CITT OTICM. ' e. II.TO: nMKMa M of lot ,' Kew-- i , L. Ollham. $170: eabdtvteloB N of let ewva U l.llbam. ll.TU; aubdlvtetou 'tU 4. Mercbaat Narlooal Bank of Port-- , I. Truatee. $l.e;rbdlTlalnB P ot lot 4. ' ot Portland. Trae. cnr National Bask i i M). BUkK 6, aubdlvlatoa A of lot 1. FMierd C. Prince, $4.a: aubdlrletaa B tat I. Richard C. Prince. $4.30; aubdl. nm C at lot I. Joha M. Bbrlgler, $4,301 aer -- lalou 1 ot lot I, C W. Letch. $4.30; ' ,vieon of lot 1. Joka Itonnerberg. ,34..:.; aubdlvlaloa K o( lot 1, Aaaa Loulac )n, $4,T5; mtli 42t feet of , nortk is foot of wtbdlvlaioa H otlot'X .ejutept ' X CiUforrila '.Railroad Companr'a ,' neat of war. Richard C. PrH8 .30; aouth 42 foot ot nortk 33 foot of uMlTUloa U of lot L except oregoa 4b CaUfornla Rail- road Cam pan j a right of war. Richard t. Prince. $0.20; north 42 Mi feet of aoath 85 .. foot of aubdlrtaloa H of lot I, Clareeoe M. Dllley. 11.15; north 42S et of ueutb B foot of enhdtvtelua 0 of tot t, iopt Oro-ge- a California Railroad Company'a right ' .it - I'lamro II. Dlller. 3.U5: aoutk " 43 foot of aubdlvteloa U of lot 1. fY W. - Ldcfc. 1.15; aoath 42 foot of Bubdlvh.loB H of tot 1, r. W. liOirk, at.in; norm van foot of aaMlrlato H of tat 1. except Ore--. gua Calif ornle Railroad Compaay'a rlrht i of war, Hlcbara C. Iviaoe, $0.S; rnDdlrtaioa A of lot Z, Ann Flan. $4.T6; eubdlTletan B of lot a, Robert thlll. $4.73: aubdlrlataa C of tat 1. Port Und Truat Itonipauy of Ore- -' gwa, $4.Sn; aubdlvteloa l of tat 2. Portland Truat Company of Oregon, 3.H nuhdlTlelon , - If uf tat 2, 8. Machnteln, ft.JM; anlHJloa IF of lot t. B. Murkatrla. 4.80; aubdlfintoa of tat . Ward r, Wotmora, 4.76; aob- - dlThHoo H of lot 1. War V. Wotmoro. f4.T8t ohdWlalo. A of lot 9. W.' K. Ilor. 3.Ti( aahdlrlKkM B of lot S, E. II w. $3 ; I aatxllrtatoa t: of 'lot . W. K. llrr. $.( obdiTtaloa D of tat 8, W. K. liar. M.ai: all of asbdlTMon B ( . tat I cut of t tiroo Vollforala Railroad Coa-- .' rloht of war. W. A. Cttrrlo. (5.311: ' a of aubdlolaloa V of lot oaat of Orr(oa A California Railroad lompany'a rlirhf f ' war. W. A. Oarrlr, 4.(a; all of aubdlrlaloa of lot oaat of flrntoa A California Rail- road Vompaar'a rlfht of war.' W. A. Crr.. lui.;; all of avMiTtataa K of tat 8 woat of tlrocon ft California Rallraad Company'a rlht - Sot war, kaio Roatetach, tu.85; aU of aab-- dirtaioa O of lot S woat of Orecon fornta Railroad Companr'a right of war. Rata Roawtwh. (u.ft; aubdlvtataa A of lot 4. H. R. UIMm. 4.i: aahdlTlalon 1 of lot 4. U. dllhte UJUt anhdlvlaioo C Of tat 4. tlcorio Arnold. 4.06; oubdlTtatan D of-t- , 4. (Monro Arnold. !; all of anbdlrtataa B of tat 4 want of Orocoa Callf.rala Rali- - raad Com poor rl(M of war. Ward 4J. Wat-Btor- tl.75; all of aabdlrUkm K of tat 4 woat at Urocon rallfornla Railroad Uoav tun.', rlsht M wit. Ward C. Wotnwro. - (T.25; all of anbdiTUIon B of lot 4 aaat of ... Orcfoa Callfurala Railroad Oompanj'a riant of way. C. W. Loire. lo.li all of auhdirl-t- a r of tat 4 ,tftr of Orrroo. a California Railroad Companr'a rlaht of war, (i W. Lolrk, (1.15; all ot aubdlrlataa O of tat 4 - - eioFot Orooa 4k CaUfornla Railroad ttom-- panr a right of war. rraoeoe at. Bioreoa, ' 11. T5; all of aubdlrtalon 11 of tat 4 woat of Oroaxm California Rallraad Companr'a right . of war. I'riKH at BUirona. o.lo; all ot . auMlrialnn H of tot 4 oaat of orrgon a u I Inw A clnmnanr'a rlaht of 'war. C W. Lett. 0 as. . BlXM K. , north 160 foot of lot 1. oaat or urogon at lanionua nan-M- t nmnMBv'a Haht of 4ar. Martin Winch. ' ni oft- - nuth an faot of north 3D0 foot of tat ' I. caat of Orocoa Callforala Railroad Cora- - ' panr a right of war. Kla-o- r B. Colweu. aa.iu; noath 30 foot of lot 1. oaat 01 urogon i an - mil ar.iiraad OiniBanr'a rlcht of war Marr A. Clarfco. ti.5; aU of tat 1 went of Oregon Callforala Railroad Companr'a right of way. Laura A. Book, dd.UO: Bubdlrtaioo A of tat 2. i. H. Boror, 14.05 i aubdlTtaloa B ot lot 2, J, H. Boror. 13.75; aubdlrlaloa C " of tat 2. B. C. Joriionaoa, 13.50; anbdl-iat- aa ' D of tot 1. Rata B. Montgomery. $3.40; aorth )& foot of anbdirtaioa B ot tat 1 Mary A. ri.rb. ai m- - aaoth 4A foot of nabdlrlalon - E of lot 2. Bono A. Young. 3.af; nortk 65 .r at auhrtlrtaion V of lot 1. Buaaa M Oppenhoft. 11.00; aooth ITS foot ot abdirl-- k ataa V of lot 2. rd V. Boodr. ll.tO; north ''." an foot of woat ISO foot of lot 3, Frod V. Boodr. $.; north CO foot of taat 90 foot . I Unaao M. ODOonhoff. 11.10: Oaat 42M tort of .aooth 00 foot rtt aorth 130 foot . ot lot . Vt4 K.. Boodr, .v; woat foot of amitk to foot of north 130 foot of lot a. J.h a. Honek. ts.&u; oaat 4SV. foot of aottth 110 foot of tot 3. 8. Aaatln. 34. 30; woat 13TH toot-o- f nonth 110 foot of tat 3. T ArM.Jit aiR K- - annth 120 foot of tat 4. Laora A Book. 335.05; woat 42H foot of oaat n foot of north 11a fort of lot 4. WlUlara ,M. Bodmaa. 34.; woat 4a foot f oaat 62?4 toot of aorth 110 foot ot lot 4. Barak J. Bodmni. 3430. A tract-o- f land lying botwooa tko nonth - ' lino of Lowoll aronao and a Una 110 fort aoutk k.-- r d sarallol thorowltk and botwooa the caat lino. of mat atroot and a Urn 2t foot woot ot andparallcl with too woat Una of I rlutt trMf- - Ttioniaa BrhnoldVr. S1V.4U. ' FOBTLAWJ HOUWTKAl BUMiK. 7, north 110 Io or kk ' i, ,! i"mi tt-n- t lnt 1 (Iraro L. Brouanah. KS.45; aabdlrlaloo A of lot 2. Klla U Wye-koo- p. 35.00:. aubdrrialoa B of tat 2, JClla U W rakonp. 35.00; anadlrlaton C of lot . OUra f . L Warnor. 3r,.00; aiibdltlatan D of K t il 1JKT Morwln. 35.00; abdlrl-lo- n B of lot . Abb to L. Crorkor. 33.6"; aubdllkio K of ; -- Tot ST AbMo 1. Crw-kor- . 33 50: aouth 100 foot on fMf ixt anholv-taint- r U ot tot 2. ' Jam Col Una. 81.80; oooth 100 foot of ' anb-- dlrlaton H of lot 2. Jatnok Coiuna. v m Om. m mkitlvlBlnn (I Of lot 2. L ' W. Wmkoon. 3l.no: aootb 100 feot-o-t oaat " in f i,c anhotTUiloa U of tot 3. 14 W. ' - Wrnkouf, 30.95; north TO foot of anbdlTiatoa n r B f L W. Wrnkonp. l.ftn: nubdlrl- - - ' ataa A of lot 3, Goorgo Klgor, 34.S9; aub- dlrlaloa B ot tat S. Joha Kaapp. 