THE PENNSYimNIAN VOLUME XXVII.-NO. 153 PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, APRIL 23. 1912 PRICE, THREE CENTS SIX SWIMMERS GET GUPS AFTER LAST BI-MONTHLY CIVIC CLUB BANQUETS. J. PLUVIUS INTERFERES CREWS AT TRAINING TABLE. Able Speakers Address Members Gath- ered About Festive Board at Hotel Walton. 'Varsity and Freshman Oarsmen Taste WITH 'VARSITY PRACTICE *----»""* Ti This Year. ENTRY LISTS FOR RELAYS BREAK ALL PAST RECORDS Wright, Aided by Handicaps, Leads Pool Contestants in Season's Record of Points. £7* Thlrt) memben of the University Coach Thomas Pleased with Pitcher The 'Varsity and first Freshman L. F. SANVILLE IS TANK STAR. Civic Club and guests made Bern last night at the Hotel Walton in OsM of the most successful banquets ever held by that organization. F. H. Koscliwitz. president of the club, pre- tided, anil during the course of the Following the tinal bimon.hh meet •»•»»« MlM OB various men of note, ,„ ,|„. ...,„ IMI night, cups wore pre wh " delivered forceful addresses on d to K P. Wright. 1.. F. Sanville 'he scope and function of the Civic Cvltlll. K B. Barrett, former dt] maglst- Imlay and Rest of Team Needs Another Consistent Twirler. crews met around the training table last night after practice for the first time this year. Training tablet being Started at all the universities In Estimated that 1,700 Athletes Will Compete Saturday Large In- crease in "Prep" Schools. CORYELL INJURES HIS BAD ARM. final preparation for the impending RECEPTION COMMITTEE FORMED, races, the first of which for Pennsv I- (i li. Shoemaker, ll W. Foulds, n. F. and c. R. Hughee, who were the si* '»'" who have accumulated "''" : ""' """ ' in "' ' Mtrocto r «» «*• Yesterday's base ball practice was vania Is now less than two weeks off, called off on account of rain and a wl,h "" M »*J iU Annapolis, muddy diamond. It would hay been The final spurt has began here and possible after the skv cleared in the evidently no further changes of any middle of the afternoon, but Coach importance In the personnel of th. Moie iban two hundred and fifty universities, collages, preparatory and parochial schools throughout the OOUaV trj are directing all their energy Thomas decided that an extra day's boats will take place before the first toward preparations for the annual Whiirton School, addressed the ban -'lay-off after two hard games on Friday race Relav races on Saturday. The uniisu- i sras captain of last year's r polo team. Sanvllle was the itat of the meet Ight, winning one first. 0B< mill and three fourth places. In most ,,1 ii,, i, «as scratch man and had to rereoaaa lame baadlcapa given the other contestants Wright also spoke on "The Opportunities of Col- again, and In order to be of aervtoi to legs -Men in Politics" It was in the ,,„. ,,,,„, ,,„. ,.„,,.,. ,,.,,., ,,,- ,,„. 8e a S on, spartmenti of Mr. Gunther, in Hamii- ,,,. wlll hllVl . „, ,.,.„, ,„,. ,, w ,,. k .„ show what thej can do. ton Court, that the Civic Club first or ,,.,,,, During his alienee Tha McCall ami Wetter appear the most logical candidates for second bs Co,oh Thomas was rarj much disap- pointed with the showing of tha ond String pitchers, and will spend ganlaed year Professor L B Rows, of the PoMtl cal Science Department, was the next -in ii.i i lie delivered forceful talk on The Attitude of Students of PoMtl- did good work, winning two noplaces n] ^.^ .,, ivii|i , „„. Vri>KV ,. s ^ l . and one third Hotb Sanvllle and Wright bavi been rivals all year, first iking the lead In points and then ither The chief fight lor first place was between these two men and Shoemaker. The too-fool handicap race was the Moi ement" The last speech of the evening was made bv Mr C Q Curtiss, of the Bav- erford College Civic Club, who gave a short address on "The Activities of the llaverlurd College Civic Club." i onaiderabla time In the n net fW in attempting to develop a de- pendable substitute for Imla>. He will probably try out Coleman. the substitute outfielder, in the box. Cote man has had considerable experience in twirling in preparatory school, The data are all unsettled and manv men have not yet had an opportunity to eloaaa some Interesting facts. With more o nted than al any in a nutshell, tins is the practical two meets ever held elsewhere, tl situation ai the training Qua of Is also a greater number of prepare- manv of the Red ami Blue'i rivala. i rj schools entered than at any I «r this reaped Pennsylvania haa sub prevtoua meets cemblnod. The figures tantlal adi ge The crews have are aafoUows: High aohools, i prep thoroughlj tried oul and the men schools, 57; grammar school-. settled upon although manv of lie rocbial schools. 11. This ma I colleges report anything but laggardly total of I8.j schools. The addition of progress, Pennsylvania is not al a dis- th< ima sin advantage in comparison with the re- ports from any of her rivals. During the course of the evening re- | neMg ibinty of Stringer and llarr was feature of th. m.et, as th. turns ot ^ w| received ,,,,„, District At- PUBLICATIONS' BANQUET. the first four men differed by only . ond Ml three heats were , _ .. v u> mill .111. u. a. t ii-niiiitr^i, i |i- I, contested and the result was lmlw ^ ^^ ^ _ )f whom not del ided until the lasi yard. The final results were taken from the com- ,,l All the other events ftlso closely fought out. as the srand total of 260 Institutions reprw led This is a gain of U teams over last year's U am entries. I'ive more relay races are Included hi this vear'a program, making the a severe blow to the pitching staff. Committee Plan, for Large Attendance. ,WV " , "" "' TSJT^S '" fllZ tomej Charles Whitman Of New York anH Wves only Tidd and Thotm.son of ml " ee r,an » Tor " fle " c course of a I held in one after n,on. Minnesota and McGill imiversi- sntet eii for tha Ural time, the- Cltj and Mr. W A. Pi vndergast. Comp ,. |st v ,, al .. H Bqua ,, i and Heckingrr and Other Universities Represented. Bay re, of tha new material, to work «"'" "' *»' 'livered speeches at the uj[h ( . (ia( . n Thoniag sa!( | jreeterdaj M a meeting of the Combined Put* Westerner^ hoping to win the twrr- banquet. but who were onable to be that there would be no m llcatlona' Banana) Committee, held mlV college championship aim tha present. Sylvan I. Lang, i: Wh. who at- H.-l, re ,l,e meet Wright l.-.l Sanville Ass „,. i . u , addressed ,,„. cta b am by p, points, but the former widened :i , i(i]l , (| on ,,,.. | ntercolleg1ate ,, the team's Mnemp for the present He announced thai B. Canadiane eendlng a atw f t(1 |„. pieaswd with hit W. Roberts Bualnesi Manager, would nuarter-mllers to trj for the one-mile, showing to tote and e*> m»eak for The Pennsylvanlan." n Htle. Practicall eyerj prominent pressed his bells! thai with one more & Kynett, Jr., Bdltor4n-Chlef of 'The college in the Fast has entered three "'" """ ' '• •••-• - sylvan I. I.ang. I.; \\ li . wno at .,....,„.„,, placing of th. handicaps made each ^^ M f ,,,.,,.,.„,,. ,,„. ,.,,,,„, ,.