBC, Rembrandt Trio 10:15-Sunshine Melodies 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-NBC, Borden program 11:45-Club Minutes 12 noon-Masterworks of the Piano 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 1-Marimbaphone Melodies 1:15-Einer and Einar 1:30-NBC, Metropolitans 1:45-Totem Players 2-The Home Towners 2; 30-Cr000nettes 2:45-Island Serenaders 3-Memory Book 3:15-News of the Day 3:30-NBC, Stebbins Boys 3:45-Kitchen 7'hilosopher 4-NBC, National Concert Orchestra 5-NBC, Friendship Town 5:30-NBC, The Armour Hour 6-NBC, Paul Whiteman's Chief-

tains 6:30-NBC, Nat'l Oratorio Society 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Vocal Ensemble 7:30-NBC, MJB Demi -Tasse Revue 8-NBC, Voice of '76 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-NBC program 9-Mozart Hour 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Male Quartette 10:30 --Globe Trotter 10:40-Theatre Frolic 11:10-Olympic Hotel Varsity Vag-

abonds 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Recital

361.2 Meters KOA York 5090 830 Kcys. 12,500 Watts General Electric Co., Denver, Colo. 5 P.M.-NBC, Friendship Town 5:30-NBC, Armour Program 6-Paul Whiteman's Orchestra 6:30-NBC, Nat'l Oratorio Society 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Vincent Lopez 7:30-NBC, Chas. Doernberger's Or. 8-International Stagecoachers 8:15-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-NBC, Dixie Memories 9-NBC, Scrap Book 9:30-NBC, One Man's Destiny 10-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10:15-Ogden Organ Concert 10:30 to 11 P.M.-NBC, Around the


280.2 Meters KJBS Ord. 4148-49 1070 Kcys. 100 Watts J. Brunton & Sons, San Francisco 6 A.M.-KJBS Alarm Klok Klub 8-Recorded program 9:15-Julie and Jim 9:30-Old Favorites 9 :45-Housewive's program 10-Reporter of the Air 10:05-Popular program 11:30-Miniature Vaudeville 11:45 --Concert Music 12 noon-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 12:30-Band Concert 12:45-Variety Recordings 1:05-Stock reports and music 2-Better Business Talk 2:15-Recordings 2:30-Lucille Gordon Players 2:45-Speak-Easy Time 3-Reporter of the Air 3:30-George Taylor's Bridge Hour 4-Records 4:15-Aloha Hawaiian Trio 4 :30-Assoc. Food Stores' program 5-Records 5:45-Phantom Fingers 6-Musical Contrasts 6:30 to 7:15 P.M.-Recordings 12 :01-Owl program 12 :30-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 1-Front Porch Entertainers 1:30 to 6 A.M.-Owl program


Page 55:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Friday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 55

322.4 Meters IOW' Franklin 0200 930 Kcys. aaa 500 Watts Radio Entertainments, San Francisco 7 A.M.-KFWI Opener Program 8-Silent Period 9-Cal King's Country Store 9:30-Morning Melodies 10-White House Program 10:15-Bellevue Hotel Program 10 :30-Health Talk, Dr. Lineberger 11-Timely Topics 11:15-Concert Melodies 11:45-Spring Serenade 12 noon-Dance Music 12:30-Town Crier 12:45-News Flashes 1-Silent Period 6-Dinner Dance Music 6:30-Rosenthal Program 7-Concert Selections 7:15-Helen Bellevue 7:30-Silent Period 8:30-Ella Bostick and Laura

Wheeler, Harmony Duo 8:45-John D. Barry, World Events 9-Jack Coakley's Syncopators 9:30-Mildred Epsteen, Soprano 9:45-Camp's Comparsita Quintet 10-Collegiate Airs 10:15-Studio Feature 11-Master Melodies 12 to 1 A.M.-Dedication Hour

322.4 Meters KROW Glenc. 6774 930 Kcys. 1000 Watts Educa. Broad. Corp., Oakland, Cant. 8 A.M.-Recordings 8:30-Health Talk, Dr. McCoy 9-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Weather Forecast 1:05-Latin-American Program 2-Recordings 2:30-News Items 2:45-Studio Program 3-Paul's Hawaiians 3:20-American Legion Speaker 3:30-The "KROW-lians" 4:15-Health Questions answered 4:30-Fifteen Minutes at Home 4:45-Recordings 5-Italian Program 5:30-Eleanor Foster and Guitar 5:45-KROW Reporter 6-Silent Period 7:30-Rebut 7:45-Howard Morton, Songs 8 to 8:30 P.M.-The Star-olians

394.5 Meters KVI Broadway 4211 760 Kcys. 1000 Watts Puget Sound Broadcast. Co., Tacoma 8:30 A.M.-Farm Flashes 7-Church of the Air 7:30-Recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Mystery Melodies 9:15-Dr. Ambrose Health Talk 9:30-Betty Crocker 9:45-CBS, Atlantic City Musicale 10-Mother Hubbard's Cupboard 10:15-CBS, Farm Community Net-

work 10:45-CBS, Zorex Moth Cakes 11-Recordings 11:15-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:30-CBS, Arthur Jarrett 11:45-CBS, Educational Features 12 noon-CBS, U. S. Army Band 12:30-Garden Talk 12:45-CBS, Curtis Institute of Mu-

sic 1:30-CBS, George Hall's Orchestra 1:45 --CBS, Piano Pictures 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Dental Clinic 4-CBS, Organalities

4:15-CBS, Tweet Hogan's Orch. 4:30-Fred Lane's Book Review 4:45-Recordings 5-Joe Lento, Guitarist 5:15-Don Lee 5:30-"Lovely Lady" 5:45-Black and Blue 6-Beau Bachelor 6:15-The Musketeers 6:30-CBS, Chesterfield 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7 Delin Serviteers 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Silent Period 9-Studio Program 9:15-Crazy Quartette 9:30-Eastman Kodak Hour 10-Scandinavian Hour 11 to 12-Henry Halstead Orchestra

204 Meters KG A Main 3434 1470 Kcys.

)(GA 5000 Watts

NW. Broad. System, Spokane, Wash. 6 A.M. to 6 P.M.-Various prog. 6 P.M.-NBC, Rhythm Vendors 6:15-Aviation Quarter Hour 6:30-Rhythm Vendors 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Vincent Lopez Orch. 7:30-NBC, Mt. Royal Orchestra 8-NBC, Ralph Kirbery 8:05-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, Heart of the News 9-NBC, Scrapbook 10-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10:30-Around the Network 11-Jimmy Joy and his Bal Tabarin

Orchestra 11:30 to 12 midnight-NBC, Organ

309.1 Meters KJR Seneca 1515 970 Kcys. 5000 Watts Northwest Broad. System, Seattle, Wn. 7 A.M.-Rhythm Aces, produce quo-

tations, news 8-NBC, Finnacial Service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-Mary 9:45-NBC, Organ Concert 10:30-Mardi Gras 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-Miniature Vaudeville, RKO 12:15 P.M.-Radio Guild 1:15-Mary 1:30-NBC, 01' Pappy 1:45-Piano Ramblings 2-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Sert Rm.

