The Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury 352 Sycamore Ave. Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 Tel. 732-747-3557 Email: [email protected] Web: www.tpcas.org Reflections from Tom … Dear PCAS Members and Friends, On March 6th, with Ash Wednesday, the Season of Lent begins. Of course, “Lent” sounds like some kind of mystical, ecclesiastical term but actually comes from the Medieval term for the Lengthening of the days in the Spring: “Length”. But that does NOT diminish the spiritual challenge for disciples (and seekers) of God’s way in this world. Lent is a journey that starts with a recognition of our mortallity (that’s the Ashes part) and travels with Jesus toward his calling in Jerusalem during Holy Week and Easter. Although it seems to fall neatly and nicely this year into the two months of March and April, it is a time to reflect upon the meaning and cost of Discipleship. It IS a journey, and the joy of Easter is also a destination for faith to enter into the beauty of the heart of God. I encourage you to get a copy of the Presbyterian Lenten daily devotional, “Awaking of God’s Beauty”, which is available at the Sanctuary, the Church House, and Church Office. We bought enough for everyone (and even a friend or two)! It is a ‘Lenten Invitation to Pray with Art’. The Season of Lent begins with the Ash Wednesday service, at 7:30 p.m., on March 6th, 2019. Come begin the Lenten Journey together on Ash Wednesday in the Sanctuary. With you on the Journey of Lent, The Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury 352 Sycamore Avenue Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 Volume 53 Issue 3 March 2019 The Towne Crier Inside this issue Reflections……….. 1 Church & Society... 3 Worship ………….. 4 Stewardship ....…. 5 Church & Society... 6 The Manse ………… 7 Session …….......... 8 Birthday & Anniversary …… 9 Joys & concerns ….11 Christian Ed ………..12 Serving Schedule ..13 Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Followed by Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall

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The Presbyterian

Church at Shrewsbury

352 Sycamore Ave. Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

Tel. 732-747-3557

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.tpcas.org

Reflections from Tom … Dear PCAS Members and Friends, On March 6th, with Ash Wednesday, the Season of Lent begins. Of course, “Lent” sounds like some kind of mystical, ecclesiastical term but actually comes from the Medieval term for the Lengthening of the days in the Spring: “Length”. But that does NOT diminish the spiritual challenge for disciples (and seekers) of God’s way in this world. Lent is a journey that starts with a recognition of our mortallity (that’s the Ashes part) and travels with Jesus toward his calling in Jerusalem during Holy Week and Easter. Although it seems to fall neatly and nicely this year into the two months of March and April, it is a time to reflect upon the meaning and cost of Discipleship. It IS a journey, and the joy of Easter is also a destination for faith to enter into the beauty of the heart of God. I encourage you to get a copy of the Presbyterian Lenten daily devotional, “Awaking of God’s Beauty”, which is available at the Sanctuary, the Church House, and Church Office. We bought enough for everyone (and even a friend or two)! It is a ‘Lenten Invitation to Pray with Art’. The Season of Lent begins with the Ash Wednesday service, at 7:30 p.m., on March 6th, 2019. Come begin the Lenten Journey together on Ash Wednesday in the Sanctuary. With you on the Journey of Lent,

The Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury 352 Sycamore Avenue Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 Volume 53 Issue 3 March 2019

The Towne Crier

Inside this issue Reflections……….. 1 Church & Society... 3 Worship ………….. 4 Stewardship ....…. 5 Church & Society... 6 The Manse ………… 7 Session …….......... 8 Birthday & Anniversary …… 9 Joys & concerns ….11 Christian Ed ………..12 Serving Schedule ..13 Sunday Worship • 10:30 AM

• Followed by Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall

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Church Staff Interim Pastor Director of Music Ministries Office Administrator Dr. Thomas E. Robinson Dr. Reid Masters Billie McNally Director of Christian Sexton Education Douglas Silk Sherri Adler

Jazz Sunday, Coming up April 28th!

Visit The Book Nook The best way to while away a cold winter afternoon,

a good book, a warm wrap and a comfy couch.

