The Portfolio screen The Portfolio screen provides access to many useful portfolio command windows which display details about your portfolio. You can access this screen by clicking the button. The command windows available from the Portfolio screen are shown below: Please note: Where this document references an adviser, the task can be performed by you or us as the Service provider. Please call us on 1300 734 496 if you have any questions. HINT: If your client ID does not appear in the Portfolio box click on the drop down arrow and your client ID will be there. Then click the refresh button to run the report. Details The options within the Details menu are shown below:

The Portfolio screen

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Page 1: The Portfolio screen

The Portfolio screen

The Portfolio screen provides access to many useful portfolio command windows which display

details about your portfolio. You can access this screen by clicking the button.

The command windows available from the Portfolio screen are shown below:

Please note: Where this document references an adviser, the task can be performed by you or us as

the Service provider. Please call us on 1300 734 496 if you have any questions.

HINT: If your client ID does not appear in the Portfolio box

click on the drop down arrow and your client ID will be there. Then click the refresh button to

run the report.


The options within the Details menu are shown below:

Page 2: The Portfolio screen

Portfolio valuation

The Portfolio Valuation command window (Portfolio > Details > Portfolio Valuation) shows you

details about the holdings in your portfolio.

To display your Portfolio on screen:

Type in your client ID in the Portfolio box

Click to refresh the screen with the latest information for your Portfolio.

The Portfolio Valuation header fields are:

Field Description

As At: Type a new date in the As At field and click to display the portfolio valuation as

at that date.

You can select a date from the Calendar tool ( ).



Display only field that shows what date the portfolio has been updated for. All

positions have been rebuilt to this date. You can use the As At field to re-display the

portfolio valuation as at a different date to this Processed to date.

Show GICS Select to display the GICS categories on the screen. The securities are re-sorted

according to their GICS category.



Select to include in your valuation summary any loans that are recorded for this


Click to print the contents of the window in a printer friendly report.

Page 3: The Portfolio screen

Valuation tab (part of the Portfolio Valuation)

The fields on the Valuation tab are:

Field Description



Total cost The total cost of all investments in the portfolio.

Value The total current value of the investments in the portfolio. A green field

indicates the value has gone up since the last time the field was

updated. Conversely, red indicates the value has decreased.

Gain/(Loss) Gain/(Loss) is the nominal difference between the total value and the

total cost. This is not the CGT gain or loss.



The total gain or loss expressed as a percentage.



The portfolio's gain or loss so far today.

Est. Income The Est. Income field is an indicative field only, based on the income

generated by the portfolio over the past twelve months. For ASX listed

holdings, this includes all dividends declared but not yet paid, and may

include special dividends.

For all other holdings, the estimated income is based on income received

on the holdings for the previous 12 months.

Est. Yield Est. Yield is the estimated income as a percentage of the market value of

the portfolio.




Security The Security Code for the security. This may also be the APIR code or the

service or personal asset code.

Price date Price Date is the date on which the Unit Value price was taken.

For ASX listed securities this will be blank for today's live prices, or the

closing price for an As At date previous to today.

For managed funds, it will be the issued exit price most immediate to the

As At date.

For externally held assets that are maintained manually in your Portfolio,

it will be the price entered that is most immediate to the As At date.

Description Displays the description of the code. For globally managed securities,

such as ASX listed shares, this will be the ASX description.

Page 4: The Portfolio screen

Quantity The quantity held at the Processed to date.

Unit Cost Unit Cost is the average of the cost base for all the parcels of that


Adj. Cost The Adj. Cost is the cost adjusted for return of capital and other

corporate actions.

Unit Value Unit value is calculated as the value divided by the quantity. A green

field indicates the value has gone up since the last time the field was

updated. Conversely, red indicates the value has decreased. A yellow

field indicates a trade occurred that did not affect the price since the

value was last updated.

Value The value is calculated based on the closing price for the asset at the

Processed to date.

% Value % Value is calculated as the value of this asset in relation to the value of

the portfolio.

Gain/(Loss) Gain/(Loss) is the nominal difference between the total value and the

total cost of this asset.



The Gain/(Loss) expressed as a percentage, calculated over the adjusted

cost bases for the asset.



Movement today on the security's unit value in dollars and cents.



Today's gain or loss in dollars and cents.

