SINGLE COPIES, '\u25a0 J ' JlKll I< "_'- * ,, of ire:- D;t3)PC!*Qjt|, qi/i) 1 i>c 4ii.s;-j)i)iiiqiic!f of hjerqiihi, JLfofriiui*: qpD i(ctog. 'vOLUfIS XL.-NUIHBEa 21. COUDE.iSi'GHT, FCTTUR COUIffTY, PA., THURSDAY, BECEffIEE-R 23, 1053. "iHS POTTER JOURNAL, ?\u25a0\u25a0 EVtRY THURSDAY UORSISO, RY ! if; -?*** rijo i. s. ( hax.c. L #)jom a'l Letters end Communication.- j ; oe A.llrerec.l, to se cure attention. L ral <?fnt arlaL-y ;*a Atltance: sl.tß' ;*r tnriiitti. l^* H * * 1 ['orni-- ot Aavovtiftmg. L',-. [lO liSSi] 1 iasiulia, -- - 501 I 11 3 ??? $1 'Ji j I ~ n^ertion!osslimn I.J, 'jf.> " tar *UKUUi, - bit ! -t 4 001 .. n.:ie £>s*. 0 . v: ir. ------- 0 00 i t.' ( initio re work, per sq., 3 ins. 3 Co, I . . .. isnt isitfttM, - - - - - 50 [ -u S't mO2;'..H, - -- -- -- 13 (Ji : ?? io oo; " 7 Oo I .< rear. -------- 30 00 " " - 10 Ov.l, j .\~ displayed, per annum Ob 00 e;x months, 3 00 .. " three ?' 10 00 j " o*.c mouth, t 001 " per square I .'\u25a0 i each Insertion un<lc-r 4. 100 [?>., rjiuuius will he inserted at the same ; | -vor'< or tvrecutor's Notice, 2nc . So.: *e- each. 1 50 ; L fiSai per tract, ------ Xso | f,_\ as, ea h, ----- -- 30" I .. \,? ,-es. each, 1 50 : 1, 4 k,-.iter s S..a's, per square for 4 [<< \u25a0 -*, ' 1 50; IpMW *rProfessional Car-is, each. jfj 8 lines, per j ear, -- 500 j L, , ni!. i :or U Notices, per line, j <g" 'r , icur advertisenn nr.* nmst t> ' L< itdvaa-e. ati'i no unth-e will he taken > I\u25a0 f r:y nt; from i distance, "nless ti.cv I .--lit aa.s-i by the aiottey or satisfactory ; JlISi:i:.S5 CUitlS. LtMiMUlKtiltlllllUlllillittMllltUtmUUllllltlUUiUMillllMUa I JOHN S. MANN. r r: :v \M OOT.vski.LOR AT LAW, .:r:-pcr*. i'a.. will .mend the *eve-a! j ?.a Potter au i M'r eau Counties. AH I i..-2 s> rat" c-i hi- care iviil receive 1 Jr.. ' ,a. O'hco un Main st.. oppo- site *.:u'*o.!:t liuu*c. 10:1 F. W. KNOX, |!*'R.\""Y AT LAW. CouJerspcrt. Pa., wiii jt;.icl] attend the Courts iu Forler and Jfcidjoiniap Counties. id:l i L ARTHUR ti. OLMSTED, i Ir.'RNt-Y A COI'.V.SKLLIi AT LAW.} |..:r-. rt Pa . will a' .ua to all bnsincs-;' ... 1 j f... , - j a ? c ire. wr.tt protnptnes an-; j k c *:*. ein Temperat .-c block. t?ee- j " 'M. n St. 10:1 { ISAAC i> EN SOX. I " PA'EY AT LAW. Coudtrsport, Pa., -xillj I c-r; -,o jusiaess entrusted to htta, with I "??? tncss. 113 e ? U:. r O - ail- - j <;>. 1.1 I . : I. I'. WLLLISTOX, | T-Y aT LAW. Wells >oro". T ogra Cr> . i j 1 ... .Trifl he t ourts m i'otu r ac , A<<t. 9:13 11. W. HENTOX, \u25a0 ri AND CONVMVANCER. Rav- \'l- yat:v T i' :? r ? !'a.. ' I'\u25a0 -s . j Lss lin -. h It.: ' I 'r \u25a0 .- h. 9:33 I t w. K. KIXG, I*' 7 -" n D.lAi TN'IAN AND CONVF.Y- I A- : J \u25a0 0.. i'O.. j - ?; r t via' e u ms. i. '?.reu- I ' .. s cf ..::? > >?' bo *::*_ v ui? c to '..r r. j 1 0. T. ELLISON, N'tPilV.Si T.\N". Con-! -sport. Pa "-L. rms h?ehv a- o: u. vil- I *%': t i p that he will prompt? re- for prctV>si'-r.al rvi-v> I * : - Ia n ? , m tihii&g fcmertj o?- i'- " '\u25a0 H!! s, Ps, 7 . *" o :-j Hs-.SJ s> - r E A JOS£B- - i-c TONES, \u25baj ; IN . is,;:rl D:' IXES, PAINTS I -- r :. Vrti . Sta; onen, I)ni tioois. ?" i: . Main si-, Cju .ersport. Pa. | I>. K. OLMSTED. ' HEY GOODS, BE VJ>Y-3IAI " I. ' -?.* \u25a0 kerT, Grucerioi, Ac., Mainbt.. I K >Vort. p a . ' 10:1 .- -IV MANN, I Si NT YTI RY XlO- N A of Main --* CuU4iri-art. Pa. 10:1 L "ARK GtLtos, '" -i :A. JR. late from the City cd "* V tsh -p opp v-.te Court port, Pu'.ur Co. i'-i. - - -rticnlar attention p?ATto CI T- -1(k35-1 T. UHNRY J OLMSTED. I rtrcE.-. E - 0 j iVE 5 w. ?x:rn.) TIN" A SIiLET IRON . " - " i a *??, nmriv eppi ite the Court v '.. ? Pi. Tin sad 5.;.*.-. , '-re niie to order, in good tyle. oti \ ~ : \u25a0 "A LiEUSI uiVI HOTEL, Proprietor. Comer o' 1.. ?" -.; Strt jut C oudersport, I 04- 9:4 * IALLEGANYI ALLEGANY HOUSE, ' 'aILLS, Proprietor, Coleshurj en u- m mirth cf Cou- ?-. , ilfv.LeRaa ;. * i t LLORR'S UNRIIFR. I''rom (Cx~ Y~t-S f -nny "p 0il " " make YUUR MARS. by DAVID TATtKra. In the quarrlc-T .DioaH you toil, Make your mark. Do rou delve upon ta° <oii, Make your mark. In whatever path yon go, In wh itever [.LACE yua tatvi, MORII. T swift or MOVING ?lo'v, W itii A ftrtn tud boneat HIND M;IKE your uiarK. Sbo ! OPPONENTS H?DGC y-im- wiv, Make your nark. Work by nigh* or work b;. day ? Make your mark. Struggle manful, AND well, Let no OBSTACLE* r onose ; NONE, right-shielded! . ver fell By the WE-AP -US of his foes ?. Make your mark. What though born a peasant's son ? Ma .E your to irk. G ood by poor men es- be done ? Make your mark. Peasants' garbs may vartn the cold. Peasants' w ords may cairn a fear, Better H.r than hording gold Ls the drying of a tear ? Make your mark. Life is Qeeting a I-hade? Make your mark. Marks of some hind must be made ? M.:ke your mark. Make it while the arm is strong, In the golden hours of youth J Never, never make It wrong; ALAKU it with the STAMP ot Truth? V . . IIAUE your mars;. From the Phil -Ulp\ia Bulletin. FORSAKEN. Patient an 3 faitliful, tender and trii". Praying and thinking AN.I working for you, B taring all TI -n:ly sorrow for years, HONC'UI'y striving to tvr.Q'ser my fetrs ; Say, D d niy patience, my tenderness, truth. Merit not mor ? than tl> ? blight of RAV youth ? Give me once more my wild energy H ick, ; u- me the hones :iat iilumin D life's track. <Cve IN" the faith that I wasted on \ou. Giie n:E the LOVE that I squandered thereto. Y> U caun.* ?" > lightly you cast them aside, And for you AND all others these feeling- have died. Yet. tho' the hopes that I cherished are dead.J Tho' THE light from my spirit forever hath tied, Tho' twa- doubting in lleav'n when I doubted iu you, A? my stfodard and type cf the loyal ar D true ; ' 'cr the w- ck of my life I would neier repine, It the R V. e I Hl.ve lost were but aided to thine. A. N. c. ' Chcirr fallir- The Rose ana (he Settle. In n country s t.ewherc in tbc v< rial?- no nw.tet wlo u ?at the North E le, pro- bably, or may ho at the South ?t>rp< r-' ehauce b"t\veeu the two ?there rose at a r ge anu tiourisiiiog city. Its uiar.u'ao- lorits me u- ted thr their es'ent, aud th me rcjianr-riincCs of that plaee revd; .lit t!e wealth th>--e n am:''.etor.es produecu On the t r.rskirts of the town w-tp I n::: HYo liousc??al.iie in lorui, in extent, iu value. *?'Two peas, ' or ?* two nuts," or ??two j in*," 1 1 frequeatly deeurib?dthetr! i-..v. N- i i tl.o<e two LVUm' ?' ;e-l two brvtht r- ?twit;?the or.lv sons f the builder C-f th >-e two houses. It ?ad bee a at.-rev of the c U man to .u.v \u25a0 the lx\ms i;c ca.ieii tl eni, i( igcU: alike; hi means beiugatopic, LC bad ti:- p--Wvr g Lis rancy. "The bevs" married, u: 1 on the wedJirp Jav th-- L:st stone of cither borne was b.id. . ?? Tiiue enough to get the'.u finished, >ai; ttie i .ii geu*ieui:ui. re ruob* 1 t..s Lauds iu glee : " won ! wuut a nureery for- a twehre-moath, at any rate. Icu.-aSi huus.. will do till t'e.en." The young brides were present wheu that re .nark WAS MADE. U'TE blushed ? AND stuUed : the other blushf D?ADD frown- J ?"