~ ~40 VOLUENS....NMph 35 PIKN.S ,TUSAY EBR2,12 EASLEY CONTINUES TO MAKE The progressive little city of Easley will not be downed. If at first she does not su'eceed her motto is, "try try again." it will be remembered that a few montihs ago the question 'of issuing $50,000 for improvements and $30,000 for past indebtness wa4 voted upor and carried by a sulstantlal majority, but due to a technicallity the electior was thrown out. In the very near.fuwtdre thia same question will be resubmitted to the qualified voters of Easley, and every- thing seems to point to an even great- er victory for the bohde than on the previous election. OG of the -i pulatiohs of this bond issue if carried is that property own- ers are to pay 50 per cent of the cost of paving. The bonds are to run for a period of 40 years. Should this bond issue carry, Eas- ley will probably have more paved streets than any other city "of its size in the state. CHRISTMAS TREE AT GLASSY MOUNTAIN. On last Friday evening, Dec. 22, a Christmas tree at Glassy Mountain school house was greatly enjoyed by the school children. The school Is progressing nicely with Prof. R. T. Hallum of Pickens as principal and Miss Sallie Mae Chambin of Liberty * as assistant. An orgar' has been bought for this school' which is a great help to the children. Prof. Hallum is doing great things for Glas.. sy Mountain and the people deeply appreciate his work. The children are well trained and think there's none like Mr. Hallum-this being the second school he has taught here, and Miss Chamblin. Miss Cleo Hallum, who assists her father in the summer, " is also a great favorite with the chil- dren. In the presence of a crowd of pat- rcns and friends the following prog- ram was rendered. Song America-Sung by all. Scripture reading by several boys angrjrls. Then prayer and an appropriate talk by Prof. Hallum. Song-While Shepherds watch. Christmas Greetings-Viola Fergu- -son. Season', Jcys-Dan Lynch, Hayes Bells, Alma Hayes. Song-Silent night. Katies Wants-Virginia Hendricks, The night be:Core Christmas-Aldine Paice. Recitation by four little girls -Viola S:mmons, Alma Brown, Lantie Leslie and Tessie Clark. Santa Claus and the mcuse, by Nannie ';t Hendricks. Christihii~ 1reams-Oscar Atkins. Scng-JIly, iolly Santa Claus. Just before Christmas-Irene Free- man. 'rho Stockings' Christmas by Ethel Clark.- Trhe little one's speech-Lois For-- gt~son. Recitation by Lora Brown. Song-Up on the house-top. Nowv came the distribution of gifts and. every child wasl made happy, af- ter wvhich, with beCst wvishes for a merry Christmas and Happy Netv year, the crowdl was dismissed. HONOR ROLL WOLF CREEK' SCHOOL. First Grade.-Robert Simmons, L~ake Welborne. A dlv. First Grade.-Paul Haynes, - Silas Haynes, Paren BreZerle, James Stephens, Tr. J. Durham, Carl Dur- ham, Paul Jones. , Second Grade.-Cleon Mann, Ercell Blazeale, Helen Lewis, Ross Waldrop. Third Grade-Larry Stephens, Evie Kay, Roy Orr, Walter Thomas, Free- man Gillespie, Elmina Clements. Fourth Grade.-Nettie Crane, Nola Gillespie, John Gibson, Jess Rece, * Hovie Stephens. Adv. Fourth Grade.-Genetha Low- is, Frances Allgood, Ress1a Turner Rula Brezeale, Elza Gillespie, Claud< Gibson, Robert Durham, Loyd Steph. en~s. Fifth Grnde.-Fletcher Durham Capers Lewis, Wallace Thomas, Sixth Grade.-Wilma Gillespie Rutd Stephens, Maggio Porter, dames Bire. zeale, Ethel Jones. Eighth Grade-Edna Durham Loyuigpnn Theo. Aihtm.t Towisa. WATER ANALYSIS Sanitary water analysis No. 2911 of water Received December 8,,1922, from Commission of Public Works, Pickens, S. C. Parts per milli-n. Color-.....-.--- ...---.5.00 Chlorine-- - - - -- - -- 5.00 Free Ammonia..-----..-. 0.02 Albuminoid Ammonia-- -- 0.2 Nitrogen as Nitrites-- ... -. . 0.00 Nitrogen as Nitrates-.. .....0.10 Total Solids-- .... ... ... . 63.00 Bacterial Analysis Bacterial indications of contamina- tion-Negative. Remarks-Analysis indicate water to be of good quality and free from contamination. Respectfully submitted, F. L. Parker, 1. D. FORD SALES R.ECORD BROKEN According to a statement issued by the Ford Motor Company, deliveries of Ford Cars and Trucks to retail buyers during the ~i'onth of Novem- ber totalled 106,327. This is a new high sales record that has never be- fore been approached by the company at this season of the year and one which stands out in marked contrast to the November 1921 retail delivery figures which totalled 'slightly o p:r 58,000 cars and trucks. For eight consecutive months, bc- ginning with April 1st of this ye ar retail deliveries have evceeded 100, 000 Ford Cars and Trucks each month, the accunalated total for the hrst eleven months of 1922 being app;rox- inately 1,200,000. While the ~Com- pany points out that it is not. nus ial for Ford retail sales to exceed the 100,000 mark during the spring and early summer months when the de- mand it at its peak, the manner in which business has held up through- out the balance of the year is without precedent. Credit for thes remarkable showing is attributed by the Ford Motor Con- pany to the many improvements which havc