The Messenger The publication of the Effort United Methodist Church for the month of 2020 Our Vision: The purpose of the Effort United Methodist Church is to know, love and serve God and one another in Christian community, welcoming all to grow as followers of Jesus Christ._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Pastor’s Page (It is a V.I.P. you know…a Very Important Page! Seriously…..Very Important! You really need to read it!) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The past few months have been the most unusual in all of our worship lives! We have never had a virus impact so much of our lives and livelihoods as has this Coronavirus Pandemic. Please know that the church leadership is in the process of determining when and how best to begin meeting while maintaining CDC and local Guidelines and protecting those among us, especially those most at risk if they were to contract the virus. Our Bishop and District Superintendents are actively supporting us in this endeavor. We will keep you informed in as many ways as possible as decisions are made. As your pastor, I have been reflecting on how I personally and as a leader can best follow Jesus Christ during this time. That is my top priority. One of the passages of Scripture that returns to me again and again is from the Lord’s “Sermon on the Mount,” – somehow his words have even more meaning as I have watched multiple graves dug awhile back on “Heart Island” in New York and now in Sao Paolo, Brazil, which has the largest cemetery in Latin America, according to the BBC. Brazil now has the highest number of cases in the Southern hemisphere. The images are shocking, with the sheer magnitude of open graves side-by-side, and, many of those were of persons who had no family to bury them or stand at their graveside. Jesus’ words echo in my mind: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:1 -10 NRSV) Another of the statements Jesus made toward the end of his Sermon on the Mount speaks deeply to me right now, when there is a limit to what we can control: “…do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:34 NRSV) And, finally, Jesus, after he had finished praying to his Father, said, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NRSV) May the Lord keep watch between you and me while we are apart from one another (Genesis 31:49), Robin “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (Covid has nothing on God…. He still sits on the throne and is bringing His will to fruition) Pastor Robin will be on a well deserved vacation from June 15 th -June 29 th . Pastor Ken will be covering any emergencies. Please contact the office if you need to get a hold of Pastor Ken.

The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

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Page 1: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

The Messenger

The publication of the Effort United Methodist Church for the month of 2020

Our Vision:

“The purpose of the Effort United Methodist Church is to know, love and serve God and one another in Christian community,

welcoming all to grow as followers of Jesus Christ.” _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Pastor’s Page (It is a V.I.P. you know…a Very Important Page! Seriously…..Very Important! You really need to read it!)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The past few months have been the most unusual in all of our worship lives! We have never had a virus impact so much of

our lives and livelihoods as has this Coronavirus Pandemic. Please know that the church leadership is in the process of determining

when and how best to begin meeting while maintaining CDC and local Guidelines and protecting those among us, especially those

most at risk if they were to contract the virus. Our Bishop and District Superintendents are actively supporting us in this

endeavor. We will keep you informed in as many ways as possible as decisions are made.

As your pastor, I have been reflecting on how I personally and as a leader can best follow Jesus Christ during this time. That

is my top priority. One of the passages of Scripture that returns to me again and again is from the Lord’s “Sermon on the Mount,” –

somehow his words have even more meaning as I have watched multiple graves dug awhile back on “Heart Island” in New York and

now in Sao Paolo, Brazil, which has the largest cemetery in Latin America, according to the BBC. Brazil now has the highest number

of cases in the Southern hemisphere. The images are shocking, with the sheer magnitude of open graves side-by-side, and, many of

those were of persons who had no family to bury them or stand at their graveside. Jesus’ words echo in my mind:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:1-10 NRSV)

Another of the statements Jesus made toward the end of his Sermon on the Mount speaks deeply to me right now, when there is a limit

to what we can control: “…do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for

today.” (Matthew 6:34 NRSV) And, finally, Jesus, after he had finished praying to his Father, said, “Come to me, all you that are

weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and

humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NRSV)

May the Lord keep watch between you and me while we are apart from one another (Genesis 31:49), Robin

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,

nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any

other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ

Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (Covid has nothing on God…. He still sits on the throne and is bringing His will to fruition)

Pastor Robin will be on a well deserved vacation from June 15th -June 29th. Pastor Ken will be covering any emergencies. Please contact the office if you need to get a hold of Pastor Ken.

Page 2: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

COVID – 19 UPDATES AND RESTRICTIONS and where to find our services. Check your email frequently

for updates as well as CORONAVIRUS.GOV for the latest on the national level. Be mindful to adhere to the

directives of your state and local authorities.

***Remember to practice frequent hand washing, keep your hands away from your face, sneeze or cough into

a tissue or elbow (throw tissue out immediately) and frequently disinfect used items and surfaces as much as

possible. If you are lucky enough to have a mask, wear it if you must go out in public.

And do not forget to pray without ceasing, practice acts of kindness, patience and love whenever you can.

*****As of this writing we are to limit contact with others and are not to gather in groups.*****

Church office: During this time of COVID 19, the church office is considered as “CLOSED”. As such, some operations of our daily schedules have

been postponed and/or cancelled. We will however, be receiving phone calls and email messages. We ask that you leave a voice message on the

church phone or send an email message and someone will get back to you later in the day as we will be checking messages routinely.

Church Services: We are uncertain as to when church services and activities will resume at the Church itself. However, you can still “attend” church

and hear the messages through YouTube and/or by visiting the church webpage at: effortumc.org We are video recording the messages (Sundays).

Information on the link to YouTube will be sent out via email. So if you don’t receive messages that way now, you may want to provide the church

office with a correct email address. You can do so by emailing Jan at: [email protected]

*At this time our Food Pantry is functioning as a 'life-sustaining' part of our church's ministries, though we will be following the CDC's guidelines

in this ministry as well and will continually be reevaluating how to keep any volunteers and neighbors safe. Our Director, John Ostovich, is

providing excellent leadership to make sure this is the case.

Do you love Jesus? Do you love it here at EUMC? Do you love the people, the preaching and the fellowship? Then maybe you

would love to be a part of our Church family! And we would love to have you! Well, la de da, what do you know, we just may

have a class that is up and coming in the Fall, 2020: DATE IS SUBJECT TO THE RESTART OF NORMAL

ACTIVITIES IN THE CHURCH as directed by the CDC and local governance.