?a. it WA- T: O n-Mtie aud the rv.seag.UU > STANDING side by siue. Six ! oat Its passed, and the house? were half UP ?the c.i gentleman himself! directing all thearracge-ue* taoftiiebutid- iuj. "It i good indeed cf your father, now an old i an. lotakean interest iu our com- fort.'" said one of the young wives to her husband. " llainh ?tliat was the l.Us- ba:.d s name ?"you ca never repay niiu i?.r his kind led tag aud his generosity to i i u^. ? It is au absurdity for your father to play the architect, aud aiuioet orieklayer, remarked the other wife to her sj-ouse. Boy del) ?his t aiue. " You should teis hiiii thst it is inconsistent with niseaiiiug and las station.' "It is cousistent with his pleasure," remarked the husband, "and tucrefore I aui content. Twelve months passed, and the houses 1 were brushed. ?? Nursery ready in time." ?aid thegx>d old man ?"ready iu time?ready iu time ' The houses were occupied, iu course of tv jlvc-ii.onths thi Miwriu were occupi- ed also. " There are unceasing anxieties in A mother's lot," SAW the good wifeof'Kalph, ?? IUT UUTXASIUG pleasures UO.'' AND SHE would scarcely exchange our present lot for the one we held when lirst 1 became \( urn ife. i'here is a:: earnestness iu this quiet life of strict utiliry which i* lost in t.ie ultded days of wealthy spleudor. I am Is happy "here, Ralph, as if you had placed : e ia a palace?La, pier indeed?" He sioppeo iier as he locked into her geutle face. " Not happier, Lucy," he added, "not happi- r. d-.-,.r wife. Your nature would icarry blnss* tts pirfect as this world can bestow into any phase of life?net ' h.:*)- pi<. r', Lucy, but as happy cither here, or there, or anywhere "n earth ?u> hapny.a# such a kindly heart as yours can and -tiould. and w:'l be auvwhete." Ralph lived to an old age: his hair was white, aud his step tottering; but the heart and mind were tirai still. Hi.- chil- dren were married, or otherwise settled iu the world; wealth had fallen to the share uf some, couipet-ncy only to the lot of others. But rorrow, keen sorrcT, r. >w foil on Ralph. Lucy died . and as he saw the uou!d fall on the lowered coffin until it was hidden lroiu his view, he whispered, a* if to he- who lay there?" i know what j'ioss is now, dear wife?l never felt its meaning b-. tore." j Boydei 1 also lived to an old age. A partial recovery tumbled hi n to return to 1:1s home?but he was no welcome guest there. Unkindness and want of care had the re-ult which might have been expect- ed?lie returned to the asyluui, hopeless- ly mad, and died there some years after- wards, to the vei v evident relief of his wife and eLiil Ire a. Now. i:: all human probability, these two womc . worked the snju ! to the fate of their hit.-bands. The uue by l.er grii- ! tleness soothed the w.'uuded spirit, an ! jin seeking to bless him, sou ;d a full La.- vest of b'es.-ingi for herself. And the otb :r I truly did she " cast her seed up ui the water'*" an l "tru'v did she find it after many days." It was like the poisoned Upas berry, taking root and spring tlil the eh uliy tree ca?t its destruc- tive influence on those poor wretches who ? sat beneath it* branches. Politeness Pays. " Seems to me you treat tliat raggr i little brat with more D"iiierie*s than I should,'' said a rough looking man to a young shop keeper who had ju*t done ur> 1 ihree cents' worth of -ug-ir very ne&'iy ir: a brown paper, and tied it up carei'u'ty. The b y i:i question had presented a marked physiognomy. From under his [ rimless fist projected a wide, full bn-w. deep spari lug eyes, aud features fuii o! ?neigy aud rjs-jintion. Ii - face and hi uds scrupulously clean, but his chuhcs 'v re poor and patcnod though not a.* trie man had insinuated, ragged. lit.- uioth- ?r was a woman g luuc'i i rceo; i i character?a naro wonting woman woo ? a been reared in apparently I- iter cir- ; eumstanev-ti'in th *et' An w *urr- and ;U h rr, :-r si. was toe wife >: a drunkard ? The grocer van busy, *nd he evldeotly j : had n.'t bw4 irh*t wes s*id#Q t.ie rougii i.ir.g man remained again. "I s iv, V v . a queer one." '* ii <v queer, G;v*s ? the gr.- e-r. thr vingam lopafte*inlo t-hetcalo. ** V. hy y i tr. ut ail t!.e b'jgar- about here v l:b as mu h c;n-iderat: m w;:en -oer r ne wi;!> t.? -? r pouuies, as if tLex or g- * bv the wholesale." " A-.u way sh .n'ld'u: I ?" said the gro- cer, lo iking up with Lis honest eyes wide open au I clear. "O. I don't know; it's queer, that's Vi; you re the oulv nan ttu : does it I reckon, in these pari* ' ! ** We 1. I'M tell you," sai-J Wymn, dv '?> -rat- !7 ttowinding tie -v i of cjr . ?nd twisting the .string :\u25a0 u" a pack ay thebeld In his hand: "the fact is. if i : wasn't naturally tend' r towards the chil- dren. I should do so froua policy. You i *e\ I'm but a young man, and these ?brats a* you eaii them are growing ut> fast. Mao * r.f them, of i.tiic* wyth as thev seem now. wiii become n ? n <-f char- acter. and men of bnsii es*. Nov* I want to retain their custom. *' lie said laugh- ingly : "their peonies, in the cmr.-eora v years will turn into l-euads; their tl:ree cents* w -rth of - tgar wiii c angc i into orders by the barrel. I ska I havt many a pod customer atneng the'brats;' Ibest ics. I've awavs found taat Dolitcseas ii ii pay? wt l. " Sometliing in thai," ejaculated the coan % tnaa. thrusting h :-s ban is into his pocket*, "s.:aet:iing in that: but I never looked at it in that light before." "The boy who bought the sugar," con- tinued the grocer, "is one cf no ordinary mind, if I aui not mistaken. If LL fat ti- er was dead, I'd take him with me inm the sture and make a mau of bitn?though I vv.v. . I r-'-h.o will -1 . b-:u r far Li:: than I could; and the far-seeing grc-ccr smilingly han le ; a cents' w rth of * lu* to a lit: e timid chil i. whose top curl just reached to the counter. Time ver.f ed tl. r o !'?ti nof A'yman, the gr cer. Tb?r- wa-a' 4 a shop :n the- \u25a0 ; w ere so much sto all change vr .-;eu: aa in kit; for the ciiildtm 1 rad to j smiled at the innocent face of her sleep- ing babe. " llow women can like flic* bore of chil- dren, Icanmt imagine," remarked her si-.ter-in-law, as her child was hastily given to its nurs-e. dear- passed on?as thry always do?- and the vouns wivea became middle aged S women. Sons and daughters clustered I round them, and the grandfather, oi land I leebicj, now icant on these young tilings ; for support. j Time had worked a won!emus change ?in the two o-itr r? ?Ralph's told o' a ; ho ne-sto"k or l.apt ine.