2 The product... Basotect is a flexible, open-cell foam made from melamine resin, a thermoset plastic from the amino- plastics group. Its characteristic feature is its delicate three-dimen- sional filigree network structure formed from slender and hence readily thermoformable filaments. Suspended metal ceiling Frankfurt/Main Airport Photograph: Illbruck, Germany ® = registered trademark of BASF Aktiengesellschaft

The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant

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Page 1: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


The product...

Basotect is a flexible, open-cellfoam made from melamine resin, a thermoset plastic from the amino-plastics group. Its characteristicfeature is its delicate three-dimen-sional filigree network structure formed from slender and hence readily thermoformable filaments.

Suspended metal ceilingFrankfurt/Main AirportPhotograph: Illbruck,Germany

® =















Page 2: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


... and its properties

Basotect affords a broad range ofattractive properties. Its outstandingqualitative features are:

➧ high sound absorption capacity

➧ good thermal insulation properties

➧ flame resistance

➧ heat resistance

➧ low weight.

These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications.

Basotect and its diverse applications

4 Construction and industry

6 Vehicle construction

8 Plant construction and thermal engineering in buildings

8 Air conditioning

9 Acoustic test chambers, sound studios

9 Clothing, textiles

Basotect and its characteristic features

10 Basotect product range

10 Physical properties

12 Resistance to chemicals

Processing of Basotect

13 Machining

14 Coating, bonding, impregnating

15 Thermoforming

15 Processing notes

Page 3: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


Construction and industry

Its high sound absorption capacityand safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant inaccordance with DIN 4102, withoutaddition of flameproofing agent)favor Basotect for these areas ofapplication. Decoratively designedacoustic plates, suspended bafflesand metal panel ceilings backedwith Basotect considerably andmeasurably improve acoustics.Moreover, interesting design possi-bilities are opened up in this way.

Work areas exposed to high levelsof noise pollution (heavy mechanicalengineering and metalworkingplants, inter alia) can be restored to acoustic tolerability by retrofittinglightweight baffle absorbers. Thelow intrinsic weight of Basotect baffles allows simple methods ofattachment, e.g. by means of cablestructures. Thus, as a rule, new static layouts are more likely to bean exception.

Acoustically effective, lightweightsandwich elements in the form ofpartition walls and room dividers aremade from combinations of Basotectwith gypsum plasterboard, chip-board or plywood board and metalor plastic covering layers.

Due to its low dynamic rigidity,Basotect is suitable for sound insu-lation in combination with layers ofheavier material. Composite ele-ments made of gypsum plaster-board and Basotect in the form ofcladding for interior structures bringabout a high degree of acousticcomfort due to their exceptionaldirect and longitudinal sound ab-sorption characteristics.

A further construction applicationinvolves lining the interiors of rollershutter cases with Basotect. It serves both as thermal insulation aswell as for reduction of the noisewhich can arise when a roller shutteris operated.

Suspended laminated bafflesystems made from Basotect arealso used for noise reduction insports halls and ice rinks. Onceagain high sound absorption, lowweight, high fire safety and simpli-city of fastening by means of cableconfigurations come to the fore inthis application.

The growing use of Basotect ascladding for shooting ranges is duenot only to sound absorption butalso to its high fire safety.

Basotectand its diverse applications

RenovationSuspended metal ceilingPhotograph: Illbruck,Germany

Baffle absorbers for noise reduction in a reception hallPhotograph: Hanno,Germany

Page 4: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


Lightweight partitionwall system for officepartitioningPhotograph: BASF,Germany

Baffle absorbers fornoise reduction atTweed Airport,New Haven, CTPhotograph: Illbruck,USA

Baffle absorbers in a fitting shopPhotograph: IsofabInc., Canada

Page 5: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


Vehicle construction

Basotect can fulfill in ideal mannerthe growing demands for sound-proofing in vehicle construction.Basotect is press-molded with felt,fabric, metal foil and plastic film toform contour-fitting parts which areused as sound insulators or mufflersor as heat shields.

Engine hood coverfor the BMW 3 seriesPhotograph: Illbruck,Austria

Sun visorPhotograph: Carpenter,France

Engine proximity shellPhotograph: Benlen,Germany

Transmission tunnel /end wall for the BMW 3seriesPhotograph: Illbruck,Austria

Automotive industry

Apart from its outstanding acousticengineering properties, the high heatresistance, high fire security, favor-able fogging behavior, chemical re-sistance and low weight of the prod-uct are especially valuable in theautomotive industry.

Thus in all fire tests conducted to date Basotect has reliably met (0 inch/min.) the requirements ofFMVSS 302 for a maximum flamespread rate of 4 inches/min.

