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Organization Executive Course


by L. Ron Hubbard




The Executive s Handbook


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Published by


(AOSH DK Publications Department A/S)

Jernbanegade 6 1608 Copenhagen V


Publishers for Dianetics® and Scientology9

Copyright 01974 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958

1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973


No part of this book may be reproduced without permission of the copyright owner.

First Edition

OEC Volumes 0 through 7 were compiled by Ken Delderfield with the assistance of John Sanborn and Pam Pierce.

Typesetting, proofreading and makeup were done by Rosemary Delderfield with Ray Barton, Adela S*nid, Pam Pierce, Antony Phillips,

Robert Stevens, Alan Smith and Gary Hedge.

The E-Meter is not intended or effective for the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.

Dianetics and Scientology are the trademarks of L. Ron Hubbard in respect of his published works.

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HCO POLICY LETTER OF 15 AUGUST 1960 Re-issued from Sthil

Assn Sees HCO Sees

DEPT OF GOVT AFFAIRS (Cancels any previous directions to set up a Special Zone Dept)

(This Policy Letter is mandatory all Central Organizations)

There shall be established on a board level and outside the structure of the Central Org and HCO but under the board of HASI Ltd, a new department to be called "The Department of Government Affairs".

More and more, as governments disintegrate under the threat of atomic war and communism, central organizations have had to give high executive time to govern­mental affairs to the great loss of the organizations themselves. The enturbulence entered into Scientology activities by legal matters, tax matters, and matters of assisting governments to maintain stability, has sapped our time and fixed our attention to our own loss.

Now to remedy this situation, I wish to contain and cordon, in a military sense, this incursion and to prohibit utterly and completely such entrance (of these matters or our own project for governments) into Central Org or HCO comm lines. In other words, Central Orgs and HCOs are run by, for and as Scientology service and activity units and the special Department of Government Affairs shall handle other matters and specifically deny such non-Scientology matters entrance into organizational comm lines.

The Department of Government Affairs shall be headed and directed with a minimum of personnel and shall not be able to call upon the personnel of the Central Org or HCO for further assistance than the relay of communications.

The Director of Government Affairs shall be a fully qualified person of good judgement subject to control of the Board of Directors and shall be subject to the advices and directions of the Board and the HCO and Assn Secretary. Only Washington and South Africa are excluded from supervision of the Dept by the Assn Sec, Org Sec and HCO Sec. In all other offices the Director of Government Affairs shall be subordinate to the Assn Sec and HCO Sec.

Under this department comes the corporation's solicitors, attorneys, chartered accountants and any attorney or accountant hired directly by the corporation for outside legal or tax or filing purposes.

The allotment and issue of shares comes under this department, but the actual invoicing and banking shall be done as always by the Dept of Accounts or, for HCO, by the HCO Secretary.

All contracts, filings with the government, all tax reports and their preparation, corporation minutes, annual meetings, legal papers, suits against and by the corporation, whether HASI Ltd or HCO Ltd, all legal investigatory work and detectives, all contacts with government agents, bureaus and departments, all assistance to governments, messages to governments, handling answers from governments or courts shall be cared for by the Department, whether to advance or protect Scientology or its corporations by government or legal channels.

All legal documents and the Valuable Document files for HCO and HASI shall be kept by the Department in a proper safe in accordance with previous rules written for the keeping and handling of valuable documents.

All share sales reports and all legal, governmental and corporation reports to be made to the boards shall be made to it by this Department.

No shares may be advertised or issued save with the approval of this department.

No contracts, purchases or mortgages may be undertaken without the approval of this Department and then only by the action of this Department.


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It is clearly understood that the Department shall not undertake financial management for the Central Org or HCO nor may it direct the Central Org or HCO on purely Scientology affairs or Scientology dissemination except where these may impinge directly upon the government, and even then this Department is enjoined from forcing government laws or rulings upon the Central Org or HCO by threat of danger or ominous advices, nor may the Department employ either solicitors nor accountants who specialize in ominous advices to the Orgs since the Orgs could be discouraged or impeded by such.

The object of the Department is to broaden the impact of Scientology upon governments and other organizations and is to conduct itself so as to make the name and repute of Scientology better and more forceful. Therefore defensive tactics are frowned upon in the department. We are not trying to make the Central Orgs and HCOs "be good". We are trying to make their reach more secure and effective. Only attacks resolve threats.

