THE POINTER Se ri es Ill. Vol. II. No . 24. TWENTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS IN FORENSIC CONTEST Dine At Nelson Hall },riday e,·c ning, )1ny 4, do sed the annual clistriet high sd1oo l forensic contest held at Central Co1l cgc . Th ere wer e twenty of the district sc hools r pr ese nt ed ' an<l ahout thirty guests iu all. 'r he isitors were t•11tc•rtainl'd bv th e co ll c·gl' :di Friday. Lundl(>OII anC:l d.inn er was sen·,:,rl at X <'lsd 11 Hall. At tl bnnqul't in tltl' C'Vc 11ing the l·ollege wns r<'prt~~cuh. •d hy the Orator , Prank .loswi<·k :in1l the Exte mpora nro us Speaker, Paulin<Buhlnwn who were the guests of Profcsrmr L. _:\ l. Bur- roughs . After dinn er tht• gu(•s t s were invit c <l to dan1·C' in thC' rcl·rcation hall u nt il time for the SC{· Ont l t·onkst to stnrt. · Plainf ield, Wautoma, Win Jn the afternoon )J ir inm Goult, Plain· field, ca rri <.'11 off th e> first pla l'C' : 1war d with h C'r cxtC'mpor::rn cous rC'a ding. Second plae e in cxtc mpora n<.'o us . rNtd· ing u·~ s won by Ali ee Sleeter of Anti · go and ihird by Virginia Co llins of Edgar . In cx tcn nC'ous sp c~1k inc: Ad e lin e Ra euhrr \Vautom:1 won first pin ce. Sc,·o nd ono rs 'llwf'nt to Harold Klca ~r of .\ 11t ig< :rncl third to James Rulgrin of .\lar!ihfi t~ l<l. Wausau Winner In Orat o ry Carl nu ck ll of Wau s:1u who tl<•l i\" C'l'Cd ' ·' : dv c 11tu1·e of Pt ~a te, '' won first in ornto :r .Fri clay C' \'C'ninJ! :11111 .:\ ngi .:! Co111tC'r of Mar s hfi c.• ld with th (' 11ratio11 , '' ThC' Co ns t ituti o n'' was :1w:1r•l erl se•·ond plnec. Third p l:i t·L' w:1 ::1 Gin.• 11 to Cah-in Ritt cnhousP of Plainfi<'lcl, whose oratio n w:i s C' nli tle<l '·Cr<' ati on Citizenship.,, In dedamation :.\firiam Goult (1f Plainfield was award ed ht•r sec on d fir::Jt plac e h:wing pla1·('(l f irst in er· tcmporan e ous n.•: 1di11g in th<· aft (' rnoon. Second pl:1c e w:1s won by .\li1· e Quinn , :\Iarshfi el d. with IH•r sl'lcd ion, "SalJy Ann's P.xp('riC'nt·C'. '' Au d third pla te by Ellen ,Joh 11 8o n of Tripoli whose.- s ub - ject wms, " War in the nursny ." Contest Successful Th e w.!An<'rs of firiH pla('c in t':H: h of th e fo ur <livi s io11s will he e nt ere d in the s tate contest to be held nt : Madi son later in thC' spri ng. The two spt•nking progrnrns wNC' we ll ath'nded . 'fht•rc wnc! appr ox'i mnte l.v 150 p ro pl<· prc•se nt in the e\" .:o ning. Pr ofrsso r L. ).I. Bur· roughs was in d1:1rge of arran ge ments for the co ntcf-lt. 'l'hc public !<'pC'aking classes were in drn r gc of tit·kC't sales and r epo rt that the t~o nt est w:1s a financial succe !is. Tho judges for th e afternoon WC'rc Professor N'e\·:rn J ri mes of Oshkosh , Professor B. H. Bridgeman of Eau Claire , and Profe ssor J. J. R e11ahan of t,1 c loca l collC'g<'. In th e e\·c ning :\li s~ Be rtha Hussey r ep la ecd Prof essor Rel- lahan in th e judging for th e oratorit:11 and de tla matory rontes ts. Point Profs Travel As Forensic Judges Professor L. M. Burroughs and Pro· fesor Jos eph C. Mott will be the gu ests of Oshkosh and Eau Claire State Tca r h- ers Co ll eges respccti,·cly on May 11. Th ey go th en• to judge in the distri ct high school · forensic contests whieh those coll eges are sJjonsoring .. Th e con- tests are id ent i ca l to that which Cen· St eve ns Po int , Wi s., ,May 10, 192S Pri ce 7. ce nt s Base Ball Squad Work For Swedes Finishing ' up sc\·er:11 wN•k s of dia · 111011d pr.1ctit·t•, th e Pointers took th e fiC'ltl again st Sca ndiuavia Co ll ege last TuC'sday :1t th e fore ign grounds. O'n )Jay 151 h t.hc Swedes will tr:1 \' Cl h C'rc to c•o mlJat the Pointers on th e local sand, gidug the home folks the first c hann• to sec the• 'foam in action. In a practi ce til t with Plover Village nin,~ so mC' timC' ago, th e College men s h0\n 1 tl up stro ng in 11 -1 victory. },ra11k \\'it•rc•nzf'nski :111cl Harold Pa u kert were tht' head :1,·tors for the Point, he l ped IJy :tir tight support in the infiel d. Th<thirtt' <' lt su its arc filletl up · with l11 ,11f' :rnd mu scle, and all ar e anxiously :1w:dri11g th<' so uth ern trip ove r }.le· morin l lJay. Don' t fo rget the bnsP· ball ben ef it clnnt·c tomorrow night in the gym. Good musi <: nnd n good tim e ass ure d, besides :·our fin:111einl help is badly · nee ded. Commo11 out :111d llring the girl fri e nd. Lt•t's Go! More Students Sign Contracts To Teach Th e people wh o h a\·c obthi.netl pos iti on~ sint·r thL· ln st issu e of th·~ Pointer nrt•: t,rank \ Vicr e nzcnski as Principal of a \ Varel Bu ild.ing at Be rlin; Lcn or<' Seeger at .Me lle n ; . \Iary E. Hughl's :at Humbird ; and )fa rjori e F oote at \Veyn uwcgu . Among the Alum ni who obtained po s iti ons ar c: )l abel )[o <: k at Br illfon, Rcua Varalli :it Goodman , )[aymc Cart- mill :it 'J'wo Ri\"('r::J, and Orric Andrews as Prinl'ip:11 of a Stat e C:raded School in Seandin:1\"i:1. Fift y pt•n·ent of the s tudents who will c·ompl etc their tr:lining for teach· ing in rural schools, ha\·c sec ur ed po· sitions for nC'xt yc:1r. ' rhi s is parti· c·u larly sig nifi e ant sin ce so many rural districts wait until after th e annual sdwo l ml' C'ti ng in Jul.\· to hir e their teacher. Th e follow ing is th e list of those who ha\"e signed co ntra cts : . AIC'x Peterso n, Arnott , Port:tg<' Co. $100 Grat·<' Lindah l, \ Vaupaea Co . . . . . . . 5 P:dma Lob e rg, Portag e Co. . . !)0 :.\ Ii Id reel Ch affee, Adams Co ... : . 85 Mildred Plo\vman , , vaupaca Co . 8:l Lorn: 1 Yok ers , Portngc Co. 80 Pau li ne \Voods, P e pin Co. 85 Oor:1 R eid, Columbia Co. 85 A111rnh ellc B rg, Portage Co. 95 Harold Rudi e, Vil~s Co . 100 Eth el Stolcson, Vilas Co. . . . 5 Elaine R oe , \Vaupa ca Co. . . . 90 Ruth Williams , Adam s Co. . . . 8G PC'arl Clou se, Portage Co. . . 90 Zella Sl'ribner, P ortage Co. . . . . 90 Ir enC' Nourse, \Vnupa ca Co. . . !lO Gladys Ra smu ssC' n, Portage Co, 90 Oshkosh Tennis Men Arrive Here May 29. .-\ tt•nni:-. tilt, hot h 1loublcs and s inglC' :i , has het•n sehcd u lecl with Oshko~h 1'ea l·h('r:i ' Colle~e on the l oca l eoncrl'tl' foJ" ~I n,· 29t h with a return match lo !Jc play'e<l in the easte rn c ity some time th e first week in Jun e. Th e Tennis ClulJ, h ereto f ore a flour · ishing anll fina n <'iaJly successfu l or· ga11iz:1tion, is suffC'ring from lack of me mbe rship. Th e c lub runs the courts indc pendC"nt of nil state help and needs you r cooperat io n and hearty support. Athletic Department Ready To Welcome Track Men Annual Meet Training School Is . If the \\'Cather"'"" feel• in a pl cas ur - Arrangr ·ng Operetta .n h1e mood, the , ·car h· iutcr-,..i101nstie high sdioo l tr;wk mcCt. will he held in Th e st ude nts of the Ccntrn l College Stc\·ens Point, sponsor pd liy th e College 1'rai11ing school will present the ope· .