The Proceeding Of ·  · 2017-12-15Meat Quality in Kampung Chicken 47 5. Wahyuni, ... A Comparative Study on Composition and ... Extract of Mychorryzae Induced Ginger as

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Page 2: The Proceeding Of ·  · 2017-12-15Meat Quality in Kampung Chicken 47 5. Wahyuni, ... A Comparative Study on Composition and ... Extract of Mychorryzae Induced Ginger as


The Proceeding Of

The 1st International Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Science 2016

“Industry Based On Knowledges”

17th – 19th November 2016, Convention Hall, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Organized by:

Animal Science Faculty of Andalas University and

Alumbi Center of Universiti Putra Malaysia

Page 3: The Proceeding Of ·  · 2017-12-15Meat Quality in Kampung Chicken 47 5. Wahyuni, ... A Comparative Study on Composition and ... Extract of Mychorryzae Induced Ginger as


Organizing Committee

SteeringCommittee:Rector of Andalas UniversityDeputy Rector II Andalas UniversityDean of Animal Science FacultyDeputy Dean I of Animal Science Faculty Deputy Dean II of Animal Science Faculty Prof. Dr. Ir. Salam N. Aritonang, MSProf. Dr. Ir. H.M. Hafil Abbas,MS Prof. Dr. Ir.Zaituni Udin, M.Sc

Chairman :Prof. drh. Hj. Endang Purwanti, MS., Ph.D

Co-Chairman:Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj.Husmaini, MP

Secretary:Dr. drh. Hj.Yulia Yellita, MP Afriani Sandra, S.Pt., M.Sc

Secretariat:Hendri Purwanto, S.Pt.,M.SiYunizardi, S.Pt.Arif Trisman, S.Pt. Rahmat Mulyadi,SE

Treasurer :Dr. Ir. Elly Roza, MS,

Financial Dr. Ir.Tinda Afriani, MP.Dr. Ir. Sabrina, MP

Editors: drh. H. Yuherman, MS., Ph.D; Dr. Ir. Rusmana Wijaya Setia Ningrat, M. Rur.Sc,;Dr.Ir. Masrizal, MS.; Dr.Ir. Firda Arlina,MP.; Indri Juliyarsi, SP., MP.; Deni Novia, S.TP., MP.; Sri Melia, S.TP., MP.; Aronal Arief Putra, S.Pt., M.Sc; Ferawati,S.Pt, MP.; Yulianti Fitri Kurnia, S.Pt,M.Si

Meet and Greet of UPM AlumnyProf. Dr. Marlina, Apt.,MS.; Dr. Ir. Adrinal, MS.; Dr. P.K.Dewi Hayati,MS.

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Organizing Committee……………………………………………………………… ii

Content …………………………………………………………………………….. iii

Preface ………………………………………………………………………….…… iv

List Paper of Oral Presentation ………………………………………………….. v

List Paper of Poster Presentation ……………………………………………….. xii

Keynote Lecturer ………………………………………………………………….. 1

Papers of Oral Presentation ……………………………………………………….. 31

Animal Science……………………………………………………………………… 32

Agricultures…………………………………………….…………………………… 206

Medicenes, Public Health, Technics and Natural Sciences …….……………. 380

Economy and Social Sciences …………………………………………………… 453

Papers of Poster Presentation …………………………………………………… 519

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List Paper of Oral Presentation

No. Author’s Title Page

ANIMAL SCIENCES 1. Yulianti Fitri Kurnia and

Endang Purwati The Potential Of Dadiah From 50 Kota District, West Sumatera As a Probiotic Food Based On Total of Lactic Acid Bacteria


2. Harissatria, Jaswandi, and Hendri

Acceleration Time Equilibration Cauda Epididymis Spermatozoa Buffalo with Addition of Antioxidant Gluthatione


3. Jumatriatikah Hadrawi, Asep Gunawan, Niken Ulupi, and SriDarwati

Association Analysis of NRAMP1 Gene Related to Resistance Against Salmonellapullorum Infection in Kampung Chicken


