The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

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Wait... How big?. The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia. It covered countries that include present day Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, and Egypt. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia
Page 2: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

• The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia.

• It covered countries that include present day Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, and Egypt.

• Persia started out smaller but expanded over time. It contains many various land forms including deserts, mountains, etc.

Wait... How big?

Page 3: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

• The Empire and Military System of Persia was not really established until around 550 B.C. under the leadership of Cyrus. 

• It was a rather unique system considering the conquered nations retained all previous rights.

• After Cyrus died in battle, his son, Cambryses took over. Cambryses was a cruel and ineffective ruler so the empire fell into turmoil. 

• There was a major revolt and Darius, a former member of the King's Guard, took over. He was a ruler much like Cyrus and the Persian Empire flourished once again

The Best of Persia(besides the rugs)!

Fact to take home:The only nation Persia was unable to conquer was Greece.

Page 4: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

• Cyrus, the Persia first king, is known for his method of governing: even though Cyrus conquered peoples, he was kind to them. He honored local customs and religions.

• Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to their homeland, Jerusalem in 538 b.c. Under Persian rule, the Jews rebuilt their city and temples. 

• The Persian government was set up as a monarchy. Meaning all the power was given to an individual ruler. After Cyrus died his son, Cambyses, took over, expanding the empire by conquering Egypt. Cambryses did not contineue his father's good kind ruling methods, and was more a dictator than anything else.

• When Cambyses died, Darius became King. He brought peace to the empire, and expanded a bit further, but failed to take over Greece.

Gotta love thosepoliticians!

Page 5: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

Cogito ergo sum... Wait, that's Latin.

• Despite being an united Empire, Persia did not have just one set religion.

• For each nation that was conquered there was a different original religion and cultural system.

• Philosophies, on the other hand, were shared by the multitudes to increase the Empire's understanding.


Page 6: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

• The architecture in the Persian Emprie was very unique.

• One brilliant example of architecture was called the Royal Road. The Royal Road was about 1,667 miles long. The purpose of this road was: trading valuable goods, such as: silver and gold; unifying the empire; making easy access to other areas This also expanded the Persian Empire more (littell 101).

• Sculpted figures were a big part of their culture. They would carve pictures on a massive rock, which represented their cultural background (littell 100).

ArchitectureBig towers, roads, and all that jazz! 

Page 7: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

Oooh! Pretty pictures!

Page 8: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

The era of the Persian Empire was a time of great many great things. To name a few: architecture, government, religion, and military.There were many new thoughts and innovative inventions. Because of this the Persian Empire will never be forgotten and should be an excellent spot for tours on when you feel like you need a vacation!

I thought it would never end...

Page 9: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

We took stuff from historians and the hobo down the street.

We regret to inform you that this works cited will never really work out, because the hyperlink refuses to work. So I will say now that the blue thingy under works cited and our World Cultures textbook were our two sources of information for this project.

Page 10: The Persian Empire at its height spanned from the Indus River to Anatolia

• Presentation & Slideshow By:Adrianna Anastasio

Anna GibbonsGabrielle Procacci

Katie Dolan 

Person who gave us this project:Mr.Clementi

Tour Guide #1Adrianna Anastasio

 Tour Guide #2Anna Gibbons

 Tour Guide #3

Gabrielle Procacci 

Tour Guide #4 Katie Dolan

•PowerPoint Master of Ceremonies

Adrianna Anastasio


• You can clap now.... Just Saying.