- b , I I i THE INDIA ALLIANCE - - PRAYER BELL * L March-August 1924. ''Ye also helping together on our behalf b y your supp- licatic~n." 2Cor. 1:ll. i , - Many weeks hare dipped by since the'last copy of our - little call to thanksgiving and prayer went forth, but Q& J + these busy weeks have brought many tokens of God's goodness, and many causes for thanksgiving. i FURLOUGHS. r - - - -- - - L -"L_ - - . - -- *_ i One of the constant featuresvo^f-missionarylife, to which it would seem that we would grow accustomed, is the frequent parting from friends and fellow labourers. During the past few months we have bidden farewell t o Mr. and Mrs. John Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson, &If'. Smith, and Misses Fuller, Moore, Bjoland and Backlund. Every one of these has well earned the rest and the joy of family reunions that furlough will bring, and we pray that they may be able to return before long. A verse has been running in mind, which we quote fro-moriy : - - - - -- -- *A - ,* \ "Oh it seams the face, and it dries the brain, e. And it strains the arm till one feels the pain, In the fight for Uod and man. But it's ood to be out where the 6 ht is strong, To be wgere the heaviest troop bekong, In the fight for God and man. The truth of this, proven so often, will we know ( if it be God's will ) bring these comrades back t o us as soon as they are able to come. Already we rejoice in the recent return of Mr. and Mrs. Lapp, whose arrival will make it possible to kee open a station that would otherwise have t o be dosed: Satan has attacked them fiercely immediately upon arri- val, touching Mrs. Lapp's body. But we are believing for victory. C C ., . . . + .- . 4

THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and

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Page 1: THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and

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March-August 1924.

''Ye also helping together on our behalf b y your supp- licatic~n." 2Cor. 1 : l l . i

, -

Many weeks hare dipped by since the'last copy of our - little call t o thanksgiving and prayer went forth, but

Q&J +

these busy weeks have brought many tokens of God's goodness, and many causes for thanksgiving. i

FURLOUGHS. r - - - -- - - L -"L_ - - . - -- *_ i

One of the constant featuresvo^f-missionary life, to which it would seem that we would grow accustomed, is the frequent parting from friends and fellow labourers. During the past few months we have bidden farewell t o Mr. and Mrs. John Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson, &If'. Smith, and Misses Fuller, Moore, Bjoland and Backlund. Every one of these has well earned the rest and the joy of family reunions that furlough will bring, and we pray that they may be able t o return before long. A verse has been running in mind, which we quote fro-moriy : - - - - - - -- * A -

, * \

"Oh it seams the face, and i t dries the brain, e. And it strains the arm till one feels the pain,

In the fight for Uod and man. But it's ood to be out where the 6 h t is strong, To be wgere the heaviest t r oop bekong, In the fight for God and man.

The truth of this, proven so often, will we know ( if it be God's will ) bring these comrades back t o us a s soon as they are able t o come.

Already we rejoice in the recent return of Mr. and Mrs. Lapp, whose arrival will make i t possible t o kee open a station tha t would otherwise have t o be dosed: Satan has attacked them fiercely immediately upon arri- val, touching Mrs. Lapp's body. But we are believing for victory.

C C ., . . . + .- . 4

Page 2: THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and

The Fecke Memorial Hall, a building in connection with the new Ahmedabad church, is just being completed. It is the generous gift of Mr. F. J. Fecke, of Chicago, a s a memorial t o his sister, Miss Mary D. Fecke, a mission- a ry of earlier days, who departed from Mehmedabad t o be with Chrjst. It is inteaded t o accommodate the family of the Indian pastor, a s well a s t o provide a hall where a Bible study class and night school ean be colldtacted in this great city. . . .

The MaratM Evaugelistsq and woi-lcers have again made a very n i ~ e doriation-towardthe work of the Gospel, in contributing. Rs. 287 towardk s new outstation build- big and a similar amourlt t o start a Pastor's Fund, wh;ich is to he used in helping churches ~vhich find i t difficult t o support a pastor in fuH. Thank God for this,

* - * .. -S1* - . ..

Page 3: THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and

I 1.; - three days preceding the. meetings tEe district car &ere I ' traveled a hundred miles, mnounc~ng the meetings among

the village Christians, transporting - speakers etc. T o have done this in a bullock cart would have been impos- sible. With the millions-of cars in present use merely for pleasure every one which can be devoted t o the work of the gospel ja a cause of thanksgiving. a


The long and unusually hot summer is now over, and 2 ;- the rains have begun all over our fieltjl;, though as yekthrq--

are not sdicient for sowing operations i n all of our districts. The farmers are either busy in the fields or turn anxious eyes t o the heavens. Preparations are be- in made now for our Indian evangelist's and pastor's Bi f le study classes and examinations. These are always

i held during the rains when itinerating is no t possible. A three month's Bible Training class is also k i n g con- ducted at AkoIa for the younger preachers who have not finished their Bible School work.