4.3o: aoh--- dlTlakm C of tat 3. Mr.. V. F. Boodr. 34.f anbdlrhrtrar A Tboaaaa Bcbnoiaor, ' 34jir aubdlrlaloa K otTot 3, Aanaf R. foM . man. aa.iu; ouoojiMa r 'Krldnaa, 34.76; aubdlrlataa O of lot 3. Mo II nd K. Moraaa, 34.75; aabdtTlaloa H of tot ' 4 .75: tot 4, Blrnoa 3. Mollnd K. Morgan. Btamauor. iB.85. BLOCK V l;:.iah.a . i bi a:ta ma lnt 2 Oroaoat 4k California Railroad Company. 3.16.86; let 3. Ooogoa. dt T California Railroad Company, 336.116; aab- - dlrlaloa a of tat 4, oorgo H. Krugm-- t, - 34.U0; nobdlTtatoo B of lot 4. Mary 4in-' u on- - ntwtlvtatna U of lot 4. Mowtoa ' ; L. Oll'ham. 4.3o; aubuKrlatoa O of tat 4, Carl Blorblnitor, 4..iu; uiiitih a. " V T' ' '" tiarar I'olaon. 34.T8; aubdlrlaloa r of lot 4, tr,b i 75: woot IB foot of aabdlrl. ataa O of tot 4, Adoh-- k Hauaman, 33.H6; aaat 6 fnot of aobdlrMoa ot tot 4, Cyrua M. . Mokay. 30.76; aubdiTlaion H of lot 4. Cyrua M. McKay. 34:75. BLOCK 3. aubdlrtakm A ' of tat 1. Mary B. Johoaon, $4.30; aabdlrlataB H of tot 1, Mary a. joon-v- i.oy, 71 m avtxnrwoa n 1, . . ?- - .. niib. LL of aubdlrlaloa C of tot 1 TZ..I. u.l .iii IM aiikoiTtalon I of tat 1, ' B. M. Mlnokaat. 34.30; aabdlTlaloB B of lot - 1. Jamoa H. Aaprawall Batata, Helm of, 34. T5; aubdlrtataa ot lot 1, Jamea 8. Aaoen-- : wall Ratato, Holra of. 34.75; north 137 foot - Miikia a of lot 1. tiowtoa It. Cllham. 33.461 aoath 42.3 foot of aabdlrtatan O ot ' - Xn lowilik H Hlumana. 81.16: aubdlrlaloa ' iTaY tot 1. Jadlth U. Hlnmaaa. $4.76; aab. . dirtaioa 1 of lot 3. Canrtaw B. JTOPieuMi Troatoa. 32.30; aubdirtalon 3 ot tat 2, I barloa - , R. Tomptatoa. Truatoe, W-3- oabdlrlaloB 3 ' of tat 2. Charter Templotomi 1'ruatoa. i, ai an. onhaivtaiao 4 of lot X Charlca R. Trm plotoa. Traatoo. 81.80; aabdlrtatoa 3 of lot 3, tharloa K. Trmptatoas IVaatoo. $2.40; r. l u 1 Charlra R. Yrmploton. , Iruatoo. $2.40; anbdlTtalon 7 ot tat 2. tharloa ' a. Tompiatoa, Trnatoc $2.75; aubdlrlaloa 3 of lot--- a. Charlca R. Tomplotoa, Truatoa, $T5: auhdlYlatoB 8 of tot 2. Charlca R. Tom-- r ;..puion. Trnatee. $2,761 aubdlTtaloa 10 at tat ' v 2. Charlra R. TcaialoUMi. fruuteo, $2.75; aab-- - - dlTlaloa 11 of tot 2. tharloa R. 'Tcmplctua. Traotoc. 2.7S; aubdlTtaton 12 of tat X Charlca '.A- R. TemDhrton. Traatoe,. $2.40; aubdlrlakm 18 mt lnt !L fharlra R. TrmDloton.. Truat, . ' ' t&tu; aorta 22fe toot vt wcat 80 foot of nortk ? ' Vi of tat a. ttorlruda Mark. $1.6; aoutk 22 loot of aorta oa ice ok ww cw htw vi mi i f n. Junoa earmark. 81.U6: aoutk V t , of lot 3, Mary riarh. 31.0: aouth 22 foot V of wjrtk 8X3 foot of woat My, foot of north . bi ot tot 3. Mra. R. A. Uarrlaoa. 3L15: aoutk fort ofwaith 46 fort of woat 67 trot . of rjwU of tot 3. Mro. R. A. Oarrlaoa. ' . 31.16; woat 22 feet of oaat 45 foot of , nortk 48. fart or north of lot 3. Bmma . ' .'J. Vaeoun. 80. W. raat 331 foot . , 46 foot of aorth H of tot 3, Lcaoro B..Orrg arf. $.: oars ao foot of 'woat 123 fort uf ' . aorth 46 fort ot north H of lot 3. LonOra M. :, ; Grory, '31.80; caat 112 foot at aouth 45 . trot of aorth H of tot 8, Lonora 3. trgory, ' ' 34.M0; tat 4, Oregon California Railroad ' loot panr. 3:16. hi. BUH'K 10, tat 1. Orraua California .Railroad Company, 335.86; aub dlTl-M- A f l4 2. John Aadrow, $:.H5; auh-'- .- dlrlrloa B of tat 3, John Andrew, :t.HS; aub--- dlrMna 0 of tot 2, Joha Audyow, I.I.Kft; aub-- : dlrtakia D of tot 2. Jnba Aadrow, 83.HA; nun- - dlTlaloa E aVM 2. Joha Aadrow. $1 no: IM4loa r at tat X J-- a Ajidrew 8;lK5; au- - ilTl.Wm U of tot 2. Joha Andrew, $:t. Ml; anb-- , dlTlnlna H ot tat 2, r;'' $.1 Mfti auh-- dlrl'ioa 4 of lot 2. John Andrew, $3 NS; tat a. upencer II. Cooper, l.ao; woat 42 feet of 11 feet of lot 4. Arauld Bwler. ' , holt. $4 85: all of oaat K3 feet of lot 4 lying norm or ivregon ar vanirnia naiiroou iqm aaar'a ilrht of war. W. A. Lewhi. $H.UM. A trart of load lying be morn the oaat II o mt iau arrt and a lino 42 feet eoat of aad parallel therewith and between a line 110 foot aoata of ana parallel wnn tne aoath lino of rlamUtoa CTenuo and the north Una of tfraao A CaUfornla "Kalh-aa- t.voioanya rigat wii,iao Bteiarr, II Ul a traet af land between two linen rerpn Heelr 4U foot nnd M6 feet oaat of and parallel mlta the oaat Una of Onto arreet and between n Hoc 110 feet aouth of aad parallel with the aouth Una of Hamilton arcane and Ue north Mao of oregoa Lanrnraia Baiiroaa ' right of way, W. A. Lew la. fH iLAO IfOMfHTKAB-BtK- -K jr WC eaart 4 fe-- t of wear an wr 01 anna ire icei . , L. a. I rare T. Hlloebrand. 84 tt: all i4 4 - a of nrefna A allf"rnt- - Nallroad a r"M of war, PnnotiU Inauraoro , 1.. A BtTK 11. tat V Jiieeea . v. -- . &tata, Melra at. $J.w5; lot THE. ' CITT M0TI0B3. S. Joaeok A. Btrowbrldga Batate.' Hrira af. 3.15. au; tat 4. Joacpk A. Btruwurldgo KaUta, Helra of, 3.15. u; north 80 feet of lo 3. Ykomaa Bchnoldor. $4.76; aouih 30 foot vt north vu teat of tot a. Anton niaeeoiuergrr. 54. la: couth 30 feet ot nortk 12U foot ot tat a. Alexander Klearl, $W.36; woat 06 feet of aoath 110 fort of tot 3, JoacDh M. . 3S.W; aaat MA feat of aouth 110 feet ot tat b, tuiBM Mtetoor, s.U. BLOCK 12, tat, 2. Mackay Relate Conpaay; .6.d0; aaat . 60 feet ot aalxllrlaloa A of tat o. Radio A. Winkle, . 31.ta; oaat 60 feet of auoairiaiua B ot lot 3, Madia A. Wlakle, $1.3U wcat 0 foot 0 ouhdlrUloa A of kit 3. John H.JHan- - crey, $2.36; wrat-U- feet of auoaieiaioa af kit 3. Joha It, 82.36; aubdlTialoa V of tat 3, ivn-- 11. Blyth.' $4.80; aubdlrlaloa D of lot a, rarer II. luyin, aa.su; auouiTiaiou K of lot Hi rerry H. Blytb, $4.76; aubdlrlatoa V of tat 3. IvrcV H.' Blytb. $4.76; aubdlTialoa O af tat 8, rerey U. Blyth, $4.76: aabdlrlalon H of lot 3, rerey H. Blytb. $4.76. BLOt'K J.l. tat 1. William n. aao.mi; nortk t feet uf lot s. v. r, aeai, ao.w, mi nw fret of aualh 170 feet ot tot 2. C. '. Boa I. 80..16; nortk 42 feet ot eaet 110 feet of aouth ITO foci or tot z, ucorgia 84.30: nortk 42 W feet af caat 110 foot ot aouth 137' feet of tat 2. J. I. MamncL aa.au; aoaia ao ee 01 rmm a w 2. Tboodoro Braekar and J. Winter ho Idee, $7.4 coat Sk of tat 3. , Charlra B. Ladd, $l7.do; oaat of lot 4. char lea B. Ladd, $I7.N0. BLOCK 14. aabdlrlalon A ot 1. William A. Morrow, $4.30; aubdlrlalon B of tat 1. William A. Morrow. 