Over the past two years, we also have participated in a journey, a plan of study and preparation called “An Interim Journey”. Now we take the concluding steps in this Interim Journey, as we meet after worship on March 10th for a Congregational Meeting, called by our Session, to receive the report of the Nominating Committee for the Pastor Nominating Committee. Since we have already completed the Mission Study phase with a Mission Study Team during the past two years, the PNC will go right to the work of putting together a MIF (Ministry Information Form), advertise the position, and interview candidates. Please make every effort to come on March 10th to give a full vote of faith and confidence to our new PNC

Dear Friends, We are saddened to share the news that a beloved member of PCAS, Virginia Zebe, died this past week. Ginny will be deeply missed. We will have a Memorial Service to honor her, to celebrate her life and witness to the Resurrection on Saturday, March 30th, at 10:30 a.m., in the Sanctuary, with a reception to follow in Fellowship Hall.

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Do you think it’s possible to live your life without plastic? Or at least live with less of it! This month the Church and Society Committee highlights the environmental issue of Plastic Pollution. Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects in the Earth’s environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitats, humans, land, waterways and oceans. Plastic pollution is a growing global problem and recycling rates are dropping across the United States and the World. We are now producing nearly 300 million tons of plastic every year. But where does all the plastic go? We ship some overseas to be recycled. Quite a bit ends up in landfills and more than we can imagine ends up loose as plastic pollution, eventually making its way into our waterways. Plastics are inexpensive and durable and as a result the levels of plastic produced by humans are high. It is the chemical structure of most plastics that makes them resistant to many natural processes of decomposition and as a result they are slow to decompose. Plastic bags that we use in our everyday life can take up to 1,000 years to decompose, while plastic bottles can take 450 years or more. About 18 billion disposable diapers are thrown away in the United States. These diapers take approximately 250-500 years to decompose in landfills. Over one million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic debris in the ocean A friend shared this photo. They found this little guy in the Marshall Islands. While his resourcefulness is certainly endearing, it’s a scary reality that this poor hermit crab has an easier time finding a plastic abode rather than a shell in his remote island home. You can reduce your plastic consumption by changing a few of your daily habits. • Bring a reusable shopping bag with you. More than one million plastic bags are

used across the globe every day and annually, about 500 billion plastic bags are produced.

• Get rid of the plastic water bottle. Americans throw away 35 billion plastic water bottles every year. • Use plastic-free containers.

Church and Society

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• Reduce everyday plastics such as sandwich bags and juice cartons by replacing them with a reusable lunch box or bag. • Stop using plastic cutlery. • Avoid snacks/food with excess packaging. We are all guilty of this! We buy a

huge plastic bag filled with even smaller plastic bags of snack-size chips. • Bring your own to-go mug with you to the coffee shop. • Choose cardboard over plastic when you can. • Say No to plastic straws and Yes to paper or reusable straws.

• Recycle “good” plastics. Clear plastic bottles, bottles for shampoo, yogurt containers, toys and reusable food containers have a higher probability of being recycled. Disposable cutlery, cling wrap and coffee cups and lids have very low probability. • If you must use plastic, try to choose #1(PETE) or #2 (HDPE), which are the

most commonly recycled plastics. Check with your local municipality about your recycling guidelines.

• Wear natural clothes. Choose clothing made of fabrics like cotton, wool, hemp

and silk. • Use wire hangers instead of plastic ones. And lastly, If it’s plastic, think twice before purchasing a plastic item that can easily be replaced.

Our Father, Creator of all things seen and unseen is all powerful, all merciful, all just, all present and all knowing. By sending His Son, Jesus Christ we know most importantly that Our Father is Self-diffusive all goodness and Love. That is our new Covenant. In our service we celebrate that Love with thanks, acknowledging our wrongdoing, forgiveness, and the promise of unending joy and peace beyond understanding. Together, in the Communion of our fellow Saints, the New Covenant of Love expands, deepens and uplifts us. In worship we begin to know that with unity and praise we are his blessed children. And in Christ, His ambassadors of Love, soldiers of justice and agents of Peace. Thank God for Sunday mornings. By John Tortora