„„. * ** ? ,:„,. close ami evenh matched _ ^ w , nI|(|n of M| [ ntercoIIegl at« dvlc ,'.,;,„, | dependable pTteher besides In PennaylvanlBn." will ael as toaatma lr beat man to the special eveirtai nine would develop into a most for- " '•' ' B Wood. BMUtor-to while several well tii^ lead by winning nine points while his opponent won only eight. Follow- the summary: FRESH DEBATE SCHOOLBOYS. <JM* Won bj I. K Sanvllle, First Year 0rator8 Battle wlth Central second, 1 Lit 7 sees handl- nlrd n i' Cr aci haadl irth, O H Shoemaker, II Time. ; Hich School Students To-night. To-nlghl at s o'clock, the Preahm tn team wUl clash with the Fancy diving—Won bv I. C .lamb- 0en tral High School orators in the n Bcratch; 57 points; sec I. L. P. |if|1| i!1|n , n ,,„. tW o |e, ". handicap, B4H points: third, K K Wright. II handicap. ".I institutions The -' »f 'li" fray wi'i be 'b »IJ Hall of tbx Cea mldable combination '' !li " f " r "" "Punch Bowl," and c. r the Waal will try for Individual he* The training table s.ar.s •o-uiornov DavlB, BditOr-ln-Chief of i he H-<\ ami I for both -Vai an, but Blue." will tlvi M am. i| th« R- the list of mei nt to the table Pnblici loth Davis and ' I In Houston Hall Tig all announced ' » ' ' : '""'-"" ""- ceptlons. the entire i dltorial and bu l ri n Phliadelphl tions will he present "The Pennsyl- B. 1 of t Ra an" board will attend in a body, top races fo couraglnti reports havt been and Tn Mulford orga beard from the publications of othet the for! eeepttoi mlrt Michigan Will tl p ' ; " '' l,|i: ' "faiii C( GOING TO EAGLESMERE? Pennsylvania Will Have Large Dele gation at Mountain Conference. .Mirth. J. i.it, ia handicap, 41 tn] , |jt;)i Srl;u ,, ri ,„„,,,,, mi , ,,.,„.„ For .. '• month ol I will be "pen to the pubUc. I " 1 '' ow ' I of Ihe di atory schools to look after whil. rardrace Won by B. T. Wright, Tha que8tlon is "Resolved, That, "in attend student conferences al lillt Harvard wUl send a member of, » '" PhUadalphla The various handicap second, n. w. ( . ( wl i 1 , ll j nll . 1 iit' d, the recall " in " <M*«««i places in tha united .. Thi , . ' uoard, whili : wUl be communicated with at Fouhl handicap: third L. C. |i( . ju(ll; ,_ b , ,|,,. people wll be bendi States Jala and Cornell, although not defl OHOS in an effort to I. arn the ii .1 , n , 12 sees handicap; fourth, p|t] f() Q , s , (ll . s •• Fil'u Pennsylvanll I wen. to the IH ,, ilv ,„,„.,, from as v „, wjM ,„ M their arrival and 'heir plan- wl I. P Sanville. scratch Time. 1 tnin- R R ^ uh . n , ,- Butterworth, Id, Pocono Tines Conference ol the Mid- pro bab|U t , be represented the Oitj all men in the Cniversity B saca, an , is \ v QarUeha comprise tha 1918 '" Atlantic States' colleges Is Thi . ,. (IV( ,. 1(1| . ,,„. „„.„„ card _ ag ar . ar ,. invited to Join tbemselvt Plunge for dlatanca Won h] B. F. ii . |M| wWch wn] uphold the affirmative Cornell, Columbia. Princeton and State ,,,„.„.,, ,,„ r eeterday, is tasteful and delegations, which meet the vli Wright. 2 handicap. ' .>i feet: second, ^ j|(i n| . Ihr qu eet| 0 n .1 W. M.wii- CoUage were also there with strong ...„„. lip ,. ir ,. ,, &„ 9 i cU , ,| at the trains and i 0 11 Shoemaker, scratch. 62% feet; lj . l , || ^ js a | l nil „,. representative delegations. All these |)rjnt< , t . .,, worli „„ ,„„. llf „„, M ,,„ ( t„„r of the cat i ' ' in- Central High will he represented bj InaUtutlona will have huge delegations han(| |irossP8 Th( , , )a|(er he ig work . tereaUng historical noints of the city. Morton, Within. Itraden and Kosen tWl >'ar The desirability of secur- , nK w|th , R m , nd b i lle _ and , m , Becanse of tha la. t that In past Ing a more centrally located sit. led „.,„„. s , lf )h( . three publications riv years manv men have been anxious to to the union of the l.inwood Confer- jny |hi , ^ejiqual are neatly Inscribed In return to their homes Immediately foi- third. J. Lit. IS handicap, H feet; t th, L. F. Sanville, 18 handicap. 61 l d swim—Won by H \V. Potilds, 12 sees, handicap: second. C. R Hughes, 17 aeca. handicap; third, /eraity'journaltot li I' Cranor, 14 aeca, handicap: fourth, ,,,. olllin ,. nl ,„,„ I. F Sanville. scratch. Time, 2 min- ecoada. bauui. Young Itosenhaiim is a brother of Samuel Eoaonbaam, the former 'Varsity debater and prominent Cni will officiate as judges and Mr. Thomas dates, a prom- inent Philadelphia lawyer, will preside. The judges are William 0. Maron, member of 'he Philadelphia Bar; Rich- ard L Austin, well-known banker, and conference ground. It is one of the Mis. Helen of Troy" Delight. Audi- ( . nar ,,. s N Fa rr. Jr., Philadelphia "nest and most ,*,,mlar mountain re- . ... Z .. sous within near reach of Philadel- ence at Belasco in Washington. attorney. MASK AND WIG AT CAPITAL. ence of Ohio and the POCOBO < ence, making it possible to combine strength and experience io eMmtnate certain disadvantages of both. Faglesmere. on the crest of the mountains north of Williamsport, Pa., has been selected as the permanent RAIN HAMPERS HELLENES lowing the '"- "pjav rv imlt- BS I ol 'he anitnal en- tertain'e, nt In their honor on '• evening, commencing •< about x O'clock, Among those who have con- sented to participate in (ha ment are .T. It French anil \V I Sher of this year's Mask and Wig ' Yes.erdavs rain put a crimp in the "'"'• '" Imperaonatlovs. progress of the interfraternity base Blackledge. In sleight of -hand n.yster- Yesterday's Drizzle Checked Interfra- ternity Base Ball. The Freshman team will open the I'hia. Besides the beautiful lake sur- baU play Th< , mm (n ^ ^ i( . s . A part of the I b wffl he Id In the first rOUOd each rounded by the virgin forests of the hlngton, 1) C April 22 (Specinll. debate, ann in me nrsi ruuuu e„e„ --" -.- n r facilities for all V large audience. Including many man will be allowed ten minutes in A '«^ nl ^- th f ^tlvltto. entaUvea Ol Congressional and which to advance his set speech, m ; kinds or t i I, g.uion socioM of Washing- the rebuttal round the negative argues ton. witneeaed the Mask and Wig's first and each man will be allowed five production ot "Miss 11.den of Troy" at minutes. the Belaaoo Theatre here to-night. The i liMcs expressed thotnselves as To Entertain Foreigner., favorably Impressed, and the audience T i,,, foreign students of the i'niver WICKER8HAM WILL SPEAK. Attorney-General Will Be Guest Honor at Alumni Reception. played between Psi Omega and Sigma ,,n hann ' am ' ad several of their se- Alpha Fpsilon was not started. The lections. ^ ^^^ games in the first division, scheduled i for yesterday, between Helta Ipsilon Two Patients in Student.' Ward. and Signia Pi and Alpha Chi Rho and Only two undergraduates are gag 'Phi Sigma Kappa, will both be played fined in the Students' Ward in the hoe- of this afternoon at 5 o'clock on the Mu- pjtal. They are C W. Barney, a third I grounds. al student, who is suffering On account of the withdrawal r* from an attack of la grippe, and Phi Delta Theta from the league, all Joseph Baheiick, '12 M. R., who was lelighted, applauding the clever ,| tj win be gu.sts to-night at an en- C.eorge W. Wlckersham, Attorney- and comedy work of she Cni- tertalnment under the auspices of the Ceneral of the [halted States, and an the games between that chapter aid burned about the face by an ammonia Thespians continually. Christian Association at the Woodland alumnus of the Cniversity, will be the the other to mis will he called off. At gas explosion in the Engineering Presbyterian Cburch. Forty-second and principal speaker and guest of honor-present in the first division Delta cp Building last Thursday, Bsherick la Tennis Courts Drenched. Pine Streets 'Do. festivities will com- al the Law School Alumni Society's sllon and Xi I'si Phi have WOO l< to be out of bed and will leave Owing to vesterdav's rain no mence at t o'clock and will include annual reception to be held In the i-mie. while Phi Sigma Kappa and the hospital shortly. Another pa is were Olaved in the Spring ten- music, recitations and supper. The Law School. Friday evening. Sigma Chi have both lost one gMB< who however, left the hospital rnamenl 'if the courts are suffl- principal sneaker of the evening- will 1 A large number of judges and proml- in the second division. Psi Omega has day. was P W Harrington, the "Var- Dr J W M.-tcFarltnd. of the Bio- nenl lawyers In the vicinity of Phila- won two games and Phi Gamma !> ,„,„ - [logical Department. [deiphig will attend tha reception. j has lost Sity football halfhick. Ve h ered from an attack of quinzy.