84.3; aubdlrlaloa C ft tat I. Prcatoa W. Gillette, $4.:tu; 11 of tat 1. Proatoa W, Ulllotte, $4 301 aubdlrlaloa of tat I, Albert rebren-ba.-- $4.76; aubdlrlaloa r of Kit 1, Albert . ... .. . reorenuavo. er. itf - w.. John Koparblegl, ; aubdlrlaloa H of tat 1. joon a.opocoirgi, a. 10; 101 m, " . Wltherell, $J6.Ho; caat of lot 3. Mlaa M. V. Lanreaec. $17.80: raat of tot 4. Wlllla (. Clarke, $17. Ml. BUICK 15, tot 1, Thomaa Hcbnetuar. $36.80; nortk - of tat 3. aoulk of too Oregoa et CaUfaraU Railroad Uobv panr a rignt or way, laman-rooe- j e m., all at tat S north and woat of Oregoa IIU.T0: Railroad Company'a rlgbt of way, J. Ji. Marley, lo.T; an ai aoum ft of lot 2 except Oregon California Railroad twnpany a rlgnt 01 way, Buiaoa sacanipaaout Ko. 1, I. O. O. V., $8.0; all of aaat of tat Oregoa as California. Railroad Compaay'a right of way, Joaeph A. Btrow- - brldgo, nr., annate, nrira 01, a' ". wm I'ili feet f eoat 83 feet of north Ka) fret of lot 4, Ori Rilaa Banford. $3.30; aaat 42 feet of aorta loo feet of tot a. uin a., saa-fne- d Kalale. Helra of: 33.Su:- caat 40 feet of wcat 100 fret of aouth 100 feat of tat 4, Thomaa R-- Weal. 53.ttb; aaat. as feat ox act 40 fiat at wcat 120 teat of aoutk 100 fact kurbiiiaW'm MtiRDlVlBIOH of Part of lot 1 aad 3 at, block A M roruaaa nomojwau BLOCK A. oaat of tat 1, Jofca V, aad WUda . Lank In. 38.80: aaat of tot 2, John V. and WUda a. Lankln, U.5: oaat 46 fact af watn' M tat 3, fauUna Jorgen-ae- a. 33.10; aubdlrlaloa- - 1 of tat 2. Kate l. Reeetoua, $2.15; aubdlrlataa-- af tot 2, Kate 1). $4.30; uibdlTlatoa 8 ot tot 2, Kate t, - ' - - aa.aut aabdlcuilaa 4 of lot 2. Kate U. Beaakoaa. 34.au; aubdlrlaloa 3- of tot 2. Bagano A Beeetone, $2.05; aubdlrlataa 8 of tat 2. Kugena A. Maaaloaa. $l.oauo. dWIaloa 1 of lot 2. Ruaeuo A. Beaatona; $3.40. HiUTI.AMI HOMUTBAtl BLOCK B. aubdlrl. aton A of tot 1, rtonnero tjounuoa "'"" Truat, Ltd., $3.36; aubdlrlalon B of tat 1, M. J. aad D. Uallagbor. $3.35; aubdlrtataa C af let 1, William H. Walpole, 33.35; aub- dlrlaloa 1) ot tat 1, Jacob Miebel, 33.36; aub-- dlrlalua H of lot 1, Tnoraaa a. nana, e ""r woat 03 foot at tat 3, Beury Bcanett, $0.76; all af tat 2 axeept wcat 00 feat, William R. . 1, a Ikl ... uk-a- h. Aam aaa3- eu TaWaM Ida ot tat 3,' W. J. Dlltoo.-36.4- 5; caat H of " 8. Joan T. Lankln. $10.30; aootb 37 fret of wvat H at tot 3. Joha D. Kcanady, 34.00; tat 4. Joha 1). Kennedy, $10.40; tat. 3, Joha 1). Kennedy, fi.2D.lo n, aonu i, avauneor, miai uim w i' lot 1. MarrA. rark, tat 2. Laula Zimmerman, 810 .20: tot x IM.. Hillock Rotate. Hdra af. $13.50. rULTON PARK BLOCK 18, tat T. Kulloa Park 1T tCpaul: Kft'-- f K to.: Park Land Company, $o.7o; tat - 4, rultoa Park Land Company, $0.70; tat 8. PultonPark Land Company, $0.70; tot 3, r' Land Company, $0.70; lot. 10, lulta Park Land Comiuy $0.70. . . ' "fj I' Kultoa Park Laad Company. 30.70; 8, ulU Park Land Company, ; tat Fultoa Park Land Compauyi 30.70; flot 10, Park Und Company, $o.70( tot 11. 1..1..- .- i.rfe t..ui rAoioeuV. ao.7u: tat 12. Part Uad Compauy, $o.70-- BL0:K 35. aoath 6t toi-- t of lot 14. A. W. TobU., 0.75; nartk 36 feet of aouth 120 feat of tat 14. Bldney . MltabclL $0.75; nortk 80 feet Of lot 14, OlUiam ana lioeriee n. aiu, i. l, Park Land Compear, 'un! 1, a, Vlluhath Keeerf- - 30.30: lot Ik Ultxaheth Kggert, 3O.00; tat lo, Ktlxabctk Kggert, 30.00; lot Hi KUaabcth Bcgert, 3O.0W; ... it Ell..heth Keacrt. aO.BO. BLOCK 20. Vt 13, Faltoa Park Laud Company. $1.20. BUXJU 33, lot I, J. at. lABtoirg. ev.iv, - Lombard. 80.70; tot . tloorga B. Mclntoah. $0.7; tat lo, . Y. Wheeler. 30.70; tat Kliaabetb Kggdrt. $0.70; tot 12, Bltxabetk Eggert, $0.70. BLOCK UB. tot 1. Baipa w. Uurt, $L16; lot 2. Ralph W. lloyt, $0.80; u I U Outblarb- - 8l.oor tat 4. Jobn Ule- - black; $1.13; tot 3, Joha 'llcblach, $1.10. BLOCK 40, aU of wcat 50 feet ot tat 1 - an r .t William H. Mck'arlaad. ao.,5: caat 30 feet.af wcat 100 fret of tat 1, Oregua Building Loea Aaaociaiioa. au.tn; nit tmmt r wMt AO feet of tat 1. Ore- - at Loan Aaaorlattan, $0.35; caat too feet ot tot 1, Mark J. comatoca, ao.ao; tat 2, Llrale B. Toung, $0.70; tat 8, Mary Mughaa, $0.70; tot 4, Mary Jfaglica, $0.70; tat 5. Patrick Hughea, $o.7o; o, HalL 50.7": tot 7. Parry Jotmebe, 3O.T0; tot 3, Collin C. Olrrln. 3O.T0;. tat 3. Collla C. Olj. via, 3066: tat 10, I. B. Hunt, 80.66; tot 11, 1 IV Konetaka. 80.56: tat 13, B. x. .una i..i an 7in lot 13. H M. Lombard. 3u.70 tat 14. C. J. Decker, $0.70; tot-1- 5, Mary Koont. $0,701 f JiufiJ-'- j lot 17. Marr J. Oomatuck. - 1 i T W U MartaaU. 30.70: lot a. W il uim. L a William. Maekln. k n.iu. kii.Tu: lut 10. William Markla- - loan. 'ATueiee, au. i"; "r. 7 ji T- - ant 1 x wuiiaw neiaiu.. ev.ov. huu-- as. lot 1. William Hathaway and f Charlca H. Tkompaoa, xu.ju; Tot a. wiuiaa Hathaway ana C'hariea m. xaompaon, aw.00, w 3L Uatbawar aad Charlra U Thompaao. $0.35; tot 4: William Hathaway and charlca ao-O- tot 5. Will- iam UathawayJi and- - X'harlva 11. Thompaoa, 30.70: tot Uanoeo. 3U.TO; 'lot 1, r.rn. Uenaeu. 811.70. BLOCK 46. lot 1, M. B. Carmine, $0.70: lot 2, Maad Bewail, $ti.7o:,tot 3, Clara V. Carmine, $o.70; tot 4, . k U. ' ui a HAwrmrA ft. L.-- .U an na, lot k Rdward O. BcwaU. 30.70: ' . . .T . H ....111 Mill. In. 11 nka Kit l. ua n. oii"mii, 9v.iv, , K. CuUlaon, $ 70. BLOCK 47. tot 1, Maria Btorkmau. $0.7o; lot-- 2. . Maria R lock man, 30.70; tat 3. Henrietta Pormlctoa, $0.70; tat 4. W. J. Ortmba. $0.55: lot 6, WUllam M. Warren, au.oo; lot a, rriiuam Tianu. 30.70: tat 7. Krad 0. Buffam. $0.70; tat 8. IVed 0. Buffum, $O.TO. HLOCkv lot i ienm U,MUH IU.1U K1I X. KDna air quam. 30.70; tat 3, JukT 1. Coyne, 30.70; tot 4, Alice W. Caawull, 30.70; tot 8, C. J. Decker, 30.70: tat'd, O. J. Docker, 30.70; tat r it j. ivefeer. BO.BO: lot 8. C. J. Decker. $0.70: tot 3, Tbomaa A. Clarka,'$0.70; ; lot 10. Valeric Rogera. $0.70; tot 41. Valeria Rocera, $0.5K tat 11 Veleria Rogera, $0.66; lot 13. Valerie Rogera, 8O.70; lot 14, Tbomaa A. Clarke, 80.TU; lot lo, joomaa a. .irr BllTll: tot 14 Era P. MtneL $0.30; lot 17, Walter 11. rrcatoa, $0.70: lot 13. Henry Mtereaa. 