THE POINTER Series III . Vol. III. No. 23. Stevens Point, Wis., April l/',, 1929 Pri ce 7 cents Get Teachers For Labor At Miss E. Carlsten ls Model Maker ~li :--s Ed11:1 C11rlstt• 11 , hc a<l of the art S · ,.,.. 1\1•p:1rt 111 c> 11t of t hi s Colkgc, is the orig- Ummer 1 erm inatur anti ,11:lkl'r of a fasci nat ing 1110- c1l,1 c1f :111 i111p ron·d ri vc,r fr ont in Ste- n: ri :-- P11i11t. Mr. Percival To Have Leave Of TI it' mode l wa s di s play ed b)' )Ji ,s Absence This Summer l.'.irl:..tl· n durin g- a talk u t a meet in g of th t• 1 1 rof (':-:s io 11a l Wo 111 c 11 1 s Club, l1 cld S 1•,·1 ·r:d 1111•1111,l..'r:-: uf lhc su 1nrn c r Thu rs d ay L'\' {• 11i 11g nt t ht• H ot.e l \Vhi t- :,,;1- houl f:t t u lt y h:tn· :dn::uh Uec11 ing-. 1 .1 shows how the L'a:-:t Lank of th e 1·l111s1.11 for th 1, c 11 :,; 11i 11g st'ss io n ~ of 1!):W . rin·r, from Cl.i rk s tr eet bridge to the . \I r . .-\ . .• A. Ulotkzi11 1 supe rvi sor of 1 old wa t nwo rk :-: park, co ul d look if -im · 111usil· at l' n111 tr s,·i lh·, J ndi: wa w ill :; ul ,. pr11,·1 •11u•11ts WC'l'l' made. stitnlt• fn r . \Ir. l' er ri\':ll iu the 111u:-: ic Thi· pl:in wn:-: i11j.! c 11i o usl y wo rk ed o ut d cpart 111t111 hl'l'l' . .\ I r. Pt•r e i\':tl will Ii.,· 11:-: i ng whit e la undry so n1>. for h:1\' t' a J,•a,· 1, of ah:,:l' llt·C fur t h l' s 11 111111er 1 1,ri t!gt' tl , l H• 111:h es and b ir d h ouses; white 1Ju1 \\ ill t·o11ti11u ~ hi:,: wurk ltt•n• i11 th1• lwa,lt•d pin:-: fo r l a111p p ust:-:: green f:dl. :,:p11 n j.!1·s fo r trct•:-. n11d g ra:-: :-. of dyd Miss Carlsten to Study \ lis1' E111111;1 :O::.rni1h or t h l' . lOl' al high :-:d1ool \\'ill rt· pl:11·1· )Ii :-:-. l' :irl :,:1t• 11 wh o ha :-: :i 1<·:l\'t.· of :1h:-.t.•n1· ,·. .\li:,:s C.: a.rl :-: tcn pl:1 11:,: to sp1•111\ lhl' ;-.1111111u·r in furt h er :-IIHh·. Di'·. l.11 11dq11is1 and IJr. Hoyle, both 11t1• 111l.1· r :,: of tlw su1 11111t.• r sd1uu l fac 111t,· !:1st .,·1•;1 r 1 will n•turn :1ga i11 th is :,:11111rnt:r f11r t·tun· 1·011r:-:t.·:-: . Speci alists enga. gc d Dr. Lu11dqu ist is l'rofrs su r of H11r:d f.;o (·iu lot!~· :11 the ['11i,·er:,: ity uf ).J in t•sot;1 anti IJr. Bud e i:- ProCcs:--or of Hu - r:11 l-: t·u111111 1y :111 1i . \l arkC'ti ug at 1..' or11 t• II l' 11i \'1·r~i1y. Uoth :1nSJJC'<.:ialists in 1h c f i1·ld nf rural t• d11l.':.ll iou . ( ('ontiuul· cl 011 p:t g" l' 4, u l. l ) . :-.a\\ dui-t . .\t 1!11· nltl p :1 r k. ;1 h at hi11 g iJL'ill: h i:-. :-- 11,,,,· 11 wi1h sc 1 :ip - 1·;1rn.: cl hat ll h o u :,:cs 1:1·stli11g i1 1 th e r r t•t·s. 'f hL· larg-p is la ud :tn1,:-.:,: r'rotr1 tlw p:1rk is intended a :,: a l,in l s:rn..i 11: 1rv with ti1 1,· b ird h ou:,:t.! .... llt l!lllllt ·d 1111 ·,all po:-:t:-: .. rr hc s 111all 1..•r i:-:l :111d 111·:tn·r th 1,r id c-t· is :,: h own w ith tr, ·1·:,: pl :i 1111• d to n·p l:;1·1.• t il l' unc:- c ut down y1• :1 r:,: ago. 'l' hC' n1od1·l is :11· prese nt on display in I h"indow id' 'i:,: d il·r ·s Spec ia l ty Shop nud wi ll n·111 :1i · 11 t lll•rc for a few d ay :-: . Request Club Dues Of Ashmun People 'ffi1· lll l'1 llbers of tht. .\larg:ird As J, . 111u11 (·Juli met \ Ve<l11Psd:1y nig ht in tl11• Pl 1 t R "t / Hurni .\ ss rrnhlv . .A sh ort busin es~ an JOln ecz a I m t.'t.'ti ng preu d~d th e usu al p1·ogram. For Monday May 5 ·1~ 1i c n e w p le dges :~ ml ~0 10 111 ?11 \\' l:lll t · , z 1k \\·e re gues ts of thP e ,·(' 11111g. .:\ juint l"t.' rit:tl uf tht• .\ l us i :in ti Out• fr::it u n• of th 1• hu si 11 (' .ss lllt'l' ling J' uh lit· 8p aki 11 g - dt·J,arlu1t•ut will hl· \\':1 .. , 1 ht• disc u ss ion of plans f. or the gin.! 11 :<tond; 1y t·,·c ui 11 g 1 ).l;ey .J, iu lh1..· :1111~ual .:i r:ll'garct As h111~11 1:!:mqut.·t. Co ll ege audit or iu m. w h1 d1 w ill he held so rn et 1111t111 . \l :iy. 'l'li c 111u:-1 ic al lllllUI Jl'rs li,i,·t.· llut yd I All nHmlJ Crs ar~ askN l t o J):t.-Y tlll'ir du es 1 ,ccn :111 11 0 11111.· e t! hut w il l ht· :i :iri J I IJt•fo r t• . \fa y. 1, 111 or dC'r to g, v~ tlu· b an · se lcl'l iun of gll'e t·l u iJ 1111 11 1 1,l'r:,:. ; 11 nl su · fJ llt>I. <·0 1111111.tt ct' an o pport u 11 1t.,· t u d e- Jos . t1•r1111111• :id1 (' m(' m lJc r s hip. Th e . l'ul Jl it· Spe:1k ing d1•p:i rt 111 1..• 11 t wi ll }fft•se11t a om• :id play w li i1· h will Le chosen fr(111 1 th e g-r(IU}J 11 1' finJJ l:1 ~·s to he pr esc 11ll'll in t lul'Ollt·g,• :t utli tol"i um 'l'u csd:1y . . \la .v l-t. ASK SIGNERS Th l' Ir is 1·ami1;iig11 is n ow in fu ll !<!Wing a11tl :di :,i ttJ d (• IIIS !ll'l ' ur g1 •d tu s ig11 up pro mp t!~· . 1. awn•u ct• B1 aull i 11 . l, u si111•ss 111:111ag1·r of tilt.• l ri:,i , :-:t: 1t1•s th at ther e is s till a la rg-1· p 1·n·1·11t:11.! t' w ho h:1, ·<· not sig 11 t:.• d up :i t th l' pt·t's(' n t timl'. 11 s:1 y:-1 . th: 1• w ith . 11 ut :l doubt , th l' H>2!1 I ri s w ill lw !h t.• f in t.•st :11111u:il th:11 t hi s . 'ie huo! hns C' \ "('J' puhli:,:lwd .' · · 'l'ht111• xt ll1t' l' fi11j.! of f hl' 1·l u l, w ill hl· i,; p o11so red 1 ,y th e p ledges, whu wi JI pr e- se nt a onad play und t•r t. h t• ll in·t l ion nf \\' :1lt<' r W:1 s rutl nnd Ruh,· L i\J:ikke n. During !h e sot· ial hour. P rofesso r l j. :\l. Bunnughs ga ve a rcad i11 g fr om Irving Ba chcll 1•r ' :,i '' )!"an for th e .\ g es . 1 Thi s w:1:-1 111t1t ·h rn jnyed hy all j of thost• p _re_s_e_n_t. ____ _ Appointments Given To Students, Alumni I Appoint nwnts for posit ions ar t.' now l , h1•i 11 g 111; ul t• rn pi tlly . H<'1·c 1 1t appoi 11I· lll1'11fs anas fo llw !'I: 1 Fn ul T:1 t1• - grad e s · :1 and 4 - )lari on, \ \'i s. It hchuon ~ :,i c aeh s tu dt· nt tu li uost th1· ] !l~!I Iri s :111 d mak t.' th~ sale uf th1• 1,ook ..... a~ 'i 11v:1r ) Oil 1 wr t·c n t ;i:,i 11 oss ild1•. F orn•s t )l Dc,11:ild - )l;ith . ;1 11 <l l f'11,whi11g - Al ,l,otsfor cl , Wis. Name Lintner, Riley To Lead Class· Play " Ice Bound " Selected As College Senior Class Play Speech Students Will Give Plays Tn·u;it :-: fu r th t• · ~l.'nior Cla s:,: P in y , :: It·~ Hu uncl' 1, lt: 1n• h t·P n laking- pl ace Tli l' la sSl'S uf the Publi c Speaking t la• b st \\'l'l'k :1111 1 the f i11 :tl t·ast w:i s lll•pa rt 11 1e 11t will pr t•:- 1•11 t a g-ruup of fiYe a1111ou 11n· d . \l o 11dav . 1th' :id p lay':-: 'l't1l'::id ay , ~lay 1 ·1. .\ l,1111t forty :-:·1 11d 1• 11t :-: L ·1 1tern1l th e T IH· pl:iys and the :t st arc a:,: Jo tr.,·ou1 :-: anti l'Ur111wtitiun wa :- k ccu . \nws: Select Cast of Twelve - 1. ·· \\' ht•II L uvc Is Yuuug ". C:irltou Li11t11l' r au d l·:11 11 icc Hil ev Bt,ll'tla G ull id.: :-:0 11 - Poll y ::itarr wi ll pl: 1y tht· ll'11 d :,: and wi ll he s uppor i. E:tr l l· pthagron... lli ck ).lar t in t•d I,~· :1 sl rollJ.! ,·a:-:t c·u11:-i:,:ti 11 g of t en ~I ,-rt It.· .r ol1m;o 11 . .... ).! rs. 8ta1T 111 hl'r 1w o plt· . 'J'l1l' i·a:,:t was a11 11 o u11 ct.•d ,·i ula l {e11 11 1• tl \' .. )J r:; . ) l artin l:i :,: f ollo w:- : IJuroth \" .J oh 1 1~1111 .. .. ... . Coach H1·11r.,· .J 11rc la11 ..... . .. \Villi:1111 ) l n rsh II. "~o;·it•ty :X ott•:-' ' . t 111111 :1 (h is wifl' ) ..... \'na S1:haf f11cr .lot· ~pntz \11 ::it:1 u11t o11 1 ~t'IIH• ! 