Orchestra 2:15-NBC, Grandmother's Trunk 2:30-NBC, Palais D'Or Orchestra 3-The Easy Chair 3:15-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, Old World Serenaders 4:15-NBC, Victor Linfoot 4:30-NBC, Twilight Tunes 5-To be announced 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M..-NBC, Rhythm Vendors 6:15-Anson Weeks (E. T.) 6:30-Rhythm Vendors 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Vincent Lopez Orch. 7:30-NBC, Mt. Royal Orchestra 7:45-Dollars and Sense 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, Heart of the News 9-NBC, Scrapbook 9:15-Eb and Zeb (E. T.) 9:30-NBC, Scrapbook 10-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10:30-Around the Network 11-Earl Gerdon Roof Garden Orch. 12 midnight-Sign oft

254.1 Meters KEX Atwater 3111 1180 Kcys. 5000 Watts Western Broad. Co., Portland, Ore. 7 A.M.-Farm Flashes; News 8-NBC, Financial Service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 9:45-NBC, Organ Concert 10:30-Mardi Gars 11-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11:30-Julia Hayes 11:45-Sagamore Hotel Orchestra 12 noon-Rhythmic Serenade 12:15-NBC, Radio Guild 1:15-NBC, Swanee Serenaders 1:30-NBC, 01' Pappy 1:45-NBC, Songsters 2-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Orchestra 2:15-NBC, Grandmothers' Trunk 2:30-NBC, Palais D'Or Orchestra 3-NBC, Who Cares? 4-NBC, Old World Serenaders 4:15-NBC, Victor Linfoot 4:30-NBC, Twilight Tunes 5:30-NBC, The Singing Lady 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-NBC, Rhythm Vendors 6:45-Oregonian Interviews 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-NBC, Vincent Lopez Orchestra 7:30-Silent Period 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:30-NBC, Heart of the News 8:45-Sport Talk 8-High School program 9:15-NBC, Scrapbook 10-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orch. 10:30-Around the Network 11-Jimmy Joy and Bal Tabarin Or. 11:30 --NBC, Organ Concert 12 to 1 A.M.-Allen Daniels

236.1 Meters KOL Elliott 4466 1270 Kcys. 1000 Watts Seattle Broadcast Co., Seattle, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Top o' the Morning 7-KOL Time Klock 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Organ Echoes 9:30-Betty Crocker 10-Morning Melodies 10:30-The Health Man 10:45-Console Capers 11-CBS, Lane Cedar Chest Program 11:15-CBS, U. S. Marine Band 11:30-CBS, Arthur Jarret 12 noon-"The Carnival," 1-Ken Stuart's Sunshine Program 1:15-Parker's Dental School 1:45-CBS, Piano Pictures 2-Happy-Go-Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 3:30-Harriet Links 3:45-Feminine Fancies 4-Puget Sound Crier 4:30-Cecil Sally 4:45-Arizona Joe 5-Hill and Dale 5:15-'Skippy" 5:30-CBS, Woodbury's Lovely Lady 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Beau Bachelor 6:15-CBS, Will Osborne's Orch. 6:30-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:45-CBS, Myrt and Marge 7-CBS, Howard Barlow 7:15-Sports Review 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-CBS, Don Redman's Orch. 8-CBS, Isham Jones and his Orch. 8:15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-CBS, Paul Specht's Orchestra 9-Wrestling 9:30-CBS, Eastman Kodak Program 10-Wrestling 11 to 12-Henry Halstead's Orchestra

tl 7 www.americanradiohistory.com

Page 56:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

56 BROADCAST WEEKLY Friday Programs

440.9 Mtrs. NBC-KPO GAr. 8300 680 Kcys. 5000 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


7:30A.M.-Sunrise Serenaders: KPO 8-Financial Service: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KEX 8:15-Crosscuts from the Log o'

the Day: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX 9:15-Stringwood Ensemble: (KPO

off 9:30), KGA,, (KIR off 9:30), KEX

9:,."-Ilelpful Hints to Housewives: KPO

9:45-University of California at Your Service: KPO

9:45-Organ Contest: (KPO on 10) KGA, KJR, KEX

10:30-Snapshots: KPO 11-Modern Moods, orchestra di-

rection Cy Trobbe: KPO 11:30-Hello Marie, comedy skit:

KPO 11:45-Rhythmic Serenade: KGA,

KEX 11:45-Organ Concert: KPO 11:50-South San Francisco Stock-

yards Report: KPO 11:57-Time Signals: KPO 12 noon-Rhythmic Serenade: KPO,

EGA, KEX 12:15-Golden Melodies: KPO 12:15-Radio Guild, "David Gar-

rick," by Robertson: KYA, KGA, KJR, KEX, KSL

12:45-Commonwealth Club Lunch- eon: KPO

1:15-Swanee Serenaders: K G A, KEX, KTAR

1:30-Old Pappy, negro impersona- tions, songs: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

1:45-Songsters, male octet direc- tion George L. Dilworth: KPO, KGA, KEX

2-Waldorf-Astoria Sert Room Or- chestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, ILEX, KSL

2:15-Grandmother's Trunk: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

2:30-Larry Funk and His Orch- estra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

3-Who Cares? KPO, KGA, (KJR on 3:05) KEX, (KGIR on 3:30)

4-Discovery Hour: KPO 4-Old World Serenaders: KGA,

KJR, KEX 4:15-Victor Linfoot, baritone: KJR,

KGA, KEX 4:30-Twilight Tunes: (KPO 4:45),

KGA KJR, KEX 5-The Date Book with Stuart

Strong: KPO 5:15-A Couple of Mouthfuls by

Scotty: KPO 5:30-The Singing Lady: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA 5:45-Little Orphan Annie: KPO,

KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA 6-Rhythm Vendors: KPO (KGA

on 6:15) (KJR off 6:15, on 6:30) KEX

6:45-Cecil and Sally: KPO, EGA, KJR, KECA

7-Tom Mitchell, baritone: KPO, KGA, RJR, KEX, KECA

7:15-Vincent Lopez and His Or- chestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

7:30-Mt. Royal Orchestra: KPO, (KGA on 7:45) (EWE off 7:45)

S-Ralph Kirbery, the Dream Sing- er: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

8:05-Jack Pettis and his Orch.: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

8:30-Heart of the News: KPO, KGA, KIR, (KEX off 8:45)

9-The Scrapbook: KPO, KGA, (KJR off 9:15) KEX (KECA off 9:30) (KOA off 9:30)

10-Earl Burtnett's Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

10:30-Around the Network: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KGIR

11-Jimmy Joy and his Bal Tabarin Orchestra: KPO, KGA, KEX

11:30 to 12 midnight-Organ Con- cert, Dollo Sargent: KPO, KGA, KEX

CBS Columbia Broadcasting System

9 A.M.-George Hall and his Hotel Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KVI, KFPY

9:30-Atlantic City Musicale: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KGB

10:15-Columbia Farm Community Network Program: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY

10:45-Zorex Moth Chasers Pro- gram: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHI

11:15-Columbia Salon Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, XVI, KFPY, KHI, KGB

11:30-Arthur Jarrett, with Freddie Rich's Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

11:45-Columbia Educational Fea- tures: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHI, KGB

12 noon-U. S. Marine Band Con- cert: KFBK, KWG, KVI, KFPY, KGB

12:45-Curtis Institute of Music Program: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

1:30-George Hall and his Hotel Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KGB

1:45-Piano Pictures: Peggy Keenan and Sandra Phillips: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

4-Organalities: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

4:15-The Songsmlths: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

5:30-"Lovely Lady" featuring Leon Belasco's Orchestra, with Tito Guizar, Mexican Tenor: KMJ, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHI

6-"Beau Bachelor": KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHI

6:30-"Music that Satisfies": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHI, KOH

6:45-"Myrt and Marge": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHI

7-Howard Barlow and the Colum- bia Symphony Orchestra: KFBK, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHI, KGB

7:30-The Camel Quarter Hour: KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

7:45-Don Redman's Connie's Inn Orchestra: KOL, KFPY, KGB

8-Gus Arnhelm and his Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KFPY

8:50-Enric Madriguera's Orchestra: KOL, KFPY

9:30-Kodak Week-end Hour: KMJ, KWG, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHI

285.5 Meters KNX Hemp. 4101 1050 Keys. 5000 Watts L. A. Evening Express, Loa Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Kecorded Program 6:45-Bill Sharpies and his Gang 8:45-Inspirational Talk and Prayer 9-Kate Brew Vaughn 9:30-News 9:45-Maxine's Shopping Service 10-Eddie Albright's Family 10 :3D-Recorded Program 11:45-Velva Darling, Hollywood