-s. fr-m w nich he i drew largely, white Bv.yJell looked as if ! ooutent and happiness were not ia the | world at all. At tiiis time, when the families ofeach ! vcie springing up. and needed money to ' be speLic on them, in education, mainten- ance. and the different adjuncts of their i station, one of those p:ni"s of tite com- mercial world, wbich ruin thousands, tor.!; ?place. Unfortunately, Ralph and his l brother h: d entered into !a~g speculations, which failing, they were involvod in the nrevailiiig ruin, and found themselves ' verging on bankruptcy. " lie of good heart, Ralph," said his i wife, '"there is bread in this great world j for all. Our time large he use. our servants j : and our carriage*, are tit absolutely ne- icessary to our happiness; we can do as \u25a0?Miter* do?live with, ut them; and the children, Ralph 1 th:s lesson of adversity ! may be f-r ti;eir w> ltare. Take comfort, Ralph, tl:-TC is pknty of that left for us ; ui the world, it our wealth ha flown away." "Yes." answered her husband, as he I c- a*ped her hand, and drew her to him?- ? ? Yes ! there is never falling eomfortl here. Lucy. God be praised for having given me one so ' meet to help' me, bothi in joy and sorrow, wealth or poverty.*' " You should have forseen this crisis." remarked the wife of Boydell, "and not allowed your cldlaren to he brought to b-.'-iiirary at tncirage, when j..st enterimr on fife. £xpeases arc unavoidable, un- less iu Iced, they Ui educated as th-2 "iabor- ing cia--e.-?which idea may be worth yonr wi=e ton=ideration." Bhe ceased with a aneer on her face. I "Other men would u >t Lave been so ventursome with their monev," she rc-: marked. ?? The i>r j.Tuings. fbritaUiwe, j Mid the Smiths, withdrew in time, and Lionel R'agdon told me that your children night thank you, and you only, ii starva- : tion were their fate." " In iaerey cease." replied the husband. " or vi ?; will drive n:e mad." ?? 1 must put your condue f t .irly before your e. s ?it is my duty," she replied. "1. u reserve it until lam likely to >p] :? y rar effort at the performance] of iLe duty, ;:o answered b'Dtc v. Poor ?? i'utyi" how d'c.ui uliy is she ?nisliin il' iby these ascttiu dames. "It 1* a day. ! u: i u;. lor that pica many a harsh truth is uitctd. "It is a duty!" --us iv t'.er-strici uise'vi'inarians, nr deol. -? ra v :G are dti 't-n forth tut rt-u.bie on in ove;^'worked ami wearied brain. ?? It .s a duty . c vers tnc e:tic. rcbuxe a;;', t e .-tv ie rj .tider. it may b. a " f.u y to >ye;.k piaiu'y : n i b * :i v s-mstlni-j?' but it is a duty to cho theopportunitr | when the sp ech may be aceep ; . bie, a;d n-t ! : nu c!ii. ? the wonndt a heat b a r--p toionot the very truth v i.'cii, silent- ly re "Oguiced, is g f.ir.g it aire - ;y. Loydc-i uii. .v j.iuu Wt.. taat lie ndui.t have tors-' n a,.d i-aitiuiiy have provi for the melaneh.-'y et .t whicii l.ad tak n pinee. His con-;*iv.-.ee reproached ? ? b.tto !y for euciessoea and rashoes*. and :? w.ic s w -i- ftin nt u cdei to a.J to tiie seif-rty r a.-i-. which i t to it er, .nig t ha* e w., rkod sonic g >lbv pr due* t*ig a Muiet detenninatu a 11abide i-v the! more sober couneds of Ralph in tVu ' for Ralph's voice tiai be.u lift-d ag-i i-: ? ihe very specula'ion wnich l.ai cause , the ; ut failure or the b.*o*.icrs. 1* .cited a id gal.ed, and wear ltd of life and life's struggle?, l>oyd.-!l knew r..>* whither t > turn for comf .rt and e n--" ? ion. His father had been gatuered toi the dead; L.s 1 r0t.... .' L. . Jed was tea proud to betray hi- lack oi ut me.-tic peace to film ; his children, imitat.iig the ha i i example of the m. ttier, turned agaiost him, and instead of ela* T ering r >un i hiui :u tae hour oi wvc, cp.-L.. b auied bimi for the course he bad adopted. ? At ia.-t his mind, by ath usa* d ! eonhicting sorrows, gave w.iv ; a iuaatie asyiuui became his !. ae, while his wife aud children dragged on a life of misery, supporter by the u:ere cuarity c-f relation* Tar differently fared Ralph. In the humble cottage ta the outstii-T o; tfc r tov u where he sow dwelt?a atuilealwrvs welcomed hi in when he came home from t'ue city'- toil and din, tired w'.:h the b ;-i I ne>* of the day. heart-siek with it* diap- rointntcut?-*'tsta d peace and \ rt p'nes* .?.waned hi n in that little home. His children?drawing their tone from that pxd wife £nd uiotaer ?thought only "Low they could s-.-othe the tired wauden-r wh iiad relurtici t. them, and makr him fur- get in tie plae* i j-\v e: the present, the :a>erv f t'.e psu-t. "Baipii," said Lis one day, "I &P 00*% 'lf'-OCO go where they were not afraid of re ugh j ? actii in or rude speeches. '1 i'.lt iheui- i selves safe y.l.ile making their little pur-! chases; they saw tliat their rights were 1 respected; aud it is well known that on *neh trilling sales much profit accrues in the apgregite. Time passed, aud Wy-! .man, tie grocer, was the most popular' i man in tjwii. His pleasant face at forty! years was greeted everywhere. Yon: g men and maidens always patronized A y- man. Tt was strange to see the trans- formation t'.i it took place so gradualiy tiic- ? little dirty faced juveniles shot tin into awkward youths learning trades, and then . grew to the respctv.ble business mem? Wyman enlarged his hop, and built him a splendid house, "all the fruits ot the ciiiiureu s pennies,' ho often said, laugh- ingly. " \ es, with him, it pai<l to he polite ; it a!way* pays. It pays the mere .ant 3* well as the mechanic, the lawyer a- v eil as the physician. Urbane manners have been toe means of making many a for- tuno, wiuie the cross-graiin d have v. -n- --dered why they didn't get along. The tiiat speaks i s mind at all time*, and in all places, boa>ting itselt that it is only honest, blunt arid straig'm forward." is a habit that demoralizes as wdl as insults. Ask any man you chance 1 to see, if he remembers those who treat-j ed liiiu with uibanity when he was a ci.du. I and ne will recall his name with a throb of pleasure. Perhaps, too, he wiiicouple I -one other names with the epithet of "old ( rascal 1" and "I've never liked that man I w u'-lYt have dealings wiili him." j It paid toe grocer to be polite. The ragged boy, the drunkard's son. became< a groat as well as a rich man. He estab- lished Lis sad mother ia a handsome res- idence of tier own and sent iu unlimited orders to the grocer. It was his intiu- ence that gave Wyman several post.i of ' ii .ijor in his native city?for the town became a thriving city; and when silver ' hairs Lung on the shoulders of the old qmau, and tho young congressman's name rang fur and wide, spoken by admiring ? tongues, prabe.l by men of wisdom and -re:bug worth, it was no idle hft*flt for ? hiui to say with a smile of tilumph, "I ; told you so 1" Politeness pays! Speak ficatly to Each OAier. A STOHY FOR TIIK CHILDREN. "Please to help me a minute, ? : *tor.' I " Oh, u n'* disturb me, I'm reading," xv::s tl e answer. *' But just L -Id this stick, won't y u, while I drive this pin through "I cant now. f want to frrr*h this *t'?y." sa i I et.iphatieaily ; and iuv iittl- I brother turned away with a disappointe i k, in searca oi someb.-dy else to a-si.-t hi in. He was a bright b>y cf "??n years, and inv only b'*' ther. lie had been visiting \u25a0 * ::>\r frhmd, an ! 1. 1 *-? nn windmill. - were em: 1y 1 I i w. Ling i n:tl! >??: ?; ihr e ?.*-? ; .