Est. Income The Est. Income field is an indicative field only, based on the income

generated by the security over the past twelve months. For ASX listed

holdings, this includes all dividends declared but not yet paid, and may

include special dividends.

For all other holdings, the estimated income is based on income received

on the holdings for the previous 12 months.

Est. Yield Est. Yield is the estimated income as a percentage of the market value of

the security.

Page 5: The Portfolio screen

Chart tab (part of the Portfolio Valuation

The Chart tab displays a pie chart representation of the portfolio's holdings by asset class. The ASX

listed equities asset class is further broken down into sectors. For example:

Asset Allocation

The Asset Allocation command window (Portfolio > Details > Asset Allocation) shows you the assets

in your portfolio, categorised by their asset class.

The report is similar to the Portfolio Valuation command window, but groups the portfolio's holdings

by asset class. A security's asset class is predefined for ASX listed securities and most managed

funds. Some managed funds can be classified across more than one asset class.

Page 6: The Portfolio screen

The Asset Allocation fields are:

Field Description



This is the date for which the portfolio has been updated.

Code Displays the asset code. These are sorted by the asset class that the security

belongs to.

Description Displays the description of the code. For globally managed securities, such as ASX

listed shares, this will be the ASX description.

Qty Displays the quantity of the asset held.

Cost Displays the price paid for the asset.

Value Displays the current value of the asset.

For ASX listed securities this will be the current value.

For managed funds, it will be the issued exit price most immediate to the

Processed To date.

For service assets, it will be price entered that is most immediate to the Processed

To date.

Gain/Loss Shows the difference between the cost and the value of the asset.

This is not the CGT gain or loss.

% of total Displays the asset's value as a percentage of the portfolio's value, as at the

Processed To date.



Displays the estimated income for this asset, based on the income generated by

the portfolio over the past twelve months.

Est. Yield Displays the estimated income as a percentage of the market value of the


Click to print the contents of the window in a printer friendly report.

Page 7: The Portfolio screen

Chart tab (for Asset Allocation)

The Chart tab displays a pie chart representation of the portfolios asset

allocation breakdown. For example:

Realised Capital Gains

The Realised Capital Gains command window (Portfolio > Details > Realised Capital Gains) shows

your portfolio's realised capital gains or losses, incurred on disposals during the financial year to date

for the reporting period.

The section at the top of the window shows summary gains and losses for the whole portfolio as at

the Processed to date. The section at the bottom of the window shows the gains and losses and tax

details for each asset.

The Realised Capital Gains fields are:

Field Description



This is the date for which the portfolio has been updated.



Select to display the summary CGT information at the top of the command

window. Clearing this box will leave only the security details displayed.

Page 8: The Portfolio screen

Detailed Select to display additional detail fields for each security.




Carried Forward Losses are any losses from the previous financial year that have

been carried forward.



in period

Displays the total amount of losses incurred from asset disposals during the tax

year to date.

Total losses

available to

be offset

Displays the sum of the two fields above.



Displays the applicable CGT gains for the financial year to date for each taxable


Losses Used

to Offset

Displays the losses offset against the gains for each taxable method.



Displays the sum of the two fields above for each taxable method.



Displays the total loss less any offset amounts.

Security Displays the security code for the asset.

Description Displays the description of the code. For globally managed securities, such as ASX

listed shares, this will be the ASX description.

Sale Qty Displays the number of assets disposed.



Displays the opening cost for the asset.



Displays the proceeds from the sale of the asset.

CGT Gain Displays the applicable CGT gain for each parcel of assets sold for the financial

year to date.

Losses Displays the applicable CGT losses for each parcel of assets sold for the financial

year to date.

Tax Date Displays the tax date for the original purchase of the parcels.

This field only displays if you select the Detailed checkbox.

Open Date Typically, this is the same as the Tax Date unless a corporate action has occurred,

such as a takeover, where CGT rollover relief applies. In this instance, the open

date will change to the date of the corporate action, but the tax date will remain

as the date of the original purchase.

This field only displays if you select the Detailed checkbox.

Page 9: The Portfolio screen

Close Date The disposal date for the parcel.

This field only displays if you select the Detailed checkbox.



Typically, this will be the same as the open amount, however if the security was

acquired prior to 30/09/1999 and was held for more than one year, the cost base

is increased by applying an indexation factor based on increase in CPI.