Brevities 12 noon-News 12:15-Recorded Program 12:30-Dr. John Matthews 1-Paris Inn 2-Bookworm 2:30-Federated Women's Clubs 3-Matinee Mirthmakers 3:30-Recorded Program 4-Travelogue, Lost & Found, Stocks 4:15-Maxine's Shopping Service 4:45-Recorded Program 5-Town Crier 5:15-Rabbi Winkler 5:45-Chandu 6-News Items 6:15-Hour of the Angelus 6:30-Oh-hh Elmer 6:45-Vivian Duncan and Lew Cody 7-Frank Watanabe and Hon. Archie 7:15-Rajput 7:30-Centerville Sketches 7:45-Jeannie and Joan 8-Royal Order of Optimistic Donuts 9-News Items 9 :15-KNX Ensemble 9:30-Lai Chand Mehra 9:45-Hollywood Legion Stadium 10:45-The Arizona Wranglers 11-Paris Inn 12 to 1 A.M.-Ray Howell

225.4 Meters KGB FRanklin 6151 1330 Kcya. 500 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Diego, California 7 A.M.-News; Recordings; Stocks 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Betty Crocker 9:45-Theodora Warfield 10-Helen Stone, Around the Town 11-Recordings 11:15-CBS, Columbia Salon Orch. 11:30-CBS, Columbia Artist Recital 12 noon-Farm Flashes 12:15-Closing Stock Quotations 12:20-CBS, U. S. Army Band 12:45 -CBS, Curtis Institute of Mu-

sic 1:30-CBS, George Hall's Orchestra 1:45-CBS, Piano Pictures 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalitles 4:15-CBS, Plantation Grill Orch. 4:30-Fred Lane's Book Review 4:45-Town Topics 5-News Reel 5:15-Chandu the Magician 5:30-Recordings 5:45-Black and Blue 6-Studio program 6:15-Mona Content, pianist 6:30-CBS, Music That Satisfies 6:45-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 7-CBS, Columbia Symphony Orch. 7:15-Fairway Facts, Joseph Blake 7:30 -CBS Don Redman's Orch. 7:45-Vignettes 8:15-Hutton's Concert Ensemble 8:30-Broadway Memories 9-To trie Ladies 9:15-Eb and Zeb 9:30-CBS, Eastman Kodak prog. 10-KGB News Reel 10:15-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 11 to 12 midnight-Halstead's Orch.


Page 57:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Friday Pr©prams BROADCAST WEEKLY 57

333.1 Meters KH J VAndike 7111 900 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 A.M.-News Briefs and Records 8-Shell Happytime 8 :30-Hallelujah Hour 9-"Jack and Grace" 9:15-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Household Hints 9:45-Edna Wallace Hopper 9:50-Recorded program 9:55-Sperry Flour 10--Stokely's 10:15-CBS, Farm Network 10:30-Best Foods program 10:45-Male Quartet 11-Lane Cedar Chest program 11:15-Col. Salon Orchestra 11:30-CBS, Art Jarrett 11:45-CBS, Columbia Educational

Features 12 noon-CBS, U. S. Army Band 12:15-Organ and talk 12:30-World-wide news 12:45-Beauty Talk 1-Times Forum 1:30-Elvis and Nell 1:45-Blue Ridge Colonel 2-Happy Go Lucky Hour 3-Feminine Fancies 4-CBS, Organalities 4:15-Prof. Hertzog's program 4:30-Fred Lane's Book Review 4:45-News Items; Town Topics 5-"Aunt Jemima's Songs" 5:15-"Skippy" 5:30-CBS, "Lovely Lady" 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Beau Bachelor 6:15-Mona Content, pianist; Leigh

Harline at the organ 6:30-CBS, Music That Satisfies 6:45-CBS, "Myrt and Marge" 7-CBS, Howard Barlow's Orchestra 7:15-CBS, Maxwell House Coffee 7:30-CBS, Morton Downey and Or-

chestra 7:45-Vignettes 8 :15-Chandu the Magician 8:30-Historial So. California 9-"To the Ladies" 9:15-"Eb and Zeb" 9:30-Week-End Hour 10-World-wide News 10:10-Anson Weeks 11-Roosevelt Dance Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Roy Ringwald, or-


239.9 Meters KFOX Phone: 67281 1250 Kcys 1000 Watts Nichols & Warinner, Long Beach, Cal. 5 A.M.-The Early Birds 7-Chandu 7:15-Happy Tunes 7:30-Song and Patter 7:45-News Report 8-Popular Selections 9-Mae Day Beauty Talk 9:10-Air Raiders 10-Vera Graham, Organist 10:30-Orange Blossom Girls 11-The Three Boys 11:30-News Report 11:45-Organ Recital 12 noon-Blue Ribbon Group 1-Lions' or Masonic Club 1:30-Electric Transcription 1:45-"Speak Easy" 2-Afternoon Kapers 3-Musical Pastels 3:30-Cally Holden's Orchestra 4-News Report 4:15-Dental Clinic 4:45-Tennessee Joe 5-Sunset Harmony Boys 5:30-Cheerio Boys 5:45-"Black and Blue"

6-"Married Life," Comedy Skit 6:15-Three Girls 6 :30-KFOX School Kids 6:45-Don Frenco 7-Cheerio Boys 7:15 --Mart's House Gang 7 :30-The Boy Detective 7:45-Three Vagabonds 8-Melody Garden 8 :15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Harmonious Suggestions 9-"To the Ladies" 9:15-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra 9:30-Cally Holden's Orchestra 10:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Hank Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 5 A.M.-Recordings

209.7 Meters KECA Richmond 6111 1430 Keys. 1000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Lou Angeles 9 A.M.-Louis Rueb, Exercises 9:15-Record program 10-News release 10 :15-Record program 11-German lesson, Annette Doherty 11:15-Record program 11:30-Beauty Lore by Melisse 11:45-The Chaparral Club 12 noon-Biltmore Concert Orchestra 12:45-Record program 1:45-Bob, Bunny and Junior 2-Record program 4-News release 4:15-Record program 5-Big Brother Ken and his Kiddies 5:30-NBC, Kellogg program 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6-Yarley and Yenny sketch 6:15-String Trio 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:1.5-Joe Warner's Jolly Journal 7:30-Stove Poker Philosopher and

Country Jane 8:30-Packard Orchestra with So-

loist 9-NBC, Scrap Book 9:30-Earl Burnett's Orchestra 10:30-News release 10:45 to 11 P.M.-Records

499.7 Meters KFSD Franklin 6353 600 Keys. 1000 Watts Airfar Radio Corp., Ltd., San Diego 7:30 A.M.-Studio Program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half Hour 8:45-Good Cheer 9-C. F. Pitts 9:05-Amy Lou Shopping Hour 9:30-Cooking School 9 :45-Amy Lou continued 10-Studio Program 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-NBC, Borden Program 11:45-Studio Program 12:15-NBC, Western Farm & Home 1-Studio Program 3-NBC, Organ Reveries 3:30-Radio Dental Clinic 3:45-Studio Program 4:45-Late News 5-NBC, Friendship Town 5:30-Feature Program 6-NBC, Paul Whiteman's Orchestra 6:30-Melody Mates 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Studio Program 8-NBC, Voice of 76 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-E. K. Stone's Hawaiians 9-NBC, Rhythmic Shadows 9:30-audio Program 10-NBC, Richfield News Flashes 10:15-Studio Program 10:30-NBC, Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Music