lately been made on Ford Cars and particularly to thq ew low level cif.Ford prices, lecentlv put into effect. These new lo prices not only brcaden the it -(d of >rospective Ford purchasers but'g st' 1 further in mak. ing; the Ford Car best value from the standpo nt o1 t e retail buyer, that it has ever be n. Although the FI rd fat ones have been cperating i capacity for the past eight morth , sales have 'qual- 1e1 picauction ad1d judging Iron the unusual manner ini which orders are coming in at this season of the year Ford dealers will be unable to ac. cumulate an adequate stock of cars during the winter months for delivery next spring. In the opinion of the Ford Motor Company, November sales are an in- dication that many prospective pur- chasers, realizing the exceptional value nowv being offered in Ford cars, are beginnig to anticipate an unusuai spring (demand and are therefore plac- ing orders during the fall and will cebutinue to do so throughout the wvinte'r to avoid disappointing delays in dlelivery later on. While this will relieve the situation to some extent, it is pointed out that the Radily in- crecasing. dlemand for Ford cars is nevertheless sume to. create an ac.'ute shortage as the season advances. Accordingly, the F'ord sales Organ- ization is urging- prospective For'd purchaser's to arrange for delivery (luring the winter months in oi'der' that the demand next spring will be relieved as f'ar as possible.. RICE'S CREEK NEWS Health is very good at present. Rabbit hunting seems to be the ordelr of the (lay. 'There has been several wveddings cf much interest in our community. Tlhe golden weddin~fg of Mr. and Mi's. S. A. Roper on Nov. 23 wvas very much enjoyedl by a large crowd of relatives and neighiboi's. 'The wedding of Miss. Early Roger to Mr'. Roy Ferguson was a surprise to their thany fi'iends. Mi'. l.co Gilstrap and Miss Mittie Pre.'sly were' hauppily miarr'ied a fewv Sundays ago. Mr. Frak Pi'essley was: married to Miss lInez Ilenderson of Liber'ty on N'ovemnber 2.5. We wish for these youn'g people manny bright and hap- py (lays. The Long Branch Corn Club of Piel leading boy's clubs not only in Sou.t The Progressive Farmer has mentio r club workers of this State. We are proud of the fact that we h a We are proud of the workers that h a of the boys at Long Branch which w h per cent Americanism. W. O. W. SUPPER There will be a W. O. W. Supper Tuesday Evening, January 2, 1923, at 7 o'clock at Keowee Camp 496, Pick- ens, S. C. Program Opening of Camp in regular form. Installation of Officers for 1923. Talk on Woodcraft by State Mana- ger M. W. Bobo. Music. Supper. MENU Roast Possum Roaster Sweet Potatoes Baked Hen Dressing Ham Sandwiches Cheese Sandwiches Apples Oranges Cigars Cigarettes Coffee. Music. All members desiri-ng to attend this meeting and supper can obtain tickets upon application to the Camp Clerk. Every member must have his ticket by January 1, 1923, so the con - mi'ttee may know how many to ex- pect. A. J. Boggs, Jr., Clerk. HONOR ROLL GF NORRIS SCHOOL Firs;; Grade-Grace Adcox, Milford Scott, Thelma Evatt, Clara Mae Alexander, Velma Durham, Irene Owen, Grover Hood, Sybil Gilstrap, Issac Cantrell. Second Grade-Thelma Garrett, Third Grade-Martha Boroughs, Harold Gaines, Mattie Jo McWhort- er, Ralph Hood, Flora Glover. Fourth Grade-Clemsen Bill 'ngsley, Furman Billingsley, Robert Johnson. Sixth Grade-Gaines Entrekin, Austin Clayton, Carlyle Clayton. Seventh Grade-Willie Grace Mutl- linax, Helen McW horter, Lange Me- Whorter. Eighth Grade.-Hughes Clayton, Jay Clayton, J. C. Bolding, Pauline Gaines, Bilackerly, Mary Cook, Way- man McWhorter, Arthur Gi-lstrap, Addie Lee Johnson, Toby Cook. HONOR' ROLL FOiR MICA SCHOOL First Grade-Heclen Cox, Je:t'tt Julian, J'oel Nimmone, Perry Rcins;, Lucille Clark. Sc:-,nd Gradle-Marrde Ni mmon s Josic Gucet, L,. WV Jones, Carl P. Turner, Odus Burns, Jim Frank Cox. Third Gi ade-Authlit Griffin Fourth Grade-Gladys Williams, Griffin, Eula Mae Gillespie. Fifth Grade-Ellen Jones.. Sixth Grade.-Vivie a Cox, Nathil-e Jones. Eighth Grado.-Inez pox, Mae Tur.. ner, 0. V. Williams. Ni-nth Grade-Melonee Jones. The followving college studentAs - re home for the holiday's:-Winthrope Misses. Sarah Ada Keith, Katie Cur.a- ton, and Merle Hendricks. Converse: Misses. Emily Thornley, Nancy Mor.. ris. G. W. C: Misses. Cleo Hallum, Mattie Mae Hlallumn and Bessie Stew. art. Chi'cora: Miss Mary- Hallunm. Clemson: Messrs. Theo Smith, De- Witt Mathews, Don andl Robert Roark.I Furman: Richard Hallum, Ernest Craig. B. M. I: Allen Bivens. Pres- byterian College: Charlie Cuweton. Citadel: Norman.