-a-* THE PENNSYLVANIA VOLl'MK XXIII. NO. rilll.ADKI.I'HlA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1907 PRICE, TWO CI VETS IN THEIR NEW BUILDING LAST REMAINS OF CLAYTON F. IVl MICHAEL LAID AT REST Not Yet Officially Opened, but Fint Clinic* Held There Yetterday. VARSITY PLAYS VILLA NOVA ON FRANKLIN FIELD TO-DAY M.„ CRICKET TEAM IS REWARDED a Toured England Given 'Varsity " >" by A. A. Directors. IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY AT ST. STEPHEN'S P. E. CHURCH. Mask and Wig Club, Students. Alumni and Faculty Honor Dead Friend. All Present in Large Number. Wiili the most Impi emony tin- funeral iii the late Clayton Pol tei all UcMlchai I, the d< ct seed tarj and traaaurer of the University, founder and preatdenl of the Mask and Wig Club, and favorite friend In all parti "f iin' Unlversltj of Penn- sylvania, was held yesterds) after noon from Bt Stephen's. Proti Bipl 01 i'ii Church, Ti mil itreel abOT< Cheatnut The number of students mill alumni pre* al was eery Is and wan augmented by the members nf the Mash and Wig Club and of the Unlveralty faculty, The services were oondncted by Rev. Carl D, Qrammer, ted bj Rev. Drs. .1. K. Dwell and s. H Bniveljr, The mualc was furn- lahed by the ohotr. The pall beerrers wen Provoel Charlee C. Harrison, vice- Provosl Edgar I*. Smith ami Trustees c s. w. Packard, Joaeph Q, Rcaen- gartea and Arthur i.. Chureh, of the University "f Pennsylvania; Charles I.. Boris, .i. Hartley sferriok, John Wanner, .ir., ,i. Warren Coulaton, Jr., Adolpli (!. Iloscngarton, Howard K. Ifohr, Dr. s. \v. Dougherty, Dr. Charlei 11. Praaler, Dr. Charles v B Canute and afordoeh Kendrlck. The Interment was raade In Woodlands Ce tery, Oils city. ••• Philomathean Society Meets. A special meeting of the Pbllo mathean Society was held yesbardaj afternoon to arrange the debating schedule for the coming year, n was di elded in select team <>f three men on Friday night to represent Pbllo In a debate in lie In lil with tlio De- bating I'nioii of the University of North Carolina On November 16th tiiaig will bo held, In order to secure n team to debate the Ziliisnplilc So- dety In the fourteenth annual contest fur the debating champlonablp of the University. This debate, Vhlch baa formerly been helil III April, Is sched- Dled to take place In Price Hall on December 8th. The Havertord debate has not yel been deftnlteJi arranged, and ahould this fall to materialize, a debate will probably bo hold with the Philo- mathean Society of Columbia UnlTer- sity, to take place in Philadelphia some time during March or April. ••• Sophomore Nomlnstlons. After some discussion the Sopho- mores, at their first class meeting, de- cided yesterday that they would not depart from the usual procedure In nominating and electing their class officers for this yesr. A meeting for the purpoBO of nominating candidates for the various offices will be held on Friday, October 4th, at 1.15, In Room 205, College Hall. Association Football Meeting. There will be a meeting of associa- tion football players to-morrow, at 1.15, in the Houston Club trophy room. while the handsome nea building i r the v i 'i partmenl of the Unlversltj | not wholly compl ami thi rormal opening «iii no) take place until nexl Monday, it Is in work. Ing condition, and yesterday morning the Beulor and Junior students of the department held their clinics of the fall term within its walla ii was ii n o'clock when Dr. Leon- a:d Pearson, the Dean ol the depart- ment, and alao the Btate Veterinarian, wi h in i t in- students ami pi rson- all] i lueted the clinics. The ne« building ! situated at Thirty-eighth street and Woodland Due, jusi opposite the dormitories, and will be the lineal and equipped building devoted to veterin- arj Mil nee in the world, The under graduates will have the advantage of having the State Veterinary Depart- ni locati ii In the building, ••• Tennis Players for Intercollegiates. The Unlveralty tennis candidates have I"! n practicing daily si the Mer- lon Cricket Club, ami an elimination trial l'"i' the | HI II i. r sell cling the men who are tn represent Pennsyl- vania In the intaroolleglatea resulted a- follows: Humphreys beat Forney, Thayer heat Patterson, Kaer beat Wledershelm, Gibbons-Nell won from Itnllitl, Harris defeated Karl, Hay- dook drew a bye. Second round: Thayer beat Humphreys, Glbbons-Neff won from Kaer, Hnydock defeated Harris Final round: Phlller beat i;il>hons Ncff, Register defeated Hay- dock. Kawasaki beat l,ee. The men that win represent Penn- sylvania in the Intercolleglatea then are Phlller. Tililen. Thay.IT and Cap- laln Regiat) r. Kawasaki, a member of last year's leani. W8S also selected, but declined to plaj . Change in Roster. Courses In Industry: Course 221 will be given on Tuesdays from three to four and on Saturdays from ten in eleven In Room 161 Course gOl will be given on T' wdaya from four in live and on Sa< pa from t leven in I WOlVe 111 Hoe: IG2. Course HI will i" divided Into two sections, and Bectlon 2 will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays from tWO to three in Room 169,providing a suffi- cient number of men can be secured for the hour Signed: Bcott Nearing, for the rosier committee. •• Crew Announcement. The regular fall regatta will he held as usual on the Schuylkill Hlver this fall in tho latter part of October. It Is at this time that there are decided, first, the championship of the College and, second, the championship of the University, In the latter contest the crews are picked not from any one class but