In the face of danger from Govts or courts there are only two errors one can make: (a) do nothing and (b) defend. The right things to do with any threat are to (1) Find out if we want to play the offered game or not, (2) If not, to derail the offered game with a feint or attack upon the most vulnerable point which can be disclosed in the enemy ranks, (3) Make enough threat or clamor to cause the enemy to quail, (4) Don't try to get any money out of it, (5) Make every attack by us also sell Scientology and (6) Win. If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace. Peace is bought with an exchange of advantage, so make the advantage and then settle. Don't ever defend. Always attack. Don't ever do nothing. Unexpected attacks in the rear of the enemy's front ranks work best.

Never put the organization on "wait" because of courts or other matters. It's up to the Department to make the actions of HCO Sees and Org Sees right, not enjoin right actions on the HCO and Org Sees.

To win we must have treasure and verve. If a Central Org and HCO function perfectly as service units then treasure and consequent security for the further advance are to hand. If the Department operates with verve and elan, even with rashness, it will afford a screen behind which organizations can work.

Example: BMA attacks Scientology in Australia via the government. Answer: throw heavy communication against the weakest point of the BMA—its individual doctors. Rock them with petitions to have medical laws modified which they are to sign. Couple the BMA attack with any group hated by the government. Attack personally by threats or suits any person signing anything for the BMA. Slam the matter into politics, advance a bill into parliament that strips the BMA of all legal rights by opening healing to all. Make the attack by the BMA look ridiculous. Attack medical practices. Investigate horrible practices loudly. (Always investigate loudly never quietly.) Make the distinct public and governmental impression and BMA impression that they've run into a barrage of arrows or electronic cannon and that continued attack by them will cause their own disintegration. As all this is being done on a thought or idea level the restimulation of their engrams results in the total impression that they are surrounded by their own dead and the battery may fire again at any minute. And if one makes in writing not one slanderous or libelous statement, there is no defense by them. This example is patterned on what just happened and what we did in Australia where we are winning strongly.

The personnel of the Department should be freed of past track legal and governmental overts by the HGC using evening auditing. This is a must or the Department will otherwise attract attacks. Further, the higher the department personnel is raised on "control" through running help, the less action will have to be undertaken by it and the more it will actually accomplish without violent action.

The goal of the Department is to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology. This is done by high level ability to control and in its absence by low level ability to overwhelm. Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies. Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins. There is no overt in bringing good order.

The offices of the Department, so far as is possible, should be so situated as to bring no government traffic into the main avenues, comm lines or halls of the Central


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Organization or HCO or so as to divert it to the maximum extent from said avenues, comm lines and halls.

The following personnel appointments are made, conditional to acceptance, as Directors of Government Affairs:

United States: Marilynn Routsong Los Angeles: Dick Steves South Africa: Jack Parkhouse Australia: Denny Gogerly London: George Hay New Zealand: Steve Stevens.

In the United States and South Africa the head of the Department of Government Affairs shall be also Trustee or Area Director of the Central Organization while the Org Sec and Assn Sec shall not be, but will be officers of the corporation.

This policy letter and these appointments are prompted by the following facts:

1. My own traffic on government legal affairs is far too heavy and I need help of magnitude on a continental level.

2. HCO Sees and Assn Sees are having difficulty holding down their Orgs and the field because of the time demanded by government affairs.

3. The activity will get heavier rather than lighter. (a) The deterioration of government order is accelerating with consequent

confusion in all related affairs; (b) Increasing amounts of order must be maintained by us at a governmental

level against the possibility of finding our areas without governments. 4. We are about to file HASI Ltd and HCO Ltd in all areas with the attendant heavy

legal and governmental action necessary. 5. We are about to arrange for the release of and the issue of over half a million

pounds of shares to the public, thus making heavy demands on legal and government lines.

6. We are about to finance and erect various media of communications, such as radio stations, on the various continents and this will require enormous amounts of liaison and action in such a department.

7. We are about to finance and find new quarters in the United States and such activities come under the new Department.

8. Due to new clearing techniques, our sphere of control is widening. This is purely a case phenomenon, but will be felt heavily by Orgs in the future. It is necessary to provide comm lines for this widening of influence.

LRH:js.gh.cden Copyright © 1960 L RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



The Dept of Govt Relations may not use Org personnel for typing and mailing, and may only use Org personnel for reception, switchboard and despatch purposes.

