Pikes Peak Detachment May 2019 Newsletter 1 The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League Pikes Peak Detachment 29 Detachment Commandant Steve Schwartz P.O. Box 10536 Colorado Springs, CO 80932-1536 www.pikespeakmcl.org May 2019 Newsletter Newsletter Editor Terry Crum 2019 Pikes Peak Detachment Officers Detachment Commandant Steve Schwartz [email protected] 719-213-1922 Senior Vice Comdt, Web Sgt. Terry Crum [email protected] 719-432-7340 Junior Vice Commandant Jamie Rogers [email protected] 719-201-0759 Judge Advocate Gary George [email protected] 719-597-3054 Chaplain Vince Espinoza [email protected] 719-323-5705 Paymaster Peggy Baldwin [email protected] 719-453-7850 Adjutant Paul Reifke [email protected] 719-492-8359 Sgt.-at-Arms Osa Tuck [email protected] 719-332-0557 Jr. Past Commandant Paul Hinojosa [email protected] 719-313-1752 Quarter Master Russ Miller [email protected] 719-235-1058 M.O.D.D. Pound Keeper DD Terry Crum [email protected] 719-432-7340 Marine Ricardo Olivares and Pat Mesa. Korean War Vets with Korean War Memorial plans. Pikes Peak Detachment Monthly Meeting 18 May 2019 Breakfast at 0800 - Meeting at 0900 Cash Sales will be open VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs Popcorn Sales at the VA Clinic 3141 Centennial Blvd, Colorado Springs 0900-1500 every Monday and Wednesday Please consider helping sell popcorn. May 25-27 Volunteers needed for the cash sales booth. If you can help, please contact Quartermaster Russ Miller. Times cash sales needs volunteers: Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-7:00pm Monday 10:00am-6:00pm

The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League Pikes Peak ... · Cash Sales will be open Saturday and Sunday VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs ... Colorado City at the

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Page 1: The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League Pikes Peak ... · Cash Sales will be open Saturday and Sunday VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs ... Colorado City at the

Pikes Peak Detachment May 2019 Newsletter 1

The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League

Pikes Peak Detachment 29 Detachment Commandant Steve Schwartz

P.O. Box 10536 Colorado Springs, CO 80932-1536 www.pikespeakmcl.org

May 2019 Newsletter Newsletter Editor Terry Crum

2019 Pikes Peak Detachment Officers

Detachment Commandant Steve Schwartz [email protected] 719-213-1922 Senior Vice Comdt, Web Sgt. Terry Crum [email protected] 719-432-7340 Junior Vice Commandant Jamie Rogers [email protected] 719-201-0759 Judge Advocate Gary George [email protected] 719-597-3054 Chaplain Vince Espinoza [email protected] 719-323-5705 Paymaster Peggy Baldwin [email protected] 719-453-7850 Adjutant Paul Reifke [email protected] 719-492-8359 Sgt.-at-Arms Osa Tuck [email protected] 719-332-0557 Jr. Past Commandant Paul Hinojosa [email protected] 719-313-1752 Quarter Master Russ Miller [email protected] 719-235-1058 M.O.D.D. Pound Keeper DD Terry Crum [email protected] 719-432-7340

Marine Ricardo Olivares and Pat Mesa. Korean War Vets with Korean War Memorial plans.

Pikes Peak Detachment Monthly Meeting

18 May 2019 Breakfast at 0800 - Meeting at 0900

Cash Sales will be open

VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs

Popcorn Sales at the VA Clinic 3141 Centennial Blvd, Colorado Springs

0900-1500 every Monday and Wednesday

Please consider helping sell popcorn.

May 25-27 Volunteers needed for the cash sales booth. If you can help, please contact Quartermaster Russ Miller.

Times cash sales needs volunteers: Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-7:00pm Monday 10:00am-6:00pm

Page 2: The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League Pikes Peak ... · Cash Sales will be open Saturday and Sunday VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs ... Colorado City at the