111 •1 tl:111g-htcr ) ~lildr ud Fos :, A:.:- 11,, :,: .J t':--1,t• \1 1 !';edgc-\\1t.:k S n,l 1t• 1 l·ll o\\s . . Clair e ,\ l :1rt iu AIIL·ii ~l \ ·t·v Di Coiro 0 1111 ( h1 •1 ~0 11 ) . .\ 1 :nlg c IJu nh: 1111 l-:lt., ;111or Wo.rza It:, .\ I Is. 8cdgc" 1c k I .Ila ./ 0 1 d., 11 . . Evt.' lyn f~lli ot t l 't• li a (io ldht·rg . I..:d 1 to 1css D, t'u 1t is . . \\':d t<: r Wa :-. ru d 1 -'. IP:in or lin ker \li s..i , 'cdo-cwick l:J a11:-. Cn1:- l1 . Eu ni ce Hil ey .\ g1u•s H c•ndri c k:,:ou · . . : .. .. 0 (:oach .Ju,!g-t· · · · .'. · ·, All en ~lc \' cy 1 11. •' J::n•n· hod v l': 111 :-: .\ le Gc u tJ. 11 Hi ·n · · · · · ·.. .. l' arlto11 L intn er \ 'irginia i ·' i:-h · .... .. Sc rc ui tv H a1 11!a · · · ·. l.':dh c ri ,u: 'l\trri sh 1-::-:tl' ll e lfot·k Wid o,·r ,J i,11 Fr:111k l,:i sc1· kc I0::1thr 11 T h o111pso n Etli to r ess .\ l1·111 11 riz: 11i u11 of ilu• Jiart ~ ha s al · Bi ll ~l:1r:,: h '' Gene.'', sh oe sa l es man n•;1dy l1t•gu11 a11d r 1• l1t·;ir:,:a ls wil l :-tart .\lu11a A: 111n1LI 8i111plicity as :,:1 ,011 :1 :,: t htgroup h l'co 1111•s urg-aniz l' d. Ht•:-::-:it• Dt<war Coac:h Is Pl ay of Heavy T ype I\' . 1 • J ·\1 1.1 rtc cn ' ·. ·' I t·t· Ho u 11d · ' is ;1 pl:ty_ o_f Ut e h l'avier \ "ernu Scbora . . .\Irs. Pr i ngl e typ:111'1 l"l'qL1in•s :-: pl c 11d id a l'tu rs a11<l J'; dmcr 8u d:ild ... . Bu tler :i,·t n•s:-. i·:,:. Lt i:,: :t sat ire of the t rno Huih Pi t.•rl'e Elain e Pr in g le l."J•t and i!'i hi g hl .v ar1111 s ing. \'. ' 'Uou<l :< lt•dic iu e · 1 , Virgil Herrick Gets Alumni Return For Alma Mater Visits 118 d · C' [/ h Tiu· followi11g out of tuw11 --:i l,utl c utlj JY.IQ zson re ows 'P l ha\'C U~CII ~·ot i t.:t· tl st r olli ug al umL tho . \Ir . Virgil ll e rr ick, a gra du a Lc of h a~lt o_f ~he 1~·l Al111:1 . \la tl' I' 1·11tl y: Ce n tra l S tate Tca t.: h l·r!'I' Cu ll l·gt· , ha ~ j 1 ~ 1 (j 1 ~r~~ c L.e .. ~r se b c~ n rc~c ntl awar~ e <l a L.;11in: rs i1.,: 0 1' ! :,; 0 1 0 111 0 11 \\' e l:ua l zik W1scons111 fc llo ws h1 p , ·a luc <l :1 t :!iJIJO.; Uuth \\' ·irr en J-1 .c will se rv e und c~ Dr. ~ uwlk cs , h~ ·:1 ~! Elton D;vi s of t he branch of .F...d u c.: :. 1t10 11 al Ad11111n · 8 bl ).{ stra ti o n. The f_' c ll ows hip _ i !f_ aw:irc_lt•d to . 1 ;,:, ,.:~ ... : ua,s o \, J. t d t J J 1 f \ I L,._.,., K 'l'll u nq,so n, mauu: tl ~ nrni~~r: ~t;~ ,~o c~~/:.s~~·. pro )l'lt' llt ·y 111 .' (. t1· _:ii11i11g tt-:i:·ht•r wl10 is_ awa y 011 lc11vc :Mr. \'irg il ll C'_rr.it.:k i.s a \' C l'r :w.tin· ~ r s~ 11 ; ;t· : ~.( : .~. ,\ 0 \.i :' i~~\ ,~' . •: s iJC' IJH' Slt· r, W:l~ st ud ent of tho C 111 vc rs1ty. As id e t ru 111 cc. hi 8 ,·ar ious cxl r a-c u rric ul :1r adivi tic!'I h, ! acts :l !'I tu tor to Glc 1111 Frank , .Jr. ; ht• is :1 lso vic·e-pres i<l e nt pf th t• D l' lta C hi fr ate rnity :111<l ha s bl'en sr lcl·t1•d i,y Ur. F ow lkes ;1 s a m('m bt•r of tlt l' A<l111i11i · !'lt r atio n C lub . ). l r . H e rri ck will 1·0 111 pletc the w ork I fo r h is ~\la ster ' !i De gr ee and ht•g in 01 1 h i:,i n<'dits tow:1rd :l Do do r 1 s J lt gn •1· d111·i11,:! t h,, l!)2n- ' 3U session. I Book By E. T. Smith , Will Be Published ' THE CALENDAR April 20 ................ .... . . . . . .. J>i st ri l'I l-i j>l'llii1g Co 11 t1·!'lt .\ pril 2-l .. S<·ie n ct• Cluh mee ting ~l ay 1 lla rt man St.ring Qu artctt,: .\1:iy ;3 Dis tri <·f Fu n•11 sit· Co 1t l.C':-1t . \l a~· :; . }J .. .\"atio11:tl ). fusir Wl'Pk .\l.:iy ti .J o in t l'ul.Ji Hpeaking- :1111 1 . \111 :,iit· H, ••·it:il . \l:i y 11 .. Hh ondd:a \\' 1•ls lt ) ! alt• Si11 g t•rs 11:iy 14 Pr t·~t ·11ta ti on of l'uldi ~p t·aki ng Play s ----+- .\ 1:i.v li -1~ _\ / ;ri lw LC' lof.f - gra<l t•!i .-, :111tl ti - \\ ild Ho.sr, \\i1s. A t t.'x t hook e11t itll'Cl ''G ui de Sh1 • 1·1 sl Will Hold Forensic hu~ ~~/,('~ 1 t;i,~ ~~~~ - ln lt'rme <lia k - F :J n, - ! ~~(l~:~ 1 1·;11!~~r~~\~ :~ii :!/ s~~l't 1: :J .~i:tc~;· ll ~i/ ~ '~ Will Hold Spelling St,1fr lfa11 d 'l'oun1a 111 c11t Contest On May 3rd l •:n•ly11 Elliott - IUh 1 l'lll l.'lli:1h -- 1 Co llege fa c ult y is t l1c auth or ) will lit.· 11 UI C t t w; d d Elmhurst , Illin ois Oil ,T un e 19, 3.l'l'Ordin~ to th e pu!tlisiH.' I' 's on es e rμes ay Th e a1111u:d l>i:-tr irt lli gh Sc h ool I !11pz. _ St ove r - J11tt•n11 l' di:1 tP - Elm i:lt' h (' cl ul(' . ft is hc i11g pu l,li~hC' d hy the I Th e a1111u:tl Di st r id 81 1c ll i11g Co 11tcHt . For l' II Si i; (' ulllt·st wil l 111 ht•l d in the bu rst , Illino is l"n i,· e r.sity of C hi c ago Pr ess, t lw t,ff'i. will h t..• 111 •/ d hl'l"t' \V e cl11t ·8da y at twu C!>II C gt' Autli11, riu 111 .. \l ay :1. M:Hgar ct Sawyt'I" - l' r im a ry - l-:\111 I <"ial prc88 of th at in st i t u tio11. 0 1 1·loc·k 1111d l'r th,· :111 :,1 1, ic PS of l h t· ~lil - S t1J H·rintL'11d, •1 1t Hohr of X<•koosa i :,, hur st, Illinois · Th e book w:.1s wr itt en nt tl11· su g- j w: rn kt•t· ,J o11r11:il. - di s tr i i·t ,·hainn: 111 ;111d h;1 ~ h :irgl' of all I Gr e thr11 l ~:1rnopp - gr:1d c l - On,r: · gest io 11 of Dr .. 11. (', :\fo rr i so n fro 111 lh C' 1 Th e p rt<liminary t.:OJ1tc:-1ts for eac lt :irr:i 11 ,i::-t• n11 11t ~. to ~,all s, ,vi s. sta ndp oint of th e tcacl 1i11 J! pro1·1·d u 1 (·o urll y wt>n· luld 1:.isl w1:ck - t he 0 11 c Jt is c•xpcd,•d thal 1,,·1·h·t• le ag u es Clair e F,erguso n - ~f:1n i towo1· 1 \\' is. work ccl o ut :it tl11• (' hi ag- o ut1i \'..r~i 1., · for Porl:ig- c 1·o t111 ty being he ld in the will partic· ip:1fr - tl1t•rt· l,t·i ng ahou ; ll arr y Sh'ffrt1 - Pri11t·ipal 8t at. · 1 lnbo rnt orr S(' h oo l14 and i:-: :1 work _ bouk . Itu r:d ,\ sst.· 111ld of t h<' eoll1•w·. tllr t'<' se ho nls in :1 Jpag-111• . Tht p:1rti ti· (:radc•d Fkhool - 'l'hi c11s,·i ll e, \Vis. fo r h igh ·:,: ,·honl stud1·nhs . 1)1·. ) !Hrr iso 11 )fa c R:dh, - who :1ftt-llU8 :l i·nuut'l"_y- p:1111~ an• d111 sc 11 at :1 JH' t•l ir11iu:1r.,· 011- A_lumni a_ l' JJOi nt111 P11ls :ire as fo ll ows: is a rn c rnl1<·r of th e .~wh oo! of cd 111·atin11 I :-1c h uo l 111·:ir ;\ l111o ud, \\'a~ the wi1111 1~ r of t f'st h(' li] in thC'ir ow11 s..J1ools. Th •· H es ter F' ('lll'r - l ntcrme d ia.t c - I fa(' ul ty :it th, u 11 i \'C'rsit,v. Portage Cou 11ty. ,dun.c.r.s..._ ln:..rc wil l go tiL :<fa di :rn 11. Elmh11rJi1,__j Jli nni1"1 Pro fessor S mi t. h_ h:i H :1 royalt r_. eou - 1 'l' h1 • "'i1111N hf' th Q. t.ontl.:)1L lo he he ld Th em will i, ,. 011e lo,·:d judge. 011.- I l s:il,.•lle Jl 11 yo11 1e - l11 1Pr111o<lia h' -1 ltact with the pu oli• hers a11cl will par -1 h oro. n ext wct' k will go to ..\lilwaukcc fr om Oshkosh a11d 011<' E :1 u (' lairl'. I Oak Park, [Jlin ois . - tic ipa tc in, til e in come fro m th e 8:l lc of to partic ipate in the state l.'Olltl'l:lt. ' l'h o Th e maj or ity of th l' le:ig-uc 1·t •n11•stH I Sorm:i ll t'!i~ - grad ti - Oak J 'ark , I the h oo k on a roya lty b:.1 sis. li e cl~,·o· winn er th rr c w !II go to _ Wa H~1g~ ar C' be ing he ld thi~ w ee k. 'l llinois. tNl a yrnr :1ud a hnlf to its pr c paratwn. n. C. to the ~at 10 11:T1 <'011fc1:1[. ·

THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · THE POINTER Series III. Vol. III. No. 23. Stevens Point, Wis., April l/',, 1929 Price 7 cents Get Teachers For Labor At Miss

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THE POINTER Series III. Vol. III. No. 23. Stevens Point, Wis., April l/',, 1929 Price 7 cents

Get Teachers For Labor At

Miss E. Carlsten ls Model Maker

~li :--s Ed11:1 C11rlstt•11 , hca<l of t he art

S · ,.,.. 1\1•p:1rt 111 c> 11t of t hi s Colkgc, is t he orig­Ummer 1 erm inatur anti ,11:lkl'r of a fasci nat ing 1110-

c1l,1 c1f :111 i111p ron·d ri vc,r front in Ste­n: ri :-- P11i11t.

Mr. Percival To Have Leave Of TI it' mode l wa s di s play ed b)' )Ji,s Absence This Summer l.'.irl:..tl· n durin g- a talk u t a meet in g of

th t• 11ro f (':-:s io 11a l W o 111 c 11 1s Club, l1 cld S 1•,·1·r:d 1111•1111,l..'r:-: uf lhc su 1nrn c r Thu rs d ay L'\' {• 11i 11g nt t ht• H ot.e l \Vhi t-

:,,;1- houl f:t t u lt y h:tn· :dn::uh Uec11 ing-. 1.1 s hows how t he L'a:-:t Lank of the 1·l111s1.•11 for th1, c 11 :,; 11i 11g st'ss io n ~of 1!):W. rin·r , from Cl.i rk s treet bridge to t he

. \I r . .-\ . .• A. Ulotkzi11 1 supe rvi sor of 1old wa t nwo rk :-: park, coul d look if -im · 111usil· at l ' n111 tl· rs,· i lh·, J ndi:wa w ill :;ul ,. pr11,·1•11u•11ts WC'l'l' made. stitnlt• fn r .\Ir. l' e rri\':ll iu the 111u:-: ic Thi· pl:in wn:-: i11j.!c 11i o usl y wo rk ed out d cpart 111t•111 hl'l'l' . .\ I r. Pt•re i\':tl will Ii.,· 11:-: i ng whit e la undry son1>. for h:1\' t' a J,•a,· 1, of ah:,:l' llt·C fur t h l' s 11 111111er

11,r i t!gt' tl , lH• 111:h es and b ird h ouses; white

1Ju1 \\ ill t·o11ti11u ~ hi:,: wurk ltt•n• i11 th1• lwa,lt•d pin:-: fo r la111p pust:-:: green f :dl. :,:p11 n j.!1·s fo r trct•:-. n11d g ra:-: :-. of dyl·d

Miss Carlsten t o Study

\ lis1' E111111;1 :O::.rni1h or t h l' . lOl'al high :-:d1ool \\'ill rt·pl:11·1· )Ii :-:-. l' :irl:,:1t• 11 who ha :-: :i 1<·:l\'t.· of :1h:-.t.•n1· ,·. .\li:,:s C.: a.rl :-: t c n pl:1 11:,: to sp1•111\ lhl' ;-.1111111u·r in furt h er :-IIHh· .

Di'·. l.11 11dq11is1 and IJr. Hoyle, bot h 11t1• 111l.1· r:,: of tlw s u 111111t.• r sd1uul f a c111t,· !:1st .,·1•;1 r 1 will n•turn :1ga i11 t h is :,:11111rnt:r f11r h·t·tun· 1·011r:-:t.·:-: .

Specialists enga.gcd

Dr. Lu11dqu ist is l'rofrssu r of H11r:d f.;o (·iu lot!~· :11 the ['11i,·er:,: ity uf ).J in n · t•sot;1 anti IJr. Bu d e i:- ProCcs:--or of Hu ­r:11 l-: t·u111111 1y :111 1i .\l arkC'ti ug at 1..'or11 t• II l ' 11i \' 1·r~i1y. Uoth :1n• SJJC'<.:ialists in 1h c f i1·ld nf rural t• d11l.':.ll iou .

( ('ontiuul· cl 011 p:t g"l' 4, ,· u l. l ) .

:-.a\\ dui-t .

.\t 1!11· nltl p :1 rk. ;1 h at hi11 g iJL'ill:h i:-. :-- 11,,,,·11 wi1h sc 1:ip - 1·;1rn.:cl hat ll h ou :,:cs 1:1·stli11g i1 1 th e r r t•t·s. 'f hL· larg-p isla ud :tn1,:-.:,: r'rotr1 tlw p:1rk is intended a :,: a l,in l s:rn..i 11:1rv with ti1 1,· bird hou:,:t.! .... llt l!lllllt·d 1111 ·,all po:-:t:-: .. rr hc s 111all 1..•r i:-:l :111d 111·:tn·r th t· 1,r id c-t· is :,: hown w ith tr, ·1·:,: pl :i 1111•d to n·p l:;1·1.• t il l' unc:- c ut down y1•:1 r:,: ago.

'l' hC' n1od1·l is :11· prese nt on display in I ht· "indow id' l·'i:,:d il·r ·s Specia l ty Shop nud wi ll n·111 :1i·11 t lll•rc for a few day :-: .

Request Club Dues Of Ashmun People

'ffi1· lll l'1llbers of tht.• .\larg:ird A s J, . 111u11 (·Juli met \ Ve<l11Psd:1y night i n tl11•

Pl 1 • t R "t / Hurni . \ ssrrnhlv. .A s hort b u s i n es~ an JOln ecz a I mt.'t.'ti ng preud~d th e u s ual p1·ogram.

For Monday May 5 ·1~1ic ne w p le dges :~ ml ~0 10 111 ?11 \\' t· l:lll t · , z1k \\·e re g ues t s of t h P e ,·(' 11111g.

.:\ juint l"t.' rit:tl uf tht• .\ l us it· :in ti Out• fr::it u n• of t h1• h usi 11 (' .ss lllt'l' ling J ' uh lit· 8 pt·aki 11 g -dt·J,arlu1t•ut will hl· \\':1 .. , 1 ht• d iscuss io n of plans f.or t h e gin.! 11 :<tond;1y t·,·c ui 11 g 1 ).l;ey .J, i u lh1..· :1111~ual .:i r:ll'garct A s h111~11 1:!:mqut.·t. Coll ege audit orium. w h1 d 1 w ill h e he ld so rn et1111t• 111 .\l :iy.

'l'li c 111u:-1 ic al lllllUIJl'rs li,i,·t.· llut yd I All nH•mlJCrs ar~ askNl t o J):t.-Y tlll'ir dues 1,ccn :111 11 011111.· e t! hut w il l ht· :i ,· :iri L· J I IJt•fo r t• .\fa y. 1, 111 ordC'r to g , v~ t lu · ban · se lc l'l iun of gll'e t·l u iJ 1111 11 11,l'r:,:. ;11 n l su · fJ llt>I. <·01111111.ttct' an opport u 11 1t .,· t u d e-Jos. t1•r1111111• :id1 , · (' m (' m lJc rs hip.

Th e .l'ulJl it· Spe:1k ing d1•p:i rt 111 1..• 11 t wi ll }fft•se11t a om• :id p la y w li i1· h will Le chose n fr(111 1 th e g-r(IU}J 111' fin• JJl:1 ~·s to he presc11ll'll in t lu.· l'Ollt·g,• :t utli tol"i um 'l'ucsd:1y . . \la .v l-t.