Where numbers of mailing pieces are envisioned or where numbers of outside letters are to be sent by the Dept of Govt Relations, these may be done either by outside agencies or by a full or part time secretary to the Dir of G R. The necessary high appearance of G R letters and mailing pieces does not admit the use of mimeo and G R may not use organizational mimeo machines.

LRH:js.rd Copyright © 1960 L. RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

HCO POLICY LETTER OF 30 AUGUST 1960 Dept Govt Affairs Special Zone Dept Assn Sees HCO Secs SPECIAL ZONE DEPT

The Special Zone Department is herewith combined with the Dept of Govt Affairs.

At such time as Special Zone produces direct income it will be returned to a separate department.

All persons who have been active in Central Org Special Zone Depts are thanked and it is suggested they be used part time in the Dept of Govt Affairs.

LRH:js.rd Copyright © 1960 L- RON HUBBARD by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



Marilynn Routsong, long time able officer of FCDC has been appointed HCO Executive Secretary America.

She has been Govt Relations Director. She retains that post as part of her HCO duties.

The trend is to consolidate Govt Relations and Special Zone with HCO as it seems feasible.

I have finally sorted out front line promotion into broad public testing and the new Basic Course "The Anatomy of the Human Mind". Data on these will be with you soon.

No other Govt Relations or Special Zone shifts are being made at this time. Special Zone, however, will gradually shift into broad public and business testing clinics, and Govt Relations, having cleaned up the most of the loose ends, will shift to HCO or into broad publishing and Govt activities.

Govt Relations and Special Zone are not abolished.

LRH:js.aap Copyright © 1 9 6 0 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

CenOCon Hat Write-up



The Department of Official Affairs exists as an extension of the office of the Continental Association Secretary.

Purpose: The bettering of the public representation, legal position and govern­ment acceptance of Scientology.


(a) Following and enforcing current organization policy with regard to press and handling such press queries and matters.

(b) Following and enforcing policies with regard to the legal status of the organizations of Scientology in the Continental area.

(c) Co-operating with societies having similar organizational goals.

(d) Worsening the public belief and attitude toward societies and persons having purposes counter to Scientology goals.

(e) Giving hearings and assistance to field members who have ideas to advance Scientology.

(f) Bringing continuous pressure to bear on governments to create pro-Scientology legislation and to discourage anti-Scientology legislation of groups opposing Scientology.

(g) Handling field and organization problems of security.

(h) Keeping newspaper and other files relating to Scientology and anti-Scientology groups, persons and activities.


Examining the purpose and action of this post, it should become apparent at once that we have here in actuality the equivalent of a Ministry of Propaganda and Security, using crude old-time political terms.

This is a very important post and must be held only by a person whose security is excellent and who has a flair for such matters.

An active department could secure, by one means or another:

(a) The absence of unfavourable press and possibly someday favourable press;

(b) A strong legal position for the organizations in the area;

(c) Heavy influence through our own and similarly minded groups on the public and official mind;

(d) The failure of influence of hostile groups and persons;

(e) High ARC with and good effectiveness of field auditors on 3rd Dynamic programmes that do not hinder the Central Org or absorb much of its attention;

(0 A pro-Scientology government of the area;

(g) An absence of field rumours, oppositions and failures;

(h) A filed knowingness about the activities of friends and enemies.


Although this department may appear to have the 3rd Dynamic as its target, it does not in fact handle anything but INDIVIDUALS.

To accomplish its actions it needs only to make friends and allies of Individual People who can influence.

For example:


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(a) The action of making better press consists of making friends with a publisher who commands reporters and does not really consist of handling reporters.

(b) The action of achieving a strong legal position consists of cultivating the friendship and respect of a very good attorney and persuading him to hold up the authority of the company and its board through leading him to respect them.

(c) The action of influencing groups consists of making a favourable impression on the head of the ally groups.

(d) The action of bringing about the failure of a hostile group is accomplished by finding and releasing the truth about the leader of that group.

(e) The action of influencing energetic Scientologists is accomplished by making a friend out of the Individual and acknowledging what he says and encouraging what he wants to do, without really becoming involved in his programmes.

(0 The action of bringing about a pro-Scientology government consists of making a friend of the most highly placed government person one can reach, even placing Scientologists in domestic and clerical posts close to him and seeing to it that Scientology resolves his troubles and case.

(g) The action of reducing hostile field rumours consists of running them down doggedly to the person who is spreading them and directly confronting that person and disposing of his personal opposition.

