THE PLANT KINGDOM. All plants: Are Multicellular Are Autotrophic – photosynthetic Have cell walls with cellulose (that polysaccharide that we can’t digest

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All plants:

• Are Multicellular

• Are Autotrophic – photosynthetic

• Have cell walls with cellulose (that polysaccharide that we can’t digest – burp!)

• Have chloroplasts in their cells.

Basic plant Parts:

• Leaves• Stems• Roots• Flowers• seeds


• Main site of photosynthesis• Consist of:

– Blade– Veins– Petiole

Leaves can be simple or compound

• Simple – have one blade

• Compound - have many blades per leaf

Veins in leaves

• Pinnate

• palmate


• Support leaves and flowers

• Transport water and nutrients within plant

• May be used for storage (potato)

Types of stems:

1. Herbaceous

2. Shrub

3. Vine

4. tree


• Absorb water and minerals

• Anchor plant

• Some store food (carrot)

Root tip

Types of roots:

• Tap root • Fibrous root

Flower – reproductive organ

• Produces male and female gametes

• Provides structure for fertilization


• Reproductive structure containing stored food and plant embryo

Dispersal adaptations

• Wind

• Water

• animals


• Structure containing seeds

Plants in the biosphere

• Producers – base of thefood chain.– Energy in plants is transferred to all other organisms when the plants get eaten

•Provide oxygen for aerobic organisms

•Provide shelter for many organisms

Human uses:

• Agriculture: 90% of the food you eat directly or indirectly comes from only 20 different kinds of cultivated plants: – Rice, corn, wheat, potatoes, etc.

Medicines from plants


Uses of cellulose

Fossil fuels

Problems caused by plants

• Some are poisonous…

• Weeds

• Root damage………..

Plant cells

• Rigid cell wall of cellulose and other tough materials

• Cells are connected to each other by shared cytoplasm

• Large central vacuoles

Plant tissuestissue= group of similar cells performing

the same function• Dermal – protective, covering

– Outermost layer– Protection – includes

bark in trees– Some cells contain

chloroplasts, so they perform photosynthesis

• Vascular tissue – transport or conduct materials around plant

Xylem – water and minerals up

phloem – food


• Ground tissue – fundamental tissue – not vascular, dermal or meristematic

ground tissue–

Parts of a Flower



Pollination – transfer of pollen from anther to carpel

• Self pollination…………….

• Wind pollination……….

• Insect/bird/bat pollination


• Occurs after pollination


Monocot seed

Dicot seed



Seedling growth

Classification of Plants

B ryophytesnonvasc ular

spore produc er

S eed less V asc ular P lantsferns

reproduc e us ing spores

G ym nosperm snaked seeds

m any produc e c ones

m onoc otsseed has one c otyledon

d ic otsseed has 2 seed leaves

A ng iosperm sflow ering seed p lants

seed p lantsreproduc e us ing seeds

V asc ular p lantsc onta in xylem and phloem

P lantsm ultic e llu larautotrophic

Plant diversityNonvascular plants:

Bryophytes – mosses – no xylem or phloem

Vascular plants – xylem and phloem

• Nonseed vascular plants - Ferns – reproduce using spores

Seed producing vascular plants• Gymnosperms

– Naked seeds (oh my!)

• Angiosperms-– flowers

Length of life of a plant

• Annualbiennial


The end