• \thl ctic Department 0 11 Saturilay,. J.\lay r cttu ' '.\fid summer ~i g ht s,'' on a ne ar l!lth. elate, Last y <'ar th e presentation was Athl e ti c DirL'l·tor, Carl Eggebrecht, cntitlc<l, ''Shut-up Poesy'' · :\l iss Gla - has issued i uvitation s to e\·cry high dys l'rit ehard is in e hargc of the pro · Sl· hool in , vi scons i11, . hut m:rny aT('l dm·tiou . ht• sitaut ah out aci:('pti11g IJ C'c.a usc of The gist of this year's operetta is a <·u nflicts in the athlcti• · fill1l. Entries sto ry of the an·akcning of Spring an<l 11111 st be in IJ\' i\Iav 12th. the wckomi ng of the Ki ng and Queen. ::iten•ns POint, \ rausau, an<l ·. Marsh- ' l'h c rostumes will be mad e IJy th<' field, three of C'e ntrnl' Wisconsin 's Art De partme nt unde r the <lirettion of 1:n~est prC'p H~· hools, h:t \'t ' c11ro ll e cl . ).I iss Ed na Carlste n. :\I al'~ttrct Coll ins l {ruosha :ind Hitl·i11 c, las( year's first is arranging and directing a ll the au(! ~(·<·01ul winners n•sp<•ctivcly, have · dan ces. Tho pi ano acco mpn n iments w ill not dt•t· iclC'1l ns fo th L' meet they wi ll be played hy i\:larg:1rct RC' ading. Julia allt•nd. · Van ll ccke will giv e some vocal solos All Ev ents cluri11g the cours e of th e eve ning. Th e ml·t•t if-I sn nctio nt•cl h\' the \V. I. 'J'he following cas t of drnraders ha ~ .\. A. :UHi will l'Ontai 11 tlll sta nclar<l been announcecl. t rafk a11d fie ld events excc•pt the hnm· Cu rtain .Fairies .. Winifred Roberts, uiC'r throw. Th e e\'cnts listed arc the: :\lac H off man. J OO ytl. clnsh, ~20 :• d, dn :,; h, 880 ycl. nncl Puek . . . ... .. R eg KeJ so n. the 111ilL· runs, hi~h :111cl low hurdl es, Fairies .. )Iarjori c Atwe ll , Ora Mac high and br oad jump, pole \":tult, s hot Charlesworth, Ann 1\Iainlancl, Juanita put , discus thf ow, javelin and one mile Austin, Au relia Pc karski, Bonnie ra in y. liad1, Gladys Frogncr, Maysel Perdon . ButtC'rcups .. Io ne Higgin s, Jean ette Jab louski, Genevieve Jab lonski, Do· rot hy Larson. .Daisies .. Virgin ia Benke , Jakie Car - riker , Lo is Lynn, Phyllis Ca rtmil l. Bees . . ~ \Jnrtin Pereiva l, J i mmi e S ims, H.a lph Sh::ifton, i\'lelvin Schi llN. Birds . . Jim Jacobs, Joe Whele han , Jim Bill Whelehan, Pat Bennett, \Valt er P rzybyl ski, Di c ki e :\lillC'r. \ Vill·o-wisp Naney J:111c :Bemis Star child ...... Ethel Ann Lawran ce .Fire }<'lies .. Grace :\iclchior, ,vancla Wr ot nowski, ).farion J1 obe rt s, Olive Jane Cartmi ll. . Bnby seeds .. Ella 1'tae \Vood, .Dor. othy Cnrr . ':tntlmnn . .......... . Willi:un )Ii ll t•r . Qu cc•u of · Fairies .... Ju l ia Va n 1:I et·kc. l{ing Fred Higg ens. Qu ee n ...... Virginia ,, 1 at so n. Butt C'fl i<· S .. ).la o Grossman, Hel en Dei - ter, : Marguerite Przyb.)\lski, Alice : Ma · yak, P:itriria Whitn ey, Ke va Jan .: .Burroughf-1. And :i t·llurus of fift:· \"Oiccs . Letters Awarded To Eight G. A. A. Girls On Tuesday eve ning the G. A. A. hold a reg ular meeti ng. .A t this time e ight girls were awarded th e ir le tter s and formally in itiat ed into the o rgan ization. 'fh c girls re ce id 11 g letter!$ were Betty Sippy, Eliznbe th Rogers, Gladys Cutl er, Alice Ho ugen, Ollie Parkin , Eth el )lacs, Flor~n ce· Nelson, and Ver ni ce Be hnk e. ·rhis \'Car there hav e been ne ith er pins n o~ sweaters awarded but it is hoped that n ext )'.Ca r there will 1JC' m:1 ny of t~e given. Follo\\'i 1 igl the i nitiation was th e clcc· tion of the new 0. A. A. board for 11 cxt year. An i nsta ll ation pil'uic will lJ t' held ":.\l ay 23 for nil G. A. A. members . Part of~ the ca ts will be furnished lJy the organization the r est by imlivid· ual s. Furth er id the organization· for· mati on con ce rning th e pi cnic will he gl\·en at n latt er dat e. A wards Donated A beautifu l hu ge, s ih·er, lo\·i ng c up will be presenkd the teum Sl't·uri ng t he high est m1 111bC' 1' of poi11t s, whil e a small- er on e wi ll ))(• gi\·c,11 tlw s<•1·0 11Cl highes t. Gold , [,(jl\'er; an<l hronzt' medals will li e givt:11 in\"ividunl n11111ers, fo ll owing the n1sto111 or .. fornwr n·:U's :11nl these rnt:<l:il s :1n.• kt·l·n. Ro nll' ·ont• has donat cl a good look ing pln riu <' to go to the tc·a111 wi1111ing- the r elay r:n·e. Eat·h tt•am will p:iy its own ex p('n scs to the <·o nt cst whil e the local at hlet ic hoard will ma ke the visitors stay iu the Centl':tl Cit\· as pleasant as poSsiblC'. Tn the C\'C' niug when c\·C'ry liotl_v is tirctl IJut h:1ppy 1 n hij! 1,onster ,lance will n,·t·ur in tl1 e Co lk gl' (:ym. at S o 'dc,(·k. E\' erylJody Out . Officials Ordered C'o:H·h EggrbrC'd1t ha s h:id his h:u1cl:i full to Sl• led suit;1hle offit· i:tl s and he lp· Cl':i which ft l' (' \'erv 11 e(·t·~s;irv to rnn off a su1·cssful tour11;1ment. Ti1r list, com- posed <,f <'X pc•rif' n CNl Collt•J.{ia11s, faculty 111 C' 111ht•rf-! a11d towns pc11plt• is fair ly eo111pll'tc :1s follows: ll o11ornrv Hcf<' r C'(' : l>o d<•r B:lldwin Starter:· UnsclC'clcd Gcnf'r:-.1 )f::tnag-er, H(' frn·C' : Conch C'arl Eggc hrecht. 'J'im C'rs: ~f<·:i~rs. \V:1t so n, lli r1.y, ~tC'ill<.'r, Tho111pso11. .Judg es of Finish: ":.\kss rs. Hightsell, Dc lzt•II, Burroughs, Ruehl. Jud ges, Field ,Eve 1~1t s: PaukNl, \Ve- ronk<', F'l olicl , Wh i te, Rogers. 11 <.•ad , \\" C' ight: )fr. ~ ohe rts , Al- lHel·ht. Ri har chon, K rnncdy, 1fnrshall. Inspl'l'tors: ('h( •:i rnw11 1 P(•rm, Frit c h, Bern·. C'l~•rk c,f ('ourse: ). Lr. Rc ll?t han . ('i(•rk of Vicl,l: ) fr. (;arli~·. S1·orcn~: Bnc 11 s 1 Wi rre nz cns ki, Vnn !!ee k<-. Annou 1 11·t·r~: )l cVt ·y, Holmes . Reg istrar s: ('harleswort h, Li ntner, Romri n. Finam·t· ~: ), £ r. tid1nwct·k I<•, }.'Iott, Her ri ck. llaiHly :.\Ian: ). [ :.irsh. Th e whole truuhlc li es in securing the sf'rvic·('S of a eo mpet ent s tnrter. Sev- e r:ll ha ve hf't' n appro:iehcd uucl the final choil'c wi ll 1, c a nnounc ('(l next week~ also a list of c utrants. tral Co ll ege sponsored th e past week- end. SU PPORT . It will be re membered that Prof es- Lawr c-11,·c Co ll ege is also Hponsoring a , pr<'p mee t on th e same day, although ~";! Bridgeman of c~l~.m~air!mfi'~~._J_.1------ I he BasebaU Club By Atten d ing d uties at th e Pontest h ere. It is cu T h · f' D 'd · tomary among th e ,oneges ot this sec- e1r Bene 1t ance Fn ay Eve nm g Eggcl.u.~CClll'.elL..the-ollieial n · ti on of the \V. T. A. A. fi rst. H seems I thnt some of th~ Point 'M northern tion of the state to exc hange judges in this manner. I ne ighbors, heart ily hope lhul Racin e, Kenosha , nn<l ),f:tcli son attend the Ap· ' ------------------------------- ..... l ple to~ meet .