ASK SIGNERS Th l' Ir is 1·ami1;iig11 is n ow i n

fu ll !<!W ing a11tl :di :,i ttJ d (• IIIS !ll'l'

u rg1•d tu s ig11 up pro mp t!~· . 1.awn•u ct• B1•aull i 11 . l, u si111•ss

111:111ag1·r of tilt.• l ri:,i , :-:t:1t1•s t hat there is s till a la rg-1· p 1·n·1·11t:11.! t' w ho h:1,·<· not sig 11 t:.•d up :i t th l' pt·t's(' n t timl'. 11 ,· s:1y:-1 . th:1• w ith . 11 u t :l doubt , th l' H>2!1 I ri s w ill lw !ht.• f in t.•st :11111u:il th:11 t hi s .'ie h uo! hns C' \"('J' puhli:,:lwd .' · ·

'l'ht• 111• xt ll1t' l' fi11j.! of f h l' 1·l u l, w ill hl· i,; po11so re d 1,y th e p ledges, whu wi JI pre­sent a onc·ad p lay und t•r t. h t• ll in·t l ion nf \\' :1lt<' r W:1 s rutl n nd Ruh,· L i\J:ikke n.

During !he sot· ial hour . P rofesso r l j. :\l. Bunnughs ga ve a rcad i11 g fro m Irving Ba c hc ll 1•r ' :,i ' ' )!"an for th e .\ g es. 1

• This w:1:-1 111t1t·h r njnyed hy all

j of thost• p _re_s_e_n_t. ____ _

Appointments Given To Students, Alumni I

Appoint nwnts for posit io ns art.' now l , h1•i 11 g 111; u l t• rn pi tlly . H<'1·c 11t appoi 11I ·

lll1'11fs an• as f o llw !'I:

1 Fnul T:1 t1• - grade s · :1 a n d 4 -)lari o n, \ \'i s. It hchuon~:,i caeh s tudt· n t tu

liuost th1· ] !l~!I Iri s :111 d mak t.' t h~ sale uf th1• 1,ook ..... a~'i 11v:1r ) Oil 1wr t·c n t ;i:,i 11 oss ild1•.

F orn•s t )l c· Dc,11:ild - )l;ith . ;1 11 <l l f'11,whi11g - Al ,l,otsforcl , Wis.

Name Lintner, Riley To Lead Class · Play

" Ice Bound " Selected As College Senior Class Play Speech Students

Will Give Plays T n ·u;it :-: fu r th t• · ~l.'nior C la s:,: P iny , :: It·~ Huuncl' 1, lt:1n• h t·P n laking- pl ace

Tli l· l' lasSl'S uf the Public Speaking t la• b s t \\'l'l'k :1111 1 t he f i11 :tl t·ast w :i s lll•pa rt 11 1e 11t will p rt•:-1•11 t a g-ruup of fiYe a1111ou 11n· d .\l o 11dav . •1th' :id p lay':-: 'l't1l'::id ay , ~lay 1·1. .\ l ,1111t forty :-:·1 11d 1• 11t :-: L·11tern1l th e

T IH· pl:iys and the t· :t s t arc a:,: Jo i· tr.,·ou1 :-: anti l'Ur111wtitiun wa :- k ccu . \nws : Select Cast of Twelve

- 1. ·· \\' ht•II L uvc Is Yuuug " . C:irltou Li11t11l' r au d l·:11 11 icc Hil ev Bt,ll'tla G ull id.: :-:0 11 - Polly ::itarr wi ll pl:1y tht· ll'11 d :,: and wi ll he s uppor i. E:tr l l · pthagron• ... lli ck ).lar t in t•d I,~· :1 sl rollJ.! ,·a:-:t c·u11:-i:,:ti 11 g o f t en ~I ,-rt It.· .ro l1m;o 11 . .... ).! rs. 8ta1T 111 hl'r 1wo plt· . 'J'l1l' i·a:,:t was a11 11 ou11 ct.•d , · iula l{e11 11 1• tl \' .. ) Jr:; . ) l artin l:i :,: follo w:- : IJuroth \" .J oh 11~1111 .. .. ... . Coach H1·11r.,· .J 11rc la11 ..... . .. \Villi:1111 ) l n rsh

II. "~o;·it•ty :X ott•:-' ' . t 111111 :1 ( h is wifl' ) ..... \'na S1:haf f11cr .lot· ~pntz \11 ::it:1 u11to11 1~t'IIH• ! 111 •1 tl:111g-htcr ) ~lildrud Fos:, A:.:-11,, :,: .J t':--1,t• \1 1 !';edgc-\\1t.:k S n,l 1t• 1 l·llo\\s . . Claire ,\ l :1rt iu AIIL· i i ~l ,· \ ·t·v Di Coiro 0 1111 ( h1 •1 ~0 11 ) . .\ 1:nlg c IJu nh:1111

l-:lt., ;111or Wo.rza It:, .\ I Is. 8cdgc" 1c k I .Ila ./ 0 1 d., 11 . . Evt.' lyn f~lli ot t l 't• li a (io ldht·rg . I..:d 1to1css D, t'u 1t is . . \\':d t<: r Wa :-. rud 1-'. IP:in or lin ker \li s..i , 'cdo-cwic k l:J a11:-. Cn1:- l1 \· . Eu ni ce Hiley .\ g1u•s H c•ndric k:,:ou · . . : .. ..


( :oach .Ju,!g-t· · · · .'. · ·, All e n ~l c \' cy 111. • ' J::n•n·hod v l': 111 :-: .\ l e Gcu tJ. 11 • Hi ·n · · · · · ·.. . . l 'arlto11 L intn e r

\ 'irginia i·' i:-h · .... .. Sc rc ui tv H a1 11!a · · · ·. l.':dhc ri ,u: 'l\trris h 1-::-:tl' ll e lfot·k Wido,·r ,Ji,11 Fr:111k l ,:i sc1· kc I0::1thr~· 11 T ho111pson Etli to ress .\ l1·111 11 r iz:11i u11 of ilu• Jiart~ has al · Bi ll ~l:1r:,: h ' ' Gene.'', s h oe sa lesman n• ;1dy l1t•gu11 a11d r1• l1t·;ir:,:a ls wil l :-ta r t .\lu11a A: 111n1LI 8i111plicity a s :,:1 ,011 :1:,: t ht• group h l'co 1111•s urg-aniz l'd. Ht•:-::-:it• Dt<war Coac:h I s Play of Heavy T ype

I\' . 1 • J·\1 1.1 rtccn ' ·. ·' I t·t· Hou 11d · ' is ;1 pl:ty_o_f Ut e hl'avier \ "ernu Scbora . . .\Irs. Pringl e ty pL· :111'1 l"l'qL1in•s :-: plc 11d id a l'tu rs a11<l J';dmc r 8u d: ild ... . B utler :i,·t n•s:-.i·:,:. Lt i:,: :t sati re of t he t rno Huih Pi t.•rl'e Elain e Prin g le l."J•t and i!'i hig hl .v ar1111 s ing.

\ ' . ' 'Uou<l :< l t•dic iue · 1,

Virgil Herrick Gets Alumni Return For

Alma Mater Visits 118 d • · C' [/ h • Tiu· followi11g o u t of tuw11 --:i l,utl c utlj JY.IQ zson re ows 'Pl ha\'C U~CII ~·ot i t.:t· tl st rolli ug alumL tho

.\Ir. Virgil lle rr ick , a gradu aLc of h a~lt o_f ~he 1~·l Al111:1 .\la tl' I' n· c·1·11tly :

Ce n tra l S ta te T c a t.:h l·r!'I' Cu ll l·gt· , ha ~ j 1~1(j1~r~~ cL.e .. ~rse

bc~n rc~c ntl ~· awar~e <l a L.;11in: rs i1.,: 0 1' ! :,;0 10 111 0 11 \\' e l:ua l zik W1scon s111 fc llo wsh1 p ,·a luc <l :1 t :!iJIJO. ; Uuth \\' ·irren J-1 .c will se rve undc ~ Dr. ~·~uwlk cs, h~·:1 ~! Elton D;vi s of t he branch of .F...d u c.: :.1t10 11 a l Ad11111n · 8 bl ).{ stra tio n. T h e f_' c ll o w s hip _i !f_ aw:irc_lt•d to .1;,:, ,.:~ ... : ua,so\,J. t d t J J 1 f \ I L,._.,., K 'l'll unq,so n, mauu: tl

~nrni~~r:~t;~ ,~o c~~/:.s~~·. pro )l'lt' llt·y 111 .' (. t1·_:ii11i11g tt-:i:·ht•r wl10 is_ away 011 lc11vc

:Mr. \'irg il ll C'_ rr.it.:k i.s a \' C l'r :w.tin· ~rs~11;;t·:~.(:.~.,\0 \ . i:'i~~\ ~· ,~'.•:s iJC' IJH'Slt· r , W:l~ stude n t of t ho C 111 vc rs1ty. As id e t ru 111 cc. hi8 ,·ar ious cxl ra-c u rricul :1r adivi t ic!'I h,! acts :l !'I t u tor to G lc1111 Frank , .Jr. ; ht• is :1 lso v ic·e-pres i<le nt pf t h t• D l' lta C hi f rate rnity :111<l ha s bl'en sr lcl·t1•d i,y U r . F ow lkes ;1 s a m ('m bt•r of tlt l' A<l111i11i · !'lt r ation C lub.

). l r . H e rri c k will 1·0 111 pletc the w ork I fo r his ~\laster ' !i D egree and ht•g in 01 1 h i:,i n<'dits tow:1rd :l Dodo r 1s J lt •gn •1· d111·i11,:! t h,, l!)2n- '3U session. I Book By E. T. Smith ,

Will Be Published '

THE CALENDAR April 20 ................ .... . .