Laminated absorber elements aresuitable for installation under thehood as well as for covers in front ofthe end wall and in the transmissiontunnel of automobiles. Due to therelatively high bending strength ofsuch components provided with aBasotect core in comparison withsome other absorber materials it ispossible to achieve savings infasteners.

Due to its exceptional combinationof properties, Basotect is also usedfor sound insulation in the enginecompartment. Further applicationsin the automotive industry includeheat shields made from Basotect incomposites with aluminum foil andin sun visors with Basotect inserts.

Due to its resilience (“memory effect”),low weight and outstanding acousticproperties, Basotect is also used forfilling hollow spaces in the automo-tive industry, e.g. fillings for the A-,B- and C-pillars.

The acoustic properties of insertsmade from Basotect produce a re-duction in the noise levels in driver’scabs in trucks and agricultural ma-chinery. Such inserts thus make animportant contribution to protectingthe health of occupants and toincreased road safety.

Page 6: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant

Rail vehicles

In rail vehicles the excellent acousticproperties, safe fire behavior andlow weight of Basotect predestine it for use in backed wall and ceilingsystems and for laminated interiorfittings with decorative designs.


In the case of the applications inwalls and ceilings the high level ofthermal insulation brought about by low thermal conductivity is asignificant additional advantage. As a result the operating costs for airconditioned passenger carsfor example can be reduced con-siderably.

On account of its low weight bycomparison with other insulatingmaterials Basotect also contributesto energy efficiency in the transpor-tation service itself. Additionally, thereduction in weight in the wall andceiling areas shifts the center ofgravity of the cars downwards andthus increases safety when travers-ing curves. This is of particular interest for narrow-gage railroads.


The advantages of the low densityand sound absorption capacity ofBasotect also permit system appli-cations in the aerospace industry.Thus foil-covered acoustic membersmade from Basotect are used forthe cladding on the payload areasof launcher rockets. These reduceacoustic pressures and in this way contribute to the protection of highly sensitive goods in transit,e.g. satellites.

Wall and ceiling insula-tion in the IC-2000.Self-adhesive andlaminated in part withaluminum foilPhotograph: Metzeler,Germany

Rocket applicationPhotograph: Boeing,USA

Foil-covered acousticmembers for launcherrockets

Page 7: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant

Plant construction andthermal engineering inbuildings

Shell lagging for pipes can be pro-duced from Basotect using contourcutting machines. Its ability to with-stand high temperatures (long-termservice temperature approx. 150 °C,and short-term peak temperaturesof up to approx. 200 °C are possi-ble) and low flammability also allowit to fulfill technically demanding in-sulation tasks.

Further applications include theinsulation of hot water tanks andequipment. Adroit system solutionsbased on the flexibility of Basotectallow complete application of theinsulating material over the entiretank wall. In this way the chimneyeffects familiar from conventionalhalf-shell insulation can be reduced,energy losses cut and fitting simpli-fied.

In addition to providing thermal in-sulation, reductions in noise levelsare achieved at the same time.

Air conditioning

Excellent sound absorption andreliable fire characteristics are themost important advantages ofBasotect accounting for its use inwing sound insulators in air condi-tioning equipment and ventilationsystems.

The inner walls of fan housings arealso lined with Basotect to reducenoise levels. Its low thermal con-ductivity and high long-term servicetemperature are the key factorsaccounting for its use in solar col-lectors.

Shell lagging for pipesPhotograph: Korff,Germany

Insulation of industrial installationsPhotograph: AccessibleProducts, USA

Tank insulationPhotograph: FoilPlast,Germany

Acoustic insulation curtainsPhotograph: Illbruck,USA

Page 8: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


Clothing, textiles

Shoulder pads can be made fromBasotect by peeling. They are usedprimarily in outerwear. Resistanceto discoloring and low weight arethe key factors accounting for thisapplication.

The composite sheet resonator(CSR) is a further development by IBP which as a modified sheetresonator replaces the MA as alow-frequency absorber for acous-tics purposes. A sheet steel panel0.5 to 2.5 mm thick on a Basotectboard 100 mm thick forms a low-frequency absorber. However, theacoustically open edges of the ele-ments measuring 1 x 1.5 m alsoabsorb middle-range and higher frequencies. This CSR is for examplesuitable for regulating the acousticsin music rooms in both schools andthe home, offices and meeting

Acoustic test chambers,sound studios

Basotect’s high sound absorptioncapacity and fire safety make it suitable for use in acoustic testchambers, e.g. low-reflection testchambers, engine test beds, windtunnels and sound studios. In com-bination with a covering layer ofBasotect, membrane absorbers(MA) for low frequencies developedby the Fraunhofer-Institut für Bau-physik (Fraunhofer Institute for Build-ing Physics; IBP) also blank outmiddle-range and high frequencies.The space-saving, compact con-struction and the level surface en-suring smooth flow represent furtheradvantages of this system solution.

rooms. Due to their smooth surfaceit is easy to provide decorative coatings on the composite sheetresonators. The multifunctionalityafforded in the form of a chalkboardor whiteboard is especially advanta-geous.