-1 h'g t- mak" t q--. vr i-eihirr -ws.' . .'ght i*i. He W'.-rk p.. . it.y u.l the ~ v .'i-* ? .iu saw an I * -.c ..taite. and n>w it ouly n led putting t g -i..-r to n ph I ? it?an I his only si>ter had re- in- 1 to a-.-":*: l.im, and he had gone away with I.l* y UDg Lcart ?a< L*ncd. I thought of all this in the fifteen tnin- - iute? a r * ; r he lefi me, and my borik gave] ]me no pleasure. It was not intentional j ui;L ;i:c*s, .:r t*. ugh!:r**nes, tr i j loved uiy brother, an d was generally kind to Lin. ; stih I had rcfu*ci to !p hi..: i w u.d iaivc g. .e after Ist n, au i atr'.r j 1 the a.**'-ttr.ee n led, bit I k*. whe Nad found Some one cl-e. Bat I had ncg-; ?M i an o{ [\u25a0 ?rtuulty of gXddening a ehi!di*;i heart. In half an hcu- he can e bound"rg info the h .'.lsc, exi"!aiming, " Come. Mary, i'w igoC It up; just see How it goer !** 111-; tone* w-re joyous. ai.J I saw that he had : forgotten my p.jtuLmee. 99 I determioe . to atone 1 y unusual kindness I went with Llni, and su~e er mgh i i the r fof the w ;.lUoue was fastened a miniature; w.-- and the ants were whirling uM-und fast enough to suit any b -v. I prah-vd the winduihl and u;y little broth- er's ingenuity, and be seemed happy and ? j entirely forgetful of my unkindness, and [resolved, as L iiaa many times b-thre. to be always loving and geutle. A t.*w days pa*svd by, and the shadow cf a great rorrow darkened our dwelling ?ihe joyous laugh and noisy glee were Lushed, a*'d our merry boy lay in 3 dark- ened room with anxious fa-res around id:n. his cheek* Surged, a-d h?3 eves unnatu- ra.ly bnght. Uometiaics his temples would moisten and his muscles relax, and then h.-pe would came into our 1. mn*, and our tye? would fiii w it- ikful tears. It wa> in one of these dec. itfa 5 euicre ir his di- a*e that he hcuni the noise of In. little wheel, and said, " I hear my vsin-i- --luih. ??Does it make ycur head ael.e I asked. *' -all we take it d.wn 1" "Oh, R"." replied n--\ "it f-t*u* 3* if I were out of J or*, xs-i it gjuke? me let! Detter. <[ FOUR CENTS. TERICS.-41.25 ILK AKNUSI. K *STmr?T.r^.->53Gr? > LC 1 ifclfJW: \u25a0"\u25a0 U'H lie mused a mpment, ot*u then tMded : "Don't V-ju remember, Mary, that I wanted you to help me iix it, and you was reading, at >i f-. 1 w; you could uot? Rut it didn't u.ctke any difference, for in amm a helped me." Oh, how sa t!y those words fell upon 'try enr, and what Litter memories tixejr awakened ! llow I repented, aa T kissed ii*:.' i'rani/a forehead, that 1 hud ever .y 1 0 unhu.d'v to 1 im. Hours of sor- iow went by. and we watched Lis coucii, .oj growing fainter and fainter, and an- euoh dteuntil, one week from the morning on which he spoke of Ills childish s;.oris, v. e closed the eyes once so spark- ling, and folded hls bands over his pulse- less heart. lie slcep3 now la the grave, and houi" is dcs. late ; but the little wind- mill the work o: hN busy hands, is still swi ging in t*Y breeze, just where lie pi:-. J it, upon the ro. fof the old vrocd- >h-?!; and cverytime I see the tiny arms . tevi h h:g I ren ember the lost little Fiank ?and I remember also the thoughtless, and Ufikhid words ! R'-..ihers and :istcrs, tc kind to each \u25a0- thi r. Re geaiiec nsidcrate, and loving. ?E.rcn.i Vt oj> un's lullcence. Txc pi- ?, -- fi < n the )9n of Mts, I. ; vtrm*ri t in I . Xetn Covt uxii' I All men are influenced by women to an extent hardiv ever realized. " [ nev- er take a stop of any importance without fir-t advising with my wife; if I do, I aat apt logo wrung;'" was an admission cade in our presence, not long since, Lv one of our ui't taicnte i clergymen, whose clear- uesa >f j i Iguient and proverbial sagacity might exempt him. if any one, from seek- ing advice at all. '-I owe to my mother I that I am, or > vrr hupe to be," is tho v tin -ion of f \ ry great and good man who L. > ever lived. When Napoleon was asked what could bo done finr the cl- evatiin of France his reply was, "We need good mothers " And the elder Ad- am-, in giving the list of educational in- f.uene- s whicn 1 t i formed his son, Juha A lams, closed with thesignificant dec: trot:on, - After all, my sou had a mother. J hat not alone z* a wife and mother Is woman's ialluenee felt. Mrs. Fry. who sought. t. e amelioration of the condition ' coiiv ts. and their reformation, exert- ? i an lr.du nee in this department of phi- lanthropy. second to no one who has lived, excepting Howard. The labors of Miss Fix r the insane have crowned her with -urtls. -dared by few male rivals. Lord Brougham asserted that Harriet Martin- ? j i hi more go d by her works oc poiit- eai e \n< ny t?n any man in England ; m 1 the is f the saintly Florence Nightingale, f.nd the heroic Mary Pat- are still fresh iu ail hcaru, ehow- ; j more than i*.. re Wer ls can d#, how uuif - a*s iafacMj| when "? wi.is to have it so. V,' arc- : i- .j * at men do not see how v > use >oae unij avenges the injary indicted up.>:i her, in defrauding her of ?-due ion. K p> vro ian iu ignorance, -ripp' ? her i u.iect, compel her to nar- -? wneass oi". .. night, tie her down to petty us end ? b ;.s of pursuit, debase ami t.e cuffe. r. Ah know I*w a truly great and good u an, eve,;, will be dragged more ?- from hit orbit, by the iuilucnce of a I; I,:gnu-aiif, unworthy wffe; while up- on *f:. hx d moral principle, w u o ?i"C at the aercy of every circumstance, the ii du . a d.... F d.y bid woman - appalling, ii r ? were no other rea- soaa why wo n a loui i receive the higL- tio . era: advantages, a suaicieat ae aruold be toiuil in the fact that men are. to a great < xi *nt, what women a* a-ivcs, r:.crs, eutcrs, and friends make them. Capital Sermon. A writer in the Sierra (Cai.) Citizen, on . t t: * tuie of " \ oung Men and Tree i r gives a better sermon, a better lecture ? a morality, and a better essay on n.enmi h. y- >phy, u.in a few lines, than v - j f. ;nd in S3 many volume* 1 of s'nmiard autho ?: *Tfee tree fr *g eeqaSf *he color of what- c er it i i :CKi to for a .-iaort tirae: if it -* ? . ? ' a':, i: viU g-jor the color of that tree: if the sTcaciore. o~ cyr>re*s, it wilt be i w *i-h w;s: ir. i x', : -i found inthe j- -rlsr im, :t is stir- to \u25a0 e rr.Hiß. Just so * .to young i ?n: tiitir companioas tell v i \i iu. r r r .- , :i tj.v acscciate \u25a0 i ' vu ;r. ti.e ceuiiias and *.:.e pro- ? : lee r heurt? are alreidv stsired w: h g . ;ar i - lame, and they will ti><emar!v<9 '"\u25a0rviii <r iie yl-.-'c. The study of bad gus, or ue iove ci *: .e-1 coaipeaicas, is t rcuUu-t and mvst ceruin roa*i to mia nng mew can truvt-i, ar.d a few WcTI d:- : 1 ~"S o cu-.iet w I !ead tbew oa ster t- "'.r.--*- (. ;r rr'-rai. i p j~-. i-w- n, w gow importai.t ir uto t ; r<j. ?£.; - kU-ju? of er . kiad, espe- .- iu . ut:?. How -rageroa. i: i to'gaxe - -r ? the insji. n itioo r v ! -t- t e -no- -5 percent:' zs. or has i ' ii ?* -a s ? -ase of our auty to av.'i araa. Ar inc -ior say* that maids wua a-r -,g -iii. but woaai- :? ::r * a. p-.rtir.ii* aud tLcv a.at . verjti g.