. . . .. J>i st ri l'I l-i j>l'llii1g Co 11 t1·!'lt .\ pril 2-l .. S<·ie nct• C lu h m ee ting ~lay 1 lla r t man St.ring Quartctt,: .\1:iy ;3 Di s tri <·f F u n•11 sit· Co 1t l.C':-1t .\l a~· :; . }J .. .\"atio11:tl ). f us ir Wl'Pk .\l.:i y ti .J o in t l'ul.Ji ,· Hpeaking-

:1111 1 .\111 :,iit· H,••·it:il .\l:i y 11

. . Hh ondd:a \\' 1•ls lt ) ! alt• Si11 g t•rs

11:iy 14 Pr t·~t·11ta ti on of l'uldi 1· ~ pt·aki ng Plays ----+-

.\ 1:i.v li -1~ _\ / ; r i lw LC' lof.f - gra<l t•!i .-, :111tl ti -

\\ ild H o.sr , \\i1s. • A t t.'x t hook e11t it ll'Cl ''Guid e Sh1•1·1 s l

Will Hold Forensic hu~~~/ ,('~1t;i,~~~~~ - ln lt'rme<lia k - F:J n, - ! ~~(l~:~1

1·;11!~~r~~\~:~ii :!/ s~~l't1: : J .~i:tc~;·ll~i/ ~'~ Will Hold Spelling St,1fr lfa11 d 'l'oun1a 111 c11t

Contest On May 3rd l•:n•ly11 Elliott - IUh1 l'lll l.'lli:1h• -- 1 Coll ege fa cult y i s t l1c auth or) will lit.· 11 UI C t t w; d d Elmhurst , Illin ois Oil ,T un e 19, 3.l'l'Ordin~ to th e pu!tlisiH.' I' 's on es e rµes ay

Th e a1111u:d l>i:-tr irt lli gh Sc h ool I !11pz. _Stover - J11tt•n11 l' di:1 tP - Elm i:lt' h(' cl u l(' . f t is hc i11g pu l,li~hC'd hy t he I Th e a1111u:tl Di st r id 8 11c ll i11g Co 11tc Ht .Forl' II Sii; ( 'ulllt·st wil l 111 • ht•ld in the bu rst , Illino is l"n i,· e r.sity of Chicago Press, t lw t,ff'i . will h t..• 111 •/d hl'l"t' \V ecl11t·8day at twu C!>II Cgt' Autli1 1,riu 111 .. \ lay :1. M:Hgarct Sawyt'I" - l' r im a ry - l-:\111 I <"ial prc88 of t hat inst i t u tio11. 0 11·loc·k 1111d l'r th,· :111 :,1 1, ic PS of l h t· ~lil -

S t1J H·rintL'11d, •11t Hohr of X<•koosa i:,, hurst, Illinois · Th e book w:.1s w ritte n nt tl11· s ug- j w:rn kt•t· ,J o11r11:il. -di s tr ii·t ,·hainn:111 ;111d h;1 ~ 1· h :irgl' of all I Gre thr11 l~:1rnopp - gr:1d c l - On,r: · gest io 11 of Dr .. 11. (', :\fo rr iso n fro 111 lh C' 1 Th e p rt<liminary t.:OJ1tc:-1ts for eac lt :irr:i 11 ,i::-t• n11•11t ~. to ~,all s, ,vi s. sta ndpoin t of the tcacl 1i11 J! pro1·1·d u n· 1 (·ourll y wt>n· lu•ld 1:.isl w1:ck - t he 0 11 c

Jt is c•xpcd,•d thal 1,,·1·h·t• leagu es Claire F,erguson - ~f:1n i towo1·1

\\' is. work ccl out :it t l11• (' hi 1·ag-o ut1i \'..r~i 1., · for Porl:ig-c 1·o t111 ty being he ld in t he will partic·ip:1fr - tl1t•rt· l,t· ing ahou ; ll arry Sh'ffrt1 - Pri11t·ipal 8 t at. · 1 lnbornt o r r S(' hoo l14 and i:-: :1 work _bouk . Itu r:d ,\ sst.· 111ld \· of t h<' eoll1•w·. tllr t'<' se ho n ls in :1 Jpag-111• . Tht• p:1rti ti· (:radc•d Fk h oo l - 'l'hi c 11s,·i ll e, \Vi s. fo r h igh ·:,:,·honl stud1·nhs. 1)1·. ) !Hrr iso 11 )fa c R:dh, -who :1ftt-llU8 :l i·nuut'l"_y-p:1111~ an• d111sc 11 at :1 JH't•l ir11iu:1r.,· 1· 011- A_lumni a_l' JJOi nt111 P11ls :ire a s fo ll ows: is a rn c rnl1<·r of the .~w h oo! of cd 111·atin11 I :-1c h uo l 111·:ir ;\ l111o ud, \\' a~ t he wi1111 1~ r of t f'st h (' li] in thC'ir ow11 s..J1ools. Th •· H ester F'('lll'r - l ntcrmed ia.t c - I fa(' ul t y :it th, • u 11 i \'C'rsit,v. Portage Cou 11ty . ,dun.c.r.s..._ ln:..rc wil l g o tiL :<fadi :rn 11. Elmh11rJi1,__jJli nni1"1 ~ Pro fessor S mi t. h_ h:i H :1 royalt r_. eou -

1 'l' h1 • "'i1111N hf' t h Q. t.ontl.:)1L lo he h e ld

Them will i,,. 011e lo,·:d judge. 011.- I l s:il,.•lle Jl 11 yo11 1e - l11 1Pr111o<lia h' -1 ltact with t he puoli•hers a11cl will par-1 horo. next wct'k will go to ..\lilwaukcc fro m Oshkosh a11d 011<' E :1 u (' lairl'. I Oak Park, [Jlin ois . - t ic ipa tc in, til e in come fro m the 8:l lc of to partic ipate i n t he state l.'Olltl'l:lt. ' l'h o

Th e majo r ity of th l' le:ig-uc 1·t•n11•stH I

Sorm:i ll t'!i~ - grad <· ti - Oak J'ark , I t h e hoo k o n a roya lty b:.1sis. li e cl~,·o · winn e r t hrrc w !II go to _ WaH~1g~ arC' be ing held thi~ w ee k. • ' l llinois. tNl a yrnr :1ud a h n l f to its prc paratwn. n. C. to t h e ~at10 11:T1 <'011fc1:1[. ·


Vol. m . THE POINTER N o. 23.

P ublished \Veekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Central \Viseonsin ~te Teach ers' College. Subscription Price $2.00 per year.

~red as secon d-class matter May ~61 1927, at the post office at Stevens Poi n t, \Vi sr.9nsin, under the Act of ) l a rch 3, 1879.

Editor News Editor .... So<·icty Editres~ Girls ' Athlcti t• s . Rl'portns . . .... .. . . . "Proof Ileackrs i3usincss ::\fanagcr Circulation Man:1ger Ass't Circulation Manage r Typists Faculty Ad ,,iSor

THE STAFF John Pralguske - l?hone 963W

Fern Pugh - P hon e 564,V J.oui !H~ ").lci nkc:

. . . . . . Vi\·i:rn Culver K:1 t hrr11 Tho 1111)so 11, ::\fadgc D unham , Pl':HI 8tap les ... Bthcl :\l'1dsr,11, Ruth Johnson, ~l;1rg;1ret He inig ........... ... . R ichard Marsha ll - Phone 963W

John Kol1rn Julius ll:troldsou

Cath e rin e Xovitski , \\'i no,i:l Roohr. Chl•S IL' r Smith ~[r. R . ~[. Rightse ll

( E1l i tor 's not t•: Thl' .:1rtidt:' appearing hc low was l'O ll t r il,utccl hy Arnold )1. 2i.la lm quist , :1 fo rmer studr 11t of Ccnt1:.a l S tate 'rca(· h('rs' College : he IC'ft in .Ju1,1L' o f the yc:tl' 1027.

\V hill' at StC',·('us Point, :\ rnold wa s o ne of th1.' most prominent s tudL•nts of th e CollC'ge ; he wa s a me mber of the debate te,nn , lcacli ng c h:uat·te r in num e rous s chool dr:wnati <· prcsC'nt:1tio11s1 Preside nt of thC' )[nrgarct Ashmun Clu b and E<l itor of t he P o in t e r. In the contest f o r co1Ieg(' JXI. J)C'l'S his cdito r i:lls took first pl:t('C'. I-l e clC'mon~tratcd ability as au e<litoria l wr iter to such an exte nt that hi s arth· lrs were wi,l<'ly copi ed in the 1,.•xC"haugC's . . Arnold was a lso an honor stutk11t at the College .

.ft is indet• d :1. p lt•asure to present an art icl C' b.v .\ r nol cl )Ialmqui s t tu th r, s t ude nts of CC' ntral State. His keen ins ig ht and habit of i11dcpe ndc11t th iuki ng give stabilit ~· and impo rt:111e <' to the :ntiel(' whi c· l1 :1ppe:1rs i11 this col umn .

Arnold ha s ii ('Cll e ngaged i11 newspaper work and l·:trri es 011 his work :.1s au author.

It· i:,; t11 l it• t•.-..: pL·1· tt•il t h:1t hi-; art icle wil l :trouse ilisc ussio11 l)()th pro and cou . ThC' Pointrr n•qu,·st s Ruhmi tta1H·C of written rea,;_·tio11s whh:h wi ll he puhli shcd in the t·oming is:;u rs. )


I T tak (':,; ...i g-1·aduatc at l(':1 1...t two years to g-e t o,·t..•1· th,• da rn age his eolleJ!,· Pd11catio11 clo t• , li im. Bnt it is 11 ot till' fau lt of th e coll eg~,

enti r ely . I f equi ping· c1 y outh to makt· a Ji,·inµ- is t il e pract i<·al aclvanta g-e

oE a co llege ~d ucation. "<·o llel,(iatism " is the 11 ecessa l'y evil. - It is th e " whoo1wr" reat ur,· or an ,•dttt·ation. lik e hors cl 'oeu\'l'~ is the r elish of a roast h,·t·i' d inne 1·. Hoast lwei' is t he a lpha a 11d omega of life whilC' ho r·:,,; d ' ot •U\T{' is an i11r icl e11t. yet a succe~sful yo u ng- newspaper mall. ho11ol' stlllh-nt at th e ('ni n r , ity of Wisconsin and scholal'ship stud ent at Columbia U ni,·c1·sity. t ill' ot hel' clay sa id. " I was too busy in my fir .. t year in 11<'\\·spa per \\'Ol'k unlea rni ng- most of t h<> stuff L lea rn ed in uni\' e 1·s ities to be of much 11<·co n11t. "

\ Vhen li e s!l· ppecl into the world to pa rn a li,·in g h e was, as t he ll'O l'd g-oes . an educated ma n. He harl bl azoned his "·ay through foul' .,·ca rs of hi l,!he 1· educa ti on. but h .. l\•arned on!~· a sma ll part of t he ,alary ( ll' h ich ll'a s not mu·J1 ) he recei\'l' cl t he f il'st yea r. H e "'as t he ,·it:tim of a co ll ege cducati•,n.

Bu t it takrs the aYerage- co ll (•:,.rc s tudent several years to get o~er cl1·essing antl ta lking coll cg- i,1te. He finds, u ltimately, t hat as long as he dresses a n ,1 ta lks coll egiJ!e he is taken fol' a college boy and n oth­ini mol't'. li t• is reg-arded :.t.S a maker of " w hoopee" which, like ski­jumping. has its place, hut wh ich, li"k,• Swiss ~-ocle lin g. has no place in a busin ess ofl' icl'.