THE PENNSYimNIAN - Penn Libraries · the pennsyimnian volume price,xxvii.-no. 153 philadelphia. tuesday, april 23. 1912 three cents six swimmers get gups after last withbi-monthly

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Page 1: THE PENNSYimNIAN - Penn Libraries · the pennsyimnian volume price,xxvii.-no. 153 philadelphia. tuesday, april 23. 1912 three cents six swimmers get gups after last withbi-monthly




Able Speakers Address Members Gath- ered About Festive Board at

Hotel Walton.

'Varsity and Freshman Oarsmen Taste

WITH 'VARSITY PRACTICE *----»""*■Ti™ This Year.


Wright, Aided by Handicaps, Leads Pool Contestants in Season's

Record of Points.

£7* Thlrt) memben of the University Coach Thomas Pleased with Pitcher The 'Varsity and first Freshman


Civic Club and guests made Bern last night at the Hotel Walton in OsM of the most successful banquets ever

held by that organization. F. H. Koscliwitz. president of the club, pre- tided, anil during the course of the

Following the tinal bimon.hh meet •»•»»«■ MlM OB various men of note,

,„ ,|„. ...,„■ IMI night, cups wore pre wh" delivered forceful addresses on d to K P. Wright. 1.. F. Sanville 'he scope and function of the Civic


K B. Barrett, former dt] maglst-

Imlay and Rest of Team — Needs

Another Consistent Twirler.

crews met around the training table last night after practice for the first time this year. Training tablet being Started at all the universities In

Estimated that 1,700 Athletes Will Compete Saturday — Large In-

crease in "Prep" Schools.

CORYELL INJURES HIS BAD ARM. final preparation for the impending RECEPTION COMMITTEE FORMED, races, the first of which for Pennsv I-

(i li. Shoemaker, ll W. Foulds, n. F. and c. R. Hughee, who were

the si* '»'" who have accumulated "''" :""' """ 'in"' 'Mtroctor «» «*•

Yesterday's base ball practice was vania Is now less than two weeks off,

called off on account of rain and a wl,h "" M»*J iU Annapolis, muddy diamond. It would hay been The final spurt has began here and possible after the skv cleared in the evidently no further changes of any middle of the afternoon, but Coach importance In the personnel of th.

Moie iban two hundred and fifty

universities, collages, preparatory and

parochial schools throughout the OOUaV

trj are directing all their energy

Thomas decided that an extra day's boats will take place before the first toward preparations for the annual

Whiirton School, addressed the ban -'lay-off after two hard games on Friday race Relav races on Saturday. The uniisu-

i sras captain of last year's

r polo team. Sanvllle was the itat of the meet

Ight, winning one first. 0B< mill and three fourth places. In most ,,1 ii,, i, «as scratch man and

had to rereoaaa lame baadlcapa given the other contestants Wright also

spoke on "The Opportunities of Col- again, and In order to be of aervtoi to legs -Men in Politics" It was in the ,,„. ,,,,„, ,,„. ,.„,,.,. ,,.,,., ,,,- ,,„. 8eaSon, spartmenti of Mr. Gunther, in Hamii- ,,,. wlll hllVl. „, ,.,.„, „ ,„,. ,, w,,.k .„ show what thej can do.

ton Court, that the Civic Club first or ,,.,,,, During his alienee Tha

McCall ami Wetter appear the most logical candidates for second bs

Co,oh Thomas was rarj much disap- pointed with the showing of tha

ond String pitchers, and will spend

ganlaed ■ year Professor L B Rows, of the PoMtl

cal Science Department, was the next -in ii.i i lie delivered ■ forceful talk on • The Attitude of Students of PoMtl-

did good work, winning two noplaces n] ^.^ .,,ivii|i, „„. Vri>KV,.s^l. and one third Hotb Sanvllle and Wright bavi been rivals all year, first

iking the lead In points and then ither The chief fight lor first

place was between these two men and

Shoemaker. The too-fool handicap race was the

Moi ement" The last speech of the evening was

made bv Mr C Q Curtiss, of the Bav- erford College Civic Club, who gave a

short address on "The Activities of the llaverlurd College Civic Club."

i onaiderabla time In the n net fW in attempting to develop a de-

pendable substitute for Imla>. He will probably try out Coleman. the substitute outfielder, in the box. Cote man has had considerable experience in twirling in preparatory school, The

data are all unsettled and manv men have not yet had an opportunity to eloaaa some Interesting facts. With

more o nted than al any in a nutshell, tins is the practical two meets ever held elsewhere, tl

situation ai the training Qua of Is also a greater number of prepare- manv of the Red ami Blue'i rivala. i rj schools entered than at any I «r this reaped Pennsylvania haa ■ sub prevtoua meets cemblnod. The figures

■tantlal adi ge The crews have are aafoUows: High aohools, i prep thoroughlj tried oul and the men schools, 57; grammar school-.

settled upon although manv of lie rocbial schools. 11. This ma I • colleges report anything but laggardly total of I8.j schools. The addition of

progress, Pennsylvania is not al a dis- th< ima sin advantage in comparison with the re- ports from any of her rivals.