The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1858-12-23 [p ]€¦ · a twehre-moath, at any rate. Icu.-aSi huus.. willdo tillt'e.en." The young brides were present wheu that re.nark WAS

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Page 1: The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1858-12-23 [p ]€¦ · a twehre-moath, at any rate. Icu.-aSi huus.. willdo tillt'e.en." The young brides were present wheu that re.nark WAS

SINGLE COPIES, '\u25a0J ' JlKll '° I<"_'- *,, of ire:- D;t3)PC!*Qjt|, qi/i) 1 i>c 4ii.s;-j)i)iiiqiic!f of hjerqiihi, JLfofriiui*: qpD i(ctog.



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rijo i. s. ( hax.c.L #)jom a'l Letters end Communication.- j

; oe A.llrerec.l, to se cure attention.

Lral <?fnt arlaL-y ;*a Atltance:sl.tß' ;*r tnriiitti.


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L< itdvaa-e. ati'i no unth-e will he taken >

I\u25a0 fr:y nt; from i distance, "nless ti.cvI .--lit aa.s-i by the aiottey or satisfactory

; JlISi:i:.S5 CUitlS.LtMiMUlKtiltlllllUlllillittMllltUtmUUllllltlUUiUMillllMUa

I JOHN S. MANN.r r: :v \M OOT.vski.LOR AT LAW,

.:r:-pcr*. i'a.. will .mend the *eve-a!j ?.a Potter au i M'r eau Counties. AHI i..-2 s> rat" c-i hi- care iviil receive 1Jr.. ' ,a. O'hco un Main st.. oppo-site *.:u'*o.!:t liuu*c. 10:1

F. W. KNOX,|!*'R.\""Y AT LAW. CouJerspcrt. Pa., wiiijt;.icl] attend the Courts iu Forler andJfcidjoiniap Counties. id:l i


|..:r-. rt Pa . will a' .ua to all bnsincs-;'... 1

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j a ? c ire. wr.tt protnptnes an-;

j k c *:*. ein Temperat .-c block. t?ee-

j " 'M. n St. 10:1 {ISAAC i> EN SOX.

I " PA'EY AT LAW. Coudtrsport, Pa., -xilljI c-r; -,o jusiaess entrusted to htta, withI "??? tncss. 113 e ? U:. r O -

ail- - j <;>. 1.1I . :

I. I'. WLLLISTOX,| T-Y aT LAW. Wells >oro". T ogra Cr> . ij 1

... .Trifl he t ourts m i'otu r ac ,A<<t. 9:13

11. W. HENTOX,\u25a0 ri AND CONVMVANCER. Rav-

\'l- yat:v T i' :? r ? !'a.. 'I'\u25a0 -s . j Lss lin -. h It.: '

I 'r \u25a0 .- h. 9:33 I

t w. K. KIXG,I*'7-" n D.lAi TN'IAN AND CONVF.Y-I A- : J \u25a0 0.. i'O..

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1 0. T. ELLISON,N'tPilV.Si T.\N". Con-! -sport. Pa

"-L. rms h?ehv a- o: u. vil-I *%': t i p that he will prompt? re-

for prctV>si'-r.al rvi-v>

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'\u25a0 H!! s, Ps, 7 .*"

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- i-c TONES,\u25baj ;IN . is,;:rl D:' IXES, PAINTSI -- r : . Vrti . Sta; onen, I)ni tioois.

?" i: . Main si-, Cju .ersport. Pa.


I. ' -?.* \u25a0 kerT, Grucerioi, Ac., Mainbt..I K >Vort. p a.




N A of Main--* CuU4iri-art. Pa. 10:1

L "ARK GtLtos,'" -i :A. JR. late from the City cd

"* V tsh -p opp v-.te Courtport, Pu'.ur Co. i'-i.

- - -rticnlar attention p?ATto CI T--1(k35-1 T.



0 jiVE5 w. ?x:rn.)





i a *??, nmriv eppi ite the Courtv'.. ? Pi. Tin sad 5.;.*.-.

,'-re niie to order, in good tyle. oti

\ ~ :\u25a0 "ALiEUSI uiVI HOTEL,

Proprietor. Comer o'1.. ?" -.; Strt jut C oudersport, I 04-

9:4 *


en u- m mirth cf Cou-?-. , ilfv.LeRaa ;. * i t

LLORR'S UNRIIFR.I''rom (Cx~ Y~t-S f -nny "p0il

" "



In the quarrlc-T .DioaH you toil,Make your mark.

Do rou delve upon ta° <oii,Make your mark.

In whatever path yon go,In wh itever [.LACE yua tatvi,

MORII. T swift or MOVING ?lo'v,W itiiA ftrtn tud boneat HIND

M;IKEyour uiarK.

Sbo ! OPPONENTS H?DGC y-im- wiv,Make your nark.

Work by nigh* or work b;. day ?

Make your mark.Struggle manful, AND well,

Let no OBSTACLE* r onose ;NONE, right-shielded! . ver fell

By the WE-AP -US of his foes ?.

Make your mark.What though born a peasant's son ?

Ma .E your to irk.G ood by poor men es- be done ?

Make your mark.Peasants' garbs may vartn the cold.

Peasants' w ords may cairn a fear,Better H.r than hording gold

Ls the drying of a tear ?

Make your mark.

Life is Qeeting a I-hade?Make your mark.

Marks of some hind must be made ?

M.:ke your mark.Make it while the arm is strong,

In the golden hours of youth JNever, never make Itwrong;

ALAKU it with the STAMP ot Truth?V . .IIAUE your mars;.

From the Phil -Ulp\ia Bulletin.FORSAKEN.

Patient an 3 faitliful, tender and trii".Praying and thinking AN.I working for you,B taring all TI -n:ly sorrow for years,HONC'UI'y striving to tvr.Q'ser my fetrs ;

Say, D d niy patience, my tenderness, truth.Merit not mor ? than tl> ? blight of RAV youth ?

Give me once more my wild energy H ick,; u- me the hones :iat iilumin D life's track.<Cve IN" the faith that I wasted on \ou.Giie n:E the LOVE that I squandered thereto.Y> U caun.* ?" > lightly you cast them aside,And for you AND all others these feeling- have


Yet. tho' the hopes that I cherished are dead.JTho' THE light from my spirit forever hath tied,Tho' twa- doubting in lleav'n when I doubted

iu you,A? my stfodard and type cf the loyal ar D true ;' 'cr the w- ck of my life I would neier repine,It the R V. e I Hl.ve lost were but aided to

thine. A. N. c. '

Chcirr fallir-The Rose ana (he Settle.

In n country s t.ewherc in tbc v< rial?-no nw.tet wlo u ?at the North E le, pro-bably, or may ho at the South ?t>rp< r-'ehauce b"t\veeu the two ?there rose at

a r ge anu tiourisiiiog city. Its uiar.u'ao-

lorits me u- ted thr their es'ent, aud thme rcjianr-riincCs of that plaee revd; .litt!e wealth th>--e n am:''.etor.es produecuOn the t r.rskirts of the town w-tp I n:::

HYo liousc??al.iie in lorui, in extent, iuvalue. *?'Two peas, ' or ?* two nuts," or??two jin*," 1 1frequeatly deeurib?dthetr!

i-..v. N- i i tl.o<e two LVUm' ?'