"Coll<•giatism" can n ever be taken out of co lleges. It has a leg itimat e place t hcl'e, but ' hat . is t he only leg itimate place i t h as. \\'IH· n a /.!1·aduate s t eps ou t to utili ze hi s co ll el,(e ed uca tion hi s "col­legiatism'' should be left behind . cl isca l'cled like a t eethin g rin g tha t has done a 11 ob le se l'\'ice, but has no fu 1·thc1· prnet ical u,e, ;i ncl ll'hi ch may, if he is ca ught with it. pl'o,·e him to lw a ninco mpoo p.

~ c,·erthel ess. co lleg-es !1ad enab k cl him to make a go of li fe, so the co ll c~es a re-not :n·o11g. entirely. The : 'eolleg iate ph euomenon '', thn ul,(h. is \\' !'Ong. l t is t he co ll egia te spi 1·it t hat ne<·css,11' il y pervades eolleg-P life a nd b(•co mes 1 11 ar·(·e:-;sory to a co ll ege cUtH·ation. L ik e g-asolin,·. it wo rks sp lendid ly if poul'ed into a ca1·, but if dnrnk , ma l«·s th<" drinke r sick.

..\ student (esp,·c ially ·a student whosl' expenses a l'e paid ) abso l'bs a ,·orl<· of l,( l'Ot <'sque impr essions in his fo ur years in college. H e be­t·o mes ~·ollr•giate, and in many cases he ncve1· gets over it, a nd therein li,·s the n1h. T lie11·odcl i;,11ot iutp1·est,•cl in coll~gi;rns as coll e_g iates. _

Ir he could cease to be eo ll eg iate t he sam e moment he steps ou t of col le .. ,· hl' \\'Ou ld find a softe r wor ld. If he could step into a job a ncl fo;.g,'.'t ;hat he made the foot ball, b,isk etba ll or t racJ< t ea m, or had been a shin ing l ight in fo rensics and had been sought by fa ir ma idens even ·d ,,ep int·o his dreams, soc· i~ty \\'Ou ld accept hi m for hi s t ru ~ \'aluc. ,

l:;om ,· 111i11ds seem well glazed by natu l'e against t he admission of knowl e<il,(<·.-Eliot.

Th" c011si·iousness of having clone a splendid action is in itself a splendid re,n,rd .- Cicero.

Snobhery is the pride of those who are not s ure of their position. -Braley. '

11 e yoursd[ an honest man ana-fhen you may l)e s ure That there is one less ras<·al in the world.-Carlyle.





The opening selection wil l be . a song entitled - • ' I have the sevenyear itch but I'm so . lazy that I 'm six months behind in the scra tching . '• Sung by L y le Lintner. Obligatto by, bye, bye, bye. And so forth ad infinitum. Thank you.

I CHASED HER C' l:nc ul·(' TC'ske : " \\'In· do :;u rn:111,v

111 ('11 l ikC' hlond gi rls r" ' Alm:i Zi<'gh•I': "You s houl!l knuw,

f'l arc ru·c, that wlu.•1·t· tht'l'L''s light th1.• rc 's bound to !Jc fi 1·t·. · · ·

And when it comes to styles, brevity is the soul of ' It '.

By th e way , fo lk s , cn•rybody 111:ik t~s mistakes. Thnt's wh~· t h<'y plat..:- nrnts und e r t h C' l' USpido rs.

AROUND THE PARK George Schriver: • ' Why don't you ~l~t;, ,your girl in a new environment,

Bill Marsh: '• r don ' t know what size she wears.' '

TWICE P almer Budahl : "Many a negative

girl can be developed in a dark room. ; • Helen Lahti: ''Yes, but when a

fellow gets old enough to do what he wants, he gets married.' '

AND Village Poli1·c Force : " \Vh at ha s

,·our s;o n 11._ecn doing sillt.:. he. l of t ~o llege?' '

P roud Pathc r : " Oh he edi ts t he wise· l·rack s t h:lt are written on ,·o ll rl,!'t' l1oys ' ea rs.''

WE FINISHED Marion Kowitz: ' ' How old are · you,

Lucille? ' ' Lucille Krumm: 1 ' In the neighbor~

hood of twenty. ' ' Marion : '' Lucille, I think you are in

the wrong neighborhood. ''

H yp not ist : "~\·fy gosh , I have t hi -. st udC' 11 t in a rl cep s lee p t1 11d I c· :111 '1 ge t him out of it. \Vhat will T do '?"

ProfC'ssor C:arby : "Ri ng a hcJI.' ·

Some Land.lady: 11 Your.girl is taking a beauty sleep now. •'

Boy Friend : 1 'That 1s fine. I'll call again in a few years.''

NECK AND NECK ~l"11a-SdnVn11tCs: "Si r, I hcl ien!' vou

ar<' atte mpt ing to kiss me!" · T< cn neth Hnnson: ' 1 \Ve ll , now that

~·o u undcrstaucl, . supposing we quit assnu lting ca<·h othn a nd c·oopcrnte :1


T' 111 t hrough witl1 t he stah lc 111 a n 's daughte r,

She p~ayc d me for a foo l ; I •' IOsC'd nly eyes and sought her l ips -

:\11 d kissed her old mnn 's mu·1ci

Sign in a department store: 1 •YeA we have felt slippers - in the rear.''

We will now close with a very, verx pretty ditty, entitled: " Mother get the horse-bl!nken,, -we ' re--taking grand ­father to the beach.''

Speaking of parks, read the title•, huh?

the Whirlpool ~ l

:ii ; Respectfully submitted .. . .

~t],,:,-~ , , ,'ff,:fof ,1t,J,!2l!l,.'"[email protected]<ill.".ld Dear Editor of the " Whirlpool": -

I don't remember whether I asked you if spring is really here or not. Well, I'd like to know. Please.

Another thing. I wonder if in the archives of the Pointer room you could find any data on the question ..:._ • ' Are coeds of our college on the road to moral ' n1in? '' ·

Why do some of the boys who dine at Nelson Hall walk a.round with a very studious look on their countenance which they have acquired lately?

T . A . Dear Mr. T. A.,-

By all means, yes. Spring is here. Chase me chicken; I'm full of com.

. Ca ckle, cackle, cackle. Spring is here for certain because the boys a re getting out their cars and the girls are getting out t heir roller skates. And wh a.t of it? Dunt esk!

We find that coeds are not on the roa·d to ruin, but we do find a manifes­t ation of what is presumably amorous inclination. This is a phenomenon which rears its head at certain periods of the year. Ma.ny coeds have been priding tl1emselves on h aving pulled through the winter without having yielded to the entreaties of would be lovers. With flie advent of spring, the bar s of prohibition will be let down somewhat. . But hold your own ·girls. Remember the lilies.

The boys in question have been pro­rated to eat among the girls and , according to Esther H awkes, they must learn new methods. You know how difficult it is for an old dog to learn new tricks.


A nswc r to las t week's dc!" ­c: riptio11 - }~ll'anora Baker.

T> cs<' ri pt io n: Hi s n n m c (eith e r first or last l,C'g i11 s with an "L" : .. hi s st reet numhc r hns :1 ' 1 ;1'' in it . . . tends towarcl ha,·i~1g cu rl~· hair. stree t nalll (' li l•gin~ with :111 1 1 E' : . is a !\L'11 inr. works quite hnnL

Docs not wear g la ss(•s .

wears either.... a.... c.n p or a hat-. . r go<'s down ,t own ftUitc, oft••n . . . · h:1s a steady gir l ...

E xt,cNlin g ly husi1H'sis likl.• .. . is willing to rct·ou ut hi 1'4 trnu­liles - of whi d1 lw docsn ' t ce m t o ha ve so v<• ry manv ...

ta ll , mediu m wcigh i . · By Go•li! j

§]~- ~

~ ~ ttflLL OF FRME

ROBERT KENNEDY 0 that 'rigo r. 0 t host•

<· url s . J11 t rodu l·i ng t hf' i·utt.•st

;. l ittlP 1,or t hat :1 11,· motli er . has t•vc 1: la i ii he r· eyes 011.

Th c_ J.!irll:I ju :-iL simpJj- --t!H Jic,H'. ,-.-.,.-=t---~

r C':o; ist him . Nu sircc! \Vh cn h t• t·omcs to se hool

he docs :111d wh e n ht· docs11 't. . . . we JI, he .... T hcrP is no use ki <lclink­hc is so droll. Hus a tooth­acht• e \·c ry t ime t hat ht• doe~m 't C'omc to ,·ln ss. H andles a lilii s ns flu c nth· as t he l>0otlcggcr· ·111111d lc·~ 'snaa.ps '.

Robert ' says that he has 11 't hC'c11 a lil t• to ho ld a g irl as h i:,; steady for any lr ngth of ti me. l~vi dc 11ll .)~, :1cco rding to Rolwrt, th e girls do not a ll ow for d(' ­ficic11cies; they get. so re if you seldom appNt r :it a date set ns:.::id,::Cc,, ______ +---


.I S )OCIETY STATIONERY, BOOKS, DRUGS -----q-+-.....,...--1-y ____ _i H. D. McCulloch Co.

~NELSON HALL NOTES> ! !!:===============:di

'l'hl' Xelson llall famil\· wt•h:um('l!I P:mlinc Buhlmnn who has ."·om1• tu live with us 011 uHount of h C' r p:1rf•11ts mu\' · i11g to ).Li111a•n pol i s. :.\Ir . Buhlm:rn h:1s he1·c,111r tht· 11 r w gL'nt•ral su11 C'ri11h.' 11 -dcnt of the 8ou Railrond.

)lisses Dewar, )rills :111d :\[c\\"ilti:1111s SJ)('llt the w(•rk end iu W L•s tfi e!J, :1111! K e lly :111d S mrrl ing i11 Hoy~1ltou.