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And now for something completely different … scripture! Consider 2 Corinthians 3:18, where in the New Revised Standard Version (the text in the pews) we find: “And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.” And then this, from the New International Version: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” From the same Greek; two different translations. Are there two different meanings? (We leave to others or another time, the business about veils and faces – this is a passage referencing the Transfiguration, which in turn references Moses. Close contact with God illumines. Read all about it.) Recall that You are the light of the world – from Matthew 5:14. The ‘you’ here is plural – we are the light of the world. Or maybe ‘you’ is singular: we are lights; each of us, individually, is a light. All of us, together, collectively, are the light. Does it matter, and if so, how, and why? Here’s a hint: it doesn’t come from you. And what are we to make of that? From whence comes this light? From whence our light – the light we shine? (And what has any of this to do with Stewardship?) Reading this, are you afraid of a long and difficult discussion of prickly theology? Be not afraid; we’re not going there. But know that upon any fallen leaf, under any stone, or floating lonely as a cloud, we can – if only we will – open a dialog with God. When we see the full moon in the sky, when we reflect upon the full moon in the sky, when we contemplate the full moon in the sky – when we search for the meaning, for the context, for what’s possible – we are being the light. We are the light. A single word in Greek, having perhaps several meanings in Greek and at least two in English, provides an entry into a conversation about being, and the meaning of meaning, a conversation about who we are and what belief is, what it means, what it requires of us. Two meanings – neither has to be right, nor wrong. That is the question. When we shine our light, when we reflect, we see more clearly, and can act more clearly. Turned ‘round, when we reflect, and see, and act, we are shining our light, setting an example, making a difference. Which is, after all, what it’s all about. It’s not easy being a child of God; but we choose it. That’s who we are. Keeping that present in mind – that’s Stewardship. Keep these things, and ponder them in your heart. 5

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You often hear about programs, and see bulletin boards by the Church and Society Committee. We thought you would appreciate knowing what the budgeted funds support and how far our missions reach. In 2018 our budgeted amount was $5000. Below is a summary of how this money was used.: $1000 is given to General Mission of Presbytery. We do this every year. The rest of the budget is divided in half, $2000 to Local Needs and $2000 to Special Needs. Local Needs $2000 $500 to 180 Family Justice Center in Freehold - Provides legal aid to abused women and children $500 to VNA,-- a thank you for all of their help with Ricardo's care $300 to Salvation Army of Red Bank to provide meals and after school care for children in need. $350 to Habcore - They provide stability, dignity and hope for the homeless, permanent housing- for veterans, families, and individuals with special needs, County wide. $350 to Family Promise - for counseling services and transportation. Special Needs $2000 $500 to Dr's Without Borders to provide treatment for cholera with vaccines and preventative care. $1000 to Mercy Ships --They travel from country to country providing medical care and surgeries to many who could not afford it. $468 to support Ostin, the child we support in the Dominican Republic. $32 to help Tower Hill pay the postage to send items to the DR. Reserve Account We also have a Reserve account that is comprised of 10% of endowments received by the church. Our balance when we started 2018 was $2844.35 We gave the following donations from that fund. $500 to Rise against Hunger - a project of Mosiac, a youth group of students of many Faiths, They package meals to be sent over the world to feed the hungry. They packaged 17,000 meals in March, 2018. $200 to Crop Walk-- to have our Church name on the t-shirts that were sold. $500 to UNHCR - United Nations High Commission for Refugees - dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees and displaced persons. $200 to Father Cyril Johnson's school in India - providing schools for children that otherwise would not get an education. $300 to Rise Against Hunger - this time they packed over 18,000 meals, to fight hunger in Uganda. 6 continued on pg. 7

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Our balance in the Reserve account at the end of 2018 was $1399.35. We also sponsor the Centsability Offering - in 2018 we collected $699.92. As you can see, we support many worthwhile causes - our goal is to have more money budgeted so we can help more people. Our Mission is to reach out beyond our church, as Jesus demanded that we do, Jane Wagner for Church and Society Committee


Enhance the Manse! Progress in preparing the Manse is moving at such a pace that photos can hardly keep up with the improvements! The flooring, both new and refurbished, is looking terrific; the kitchen is truly wonderful. So much has been done and the construction work is closing in a springtime conclusion. The “icing on the cake” will be the interior and exterior painting. So, have you become a part of this success? If you have, thank you for making contributions and pledges toward our congregation's commitment to “Enhance the Manse”. Restoring the Manse has the joyful benefits of

1. Honoring the history of a 145 year old home

2. Meeting the need for a safe and comfortable home for our next settled pastor

3. Providing support to the rebuilding of our endowment funds.

Somewhere in the world is that pastor who will be the best match for the Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury. You are helping that “somewhere” become here! If you have not as yet made an initial contribution and a continuing pledge to-ward the preparation of a home for our next settled pastor, please take time to prayerfully consider how you will help this project. It's not difficult:

1. Consider how you are able to be a part of the “Enhance the Manse” experience.

2. As you are lead, make a contribution to start your participation. Be sure to note “Manse Fund” on your check. 3. Complete a pledge card to let us know how you are able to continue your support and help replace the funds borrowed from our endowment funds.