30.70; tat 13, Allca W. Caewe.lt. BU.TII- - lnt 30. Jnlia r. Coyne. $0.70; lot 21, 3. me. Blake. 30.70: tot 22. The TtUe Oaaraa u A Traal niaiaH 80 7(1. RLAX.'K 40. tat L K. a nieel. itlYn: tot 2. Kca P. HteeL 3O.70; tat 3. J. R. Scott, 30.70; tat 4 J. H. I $'-- lot 6. Hiram W. Riley, ao.ioi fTfct AT Blr.8. W. tat 7. Ell. K. I era t aeon. au.iu; m or r . w-n- . tv.iv - lot . Bra. B frlee $o.7o; tot 10, A. R araacia.. au.ni: ac il.. atu r . nievi. ew.iu l- -t Ke 1. Hleel. 30.70. RIXM'kl Ml. tot - a. I .w a,. . . I . fl u 1 J, eillliam jnaraiuiuea, T" . " ao.no; lot a, eiiiiuon aaarauiioau, 30. wi; tot 4. alary a. imaey, au.iu; ivi , William If. Daucr. 30.Tn: tat . IK C. Ted. ford. 30.70 : tot 7. Juaeph Blmoo, Truafec, ' 'an 7i- - lot a. karlfa J. ralllan. 80.70: aM . iinn rl, vaiinia, T- - " . e , " ' J. HHfbea. 30. TO: tot it; ratrirk iiugneaj aw.iu; tot -, mitoa rara tana lanpiaj, rei.-iv- . HIM'.K 61. lot 1. Joaeoh Blmou. Truateo. $)i.w;; tat 2, Joaeph Hlmoa. Truatea. '$1.06. HUH'K 62,. lot 1. Patrick ana Mary ungnea, i.70; tat 2. Patrick and Mary Uugbea, $0.70: tot 3. Ratcerue nrueoermaan. ".: , William Loeer.. $0.70: lot 6. Wllltaur Henry, ao To: lot 8. William Henry. $i.ao: lot T, Jane Ryaa. $0,70; tot 8. Henrietta A. 30.70; tat 3. Jleurlctu A. Popplcton, In III: lut HI. Fulton, Park Land ttomuany, ; $0.70; tot" 11, Lou H. Kpdegraff, 30.7O; tot 13, LiOH Xt. l.'PoeuTaii, C'.fiv. aunn o.v !.. K. R. U Idmliard. 30.60: lot 4. B. II Lamliant. $0.70: tot 7. Anna McQuillan. $11,70; wlO a. a f- - 1T17WC. fW. M'i 1W O. '. vfwr. , Xiitii , RIXll K 44. tot 1. B. M. Uimbard aad Fultou Park Land Company, $0.7o; tat 8. B. M. Istmbard aad rultoa. Park Land Company. $o.7o; tat 8. B. M. (.Lombard and ' t'ultoa Park lead Com pa ay. 8"To; lot .!!, u u imheea and Vulton Parh land Onni. pany. $n.7o;.taf 11. B. M. Imhard aad Pal- - ion rara lean 4iwnraj, ev.iv, nn . M. lMibard and 'nlton Park, Land Company , BIXX'K. "W. Beaool fiBatrict AO. Jii.TO. ttlM'K 08. tat 1. Brron P. Cardwel Rotate. Helra of. $0 10: tat 2.. Byroa V. 4erd ll ICalete. Helra of. 30.78'. lot 3. Brron P ; Cardwell Rotate. Helra of. $0 7 let 4, Hyron P. Cardwell Rotate, Helra af. eo.7": lot , ttwmm P. I'ardwell Kelalo, Helra of. 30.7O: lot a neroe P. Cardwell B.lale. Helra of. v frii.Tii; lot 7. Brron P. tiardwell Ratale, Helra ' or. 8O.70; lnt a, . nrroa i. t arue eu iterate, Hetra of. 3O.T0; lot . Byroa P. Cardwell , -- i an to. in rmm . 1 r'aerfwell Vate Mrjra af. 3O.701 tot (1 . Hrree. P .Cardwell getale. Helra of. $0.70 ' tat It. Brron p. t'aritwall Relate. Hetra hi e. eo Hi lu-t- f MS i. I o.l biaItm ailiTIi let J Vrrd BiatTer. to, TO: tat . II. M, Bnh - $" t tat 4. H M. Baoh. $0.Tn; lot 3. Alice , Kretner, $A.7i: tat 3. Alice Kreejer, $n.T: ' lot T. Anna Fllia Btarr. 3" 70: tat 8. AmeHa - B, dud M, J. Maraa, 30.70; tot f, IT lee wank OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. CITT V0T1CEB. lie, $0.70; lot 10, William R. rarrla. 30.70; tot 11. Joha Tway. $o.7o; tat 12. Joko Tway, 3O.70. BLOCK 0i . tat 1 ruluia Park Land Company. 3o.; tat -- 2. rultoa Park Laud Comrauy, o.lo; tat a, Kultoa Park Laud Company, ko.wo; tat 4, ultua l"ark Land Company, aal.uo; tot 5. KulUia Park Laud Company. i.oo. BLOCK t tot 1, Loul" krleae. $0.1o; lut 2. Loulae k rleae, $0.10; tat 3. Manoa kdtly BpaaWlioj. $0.70; tat 4, Ckrlat Uauacu. bu-T- tat 4, Joha M. Meeatak, 80.70; tot , Charlca A. Dueller, $0.10; tan i 1 '.iiapla a. Iiueber. 8O.I0: tat ci. Charlca BW.TU, Un JU, 1M-B TOW PMIM. I " - lloratla R. Hulmua, $0.1u; lot. 13. Uoratta 41. Holiuea, $o.JU. BLOCK eu. lot I, dueua K. v. and Bauie A. wruiaio, ei. m Juaeph k.L. aad Badla, wftakta, $0.70, tot 3. Addle I'arrlu. $o.o; tatd. Addle I'anriu. 30.70; Jot 6. Bylrauua C. Armitage, 3u.lo, tat a, Andrew Holmca. e0.7o; tat 7. J;- - B. teuruiey, aw.36; tat 3. bletem of the Holy Name of Jeeua aad Mary, $0.10; tat M. Lw Huugherty. $o.70; lot 10, Juaeph Boat. o lo. Colin C. Olrrln. 30.70; tat 12, Lull t;. Ulrrla. $o.7o; tat 1.1, Bylraaua C. Aruil-Ug- r, $o.T0: tat 14. Bylrauua C. Armitage, mu.lu; tot 1. Boutbweet Portland Real Rate. tei .Compani, ao.lai tot 18, woriaero wuiie- - lUTeatmeni irue, e"i - - em Couatlea Incealment Truat, Ltd., $0.10) tat 18. .Nielbrra CouoUea InTaatmcut lruat. Ltd 80.70; tot 1. Juaci ,Bcat..$O.To; tat 30, Andrew J. DygerU Jr. and Br.. $0.70, tat 21. H. L. Mariaall. $o.T0; tat 22, U. L. Martaall. $0.86; tat 23, A. W. Balrd. .7; tat 34. 'Jamea H. Chaaa. $O.T0 tat 25, Maurice N. CuetclK $0 To; lot 2d. bint Nattonal Rank of Portland Oregun, o T0; tat 87, k'nuk M. Warren. $u.J0; tat 23, Iran, AT. Warren. 30. TO BLOCK 70, lot 1. Vincent Cook, 30.10; tat .Vtaeent Cooh,8u.lo; lot 3, Vincent Cook; $0.10; tat 4. Vincent Cuok7$0 IOi tat y Karoluand A. Lit $0.70; tat a, WllUam Barnea. $0.70: tat T, 0. W. add Margaret V. AJlea, $0.70; U 8. 0. W. and Mariarot V. Allenv $0.70; tot 0. Barak MlUkalL 30.T0; tot los Maria V atarturd, 3u.?o; tot 11, Vincent Cooit. $0.To; tat li, Vincent Cook. $0.7o. BLOciC Tl. tat . Vin- cent Cook. 3O.10; tat 2. Vincent Cook. $0.70; tat 8, Vloeeut Coidt, $0.70; tot 4. Vlurcnt Cook. $0.70; tot 6, red Buragalj. $0.70; tat -- 8. cd Bgeto,$U7o; tat 1, Beruhard-In- e WeatpahL $o t0; tat B, Bernhardlnc. Wcat-pab- L $o.7o; tat 8. J.. B. xouug. $0.70; tat 10. Jaae Wall. $o.7o; tat ll,Vlnui Cook, $0.70; tat 12. Vliicfnt Cook, 30.TO. BLOCK U, tot 1. Vincent Cook. 30.70; tot 2. Vincent Cook, 60. TO; tat 3, Vincent Cook, $0. To; lot 4, Vincent Cook. 3O.70; tat 6. Vlacent Cook. $0.70; tat 3, Vincent Cwk. J?-S- . tat T, rrauk and Mary Hackney, $0.70; tat B. Laura lUckney, $o.T0; tat 8, Vlnceot Cook; 80.70; tat 10, Vincent Cook, $0.70; W 11, Vincent Cook. 30.70: tat .1 Vincent Cook. 30.70. BLOCK T3, lot 1, Heery Mcckcn-- a tela. 81.46; lot 2, llenry r)eckcnateln, $1.45; 'tat 3, Henry $1.36; lot 4, Henry $1.20; tat 3, Henry $1.00; tot 3, Henry rtockca-atet- 30.no; tat T, . Henry Kltkeiaiteln. oT. Utl Mmre Vlackanatelu. 