Confirmations classes have concluded and we will be having the Confirmation Service for the Confirmands as soon as

the restrictions for churches to congregate are lifted. Keep praying that it is as soon as possible.

Financially Speaking…. and there is always a lot to talk about… (There are over 2000 references about money in God’s word. I am not kidding and PSSST…. I don’t think He was either.)

For your info and perusal >>>>> The monthly reports are on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Bob Decker, Finance Committee

Chairperson can be reached at [email protected]

*****2020 Narrative Budget can be found on the bulletin board under Finance. Go take a peek.

***Giving statements through May 2020 will be out in June for your own records.***

***The EFT form is attached as the very last page of this newsletter.***

The “Joyful Noise” for June 2020!

7th Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

14th World Service Fund

21st Breast Friends of PA

28th World Service Fund

(Because we are not meeting as a congregation until further notice, please continue to collect and then put your accumulated change in a container and the first Sunday we are able to gather for worship bring that container and pour it with gusto into the pans. What an incredible joyful sound that will be as we celebrate being together again!)

Page 3: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

Save those receipts! You can help even more to support the general fund by turning in those receipts. Let’s get at

this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those receipts

(do not cut off the bottom!) and keep them in a drawer or jar at home. When we are able to gather again you can put

them in the box marked “Supermarket Tapes” located in the Narthex (next to the door to go to Wesley Hall). You can

also place them in the offering plate and Doris Tagliaferri, Dee and Rosalie Juris take care of the whole darn thing. Every little bit

adds up so don’t throw them out! God will take each little bit and multiply it! He fed 5000 men plus women and children with 5 loaves

and 2 fish…. Imagine what he can do with register receipts! I just love how God works!!! Can I get an amen!?

Keepin you in the WEEKLY GIVING: These are some very difficult times for all of us and we are

very much aware that many are losing jobs and/or have had their hours or wages reduced due to the recent COVID 19 virus

situation. Church services at the church have been halted until further notice and now can be viewed on YouTube and/or our church

webpage: Effortumc.org We are appealing to you that if you are able, to either send in your tithes and offerings to the church at PO

Box 545, Effort, PA 18330, sign up for EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) a form can be found at the end of the Newsletter or give by

going to Text to Give (instructions below) and PayPal (instructions below). We thank you and pray you all stay safe and well.

***PAYPAL GIVING OPTION: We are now offering the PayPal option on our website for weekly giving! What a great thing

and easy too! Just go to our website, EFFORTUMC.ORG and scroll down to the PayPal Donate Button which is now active. (I know

this to be true because I do it each week without a hitch so have at it folks!) It also doesn’t cost the church a cent! This is the way to go

folks. 😊

***“Text to Give” Option. This is another option for you to give an offering to Effort UMC. Text the 10-Digit Give

Plus Text #833-947-1237 to get started. Enter the amount you wish to donate and press send. You’ll receive a

registration link. Follow the prompts.

Every season has its’ reason, why a service you’ll be missing. With E-giving you won’t miss a beat,

even if you miss a week!

As a convenience to you, we offer electronic giving. It is a great way to take the stress out of remembering weekly giving and keep

your generosity flowing and our budget running smoothly whether you are able to attend services or not! Electronic giving is the

bomb! Just think about it, no digging in your desk for a pen, no checks, no writers’ cramp, no having to double your check when you

have missed a week and no worries! Your weekly giving is as automatic as breathing! You sign up once and VOILA we all receive

every week! Perfect! Pray about it a bit and see if it isn’t time to sign up for this great service. Just fill out the authorization form on

the Welcome Center or in the pew and zip it on over to the church office! You can also contact Annette Gigliotti

([email protected]) who is equally adept at setting you up and explaining the particular particulars of this particular process.

(Well that made me just a wee bit whoozie!) This truly keeps a regular rhythm of funds flowing into the church budget (you won’t be

whoozie at all!) And if that isn’t great enough, we even have laminated blue cards on the Welcome Center that you can use to put in

the collection plate during services if you like the action of putting something in the plate. I’m tellin ya… we thought of everything to

make it easy cheesy lemon peezy to keep our funds a flowen freely! ***** But now I have to tell you that there are costs to the

church if you decide to do this with a credit card. (OH POOH! But it’s true!) The church is assessed “processing fees” if you use a

credit card. It serves the church better if you use a bank/debit card. So please when considering EFT consider the method that works

best for you and EUMC. Thank you!

EXTRA MILE GIVING: This is a great way for all of us to help in the support of “our” church that we love. Just think

if we all gave an extra $1.00 or few a week in addition to our normal offerings, it would be a great boost to our finances

so we can continue to provide our wonderful ministries at Effort by offsetting some of the costs of heating/cooling the

building, electric etc. We are doing a great job keeping all our important ministries going here at EUMC. Being good

stewards with your weekly giving is what it is all about and we are working hard to stretch every penny. Please consider

going the “extra mile” and place your additional giving amount in a pew envelope and mark it “Extra Mile

Giving.” Thank you to those who have already been doing this, it IS making a difference. Why not consider giving a smidgen more to

help out the church you love so much. (And who loves you back!) May God continue to bless you and all the ministries offered here at

EUMC. Go the extra mile this month! (Or maybe even two, who knows where we could end up!) YOU CAN START AN ENVELOPE


IN THE PLATE. That will work just fine! Wink! Wink!

Page 4: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

Amazon Smile: SOOOO, WHILE WE STAY AT HOME LETS SHOP FROM HOME. Here’s something all you potato

poopsies can do that will make everyone SMILE and it is actually called Amazon Smile. (What a dang coincidence!) Our church just

so happens to be recognized as a non-profit charity that is eligible to receive a percentage of monies spent by using Amazon Smile!

(Another amazing coincidence!) Now, we all know, that a lot of shopping is done on Amazon so we don’ts haz to go outs into publics.

All you have to do is go to Amazon Smile when ordering/purchasing your items, click on charity or organization you wish to

designate, click on Effort United Methodist Church continue with your shopping and there you have it. A percentage of your purchase

will automatically go to EUMC. Why not give it a whirl, make someone’s day and SMILE!!