Placing a Basotect board 15 cmthick in front of the 10 cm thickCSR produces a compact broad-band absorber (CBA) having athickness of 25 cm which in the frequency range from 30 Hz up-wards allows the maintenance offree acoustic field conditions evenin relatively small rooms.

Low-reflection acoustictest chamberPhotograph: Illbruck,France

Acoustic test chamber with a broadbandabsorberPhotograph: Metzeler,Germany

Shoulder padsPhotograph: EuroFoam, Italy

Absorption characteris-tics of the broadbandabsorber in laboratorytests Photograph:Metzeler, Germany

125 250 500 40001000frequency in Hz


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Page 9: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


Basotect and its characteristic features

The values specified are based on individual preliminary tests

Fig. 1: Degree of soundabsorption according toDIN 52215

125 200 315 500 800 1250Frequency in Hz


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02000 3150

d = 20 mm

d = 30 mm

d = 40 mm

d = 10 mm

d = 50 mm

d = 60 mm

d = 80 mm

d = 100 mm

Table 1: Physical properties of BasotectProperty Unit Test method Value

Bulk density kg/m3 EN ISO 845 8 – 11

Compressive stress, 10 % strain kPa DIN 53421 4 – 20

Max. ram force N BASF-method $ 45

Tensile strength kPa DIN 53571 > 120

Elongation at break % DIN 53571 > 10

Compressive strength, 40 % kPa DIN 53577 6 – 20

Thermal conductivity, 10 °C /d= 50 mm W/mK DIN 52612 < 0,035

Compression set % DIN 53572 50 % / 23 °C / 72 h 10 – 3550 % / 70 °C / 22 h 5 – 30

Diffusion resistance factor µ – DIN 52615 approx 1 – 2

Degree of sound absorptiond= 50 mm / f= 2000 Hz % DIN 52215 > 90d= 40 mm / f= 2000 Hz – DIN 52212 > 0,9

Length-specific flow resistance kNs/m4 DIN EN 29053 8-20

Long-term service temperature °C approx 150

Fogging behavior % DIN 75210, Verf. A > 90mg DIN 75210, Verf. B < 0,5

Fire characteristics – DIN 4102 B1DIN 54837 S4, SR2,

ST2UL 94 94 V-O

94 HF-1NF P 92-501 M1BS 476, part 6/7 class 0CSE RF 2/75/A Categ. lCSE RF 3/77 Categ. lFAR 25.855 a-1 fulfilledASTM E662-83 fulfilledABD 0031 fulfilledFMVSS 302 fulfilled

Basotect product range

Basotect in the form of blocks with standard dimensions of 2500 x 1250 x 500 mm is suppliedto converters who produce shapedparts for diverse applications bycutting, stamping and pressing.

Apart from the standard product,Basotect is also available in a ver-sion aftertreated to render it moreelastic.

Special lengths can also be sup-plied on request.

Physical properties

Basotect’s attractive range of prop-erties is presented in Table 1. Oneof the most important advantages isits high sound absorption capacity.Figs. 1 and 2 show the sound ab-sorption in accordance with DIN52215 (vertically incident sound)and DIN 52212 (sound incidencefrom all directions) for layers ofvarious thicknesses. At middle-rangeand high frequencies Basotect hasvery high sound absorption while atlower frequencies its low weightbecomes apparent.

A further advantage is its low thermalconductivity (Fig. 3). It is remarkablethat this low value can be achievedwith an open-cell foam. The reasonfor this is the reduced convection ofthe air due to the fine cellular struc-ture of Basotect.

Its high working temperatures andfire characteristics are attributableto the melamine resin employed.Basotect’s long-term service tem-perature gives it a leading positionamong the polymeric foams. Its ad-vantageous fire properties are re-flected in the classifications it attains.Basotect is thus predestined for usein the construction industry, in vehi-cle and aircraft construction, etc.

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Fig. 3: Thermal con-ductivity according toDIN 52612

Fig. 2: Degree of soundabsorption according toDIN 52212

-50 -25 0 25 50 75 200100Mean temperature in °C














0.02125 150 175

100 200 400 5000800Frequency in Hz


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01600 3150

d = 20 mm

d = 60 mm

d = 40 mm

Scanning electronmicrograph of Basotect

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Resistance to chemicals

The resistance to chemicals exhibitedby Basotect is summarized in Table 2.In acids, alkalis and water Basotectis unstable or has limited resistancein the long term. On the other hand,however, Basotect proved to be re-sistant in all of the other media tested.The basis for this assessment is thecompressive deformation test afterimmersion in the medium for 7 days.