During the course of the evening re- |neMgibinty of Stringer and llarr was feature of th. m.et, as th. turns ot ^ w| received ,,,,„, District At-


the first four men differed by only . ond Ml three heats were , _ .. v u> mill .111. u. a. t ii-niiiitr^i, i |i-

I, contested and the result was lmlw ^ ^^ ^ _)f whom

not del ided until the lasi yard. The final results were taken from the com-

,,l All the other events

ftlso closely fought out. as the

srand total of 260 Institutions reprw led This is a gain of U teams

over last year's U am entries. I'ive more relay races are Included

hi this vear'a program, making the

a severe blow to the pitching staff. Committee Plan, for Large Attendance. ,WV", "" "' TSJT^S '" fllZ tomej Charles Whitman Of New York anH Wves only Tidd and Thotm.son of ^°™ml"ee r,an» Tor " fle " c course of a I held in one after

n,on. Minnesota and McGill imiversi-

sntet eii for tha Ural time, the- Cltj and Mr. W A. Pi vndergast. Comp ,.|st v,,al..H Bqua,,i and Heckingrr and Other Universities Represented.

Bay re, of tha new material, to work «"'" "' *»' 'livered speeches at the uj[h (.(ia(.n Thoniag sa!(| jreeterdaj M a meeting of the Combined Put* Westerner^ hoping to win the twrr-

banquet. but who were onable to be that there would be no m llcatlona' Banana) Committee, held mlV college championship aim tha present.

Sylvan I. Lang, i: Wh. who at-

H.-l, re ,l,e meet Wright l.-.l Sanville Ass„,.i.u , addressed ,,„. ctab am by p, points, but the former widened :i,i(i]l,(| on ,,,.. |ntercolleg1ate ,,

the team's Mnemp for the present He announced thai B. Canadiane eendlng a atw ■ f t(1 |„. pieaswd with hit W. Roberts Bualnesi Manager, would nuarter-mllers to trj for the one-mile,

showing to tote and e*> m»eak for The Pennsylvanlan." n Htle. Practicall eyerj prominent pressed his bells! thai with one more & Kynett, Jr., Bdltor4n-Chlef of 'The college in the Fast has entered three

"'" """ ' '• •••-•■ - sylvan I. I.ang. I.; \\ li . wno at .,....,„.„,, placing of th. handicaps made each ^^ M f ,,,.,,.,.„,,. ,,„. ,.,,,,„, ,.„„. *™**™?

,:„,. close ami evenh matched _ ^ w,nI|(|n of M|„ [ntercoIIeglat« dvlc ,'.,;,„, |

dependable pTteher besides In PennaylvanlBn." will ael as toaatma lr beat man to the special eveirtai nine would develop into a most for- " '•' ' B Wood. BMUtor-to while several well

tii^ lead by winning nine points while his opponent won only eight. Follow-


<JM* Won bj I. K Sanvllle, First Year 0rator8 Battle wlth Central second, 1 Lit 7 sees handl-

nlrd n i' Cr aci haadl irth, O H Shoemaker, II

Time. ;

Hich School Students To-night.

To-nlghl at s o'clock, the Preahm tn team wUl clash with the

Fancy diving—Won bv I. C .lamb- 0entral High School orators in the n Bcratch; 57 points; sec I. L. P. |if|1| i!1|n, n ,,„. tWo

|e, ". handicap, B4H points: third, K K Wright. II handicap. ".I

institutions The -' ■ »f 'li" fray

wi'i be 'b »IJ Hall of tbx Cea

mldable combination ''!li"f "r "" "Punch Bowl," and c. r the Waal will try for Individual he* The training table s.ar.s •o-uiornov DavlB, BditOr-ln-Chief of i he H-<\ ami I

for both -Vai • an, but Blue." will tlvi M am. i| th« R- the list of mei nt to the table Pnblici loth Davis and ' I In Houston Hall Tig all

announced ' » ' ' :'""'-"" ""- ceptlons. the entire i dltorial and bu

l ■ ri n Phliadelphl tions will he present "The Pennsyl- B. 1 of t Ra

an" board will attend in a body, top races fo couraglnti reports havt been and Tn Mulford orga

beard from the publications of othet the for! eeepttoi mlrt

Michigan Will tl p ' ;" '' l,|i:' "faiii C(


Pennsylvania Will Have Large Dele gation at Mountain Conference.

.Mirth. J. i.it, ia handicap, 41 tn] ,|jt;)i Srl;u ,, ri,„„,,,,, mi ,■,,.,„.„ For .. '• month ol

I will be "pen to the pubUc. ■I"1'' ow ' I of Ihe di atory schools to look after whil. rardrace Won by B. T. Wright, Tha que8tlon is "Resolved, That, "in attend student conferences al lillt Harvard wUl send a member of, ■» '" PhUadalphla The various

handicap second, n. w. (.(„wli1,lljnll.1iit' d, the recall "in" <M*«««i places in tha united ..Thi , . ' uoard, whili : wUl be communicated with at Fouhl • handicap: third L. C. |i(. ju(ll;,_ b, ,|,,. people wll be bendi States Jala and Cornell, although not defl OHOS in an effort to I. arn the ii .1

,n, 12 sees handicap; fourth, p|t] f() Q , s, (ll.s •• Fil'u Pennsylvanll I wen. to the IH,,ilv ,„,„.,, from as v„, wjM ,„ M their arrival and 'heir plan- wl

I. P Sanville. scratch Time. 1 tnin- R R ^uh.n ,■ ,- Butterworth, Id, Pocono Tines Conference ol the Mid- probab|Ut, be represented the Oitj all men in the Cniversity B saca, an,is \v QarUeha comprise tha 1918 '"■■ Atlantic States' colleges Is ■ Thi. ,.(IV(,. 1(1|. ,,„. „„.„„ card_ ag ar. ar,. invited to Join tbemselvt

Plunge for dlatanca Won h] B. F. ii.|M| wWch wn] uphold the affirmative Cornell, Columbia. Princeton and State ,,,„.„.,, ,,„ reeterday, is tasteful and delegations, which meet the vli Wright. 2 handicap. '■■.>i feet: second, ^j|(i n|. Ihr queet|0n .1 W. M.wii- CoUage were also there with strong ...„„.lip,.ir,. ,, &„9icU , ,| at the trains and i 0 11 Shoemaker, scratch. 62% feet; lj.l,||^ js a|l„nil„,. representative delegations. All these |)rjnt<,t. .,, worli „„ ,„„. llf „„, M ,,„ ( t„„r of the cat i ' ' in-

Central High will he represented bj InaUtutlona will have huge delegations han(| |irossP8 Th(, ,)a|(er he ig work. tereaUng historical noints of the city. Morton, Within. Itraden and Kosen tWl >'ar The desirability of secur- ,nK w|th ,R m, „nd bille_ and ,m, Becanse of tha la. t that In past

Ing a more centrally located sit. led „.,„„.s ,lf )h(. three publications riv years manv men have been anxious to

to the union of the l.inwood Confer- jny |hi, ^ejiqual are neatly Inscribed In return to their homes Immediately foi-

third. J. Lit. IS handicap, H feet; t th, L. F. Sanville, 18 handicap. 61

l d swim—Won by H \V. Potilds, 12 sees, handicap: second. C.