30.40. BLOCK 74. Hoary leckaartcln 33. BLOCK 75. Henry Vlrckoaateln. 33.56. BLOC'K 70. tat 1. Henry rieckenatela, $0.35 tat 2.,Heury vi.kt.i : tot 3. Henrr klerkeu- - (teln, $0.16; tat 4, Henry rierkrnauln. $0.10. BLOCK 30, lot 1, rultoa uat 30,40;. tot 3, killtoa) Land Company. $0.45. BLOCK' 81, lot 1. Fultoa Land Company, $0.00; tot 2. Fultoa Land Company, $o.l0; L. a viom lu.l runilf. 30.70: lot 4. rultod Laud Company,, $o.lo; tat 6, rulton Laud Company, to tal tat 8, ryitoa Lena Company, $0.60; tat T, Knltoa .Land. Com-ean- al7U: lot 8. Fultou Land Company, r$iklo; kit 8, Kultoa Laud Company, $0.70; lot ju, ruiuiu vwiwwo - . - - Kultoa. Land Company, $0.7o; tat 12, fultoo 1n romoanr. 3O.70. BLOCK 82. rultoa Land Company, fl.lo; tat 2. rultoa Land Company, $1.00; tat 3. Fulton Laad Company, au.ao; lot , ruitoa-uaa- uwikw, ,$o.eo; tat 6, rulton Und Company,, $0.44. B1XH.K 33. - Henry riectaiiatciii. $5.16. a. ma a a at f d l..L 3x41 Mi LrvT At. aUIlt ae, l" o, r. ;wi V. Cook. $u.76; lot 5, V. Cook. $0.70; tot 3, ; V. Cook, $0.70; tot , T, V. Cook. $0.70; Vi Cook.' $0.40 tot' 2i V. Cook. $0.10; tot 8 V. Cookv $0.60; lot 10. V. Cook, 30.70; 7'. . v fZ.t. an Rf.fWK Ml. bit 1. v. Coik.' '30.36;' tat 2. V. Cook, 30.70; lot 8. T.. Upok, 30. 10; Mix a, t. wia, ev.iv, tat ft. V. Cook. $0.70; lot 3. V. Cook. J0.T0! Ul 1 V .iv.b All HAL bit K. V. Cook. 30.T0; tat 8, V. lot 10, V. Cook,. 80.70; tot 11, vTciX, $b.7o; Jot U V. 'cook, $0.70; lot 18. V, Cook. $0.70: tot 14, V. Cook, $0.10; iot 15, V. Cook. $0.70; tot Id. V. Cook; $0.70; tat IT, V. .Cook, $0.7o; tat 18. V. Ciok, $0.70;' lot-1- Cook. lot 20, V. Cook, $0.70; lot 11. V, iiLti' anrn:U M V Cook. 30.70: tot 2X 1 V. Cook. $0.70; lot .' y. Cook. $0.70; tat 30. V. COOU, eu-'- iov.ee, t. ev.v". juiW ut lor V V Cook 3U.H6: tat 2. V. Cook, so.io; lot A, T. ,1,00m, Ov.iu, ra. V.. caok; $0.70; tat JJ.. V. Cook, $0.7o; w V i ,k an TOt lot V. Cook. 30.70: at 10. V. Cook, 30.7o; tat 11, V. Cook, 30 70; -t- ot 8. V. Cook. 3O.70; tat 0 V. Cook, mj.70; ,lf4e .Uc.vilt. All Ko. BLOCK DM. lot 1. V. Cook, go.70; lot x, r. voua, eo.iu, io a. T . UOOA.' W.IU iv v, tat 6, V. Cook, 30.70; tat , V. Cook. $0.70; tat T. V.'Cook, $O.T0; tat 8, V. Cook. 8O.70; tat B, V. Cook, 30.70: tot 10, V. Cook. 30.70; tat il, V. Cook. 80.70; tot 12, V. Cook. 30.70. BLOCK 03, lot 1. V. Oook.l $0.7o; tat 8. V. Cook. 3O.T0; tat Sv. V. Cook. $O.T0; tat 4.V. UHds. $0. To;. lot 8. V. Cook. $O.T0; tot 37V. Cook. 30.T0; tot T, V. Cook. 30.70; tat 8. V. Cook, 3O.70. BLOCK 100, tat 1, au.ao; era a, t. wv, c'wi V, Cask, $0.70; tot 4. V. Cook, $0.70; tat 8.. V. Cook, 30.70; kit 3, V.Oook, 30.70; tot t. V. Cook$0.70; lot 8, V. Caok, $0.70; tot 3. V. Cook. 30.70; tot 10, V. Cook. aV.to. lor 11 V. Cook. 3O.T0: tat 12. V. Cook. $0.85. BLOCK 101. tat 1. V. CookJ 1.805 ; 1 tat 2, v. cook, 31.10; tot a. r. coox. J 1.30. BLOCK. 103, wit J, r. vuou, r.iie t X, V. Cook. $0.70; lot S. V. Cook to. in, a , v jvwii, an TO; lot a. V. li-v- k ' ao.Tn- - 'lot 8. V. Cook. 8L.45: lot 7, V. Cook. $1.16: tat 8, V. Cook, "30.80;- - tot 3, V. Cook, $0.00; tat 10, V. Cook, 0.00 lot U. V Cook., 3J.20; lot 12. V. Cook 80.75. BLOCK 103, tat 1, V. Cook, $0.30 tat a. V. (look. 30.70: tat A V. Cook. 80.70 WAV. Cook. 80.70: tat 6. V. Cook. 30.70; tat 3, Portland CUy Company, $0.70; tat T, Portia ml Clay Company, $0.70; tat 8, . PortUad Clay - - Company, 30.85. BLOCK 104. tot 1, C. J. Decker, $0.7o; tot 2, C J iwke. ail 7(1: lot 3. Rdwla C. Jon neon. 80. 70: tot 4. oh3,,I)aneyr. $0.70; , tot '6, V Larld " W. '. Kberlla. $0.70; lor- - 8, rultoa Park Land Company. $0.70; - lot T, Fultoa P.rk lsd (Vimoanr. 30.35: lot 8. Kmma i Marquam, 30.TO; lot 3, D. U. Jackaoa, 30.T0 IM 111. iraiHn I'd TBI lallia Urniaailiw. pv, IV tat II. W. J. Orambo. 3O.T0; tat 12. W. J, ao TO. In 1 A 1 a TmA lon. pany- -- Ltd.. $0.7U4 lot. 14, AlUauca Trnat Comoanr. OA.. $0.85; tat 15, Rothacblld Una. 30.4O: tot. IB. Rothacblld Bra.. $0.16 tot 17. .X. it. Church, $0.10; let IB. J. M Cknrch. 30.6fi: lot 10. j. M. Church. $0.70 tat 21)7 D. H. Jackaoa, $0.70; tat 21. D. H. J.ckaon 30.70: tat 22. Minnie BlmoB. 30.86 tat 23. Juaeie B. Kirk, 30.70; tot 34, John (ileblakAt $0.70; tat 25.. Julvij Glcbiah. 30.70; tor 2B Alice ' Mackocuklc. ).70:ot 27. Alice Markriuae, $0.70: tat 2H. . AHce Mae- - keuaie, ,4)0.70. , BLOCK 105, aouth B0 feet ot block ion, jtyroa r. oantweii satatr. Hetra at, $2.25; aorth 120 feet of block no, City - Buburbaa . Railway Company, 33.40. BLOCK A. 'lot 1. Ktta WUUama. 3V.06 i lot X Etta Wllliama, $o.30; lot X. lullon " l.rk tad 30.45 t,.4atcr. Blta Wll llama. $0.30; tat 3, . Chriatina rieckea. atein. Ail TO: tot . Ckriatlna aApckeaatela $atv. BLOCK B, tat 1, rultoa Park. Land 1 .mtiini X11 .III: lot rultoa Park Land Company, ' S0.40; tat ' 3, ' rultoa Park Rand Cemiiaajr, $o.40; lot 4, rultoa' Park Land Company, 80.46; lot 5, Pultoa Park' Land Compear, $046; tat .a, rultoa Park Land ' Company, 30.6O; lpt T, rultoa Park Land Company, $0.66; ; tat 8, rultod Park Land ' Cempaay, $0.65t - lot 8. Kultoa Park ' Conipauy. $0.00. BLOCK C, tot 1. Fulton Park Lapd ComBuny 80.40; lot 2, IMItoa park tat SViiKultou park IjioH tympany. $0.60 tat 4.. Kultoa Park Land tempany. $0.55; Jot 6, Kultoa Park lnd I'tHapaJiy, 0.70; tat 8. Kulloa Park lAnd Company, 0.76; tat T, Kiiltoo ' Park Laud- - Ouneaey, $11.00: tat 8. Kultoa rem wnwi'-.ninj- ,, $0.V6-- ' lot ' Park Land Company, 81.O0. BLOCK D, tat U Kultoa Park Land Company, $2.25; tat 2, Knltoa Park Land Coeipany, 30.70; tot 8, Faltoi, ' Park Land Coeneany, ,; fo.Tir; tot 4t . Kultoa l"ark lnd ComiMtny,' $0.7l tat 3. Oregoa a: calitorma ataiiroau jcainaoyi an. io, BIAICK K. aorta ) Of n tiaru r inney V 30.30; nortk of lot 8. Clara riuney, fti.B.. aouth of tat 1, Mary L. White. $0.36 aouth C of tat 2. Mary L. White, $0.36 lot nrCnarleo K. Tlnrd.30.90. B1XK K .. tat 1, 3a ah Curlcy, $n.30; tat 2, 8ara3 Cur Icy. ao. to; lot a, J. n. neon, e"o; mt 1 "Vpetiw Cnrley, 31.00; tat 6, Rothchlld Broa. at a Uotbchlld Broa.. 3o.uo: lot 1 Itnthcblld Plena.. 