Gain/Loss for holdings for which CGT does not apply; for example, fixed interest,

short sells, or holdings that were purchased before the CGT legislation applied.

Gross Gain The gain before any discounting or indexing is applied.

Other Gain Applies if the asset was disposed within twelve months of acquisition.

This field only displays if you select the Detailed checkbox.



Shows the gain between the indexed cost and the disposal value, if applicable.



Includes amounts that have had the discount percentage applied. If the portfolio

is for a company, then the discounted gain will be zero.

Notes Not applicable to this service

Unrealised capital gains

The Unrealised Capital Gains command window (Portfolio > Details > Unrealised Capital Gains)

shows you the summary and detail of your portfolio's unrealised capital gains.

The report displays the potential CGT gains and losses if you were to dispose of an asset on the date

that the portfolio has been recalculated to. The report uses the market value of the assets as at the

recalculation date.

The Unrealised Capital Gains fields are:

Field Description



This is the date for which the portfolio has been updated.

Detailed Select to display additional detail fields for each security. This also breaks each

asset down into discrete tax parcels.

Page 10: The Portfolio screen

Search Click to display a security search box.

Type a security code and click to search.

Security Displays the security code and description of the asset.

Quantity Displays the number of unit/shares held.

Cost Displays the total cost, or open amount, for each parcel.



Displays the current market value of the investment.

CGT Gain Displays the applicable CGT gain if the asset were disposed of now.

Losses Displays any loss that would occur if the asset were disposed of now.

Tax Date Displays the tax date for the original purchase of the parcels.

This field only displays if you select the Detailed checkbox.

Open Date Typically, this is the same as the Tax Date unless a corporate action has occurred,

such as a takeover, where CGT rollover relief applies. In this instance, the open

date will change to the date of the corporate action, but the tax date will remain

as the date of the original purchase.

This field only displays if you select the Detailed checkbox.



Typically, this will be the same as the open amount, however if the security was

acquired prior to 30/09/1999 and was held for more than one year, the cost base

is increased by applying an indexation factor based on increase in CPI.



Gain/Loss for holdings for which CGT does not apply; for example, fixed interest,

short sells, or holdings that were purchased before the CGT legislation applied.

Other Gain Shows the potential gain that would apply if the parcel was purchased within

twelve months of the disposal date.



Shows the potential gain between the indexed cost and the market value, if the

asset was sold. It displays where the tax date is pre 21/09/2009 and indexation

applies. If this doesn’t apply then the column displays as zero.



Includes amounts that would have the discount percentage applied. If the

portfolio tax type is Company, then the discount rate will be zero percent. It will

only be applied where the tax parcel has been held for more than twelve months;

that is, the sale date is 366 days or more after the tax date.



For listed trusts and managed funds, shows any accumulated distributed tax

deferred amounts.

Tax Free For listed trusts and managed funds, shows any accumulated distributed tax free


Page 11: The Portfolio screen

Portfolio Reports

The Portfolio Reports command window (Portfolio > Portfolio Reports) allows you to select and

generate printable reports for your portfolio.

The available reports are:

Report name What this report shows

Portfolio Valuation The Portfolio Valuation is a summary of the holdings in your Portfolio, at a specified date.

Asset Class Allocation The Asset Class Allocation report is a summary of the holdings

in your Portfolio, grouped by asset class.

Portfolio Performance The Portfolio Performance report is an overall picture of the

performance of your Portfolio, for a specified time period.

Portfolio Performance Detail The Portfolio Performance Detail report is a more detailed

version of the Portfolio Performance Report, for a specified

time period.

Investment Movements The Investment Movements report shows the performance of

the individual holdings in the Portfolio for a chosen date range.

Realised CGT The Realised CGT report gives a summary and detail of your

Portfolio's realised capital gains.

Unrealised The Unrealised report gives a summary and detail of your

Portfolio's unrealised capital gains.

The report displays the potential CGT gains and losses if you

were to sell an asset on the date that the Portfolio has been

recalculated to. To calculate gains/losses the report uses the

market value of the assets as at the recalculation date.

Cash Transactions The Cash Transactions report allows you to view Cash

Management Account transactions for your Portfolio.

Transaction History The Transaction History report allows you to view buy and sell

transactions that occur through your Portfolio for a chosen

date range.