'J'hc Nelson H:111 fa111il\' \'ot1•d 10 ad as hostcsst.•s to the ). Jilw;1uk1•1• Hand of sixty-five mcmhe rs tlrnt ai·t• ,·0111i11g

Rurals Hear Debate ).fuy 1i ,u1t.1 1s. ,,. f' art· g-oing 10 du i1

A R L If.A hy doubling up, 1,ot h litl'r:dl~· :n1cl fig-u-

t egu ar 1r1.eeting rativch•. At the me<.•t ing of the Uul'ill Lif, llaz~I S .... hrul' tlc r visitt•1l ht•r fa111ih·

('JuU on ].londa y nigh 1, two clcUa ting nnd fri e nd~ iu W:1L1s1111 011 S:1turdav :tH;I teams from t he PulJlil· Speak iug cl::isse.-; undny. · appeared in a ti 1,atl• 0 11 ,·onsolidati ou :\ l isS F lorc11cc t . S ll ueff of )lilwau · of rur:tl . si.:: hools. )Ir. Burroughs spok <' kC'c, ) Ji ss Ali('{' Piko of lkdgrani te , to the Club 0 11 th(• work of t he Spcl'l'i• :11111 )£rs. Pcnrl Young Sh:1111hurJ!lwr uf Departml'III and introdtu· ('d the teams. \Vausau h:1,·c sent contrihu t io ns to thl' j\[oua A:1nru<l wns not n mcmher of tlh' pio110 fu11d . 'rJn-. $26:i mark ha s 1,l"'t'll teams, but s he appeared i11 s tating :111 c.l reach e_d. cxpl:dniug t he ques tion , 111 u t in n:rniiug . T.~t·1llc Sc: hmillt t•ntcrlainl'd ht>:· th<' mcmbC'rs of the two teams. I fan11ly on Su111lily nftC'rrtC'lon .

The fo llowing of thC' st:1tC' graded rrntl 1 On_ Frid:ty C'\Cni~1g ?lr~. H:il_dwi11 cn -su pcrvison· 1..·our se:-1 took part iu tht· ! tC'rt:1111t•d th e ) . \\ . C. A. c·alJJm•t nt :1

tle b:tte: · I 111..•autiful n111l 1lt'lidous l<•:1 ond :1fh·r· Affirmati\" e w:Hd s took t h (' girls lu tht• Carroll

)lvrtlc Johnson l'o ll('j?{' GI<'(' Cluh f'on(·t.>rl. 'rh1..· entirP ,lo.scph Spatz t'\'t•tli11 ~ will long- ht• Ont.> of th <.· hap11,,· Agnes J eske - Captain m c m_Ofll'S. . • . ~

Kcgati\'l•s I ) [11<!recl , tC'11.1kl' a!1d Sad1t• .1-..spt.'Sl·th \"i ola i.:: cn ncdv had a full da ," 111 Chn·ago on S:1t urday: F.stcll t• Bol'k · ~ix or sc,·C' n hours on thC' cngra\'i ng :\ gtics H c ndri ckr,iou - C'aptain · \,·ork for t h~~ 1!)2!) Ir is; tht•11 !lhopping

Other nmnlJc rs 011 t he progr:1111 indu· :rnd t he mon~s. Just :1~k ~he m whct h('I" cled voca l mus ic by the following young t l11·~: wou ld hk(• to go ng:1111 . . m en who won hearty applause and re · )Ir. Gro,·~ r,. the St:1te I!1s1?edor of sponded with :rn e neo rc; Kt~rmi t Frate r , t!1 e nt•,,· tra1~1111g Sl·hool _lrnild.111g: too_k David Child s, J ohn StephC'nsou, Pal me r fn-l' hap py gir ls hom C' w ith l11m rn 111s Budahl. t·:u 011 Snturdny. They w(•rc )[issc~

}..fr. N ea le showed slidC's on r.onsoli - No,·itsk i, Snnsom, Rollt' r ts, .Jcssuli11 1

elation and transportat ion ns t he finnl :rn_d Pulcla . ~fiss ~odts~i c nt l' rt:1i1ll' cl

number on t he program. ~!11,~s ~~:~~0 111R1~1h~~;s ho;1,11~c1;~ n~1::~n ~~Ii~! Forum Hears Smith,

College Quartette rrlll' F oru m met last night., at which

meet ing ·Mr. Smith ga,·e a ,·cry in · terest ing t.alk . Students o'r the co11c g" arc always pleased to be able to hear him e it he r in rlnss or otherwise.

rrhe Colleg e Ma le Quarte ttc sang ;\ numher of songs which pleased till' hearers. T he Co ll ege ){nlc Quartettc has evolve d to a comp:1ri t ive ly high level in musical work . ). f r. Pcn•ival together w ith t,he me mber:; of thC' group desen·c crC'cl it for the progTl'SS rn:1tlt·.

Mr. And Mrs. Watson Arrange 6:30 Dinner

\Ve havcn 't hC'nrd of g i rls' hasketliall s i11 t•c the Gram mars eoppNl f i rst pl:ll'l' . But to let you in 011 a li i t of lll' \\' S -

t hey were Cntntain,•d at a 8U111pltwu:, s ix -thirh· n'l·lot·k tli11tu•r :1 t tht• hona

,JC'ssuli n ancl ) l i~:i Puldn in her home in De P e re .

E ll <' n Groh <· 1..•l1•h rat<'ll her hirt hdtl\' hy hnvi 11 g n spcdal tab!('; :rnd Esth l;r \Vt.•gc rt w;t!I surprisl'<l by her sister Erua

1 Dorothy L ewis, Winonn Roohr ,

Anit :l Da lton :rncl Louise' )[cinke in her <'ozy 1itt1c roo1!1 on h <' I' birt lHlny.




of ?-1r. a·ncl 1'. l rM, C. ~·. \\'a t~on, 'l'hursda~· 1 April 12th.

PlarPs Wl'(t' ~c·t fur thl' s ix t enm llll'lll · hers: Mal•ll' lliltJ,\, 1',.'llJ)tnin , JB~rnic1 · ' GC'orgc, Dorothy Vic rtt•I, AJ!11 es Sparks, Gladys Cutl er, an cl EthC',I Kc lly j Evelyn .Elliott ., President o.f_ tltP _ Ci._rf!_.lllm_a.r_ _ R oun <!,. Tai.,}('; and th <' winner of 2nd pla ce in State Oratoril·:1 I Co nt es t. L eo · na rd Sprague.




French Campbell & Co. Studenf Supplies __

449 Main St. Phone 98-J

Prompt Service

rhone 688

Home Made Candy

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LDAY'S sh.ort skirts were made to wear over this Gordon rayon bloomer with its yoke top and short band leg . . . and so well cut is this new bloomer that it gives freedom enough for active sports wear.

Gordon Rayon Underwear

Moll-Glennon Co. Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Brown !!i!.!. Shoes GOOK STUDIO FOR WOMEN

Exquisitely Custom-Cra fted, Fea-turlng V aried Leather s

a nd Colors "rX••:-r:.-.:••:-..._:,..:-:-:-~•<-!-:,O..,.-:-:-.~+ •:•


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t Remarka ble Va lues At Our In- 1" expensive Prices. . .. DO MACK CLOTHING co.

11 109 P ublic St1uar e ·:· :;:

I NELSON HALL The comfo r tnble a nd homelike

dormitory for women of Central

State Teachers 1 College

:I: Dining Room 1· fo r both men and women

Diet l i Var ied, abun dant, de li cious anJ £

inexpensive •!•

t :l: MAY A. ROWE, Director J :;~:JR,:ff:.4':!l';fl?lffi:fr::)?i:(T!o':f. •• .• .• i:1~~

~: ( Grnduate D ie titian ) •!• .::0 :-:-:..-.-r:-:-:••!-!•-<-:-:-:•.::+<'.-:-:••Hu~..-..+

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;~ Just For Spoil ~ Shoes and Rubbers ::I

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JJ For The Family ~ '-ll

ST. THE UNITY STORE ~ ;g&·f~;;wu



T o Kno w The Difference


(Continued from page 1, col. 1). ~I iss Hildn ,r. Hughes will be insta.11-

l'd :is inst ru1·tor in the rura l l'd uention wn 1 k. For tlw past three yea rs she ha ~ lit'l'll the supt'1'v i:-or in cha rg<' of the Hur.ii Expuimcnt at )T ilton , Connecti­cut: This exper iment is t he laboratory of t l ll' .I)cpartlllc nt of Rural Education of Columbia l"nin~r:-1ity nnd is the prac·­t i(·:l'I t~mhodinll'ut of the most u p to dat e idi._•:ts in rura l school o rganization, 111n11 -

ag-c111c 11 t aud supc rdsio 11 us work ed out 1·uupt..>ra t in•ly hy ~li ss )l abel Carney, Dr. F:11111i r Du nn and J\ l iss Hughes.


F. E. Percival Is At Con rence Session

Profrs ··or Pra11k ('. i'l'!'1·i\":d , Dirl'l'lor of )l.us ie , is attC'ncling thl· :\' o;·t h t'cnt · ral )lu sic S u pc>rvi:-.ors ' Cu nfercun• iu .\l ilwa u k('C' this wrt•k.

)Ir. P (' r C' inll is- tr0:isun•r of this or­,;a11izatio11. S<·ss io11s of tl1t• l"1111fo rcm·t.· \\'il l l:i t throughout tht' Wt'l' k, d u r i11~ w hi t· h ti nll' Sl' ' 'l:ral of tht~ music 1·lass1._•:,1 w ill not . mc('t.


"The Bank Thal Service Built"

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phone 51 457 Main St.

!-:ci gar G. Doudna, formerly sccretn.ry of th e ,viseonsin State Teachers' .-\ sso­·iation and now secreta ry of the State Board of !<('g(•nts for )formal School:-, will ht.• h('rc• for a ~ho rt time.

Mr. Spindler Speaks

Mr. Gustafson Talks To College Home Ecs

'J.'Ju~ H ome 81·0110 111i 1:s C.: lui, llll' L :\Lon · clay nig h t at th e CottagC's.

)l.r . Gustafso 11 gan• tht• grouJJ :i \'c ry iuterC's tin l,{ ta lk on t il t.• s u bj cc t, '

1 l'ort•ign }-..oocls., '

Dusses Dailq · between To Grammar Group

:.\ l r. tipindh.•r ga,·l' a most i11tt•res ti11g clis('ussion of th e prol.i:tl,l c outcome of the materiali stic agt.> with which Ame· ri c:a h:1s bee n cndowl'tl. He spoke hc: ­forc the Gramm:Hli :ll thi.:ir mee ting )[ond:iy , April 15th . lt, was t he bes t :1ttc11d cd ua•t.:tin g of th t• (:rnm mar llound Table Club. I

Edith ' :111 so n1 . Ruh\" 11 :iud. :111tl l, l· l:1 I liuttge 11 al so t·o ntril;uh'tl to th e pro ­gram hy l'Xhihiti ng th <' ir musi l·:tl t:1 ·

}"'or the rcmaintkr of · the progra m. 1-_; 11:11nac X cwlJ(•rry ga ,·e :1 rc:llli ng en· titled. 1 1 \\" atchiu" the S11arkin' ·,, and Ruhy l·foncl pla.n•d a pi:111 0 solo.