;e-l two brvtht r- ?twit;?the or.lv sonsf the builder C-f th >-e two houses. It?ad bee a at.-rev of the c U man to .u.v

\u25a0 the lx\ms i;c ca.ieii tl eni, i( igcU:alike; hi means beiugatopic, LC badti:- p--Wvr g Lis rancy. "Thebevs" married, u: 1 on the wedJirp Javth-- L:st stone of cither borne was b.id. .

?? Tiiue enough to get the'.u finished,>ai; ttie i .ii geu*ieui:ui. re ruob* 1 t..s

Lauds iu glee : " won ! wuut a nureery for-a twehre-moath, at any rate. Icu.-aSi huus..will do till t'e.en."

The young brides were present wheuthat re .nark WAS MADE. U'TE blushed ?

AND stuUed : the other blushf D?ADD frown- J?"?a. it WA- T: O n-Mtie aud the rv.seag.UU


STANDING side by siue.

Six ! oat Its passed, and the house?were half UP?the c.i gentleman himself!directing all thearracge-ue* taoftiiebutid-iuj.

"It i good indeed cf your father, nowan old i an. lotakean interest iu our com-fort.'" said one of the young wives to herhusband. " llainh ?tliat was the l.Us-ba:.d s name ?"you ca never repay niiui?.r his kind led tag aud his generosity toi i

u^.? It is au absurdity for your father to

play the architect, aud aiuioet orieklayer,remarked the other wife to her sj-ouse.

Boydel) ?his t aiue." You should teis

hiiii thst it is inconsistent with niseaiiiugand las station.'

"It is cousistent with his pleasure,"remarked the husband, "and tucrefore Iaui content.

Twelve months passed, and the houses 1were brushed.

?? Nursery ready in time." ?aid thegx>dold man ?"ready iu time?ready iu time '

The houses were occupied, iu course oftv jlvc-ii.onths thi Miwriu were occupi-ed also.

" There are unceasing anxieties in A

mother's lot," SAW the good wifeof'Kalph,?? IUT UUTXASIUG pleasures UO.'' AND SHE

would scarcely exchange our present lotfor the one we held when lirst 1 became\( urn ife. i'here is a:: earnestness iu thisquiet life of strict utiliry which i* lost int.ie ultded days of wealthy spleudor. Iam Is happy "here, Ralph, as if you hadplaced : e ia a palace?La, pier indeed?"

He sioppeo iier as he lockedinto her geutle face.

" Not happier, Lucy," he added, "nothappi- r. d-.-,.r wife. Your nature would

icarry blnss* tts pirfect as this world canbestow into any phase of life?net ' h.:*)-

pi<. r', Lucy, but as happy cither here, orthere, or anywhere "n earth ?u> hapny.a#such a kindly heart as yours can and-tiould. and w:'l be auvwhete."

Ralph lived to an old age: his hair waswhite, aud his step tottering; but theheart and mind were tirai still. Hi.- chil-dren were married, or otherwise settlediu the world; wealth had fallen to theshare uf some, couipet-ncy only to the lotof others.

But rorrow, keen sorrcT, r. >w foil onRalph. Lucy died . and as he saw theuou!d fall on the lowered coffin until it

was hidden lroiu his view, he whispered,a* if to he- who lay there?" iknow whatj'ioss is now, dear wife?l never felt itsmeaning b-. tore."

j Boydei 1 also lived to an old age. Apartial recovery tumbled hi n to return to

1:1s home?but he was no welcome guestthere. Unkindness and want of care hadthe re-ult which might have been expect-ed?lie returned to the asyluui, hopeless-ly mad, and died there some years after-wards, to the vei v evident relief of hiswife and eLiil Ire a.

Now. i:: all human probability, thesetwo womc . worked the snju ! to the fateof their hit.-bands. The uue by l.er grii-

! tleness soothed the w.'uuded spirit, an !

jin seeking to bless him, sou ;d a full La.-vest of b'es.-ingi for herself.

And the otb :r I truly did she " cast herseed up ui the water'*" an l "tru'v didshe find it after many days." It was likethe poisoned Upas berry, taking root andspring tlilthe eh uliy tree ca?t its destruc-tive influence on those poor wretches who

? sat beneath it* branches.

Politeness Pays." Seems to me you treat tliat raggr i

little brat with more D"iiierie*s than Ishould,'' said a rough looking man to ayoung shop keeper who had ju*t done ur>

1 ihree cents' worth of -ug-ir very ne&'iy ir:a brown paper, and tied it up carei'u'ty.

The b y i:i question had presented amarked physiognomy. From under his

[ rimless fist projected a wide, full bn-w.deep spari lug eyes, aud features fuii o!

?neigy aud rjs-jintion. Ii - face andhi uds scrupulously clean, but his chuhcs'v re poor and patcnod though not a.* trieman had insinuated, ragged. lit.- uioth-?r was a woman g luuc'i i rceo;

i i

character?a naro wonting woman woo? a been reared in apparently I- iter cir-

; eumstanev-ti'in th *et' An w *urr- and;U h rr, :-r si. was toe wife >: a drunkard

? The grocer van busy, *nd he evldeotly j: had n.'t bw4 irh*t wes s*id#Q t.ie rougii

i.ir.g man remained again."I s iv, V v . a queer one."'* ii <v queer, G;v*s ? the gr.-

e-r. thr vingam lopafte*inlo t-hetcalo.** V. hy y i tr. ut ail t!.e b'jgar- about

here v l:b as mu h c;n-iderat: m w;:en

-oer r ne wi;!> t.? -? r pouuies, as if tLexor g-

* bv the wholesale."" A-.u way sh .n'ld'u: I ?" said the gro-

cer, lo iking up with Lis honest eyes wideopen au I clear.

"O. I don't know; it's queer, that'sVi; you re the oulv nan ttu : does it Ireckon, in these pari*


! ** We 1. I'M tell you," sai-J Wymn, dv'?> -rat- !7 ttowinding tie -v i of cjr .

?nd twisting the .string :\u25a0 u" a pack ay

thebeld In his hand: "the fact is. if i :wasn't naturally tend' r towards the chil-dren. I should do so froua policy. You i*e\ I'm but a young man, and these?brats a* you eaii them are growing ut>

fast. Mao * r.f them, of i.tiic* wyth as

thev seem now. wiii become n ? n <-f char-acter. and men of bnsii es*. Nov* I want

to retain their custom.*'

lie said laugh-ingly : "their peonies, in the cmr.-eora

v years will turn into l-euads; theirtl:ree cents* w -rth of - tgar wiii c angc

i into orders by the barrel. I ska I havtmany a pod customer atneng the'brats;'

Ibest ics. I've awavs found taat Dolitcseasii ii

pay? wt l." Sometliing in thai," ejaculated the

coan % tnaa. thrusting h :-s ban is into hispocket*, "s.:aet:iing in that: but I neverlooked at it in that light before."

"The boy who bought the sugar," con-tinued the grocer, "is one cf no ordinarymind, if I aui not mistaken. IfLL fat ti-

er was dead, I'd take him with me inmthe sture and make a mau of bitn?though Ivv.v. . I r-'-h.o will -1 . b-:u r far Li::than I could; and the far-seeing grc-ccrsmilingly han le ; a cents' w rth of * lu*to a lit: e timid chil i. whose top curl justreached to the counter.

Time ver.fed tl. r o !'?ti nof A'yman,the gr cer. Tb?r- wa-a' 4 a shop :n the-

\u25a0 ; w ere so much sto all change vr

.-;eu: aa in kit; for the ciiildtm 1 rad to

j smiled at the innocent face of her sleep-ing babe.

" llow women can like flic* bore ofchil-dren, Icanmt imagine," remarked hersi-.ter-in-law, as her child was hastily givento its nurs-e.

dear- passed on?as thry always do?-and the vouns wivea became middle aged

S women. Sons and daughters clusteredI round them, and the grandfather, oi land

I leebicj, now icant on these young tilings; for support.

j Time had worked a won!emus change?in the two o-itr r? ?Ralph's told o' a

; ho ne-sto"k or l.apt ine.-s. fr-m w nich he

i drew largely, white Bv.yJell looked as if! ooutent and happiness were not ia the| world at all.