Pikes Peak Detachment May 2019 Newsletter 2

Commandant Steve Schwartz Greetings to all Detachment members, FMF Corpsmen and Chaplains. I hope your month is going well. As usual, the month will be filled with many activities that we will be participating in. First of all, a reminder that the Department Convention will be held May 3-5 in Greeley. You are invited to attend if your schedule permits. In addition to our regular monthly meeting we will be participating in the annual Territory Days event in Old Colorado City at the end of May and the Memorial Day observance at the Pikes Peak National Cemetery on the 27th at 1100. I hope many of you will be able to attend the ceremony. We will be placing a wreath as usual and our wreath bearers will be Pat Carty and Vince Espinoza. As of this writing, I have not heard about any plans for a similar observance at Memorial Park although I expect that there will be something similar as in years past. I hope to have information by the time of our meeting. I know many of us have friends and families celebrating graduations and weddings this month so I want to wish all of you congratulations. As the summer months creep up on us, I hope everyone will continue to support our Detachment in whatever way possible. Volunteer, attend and always remember that recruiting is a duty for all of us. It's imperative that we do all we can to grow the membership of our Detachment. Here's wishing you a great month! Semper Fi, Steve

Senior Vice Commandant Terry Crum Greetings motivated Marines, dedicated FMF Corpsmen, and outstanding associate members. I hope that you are enjoying your time reading this newsletter and maybe learning a bit of useful knowledge at the same time. I would like to thank everyone that contributed an article. This newsletter that you are reading is only possible because of the Detachment officers taking time out from their busy days to organize their thoughts and compose the articles that are before you at this time. To all that contributed articles, thanks for your efforts. I ask also that you allow me to aide you in your present and future duties and responsibilities in the Colorado Department’s finest Detachment. Feel free to use this newsletter and the Det. web site as a tool to advance your Marine Corps League mission. It is pleasure to welcome Marine Ricardo Olivares as the newest regular member. He was recruited by Pat Mesa, thanks Pat. Sergeant Ricardo Olivares served in the Marines 1970-1973 and drove trucks. It is also a pleasure to welcome our newest associate member, Al Lewis. Al is a retired Air Force officer and is the husband of Marine Pat Lewis. The Pikes Peak Detachment is blessed with participation of the associate members. To all members, please help make all new members feel welcome at all Detachment events and meetings. If the new members feel accepted and “part of the gang” they are much more likely to stay around. On that note if during a meeting you notice the person at the next table is by himself, give him an invite to join your table. It is the right thing to do. I visited Iris Rudesill at the Healthcare Resort 2818 Grand Vista Circle. She is unable to live at home for the time being due to health issues. She was in optimistic spirits and was very happy that I stopped by to talk. She is welcoming of more visitors. If you decide to visit, ask to see Nellie Rudesill (Iris) at the front desk. Our Detachment Chaplain Vince Espinoza is battling a rare form of blood cancer. Vince is a fighter but could still use your thoughts and prayers to help him and his family during tough times. Bonnie “Brigid“ Rudolph had a knee replacement done on her right knee on Monday April 22nd. She in home nursing and physical therapy care. She wants everyone to know that she said “hi” and that the surgery was a success and that she will want the same doctor to replace her left knee in the future. Please keep all of our members and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Theresa and I will be at the Department convention and look forward to seeing some of the Detachment there. We will of course be at the Detachment monthly meeting and look forward to seeing many of you there. Until then Semper Fi, Terry

2019MarineCorpsLeague96thAnnualNationalConventionThe Eugene Sara Det. is proud to host this year’s national convention in Billings, Montana. At this time five Devils Dogs of the Karnivorous Kanines will attend initiation to earn the title of Pedigree Devil Dog. More information including registration details can be found at: https://www.mclnationalconvention2019.com

Page 3: The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League Pikes Peak ... · Cash Sales will be open Saturday and Sunday VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs ... Colorado City at the

Pikes Peak Detachment May 2019 Newsletter 3

Junior Vice Commandant Jamie Rogers Territory Days in Old Colorado City is right around the corner, May 25 -27. This year we are planning to have one tent and we will need to ensure we have adequate staff to support cash sales. Please let Russ know if you are able and willing to assist. The day and times of the event are: May 25th Saturday: 10:00am - 7:00pm May 26th Sunday: 10:00am - 7:00pm May 27th Monday: 10:00am - 6:00pm. Semper Fi, Jamie

Paymaster Peggy Baldwin Thank you to Gary George, Pat Carty and Theresa Crum for volunteering to call League members that don't make meetings. It is important that we contact these members to see how they are doing and if there is anything we can do for them. We can still use more volunteers to make calls. If you are interested, please let me know. All annual memberships expire each year on August 31 and can be paid at any time. If you are interested in becoming a Life Member, we currently have the Life Membership Dues Schedule as follows: If you are interested in becoming a Life Member, current Life Membership Dues Schedule is as follows: Schedule for life membership

Age 0 - 35 36 - 50 51 - 64 65 - Over Amount $500 $400 $300 $200

Semper Fi, Peggy Baldwin

Become a lifer! Pay this.