THE POINTER · high school · forensic contests whieh those colleges are sJjonsoring . . The con tests are identical to that which Cen· Stevens Point, Wis.,,May 10, 192S Price 7

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Page 1: THE POINTER · high school · forensic contests whieh those colleges are sJjonsoring . . The con tests are identical to that which Cen· Stevens Point, Wis.,,May 10, 192S Price 7

THE POINTER Series Ill. Vol. II. No. 24.


Dine At Nelson Hall },riday e ,·cning, )1ny 4, dosed the

annual clistriet high sd1oo l forensic contest held at Central Co1lcgc. There were twenty of the district sc hools r e· presented 'an<l ahout thirty guests iu all. 'rhe ,·isitors were t•11tc•rtainl'd bv th e coll c·gl' :di Friday. Lundl(>OII anC:l d.inn er was sen·,:,rl at X <'lsd 11 Hall.

At tl H· bnnqul't in tltl' C'Vc11ing t he l·ollege wns r<'prt~~cuh.•d hy the Orator, Prank .loswi<·k :in1l the Exte mpora nrous Speaker, Paulin<• Buhlnwn who were the guests of Profcsrmr L. _:\ l. Bur­roughs. After dinn er tht• gu(•s t s were invitc<l to dan1·C' in thC' rcl·rcation hall unt il time for the SC{·Ontl t·onkst to stnrt. ·

Plainfield, Wautoma, Win Jn the afternoon )J ir inm Goult, Plain·

f ield, ca rri <.'11 off t h e> first pla l'C' :1ward with hC'r cxtC'mpor::rn cous rC'ading. Second plaee in cxtcmpora n<.'o us . rNtd· ing u·~ s won by Aliee Sleeter of Anti · go and ihird by Virginia Co llins of Edgar. In cx tcn nC'ous spc~1k inc: Adelin e Raeuhrr \Vautom:1 won first pin ce. Sc,·o nd ono rs 'llwf'nt to Harold Klca ~r of .\ 11t ig< :rncl third to James Rulgrin of .\lar!ihfi t~ l<l.

Wausau Winner In Oratory Carl nuck ll of Waus:1u who tl<•l i\"C'l'Cd

' ·' : dvc 11tu1·e of Pt~a te, ' ' w o n first in ornto :r .Fri clay C' \'C'ninJ! :11111 .:\ ngi .:! Co111tC'r of Marshfi c.• ld with th(' 11ratio11 , '' ThC' Cons t itution'' was :1w:1r•lerl se•·o nd plnec. Third p l:i t·L' w:1 ::1 Gin.•11 to Cah-in Ritt cnh ousP of Plainfi<'lcl, whose oration w:i s C' nli tle<l '·Cr<'ati on Citizenship.,,

In dedamation :.\firiam Goult (1f Plainfield was awarded ht•r secon d fir::Jt plac e h:wing pla1·('(l f irst in er· tcmporan eous n.•:1di11g in th<· aft (' rnoon. Second pl:1ce w:1s won by .\li1·e Quinn, :\Iarshfield. with IH•r sl'lcd ion, "SalJy Ann's P.xp('riC'nt·C'. '' Au d third p la te by Ellen ,Joh 118on of Tripoli whose.- sub­ject wms, " War in the nursny . "

Contest Successful Th e w.!An<'rs of firiH pla('c in t':H: h of

th e four <livi s io11s will he ent ered in the state contest to be he ld nt :Madison later in thC' spri ng. T he two spt•nking progrnrns wN C' well ath'nded . 'fht•rc wnc! approx'i mnte l.v 150 pro pl<· prc•sent in the e\" .:o nin g. Profrssor L. ).I. Bur· roughs was in d1:1rge of arrange ments for the co ntcf-lt. 'l'hc public !<'pC'aking classes were in drn rgc of tit·kC't sales and repor t that the t~ontest w:1s a financial succe!is.

Tho judges for the afternoon WC'rc Professor N'e\·:rn J ri mes of Oshkosh , Professor B . H . Bridgeman of Eau Claire, and Professor J. J . R e11ahan of t,1 c loca l collC'g<'. In th e e \·cning :\lis~ B ertha H ussey repla ecd Professor R el­lahan in th e judging for th e oratorit:11 and de tla matory rontes ts.

Point Profs Travel As Forensic Judges

Professor L. M. Burroughs and Pro· fesor Joseph C. Mott will be the guests of Oshkosh and Eau Claire State Tcar h­ers Colleges respccti,·cly on May 11. Th ey go then• to judge in the distri ct high school · forensic contests whieh those colleges are sJjonsoring . . The con­tests are identica l to that which Cen·

S tevens P oint, Wi s .,,May 10 , 192S Price 7. cents

Base Ball Squad Work For Swedes Finishing 'up sc\·er:11 wN•ks of dia ·

111011d pr.1ctit·t•, th e Pointers took th e fiC'ltl against Sca ndiuavia Co ll ege last TuC'sday :1t th e fore ign grounds. •

O'n )Jay 151 h t.hc Swedes will tr:1 \'Cl hC'rc to c•omlJat the Pointers on the loca l sand, gidug the home folks the first chann• to sec the• 'foam in action.

In a practi ce til t with Plover Village nin,~ somC' timC' ago, the College men sh0\n1 tl up stro ng in 11-1 victory. },ra11k \\'it•rc•nzf'nski :111cl Harold Paukert were tht' head :1,·tors for the Point, he lped IJy :tir t ight support in the infield .

Th<• thirtt'<' lt suits arc filletl up ·with l11 ,11f' :rnd muscle, and all are anxiously :1w:dri11g th<' southern trip over }.le· morin l lJay.

Don' t fo rget t he bnsP·ball benefit clnnt·c tomorrow night in t he gym. Good musi <: nnd n good tim e assured, besides :·our fin:111einl he lp is badly ·needed. Commo11 out :111d llring the girl fri end. Lt•t's Go!

More Students Sign Contracts To Teach

Th e people wh o ha\·c obthi.netl pos ition~ sint·r thL· lnst issue of th·~ Pointer nrt•: t,rank \Vicrenzcnski as Principal of a \Varel Bu ild.ing at B erlin; Lcnor<' Seeger at .Mellen ; .\Iary E. Hughl's :at Humbird ; and )fa rjori e F oote at \Veynuwcgu .

Among t he Alum ni who obtained positions arc: ) l abel )[o <: k at Brillfon, Rcua Varalli :it Goodman , )[aymc Cart­mill :it 'J'wo Ri\"('r::J, and Orric Andrews as Prinl'ip:11 of a State C:raded School in Seandin:1\"i:1.

Fifty pt•n·ent of the s tudents who will c·ompletc their tr:lining for teach· ing in rural schools, ha\·c secured po· s it ions for nC'xt yc:1r. 'rhi s is parti· c·u larly sig nifi eant sin ce so many rural districts wait until after th e annual sdwo l ml'C'ti ng in Jul.\· to hire their teacher.

Th e follow ing is th e list of those who ha\"e signed co ntracts : . AIC'x Peterson, Arnott, Port:tg<' Co. $100 Grat·<' Lindah l, \Vaupaea Co . . . . . . . 5 P:dma Loberg, Portage Co. . . !)0 :.\ I i Id reel Chaffee, Adams Co ... : . 85 Mildred P lo\vman , , vaupaca Co. 8:l Lorn:1 Yok ers, Portngc Co. 80 Pau li ne \Voods, P epin Co. 85 Oor:1 Reid, Columbia Co. 85 A111rnhellc B rg, Portage Co. 95 Harold R udie, Vil~s Co. 100 Eth e l Stolcson, Vilas Co. . . . 5 Elaine R oe , \Vaupa ca Co. . . . 90 Ruth Williams, Adam s Co. . . . 8G PC'arl Clouse, Portage Co. . . 90 Zella Sl'ribner, P ortage Co. . . . . 90 IrenC' Nourse, \Vnupaca Co. . . !lO Gladys Ra smussC' n, Portage Co, 90

Oshkosh Tennis Men Arrive Here May 29.

.-\ tt•nni:-. tilt, hoth 1loublcs and s inglC':i , has het•n sehcdu lecl with Oshko~h 1'ea l·h('r:i ' Colle~e on the local eoncrl'tl' foJ" ~I n,· 29th with a return match lo !Jc p lay'e<l in the eastern city some time th e first week in June.

Th e Tennis ClulJ, heretofore a flour· ishing anll fina n<'iaJly successfu l or· ga11iz:1tion, is suffC'ring from lack of membe rship. Th e club runs the courts indc pendC"nt of nil state help and needs you r cooperat ion and hearty support.

