The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem

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  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem


    The prophecy of John of Jerusalem

    John of Jerusalem was born not long after the year 1000 AD.

    Historians think that his parents may have been pilgrims on the road to Saint James of Compostella

    in Spain. These pilgrims came mostly from Germany, France and Italy and travelled for months, or

    even years.

    John was probably born during one of these pilgrimages and, as often happened in those days, wasgiven to the Benedictine monks at Vezelay (Burgundy) on the return journey.

    The monks describe him as child of the Monastery, son of Burgundy, soldier of Christ in the Holy

    Land, where he lived for about twenty years, participating in the conquest of Jerusalem, and

    writing his prophecies. The manuscript mentions that he often retired to the desert to meditate,

    where the sky and the earth meet.

    He wrote in the margin of his manuscript: the book of Prophecies is a secret protocol.

    He was one of the founders of the Order of the Temple, and died around 1120, at the age of 77.

    I have translated his prophecies from the original French. There may be some who would question

    my translation. I would be happy to hear from them. The original language is not coded and, apartfrom Johns difficulty in describing modern things (of which he does a pretty good job) is very easy

    to understand.

    There are forty prophecies. Numbers one to thirty all begin with When the Year Thousand that

    comes after Year Thousand begins and describe todays world with astonishing accuracy.

    Numbers thirty-one to forty all begin with In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year

    Thousand and describes what comes right after those dark ages and that is known in John's

    revelation as the 1000 years kingdom.

    I would love to go directly to the prophecies for this Golden Age but, for the sake of the credibilityof John of Jerusalem, I think that I should start from the beginning. Once we see, and recognise, the

    picture which he paints of us as we are now, we should be more inclined to believe his optimism

    about our future.

  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem



    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Gold will be in the Blood.

    Whoever looks at the sky will calculate how to profit from it

    Whoever enters the Temple will meet merchants

    The Rulers will be money-changers and usurers

    The Sword will defend the Serpent.

    But fire will be smouldering

    Each town will be Sodom and Gomorrah

    And the children of the children

    Will become the fiery swarm

    They will raise up the old banners.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Man will have peopled the Heavens and the Earth and the Seas with his Creatures

    He will want the powers of God

    He will know no limit

    But each thing will turn against him

    He will stagger like a drunken king

    He will gallop like a blind knight

    And with his spurs he will push his mount into the forest

    At the end of the road will be the fall.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Towers of Babel will rise in all corners of the Earth

    That one will be Rome and this one will be Byzance

    The fields will be empty

    The only law will be that of oneself and ones clan

    But the Barbarians will be in the city

    There will not be enough bread for everyone

    And games will no longer be sufficient

    Then people with no future

    Will light great fires.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand beginsHunger will squeeze the stomachs of so many men

    And cold will turn blue so many hands

    That these people will want to see another world

    And dream-merchants will come who will offer them the poison.

    But it will destroy bodies and rot souls

    And those who will have mixed the poison with their blood

    Will be like wild beasts caught in a trap

    And will kill and rape and extort and steal

    And life will become an everyday apocalypse.

  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem



    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Each person will seek as much sexual pleasure as he can

    The man will repudiate his wife as many times as he marries

    And the woman will go from place to place taking whomever pleases her

    Giving birth without giving the Fathers name

    But no educator will guide the child

    And each one among the others will be alone

    Tradition will be lost

    The Law will be forgotten

    As if the Annunciation had never been made and man

    Will become wild again


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    The father will take his pleasure with his daughter

    Man with man, woman with woman

    The old man with the impubescent child

    And that will be known by all.

    But blood will become impure

    The disease will spread from bed to bed

    The body will receive all the putrefactions of the earth

    Faces will be gaunt, limbs will be emaciated

    Love will be a great threat

    For those who only know each other sexually.

  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem



    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    He who speaks of sworn Oaths and of Law

    Will not be heard

    He who preaches the Christian Faith

    Will lose his voice in the desert.

    But everywhere will spread the strong waters

    Of other religions

    False messiahs will assemble blinded men

    And the armed Infidel will be like never before

    He will speak of justice and of right

    And his faith will be burning and decisive

    He will take his revenge for the Crusade.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    The noise of killing will roll like a storm upon the earth

    There will be barbarians among the soldiers of the last legions

    People of different faiths will live in the heart of the Holy Cities

    Each in turn will be barbarous, faithless and lawless.