from all men In the various departments, making the race an interdepartmental feature. The fall races give Coach Ellis Ward a line on new material for the "Varsity and Freshman crews, which are to be chosen In tho spring. EASY VICTORY FOR PENN IS EX- PECTED TO BE RESULT. Dwyer and Hollenback Valuable Addi- tions to the Team's Strength. Regan to Play at Quarter. The 'Varsity plays Villa Nova this moon on Franklin Field. The game promises to be very close, as the Villa Novs team is unusually i rang thl - ) ear, ha\ Ing held the In- dians down to ten points last Batur day. Regan will atari the game al quarter-back, and it is likely that sev- eral substitutes, eapeeiall) In the back Held, will be given a chance to show a hat the} <-.in do, Yesterday afternoon the 'Varsity was pm through a hard practice with the scrub. Several times the scrub was given the ball on the 'Varsity's ten-yard line, and after repeated at- tempts, were practically unable to gain, The wmk of Hollenback and Dwyer, who were both oul yesterday, increased confidence In the team's work, and a big victor] over Villa Nova is expected for ibis afternoon. The line up will be as follows: Left end, Braddoek; left tackle, Draper; left guard, Dietrich; centre, Dwyer; rlghl guard, Gallagher; right tackle, Hasina; right end, Scarlett : quarter-back, Regan; left halfback, Greene; right half-back, Pol well; full- back, Hollenback •• Dr. Ames Graduate Dean. Dr. C. t:. Child, who for the pant three years has been Dean of the Graduate School, has resigned In or- der to devote his time entirely to teaching, and Professor Herman V, Ames, of tin- Department of History, has been elected I 11 succeed hllll. Dr. Ames Is a prominent member of the faculty, having been connected With the University Of Pennsylvania for the past ten years, lie lias done a great deal of Important work, of both a scholarly and executive char- acter, In Connection With the Ameri- can Historical Association, the Asso- ciation of Secondary Schools ami Col- leges of the Middle Slates anil Mary- la ml. and as a member of the Com- mittee on Admission to the Univer- sity. Dr. Chilli's administration was cmi- nently successful, the registration in- creasing over sixty per cent, during the three years of his deanship. The registration figures this year, although not yet complete. Indicate that this remarkable growth will be continued if not oxoaeded, A change has been made In the gov- ernment of the (iraduate School by the creation of an executive commit- too, which will consist of the follow- ing: Vice-Provost Kdgar F. Smith. exofllcio; the Dean. Dr. Ames, and Professors Conklin. Child, Crawley, Lamberton and Rowe. The opening exercises of the Gradu- ate School will be held at three o'clock to-morrow In the auditorium of Houston Hall. The direct) is of the Athletic Asso- i a In Ni a most Important n Ing yestt rdaj aftern ion In the Gym- nasium. The 'Varsity "P" Mas awarded, as .HI exceptional reward on account of universal success and good work, to hi mi mb n of the University Cricket i n, s/hlch won the Intercollegiate pionship and i Is a tour of Eng- land and Ireland. The men were as > -: I othrop Lee, Ruckman I P. Wharton Baker, Charles II. Winter, Herbert V, Hordero, Norman St. C. Hales. Han.1.1 II Bond, ('. Morion Graham, Donald Graham, Arthur N. Goodfellow, Wayne B. Evans. The president announced the death of Seer. i.m Clayton P. McMlchaeL The directors decided that no pro- grams would be printed for any of the games i set pt that with Cornell, and gave permission to "Old Penn" and THE I'KNXSYI.VAMAN to sell their publications on Franklin Field containing the line up of the teams. The treasurer authorised the con- tructii n ni a roof over the press box. •• Crew Notice. AII men for the department ami class crews will take the three or 3.30 o'clock Thirty-fifth and Wallace streets car from the Cymnasluni iii-morrow afternoon and report at the college boat house. Men from the professional schools are , specially urged to turn out to insure good de- partment crews this fall. Signed: II. A Bmlg, captain. •• Freshman Football Practice. Tho following new men reported for Preahman football practice yester- day: u I, McBnteen, Clarke, John- son. \\";iikin. Cecil, llawloy. Kctlln- gen, Ogden, Connelly, Caaselman and la ltreque. Owing in the 'Varsity game to-day practice will be held from ten to i waive in the morning. ••• Pennsytvanian Special Meeting. Special meeting of Till-: PBNN- SYI.YANIAN board today at 6.16 j o'clock, instead of 1.16. Business will be Important, AH members should attend. Signed It. I.. Lowe, editor- in-chief. •• "Red and Blue" Board Meeting. First meeting of "Red and Blue" board for the year will bo held In Room 10. College Hall, today, at 1.15 P. M., sharp. Signed: Frank A. Paul, editor-in-chief. •• Football Ushers Report. Ushers for Pennsylvania vs. Villa Nova game will report to-day at the gate at 2.20 o'clock. Signed: J. M. Thissell, head usher. Found—Fountain Pen. Found, at entrance to Dormitories, fountain pen. Owner please Identify at PENNSYLVANIAX office. Notice to Architects and Engineers. Don't buy your drawing material until you see the prices at the HOUS- TON CLUB BOOK ROOM. Furnished Front Room. 3708 Spruce street. Well furnished front room; quiet home. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Turn in all locker and dormitory numbers at THE PENNSYLVANIAN office to-day. If you want to get your paper, be sure we have your correct address for delivery. Signed: J. Car- roll Maloney, business manager. _.

