The Pacific Threadfin Adrienne Kicker

The Pacific Threadfin Adrienne Kicker. Species Cultured & Economic Importance Polydactylus sexfilis Revered by Ancient Kings of Hawaii and still a favorite

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The Pacific ThreadfinAdrienne Kicker

Species Cultured & Economic Importance

Polydactylus sexfilis

Revered by Ancient Kings of Hawaii and still a favorite among Hawaiian’s today

Low annual catches lead Hawaiians to consider aquaculture

Hawaii is the number one state for consumption of seafood in the country.

rearing hatchlings

Two stage nursery process after hatching

Approx only 30-35% survive cannibalism

Approx 90% survive to juvenile stage

About 6-9 months to rear to market size

reproduction in captivity

Females and males are separated until sexually mature

Placed in large tanks covered by shade cloth

Lunar cycle spawn; 8-10 days after the full moon

Production methods


Recirculating Tanks

Hawaiian Fish Ponds

Production methods Cont...

Offshore Sea Cages

The future?

feed and feeding

Hatchlings typically kept on high grade fish meal

Adult feed varies- smelt or fish meal

FCR of 1.3- 1.5 to 1lb fish

Water Chem/ Environment needs

At least 20ppt salinity

D.O. level above 5.0ppm

Proper water flow and aeration are essential in rearing Moi

AdvantagesAs extensive or intensive as desired

Relatively easy spawning when provided with access to moon cycle

Fairly short rearing cycle (can be as little as 1/2 year)

Great demand for Moi

Culturally important fish

DisadvantagesLimited to certain geographical areas

Can be labor intensive

Cannibalism in hatchlings can diminish fish rapidly

Feed can account for 40-50% of cost of rearing fish