    There will be no more law and order

    Hate will spread like a flame in the dry forest

    Barbarians will massacre soldiers

    Those of no faith will slit the throats of the faithful

    Brutality will be everywhere and the cities will die.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Men will judge each other according to their Race and their Religion

    Nobody will listen to the suffering hearts of the children

    They will be taken from their nests like baby birds

    And no-one will be able to protect them from the rapid hand

    By the gauntlet.

    Hate will flood the lands which thought themselves pacified

    And nobody will be spared, neither the elderly nor the wounded

    Houses will be destroyed or stolen

    People will take the place of others

    Each one will close his eyes so as not to see the women raped


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Everyone will know what is happening everywhere on Earth

    They will see the child whose bones are piercing his skin

    And the one whose eyes are covered in flies

    And the one being hunted like a rat.

    But the man who sees will turn away his head

    For he will be thinking only of himself

    That man will give a handful of seeds in charity

    When he sleeps on full sacks

    And what he gives with one hand he will take back with the other.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Man will make mechandise of everything

    Everything will have its price

    Trees, water and animals

    Nothing more will be given and everything will be sold.

    But then Man will be no more than his weight of flesh

    His body will be bartered like a side of meat

    They will take his eye and his heart

    Nothing will be sacred, neither his life nor his soul

    They will compete for his dead body and his blood

    Like a dead animal to be cut up.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Man will have changed the face of the earth

    He will think himself the master and Ruler

    Of the forests and the flocks

    He will have burrowed into the ground and the sky

    And left his mark in the rivers and the seas.

    But the earth will be naked and sterile

    The Air will become burning hot and the water will stink

    Life will wilt because man will use up the richness of the world

    And man will be alone like a wolf in hatred of himself.

  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem



    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    The child too will be sold

    Some people will use him like a quintain

    To get sexual pleasure from his new skin

    Others will treat him like a servile animal.

    They will forget the sacred weakness of the child

    And his mystery

    He will be a foal to be trained

    Like a lamb to be bled, to be slaughtered

    And man will be nothing more than savage cruelty.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    The opinions and the minds of men will be imprisoned

    They will be intoxicated and will not know it

    They will take images and reflections for the truth of the world

    They will be treated like sheep.

    Then the flesh-eaters will come

    Rapacious people will herd them

    The better to lead them to the cliffs edge

    And turn them against each other

    They will be skinned for their wool and their leather

    And man if he survives will be stripped of his soul.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Rulers with no religious beliefs will reign

    They will issue orders to unsuspecting and passive crowds of people

    They will hide their faces and keep their names secret

    And their castles will be hidden in the forests.

    But they will decide the fate of everything and of everyone

    No-one will participate in the meetings of their order

    Everyone will be a true serf and will believe himself to be a free man and a knight

    The only ones to rise up will be those of the untamed cities

    And of the heretic faiths

    But first of all they will be defeated and burnt alive.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Men will be so numerous over the lands

    That they will resemble an ants nest

    Into which a stick has been poked

    They will swarm everywhere and death will crush them underfoot

    Like frightened insects.

    Great movements will push them from one country to another

    Brown skins will mix with white skins

    The Christian faith with that of the Infidel

    Some will preach sworn peace

    But everywhere there will be fighting among enemy tribes.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Men will want to break down all barriers

    The mother will have the hair of an old woman

    The path of nature will be abandoned

    And families will be like scattered grains

    That nothing can unite.

    It will therefore be another world

    Each person will roam without ties like a bolted horse

    Going in all directions with no guide

    Unhappy the knight who mounts this steed

    He will be without stirrups and will fall into the ditch.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Men will no longer rely on the law of God

    But will want to lead their lives like a horse

    They will want to choose their children in their wives wombs

    And will kill those that they dont like.

    But what sort of man takes himself for God like that?

    The Powerful will seize the best lands

    And the most beautiful women

    The poor and the weak will be cattle

    Each home will become a donjon

    Fear will be in every heart like a poison.