The Union Colony Det. have signed the contract with the DoubleTree Hotel in Greeley for the 2019 Division Department Convention which includes up to 40 rooms for Friday and Saturday. Additional information can be found at https://mclco.org/2019-colorado-state-con .

Luncheon for WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War Veterans

This event is intended for the veterans of WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. All red blooded Americans are welcome to show support for our countries senior warriors. A guest speaker is often present to inspire and inform. The patriotism is genuine, the company is friendly, and the food is great. The next luncheon is 14 May 2019.

Page 4: The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League Pikes Peak ... · Cash Sales will be open Saturday and Sunday VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs ... Colorado City at the

Pikes Peak Detachment May 2019 Newsletter 4

M.O.D.D. Pound 150 Karnivorous Kanines

Pound Keeper DD Terry Crum Woof, Woof, to all you Devil Dogs of the Karnivorous Kanines. The April Growl at the Black Eyed Pea Restaurant recently was an outstanding success. A grand time was had by all. Not only did we have a delicious meal and wonderful conversation, we collected 17 big bones in passport fees and 17 big bones in fines. Hold on to your dog collars, the Dept Growl is almost here. 3 May on the first night of the Department convention at the Double Tree Hotel, Greeley. The Growl of the Pack begins at 1900. Bring bones. Pack Leader PDD Russ Miller don’t take no slack. Prepare to be fined. But really, it will be fun seeing the Devil Dogs from around the state. Lastly, be on the alert for Fleas. There will be plenty of them and they want to scratch and bite dogs. They will be “thick is fleas”. Yes, it was a bad joke. That is why I used it. PDD Roger Baty has been busy building a new Toys for Tots train. Recently Devil Dogs of the Karnivorous Kanines formed a working party to paint the train bright red. The old train has served the Detachment well for years. No doubt this new train will be used for many years to come. Please remember that every dog is a potential dog catcher. We always want more dogs for our Pound. Until next time be safe. DD Terry

Devil Dogs of the Karnivorous Kanines paint the new Toys for Tots train. Looks great!

20 April 2019 Pikes Peak Detachment Monthly Meeting Minutes Commandant Steve Schwartz opened the 20 April 2019 meeting of the Marine Corps League Pikes Peak Detachment for official business at VFW #4051 Post at 0900 with Salute to Colors and opening prayer. All officers were present except for Junior Past Commandant Paul Hinojosa, Chaplain Vince Espinosa, Sergeant at Arms Osa Tuck, and Adjutant Paul Reifke, all absences excused. Recognition of Dignitaries: JVC RMD Miller. Number of attendees: 38. Number of breakfasts served: 20 The following were guests at the April meeting: Marine Ricardo Olivares. Ricardo served in the Marines 1970-1973, drove trucks and was honorably discharged as a Sergeant. Al Lewis, husband of Pat Lewis, applied for membership as an associate member. A motion was made by Russ Miller and seconded by Pat Mesa to accept both as members of the Detachment. The motion carried. A motion was made by Donna Smith and seconded by Russ Miller to accept the March 16, 2019 monthly meeting as they were posted in the Detachment April newsletter. The motion carried. No correspondence was read at the meeting.

Report of the Paymaster: Peggy Baldwin

- Paymaster Report is available for viewing. - Annual membership dues are due by August 31, 2019 and can be paid at any time before then. - As was discussed and approved by the Executive Committee, the 3-month CD was closed at maturity.

That money was used to purchase 2 new CDs: a 12 month CD for $2566.35 and a 6-month CD for $2500.

Page 5: The Pikes Peak Scuttlebutt Marine Corps League Pikes Peak ... · Cash Sales will be open Saturday and Sunday VFW Post 4051 430 E Pikes Peak Ave, Colo Spngs ... Colorado City at the

Pikes Peak Detachment May 2019 Newsletter 5

When the 6-month CD matures, it will be converted to a 12-month CD so there will be a CD maturing every 6 months. These will have a higher interest rate than the 3-month CD and interest can be transferred, if desired, to another account such as the scholarship fund.

Report of Officers Commandant: Steve Schwartz

- Gary George and Steve Schwartz attended a meeting of the El Paso County Homeless Veterans Coalition meeting. A recap of the 2018 Veterans Stand Down was presented and the Election of officers for 2019 was conducted.

- Steve Schwartz attended a short presentation at the Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center concerning the programs available there.