At tiiis time, when the families ofeach! vcie springing up. and needed money to

' be speLic on them, in education, mainten-ance. and the different adjuncts of their

i station, one of those p:ni"s of tite com-mercial world, wbich ruin thousands, tor.!;

?place. Unfortunately, Ralph and his lbrother h: d entered into !a~g speculations,which failing, they were involvod in thenrevailiiig ruin, and found themselves

' verging on bankruptcy." lie of good heart, Ralph," said his

i wife, '"there is bread in this great worldj forall. Our time large he use. our servants j

: and our carriage*, are tit absolutely ne-icessary to our happiness; we can do as\u25a0?Miter* do?live with, ut them; and thechildren, Ralph 1 th:s lesson of adversity

! may be f-r ti;eir w> ltare. Take comfort,Ralph, tl:-TC is pknty of that left for us

; ui the world, it our wealth ha flown away.""Yes." answered her husband, as he

I c- a*ped her hand, and drew her to him?-? ? Yes ! there is never falling eomfortlhere. Lucy. God be praised for havinggiven me one so ' meet to help' me, bothiin joy and sorrow, wealth or poverty.*'

" You should have forseen this crisis."remarked the wife of Boydell, "and not

allowed your cldlaren to he brought to

b-.'-iiirary at tncirage, when j..st enterimron fife. £xpeases arc unavoidable, un-less iu Iced, they Ui educated as th-2 "iabor-ing cia--e.-?which idea may be worthyonr wi=e ton=ideration."

Bhe ceased with a aneer on her face. I"Other men would u >t Lave been so

ventursome with their monev," she rc-:marked. ?? The i>r j.Tuings. fbritaUiwe, jMid the Smiths, withdrew in time, andLionel R'agdon told me that your childrennight thank you, and you only, ii starva- :tion were their fate."

" In iaerey cease." replied the husband." or vi ?; will drive n:e mad."

?? 1 must put your condue f t .irly beforeyour e. s?it is my duty," she replied.

"1. u reserve it until lam likely to

>p] :? y rar effort at the performance]of iLe duty, ;:o answered b'Dtc v.

Poor ?? i'utyi" how d'c.ui uliy is she?nisliin il' iby these ascttiu dames. "It1* a day. ! u: i u;. lor that pica many a

harsh truth is uitctd. "It is a duty!"--us iv t'.er-strici uise'vi'inarians, nr deol.-? ra v :G are dti 't-n forth tut rt-u.bie on

in ove;^'worked ami wearied brain. ?? It

.s a duty . c vers tnc e:tic. rcbuxe a;;',

t e .-tv ie rj .tider. it may b. a " f.u yto >ye;.k piaiu'y : n i b * :i v s-mstlni-j?'but it is a duty to cho theopportunitr |when the sp ech may be aceep ; . bie, a;dn-t ! : nu c!ii. ? the wonndt a heat ba r--p toionot the very truth v i.'cii, silent-ly re "Oguiced, is g f.ir.g it aire - ;y.

Loydc-i uii. .v j.iuu Wt.. taat lie ndui.thave tors-' n a,.d i-aitiuiiy have provifor the melaneh.-'y et .t whiciil.ad tak npinee. His con-;*iv.-.ee reproached ? ?b.tto !y for euciessoea and rashoes*. and

:? w.ic s w -i- ftin nt u cdei to a.Jto tiie seif-rty r a.-i-. which i t to it er,

.nig t ha* e w., rkod sonic g >lbv pr due*t*ig a Muiet detenninatu a 11abide i-v the!more sober couneds of Ralph in tVu 'for Ralph's voice tiai be.u lift-d ag-i i-: ?ihe very specula'ion wnich l.ai cause ,the ; ut failure or the b.*o*.icrs.

1* .cited a id gal.ed, and wear ltd of lifeand life's struggle?, l>oyd.-!l knew r..>*

whither t > turn for comf .rt and e n--" ?

ion. His father had been gatuered toi

the dead; L.s 1 r0t.... .' L. . Jed was tea

proud to betray hi- lack oi ut me.-tic peaceto film ; his children, imitat.iig the ha i

i example of the m. ttier, turned agaiost

him, and instead of ela* T ering r >un i hiui:u tae hour oi wvc, cp.-L.. b auied bimifor the course he bad adopted.

? At ia.-t his mind, by ath usa* d! eonhicting sorrows, gave w.iv ; a iuaatieasyiuui became his !. ae, while his wifeaud children dragged on a life of misery,

supporter by the u:ere cuarity c-f relation*Tar differently fared Ralph. In the

humble cottage ta the outstii-T o; tfc r

tov u where he sow dwelt?a atuilealwrvswelcomed hi in when he came home fromt'ue city'- toil and din, tired w'.:h the b ;-i

I ne>* of the day. heart-siek with it*diap-rointntcut?-*'tsta d peace and \ rt p'nes*.?.waned hi n in that little home. Hischildren?drawing their tone from thatpxd wife £nd uiotaer ?thought only "Lowthey could s-.-othe the tired wauden-r whiiad relurtici t. them, and makr him fur-get in tie plae* i j-\v e: the present, the:a>erv f t'.e psu-t.

"Baipii," said Lis one day, "I

&P 00*% 'lf'-OCOgo where they were not afraid of re ugh j

? actii in or rude speeches. '1 i'.lt iheui- iselves safe y.l.ile making their little pur-!chases; they saw tliat their rights were 1respected; aud it is well known that on*neh trillingsales much profit accrues inthe apgregite. Time passed, aud Wy-!

.man, tie grocer, was the most popular'i man in tjwii. His pleasant face at forty!years was greeted everywhere. Yon: gmen and maidens always patronized A y-man. Tt was strange to see the trans-formation t'.i it took place so gradualiy tiic-

? little dirty faced juveniles shot tin intoawkward youths learning trades, and then .grew to the respctv.ble business mem?Wyman enlarged his hop, and built hima splendid house, "all the fruits ot theciiiiureu s pennies,' ho often said, laugh-ingly.

" \ es, with him, it pai<l to he polite ;

it a!way* pays. It pays the mere .ant 3*well as the mechanic, the lawyer a- v eilas the physician. Urbane manners havebeen toe means of making many a for-tuno, wiuie the cross-graiin d have v. -n---dered why they didn't get along. The

tiiat speaks i s mind at alltime*, and in all places, boa>ting itseltthat it is only honest, blunt arid straig'mforward." is a habit that demoralizes aswdl as insults. Ask any man you chance

1 to see, if he remembers those who treat-jed liiiu with uibanity when he was a ci.du. Iand ne willrecall his name with a throbof pleasure. Perhaps, too, he wiiicouple I-one other names with the epithet of "old

( rascal 1" and "I've never liked that manI w u'-lYt have dealings wiilihim."

j It paid toe grocer to be polite. Theragged boy, the drunkard's son. became<a groat as well as a rich man. He estab-lished Lis sad mother ia a handsome res-idence of tier own and sent iu unlimitedorders to the grocer. It was his intiu-ence that gave Wyman several post.i of

' ii .ijor in his native city?for the town

became a thriving city; and when silver' hairs Lung on the shoulders of the oldqmau, and tho young congressman's name

rang fur and wide, spoken by admiring? tongues, prabe.l by men of wisdom and

-re:bug worth, it was no idle hft*flt for? hiui to say with a smile of tilumph, "I; told you so 1"

Politeness pays!Speak ficatly to Each OAier.


"Please to help me a minute, ?: *tor.'

I " Oh, u n'* disturb me, I'm reading,"xv::s tl e answer.

*' But just L -Id this stick, won't y u,while I drive this pin through

"I cant now. f want to frrr*h this*t'?y." sa i I et.iphatieaily ; and iuv iittl-

I brother turned away with a disappointe ik, in searca oi someb.-dy else to a-si.-t

hiin.He was a bright b>y cf "??n years, and

inv only b'*' ther. lie had been visiting

\u25a0 *

::>\r frhmd, an ! 1. 1 *-? n n windmill.-

were em: 1y 1 I i w. Ling i n:tl! >??: ?; ihre ?.*-? ; .-1 h'g t- mak" t q--. vr i-eihirr -ws.'


.'ght i*i. He W'.-rk p.. . it.y u.lthe ~ v .'i-* ? .iu saw an I *

-.c ..taite. andn>w it ouly n led putting t g -i..-r ton ph I ? it?an I his only si>ter had re-in- 1 to a-.-":*: l.im, and he had gone awaywith I.l*y UDg Lcart ?a< L*ncd.