  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem



    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    A black and secret order will have risen

    Its law will be of hate and its arm poison

    It will want always more gold and will spread its reign

    Over the earth

    Those who serve it will be bound to each other by a kiss of blood.

    Good men and the weak will be submitted to its rule

    The Powerful will enter its service

    The only law will be that which it dictates in the shadows

    It will sell the poison even in the churches

    And the world will walk with the scorpion under its heel.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    A lot of men will remain seated with their arms crossed

    Or will wander without knowing where, with glazed eyes

    For they will no longer have a forge to beat metal

    And no field to cultivate

    They will be like a seed which cannot take root

    Roaming around and owning nothing, humiliated and desperate

    The youngest and the oldest often homeless

    They will have only war to save them

    And they will start by fighting themselves

    And they will hate their lives.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Illnesses from the water from the sky and from the earth

    Will attack man and endanger him

    He will want to revive that which he has destroyed

    And protect that which remains

    He will be afraid of the days to come.

    But it will be very late

    The desert will swallow up the land

    And water will be deeper and deeper

    It will flow some days

    Taking everything like a flood

    And the next day there wont be enough for the land

    And the air will eat away the bodies of the weakest.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    The earth will quake in several places

    And the cities will fall down

    Everything that will have been built without heeding the wise ones

    Will be endangered and destroyed

    Mud will submerge towns

    And the ground will open under the Palaces.

    Man will persist for his pride is his folly

    He will not heed the repeated warnings of the earth

    But fire will destroy the new Romes

    And in the accumulated ruins

    The poor and the lawless will loot in spite of the Legions

    The abandoned riches.

  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem



    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand beginsThe sun will burn the earth

    The Air will no longer be a veil which protects from the fire

    It will be only a curtain with holes

    And the burning light will eat away skins and eyes.

    The sea will rise like boiling water

    Cities and seasides will be covered

    And entire continents will disappear

    Men will take refuge on the heights

    And they will rebuild already forgetting that which has happened.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Men will know how to make mirages live

    The senses will be deceived and they will believe they are touching that which is not

    They will follow paths which are seen only by the eyes

    And in this way dreams will be able to come alive.

    But man will no longer know how to separateThat which is from that which is not

    He will be lost inside false labyrinths

    Those who will know how to make the mirages live

    Will take advantage of the naive man by deceiving him

    And a lot of men will become grovelling dogs.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    The animals which Noah had embarked on his Ark

    Will be no more in Mans hands

    Than beasts transformed according to his will

    And who will worry about their lifetime of suffering?

    Man will have made each species into what he wanted

    And he will have destroyed numerous ones

    What will the man have become who will have changed the laws of life

    Who will have made the living animal a piece of clay

    Will he be the equal of God or the child of the Devil?


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    You must be afraid for the child of man

    Poison and despair will lie in wait for him

    He will be desired only selfishly and not for his own sake or for the world

    He will be tracked down for sexual pleasure and sometimes his body will be sold.

    But even the one being protected by his family

    Will be in danger of having a dead mind

    He will live inside games and mirages

    Which will guide him because there will be no more educators

    No-one will have taught him to hope and how to act.

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    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Man will think that he is God when he will be nothing more than a baby

    He will hit out, always overcome by anger and jealousy,

    But he will be armed with the power that he has taken

    And blind Prometheus he will be able to destroy everything around him.

    He will remain a dwarf of the soul and he will have the strength of a giantHe will take enormous strides forward but he will not know which road to take

    His head will be heavy with knowledge

    But he will not know why he lives and dies

    He will be like the fire always gesticulating or the child who whimpers.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Whole regions will be prey to war

    Beyond the Roman limes and even on the former territory of the Empire, men of same cities will

    cut each others throats

    Here it will be war between tribes and there between religious believers.

    The Jews and the children of Allah will unendingly oppose each other

    And the land of Christ will be their battlefield

    But the infidels will want to defend the purety of their faith everywhere

    And opposite them will be only doubt and power

    Then death will advance everywhere like the flag of the new times.

  • 8/8/2019 The Prophecy of John of Jerusalem



    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    A multitude of men will be excluded from human life

    They will have neither rights, nor roof, nor bread,

    They will be naked and will have only their bodies to sell

    They will be pushed far away from the opulent towers of Babel.

