THE PLAINDEALER ISTOU SVXRT XOJfDAY AUD THCRSTUT BT THE PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY W. F. BENJAMIN, . - Editor C. Y. BENJAMIN. .... Manager. Subscription Rate One Ycr payable in advance fix oo Month, " " X oo Month. " 50 JUNE 13. 1S95. OREGOS. The contrast between tho climate east of the Rockies and tno climate of Oregon is becoming more notice- able every year as the business and social relations of the two sections become more intimate. The equable winters and pleasant summers of Oregon are beginning to attract at- tention from the people of the East, where the cyclone and blizzard de- vastate ciops and destroy human life and property. There is not wanting evidence that an increased immigra- tion will pour into Oregou within the nest two years. There is cer tainly room for double of our present population. Thousands of acres of virgin soil awaits the hand of the in- dustrious toiler. Untried and unde- veloped resources still remain in nature ready to spring into life at the magic touch of human skill and energy. There is land for the farmer, great forests of timber for the lum- berman, mineral wealth for the miner, grazing lands for the stock-raise- r, business opportunities for the capitalist and a genial, healthful cli- mate for all. Oregon is destinied in the near future to be the most inter- esting, progressive and prosperous portion of the United States. And now look at onr own county, Doug- las, the fairest, most picturesque sec- tion of the state. What are we do-tn- g to Induce immigration and settle- ment amongst us? The business men and press of the county should take immediate steps to direct atten- tion hitherward, by giving wide- spread circulation as to the extent and resources of the county. GOLD ASD SILVER. Our free silver advocate-- contends that onr forefathers made the silver dollar of 371$ grains pure silver the standard, and that the gold coins were based on the silver dollar, at that time, 1792, was one of gold to 15 of silver. That is 24$ grains of pure gold should constitute the gold dollar and 371 of pure silver the sil- ver dollar, or by weight, the gold dollar, was h that of the silver dollar. Or in other words one ounce of gold was equal in value to fifteen ounces of silver. This difference in value was the result of commercial, and not of statute regulations. The first coinage act of this gov- ernment adopted the commercial re- lations of the two metals. Observe, each were made money with this disparity of values, which no legal enactment had made, just as the value of any commodity is de- termined nnder the laws of demand and supply. DIED IS OFFICE. Since the foundation of the gov- ernment 10 members of the cabinet died in office: four, Hugh S . Legare of Sonth Carolina, Abel P. Upshere of "Virginia, Daniel of Massachusetts, and Walter Q. Gresham of Illinois, holding at the time of their death the portfolio of state. The others were Wm. Bradford of Pennsylvania, attorney general under Washington; Thomas Gilmer, secretary of the navy nnder Taylor; John A. Kaw-lin- s of Illinois, secretary of war nnder Grant; Timothy 0. Howe of Wisconsin, postmaster general and Charles J. Folger of New York, sec- retary of the treasury under Harri- son. COOH BAY R. R. The time for argument has passed. The Pxaixdealer has heretofore shown by argument backed np with figures that beyond dispute the rail- road from this city to the coast would be of incalcuable benefit. The time has now come for action. It will take money to ouild a rail- road. Tvdk won't do it, but coin will, or can. It is now tho oppor- tunity of a life time a tide, which, if launched upon now, will load to fortune aud to fame. What will Bosebnrg doT is the momentious question. The Eugene Guard says: The Bene w says that someone says there is a genera! feeling of dissapoint-men- t because Colonel Alley refuses to become a candidate for congress from the second congressional dis- trict. If the Guard was aware how little attention the republicans of this district pay to the inano bab- blings of that political assassin, the Gnard would not mention its unre- liable assertions. That paper ia dis-point- in not being able to down Mr. Hermann by vi!laniou3 etab3 in the back. But, pjor thing, it is as is the lot of mankind, doomed to disappointment. It would not be a laugLing matter to the Hawaiian government if the deposed queen sbocld marry a Jap- anese prince who could train the mi- kado's eye on the islands. Money spent in a foreign market may come back, b'nt money spent in a home market never goes away. RACES ON THE FOURTH. A Basket Dinner and Picnic at the Fair Grounds. There will bo a picnic and bosket din- ner in connection with tno rncoa at tho fair pound on (lie Fourth. Every body is invited to come and have a good lime. Following is the 8PEKD riSOUKAKME: Trotting Three minute class', purso $50, two in three. Running (MO yards, and repeat, purso 50. Special running raco, f50. Entries 10 per cont of purse. Tho winning horse to liavo 70 per cent. Tho second 20 per cent, the third 10 per cent of the purse. No money given for n walk over. In all races 4 horses will bo re- quired to enter and three to start. In the event of the net gate receipts falling short of tho amount advertised in purses, the association reserves the right to reduco purses to a sum not less than GO per cent of the gross gate receipts. Wool Received at Pendleton. Tho Pcndloon wool scouring mill has received to date: By rail. 1.S42.229 pounds; by team, 343,915 pounds; total, 2,1S7,H4 pounds. A quarter of a million pounds will como from Burns. A part arrived on Friday. This wool is hauled to Baker City by team and sent there by rail. Snake rirer will send to Pendleton at least 1,000,003 pounds, and from all along up to tho Spokane country tho wools are coming tliat way. During the week six cars of SO bales each of scoured wool went out, making 4S0 bales, and 192,000 pounds. This represents about 775,000 pounds of grease wool. It is 30 per cent scoured wool, as it baa been for three or four weeks, without change. Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons holding Douglas county warrants, prior to September 4th, 1691, to present the same at the treasurer's office in tho court house for payment, as in- terest will ceas4 thereon after the date of this notice by publication. Dated this tho 13th day of Juno, A. D. 1S95, at Roseburg, Douglas County, Or. W. A. Fratsb, County Treasurer. The Peltoa Water Motor Of capacities varying from 1 to 25 horse power affords the most convenient, eco- nomical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen run- ning at this office. Send for circulars. The Pellon Water Wheel Co., 121 Main St., San Francisco, Cal. Bncblen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cots onuses, sores, uicers. fcait Kfieura, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cnillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup, tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give penect sausiacuon or money refunded Price25 cents per m. For sale at A. C. Marsters & Co. Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons holding Douglas county warrants in aorsed prior to July 1st, lbyl, to present them at the treasurer's office in the court house for payment on or before June 10th, 1S33, as interest will cease thereon at that date. Wji. A. Featzb, County Treasurer. "Llverine. "Liverine," manufactured by the An- chor S Chemical Co., the great Liver, Kidney and Constipation cure. An in- fallible remedy for all curable lorms of diseases of those organs. The greatest knows remedy for Indigestion. Try it. For sale at II. F. Rapp's drug store, Roseburg,-Orego- n. Sheriffs Notice. Taxes will be received till June I5tb without cost. After that date no taxes will be received till the completion of the delinquent list, about the 1st of July, when ttco per cent will be added to all taxes delinquent on June 15th. C. F. CATUCAor, Sheriff. Lecture on Y. P. S. C. E. The secretday of the Y. P. S. C. E. Union of San Francisco, Cal., Rev. H. E. Monser, will deliver a lecture at the Christian churcb.Sunday, June 16, 8 p.m. on the subject of Christian Endeavor, to which the young peoplo especially and the public generally are invited. noney to Loan In sums of $1000 to $5000 on well im- proved farms. D. S. K. Bvicz. A sensation has been created by the revelations regarding 'be barbarous treat- ment of the lunatic inmates of the mon- astery of Mariabod, during the trial of a suit for slander brought against Hermann Mellage, an inkeeper of Scbarre, and Warnatzcb, a newspaper man. who pnb-lishe- d an exposure of the methods of the monks, whoe methods became known on the escape of the Scotch priest. Father Forbes, whose escape was facili- tated by Herr Mellage. Tho evidence phows that the monks are illiterate men, totally unfitted to be attendants in any asylum. They inflict crnel personal pun- ishment, sometimes immersing the pa- tient head foremost in ice-co- ld water. The chains and other instruments of tor-ta- re applied to the patients were pro- duced in court. After a week's bearing of the case, the accused were acquitted, as the public prosecutor admitted that the allegations were justified. John Sweeney was knocked down and robbed by two hobos near the depot last Monday evening about 9:30 p. m. The hobos went to the Senate saloon, took a drink, and on going out were met by Sweeney who grabbed one of them and held him for the nijjht watch, who took him to jail. The other escaped and has not been heard of at this time of writing. The captured robber, James Kerans, waived examination, and in default of 1500 bail, was held to await the action of die grand jury. W L, Laird of Dry ton has just rolled into town with six yoke of ozeu to cele- brate Pioneer's Pay in true pioneer style. When any thing magnirlcient is on the tapis, W. L. is always on hand ready to do bis part John Hatfield of Deer creek came into town this week with a load of bacon which he told for 8 cents per pound. W. N. Vernon of Oregon has passed a successful examination and has bees I admitted to tho naval academy. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. Cases up for Hearing at the June Term. 1. W. J. Brand vs. John Frooman : forclosure of lien. 2. N. E. Puckett vs. W. F. Benjamin, admr.; in equity. 3. L. O. BearJsley, insolrent debtor; assignment. 4. FrancisFitchvr.il. L. Klnnoy; to recover money. 5. Thos. Hirst, I. Hackor et al. vs. Emma Naabarg et al. ; partition. G. Thos. Hirst et al. vs. Emma Nas burg; partition. 7. H. Wolleoborg vs. Cauyouville Mining Water & Manufacturing Co. ol al ; to recover money. 8. S. Pennoyer et al. vs. Wm. R. Willis ; action for damages. 9. H. Wollenberg et al. vs. 8. C. Miller etal.; injunction. 10. ,F. A. Kent ys. B. M. Kent; con- firmation. 11. C. A. Sehlbrede vs. F. F. Patter- son; foreclosure. 12. Louis Bauer vs. A. B. Farrier; confirmation. 13. 0. H. Hill vs. T. E. Singleton; to recover money. 14. S. B. Hendricks vs. Wm. Hargan ; appeal from justice court. 15. Allen A Lewis et al. ts, Sam Jones et al. ; to net aside transfer of property. 10. C. D. Drain vs. B. C. Heald et al. ; in equity. 17. L. J. Stancliffvs. L. C. SUnclitT; divorce. IS. R. A. Fellows vs. S. 1). Evans; in equity. 19. H. M. Martin vs. B. 8. Mode; to recover money. 20. J. A. McCully vs. South Umpqua Mining io. ; 10 recover money. 21. Eva Benson et al. vs. Lutitia Brady et al.; partition. 22. Nettie Kern vs. Geo. E. Kern ; divorce. 23. Nancy H. Mendall vs. Solomon Mendall; divorce. 24. Ida Petttnann vs. Chas. W. Pott- - man; divorce. 25. Sol Abraham vs. L. C. Beardsloy et al.; confirmation. 20. C. H. Maupin admr. et al. vs. A. D. Peters ; to set aside contract. 27. R. B. Armstrong, admr. vs. Jos- - epn Aieivin; loreclosure. 23. W. G. Kelso, admr. vs. Joseph Melvin; foreclosure. 29. Wm.P. Lord et al. vs. J. W. Lincoln etal; foreclosure. 30. W. T. Creason vs. Emil Plagens et ai. ; loreclosure. 31. Wm. J. Becannon vs. W. Brum-me- tt et al. ; to jet aside conveyance. 32. Asher Markovs. John Jones etal.; confirmation. 33. R. A. Smith vs. L. C. Smith ; di- vorce. 34. Asher Marks vs. J as. L. McCal-Ioc- h et al.; foreclosure. 35. A. E. Brown vs. Chas. L. Freyer; to recover money. 36. S. Minard vs. Asher Marks et al. ; in equity. 37. E. C. Michael vs. Jas. A. Sterling ; foreclosure of lien. 33. Emil Plagens vs. W. T. Pearson ; in equity. 39. Jas. A. Sterling vs. Douglas County ; to recover money. 40. Albert Ziniker ts. Annie Consoli- dated Mining Co. et al.; foreclosure of lien. 41. Chas. R. David vs. L. F. Ander- son ; in equity. 42. H. E. Hoover vs. C. Graham et a!. ; foreclosure. 43. Asher Marks vs. Jos. C. McCul-loch- et al,; to recover money. 44. Rosalthe Bennett yi. Chas. Ben- nett; divorce. 45. J. E. Kerley vs. Liuie Kerler ; divorce. 46. S. Hamilton vs. C. Gutches; fore- closure. 43. H. W. Miller vs. A. F. Barker to recover money. 49. Plinn Cooper vs. Wm. N. Moore et al.; to recover money. 50. First National Bank vs. Wm. N. Moore et al. ; to recover money. 51. S. Hamilton vs. J. J. Farquar et al.; fort closure. 52. L. Steager vs. W. H. Harris, et al.; foreclosure. 53. H. F. Phelps vs. A. W. Phelps; divorce. 54. Lee Cardwell & Co., vs. Wm. Levens; to recover money. 55. Henry Beckley vs. P. W. McNeal ; to recover money. 56. State of Oregon vs. J. H. Perkins ; recognizance. 57. Stae of Oregon vs. Montie Bogen-ric- k and Frank Ligbtfoot ; recognizance. 5S. State of Oregon vs. Bob Meter; recognizance. 59. W. A. Perkins, Admr., etal. vs. Douglas County Agricultural Association ; to recover money. The Union Pacific railroad system of 8000 miles, consisting of the Union Pa- cific from Omaha to Ogden, 10S3 miles; the St. Joseph A Grand Island of 250 miles, the Denver & Gulf of 1478 miles, the Oregon Railway & Navigation lines 1059 miles, the Denver, Lcadvillc A Gun- nison, 325 miles, the Oregon short line 1431 miles and the Kansas Pacific 747 miles is about to be broken np and go into the bands of a receiver. In Eastern Washington and Oregon tho cattlemen have resorted to the torch to drive sheep men with their flock off tho public domain. It is claimed that sev- eral ranches has been destroyed by the torch of the incendiary cattle men. Such a course is despicable. It is a species of warefare that can find no reasonable ex- cuse, and it is hoped the officers of the law will bring the guilty to joetlce. Jno. Foster, formerly secretary of state but lately counsel for China in ne- gotiating with Japan, has cabled to Washington that he has completed his labors and will return to Washington soon. His advice to China was fully complied with in negotiating a loan in Paris and has given him a fee of $100, 000 for bis services. The Cuban revolution is flourishing all along the Florida coast. If Spain could send her ten new bstallions there add destroy a few sensational newspaper cor- respondents, she could put an end to the rebellion very eoon. The Oregon Fruit d: Produce Company will ship a carload of green gooseberries to Omaba tomorrow as an experiment, with a view of establishing an Eastern market for (be Oregon gooseberry. A few heavy verdicts In damage suits atcalnst owners of wrecked steamships would make them less reckless about loading vessels. That is what keeps railroad companies in order. Some of the sheepehoorersn Josephine are on a strike. All that the ownerB wish to pay is 3 cents a bead, for which the shearers refuse to work. The price of silver in Kew York yester- day was C6? cents per ounce. Dr. Price's Crwtm Baldog Powfcr World's Fair Highest Medal and Dlolaraa. KUT TO SUIT YOU. Prices Kut, Too! at the Novelty Store. 0ur Dollar Suits in Children's Clothing nro moving fast, and tho bettor grades nro not over- looked, for our lino of Children's and Youth's Clothing cau not ho heat. Don't Wo know that our i;ooils Everybody (Dress Goods especially) Come aud prices nro 11 big temp-A- t Once. tation to you, but if every- body came at ono timo wo could not wait on thorn, so somo of you como today, while tho assortirenl is alits best. More (Hy Notions: we ineau New Tilings all thoso litlo neccsenry in or ornamental things Notions. that go to mako up the toilet of d wo- men) than it has ever been our pleasure to show before. Numberless new kinks of fashion are for your use. There is Comfort We have knit uu In Good derwear for Indie? Underwear. aud gents. They Hre low in price, and quality tho best. Wo might td.ro mention a complete lino of Hosiery. There- ia money saving in tliem for you. Ladies' What is tho uso of tewing Waists, iu warm weather when you can get a nico waist for 50 cents ud upward in price at tho Novelty Store. Also ready - made wrapinrs, cheaper than you cau buy tho goods. Camping Season And wo are on Is Here. hand with a full line of Tinware, Cooking Utensils, etc., such nsjouuill need on an outing. Tho prices are right, and you will say to. . Profitable That tho above is 4 Things money saving or to Remember. you. That a dime saved these times is that much earned. That our stock is complete. That the Novelty Storo is in the Taylor A Wilson block. Roaeburg Market Report. NIODL'CE. Potatoes, er bushel 30 (j .10 Eggs, per dozen .03 Butter, per pound .15 Cheese, per pound 1C fit .20 Flour, per sack .75 Bran, per ton 15.00 GKOCC1UES. Sugar, granulated, 15tt l.W Sugar, extra C, 15B 1.00 Rice, per pound, 14 tli 1.00 Canned fruit, 2tli cam, Peaches, per dozen ' $2.00 Tomatoes, per dozen 1.50 Coffee, green, per pound .25 Costa Rica, roasted .25 Brown .30 Moca and Java .40 Teas .35 j Apples, dried, per pound. . . .05 Prunes, dried, per pound.. . .00 ,03 mkvts. Beef, on foot, per pound. . .02.'4' Sheep, per head 2.00 Chickens, per doz. cash . . 2.50 Bacon and ham, per K. . . .10 & .12,- '- Shoulders .03 Lard in bulk .OS Lard in cans .10 Sirloin steak .10 Veal 05 g .00 Mutton 05 s M Porterhouse .12'. StewB .04 t .OS State or Gcio, Orr or Tutrix), ( Lccis COCSTV, 1 FJU5E J. Cnrt5T asto oath that he is the senior partner ol the Una ol V. J. Cnr.NET doing business ia the City of Tolci County and State atorv?M. and that tald rj will pay the sum ot ONE UU.VDREI) DOL- LARS for each and every cac ol Cataekii that cannot be cured by the me ol Hill 5 CataSJU! CVke. FRANK J. CHKNEV Sworn to before rue and sabcribel in my prtenca tbts Cth da- - ot December, A. I)., lwi. X. W. GLEASO.V. jM Notary lUblic. Uall'i Catarrh Cure i' taken internally and acts directly on the blood aud mucuoi sur- faces ot the Titect. !nd lor tcitimoniais free. F. J. CHENEV & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DruSisl.7Dc Heart Is Stronger Fainting Spells, Neuralgia and Blood Poison Hood's Sarsaporllla Gives Health and Comfort. "O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: I eatr Hood's Sarsaparllla highly rtcommended In newspapers. I had neuralgia in ray head, back and arms. I also had weak fainting epelli and could find nothing to do mo any good. After reading tht testimonial! about tho good Hood's Sarsapa rlUa was doing I decided to give ii a trial. I har illii Boss Shaldon taken it regularlj X Center, Wart. 8ince early last jtu and can truthfully say it Has Perfectly Cured Mo. I do sot loffex now with any breaking out os zay beta, nor hare any fainting spells. The action of ray heart has been strength- - Hood '8 Sarsa-paril- la Bi Sue c ures (VtVafc en3 tad I am free from all pain. I cheer, folly recommend Hood's SrEaparil' io Preparei only bv O.I. Hood A Co maie, Bold by all druggists, $1; t.ix 1 Hood's Pills cure Nausea. Sl.--I: .:. , Indigestion, Biliousness. 