(h) The action of accumulating files consists of accumulating files and knowingness about Individual Persons who are friends or enemies.


If it's a group problem find the key person and influence him.

If it's nebulously about a group without any mention of a key person, discard it.

Only data about individuals is valid for use.

Only action upon individuals is productive.

Forget they. Find him or her.

Use Scientology to resolve individual problems.

Never abandon an attack until you have found and contacted the key person. Then apply Scientology.

Get volunteer Scientologists interested in this game and helping.


A person who cannot deal with individuals but is fixed on the 3rd is not well fitted for this post.

The person best fitted for the post of Director of Official Affairs is one who likes people and who is easily liked.

An orderly, pleasant gentleman or a personable charming lady who has a flair for order and intelligence about formulating and guiding ideas to individual minds would admirably fill this post.

Our dear friend Peggy Conway was ideal for this post.

One of the purposes of this post is to prevent the Assn Secretary from having to engage in social and personal activities solely for the purpose of furthering Scientology. If the Assn See's Sec receives invitations for the Assn Sec to visit of an evening to "further Scientology" the Assn See's Sec infers that the right person to invite is really the Director of the Dept of Official Affairs, unless, of course, the Assn Sec really wants to g°-

It could be that the fate of nations hangs on the actions, brilliance and skill of the Director of Official Affairs in handling individuals to gain help for Scientology.

LRH:ph.rd Copyright © 1 9 6 1 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



DEPARTMENT OF OFFICIAL AFFAIRS (Cancels earlier Directives concerning

Depts of Govt Relations and Special Programmes)

Anyone now holding post as Dept of Government Relations or as Director of Special Programmes should be re-titled "Department of Official Affairs".

The field responded only faintly to Special Programmes.

The activities connected with governments have increased.

Where field activities warrant, a Central Organization may have a Department of Official Affairs to combine all former duties and activities performed by the Department of Govt Relations and Special Programmes.

Where such departments do not exist, all such activities will be handled by the Assn Sec or the HCO Continental Secretary. But where much time is being spent on government liaison, co-operation with societies and the filing of legal papers and matters, a Department of Official Affairs must be created as per HCO Policy Letter of March 13, 1961, Issue III, as these matters are time consuming and deter the Assn Sec from performing his intra-Organizational duties.

LRH:ph.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright© 1961 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Gen Non-Remimeo H C Q V I S I O N (1 )



Policy: Legal activities, outside lawyers' or attorneys' suits, may not be under the Organization Secretary ever but must be under HCO.

Reasons: Persons connected to Finance value money too highly, being in charge of it and sometimes involve the org in needless suits.

Corporate structure is part of the Office of LRH and new orgs and other orgs and requires legal primary connections. Therefore it is extra expense to have two legal departments.

Legal control is part of the functions of Justice which belongs to HCO.

Policy: Promotion expenditure must never be under the control of the Organization Division. It belongs solely to HCO.

Reasons: London in 1958, Johannesburg in 1964, to name two, went nearly broke when their economy curtailed magazine mailings and promotion.

The magazine costs and extent of mailing must never be controlled by anyone connected with Finance as they seek to save on it when they, quite properly, seek to reduce expenses on other things in the org.

LRH:wmc.rd L. RON HUBBARD Copyright© 1965 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Remimeo Franchise FSMs


(Cancels all Sec Eds and Pol Ltrs to the contrary)

Having had some time to think this over and having studied the matter with great care, I have isolated the most successful response to meeting any and all attacks on Scientology, its organizations and Scientologists and as of this date this becomes policy.


That is the policy—advocate total freedom.

There are technical reasons for this which an auditor will recognize. To discharge later incidents from a mind, one must get the first or basic incident of that kind. In this case the basic aberrated incident was the suppression of freedom of the being. Just before that there must have been freedom. Thus advocating total freedom hits the true basic incident.

This is also the basic purpose of Scientology and the basic purpose of people, so it all agrees well.

This is also easiest to do. It is easier than fighting Parliaments or building up cases against people who attack us.

The only liability of using this policy (total freedom) is that it releases energy (a Scientologist knows this as "blowing locks") which looks disturbing but is weakened.

No other approach we have used worked. We are alive not because we fought but because we went on doing Scientology in spite of anything.

So never advertise an attack. Just advocate more strongly "Total Freedom!" and show how Scientology can attain it for the individual.