I thought of all this in the fifteen tnin- -iute? a r* ; r he lefi me, and my borik gave]]me no pleasure. It was not intentional jui;L ;i:c*s, .:r t*. ugh!:r**nes, tr i

j loved uiy brother, an d was generally kindto Lin. ; stih I had rcfu*ci to !p hi..:i w u.d iaivc g. .e after Ist n, au i atr'.r j

1 the a.**'-ttr.ee n led, bit I k*. wheNad found Some one cl-e. Bat I had ncg-;

?M i an o{ [\u25a0 ?rtuulty of gXddening aehi!di*;i heart.

In half an hcu- he can e bound"rg infothe h .'.lsc, exi"!aiming, "Come. Mary, i'w

igoC It up; just see How it goer !** 111-;tone* w-re joyous. ai.J I saw that he had

: forgotten my p.jtuLmee. 99 I determioe .

to atone 1 y unusual kindness I wentwith Llni, and su~e er mgh i i the r fofthe w ;.lUoue was fastened a miniature;w.-- and the ants were whirlinguM-und fast enough to suit any b -v. Iprah-vd the winduihl and u;y little broth-er's ingenuity, and be seemed happy and ?

jentirely forgetful of my unkindness, and[resolved, as L iiaa many times b-thre.to be always loving and geutle.

A t.*w days pa*svd by, and the shadowcf a great rorrow darkened our dwelling

?ihe joyous laugh and noisy glee wereLushed, a*'d our merry boy lay in 3 dark-ened room with anxious fa-res around id:n.his cheek* Surged, a-d h?3 eves unnatu-

ra.ly bnght. Uometiaics his templeswould moisten and his muscles relax, andthen h.-pe would came into our 1. mn*,

and our tye? would fiiiw it- ikful tears.

It wa> in one of these dec. itfa 5 euicre irhis di- a*e that he hcuni the noise of In.little wheel, and said, " I hear my vsin-i---luih.

??Does it make ycur head ael.e Iasked. *' -all we take it d.wn 1"

"Oh, R"." replied n--\ "it f-t*u* 3* ifI were out of J or*, xs-i it gjuke? me let!Detter.


TERICS.-41.25 ILK AKNUSI.K *STmr?T.r^.->53Gr? > LC 1 ifclfJW: \u25a0"\u25a0 U'H

lie mused a mpment, ot*u then tMded :

"Don't V-ju remember, Mary, that Iwanted you to help me iix it, and you wasreading, at >i f-. 1 w; you could uot? Rutit didn't u.ctke any difference, for inamm ahelped me."

Oh, how sa t!y those words fell upon'try enr, and what Litter memories tixejrawakened ! llow I repented, aa T kissedii*:.' i'rani/a forehead, that 1 hud ever.y 1 0 unhu.d'v to 1 im. Hours of sor-iow went by. and we watched Lis coucii,.oj growing fainter and fainter, and an-

euoh dteuntil, one week from themorning on which he spoke of Ills childishs;.oris, v. e closed the eyes once so spark-ling, and folded hls bands over his pulse-less heart. lie slcep3 now la the grave,and houi" is dcs. late ; but the little wind-mill the work o: hN busy hands, is stillswi ging in t*Y breeze, just where liepi:-. J it, upon the ro. fof the old vrocd->h-?!; and cverytime I see the tiny arms

. tevi h h:g I ren ember the lost littleFiank?and I remember also the thoughtless,and Ufikhid words !

R'-..ihers and :istcrs, tc kind to each\u25a0- thi r. Re geaiiec nsidcrate, and loving.?E.rcn.i

Vt oj> un's lullcence.Txc pi- ?, -- fi < n the )9n ofMts, I. ;vtrm*rit

in I . Xetn Covt uxii'

I All men are influenced by women toan extent hardiv ever realized. " [ nev-er take a stop of any importance withoutfir-t advising with my wife; if I do, I aat

apt logo wrung;'" was an admission cadein our presence, not long since, Lv one ofour ui't taicnte i clergymen, whose clear-uesa >f j i Iguient and proverbial sagacitymight exempt him. if any one, from seek-ing advice at all. '-I owe to my mother

I that I am, or > vrr hupe to be," is thov tin -ion of f \ ry great and good manwho L. > ever lived. When Napoleonwas asked what could bo done finr the cl-evatiin of France his reply was, "Weneed good mothers " And the elder Ad-am-, in giving the list of educational in-f.uene- s whicn 1 t i formed his son, Juha

A lams, closed with thesignificantdec: trot:on, - After all, my sou had amother.

J hat not alone z* a wife and mother Iswoman's ialluenee felt. Mrs. Fry. whosought. t. e amelioration of the condition


coiiv ts. and their reformation, exert-? i an lr.du nee in this department ofphi-lanthropy. second to no one who has lived,excepting Howard. The labors of MissFix r the insane have crowned her with-urtls. -dared by few male rivals. Lord

Brougham asserted that Harriet Martin-? j i hi more go d by her works oc poiit-eai e \n< ny t?n any man in England ;

m 1 the is f the saintly FlorenceNightingale, f.nd the heroic Mary Pat-

are still fresh iu ail hcaru, ehow-; j more than i*.. re Wer ls can d#, how

uuif - a*s iafacMj| when"? wi.is to have it so.

V,' arc- : i- .j * at men do not see howv > use >oae unij avenges the injary

indicted up.>:i her, in defrauding her of?-due ion. K p> vro ian iu ignorance,-ripp' ? her i u.iect, compel her to nar-

-? wneass oi". .. night, tie her down to pettyus end ? b ;.s of pursuit, debase ami

t.e cuffe. r. Ah know I*wa truly great

and good u an, eve,;, willbe dragged more?- from hit orbit, by the iuilucnce of

a I; I,:gnu-aiif, unworthy wffe; while up-on *f:. hx d moral principle, w u o?i"C at the aercy of every circumstance,the ii du . a d.... F d.y bid woman- appalling, ii r ? were no other rea-

soaa why wo n a loui i receive the higL-tio . era: advantages, a suaicieat

ae aruold be toiuil in the fact that menare. to a great < xi *nt, what women a*a-ivcs, r:.crs, eutcrs, and friends makethem.

Capital Sermon.A writer in the Sierra (Cai.) Citizen,

on . t t: * tuie of " \ oung Men and Treei r gives a better sermon, a betterlecture ? a morality, and a better essay onn.enmi h. y- >phy, u.in a few lines, than

v - j f. ;nd in S3 many volume*1 of s'nmiard autho ?:

*Tfee tree fr *g eeqaSf *he color of what-c er it ii :CKi to for a .-iaort tirae: if it -*


? ' a':, i: viU g-jor the color of thattree: if the sTcaciore. o~ cyr>re*s, it wilt bei w *i-h w;s: ir. i x', : -i found inthej- -rlsr im, :t is stir- to \u25a0 e rr.Hiß. Just so

* .to young i ?n: tiitir companioas tellv i \i iu. r r r .- , :i tj.v acscciate

\u25a0 i ' vu ;r. ti.e ceuiiias and *.:.e pro-? : lee r heurt? are alreidv stsiredw: h g . ;ar i - lame, and they willti><emar!v<9'"\u25a0rviii <r iie yl-.-'c. The study of bad

gus, or ue iove ci *: .e-1 coaipeaicas, ist rcuUu-t and mvst ceruin roa*i to mia

nng mew can truvt-i, ar.d a few WcTI d:-: 1 ~"S o cu-.iet w I !ead tbew oa ster

t- "'.r.--*- (. ;r rr'-rai.i p j~-. i-w- n, w gow importai.t ir utot ; r<j. ?£.; - kU-ju? of er . kiad, espe-.- iu . ut:?. How -rageroa. i: i to'gaxe

- -r ? the insji.n itioo rv ! -t- t e -no- -5 percent:' zs. or hasi '

ii ?* -a s ? -ase of our auty toav.'i araa.

Ar inc -ior say* that maidswua a-r -,g -iii. but woaai-

:? ::r * a. p-.rtir.ii* aud tLcv a.at. verjti g.