Athletic Department Ready To Welcome Track Men

Annual Meet Training School Is . If the \\'Cather"'"" feel• in a pl casur-

Arrangr·ng Operetta .n h1e mood, the ,·carh · iutcr-,..i101nstie high sdiool tr;wk mcCt . will he held in

The st udents of the Ccntrn l College Stc\·ens Point, sponsorpd liy th e College 1'rai11ing sc hool will present the ope· .•\thlc ti c Department 0 11 Saturilay,. J.\lay rcttu ' '.\fidsummer ~ig hts,'' on a near l!lth. elate, Last y<'ar the presentation was Athle tic DirL'l·tor, Carl Eggebrecht, cntitlc<l, ''Shut-up Poesy'' · :\l iss Gla- has issued iuvitation s to e \·cry high dys l'ritehard is in ehargc of the pro · Sl·hool in , visconsi11, . hut m:rny aT('l dm·tiou . ht•sitaut ahout aci:('pti11g IJC'c.ausc of

The gist of this year's operetta is a <·u nf lic ts in the athlcti• · fil•l1l. Entries story of the an·akcning of Spring an<l 11111 st be i n IJ\' i\Iav 12th. the wckomi ng of t he K ing and Queen. ::iten•ns POint, \ rausau, an<l ·.Marsh-

'l'h c rostumes will be made IJy th<' field, three of C'e ntrnl' W isconsin 's Art Department unde r t he <lirettion of 1:n~est prC'p H~· hoo ls, h:t \'t ' c11ro ll ecl . ).I iss Ed na Carlste n. :\I al'~ttrct Coll ins l{ruosha :ind Hitl·i11 c, las( year's first is arranging and directing a ll the au(! ~(·<·01ul wi nners n•sp<•ctivcly, have

· dan ces. Tho piano a ccompn niments w ill not dt•t· iclC'1l ns fo th L' meet t hey wi ll be played hy i\:larg:1rct RC'ading. Julia allt•nd. · Van ll ccke will give some vocal solos All Events cluri11g the course of the evening. The ml·t•t if-I sn nctio nt•cl h\' the \V. I.

'J'he following cast of drnraders ha~ .\. A. :UHi will l'Ontai 11 tlll sta nclar<l been announcecl. t rafk a11d fie ld events excc•pt the hnm· Cu rtain .Fairies .. Winifred Roberts, uiC'r throw. Th e e\'cnts listed arc the:

:\lac H offman. J OO ytl. clnsh , ~20 :•d, dn :,; h, 880 ycl. nncl Puek . . . ... . . Reg KeJson. the 111ilL· runs, hi~h :111cl low hurdles, Fairies .. )Iarjori c Atwell , Ora Mac high and b road jump, pole \":tult, shot

Charlesworth, Ann 1\Iainlancl, Juanita put, discus thf ow, javelin and one mile Austin, Au relia P ckarski, Bonnie ra iny . liad1, Gladys Frogncr, Mayse l Perdon .

ButtC'rcups . . Io ne Higgin s, Jeanette Jab louski, Genevieve Jab lonski, Do· rothy Larson.

.Daisies .. Virgin ia Benke, Jakie Car­riker, Lois Lynn, Phyllis Ca rtmil l.

Bees . . ~\Jnrtin Pereival, J i mmie Sims, H.a lph Sh::ifton, i\'lelvin Schi llN.

Birds . . Jim Jacobs, Joe Wh elehan , Jim Bill W helehan, Pat Bennett, \Valt er P rzybyls ki , Dickie :\lillC'r.

\Vill·o-wisp Naney J:111c :Bemis Star child ...... Ethel Ann Lawrance .Fire }<'lies .. Grace :\ic lchi or, ,vancla

Wrotnowski, ).farion J1 obe rt s, Olive Jane Cartmill . .

Bnby seeds .. Ella 1'tae \ Vood, .Dor.othy Cnrr.

' :tntlmnn . .......... . Willi:un )Ii ll t•r . Qucc•u of ·Fairies . . . . Ju lia Van 1:Iet·kc. l{ing Fred Higgens. Quee n ...... Virginia ,,1atso n. ButtC'fl i<·S .. ).lao Grossman, Helen Dei -

ter, :Marguerite Przyb.)\lski, Al ice :Ma · yak, P:itriria Whitn ey , Keva Jan .: .Burroughf-1.

And :i t·llurus of fift:· \"Oiccs.

Letters Awarded To Eight G. A. A. Girls

On Tuesday evening the G. A. A. hold a regular meeti ng. .A t this time e ight girls were awarded th e ir le tters and formally i nitiated into the organ ization. 'fhc girls rece id 11 g letter!$ were Betty Sippy, El iznbeth Rogers, Gladys Cutle r , Alice Hougen, Ollie Parkin, Ethe l )lacs, Flor~nce· Nelson, and Ver nice Be hnk e.

·rhis \'Car there have been neith er pins n o~ sweaters awarded bu t it is hoped t hat next )'.Ca r there will 1JC' m:1 ny of t~e given .

Follo\\'i1igl t he initiation was th e c lcc· tion of the new 0. A. A. board for 11 cxt year. An insta ll ation pil'uic will lJ t' held ":.\lay 23 for nil G. A. A. members. Part of~ the cats will be furnished lJy the organization the rest by imlivid· uals. Further id the organization· for· mation con cerning the picnic will he gl\·en at n latt er date.

A wards Donated A beautifu l huge, sih·er, lo\·i ng cup

will be presenkd t h e teum Sl't·uri ng t he highest m1111bC' 1' of poi11ts, while a s mall­er on e wi ll ))(• gi\·c,11 tlw s<•1·0 11Cl h ighest.

Gold , [,(jl\'er; an<l hronzt' meda ls will lie givt:11 in\"ividunl n11111ers, fo llowing the n1sto111 or .. fornwr n·:U's :11nl these rnt:<l:il s :1n.• kt·l·n. Ronll' ·ont• has donat cl a good look in g pln 1· riu <' to go to the tc·a111 wi1111ing- the relay r:n·e.

Eat·h tt•am will p:iy its own ex p('nscs to the <·ont cst while the local at h let ic hoard will ma ke the visitors stay iu the Centl':tl Cit\· as pleasant as poSsiblC'.

Tn the C\'C' niug when c\·C'ry liotl_v is tirctl IJut h:1ppy 1 n hij! 1,onster ,lance will n,·t·ur in tl1 e Colkgl' (:ym. at S o 'dc,(·k. E\'e rylJody Out.

Officials Ordered C'o:H·h EggrbrC'd1t ha s h:id h is h:u1cl:i

full to Sl• led suit;1hle offit· i:tls and he lp· C l' :i which ft l'(' \'erv 11 e(·t·~s;irv to rnn off a su1·cssful tour11;1ment . Ti1r list, com­posed <,f <'X pc•rif' nCNl Collt•J.{ia11s, faculty 111 C' 111ht•rf-! a11d towns pc11plt• is fair ly eo111pll'tc :1s follows:

llo11ornrv Hcf<' rC'(' : l>od<•r B:lldwin Starter:· UnsclC'clcd Gcnf'r:-.1 )f::tnag-er, H(' frn·C' : Conch

C'arl Eggchrecht. 'J'im C'rs: ~f<·:i~rs. \V:1t so n, lli r1.y,

~tC'ill<.'r, Tho111pso11. .Judges of Finish: ":.\kssrs. Hightsell ,

Dc lzt•II, Burroughs, Ru ehl. Judges, Field ,Eve 1~1t s: PaukNl, \Ve­

ronk<', F'l olicl , Wh ite, Roge rs. 11 <.•ad , \\" C' ight: )fr. ~ oherts , Al­

lHel·ht. Ri r· harchon, K rnncdy, 1fnrshall. Inspl'l'tors: ('h(•:i rnw11 1 P(•rm, Fritch,

Bern·. C'l~•rk c,f ('ourse: ).Lr. Rcll?than . ('i(•rk of Vi cl,l: ) f r . (;arli~·. S1·orcn~: Bnc11 s1 Wi rre nzcnski, Vnn

!!eek<-. Annou 111·t·r~: ) lcVt·y, Holmes. Reg istrars: ('harleswort h, L intner,

Romri n. Finam·t·~: ), £ r. tid1nwct·k I<•, }.'Iott,

Herri ck. llaiHly :.\Ian: ).[:.irsh. Th e whole truuhlc li es in securing the

sf'rvic·('S of a eompetent stnrte r. Sev­e r:ll ha ve hf't' n appro:iehcd uucl the final choil'c wi ll 1,c a nnounc('(l next week~ also a list of cutrants. tral Co llege sponsored th e past week-

end. SUPPORT . It will be r emembered that Prof es-

Lawrc-11,·c Co llege is also Hponsoring a , pr<'p meet on th e same day, although

~";! Bridgeman of c~l~.m~air!mfi'~~._J_.1------I h e BasebaU Club By Attending d u t ies at the Pontest here. It is cus· T h · f' D 'd · tomary among the ,oneges ot this sec- e1r Bene 1t ance Fn ay Evenmg

Eggcl.u.~CClll'.elL..the-ollieial n · tion of the \V. T. A. A. fi rst. H seems I thnt some of th~ Point 'M northern

tion of the state to exchange judges in this manner. I

neighbors, heart ily hope lhul Racine, Kenosha , nn<l ),f:tclison attend the Ap·

'-------------------------------.....l ple to~ meet.