Working together our congregation will continue its 287 history ! 7

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Summary of the February 2019 Session Meeting Submitted by Elder Gretchen O’Kane, Clerk of Session

Clerk Gretchen O’Kane reported that Billie (Office Administrator) is working on advertising for the church. She’s focusing on social media. At the meeting we

learned that Monmouth Presbytery has a person who will provide social media support at no cost. Rev. Tom will put Billie in contact with this person.

Rich Vodhanel reported for the Deacons that their retreat went well on February 9.

They are pleased to have 18 deacons. They have funds in their bank account and plan to donate to a few different causes.

Elder Don Barnes reported for P&A that the committee decided to give $500 of the

Crane bequest to Church & Society and the rest will be used to pay off the previous Capital Campaign. Session approved. Also, P&A recommended that

we waive the distribution guidelines from the Endowment Fund again this year and Session agreed.

Bell Choir Director, Robyn Ioverio, resigned from her position. She sent a letter of

resignation to the Session which was read aloud. Until further notice, Reid Masters will assume her responsibilities. Elder Kirsten Schanck said that Church & Society will be holding a prom dress

and tuxedo collection in March. Details will appear in the next Towne Crier. Church & Society is focusing on environmental issues this year. In the next newsletter they will include the names of the different organizations to which funds were donated by the church in 2018.

Elder Bob Suarez reported for Facilities that Doug, our new sexton, is doing well.

Bob is continuing to meet with groups who use our facilities to finalize new pricing and stress importance of following our rules about use of our facilities.

Regarding the renovation at the manse, Bob said it’s going really well. Viscon is great to work with. Tile work has been done, vanities were installed, countertops going in soon. He received a good quote for painting the entire

house which also includes taking down old wallpaper. On a not-so-good note, some of the scrap metal and copper that we were planning to turn in for cash was stolen a few weeks ago. The person was caught and admitted to the theft, and now the matter is going through the proper legal channels.

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Elder Don Barnes reported for the Manse Capital Campaign that over $100,000 in pledges have been received. This is good news, however, not a lot of people have contributed, so much of that money is large amounts from a small group of people. We are hoping to have more people

contribute. Elder Kim Davies reported for Fellowship that there

will be no church picnic this year as the calendar is already full. The committee is hoping to start a new small group.

Elder Lisa Barnes reported that Christian Education (CE) is going to ask Presbytery for an

extension on the Vitality Grant received last year to help fund our work with children on the autism spectrum. Libby Andia said the Senior highs will be raising funds and participating in a walk/run on May 19.

Rev. Tom reported that he will be on vacation from

February 25 through March 4. Rev. John Strain will preach for him on Sunday, March 3 when communion will be served. Tom handed out

committee assignments for 2019. He has visited the hospital quite frequently to see congregants who are currently ill. The Nominating Committee has a full slate of candidates for the Pastor

Nominating Committee and on March 10 there will be a Congregational Meeting to vote. Manna Box: The Mission Belles & Church and Society are collecting

food items for St. Anthony's Church in Red Bank. All donations are appreciated. Look for the "Manna" box in the Church House lobby.

An update on your friend Dot Jardine from her daughter Sandy Blakelock: My mom has been moved to a rehab center. She had a fall last week, they discovered a mass on her right lung. She is too weak to undergo a biopsy. The Drs. think it may be an aggressive cancer. She has been moved to a rehab facility to regain strength and to improve her quality of life. Mom’s new address: Dorothy Jardine, Caleb Hitchcock Health Center at Duncaster Room 510, 10 Loeffler Rd, Bloomfield CT. 06002. Cards would lift her spirits immensely! -Sandy

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Princess Prom Project and Tuxedo Collection

March 2019

Church and Society Committee Monmouth County Assembly Members Eric Houghtaling and Joann

Downey are launching their 3rd Annual Princess Prom Project to provide prom dresses to local high school students at no cost. The project strives to ensure that high schoolers who would otherwise not be able to afford a

prom dress can have a memorable and magical prom night. “A gown for prom can cost a couple hundred dollars or more, which can be too much for families on a tight budget. Our goal is to help as many students look and feel their best,” said Downey (D-Monmouth), “I have

two young daughters myself, and I would want the same for them on their prom night. Everyone deserves that special evening.”