R Hughes, 17 aeca. handicap; third, /eraity'journaltot li I' Cranor, 14 aeca, handicap: fourth, ,,,.olllin,.nl ,„,„ I. F Sanville. scratch. Time, 2 min-


bauui. Young Itosenhaiim is a brother of Samuel Eoaonbaam, the former 'Varsity debater and prominent Cni

will officiate as

judges and Mr. Thomas dates, a prom- inent Philadelphia lawyer, will preside. The judges are William 0. Maron, member of 'he Philadelphia Bar; Rich- ard L Austin, well-known banker, and conference ground. It is one of the

Mis. Helen of Troy" Delight. Audi- (.nar,,.s N Farr. Jr., ■ Philadelphia "nest and most ,*,,mlar mountain re- . ... Z .. sous within near reach of Philadel-

ence at Belasco in Washington. attorney.


ence of Ohio and the POCOBO < ence, making it possible to combine strength and experience io eMmtnate certain disadvantages of both.

Faglesmere. on the crest of the mountains north of Williamsport, Pa., has been selected as the permanent


lowing the '"- "pjav rv imlt- ■ ■ • BS I ol 'he anitnal en- tertain'e, nt In their honor on '•

evening, commencing ■•< about x O'clock, Among those who have con- sented to participate in (ha

ment are .T. It French anil \V I Sher of this year's Mask and Wig '

Yes.erdavs rain put a crimp in the "'"'• '" Imperaonatlovs. progress of the interfraternity base Blackledge. In sleight of -hand n.yster-

Yesterday's Drizzle Checked Interfra-

ternity Base Ball.

The Freshman team will open the I'hia. Besides the beautiful lake sur- baU play Th<, mm (n ^ ^ i(.s. A part of the I b wffl he Id In the first rOUOd each rounded by the virgin forests of the

hlngton, 1) C April 22 (Specinll. debate, ann in me nrsi ruuuu e„e„ ■--"■-.-■ n r facilities for all V large audience. Including many man will be allowed ten minutes in A '«^nl^- thf ^tlvltto.

entaUvea Ol Congressional and which to advance his set speech, m ; kinds or t i I, g.uion socioM of Washing- the rebuttal round the negative argues

ton. witneeaed the Mask and Wig's first and each man will be allowed five

production ot "Miss 11.den of Troy" at minutes. the Belaaoo Theatre here to-night. The —

i liMcs expressed thotnselves as To Entertain Foreigner.,

favorably Impressed, and the audience Ti,,, foreign students of the i'niver


Attorney-General Will Be Guest Honor at Alumni Reception.

played between Psi Omega and Sigma ,,n hann' am' ad™ several of their se- Alpha Fpsilon was not started. The lections. ^ ^^^

games in the first division, scheduled i for yesterday, between Helta Ipsilon Two Patients in Student.' Ward. and Signia Pi and Alpha Chi Rho and Only two undergraduates are gag

'Phi Sigma Kappa, will both be played fined in the Students' Ward in the hoe- of this afternoon at 5 o'clock on the Mu- pjtal. They are C W. Barney, a third

I grounds. al student, who is suffering On account of the withdrawal r* from an attack of la grippe, and

Phi Delta Theta from the league, all Joseph Baheiick, '12 M. R., who was lelighted, applauding the clever ,|tj win be gu.sts to-night at an en- C.eorge W. Wlckersham, Attorney- and comedy work of she Cni- tertalnment under the auspices of the Ceneral of the [halted States, and an the games between that chapter aid burned about the face by an ammonia Thespians continually. Christian Association at the Woodland alumnus of the Cniversity, will be the the other to mis will he called off. At gas explosion in the Engineering Presbyterian Cburch. Forty-second and principal speaker and guest of honor-present in the first division Delta cp Building last Thursday, Bsherick la

Tennis Courts Drenched. Pine Streets 'Do. festivities will com- al the Law School Alumni Society's sllon and Xi I'si Phi have WOO l< to be out of bed and will leave Owing to vesterdav's rain no mence at t o'clock and will include annual reception to be held In the i-mie. while Phi Sigma Kappa and the hospital shortly. Another pa

is were Olaved in the Spring ten- music, recitations and supper. The Law School. Friday evening. Sigma Chi have both lost one gMB< who however, left the hospital y« rnamenl 'if the courts are suffl- principal sneaker of the evening- will1 A large number of judges and proml- in the second division. Psi Omega has day. was P W Harrington, the "Var-

Dr J W M.-tcFarltnd. of the Bio- nenl lawyers In the vicinity of Phila- won two games and Phi Gamma !>

,„,„ - [logical Department. [deiphig will attend tha reception. j has lost

Sity football halfhick. Ve h ered from an attack of quinzy.

Page 2: THE PENNSYimNIAN - Penn Libraries · the pennsyimnian volume price,xxvii.-no. 153 philadelphia. tuesday, april 23. 1912 three cents six swimmers get gups after last withbi-monthly



< |AH III IStST. Office u Second ■enter singing will be given

Princeton to-morrow evening.

in Berlin Scholar Will Address Students

on "Luther, Goethe, Bismarck."

Publish*! daily (Sunday enrepted) during the University year in the interest -,f the S-udents

of the University of Pennsylvania. ■■bacriptiiin $2.5(1 ner year delivered on Campus;

I'.00 by mail.

Bonlon al Wisconsin have taken ■tope to ttnn I 11111.! in aid financially ■/rocked Bonlon.




A Student Council will prohalily lie

formed al Colby u ■ roanll of the s* tort! Ol the Benin!' Class.

SRosenhaum, *I3 L. . i. HOT I '

r. II. Koachwiu. 'I.'. H. R. McC'lure. '12.


Tan co-ads at iii.- Universlt) of Chi- bars ianiicii.-ii ■ campaign to es-

tablish an honor system ai Chli

O. W. Kennedy. '13. I). C. Brown, 'l.v I-. M trealsT, 'I <

LM II I. V .R. I.


'an Name, '14. II, '14.

i, '14.

W. H. Perot, '14 B. B. Reath. II

is. '15. j. B. ■hobsr,' 15.

Dartiiiniiiii. Penna)Ivanla, Print Virginia and Williams will enter con- testants in Hi.- Intercollegiate balloon race, to be h.-ui in July.


A Chine* itudi nl li the chlof tenor soloist in the I'nlveraitj oi Waal i HI Olee Club He is creating ■ ■< a

n on Hi.- chili's tripa,


Afford, I'M J. iunes F. Van Vechten. 1914.

!. Lawrei.ce Saunders. 1914.

ADVISORY BOARD, r. Reath. Jr.. IJ | J. B. MuUord.." lohn Ala .nder. '12.

Business Manager's Office Hours: II ■ . 7 45 P. M ,

.dland Avenue.

— TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1912.

uws lotto* of ro-ours issur


■ =


i or other there waa

linla noiIceable clamor for tlcl -

- r the "undergradu-

..i. erfoi ance of "Miss Helen of

beld in Tin' Pennsylvania!]

iitti' •• yi tei daj aftern i Pen

i da) - ralii dampeni d

indergraduate ardor; perhaps

aome wen unable to an.-mi thi

;u iii.- particular bourn; perhaps the

hlgfa prices d< manded for si ata proved

problbltlvi \ : rate, only

two hundred tl ■ re disposed of

[ask and Wig manage-

meni ma) >.. in to iranl the i

'- - another similar opportunity

prlOl to the public sale.

Although mi college paper has bean published for six niniiilis at Tufts Col-

a news Journal is mm t.> be Is- U< il week!) b) the Junior Class.

In pursuance of orders Issued bj i riiy building Inspector, the buildings of Brown University are being equipped with f■.• - affording

- ia in time of danger.