- Yongue. Wofford: Marion Lescesne. Dr. J. D. Yongue is very sick witii influenza. His many friends miss him at his place of business and wish for him a speedly recovery., :ens County is considered one of the h Carolina but in the United States. ed this club as well as the leading ve such a club in Piekens county. ve mads this possible, and the spirit en fully developed will result in 100 DRUG STORE GIFTS~NOT~YT CALLED FOR. The Pickens Drug Store gave away on Christmas Eve a very attra. ':ve Never Wind Clock and a beautiful doll. Numbers were draw and 600 won the clock, with 2328 winnin, the doll. Those holdng these numbers will present thenm and receive their gifts. The Keowee Pharmacy also offered a large (loll and a most attractive Christmas box of Candy. The num- ber winning the doll was 1187 and was held by Miss Rosa McFall, while the number for the candy was 1013 and has not yet been ailed for. BRIDGE TEA The members of the afternoon Bridge club were the guest on last Thursday at a lovely Tea given by Mrs. J. H. Bruce. Each guest brought her sewing basket and part of the afternoon was spent sewing and chatting. This took the place of the usual games. The guests were ushered into the dining room which was beautifully decorated in Christmas greens andl lovely rose candles. Places were spread for the following guests: Mes- (ame:. G. G. Christopher, J. C. C ey, Mac Christopher, A. J. Boggs, Jr., J. E. Boggs, IH. L. iivens, F. E. Arm- strong, I. B. Hendricks, L. C. Thorn- ley, II. A. LaBocn, E. E. Morris, P. E. Wcodruf, M issws Frances Bruce and M~ary Mlorris. MENIJ Chcken Salad Cranberry Sauce Hot Biscuit Potato Chips Wafers Sandwich., Coffee. USE 13 TIACTORS ON LIBERTY FARMS. Greenville News. Liberty.--Thirteen traedors arc (la-ily humming on th~e hills and in the vales about Liberty, accordling to D. G. O'Dell of the O'Dell Motor Ct.., of Liberty. Farmers of this rcection have shown an unusual interest in farming with tractoy~ during the pre sent fall. Mr. O'Dell decclaredl, and miuch fall plowving has been done with the tractors giving the old1 grey mule a chance to rest. The introdluction of improved ma- chinery has not been more marked in any way thani as rogards tractors, it w'as dleclaredl. Pickens county farm- ers have found thenm to be more eo- nomicall than horses and mules, and i-t the same time have been able to accomplish things with a tractor which no one pair of animals cotid do. At least one farm'in this section will rely on tractors exclusively next year, the mule having been eliminatedl in the 1923 plans, and it is taken as a possible indication of miuleless farms that may (develop throughout thi5 section within the next few "ears. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sanm B. Craig wvill be glad to learn that their soln, Lewis, is improving after an attack of scarlet fever. WANTED--To contract for four foot pine and- hArdwood l'ogs six in- ches and :up in -diameter, * Can -use by truck or car ad(.\ :Advjise quantity can furnish during 4sing year. Will buy by the cord and~jygood pric.s. We wvill also contracV for small tracts of timbher and cut ~urselves if near railroad. Box 1402, Greenville, S. C. DEATH CAPT. 'W. B. ALLGOOD The many friends of Capt. W. B. Allgood will regret to' learn of hs death on December 25th. The end was not unexpected, for he had been In declining health for some time. Truly, a useful. life has ended. Capt. Allgood was about 86 years old, and had made his life useful by being helpful to others. As a gentle- man of the old school, a typical southern gentleman, and a devoted father, neighbor and friend, he is missed. The Sentinel regrets h's death and extends to ligs relatives our deepest sympathy. A sketch of his lice will appear in next weeks paper. DEATH OF CECIL EARLE On December 24th the soul of Cecil Earle was called td6take up its adode with its Creator. Cecil was the son of Dr. G. W. Earle, and he leaves the following brothers and sisters: Lucius Earle of Pickens, Mrs. W. E. Findley of Pick- ens, and Mrs. Bdd Fulgum of Wilson, N. C. DEATH OF JAS. M. ROGERS. Jas. M. Rogers, aged thirty-eight years, (lied at his home near town Tuesday Dec.. 19, 1922. Mr. Rogers was on the streets in his usual health, on the above date, at about one o'clock in the afternoon, when he was suddenly stricken with paralysis. All possible aid was giv- en, but about six o'clock the summons of death came. . Jim Rogers was a son of the late Joe Rogers, and he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Corrie Bryant Rogers and these brothers and sisters: Mrs. Elvin Wlson, Piedmont; Mrs. Sam Robinson, LaFayette, Ga.; Will Rog- ers, Westminster, and Clif and Joe Rogers, of Liberty. The deceased was twice married, his first wife being Miss Osie Day, of Easley and his second Miss Rhoda Kay of Liberty, who with seven chil- dren survive him, four by the first marriage and three by the second. Funeral services were held at the home on Tu ;lay morning, conduct- ed by Rev. C. F. Sims, interment be- ing at West View cemetery. A deep sympathy is extended this bereaved fanily. 1STATE DOG 'TAX LAW' Cl.AllI- l"IIr). County Tr'asurcr O. T. IIinton has Iereived fr'm the( ccmn)) uioller gener- aI a circuaIr nmaking pila in the state lw regrding d'a: taxes, and it is j.eontcd out that the non-plyment of the tax is ai mi.demeanor, under s''- tion 4 of the act levying the tax. 1 r. Hinton issued the following inforuma- tion from the circular: "There seems to be a great deal of (confusioni concerning the $1.25 Li- eense Tax cn dogs, provided for in the Act of 1922, approvedl March 1.5, 1922. In order that the law may be ur iformily admninisteredl ever the en- tire state, you wvill please handle the collection of this lienhse tax as fol- lows: 1. Tax payanble durming Jlanuary. of each year. February 1st is the last (lay. A (log is liable to th's license tax if six months old or older on .January 1st (a dleg born June 30, 1922, is Ii- able to the tax .January, 1923.) 3. Tfhis tax is in lieu of all other taxes or licenses on (logs, either' county, municipal or' otherwise. 4. Dog Licenise Ta'x payable .Janu- ary, 1923. 5. Tax not he charged on auditors durpilicate nor carriedI on the ordIinary tax recently. Sepera te receipjt neces.. sary. 6. Do not turn thi:; tax over to the sheriff for collection. Non-payment a mbhdemeanuor (See section 4 of said Act) andl punishable by fine or im- prison men t. 7. It is the duty of the school trus- tees of each district to see that this tax is collected." T1here were 16,597 hales of cotton, counting round as half bales, ginn'ed 'n Pickens county, from the crop of 1922 prior to D~ecember 13, 1922, as compared with 21,852 bales ginned to December 13, 1921. Marr;'ed, at the residence of Magis- trate J. W. Holliday on Dec. 15, .1922, Miss Arkie Orr to Mr. Carney J. Al-- berson both of Pickens R5. THE PICKENS DRUG STORE CIfANGES HANDS On January 1st the Pickens Drug store will change hands. Drs. G. D. Cureton and 'J. D. Young having sold to lessrs. B.'. Lewis and 1I. C. Lewis. i Mr. H. C. Lewis who will be in charge at the store has been for tha past six years connected -with ane of Columbia's largest manufacturing. plants. The succes which marked his career while in Columbia be- speaks continued success for the Pickens Drug store. Mr. Lewis is the son of Mr. and <, Mrs. B. Lewis of this city, and has a large number of friends and ac- quaintances who are glad he il re- turning to Pickens, and wish for. him a suceess. t As soon as a home can be se- cured, Mr. Lewis will move his fam- fly here from Columbia. HONOR ROLL PICKENS GRADER SCHOOL. First Grade.-Frances Bivens, Mary Ella Cantrell, Edwin Clayton, Court- ney Darsey, F. L. -Finley, Arthur Gravely, E. D. Hughes, Johnny Math- ews, Mary Sue McFall, Frances Suth. erland, Clarence Smith, Freddie Stev- eson. Second Grade. D. I. Hendriuka, Eleanor McKagen, Maggie Jones, Thomas Valley, Tommy Mauldin, Doris Lewis, Corhme Hinton, Johu Galloway, Julia Finley, Allen Mc- Daniel, Naomi Alexander, Thalia Newton, Valley Cameron, Earl Elliot. Third Grade.--Ellen Blackwell, Fredde Clayton, Edith Cox, Josie Craig, Mary Darsey, Oliver, Dodgens, Kate Finley, Katrine Finney, Ernest Folger, Mite Felger, John Hallum, (GGrace Jewell, Sara Johnson, W. A. Mathews, Elizabeth McDaniel, Vesta McFall, Marion Nealy, Bess Partridge care. Sutherland. Fourth G rade.-Mabel lughe, Mary HLendrx. Ituby Langston, Cath- eriic Davis, Christine Nalley, Emily Gravely, Calhoun Hinton, Ben Cox, Fred Finley, Hugh Acker, James El- lott, Ruth Durham, Estelle Durham. Fifth Gradie.-Elizabeth Holden, Thomas Bivens, Curtis Matheney, Na- talie Mathews, Sarah Stewart, Eu- gen'a Cox. - Sixth Grade.--Lillian Gravely, Rosa Mcd1a"ll, Mary lMI auldin, Laura Craig, Betty lendricks, Deborah Mauldin, Florence Garrett, Ruth Whitmire, Any Craig. 7evemhi Grade.--Frances McFall, Virginia I aw.s, Frederica Iallum, ,-1c.nor Mauldin, Mary Gravely, Mar. tha C'ureton, Elsle Il ester, Joab Maul- din, Lewis Thompson. l-:ight.h Grade-- lFranees Cureton, l-:ditII llame, rcne Johnson, IHelen I a:ngst on, Margaret Langston, Lillian M;sters, Amy Porter, Winnie Stew- ar.; Orear Adams, David Gantt, James Keith, Ben Laloon, Frank Partridge, inr I aker. Ni nellh Grade.-Marshiall Hughes, Florence Hendricks, Bird Lewis, Press Mclelaniel, Gertrude Mann, Wyatt Stewart, Elizabeth Cu reton, Lunnio CanItrell, Eugene Cannon, Lucile Davis Chara Gibson, Lucille Hallum, Mao Alexander. TFenth Grado~l.-Clyd(e Adams, Fur.. manm Chastain., Mary Cureton, Rnth Gravely, Marion Gravely, Nita Bolli Johnson, 'Ray .Lyneh, Paul Nealy, A.atha1 Smith. EI:lventh Grade.-Artie Hughes, IIlorace Gravely, Milledge Griffin, TJhalia Chastain Chastain, Lois H-ames Ilelen Gririn, Athalie Hlallum, Paul Gra3vely, Brodus Field, Volmia Grave- ly, Bonnie llendlerson, Louise Hutch- ings, P'atti Porter. Married at thie iidence df Mrs. A. E. Kolley on Sunday the 24th.. inst., Mr. William F. Nealy and Miss Bertie Evette both of the Hlagood section of lPickens county. The mnar.. I ringe ceremony of this popular young couple wvds performed by Rev. L. L. Inabinet. - 11OW to tan hides, 'urs and skins moth proof with the hir on or off', by C. W. Lewis, KCbi ity, Missour< Cheap, quick process~n easily done. Book with full instru tioim mailedl to an~y add~ress postpaid for' one dollar. Want agents to sell my book. IFor up-to-daite concerete work andi stone laying you can not do bettor than see D. M. New~t n, Central, S. C. I guarantee ' i~~y work will please. My assert is based on long experi'ence in thd u~siness. If you have worlk of this kind call on me. D. M. Newton, Centrail. 28-4-11.

The Pickens sentinel (Pickens, S.C.).(Pickens, S.C.) 1922 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067671/1922-12-28/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Josic Gucet, L,. WV Jones, Carl P. Turner, Odus

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The progressive little city of Easleywill not be downed. If at first shedoes not su'eceed her motto is, "trytry again."

it will be remembered that a fewmontihs ago the question 'of issuing$50,000 for improvements and $30,000for past indebtness wa4 voted uporand carried by a sulstantlal majority,but due to a technicallity the electiorwas thrown out.

In the very near.fuwtdre thia samequestion will be resubmitted to thequalified voters of Easley, and every-thing seems to point to an even great-er victory for the bohde than on theprevious election.

OG of the -ipulatiohs of this bondissue if carried is that property own-ers are to pay 50 per cent of the costof paving.The bonds are to run for a period

of 40 years.Should this bond issue carry, Eas-

ley will probably have more pavedstreets than any other city "of its sizein the state.


On last Friday evening, Dec. 22,a Christmas tree at Glassy Mountainschool house was greatly enjoyed bythe school children. The school Isprogressing nicely with Prof. R. T.Hallum of Pickens as principal andMiss Sallie Mae Chambin of Liberty* as assistant. An orgar' has beenbought for this school' which is a

great help to the children. Prof.Hallum is doing great things for Glas..sy Mountain and the people deeplyappreciate his work. The childrenare well trained and think there'snone like Mr. Hallum-this being thesecond school he has taught here, andMiss Chamblin. Miss Cleo Hallum,who assists her father in the summer,"is also a great favorite with the chil-dren.

In the presence of a crowd of pat-rcns and friends the following prog-ram was rendered.Song America-Sung by all.Scripture reading by several boys

angrjrls.Then prayer and an appropriate

talk by Prof. Hallum.Song-While Shepherds watch.Christmas Greetings-Viola Fergu-


Season', Jcys-Dan Lynch, HayesBells, Alma Hayes.Song-Silent night.Katies Wants-Virginia Hendricks,The night be:Core Christmas-Aldine

Paice.Recitation by four little girls -ViolaS:mmons, Alma Brown, Lantie Leslieand Tessie Clark.Santa Claus and the mcuse, by

Nannie ';t Hendricks.Christihii~ 1reams-Oscar Atkins.Scng-JIly, iolly Santa Claus.Just before Christmas-Irene Free-

man.'rho Stockings' Christmas by Ethel

Clark.-Trhe little one's speech-Lois For--

gt~son.Recitation by Lora Brown.Song-Up on the house-top.Nowv came the distribution of gifts

and. every child wasl made happy, af-ter wvhich, with beCst wvishes for a

merry Christmas and Happy Netvyear, the crowdl was dismissed.


First Grade.-Robert Simmons,L~ake Welborne.A dlv. First Grade.-Paul Haynes,

- Silas Haynes, Paren BreZerle, JamesStephens, Tr. J. Durham, Carl Dur-ham, Paul Jones.

, Second Grade.-Cleon Mann, ErcellBlazeale, Helen Lewis, Ross Waldrop.

Third Grade-Larry Stephens, EvieKay, Roy Orr, Walter Thomas, Free-man Gillespie, Elmina Clements.Fourth Grade.-Nettie Crane, Nola

Gillespie, John Gibson, Jess Rece,* Hovie Stephens.

Adv. Fourth Grade.-Genetha Low-is, Frances Allgood, Ress1a TurnerRula Brezeale, Elza Gillespie, Claud<Gibson, Robert Durham, Loyd Steph.en~s.

Fifth Grnde.-Fletcher DurhamCapers Lewis, Wallace Thomas,

Sixth Grade.-Wilma Gillespie RutdStephens, Maggio Porter, dames Bire.zeale, Ethel Jones.

Eighth Grade-Edna DurhamLoyuigpnn Theo. Aihtm.t Towisa.


Sanitary water analysis No. 2911of water Received December 8,,1922,from Commission of Public Works,Pickens, S. C.

Parts per milli-n.Color-.....-.---...---.5.00Chlorine-- - - --- - -- 5.00Free Ammonia..-----..-. 0.02Albuminoid Ammonia-- -- 0.2Nitrogen as Nitrites-- ... -. . 0.00Nitrogen as Nitrates-.. .....0.10Total Solids-- .... ... ... . 63.00

Bacterial AnalysisBacterial indications of contamina-

tion-Negative.Remarks-Analysis indicate water

to be of good quality and free fromcontamination.

Respectfully submitted,F. L. Parker, 1. D.


According to a statement issued bythe Ford Motor Company, deliveriesof Ford Cars and Trucks to retailbuyers during the ~i'onth of Novem-ber totalled 106,327. This is a newhigh sales record that has never be-fore been approached by the companyat this season of the year and onewhich stands out in marked contrastto the November 1921 retail deliveryfigures which totalled 'slightly o p:r58,000 cars and trucks.For eight consecutive months, bc-

ginning with April 1st of this ye arretail deliveries have evceeded 100,000 Ford Cars and Trucks each month,the accunalated total for the hrsteleven months of 1922 being app;rox-inately 1,200,000. While the ~Com-pany points out that it is not. nus ialfor Ford retail sales to exceed the100,000 mark during the spring andearly summer months when the de-mand it at its peak, the manner inwhich business has held up through-out the balance of the year is withoutprecedent.Credit for thes remarkable showing

is attributed by the Ford Motor Con-pany to the many improvementswhich havc lately been made on FordCars and particularly to thq ew lowlevel cif.Ford prices, lecentlv put intoeffect. These new lo prices not onlybrcaden the it -(d of >rospective Fordpurchasers but'g st' 1 further in mak.ing; the Ford Car best value fromthe standpo nt o1 t e retail buyer,that it has ever be n.