2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God

loves a cheerful giver” (are you giving cheerfully and with a thankful ?)


(Many hands make light work, bring Joy to others and share the of God!)

There are always NEW (and not so new) opportunities to serve here at EUMC! Look below and you may just find one that

speaks to your “ ” but don’t keep it to yourself! Oh heavens no! Let the office know you are seeking to serve… we will hook you up!

Missions Team: Contact person is Tracy Opitz - [email protected]. (and what a nurse she is… just sayen!) Board Member Needed: Volunteers to serve on the Board for the Hillside Cemetery Association are needed! This board consists of

laity from both St. John Lutheran’s Church (our neighbors next door) and Effort UMC and oversee the operations of the Hillside

Memorial Cemetery located on Merwinsburg Road (across from the churches). Please consider volunteering for the last opening.

Contact Karen Catina for more information at 570-629-3972.

Debbie Mayer has begun her custodial duties at EUMC. Debbie is married to Charlie Mayer and resides in Effort, PA. She is trained as an Emergency Medical Technician and comes to us with custodial experience as having worked as a custodian at Pleasant Valley School District. When the restrictions are lifted be sure to stop in and meet her and say hi.

Ushers and greeters: Are you friendly? Do you like to smile at people and welcome them to church?

Could you do it with a mask on? Then you are right for the ministry of greeting. We are in need of

greeters and ushers for both the 8:30 and 11:00am services. Prayerfully consider helping out in this

way. It is a great way to meet new people and make everyone feel welcome and comfortable as they

come into the church and participate in the service. Please let Pastor Robin know as soon as possible.

Webmaster needed: The church is in need of a person to maintain our Church Webpage. Interested individuals are

to contact Pastor Robin as soon as possible.

Nursery Volunteers: The Nursery is opened only during the 11:00 am service. If you love children and are

willing to volunteer one hour of your time to tend to care for those little ones in our church, please sign up on the

sheet on the Welcome Center. Background checks and clearances are required. If you need them, please contact

Jan in the office. Thanking you in advance for your support of this ministry. THE NURSERY WILL BE IN OPERATION WHEN WE RESUME WORSHIP IN THE SANCTUARY.

Upper Room Devotionals: These wonderful Devotionals are located in the back of the Narthex. They come in regular and

LARGE print. To help offset the cost consider doing a one month donation to cover the cost or if you take a devotional guide please

donate $1.25 for the small booklets or $1.50 for the large print. It will be a great help to offset the costs of having them available to you

month after month.

Page 5: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

Bulletin/flower sponsors needed: The cost for sponsoring flowers is $25.00. Sign-up sheets for 2020 are on the

bulletin board next to the library. (Across from the office) Payment is required at least one week prior to the sponsored date.

Payment should be placed in an appropriately marked envelope and put in the offering plate. Please make sure you sign up on

the sheet and complete a Sponsor form and put in the office mailbox.

Let’s keep that altar bright and beautiful with a bountiful bevy of budding and blooming blossoms! (Whew!) Oh and also, my

little doodle dandies, if you want to sponsor the bulletin for the weekend it will costs just 15 teenie weenie dollars that you

won’t miss at all! Consider sponsoring a week or two, it will be well worth it.

ALSO PLEASE TAKE NOTE! Altar Flower Containers: We have been asked by Miller’s Flower Shop to convey to the congregation to leave the

“container” in church that the flowers are designed in so they can pick them up and use and refill for the next delivery. Donations of recycled

soda/coffee plastic cups (large) would also be appreciated. This is to keep the cost of the altar flowers at this same price. Empty containers and cups

can be left on the Welcome Center. Thank you.

THE TECH TEAM MINISTRY….. “IT’S TECHNICAL…” (Really….. it is, would I lie to you?) Questions/comments contact Leif the Rock Star Salt of the Earth Johnson in the cave, by phone (570-619-5482) or email at

([email protected]). This is a great team my peeps, and you didn’t hear it from me and I am whispering here.. but there

just might be food and coffee in that cave… they even have a brandy new coffee machine and a mini frig with soda! Not only

that, you can even take your shoozies off and let your dogs breathe and wiggle-de-diggle your toezies during the whole service

and no one will even know, cuz no one can see you up there in that cave! How awesome it that?!! Great gargantuan gobs of glory! What else in the

world could you want and why wouldn’t you consider serving here?! SHEESH!!!

***A new TECH Team FYI: We are looking to add a service tech or two to help share the Sunday services. This is a very exciting ministry with

benefits that are from above. Some computer experience would be a bonus, but not needed. Training is free.

FYI>>> Have a video or a clip that you would like to use in the church via the tech cave? Contact the tech team to be sure that it can be used within

the legal guidelines for showing such things. Oh BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! But, alas, even with all that BLATHERING, there are copyright laws that

we must abide by to prevent litigation. (Yes my dears hearts, you read that right, I said “litigation”. What is this world coming to?? Jumpin

jehosaphat! We could be sued for not jumping through the right hoops! What fresh new litigious horror will be next??

Prayer Shawl Ministry: Our next meetings are PENDING THE REOPENING OF THE CHURCH. (But… you can still make

shawls while sitting in your favorite compfy chair at home… hint hint!)

If you knit or crochet or would like to learn, please join us! If you know someone who would benefit from one of these beautiful

shawls made with faithful hearts of love, please let one of the members know. Did you know that the shawls are being prayed over

while they are being made?? What a warm and wonderful way to feel wrapped in the loving arms of God. Information is located in

the Narthex. Please keep them in prayer as they provide these wonderful handmade shawls to anyone who is in need. (I am praying

that their hands and needles hold out!)

We are officially in full on lawn mowing mode! Our mowing men and machines are running like clock

work keeping our church grounds neat and trim even though we are not having any activities at the church

at this time. When we all get back together thank the mighty mowing men for their persistent and excellent

care of the church grass. If you would like to sub in if necessary please contact Mark Wells at 570-417-

6675 and he will take your name and information and share it with Doug Tavella, Josh Gerhart, and Bill


PASTORAL CARE TEAM (Caring for His flock ….because in faith, we and He love “ewe“ very much!)