.inn.- L'I has been let aside as "Jack Coombs Day" al Colb) Collegi has., ball game li to be held on this

,iaci< Coombs was once ■ student at Colby.

denl Council al the Unlver- iltj i I Michigan have decided to hold

in the undergradu i bile i hi n't ion comes after an

tlon which has be n banging Ore • the council for the past two

Professor Wllhelm Paszkowskl, of the University of Berlin. Oermany, will deliver a lecture on "Luther, Goethe.

! Bismarck," in Houston Hull to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock.

Professor Paszkowskl Is the Direc- tor of the Academic Bureau of Infor- mation at the University of Berlin. He wag born on Februan 8 LMT, and

studied phlloaopby and modern phll- Ology at the I'ulversity of Berlin. Alter serving as Librarian in the Royal

Library, ha waa appointed to give lec- on the Oerman language for

foreign students at the UnlTeralt) of Bi ilin In 1904 lie was made Director

oi' the Academic Bureau of Informa- tion, and since 1911 he has been also Director of the Oerman institute for Foreigners i Boeitinger Studienhaus in Berlin). In 1908 ha was made profes- sor at the University of Berlin, and

in the same year be was appointed bj the Prussian Cultuemlnisterium to niak.- I tour of inspection of the North American universities. In the follow-

ing years he made similar tours of In- ion In Prance, Austria, Holland.

Russia. Sweden. Norway and Denmark.

As Professor Paszkowskl stands at the center of foreign Influence at the University of Berlin, and lectures to

foreign students on Oerman Literature and Life, he is peculiarly fitted to speak upon these three great exponents of

Oerman culture,Luther, the reformer: he, the poet, and Bismarck, a ■man. Professor Paszkowskl Is

giving some fifty lectures In America Professor ami Mrs. Passkowakl are

staving at present in Philadelphia as Of Professor anil Mrs M IV

I ..arned.


in a recent debati I the i-'reshin. n the \n,ii. rsl Bophomores

proved to the latiafactioi thai 'r iii would win in Novem-

ber. The) provi d thai Roosevelt, i.a

Pollette ami the Democrat! haven't a chanci

New England Musicians to Give Con- cert at Witherspoon To-night.

derick c Thompuoti, a student

of the Theological Seminar) at Prince- ton, recent)] brok< the "all-around" championship record with i tol 7 ■".:: points. •Thompson has twice taken the all-around championahlp at \ A V n-


The approai hi A< 113 races bi

The ..in.-.- dog of "The Mi.

had a nair.iw escape from death recentlj al the hands of the Ann Arbor police forct The canine lost 'ii- lax tag and was al.out to be sln.l bj the officer In .inesiinn when hi

i .1 by a "Dally" reporter

another opportunit) for displaying that

ti .i hospitality characteristic

of Pennsylvania. The managers have

announced thai ilzty-flve college

II and one hundred and eighty

Women of the Bophomore Class at the University of Michigan have won the second annual women's athletic

meet with a total of 138.8 points. Class numerals will lie given to the winners and the class of 1914 win have its numerals engraved on a sll-

Bvs school boy teams from different ver cup.

sections Of the country will be our

guests on Saturday.

These athletic visitors, especially

the school boys, who are prospective

DOUeglaaB, Will form their impressions

«of Pennsylvania according to treat-

man) the] receive al the hands of

nia undergraduate* This

is a phase of the Itela] races thai la

■of no m.-an Importance, and a certain

mi of responsibility rests on 1 w rj

idual member of the student


Dumber of undergraduates who

volume,.red at the Relay Committee

Dlghl to lake an active

11. guests was

gratifying and promising. It is hoped

thai others will join them, either as

participants In the organized plan or

-as individual hosts Their duiies will

By a majority of MO rotes, the men 11 1..-land Stanford University re |y voted to adopt I svstem of self-gov- ernment. The system of representa- tion Is based somewhat upon that of the Congressional districts of the United states and is centralised finally

i In a committee of five.

The Tiills College tilee and Mando-

lin Clubs win appeal In Philadelphia in for the Oral time In two

in, i oncer) will be given In Wither- Mail, Juniper and Walnut

treeti The Olee Club is made up of

id the Mandolin Chili of fifteen Instruments. In addition i.. the regular SOUL- ami selections there will bs ie tdlngs b) C L Boot)

The Oles Club of Tufts c..n,

considered one <>f the best college clubs of New Bngtand. The pi - admission is one dollar. The program:

Part I.

I" r Tufts Hurrah!"

Olee and Mandolin Clubs "Jig-a-Room" Q|M Club

March. "Oypay Prtnce".Mandolin Club "Whai's in a Name"" i;;,-,. 4 -1111 •

"Torreador Hola," Gle, and Mandolin Clubs

'The Sword of I-'.-rrara."

Mi Wood and Glee Club Selections from "Naught] Marietta."

Mandolin Club Part II.

"The Jumbo Caprii Mr. Scott. Mr Marble. Mr. Street and Glee Club.

Reading Mr. Scott

Walues. "Pink Lady", .Mandolin Club "The Sap'n's Yarns,"

Mr Page and Glee Club "Brown and Hlue."

Olee and Mandolin Clubs

A new undergraduate club ha'- I n

organized at Cornell. Although it has not been christened as yet. the elub announces its purpose to bo as fol-

"Tn siudy. Investigate and crlt- •ii. existing religiui .-re.-.is of to-

da] with a vi.w- of reconstructing re- ligious thought, and setting it upon a

of fact and thruth. instead of merciless faith ami traditional super- Itltion; and to consider and discuss with a view to the theological enlight- enment of the world, such phases of ethlOS and morals as may assist In the dlsi overy of truth and throw light upon the main subject of religion."


Junior Cane Committee.—Meeting at -•'.lock tO-day, in Room gOS, College

We are closing out

Cushion Tops of all kinds and prices





ENGLISH FASHIONS Arrival of Foreign Woolens

This collection of exclusive fabrics from English and Scotch looms will be the largest showing In Philadelphia.

Model garments which are on display embody the latest fashions for both town and country wear.

A. B. Mathews & Co. Direct Importers and Tailors

1200-1202 WALNUT ST. Philadelphia

SPRiNG AND SUMMER Tailored Suits in the making that will class the men

who wear them as smartly attired.

Our Woolens show the preference of Well Dressed men

and are priced at $,50.00



Club.—Meeting on Wednea o'clock, In Room 11. Coxe


Press day at Hill!-.

Golf.—Masting of those interest..! in golf at 1 o'clock to-day. in Room llj, College Hall

Soccer.—All men will report to-day

for practice al E o'clock, in cass ol rain, the players win run.

Swimming.— Swimming and water

polo pictures are now ai the gym All

Notables to Talk at Chapel. Iraen should call for them at once. f'll; McKeehan. *9T C '00 L., Arts Association—Meeting of offl-

chalrman of the Pennsylvania Hoard [cers and Executive Committee to-day


3657 WOODLAND AVENUE Open day and night Opposite Dorms.

i.. to m.-ei the visitors al the railroad "f '*w Kxamin,>rs. wil1 ,,p >»p speaker .,. 1 o'clock, in Room 106, College Hali it ihis nwrnlne' 1 service in _

ton Hall at 8.30. This Is a special , Punch Bowl.—Meeting of Business ■ 1 and each morning "''"d and candidates for business de-

some distinguished man will speak I''1'""™* today at 1M o'clock, in

\ ,i Drexel-Bfddlo, the amateur IfUmn m- Cni* Ho»* heavyweight boxing champion, and

lent of the Drexel-Blddle Bible Btndy Association, will he the speaker to-morrow morning.

depots Fnd;i\ afternoon and Saturday

morning, guide them about the cam-

POS, show them points of interest in

I'hiladelphla, and In other trays enter-

tain them. A little friendly attention

occasionally goes a long way

Interfraternity Track. — Important meeting of interfraternity track repre-

on Thursday at 1 o'clock, in the Trophy Room. Houston Hall.