4. Ahmad Saleh Harahap, CeceSumantri, Niken Ulupi, SriDarwati, and Tike Sartika

Polymorphism Calpain-3 (CAPN3) Geneand Association with Carcass Traits and Meat Quality in Kampung Chicken


5. Wahyuni, Niken Ulupi and Nahrowi

Physical Quality of Broiler Meat Fed DietsContainingMealworm Protein Concentrate


6. Mega Sofia, Cece Sumantri, Niken Ulupi and Asep Gunawan

Identification Polymorphisms of Inos Geneand Association with Body ResistanceTrait in Kampong Chicken


7. Risky Nauly Panjaitan, Niken Ulupi and Nahrowi

Investigation of Cadmium Contamination in Mealworm, Ration and Broilers’s Feces


8. Woki Bilyaro, Asep Gunawan,Tuti Suryati, Cece Sumantri,and Sri Darwati

Malonaldehyde and Fat Contents ofKampong-meat TypeCrossbreed Chicken


9. Devi Kumala Sari, Henny Nuraini and Tuti Suryati

Quality of Gelatin Processed from ChickenLegs (Tarsometa tarsus) Skin with DifferentMethod


10. Linda Suhartati, Asep Gunawan, Rukmiasih, Sri Darwati, Cece Sumantri, Tuti Suryati,and Isyana Khaerunnisa

Physical and Chemical Characteristic ofChicken Meat from Kampung x Meat TypeCrossbred Chicken


11. Teguh Rafian, Jakaria, Niken Ulupi, Yosi Fenita, and Muhammad Andriansyah

Evaluated the Effect of Fermented PalmSludge on Burgo Chicken Performance


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Donald John Calvien Hutabarat, Fransisca RungkatZakaria, Endang Yuli Purwani,and Maggy ThenawidjajaSuhartono

SCFA Profile of Rice RS Fermentation byColonic Microbiota, Clostridium butyricumBCC B2571, or Eubacterium rectale DSM17629


Asep Gunawan, Ahmad Furqon, Kasita Listyarini, Jakaria, andCece Sumantri

Growth and Carcass Characteristic in Kampong x Broiler Crossbred DivergentlySelected for Unsaturated Fatty Acid


12. Niken Ulupi, Cece Sumatri and Sri Darwati

Resistance against Salmonella pulloruminIPB-D1 Crossbreed, Kampong and Commercial Broiler Chicken


13. Angelia Utari Harahap Effects of Wheat Leaf Noni (Morindacitrifolia) on Carcass and Production QuailEggs (Coturnix Coturnix Javonica) in the Different Level Concentrate


14. Armein Lusi Zeswita, Vivi Fitriani and Nursyahra

Microbial Analysis on Freshwater Shell(Corbicula sumatrana) in Singkarak LakeSolok District West Sumatra


15. Syaiful F. L, E. Purwati, Suardi, and T.Afriani

Analysis of Estradiol and Progesterone Hormone Levels Against Various CellCulture in TCM- 199 Medium for Cattle In vitro


16. Jhon Hendri and Harris Satria Buffalo Embryo Maturation Optimization in Vitro with Addition Glutathione


17. Khalil, Reswati, Y.F. kurnia, Indahwati and Yuherman

Blood Mineral Profiles of Simmental BreedCattle with Different Feeding Systems and Reproduction Statues in PayakumbuhRegion West Sumatra, Indonesia


18. Lendrawati, A. Rahmat and J. M. Nur

Performance of Broiler Chicken Fed Turmeric and Zinc Mineral under Heat Stress


19. Muslim Utilization of Plant Titonia Flowers (Tithonia diversifolia) in The Ration on The Performans of Broiler


20. Resolinda Harly, Almasdi and Sri Mulyani

Analysis of Factors Influence Palm OilFarmers Personal Income Trough Buffalo’sBreeding


21. Retno Wilyani and Moch Hisyam Hermawan

Nutritional Value of Persimmon Yoghurt (Dyospyros kaki) as Healthy Soft Drink toMake Healthy and Fitness: An Analysis


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22. Fenita Y, Rafian T, Andriansyah M, Saepudin R, and Zain B