THE PENNSYLVANIA - Penn Libraries · -a-* the pennsylvania voll'mk xxiii. no. rilll.adki.i'hla. wednesday, october 2, 1907 price, two ci remains of clayton f. vets in last their new

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Clinic* Held There Yetterday.



a Toured England Given 'Varsity "■>" by A. A. Directors.


Mask and Wig Club, Students. Alumni and Faculty Honor Dead Friend.

All Present in Large Number.

Wiili the most Impi emony tin- funeral iii the late Clayton Pol tei all UcMlchai I, the d< ct seed tarj and traaaurer of the University, founder and preatdenl of the Mask and Wig Club, and favorite friend In all parti "f iin' Unlversltj of Penn- sylvania, was held yesterds) after noon from Bt Stephen's. Proti Bipl 01 i'ii Church, Ti mil itreel abOT< Cheatnut The number of students mill alumni pre* al was eery Is and wan augmented by the members nf the Mash and Wig Club and of the Unlveralty faculty, The services were oondncted by Rev. Carl D, Qrammer,

■ted bj Rev. Drs. .1. K. Dwell and s. H Bniveljr, The mualc was furn- lahed by the ohotr. The pall beerrers wen

Provoel Charlee C. Harrison, vice- Provosl Edgar I*. Smith ami Trustees c s. w. Packard, Joaeph Q, Rcaen- gartea and Arthur i.. Chureh, of the University "f Pennsylvania; Charles I.. Boris, .i. Hartley sferriok, John Wanner, .ir., ,i. Warren Coulaton, Jr., Adolpli (!. Iloscngarton, Howard K. Ifohr, Dr. s. \v. Dougherty, Dr. Charlei 11. Praaler, Dr. Charles v B Canute and afordoeh Kendrlck. The Interment was raade In Woodlands Ce tery, Oils city.

••• Philomathean Society Meets.

A special meeting of the Pbllo mathean Society was held yesbardaj afternoon to arrange the debating schedule for the coming year, n was di elded in select ■ team <>f three men on Friday night to represent Pbllo In a debate in lie In lil with tlio De- bating I'nioii of the University of North Carolina On November 16th tiiaig will bo held, In order to secure n team to debate the Ziliisnplilc So- dety In the fourteenth annual contest fur the debating champlonablp of the University. This debate, Vhlch baa formerly been helil III April, Is sched- Dled to take place In Price Hall on December 8th.

The Havertord debate has not yel been deftnlteJi arranged, and ahould this fall to materialize, a debate will probably bo hold with the Philo- mathean Society of Columbia UnlTer- sity, to take place in Philadelphia some time during March or April.

••• Sophomore Nomlnstlons.

After some discussion the Sopho- mores, at their first class meeting, de- cided yesterday that they would not depart from the usual procedure In nominating and electing their class officers for this yesr. A meeting for the purpoBO of nominating candidates for the various offices will be held on Friday, October 4th, at 1.15, In Room 205, College Hall.

Association Football Meeting. There will be a meeting of associa-

tion football players to-morrow, at 1.15, in the Houston Club trophy room.

while the handsome nea building i r the v i 'i partmenl of the Unlversltj | not wholly compl ami thi rormal opening «iii no) take place until nexl Monday, it Is in work. Ing condition, and yesterday morning the Beulor and Junior students of the department held their clinics of the fall term within its walla

ii was ii n o'clock when Dr. Leon- a:d Pearson, the Dean ol the depart- ment, and alao the Btate Veterinarian, wi h in i t in- students ami pi rson- all] i lueted the clinics.

The ne« building !■ situated at Thirty-eighth street and Woodland

Due, jusi opposite the dormitories, and will be the lineal and equipped building devoted to veterin- arj Mil nee in the world, The under graduates will have the advantage of having the State Veterinary Depart- ni locati ii In the building,

••• Tennis Players for Intercollegiates. The Unlveralty tennis candidates

have I"! n practicing daily si the Mer- lon Cricket Club, ami an elimination trial l'"i' the | HI II i. ■ r sell cling the men who are tn represent Pennsyl- vania In the intaroolleglatea resulted a- follows: Humphreys beat Forney, Thayer heat Patterson, Kaer beat Wledershelm, Gibbons-Nell won from Itnllitl, Harris defeated Karl, Hay- dook drew a bye. Second round: Thayer beat Humphreys, Glbbons-Neff won from Kaer, Hnydock defeated Harris Final round: Phlller beat i;il>hons Ncff, Register defeated Hay- dock. Kawasaki beat l,ee.

