The Pine Tree Tribune February 2021 Edition

The Pine Tree Tribune February 2021 Edition · 2021. 2. 1. · The Pine Tree Tribune February 2021 Edition. February brings us to the thick of winter. For those who love winter sports,

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  • The Pine Tree Tribune February 2021 Edition


  • February brings us to the

    thick of winter. For those

    who love winter sports, this

    is the time for skating,

    snowshoeing and skiing.

    Even if all you do is walk,

    take the time to enjoy

    everything Mother Nature has

    to offer.

    Valentine’s Day is an

    occasion where we stop to

    express our appreciation and

    gratitude for all the people we

    love in our lives. Bake heart

    shaped cookies, dress-up in

    red, phone a friend or send

    flowers to that special

    someone in your life. There

    are enough challenging

    things in life…take the time

    to enjoy all these little


    Be honest! After the last

    Members’ Meeting with Lilo

    Bowman, how many of you

    went into your ‘studio’ to do

    a little organizing? Most of

    us picked up ideas and found

    motivation to do a little

    purging. I’ve heard from a

    few of you that you even

    discovered a few lost UFO’s.

    President’s Challenge:


    Saturday, March 20th, 2021, 1:00-3:00 p.m.

    Make sure to put this on your calendar.

    Plans are underway for our very first

    Virtual Sew-Along which is scheduled to

    happen on World-Wide Quilting Day. All

    guild members will be given the

    opportunity to join in a fun afternoon of

    sewing with fellow quilters.

    When registering, you will be asked to select a workshop. Each

    one will be led by one of four group leaders who will assist you in

    the creation of a pieced block. Thanks go out to Mary Wallace,

    Marianne Meeuwisse, Wendy Wight and Betty Ann McNabb for

    accepting to lead one of the workshops.

    You are encouraged to register for the event as soon as possible

    in order to be placed in your preferred workshop. There is a

    maximum number of ten participants in each group. Admission is

    $10.00 and will include block patterns, entry into your workshop,

    and opportunities to participate in draws made throughout the

    afternoon. Details will be sent in an E-Blast and will also be

    posted on our website.

    Upon registering, you will receive confirmation of your workshop,

    a pattern for your block and a list of what you will need to prepare

    for your session.


    Tina Bax is responsible for sending out cards to members facing

    an illness/surgery and for bereavement. Please email Tina at

    [email protected] if you know of any member going through

    challenging times. Tina can only do her job with your help!

    Members’ Meeting:

    Thursday, February 11th, 2021 from 1:00-3:00


    Please join us for our next ZOOM

    meeting with one of our own members,

    Kim Wynott.

    She will be exploring the fascinating

    topic of “A Quilter is Born: Nature or


    P.S. To celebrate Valentine’s Day, you

    are encouraged to come dressed in red.

    Suzanne Brochu-Ranta,



    Interested in working on a

    cuddle quilt that will be

    donated to a local charity?

    Kits and finished items

    can be picked up or

    dropped off at either

    Suzanne Brochu-Ranta’s

    (Bracebridge) or Andrea

    Orpana’s (Gravenhurst)

    homes. Contact

    information can be found

    on the Members’ List.

    found on our website.

    So much to CELEBRATE! Yes, even during a pandemic,

    wonderful things continue to happen.

    Members are encouraged to participant in this year’s

    challenge by making a small quilt no larger than a

    perimeter of 100”. It can be a decorative or a utilitarian

    creation. The big reveal is at our June meeting.

    mailto:[email protected]


    As you know our 2020 quilt

    show was optimistically

    rescheduled for 2021. Alas,

    the Corona virus is showing

    no signs of leaving us any

    time soon therefore it has

    been decided to reschedule

    our quilt show once again.

    Many complications can arise

    when rescheduling, one of

    which may be conflicting

    dates with other guilds’ quilt

    shows. In order to avoid

    such conflicts, the Quilt

    Show committee has decided

    to postpone our quilt show to

    2023. This date is in keeping

    with our three-year quilt

    show cycle.

    As disappointing as this may

    be, we all know that good

    things come to those who

    wait. Can you just imagine

    how many quilts we will all

    have to display at our 2023

    quilt show? Quilt Show 2023

    may just be the biggest and

    best that Pine Tree Quilters’

    Guild of Muskoka has ever



    We have 120 members registered as we welcome returning members and guests to our ZOOM meetings. As always, if there are changes in your contact information to be made, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will update the membership list in our Members Only section of the Newsletter.

    Spread the Sunshine

    Gail Wray

    PROGRAMS & WORKSHOPS February Speaker: Kim Wynott

    Mark your calendars for another great quilt gathering from

    1:00 to 3:00pm on Thursday February 11th!

    Our fellow Guild member, Kim Wynott has been enjoying

    photographing and preparing her presentation “A Quilter is Born:

    Nature or Nurture?

    Her trunk show will include her first quilt, Historical Family quilts

    and many quilts from various stages in her quilting journey. Your

    ZOOM invitation will arrive midday, the Tuesday before our


    Show and Share

    We love the steady trickle of pictures for Show and Share! Keep

    them coming please!