Evaluated the effect of fermented palm sludge on burgo chicken performance


23. Zulfa Elymaizar, Arnim, Salam N Aritonang, Mardiati Zein, and Elly Roza

In-Vitro Rumen Digestibility of Goat Feed by Patikan Kerbau (Euphorbia hirta L.) Herbal Supplemented


24. Salam N. Aritonang, Elly Roza and Lailya Rahma

The Adding of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeon Moisture, Acidity and Lactic AcidBacteria Colony Count of Yogurt fromGoat’s Milk


Yuherman, Nur Asmaq and Endang Purwati

Characteristics and Antimicrobial Activityof Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Dadih of Agam Regency


25. Sri Melia, Endang Purwati, Yuherman, and Jaswandi

A Comparative Study on Composition and Microbiological of Buffalo Milk From Different Location in West Sumatra


26. Yunizardi, Ade Rakhmadi and Endang Purwati

Effect of Addition White Oyster Mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) and Carrot (Daucuscarota L) In Probiotic Duck Nugget On Protein, Calcium and Organoleptic Value


27. Tertia Delia Nova, Sabrina and trianawati

The Effect of level Flour turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val) ration toward carcass local duck


28. T. Astuti, G. Yelni, Nurhaita, and Y. Amir

Effect of the Form Complete Feed With Basis Fermented Palm Oil Fronds on the Content of Moisture, Crude Lipid, and Crude Protein for Ruminants


AGRICULTURES29. I Ketut Budaraga, Arnim, Yetti

Marlida dan Usman Bulanin

Effect Of Combination Treatment Of Liquid Smoke Concentration, Soaking Time, Packaging And Different Storage Time To Yield And Moisture Content Nila Fish Fillet (Oreochromis Niloticus)


30. M. Said Siregar, Arif Kurniawan and Syakir Naim Siregar

Study On The Manufacture Of Nuggets From Natural Rubber Seed (Hevea Brasilinsis Mull. Arg)


31. Misril Fuadi, Mahmud T.M. Mohamed, Mohd. Fauzi Ramlan, Yahya Awang

Effect Of Benzyladenine (BA) And Duration Of Shading On Growth And Quality Of Dracaena Sanderiana And Codiaeum Variegatum


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32. Azwar Rasyidn, Gusmini, Ade Fitriadi and Yulmira Yanti

Soil Microbes Diversity Between Hilly andVolcanic Physiography And Their Effect ToSoil Fertility


33. Dafni Mawar Tarigan, Bambang SAS, and Hasanul Arifin Marmen

Application of Green Manure and RabbitsUrine Affect Morphological Characters of Sweet Corn Plant (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) in Lowland of Deli Serdang District


35. Dewi Rezki, Siska Efendi, and Herviyanti

Humic Substance Characterization of Lignite as a Source of Organic Material


36. Jamilah, Sri Mulyani, and Juniarti

Nutritional Composition of Ruminant Forage Derived from Rice Crops (Oryza Sativa L.)that Applicated by C.odorata Compost


37. Mega Andini, Riska, andKuswandi

Effectiveness of Liquid Smoke to ControlMealybug on Papaya


38. Muhammad Thamrin, Desi Novita, Fitria Darma

Factors Affecting Farmers Decision toConvert Wetland


39. Riry Prihatini, Yulia Irawati, Yosi Zendra Joni, and Sri Hadiati

The Occurrence of Somaclonal Variation onThe Pineapple In vitro Culture as Detected byMolecular Markers


40. Riska and Jumjunidang Competitiveness of Fusarium oxysporum. sp cubense VCGs 01213/16 (Tropical race 4)Among Several VCGs in Race 4 on Ambon Hijau Cultivar


41. Fridarti and Sri Mulyani Changes nutrients by microbial fermentation chocolate waste indigenous result of the additional mineral phosphor and sulphurin-vitro


42. Sri Hadiati and Fitriana Nasution

Clustering and genetic distance some salakspecies (Salacca spp) based on morphological characters


43. Asep Dedy Sutrisno, Yusman Taufik, and Jaka Rukmana

Optimalization Flour Composite Nutritiose asBasic Materials Processing for Food Products


44. Sri Utami, Suryawati and Ermeli

KNO3 Concentration and Soaking TimeEffect on Breaking Seed Dormancy and SeedGrowth of Sour-Sop (Annona muricata L.)