Our card files will be updated and we will continue working with Pastor Ken , John Ostovich & Alfredo Russo where needed in the

food pantry.

****Due to the CDC regulations we will be unable to do visitations or meals at this time.

If you know of anyone who needs a little joy or encouragement please contact Dee Juris @ (610)681-8217 or e-mail

@[email protected]. ****The Pastoral Care Team is praying for our friends, families, Church families, First Responders, all those in the Health Care professions, our

Military, truckers, grocery store workers, manufacturers et.al, as we all boldly face the current pandemic. Please abide by the recommended CDC

guidelines, cover your cough, wash your hands, practice social distance and if able self-isolate at home. Remember God is waiting to hear your

prayers as well.

Remember our motto: We aim to bring you cheer whether you like it or not!!!! (Seriously…. No fooling around… Whether you like it or not and they really mean it!)

Page 6: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those


***We are always looking for new members to join in on the fun with us! Our meetings are generally held the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm…..come on out!

Calling all men!!! We have a wonderful men’s group that meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month. The Men's

Group has been using zoom to meet on their appropriate Saturday mornings. We even had a few men who have not

been able to get to the regular meetings at the church join us. Our next meeting will be tentatively held on June 20th

at 9am and we will be meeting on ZOOM. (emails will be sent to invite you) For more information or to have your

email included in the invitation please contact Steve Johnson at [email protected]

Cultivating Generous and Thankful Hearts Ministry Headed by Bob Decker (It is all about the 5 loaves and two fishes in action. Give what you have in faith and God will multiply it! He

will! It has happened before!!! See Matthew 14: 13-31, John 6:1-15, Mark 6:30-44…. Go ahead, read it!)


Testimony: We need you! It’s time for you to do your testimony! We’ve made it even easier for you to do. If you are more

comfortable doing a testimony from home, work, the park, or anywhere else. (Please not the shower…. Just sayen) You can even

have a ministry group get together and make a testimony. It’s easy cheesy and even fun! You just video yourself (or have someone

you trust do it) on your phone and send it off to Rocky at [email protected]. That’s all you have to do! Come on, you can do this!

The Men’s Group one and it was great! For more information see Rocky Johnson or Pastor Robin. We cannot wait to see some

brandy spankin new testimonies. You know we would all love to hear your testimony and certainly with all this time at home a

testimony or two about how this church and its wonderful members are uplifting you at this time would be very appropriate.

Supplemental Food Resource Center AKA- SFRC a Ministry sponsored by EUMC “Sharing the love by feeding those in need in the West End region of the Poconos”

This ministry is an outreach serving the communities of Effort, Gilbert, Kunkletown, Kresgeville, Brodheadsville, Saylorsburg, Sciota

and Albrightsville. The Lord inspired us to help feed families going through emergency or other short term situations that are not

eligible for local, county or state programs and is limited to a 12 week life time duration per family. We require a valid driver’s license

or state ID with address proving residency in the West End. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. If you would like to

volunteer in any capacity and do not yet have background check clearances, please see Jan in the office. She will do what is needed to

assist you. If you have questions or concerns please direct them to the church office at, 570-629-1890.

June 13th and June 27th 2020 from 10:00am – 12:00noon

Donations for the month of June are ……Ramen Noodles, Macaroni & Cheese and Canned soup and vegetables.

Volunteers: The SFRC continues to need your help! Wouldn’t you just love to help out them out? We are seeking volunteers to assist

with unloading vehicles, putting items in storage areas and restocking. We could also utilize a volunteer or two to pick up at BJ’s

once a week on Pantry weeks. (This is an urgent need!) Opportunities are available Monday through Friday. Please see John

Ostovich or Alfredo Russo for additional information. We only need a few hours of your time, a few days per month at the most.

John Ostovich and Alfredo Russo are the Co-Directors of the Food Pantry. You can contact them at [email protected] or 570-629-

1890 ext 109

Page 7: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

THE GARDEN OF GIVING… and giving and giving and giving some more, these people keep giving and giving galore!

(Located off route 715, 4 miles from WAWA in McMichaels Hillside Terrace on the right Hillside drive.


The planting has begun! The weekend of May 16-17 continued the work begun earlier in May, for the 12th season for the

Garden of Giving farm. Forty-seven volunteers from all walks of life joined Tammy Graeber to mark the rows, dig and plant almost

3,000 seedlings and bean seeds. An impressive total of 350 volunteer hours were logged by the eager helpers who worked over the

weekend! The weather was perfect for working outdoors, as the group readied the land for the second round of planting; May 2nd was

dedicated to planting cold weather crops, such as Kale and Swiss Chard. The May 16-17 weekend was dedicated to Tomato, Egg

Plant, Cucumbers, Peppers, Zucchini, Green Beans, Yellow Squash, Acorn Squash, and 2 acres of Sweet Corn! The fresh picked food

will be donated to local pantries for families in need of additional sources of nutritious foods. Farm hours will be extended in June, to

be open from Tuesday–Saturday, as planting continues and maintaining of the fields continues, with fertilizing, weeding and other


The new Orchard was in bloom for its very first Spring; two dozen fruit trees were donated last year by local resident

Dr. Krupa Daniels, and the West End Rotary. The fruit will be a welcome addition to family diets.

Also new this year is the fencing and overhead netting installed around the chicken coops and large yard; it will keep the dozens of

egg-laying chickens safe from predators, a constant danger to fowl in the Poconos. The eggs collected number in the hundreds of

dozens; all are carefully washed and packed prior to distribution.

Groups which would like to join the volunteer crew can call the Garden at 570-402-1282 to arrange a time. Information can

be found on the Facebook page Garden of Giving, and on the web page TheGardenOfGiving.org. Email contact is

: [email protected] The farm is located off Rt 715 at 2556 Rising Hill Drive, Saylorsburg.

The Garden is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax deductible organization.

While the COVID-19 virus is present, volunteers are encouraged to wear face masks; the garden provides hand washing stations and

the planting areas are spacious and social distancing is easy to maintain.