25c. per hox. Administrator's Notice. "MOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned A' has been appointed administrator of the tstate of Nat Mitchell, late of Douglas county, Oregon, deceased. All persons having claims OKafnstBald estate arc hereby required to present the same to mo at Cauyouville, Douglas county, Oregon, duly verified, within six mouths from the dato of this notice, All persons Indebted to said estate arc requested to make Immediate payment to me at tald place. uaiea mil aa. aay ot jiay, ih'.i.'i, J. A McCULLEY. mzir. AOmlnlMrnlor. Coi " Now good digestion wait on eo( appetito. , Cotj And health en both." Cottolcne Cottolene Cottolene ICottolene iCottolene Cottolcne Cottolene M: ittolene ICottolene Cottolene 'ene To assure both the above ends, cut good, wholesome, palatable food is ene ene demanded. It is next to impossible ene to present a sufficient variety ofappe-tizui- g ene bills of fare for our meals with-o- ut ene ene a liberal allowance of pastry and ene other food in which shortening is ene required. How to make crisp, ene tne healthful, digestible pastry has ns puzzled the cooks. A difficulty in ene all Rood coolcingin the past has been ene ceo lard. Always fickle, never uniform, 'ene m.t unwholesome lard has always cne hecnthe bane of the cook and the fcjj obstacle to "jrood digestion." )ene ene CotioTcnc 'otiolcne jCoitolene jCottolene ICottolene Cottolcne .Cottolcne .Cottolcne Cotto'ene jCottolene TTOLENE Cottolcne Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene Cottolcne Cottolene JCottolene Cottolene ICottolene Cull gj comes now into popular cot? favor as the new shorten- - tot? i"R better than even the ! best of lard with none of cot) lard's objectionable quali- - c" S ties. And Cot Lot Cct COTTOLENE Cot Cot Col1 comes attended by both Cot "APPETITE AND HEALTH." ( Cot ut Grocers sell it all about. Cot REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. Cot Cotdcne Cottolcne Cottolene .Cottolcne ICottolene Cotclcnc Cottolene Cottolene JCottolene jCottolene 5ri7KrFAlR0BOANKy & CO., t S ST. LOUIS and (" C5tJ5!J51IUCS55o?S2ISeM I A scientific fTlllll H IMlirMMM ' 7 preca- - tc! Auiciinc Balsam WARRH: low Liiiieneau CalirrMPta'ims andSoreEyj3.lt E?S &srm UsaHSHT BREATH. rwr m I J 1 TT r Suls'AiiiEriNE1HED.Co- - Sold by A. C. .Matters & Co. W.L Douglas 6 3? CUAr 13 THE BEST. t?ttJ BR V Kb FIT FOR A XING'. 5. cordovan; rRZKCH & EXAM CUXO CALF. 4.s3.s? Fine Cait tXucmi 3.5? PQUCE.3 SOLES, 1.7? BOVS'SGHOOLSHOES. LiUJlES- - 5Pin rp.a pari! rrtif Over One .Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally satisfactory They clve the beat volae lor the money. They equal custom thocs la ityle and fit. Tiitirwearinx qualities are unsurpassed. The prices ore rm, stamped on sole. Frost Si to ?j saved over other makes. If icurociirsct scpplyyoanecaa. Sold by dcalcr5 everywhere. Wanted, agent to take exclusive sale for this vicinity Write at once. TAKE THE BEST SL0O BottlcS fa I "J 3 Osa cent a doss, Jm a W It la sold cn o eoarantco by nil drug- gists. It euros ipcipieat Consumptios BAd ia Uio beat Couch end Ctoud Cure. For f.!o ly M. F. Hajp. Druggist. CITATION. tn mi; tur sty toniTOF the state of A Oregon. l,.f ivsglas t..uaty. In the laaf.cr ! ik E?ute of Highlcy Frco-tna- ilectasfl. To William 1.. Frn.ti.au. Kausumc Frecmau, James C. Frvemnu. John A. Freernnn, Elizabeth Garrljon. K C. McCull.ch. William U Free- man, rnrnh 0. Mortlln. Uuth Skinuer. llighley Wallace. KuIkua Freeman, Metta Freeman, EllzaUi'th Freeman, Ivh A. shennau, Eva A, Sherman, EluoraJ. Sherman. Ella A. Sherman, Leli E Sherman, the ht;r at laiv and uext ol Mn. and all others Interested. GrcctinK; In the name of the Slate of Urcgon. You are hereby cited and toatwear in the County Court of the Mate of Oregon, for the county or in tne court room tncrcol, at Koseburg, In the County of Douglas, on .Hominy, tlie IM Day ol July, 1895, at Id o'cl'M-- in th-- . iorinoou of that day, then and there to ow csuh if nnv there be. nhy r.n "pier of thin Court should not be lna'lo authorUiu mid directing the admini- strator of nld eMate ! sell all tho real prop- erty Klngitin to Id utate and described as follows, t.i it The half of the Dona tion i.uiii man ni jotiu freeman and Highly Freeman, hit wife. K'inic claim No. 19. In township 2s South, of Uungc ; West, Willam- ette Meridian, In opler to j'ay the costs and vAtcmes of udmitiUtralinu of said 'Xhli citation isffunded upon the petition of tne auminaiMior ot nam isuue, saw petition bvinir now on Me iu this court. Wltnew, the Hun A F Steams Judge of the County Court of the stite of Oregou, for the County of Duiigln.- - uith the fea! of said Court arCx-'- this i'nd day of April A. 1)., 1S53. AUCSl aAM7 1". W. BENSON. Cleric. Administrator's Notice. vtOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned hi been appointed administrator of the estate id t. M. flatcs. lute of Douclas couutv. Oregon, deceased.. All persous havlug claims againt tald estate are hereby renuired to tire-- I sent the snrac to me at my store in c'auvoiiville. . uougias county, urvKon, uiy vermeil, witntn persons Indebted to Fiild estate are requested to innke iniuicuiuic pajineui to me al tutu pl;rce. Dated this Zil day of Mav. Is9j. THOS. WILSON, iuti Administrator Something New ! To Ihe Ladies of ItoiCburg" Buy one of the Bcvcrulge Automatic Cookers, Aud Take Life Easy. Bulttd to nuiilllof. Boarding Houses, and Hotels Housekeeping Made Easy. JA3IUH WliST, Ocil'l AKUUt, At Hold an Houtin. U0SEI1UKU. O A. DaMOTTA'S IMPORTED STALLION, MorAItCII, will make the deavon at James Dolan's stables In Ilrooksldc. Will bo at 1. A. DaMotta's stables iu Koseburg every Saturday. TEKMS : j, 10, S15. OPWIU lake grain In payment. t- - DRINK THE CELEBRATBD Days of 49 Whisky. : A For Sale at all First-Clas- s Bars. ? Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. ' " Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of ."...,,- - ID. n?.B mmmrA, JOwusVKmm ;.a, :T3e3i- - SRsisHsiicisEssBsioasBcisitasacnciB THE s di J WATER MOTOR. Of capacities varying from i to 25 J 2 horse power affords the most con- - 5 venient, economical and reliable 2 power for all light service. One of 2 these may be seen running at this 2 office. Send circulars. 2 I THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 3 5 121 Main Street, San Cal. 2 i0icitiiiiiaiicieiaB9iiaiBi8aB THE THIRD O BK00K5ID The HOIVC Farm, east of town, has been plat- ted and is now on the market in Lots aud Blocks containing 3i 2, 3i and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100 per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home ean terms. All lots sold in First than doubled in value. The tne luture. More fortunes are made m lands near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Sieze the oppor tunity. For information or estate umce, or on & T. EAST AND SOUTH VIA. THE SHASTA OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Esprea trains leave Portland daily. South j I North 6:15r.x. Lv. - Portland - Ar. srjo a. h. 330 A.M. Lv. - Roseburg - Lv. 11:30 r.x. 10.15 a. X. Ar. - San Francisco Lv. 7:00 r. M. Above trains stop at all stations From Port- - Iftntl tn Athanp Inolmlp. 1 1 t . fihedds, Halsey. Harrisburg, Junction City, I rvi n - PnM...m1 ,11 .t . to Ashland Inclusive nwcbnre ?! all Daily. S:30a. x.lLv. Portland Ar. I 430 r.. 530 r. m. 1 Ar. Roseburg Lv. 17:00 a.m. DIMM; CAIIS OX UGDEX HOUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers ANU SCCOMD.CLAVI SL.KIIti t.lKS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Hctwccn Portland and CoryallU. Hail train dally (esccpt Sunday). 7:30 a. x. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 5:35 r. x. 12:15 r. v. I Ar. Corral lis Lv. I IKOr.x. At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express train dally (eicept Eunday). 4.40 r.x. I Lv. Portland Ar. I S:2S a. x. 7:25 r. X. Ar. McJlinvillo Lv. I 5:50 a. s. Through Tickets to all Poluu In tho Eastern States. Canada and Europe can be obtained at low-c- ut ratca from eorre Eatcs, Agent Itoncbnrr;. R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. U. F. i Tass. Agen PORTLAND OREGON. TO THE UNFORTUNATE, Dr. Gibbon's DISPENSARY. kjsaAsyst., uj comer of Com- mercial, San Francisco, Cal.. Established in 1854. for the treatment of bexual aud Seminal Diseases, such as tlon-orrhe- a, Gleet, Strict- ure. B'lnhllla.la nil Its forms, Seminal Weak ness, jmnorency, and Lost Manhood perma nently cured. Tho tick aud afflicted should not fall to call upon him. Tho Doctor has traveled extensively iu Europe, and inspected thoroughly tho various hospitals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable information, which he is com- petent to Impart to those lu need of his services. The Doctor cures when others fail. Try him. DR. OIBBON will mako no chargo unless he ef- fect cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT HOME. All communications strictly conQdcn-in- l. All letters answered In plain envelopes. Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address OR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1857. Ean Francisco. Cal Alincral, Railroad. Aricultural. tf. G. POTTER, AT LAW, 1106 O St., N. V. Washington, D. C. For many years in the General Laud Office. Examiner of Contests, Mineral vs. Mineral vs Railroad and Agricultural claims and Lato Chief of tho Mineral Division. CorrcspondcnCo itcd. S- - jKL BUICK, ppitotsi for Francisco," ROUTE ATTORNEY ADDITION JE now be accommodated on easy Brookside addition have more prospect is much better for conveyance, call at ony Real BSIiDEXff, Fropz. FK01I TERIUXAIj Oli INTERIOR TOIXTB The) Mortherh) piciFic) RAILROAD Is the Line to Take To all Points East aud South. It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itruas through VESTIBULED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO tNO CHANGE OF CACSJ Composed ol Dicing Cars Unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepari, Of Latest Equipment, TOUltlST m.eepim; cars Best that can be constructed and In which accommodations are both FREE and FURNISHED to holders of First or Second-clas- s Tickets, and El,EUA.Vr DAY COUCHES A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advauce through aay agent of the road. THBOUCH TICKETS To and from all Points In America, England aud Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Offioe of this Company. Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. X). ciiAuiro.-v- , Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. VZ1 First St, cor. Washington. PORTLAND. OREGON. MRS. Iff, BOYD, DEALER IN'CaoiCE- - Family Groceries, DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. A FULL LINE O- F- Fruils, A'uts, French Candies, Confectionery Canned Goods, ColTees, Teas, Etc lMrOKTEU KEI WEST CIGAKS. CHOICE BRAXDS OF CIGAKS NOTICE. Notice i hereby given to all whom it may con-ec- that I hivea ppointel D. V. Btearna of Cal. pooij preciuct Deputy Inspector of Stock for said precinct; postofflca address, A J teW1bur,anJoll)1,8ml"1. t Rose' my absence, and others wil be added as parties inspected make their desire xnownto mo. Roaeburf, May 1th, 1SS7. 