468.5 Meters KFI Richmond 6111 640 Kcys. 50,000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Stock Market Quotations 6:45-Dr. Seixas, health exercises 7:30-NBC, Marionettes 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, GE Circle 8:15-NBC, Brighten Up Half-hour 8 :45-Helpful Hints to Housewives 9-NBC, Harold Stokes' Orchestra 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-NBC, The Buckaroos 9:45-Fashion Tour with Melisse 10-Beauty Talk 10:15-Peggy O'Neill, ballads 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-NBC, Borden program 11:45-Market Reports 12 noon-Dept. of Agric. Talk 12:15-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 1-News release 1:15-Ann Warner Chats 1:45-Jimmy Base, songa 2-Desert Bills' Pack Train 2:30-NBC, The Vagabonds 3-NBC, Salon Singers 3:15-Close Partners, sketch 3:30-NBC, The Stebbins Boys 3:45-News release 4-NBC, National Concert Orchestra 5-NBC, Friendship Town 5:30-NBC, Armour Hour 6-NBC, Paul Whiteman's Orch. 6:30-NBC, National Oratorio So-

ciety 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Orchestra 7:30-NBC, MJB Demi -Tasse Revue 8-NBC, Voice of '76 8:30-NBC, Billy Jones & Ernie Hare 8:45-NBC, The Dinglebenders 9-Orchestra 10-NBC, Richfield Reporter 10:15 to 12 midnight-Hotel Am-

bassador Orchestra

220.4 Meters KGj¡R Phone: 682-94 1360-Kcys. aa+aa 1000 Watts Cons. Broadcast. Co., Long Beach 6 A.M.-The Bugle Boy 6:30-Wake Up Tunes 7-Dusty and Skippy 7:15-News Flashes 7:30-Breakfast Club 8-Family Circle Hour 9:30-Frances 10-Union Mutual Orch. (E. T.) 10:45-Ken Trainer 11-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 11:30-Cleo Hibbs 11:45-Circuit Rider 12 noon-Rocky Mountaineers 12:30-Rango 1-Paul Graham Trio 1:30-Bookworm 1:45-Musical Matinee 2:30-Long Beach Band 4-Anderson Sisters 4:15-Harmony Serenaders 4:30-Rhythm Queens 5:30-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 6-Em and Clem 6:15-Sacred Hour 6 :45-Cheerful Earful 7-Buttercream Ragamuffins 7:15-Evening Diversions 7:30-Long Beach Band 8-KGER Dramatic Players 8:30-Rango 9-Evening Moods 10-DX'ers Tips 10:30-Frank Jocelyn, Organist 11 to 12 midnight-Tom Moore's Or- chestra



Page 58:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

58 BROADCAST WEEKLY May 22 to 28


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Page 59:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

May 22 to 28 BROADCAST WEEKLY 59

SATURDAY Progi wns May 28,1932

491.5 Meters KFRC Prospect 0100 610 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. 7 A.M.-Seal Rocks Broadcast 7:25-N. Y. Stock Quotations 7:30-Dobbsie and Wee Willie 7 :45-Dobbsie Quarter Hour 8-Shell Happytime 8 :30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-Mary and Jim 9:45-Coca Cola Program 10-Junior Artists Program 10:50-Sperry Flour Program 10:55-Church Announcements 11-Boston Variety Program 12 noon-Noonday Concert 1-CBS, Eddie Duchin's Orchestra 1:30-N. Y. Stock Quotations 1:35-CBS, Geoorge Hall's Orchestra 1:45-CBS, Connie Boswell 2-CBS, Freddie Martin's Bossert

Orchestra 2:30-CBS, Jack Miller and Orch. 2:45-CBS, Leon Belasco's Orchestra 3-CBS, Political Situation in Wash. 3:15-CBS, William Hall and Orch. 3:30-CBS, Do Re Me 3:45-Popular Program 4-CBS, Fray and Braggiotti 4:15-Tea Dance Orchestra 4:55-Town Topics 5-Skippy 5:15-CBS, Modern Male Chorus 5:30-CBS, 11. S. Army Band 5:45-Adventures of Black and Blue 6-CBS, "Music that Satisfies" 6:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 6:30-Girls' Trio 6:45-CBS, The Street Singer 7-CBS, Don Redman's Orchestra 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-CBS, Enric Madriguera's Bilt-

more Orchestra 8-CBS, Noble Sissle's Orchestra 8:15-Chandu. the Magiican 8:30-CBS, Harold Stern's Orch. 9-Merrymakers 10 --Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Henry Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Vagabond of the Air

296.6 Meters KQW Columbia 777 1010 Kcys. 500 Watts Pac. Agric. Foundation, Ltd., San Jose 7 A.M.-Breakfast Hour 8-Silent period 9-Morning Melodies 9:30-Helpful Hour 10:30-Cliff, Mac and Norm 11-Eleventh Hour program 11:30-Echoes of Portugal 12 noon-Variety program 12:30-Weather and market reports 1-One o'Clock program 1:30-The Friendly Hour 2:30-"Martha Mead" 3-Nadine Chriss and Pat Neilsen 3:15-The Scissorbills 3:30-Silent period 4:30-Story Time 5-Vespers 5:30-Digger Indians 5:45-Liberty Bell Quarter Hour 6-The Knickerbockers 6:15-Franco's program 6:30-Dinner Music 6:45-Radio News and Forum 7:15-Better Business Bureau 7:30-News 'n' Music 8-Studio program 8:30-Ralph Simmons, song recital 8:45 to 10 P.M.-The Italian prog.


280.2 Meters KJBS Ord. 4148-49 1070 Kcys. 100 Watts J. Brunton & Sons, San Francisco 6 A.M.-KJBS Alarm Klok Klub 8-Variety Records 9-Assoc. Food Stores' program 9:45-Kevin Ahearn, tenor, and Lea

Vergano, pianist 10-Reporter of the Air 10:05-Recordings 11:30-Concert Music 12 noon-Moseby's Showboat Orch. 12:30-Variety program 1-Popular records 2 :45-Speak-Easy Time 3-Reporter of the Air 3:30-George Taylor's Bridge Hour 4-Recordings 4:15-Pat Buckman, tenor 4:30-Recordings 5-Carleton Coveny 5:15-Records 5:3()-Auburn Fuller program 6-Popular selections 6 :15-Philco Varieties 6:30 to 7:15 P.M.-Popular Records 12:01-Owl program 1-Front Porch Entertainers 1:30 to 8 A.M.-Owl program

361.2 Meters KOA York 5090 830 Kcys. 12,500 Watts General Electric Co., Denver, Colo. 5 P.M.-NBC, "K-7" 5:30-NBC, The First Nighter 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Orch. 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 7:30-NBC, Harry Reiser and his

Eskimos 8-Louis Relleux's Orchestra 8:30-NBC, Old Virginia Fiddlers 9-NBC, Manhattan Serenaders 9:30-NBC, The Barn Dance 10-NBC, Earl Burtnett's Orchestra 10:30 to 11 P.M.-NBC, Around the


340.7 Meters KLX Lake. 6000 880 Kcys. 500 Watts Tribune Pub. Co., Oakland. Calif. 7 A.M.-Exercises; Stock Reports 8-Records 9-Modern Homes Period 9:30-Clinic of the Air 10:15-Stocks; Financial Informa-

tion; Weather 10:30-Records; Talk 11-Sunshine Twins 12 noon-S. F. Stocks 12:05-Jack Delaney's Band 1-Jean's Hi -Lights 2-Classical Recordings 2:45-Ethel Rhinard, Pianist 3-Records 4:30-Brother Bob's Club 5-Helen Wegman Parmelee, Pianist 5:30-The Three Cocoanuts 6-Dave Saylor's Dance Orchestra 7-News Items 7:30-Helen Parmelee, Pianist 7:45-Sports Hi -Lights of the Air 8-Musical Soiree: John Wharry

Lewis, Violinist; Evelyn Phelan, Accompanist; Muriel Scherruble, Soprano; L. G. French, Baritone; Helen Wegman Parmelee, Pianist

9-Faucit Theater of the Air Players 10-Dave Saylor's Dance Orchestra 11-Baseball Results 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Program