    Email them to: [email protected]

    Up and Coming

    Sue Sherman is our March Speaker. She is best known for her

    penguin art quilts, but began her quilting career learning from

    traditional Quilters in Hawaii.

    To see what is happening, click on the Speaker Lineup link below.

    Speaker Lineup

    From your Enthusiastic Program Committee

    Dale McMillan & Pat Wells


    February sees the instructions for completing the Mosaic quilt

    top. I hope all those who are participating are pleased with the

    results and I look forward - as does the rest of the Guild - to

    seeing the finished top and/or quilt.

    Betty Ann McNabb

    OUTREACH I trust everyone is well and keeping busy quilting. I am so grateful for my handwork hobbies at this unprecedented time of lockdown. Please consider using up some of your stash to create a cuddle quilt for Outreach. These small quilts offer great opportunities to try new patterns and ideas. I get many from Pinterest. Scrappy quilts are good stash busters. Outreach has batting and fabrics for backing. In December, 10 more pillow cases were delivered to Andy’s House. I also sewed 7 large zippered body pillow cases (see photo below). This would not have been possible without Sue Butler’s donation of bolts of fabric because each body pillow case used 4 yards. I delivered 10 baby quilts to Great Beginnings, as well. These are added to gift baskets for moms with new babies. We are now in need of more baby quilts to replenish our stock. Some of the beautiful quilts that have been completed are pictured below. Until next time, Happy Quilting.


    mailto:[email protected]://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2020-2021ProgramOutline.pdfhttp://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2020-2021ProgramOutline.pdf

  • OUTREACH PHOTOS Body pillow. 70” long

    Sue Butler donated this 78”x78” quilt top and the fabric for the backing and binding.

    Thanks to Hanne Knowlton for her long arm quilting expertise.

  • Quilts of Valour A couple of years ago, Suzanne, our illustrious president, encouraged us to participate in making log cabin squares for the 10th anniversary of the Quilts of Valour Canada Society. These squares were collected from across Canada and over the last two years, quilters across Canada have been creating quilts using these blocks. In 12 years, a total of 16,131 completed quilts have been presented to ill or injured Canadian Armed Forces members; and, the need continues to increase. As the ‘giving’ group we are, we challenge you to get involved again! Quilts of Valour Canada is running a 'Completed Quilt Contest' this year. As an added incentive, contestants have the chance to win a Janome 3160 QOVC Sewing Machine. Please click on the following link for all contest information/requirements: Quilts of Valour Contest

    Your finished quilts (no quilt label – see contest information link above) are to be delivered to Suzanne, by December 1, 2021. Suzanne and I will ensure they are submitted to the QOVC regional representative responsible for receiving the quilts. Let’s see what the Pine Tree Quilters' Guild of Muskoka can do in 2021! If you have any questions, contact:

    Mary Wallace - [email protected] or 705-636-5253

    https://9a3263d0-1486-41a6-8b65-2e12fd17ed13.filesusr.com/ugd/6c4a3a_d54aaadbcd954f5c81e4669eda9c9a47.pdfmailto:[email protected]

  • Check out the Members Only Page that will explain ‘How to Submit a Want Ad'.

    Please note the change in Want Ad submission date: 23rd of the month so that a notification can be added to the next newsletter.

    By: Halina Dales

    Block of the Month

    Every month Betty Ann McNabb shares the current block. Click

    here to go to the Block of the Month page on the guild website.

    Membership List The membership list on the web is updated within a few days of any new changes. It’s in the ’Members Only’ section of the website. If you have forgotten the password to the ‘Members Only’ section – check your email that sent this newsletter.



    These are the new meeting albums/minutes posted since our last


    Modern Quilt Group Meeting from 2021 01 07

    Photos Minutes

    Guild Meeting 2021 01 14 – Lilo Bowman


    Lilo’s Notes can be found under Publications in:



    The Password is in the email that sent this newsletter.

    Quilt Artists 2021 01 – Five Week Mystery Project


    Travel the Web

    Bernie has been seen all over the world. He’s tired and now

    wants to stay home.

    He is going to explore what’s new in the

    quilting world. His enthusiastic guides are:

    Joanne Kourtz, Carol

    Cragg and Hanne Knowlton.

    Please join Bernie!

    Click Here.

    http://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/members-only/http://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/members-only/mailto:[email protected]://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/block-of-the-month/http://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/members-only/https://www.flickr.com/photos/134719553@N03/albums/72157717965893446http://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/2021-01-07-Modern-Minutes.pdfhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/134719553@N03/albums/72157718031985798http://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/members-only/http://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/members-only/https://www.flickr.com/photos/134719553@N03/albums/72157717996331586http://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/2021-02web-newsletter-Travel-the-Quilting-World.pdfhttp://www.pinetreequiltersguildofmuskoka.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/2021-02web-newsletter-Travel-the-Quilting-World.pdf