1 nspeelor of Stock far Douglwcfu'ntSjr. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OK THE STATE J- - of Oregon, for the County ol Douglas. W. P. Lord, II. K. Klncald and Phil Sletschan, Board of Commissioners for the aale of School and University lands and for tho investment of the funds arising therefrom. Suit in equity Plaintiffs. to foreclose a Mortgage. J. W. Lincoln. Sarah It. Lincoln, i Georgie C. Bumham, Henry j Landers, Daniel D. wimams I anu rrancts uray. Defendants.. To J. W. Lincoln, Sarah K. Lincoln, Georgie C. Burnham and Daniel B. Williams above named defendants: In tit.ti.mi.nr thnKtntn fit OreCOH. TOU and 1 each of you are hereby required to appear and answer me compuuui uicu aKus. J ;ir above entitled cause and court, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, t: Tho fourth Monday, the 21th day of Junc,lS35. And you will take notice that If yon fail so to appear and answer said complaint for want increot inc pianum.i win appiy 10 me n .u. the relief prayed for therein, lt: That the mortgage mentioned in the said complaint, upon the following described premises, A strip of land off of tho east slue of the original lnm! plnlrn nf David N'oah and wile, in Sections 33 and St In Township 27 South of Kange 6 West, Dcineastripocnains wtue on me tiw u iuo southwest quarter of Section 31; also the frac- tional southeast quarter, being all of lots 1, 2, , 4 nnri s nf f tlnn zi that lie and are situated In Section 34, Township 27 South of Kange C West, about ias.70 acres more or less; aiso me uuim-ea- st quarter of Section St, Township 27 South of Range 6 West, containing 1C0 acres of land more or less; also beginning at a point in the South Umpqua river 2X75 chains sonth and L85 chains east of the section corner post to Sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, Townsnip ja souin. oi nauge o ne". Cnnth s Hmw. bit l Lis chains, thence South 2 degree West 14.15 chains to near the middle of the South Umpqua river, thence down said stream to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres of land more or less: also tne ngni or way lor a water uuuu uuui uw above described land to section line running East and between sections 0, IP, 15 and IS on the best practicable route, also, beginning at a point on the North boundary of Section 3, Township 28 South, of Range 6 West, at a point of intersection of said line on the west side of the South Umpqua river 4 chains East of the quarter section corner, thence runnine West 9 chains, thence South 4 chains and 17 links, thence East 9 chains to the South Ump- qua river, thence North along the West bank of .. . . - 1 C Inning MM..lntn r. salu nver uj iul pince oi lApuwuis, wum. three and s acres, and in the aggre- gate, containing two hundred and ninety-thre- e and (233 5-- 5S acres of land more or less, and being and lying in Douglas county, in the stata of Ocgon, together with tho tenements, here- ditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or In any wise appertaining; may r tvm.inpfi- - and the said Tjremises ordered to be sold and the proceeds thereof applied to tho payment oi tneueDi secuxeu uj Huuiuungago, as follows, towit: 1st. To the payment of the costs and dlsburs-metn- s of this suit, such foreclosure and sale. 2nd. To the navmcnt of the sum of one hun dred and twenty-fiv- e dollars (1125.00) as attor neys lees in unttea states goiu coin-- 3rd. To the payment of the sum of one thou-lan- d, one hundred and sixtr and (I1160.85J 0 dollars principal and Interest to January 7th, 1695, with interest thereon from said "tn day ot January, nxa, at incraie oi a per ai per annum to the date of such payment. 4th. That if the amount realized from the said sale of said premises exceeds the amount of such costs and disbursements, attorneys fees and principal and interest and costs of such sale, that such overplus be distributed court to be equitable and Just. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. C. Fullerton. judge of said court, made at chambers in the city of Roseburg, Douglas county. Oregon, aud ""ojPggjjjJljjg m2t7. Attorney lor Plaintiffs. Sheriff Sale. HoHce of Sale of Real Property for De- linquent Taxes for the Year 1893. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIR-tu- e of a warrant duly Issued out of and un- der the seal of the County Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon, on 16th day of May, ISM, and to me directed and delivered, com- manding me to levy upon and mate sale of the goods and chattels of the delinquent rs named in the delinquent tax roll of said county for the year 1533 thereto attached, and if none be found then upon the real property as set forth and described in said delinquent tax roll for 1S3S, for said county, or so much as may be sufficient to satisfy the amount of delinquent taxes charged thereon for 1S33, together with the costs and expenses of matin? such sale In pursuance thereof I have duly levied upon the following described real property in said county and state which said real property ia owned, described and assessed as follows: Beardsley. L. C. and wife, beg at a point 74 feet s from se corner of land conveyed by Aaron Rose and wife to Sirs. Steph- ens and now owned by Mary Lane, thence s 71 feet, thence w lis feet, thence n 71 feet, thence a lis feet to bes, also bee at se corner ol tract of land conveyed by Aaron Rose and wife to Mrs. Stephens, now owned by Mary Lane, thence a 71 feet to ne corner of land conveyed by A Rose and wife to Ada Beardsley, thence w alone said tract Its feet, thence n 71 feet, thence e IIS feet to bee, 1 27 s, r 6 w fS2 15 And will on Tuesday, the 2nd day of July. A. D. 1895, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock In the afternoon, to wit: At 1 o'clock In the afternoon sell at public auction at the Court House door in Rose-bur- ?, Douglas County, Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the above described real property, oe so much thereof as will be necessary to satisfy the amount .of the delin- quent taxes charged therein for 'said Douglas County, Oregon, for ls33, and for the costs ol this sale. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 27th dav ol " May, 1SJI. C. F. CATHCAET. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Douglas County, Oregon. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE x of Oregon, for Douglas County. Nettie J. Kern, 1 Plaintifr, vs. V George E. Kern, ! Defendant. J To George E, Kern, the above-name- d defend ant. In the name otthe Statu of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com-plai- nt filed against you In the above entitled suit in the above-name- d Court, on or before the first day of the next regular term of said Court, to wit: The 2tth day of June, 1S35. And you will take notice that if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, which is a dissolution of the marriage contract, now existing between yourself and the plain-- . tiff herein, and that the plaintiff be awarded the care and custody of the three minor child- ren, the issuo of your mairiase with plaintiff, to wit: Charles Kern and Lester Kern and Walter Kern, and that plaintiff recover her costs and disbursements herein. This summons is published by order made at chambers, at Rotebunr, Douglas county, Ore- gon, by Hon. ;j. C. Fullerton, Judge of said Court, which said order is dated. February 2, A. D., 1S95. IRA B. RIDDLE, m3t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. CITATION TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATS A of Oregon, for Douglas County. In the matter ot the Estate of John Schramm, deceased. To the heirs at law and the next of kin, of John Schramm, deceased, and to all persons known and unknown interested In said estate. Greeting; In the name of the state of Oregon. You are hereby cited aud required to appear in the County Court of the state of Oreson. for the County of Douglas, in the court room thereof, at Roseburg, iu the County of Douglas, on Satur- day, the 6th day of July, 1S95, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause if any there be, whv an order of this Court should not be made authorizing and directiug- - the administrator of .said estate, to sell all of the real property belonging to said Estate, to wit: Tho southwest quarter of Section 22, iu Township 26 South, of Range 7 West, contain- ing 160 acres, being situate in Douglas county, state of Oregon. This citation Is founded upon the verified petition, now on tile in this court, of John Von Possl. the administrator of said Estate. Witness, the Hon. A. F. Stearns. Judge of the County Court, of the state of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, with the Seal of said Court affixed this 5th day of June, A. D., 1S95. Attest: .' F. W. BENSON, Clerk. Executor's Sale of Real Property VfOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned executor of tho Estate of M. R. Shupe by virtue of a decree, issued out of the Couuty Court of Douglas county. State of Ore- gon, will on and after Fridav, July 5th. IS35. sell at private sale, tho following described premises belonging to the Estate of M. K. Shupe. deceased, to wit: EVCofp.C.of M.R.tShupo and lot S, all iu Sec. 30; NU NWr, SEf NEU , and',' s'25i. ffl:'&3rfiSs-- $ NAi (excepting 3.91 acres heretofore sold to e! G.oungj of Sec. 32, all in T. 21 S., R.3 W.. containing 617.17 acres. Dated this 1th day of June, A. D., 1S35. ."t5 JOHN U. SHUPE, Executor. Adminstratrix Notice. las county, Oregon, deceased. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the same to me at my resi- dence at Elkton. Douglas countv, Oregon, dulv verified, within six months from the data of this notice. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay- ment to me at said place. Dated this 23rd day of Mav, 1S03. SAKAll M. WEATIIERI.V, Aminlstratrlx. O. A. SmijjRDE, Attorney. m25t3