322.4 Meters KROW Glenc. 6774 930 Kcys. 1000 Watts Educa. Broad. Corp., Oakland, Calif. 8 A.M.-Recordings 9-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Weather Forecast 1:05-Latin-American Program 2-Recordings 2:30-Myrtle Segal, Soprano 2:45-Nina Frellson and Kiddies 3:15-Studio Program 3:30-Phantoms of the Air 4-Black Ace and his Hooded Buck-

aroos 4:30-Fifteen Minutes at Some 4:45-Trombone Fantasies 5-Recordings 5:30-Wade Forrester 5:45-KROW Reporter 6-Off the air 7:30-Latin-American Program 8:30-John Collins, Baritone 8:45-Italian Program 9:30-Bob Moore, Baritone 9:45-Organ Moods, Vivian Moore 10:15 to 11 P.M. --Mystic Knights of

the Sea

322.4 Meters KFWI Franklin 0200 930 Kcys. a rr 500 Watts Radio Entertainments, San Francisco 7 A.M.-KFWI Opener Program 8-Silent Period 9-Morning Melodies 10-White House Program 10 :15-Bellevue Hotel Program 10:30-Concert Selections 11-Children's Hour 12 noon-Dance Music 12:30-Town Crier 12:45-News Flashes 1-Silent Period 6-Dinner Dance Music 7-Julie Foster, Vocalist 7:15-Helen Bellevue 7:30-Silent Period 11-Master Melodies 12 to 1 A.M.-Dedication Hour

' II1I -'. T www.americanradiohistory.com

Page 60:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

6o BROADCAST WEEKLY Saturday Programs

440.9 Mtrs. NBC-KPO GAr. 8300 680 Kcys. 5000 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


7:30-Sunrise Serenaders: KPO 8-Financial Service: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KEX 8:15-Crosscuts from the Log o' the

Day: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, (KTAR off 8:45)

9:15-Superba Toreadors: KPO 9:15-Stringwood Ensemble: KGA,

KJR, KEX 9:45-University of California at

Your Service: KPO 10-Familiar Songs: KPO, KGA,

KJR, KEX 10:30-Snapshots, Rita Lane, so-

prano; orchestra direction of Jess Norman: KPO

11-Radio Troubadours: KPO, KJR, KGA, KEX, KTAR

11 HKello EX

Marie: KPO, KGA, ICJR,11:45-Singing

Strings: KGA, KJR, KEX

11:45-The Modern Minstrel: KPO 11:50-80. S. F. Stockyards Report:

KPO 11:57-Time Signals: KPO 12

KGA, KJR, KEX,thmic

Serenade: KPO, KFSD

12:15-Alex Drassein and His Or- chestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD

12:45-Tom and Dud, vocal duo: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD

1-Pacific Feature Hour: KPO 1:30-Bluettes, girls' vocal trio:

KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KGHL 1:45-Landt Trio and White: KPO,

KGA, KEX 2-Waldorf Astoria Sert Room Or-

chestra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD

2:15-Heart Songs: KPO, KGA, KIR, KEX

2:25-Talk by John B. Kennedy: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

2:30-Three Mustachios: KPO, KIR, KEX, KGA

2:45-June Pursell, ballads: KPO, KGA, ICJR, KEX

3-D'Avery of Paris, tenor: KPO, KGA, ICJR, KEX

3:15-Laws that Safeguard Society: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

3:30-Sonata Recital: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

4-Hotel St. Francis Salon Orch.: KPO, KGA (KJR off 4:45) (KEX off 4:15, on 4:45)

5-The Date Book with Stuart Strong: KPO

5-Rembrandt Trio: (KPO on 5:30) KGA, KJR, KEX

5:15-Couple Mouthfuls by Scotty: KPO

5:45-Little Orphan Annie: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

6-Rhythm Vendors, Mona Lowe, blues singer; orchestra direction of Jess Norman: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

8:45-Cecil and Sally: KPO, KGA, KJR, KECA

7-Tom Mitchell, baritone: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX


7:30-Harry Reser and his Eskimos: KPO, KGA, KJR, KTAR, KGHL

8-Ralph Kirbery, the Dream Sing- er: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX

8:05-Jack Pettis and His Orches- tra: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KECA

8:30-John and Ned, vocal and in- strumental duo: KPO, KGA, KIR, KEX, KOHL

8:45-Manhattan Serenaders: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KOA

9:30-The Barn Dance: KPO, KJR, KGA, KEX, KOHL

10-Around the Network: KPO, KGA, KJR, KEX, KFSD, KSL, KOA, KGIR

11-NBC South Americans, dance orchestra direction Vinton La Fer- rera: KPO, KGA, KEX

11:30 to 12 midnight-Organ Con- cert, Dollo Sargent, organist: KPO KGA, KEX

243.8 Meters KYA Prospect 3456 1230 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pac. Broadcast. Corp., San Francisco 7:30 A.M.-Rhythm Masters 8-Metropolitan Hour 9-Manual Melodies 9:30-Modern Melodies 10-Sunshine Hour 11-Salon Melodies 11:15-Manhattan Moods 11:30-Prudence Penny 11:45-Song and Dance Kings 12 noon-Old Chestnuts 12:15-Church Bulletin 12:30-Popular Songsters 1-Modern Melodies 1:30-Musical Contrasts 2-Glen Goff, Organist 3-Concert Memories 3:30-Broadway Echoes 4-Artist Celebrities 4:30-High School of the Air 5-Metropolitan Hour 6-Revue 6:30-Dance Music 6:45-Henry Starr, vocalist 7-Hap and Jack 7:15-NBC, Merle Thorpe Talk 7:30-Sydney Dixon, Song Recital 7:45-News Bulletin 8-On with the Show 9-Weekly Drama 9:37,-Milly and Billy 9:45-George Hickson, Song Recital 10-News Bulletin 10:15-Glen Goff, Organist 11 to 12 midnight-Concert Mem-


384.4 Meters KTM Exposition 1341 780 Kcys. 1000 Watts Pickwick Broad. Corp., Los Angeles 6 A.M.-Request Records 8-Texas Outlaws 8:30-God's Half Hour 9-Zandra 9:30-Pennsylvania Dutchman 9:45-Dr. Frank McCoy 10-Silent Period 1 P.M.-Inspiration 1:15-The Banjo Boys 1:45-Utah Trail Boys 2-Spanish Concert 3-Recorded Program 3:15-Howell & Aretta 3:30-Dr. Frank McCoy 3:45-Recorded Program 5-Silent Period 8-"Headed for Hollywood," Play 8:30-Musical Comedy Miniatures 9-Taxpayers' Program 10-Jack Dunn 11:15-Request Records 1 to 4 A.M.-Jack Ross, Variety Pro-


535.4 Meters KTAB Garfield 4700 560 Kcys. 1000 Watts Assoc. Broadcasters, Oakland, Calif. 7 A.M.-Popular Records 7:05-Morning Reporter 7:30-Allay-oop! with Bob Roberts 8-Radio Shopping News 8:30-Records 9-Morning Prayer Hour 9:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 10-Household Hour, Alma La Marr 10:30-Dr. B. L. Corley 10:55-Records 11:30-Radio Shopping News 12 noon-U. S. Agricultural Reports 12:15-Dr. R. M. McLain 12:30-Studio Program 1-Beaux Arts Program 1:15-Over the Teacups 2-Popular Records 2:15-Masterpieces of Melody 3:15-Studio Program 3:30-Records 5-Studio Program 5:15-Hot Tips and Hot Tunes 5:30-Dr. J. Douglas Thompson 6-Popular Records 6:30-Ernie Smith's Sport Page 8:45-Reporter 7-KTAB Trio 7:30-Post Enquirer Funnies 7:45-Orchestra Program 8-State Relief Society of Mormon

Church, Women's Chorus 9-KTAB Trio 9:27-Paramount Stage Show 10:30-Lee Anderson's Scrapbook 11-Charles Ford, Tenor 11:15 to 1 A.M.-Night Owls