3o.Mil: lot 3. Rothchlld Broa. $0.76; tat . Rothchlld Broa.. 80.30; lot 10, i Rothchlld Broa.. $"70 -- BIAM'K U, tot 1, r 1 IkWM tn.OR: lot 2. J. Decker. 3i.4n; tat 3, C. J. Decker. $0.80; tat 4. Mary II. i;kermly, $0.73; tat 6. B. L.' Thompaoa, - aoTn- - be 4 E. L Tbomneon. 3d Ho: tat 7. K. L. Tuompeoej, au.nti; rot e. A. A. rowera, tat 3. A. t. Power, $o.: lot 10. A. nil; $0,40: tat 11. P. Li. Marley, $0.80; . tat 12, P. H. Marler. $0.30. BLOCK H, tat 1. F. A. Walpole, $o.60; tat X K. A. Walpole, 3nj0; tot 8. Aaa K. Ml'ia. $1.20 tat 4. Ana RrNiXou. $1.35: tat 6.. Ann R. Nlroa, $1.16; weat 36 feet of tat 8. 1. B., CoUcR. $l.4; weat 03 feet af lot T. J. B. Culk-k- . $0 46: rill of tat $ lylag aaat of want 33 feet, Ruth W. Decker. 80.00: all of tat T lying eaet of Wcat- - 35 feet, Rath W. Deeher. $0.70; lot ' 8. Moaea A. Share. $1.16; tat 8, Moaea A.; fthare. 31.16; lot 10, A gee Huttenmuuer. $1.05: tat ,.1, , Uabeth H. ( artla, $0.P0; - lot 12. Patrick and Mary Hughea. $il.7"i; tat 13, Patrick and Marr Hughea. $0.30. BLOCK I, tat 1. Anna R. Mtoa. $0.30; let 2, Anna R. Mxon, $i Tt; tat 3, Anna K. Klioa. $d.Tn; ' tat 4. Anna K. Klxoa. $o.76; tat 6. Anna K. ' Kltnnj tn M: lot a. Harriet Dunham. $o.76; l.tat T. HarrletDunham, $1.85: tat . R. M. limnant. e., ' y ut"" $1.43. J, tat K Byroa P. Cardwell Katata, Helra Aif, - $0. To; let 3 Rothchlld Broa., 10.30; tat X Roibcklld Broa., o.70; PORTLAND, THURSDAY CITT B0TICC8. lot 4. Rothchlld Broa.. 30.T0; lot 5, ,rtaul-we- Portland Real Ralate Company, "30; tat 8. Rothchlld Una.. $0.50;, tat 7. Maurice t;uodmau, 3O.70I tat B. Rotbchlld Bcua., $o.t: tat 3, Kulbrhlld Broa.. $l.4o; tat 10, Kothcfalld Broa.. $1.23: tot II. Rothchlld Broa.. $1.20; tat 12, Rothchlld Broa., $0.65: tat Id, Rmh.-bll- Broa.. 3".ao; lot 14, Rothchlld $0.30; tat 16, Rothchlld Broa., $0.66, BLOCK K. tat 1. Rothchlld Broa., $1.20; tafl, Roth- chlld Broa.. $o.75 tat 3, Rolbchlld .Brud-- . $l.on: tat 4, Rotbchlld Broa.. $1.16i lot 6, Kothehlld Itroa., $1.15: tat 3, Rotbchlld Broa., $l.u. HCOCK L. Kultoa Park liud Jba-pan- $.. BLOCK At, Kulum 1'ark Laod ilouiiiaur. 3.1.25... ri'LTON BLOCK 1.' lot 1, R. . Hlegelraana, 341.70; tot x, H. if icgeimann, eu.ou; i"i e. n. Rlerelmaan,' 30 u; kit 4, C." H. Plggott, 3n.0: lot 6. R. Rlrgelmana. $0.55; tat a, R. Rlegelmaan. 30.au; tot 7, R. Rlegelmann, 30.3O; lot 8, R. Rtegalmena.. $0.00. BLOCK 2. Robert Pattoa Ratate, Heln of. XI All HIJVK S. -- all of block 8 weat .of Macadam road, Aaruu Walt, 83.40; all ofi blork 3 aaat of Macadam read, m. eientoa $0.15. BLOt'K 4. Tbe King Katate. 1.03. BLOCK, 3, Tyler ' Woodward, $3.30. LtK-- T. Alexander Meed. $5.35. BLOCK a, tat 1,' II. J. R. Rlegelmann. $O.T0; undi- vided of lot 2. M, . Murria, $o.3S; - of tot 8. M. U. Morrla. $0.:i6; Iiadlrlded of tat 3, W. R. Morrla, 30.35: uuairiora or hk a, w. n,. nunw, Int 4. Alice Berry Nuaa, $O.T0; tat 5, Alice Berry, una, $0.T0; uudlelded of tat 8. M. U. Mocria. $o.; aadlrlded . of tat T. M. 0. Murria, $o.:5; unillTliled of tat 8. W. R. Morrla, $0.35; uudlTldcd of tat 7. W. R. , Morrla. $0.35; tat o, II. J, R. Rlegelmann. $0.70. ' A tract of land lying between a Una 30 feat aoutk- of and parallel with tbe aouth Una of block 3. Fulton, and the north Una of llock r, rulton Park, and between e line 30 fact eaat of and parallel wllb tbe oaat Ilea of block 10, Kultoa, and 3 Una 00 feet weaterly from and parallel with tbe weatrrly line of btocka 3 and T. rultoa, except that portion ot aald tract eccualed by tha City A Buburbaa Railway Company'a rlgbt at way, M. U. Morrla and W. R. Morria, $2-3- - . ITLTON BLOCK 18, undirlded of lot 1. M. U. Morrla, f0.;u; unairiuca T " , M. U. Morrla. Bti.30: andirioea or ioi o. M.'U. Morrla, $0.35: nndlrlilcd of lot 4 M. U. Morrla, $0.36; umllTlHed of lut 6, M. O. Morria, 30.36; undlrkled at lot tl, M. tl. Morrla. $0.35; undlrlded i or lot i, M. O. Morrla, $0.36; uodlrded of tot B, M. O. Morria. $0.35; undlrlded of lot 1. W. R, Morrla, 30.36; undlrlded t tat 2. W. K. Morrla, 80.36; undlrlded of kit 2, W. R. Morrla, $0.36; undlrlded of lot 4. W. R. Morrla, $0.35; uudlrldcd of tot 3. W. R. Morrla, $0.35; undWIded of lot 8, w u V4,.. in n: undiTlded U ot kit T, W. R. Morria. . o; undirlded of tat 8, W. R. morrla, $0.36; BLOCK 1T - tat 1. H. W. ICoroett Batata. Boln of, 30.70; tot H. W. Cor-he- tt Batata, Helra of, $0.70' tat 3, Andrew W. Kreom. $0.70: tot 4. Andrew W. Kraum, .$0.70; tot 8. R. 1. Kreum. $O70; tot 3, R. i. rTCUm, AO- '"I Wit t. l. VIJ-tv- . mtmm, Helra of, $0.70; tat 8, LL W. Corbett JiaUte, riui. e an rn B0UTHRRN PORTllAND." 0RR00N RIVRB tot T. P. H. Blytb. 8L25; tat . P. H. Blyth, . . .... ... n .. i, i ai on.. 1., in 0 1. 1 o art , . n. "J e.w, P, H. Blyth, $1.05; north 23 feet of tat 11. P. 11. niyta. ao.ao; acuta ai icei w oj , H. C Breeden. 30.55; tat 12. H. C. Breeden, a. k. L., l 11 ftMML., At 1 0 In 14. 11. c Breeden, $L10; tot 16, B- - C. Breeden. 8L25: tat lo.. H. C. Breeden. $1.60; tot 17, H. C' Braedea. 11.80; lot 18, H. C. Breeden, $1.70; tot IB, H. C. Breeden, 81.au; tot 20, 11. C. Breeden, $1.85; lot 21, H. C. Breeden, 32.00; tot 22, u. c. Breeaen, eA.au; ami IHw I.a of lot 23. H.nnah MaaoB. $1.36; undlrlded J-- J ot lot 24. .Hannah Maaon, ki an? endlTldad 3 of tat 25. ' Hannah . , ul, Ol a . ls.t "iVI Hannah Maaon. $1.85; undlrlded 1-- of tat 37, xtaanau ataaon, . f i.oo; unuiTiuaw e- - of ' tat 28, Hannah Maaon, $1.86; . undi- vided 2--3 of tat 2$, Hannah Maaon, $1.26; andlrlded 3 of lot 30, Haunah Maaon, undlrlded 3 of, lot 31, Hannah tl.2S; , ai !. nnlHTlned 2--3 of tot - 32.. Haanah Maaon, $1.86; undirldedl-- of tat 33, Hannah Maaon, $1.25; undivided 2--8 ot tot 34, Haanah Maaon.