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45. Susilawati, Dewi Sartika, and Mochamad Karel Saputra

Effect of Kepok Banana (musa paradisiacalinn) Peel Flour Addition as a Stabilizer on Chemical and Organoleptic Properties of IceCream


46. Ubad Badrudin, Syakiroh Jazilah, and Budi Prakoso

The effect of soil submersion duration and ameliorant types on growth and yield ofshallot at Brebes Regency


47. Yulfi Desi, Trimurti Habazar, Ujang Khairul, and Agustian

Disease progress of Stewart’s Wilt (Pantoeastewartii subsp. stewartii) on sweet corn


48. Yusnaweti On Growth Response And Results Of UplandRice Due To The Allotment Of Some A DoseOf Compost Bamboo Leaves


49. Fadriani Widya, Darmawan, and Adrinal

Rice husk biochar application in traditionalpaddy soil and its effect of nutrients verticaldistribution


50. Ragapadmi Purnamaningsih, IkaRoostika, and Sri Hutami

Embryogenic Callus Induction and Globular Embryo Formation of Kopyor Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)


51. A. Sparta, L. Octriana, Nofiarli,N. Marta, Kuswandi, M. Andini, and Y. Irawati

The Role of Cow Manure to Reduce The Need of Nutrient N Inorganic In BananaPlant Vegetative Growth


52. Wijaya Edo Rantou

Analysis Influence of Technical Competence on Company's Performance In Electrical Engineering Company In Bandung


53. Desi Ardilla, Herla Rusmarilin,and Adi Purnama

Study The Physical And ChemicalProperties Of Bioethanol From Pineapple Skin (Ananas comusus L.Merr )


54. Masyhura MD, Budi Suarti, and Evan Ardyanto AS

Increase Moringa Leaf Powder and LongRoasting on Protein Content in the Makingof Cookies from Mocaf (Modified CassavaFlour)



55. Ayulia Fardila Sari ZA, PutriNilam Sari, and Muthia Sari

Implementation of Hospital Information System in RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang 2016


56. Dien GA Nursal, Rizanda Machmud, Eryati Darwin, NanaMulyana

Implementation Patient Safety Standards in Basic Emergency Obstetric Care Community Health Center (BEOC_CHC) Padang


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57. Dewi Sartika, Susilawati, andMumpuni Uji Kawedar

Survey of Salmonella Contaminated Vannamei Shrimps in Lampung


58. Ferra Yanuar Determinants of Birth Weight at Various Quantiles in West Sumatra


59. Hardany Primarizky, Ira SariYudaniayanti, and DjokoGalijono

Detection Of Osteoporosis in Ovariohysterectomized Cats (FelisDomesticus) based on Serum Osteocalcin Levels


60. Nefilinda Influence of Education and Local Wisdom on Environment Villages in Minangkabau


61. Masri, E., Asmira,S and Verawati

Local Food Development from Combination Siarang Variety Of Black Rice (Oryza Sativa L.Indica) And Yellow Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata) To Prevent Anemia For Pregnant Women


62. Suryani, Zulmardi, AbdiDharma, Yunazar Manjang, and Febria Elvy Susanti

Development of Antimicrobial Analysis of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) Fermentation Process Against Bacteria in The Secretion of CSOM


63. Suci Rahayu, Darmawan Saptadi, and Febi Reza Fitriani

The Influence of Dicamba in Combination with BAP on Callus Induction and Proliferation of Centella (Centella asiatica L.)