Page 2: THE POINTER · high school · forensic contests whieh those colleges are sJjonsoring . . The con tests are identical to that which Cen· Stevens Point, Wis.,,May 10, 192S Price 7



...Publi shed Weekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Cc nt r:d Wisco11si11 Statr Tc:1chcrs ' College.

~ntc recl as second -class mattar ~lay 26, Ht2i, at the post office at Stevens Point, Wisconsin, under the Ac t of irarch 3, 1 i9.

Subsaiption Price $2.00 P.er year. -

THE STAFF _ F;dito r -in -Chief ....... . . . ........ . . . .... .. . . ...... S0lomou Wc lautzik

Associate Editor .... , . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1111 Sh:uff cws Editor . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . Pau li ne Bu hlman

Society Editor . . . . . . • . . . .• ..• .. . .• •. . . • ..•.•. . .. . . . ... Crystal flolclercgger Sports Edi tor . • . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Carlton L intner Girls' Athleti cs . . ..•.. . . •. . . ... . . . • , . •. • •. • . •. . .. . .• .. -...... l\ l ilclrcd Patchin F enturcs . • . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . Keith Berens Reporter . .. •. . . .•.. • ... . ... . .•.• .. •. . .. •.. ........ . E[clen \Vcber Reporter .. . . . .. . . . ....• . ... • .... . .. . . . ............. Ma rjorie Foote Reporter . . . . • . • . . • . . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . Ruth J ohnson Reporte r ... . .. . . . ... . .. . .•..•. . . . ...•... . ..•..•...... l~atherine Thom.pson

Proof .Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • . Ethel 1fadsen Business Manager . .... .... . : . . . . . . . • . • . . • . • . . . . . Walter Wasrud Ci r('ulatio n ~Iauager , . . . . . . . . . . J •• Joh11 Pral'.g:uski Assistant Circul:itio n :i\lanager . . . Richard 1I a rshall Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . J . R clla han

WE ARE GLAD TO HAVE YOU Althoug-h a ll students, except spec ia l . studen ts, en r olled in the

State Tcache i;,;A' Collcg-cs a re enrolled with t he agreeme nt tha t t he~· a rc to become teac hers fo r t he stat e, t he agr eemen t is by no means an iron-cla d cont ract. It may be ass umed w it h 1·e11son t ha t t he sta t e of \\" is<"o nsi n intends to be lenient w ith t he 'l'eachet· 's College stu­(knts as eonec1·ns t he fu lfillm ent of the ag reement. T hc 1·e is no •tuestion but wha t the state does not in tenc\ to fo r ce anyone to become a teache1· - •Yen though he is en r oll ed in a T eachers' College.

Th e fact is n •eo;!ll ized t hat young people j ust out of High School are not usua lly d ea r as to what t hei1· life work shou ld be. But t hey m ust .do someth ing so man y go orf to t he eas il y access ible Tcachc ,·s' Coll cg-es wit!{ t he hope t hat they will like it.

H ut not all peo,pl e enjoy the teach ing profession. ) lany are. d i. ill u,iom•,1 afti·r ,~c · attacks on lesson plans, pract ica l teach ing. con fc rcn,·e noteboo ks secondary educat ion. teachi ng- of math­emat ics , and whateYer e :· , embryonic t eachers take. Ot hc 1·s, although qu ite p leased with th· prnspect of becom in g- a utoe rats of the class­room, dcc icl e that othrr fie lds ar e more fer t ile and mo re suscepti bl e to t he i1· part icnl,11· ab ili.t ies. So here a re ma ny stud en t s in t he 'l' cachct·s · Co ll c~c ,rho d o not " ·ish to become teac her s at a ll. No w what (·a 11 t hey do Y

Tu " Hegulations of the l,"n iY crs ity of Wisconsi n R elatin g to Advanced Sta nding Cred its" t he Un i,·ers ity anthor ities make t he fo ll owing interest ing statement . "Cr ed its fro m T eachers ' Co ll eges a r c a eceptc·d on exact ly the same bas is as t hose from a ny Collegiate inst itutio11 . Amo ng the pr incip les which a r e fo ll owed arc t hese :

.1. E n·r y trn11scr ipt is t 1·eated on its mer it s. T he re is n o flat 'C redit.

2. In eYaluat ing cr ed its fro)li' other inst it u t ions, t he general rnl e of the Co ll ege of Letters an d Science that its stud en ts must ca n y Jifteen cr edits per seme. ter in order to secure a year's fu ll credit in two semeste rs is applied. T hns cred its fro m o.t her inst it u tions, sccm·­cd for exa m ple on a r equ irem en et of 18 cr ed it s per semester, a 1·e r e­d nccd to five s ixths their " face va lue " . . . .

'.l'h is is certa in! .,· an in te rest ing fact, and incidently on~ upon which much unce r ta inty and m isunde rsta nd ing is cont inuall y man i­fested. It means rnughl y that the n h ·er:ity of \V iscons in , (and mo:t other similar institutions ) wi ll accept Teachers' College crcd its·on a n eq ua l footing- "·ith its own . It means fu 1·t heT t hat no person n eed hesi­tat e to enro ll in a T eacl1er · ' College beca use of a des ire to attc 11 d a rn1 iversity alt hough u nab le t o do so. . T he peopc t· nationa l pr ocedtne fo r most peopl e inte nd ing- to pro­cU r <' hii.dier rcltwat ioh would be to en,·oll in t he T cachc1·s' Co ll ege where ercdits L'rt 1·n 1..id c1 1·e µ-ood, where liv ing- expenses arc lower , and where as mud1 and perhaps more ca n iJ,, lea rned in the f irst t wo y ea rs than can br lcarn r d at a uniYcrsit.,·. '!'hen, if t he student f inds that th e teachin1-: profession does not appeal to h im or that othe1· fie ld , bec kon , he should change, for he 11·ill be losing nothing.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT l t has Ul' cn the writer's priYii eg-e to attend t he Centra l Wiscon­

sin State Tcacht>rs' Co ll ege fo r a period cng1·ossi n g t h l'ClC yca1·s; not u long time to be su ,·e , but one long enough for some obseevation of eonditions. T he most noti ceab le of t he ehanges which have come about is the increased interest in t eaching- wh ich pervades t he student body. 'fhe quality of t he average st udent has doubled , and he seems to be here because he wants to lea r n somethi ng. The situat ion is be­ginn ing to show too , in the po int of view wh ich Superinte ndents hold towa rd the School. They seem to fee l confident that t hey can come her e fo r teach ers who wi ll get resul ts. Cr ack metropolita n school systems which will hire green teachers from a school cann9t afford to misplace confidence; and th is school happens to be one· of t he few w.hich hJ) ids the hono1· of supplying such teachers. One gets a superi-

r-feeling,-of-11elf•assurance-wherrhe--rea-lizes 1:hat-he-has brrcn "train e by an institu t ion wit h prest ige, instead of an ou t pu t-at-a ll-costs 'I'eacher -mill. Th ere's life in t he old horse yet ! BARON CASEY.


APPLIED MATHEMATICS Reith had been explaining fractions

to bis class. Wishing to see how much light had been shed. h e inquir ed :

'' Now John, what would you rather have, one apple or two ha lves?'• . . '' Two ha lves.''

' ' Oh John, ' ' exclaimed K eith a littlt! disappointedly, '' Why would you prefer t wo halves?'•

'4 Then I conld see whether it was

bad inside.''

WE THOUGHT SO n orot hy: "Papa. why 1lors Sant~·

Claus ,n•;.1r :1 ht'nrd?'' ) rr. 0:.1,·id son : '' Hl' l':lllSl' he has so

mn n." Christ mas 11c1·kti1•s, <ia ug htn.' 1

ADV. Introducing the wat erproof wrist

watch for those who dip doughnuts in their coffee.

WHY NOT ? Ji l"'lt•n: "Sn l·' r:lllk wo 11 a lo\'ing­

c: up.'' th:~t~~~


1~r.,·1 do 1'h1•.,· g- i ,·c t ups fo,·


Mr. Burroughs: • ' H ave you ever done 3.11y public sPe%king before? ''

Walter Wa.srud : ''W ell, I proposed to a girl over the telephone in my home town once.' '

Of a ll sad words Of to ng ue or pen T hi' ~ad clcst :ire: "Sit down, I' ll lie n·:ul,\' in j ust n

minut e. ' '

THAT A HOME EC FOR YA ! Miss Chnrch: 1 ' What impressed you

the most while in Europe?• ' Miss Allen: " The French peasants

singing the mayonnaise.''