The men that win represent Penn- sylvania in the Intercolleglatea then are Phlller. Tililen. Thay.IT and Cap- laln Regiat) r. Kawasaki, a member of last year's leani. W8S also selected, but declined to plaj .

Change in Roster. Courses In Industry: Course 221

will be given on Tuesdays from three to four and on Saturdays from ten in eleven In Room 161 Course gOl will be given on T' wdaya from four in live and on Sa< pa from t leven in I WOlVe 111 Hoe: IG2.

Course HI will i" divided Into two sections, and Bectlon 2 will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays from tWO to three in Room 169,providing a suffi- cient number of men can be secured for the hour Signed: Bcott Nearing, for the rosier committee.

• •• Crew Announcement.

The regular fall regatta will he held as usual on the Schuylkill Hlver this fall in tho latter part of October. It Is at this time that there are decided, first, the championship of the College and, second, the championship of the University, In the latter contest the crews are picked not from any one class but from all men In the various departments, making the race an interdepartmental feature.

The fall races give Coach Ellis Ward a line on new material for the "Varsity and Freshman crews, which are to be chosen In tho spring.


Dwyer and Hollenback Valuable Addi- tions to the Team's Strength.

Regan to Play at Quarter.

The 'Varsity plays Villa Nova this moon on Franklin Field. The

game promises to be very close, as the Villa Novs team is unusually

i rang thl - ) ear, ha\ Ing held the In- dians down to ten points last Batur day. Regan will atari the game al quarter-back, and it is likely that sev- eral substitutes, eapeeiall) In the back Held, will be given a chance to show a hat the} <-.in do,

Yesterday afternoon the 'Varsity was pm through a hard practice with the scrub. Several times the scrub was given the ball on the 'Varsity's ten-yard line, and after repeated at- tempts, were practically unable to gain, The wmk of Hollenback and Dwyer, who were both oul yesterday, increased confidence In the team's work, and a big victor] over Villa Nova is expected for ibis afternoon.

The line up will be as follows: Left end, Braddoek; left tackle, Draper; left guard, Dietrich; centre, Dwyer; rlghl guard, Gallagher; right tackle, Hasina; right end, Scarlett : quarter-back, Regan; left halfback, Greene; right half-back, Pol well; full- back, Hollenback

• •• Dr. Ames Graduate Dean.

Dr. C. t:. Child, who for the pant three years has been Dean of the Graduate School, has resigned In or- der to devote his time entirely to teaching, and Professor Herman V, Ames, of tin- Department of History, has been elected I11 succeed hllll.

Dr. Ames Is a prominent member of the faculty, having been connected With the University Of Pennsylvania for the past ten years, lie lias done a great deal of Important work, of both a scholarly and executive char- acter, In Connection With the Ameri- can Historical Association, the Asso- ciation of Secondary Schools ami Col- leges of the Middle Slates anil Mary- la ml. and as a member of the Com- mittee on Admission to the Univer- sity.

Dr. Chilli's administration was cmi- nently successful, the registration in- creasing over sixty per cent, during the three years of his deanship. The registration figures this year, although not yet complete. Indicate that this remarkable growth will be continued if not oxoaeded,

A change has been made In the gov- ernment of the (iraduate School by the creation of an executive commit- too, which will consist of the follow- ing: Vice-Provost Kdgar F. Smith. exofllcio; the Dean. Dr. Ames, and Professors Conklin. Child, Crawley, Lamberton and Rowe.

The opening exercises of the Gradu- ate School will be held at three o'clock to-morrow In the auditorium of Houston Hall.

The direct) is of the Athletic Asso- i a In Ni a most Important n

Ing yestt rdaj aftern ion In the Gym- nasium.

The 'Varsity "P" Mas awarded, as .HI exceptional reward on account of universal success and good work, to hi mi mb n of the University Cricket

i n, s/hlch won the Intercollegiate pionship and i Is a tour of Eng-

land and Ireland. The men were as > -: I othrop Lee, Ruckman I

P. Wharton Baker, Charles II. Winter, Herbert V, Hordero, Norman St. C. Hales. Han.1.1 II Bond, ('. Morion Graham, Donald Graham, Arthur N. Goodfellow, Wayne B. Evans.

The president announced the death of Seer. i.m Clayton P. McMlchaeL

The directors decided that no pro- grams would be printed for any of the games i set pt that with Cornell, and gave permission to "Old Penn" and THE I'KNXSYI.VAMAN to sell their publications on Franklin Field containing the line up of the teams.

The treasurer authorised the con- ■tructii n ni a roof over the press box.

• •• Crew Notice.

AII men for the department ami class crews will take the three or 3.30 o'clock Thirty-fifth and Wallace streets car from the Cymnasluni iii-morrow afternoon and report at the college boat house. Men from the professional schools are , specially urged to turn out to insure good de- partment crews this fall. Signed: II. A Bmlg, captain.

• •• Freshman Football Practice.

Tho following new men reported for Preahman football practice yester- day: u I, McBnteen, Clarke, John- son. \\";iikin. Cecil, llawloy. Kctlln- gen, Ogden, Connelly, Caaselman and la ltreque.