64. Christina J. R. E. Lumbantobing, EndangPurwati, Sumaryati Syukur, and Eti Yerizel

Triglyceride lowering effect of Garcinia atroviridis leaf tea from Sijunjung - West Sumatra on obese subjects in Medan, North Sumatra


65. Netty Suharti Preparation and Characterization of Ethanol Extract of Mychorryzae Induced Ginger as Raw Matherial for Anti Breast cancer Nano suspension Formulation


ECONOMY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES66. Ike Revitaa, R. Trioclariseb,

Inesti Printa Elisyac Reflections Of Social Reality In The Activities Of Women Trafficking In West Sumatera


67. Andri, Ida Indrayani and Rahmi Wati

Technical Efficiency Analysis of Poultry in District of 50 Kota (Stochastic Frontier Production Function Approach)


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68. Arif Fadhillah Teaching Accounting in Business School:A Personal Reflection


69. Wijaya Edo Rantou Analysis Influence of Technical Competence on Company's Performance In Electrical Engineering Company In Bandung


70. Ira Apriyanti, Desi Novita, and Pandhu Ahmad Pangestu

Efficiency of Marketing Distribution ofPalm Oil in Sub District of Selesai Regencyof Langkat


71. Yeyep Natrio, Afdhal Rinsik, Gusmaizal Syandri

The Occurance Of Transitivity And Suicidal Motives On Famous Public Figure`S Suicide Letters


72. Yusmarnia and Mahdi An analysis of Marketing Efficiency of Sapodilla in NagariSumpur sub district of Tanah Datar, WestSumatera


73. Jusuf Wahyudi, Hesti Nur’ainiand Lina Widawati

Information Systems of Eradication Pestsand Diseases Crops for Agriculture Extension Instructor


74. Desi Novita and Ira Apriyanti The Regional Investment CompetitivenessIn Binjai City


75. Khairunnisa Rangkuti, Desi Novita, and Bima Mahdi

The Impact of Rising Soybean Prices toTofu Industry Small Scale in Medan


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The 1st Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Sciences 2016


Determinants of Birth Weight At Various Quantiles in West


Ferra Yanuar

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,

Andalas University, Kampus Limau Manis, 25163, Padang – Indonesia

Corresponding Author: [email protected]


Covariates could affect the responses differently at various points of the response distribution.

Many covariates might have higher impact on conditional mean of the response than on conditional

10th percentile, for example. These effect can be analyzed directly by using quantile regression.

This paper aims to implement the use of quantile regression to identify the determinants of birth

weight at various quantiles. A cross-sectional study was conducted in March to June 2016 by

distributing the questionnaires to mother who gave birth at any selected hospital in West Sumatera.

This research proves that determinants of birth weight at low quantile are education level, problems

during pregnancy and prenatal care. Meanwhile parity, pregnancy spacing, problems during

pregnancy and gender are associated with higher birth weights. All proposed model could be

accepted based on goodness of fit test.

Keywords: quantile regression, cross-sectional study, birth weight.

1. Introduction

Birth weight has served as leading

indicator of infant health, with low birth weight

infants classified as those weighing less than

2500 grams at birth. Obsevable measures of

mother weight gain, education level, problems

while pregnant, age, parity, prenatal care,

mother weight gain, hemoglobin (Hb) and

spacing pregnancies (Abrevaya & Dahl, 2008;

Burgette & Reiter, 2012) were assummed had

strong associations with birth weight. For

instance, according to a report by Burgette &

Reiter (2012), mothers who had problems during

pregnancy would have babies with birth weight

less than 2500 grams.

Many researches have examined that the

low birth weight will cause many problems.

Abrevaya in his article wrote that the infant

mortality rate increases at lower birth weights.

The direct medical costs for babies with low

birth weight are quite high as well. The babies

with low birth weight have the long term effects

on their cognitive development, educational

outcomes and labor market outcomes. The

babies would have development problems in

cognition, attention and neuromotor functioning

that persist until adolescence. The babies with

low birth weight are more likely to attend

special class, delay entry into kindergarden or

repeat a grade in school. Those babies are also

more likely to have inferior labor-market

outcomes, being more likely to be unemployed

and earn lower wages.

Although it has received less attention

in the economics literature, high birthweight

outcomes can also represent adverse outcomes.

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The 1st Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Sciences 2016


For instance, babies weighing more than 4000

grams, classified as high birthweight (HBW)

and especially those weighing more than 4500

grams, classified as very high birthweight

(VHBW) are more likely to require cesarean-

section births, have higher infant mortality rates,

and develop health problems later in their life

(Hulman et al., 2015).