Page 12: The Portfolio screen

Income Declared But Not Paid The Income Declared But Not Paid report shows income that

has been declared by an ASX stock or managed fund, but not

yet paid into the portfolio’s CMA as at a given date.

Unsettled Transactions The Unsettled Transactions report provides a list of any transactions that are unsettled.

Please refer to the Running Reports Help manual for details on how to run reports.

Page 13: The Portfolio screen


Portfolio performance

The Portfolio Performance command window (Portfolio > Performance > Asset Allocation) shows

you an overall picture of the performance of your portfolio, for a specified period.

The Portfolio Performance fields are:

Field Description

Processed to This is the date for which the portfolio has been updated.



Type a from and to date in the two boxes to specify the period for which you

want to report.

You can click the calendar icons ( ) to choose a date from the calendar.

Click to print the contents of the window in a printer friendly report.


Value At...

Displays the market value of the portfolio as at the first day of the selected

reporting period; that is, the opening value for the selected date.






Displays the value of any securities in the portfolio that are excluded from

performance reports, as at the day prior to the selected reporting period.

A report where securities are excluded from performance reports can be

provided by us upon request on 1300 734 496.

Net Market


Displays the market value less the value of any securities excluded from

performance reports. That is, the difference between the two fields described




Displays the value of any income received during the reporting period.

Income is based on the ex date of the receipt of the income. This means

dividends that were not paid, but which had an ex date within the reporting

period, will be included in this field.

Net Capital




Displays the sum of all inflows and outflows. If the summed result of inflows is

greater than the summed result of outflows, then this figure will be negative.

Page 14: The Portfolio screen


Value At...

Displays the market value of the portfolio as at the last date of the reporting







Displays the value of any securities in the portfolio that are excluded from

performance reports, as at the last day of the selected reporting period.

A report where securities are excluded from performance reports can be

provided by us upon request on 1300 734 496.

Net Market


Displays the market value less the value of any securities excluded from

performance reports. That is, the difference between the two fields described




For Period

Displays the gross gain or loss for the reporting period. This field is calculated by

subtracting the net market value prior to the reporting period and the net

inflow/outflow, from the net market value of the portfolio as at the last day of

the reporting period.

Tax Credits Displays any tax credits received during the reporting period.



Displays the gross gain/loss net of any tax credits.




Displays the average market value of the portfolio over the reporting period.

Refer to your adviser or call us on 1300 734 496 for more information on how this

value is calculated.



The Net Performance figure displays the net gain/loss as a percentage of the

average market value; that is, the value from Net Gain/(Loss) divided by the

value of Average Market Value, multiplied by 100.

S&P/ASX... Click the drop down box to select a common market index. This displays the

overall performance result for that index over the specified period. This allows you

to compare the portfolio's performance against a standard industry benchmark.

Page 15: The Portfolio screen

Holding performance

The Holding Performance command window (Portfolio > Performance > Asset Allocation) shows the

performance of the individual holdings in the portfolio over a specified date range. It is calculated

using an asset weighted compound return methodology.

The Holding Performance fields are:

Field Description



This is the date for which the portfolio has been updated.



Type a from and to date in the two boxes to specify the period for which you want

to report.

You can click the calendar icons ( ) to choose a date from the calendar.

Click to print the contents of the window in a printer friendly report.

Security The Security Code for the security.

Description Displays the description of the code. For globally managed securities, such as ASX

listed shares, this will be the ASX description.

Total Gain The sum of the Capital Gain and Income values.

Total Perf. The combined capital performance and income performance result.

Capital Gain Calculated by multiplying the number of units held, by the difference between the

market value at the end of the period and the market value at the start of the


For assets that change quantity during the reporting period, the calculation uses

an algorithm that weights the result according to the number of units held and

the time the units are held.

For assets purchased or disposed of during the period, the calculation uses the

purchase or disposal price at that date.

Capital Perf. The capital gain expressed as a percentage of the portfolio's value.

Page 16: The Portfolio screen

Income The portfolio's actual income accrued during the reporting period, based on the

income payment's ex date.

Income Perf. The portfolio's income expressed as a percentage of the portfolio's value.

Portfolio Balance History

The Portfolio Balance History command window (Portfolio > Portfolio Balance History) has two tabs

that show, over a specific period, a:

portfolio return chart for value/cost, gain/loss and time weighted return

comparison chart between the portfolio and a chosen benchmark.