Owing in the 'Varsity game to-day practice will be held from ten to i waive in the morning.

••• Pennsytvanian Special Meeting.

Special meeting of Till-: PBNN- SYI.YANIAN board today at 6.16

j o'clock, instead of 1.16. Business will be Important, AH members should attend. Signed It. I.. Lowe, editor- in-chief.

• •• "Red and Blue" Board Meeting.

First meeting of "Red and Blue" board for the year will bo held In Room 10. College Hall, today, at 1.15 P. M., sharp. Signed: Frank A. Paul, editor-in-chief.

• •• Football Ushers Report.

Ushers for Pennsylvania vs. Villa Nova game will report to-day at the gate at 2.20 o'clock. Signed: J. M. Thissell, head usher.

Found—Fountain Pen. Found, at entrance to Dormitories,

fountain pen. Owner please Identify at PENNSYLVANIAX office.

Notice to Architects and Engineers. Don't buy your drawing material

until you see the prices at the HOUS- TON CLUB BOOK ROOM.

Furnished Front Room. 3708 Spruce street. Well furnished

front room; quiet home.


Turn in all locker and dormitory numbers at THE PENNSYLVANIAN office to-day. If you want to get your paper, be sure we have your correct address for delivery. Signed: J. Car- roll Maloney, business manager. _.





TANT BUSINESS MANAGERS, u . I I t- > ■ I - . .


Business Manager-* Office Hours: j la : l" M. I •

TH«' n; IM1WCYI V\ XI Al\I ; 1 111. I ti'ii^S i LI/llil/lll

i iii the

Tin- I - •• <> of Pennsylvania. |„ „,

r |

DO better trail than ■ italned on THE PBS N

■n the |>i

.-in from a D

I peril nee. Dr. Weygandt,

whose in■» spapi r « will i In has

■ iici and.wlll

will ilu you good ork"

I If yon «

: I .1 be

i for them to once »bi the; i do. I'pper

n Li

n foi i • ••

Smoker to Wharton Freslimen. The Wharton School Student

formal receu iIon in all Rrsl ■ Whartoi

In- Bmoklng room of l»gan Informal I

bj • Mike" Murphj I-- b Polwell, Thorn i- n i lonald 01 and othi r i 'nl verait; men pr Inenl In athli and other college activities. Thli getber with music by the Glee Club and sketches bj mi mbei i of the Mask .-mil wig Club, will provide tl van-

■ ntertalnment. All Ural year Wharton men are cordlallj Invited to attend. Signed: Norman T. M< chali i

• •• Swaithmore Delays Action.

Al the regular fall meeting of the board i f managers of Swarthmore (!oll • iti rdaj afti rnoon nil deflnite dl in a i to the ac ri pting of Miss Jeanes' bequi it

'- Partlj due to the apathj of p glpol „, „ ,■„,,„.,. dat8 \ ,.,„,, the i -nun. While there la mlttee, composed of Joseph Wharton, i of encouragemenl al Pennsyl- Charles l\ Jenkins and Howard

rani* for Freshmen to c me ..... and i ird ake an athletic team,

WEONESDW. CCT03ER 2, 1907.

I : '

year. VII

i 1

■ « I ! I .;

for I

Is no re:i I ■

lotball in . . Id. Although Pi

i.ui so u<K>.l thai ii canno i lever too earlj to in-

still the iii--tit kind ol ito the i '■ i. and nothing can do tola as

irtj singing and v.. I I

efforts ih -

• •• 1 . ■ ;i | ;

11 uoi ted in sufflclenl ni -

and we bellevi the true cause for this i of ;i branch of I'nlversli

look in' i the details <>f the legac) .mil report to the board In an adt Ii

thei - apparently an Indifference to ,,Tl capacity. ' linn athli tic here on the part of those who should properlj guide the Preshmi n.

While work for the c illege pap< i- held In the trerj highest ea teem al other universities, bere for

. Baton HI mini ii does n< greatl] rallied, and men who

cu the work n eelve n i honor other than that fell In their conscience, namelj the satisfaction thai thej are doing whal they can i" their own waj fur Pennaj Ivanla.

urn this is the highest n ward that any man can get, and although there Is absolutely no financial emolument

in working for iiiis paper, there is • for every one who does hi* work con- ■clentlousl) the satisfaction that he is dolnp as much in his way for his University as ■ member of toe toot-

hall team. n is every ondergradmrtrt ,lu,v to

accomplish something for his fJnlver- sii>. to do something unselfishly. l'p- ■ef i lassinen who have a true sense of their obligations will tell any

Mandolin Club Rehearsal, The following men will report with

nments for rehearsal to-night, nl o'clock, in the smoking room of

I .man Hall: IV Bind) r Itii'iihanlt. Arthor \ Campbell, Le Roy K. Laf ean, Claude H. Sowers, 11. M. Blwell, !•" W. Hastings, S. 0. Coates, k, Ben nett, it i< Bchants. All <>f lasl year's men will also report with their In- struments. Signed: R. B Orlfflth, leader,

••• Cleaning, Pressing.

I'm cleaning, pressing and all re- pairing com.' in ns We have given satisfaction tor elghl yean and win ronlhiiii' in please you and eater to your wanis K. Welnatock, 8713 Spruce street.