Attached are photos of several volunteers: (masks removed for photos)

Photo # 1 is of a group working to prepare the carefully marked and staked rows, readying them to be planted.

Photo # 1 Eric Firestsone and his Dad Douglas of Chestnut Hill Twp are joined by Justin Rabich as they set row after row of rebar

poles for the climbing vines.

Photo # 2 Susan Garr of Jonas, a first time volunteer

Photo # 3 Teresa German of Scot Run, and Alfred Palermo of Tobyhanna, both belong to the Community Church, also first timers.

Dirty hands are happy hands I always say!!! :-)

Page 8: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

June is here already! Man oh man! And though we are not meeting together in the church Jan is still making sure

bulletins are getting done and all the other essential parts of her job are being cranked out as usual. She is

considered an essential worker and thank God she is! In fact she is ALWAYS ESSENTIAL to the Effort United

Methodist Church. We rely on her for many of the behind the scene things that we all take for granted, so while

you are praying for other essential working folks do not forget to add Jan to your list. Essential is as essential

does! When all this Covid stuff is done maybe she should have some flowers for her desk… Just sayen.

**** Please note: Jan will be on vacation from June 15th through the 22nd. There will be office coverage.

Just another thingy or two from the office for you, to see…. To know…. to have…. or to do!

Free Firewood available: "There are trees that are being taken down at the church to make room for the new shed.

With that, there will be wood available to those who absolutely need it as it is the only way to heat their house

during the Winter months. If you absolutely need wood, please let Jan know and she can help coordinate a delivery"

Graduating?: Are you or do you know someone who is graduating from High School, College, receiving a

Graduate degree or a certification, from a specialized course work program? Well if so, we want to hear from

you so that we can celebrate all at an upcoming service in June. Please contact Jan in the office by June 7th

with the particulars and we will take care of the rest.

The alarm system is now fully operational. If you have access to the system, please ensure you are prepared to arm/disarm

the system when entering and/or exiting the Church. This will be extremely important once activities at the Church

resume. Setting off the alarm 3 or more times may cause us to be fined. If you have questions, please call the church


Doggie item donations needed: Girl Scout Troop 50984 is seeking donations of dog items (leashes, collars, toys,

blankets, etc.) as part of a project. If you are able to help with a donation or two, please place in the box located in front

of the Welcome Center or contact Lindsey Possinger at 570-236-3510.

The dates for the Retreat in 2020 are: September 18th-20th . Put it on your calendar and put in for your vacation

days….the more attending the more fun and laughter we will have. You won’t want to miss out. A sign up sheet

is on the Welcome Center. A $35.00 deposit is required as soon as possible. For more information contact Janet

at: [email protected].

Recycling: Please be mindful when attending church and church events that we do recycle plastics (including bottles),

glass and cardboard and to use the appropriate recycling bins located in both Wesley and Friendship Halls. Please DO

NOT throw in the regular trash or garbage cans. Thank you.

ROOM TO PLAY!!! Lets do jokes! I am sure we could all use a chuckle or two. Can I get an amen!

What do you get when you combine an elephant with a fish? A: Swimming trunks! (I’d like to see my husband in one of


Do fish go on vacation? A: No, Because they’re always in school! (Aren’t you glad you’re not a fish!?)

Why did the dolphin cross the beach? A: To get to the other tide! (Hey! That is a chicken joke, but it is cute. )

Why don’t oysters share their pearls? A: Because they’re shellfish! (I think I know a lot of shellfish people… :-/ )

What kind of candy do you get at the airport? A: Plane chocolate! (Lets face it, any kind of chocolate will do!)

Page 9: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

Christian Education

(Getting into God’s word and staying there is good for the mind, body, & soul!)

2 Timothy 3:14-17 “ But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All

Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”


BODY BUILDING & SUNDAY SCHOOL Any questions or concerns, please see Brenda Mitchell, Christian Education

Director. Sunday School and Body Building are running on all cylinders during the 11:00am service.

Classes are set up as follows: Body Building: children who will be age 3 on or before September 1st; Pre-teens: children who will be

age 9 on or before September 1st; and Teens: Children who will be age 12 on or before September 1st, Classes are held during the

11:00 am services. Any questions or concerns, please see Brenda Mitchell, Christian Education Director.(All class gatherings are on

hold due to the CDC guidelines, we will let you know when they resume.) : Sunday School is being held every Wednesday at 6 pm through June 3 and then we will be on summer break. Brenda will be sending out the invite via email. Join us for a lesson, games, and prizes.

The Basement Bunch: (AKA The Basement Brunch). Sunday School Class is up and running on Sunday mornings between the 8:30

and the 11:00am services. Come on in and join us for a good lesson from the Word of God and some coffee treats. All are invited to

attend when we resume after the sequestration.

The Seekers Bible Study Group: Seekers hold their meetings each Monday morning at 10:00am in Friendship Hall. All are

welcome! Will resume meeting in September.

Tuesday evening interactive in home study: We meet each Tuesday evening at 7:00pm at Rock and Sue Johnsons. We study the

Bible book by book, chapter by chapter. Consider jumping in right now so you can go through the whole word with us. This is a

year-round, on-going Bible study that meets unless other-wise noted. Need more info, directions or to be sure they are meeting,



Mark your calendar for these events for June 2020. (All are pending our social distancing

status as issued by the Federal and local governments)





June 21st is Fathers Day!!! Do not forget your dad! And I will repeat as I do for the moms… DO NOT

FORGET YOUR DAD!!!!! Got it? Good!

Bob Decker will be preaching on Sunday June 21st Mark Wells will be preaching on June 28th. They always do a great job. Come out to hear them if we are able or watch them in the same way we have been

hearing Robin each Sunday.

JUNE 21ST IS THE FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!!! Get out your flip plops and your favorite shorts, pour

some lemonade of course! Swim and play and camp outside, read a book or take a ride. Those endless days of

summer sun are the days we have our greatest fun!