- - $1.25; undlrlded t--t of lot 36, Hannah Maaon, $L35; 3 . of tot 38, Hannah Maaon, ai.oa; anairiaea - ot - iwi, . Hannah. Maaon, $1.50; andlrlded 1 of lot 3B, Hannah Maaon, $1.35; undlrlded 2-- 8 of tat 33, Hannah' Maaon, $1.35; undlrlded 2-- of tat 40, Hannah Maaon, $186; undl rlded 3 ot tat 41, Hannah Maaon, 3l.3o; wiiTliinl 9--a of tot 42. HABuah Maaun. $1.16: undlrlded 8 ot tat 43, Hannah Maaon, $1.10; mull elded 2.8 of lot 44. Hannah Maaon, $1.05; undivided 2--3 of lot 45, Hannah Ma- aon, $1.0; undivided 2--3 ot lot 40, Hannah Maaon. 30.35: undivided 3 of tat 47, 11 a u- - mk Ueiioii.. ZO BO: undivided 3 Of lot 23, 4 J. F, Wataoa, $0.30; undlrlced 8 of tot 24, J7F.- - Wataon. 30.70; unaivioeo 0 01 lot 25. J. K. Wataon, $0.70; undivided 3 of tat TaV J.VJ" Wataoa,- $0.30; undivided 3 af lot 27. J. F. Wataon; $0.80; undivided 8 of tat 2. J. F. Wataon, $0.80; undlrlded 8 of tat 28, 1. K: Wataon,, $0.80; undivided 3 of tat 30. 1. r. Wataoa, $0.65: undivided 8 of tat 81. J. r. Wataoa, $0.66; undlvldea .1-- 8 of tat 82, J. K. wataon. .80: undivided 3 of lot 83. J. r. Wataon. 00: undivided 1. r lot !U. I. V. Wataon. 1.60: uudlvlded of lot 6,r K. Wataon,' i t.so; uudlvlded 3 of tat S3. J.-J- r. wataoa, .so: unamoea $ of tat 37, I. F. Wataon, ,su; unaiviaea 3 of ' tat 38, 1. T. Wataon, 0i undivided 3 of tat 30, J. F. Wataon, 80; undivided 3 of lot 40, J. K Wataon, j.ou; unaiviaea 3 of tat 41. J. 1.00;- - andivided a-- 3 af tat 42, S. F. Wataon, a.65: undivided 3 of tat 43, . r."Wavn,- - 30.60; undtrided 3 of tat 44. 0L. 3P.50-- , undivided 3 of taf 45, J. F. Wataoa. $0.45; undivided 3 of tot 46, J. K. Wataon, $0.45; andivided . 3 of tot 47. J. K. wauon, au.au,. blah, a 1, undivided 3--3 of lot 1. Hannah Maaon, an am nndiriiled 8 of tar 2-- - Hannah Ma. eon, $0.30; undivided 2-- 3 of tot 8. Hannah $0.20;, andivided 2 of tot 4, Hannah ' Maaon. . . ... . . . , , j . . a In 1 T V AtaBOU. aV.1V IIHUOluni - w avw . - ' 11-- . ,.... All III! undlTldeil of lot 2. J F. Wataoa,' $0.16; undivided 3 of tat J, F. Wataoa, 80.10; undivided 3 of. tat 4 J. r. wataon. eo-i- bxaicb. a. .unm- v vided 2--3 of tat 1, Hannah Maaon, 30.4O; .. Mui uiiIhi s or lot x. Htuiffl aaaaoac eu.eu undivided 3 of lot 3. Hannah Maaon-- . $0.40; undivided 2--2 of tat 4, Hannah Maaon, ao Ail!, undivided 2--3 at tot 6. UaQnah Ma- - ' aoa, $0.40; undivided 2--3 of lot a, Uamtah Maaon. 30.40: undivided 2--3 af tot 7, Hao- - '.n.k Uaaon. 30.411: undivided 2--3 of. tat B. Hannah Maaon, $0.40; undivided 2--3 of tot 0. Hannah Maaon. 80.56; .undivided 2--9 of 'tot 10, Hannah Maaon, $0.35; undivided 8 or lot 11. Hannah Maaon. (0.30: undivided 8 of lot 12, Hannah Manoa, $0.46; uudly -- vided . of tot 12. Hannah Maaoa. 80.36 andielded - af . tot 14. Haanah Maaon, . 30.45: undlrlded 3--8 of tot 18, UAaoah Ma $0.20; undivided 3 of tat- - 18. Han- - aon,. . . . -- . . ... a, .1 . . a, a, . , 1. ... m aan maaon, eo.au , qnitiuim u v. . Hannah Maaon, 30.10; undivided 2--3 ot tat - 13. Hknaak Maaoa. .$0.46; aadlrlded 3 of tat 1. J. f. Watatm. $0.20; undivided 3 of tat 2, J. r. Wataon. $0.20; undlrlded 3 of lot a. J. F. Wataon. $0.20: undiviaed 3 of Jot 4, J. F. Wataoa, $0.20; undlrlded 8 i tot 8, J. F, Wataon, $0.20; nodi Tided 8 of tot 3, J. K. Wataoa, fu.iw ' undivided 1 ot tat 7, J. F. Wataoa, $0.20 - undivided 1.3, of lot 8. J. F. Wataon. $0.20 undivided 3 f tot 3, J. F. Wataoa, $0.30; . undivided 8 of tot in. j.. r. wataon, au.cvo: andivided 8 af lot II. t. F. Wataon, $0.10 undivided ot tot 12, J. F.. Wataoa, i umUvMed 8 of tot 13, J. P. Wataoa, Undivided 8 of tot 14, J. F. Wataoa, uadlvtded 3 of tat in, 1. r. wataoa, i und I Wiled 8 of tat lo, J. F. Wataon, $0.20 ' uudlVlded 3 of lnt 17. J. Yt Wataoa. $0.10 undivided 3 of tat 18. J. F. Wataoa. $0.20. BLOCK, 3, uadlrlded 3 of tat 1, Hamwh - Majtuh. $0.46: andlrlded 2--3 of lot 2,Han-aa- b ' Maaon: 30.45: undivided 2--3 of fitt riiaimak Maaon, $0.45; uudlvlded 8 of tat 4.' Hannah Maaon, '$0.46; undivided 2-- of lot 6. Hannah Maaoa. $0.45; undivided 2--3 lot (I, -- Hannah Maaon, $0.46: undivided 2--3 of lot 7, Hannan Maaon, ao.i; anairiaea 3 of iot a, Hannan maaoax ao.ao; until vided 3 af tot 8, Hannah Maaon, $0.66; I uudlvlded 2--3 of let 10, . Manna a Maaon, undivided 3--8 of tot 11. Haunah Ma- ana. $0.46: undivided 2--3 of lot 12, Hannah . Maaon, $o.k4fi; undlrlded 2--3 of tat 13. Uau- - n. k .Maaon. 30.43: undivided 2-- Of lot 14. Hannah Maaoa. 30.46; undivided 8 of tat 13,' Hannah Maaon, $0.46; undivided 2-- ot ' tat 1ft, Hannah Maaon. $0.45; undivided 2-- 3 ot lot 17, Haanah Maaon. $0.46; undivided i 3--3 of lot IS, liannan maaon, av.ao: uaui vbled 8 ot tot 1. J. F. wataon. 30.20; iin I divided 3 of tat 2. J. P. Wataon.. 30 ' undivided 3 of taf 8. J. F. Wataon. 30 20 undivided 8 of tat 4. J. F. Wataoa. andivided 3 of tat 6. J. F. Wataon. '$o.2o-- . nadlvlded 8 of tat . J. F. Wereon. 80.20 "undivided 3 of kit 7. J. F. Wataoa, $o.2o, ' aadlvtded 3 of tat 3, I. F. Wataoa, $0.20 undivided 8 of hit 8, J. F. Wataoa, $0.30 - undivided 'l Of U 10. 1. F . undlvldedV of tat II. J. F. Wataon, $0.2" , uailivlded of tat 12,. J. F. Watamv 8f 20 ' andlTtdod 3 of tat 13, J. K, Watanu, fo.20 undlrlded 3 of tat 14, t. K. Wataoa, 30-2- undivided of tat 16. t. F. Wataon, $0.20 unMivliled 1 8 of lot 14. J. --F.- Wataon. 3) 21 aadt Tided of tat 17. J. F. Wataon. 80.i , t a 1 II J a ta.-- . j 'M, BIam:K 4, undiTlded 3 Of lot 1 Hanaak Maaoa. f ..tt; undiTlded 2-- or lot 3, Hannan Maaoa. 1.3ft: andivided af tat 6. Hannah Maaoa, j i.:ik; undivided' 2- - ot tat T. Hannah .:a: undiTlded 3 of tat 3. Ha - Maeon. ; until Tided af hit 11, Hannah Maaaoa. fom; nndiTined a of tot 13, Manoa Mam. $l..'6: aadlvlned 3 nf lot 15, Ha Maaon. $0,364 anillTldetf 3--3 of tat 17. Uanna Maana. $n v; andlrlded 3 of tat I, J. K, Watma. $0.16; andlrlded 3 or lot 3, J. Wataoa, $n.Vi anillTldrd of tat 6. J. - m'ateoa. 