••• Zelo Meeting Friday Evening.

The Aral regular meeting of the ZelOSOphiC SiK-ielv will he belli ill /.i In Hall on Friday evening, October 4th. All members are Invited to at- tend.

••• Notice to Architects and Engineers.

Don't buy your drawing material until you see the prices at the HOUS- TON CLUB BOOK ROOM.

ft BRIGHTON f w F,aiCk /*£ .*?■&** *or S,,1K1

comfort. *§^'$ '■■'f' and designs of on




Clasp Garters The nevest shades

and designs of one piece, pure silk web. All metal parti heavy nickel* plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, all dealers or in mail.

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Zimmerman 916 Cheslral 1 and :? Mint trade



Brazier's Garage rblrty-elifbtta and Market strict*

ii Car where i' Is looked after bj a College Han

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Freshmen! GE r YOUR CAPS AT

Taxis' 3653 Woodland Avc.

Opposite the Dormitories


Let Us Supply You with the Things Vou Need in Books, Stationery and Other Supplies "\W E had a comP|e,e ""• °' goods last year and the prices were JH»I right. This year we are again well stocked with tvtry

essential of a College Man, and we would be glad to have you call at your earliest opportunity.


The Houston Club Hook Store ^MrVVVV<r\*rV*MMrVVV^Vi^rVVV^^^VMvVyVvV><V

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University Laundry 3607 WOODLAND AVENUE.

Dieges & Clust • If We Mad< it. its Right."

OFFICIAL Class Pins JEWELERS Fraternity Pins OF THE Medals LEADING Cups, Etc. COLLEGES SCHOOLS Watches AND Diamonds ASSOCIATIONS Jewelry

112.» Clicntiiut Street







Fourth and Chestnut Streets

Fo -est Thtatre. , the buHd-

ie I i : i iome M

li n . e plaj - pi

tj of Its v. hlch Klaw

i i i have made noi tian in i mptj phra i

to the elegana beauty, comfort and theatre, reral stars.

nd 1 Jerry Cohan, in a rol i of their

M. Cohai si popular i. Office." ol 'Poxy Grandpa"

tann ii" '.: oi Iglnal role. in the in-' i if' -• iiieen, a vivacious oubretta and whirlwind dancer, An hei star is 11 • ■ rmann the Great,

i bj Mme. Marie Hermann. His "Fairj of thi Emchanti Et ' is bewildering, A girl is plant d In a

trunk, swinging In ' ■ iperj is thrown over It.

i n moi i d the trunk is found o have i" 'I. ii anafei red ae* i ral fi el to ihe i r. in A 11 '•■ in the centi ol the

- transformed in a twinkling, in plain view of the audience, Into .in enormi bush \ wai the magic wand and the trunk is dla-

pty, while the girl app In the i the clui taring ro i n Dlanca an Pi i DI b centrlcs from the Polies Matigny, and

mimicked by two tiny doga thai their counterpa

rani presi nti a new bui ■ i ii and stories, The Three

■ DB, Incl i Itable and Irrepressible Juvenile "Buster," have a in \ sketch of fan li .ii fooler) thai '• pels laughing The Foui Lukena are the i and lensa-

i p irformi rs apon the horizontal I i III IIS. .\i,ll I

Koefe, formerlj Doc ki tadei'. boj so ■ ■ i nun. and Ti nj Pearl, an Italian In-

ln their di spi claltj. " r; i SHI... i ;«:i■ 1 the Harp-

ii. nrj and Alice Taj lor havi ■ ■ ning in « hlch Ml is Taj

lor, champion female sharps! r of land, lllui latol and riii"

i• i ictIce a hlle Mr Taj lor does tricks di equlllbrlam in added attraction is Joe Welch, ii rmerlj Btar of "The Vuctli i" and "The Shoemaker," vtini is back in vaude\llle tor a brief

with new life studlea of Hebrew charai

Dally matlm • ■ are given al the For- rest, and the afternoon performances are iteadllj growing in popularity.

• •• Exhibit in Library.

Among the interesting new exhibits in the Library casei this fall is a number of beautifully preserved rare edltloni of old books from the Unl vanity Incunabula Thej Include a Dante'i "Dtvtnla Comi Ila," 1484; ■ tii-M edition i>i Horace, 1470; an AI- dlne edition of Horace, 1519; an Avl- eanna, I486; ;i Boetiua' "Do Conaola- ttone," 1186, and ■ tew others, and an mi view in the casi along the north wail nf ihc outer room.

Wharton School. Qel your Wharton School books at

Pennock'a, He will guarantee bot- tom prloei anil lalcsl editions. See advi rtlsemenl on page three,

• •• Take all your lecture notes and

drawings In one i'<»>k. the I'KiiFEC- TION, Made la si\ tfsea. Separate leaf system. Pennook, 8609 Woodland ...entie, is trade agent.

Found—Two Key Rings. Pound, two kej rings with keyi and

.i Dnger ring, Owners may have ibeBo artlolea by applying al the offlce of the Dean, College Hall.


Pennook, 8609 Woodland avenue, lias a large stock of Medical. Dental, Veterinary and Biological books. He supplies I hem with covers free.