Page 10: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

Fellowship Breakfast: The wonderful and tasty Trustees breakfast!!! Our next total yumfest breakfast

will be announced as soon as we are able to gather together again. It will be between the

8:30 and 11:00am services. So bring your family and friends along for a wonderful time of fellowship and

of course some great food! You know they are going to whip up a bunch of food you don’t want to miss! So

come on out and join us for fun, food and fellowship. A free will donation is greatly appreciated and that money

will go into the capital improvement fund.

You can call me Cathy or even Crazy Kate! But when calling for this breakfast, DO NOT EVER call me late!!

The annual outreach auction is presently postponed. New Date TBA when restrictions are lifted.

Doors open at 5pm with the auction beginning at 6pm. Snacks and refreshments will be served Feel free to bring

something to share if you like.

We are accepting items for the auction. Items should be new, a service or gift certificate or something hand crafted.

Items should have a minimum value of $10 clean and in good condition. Food items are also accepted for the

auction. If any church member has a business they frequent or there is a business that might donate please see Tracy

Opitz or Melinda Knitter for a donation letter .

A sign-up sheet has been placed on the Welcome Center for items that you would like to donate towards the

auction. Plenty of time for you to get your items together for this worthy cause. Items such as theme baskets,

homemade items made of wood, ceramics, crochet, knitted etc. Tables will set up for the display of some items just

outside of the church office. Please call the church office and leave a message so that a drop off time of items can

be arranged. There is not plenty of time for you to get your items together for this worthy cause.

***All money raised helps to support our worldwide, national and local missions. We hope you can come out and enjoy this night of fellowship and



(You know she will!!!)

Tie a string onto your finger. Go do it now and do not linger. To remind you to save and mark the dates, for things going on around this place. You don’t want to miss a thing, now go, and tie that little string.



McMichaels UMC: located at 104 White Church Road, McMichaels, PA (corner of Route 715 and White Church Road). Is having a

Hoagie sale: $5.00 per hoagie. There are a variety of types ie. Italian, Turkey, Tuna etc. Call Pastor Ed at 610-597-1030 for ordering

and curbside pick up at the church on Friday, June 5th.

And a Breakfast (by donation only): on Saturday, June 13th served from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. Meals can be picked up in the

church parking lot. Curbside service only. Come and pick up a hardy hot breakfast for your family.

VALOR Stand Down Days: When: 1st and 3rd Friday of every month from 2pm to 6pm. Where: Paul’s House, 1130

Scenic Drive (Intersection of 534 & Jonas Road. Free food, clothes & housing referrals for the homeless

veterans. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Volunteers and donations are needed. FMI call 570-664-6468 or 570-369-3797.

Valor needs Men’s jeans: If you have new or gently used (no rips or tears) men’s jeans and would like to donate them,

Valor is in need of them. A green tote has been placed in the Narthex as a collection area for the jeans. They are also

looking for socks and underwear as well…. NOT USED PULLEEZE! ;-) We thank you and so will they. Wink! Wink!

TOALC: Are you retired and looking for something to do? Not really into the "Senior Center" thing. Interested in learning new things, talking about

current events, studying Shakespeare's Sonnets, bird watching or many other activities. TOALC (The Older Adult Learning Center) is a wonderful

group of "older adults" who want to keep body and mind active. There are many courses to choose from and classes are right in East Stroudsburg and

meet once a week for about two hours. The best part, $45/ session allows you to sign up for as many classes as you want. Classes are free, however

some may require a small supply/book purchase. And there's trips, for a reasonable fee to places like Longwood Gardens and Ellis Island. The

registration deadline for the next session is coming up so pick up your brochure from the rack by the office and check out what they have to offer.

For more information please see Kathy Cleveland or give her a call at 570-992-6306.

ECHO (affiliated with Women’s Resources of Monroe County) is a gently used woman’s clothing store. All proceeds benefit victims of domestic

violence and sexual assault in Monroe County. Located on Ann Street in downtown Stroudsburg (across from the Ribbon Factory) Hours: Monday-

Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. This is a resale shop of fine women’s clothing & accessories. Check them out, get

some nice clothing and support a great cause.

Page 11: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

POCONO PANDAS (Prayer Acceptance Nurturing Develops Awesome Spirit)

PANDAS Youth Group meeting will be held when we can gather together again.

The next meetings for the Cubbies are: TBA (presently on hold. Pastor Ken and Theresa Mayo will be in touch with the parents)

Reminder: PANDAS is for those in 5th grade and up

Cubbies is for those in 1st grade to 4th grade

Music Notes (Please come for these toe tapping, ear tickling, hands clapping, spirit lifting, voices rising, Jesus praising, worship events!)

THE EUMC CHOIR – Doe, ray, me, fa, so, la, tee, doe! Well, due to the “restrictions” we are unable to meet for

rehearsals until further notice. If you are interested in joining the choir you will need to contact Dan. When we are

able to meet again, for an informal hi how are you and a little audition, you can set that up with him. (to see if he can

find the place that is pitch perfect for you!)

****CHECK OUT OUR EUMC CHOIR WEBSITE: If you want to see what the choir is up to, or access our rehearsal calendar

please visit our website at http://churchchoir.info or contact Dan Smale - [email protected] - (570) 350-5668

THE YOUTH CHOIR: We will announce when we will start to meet again pending the CDC guidelines.

Announcements will be made.

Bring your friends, family, neighbors, & anyone else you can think of who might enjoy our music ministry. (Well…. When it is safe and allowable to bring them)

Card Showers Florence Brinkley: 376 Upper Ridge Drive, Effort, PA 18330

Doris Oakley: 383 Warner Drive, Saylorsburg, PA 18353

Hilda Altemose: 1852 Astolat Rd. Effort PA 18330

Virgie Christman: 626 Fairgrounds Rd. Gilbert PA 18331

Ethel Zipp: 2514 Chestnut St. Brodheadsville PA 18322

Doris Tagliaferri: c/o Linda Love, 115 Mallory Lane, Oxford, PA 19363-2723

Ruth Oaks: 1202 Spring Run Road, Saylorsburg, PA 18353

Allen & Phyllis Conklin: PO Box 590, Effort, PA 18330

Take a moment and send a note, to offer love support and hope So they will know they’re in our prayers and that, of course, we care. It will bring JOY into their day to know, that we, for them do pray,

In peace and rest they’ll be embraced as we hold them in God’s grace.