THE PLAINDEALER Days A - University of Oregon · astery of Mariabod, during the trial of a suit for slander brought against Hermann Mellage, an inkeeper of Scbarre, and ... John Hatfield

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Page 1: THE PLAINDEALER Days A - University of Oregon · astery of Mariabod, during the trial of a suit for slander brought against Hermann Mellage, an inkeeper of Scbarre, and ... John Hatfield



W. F. BENJAMIN, . - Editor

C. Y. BENJAMIN. .... Manager.

Subscription Rate

One Ycr payable in advance fix ooMonth, " " X oo

Month. " 50

JUNE 13. 1S95.


The contrast between tho climateeast of the Rockies and tno climateof Oregon is becoming more notice-

able every year as the business andsocial relations of the two sectionsbecome more intimate. The equablewinters and pleasant summers of

Oregon are beginning to attract at-

tention from the people of the East,where the cyclone and blizzard de-

vastate ciops and destroy human lifeand property. There is not wantingevidence that an increased immigra-tion will pour into Oregou withinthe nest two years. There is certainly room for double of our presentpopulation. Thousands of acres ofvirgin soil awaits the hand of the in-

dustrious toiler. Untried and unde-

veloped resources still remain innature ready to spring into life atthe magic touch of human skill andenergy. There is land for the farmer,great forests of timber for the lum-

berman, mineral wealth for theminer, grazing lands for the stock-raise- r,

business opportunities for thecapitalist and a genial, healthful cli-

mate for all. Oregon is destinied inthe near future to be the most inter-esting, progressive and prosperousportion of the United States. Andnow look at onr own county, Doug-las, the fairest, most picturesque sec-

tion of the state. What are we do-tn- g

to Induce immigration and settle-ment amongst us? The businessmen and press of the county shouldtake immediate steps to direct atten-tion hitherward, by giving wide-

spread circulation as to the extentand resources of the county.


Our free silver advocate-- contendsthat onr forefathers made the silverdollar of 371$ grains pure silver thestandard, and that the gold coinswere based on the silver dollar, atthat time, 1792, was one of gold to15 of silver. That is 24$ grains ofpure gold should constitute the golddollar and 371 of pure silver the sil-

ver dollar, or by weight, the golddollar, was h that of thesilver dollar. Or in other words oneounce of gold was equal in value tofifteen ounces of silver.

This difference in value was theresult of commercial, and not ofstatute regulations.

The first coinage act of this gov-ernment adopted the commercial re-

lations of the two metals.Observe, each were made money

with this disparity of values, whichno legal enactment had made, just asthe value of any commodity is de-

termined nnder the laws of demandand supply.


Since the foundation of the gov-ernment 10 members of the cabinetdied in office: four, Hugh S . Legareof Sonth Carolina, Abel P. Upshereof "Virginia, Daniel of Massachusetts,and Walter Q. Gresham of Illinois,holding at the time of their deaththe portfolio of state. The otherswere Wm. Bradford of Pennsylvania,attorney general under Washington;Thomas Gilmer, secretary of thenavy nnder Taylor; John A. Kaw-lin- s

of Illinois, secretary of warnnder Grant; Timothy 0. Howe ofWisconsin, postmaster general andCharles J. Folger of New York, sec-

retary of the treasury under Harri-son.


The time for argument has passed.The Pxaixdealer has heretoforeshown by argument backed np withfigures that beyond dispute the rail-road from this city to the coastwould be of incalcuable benefit.The time has now come for action.It will take money to ouild a rail-road. Tvdk won't do it, but coinwill, or can. It is now tho oppor-tunity of a life time a tide, which,if launched upon now, will load tofortune aud to fame. What willBosebnrg doT is the momentiousquestion.

The Eugene Guard says: TheBene w says that someone says thereis a genera! feeling of dissapoint-men- t

because Colonel Alley refusesto become a candidate for congressfrom the second congressional dis-

trict. If the Guard was aware howlittle attention the republicans ofthis district pay to the inano bab-blings of that political assassin, theGnard would not mention its unre-liable assertions. That paper ia dis-point-

in not being able to downMr. Hermann by vi!laniou3 etab3 inthe back. But, pjor thing, it is as isthe lot of mankind, doomed todisappointment.

It would not be a laugLing matterto the Hawaiian government if thedeposed queen sbocld marry a Jap-anese prince who could train the mi-

kado's eye on the islands.

Money spent in a foreign marketmay come back, b'nt money spent ina home market never goes away.


A Basket Dinner and Picnic at theFair Grounds.

There will bo a picnic and bosket din-

ner in connection with tno rncoa at thofair pound on (lie Fourth. Every bodyis invited to come and have a good lime.Following is the


Trotting Three minute class', purso$50, two in three.

Running (MO yards, and repeat, purso50.

Special running raco, f50.Entries 10 per cont of purse. Tho

winning horse to liavo 70 per cent. Thosecond 20 per cent, the third 10 per centof the purse. No money given for n walkover. In all races 4 horses will bo re-

quired to enter and three to start.In the event of the net gate receipts

falling short of tho amount advertised inpurses, the association reserves the rightto reduco purses to a sum not less thanGO per cent of the gross gate receipts.

Wool Received at Pendleton.Tho Pcndloon wool scouring mill has

received to date: By rail. 1.S42.229pounds; by team, 343,915 pounds; total,2,1S7,H4 pounds. A quarter of a millionpounds will como from Burns. A partarrived on Friday. This wool is hauledto Baker City by team and sent there byrail. Snake rirer will send to Pendletonat least 1,000,003 pounds, and from allalong up to tho Spokane country thowools are coming tliat way. During theweek six cars of SO bales each of scouredwool went out, making 4S0 bales, and192,000 pounds. This represents about775,000 pounds of grease wool. It is 30per cent scoured wool, as it baabeen for three or four weeks, withoutchange.

Treasurer's Notice.

Notice is hereby given to all personsholding Douglas county warrants,

prior to September 4th, 1691, topresent the same at the treasurer's officein tho court house for payment, as in-

terest will ceas4 thereon after the date ofthis notice by publication.

Dated this tho 13th day of Juno, A. D.1S95, at Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.

W. A. Fratsb, County Treasurer.

The Peltoa Water MotorOf capacities varying from 1 to 25 horsepower affords the most convenient, eco-

nomical and reliable power for all lightservice. One of these may be seen run-ning at this office. Send for circulars.The Pellon Water Wheel Co., 121 MainSt., San Francisco, Cal.

Bncblen's Arnica Salve.The Best Salve in the world for Cots

onuses, sores, uicers. fcait Kfieura,Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,Cnillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup,tions, and positively cures Piles, or nopay required. It is guaranteed to givepenect sausiacuon or money refundedPrice25 cents per m. For sale at A.C. Marsters & Co.

Treasurer's Notice.Notice is hereby given to all persons

holding Douglas county warrants inaorsed prior to July 1st, lbyl, to presentthem at the treasurer's office in the courthouse for payment on or before June10th, 1S33, as interest will cease thereonat that date. Wji. A. Featzb,

County Treasurer.

"Llverine."Liverine," manufactured by the An-

chor S Chemical Co., the great Liver,Kidney and Constipation cure. An in-

fallible remedy for all curable lorms ofdiseases of those organs. The greatestknows remedy for Indigestion. Try it.For sale at II. F. Rapp's drug store,Roseburg,-Orego- n.

Sheriffs Notice.Taxes will be received till June I5tb

without cost. After that date no taxeswill be received till the completion of thedelinquent list, about the 1st of July,when ttco per cent will be added to alltaxes delinquent on June 15th.

C. F. CATUCAor, Sheriff.

Lecture on Y. P. S. C. E.The secretday of the Y. P. S. C. E.

Union of San Francisco, Cal., Rev. H.E. Monser, will deliver a lecture at theChristian churcb.Sunday, June 16, 8 p.m.on the subject of Christian Endeavor, towhich the young peoplo especially andthe public generally are invited.

noney to LoanIn sums of $1000 to $5000 on well im-

proved farms. D. S. K. Bvicz.

A sensation has been created by therevelations regarding 'be barbarous treat-ment of the lunatic inmates of the mon-astery of Mariabod, during the trial of asuit for slander brought against HermannMellage, an inkeeper of Scbarre, andWarnatzcb, a newspaper man. who pnb-lishe- d

an exposure of the methods of themonks, whoe methods became knownon the escape of the Scotch priest.Father Forbes, whose escape was facili-

tated by Herr Mellage. Tho evidencephows that the monks are illiterate men,totally unfitted to be attendants in anyasylum. They inflict crnel personal pun-

ishment, sometimes immersing the pa-tient head foremost in ice-co- ld water.The chains and other instruments of tor-ta- re

applied to the patients were pro-duced in court. After a week's bearingof the case, the accused were acquitted,as the public prosecutor admitted thatthe allegations were justified.

John Sweeney was knocked down androbbed by two hobos near the depot lastMonday evening about 9:30 p. m. Thehobos went to the Senate saloon, took adrink, and on going out were met bySweeney who grabbed one of them andheld him for the nijjht watch, who tookhim to jail. The other escaped and hasnot been heard of at this time of writing.The captured robber, James Kerans,waived examination, and in default of1500 bail, was held to await the action ofdie grand jury.

W L, Laird of Dry ton has just rolledinto town with six yoke of ozeu to cele-

brate Pioneer's Pay in true pioneerstyle. When any thing magnirlcient ison the tapis, W. L. is always on handready to do bis part

John Hatfield of Deer creek came intotown this week with a load of baconwhich he told for 8 cents per pound.

W. N. Vernon of Oregon has passeda successful examination and has bees

I admitted to tho naval academy.


Cases up for Hearing at the JuneTerm.

1. W. J. Brand vs. John Frooman :

forclosure of lien.2. N. E. Puckett vs. W. F. Benjamin,

admr.; in equity.3. L. O. BearJsley, insolrent debtor;

assignment.4. FrancisFitchvr.il. L. Klnnoy;

to recover money.5. Thos. Hirst, I. Hackor et al. vs.

Emma Naabarg et al. ; partition.G. Thos. Hirst et al. vs. Emma Nas

burg; partition.7. H. Wolleoborg vs. Cauyouville

Mining Water & Manufacturing Co. olal ; to recover money.

8. S. Pennoyer et al. vs. Wm. R.Willis ; action for damages.

9. H. Wollenberg et al. vs. 8. C.Miller etal.; injunction.

10. ,F. A. Kent ys. B. M. Kent; con-firmation.

11. C. A. Sehlbrede vs. F. F. Patter-son; foreclosure.

12. Louis Bauer vs. A. B. Farrier;confirmation.

13. 0. H. Hill vs. T. E. Singleton; torecover money.

14. S. B. Hendricks vs. Wm. Hargan ;appeal from justice court.

15. Allen A Lewis et al. ts, SamJones et al. ; to net aside transfer ofproperty.

10. C. D. Drain vs. B. C. Heald etal. ; in equity.

17. L. J. Stancliffvs. L. C. SUnclitT;divorce.

IS. R. A. Fellows vs. S. 1). Evans; inequity.

19. H. M. Martin vs. B. 8. Mode; torecover money.

20. J. A. McCully vs. South UmpquaMining io. ; 10 recover money.

21. Eva Benson et al. vs. LutitiaBrady et al.; partition.

22. Nettie Kern vs. Geo. E. Kern ;divorce.

23. Nancy H. Mendall vs. SolomonMendall; divorce.

24. Ida Petttnann vs. Chas. W. Pott- -man; divorce.

25. Sol Abraham vs. L. C. Beardsloyet al.; confirmation.

20. C. H. Maupin admr. et al. vs. A.D. Peters ; to set aside contract.

27. R. B. Armstrong, admr. vs. Jos- -epn Aieivin; loreclosure.

23. W. G. Kelso, admr. vs. JosephMelvin; foreclosure.

29. Wm.P. Lord et al. vs. J. W.Lincoln etal; foreclosure.

30. W. T. Creason vs. Emil Plagenset ai. ; loreclosure.

31. Wm. J. Becannon vs. W. Brum-me- tt

et al. ; to jet aside conveyance.32. Asher Markovs. John Jones etal.;

confirmation.33. R. A. Smith vs. L. C. Smith ; di-

vorce.34. Asher Marks vs. Jas. L. McCal-Ioc- h

et al.; foreclosure.35. A. E. Brown vs. Chas. L. Freyer;

to recover money.36. S. Minard vs. Asher Marks et al. ;

in equity.37. E. C. Michael vs. Jas. A. Sterling ;

foreclosure of lien.33. Emil Plagens vs. W. T. Pearson ;

in equity.39. Jas. A. Sterling vs. Douglas

County ; to recover money.40. Albert Ziniker ts. Annie Consoli-

dated Mining Co. et al.; foreclosure oflien.

41. Chas. R. David vs. L. F. Ander-son ; in equity.

42. H. E. Hoover vs. C. Graham eta!. ; foreclosure.

43. Asher Marks vs. Jos. C. McCul-loch- et

al,; to recover money.44. Rosalthe Bennett yi. Chas. Ben-

nett; divorce.45. J. E. Kerley vs. Liuie Kerler ;

divorce.46. S. Hamilton vs. C. Gutches; fore-

closure.43. H. W. Miller vs. A. F. Barker to

recover money.49. Plinn Cooper vs. Wm. N. Moore

et al.; to recover money.50. First National Bank vs. Wm. N.

Moore et al. ; to recover money.51. S. Hamilton vs. J. J. Farquar et

al.; fort closure.52. L. Steager vs. W. H. Harris, et

al.; foreclosure.53. H. F. Phelps vs. A. W. Phelps;

divorce.54. Lee Cardwell & Co., vs. Wm.

Levens; to recover money.55. Henry Beckley vs. P. W. McNeal ;

to recover money.56. State of Oregon vs. J. H. Perkins ;

recognizance.57. Stae of Oregon vs. Montie Bogen-ric- k

and Frank Ligbtfoot ; recognizance.5S. State of Oregon vs. Bob Meter;

recognizance.59. W. A. Perkins, Admr., etal. vs.

Douglas County Agricultural Association ;to recover money.

The Union Pacific railroad system of8000 miles, consisting of the Union Pa-cific from Omaha to Ogden, 10S3 miles;the St. Joseph A Grand Island of 250miles, the Denver & Gulf of 1478 miles,the Oregon Railway & Navigation lines1059 miles, the Denver, Lcadvillc A Gun-nison, 325 miles, the Oregon short line1431 miles and the Kansas Pacific 747miles is about to be broken np and gointo the bands of a receiver.

In Eastern Washington and Oregon thocattlemen have resorted to the torch todrive sheep men with their flock off thopublic domain. It is claimed that sev-eral ranches has been destroyed by thetorch of the incendiary cattle men. Sucha course is despicable. It is a species ofwarefare that can find no reasonable ex-

cuse, and it is hoped the officers of thelaw will bring the guilty to joetlce.

Jno. Foster, formerly secretary ofstate but lately counsel for China in ne-

gotiating with Japan, has cabled toWashington that he has completed hislabors and will return to Washingtonsoon. His advice to China was fullycomplied with in negotiating a loan inParis and has given him a fee of $100,000 for bis services.

The Cuban revolution is flourishing allalong the Florida coast. If Spain couldsend her ten new bstallions there adddestroy a few sensational newspaper cor-respondents, she could put an end to therebellion very eoon.

The Oregon Fruit d: Produce Companywill ship a carload of green gooseberriesto Omaba tomorrow as an experiment,with a view of establishing an Easternmarket for (be Oregon gooseberry.

A few heavy verdicts In damage suitsatcalnst owners of wrecked steamshipswould make them less reckless aboutloading vessels. That is what keepsrailroad companies in order.

Some of the sheepehoorersn Josephineare on a strike. All that the ownerBwish to pay is 3 cents a bead, for whichthe shearers refuse to work.

The price of silver in Kew York yester-day was C6? cents per ounce.

Dr. Price's Crwtm Baldog PowfcrWorld's Fair Highest Medal and Dlolaraa.


Prices Kut, Too! at theNovelty Store.

0ur Dollar Suits in Children'sClothing nro moving fast, and

tho bettor grades nro not over-

looked, for our lino of Children's and

Youth's Clothing cau not ho heat.

Don't Wo know that our i;ooilsEverybody (Dress Goods especially)

Come aud prices nro 11 big temp-A- t

Once. tation to you, but if every-

body came at ono timo wo

could not wait on thorn, so somo of youcomo today, while tho assortirenl is alitsbest.

More (Hy Notions: we ineauNew Tilings all thoso litlo neccsenry

in or ornamental thingsNotions. that go to mako up the

toilet of d wo-

men) than it has ever been our pleasureto show before. Numberless new kinksof fashion are for your use.

There is Comfort We have knit uuIn Good derwear for Indie?

Underwear. aud gents. TheyHre low in price,

and quality tho best. Wo might td.ro

mention a complete lino of Hosiery.There- ia money saving in tliem for you.

Ladies' What is tho uso of tewingWaists, iu warm weather when you

can get a nico waist for 50cents ud upward in price at tho NoveltyStore. Also ready - made wrapinrs,cheaper than you cau buy tho goods.

Camping Season And wo are onIs Here. hand with a full

line of Tinware,Cooking Utensils, etc., such nsjouuillneed on an outing. Tho prices are right,and you will say to.

. Profitable That tho above is

4 Things money saving orto Remember. you.

That a dime savedthese times is that much earned.

That our stock is complete.That the Novelty Storo is in the Taylor

A Wilson block.

Roaeburg Market Report.NIODL'CE.

Potatoes, er bushel 30 (j .10Eggs, per dozen .03Butter, per pound .15Cheese, per pound 1C fit .20Flour, per sack .75Bran, per ton 15.00


Sugar, granulated, 15tt l.WSugar, extra C, 15B 1.00

Rice, per pound, 14 tli 1.00Canned fruit, 2tli cam,

Peaches, per dozen ' $2.00Tomatoes, per dozen 1.50

Coffee, green, per pound .25Costa Rica, roasted .25Brown .30Moca and Java .40

Teas .35jApples, dried, per pound. . . .05Prunes, dried, per pound.. . .00 ,03

mkvts.Beef, on foot, per pound. . .02.'4'

Sheep, per head 2.00Chickens, per doz. cash . . 2.50Bacon and ham, per K. . . .10 & .12,- '-Shoulders .03Lard in bulk .OS

Lard in cans .10Sirloin steak .10Veal 05 g .00Mutton 05 s MPorterhouse .12'.StewB .04 t .OS

State or Gcio, Orr or Tutrix), (Lccis COCSTV, 1

FJU5E J. Cnrt5T asto oath that he is thesenior partner ol the Una ol V. J. Cnr.NET

doing business ia the City of TolciCounty and State atorv?M. and that tald rjwill pay the sum ot ONE UU.VDREI) DOL-LARS for each and every cac ol Cataekiithat cannot be cured by the me ol Hill 5CataSJU! CVke. FRANK J. CHKNEV

Sworn to before rue and sabcribel in myprtenca tbts Cth da-- ot December, A. I)., lwi.

X. W. GLEASO.V.jM Notary lUblic.

Uall'i Catarrh Cure i' taken internally andacts directly on the blood aud mucuoi sur-faces ot the Titect. !nd lor tcitimoniaisfree. F. J. CHENEV & CO., Toledo, O.

Sold by DruSisl.7Dc

Heart Is StrongerFainting Spells, Neuralgia and

Blood Poison

Hood's Sarsaporllla Gives Healthand Comfort.

"O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:"Dear Sirs: I eatr Hood's Sarsaparllla

highly rtcommended In newspapers. Ihad neuralgia inray head, backand arms. I alsohad weak faintingepelli and couldfind nothing todo mo any good.After reading thttestimonial!about tho goodHood's SarsaparlUa was doing Idecided to give iia trial. I har

illii Boss Shaldon taken it regularljX Center, Wart. 8ince early last

jtu and can truthfully say itHas Perfectly Cured Mo.

I do sot loffex now with any breaking outos zay beta, nor hare any fainting spells.The action of ray heart has been strength- -

Hood '8 Sarsa-paril- la

Bi Sue cures(VtVafc

en3 tad I am free from all pain. I cheer,folly recommend Hood's SrEaparil' io

Preparei only bv O.I. Hood A Comaie, Bold by all druggists, $1; t.ix 1

Hood's Pills cure Nausea. Sl.--I: .:. ,

Indigestion, Biliousness. 25c. per hox.

Administrator's Notice."MOTICE is hereby given that tho undersignedA' has been appointed administrator of thetstate of Nat Mitchell, late of Douglas county,Oregon, deceased. All persons having claimsOKafnstBald estate arc hereby required to presentthe same to mo at Cauyouville, Douglas county,Oregon, duly verified, within six mouths fromthe dato of this notice, All persons Indebted tosaid estate arc requested to make Immediatepayment to me at tald place.

uaiea mil aa. aay ot jiay, ih'.i.'i,

J. A McCULLEY.mzir. AOmlnlMrnlor.

Coi " Now good digestion wait on

eo( appetito. ,

Cotj And health en both."