- Steve Schwartz presents a check to the El Paso County Veterans Coalition for $126. - Russ Miller, Paul Darrow and Steve Schwartz attended the services and gravesite honors for Riley Schultz

on April 6 in Loveland. - Reminder about the Department Convention in Greeley May 3-5. Steve Schwartz has sent the schedule to

all those attending. - National Convention in Billings, MT Steve Schwartz wants to confirm the attendees. - Possible staff meeting in June (By-Law review and updates).

Senior Vice Commandant: Terry Crum Snail mail is available for Detachment members that are having trouble reading the newsletter online.

Junior Vice Commandant: Jamie Rogers Territory Days May 25-27. Cash sales needs volunteers. Hours of operation: Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-7:00pm. Monday 10:00am-6:00pm

Judge Advocate: Gary George NSTR Junior Past Commandant: Paul Hinojosa NSTR Chaplain: Vince Espinoza

- The bereavement team attended services for Riley Schultz, Hank Hankins, and David Meredith. - Please keep our members with health issues in your prayer including: Osa Tuck, Terry Farstad, Iris

Rudesill and Vince Espinoza.

Quartermaster: Russ Miller Possible Events (PPIR, Car Shows etc.) - Territory Days needs volunteers to man one tent. The Young Marines will be there also. - New events might work for Cash Sales events including “Hot Rod It” and “Truck It” - Searching for new Detachment Quartermaster or Assistant Quartermaster. - Golf Tournament looking for donations for raffle prizes.

Sgt. At Arms: Osa Tuck NSTR Adjutant: Paul Reifke NSTR M.O.D.D. DD Terry Crum Growl tonight, abridged 6PM Black Eyed Pea. Dept Growl of the Pack May 3rd at 1900. DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Greeley, CO. Report of Standing Committees Scholarship Committee is accepting 2019 scholarship applications until April 30th. Three applications received. Report of Special Committees NSTR Unfinished Business: NSTR New Business

- Donna Smith on behalf of the American Legion Post 209 asked that the Detachment buy an ad in the upcoming American Legion Department of Colorado convention book. Donna commented that if the Ad was purchase that the American Legion would reciprocate with an ad purchase in the next Convention book made by the Detachment. Peggy Baldwin made a motion for the for the Detachment to buy a quarter page ad for $115. The motion was seconded by Terry Crum. The motion carried.

- A motion was made by Russ Miller and seconded by Peggy Baldwin for the Detachment to purchase a business card ad in the 2019 National Convention book for $35. The motion carried.

- A motion was made by Russ Miller and seconded by Terry Crum for the Detachment to make a bid for the National convention in either 2022 or 2023. The motion carried.

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Pikes Peak Detachment May 2019 Newsletter 6

- Peggy Baldwin discussed the formation of a Detachment retention team (perhaps called “buddy system”). Peggy had recently noted that 54 members of the Det. have not been heard from in a long time. This might work to bring them back. Interest was expressed by multiple members including Leonard Tardiff.

Good of the League - Bob Hill turns 90 years old. - Melvin Postlewait invited the members of the Det. to attend the 65 wedding anniversary of Melvin and

Jackie Postlewait. May 11th 1PM – 3PM at the Military Order of the Purple Heart. - Russ Miller invited members of the Det. are invited to attend a working party to paint the new Toys for Tots

train at Roger Baty’s house the afternoon April 20th. - Bob Roper announced plans to build a Korean War Memorial in Aurora, CO.

Announcements; 50/50 $74.00 was collected and $37.00 was won by Bob Hill. Bob donated his winnings to the Marine Helping Marines fund. Without any additional business Commandant Schwartz closed the meeting at 1028. The next meeting will take place 18 May. Semper Fi, Terry Crum

David Ray Meredith Obituary December 28, 1932 February 19, 2019

David Ray Meredith, age 86, passed away February 19, 2019 after a long illness. He graduated from Colorado Springs High School Class of 1952. He then joined the U.S Marines serving during the Korean War. David worked at Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph (Mountain Bell) where he spent his career. He was married to Kay Meredith for 49 years before her passing in 2004. He is survived by his Daughter, Susan Johnson, his Son, Scott Meredith, and grandchildren Matthew Johnson and Katie Meredith. David is also survived by his sisters; Mary Horsley and Georgia Zeiler.

Ladies Luncheon The ladies of the Pikes Peak Det. get together lunch every third Tuesday of the month.

This luncheon is organized by Judy Carty. If you would like to attend please call her at (719) 331-2763. The next luncheon is: 21 May, 1:00 PM at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant 8355 Razorback Road (719) 260-7721