The price of living in peace with obama

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The future of the US was (is) bound to the Middle East by forces of economics, security, history and fate - Barak Hussein Obama.

What I can extract from this weighty statement are:THE Middle East Mr. President has in mind is Israel.The US President considers it his fate to re-order the Middle East, even if it means stepping on Heavens toes.Events in the Middle East will determine whether the US remains a world empire or not.

My first reaction is to point out that Israel and the US were never united by economics or the need for defense but because God had allowed it so. Secondly, the new found petro-wealth of the Muslim Arab world is not strong enough to cause any change in Israel farther than allowed by God for the working of His glory any calculation in this direction will be a colossal waste of time and resources.Thirdly, since Israel and the US are still connected as at now, it my business, as a Jew to examine the policies of whosoever calls the shot in the US. Herein lies my interest in the US presidency even a Nigerian Jew (physically and spiritually).This is why I can no longer keep quiet: the truce is over!Every day I wake painfully aware that the whole world belongs to my God and hence to Israel. Because of the stubbornness of my brethren, I am equally aware that the sons of Baal are either daily insulting my God or subjecting me and those who reject his illegitimate powers to sub-human existence to squalor and penury. When I take a look at a Maggi-cube, my favourite biscuits, a pack of cornflakes all are embossed with the Halal symbol and inscription an annoyance from Saudi Arabia and the occupants of the Kaaba, to rub it in that it now has political and economic controls. Again, I consider and discover that my innocent brothers and sisters in Christ are daily forced by the need to be politically correct, to recognize Baal or Allah as he now wants to be called, as the God of Abraham. Why should any body commit idolatry by recognizing that which is not true? How can Allah and Yahweh be the same God when for instance, Yahweh says it was Isaac He asked Abraham to sacrifice but Allah says it was Ishmael? Or when Jesus Christ says He died and resurrected but Allah insists He only fainted or that another person was crucified instead of Him? The LORD GOD of Abraham that I know can not lie even in the face of danger nor does He suffer from memory loss. These are proof enough that these two different beings, hence it pains me that Ball has his shrine on my Fathers Holy Ground the Temple Mount. My only consolation is that Yahovah had promised to deal with any one who puts his pillar or post upon His!!!Yet how can I be happy in this world seeing this? Those not yet born again better because I will provoke the jealousy of Heaven until this insult is properly sanctioned, in this world and in the next.I can no longer pretend I am not bothered by what happens in Israel: as long as the heavens and the earth remain, Israel remains the Touch-button of peace or war between God and man, and among nations. God had said That Israel is His portion in the earth and to confirm this, when He needed to become man; He became an Israelite. When He needed a country to call His own He chose Israel. It is in Israel that God worked out mans physical and spiritual redemption every grain of sand on that land is Holy unto the LORD. Empire fall or prosper depending on how they treat Israel whether approved by God or not. The German Empire could not take off because it was premised on wiping Israel off the face of the earth. The Luciferean Caliphate had a say over Israel because it was granted them for a season. That season is over and it can not be renewed. The turmoil in the world today revolves around Israel: the sons of Baal want further control of Israel as a symbol of the zenith of their political ascendancy a thing made possible only because of unbelieving and apostate humanity yet it will end in a crushing fall. In 2008, a crafty dragon masked as a lamb was thrown up, armed with enough guile to accomplish the timeless design of the haters of YHWH (psalm 83:2-12), but I have bad news for him: never again will any man or spirit subject to Lucifer touch Jerusalem, those who dare will be dealt a most humiliating and crushing blow. I speak not a prophet or pastor but as a Jew redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. In summary, I have determined that this captain of the hosts against God, is the spirit behind the crafty wars and unrests being simulated to intimidate Israel; I have also determined that all these upheavals and distortions in the international economic and political arena are mere smokescreen for him to continue ruling for his father. After all these, I came to the conclusion that until this captain ceases to have political and economic power for ever, the world will never have peace. This captain and chief antagonist of Israel is Mr. Barak Hussein Obama. Thus with everything I am made of, in the most unambiguous terms I declare that even Mr. Obama can raise $100 trillion in campaign funds, even if all apostate Africa, Arabs or apostate part of the world vote for him; he WILL NOT and CAN NOT be elected again, neither him nor any other person mentored by Satan. He can no longer be president of the USA nor of any other part of the world. This will mark the beginning of peace for the whole world.I have said, I will no longer keep quiet because with the present kind of peace(submission to satanic worship), innocent people are daily passing through the gate of idolatry into eternal damnation.It was prophesied long, with peace, he shall destroy many. I am even ashamed I kept quiet so long:Jesus of Nazareth, the time has come for you to honour your Name in my life: as I say it on earth, so let it be done by the Throne of Heaven except you are not the one who called me to strengthen my brethren, except you are not the one who said, I will gather those who rejoice in my greatness (isa.13:3), except you are not the one who told me, in your foolishness I will be glorified. If you are the one then answer me with almighty thunder from the Throne, if you are the one then prepare for a harvest of glory because my foolishness is at its zenith: I am taking on Mr. Barak Hussein Obama, emperor of the 8th empire, armed with only my declarations.Let there be the end to the truce between God and Lucifer; I can no longer live under anybody other than God Lucifer's government has been most vindictive and agonizing.For those who may want to call me names, please be informed that as a Jew it is my business that Obama ceases to be president because over the last 3 years I have watched him show in no uncertain terms that his destiny is to challenge YHWH and to mete injustice to Israel the land Israel holds was given by divine fiat to him, any one that thinks otherwise opposes God.The second reason I am making this declaration on Obama is to prove the following:Whether YHWH and Allah of the Koran is the same God. I say they are not. If Obama wins, it means they are.Whether the earth belongs to Allah through Mohammed or to YHWH through Jesus of Nazareth. I say it belongs to Jesus. If Obama wins, it belongs to Allah.

Let all the hosts of Allah, Buddha or any other fallen named fallen prince; let every apostate scientists, occultists and apostate Christian take note and take side appropriately.I also call on the Throne of Heaven, the hosts of heaven, the hosts of the earth, the hosts of the sea, the air and the dark places to take note and to approve this wager. The spoils of war shall be the right to do right to the Temple Mount and the restoration of glory to the House of Israel.When we win, by the finger of God, we will burn Lucifers shrine; cast part of its dusts into the Dead Sea and part into the Mediterranean Sea, and in its place set up the Church-Temple the Latter House, where the whole earth will gather every month to worship Jesus of Nazareth. Also, we ask the God of Heaven and Earth to send mighty fire to consume all occultists bodies, gathering and re-gathering; thunder and fire to consume all religious order and congregation that oppose the worship of Jesus as Saviour and God, and a complete termination of demonic power and gatherings.I am entering this contest not as a prophet or pastor because I am neither but as a very angry African Jew. I am on the side of YHWH and do propose that only His Name should be mentioned as God over all the earth. Only those who reason this way may join me. Those who fear hunger and the sword, those who believe everybody and every way is right should continue making peace with Lucifer for crumbs they should align with Mr. Obama and Co.I have charged the universal weapons of warfare to answer my cry; I shall prevail in Jesus Name.In this the whole earth will know, what God does not let can not be.Thank you Jesus.

Michael Anietie-NteAbasi-Israel Nkanyi-NseAbasi-Israel Uyeh Akadakhaene Uyeh.