333.1 Meters Kw VAndike 7111 900 Kcys. 1000 Watts Don Lee, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. 7 A.M.-News briefs and recordings 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-CBS, Armand Vecsey's Orch. 9:55-Sperry Flour Trans. 10-CBS, Farm Network 11-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12 noon-CBS, Ann Leaf, Organist 12:30-News Items 12:45-CBS, Spanish Serenade 1-CBS, Eddie Duchin's Orchestra 1:30-Geo. Hall's Orchestra 1:45-CBS, Connie Boswell 2-CBS, Freddie Martin's Orchestra 2:30 --Jack Miller 2:45-CBS, Leon Belasco's Orch. 3-CBS, Frederic William Wile 3:15-CBS, Wm. HaIl with Freddie

Rich and his orchestra 3:30-Jay Esleck and his Orch. 4-CBS, Fray & Bragg(otti 4:15-CBS, Willie Botts 4:30-Mark Hopkins Tea Dance 5-CBS, Vaughn deLeath 5:15-News Items; Town Topics 5:30-" Skippy" 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Music That Satisfies 6:15-CBS, Columbia Public Affairs 6 :45-CBS, Street Singer 7-CBS, Don Redman's Orchestra 7:30-CBS, Morton Downey and Or-

chestra 7:45-CBS, Enric Madregueras Or-

chestra 8-CBS, Guy Lombardo's Canadians 8 :15-Chandu the Magician 8:30-CBS, Harold Stern's Orch. 9-The Merrymakers 10-World-wide news 10:10-Gene Quaw and Orchestra 11-Roosevelt Dance Orchestra 12 to 1 A.M.-Roy Ringwald, Or-



Page 61:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

Saturday Programs BROADCAST' WEEKLY 61

468.5 Meters KFI Richmond 6111 640 Keys. 50.000 Watt. Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Stock Market Quotations 6:45-Dr. Seixas, health exercises 7:30-NBC, Organ program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, Merrie Men and Glenn Sis-

ters 8:15-NBC, Miracles of Magnolia 8:30-NBC, Soloist 9-NBC, Ted Black's Orchestra 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thoughts 9:30-NBC, The Farmers' Union 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-French Lesson, Annette Do-

herty 11:45-Market reports 12 noon-Dept. of Agric. Talk 12:15-NBC, The Cosmopolitans 1-News release 1:15-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 2-NBC, The Olympians 2:30-The Nomads 3-NBC, Footlight Fantasies 3:30-NBC, Piano Capers 3:45-News release 4-Studio program

209.7 Meters KECA Richmond 6111 1430 Keys. 1000 Watts Earle C. Anthony, Inc., Los Angeles 9 A.M.-Louis Rueb, Exercises 9:15-Record program 10-News release 10:15-Record program 10:45-Physical Education program 11:45-Spanish Lesson, Annette Do-

herty 12 noon-Biltmore Concert Orch. 12:45-Record program 1:45-Bob, Bunny and Junior 2-Record program 4-News Release and Records 5-Brother Ken and his Kiddies 5:30-Dr. Snape's Forum 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6-Raine Bennett, "Poet of the Air" 6:45-NBC, Cecil and Sally 7-Studio program 7:15-String Orchestra and Soloists 8-NBC, Hotel New Yorker Orch. 8:45-String Orchestra with soloist 9:30 to 11 P.M.-Earl Burtnett's


499.7 Meters KFSD Franklin 6353 600 Kcys. 1000 Watts Airfan Radio Corp., Ltd., San Diego 7:30 A.M.-Studio Program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-Morning Musicale 8:15-C. F. Pitts 8:20-Morning Musicale 8:35-Stock Reports 8:45-Good Cheer Program 9-Amy Lou Shopping Hour 9:30-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 10:30-Radio Dental Clinic 10:45-Studio Program 12 noon-NBC, Rhythmic Serenaders 12:15-NBC, Alexander Drassien's

Orchestra 12:45-NBC, Tom and Dudd 1-Studio Program 3:15-NBC, Laws that Safeguard


225.4 Meters KGB FRanklin 6151 1330 Keys. 500 Watts Don Lee, Inc., San Diego, California 7 A.M.-News; Recordings; Stocka 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9:30-CBS, Vecsey's Orchestra 10-Helen Stone 11-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12 noon-CBS, Ann Leaf, Organist 12:15-Stock quotations 12:20-CBS, Ann Leaf, Organ 12:30-CBS, Spanish Serenade 1-CBS, Eddie Duchin's Orchestra 1:30-CBS, Hall's Orchestra 1:45-CBS, Connie Boewell 2-CBS, Martin's Orchestra 2:30-CBS, Jack Miller and Orch. 2:45-CBS, Belasco's Orchestra 3-CBS, Political Situation 3:15-CBS, Dance Music 3:30-Jay Eslick's Orchestra 4-Mark Hopkins Tea Dance 4 :55-Town Topics 5-CBS, Vaughn de Leath 5:15-CBS, Modern Male Chorus 5:30-News Reel

4:30-NBC, Radio in Education 5:45-Black and Blue 5-String trio 2-Bookworm 6-CBS, Music That Satisfies 5:30-NBC, First Nighter 2:30-Records 6:15-CBS, Public Affairs Institute 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 3-Matinee Mirthmakers 6:45-Gene Quaw's Dinner Music 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 4-Records 7-CBS, Redman's Orchestra 7:15-NBC, Bank of America prog. 4:15-Travelogue and Announcements 7:15-Recordings

7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-NBC, Rhythmadors 4:30-Recorded Program 8-String Orchestra 5-Town Crier 8:30-NBC, Associated Spotlight 5:15-Dr. John Mathews 10 to 12 midnight-Hotel Ambassa- 5:40-Salto Real Pet Stories

dor Orchestra 5:45-Chandu 6-News Items 6:15-Vigilante Druggists 6:30-Oh-hh Elmer 6:45-Vivian Duncan and Lew Cody 7-Frank Watanabe and Hon. Archie 7:15-The Arizona Wranglers 7:45-Jeannie and Joan 8-Laff Parade 9-News 9:15-KNX Ensemble 9:30-"Good Samaritan of the 10-Starke's Bohemian Cafe 11-Paris Inn 12 to 1 A.M.-Ray Howell

3:30-French Lesson 4-Studio Program 4:30-NBC, Nat'l Advisory Council 5-Late News 5:15-Gene Perry 5:30-NBC, First Nighter 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-NBC, Merle Thorpe 7:30-NBC, Harry Resser's Eskimos 8-Saturday Night Revue 10-NBC, Around the Network 11 to 12 midnight-Dance Music

285.5 Meters KNX Hemp. 4101 1050 Keys. to 5000 Watts L. A. Evening Express, Los Angeles 6:30 A.M.-Recorded Program 6:45-Bill Sharpies' Gang 8:45-Inspirational Talk and Prayer 9-Records 9:30-News 9:45-Maxine's Shopping Service 10-Eddie Albright's Family 10:30-Week-end Preludes 11:30-Maxine's Shopping Service 12 noon-News 12 :15-Records 1-Paris Inn


508.2 Meters KH¡ Main 5383 590 Keys. aaaQ 1000 Watt. Louis Wasmer, Inc., Spokane, Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Caterpillar program 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-Jean Anthony, Organist 8:45-Burgan's Home Comfort 9-Joyner Joys 9:15-NBC, Beautiful Thots 9:30-NBC, Farm and Home Hr. 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Bisquick program 11:35-Jean Anthony, organist 12 noon-Club Bulletin 12:15-Farm Service Feature 1-Crazy Crystals 1:15-Spokane Fur Tanning Co. 1:30-Alaska Junk Co. 1:45-Sartori and Wolff 2-Studio Parade 3-Commercial Creamery 3:45-Peerless Dental Hygiene 4-To be announced 4:30-J. and D. Paint Time 5:15-General Mills-Skippy 5:30-NBC, "The First Niter" 6-NBC, Lucky Strike 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-"Chandu the Magician" 8-Peerless Trio 8:30-NBC, Associated Spotlight 10:15-Jewels of the Music Master 10:30-The Melody Girl 10:45-Timely Topics 11-Fran Morton's Orchestra 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Desert Caravan