Reporting Period

The Portfolio Balance History screen has From and To fields that allow you to specify the period for

which you want to report.

Type a date in these fields and click to refresh the screen with the latest information.

Return Chart

The Return fields are:

Field Description

Value vs


Displays a line chart for the total market value of the portfolio versus the combined

cost of the portfolio's assets.

Gain/Loss Displays a line chart showing the difference between the value and the cost lines

displayed above.

Page 17: The Portfolio screen




Displays a line chart that shows portfolios returns balanced over time.

The calculation used is Time Weighted Return = (1 + daily gain/loss percent) x

yesterday's time weighted return.

For example:

Day 1 = 1

Day 2 with 1% gain = (1 + 0.01) X 1 = 1.0101

Day 3 with 4% loss = (1 - 0.04) x 1.01 = 0.9696

Day 4 with 5% gain = (1 + 0.05) x 0.9696 = 1.0181

The For Period value = (the last time weighted return - 1) x 100

The Annualised value = (365.25 x For Period) / number of days in period.

Comparison chart

The Comparison chart shows the overall performance of your portfolio for

the specified period. It allows you to compare the performance of your portfolio against a standard

industry benchmark.

You can select from industry benchmarks using the Common base 100 against drop down list.

For example:

Page 18: The Portfolio screen



The Income command window (Portfolio > Activity > Income) shows your portfolio's income, for a

specified period. The Income command window is split into two sections:

Income Details

Income Declared & Not Paid.

The Income fields are:

Field Description

Processed to This is the date for which the portfolio has been updated.

Only Show


Select to remove all confirmed income entries from the report. This allows you to

view the income entries that are still yet to be confirmed.

Search Select this option to activate the income search function. This allows you to

refine your report to only show income entries between a date range, or by


From date: type a date to only show income entries from after this date.

To date: type a date to only show income entries up to this date.

Select an option from the drop down list to define whether the dates

entered are tax dates or income dates.

Type a security code in the For Sec field to restrict the report to income

generated by that security. The For Sec filter can be used in conjunction

with the date fields.

Click to print the contents of the window in a printer friendly report.

Page 19: The Portfolio screen

Security Displays the security code of the asset that generated the income.

Confirmed Displays True for income that has been confirmed and False for entries that have

not been confirmed by the service.

Date Displays the date the income was generated or entered by the service.

Tax Date Displays the tax date for the income. For dividends, this is the same as the

payable date.

Ex Date Displays the income's ex date.

For a dividend or distribution, a shareholder must have purchased shares or units

prior to this date to receive the income.

Total Qty


The quantity of securities owned at the time the income was received.

Amnt to be


Displays the full dollar amount, not the amount per unit.

DRP Amnt Displays the amount of a dividend that has been reinvested, rather than received

in cash.



The interest portion received through a trust or cash account.



Displays any amount received as rental income.




The following fields show the tax distribution amounts as applicable for this


Unfranked Amnt: Note, for service assets, all components are recorded as

unfranked until the tax distribution statements are issued.

Franked Amnt

Tax Credit

Tax Free Amnt

Tax Deferred Amnt

Foreign Amnt

Foreign Tax Credit

Discounted Gain

Non Disc. Gain

Concessional Gain

Non Distr. Concessional Gain.

For managed fund distributions and listed property trusts, the tax components are

not disclosed at the time of distribution.

Tax component values are updated automatically when they are available. All

other securities, such as service assets, are updated after the year-end tax

statement has been received.

Page 20: The Portfolio screen


The Expenses command window (Portfolio > Expenses) allows you to view expenses for your


Select Search to display a Security field and From/To date range fields. These enable you to restrict

the window to expenses that match a security and/or date range search criteria.

The fields on the window are:

Field Description

Security Displays the security code for the expense.

This could be your portfolio's cash book or a code for an asset such as an

investment property.

Description Displays a description of the security

Date paid The date the expense was paid.



The expense amount.

GST amount The amount of GST paid.

Notes Any notes entered by your adviser against this expense transaction.

Click to print the contents of the window in a printer friendly report.


The Transactions command window (Portfolio > Activity > Transactions) shows your portfolio's

transaction history for a specified period.

Transactions displayed may include:

purchases and sales

corporate actions

adjustments due to the transfer of stock

DRP applications.