Careful summary of our past actions in the face of attacks and an analysis of various changes in human history show that the best and only effective thing we did or anyone ever did was advocate freedom. The precise practice of Scientology obtains total freedom so never advertise anything else but total freedom and the Scientology services and steps that bring it about. Courses, processing are the gradient scale to total freedom.

That's the answer no nation or person can stand up to—if we keep saying it long and loud. SCIENTOLOGY IS THE ROAD TO TOTAL FREEDOM.

Used in argument one can invent reasons to baffle the attacking agency or person—but all these reasons should add up to everyone has rights to total freedom.

I think this alone can move mountains.

LRH:ml.rd Copyright© 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Gen Non-Remimeo Exec Sec Hats HCO Area Sec Hat Legal Hat Section 5 Hats



(This Pol Ltr augments HCO Pol Ltr of 15 Feb 66, Attacks on Scientology)

When you hold up an image of freedom, all those who oppress freedom tend to attack. Therefore attacks, on whatever grounds, are inevitable. Holding up a freedom image is however the only successful forward action even though it gets attacked.

It remains then to take the handling of attacks off emergency, predict them and handle them by proper tactics and administrative machinery.

The first group of actions have not been effective in handling attacks: (The G stands for Group, the following are 3 different Groups of actions):

G. 1.1. Hiring expensive outside professional firms;

G. 1.2. Writing Scientologists to write their representatives in government;

G. 1.3. Advertising the attack to the Scientology "field";

G. 1.4. Being carefully legal in our utterances.

This Second Group of Actions has been of some small use in deterring attacks:

G.2.1. Direct letters from the org to a Congress or Parliament (ruined the US Siberia Bill);

G.2.2. Circulating pamphlets about the attack (got rid of Wearne out of the Enquiry);

G.2.3. Suits against sources of libel and slander.

The Third Group of Actions have been positive in stopping attacks:

G.3.1. Investigating noisily the attackers;

G.3.2. Not being guilty of anything;

G.3.3. Having our corporate status in excellent condition;

G.3.4. Having our tax returns and books accurate and punctual;

G.3.5. Getting waivers from all people we sign up;

G.3.6. Refunding money to dissatisfied people;

G.3.7. Having our own professionals firmly on staff (but not halfway on staff);

G.3.8. Going on advertising total freedom;


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G.3.9. Surviving and remaining solvent by stepping up our own usual activities;

G.3.10. My catching the dropped balls goofed by others and hired professionals;

G.3.11. Being religious in nature and corporate status.

As you read over the above you should be able to see where our funds should be

In the first group you can see large possible outlays to professional firms, attorneys, accountants. This is money utterly wasted. They flop and we have to do it all ourselves anyway. The fantastic cash cost of mailings to Scientologists was evident in DC where it ate up all their "freedom funds". And by advertising the attack to Scientologists we only frighten them away from the org and lose our income as well. So we must never do these three things.

The second group above are not very costly and constitute a proper line of defense and should be undertaken. But they must not be counted on to do more than impede an attack. They will never stop it cold. This second group is like an infantry defensive action. It is necessary to oppose the enemy but just opposing will not finally win the fight. That is done only by taking enemy territory.

The third group contains the real area for the outlay of funds and stress of planning. This group has an excellent history and has ended off a great many attacks beginning in 1950. Therefore one should take care not to leave any of these out whenever an attack is mounted on us.


It is a curious phenomenon that the action of investigation alone is head and shoulders above all other actions.

This is most like Scientology processing, oddly enough, where the practitioner seeks the hidden points in a case. As soon as they are found the case tends to recover, regardless of anything else done.

Groups that attack us are to say the least not sane. According to our technology this means they have hidden areas and disreputable facts about them.

As soon as we begin to look for these, some of the insanity dissipates.

It is greatly in our favour that we are only attacked by mad groups as people in that condition (1) invariably choose the wrong target and (2) have no follow-through. Thus they are not hard to defeat providing one (A) looks for their hidden crimes and (B) is irreproachable in his conduct himself.

We discovered this more or less by accident. The basic discovery was that the interrogation of a policeman produces a confusion and an introversion; it is his job to interrogate—so you reverse the flow, mix up his "hat" so he doesn't know who is which, and you reach for his own doubts.