A difficulty in evaluating initiatives

aimed at improving birth outcomes is to

accurately estimate the causal effects of prenatal

activities on these birth outcomes. Unobserved

heterogeneity among childbearing women

makes it difficult to isolate causal effects of

various determinants of birth outcomes.

Whether or not a mother’s age affect the infant

weight, for instance, is likely to be correlated

with unobserved characteristics of the mother.

To deal with this difficulty, various studies have

used an instrumental-variable approach to

estimate the effects of prenatal care on birth


Another approach has been to utilize

panel data (i.e., several births for each mother)

to identify these effects from changes in prenatal

behavior or maternal characteristics between

pregnancies (Wei & Carroll (2008). One

concern with the panel-data identification

strategy is the presence of “feedback effects,”

specifically that prenatal care and mother’s

habbits in later pregnancies may be correlated

with birth outcomes in earlier pregnancies. Wei

et al.(2015) provides an explicit estimation

strategy to deal with such feedback effects

(using data on at least three births per mother).

Since the costs associated with birthweight have

been found to exist primarily at the low end of

the birthweight distribution (with costs

increasing significantly at the very low end), any

studies have estimated the effects of birth inputs

on the fraction of births below various intervals.

This present study conside a quantile regression

approach to estimate the effects of birth inputs

on birthweight. Quantile approach provides a

method for determining how birth inputs affect

birthweight at different parts of the distribution

(Wang et al., 2009). The birth inputs involved in

this study are 8 indicators consists of continuous

and categorical types, they are education level,

problems while pregnant, age, parity, prenatal

care, mother weight gain, hemoglobin (Hb) and

spacing pregnancies (Abrevaya & Dahl, 2008;

Burgette & Reiter, 2012; Feng & Zhu, 2016).

There are any advantages using

quantiles regression then analysis of variance or

classical regression. Any reasons why we better

use quantile regression are :

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and

regression provide information only

about the conditional mean.

More knowledge about the distribution

of the statistic may be important.

The distribution of , the dependent

variable, conditional on covariate X,

may have thick tails.

The conditional distribution of Y may

be asymmetric.

The conditional distribution of Y may

not be unimodal.

Neither regression nor ANOVA

(analysis of variance) will give the

robust results, especially if the outlier

exist inside the data.

2. Material and Methods In this present study, we used primary data

collected by distributing the questionnaires to

mother who just have baby, live, single and stay

in West Sumatera. The questionnaires were

distributed from March to July 2016. There are

93 respondents with complete information that

involved in this study.

The response variable is birth weight,

recorded in kilograms. Meanwhile the birth

inputs are assummed affeced by eight indicators

consists of continuous and categorical types.

There are education level, problems while

pregnant, age, parity, prenatal care, mother

weight gain, hemoglobin (Hb) and spacing

pregnancies. The following Table 1 presents the

summary statistics of Birthweight data.

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The 1st Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Sciences 2016


Table 1. Descriptive of Birth Weight Data

Mean 3,063

Median 3,100

Mode 3,2

Skewness -0,592

Kurtosis 0,578

Minimum 1,1

Maximum 4,5


25 2,700

50 3,100

75 3,500

Based on the description in Table 1 we are

informed that the mean of birthweigth data is

3,063. The highest value of the data is 4,5 and

the lowest value is 1,1. We also see that the

distribution of the data is skewed to the left

since its skewness is - 0.592, as presented in

Figure 1.(a).

For construction of Birthweight model, this

present study apply the quantile regression

approch, since we purpose to identify the

Birthweigth model for any quantiles (low

quantile, middle quantile and high quantile). The

following is the general explanation regard

quantile procedure used in this research.

As described by Davino et al. (2014),

quantile is defined as the value that corresponds

to a specified proportion of a sample or

population. Thus, we may defined th quantile

as the value which divide the data into two

parts, the fraction of the data below it and 1-

fraction of the data above it, and 0< <1.

Median is a very commonly used quantile,

which is aqual to a proportion of 0.5 is the

ordered data. Regression analysis is used to

quantify the relationship between a responce

variable and one or several of free covariates

(Yanuar, 2014).