    They will swarm like a remorse and a menaceThey will occupy entire regions and will proliferate

    They will listen to the preachings of vengeance

    And they will launch an attack on the proud towers

    The time of barbaric invasions will have come.


    When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

    Man will have entered into the dark labyrinth

    He will be afraid and he will close his eyes for he will no longer want to see

    He will be wary of everything and afraid at every step

    But still he will be pushed onward for no halt will be allowed him.

    Even though the voice of Cassandra will be loud and strongHe will not hear it

    For he will want to possess more and more and his head will be lost in mirages

    Those who govern him will deceive him

    And there will be only bad shepherds.

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    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Men will have at last opened their eyes

    They will no longer be locked up inside their heads or in their cities

    They will see and hear each other from one point of the earth to another

    They will know that whatever strikes one of them hurts the others.

    Men will be like a great single body

    Of which each of them will be a tiny part

    And together they will constitute the heart

    And there will be one language which will be spoken by everyone and this is how the great

    human being will be born.


    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Man will have conquered the sky

    He will create stars in the great dark blue sea

    And he will navigate on this shining ship

    New Ulysses, companion of the sun, for the celestial Odyssey.

    But he will also be the ruler of the water

    He will have built great nautical cities

    Which will be fed by sea crops

    He will live like this in every part of the great domain

    And nothing will be forbidden him.

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    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Men will be able to go down under the waters

    Their bodies will be new and they will be fish

    And some will fly high, higher than the birds

    As if stones dont fall.

    They will communicate with each otherFor their minds will be so greatly open that they will receive all messages

    And dreams will be shared

    And they will live as long as the oldest of men

    The one of whom the Holy Books speak.


    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Man will know what the spirit of all things is

    The stone or the water, the body of the animal or the gaze of others

    He will have pierced the secrets that the ancient Gods possessed

    And he will open door after door in the labyrinth of the new life.

    He will create with the gushing power of a water source

    He will teach the knowledge to the multitude of men

    And the children will know more about the earth and the sky than anyone before them

    And Mans body will be bigger and skilful

    And his mind will have embraced all things and will have understood them.

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    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Man will no longer be the only ruler for woman will come and seize the sceptre

    She will be the great mistress of the future times

    And that which she thinks, she will impose on men

    She will be the mother of this Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    She will spread the warm softness of the sea after the days of the Devil

    She will be beauty after the ugliness of the barbarous times

    The Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand will change into a gentle time

    People will love and they will share

    They will dream and they will give birth to the dreams.


    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Man will have a second birth

    The Spirit will take hold of the human throng

    Who will worship in brotherhood

    Then the end of the barbarous times will begin.

    This will be the time of a new vigour of the Faith

    After the black days of the beginning of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Happy days will open up

    Man will again find the path of Men

    And the earth will be in order.

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    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Roads will go from one end of the earth and the sky to the other end

    Forests will be dense again

    And the deserts will have been irrigated

    The waters will have become pure again.

    The earth will be like a garden

    Man will watch over everything that lives

    He will purify that which he has soiled

    He will feel as if all the earth is his home

    And he will be wise in thinking of the days to come.


    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Each person will be like a measured footstep

    They will know everything about the world and about their bodies

    They will cure illness before it appears

    Each person will be healer of himself and of the others.

    They will have understood that you have to help to be able to maintain

    And man, after the times of narrow-mindedness and of avarice,

    Will open his heart and his purse to the poorest

    He will feel himself to be a knight of the human order

    And in this way a new time will at last begin.

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    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Man will have learnt to give and to share

    The bitter days of solitude will be gone

    He will believe once more in the spirit

    And the Barbarians will have acquired recognition.

    But that will come after the war and the fires

    That will spring up from the blackened ruins of the towers of Babel

    And it will have taken an iron fist

    For the disorder to be put in order and for man to find again the right path.


    In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

    Man will know that all living things are bearers of light

    And that they are creatures to be respected

    He will have built the new cities

    In the sky, on the earth and on the sea.

    He will have the memory of what was

    And he will know what will be

    He will no longer be afraid of his own death

    For in his life he will have lived several lives

    And the light, he will understand, will never go out.