These people who attack have secrets. And hidden crimes. They are afraid. There is no doubt in their minds as to our validity or they wouldn't attack so hard at such cost. Society tolerates far worse than we are. So they really believe in us. This hampers their execution of orders—their henchmen really don't share the enthusiasm for the attack for after a bit of investigation it becomes obvious to these henchmen that the attack smells. This impedes follow-through.

And when we investigate, all this recoils on the attacker. He withdraws too hurriedly to be orderly.

An attacker is like a housewife who tells City Hall how terribly her neighbours


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keep house. But when you open her door, the dishpans and dirty diapers fall out on the porch.

All you have to do in lots of cases is just say you are going to rattle their door knob and they collapse.

I can count several heavy attacks which folded up by our noisily beginning an investigation of the attacker.

Our past liability in this was that we depended on outside firms, enquiry agencies, etc. And these have too many clients and we have too little control of their direction. The answer is to organize and maintain our own proper corps for this action.

The other items in the third group are self explanatory and if any of these are missing then we will be less successful.

For years and years I have had this "hat" of attack handling. In January 1963 I took a calculated risk and devoted my time to research. I knew we had better get all our answers and complete our technology. But in doing so I could give only a small amount of time to the US and Australian attacks. DC followed orders and we got out of the US morass. Australia didn't and sank. But it became plain to me that we had to set up a part of our orgs to handle this "hat" as obviously I can't be there forever. So even #10 in the third group—my handling counter-propaganda—will have to have help.

To hold up to Man an image of spiritual freedom is adventurous. Man is suppressed. And those who oppress him have a peculiar frame of reference. This is:

1. If anyone became free or powerful, a suppressive believes he would promptly be slaughtered. He never realizes that it is the suppression that gets him knocked out, not the character of Man.

2. If any advance were made that would improve Man, then all old commercial interests with their answers, would become worthless. It never occurs to such to advance with the times.

3. They have dirty houses.

Thus, in meeting any attack we must:

(A) Recognize an attack in time to act;

(B) Get Group 3 above in full action with an emphasis on investigation;

(C) Get Group 2 in action as needful for defense.

Thus we have LOOK, INVESTIGATE, DEFEND as the short formula. And all the while hold up an image of total freedom and have ourselves clean hands.


LRH:ml.rd Copyright© 1966 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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Remimeo Exec Sec Hats HCO Area Sec Hat Org Bd Section Hat Secretary Hats

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Office of LRH


The post of THE GUARDIAN is established herewith.

The Guardian is the most senior executive of Scientology just below the Executive Director. The post is senior to Executive Secretaries.

The character of the post is best understood legally as "Trustee" or even "Proprietor Sole" and exercises the powers and carries out duties similar to that of a high church officer entrusted with the funds or survival of his group. The Guardian may use the signature "Trustee" in business letters or dealing with outside interests such as law firms and may claim and establish the status of proprietor sole when corporate status of Scientology funds or interests is in question.

The Office of the Guardian is located in the Office of LRH.

The Guardian may have personal secretaries and clerks and these are in the Office of LRH and the Executive Division and are, for personnel purposes, under the LRH Communicator as Co-ordinator of the Office of LRH and the Division 7 Secretary.

The Guardian is posted in every Executive Division by post and name in Division 7.

In other than the International Executive Division, if the org is large enough there may be an Assistant Guardian but if so the Guardian is posted and also the Assistant Guardian for the Area Org.

The purpose of the Guardian is:


The Guardian has five actions:

Policy Danger Affluence Long Range Promotion Information


(Note: See HCO Pol Ltr 1 March 66 for the full plan of the Office of Guardian.)

The Guardian, without relieving the LRH Comm from his duty of refusing to pass anything contrary to policy, enforces and issues policy and passes on any new policy recommended on channels already established but usually re-issues and enforces existing policy.

This section has the LRH Mimeo Unit.

The basic files and Archives of policy and technology and artifacts belong to this section as the Archives Unit.

This action also has files of all recommended policies.


This action is the "LRH Heavy Hussars Hat". This function is to move in heavily where there is a threat of great importance to an org or Scientology after the usual


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lines and posts have goofed. The term comes from the old cavalry purpose of Hussars who were held in reserve until a battle line was dangerously bowed, at which they were sent in to straighten it out.

This activity contains a file unit consisting of every Sec Ed issued by any org. This file system has a separate file in which every danger condition declared on any staff member is filed by org and date. It also has a file of every Ethics order issued by org and date.

This activity also contains a file of org boards of all orgs.