7:45-CBS, Madrigueras Orchestra 8-Hutton's Ensemble 8:30-CBS, Stern's Orchestra 8:45-Studio program 9-Merrymakers 10-KGB News Reel 10:10-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 11 to 12 midnight-Jay Eslick's Or- chestra

239.9 Meters KFOX Phone: 67281 1250 Keys 1000 Watts Nichols & Warinner, Long Beach, s..,,. 5 A.M.-The Early Birds 7-Chandu 7:15-Peppy Tunes 7:30-Song and Patter 7:45-News Report 8-Popular Selections 9-Air Raiders 10-Vera Graham, Organist 10:30-Orange Blossom Girls 11-The Three Boys 11:30-News Report 11:45-Organ Recital 12 noon-Blue Ribbon Group 1-Lazar Samoiloff 1:30-Electric Transcription 1:45-'Speak Easy" 2-Afternoon Kapers 3-Musical Pastels 3:30-Pipe Dreams 4-News Report 4:15-Dental Clinic 4:45-Tennessee Joe 5-Sunset Harmony Boys 5:30-Cheerio Boys 5:45-"Black and Blue" 6-"Married Life," Comedy Skit 6:15-Three Girls 6:30-KFOX School Kids 6:45-Deacon Brown 7-Cheerio Boys 7:15-Mart's House Gang 7:30-The Boy Detective 7:45-Three Vagabonds 8-Melody Garden 8 :15-Chandu, the Magician 8:30-Rhythm Makers 9-Majestic Ballroom Orchestra 9 :30-Cally Holden's Orchestra 10:15-Gene Quaw's Orchestra 11-Hank Halstead's Orchestra 12 to 5 A.M.-Recordings

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Page 62:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-

62 BROADCAST WEEKLY Saturday Programs

379.3 Mtrs. NBC-KGO Sutter 1920 790 Kcys. 7500 Watts National Broadcast. Co., San Francisco


KECA, KFSD 7 A.M.-Organ Concert, Paul Car-

son: KGO, KOMO, (KGW, KFI on 7:30)

7:45-Van and Don: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW. KFI, KFSD, KSL

8-The Merrie Men, Male quartet: Browning Mummery, Elliott Ste- wart, tenors; Bob Geddes, bari- tone; Norman Cordan, bass; Earl Lawrence, accompanist, the Glenn Sisters: KGO, KGW, KFI

8:15-Miracles of Magnolia: KGO, KFI, KGW

8:30-Soloist, accompanied by a string ensemble: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KFI

9-Ted Black and his Village Barn Orchestra: KGO, KFI, KSL

9:15-Beautiful Thoughts: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KFI, KTAR

9:30-Farmers Union prog.: KGO, KHQ (KOMO on 10), KGW, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGIR

10:30-Woman's Magazine of the Air: KGO, KOMO, KGW

11:30-Organist, Paul Carson: EGO 12:15-Luncheon Concert: KGO,

(KGW on 12:30) KFI, KTAR 1-Stringwood Ensemble: K G O,

(KOMO 1:30 to 1:45) (KGW, KFI on 1:30)

2-Olympians: KGO, KTAR, KFI 2:30-Nomads, Lucile Kirtley, so-

prano; orchestra direction Joseph Hornik: KGO, KFI

3-Footlight Fantasies, Mary Wood, soprano; Ted White, tenor; Paul Carson, organist: KGO, KFI

3:30-Piano Capers, Oscar Young and Dell Perry: EGO

3:45-News Service: EGO 4-To be announced 4:30-National Advisory Council on

Radio in Education: KGO, KFI, KOMO, KFSD, KSL, K G I R, KGHL

5-"K-7" secret service spy story: KGO, KOMO, KGW, KTAR, KSL, KGIR, KGHL

5:30-The First Nighter, "Witness for the Defense," murder and mystery drama: EGO, KHQ, KFI, KOMO, KGW, KFSD, KTAR, KSL

6-Lucky Strike Hour, with Louis Sobol: KGO, KHQ, KGW, KOMO, KFI, KFSD, KTAR, KSL, KGU

7-Amos 'n' Andy: KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI, KFSD, KSL

7:15-Bank of America Back to Good Times Prog.; guest speaker; Barbara Blanchard, soprano; Eva Gruninger, contralto; Ben Klas- sen, Myron Niesley, tenors; Ever- ett Foster, baritone; Harry Stan - tori, bass; orchestra direction of Emil Polak: KGO, KFI

7:45-Alvino Rey's Rhythmadors: KGO, KGW, KFI

8-Mona Lowe and the Cheer Lead- ers, blues singer and vocal trio: KGO, KHQ

derwood, master of ceremonies; orchestra direction Walter Beban. KGO, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KFI

10-Plano Pictures, Aileen Fealy and Phyllida Ashley, piano duo: KGO, KGW

10:30-Musical Echoes, Gail Taylor, soprano: KGO, KGW

11-Ted Flo -Rita and His Hotel St. Francis Dance Orchestra: EGO

12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ: EGO

394.5 Meters KVI Broadway 4211 760 Kcys. 1000 Watts Puget Sound Broadcast. Co.. Tacoma 12:45 P.M.-CBS, Spanish Serenade 2-CBS, Eddie Duchin Orchestra 1:30-CBS, George Hall's Orchestra 1:45-CBS, Connie Boswell 2-CBS, Freddie Martin's Orchestra 2 :30-CBS, Jack Miller's Orchestra 2:45-CBS, Leon Belasco Orchestra 3-The Political Situation 3:15-CBS, William Hall 3:30-CBS, Do Re Me 3:45-Don Lee Studio Program 4-CBS, Fray and Braggiotti 4:15-Mark Hopkins Tea Dance 5-CBS, Vaughn de Leath 5:15-CBS, Modern Male Chorus 5:30-CBS, U. S. Army Band 5:45-Black and Blue 6-Music that Satisfies 6:15-CBS, Public Affairs Institute 6:45-CBS, The Street Singer 7-CBS, Don Redman Orchestra 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour 7:45-Silent Period 9-The Merrymakers 9:15-Crazy Quartette 9:30-The Merrymakers 10-Anson Weeks' Orchestra 11-Hi-Liners 11:30 to 12-Henry Halstead Orch.

8:30-Associated Spotlight-The Co- quettes, vocal trio: Annette Hast- 7.45-CBS, Enric Madriguera's Or. Mon, Marjorie

Four,Prim,em Imuar-elda 8 -Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians

Montagne; Kennedy,Cenl

male Jones,s, 8:15-Chandu, the Magician

tenors;ten: Irving

HaroldDana,Gwynflbaritone; 8:30-CBS,St. Moritz Orchestra Armand 9-Don Lee Feature

Upton,basso; Max

Peary, 10-Arizona Joe man, U Harold 10:15-Anson Weeks' Orchestra Royle, Benniene Walker; Cecil Un - Robbe Be, Capt.William H.

11 to 12-Henry Halstead's Orchestra

236.1 Meters KOL Elliott 4466 1270 Kcys. 1000 Watts Seattle Broadcast Co.. Seattle. Wash. 6:45 A.M.-Top o' the Morning 7-KOL Time Klock 8-Shell Happytime 8:30-Hallelujah Hour 9-Organ Echoes 9:30-CBS, Armand Vecsey & Orch. 10-Morning Melodeis 10:30-The Health Man 11-CBS, Boston Variety Hour 12 noon-Kiddies Hour 1-Ken Stuart's Sunshine Program 1:15-CBS, Eddie Duchin 1:30-CBS, Hotel Taft Orchestra 1:45-CBS, Connie Boswell 2-CBS, Freddie Martin's Orchestra 2:30-CBS, Jack Miller 2:45-CBS, Leon Belasco 3-CBS, The Political Situation in

Washington 3:15-CBS, William Hall and Fred-

die Rich Orchestra 3:30-CBS, Do Re Me 4-Puget Sound Crier 4:30-Cecil Solly 4:45-Brad and Al 5-Hill and Dale 5:15-" Sklppy" 5:45-Black and Blue 6-CBS, Music that Satisfies 6:15-CBS, Public Affairs Institute 6:45-CBS, Street Singer 7-CBS, Don Redman's Orchestra 7:15-Black and Blue 7:30-CBS, Camel Quarter Hour

CBS Columbia Broadcasting System

9 A.M.-George Hall and his Hotel Taft Orch.: KFBK, KVI, KFPY

9:30-Armand Vecsey's Ritz Orches- tra: KFBK, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

10:30-Bonn University Broadcast: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ

11-"The Boston Variety Hour": KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

12 noon-Ann Leaf at the Organ: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

12 :30-Tommy Christian's Palisades Orchestra: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

1-Eddie Duchin's CasinoOrchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

1:30-George Hall and his Hotel Taft Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

1:45-Connie Boswell, with Freddie Rich's Orch.: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KERN, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

2-Freddie Martin's Bossert Orches- tra: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

2:30-Jack Miller and his Orches- tra: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, EH!, KGB

2:45-Leon Belasco and his Orches- tra: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KFPY. KFRC, EH!, KGB

3-The Political Situation in Wash- ington Tonight: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

3:15-William Vincent Hall, Bari- tone, with Freddie Rich's Orches- tra: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

3:30-Do Re Mi: Novelty Female Trio: KFBK, KERN, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KGB

4-Fray and Braggiotti, Piano Team: KFBK, KERN, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

4:15-Those McCarty Girls: KFBK, KERN, KFPY, KHJ

5-Vaughn De Leath, with Fred Berrens' Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KVI, KFPY, KHJ, KGB

5:15-Armenian National Musical Chorus: KFBK, KVI, KFPY, KFRC

5:30-U. S. Army Band Concert: KFBK, KERN, KVI, KFPY, KFRC

6-Ruth Etting in "Music that Sat- isfies": KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

6:15-Columbia Public Affairs In- stitute: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, EVÌ, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

6:45-The Street Singer: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

7-Don Redman and his Connie's Inn Orch.: KFBK, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

7:30-The Camel Quarter Hour: KFBK, KMJ, KWG, KERN, KOL, KVI, KFPY, KOIN, KFRC, KHJ

7:45-Enrlc Madriguera's Biltmore Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ, KGB

8-Noble Sissle's Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ

8:15-Noble Sissle's Orchestra: KFBK, KWG, KOL, KFPY

8:30-Harold Stern and his St. Mor- itz Orchestra: KFBK, KOL, KFPY, KFRC, KHJ


Page 63:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-


Saturday Programs BROADCAST WEEKLY 63

254.1 Meters KEX Atwater 3111 1180 Kcys. " 5000 Watts Western Broad. Co., Portland, Ore. 7 A.M.-Farm Flashes; News 8-NBC, Financial Service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 10-NBC, Familiar Songs 10:30-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11-NBC, Radio Troubadours 11:30-NBC, Hello Marie 11:45-NBC, Fireside Singers 12 noon-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12:15-NBC, Alexander Drasseins

Orchestra 12:45-NBC, Tom and Dud 1-NBC, Pacific Feature Hour 1:30-NBC, The Bluettes 1:45-NBC, Landt Trio 2-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Sert Rm.

Orchestra 2:15-NBC, Heart Songs 2:25-NBC, Talk by John B. Ken-

nedy 2:30-NBC, Three Mustachios 2:45-NBC, June Purcell 3-NBC, D'Avrey of Paris 3:15-NBC, Laws that Safeguard

Society 3:30-NBC, Sonata Recital 4-NBC, St. Francis Hotel Orch. 5-NBC, Rembrandt Trio 5:45-NBC, Little Orphan Annie 6 P.M.-NBC, Rhythm Vendors 6:45-Newscasting 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-Talk by Merle Thorpe 7:30-Silent Period 8-Hotel Pennsylvania Orchestra 8:30-NBC, John and Ned 8:45-NBC, Manhattan Serenaders 9:30-Apostolic Faith Service 10-NBC, Around the Network 11-NBC, South Americans 11:30-Organ Concert 12 to 1 A.M.-Allen Daniels

309.1 Meters KJR Seneca 1515 970 Keys. 5000 Watts Northwest Broad. System, Seattle, Wn. 7 A.M.-Rhythm Aces, produce quo-

tations, news 8-NBC, Financial Service 8:15-NBC, Crosscuts from the Log

of the Day 9:15-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 10-NBC, Familiar Songs 10:30-Blue Streaks Orchestra 11-NBC, Radio Troubadours 11:30-NBC, Hello Marie 11:45-NBC, Fireside Singers 12 noon-NBC, Rhythmic Serenade 12:15-NBC, Alexander Drasseins

Orchestra 12:45-NBC, Tom and Dudd 1-NBC, Pacific Feature Hour 1:30-NBC, The Bluettes 1:45-Piano Ramblings 2-NBC, Waldorf Astoria Sert Rm.

Orchestra 2:15-NBC, Heart Songs 2:25-NBC, Talk by John B. Ken-

nedy 2 :30-NBC, Three Mustachios 2:45-NBC, June Purcell 3-NBC, D'Avrey of Paris 3:15-NBC, Laws that Safeguard

Society 3:30-NBC, Sonata Recital 4-NBC, St. Francis Hotel Orch. 5-NBC, Rembrandt Trio 6 P.M.-NBC, Rhythm Vendors 6:45-Cecil and Sally 7-NBC, Tom Mitchell 7:15-Talk by Merle Thorpe 7:30-Orchestra 7:45-Ted Cook's Orchestra 8-Hotel Pennsylvania Orchestra 8:30-NBC, John and Ned 8:45-NBC, Manhattan Serenaders 9:30-NBC, The Guardsmen 10-NBC, Around the Network 11-Earl Gerdon Roof Garden Oren.

WELs 11111Ii

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325.9 Meters KOMO Elliott 5890 920 Keys. 1000 Watts Fisher's Blend Station, Inc., Seattle 6:55 A.M.-Inspirational Service 7-Sunrise Farm Broadcast 7:45-NBC, Van and Don 8-NBC, Merrie Men and Glenn Sis-

ters 8:30-NBC, Soloist 9-Prudence Penny 9:15-Uncle Hank from Ciderville 9:30-NBC, Little Jeff 9:45-Saxophone Melodies 9:55-Bisquick Program 10-NBC, Farm and Home Hour 10:30-NBC, Magazine of the Air 11:30-Gypsy Accordions 11:45 --Club Minutes 12 noon-Masterworks of the Piano 12:15-NBC, Cosmopolitans 1-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 1:15-Einer and Einar 1:30-NBC, Stringwood Ensemble 1:45-The Totem Players 2-Concert Orchestra 2:30-Popular Orchestra 3-Memory Book 3:15-News of the Day 3:30-NBC, Piano Capers 3:45-Kitchen Philosopher 4-Concert Trio 4:30-NBC, Radio in Education 5-NBC, "K-7" 5:30-NBC, The First Nighter 6-NBC, Lucky Strike Dance Hour 7-NBC, Amos 'n' Andy 7:15-Saniseptic program 7:30-Male quartet 7:45-Rhythmadors 8-Ralput 8:15-NBC, Los Gallitos 8:30-NBC, Associated Spotlight 10-NBC, Pano Pictures 10:30-NBC, Musical Echoes 10:50-Globe Trotter 11-Olympic Hotel Varsity Vaga-

bonds 12 to 12:30 A.M.-Organ Recital


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Page 64:  · Announcing the publication of this beautiful book of 250 de luxe art portraits of leading radio stars. STARS °É RADIO This de luxe edition of the "stars of the radio" repre-