JACOB REED'S SONS Young Men's t.;stcs and Young Men's figures are

studied in the building of our Cloth's for Young l/,en.

That's why they suit.


CI"tl.uT„ Haberdashers JACOB REED'S SONS Hatt«Ts 1424-1426 Chestnut St.


We have moved next door to our old location, into very much larger quarters.

Our stock this year is simply great, and you will say so when you Bei it. We Bhow over a thousand style- of cloth, selected exclusively for young men's trade, and there isn't the slightest doubt lhat we can't please you.

And for the class of work we do, our prices are the most moderate in the city.

Suits, $25 to $40. Overcoats, $25 to $50. Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits, $35 fo $60.

Pyle, I ii ties & Barbieri COLLEGE TAILORS 1115 Walnut Street, Philadelphia


The Schoch & Shafer Co.


Fraternities and Boarding Houses Sup- plied at Wholesale Prices



Both Phones


Broad ami Narrow-Gauge ^Locomotives, Mine aad Furnace Locomotives, Coinpressed-AIr Locomotives, Tramway Locomotives. Plantation Locomotives, Oil-Burning Locomotives, Electric I-ocomotlves wlth*\Vcstlnghouse Motors, Electric Car Tracks with or without Motors.

Burnham, Williams & Co. Philadelphia, Pa.


IMPORTER In Per Cent. Discount for All



3713 SPRUCE STREET Established 1899. Opp. Dorms

University Text=Books Both new and second- hand, for all depart- ments, to be had at






A "I'cnns.v" I'umaiit I'lmlo Ntl

should de< room. The neat "Pennsy- Pennant" in the centre of ever; net. li.-i Quality Pelt. N

e Sk a- Island Twine,

Lot No. 1,6x8 ft, 75c. Lol No. 2,1 I 6 ii . 11.00. i have Ni Is «Ithoul tli.

- follows: I...i No. ::. 5x 3 ft.,! Lot No I, > I 6 n . 60c. Lot No. ."■. 6 I 5 ft., 50c. (Lot N i 5, Hi" "INVISIBLE-

rii'iTo Nirr." made of ffie mv esl 3u P-pro i Nettli

College Pi nnanta made to or- der.

Ail Ni paid. I. S. LINQUIST

Oberlin. Ohio. Box 14.


Success jwiifs fhe youth who msltrs thorthtnd jnd Iht skilled use of


Remington Typewriter "HiIK us, (1f iho Remington 1 everywhere predominates,

ami for the young man who operates il the best posi- tlont, providing the surest ave- nues for subsequent advance- ment, are always Open.

Our new illustrated booklet, "A Stepping Stone to Success," contains the biographies of many successful men who have been helped by their knowledge of shorthand or typewriting. Sent free in young men on re- quest.

Remington Typewriter Company 327 Broadway, New York

Win. H. Begley PROVISION

MARKET Special wholesale prices to

fraternity and boarding houses. You can do all your buying for table at our store—


3357 Woodland Avenue


Suits Made to Order. Repair- ing, Altering, Pressing at

Very lx»w Prices. 247 S. THIRTYSEVENTH ST.

John Middle ton Importer j* Mounter•.



Pipes Repaired

Automobiles to Hire BY DAY OR HOUR

Brazifr Auto Works 38TH AND MARKET 3TREET8

Supplies for Engineers and Architects

A complete line of supplies for the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and the Architectural courses.

Official lists on file.

Supply Store Third Floor of College Hall !SAAVVIAAAAV«.AAW>»AA->'

The Students' Photographer

Special rates for indi- vidual and group work


Moore PushPins to hang thlngi on

leave only ■ Uny"roond hole thai is alm<.*t Invuibwh TooUtaanparad EtaaJ pin with a trinHparcntKludr. h,.«.l. Don'l ■bOW.don't te»r the wall. Suppottl Krai iKiunds. Puss u in : no hamm*'nnir.

M.-.r,. I'u-h I'm .'iiahlr \mi in ilccnrate foar r.-tm with ptctun tlaffaand the varioua coUaga nlek-nscki Harmon- ize wuh any eolora Allowed where taeka and nail- in prohibited. At all mailed prepaid for 10c. par packet of half doaan all her

Bend EOT Catalogue <»f other similar de- .

Moore l'iivli-1'in Co. 104 S. Eleventh St., Phila., Pa.

Gloves may be

right and not be


but they can't be


and not be right.


The Dormitory Drug Shop


For Your Wants In That Line W. R. MURRAY


«vA^VVvVWVVvV>A\Vv\A\W .wv.VvvvVvV/AvvVVvvvVv*

It's a Kecblcr That's All You Want to Know About a Hat


1428 Chestnut Street AS WELL AS

14 Mint A r e a «i e READY WITH FALL GOODS

»rWVW ^nAr^ V>»>*A* •* *>V/V A*/VWS*v\A/V^*.«^,^ *»VWW>A/^



PARADISE ALLEY. A Fares Comi d] «Ith Mi

An Blaal Bide Noveltj ol Ne» fork Life

BERT LEVY. rhe "Morning T l< i raph" <'

BESSIE WYNN. I lalni leal i i Conn dlen ■


FRED WALTON. The Famous Ei h Pantomlm


In .Mr. Cressy'a Qreal Play of New i ■ ind Life


LA PETITE MICNON. Presenting Imitative Interpretations.