The activity can call on OIC WW for graphs of any period.

The section can conduct investigations into any slump.

All Danger Conditions regardless of when and how assigned are traced as to what changed before they occurred and a full record of all findings is kept and published.

The Guardian can demand a hearing for removal of any Scientology Executive when:

(a) The Guardian has had to wear the Heavy Hussar Hat to rescue a decayed situation;

(b) No AdCouncil or others seem to be effective in righting a danger condition.

Heavy Hussar actions include heavy emergency promotions on a zero time limit to salvage a situation, financial or otherwise.


All commendations or Honours have to be passed by the Guardian before issue and are issued in the name of the Executive Director.

This however is a secondary function of this activity.

The primary function is to be informed of and to trace every affluence awarded to find out what happened before it occurred and to publish findings.

This activity has a file of all affluences ever declared and another file for the full findings. None of this relieves the AdCouncil or HCO from finding, declaring and discovering what happened. It just makes certain the action has been taken and that it is correct and gets published.

In this activity the Guardian can convene a "Board of Commendation" to look into affluences and find what caused them and publish the result and commend the responsible parties.


Without relieving any HCO Exec Sec or Dissem Sec or ES Comm Dissem, Dist Sec or ES Comm Dist of promotion responsibility, the Guardian works out or calls for and approves the long range promotion of Scientology.

This activity draws up motifs for magazines for a year in advance, draws up Congress names.

The activity tells the org what to promote, what to stress and co-ordinates promotion.

The section can get promotional ideas and the Guardian approving them see that they are carried out.


Both planetary and organizational information is handled by this activity.

Intelligence is defined as information leading to predictions of occurrences and useful in forecasting events and so assisting planning and in handling matters arising from events.

The Planetary Information Unit works with newspapers, economic newsletters, bulletins of information services, etc, and keeps a file of clippings under headings of


Page 16: The Organization Executive Course - AGPFagpf.de/Archiv/HCOPL-15-08-1960-Introvert-Agencies.pdf · The Organization Executive Course I AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENTOLOGY POLICY by L. Ron

You'll get a copy of the articles, etc and filing necessaries. But you better send me some blank forms if I have to sign for bank transfers or as Executive Director for qualifying the corporation.

You will also receive from here a copy of articles for display, a copy of the Companies Act of 1948 and a copy of "Jordan's Complete Company Law and Practice".

The Assoc Sec of any central org is being made a "Geographical Area Director" who can act in any special (continent) area but is not a member of the International board for quorum. This is a new wrinkle but they actually passed it, so cheers.

This will probably also be passed for HCO Ltd when formed.

I am cheered at our future but a little dismayed by the reports, forms and the grip needed on Company law. The new firm Hubbard and Parkhouse will have new partners soon and become "Hubbard, Parkhouse, Parkhouse, Williams, Routsong and Salmen" and even more! Pretty good "solicitors' firm" we'll have! For by Golly it requires the midnight oil and expert touch and a past life as a lawyer to be a company director today!

LRH:mm rd L R O N H U B B A R D

Copyright © 1960 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

1 copy each to: HCO POLICY LETTER OF 18 AUGUST 1960 Assn Sec HCO Sec Dir Govt Affairs DEPT OF GOVT AFFAIRS


The Dept of Govt Affairs is there to make money in addition to other purposes.

The sale of HASI Ltd and HCO Ltd shares comes under this department.

The brochure for HASI Ltd shares is just going to press as of this date and adequate copies will be sent to you for distribution in the magazine.

Selling shares in any country may require government concurrence or the filing of a local prospectus. This is a matter for Govt Affairs.

If the sale of shares is well handled, ten times the annual income of HASI can be realized in share sales. We will continue to sell new issues even though we say there are quotas per continent. Make them a bit scarce.

With real clearing and the general upswing share sales will be important money. Hundreds of thousands of pounds in your area alone eventually. It's not the "memberships dept" level of activity. It's a stock exchange level action.

Study the articles and memoranda of the two companies. Get any Policy Letter already issued and study it.

Clear the shares for sale with any Govt office needful in your area. File a proper prospectus if needed.

List the shares on your stock exchange.

Place them also with brokers as true international public company shares.

Push their sale to Scientologists.

Sell enough to buy us the most elaborate centre for anything in your whole area including the government.

Start a boom. L. RON HUBBARD

LRH:js.rd Copyright© 1960 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED