Chapter 4 The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs Mark I. Zakowski, M.D. Norman L. Herman, M.D., Ph.D. ANATOMY 55 Embryology 55 Comparative Anatomy 56 Vascular Architecture 56 PHYSIOLOGY 58 Barrier Function 58 Hormonal Function 58 Regulation of Placental Blood Flow 59 Transport Mechanisms 59 Transfer of Respiratory Gases and Nutrients 60 DRUG TRANSFER 62 Pharmacokinetic Principles 63 Inhalation Anesthetic Agents 64 Induction Agents 64 Benzodiazepines 65 Opioids 65 Local Anesthetics 66 Muscle Relaxants 66 Anticholinergic Agents 66 Anticholinesterase Agents 66 Antihypertensive Agents 67 Vasopressor Agents 67 Anticoagulants 67 Drug Delivery Systems 68 Disease States 68 PLACENTAL PATHOLOGY 68 The placenta, which presents unceremoniously after delivery of the neonate, has been given the undignified name afterbirth. This often ignored structure is, in fact, a critical organ that should not be an afterthought in the study of obstetric anesthesia. Revered by ancient cultures as the seat of the external soul or the bundle of life, the placenta has been the subject of many cultural rituals. 1 However, a true understanding of the indispensable role of the placenta in the development of the fetus did not evolve until the seventeenth century. Much of the placenta’s function remained a mystery until the devel- opment of microanatomic, biochemical, and molecular biologic techniques during the past 50 years. The concept of the placenta as a passive sieve (which does little more than serve as a conduit for oxygen, nutrients, and waste) has been dispelled with the realization that the placenta is a complex and dynamic organ. The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal and fetal blood, for the physiologic transfer of gases, nutrients, and wastes. 2 This important exchange is accomplished within a complex structure that is almost entirely of fetal origin. ANATOMY Embryology At implantation, the developing blastocyst erodes the sur- rounding decidua, leaving the cellular debris on which it survives. The placenta develops in response to the embryo’s outstripping its ability to gain oxygen and nutrients by simple diffusion. The syncytiotrophoblasts (invasive cells located at the margin of the growing conceptus) continue to erode the surrounding decidua and its associated capil- laries and arterioles until the blastocyst is surrounded by a sea of circulating maternal blood (trophoblastic lacunae). The vitelline vein system develops in the yolk sac of the embryo to enhance the transport of nutrients, which diffuse from the maternal blood through the trophoblast layer and chorionic plate into the chorionic cavity. The embryo undergoes a dramatic acceleration in growth as its depen- dence on simple diffusion diminishes. 3 At 2 weeks of development, the primitive extraembryon- ic mesoderm (cytotrophoblast layer) begins to proliferate as cellular columns into the syncytiotrophoblast. These columns with their syncytiotrophoblast covering extend Chapter 4 The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs 55

The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs · The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal

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Page 1: The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs · The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal

Chapter 4

The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology,and Transfer of Drugs

Mark I. Zakowski, M.D.

Norman L. Herman, M.D., Ph.D.


Embryology 55

Comparative Anatomy 56

Vascular Architecture 56


Barrier Function 58

Hormonal Function 58

Regulation of Placental Blood Flow 59

Transport Mechanisms 59

Transfer of Respiratory Gases and Nutrients 60


Pharmacokinetic Principles 63

Inhalation Anesthetic Agents 64

Induction Agents 64

Benzodiazepines 65

Opioids 65

Local Anesthetics 66

Muscle Relaxants 66

Anticholinergic Agents 66

Anticholinesterase Agents 66

Antihypertensive Agents 67

Vasopressor Agents 67

Anticoagulants 67

Drug Delivery Systems 68

Disease States 68


The placenta, which presents unceremoniously afterdelivery of the neonate, has been given the undignifiedname afterbirth. This often ignored structure is, in fact, acritical organ that should not be an afterthought in thestudy of obstetric anesthesia. Revered by ancient culturesas the seat of the external soul or the bundle of life, theplacenta has been the subject of many cultural rituals.1

However, a true understanding of the indispensablerole of the placenta in the development of the fetus didnot evolve until the seventeenth century. Much of theplacenta’s function remained a mystery until the devel-opment of microanatomic, biochemical, and molecularbiologic techniques during the past 50 years. The conceptof the placenta as a passive sieve (which does little more thanserve as a conduit for oxygen, nutrients, and waste) hasbeen dispelled with the realization that the placenta is acomplex and dynamic organ.

The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulationsinto close apposition, without substantial interchange ofmaternal and fetal blood, for the physiologic transfer ofgases, nutrients, and wastes.2 This important exchange isaccomplished within a complex structure that is almostentirely of fetal origin.



At implantation, the developing blastocyst erodes the sur-rounding decidua, leaving the cellular debris on which itsurvives. The placenta develops in response to the embryo’soutstripping its ability to gain oxygen and nutrients bysimple diffusion. The syncytiotrophoblasts (invasive cellslocated at the margin of the growing conceptus) continueto erode the surrounding decidua and its associated capil-laries and arterioles until the blastocyst is surrounded by asea of circulating maternal blood (trophoblastic lacunae).The vitelline vein system develops in the yolk sac of theembryo to enhance the transport of nutrients, which diffusefrom the maternal blood through the trophoblast layer andchorionic plate into the chorionic cavity. The embryoundergoes a dramatic acceleration in growth as its depen-dence on simple diffusion diminishes.3

At 2 weeks of development, the primitive extraembryon-ic mesoderm (cytotrophoblast layer) begins to proliferateas cellular columns into the syncytiotrophoblast. Thesecolumns with their syncytiotrophoblast covering extend

Chapter 4 The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs 55

Page 2: The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs · The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal

into the maternal blood lacunae and represent primary villi.Further mesodermal invasion into the core of these primaryvilli marks the metamorphosis into secondary villi. Cellulardifferentiation of the villi mesoderm results in the forma-tion of a network of blood cells and vessels; this transitionallows their classification as tertiary villi. The vascularcomponents of each villus develop connections within thechorionic plate and into the stalk that connects the devel-oping embryo and primitive placenta. Penetration of thecytotrophoblast continues through the syncytiotrophoblas-tic layer until many of the villi reach the decidua and formanchoring villi (Figure 4-1).2,3

Villi continue to develop and undergo extensive branch-ing into treelike structures; the branches, which extend intothe lacunar (or intervillous) spaces, enlarge the surface areaavailable for exchange. Further villous maturation results ina marked reduction in the cytotrophoblastic componentand a shortening of the distance between the fetal villiand maternal intervillous blood.3

The growing embryo within the blastocyst attachesto the chorion through a connecting or body stalk.Mesodermal components of this stalk coalesce to formthe allantoic (or rudimentary umbilical) vessels. As theembryo continues its exponential growth phase, the con-necting stalk shifts ventrally from its initial posterior attach-ment. The expansive open region at the ventral surface ofthe embryo constricts as the body wall grows and closes.By so doing, the body wall surrounds the yolk stalk, allan-tois, and developing vessels within the connecting stalk

to form the primitive umbilicus. As the expandingamnion surrounds and applies itself over the connectingstalk and yolk sac, the cylindrical umbilical cord takes onits mature form.3

The placenta grows dramatically from the third monthof gestation until term. A direct correlation exists betweenthe growth of the placenta and the growth of the fetus. Byterm, the mature placenta is oval and flat, with an averagediameter of 18.5 cm, weight of 500 g, and thickness of23 mm.4 Wide variations in size and shape are within therange of normal and make little difference in function.

Comparative Anatomy

The placentas of different species differ greatly, beginningwith their method of uterine attachment, which can includeadhesion, interdigitation, and fusion. In addition, thenumber of tissue layers between the maternal and fetalcirculations at their point of apposition can differ. Themost commonly used placental categorization system, theGrossner classification, uses the number of tissue layers inthe placental barrier to determine the species (Figure 4-2).5

Although still imperfect in modified form, this systemremains a useful means of placental classification.

The functional ability of the placenta to transfer varioussubstances differs among species. The markedly thickerepitheliochorial placenta found in sheep, which is themost common animal species used for placental transferstudies, has three maternal layers (epithelium, connectivetissues, and endothelium) that separate maternal from fetalblood. By contrast, the human hemochorial placenta lacksthese maternal layers, allowing maternal blood to directlybathe fetal tissues (see Figure 4-2). As a result, the sub-stances that are able to transfer through the placentadiffer; for example, fatty acids cannot cross through theplacenta in sheep as they do in humans.6 This wide diversityin placental structure and function among species makesextrapolation from animal investigations to clinical medi-cine tenuous.

Vascular Architecture

MATERNALUnder the initial hormonal influences of the corpus luteum,the spiral arteries of the uterus become elongated and moreextensively coiled. In the area beneath the developingconceptus, the compression and erosion of the deciduainduces lateral looping of the already convoluted spiralarteries.7 These vessels under the placenta gain access tothe intervillous spaces. In late pregnancy, the growingdemands of the developing fetus require the 200 spiralarteries that directly feed the placenta to handle a bloodflow of approximately 600 mL/min.7 The vasodilationrequired to accommodate this flow is the result of thereplacement of the elastic and muscle components of theartery, initially by cytotrophoblast cells and later by fibroidcells. This replacement reduces the vasoconstrictor activityof these arteries and exposes the vessels to the dilatingforces of the greater blood volume of pregnancy, especiallyat the terminal segments, where they form funnel-shapedsacs that enter the intervillous space.7 The increased diam-eter of the vessels slows blood flow and reduces bloodpressure.


Basal plate

Chorionic laeve






SeptumJunctional zone




FIGURE 4-1 The placenta is a complex structure that bringsthe maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition forexchange of substances. (Redrawn from Kaufmann P, Scheffen I.Placental development. In Polin RA, Fox WW, editors. Fetal andNeonatal Physiology. 2nd edition. Philadelphia, WB Saunders,1998:59-70.)

56 Part II Maternal and Fetal Physiology

Page 3: The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs · The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal

The intervillous space is a large cavernous expanse thatdevelops from the fusion of the trophoblastic lacunae andthe erosion of the decidua by the expanding blastocyst. Thisspace, which is essentially a huge blood sinus, is bounded bythe chorionic plate and the decidua basalis (i.e., the mater-nal or basal plate). Folds in the basal plate form septa thatseparate the space into 13 to 30 anatomic compartmentsknown as lobules. Each lobule contains numerous villoustrees that are also known as cotyledons or placentones.Although tightly packed with highly branched villoustrees, the intervillous space of the mature placenta canaccommodate approximately 350 mL of maternal blood.8

Maternal arterial blood leaves the funnel-shaped spiralarteries and enters the intervillous space. The blood movesinto the nearly hollow, low-resistance area, where villi arevery loosely packed (the intercotyledonary space), prior toentering another region of densely packed intermittent andterminal villi (Figure 4-3).9 The terminal villi representthe areas where placental exchange predominates. Afterpassing through this dense region, maternal venous bloodcollects between neighboring villous trees in an area calledthe perilobular zone.10 Collecting veins penetrate the mater-nal plate at the periphery of the villous trees to drain peri-lobular blood from the intervillous space.

Blood from the intervillous space is drained throughfenestrations in the decidual veins; however, as pregnancyprogresses, the total number of veins contributing to bloodreturn is dramatically reduced by rising uterine wall

pressure from intrauterine contents. Of interest, veinsexhibit the same changes witnessed in the spiral arteries(i.e., atrophy of the tunica media and replacement withfibroid cells),4,10 which reduce vasoconstrictive abilitiesand enhance the dilation of patent veins to accommodatevenous return from the placenta.7

FETALTwo coiled arteries bring fetal blood within the umbilicalcord toward the placenta. On the placental surface, thesearteries divide into chorionic arteries that ultimatelysupply the vessels of the 50 villous trees located in the pla-cental lobules (Figure 4-4).4,11 At the base of each villoustree, the chorionic arteries are considered the main villousstem or truncal arteries (first-order vessels), which in turnbranch into four to eight ramal or cotyledonary arteries(second-order vessels); as they pass toward the maternalplate, they further subdivide into ramulus chorii (third-order vessels) and finally, terminal arterioles.4 The terminalarterioles lead through a neck region into a bulbousenlargement where they form two to four narrow capillaryloops. Here the large endothelial surface area and the nearabsence of connective tissue allow optimal maternal-fetalexchange (Figure 4-5).10,12

The venous end of the capillaries loops, narrows, andreturns through the neck region to the collecting venules,which coalesce to form the larger veins in the stem of thevillous trees. Each villous tree drains into a large vein,









Hemochorial Endothelioendothelial Hemoendothelial


1 2 3

4 5 6

FIGURE 4-2 Modification of Grossner’s original classification scheme, showing the number and types of tissue layers between the fetal andmaternal circulations. Examples of each are as follows: (1) epitheliochorial, sheep; (2) syndesmochorial, no known examples; (3) endotheliochorial,dogs and cats; (4) hemochorial, human and hamster; (5) endothelioendothelial, bandicoot (Australian opossum); and (6) hemoendothelial,Rocky Mountain pika. (Modified from Ramsey EM. The Placenta: Human and Animal. New York, Praeger Publishers, 1982.)

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Page 4: The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs · The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal

which, as it perforates the chorionic plate, becomes a cho-rionic vein. All of the venous tributaries course toward theumbilical cord attachment site, where they empty into oneumbilical vein that delivers blood to the fetus.


Barrier Function

The placenta is an imperfect barrier that allows almost allsubstances to cross, including an occasional red blood cell.

The rate and amount of placental transfer depend on thelevel of permeability and the ability of various mechanismsto restrict movement. A vast array of cytochrome P-450isoenzymes are found within the placenta; some of theseare inducible, whereas others are constitutive. The induci-ble enzymes are mainly of the 3-methylcholanthrene–inducible type rather than the phenobarbital-inducingvariety found in the liver. These enzymes may play a rolein metabolizing agents and decreasing fetal exposure, butthe extent to which this involvement occurs is poorlyunderstood.13 In addition, a number of substances undergospecific or nonspecific binding within the placental tissues,thereby minimizing fetal exposure to and accumulation ofthe substances.14 Finally, the thickness of the placentalmembranes, which diminishes as gestation progresses,may influence the rate of diffusion.15 Of interest, the rateof transfer of certain substances (e.g., glucose, water) differsvery little among species, even though the placentalthickness varies greatly.16

Hormonal Function

A sophisticated transfer of precursor and intermediatecompounds in the maternal-fetal-placental unit allowsplacental enzymes to convert steroid precursors into estro-gen and progesterone. This steroidogenic function ofthe placenta begins very early during pregnancy; by 35 to47 days after ovulation, the placental production of estrogenand progesterone exceeds that of the corpus luteum(i.e., the ovarian-placental shift).17

Chorionic plate

Chorionic villi(secondary)

Intervillous space

Placental septumBranch villi

Decidua basalis

Stratum compactumStratumspongiosumMyometrium


Anchoring villus(cytotrophoblast) After delivery, the decidua

detaches at this point

Basal plateof uterus


FIGURE 4-4 The dispersal of chorionic arteries through the chorionicplate and into the villous trees (or placentones or cotyledons) of thehuman placenta.

FIGURE 4-3 The relationship between thevillous tree and maternal blood flow. Arrows

indicate the maternal blood flow from the spiralarteries into the intervillous space and outthrough the spiral veins. (Modified fromTuchmann-Duplessis H, David G, Haegel P.Illustrated Human Embryology. Vol 1:Embryogenesis. New York, Springer Verlag,1972:73.)

58 Part II Maternal and Fetal Physiology

Page 5: The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs · The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal

The placenta also produces a wide array of enzymes,binding proteins, and polypeptide hormones. For example,the placenta produces human chorionic gonadotropin,human placental lactogen (a growth hormone also knownas human chorionic somatomammotropin), and factorsthat control hypothalamic function.17 This ability to pro-duce proteins and steroid hormones allows the placenta toinfluence and control the fetal environment.

Regulation of Placental Blood Flow

MATERNAL BLOOD FLOWThe trophoblastic invasion and functional denervation ofthe musculoelastic lining of the spiral arteries may repre-sent adaptive mechanisms to decrease vascular reactivityand promote vasodilation.18,19 These alterations allow thespiral arteries to vasodilate as much as 10 times theirnormal diameter, thereby lowering resistance for thepassage of blood through the intervillous spaces.20

Maternal blood enters the intervillous cotyledon space ata pressure of 70 to 80 mm Hg in an area that has relativelyfew villi.7 This pressure, and the subsequent velocity ofblood flow, rapidly diminishes to approximately 10 mmHg as the blood passes into an area of higher resistancecreated by the densely packed villi of the placentone.15

FETAL BLOOD FLOWIn contrast to maternoplacental blood flow, the gestationalincreases in fetoplacental blood flow are more the result ofvascular growth, rather than vasodilation, of the villousbeds.21 Fetoplacental blood flow is autoregulated, but theprocess is not well defined; however, the maintenance ofbasal arteriolar tone is known to be independent of cate-cholamines or angiotensin.22 Maternal hyperglycemia23 andhypoxemia24 are examples of derangements that can alterregional fetal blood flow, probably through vascularmediators. Endothelium-derived relaxing factors, especiallyprostacyclin25 and nitric oxide,26 appear to be important in

the control of fetoplacental circulation. Evidence suggeststhat hypoxia-induced fetoplacental vasoconstriction ismediated by a reduction in the basal release of nitricoxide.27,28 This vasoconstrictor activity is functionallysimilar to that found in the lung and allows optimal fetaloxygenation through redistribution of fetal blood flow tobetter-perfused lobules.24

Transport Mechanisms

Substances are transferred across the placenta by one ofseveral mechanisms.29-32 These processes are summarizedin this section.

PASSIVE TRANSPORTThe passive transfer of molecules across a membranedepends on (1) concentration and electrochemical differ-ences across the membrane, (2) molecular weight, (3) lipidsolubility, (4) level of ionization, and (5) membrane surfacearea and thickness. This process requires no expenditureof cellular energy, with transfer driven principally by theconcentration gradient across a membrane. Simple trans-membrane diffusion can occur either through the lipidmembrane (e.g., lipophilic molecules and water) or withinprotein channels that traverse the lipid bilayer (e.g., chargedsubstances such as ions) (Figure 4-6).31,33

FACILITATED TRANSPORTCarrier-mediated transport of relatively lipid-insolublemolecules down their concentration gradient is called facili-tated diffusion.33 Facilitated diffusion differs from simplediffusion in several ways. Specifically, this mode of transferexhibits (1) saturation kinetics, (2) competitive and non-competitive inhibition, (3) stereospecificity, and (4) temper-ature influences (e.g., a higher temperature results ingreater transfer).29 With simple diffusion, the net rate ofdiffusion is proportional to the difference in concentrationbetween the two sides of the membrane. This rate

Fetal capillary

CytotrophoblastHofbauer cell

Fetal sinusoid


Intervillous space


Cytotrophoblast(Langhans’ cell)

Basal lamina andconnective tissue


Fetal blood


FIGURE 4-5 Near left, Cellular morphology of two terminalvilli. Far left, Higher magnification of the boxed regionexhibiting the placental barrier between fetal and maternalblood. (Redrawn from Kaufmann P. Basic morphology ofthe fetal and maternal circuits in the human placenta.Contrib Gynecol Obstet 1985; 13:5-17. Reproduced withpermission of S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland.)

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limitation is valid for facilitated diffusion only when trans-membrane concentration differences are small. At higherconcentration gradients, a maximum rate of transfer (Vmax)is reached; thereafter, further rises in the concentrationgradient do not affect the rate of transfer. The rate of trans-fer is determined by the number of membranous carrierprotein complexes and the extent of interaction betweenthe carrier and the substance undergoing transport.31 Anexample of facilitated diffusion is the transplacental transferof glucose.

A special type of facilitated diffusion involves the ‘‘uphill’’transport of a molecule linked to another substance travelingdown its concentration gradient. As such, the transfer is notdirectly driven by cellular energy expenditure. In most cases,sodium is the molecule that facilitates transport. For themembrane-bound carrier to transfer these molecules, bothmolecules must be bound to the carrier. This hybrid systemis called secondary active transport or co-transport.30,31 Thetransplacental transport of amino acids appears to occurprincipally through secondary active transport.

ACTIVE TRANSPORTActive transport involves the movement of any substanceacross a cell membrane being linked with cellular metabolicactivity. In general, active transport occurs against a con-centration, electrical, or pressure gradient, although notnecessarily in all circumstances.30 Active transport requirescellular energy.

Like facilitated diffusion, active transport requires aprotein membrane carrier that exhibits saturation kineticsand competitive inhibition (see Figure 4-6).33 However,unlike secondary active transport, this movement of asubstance against its concentration gradient is directlylinked to the hydrolysis of high-energy phosphate bondsof adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The best known exampleof primary active transport is the translocation of sodiumand potassium through the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

New active transport proteins that have been identifiedinclude P-glycoprotein, breast cancer resistance protein, andthe sodium/multivitamin transporter, as well as the manyproteins involved in monoamine transport and multidrugresistance. These transport proteins play an important role

in protecting the fetus from foreign and potentially terato-genic compounds. P-glycoprotein exists on the maternal sideof the trophoblastic cell membrane of the placenta, andprevents compounds such as methadone and saquinavir(a protease inhibitor) from leaving the maternal blood,thus limiting fetal exposure.34 Inhibition of these transporterproteins (e.g., inhibition of P-glycoprotein by verapamil) cansignificantly increase the fetal transfer of certain drugs,including midazolam, which is a substrate for P-glycoprotein.

PINOCYTOSISLarge macromolecules (e.g., proteins that exhibit negligiblediffusion properties) can cross cell membranes via the pro-cess of pinocytosis (a type of endocytosis). Pinocytosis is anenergy-requiring process whereby the cell membrane in-vaginates around the macromolecule. Although the con-tents of pinocytotic vesicles are subject to intracellulardigestion, electron microscopic studies have demonstratedthat vesicles can move across the cytoplasm and fuse withthe membrane at the opposite pole.35 This appears to be themechanism by which immunoglobulin G is transferredfrom the maternal to the fetal circulation.33,36

OTHER FACTORS THAT INFLUENCEPLACENTAL TRANSPORTOther factors that affect maternal-fetal exchange are(1) maternal and fetal blood flow,37 (2) placental binding,14

(3) placental metabolism,13,38 (4) diffusion capacity,15

(5) maternal and fetal plasma protein binding,29 and (6) gesta-tional age (i.e., the placenta is more permeable in earlypregnancy).39 Lipid solubility, pH gradients between thematernal and fetal environments for certain basic drugs(‘‘ion trapping’’), and alterations in maternal or fetal plasmaprotein concentrations found in normal pregnancy40 andother disease states (e.g., preeclampsia) may also alterplacental transport.

Transfer of Respiratory Gases and Nutrients

OXYGENAs the ‘‘lung’’ for the fetus, the placenta has only one fifth ofthe oxygen transfer efficiency of the adult lung,41 yet must

a b c d


Intervillous space



Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm

Microvillous membraneof trophoblast


Basal membraneof trophoblast

Basal lamina

Fetal endothelial cell

Fetal capillary

FIGURE 4-6 The transfer mechanisms usedfor the transfer of substances across theplacental barrier: a, simple diffusion;b, simple diffusion through channels;c, facilitated diffusion; d, active transport;e, endocytosis; f, substance available fortransfer into fetal circulation; Cm,intervillous concentration of substance atthe trophoblastic membrane. (Modifiedfrom Morriss FH Jr, Boyd RDH, MahendranD. Placental transport. In Knobil E, Neill JD,editors. The Physiology of Reproduction.2nd edition. New York, Raven Press, 1994;2:813-61.)

60 Part II Maternal and Fetal Physiology

Page 7: The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs · The placenta brings the maternal and fetal circulations into close apposition, without substantial interchange of maternal

provide approximately 8 mL O2/min per kg fetal bodyweight for fetal growth and development.42 To determinethe transplacental diffusion capacity for oxygen, the oxygentension on both sides of the diffusional surface (i.e., withinthe placenta itself) must be determined. Because thisapproach is not practical, investigators have used surrogatemeasurements of oxygen content taken from blood in theuterine and umbilical vessels. One study in sheep demon-strated a transplacental pressure gradient of 37 to 42 mmHg,43 which suggests poor oxygen diffusion capacity. Thisgradient is believed to be an inaccurate measure of trueend-capillary O2 tensions for at least three reasons. First,approximately 16% and 6% of uterine blood flow andumbilical blood flow, respectively, are shunted through dif-fusional areas of the placenta, resulting in an admixture.15

Second, unlike the lung, the placenta consumes a significantamount (20% to 30%) of transferred oxygen.44 Third, theuterus also consumes oxygen. Consequently, placentaldiffusion capacity is significantly higher than a simplemeasurement of uterine venous PO2 would suggest.

By contrast, as a gas not used by any organ, carbon mon-oxide is not affected by shunt or consumption. When pla-cental diffusion capacity was estimated using carbonmonoxide, it was found to be four times greater than thatobtained with calculations made from arterial-venous PO2

differences.45 Because oxygen and carbon monoxide havesimilar diffusion coefficients, the placental diffusion capac-ity for oxygen must be essentially the same as that forcarbon monoxide. Therefore, as with carbon monoxide,the transfer of oxygen is limited by flow and not bydiffusion.15

Oxygen transfer across the placenta depends on theoxygen partial pressure gradient between maternal bloodand fetal blood. As physically dissolved oxygen diffusesacross the villous membranes, bound oxygen is releasedby maternal hemoglobin in the intervillous space and alsodiffuses across the placenta. Several factors affect the fetal

blood PO2 once it reaches equilibration in the villi end-capillaries. First, the concurrent and countercurrentarrangements of maternal and fetal blood flow play a keyrole for placental oxygen transfer in various species. Thealmost complete equilibration of maternal and fetal PO2

values suggests that a concurrent (or parallel) relationshipbetween maternal blood and fetal blood exists within thehuman placenta (Figure 4-7) 15,46; however, one studydemonstrated that umbilical venous PO2 was slightlyhigher than intervillous PO2, suggesting a more complex,multivillous pool relationship.47 Second, the differencesbetween the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curves of maternaland fetal blood may influence transplacental oxygen trans-fer to the fetus,48 although this proposal is a matter of somedispute.15 The fetal oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve ispositioned to the left of the maternal curve because of thelower P50 (partial pressure of oxygen in the blood at whichthe hemoglobin is 50% saturated) for fetal blood (see Figure5-4). In theory, this difference enhances oxygen uptake byfetal red blood cells and promotes the transfer of additionaloxygen across the placenta. Third, the Bohr effect may alsoaugment the transfer of oxygen across the placenta.Specifically, fetal-to-maternal transfer of carbon dioxidemakes maternal blood more acidic and fetal blood morealkalotic, differences that in turn cause right and leftshifts in the maternal and fetal oxyhemoglobin dissociationcurves, respectively. This ‘‘double’’ Bohr effect enhances thetransfer of oxygen from mother to fetus and accounts for2% to 8% of the transplacental transfer of oxygen.49

The maximum fetal arterial PO2 (PaO2) is never greaterthan 50 to 60 mm Hg, even when maternal fractionalinspired oxygen concentration (FIO2) is 1.0, for severalreasons. First, the placenta tends to function as a venousrather than arterial equilibrator. Because of the shape of thematernal oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, a rise inmaternal PaO2 above 100 mm Hg does not result in asubstantial increase in maternal arterial oxygen content.

FIGURE 4-7 The concurrent relationship between the maternal and fetal circulations within the placenta and the way this arrangement affects gastransfer. These values were obtained from patients breathing room air during elective cesarean delivery. BE, Base excess; UA, umbilical artery; PO2,partial pressure of oxygen; PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; UBF, uterine blood flow; UCBF, umbilical cord blood flow; UV, umbilical vein.(Modified from Ramanathan S. Obstetric Anesthesia. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1988:27.)

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Therefore, under conditions of constant uterine and umbil-ical blood flow and fetal oxygen consumption, fetal PaO2

rises only slightly when maternal FIO2 is increased.Although this rise in PaO2 is of limited significance atnormal levels of fetal PaO2, it is more important at decreasedlevels closer to the P50 of fetal blood (approximately 21 mmHg in humans) because of the steep slope of the fetaloxyhemoglobin dissociation curve within that range.Second, the placenta has a relatively high rate of oxygenconsumption, which lowers the amount of oxygen availablefor transfer (see Chapter 5). Third, fetal arterial bloodrepresents a mixture of oxygenated umbilical venous bloodand deoxygenated inferior vena caval blood (which returnscentrally from the fetal lower extremities).

CARBON DIOXIDEThe transfer of carbon dioxide occurs through a number ofdifferent forms, including dissolved CO2, carbonic acid(H2CO3), bicarbonate ion (HCO3

�), carbonate ion (CO32�),

and carbaminohemoglobin. Dissolved CO2 (8%) and HCO3�

(62%) are the predominant forms involved in transplacentaltransfer because the concentrations of H2CO3 and CO3

2� arealmost negligible and carbaminohemoglobin (30%) is presentonly within red blood cells.15,38 Equilibrium between CO2 andHCO3

� is maintained by a reaction catalyzed by carbonicanhydrase in red blood cells. A difference in PCO2 normallyexists between fetal and maternal blood (i.e., 40 versus 34 mmHg, respectively); this gradient favors fetal-to-maternal trans-fer. Carbon dioxide is 20 times more diffusible than oxygenand readily crosses the placenta,38 although dissolved CO2 isthe form that actually crosses. The rapid movement of CO2

from fetal capillary to maternal blood invokes a shift in theequilibrium of the carbonic anhydrase reaction (i.e., LaChatelier’s principle) that produces more CO2 for diffusion.The transfer of CO2 is augmented further by the productionof deoxyhemoglobin in the maternal blood, which has a higheraffinity for CO2 than oxyhemoglobin (i.e., the Haldaneeffect). The resulting affinity may account for as much as46% of the transplacental transfer of carbon dioxide.46

Although a significant fetal-maternal concentration gradientexists for HCO3

�, its charged nature impedes its transfer andcontribution to carbon dioxide transport except as a source forCO2 production through the carbonic anhydrase reaction.50

GLUCOSESimple diffusion alone cannot account for the amount of glu-cose required to meet the demands of the placenta and fetus.To assist the movement of glucose down its concentrationgradient, a stereospecific facilitated diffusion system hasbeen described, which is independent of insulin, a sodiumgradient, or cellular energy.51,52 In addition, D-glucose trans-port proteins have been identified within the trophoblastmembrane.53 The placenta, which must maintain its ownmetabolic processes, competes with the fetus for maternalglucose, and consequently only 28% of the glucose absorbedfrom the maternal surface is transferred through the umbilicalvein to the term fetus.33 The placenta may also produceglucose via a different mechanism from the conventionalhepatic glucose-6-phosphatase reaction.54

AMINO ACIDSConcentrations of amino acids are highest in theplacenta, followed by umbilical venous blood and then

maternal blood.55 The maternal-fetal transplacental transferof amino acids is an active process that occurs principallythrough a linked translocation with sodium. The energyrequired for this transfer comes from the large sodium gradi-ent established by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.56 This results inincreased intracellular concentrations of amino acids, whichthen ‘‘leak’’ down their gradients into the fetal circulation.This transport mechanism may not be viable for all aminoacids and may be susceptible to inhibitors; for example, histi-dine does not exhibit elevated intracellular concentrations.15

FATTY ACIDSFree fatty acids, such as palmitic and linoleic acids, readilycross the human, but not ovine, placenta.6,57-59 A concen-tration gradient from mother to fetus exists for most fattyacids (with arachidonic acid being a notable exception60),and the rate of transfer appears to depend on the magni-tude of the gradient.58 These findings imply that fatty acidscross the placenta by means of simple diffusion, althoughthe actual mechanism remains unclear.


Placental permeability and pharmacokinetics help deter-mine the fetal exposure to maternal drugs. Animal models(e.g., pregnant ewes, guinea pigs) have been used to assessthe placental transport of drugs; however, interspeciesdifferences in placental anatomy and physiology may limitthe application of these data to humans.61 Investigationsof transport within the human placenta have been per-formed on placental slices, isolated villi, membrane vesicles,homogenates, and tissue culture cells. The direct applicationof these data, however, is in question because thesemethods do not account for the dual (i.e., maternal andfetal) perfusion of the intact placenta in situ.61

The inaccessibility of the placenta in situ and concerns formaternal and fetal safety have limited direct studies of theplacenta in humans. Only one published study has reportedthe real-time transfer pharmacokinetics of an anestheticdrug across the human placenta in vivo.62 Data regardingthe transplacental transfer of anesthetic agents have beenextrapolated primarily from single measurements of drugconcentrations in maternal and umbilical cord bloodsamples obtained at delivery. Most studies have reportedfetal-maternal (F/M) ratios of the drug concentration.In these studies, the umbilical vein blood concentrationrepresents the fetal blood concentration of the drug.

Single-measurement studies obtain only one set of mea-surements for each parturient. Maternal and fetal concen-trations of a drug are influenced by drug metabolism in themother, the placenta, and the fetus, and also by changesduring delivery (e.g., altered uteroplacental blood flow).61,63

Unless a study includes a large number of patients withvariable durations of exposure, it is difficult to reach conclu-sions about the type and time course of transplacentaltransfer of an individual drug from its results. In addition,single-measurement studies provide information only on thenet transfer of a drug across the maternal-placental-fetalunit and do not allow for the determination of unidirec-tional fluxes at any point (i.e., maternal-to-fetal or fetal-to-maternal). Nonetheless, these studies have provided the bestdata available for most anesthetic agents.

62 Part II Maternal and Fetal Physiology

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A dual-perfused, in vitro human placental model hasbeen developed to allow for the independent perfusion ofthe maternal and fetal sides of the placenta and therebyinvestigate maternal-to-fetal (or fetal-to-maternal) trans-port. The validity of this method for the study of placentaltransfer has been well established.61 Equilibration studies(i.e., recirculating maternal and fetal perfusates) usingthis model are not directly applicable to the placenta invivo.64 However, when a nonrecirculating scheme is used,steady-state drug clearance can be determined for eitherdirection (maternal-to-fetal or fetal-to-maternal) and mayhave direct clinical application. This method has beenused to assess the placental transfer of anesthetic agents(e.g., thiopental,65 methohexital,66 propofol,67 bupiva-caine,68 ropivacaine,69 alfentanil,70 sufentanil71,72). Transferacross the placenta may be reported as drug clearanceor as a ratio referred to as the transfer index (i.e., drugclearance/reference compound clearance). The use of atransfer index allows for interplacental comparisons byaccounting for differences between placentas (e.g., lobulesizes). Commonly used reference compounds are eitherflow-limited (e.g., antipyrine, tritiated water) or membrane-limited (e.g., creatinine). These studies have enhanced ourunderstanding of the placental transfer of anesthetic drugs(Box 4-1).

Pharmacokinetic Principles

Factors affecting drug transfer across the human placentainclude lipid solubility, protein binding, tissue binding, pKa,pH, and blood flow (Table 4-1). High lipid solubility mayenable easy cell membrane (lipid bilayer) penetration butmay also cause the drug (e.g., sufentanil) to be trappedwithin the placental tissue.72 Highly protein-bound drugsare affected by the concentration of maternal and fetalplasma proteins, which varies with gestational age and dis-ease. Some drugs (e.g., diazepam) bind to albumin, whereasothers (e.g., sufentanil, cocaine) bind predominantly toalpha-1-acid glycoprotein (Table 4-2). Although the free,unbound fraction of drug equilibrates across the placenta,

BOX 4-1 Transplacental Transfer of Anesthetic Drugs

Drugs that Cross the PlacentaAnticholinergic agents� Atropine� Scopolamine

Antihypertensive agents� Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists� Nitroprusside� Nitroglycerin

Benzodiazepines� Diazepam� Midazolam

Induction agents� Propofol� Thiopental

Inhalational anesthetic agents� Halothane� Isoflurane� Nitrous oxide

Local anesthetics


Vasopressor� Ephedrine

Drugs that Do Not Cross the PlacentaAnticholinergic agent� Glycopyrrolate

Anticoagulants� Heparin

Muscle relaxants� Depolarizing—succinylcholine� Nondepolarizing agents

TABLE 4-1 Factors Affecting Placental Transfer of Drug (Maternal to Fetal)

Increased Transfer Decreased Transfer

Size—molecular weight (Da) <1000 >1000Charge of molecule Uncharged ChargedLipid solubility Lipophilic HydrophilicpH vs. drug pKa* Higher proportion of un-ionized

drug in maternal plasmaHigher proportion of ionized drug

in maternal plasmaPlacental efflux transportery proteins

(e.g., P-glycoprotein)Absent Present

Binding protein type Albumin (lower bindingaffinity)z

Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AAG)(higher binding affinity)

Free (unbound) drug fraction High Low

Da, dalton;

*The pH relative to the pKa datermines the amount of drug that is ionized and un-ionized in both maternal and fetal plasma. Fetal acidemia

enhances the maternal-to-fetal transfer (i.e., ‘‘ion trapping’’) of basic drugs such as local anesthetics and opioids.

yThe efflux transporter pumps substances in a fetal-to-maternal direction.

zNote: albumin concentration is higher in the fetus and AAG concentration is higher in the maternal circulation.

Chapter 4 The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs 63

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the total drug concentration is greatly affected by both theextent of protein binding and the quantity of maternal andfetal proteins; fetal blood typically contains less than halfthe concentration of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein than inmaternal blood.73 One study of the placental transfer ofsufentanil in vitro noted different results when freshfrozen plasma, rather than albumin, was used as a perfusate.

The pKa of a drug determines the fraction of drug that isnonionized at physiologic pH. Thus, fetal acidemia greatlyenhances the maternal-to-fetal transfer (i.e., ‘‘ion trapping’’)of many basic drugs, such as local anesthetics and opioids(Figure 4-8).74 Most anesthetic drugs are passively trans-ferred, with the rate of blood flow (hence drug delivery)affecting the amount of drug that crosses the placenta.75

One of the authors (M.I.Z.) has used the in vitro perfusedhuman placenta model to perform a number of studies ofthe placental transfer of opioids (Table 4-3).

Inhalation Anesthetic Agents

When general anesthesia is necessary in a pregnantpatient, maintenance of anesthesia is often provided withinhalation agents. The lipid solubility and low molecularweight of these agents facilitate rapid transfer acrossthe placenta. A prolonged induction-to-delivery intervalresults in lower Apgar scores in infants exposed to generalanesthesia.76

When administered during cesarean delivery, halothaneis detectable in both umbilical venous blood and arterial

blood within 1 minute. Even with relatively short induc-tion-to-delivery times, an F/M ratio of 0.71 to 0.87 is estab-lished.77,78 Enflurane also exhibits unrestricted transferacross the placenta, with even brief exposures resulting inan F/M ratio of approximately 0.6.79 Isoflurane distributesrapidly across the placenta during cesarean delivery, result-ing in an F/M ratio of approximately 0.71.78 To our knowl-edge, there are no published data regarding the placentaltransfer of either desflurane or sevoflurane.

Nitrous oxide also rapidly crosses the placenta, with anF/M ratio of 0.83 expected within 3 minutes.80 Maternaladministration of nitrous oxide decreases fetal centralvascular resistance by 30%,81 and a prolonged induction-to-delivery interval may cause neonatal depression.82

Diffusion hypoxia may occur during the rapid eliminationof nitrous oxide from the neonate; therefore, the adminis-tration of supplemental oxygen to any neonate exposedto nitrous oxide immediately before delivery appearsprudent.83








7.2 7.0 6.8 7.47.4





ce in


at p

H 7

.4 to



< .0

5 as



d w

ith b



pH 7





Meperidine Morphine

FIGURE 4-8 The effects of changes in fetal pH on the transfer ofopioids during in vitro perfusion of the human placenta. This figuredemonstrates the ‘‘ion trapping’’ of opioids, which is similar to that oflocal anesthetics. Clearance index = clearance drug/clearancecreatinine (a reference compound). (Modified from Zakowski MI,Krishna R, Grant GJ, Turndorf H. Effect of pH on transfer of narcoticsin human placenta during in vitro perfusion [abstract]. Anesthesiology1995; 85:A890.)

TABLE 4-2 Concentrations of Proteins that Bind Drugs

Maternal Umbilical Cord

Albumin 33.1 g/L 37.1 g/L*Alpha-1-acid

glycoprotein (AGP)0.77 g/L 0.26 g/L*

*P < .05.

Data from Sudhakaran S, Rayner CR, et al. Differential protein

binding of indinavir and saquinavir in matched maternal and

umbilical cord plasma. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2006:63:315-21.

TABLE 4-3 Opioid Transfer during In Vitro Perfusion of the Human Placenta

Morphine Meperidine Alfentanil Fentanyl Sufentanil

Lipid solubility 1.4 39 129 816 1727Percent nonionized at pH 7.4 23% 7.4% 89% 8.5% 20%Percent protein binding 30% 70% 93% 84% 93%Placenta drug ratio 0.1 0.7 0.53 3.4 7.2F/M ratio, MTF 0.08 0.27 0.22 0.19 0.14F/M ratio, FTM 0.08 0.13 0.11 0.08 0.18Minutes to steady state 30 20 20 40-60 40-60Clearance index, MTF 0.4 0.95 0.75 0.76 0.41Clearance index, FTM 0.5 0.91 0.78 0.61 0.76

Clearance index, clearance drug/clearance antipyrine (a flow-limited reference compound); FTM, fetal-to-maternal (direction);

MTF, maternal-to-fetal (direction); Placenta drug ratio, placenta drug concentration/g placental tissue/maternal drug concentration.

Data from nonrecirculated experiments, using perfusate Media 199 without protein, with maternal flow 12 mL/min and fetal flow

6 mL/min.67,69,104,107,113

64 Part II Maternal and Fetal Physiology

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Induction Agents

The lipophilic characteristics that make anesthetic agentsideal for the induction of anesthesia also enhance theirtransfer across the placenta. The understanding of thetransplacental transfer of these drugs is better than forany other group of anesthetic agents.

BARBITURATESA popular agent used for the induction of general anesthe-sia in parturients, thiopental is the most extensively studiedbarbiturate. An extremely short-acting agent, it quicklyappears in umbilical venous blood after maternal injec-tion,84,85 with mean F/M ratios between 0.4 and 1.1.86,87

High F/M ratios suggest that thiopental is freely diffusible;however, factors other than simple diffusion must playa role, because there is wide intersubject variability inumbilical cord blood concentrations at delivery. Bothmaternal-to-fetal and fetal-to-maternal transfer of thiopen-tal are strongly influenced by maternal and fetal proteinconcentrations.65

The rapid transfer of the oxybarbiturate methohexitalinto the fetal circulation, with simultaneous peak concen-trations in maternal blood and fetal blood, has been demon-strated by in vivo studies.62 Human placental perfusionstudies in vitro confirm that methohexital rapidly crossesthe placenta in both maternal-to-fetal and fetal-to-maternaldirections, with transfer indices of 0.83 and 0.61, respec-tively,66 when the concentration of albumin is equal inthe two perfusates. This transfer asymmetry disappearswhen physiologic albumin concentrations in maternaland fetal blood (8 g/100 mL and 4 g/100 mL, respectively)are used; such conditions significantly increase fetal-to-maternal transfer so that it approximates maternal-to-fetaltransfer.66

KETAMINEKetamine, a phencyclidine derivative, rapidly crosses theplacenta. Although less lipid soluble than thiopental, keta-mine (2 mg/kg) reaches a mean F/M ratio of 1.26 in as littleas 97 seconds when administered to the mother for vaginaldelivery.88

PROPOFOLReview of published evidence suggests that the role ofpropofol in obstetric anesthesia practice remains unclear.89

Maternal administration of propofol in a bolus dose of 2 to2.5 mg/kg results in a mean F/M ratio between 0.65and 0.85.90-92 When given in a bolus dose of 2 mg/kgfollowed by a continuous infusion of either 6 mg/kg/hr or9 mg/kg/hr, propofol results in mean F/M ratios of 0.50 and0.54, respectively.93 These F/M ratios are similar to thosefound in early gestation (i.e., 12 to 18 weeks).94 Propofolmay have sedative effects on the neonate; the maternaladministration of propofol (2.8 mg/kg) for the inductionof general anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery hasresulted in lower 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores than theadministration of thiopental (5 mg/kg).89 The plasma levelsof propofol in the neonate depend on the maternal doseand resulting plasma level as well as on the time elapsedbetween drug administration and delivery of the neonate. Inone study, when delivered within 10 minutes of induction,neonates whose mothers were given propofol (2 mg/kg)

had an average umbilical vein propofol concentration of0.32 mg/mL.95

Several factors that affect propofol transfer have beeninvestigated with in vitro human placental perfusionmodels.96-98 Increased maternal blood flow and reducedprotein binding increase both placental tissue uptake andtransplacental transfer of propofol.93 The effect of propo-fol’s high protein binding varies with alterations in fetal andmaternal protein concentrations. Greater fetal albuminconcentrations increase the total, but not free, concentra-tion of propofol in umbilical venous blood,97 whereasdoubling the maternal albumin concentration decreasesthe umbilical venous blood concentration of propofol byapproximately two thirds.98

ETOMIDATEThe use of etomidate, a carboxylated imidazole, for theinduction of general anesthesia in obstetric patients wasfirst described in 1979.99 A dose of 0.3 to 0.4 mg/kg admin-istered before cesarean delivery results in an F/M ratio ofapproximately 0.5,100 which is similar to the ratio found insheep.101


Highly un-ionized and lipophilic, diazepam is associatedwith F/M ratios of 1.0 within minutes and 2.0 within60 minutes of maternal administration.102,103 Less lipophil-ic, lorazepam takes almost 3 hours after administration forthe F/M ratio to reach unity.104 Midazolam is more polar-ized, with an F/M ratio of 0.76 at 20 minutes after admin-istration. Unlike that of other benzodiazepines, however,midazolam’s F/M ratio falls quickly; by 200 minutes, it isonly 0.3.105


Opioids have long been used for systemic pain relief inobstetric patients. More detailed pharmacokinetic data,enhanced monitoring, and the ability to reverse adverseeffects with opioid antagonists have reduced the adverseside effects associated with their use.

Administration of meperidine has been associated withneonatal central nervous system and respiratory depression.Intravenous administration of meperidine results in rapidtransfer across the human placenta; the drug can bedetected in the umbilical venous blood as soon as90 seconds after maternal administration.106 F/M ratiosfor meperidine may exceed 1.0 after 2 to 3 hours; maternallevels fall more rapidly than fetal levels because of themother’s greater capacity for metabolism of the drug.107

Human placental perfusion studies in vitro have demon-strated rapid placental transfer in both maternal-to-fetaland fetal-to-maternal directions with equal clearanceprofiles, minimal placental tissue binding, and no placentaldrug metabolism.108

Morphine also rapidly crosses the placenta. One studydemonstrated a mean F/M ratio of 0.61, a mean umbilicalvenous blood concentration of 25 ng/mL, and a significantreduction in the biophysical profile score (primarily as aresult of decreased fetal breathing movements and fewerfetal heart rate accelerations) within 20 to 30 minutes.109

Intrathecal administration of morphine results in a high

Chapter 4 The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs 65

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F/M ratio (0.92), although the absolute fetal concentrationsare less than those associated with fetal and neonatalside effects.110 Human placental perfusion studies in vitrohave demonstrated that morphine, which is a hydrophiliccompound, exhibits membrane-limited transfer with a lowplacental tissue content and a fast washout.111 Concurrentnaloxone administration apparently does not affect theplacental transfer of morphine.112

Fentanyl and its analogues are administered throughepidural, intrathecal, and intravenous routes. Fentanyl hasa high level of lipophilicity and albumin binding (74%).113

Maternal epidural administration of fentanyl results in anF/M ratio between 0.37 and 0.57.114,115 During early preg-nancy, fentanyl is rapidly transferred and may be detectednot only in the placenta but also in the fetal brain.116

Perfusion of the human placenta in vitro results in rapidtransfer in both maternal-to-fetal and fetal-to-maternaldirections, with the placenta acting as a moderate drugdepot.117

Despite a relatively low F/M ratio (0.30),118 maternaladministration of alfentanil has been associated with areduction of 1-minute Apgar scores.119 Perfusion of thehuman placenta in vitro shows rapid and symmetric mater-nal-to-fetal and fetal-to-maternal transfers of alfentanil,with low placental drug uptake and rapid washout.70

Maternal administration of sufentanil results in a veryhigh F/M ratio, 0.81. Compared with fentanyl, sufentanilhas higher lipid solubility and more rapid uptake by thecentral nervous system, thereby resulting in less systemicabsorption from the epidural space; less systemic absorp-tion lowers both maternal and umbilical vein concen-trations and reduces fetal exposure and the associatedpotential risk for neonatal respiratory depression.114

Human placental perfusion studies in vitro have confirmedthe rapid transplacental transfer of sufentanil, which isinfluenced by differences in maternal and fetal plasmaprotein binding and fetal pH. High placental tissue uptakesuggests that the placenta serves as a drug depot.71,72

Remifentanil undergoes rapid placental transfer, with anaverage F/M ratio of 0.88 observed when it is given byintravenous infusion (0.1 mg/kg/min) before cesareandelivery.120 Excessive maternal sedation without adverseneonatal effects has been reported with the use of remi-fentanil during labor.120,121 Remifentanil has been used forpatient-controlled analgesia (PCA) during labor, withpatient-controlled bolus doses of 0.5 mg/kg resulting inan F/M ratio of approximately 0.5 and a 20% incidence offetal heart rate (FHR) tracing changes.122

The systemic administration of an opioid agonist/antagonist for labor analgesia has been associated withfew maternal, fetal, and neonatal side effects. Both butor-phanol and nalbuphine rapidly cross the placenta,with mean F/M ratios of 0.84 and 0.74 to 0.97, respec-tively.123-125 In one study, maternal administration of nalbu-phine resulted in ‘‘flattening’’ of the FHR tracing in 54% ofcases.125

Local Anesthetics

Local anesthetic agents readily cross the placenta (seeChapter 13). The enantiomers of bupivacaine cross theplacenta at the same rate as racemic bupivacaine.126

Muscle Relaxants

As fully ionized, quaternary ammonium salts, muscle relax-ants do not readily cross the placenta; however, maternaladministration of single clinical doses of muscle relaxantscan result in detectable fetal blood concentrations.Maternal administration of muscle relaxants for the induc-tion of general anesthesia for cesarean delivery rarely affectsneonatal muscle tone at delivery.

A single induction dose of succinylcholine is notdetected in umbilical venous blood at delivery127; maternaldoses larger than 300 mg are required before the drug canbe detected in umbilical venous blood.128 Neonatal neuro-muscular blockade can occur when high doses are givenrepeatedly or when the fetus has a pseudocholinesterasedeficiency.129,130 One report described maternal massetermuscle rigidity and neonatal fasciculations after administra-tion of succinylcholine for an emergency cesarean delivery;however, both the mother and the newborn were diagnosedwith central core myopathy and malignant hyperthermiasusceptibility.131

The administration of nondepolarizing muscle relaxantsresults in low F/M ratios: 0.12 for d-tubocurare132; 0.19 to0.26 for pancuronium133-135; 0.06 to 0.11 for vecuro-nium135,136; and 0.07 for atracurium.137 The F/M ratiomay be the result of expedient fetal/neonatal bloodsampling; in a study in rats, the F/M ratio of vecuroniumnearly doubled as the induction-to-delivery intervalincreased from 180 to 420 seconds.136 To our knowledge,no published study has investigated the placental transferof the atracurium isomer cisatracurium. Rapacuronium, ashort-acting analogue of vecuronium advocated as analternative to succinylcholine for rapid-sequence induc-tion,138,139 has an F/M ratio of 0.09 and is associated withincreased maternal heart rate.140 Although no publishedreports have documented problems with rapacuronium inparturients or neonates, reports of bronchospasm resultedin the withdrawal of rapacuronium from the market.

Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants are frequently admin-istered in bolus form; although the transfer rates are low,the fetal blood concentrations increase over time.136 Fetalblood concentrations of nondepolarizing muscle relaxantscan be minimized by giving succinylcholine to facilitateintubation, followed by the administration of small dosesof either succinylcholine or a nondepolarizing muscle relax-ant to maintain paralysis.134

Anticholinergic Agents

The placental transfer rate of anticholinergic agents directlycorrelates with their ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.Atropine is detected in the umbilical circulation within 1 to2 minutes of maternal administration, and an F/M ratioof 0.93 is attained at 5 minutes.141 Scopolamine, theother commonly used tertiary amine, also crosses the pla-centa easily. Intramuscular administration of scopolamineresults in an F/M ratio of 1.0 within 55 minutes.142 Bycontrast, glycopyrrolate is poorly transferred across theplacenta with maternal intramuscular administration,resulting in a mean F/M ratio of only 0.22.143 Maternalintravenous administration of glycopyrrolate does notresult in a detectable fetal hemodynamic response.144

66 Part II Maternal and Fetal Physiology

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Anticholinesterase Agents

Neostigmine, pyridostigmine, and edrophonium are qua-ternary ammonium compounds that are ionized at physio-logic pH and consequently undergo limited transplacentaltransfer.145 For example, maternal administration of neo-stigmine does not reverse atropine-induced fetal tachycar-dia. However, small amounts of these agents do crossthe placenta, and fetal bradycardia after maternal admin-istration of neostigmine and glycopyrrolate has beenreported.146 Because neostigmine may cross the placentato a greater extent than glycopyrrolate, the combinationof neostigmine and atropine should be considered for thereversal of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants in pregnantpatients.146

Antihypertensive Agents

Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists are commonly usedas antihypertensive agents in pregnancy, despite earlyinvestigations noting an association with intrauterinegrowth restriction and neonatal bradycardia, hypoglycemia,and respiratory depression.147,148 Although a single dose ofpropranolol administered 3 hours before cesarean deliveryhas been shown to lead to an F/M ratio of 0.26,149 long-term administration during pregnancy results in F/Mratios greater than 1.0.147 Maternal administration ofatenolol and metoprolol leads to mean F/M ratios of0.94 and 1.0, respectively.150,151

The maternal administration of labetalol for the treat-ment of either chronic or acute hypertension in pregnantwomen has been supported by a low F/M ratio, 0.38, withlong-term oral administration, despite mild neonatalbradycardia.152,153

The short-acting beta-adrenergic receptor antagonistesmolol has been used to attenuate the hypertensive responseto laryngoscopy and intubation. A mean F/M ratio of0.2 after maternal administration of esmolol was observedin gravid ewes.154 However, a few cases of significant andprolonged fetal bradycardia requiring the performance ofemergency cesarean delivery have been reported.155

Clonidine and methyldopa act through the centralstimulation of alpha2-adrenergic receptors; studies havereported mean F/M ratios of 0.89156 and 1.17,157 respectively,for these agents. In concentrations likely present in mater-nal blood with clinical use, magnesium and nifedipine,but not clonidine, produce fetal vasodilation in humanplacental perfusion studies in vitro.158 Dexmedetomidine,an alpha2-adrenergic agonist, has an F/M ratio of 0.12, withevidence of significant placental tissue binding due to highlipophilicity.159 Phenoxybenzamine, an alpha-adrenergicreceptor antagonist, is commonly used to treat hypertensionin patients with pheochromocytoma and has an F/M ratio of1.6 with long-term maternal administration.160

Direct-acting vasodilators are used for short-termmanagement of severe hypertension in pregnant women.Administration of hydralazine, which is often given tolower blood pressure in preeclamptic women, results inan F/M ratio of 1.0161 and causes fetal vasodilation inin vitro studies.162 Sodium nitroprusside is lipid soluble,rapidly crosses the placenta, and can produce cyanideas a byproduct.163 Sodium thiosulfate, the agent used to

treat cyanide toxicity, does not cross the placenta in amaternal-to-fetal direction in gravid ewes, but it can treatfetal cyanide toxicity by lowering maternal cyanide levels,thereby enhancing fetal-to-maternal transfer of cyanide.164

Glyceryl trinitrate (nitroglycerin) crosses the placentato a limited extent, with an F/M ratio of 0.18, and results inminimal changes in fetal umbilical blood flow, blood pres-sure, heart rate, and blood gas measurements in gravidewes.165 However, dinitrate metabolites found in bothmaternal and fetal venous blood indicate the capacity forplacental biotransformation.166 Indeed, placental tissue pro-duction of nitric oxide may be an important factor thatenhances the uterine relaxation caused by nitroglycerinin vivo.167 In one in vitro study, in which prostaglandinF2a was used to create fetal vasoconstriction, the followingorder of nitrovasodilator compound potency was observed:glyceryl trinitrate � sodium nitroprusside � sodium nitrate(NaNO2) � S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) =S-nitroso-N-glutathione (SNG).162 SNG and NaNO2 weresignificantly more potent under conditions of low oxygentension. The antioxidants cysteine, glutathione, and super-oxide dismutase significantly enhanced the vasodilatoryeffects of NaNO2 only.168

Placental transfer of angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitors may adversely affect fetal renal function.Enalaprilat rapidly crosses the placenta, and its maternaladministration in high doses resulted in a 20% reduction infetal arterial pressure in rhesus monkeys.169

Vasopressor Agents

Vasopressor agents are often administered to prevent ortreat hypotension during the administration of neuraxialanesthesia in obstetric patients; however, few studies haveevaluated their transplacental transfer. Ephedrine easilycrosses the placenta and results in an F/M ratio of approx-imately 0.7.170 To our knowledge, no studies have evaluatedthe transfer of phenylephrine across the placenta.

Cocaine, a common drug of abuse during pregnancy(see Chapter 53), has potent vasoconstrictor activity.Human placenta perfusion studies in vitro have demon-strated the rapid transfer of cocaine without metabolism inboth maternal-to-fetal and fetal-to-maternal directions;transfer is constant over a wide range of concentrations.171

The active cocaine metabolites norcocaine and cocaethy-lene, but not the inactive metabolite benzoylecgonine, arealso rapidly transferred across the placenta.172,173 Chronicmaternal administration of cocaine increases fetal concen-trations; however, they remain lower than maternal peaklevels.174

In a study using the in vitro dually perfused human pla-cental lobule, fetal-side administration of vasoconstrictorswas found to raise fetal placental perfusion pressure, thuscausing a shift of fluid from the fetus to the maternalcirculation.175


Anticoagulation therapy during pregnancy is often neces-sary despite its association with maternal and fetalmorbidity. Maternal administration of warfarin results in ahigher rate of fetal loss and congenital anomalies176; these

Chapter 4 The Placenta: Anatomy, Physiology, and Transfer of Drugs 67

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findings indirectly confirm the transplacental transfer ofwarfarin, because no direct measurements of the F/Mratio have been performed. In contrast, heparin does notappear to cross the placenta, as measured by neonatal coag-ulation studies177 and the measurement of radiolabeledheparin in fetal lambs.178 Low-molecular-weight heparin(LMWH) appears to have limited placental transfer; how-ever, maternal administration of enoxaparin does not alterfetal anti-IIa or anti-Xa activity.179 Even when enoxaparin orfondaparinux (a new pentasaccharide that selectively in-hibits factor Xa) are given at doses used for acute thrombo-embolic therapy, human placental perfusion studies in vitrohave demonstrated no placental transfer of the drugs.180

Drug Delivery Systems

New drug delivery systems may influence drug transferand distribution across the human placenta. Liposomeencapsulation, depending on the type and ionic charge,can affect placental transfer; anionic and neutral liposomesincrease placental transfer, whereas cationic liposomesdecrease placental transfer and placental tissue uptake.181

Liposome encapsulation of valproic acid significantlyreduces drug transfer and placental uptake.182

Disease States

Disease states, such as diabetes, may affect the placentaltransfer of drugs. Glyburide, a second-generation sulfonyl-urea, is partially dependent on a P-glycoprotein active trans-port mechanism and demonstrates a lower F/M ratio of0.3 than the first-generation agents, even in the presenceof a P-glycoprotein inhibitor.183 A high level of protein bind-ing (99.8%) may also account for the low transplacental trans-fer of glyburide; when protein levels are reduced in vitro,higher transfer rates are observed.184,185 Some investigatorshave speculated that the thickened placenta found in dia-betic patients is a cause of low transfer rates; however, nodifference in maternal-to-fetal transfer of metformin hasbeen observed between placentas from parturients withgestational diabetes and those from healthy parturients.186

Gestational age may alter placental transfer, although thedirection of the alteration requires further evaluation.Although existing belief holds that placentas from youngerfetuses are more likely to transfer substances, one study hasdemonstrated that methadone transfer is 30% lower inhuman preterm placentas than in term placentas.187


There has been a growing interest in the clinical-pathologiccorrelation between placental abnormalities and adverseobstetric outcomes.188,189 In some cases, a skilled andsystematic examination of the umbilical cord, fetal mem-branes, and placenta may provide insight into antepartumpathophysiology; in most of these cases, examination of theplacenta confirms the clinical diagnosis (e.g., chorioamnio-nitis). When adverse outcomes occur, often the ‘‘disorderthat was not suspected clinically may be revealed byplacental pathology’’ (e.g., microabscesses of listeriosis;amnion nodosum, which suggests long-standing oligohy-dramnios).188 Drugs may produce placental abnormalities

(e.g., cocaine causes chorionic villus hemorrhage and villousedema).190 The significance of many findings (e.g., villousedema, hemorrhagic endovasculitis, chronic villitis), how-ever, is unclear.

The following factors limit the assessment of placentalpathology: (1) ‘‘the paucity of properly designed studies ofadequate size with appropriate outcome parameters,’’188

which impairs the correlation of placental abnormalitieswith adverse clinical outcomes; (2) the limited number ofpathologists with expertise in the recognition and interpre-tation of subtle abnormalities of the placenta; and (3) thecost associated with a routine assessment of placentalpathology. The American College of Obstetricians andGynecologists Committee on Obstetrics has concluded,‘‘An examination of the umbilical cord, membranes, andplacenta may assist the obstetric care provider in clinical-pathologic correlation when there is an adverse perinataloutcome. However, the scientific basis for clinical cor-relation with placenta pathology is still evolving, and thebenefit of securing specimens on a routine basis is as yetunproven.’’188


� The placenta is a dynamic organ with a complexstructure. It brings two circulations close togetherfor the exchange of blood gases, nutrients, and othersubstances (e.g., drugs).

� During pregnancy, anatomic adaptations result insubstantial (near maximal) vasodilation of theuterine spiral arteries; this leads to a low-resistancepathway for the delivery of blood to the placenta.Therefore, adequate uteroplacental blood flowdepends on the maintenance of a normal maternalperfusion pressure.

� The marked diversity in placental structure andfunction among various animal species limitsclinicians’ ability to extrapolate the results of animalinvestigations to human pregnancy and clinicalpractice.

� Placental transfer involves all of the physiologictransport mechanisms that exist in other organsystems.

� Physical factors (e.g., molecular weight, lipidsolubility, level of ionization) affect the placentaltransfer of drugs and other substances. In addition,other factors affect maternal-fetal exchange, includingchanges in maternal and fetal blood flow, placentalbinding, placental metabolism, diffusion capacity, andextent of maternal and fetal plasma protein binding.

� Lipophilicity, which enhances the central nervoussystem uptake of general anesthetic agents, alsoheightens the transfer of these drugs across theplacenta. However, the placenta itself may take uphighly lipophilic drugs, thereby creating a placentaldrug depot that limits the initial transfer of drug.

� Fetal acidemia can result in the ‘‘ion trapping’’ ofboth local anesthetics and opioids.

� Vasoactive drugs cross the placenta and may affectthe fetal circulation.

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72 Part II Maternal and Fetal Physiology