A little note… a text…. a call…. A grateful heart recieves them all!

Let’s keep the following in our hearts as they have moved away, are home bound, are in retirement homes, care

homes, nursing homes or rehabilitation centers. We can send cards, letters or even pay them a visit if the Lord

leads you to do so, I am sure they would love to see you!

Margaret Milasch: 15 Sei Pike Lane, Lehighton, PA 18235

Florence Frantz: 315 Frantz Road, Brodheadsville, PA 18322

Page 12: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

***Pray daily for these folks: all healthcare workers, first responders and all frontline professionals working with the

ill, All those working to quell and eliminate COVID-19, All those whose jobs require them to be in contact with the public

and of course all those who are suffering from the virus and their families.

Tabbie Gombert Father-in-law, Judy Dunton, Tammy Hawk-Held, Samantha Cavallone, Doris Tagliaferri, Cameron

Knitter, Adele Simon Rebecca Charbonnier, the family & friends of Walter Renteria, Matthew Wells, Rose and Paul Rodenbacher,

Glenn Yetter, Katie Wichman Donna Schwoyer, Scott Lindaberry, Brenda Mitchell, Adriana, Brianna & Michael Benincasa, Al &

Phyllis Conklin, Bob Polly, Ed Lindaberry, Myra Helmlinger, Arlene Burger, Jim Hoisen, MaryAnne Decker

Please keep the following service men & women in your daily prayers: Major Earl Evans, Maj. Howard Hiestand US

Army, Major Ed Caudell-US Army/Fort Braggs, Major Karyn Caudell, US Army Reserves, Spec. Sam Michlavsky-US

Army/Afghanistan, Cpt. Mark Crimaldi-2nd Calvary Regiment, Afghanistan, Thomspon-USAF/Mountain Air Force Base, Idaho.

Lance Corporal James C. Suttles V/MM 265 AirframeUnit 37239FPO, AP 96372-7239. LTC Michael Jochen198 Signal Battalion

HHCCamp Buchring, KuwaitAPO,AE 09330

“Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends” John 15:13

Happy Birthday Blessings for June 2020

Happy birthday to you. To Jesus be true. May all of Gods’ blessing abide upon you! Happy Birthday everyone!!

06/01 Brenda Falco

06/02 Brittanie Farrington, Trenton Laxton

06/03 Steven George

06/04 Heather Daube, Brianna George

06/05 Keith Pierson

06/06 Kimberly Eastman, Thatcher Roberti (TJ)

06/08 Amy Binkley

06/09 Allen Conklin, Alison Jochen

06/10 Monica McDuffy, Andrew Binkley

06/11 Nancy Green

06/12 Michelle Wichman

06/14 Bradley Laxton

06/15 Ron Wichman, Christopher Hiestand

06/16 Janice Brown

06/17 Katie Wichman

06/19 Alexa Footit

06/22 Lucille Smith, Adriana Benincasa

06/26 Danial Fink

06/27 Susan Yetter, Stacy Halliday,

06/30 Phyllis Conklin, Alice Sabella, Kaily Mayer

Early July

07/01 Alan Young

07/04 Meredith Mead

07/05 Gloria Hawk

07/07 Alison Laxton

It’s your birthday, eat some cake! And bowl of ice cream for heavens sake!

Oh don’t be shy, just jump right in!

It will be a year till your birthday again!!

***In the event you are aware that a birthday is not listed and/or there is one listed of someone who is deceased or no longer attending

church, please so advise so that our records can be updated. Thank you.

Page 13: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

A New Season…

For everything there is a season; a new season for each new thing,

And with it comes that which will come,

And that which must take leave.

Our God Himself has told us that all things will have their time,

And the way it was a few months ago has become a new way and time.

A time of wearing masks and gloves and maintaining that “social distance”,

A time where hugs cannot be shared and the infirm can have no visits.

A time where fear and lonliness are compounded by isolation,

And our lives are being snached away and we must let go without a question.

And some may wonder where is God in all this confusion and chaos,

We can only tell the weary heart Gods promise is never to leave us.

Do not despair or let the world and its happenings take hold,

For when this refining time is done we will come forth as gold.

Our way of life has taken a turn that none of us wanted to take,

But in His Word God tells us, that he has gone on ahead.

He knows the road we are walking and the anxiousness we face,

He will walk us through this valley and we cannot leave His embrace.

Don’t let this time beat down your joy; this season of uncertain life,

Don’t let the events in this crazy world load you down with strife.

Throw yourself into this season and let the time be what it will be,

And God will change it in His time as He deems fit, you see.

Only He alone shall fully know when the next season will begin,

And He’ll walk beside us in that one too, no matter what it is.

The throne of God is not vacant,

This moment He is firmly upon it,

No matter how it looks to us He won’t abandon us for a moment.

We can face these new days of ours with hope, with joy, and expectancy,

For no matter the season that comes or goes,

He is with us faithfully.

Cathy Wells

Editors note: June is upon us and we are months into the drastic change of life we have experienced because of Covid-19. I am sure

that you all miss being together as much as I do. I miss seeing smiles and getting hugs and standing close enough to hear a whisper. I

miss singing and worshiping together in our lovely sanctuary. But in this time of separation I have learned not to take the hugs and

smiles and uplifting whispers for granted. I can’t help but think that maybe God wanted us to “be still” for a bit. Maybe God wanted

us to realize how detatched we have become because of our run, run, RUN lifestyles. Maybe God wanted to turn our attention away

from making money to learning how to depend on His abundant provision. Maybe God wanted to make families have more time

together to talk, play games or eat…. Maybe, just maybe… this whole situation is going exactly to plan. I don’t know, but maybe.

I encourage us all to spend more time in the Word in private study and/or hook up with one of the zoom bible studys that are offered.