:\f:rn.,· a g irl call8 h{'rsclf a li \'C' wire lic-t·aus<' C'Vcr_v t hing she hns on is chnrgcd .

SHE WIRES POP FOR MONEY Mr. Rogers: 1 1 What can you tell me

about nitrates? '• Laura S . : " Well - er - they ' re a

lot cheaper than day rat es. ''

Dead men tell no t ales, but sometimes their tombstones are awful liars.

IN SUNDAY SCHOOL l,C'o11 :1 rcl Sprngt1(': ''Whrwwas Ev C'? ' ' ,John ny: ''The first (·h iekC'n thnt

r uin t.•cl a 111:111'~ garc\C'11 . "

MODERN RED RIDINGHOOD Mr. Rellahan : • ' What is an opportu­

nist? '' H appy: 1 'One who meets the wolf at

the door, and appears the next day in a fur coat .' '

BUMPING THE BUMPS '' \Vhat is a detour?" ''The roughest <Ji:.1tanc·c hC'twccn two


BUT SHE DOESN'T! Tea.i:.h.er: " I 'm only punishing you

because I love you. ' • Johnny: ' 'I wish I was big enough to

return your love. 1 '

1 ·:·~~~{;\~' ·1 ::~=.:: Catch whn t you can; ::!f::

,C3 n what you entch.

, t •!•-o!•}-o!••!- !u!••·•• .-..=: •!o!•,:Z -o!••!+.!•• J""'! • • .;-;. :;

Dr. Collins would lik9 t6 k1i6w what is ·mor9 ch~r :p:t9ri stlc 6f P6iti t C61tcg9 th,pi th9 sight or Pr6f9ss6r D9lz9U · or Pr6f QSS6r M6\t t~lkitig t 6 s6m9 y6utlg f9m~l9s iti th9 h ~ll. ·

EXTRA! (rrrntiona l ~cws Sc-n h·c )

Prof. Smith Contemplates t h1! purchase of a new Ford. Prof . Rightscll goes h im one better with his purchase of a new Stnde. baker " 8 " . Mr. Rightscll l'efuses to answer questions upon advice . of counsel.

CAUGHT! 1, 'otht"I' d:1y I A IHI SC~ whyn 1t \\'(' (' 011 ·

t rlb11t e t a this here colyum of perver t . l'tl r:t\·i11 '1 ~o lu•rc ,,.l. IJc. Lisscu gals .. .

Thishere parygraft is for your person. l'i t.•il clific·as hu11 . \\"h t.• 11 we w:1s small, tha ladies wore 1 em high an ' lo w. Now t ill•,,· gl't 111i xcd w it h tlrn k id sish•1'':(. We mean dresses. Tha other day tha hlow th:1t IJui,iti•cl my graft sez, "l11·y rpa; when will I -be old enuf so 's I can 1ln•ss cool in th:1 ,'u mmcr ? " Gosh , she dOn' t wear nothin ' now but a pair o ' ~·ounj! B. \". D. '~, ;i k i 11 il of th in li n•ss, an ' shoes an ' sox, but then that 's let-1 i 111 out fa mhly st•t· ruts; [ hl•t t N kt•t· p ~till . What we wuz goin ' to say wuz, 1s th:it these h(' 1·(' now, gnls is on·r· stcppin ' the bounds of reason. W e ain 1t ki t kin' :ibol~t ski1111~· ln igs 11 cith1·r, au' gosh knows there' s a.lotta 'em, but whcu tha g;ds wear th ings thal look like a old sack what tha moths had a l>arhc•ruc on, o nly madt• o' g-ood 1·l11 th­you know, no sleeves, not much buz. zum 1a 11 ' s hortcr 11 ' t ime - wh v it 's plumb immoddost, that' s a ll. We ain ' t writi n'' no proppygnn cl a fo r 110 l l•xtil r mannyfactshurers, but a little cloth he re nn ' the re sure woul d im pro ,·c !'mrnc pco plt•. Ya ' cl 11evrr kn o w· t hcv wus so menny bones an' so menny joints in the wor ld if :·a did n 't h;iv(' 'cm l>l' ratlt•d in front of ya every d ay . If tha girls w:111ta go :nou n' li ke t h is here now, Vt·· nus almost , wlty that's a ll right, but t he.,· gotta cat more whi t e brc:ul or 0 11 0 guy I know is goin' to Baffin Land, w h(•rl' y a gottn stay ro,·rr<'t l or frN'Zl', Now t ake a drag on that!

Yrrs trooly , El Toro.

Seotl y . i\l cD ona ld recent ly d reamed t ha t he loaned a ma 11 !l; IO. ll c's hen ~o ing to bed ea rl y l'\'Pl'Y nig-ht s in c·C t ry in g to g-ct i t bm·k.


lbinty, fc 111i11 i 11 c, a llu r ing, 1·h;1r111 i11 g , 1wt ite , IJcn u tifu l, · -.\11111 Dit• u 1 a d,j<•c t i,· cs s im p ly foll fl:11 iu iles(' rihing- t he charms of \\· .,' ot·c rrn 1:i 0111.,· gift to Nclso11 11 :111. LikeR : ro ma nec, h orsrs, i<:c-c r ca m, footliull horo 's, hot dogs, a11 cl l·1rcnch perfumes. O nly . \' ice rceordcd i n St. :Peter's a l· m :111111· is us ing hc•r t.oothpi ck wit h th e wrong 111111 <1. In tcrcs l c<l muehly in R ipo n hu t is :H,t nd · verse to loca l dates. T a i. fi1~. A lw:rys carri!'s hor niter ska tcs 0 11 pnrt ies, tht• same IJei ng grca tly worn fro m contin uous....roJ ling ovor ·o~uty llighwaya. Wcllt o tht fa mous (!) Oshk os.h trip in 1028. Ask Cha rlesworth. Any way -S he's th e Swcl'thea r t of -

Page 3: THE POINTER · high school · forensic contests whieh those colleges are sJjonsoring . . The con tests are identical to that which Cen· Stevens Point, Wis.,,May 10, 192S Price 7



Dance Sponsored By Base Ball Club Priliay , ~r:1~· ].1th., t h e ll:1 s<.'11 :tll C lub

is s po11 sor i11g n d:11H' l' to Ii <' hC' l1l in the College Gy111 . A II of the prOl't·<·ils :HI'

to j!O for th t· ex pl' ll ~C' of till· tl•am. 4'lcl\' in Uon 1wr i:-1 the t' h :1 ir111an of

t he a.ff:tir and is assisted lJ,- J{C'ith DerC'ns :111<1 Nit·k Allen. The· hes t ·of mus ir is to hC' oht:li ne fi :ind a good t ime for nil is bC"i11g pl:rn ue<l .

The Ba sclia uh is unab le to oht:1i11 nuv mo n(' · from tht• Athll'tic Assot'i ati o·n and this 111:lkt.'S ii n<'l'l'Ssa n · for th(' 111 lo l'a n1 111011 1. ,. i11 otlH·r w:1y~. E\'cryo1w is urg!• cl to l.;rnll' out.

!!l, ~Si,,

Sho&.lJ College Films

'l'h ,• : ~ 1·g,:~?-~ s~ 1~u11L~.~~,r~,~~ Wl'd 11 1.. .. s<l:1y, .\b y ·~:t h :tt i::W in· th e Auc.litori"uni. .\ 111•w PrL•sicl1•111 :u1<l ~<'cn.•tar,v Wl'H' 1•1L·1·tcd for till· 1·0111i11~

~·1.•a r . Vr:111k Jusw il'k, th1• form<•r 1u·t•s ith•11t1 ch .. li n•rl' <l hi :-. f:in•w1•11 :1tl ­dr1..•ss. :'\li !is l·\•rn Pugh lt•d g-roup !'iing-· iug. A l't· po rt o n a 1·11nt•nt fi1·1 ion 1,ouk was ~iq•11 h.,· B1·:1d \\'ill t•ft. )liss :'\":111-ni,: Gr:1y who w:lS :i fri1._•nd .an,I f t•adll•r of .\liss :'ll:1rg:1rt.'t .\ sh 111u11 wlH•n sh,· wns a studC'11t h,•n·, ga,·t" a \'t•1·y in ­lt•n•sting- IJiogTaphy of her.

'l'hrough the• ,·uurtt·s~· of ~\Ir. Hirzy, thC' p il·lun•s d,•pfrt in J! Collrgf' life> ':it 8 . P. 'r. c. WNC !-1how11. HC'f 1·c•sh111C'J1t <J \\"l'l'l' SC'l'\'Nl. At this 11\l' l'ti ng th <' :'i.l:1rg:1n•t Ashmu11 Soriet~· l·o 111pll'tl•il n ,·1·1·.\' :-cthTC'ssful s<•:1son .