T A_.,;.YI Phone 65

lent. I Thc: t·omrnitt<'C wisht•.s lo L1xprcss l===============l

thanks t o a ll wltu :ii(k•d i11 111:tking till· lll l' L·ti11g l lll L' hf i11ll· 1· cs t :i11rl t.' 1t,ioynH1 11t.

Miss Roach Speaks At Waupac~, Racine

) l iss noal·h went tu \\"aup;u·:1 Thurs· da\" to visi t sr houl;,,; :rnd to t:dk 1,<•fore th ;, \\"oman 's (.:! ult.

S:1turd:1y sill· \\"ill f.!11 I<• H:n·in.._, to sp ak to th<' \\"0 111:111 's l'l u b uf th: , t c:ity.

:Mi ss Ho:ieh is :i f:it nl t v lll L· ml,.._,r id th e 'ollcgC' a11d is in d·t.·111:111d :1s :t

i, pcnk cr l1 <·r:1 m;e of he r inl <.'n'stin g . fon·c ful ml'th od of SJll'l'l"h.

Ries made to on/er


"Blue Ribbon" Thousand Is land Drt!ssing

Mayonnaist: Drt!ssing S andwich S pread

, 'rp " "Blue "RJbbon " -­Beller Than The Rest


309 Strongs Ave. Phone 82 ALWAYS OPEN

Your Spring Outfit


Largest Selection In Town



THE SPOT RESTAURANT 414 Main St . Phone 95



SOMETHING NEW! Footwear For All Easi ly Acce.ssible E,:pe n.se. Rt-lar1ve.ly Low

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this Citq and

MADISON Orange Line Service enables you to enjoy a pleasant t rip home or to visit with friends over the week end . . no de· lays . . a direct service to the beautiful Wisconsin River re·· gion.

Busses leave Stevens Point for Portage and Madison at 7 AM and 2:30 PM.

VETTER MFG. CO. Sash Doors Lumber

Phon e 88

Complete Selections for your

Spring and Summer Costume

Coats Suits Accessories

Dresses Millinery C. B. Mayer Shoe Co. Spe.ci~~;~:~n~;r;;; ;.:~~1~!;,~:~~::And

~ 11--_Ci!J!l(.WJ,ll(Jl(,L~~-11+~========::::;::==~ ll~~~R~~,~~~d~~..,;:~"~~-1~11--1!-i-s-Gf?e-F-· Pun cf? J B SULLIVAN & CO Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin Specialtp Sf/op For Women Bottled b.v • • • Stevens Point .Wis. Hotel Whiting "Bleck .

Stevens Point Beverage PLUMBING and ttEI\TING Ma'/!tag Washers

Company Hoover Vacuum Cleaners TELEPHONE 61 Silent A utomatic Qi,

Burners Full Line of Carbon-

ated Beverages.

WHITING MEN'S SHOP Otto vorr rQeupert Co. me.­


Phone 297 431 Clark St.

+ HELE;·;;if ~ii RMh;iL~·NER y



' il!=:========11


C . T. C .


"'1!!:be ~ift <ICoun!!'elor"

. Ours is the onl y form of business in the :world tha t does not ask you Io spend mone, . We ask you to keep it at·-··


C•pi ral $'200.000.00


(Continued from page 1, col. 1). ~I iss Hildn ,r. Hughes will be insta.11-

l'd :is inst ru1·tor in the rura l l'd uention wn 1 k. For tlw past three yea rs she ha ~ lit'l'll the supt'1'v i:-or in cha rg<' of the Hur.ii Expuimcnt at )T ilton , Connecti­cut: This exper iment is t he laboratory of t l ll' .I)cpartlllc nt of Rural Education of Columbia l"nin~r:-1ity nnd is the prac·­t i(·:l'I t~mhodinll'ut of the most u p to dat e idi._•:ts in rura l school o rganization, 111n11 -

ag-c111c 11 t aud supc rdsio 11 us work ed out 1·uupt..>ra t in•ly hy ~li ss )l abel Carney, Dr. F:11111i r Du nn and J\ l iss Hughes.


F. E. Percival Is At Con rence Session

Profrs ··or Pra11k ('. i'l'!'1·i\":d , Dirl'l'lor of )l.us ie , is attC'ncling thl· :\' o;·t h t'cnt · ral )lu sic S u pc>rvi:-.ors ' Cu nfercun• iu .\l ilwa u k('C' this wrt•k.

)Ir. P (' r C' inll is- tr0:isun•r of this or­,;a11izatio11. S<·ss io11s of tl1t• l"1111fo rcm·t.· \\'il l l:i t throughout tht' Wt'l' k, d u r i11~ w hi t· h ti nll' Sl' ' 'l:ral of tht~ music 1·lass1._•:,1 w ill not . mc('t.


"The Bank Thal Service Built"

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phone 51 457 Main St.

!-:ci gar G. Doudna, formerly sccretn.ry of th e ,viseonsin State Teachers' .-\ sso­·iation and now secreta ry of the State Board of !<('g(•nts for )formal School:-, will ht.• h('rc• for a ~ho rt time.

Mr. Spindler Speaks

Mr. Gustafson Talks To College Home Ecs

'J.'Ju~ H ome 81·0110 111i 1:s C.: lui, llll' L :\Lon · clay nig h t at th e CottagC's.

)l.r . Gustafso 11 gan• tht• grouJJ :i \'c ry iuterC's tin l,{ ta lk on t il t.• s u bj cc t, '

1 l'ort•ign }-..oocls., '

Dusses Dailq · between To Grammar Group

:.\ l r. tipindh.•r ga,·l' a most i11tt•res ti11g clis('ussion of th e prol.i:tl,l c outcome of the materiali stic agt.> with which Ame· ri c:a h:1s bee n cndowl'tl. He spoke hc: ­forc the Gramm:Hli :ll thi.:ir mee ting )[ond:iy , April 15th . lt, was t he bes t :1ttc11d cd ua•t.:tin g of th t• (:rnm mar llound Table Club. I

Edith ' :111 so n1 . Ruh\" 11 :iud. :111tl l, l· l:1 I liuttge 11 al so t·o ntril;uh'tl to th e pro ­gram hy l'Xhihiti ng th <' ir musi l·:tl t:1 ·

}"'or the rcmaintkr of · the progra m. 1-_; 11:11nac X cwlJ(•rry ga ,·e :1 rc:llli ng en· titled. 1 1 \\" atchiu" the S11arkin' ·,, and Ruhy l·foncl pla.n•d a pi:111 0 solo.


T A_.,;.YI Phone 65

lent. I Thc: t·omrnitt<'C wisht•.s lo L1xprcss l===============l

thanks t o a ll wltu :ii(k•d i11 111:tking till· lll l' L·ti11g l lll L' hf i11ll· 1· cs t :i11rl t.' 1t,ioynH1 11t.

Miss Roach Speaks At Waupac~, Racine

) l iss noal·h went tu \\"aup;u·:1 Thurs· da\" to visi t sr houl;,,; :rnd to t:dk 1,<•fore th ;, \\"oman 's (.:! ult.

S:1turd:1y sill· \\"ill f.!11 I<• H:n·in.._, to sp ak to th<' \\"0 111:111 's l'l u b uf th: , t c:ity.

:Mi ss Ho:ieh is :i f:it nl t v lll L· ml,.._,r id th e 'ollcgC' a11d is in d·t.·111:111d :1s :t

i, pcnk cr l1 <·r:1 m;e of he r inl <.'n'stin g . fon·c ful ml'th od of SJll'l'l"h.

Ries made to on/er


"Blue Ribbon" Thousand Is land Drt!ssing

Mayonnaist: Drt!ssing S andwich S pread

, 'rp " "Blue "RJbbon " -­Beller Than The Rest


309 Strongs Ave. Phone 82 ALWAYS OPEN

Your Spring Outfit


Largest Selection In Town



THE SPOT RESTAURANT 414 Main St . Phone 95



SOMETHING NEW! Footwear For All Easi ly Acce.ssible E,:pe n.se. Rt-lar1ve.ly Low

Occasions ~~~;,~~~~~~ss,;:i~~~:·~~~~ess Cre.dils Acee.pied Ar All Univnsi1ies

this Citq and

MADISON Orange Line Service enables you to enjoy a pleasant t rip home or to visit with friends over the week end . . no de· lays . . a direct service to the beautiful Wisconsin River re·· gion.

Busses leave Stevens Point for Portage and Madison at 7 AM and 2:30 PM.

VETTER MFG. CO. Sash Doors Lumber

Phon e 88

Complete Selections for your

Spring and Summer Costume

Coats Suits Accessories

Dresses Millinery C. B. Mayer Shoe Co. Spe.ci~~;~:~n~;r;;; ;.:~~1~!;,~:~~::And

~ 11--_Ci!J!l(.WJ,ll(Jl(,L~~-11+~========::::;::==~ ll~~~R~~,~~~d~~..,;:~"~~-1~11--1!-i-s-Gf?e-F-· Pun cf? J B SULLIVAN & CO Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin Specialtp Sf/op For Women Bottled b.v • • • Stevens Point .Wis. Hotel Whiting "Bleck .

Stevens Point Beverage PLUMBING and ttEI\TING Ma'/!tag Washers

Company Hoover Vacuum Cleaners TELEPHONE 61 Silent A utomatic Qi,

Burners Full Line of Carbon-

ated Beverages.

WHITING MEN'S SHOP Otto vorr rQeupert Co. me.­


Phone 297 431 Clark St.

+ HELE;·;;if ~ii RMh;iL~·NER y



' il!=:========11


C . T. C .


"'1!!:be ~ift <ICoun!!'elor"

. Ours is the onl y form of business in the :world tha t does not ask you Io spend mone, . We ask you to keep it at·-··


C•pi ral $'200.000.00