Quantiles regression is a statistical method

used to estimate models for conditional quantile

functions. Unlike the classical linear regression

methods that are based on minimizing sums of

squared residuals and to estimate models for

conditional mean functions, quantile regression

methods are based on minimizing absolute

residuals, and intended to estimate conditional

median functions and a full range of other

conditional quantile functions. Quantile

regression also provides a more complete graph

of the conditional distribution of variable ot

interest Y given X x .

(a) (b)

Figure 1.(a) Histogram of Birthweight data.

(b) Empirical quantile plot and Normal plot of Birthweight data.

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The 1st Conference Technology on Biosciences and Social Sciences 2016


For a random sample 1 , . . . , ny y , the

classical linear regression can be estimated by

the well-known method, which minimizes the

sum of squared residuals:




i ii

y y


For the special case of estimation the

conditional median of function, we can define

the solution as problem to minimization a sum

of absolute residuals, where there are the same

numbers of observations above and below the

median, which can be calculated by:



i ii

y y


Analogous to the concept of median, Davino

et al (2014) proposed a complete and different

method for estimation of an unknown value, say

a, for any in the interval (0,1), which may be

defined as any solution to the minimization

problem of the equation:

1 1

min 1n n

i iai i

y a y a

0 1 (3)

Consider a classical linear regression model '

i i iy e x β , we defined a linear model for the

-th quantile as: 'ii iy e x β i 1, … , n (4)

In estimating models for conditional

quantile function, we minimize a sum of

asymmetrically weighted absolute residuals.

This will contribute to different weights to

positive and negative residuals. The general -

th sample quantile, which is the analogue to

equation (3) can be formulated as:

1 1

minˆ 1n n

' 'i i i i

i i

y y

x β x β

And equivalently written as:



'i i



x β

0 1 (5)

Several software packages can be used to

implement the quantile regression method, such

as S-plus, R-program and Stata. In this

research, R software was used to analyze data of

the Birthweight.

3. Result And Discussion In this analysis, quantile regression

approach is used to examine the relationships

between the Birthweight and some potential

explanatory variables. Table 2 provides a

summary of describe the explanatory variables

which are found to have a significant

relationships with Birthweight for various

conditional quantile function, particularly for

equals 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 0.90. In the

last column are the estimated of ordinary least

square approach and its corresponding standard

errors in the brackets.

Table 2 informs us that mother with middle

or high education level tent to have havier baby

than mother with low education level. Mother

with more parities tent to have havier baby than

less parities. Mother with longer space of

pregnancies tent to have baby. The heavier of

mother’s weight gain the heavier of birthweight

of her baby. The higher of mother’s hemoglobin,

the heavier of her baby’s birthweight. Thus this

study found that significant variables which

effect the baby’s birthweight are education level,

parity, spacing pregnancies, mother’s weight

gain and mother’s hemoglobin.

Table 3 presents the goodness of fit for all

model, indicated by PseudoR2 value. Based on

the result of this study, it proved that all model

at any selected quantiles are acceptable since all

PseudoR2 values more than 0.7 (Feng et al.,

2011; He & Zhu, 2011). The best model is at

middle quantile (PseudoR2 equals 0.910).

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Table 2. Coefficient Estimated for Birth Weight Model Using Quantile Regression (QR) and OLS



Estimate of QR (Standard Error) Estimate of OLS

(Standard Error) = 0.10 = 0.25 = 0.50 = 0.75 = 0.90

(Middle) 0.700








0.203 (0.228) 0.364 (0.174)**

(High) 0.662








0.149 (0.243) 0.420 (0.178)**

Parity) 0.331









(0.096)** 0.242 (0.073)**











-0.074 (0.040) -0.052 (0.030)*











0.015 (0.017) 0.021 (0.013)

Hb) 0.108









(0.069)* 0.077 (0.053)

* Significant at 10% level

**Significant at 5% level

Table 3. PseudoR2 for Selected Quantile for Low

Birth weight Cases

Quantiles PseudoR2

0.10 0.736

0.25 0.877

0.50 0.910

0.75 0.909

0.90 0.856


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