Cottolcne Cottolene Cottolene ICottolene iCottoleneCottolcne Cottolene M:ittolene ICottolene Cottolene

'eneTo assure both the above ends, cut

good, wholesome, palatable food is eneene

demanded. It is next to impossible eneto present a sufficient variety ofappe-tizui- g ene

bills of fare for our meals with-o- uteneenea liberal allowance ofpastry and ene

other food in which shortening is enerequired. How to make crisp, ene

tnehealthful, digestible pastry has nspuzzled the cooks. A difficulty in eneall Rood coolcingin the past has been ene

ceolard. Always fickle, never uniform, 'ene

m.t unwholesome lard has always cnehecnthe bane of the cook and the fcjjobstacle to "jrood digestion." )ene

eneCotioTcnc 'otiolcne jCoitolene jCottolene ICottoleneCottolcne .Cottolcne .Cottolcne Cotto'ene jCottolene

TTOLENECottolcne Cottolene Cottolene Cottolene CottoleneCottolcne Cottolene JCottolene Cottolene ICottoleneCullgj comes now into popularcot? favor as the new shorten- -

tot? i"R better than even the! best of lard with none of

cot) lard's objectionable quali- -c" S ties. AndCotLotCct COTTOLENECot

CotCol1 comes attended by bothCot "APPETITE AND HEALTH."


ut Grocers sell it all about.Cot REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES.CotCotdcne Cottolcne Cottolene .Cottolcne ICottoleneCotclcnc Cottolene Cottolene JCottolene jCottolene

5ri7KrFAlR0BOANKy & CO., tS ST. LOUIS and ("C5tJ5!J51IUCS55o?S2ISeM

IA scientific fTlllll H IMlirMMM ' 7

preca- - tc!Auiciinc Balsam

WARRH:low LiiiieneauCalirrMPta'imsandSoreEyj3.lt E?S&srm

UsaHSHT BREATH. rwr mI J 1 TT r

Suls'AiiiEriNE1HED.Co- -

Sold by A. C. .Matters & Co.

W.L Douglas6 3? CUAr 13 THE BEST.t?ttJ BR V Kb FIT FOR A XING'.

5. cordovan;rRZKCH & EXAM CUXO CALF.

4.s3.s? Fine Cait tXucmi3.5? PQUCE.3 SOLES,


LiUJlES- -

5Pin rp.a pari! rrtif

Over One .Million People wear theW. L. Douglas $3 & $4 ShoesAll our shoes arc equally satisfactoryThey clve the beat volae lor the money.They equal custom thocs la ityle and fit.Tiitirwearinx qualities are unsurpassed.The prices ore rm, stamped on sole.Frost Si to ?j saved over other makes.

If icurociirsct scpplyyoanecaa. Sold by

dcalcr5 everywhere. Wanted, agentto take exclusive sale for this vicinityWrite at once.



SL0O BottlcS fa I "J 3Osa cent a doss, Jm a W

It la sold cn o eoarantco by nil drug-gists. It euros ipcipieat ConsumptiosBAd ia Uio beat Couch end Ctoud Cure.

For f.!o ly M. F. Hajp. Druggist.

CITATION.tn mi; tur sty toniTOF the state ofA Oregon. l,.f ivsglas t..uaty.

In the laaf.cr ! ik E?ute of Highlcy Frco-tna-

ilectasfl.To William 1.. Frn.ti.au. Kausumc Frecmau,

James C. Frvemnu. John A. Freernnn, ElizabethGarrljon. K C. McCull.ch. William U Free-man, rnrnh 0. Mortlln. Uuth Skinuer. llighleyWallace. KuIkua Freeman, Metta Freeman,EllzaUi'th Freeman, Ivh A. shennau, Eva A,Sherman, EluoraJ. Sherman. Ella A. Sherman,Leli E Sherman, the ht;r at laiv and uextol Mn. and all others Interested. GrcctinK;

In the name of the Slate of Urcgon. Youare hereby cited and toatwear in theCounty Court of the Mate of Oregon, for thecounty or in tne court room tncrcol,at Koseburg, In the County of Douglas, on.Hominy, tlie IM Day ol July, 1895,at Id o'cl'M-- in th-- . iorinoou of that day, thenand there to ow csuh if nnv there be.nhy r.n "pier of thin Court should not belna'lo authorUiu mid directing the admini-strator of nld eMate ! sell all tho real prop-erty Klngitin to Id utate and described asfollows, t.i it The half of the Donation i.uiii man ni jotiu freeman and HighlyFreeman, hit wife. K'inic claim No. 19. Intownship 2s South, of Uungc ; West, Willam-ette Meridian, In opler to j'ay the costs andvAtcmes of udmitiUtralinu of said

'Xhli citation isffunded upon the petition oftne auminaiMior ot nam isuue, saw petitionbvinir now on Me iu this court.

Wltnew, the Hun A F Steams Judge of theCounty Court of the stite of Oregou, for theCounty of Duiigln.- - uith the fea! of said CourtarCx-'- this i'nd day of April A. 1)., 1S53.

AUCSlaAM7 1". W. BENSON. Cleric.

Administrator's Notice.vtOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned

hi been appointed administrator of theestate id t. M. flatcs. lute of Douclas couutv.Oregon, deceased.. All persous havlug claimsagaint tald estate are hereby renuired to tire-- Isent the snrac to me at my store in c'auvoiiville.

. uougias county, urvKon, uiy vermeil, witntnpersons Indebted to Fiild estate are requested toinnke iniuicuiuic pajineui to me al tutu pl;rce.

Dated this Zil day of Mav. Is9j.THOS. WILSON,

iuti Administrator

SomethingNew !

To Ihe Ladies of ItoiCburg"

Buy one of the Bcvcrulge


Aud Take Life Easy.

Bulttd to nuiilllof. Boarding Houses,and Hotels

Housekeeping Made Easy.

JA3IUH WliST,Ocil'l AKUUt,

At Hold an Houtin. U0SEI1UKU.


MorAItCII, will make the deavon at JamesDolan's stables In Ilrooksldc. Will bo at 1. A.DaMotta's stables iu Koseburg every Saturday.

TEKMS : j, 10, S15.

OPWIU lake grain In payment.


Days of 49 Whisky.: A

For Sale at all First-Clas- s Bars. ?

Real Estate Bought and Sold

Farms, large and small, to Rent,AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. ' "

Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties,Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonableprices and easy terms. Inquire of ."...,,- -

ID.n?.B mmmrA, JOwusVKmm ;.a, :T3e3i- -

SRsisHsiicisEssBsioasBcisitasacnciBTHE s


Of capacities varying from i to 25 J2 horse power affords the most con- - 5

venient, economical and reliable2 power for all light service. One of 2

these may be seen running at this2 office. Send circulars. 2


5 121 Main Street, San Cal. 2



BK00K5IDThe HOIVC Farm, east of town, has been plat-

ted and is now on the market in Lots aud Blocks containing3i 2, 3i and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to $100per acre.

Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farmor a suburban home eanterms.

All lots sold in Firstthan doubled in value. Thetne luture. More fortunes are made m lands near a growing town or city than any other way. Sieze the opportunity.

For information orestate umce, or on




Southern Pacific Co.Esprea trains leave Portland daily.South j I North

6:15r.x. Lv. - Portland - Ar. srjo a. h.330 A.M. Lv. - Roseburg - Lv. 11:30 r.x.10.15 a. X. Ar. - San Francisco Lv. 7:00 r. M.

Above trains stop at all stations From Port- -Iftntl tn Athanp Inolmlp. 1 1 t .fihedds, Halsey. Harrisburg, Junction City,I rvi n - PnM...m1 ,11 .t .to Ashland Inclusive

nwcbnre ?!all Daily.S:30a. x.lLv. Portland Ar. I 430 r..530 r. m. 1 Ar. Roseburg Lv. 17:00 a.m.


Pullman Buffet SleepersANU

SCCOMD.CLAVI SL.KIIti t.lKSAttached to all Through Trains.

West Side Division.Hctwccn Portland and CoryallU.

Hail train dally (esccpt Sunday).7:30 a. x. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 5:35 r. x.

12:15 r. v. I Ar. Corral lis Lv. I IKOr.x.At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains

of Oregon Pacific railroad.Express train dally (eicept Eunday).

4.40 r.x. I Lv. Portland Ar. I S:2S a. x.7:25 r. X. Ar. McJlinvillo Lv. I 5:50 a. s.Through Tickets to all Poluu In

tho Eastern States. Canada andEurope can be obtained at low-c- ut

ratca from eorre Eatcs, AgentItoncbnrr;.

R. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS,Manager. Asst. U. F. i Tass. Agen




kjsaAsyst.,uj comer of Com-mercial, San Francisco,Cal.. Established in1854. for the treatmentof bexual aud SeminalDiseases, such as tlon-orrhe- a,

Gleet, Strict-ure. B'lnhllla.la nil Itsforms, Seminal Weakness, jmnorency, andLost Manhood perma

nently cured. Tho tick aud afflicted should notfall to call upon him. Tho Doctor has traveledextensively iu Europe, and inspected thoroughlytho various hospitals there, obtaining a greatdeal of valuable information, which he is com-petent to Impart to those lu need of his services.The Doctor cures when others fail. Try him.DR. OIBBON will mako no chargo unless he ef-fect cure. Persons at a distance CURED ATHOME. All communications strictly conQdcn-in- l.

All letters answered In plain envelopes.Charges reasonable. Call or write. AddressOR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1857. Ean Francisco. Cal

Alincral, Railroad. Aricultural.

tf. G. POTTER,

AT LAW,1106 O St., N. V. Washington, D. C.

For many years in the General Laud Office.Examiner of Contests, Mineral vs. Mineral vsRailroad and Agricultural claims and LatoChief of tho Mineral Division.

CorrcspondcnCo itcd.








now be accommodated on easy

Brookside addition have moreprospect is much better for

conveyance, call at ony Real

BSIiDEXff, Fropz.


The) Mortherh) piciFic)

RAILROADIs the Line to Take

To all Points East aud South.




Composed ol Dicing Cars Unsurpassed,

Pullman Drawing Room Sleepari,Of Latest Equipment,

TOUltlST m.eepim; carsBest that can be constructed and Inwhich accommodations are both FREEand FURNISHED to holders of First orSecond-clas- s Tickets, and


A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines,affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service.

Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured inadvauce through aay agent of the road.

THBOUCH TICKETS To and from all Points InAmerica, England aud Europe can be purchasedat any Ticket Offioe of this Company.