Although the FI rd fat ones havebeen cperatingi capacity for thepast eight morth , sales have 'qual-1e1 picauction ad1d judging Iron theunusual manner ini which orders are

coming in at this season of the yearFord dealers will be unable to ac.

cumulate an adequate stock of cars

during the winter months for deliverynext spring.In the opinion of the Ford Motor

Company, November sales are an in-dication that many prospective pur-chasers, realizing the exceptionalvalue nowv being offered in Ford cars,are beginnig to anticipate an unusuaispring (demand and are therefore plac-ing orders during the fall and willcebutinue to do so throughout thewvinte'r to avoid disappointing delaysin dlelivery later on. While this willrelieve the situation to some extent,it is pointed out that the Radily in-crecasing. dlemand for Ford cars isnevertheless sume to. create an ac.'uteshortage as the season advances.

Accordingly, the F'ord sales Organ-ization is urging- prospective For'dpurchaser's to arrange for delivery(luring the winter months in oi'der'that the demand next spring will berelieved as f'ar as possible..


Health is very good at present.Rabbit hunting seems to be the

ordelr of the (lay.'There has been several wveddings

cf much interest in our community.Tlhe golden weddin~fg of Mr. and

Mi's. S. A. Roper on Nov. 23 wvasvery much enjoyedl by a large crowdof relatives and neighiboi's.

'The wedding of Miss. Early Rogerto Mr'. Roy Ferguson was a surpriseto their thany fi'iends.

Mi'. l.co Gilstrap and Miss MittiePre.'sly were' hauppily miarr'ied a fewvSundays ago.Mr. Frak Pi'essley was: married

to Miss lInez Ilenderson of Liber'ty on

N'ovemnber 2.5. We wish for theseyoun'g people manny bright and hap-py (lays.

The Long Branch Corn Club of Pielleading boy's clubs not only in Sou.tThe Progressive Farmer has mentio r

club workers of this State.We are proud of the fact that we h a

We are proud of the workers that h a

of the boys at Long Branch which w hper cent Americanism.


There will be a W. O. W. SupperTuesday Evening, January 2, 1923, at7 o'clock at Keowee Camp 496, Pick-ens, S. C.

ProgramOpening of Camp in regular form.Installation of Officers for 1923.Talk on Woodcraft by State Mana-

ger M. W. Bobo.Music.Supper.

MENURoast Possum Roaster Sweet PotatoesBaked Hen DressingHam Sandwiches Cheese SandwichesApples OrangesCigars Cigarettes

Coffee.Music.All members desiri-ng to attend

this meeting and supper can obtaintickets upon application to the CampClerk. Every member must have histicket by January 1, 1923, so the con -

mi'ttee may know how many to ex-

pect. A. J. Boggs, Jr., Clerk.


Firs;; Grade-Grace Adcox, MilfordScott, Thelma Evatt, Clara MaeAlexander, Velma Durham, IreneOwen, Grover Hood, Sybil Gilstrap,Issac Cantrell.Second Grade-Thelma Garrett,Third Grade-Martha Boroughs,

Harold Gaines, Mattie Jo McWhort-er, Ralph Hood, Flora Glover.Fourth Grade-Clemsen Bill 'ngsley,

Furman Billingsley, Robert Johnson.Sixth Grade-Gaines Entrekin,

Austin Clayton, Carlyle Clayton.Seventh Grade-Willie Grace Mutl-

linax, Helen McWhorter, Lange Me-Whorter.Eighth Grade.-Hughes Clayton,

Jay Clayton, J. C. Bolding, PaulineGaines, Bilackerly, Mary Cook, Way-man McWhorter, Arthur Gi-lstrap,Addie Lee Johnson, Toby Cook.


First Grade-Heclen Cox, Je:t'ttJulian, J'oel Nimmone, Perry Rcins;,Lucille Clark.

Sc:-,nd Gradle-Marrde Ni mmon s

Josic Gucet, L,. WV Jones, Carl P.Turner, Odus Burns, Jim Frank Cox.

Third Gi ade-Authlit GriffinFourth Grade-Gladys Williams,

Griffin, Eula Mae Gillespie.Fifth Grade-Ellen Jones..Sixth Grade.-Viviea Cox, Nathil-e

Jones.Eighth Grado.-Inez pox, Mae Tur..

ner, 0. V. Williams.Ni-nth Grade-Melonee Jones.

The followving college studentAs - rehome for the holiday's:-WinthropeMisses. Sarah Ada Keith, Katie Cur.a-ton, and Merle Hendricks. Converse:Misses. Emily Thornley, Nancy Mor..ris. G. W. C: Misses. Cleo Hallum,Mattie Mae Hlallumn and Bessie Stew.art. Chi'cora: Miss Mary- Hallunm.Clemson: Messrs. Theo Smith, De-Witt Mathews, Don andl Robert Roark.IFurman: Richard Hallum, ErnestCraig. B. M. I: Allen Bivens. Pres-byterian College: Charlie Cuweton.Citadel: Norman.- Yongue. Wofford:Marion Lescesne.

Dr. J. D. Yongue is very sick witiiinfluenza. His many friends misshim at his place of business and wishfor him a speedly recovery.,

:ens County is considered one of theh Carolina but in the United States.ed this club as well as the leading

ve such a club in Piekens county.ve mads this possible, and the spiriten fully developed will result in 100


The Pickens Drug Store gave awayon Christmas Eve a very attra. ':veNever Wind Clock and a beautifuldoll. Numbers were draw and 600won the clock, with 2328 winnin, thedoll. Those holdng these numberswill present thenm and receive theirgifts.The Keowee Pharmacy also offered

a large (loll and a most attractiveChristmas box of Candy. The num-ber winning the doll was 1187 andwas held by Miss Rosa McFall, whilethe number for the candy was 1013and has not yet been ailed for.


The members of the afternoonBridge club were the guest on lastThursday at a lovely Tea given byMrs. J. H. Bruce.Each guest brought her sewing

basket and part of the afternoon wasspent sewing and chatting. Thistook the place of the usual games.The guests were ushered into the

dining room which was beautifullydecorated in Christmas greens andllovely rose candles. Places were

spread for the following guests: Mes-(ame:. G. G. Christopher, J. C. C ey,Mac Christopher, A. J. Boggs, Jr., J.E. Boggs, IH. L. iivens, F. E. Arm-strong, I. B. Hendricks, L. C. Thorn-ley, II. A. LaBocn, E. E. Morris, P.E. Wcodruf, M issws Frances Bruceand M~ary Mlorris.

MENIJChcken Salad Cranberry SauceHot Biscuit Potato ChipsWafers Sandwich.,



Greenville News.Liberty.--Thirteen traedors arc

(la-ily humming on th~e hills and inthe vales about Liberty, accordling toD. G. O'Dell of the O'Dell Motor Ct..,of Liberty. Farmers of this rcectionhave shown an unusual interest infarming with tractoy~during the present fall. Mr. O'Dell decclaredl, andmiuch fall plowving has been donewith the tractors giving the old1 greymule a chance to rest.The introdluction of improved ma-

chinery has not been more marked inany way thani as rogards tractors, itw'as dleclaredl. Pickens county farm-ers have found thenm to be more eo-nomicall than horses and mules, andi-t the same time have been able toaccomplish things with a tractorwhich no one pair of animals cotiddo. At least one farm'in this sectionwill rely on tractors exclusively nextyear, the mule having been eliminatedlin the 1923 plans, and it is taken asa possible indication of miulelessfarms that may (develop throughoutthi5 section within the next few "ears.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. SanmB. Craig wvill be glad to learn thattheir soln, Lewis, is improving afteran attack of scarlet fever.

WANTED--To contract for fourfoot pine and- hArdwood l'ogs six in-ches and :up in -diameter, * Can -useby truck or car ad(.\ :Advjise quantitycan furnish during 4sing year. Willbuy by the cord and~jygood pric.s.We wvill also contracV for small tractsof timbher and cut ~urselves if nearrailroad. Box 1402, Greenville, S. C.


The many friends of Capt. W. B.Allgood will regret to' learn of hsdeath on December 25th. The endwas not unexpected, for he had beenIn declining health for some time.Truly, a useful. life has ended.

Capt. Allgood was about 86 yearsold, and had made his life useful bybeing helpful to others. As a gentle-man of the old school, a typicalsouthern gentleman, and a devotedfather, neighbor and friend, he ismissed.The Sentinel regrets h's death and

extends to ligs relatives our deepestsympathy.A sketch of his lice will appear

in next weeks paper.


On December 24th the soul of CecilEarle was called td6take up itsadode with its Creator.

Cecil was the son of Dr. G. W.Earle, and he leaves the followingbrothers and sisters: Lucius Earle ofPickens, Mrs. W. E. Findley of Pick-ens, and Mrs. Bdd Fulgum of Wilson,N. C.


Jas. M. Rogers, aged thirty-eightyears, (lied at his home near townTuesday Dec.. 19, 1922.Mr. Rogers was on the streets in

his usual health, on the above date,at about one o'clock in the afternoon,when he was suddenly stricken withparalysis. All possible aid was giv-en, but about six o'clock the summonsof death came.. Jim Rogers was a son of the lateJoe Rogers, and he is survived by hismother, Mrs. Corrie Bryant Rogersand these brothers and sisters: Mrs.Elvin Wlson, Piedmont; Mrs. SamRobinson, LaFayette, Ga.; Will Rog-ers, Westminster, and Clif and JoeRogers, of Liberty.The deceased was twice married,

his first wife being Miss Osie Day,of Easley and his second Miss RhodaKay of Liberty, who with seven chil-dren survive him, four by the firstmarriage and three by the second.Funeral services were held at the

home on Tu ;lay morning, conduct-ed by Rev. C. F. Sims, interment be-ing at West View cemetery. A deepsympathy is extended this bereavedfanily.


County Tr'asurcr O. T. IIinton hasIereived fr'm the( ccmn))uioller gener-aI a circuaIr nmaking pila in the statelw regrding d'a: taxes, and it isj.eontcd out that the non-plyment ofthe tax is ai mi.demeanor, under s''-tion 4 of the act levying the tax. 1 r.Hinton issued the following inforuma-tion from the circular:"There seems to be a great deal of

(confusioni concerning the $1.25 Li-eense Tax cn dogs, provided for inthe Act of 1922, approvedl March 1.5,1922. In order that the law may beur iformily admninisteredl ever the en-tire state, you wvill please handle thecollection of this lienhse tax as fol-lows:

1. Tax payanble durming Jlanuary. ofeach year. February 1st is the last(lay.A (log is liable to th's license tax

if six months old or older on .January1st (a dleg born June 30, 1922, is Ii-able to the tax .January, 1923.)

3. Tfhis tax is in lieu of all othertaxes or licenses on (logs, either'county, municipal or' otherwise.

4. Dog Licenise Ta'x payable .Janu-ary, 1923.

5. Tax not he charged on auditorsdurpilicate nor carriedI on the ordIinarytax recently. Sepera te receipjt neces..sary.

6. Do not turn thi:; tax over to thesheriff for collection. Non-paymenta mbhdemeanuor (See section 4 of saidAct) andl punishable by fine or im-prisonmen t.

7. It is the duty of the school trus-tees of each district to see that thistax is collected."

T1here were 16,597 hales of cotton,counting round as half bales, ginn'ed'n Pickens county, from the crop of1922 prior to D~ecember 13, 1922, ascompared with 21,852 bales ginned toDecember 13, 1921.

Marr;'ed, at the residence of Magis-trate J. W. Holliday on Dec. 15, .1922,Miss Arkie Orr to Mr. Carney J. Al--berson both of Pickens R5.


On January 1st the Pickens Drugstore will change hands. Drs. G.D. Cureton and 'J. D. Young havingsold to lessrs. B.'.Lewis and 1I. C.Lewis. iMr. H. C. Lewis who will be in

charge at the store has been for thapast six years connected -with ane ofColumbia's largest manufacturing.plants. The succes which markedhis career while in Columbia be-speaks continued success for thePickens Drug store.

Mr. Lewis is the son of Mr. and <,

Mrs. B. Lewis of this city, and hasa large number of friends and ac-quaintances who are glad he il re-turning to Pickens, and wish for. hima suceess. t

As soon as a home can be se-cured, Mr. Lewis will move his fam-fly here from Columbia.


First Grade.-Frances Bivens, MaryElla Cantrell, Edwin Clayton, Court-ney Darsey, F. L. -Finley, ArthurGravely, E. D. Hughes, Johnny Math-ews, Mary Sue McFall, Frances Suth.erland, Clarence Smith, Freddie Stev-eson.

Second Grade. D. I. Hendriuka,Eleanor McKagen, Maggie Jones,Thomas Valley, Tommy Mauldin,Doris Lewis, Corhme Hinton, JohuGalloway, Julia Finley, Allen Mc-Daniel, Naomi Alexander, ThaliaNewton, Valley Cameron, Earl Elliot.

Third Grade.--Ellen Blackwell,Fredde Clayton, Edith Cox, JosieCraig, Mary Darsey, Oliver, Dodgens,Kate Finley, Katrine Finney, ErnestFolger, Mite Felger, John Hallum,(GGrace Jewell, Sara Johnson, W. A.Mathews, Elizabeth McDaniel, VestaMcFall, Marion Nealy, Bess Partridgecare. Sutherland.

Fourth G rade.-Mabel lughe,Mary HLendrx. Ituby Langston, Cath-eriic Davis, Christine Nalley, EmilyGravely, Calhoun Hinton, Ben Cox,Fred Finley, Hugh Acker, James El-lott, Ruth Durham, Estelle Durham.

Fifth Gradie.-Elizabeth Holden,Thomas Bivens, Curtis Matheney, Na-talie Mathews, Sarah Stewart, Eu-gen'a Cox. -

Sixth Grade.--Lillian Gravely, RosaMcd1a"ll, Mary lMI auldin, Laura Craig,Betty lendricks, Deborah Mauldin,Florence Garrett, Ruth Whitmire,Any Craig.

7evemhi Grade.--Frances McFall,Virginia I aw.s, Frederica Iallum,,-1c.nor Mauldin, Mary Gravely, Mar.tha C'ureton, ElsleIl ester, Joab Maul-din, Lewis Thompson.

l-:ight.h Grade-- lFranees Cureton,l-:ditII llame, rcne Johnson, IHelenI a:ngst on, Margaret Langston, LillianM;sters, Amy Porter, Winnie Stew-ar.; Orear Adams, David Gantt, JamesKeith, Ben Laloon, Frank Partridge,inr I aker.

Ni nellh Grade.-Marshiall Hughes,Florence Hendricks, Bird Lewis, PressMclelaniel, Gertrude Mann, WyattStewart, Elizabeth Cu reton, LunnioCanItrell, Eugene Cannon, Lucile DavisChara Gibson, Lucille Hallum, MaoAlexander.

TFenth Grado~l.-Clyd(e Adams, Fur..manm Chastain., Mary Cureton, RnthGravely, Marion Gravely, Nita BolliJohnson, 'Ray .Lyneh, Paul Nealy,A.atha1 Smith.

EI:lventh Grade.-Artie Hughes,IIlorace Gravely, Milledge Griffin,TJhalia Chastain Chastain, Lois H-amesIlelen Gririn, Athalie Hlallum, PaulGra3vely, Brodus Field, Volmia Grave-ly, Bonnie llendlerson, Louise Hutch-ings, P'atti Porter.

Married at thie iidence df Mrs.A. E. Kolley on Sunday the 24th..inst., Mr. William F. Nealy and MissBertie Evette both of the Hlagoodsection of lPickens county. The mnar.. Iringe ceremony of this popularyoung couple wvds performed by Rev.L. L. Inabinet. -

11OW to tan hides, 'urs and skinsmoth proof with the hir on or off', byC. W. Lewis, KCbi ity, Missour<Cheap, quick process~n easily done.Book with full instru tioim mailedl to

an~y add~ress postpaid for' one dollar.Want agents to sell my book.

IFor up-to-daite concerete work andistone laying you can not do bettorthan see D. M. New~t n, Central, S.C. I guarantee ' i~~y work willplease. My assert is based onlong experi'ence in thd u~siness. Ifyou have worlk of this kind call onme. D. M. Newton, Centrail. 28-4-11.