.\liss :'i.lar.'" llugh(•s ma1ll' :1 s ntt·t•ssful pt•rsoual :tpplic·ntiou at Jlumh il'<l on Fri ­da,·. S hC' l"('turnc•d to St(•,·ens Point wi .th :1 t·o ntr;H•t s igut•d to t(•:td• hunw {'t'OIIOlllil'S thC'J"(' IH'Xt "\"l':11" .

)Iiss :\ l nr,iorit• E'oot~· also madl' :1 SU<··

i·t•ssful Jll'l'S0 11:1I :ippli1·:itic111 this p:l St WC'l•k t•ud . Sht• h.•f t nt 0 1dock S:1tu r­,1ay morning- for \\" t',"<Hl\\'C'J!a :111<1 l"C'­tuructl 011 th e 110011 tr:1i11 with hn <·0 11 -trnd to ,lo ilcpartnH•ntal work i11 th e i11te1·111 l'di:1tP and gramm:11' g1·:uil·s.

L:1st Fri1lny ,\·:1s :111othC'r hap11y dny in X clso n Hall with the puhli 1· spl'11k-

. i11g t·o11tt•st:111ts :uul th e ir 1:0:11.·hl•s. 'l'h t•y /IA b Qf y W C A I n il ~nicl ~l iss Ro\\'l' 1

!'.i -Ill t·t• nt di1 f11 i• r 1r.1em er.s ... • • \\':l!-i :1 n'gul ar i :i l'l'llt (lilt' (')i,\('\\"hC'I'(' :111d

To Convene Tonight 111ey'n· ri,::ht.

I )l1ss P<'arl ,J11:li-ka has r<'C·o,·t·rr,1 fro11'

Last Thursday, ) la~· 3rd, the Y. " ·· :1 rath l' r Sl'\'l'l"l' 1·:1:,t• of influr nza. C. :\. hl'::tl'd a ,·cr.r splC'nd id tn lk gi,·c n Nrlso n H:ill w:i s ahout cl t•st•rtcd 011

h.r ~frs . \\' hitncy. 1-ll'r topi t· wa s on the 8atunlay :,t tli1111 e r time o n :n·(·Otlld of dC',·clopmrnt of tht:' .lll C' ntal, spiri tu:11 tilt' g irls' attC'nding th C' r. \\". C. :\ . and physical part of our botlics. i11stnllatio11, hanquC't in th r p:.1rlor~ of

Saturday. 4'1:1~- 5th, the Y. \V. C. A. the Baptist Church. ha<l the ir in st :dlation 1,nnqud at the 1\{i:,l, ·:\lnrg:uct \\"hisnnnt ,·isitccl n·· Baptist Chun·h. Th crr was r<'portccl n n l:ith·l~l, in Amher!-lt O\'e r th <' wrck ro nd: attcn,l:1m·r of :1hout s ixty persons. rrhc Doroth~· Olson 1 in )losim•c ; \\'inn 11 .1 instnll:ition of new officl'rs took plal'e Roohr, in CollJ~·; Ire ne X ours<· :11111 at this ha nqul~t . )l:ujori <.• AllC'11 i11 \\":m p:1t·a ; Eunil·c Ri -

On Thursday e,·rn iug of thi s Wl'ck. It•!· :1 1ul Lue i le chm i<l t, in A t he ns: :l\foy lOth 1 tht• Y. \V . C. A . h:is another Flort•n<·t• l-lni rl', in \V 1.•yau\\"l' g:1; Ar\~·11 treat in sto re fo r you a ll. .Ial·ohson, in loin; J.ouis1.• :\f l•i nke 1 in

Y.M.C.A. Hears Talk . By Ferdinand Hirzy The Y. ) f. C. A. he ld n rrgular meet ·

iug las t 'l'hunH.lay c,·ening. At t hi s time J'C'J'cli n:rnd lli1·z ,- showt•cl somr of thr mo,·ing pit·lurC's · which h:i\' e ht•<'n takC'n uf thl' (°(• ntral CollC'j!l' s tud l' nts and fan11t~· . Tht•s • pietun•s will h e ur;e<.I to :tdvNfisc th t• l'Oll1•gl' tlt1·ough ­ou t the stntt• .

Befort"' sho\\"illl,!' t he pidUl'l'!-1, ~f r . lli r · zy r<'mi11<ll'd tht.• a ulii C'11~c of hi s t'o llel!c 11:iys and l"O mparl'tl tht"'m t o lh<' jJl'C'SC' Hl. Ik aJ:;u m <• nti oucd ..,...... thc '' esp ri t d e corpr; ' of the ~bnerira n L egio n :ind sug­gestCtl tlrnt the Y. )L C. A. at quirc this :1ttiluch"'. Jt will, hC'yontl tlouht, ~c worthy of the nttl'ntion of t1w whole stu<lC'nt body to keep in mind t he- n l'C tl for more '' espri t d e t•o rps.' '

Rural Life Members Hear Noted Speakers

\ Vestfie ld ; )[:njorie Foote, in Shawano; Ali<'C' Hougen, in \Viseonsin R:1picls: Mari on Xolan, in )lnnawa ; I,·a .:'i.fnc Wood, Edna Trh·ke.'", Ruth \Villiams, a nd 'ad ie Storzharh, in Pl:1infi e ld ; :1111! Dorothy :rnd ) [argnret C:l\\·h.•y, in \Vau ­sn. w . WhC'n WC' ha,·(' air plnnC's, we'll all go home on Friday ni ght!


Huth Etlnn Sw:111, Cl:1ss of l!JOS1 is a ::;uper\'i:wr of Pl'11 m:111 s h ip in the P u h lil' Sd1ools of Niles, :\(id1i_g:111.

R obC'rt 0 . Hills, Class of 1!11 6, t ook his :\ . B. D~ree from the State 'J'ca<' hers' Colic_~ at :i\.larqucttc1 )Iicld· ga n in 1925 a nd is now Prin cipal of tlw High School :1t Onto11ago11 , )[ichigan .

Snmuel n. Ellis, graduate of Point Co llege rece ntly reeci,·ed his Ph. D. from th e University of \Visconsi n. )Ir. Ellis is a graduate of t h e c lass of 1926. H e rcccivccl his B. A. from \Visco nsin

The Rural Life ' lub met Monday ~~ 11{9! .t.aifn~i:s ~·/r~f~~s!;

2i~; ~~1~ ~ ::

ev en ing May 7th, in the Rural Asscm· partmcnt . of Education at Ripon Col· bly. Dr. South wick, the main speaker : Jegc, R.ipon, \ Viseons in. spok e on "Goitre " .

The 4-1-1 c luh members put on a \Villiam David Fulle r 1 Class of 1902, practical demonstration of th eir work . t~ok a Ph .. B . D?gr?c from the Univ~r· This consistc<l of the songs and garneR s1ty of \V1sconsm 111 l!llO, nn<l A . .:\L which they ns leaders . will b e ca lled , D egree at the University of Main e, ancl u~t to use. t a Ph. D . Degree from the University of

was also an11ou11cccl tl1:it the 'Rurn1 r\Vashington in 1926. '"H"e is now -Pro ­play, ''The 1':lummy ancl t h e M_umps, 1'! f essor of Education n_ncl Psychol?gy_;t is p rogressing fam ousl y nnd will soon :l\fodcsto Coll ege. His addro~s 1s. a ... 8

be ready for presentatio n. ~fagnoloa A vc. 1 Modesto, California.

H ome Made Candy ---:AT­

"J'HE PA,.L"

Jfol'?A)rwf jfosierg

f. Worzalla&Sons

Where Quality Counts in

Pure Drugs Fine Stationery a11d 13ooks

Ea st111:.1 11 Kodak~ aud Su pplies

Engraved ~isiting Cards

He 111 i 11 gw 11 l'ortal,lc 'I') pcwritcrs

H. D. McCulloch Co. Service First ··· Quality Always

Phone 47 324-326-328 Main Street

Ringness Shoe Company

Leaders In Footwear

We Satisfy The Most Fastidious





The Sport Shop 422 Main Street


"Blue Ribbon" Thousand Island !Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressi11g

Sandwich Spread

'I rp " Blue Ribbon" -- Beller TJ,an The Rest


Ma'/!tag Wasqers Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Silent A utomatic Oil Burners


THE MAYER SHOE STORE We handtt a complete

line of Fool Wear

,._,Aboue All The Rigl,t Hat"


SCAR lo';< AND STYLE ACCESSORIES 119.:,Stronsrs A vc. Stevens Point, Wis.


