“THE PEOPLE COULD FLY” VOCABULARY. 1. Captured Context: The fugitive slave was captured in the North and taken back down South to his owner. What

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1. Captured

Context: The fugitive slave was captured in the North and taken back down South to his owner. What does it mean What gives it away?

Definition: to be caught

2. Misery

Context: Many people say that misery loves company, but when my grandfather died I just wanted to be alone. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: sadness; feeling bad

3. Trembled

Context: The slave trembled as the master drew the whip back getting ready to slash into the slave’s back. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: to shake with fright; To shake when afraid

4. Labored

Context: Slaves were forced to labor from sun up until sun down. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: worked

5. Soothe

Context: I tried to soothe his burn by putting some aloe on it to alleviate the pain. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: to comfort

6. Croon

Context: The mother crooned to her crying baby in an effort to calm him down. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: to sing softly

7. Pity

Context: Many abolitionists felt great pity for the slaves that were beat, over worked, and under fed. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: to feel sorrow for

8. Shed

Context: The slave shed his clothing so fast in order to get the hounds off of his scent. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: to get rid of; to let go of

9. Scorned

Context: The man scorned by his brother vowed to get revenge in anyway possible. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: to be humiliated

10. Bawling

Context: The mother could not stop her child from bawling no matter how many times she tried to shush him. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: to cry

11. Glinty

Context: The glinty end of the sword flashed as the sunlight hit its surface. What does it mean? What gives it away?

Definition: shiny; flashy