Page 3: THE PENNSYimNIAN - Penn Libraries · the pennsyimnian volume price,xxvii.-no. 153 philadelphia. tuesday, april 23. 1912 three cents six swimmers get gups after last withbi-monthly


HOSIERY "If rou can afford to

wear hotitry. you

can a fford to wear

They are made to fit

No more darning.

Pare Silk Silk Lisle Lisle

5k. i Jl-H 5*c. pair 25c. pair GUARANTEED!

Three pairs I montha-SIx pairs 6 moalhs

1119-21 Market St. 1114 Cheatnut 8t.




«« Fifth imam mi waiut it, New York. N. Y. Philadelphia

See Us About Those





Saturday Meets Indicate That Weatern Collegea Will Be Strong in the

Mile Event at Relaya.

All Leathers—$5 up hnllrc door devoted lo Men

J. & T. Cousins j 1226 IHKHTJU'T ST.

Olscount to Studenta.


Best* Bitter Sweets Thick, crusty, bilter chocolate, around • melting tweet cream center. FI»vor» vanilla, orange, cocoanut. They're called

E. A. WRIGHT College

Engraver, Printer and


1108 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

Commencement Invitations, Dance

tavtutlong and Programs. Menua,

Fraternity Inserts and Stationery.

Clisi Pins, Visiting Cards, Wedding

announcements and Invitations. Samolet Cheerfully Sent on Request.


flutrii SCttrliint 3347 WOODLAND AVENUE

H you com.' oni e you will repeat I our visit.


Continental Chocolate*

In pound and hall-pound boxes, at sixty cents a pound.

P. BEASTON'S SONS 3701 Spruce St., Phil*.


GILBERT stands for

The Best in Photography The Gilbert Studios have been for

nauy years recognized as the leading

Uudlos for all college work.


»2« Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.

Normandie Pool Parlor UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.


8 Tables. 50c. per Hour.

MORRIS FINK, Proprietor.

Most of thi' Western colleges that are coming to the relay races com peted Saturday in various places, and results showed that the Westerners will be here next Saturday stronger than <>viT before. The feature of the afternoon was the victory of Chicago at Des Moines In the one-mile relay This Coach Status boys won In :! min- utes 25 3-5 seconds without trouble Davenport, the great Chicago quarter- milar, breezed through his quarter in 49 2-5 seconds, and Coach Stagg feels thai he will do better than 19 second! 00 Saturday The work of the Illinois Unlversltj men attracted attention. The] met Missouri In a dual meet and illsplayed unusual strength. Cortil win the 100-ySrdl in even time, and the UO-yares dash in 814-8 seconds The other men on the one-mile tssm all showed good form, so thai It is an assnrlty that Illinois will be just as strong as Chicago In this event with Columbia, Syracuse and Pennsylvania In the Kast, all hoping to break the record, and with Chicago and Illinois »o strongly representing the West, there Is every likelihood that a new record will be made in this event One Of the Pennsylvania men gave it as his opinion yesterday that this race will be one ClOM to I minutes and BO sec- onds.

nick Grant's Missouri tssm son the two-mile college race hi Dei Koines In 8 minutes 10 1-8 seconds sinning very easily, to thai they also are in rsrj good shape tor their evenl this Saturday. Quite a few of the IP event men also competed in the 'in Saturday and showed surprising good tOrm Murphy, of Illinois, won the pole vault against Missouri, clear- ing 11 feet. Case, of Illinois, won the ISO-yards hurdle in IB2-8 seconds, just 1-8 of ■ second away from the world's record. He will now be the favorite for tins evenl on Saturday, Nichol- son, of Missouri, shows thai he Is In good form for the broad jump b] clear- ing 21 iv, t 7 ', inches, while Thhti her. Of Missouri, threw the discus 128 fast 2'i Inches. Another man who Showed remarkable form In the West was Wil son .of Coe CpllSge Wilson's special- is the lOO-yarde, but running for the team in the mile relay, he covered the quarter-mile In IS 15 seconds, an In- dication thai he Is a much stronger runnel- tins year than ever beofre. Wilson will he a hard man to have in the 100-yardl On Saturday.

Going to see Tier" That's the time when collar buttons. and ties and other things often go wrong. Stop the peeve with Fatima Cigarettes,

With tmch package of Fatima you get a pen- £ 0 for -ini coupon, 25 of which etcure a hanieome e ihoUtgepennmU2x32)-uUclloi.oJiOO. «5 cents

Keebler Spring Hats

$3 Ready $3 Our new U. of P. derby. The despair of competitors and subject to 10% discount.


1428 Chestnut St. 14 Mint Arcade


Students' Supplies!! Medical HooKi, Note BooKs and Stationery.

U. of P. Jewelry. Watches and Novelties.

Fine Toilet Soaps and Powder. Perfumes and Toilet Water,

Candy. Cigars. Pipes and Tobacco. College Flags. Cameras, Films and Photo Supplies.

C. H. GRAMBO, Wo; WGODLJIMD JWENVE—One Block from Main Entrance.

Philadelphia C. H. KING. Manager

I. A. A. Members Choose Western City. Richardson Vice-President.


Hotel Cumberland

C. A. Richardson. '12 C, leader of the local aero enthusiasts, was recent- I] elected rice-preeident of the inter- collegiate Aeronautical Association of America at a meeting of the OTgSnias tlon In New York City. The other offi- cers are: President, Frank Scott. Cor- nell: secretary, Henry Cape. Cornell; treasurer, C. A. Edison. Dartmouth.

Representatives from Cornell. Tufts. Virginia. Dartmouth and Pennsvlvania attended the meeting and decided to hold the second nnnual Intercollegiate balloon race at Kansas City some time In June. Pennsylvania will enter a balloon, probably manned by Richard son. who hopes to break the distance record in a flight from Kansas City up Into the wilds of North Canada. Pennsylvania will not be « in the Cornell gliding meet, which takes place at Ithaca the first week In May. owing to the fact that the glider Pennsylvania had in the Harvard

yesr was wrecked by a forty-fool fall.



1004 Chestnut Street

NEW YORK S. W. Cor. Broadway at 54th St.

Near 50th Street Subway Station ami B8d Street Elevated

Seventh Avenue Cars from Pennsyl- vania Station.


Ten Minutes Walk to Thirty Theatres Rooms with Bath, $2.50 and up

New, Modern, and Absolutely Fireproof.

HARRY P. STIM80N, Manager.

Headquarters for Pennsylvania Men

Hard Work for Cricketers. Strenuous cricket pmctioa will be

held every day tills week to make up for the time lost owing to last s< ak'i poor weather. Coach Lancaster has gradually rounded the new crease Into shape and will start to-day's practice on it. Rooms in the dormitories have been secured by Manager Evans for

tic purposes The squad will he thoroughly weeded out this week. The men of 'Varsity calibre will have special attention devoted to them In the 'Varsity n<t. One day of each

will be set aside for the other candid

Six fraternities qualified in the pre- liminaries of an interfraternity relay- race at the University of Chicago last Friday, The finals will be held May 1.

"A fine piece of cloth, my boy! I never saw you wear a better looking suit."