Page 21: The Portfolio screen

The Transactions fields are:

Field Description

Processed to This is the date for which your portfolio has been updated.

Only Show


Select to remove all confirmed transactions from the report. This allows you to

view the transactions that are still yet to be confirmed by your service.

Search Select this option to activate the transaction search function. This allows you to

refine your report to only show transactions between a date range, or by


Transactions From date: type a date to only show transactions from after

this date.

To date: type a date to only show transactions up to this date.

Type a security code in the For Sec field to restrict the report to

transactions for that security. The For Sec filter can be used in

conjunction with the date fields.

Click to print the contents of the window in a printer friendly report.

Security Displays the security code for the transaction.

Confirmed Displays True for transactions that have been confirmed and False for

transactions that have not been confirmed by the service.

Type Displays the transaction type; for example, Buy, Sell, Adjustment.

Date Displays the date of the transaction.

Qty Displays the quantity of assets held.



Displays the total dollar value of the transaction.

Brokerage Displays any brokerage applicable to this transaction.

GST Displays any GST applicable to this transaction.

Set. Date Displays the transaction's settlement date.

Method Displays the method as recorded by the service.

Notes Displays any notes that have been entered against the transaction by your adviser.

Page 22: The Portfolio screen

Cash Book

The Cash Book command window (Portfolio > Cash Book) allows you to view cash book transactions

for your portfolio.

The cash books currently in use by your portfolio display in the Cash Book drop down list. Select the

cash book you want to view from this list.

Other selection options include:

Option Description

Only show


If you click the Only Show Unconfirmed checkbox, the screen refreshes to

display only unconfirmed cash transactions; that is, all cash transactions

with the type of Deposit or Withdrawal.

Cash summary Select this option to sort the report by transaction type. You can then hide

or disclose each transaction type from the report by clicking the + and -


Search Select Search to display a Transaction type field and From/To date range

fields. These enable you to restrict the window to expenses that match a

transaction type and/or date range search criteria.

The fields on the command window are described in the following table:

Field Description

Type Cash book entries are assigned a transaction type when they are added by your

adviser, or when the entry matches to another event in the system.

Allocating transaction types to cash entries not only makes the entry

description more meaningful, it can also help confirm the entry.

Date The date of the transaction.

GL Code The specific general ledger (GL) code, if applicable, used to facilitate the

transaction's future export to a third party accounting software application.



The transaction value.

Balance The balance of the cash book at the time of the transaction.

Notes Any notes entered against the transaction by the service.

Page 23: The Portfolio screen

Dividend Reinvestment Details

The Dividend Reinvestment Details command window (Portfolio > Dividend Reinvestment Details)

allows you to view dividend reinvestment plans for a selected security. Dividend Reinvestment Plans

(DRP) are set up upon request. This allows the system to replicate DRP entitlements for ASX-listed

securities based on trading activity for that stock.

If you wish for us to arrange for a DRP to set up on a security that you hold, call us on 1300 734 496.

The fields on the command window are:

Field Description

Security Displays the security for which the DRP applies.

An asterisk (*) is used to show that the DRP applies to all securities

within the portfolio.

Description Displays the security's description.

Exchange Displays the exchange for which the DRP applies.

Reinvestment type

(if available)


Dividend Reinvestment for DRPs, or

Bonus Share Plan.

From date The date from which the DRP applies.

To date The date to which the DRP applies.

Maximum shares


The number of shares held that are participating in the reinvestment


Percentage of shares


The percentage of the DRP taken as shares. The income screen will show

exact dollar amounts of DRP funds, rounded up to the nearest share.

Exclude from DRP? Selected to exclude the nominated security from a portfolio-wide

reinvestment plan.

Page 24: The Portfolio screen

Portfolio explorer

All command windows that require you to select a portfolio contain a link to the Portfolio Explorer.

The Portfolio Explorer can be used to find a portfolio ID code.

You can open the Portfolio Explorer by clicking the Portfolio Explorer icon ( ) on any command


To find a portfolio:

1. Type the name or ID code of the portfolio in the Portfolio Name/ID box.

You can use the * wildcard. In the example shown above, the wildcard is used to find all

portfolios that contain the word dickens.

2. Type a security code in the Security box to restrict your search to portfolios that contain that

security. This can be used in conjunction with the Portfolio Name/ID or on its own.

July 2013