This season could actually be the best season we have ever had with relation to reconnecting to the Lord. Building a deeper

realtionship to the Lord, well…. that could never be a mistake. In His Grace and Joy, Cathy

The funny thing is… This really does look like me at deadline time and one of the reasons is that the Lord NEVER

gives the poem by deadline day…. ARGGGH! That guy has quite a sense of humor. (Which I do not always appreciate….) *** The

deadline for the July/August combined newsletter is on or before June 25th 2020. Feel free to contact me by

phone, 610-381-4703 or email [email protected]. Whatever you send I will get it in here for all to see. I would promise to try

not to mess with them too much, but who am I kidding? You know that I am gonna mess with everything! And I don’t feel bad about

it at all! I really don’t! Whooptie doodle doo!

Page 14: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those


(Just minding our own businesses…. Yup, I really said that.)

903 Landscape Supply Marie Conklin Young Studio of Piano & Voice

For all your landscape needs 1321 Meixsell Valley Road

1939 State Route 903 Saylorsburg PA 18353

Jim Thorpe PA 18220 570-992-2087 or 570-856-0967


FX 570-325-8113 The Hoffman Insurance Agency

Nita Nydam and Greg Magill 1501 Route 209

Brodheadsville, PA 18322

Melalueca The wellness company 570-992-6495

Tom Conklin 570-872-6421

WWW. Melaleuca.com Creative Memories

[email protected] PO Box 729 Saylorsburg PA 18353

Susan Yetter Creative Memories Consultant

Melalueca Wellness Products 570-992-0247 [email protected]

Susan Yetter Photo safe albums and supplies, group presentations


[email protected] Effort Woodcraft Inc. (Cabinets, millwork and more) Thomas J. Conklin VP

PO Box 950 Evergreen Hollow Road

Saylorsburg Lumber Effort PA 18330

Quality Building Products 570-629-1160 Fx 570-629-6613 cell 570-872-6421

Full service lumber yard [email protected]

Lumber, window screen replacement, WWW.EWCAB.NET

Hardware, masonry supplies

Glenn W Yetter

# 570-992-3700

Fx 570-992-3275

A ministry from one of our own members: How lovely is this! Do you need a gravestone for a loved one or know someone who does? Rob Goody, who attends our 8:30

am Sunday Service, has started making gravestones as a ministry to assist persons in times of grief. If you are

in need of a gravestone or know someone who is, please let us know at the church office or contact Rob

directly at: [email protected]. There is no charge for these lovely gravestones, though permission from the

cemetery caretaker will be needed

DID YOU KNOW??? The church address is: PO Box 545, Effort PA 18330-0545 Phone 570-629-1890. In case of an emergency, outside of the normal church office hours (Mon-Fri., 9:30am – 2:30pm) you can reach Pastor Robin at 570-534-4588 by phone, or by email at

probgfisher@ GMAIL.com Pastor Robin’s address is 122 E. Plainfield Avenue, Pen Argyl PA 18072 TAKE NOTE & PASS IT ON! We pass on all kinds of things every day! (Smiles, information, germs…) Why not PASS ON your newsletter to

someone who does NOT go to EUMC when you are done with it and have marked your calendar with the special dates! You could send it on to

your local email buddies so they can see what we are up to or you could even take your hard copy and give it to a neighbor who doesn’t go to

church. With each PASS IT ON you can attach a little invitation to an event that you would attend with them or even just suggest they come to a

service with you. What a great way to bring new people into the family here. We can’t keep all this great stuff to ourselves. We’ll burst at the

seams!!!!!!!!!! Now get out there and tell everyone you meet!!!

THE EUMC PRE-SCHOOL: Registrations are being accepted for the Just 3’s and Pre-K

classes for September 2020! If you have a child or know of a family with a child that

might be interested in a GREAT Preschool program, please have them contact Gail Regina, Preschool Director

at 570-629-1890 ext. 201.

Make a visit to our website; WWW.Effortumc.org

Seriously… GO NOW! Don’t wait another minute!! You’re gonna love it and us!

We have a Facebook page too so check that out Effort United Methodist Church and give us a “Like”!!

Page 15: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

Here is a wonderful idea that we all can do every day. Lets do this! Many churches are gathering together (in spirit) and offering up prayers at noon each day for those affected by the Coronavirus.

(The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:1 and the apostle Paul said, in 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.")

And while we are praying for the world we live in in this new kind of reality, lets not forget to pray for all the dads out there too who will be celebrating Fathers Day this month.

As we celebrate all the Fathers and father figures in our lives let us not forget our

almighty Father who loved us so much that He gave us salvation through His one and

only Son.

Lets run full on into summer with joyful hearts, spirits of hope and love for one another.

Have a beautiful and blessed June!

Page 16: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those

Electronic Giving: A convenient, consistent way to help our church grow.

Enjoy the convenience of electronic giving Our church offers electronic giving, which allows you to make donations on a scheduled, automatic basis. If you are writing checks

and preparing envelopes every week, you will especially appreciate electronic giving. It is convenient way for you and will provides

much needed donation consistency for our church.


To set up electronic contributions, complete the authorization form below and return it to the church office.

Electronic contributions can be made using any of the following payment methods:

Checking account

Savings account

Debit card

Authorization Form Church name: Effort United Methodist Church____________________________ Your Name:________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________________________________ Email Address:_____________________________________________________ I would like to make the following contribution(s): __ General Operating Fund $________ Date of first Contribution: _______________

Frequency of contribution (check one): ___ Weekly (Mondays) ___ Semi-monthly-1st and 15th ___ Monthly on the 1st ___ Monthly on the 15th (Note: most cost effective is monthly)

CHECKING/SAVINGS: Complete this section if using your checking or savings account Please debit my (check one):

____Checking account-attach voided check ____Savings account-attach voided deposit slip

Routing #_______________________Account # ________________________ Valid routing # must start with 0,1,,2,3 I authorize the above organization to process debit entries to the above account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification

to terminate the authorization. Authorized signature: ____________________________ Date___________

DEBIT CARD: Complete this section if using your debit card ___Please charge my debit card Card #: __________________________________ Expiration date:_____ Name on card: Billing Address (if different from above): _________________________ _______________________________________________ I authorize the above organization to charge the above card. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization. Authorized

Page 17: The Pastor’s Page V I P usly…..Very Important! You · 2020. 5. 30. · this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those