"Yes, I am pleased with it. I had it made to order by good merchant tailors. And the cloth is one of their Guaran- teed Fabrics."

Only the man who gets a new made-to-measure suit, fresh from the merchant tailor, experiences the thrill of real clothes satisfaction.

We give you that satisfaction.

Suits, ' $22.50 to $35.00

Overcoats, $22.50 to $UO.OO

Otto T. MoocK & Co., 90S Walnut Street


Page 4: THE PENNSYimNIAN - Penn Libraries · the pennsyimnian volume price,xxvii.-no. 153 philadelphia. tuesday, april 23. 1912 three cents six swimmers get gups after last withbi-monthly



l-.asy to put o 1 an 1 take off


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\MJ9 H-kt. Gold. $3. 15 Silvrr-Gilt. $1.25


Sold only on orrsenltllon of mAhtculdhon ijrrf

BAILEY.BANKS & BIDDLE CO. 1218-20-22 Chestnut Street

Study Your Own Comfort —

Wear B. V. D. Loose Fitting B. V. D. Coat Cut I mlrrshirts, Knee Length Drawers ami Uaion Suitl keep jrou cool and comfortable from bath to hed. They resist strain, wear and wa»h.

This Red Woven Label



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it Kwed on firry B. V. D. Garment. Take mo garment without it.

B. V. I). Coal Cut Inder.hirt. ■ ■d Knee length Ilnwici, Wc, "V. SI.00 and »! SO • firmcM.

B. V. I). I'aloa Bails, (P»L P. ». A. 4-111 I

tl. 11.50. S2.00. f 1.00 and SS.00 • i«lt

The B. V. D. Company, New York.

3. ffimtlaim dimpaan

JWt ^op


Artiattrallii 9ramtb

University Text-Books 3ns cmuaakr A^U* BOTH NEW AND SECOND-


All Departments TO BE HAD AT

Mcl/ey's Book-Store 1229 ARCH 8TREET.

North Side, East of 13th Street.

SINCE 1874



SPAYD Rents Typewriters and

Duplicators of all maKes CHEAPEST

1017 Walnut St., Phil... Pa.

Special Term Rates to Students.

Your attention la called to examine tin- exhibition Of the Spring and Sum- mer fabrics.

They have been carefully select.'d and I know that you will benefit by an early visit. Yours Respectfully,

MAURLEVAN 239 South 5th Street

The Man Who Scores is the man who lasts.

Occasional brilliancy in athletics or in life never equals the result of consistent efficiency.

The power to repeat one's best performances when- ever called upon, the continuity and concentration to always rise to the occasion is the result of right nourishment.


is a builder of bone, muscle and brain. It nourishes the mind as well as the muscles, it gives the will power as well as the physical strength to win. Whole

/' / ' meat is nature's best bal- M\ I / anced food, it meets every

need of the human body.



-• The

Adelphi—"The Bat." Broad—"The Avalanche." Chestnut Street Opera Hous

drain of Dual." Chestnut Street Theatre—"The Witch

■ iug Hour." . Garrick—"Maggie Pepper." Mask and

Wig University Night, April 29. Keith's—Vaudeville. Lyric— A Wild Goose." Nixon—Vaudeville. Walnut—Monday night. Tuesday night

and Wednesday Matinee, "The Merchant of Venice;" Wednesday and Thursday nights and Satur- day Matinee, Hamlet;" Friday and Saturday nights. "Macbeth."

William Penn—Vaudeville.

40*3 &WALN0T ^TT^T.


Fashions of yesterday won't do to-day.

Save money and worry by fending nil your wash to

Eureka Laundry ■go? Stlllman St.



are a pleasure to smoke on account of their distinctive features. On the cigarette is the familiar emblem dear to all of us, and in the cigarette is that delightful Turkish tobacco full of aroma which scents the room or club and makes others desirous of having it. Once tried, always used. Smokers or banquets are not complete without this luxury. The cost Is a mere trifle when considering the pleasure one de- rives. Try us and become one of our patrons. Price, $1.80, $2.00. $2.50 a hundred. Remit cheque or money or- der. Goods sent prepaid.

CHARLES FOX CO., INC., 17-19 Broadway, New York City.

W. W. NcCaasland & Son Electrical Contractors l.scksmlihlnf and Bell Hinrlni

3447 Market Street. Philadelphia PHONES

ItystMt. Wtst 4J-U D Idl. PmtM J5-M

Distinctive Models

in Suits for Young Men Young men find satisfaction in the

correctness of our clothes which por-

tray accurately the accepted style standards of the day.

In buying here choice is made from

distinctive models—styles which meet

the requirements of critical men—at a

cost which is never greater, and fre-

quently less, than asked in other

houses for ordinary goods.

Spring Suits and Overcoats

$15.00 upward




DORMITORY-DRUG SHOP When in need of a cool and delicious

drink of

Egg and Milk or Ice Cream 8oda.

Toilet Articles and Prescriptions Good Service. We Deliver Orders.

3701 Woodland Ave. (Oppo. Dorms.)


Now is the line yourself with implements and *-< triog apparel for your tavoril .,; ,|,her

A>r pastime or competition.

You will hud equip ring the

BPALDING TRADE MARK glv« the best satisfaction.

Do not ix tl Bed with MUtttt

goods offered "Juel od u the •PALDING QUALITY

Complete cal died free upon re i

A. G. Spalding & Bros. 1210 Chestnut Street



Studio of Photography

1318 Chestnut Street


Phone, l-'llnert ,i7'n

If you want "Good Eats" Go to the

Woodland Cafe


BACON Leading Photographers


3427 Woodland Jtvvnue

Good Service

1030 Chestnut St.

Pictures for reproduction In the Record" free. 60 per cent, diS

to Pennsylvania Students on Individual Special rate ticket work.

FRED Jt. DJtVlS. Prop.

USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, The antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the shoes for tired, tender, smart- ing, moist, swollen feet. It relieves corns and bunions of all pain and pre- vents blisters and callous spots. Al- ways use it to Break in New Shoes. It is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Try it to-day. Sold every- where, 25c. Don't accept any substi- tute.

Itt-iit a l«< I.mil

T ype writer i It will save timi , impi • and makt

your studies a pli d roo CM

refei to your notes with ease.


Phila. Sales Office, 828 Walnut Strfft

J. B. CLAYPOOL, 20 Coxe House, College RepraiMtatto


FOR RENT—Two third-floor rooms; one second-floor side room; rates.

$i.r.o. IS.A6 Ui $2.50. Apply 203 s. DeKalb Square.

FURNISHED second-story room, near bath; house detached; private fam-

ily: pleasant and quiet surroundings. 806 South 39th St.

HOTEL MAJESTIC Broad St. and Girard Ave


Msrchetti Celebrated Concert Singer Hines Singer Comique

TWO ORCHESTRAS Royal|Italian[of Milan Stangetti's Parisian Orchestra


Arrangements for tables may be made by mail or telephone also by telephone from the booths in the foyerjbetween the acts.


LOST—Between College Hall and Faculty Club, black silk fob. with

stone set in gold. Return to Faculty Club.

Forward, Kaufman Sr Casaccio Tailors CASATT

Large stocK Moderate price*


FOUND—In College Hall. Monday, a pair of gray gloves. Apply at The

Pennsylvanian office.

LOST—Bunch of keys with short chain attached. Reward if returned

to Dormitory office.


,1230 Chestnut St. Philadelphia