Table 2: Chemical resistance in accordance with DIN 53428 and 53572Evaluation of compressive set in accordance with DIN 53572 after immersion for 7 daysin the test medium at room temperature in accordance with DIN 53428

Media group Medium Concentration Evaluation*)

Alkalis Ammonia water 25 % –Sodium hydroxide solution 50 % o

Acids Latic acid 5 % oCitric acid 5 % –Hydrochloric acid 10 % –Nitric acid 10 % –Sulfuric acid 10 % –Phosphoric acid 50 % –Acetic acid 90 % oFormic acid 90 % –

Hydrocarbons Light gasoline (60 – 140 °C) +Heavy gasoline (155 – 185 °C) +Paraffin oil +Methylene chloride +Toluene +

Alcohols Methanol +Ethanol + Isopropanol +Butanol +Glycol monoethyl ether +Glycerin +

Other media Distilled water oBrine (NaCI solution) 3,6 % oButyl acetate +Acetone +Diethyl ether +

*) + resistant0 limited resistance– unstable

Aluminum-laminatedstamped parts for theOEM marketPhotograph: Cellofoam,GermanyProcessing of Basotect

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Basotect can be cut to shape bysawing and milling. The processingnotes which follow should be ob-served. The adjacent picture showsthe production of single boards by means of a horizontal slitting ma-chine. Complex geometries can beproduced by means of contour orprofile cutting.

Processing of Basotect

Splitting up into boardsPhotograph: BASF,Germany

Packaging of BasotectblockwarePhotograph: BASF,Germany

Stamped part for agricultural machineryPhotograph: MAP, Italy

Page 13: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant


Coating, bonding,impregnating

Surface coatings for coloring or for improving mechanical propertiescan be applied to the fine-cellBasotect surface by means of aspray, roller, trowel, etc. A very widerange of adhesives commonly avail-able on the market can be used forbonding Basotect. On account of its resistance to chemicals, adhe-sives containing solvents and reac-tive resins can also be used. As aprelude to thermoforming for exam-ple or for rendering Basotect waterrepellent it may be necessary toimpregnate it completely using dip-ping bath and spraying. To accel-erate drying, the excess liquid issqueezed out after impregnation by means of a two-roll mill.

Foil-covered absorberparts for the OEM marketPhotograph: Cellofoam,Germany

Basotect board after-treated to render itwater-repellent Photograph: BASF,Germany

Page 14: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant



The information in this publication isbased on our current knowledge andexperience. This information doesnot relieve processors of the need to carry out their own tests and trialsdue to the profusion of possibleeffects when processing and apply-ing our products. No legally bindingassurance of certain properties or ofsuitability for a specific purpose canbe inferred from our information.Recipients of our products are them-selves responsible for observing anyproprietary rights and existing lawsand regulations.

Processing notes

The dust produced during machin-ing, e.g. sawing and milling, shouldbe removed by suction directly atthe point of cutting. The wearing ofa dust mask during these tasks isrecommended.

Due to the sorption properties ofmelamine resins coupled with theopen-cell structure of the foam, themoisture content of the materialvaries in accordance with ambientenvironmental conditions. This is


Molded Basotect parts are pro-duced by hot press molding.Laminated layers of felt, fabric,metal foil and plastic film can be

applied at the same time in onepressing operation. The hot pressprocess can equally be used toemboss decorative patterns on toBasotect boards.

Basotect molding laminated with aluminum foil and feltPhotograph: BASF,Germany

Fig. 4: Change in lineardimensions as a function of moisture content

Equilibrium moisture content:at 23 °C / 50 % relativehumidity, approx. 10 wt.-%;at 30 °C / 80 % relativehumidity, approx. 16 wt.-%

2 4 6 8 1810Basotect humidity [wt.-%]


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012 14 16

associated with changes in dimen-sions (Fig. 4) as similarly occurs inthe case of wood, concrete or claytiles. This behavior must be takeninto consideration during processing.The foam blocks sealed in PE filmas delivered must be unpacked andstored under atmospheric condi-tions corresponding to their lateruse for at least three days prior toprocessing.

Page 15: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant

BASF AktiengesellschaftKSF Basotect67056 LudwigshafenGermany


FB 9


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Basotect von BASF – der Schaumstoff für innovative Systemlösungen

Basotect ®

Page 16: The product - Gearslutz€¦ · These advantages of Basotect give rise to an extensive range of applications. ... and safe fire characteristics (Classi-fication B1 Flame-retardant

BASF Plasticskey to your success


Foam made from melamine resin


Thermal insulationtechnology