Our church plans to help by collecting dresses and tuxedos during March.

The Church and Society Committee will be overseeing the collection of gently used gowns (i.e., long fancy dresses or short party/cocktail dresses)

and tuxedos. There will be a garment rack in the Church house foyer. Please hang your dresses and or tuxedos on the rack. Each Sunday,

we will collect the dresses and tuxes until they are all delivered the office of the 11th district.

The collection of Tuxedos is new this year! Talk it up with family, friends and neighbors. Thank you for your support!

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On Feb. 10 the following officers were ordained at worship service:


Jules Plangere

Sean Starke

Kim Davies

Joyce Davies


Mark Northridge

Sue Starke

Nancy Dingelstedt

Carol Morse

Jim Wright

Prayer Concerns for March, 2019 JOYS AND THANKSGIVINGS

The Manse Project Donations to Mercy Center The Schancks are anticipating birth of their Granddaughter

Gratitude for Reid & The Choir Senior Highs


Marjorie Litzelman Ruth Rusch Dot Jardine Ginny Carlyle


Steve Aquilina Bonnie Tortora Mike Dinglestedt Jane Wagner Dot Jardine Sister-in-law of Lisa Barnes Chuck Darrah

The Andia’s Nephew John Hendershot Johan, Danie and Corne Griesel Doreen’s daughter Faith Haitian Choir during this time of unrest.

Keep these grieving families in your prayers:

The Family of Ginny Zebe The Davies Family The Starke Family The Crome Family Ryan’s Family

The Family of Greg Weber, brother of Jen Zeller, his wife Kelly Weber, his girls Lauren and Emma, mother Lee, and the rest of the family.

I spoke to Chuck Darrah today, he sends his regards to his friends at the Church. He is dealing with some health concerns but generally he is doing well.

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Sherri Adler – Director of Christian Ed [email protected] or 732-904-7273

One Great Hour of Sharing During the season of Lent, we remember that there are many in the world who still need our help. Through your donations to One Great Hour of Sharing, Presbyterian Mission Agency is able to serve people in our community and around the world by alleviating hunger, rebuilding after crisis or catastrophe, and working with communities to overcome oppression. We will be collecting donations throughout Lent for this vital service. The children will be given "Gracie The Fish Banks" on Sunday, March 3rd and Ash Wednesday. They will be collected on Palm Sunday. Lenten Guide Each family with children in fifth grade and younger will be given a helpful Lenten guide to share with their children, at home, during the season of Lent. Pittsburgh Seminary is also offering an on-line devotional: https://www.pts.edu/devotional or go to Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and click on Lenten Devotions. Special Thank You To our wonderful Senior High's and their amazing coordinator, Libby Andia. "The Power of Words" was a moving and creative worship service help on Sunday, February 24th! You can visit "Mr. Potato Head" upstairs in Christian Education. Happy March Birthday! 3/16 James Thorn 3/30 Ava-Jordan (AJ) Kassinger

Homesteaders Meeting March 14th: All are welcome Saturday, March 17th, a bus trip is planned for the St. Patty's Day Celebration at Hunterdon Hills

Playhouse; the meal and transportation is included in the $63 price - sign up now; seats are limited. Call Bob Donohue (732-842-2335) for details. April 14th we have group tickets reserved for West Side Story at the Algonquin Theater in Manasquan; call Bob Donohue (732-842-2335) for details. January '18 marks the start of our new membership drive, open to current or for-mer Shrewsbury

residents and friends over age 50 . . . if you’d like further information on partaking of the fun, food and fellowship,

call Barbara Walter, Membership (732-380-0163). We look forward to seeing you soon!

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Congregational Meeting called by Session on March 10th after worship for the purpose of receiving nominations and electing a Pastor Nominating Committee.

Please Attend Wall paper stripped

New molding

Bathroom Vanity

The Manse is moving


Date Coffee Hour Flowers Deacons Elders

3 PW Sherri Adler Team B Libby Andia & Wayne Johnson

6 Ash Wednesday Robin Burkard Don Barnes & Lisa Barnes

& Diane Suarez

10 PW Kim & Joel Davies Team A Joyce Davies

17 PW Peter Bruguiere Team C Kim Davies

24 PW Linda & Joe Talerico Team D Ted Dellinger

31 Deacons Nancy & Rich Vodhanel Team C Billy Wikoff