KITA BANZAI TROUPE. Greatest <>f Orle ital \> rob U In

World Tour.

CONLIN AND STEELE. Musical Artists

THE SISTERS TOBIN. Dainty Musical Artists,

LA ROSE AND FREDERIC. Buropean Now iiy Wire Act.

MARSHALL P. WILDER. The Prlnee of Entertainers and Enter

tainer <>f rrincos.


Grand—"Little Dolly Dimples." Qrace Cameron, with her open

company of ilxtj people, Ii thi traction al the Grand opera n this week. Miss Cameron baa so peered In many styles of parts In her splendid career with sach organlsa- lions us the ' Bostonlans," "Foxy Qulller," "Johnnie ('cunts Marching Home," "The Tenderfoot," iho Sav- age Grand Opera Company, "Pin" I'afr I'tniff," etc . t to,, bnl none that an M. peculiarly fitted to her . rersatlllty at the role she now plays in "Little Dollle Dimples."

There are many musical fi'iiturcs In "Doily Dimples," among ii,. ,n is one written by a l'liil.ulelpliian, \V. Hay ton Wegefarth. it is a character sons entitled, "No One Dreams About Me," and is sung by MISH Tempest. The piece does not fail to solicit en core after encore during every per- formance.

Mr. Wegefarth is SUM the writer of "Where Are You doing on Sunday?" and several other popular composi- tions.

■ ••• —.

See "Friday." We all know Douglas, the man who

shines shoes to perfection. Period- icals, dally and Sunday newspapers delivered at your rooms; also up-to- date shoe findings. 30.19 Woodland

4 6 8

III 1]

Inches, Inches,


Notice to Architects and Engineers. Save your i toy, save twenty to

pei c< in . bj purchasing all your Drawing Material at the HOUSTON CM It BOOK STORE ,.„. 0f our pi

|:'' 1 irawlng Boards, Clrll, (1 15; Drawing Bos •1 !•'. *i i". Drawing Board 11.35; Drawing Boards, 31x41, 11.00; T-8q i Inches, pt T s,i ' • Untold U

T-Squares, M inches, pear- wood, i0i T Squarei. ::_• Inohes, i lulold lined, |1.80; ■ T-Squari -. II Inches, pearwood, 10c; T-Squares, II Inches, celluloid lined, 11.60; T- Bquares, IL' baches, mh, oh. lined,

Triangles, celluli L'.'IC ; Triangles, celluloid, 16c ; Trianglt i, celluloid, : Triangles, celluloid,

Triangles, celluli Instruments: AJti rnstors, $16;

Civil Bel pedal, 111; Architect Bi is, %;t t,, $15, Whatman ■ Paper, Double Elephant, 16c.; Whatman's Paper, Imperial, 10c Hlgglni Ink,

Hlgglns Paste, 10c ; Kohinoor Pi ncils (all degri ■ i ie . Bpi Rubbers, Ixlsl, lb Bmerald Ink ""i Pink I ag Shield, tneui, lie . Saucer Ni Is, 18c. and lie.

••• Notice to Wharton School Men.

Belos Ii ,i partial list of the Text- Booki Mm will retJBJn this year. Saw your mono] (save ten to twenty pi i c< in i bj baying ail yonr new and

nd hand books al the HOUSTON CLUB BOOK siuiiK

Beager'i int. to Booaomica, ILM; Johnson'! Railroad Trsnsportati $1 36; Johnson's Ocean ami inland Water Transportation, $Lt6; Sulli- van's Buslnesa Law (seoond-hand), $1.M; Boyce Amis' <■ monwealth, $i 16; Ashle] '■ Amertean federal Btate, $1 10; Mills" Iniornailonal Ge- o*raphy, $1.10; Pair's New Phys,

aphy, '.'He. •••

Tutor Wanted. Tutor wanted to prepare boy of six-

teen for college sntranoa next year. Bpeclal qualifications, Mathematics and Languages. Dally work. Please answer stating qualifications, terms, arrangi menu tor work as to location •""I hours, etc Pupil, |\ o. Box 1564, Philadelphia.

••• Strictly First-Clais Table Board. Strictly first-class table board for

students. Breakfast and six o'clock dinner, gl.no per week; twenty meal tickets. $.-,iin. urn; chestnut street.

• •• Notice to Architects and Engineers.

Don't buy your drawing material until you seo the prices at the HOI'S- TON CLOT BOOK BOOM.

• •• Stationery, Post Cards, Etc.

I'tti Stationery, Post Cards. Note Hooks, Posters, etc., call on Univer- sity I-aundry, 3607 Woodland avenue.


"1907 Athletic News." Gray's Athletic Shop to the front

again with all the new and up-to-date Spalding Athletic Toggery. Recog- nised as the best. J. P. Gray, 29 South Kleventh street.

SINCE 1874 We have catered to tbe wants of Stu-

dents. Everything you need at

Beaston' 3433 Woodland Ave.

3701 Spruce St, Pool Room, Second Floor, 3701 Spruce.