KREMBS Double Malted Milk

To Know The DiHerence



Gas and Electric

Sel'IJice and Appliances



SCHAfTNER'S SJIOE HOSPITAL 519 Strongs Ave: rhone 196-W

Call for and Delivery Service

The Citizens' National Bank

"The Bank That Service B11ilt"

KennedLJ Studio ~EVENS PQINT • ~


and Gift Sqop

Drink Cocoa - Crush

A Rich Milky Chocolate Drink



Co. Telephone 61

CIT¥ FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phone 51 457 Main St.


Page 4: THE POINTER · high school · forensic contests whieh those colleges are sJjonsoring . . The con tests are identical to that which Cen· Stevens Point, Wis.,,May 10, 192S Price 7


The Relation of College Standings To Probable Success In Life , ,

Out• of th t.• fo ndes t illus ions of the trirs to <lo . lazy, sporty1 or indi f'ft.•rcn t s tudC'n t s ir .\ \·e ry high p (' r1·t·11tagP o f t lw J>h i t o llcg<' is t h a t (he man who does poor Ill- ta Ka ppa nrc mc 11ti on t-.d in 11 \\'h o '1' cla ss work a nti h:1s lo w ma r ks is uf t r n \\'h o. the o n<' w ho :-u1· t·L' ('. ds lics t in li fe, a nd ..& O% o f the .Tu s ti n·~ of !h t• , ' upn•nu• thnt th~ druur.s 111 t·o llcgc arc 11.'l' · Cour t, 1 00- 1022 nnd .JO% of lhc S l•1.:rl· ·

tamorph!s{'d on. C'o mm~11 t·.c m ~11t Da~· rn - ! :tr ies · of S tat e \\'(.' l° l" Phi Bt·ta Ka > m to busy 111dust n:d or protcss10 11 :d lJ t:'cs . • . . • . . . · .. 1 1

'I'h nt thi s is a g ross ilntl dan gNou~ ui c u? - •11~ .im.t zlllg s ho\\ ing. It1 pro­illu s ion i~ shown hv ex ,eric ii ce bv frss 1011al ltnes, la• says, good ~1·hola1:s sc ience b\· 11syl·holog ~· , :rn,l bv l'0 11'11no ;1 I S lll' C~C' d best , bu t how al,out m bus1 -

1 • ~ • II NIS 'l' sense.

\Ve do not c h:111g(' ou r ,· harad e ris tic s o r habits in ; 1 (1:i,v . F our .n•:1rs of loa f· ing ancl i11:1tt t.·ntion in ('O llcg r i s a lmos t certain to ruin a pl' rso n for li fe. ~los t people do not ch:rngc in essC' ntird (·ha­ra cteri s til·S nf t (•r twl' n ty -fh·e.

A loafer in co ll l'gc is like ly t o be a loa ft.·r fo r li fco . A liar or t hi c• f in eoll eg\• t· ~tn uc ,·N bC' trus t C' d. .\ clull s tudc11t ·in t·oll C'gc w ill be ,lull fo r life.

Th e l':lS<'S thnt :.1re othr rwist• ;ire s,, s triking that th ey l'Xl'i tc much no tic ".? , while t he thousands of th ose, who in life, :1rc a s t hey wc r,• in l'Oll egt•, arc u1111otiecd.

lt is alwny:, too lnte to m<.• 1ul ns far us lost oppor t uniti es in l'arly C' clueat ion arc concern ed. An atrophi ed hr:t iu is " :orsc t han a shrive led leg. Habits of s tmly and npplieation no t gained in ,·outh are f oreve r la ckin~. In youth ihcre is no tim e to lot1f Or rrs t, th a t is t he privil cg (' of nge a fte r str(• nuous c n­dcnvor.

These facts arc s tr ik ingl ,,· lJrough t out in au ar t icle bv W:dt C' r , ·. (;ifford. Pr<'s id cnt of th <' :;\mcrid lll ,T <'lC' ph onc a nd Te legra ph Co mp:rny, in th r )fay ''Harpe rs '' entitled , ' 'Docs Busin es~ 1\Tant Scho1:us, 11

• •

H. . ys th a t l~i g J;•"' firm s and. hos p1 t . s a rc· scck111g ~ 1·0 11 s tantl~· th e hig-h m; k me n fro m t he law a1Hl mccli ca l sc ool~. ,

'l'h (' ,. bc li C' \' (• t hat t l11· hiJ,!'h nrn rk men in la,;· n11d nt ~di 1·:d ~1·hools will make t he b est hlwycrs aud doetors . .

Hut. he ~a ~·s, bu sin <'8!-I on th e o th e r h:111 11 doe's 111 ,t :1 s :1 r u le Sl•lc l't men 011 th e k1s i8 of 111arks in co lle g e . This, he says , is t·o 111 ra r~· to t he ~heor~· of th r educators who ma in ta in t hn t t he b oy who ge ts high marks will know how to· use his brni11 s1 ancl tha t th e habit and abilit,·. t o use his h nlins will mak e him Yalua ble a nd !4 Uccess ful in wha te ,·e r he

WE CLEAN For yon

WE PRESS For yo~



W hat Else can we do1

For expert Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing

-" Call

GEORGE BROS. Dry Cleaners and Dyers

Phone 420 Free Call & Delimy

F or t he lu s t t wo n •:Hs )Ir . .E. K . H :111 Ii.i s Uecu making ·:tn investigation of th e ,. •l::itio11 U,•t w C'C' H · l·o llege scholar­s hip and suN·ess in th e B (' I} syst em.

Th e 1'£'1.' 0 l'd of 4,125 ro lll•ge graduat r s fro m 104 colle i::es t•mploycd l,y the Re ll svs t em is now c·omplc-t c<l . The re­sult s inc \:cry suggesti,·e, in fa ct start­ling.

Taking t hf' mC' di a n sa lary of the e nt i re group :1s JOU%, thirty y C':1rs nfte r gradua t ion the mr di:rn sa lary of th e me n who were in the first t r ut h of th e ir l'O ll egc l'l:l sst·s is 1559'0 :rnd th,. lll cd ian salan· nf th e men in the lowest t. h ir<l of th(•ir l'l :1sses is i!I % of1 t hi. s med inn.

Ii% of th <' mC'n who we re in firs t tC' nth of th r ir c· lassl'S arc in t he high est

r~l~\~~\ ;;~\t:.~ ~1h::~(' iJ~l·~\·:~St;r~e ~~I ::~~ high es t sa h11·~· rnn k . As )Ir. Gifford s :1 .,·s

1 me n fro m th e firs t t f' utlT of their

l·Oll <' ge <· lassrs ha,·c four times th e 1·hn11 cc of th ose from thr lowest third to st:rnd in th e high C's t sal:H~· cla ss.

JI C' al so put s i t as f ollows : -18% o f th e hi}!h t•s t t hird in scho l:11sh ip arc in th e highes t third salary J!roup while on h' 24% of th e middle third in scho1ar­shij , :rn <l only 22% of th e l owest third ~l' hol:1 r:-1 hip l,!l'Oup are in the h ighes t third sal a ry group.

Th e me n in highes t th ird schoh\l'shi p h:1,· c one <"hnn co in two to attain the high est third sa lar~· rank , wh ilst the man in th e lowC's t third in sd1olarship h:1 s onl\' :1hout ou c ehancc in f ive of s t :111dini in th e hi ghes t third in salnry a n,l the re is one chnn cc in two that he will be in th e lowest t hird in salary .

" S houlrl Students S t udy ~" It woulcl Sl·e m that it mig-ht be advisable, indeed exl·<'Nling l~· p rof itabl e.

F. )I. Spindle r May 7-28


Gent's Furnishings and a Complete Line of Ladies'

and Gent's Shoes

1f you are lookin g fo r the late ·t Snavpy Clothes


Stevens Point 317 Main St.


/ \ we are going to tayl or's strongs ave. store for

candy cards

mottoes for mother's day sunday

- may 13th

20% oif on all Standard Makes of FOUNTAIN PENS


OUR POLICY: Helpful, Friendly Cooperation

WISCONSIN STATE BANK Ste ven s Point, Wis.

French Campbell & Co. Student Supplies

449 Main St. Phone 98J


GOLLEGE Stevens Point, Wis.

Easily Accessible Ex pense Relatively Low Location Unsurpassed For Healthfulness

An Influence as Well as a School Credits Accepted At All Universities

Degree Courses for Teachers of Home Economics, Rural Education and Senior

High School Elfeclive Now.


Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin Stevens Po int, Wisconsin


May 7th to 12th 48c yard

Year Round Zephers in all the Next Summer


New Dresses Will be Shown on Living


Moll-Glennon Co.

For College Fellows KNICKERS

Popularly Priced

HEGG 6LOT HING GO. "The "Best in Men's Wear"

305 Main Street


To C .. T. c. · ~

FERDINAND A. HIRZY " l!:br ~Hit ~ounlltlor"



OPPORTUNITY selects its Calling Lists trom bank depositors.

FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Ruqil us $250,000.00

Largest in Portage County


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Main Str66t


Just The "Bes/




" The Best of E:T)!li/ing Musical" Opposite Lyric Theatre-