It w a s not found possible this year t o publish a n Annual Report, but for those of our readers who are interested in following the record of the work we are printing herewith a statistical sheet, giving the statistics *


both a s air evidence of interest and also because of the help which i t brings t o these funds. There will soon be a new outstation in Anjangaon District built entirely by the contributions of the Marathi workers..

Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad t o an- nounce tha t Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and Graham have passed their second language examinations, and have assumed full time missionary duties, and Messr~. Wiley aqd Christensen have passed the "higher" examination in Pushtu, which is the equivalent of the second examinat i~n of the others. Mr. Christensen

t took honours in the examination, which was taken under the direction of officers of the British Government, Mr. Schlatter, and Misses Kelley and Dem have also re~ent ly passed their first examinations.

The Ford car? continue t o vindicate their claim of use- fulness ' in missionary work. In connection with the recedt District convention in Anjangaon District in -the


Page 4: THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and

HEA LINGS. Once more wehave t o occasion t o praise and glorify

- God for Hismanifestation of power in om midst. ' =ss- Beardslee had her knee seriously injured this summer when her bullock cart ran into a ditch, and the Civil sur eon's verdict mas either an operation or a stiff knee for%fe. In answer t o prayer the Lord delivered so ins- tantly and marvelously tha t some Christians who knew of it went again and again to the bungalow t o be sure t h a t i t was actually true and not a dream.

A few days ago a snake-bitten woman was brought t o Miss Peter at Viramgam, seemingly at the point of death. Through the prayers of the" Christian people she was raised up, and the opposing Hindu riest so confoun- ded, tha t the news has gone all over t % e city, and the woman herself, still a Hindu, is openly praising Jesus for healing her. May He continue thus t o magnifp HIS NAME in our midst.

" With Thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God"

Please pray much for our annual Conference, which is announced for October 17-26. Many are praying for a special outpouring of God's spirit in our midst.

Pray for the Workers in their Bible study classes during the rains, tha t the Word may be made spirit and life t o them,

Pray for the missionaries who are studying, and some i- of whom wjll be taking examinations early in

- , October. * - .

Pray for-the young missionaries who have recently begun full time mission work, and for others too who are occupying places which bring many perplexi- ties and burdens. God is the solver of diffic~lties.

Pray for our empty stations, some of which have not - been occupied for three years. Such conditions

do not look like advance, and yet we are sure I

tha t God is leading topyard better things,

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Page 5: THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and

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Pray for the outposts on the borders of Tibet and


Afghanistan, that the Lord will soon reveal His plan as t o location and work very definitely. 1

i And pray that the missionaries there may have grace for tbe trying days of waiting.

Pray for more Ford cars for India. Pray for outstations t o be soon established in Akote, 1

Viramgam, Murtazapur and other places, and for all advance steps and plans which God can i

1 bless.

Pray for all of our Indian churches and for the Districts, that all advances made may be on truly spiritual lines, and that the people map be led forward on lines of self support.

Pray for the missionaries now on furlsough. and for the candidates, who will a t t h ~ s time be making plans and preparations for sailing, Pray also for those who need physical strengthening before they can return.


Pray for the missionaries who d-aring the recent summer -

-were wnable t o get away for rest and respite. They will need to be specially fortified a s the :dalaria season comes on. 1

i Pray for Mrs. Lapp who has suffered a slight paralytic stroke this summer. The Lord is able t o fully deliver. Pray for others too who are suffering in various ways.

Pray tha t Christ may be magnified in our midst as the HEALER. One of our missionaries was recently

- called a thousand miles t o anoint one in a&- other mission who is sufkring with cancer and

1 I who had heard tha t Jesus heals.

I Miss Ramseyer. A s this paper is in the press we have suffered a severe

loss in the homegoing, after only a few hours' illness, of Miss Nancy Ramseyer. One of the latest arrivals on the field, her life gave promise of great usefulness, and her cheerful and consecrated personality is greatIy missed among us. Prayer is asked for her faimily and friends a t home.

Prayer re uests and words of thanksgiving for insertion in this paper 1

may be adiressd to Mission Headquarters, Akola, Rerar, India.

1 J !

i I I * &.- '4 *. X * - -i- *., % "

Page 6: THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and
Page 7: THE PRAYER BELLthe contributions of the Marathi workers.. Rejoicing with those who rejoice,-we are glad to an- nounce that Mr. Rirlgenberg, and Misses King, Berchtold, Doderlein and


Tibetan Border

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