Full Information concerning rates, time oftrains, routes and other details furnished onapplication to any agent, or

A. X). ciiAuiro.-v-,Assistant General Passenger Agent,

No. VZ1 First St, cor. Washington.PORTLAND. OREGON.


Family Groceries,DISHES,

Books and Children's Toys.


Fruils, A'uts, French Candies, ConfectioneryCanned Goods, ColTees, Teas, Etc



NOTICE.Notice i hereby given to all whom it may con-ec-

that I hivea ppointel D. V. Btearna of Cal.pooij preciuct Deputy Inspector of Stock for saidprecinct; postofflca address, A JteW1bur,anJoll)1,8ml"1. t Rose'my absence, and others wilbe added as parties inspected make their desirexnownto mo.

Roaeburf, May 1th, 1SS7.

1 nspeelor of Stock far Douglwcfu'ntSjr.

SUMMONS.TN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OK THE STATEJ- - of Oregon, for the County ol Douglas.W. P. Lord, II. K. Klncald and

Phil Sletschan, Board ofCommissioners for the aale ofSchool and University landsand for tho investment ofthe funds arising therefrom. Suit in equity

Plaintiffs. to foreclose aMortgage.

J. W. Lincoln. Sarah It. Lincoln, i

Georgie C. Bumham, Henry j

Landers, Daniel D. wimams I

anu rrancts uray.Defendants..

To J. W. Lincoln, Sarah K. Lincoln, Georgie C.Burnham and Daniel B. Williams above nameddefendants:

In tit.ti.mi.nr thnKtntn fit OreCOH. TOU and1 each of you are hereby required to appear andanswer me compuuui uicu aKus. J ;irabove entitled cause and court, on or before thefirst day of the next regular term of said court,

t: Tho fourth Monday, the 21th day ofJunc,lS35.

And you will take notice that If yon fail so toappear and answer said complaint for wantincreot inc pianum.i win appiy 10 me n .u.the relief prayed for therein, lt: That themortgage mentioned in the said complaint,upon the following described premises,A strip of land off of tho east slue of the originallnm! plnlrn nf David N'oah and wile, in Sections33 and St In Township 27 South of Kange 6 West,Dcineastripocnains wtue on me tiw u iuosouthwest quarter of Section 31; also the frac-

tional southeast quarter, being all of lots 1, 2, ,4 nnri s nf f tlnn zi that lie and are situated InSection 34, Township 27 South of Kange C West,about ias.70 acres more or less; aiso me uuim-ea- st

quarter of Section St, Township 27 South ofRange 6 West, containing 1C0 acres of land moreor less; also beginning at a point in the SouthUmpqua river 2X75 chains sonth and L85 chainseast of the section corner post to Sections 9, 10,15, and 16, Townsnip ja souin. oi nauge o ne".

Cnnth s Hmw. bit l Lis chains, thenceSouth 2 degree West 14.15 chains to near themiddle of the South Umpqua river, thencedown said stream to the place of beginning,containing 10 acres of land more or less: alsotne ngni or way lor a water uuuu uuui uwabove described land to section line runningEast and between sections 0, IP, 15 and IS onthe best practicable route, also, beginning at apoint on the North boundary of Section 3,Township 28 South, of Range 6 West, at apoint of intersection of said line on the westside of the South Umpqua river 4 chains Eastof the quarter section corner, thence runnineWest 9 chains, thence South 4 chains and 17links, thence East 9 chains to the South Ump-qua river, thence North along the West bank of.. . . - 1 C Inning MM..lntn r.salu nver uj iul pince oi lApuwuis, wum.three and s acres, and in the aggre-gate, containing two hundred and ninety-thre- e

and (233 5-- 5S acres of land more or less, andbeing and lying in Douglas county, in the stataof Ocgon, together with tho tenements, here-ditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining; may rtvm.inpfi- - and the said Tjremises ordered to besold and the proceeds thereof applied to thopayment oi tneueDi secuxeu uj Huuiuungago,as follows, towit:

1st. To the payment of the costs and dlsburs-metn- sof this suit, such foreclosure and sale.

2nd. To the navmcnt of the sum of one hundred and twenty-fiv- e dollars (1125.00) as attorneys lees in unttea states goiu coin--

3rd. To the payment of the sum of one thou-lan- d,

one hundred and sixtr and (I1160.85J0 dollars principal and Interest to January

7th, 1695, with interest thereon from said "tnday ot January, nxa, at incraie oi a per aiper annum to the date of such payment.

4th. That if the amount realized from thesaid sale of said premises exceeds the amountof such costs and disbursements, attorneysfees and principal and interest and costs ofsuch sale, that such overplus be distributed

court to be equitable and Just.This summons is published by order of Hon.

J. C. Fullerton. judge of said court, made atchambers in the city of Roseburg, Douglascounty. Oregon, aud ""ojPggjjjJljjg

m2t7. Attorney lor Plaintiffs.

Sheriff Sale.HoHce of Sale of Real Property for De-

linquent Taxes for the Year 1893.


of a warrant duly Issued out of and un-der the seal of the County Court of DouglasCounty, State of Oregon, on 16th day of May,ISM, and to me directed and delivered, com-manding me to levy upon and mate sale ofthe goods and chattels of the delinquent rs

named in the delinquent tax roll of saidcounty for the year 1533 thereto attached, and ifnone be found then upon the real property asset forth and described in said delinquent taxroll for 1S3S, for said county, or so much as maybe sufficient to satisfy the amount of delinquenttaxes charged thereon for 1S33, together withthe costs and expenses of matin? such saleIn pursuance thereof I have duly levied uponthe following described real property in saidcounty and state which said real property iaowned, described and assessed as follows:Beardsley. L. C. and wife, beg at a point 74

feet s from se corner of land conveyedby Aaron Rose and wife to Sirs. Steph-ens and now owned by Mary Lane,thence s 71 feet, thence w lis feet,thence n 71 feet, thence a lis feet tobes, also bee at se corner ol tract ofland conveyed by Aaron Rose and wifeto Mrs. Stephens, now owned by MaryLane, thence a 71 feet to ne corner ofland conveyed by A Rose and wife toAda Beardsley, thence w alone saidtract Its feet, thence n 71 feet, thencee IIS feet to bee, 1 27 s, r 6 w fS2 15And will on Tuesday, the 2nd day of July.

A. D. 1895, between the hours of 9 o'clock inthe forenoon and 4 o'clock In the afternoon,to wit: At 1 o'clock In the afternoon sell atpublic auction at the Court House door in Rose-bur- ?,

Douglas County, Oregon, to the highestbidder for cash in hand, all the above describedreal property, oe so much thereof as will benecessary to satisfy the amount .of the delin-quent taxes charged therein for 'said DouglasCounty, Oregon, for ls33, and for the costs olthis sale.

Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, this 27th dav ol"May, 1SJI. C. F. CATHCAET.Sheriff and Tax Collector for

Douglas County, Oregon.

SUMMONS.TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATEx of Oregon, for Douglas County.Nettie J. Kern, 1

Plaintifr,vs. V

George E. Kern, !

Defendant. JTo George E, Kern, the above-name- d defend

ant.In the name otthe Statu of Oregon, you are

hereby required to appear and answer the com-plai- nt

filed against you In the above entitledsuit in the above-name- d Court, on or beforethe first day of the next regular term of saidCourt, to wit: The 2tth day of June, 1S35.

And you will take notice that if you fail soto appear and answer said complaint, for wantthereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Courtfor the relief prayed for in said complaint,which is a dissolution of the marriage contract,now existing between yourself and the plain-- .tiff herein, and that the plaintiff be awardedthe care and custody of the three minor child-ren, the issuo of your mairiase with plaintiff,to wit: Charles Kern and Lester Kern andWalter Kern, and that plaintiff recover hercosts and disbursements herein.

This summons is published by order made atchambers, at Rotebunr, Douglas county, Ore-gon, by Hon. ;j. C. Fullerton, Judge of saidCourt, which said order is dated. February 2,A. D., 1S95. IRA B. RIDDLE,m3t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.


In the matter ot the Estate of John Schramm,deceased.

To the heirs at law and the next of kin, ofJohn Schramm, deceased, and to all personsknown and unknown interested In said estate.Greeting;

In the name of the state of Oregon. You arehereby cited aud required to appear in theCounty Court of the state of Oreson. for theCounty of Douglas, in the court room thereof, atRoseburg, iu the County of Douglas, on Satur-day, the 6th day of July, 1S95, at 10 o'clock intho forenoon of that day, then and there toshow cause if any there be, whv an order ofthis Court should not be made authorizing anddirectiug- - the administrator of .said estate, tosell all of the real property belonging to saidEstate, to wit:

Tho southwest quarter of Section 22, iuTownship 26 South, of Range 7 West, contain-ing 160 acres, being situate in Douglas county,state of Oregon.

This citation Is founded upon the verifiedpetition, now on tile in this court, of John VonPossl. the administrator of said Estate.

Witness, the Hon. A. F. Stearns. Judge ofthe County Court, of the state of Oregon, forthe County of Douglas, with the Seal of saidCourt affixed this 5th day of June, A. D., 1S95.

Attest:.' F. W. BENSON, Clerk.

Executor's Sale of Real PropertyVfOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THEundersigned executor of tho Estate of M.R. Shupe by virtue of a decree, issued out of theCouuty Court of Douglas county. State of Ore-gon, will on and after Fridav, July 5th. IS35.sell at private sale, tho following describedpremises belonging to the Estate of M. K. Shupe.deceased, to wit:

EVCofp.C.of M.R.tShupo and lot S, all iuSec. 30; NU NWr, SEfNEU , and',' s'25i. ffl:'&3rfiSs-- $

NAi (excepting 3.91 acres heretofore sold to e!G.oungj of Sec. 32, all in T. 21 S., R.3 W..containing 617.17 acres.Dated this 1th day of June, A. D., 1S35.."t5 JOHN U. SHUPE, Executor.

Adminstratrix Notice.

las county, Oregon, deceased. All personshaving claims against said Estate are herebyrequired to present the same to me at my resi-dence at Elkton. Douglas countv, Oregon,dulv verified, within six months from the dataof this notice. All persons indebted to saidEstate are requested to make immediate pay-ment to me at said place.

Dated this 23rd day of Mav, 1S03.SAKAll M. WEATIIERI.V, Aminlstratrlx.

O. A. SmijjRDE, Attorney. m25t3