3n. 15: undivided of tat T. 4. "Wataoa. $n.l; andiTSded of lot 8. J. F. -- . Waraea. $.li: undlrlded i,i or lot II, J. l . a face. 3IVI3; luodlrl.led of Int 13, J. F Wataoa, ear tat IN Wala 16: andivided 14 of bit IT. J Wataoa, 15j tat 3, Rear 4 rereoaal EaUU EVEIJIIIp. JT' Mi """'P Company, $0 60; tat 4, Real Parooaal Fatata Ctimpany, $M.50; tot 8, Real A Perauual Ratate Compauy, 30 5O; aouth 4 of tat B. Real Pvmoiiel Rauta tompany, $0.16; north 2-- of lot 8, Hauuah Maaoi, 0.36; tat 10, Hannah Maaoa. $0-a- ; tat 12, Hannah Maaoa. $o.7o; tat 14, ttanaak Maaqu. $0.70? tot IB. Haunah Maaoa, fo.io. lot lb, iiaanan auaoo, eu-i- BLOCK 6, undlvldt-- d 2--8 at Itot 1, Haanah Maauu, $O.S6; undivided 2--3 of tot 3, Hanaak Maaou, 30.36; undlrlded 2--3 of tot 3, Hannah Maaon, $o.36; undiTlded 3 ot tat 7, Uanuak Maaou, bO.36; nadlvlded 8 of tat V, Haunah Maaou. ao. i : uudlTldtMl 2--8 of tat 11. Haanah Maaun, $0.36; audlTtded 2--3 of let 13, Haanah I, Maauu, ao.aio; uuaiviuca a-- a ik uia it, nmnnH Maaoa, b0.36; undivided 8 of tat 17, Hannah Maauu, 30.36; undivided 3 of lot 1, J. K. Wataoa, 30.16; uudlvlded of tat 8, J. K. Wataoa, ao.16; undivided, of tat 6, J. . Wataon, ao.16; uudlvlded pt tat T. 1. V. Walaou, 30.15; uudlvlded af tat 8. J. K. Watauu, $o.l6; undivided 8 et tat H. J. K. Watauu, $Oil&; undivided 2 vt tat 13, J. K. Watauu, $0.16; undivided 3 of tat 16, J. K. YVataoM, 0.15; uudlvlded 8 et tat 17. J. F. Watauu, bu.16; tat 2. Rrnatlue Bcboenbechler, $11.70; tot 4, Krnatlne $o.70j aoutk y, or jot a. oaa ncnrauuot-uuir- , ew.ea Burlh of tat B. 'KrnaaUua Peppel. $0.36; tat b. llannah Maaon, ao.7o; tat 10. Hannah Maauu, $o.6; tat 12. Hannah Maaoa, $o.7o; kit 14, Hannah Maaou, 3O.70; tat Id, Haanah Maaou. 3O.70; lot ,13. Chartaa W. Hlgxlua, $0.70. BIAICK a, undlrlded 28 of tot 1 exorpt Oregua California Railroad Com- panr'a rlgbt of way, Hannah Maaoa, $0.36; undivided 3 of tat 1 except Oregua X Call--: furnla Railroad Company'a right- - af way. Real IVreunal Km lata Company, $0.1a; tat 2, W. B. Baker, .$0.70; undivided 8 of tat "3. Hannah Maaou, $0,36: uudlvlded 8 of let 3, Real Pononal Batata Com-ou- $0.15; tat 4. Hannah Maauu, $0.To; tat Martha M. Crowell, $0.60; lo- t- a, Martha M. (Lowell, $0.70; lot B, Amelia Berretb, $0.70; air ut tat X except regJO 4i .California Railroad . Cotnpaay'a rlgbt of way. Amelia 1 Bamth. $0.6o; all of lot 8 except Oregoa CaUfornla Railroad Com- pany ' right of way, Martha M. Crowell, $061 lut ,10, Martha M. Crowell, $0.86; all of tat 11 except Oregon CaUfornla RaU-aoa- d Company'a right ot way, Martha M. Crowell, $0.60; lot 12, Martha M. Crowell, $0.T0; all of lot 18 except Oregoa Callfo- rala Railroad Company'a right at- way, Mar- tha - M. Crowell, $0.50; ' tat 14, Martha M. Crowell, $0.70: Tot 15, John P. Ward, $0.o; lot 18, Joha e. Ward, Jo. 70; tot IT, Joha P. Ward, $0 TO; lot 13. Job a V. Ward, $o.T0. BLOCK T, tot 1. KUxabeth Toong, $o.T0; tat 2, Rllxabeth Touag, $0.70; tat t, KUa- abcth Toung, 0.T0; lut 4, Rllaabath Toung, $.70, tot 5, Charity H. Neidormeyar, $0.7u; tat 9, Mary K. Adama, $0.70; tot 7, Delia M. Bchrocder, $0.70; tat B, Mary F. Adama, $0.70; tat , K. A. Livaatov. 30.861 tot 10. Oottfrlcd MCtalar. $0.85; lot ll. Annie C Bcbmocr, $0.70; lot 12, AnoU C. Bchmeer, tot 13, Joaeph Beat. 0.70;tot Id, K.70J Meat. 30.TO: lot .15. D. W. Hoelblnc. $o.7o; tat 13, D. W. Uoclblng. $0.70; tat JT, Bophla Wetagtwoer, $o.7o; tat IB, ttoplila weiaeerner. ao.luv bxaiva o, , tut. a, i -- ttn,avtt. no. To; lot a. Gur Bennett. 30.70: tot 3, tiny nennett, au.io: jox a,iuuy nee nott, $0.7o; tat 6, Percy H. Blyth, $0.70; tat T. Percy H. Blyth. $o.To; lot 3, .Percy H. Blytb, $0.70; tat . Loulae IL Bmlth, $0.70; tat 8. Loulae H. Bmlth, $0.70; lot 10, Har- riett B. KUleo, $o.7o; lot 11, Oeorge H. Vaugha, $0.60; kit 12. Oeorge H. Vaugha, ah BUMlv I. ML ARwrt Demke. $0.70; lot .' Albert Demka. $0.70; tat 6. Jacob Relack, $o.7o; lot T. Jacob- - Belach, $iJ.7oitol a, Jaouu tteiaca, 9uao, iot aw. aacou mm, 30.00; tot 3. Albert Demke, $0.70; tot 4. AiKt ikm iilIu: lot a. C. K. Oakea. $0.10; tat 8. C. K. Oakea, 3a70; all of tat 11 lying aaat of wcat 28 feet of aald tot, C. . oakea, $0.65; all of lot 12 lying aaat o, . MI xa feet of Mid hlL C K. OaktM. ao.ao: weat 20 feet of lot 11, Oregoa A caUiurnla Railroad Company, $0.16; weat 2B feet of tat 13, Oregon A CalUomla Rall-rua- d Company, . $0.15. BLOCK 10, lot.. 1, lnt Manahaw. 'iTuatee. BO. 70: lot 3. Kerry Heuabaw, Truatea, $0.70, tot 5, . Rdward Hughea afctate, Heln of, $o.7u; tat V, iMiward Hughea Katate, Helra af, $0.70; tat 3, Bdward Hughea Batata, Helra af, $0.86; tat 11, Kdward liug&ea Batate, neira oi, aw.o; mi ao, Huebea RatAta. Heln of. 30.30! tot 3. .loel W, Crocker. $0.1o; tat 4, Joel W. lleocftor. BO.70: loc a. . tieoraa aauier. au.iu lot a. Olive MeCartv. au.7o: tat to. OUva . McCktty,, $0.86; aU of tot 13 except weat 43 laeu Aiex aeaaei, fu.eof au i. except weat 43 teet, Ataa Koaael. $0.3o1 woat 42 . teet ot tat 13, Karl Kanaeubach, 30.30; weat 42 feet of tat 14,, Karl, $0.30. BLOCK U. tat 1. Mary a Burt, ' $0.70; tat 3, George K. and H. L. Btepbenauu. 0.7o; tot 6, A. W. Beldlug. $0.70; tat 7, . Henry A. Uelulng. 30.70; tot t, r Tl Beldlug, 0.B6: tat 11. W.,IX Bcldlag, $0.86 lot 13. lienrv A. Beldlnc. 8O.B0; tat 18 , Rmlla C. kety. $uVb5; tat Id, KS&la C. Fety, An .! lot !L P. Duach. 30.70: tat 4. Rraeat P. Ooaca, 30.70: tot 6, M. A. ' aad A. W. Beldlug. 30.10; tot a, H. A. and A. W,. Melding. 0.7o; weat 28 feet of tat lo, twegua Ik .Railroad Compear, 30.86; aaat, 34 feet ot tat lo, Mva J. Parker, 40.au; lot 13. Rva J. Parker. 30.70: tat 14. Vt. 1. Beldlug, aao.15. : BLOCK 12, .tat 1, Joaeph F. Kelly, $0.70; tot 8, Char lea W. urnacncl. $0.70; tot a, ta noanure, fu.iw, mix 1 i A. C. Lobmlre, 0.7o; tot W, If. A. and A. W, Reldlna. 4o.8s : lot 11. Martin Winch. 0.7o tot 13. Mary fV Klnch, 30.7O; tot 14, Mary K. KlBch, $0j7A; tat 17. Rudolph Becker, ko.76: lot 18 'Rudolph Becker. So.78; tot 3. W. C McMUlaa. $0.70; lot 4, W. C. Mc Millan, ao.lo: tot BJ W.'C. McMUlaa. 80.70: r lot B, W. C. McMUlaa, $0.70; tot 10, Alicia , j. Rate, bo.bd; wt J3, suaa jarea, o.iu lot 14. Kbaa Jared. 30,70: tot Id. Marr K, liockT 3O.70. BLOCK 13, uadlrlded of tot 1. ST. K. Braadca, $0.35; undivided of tot 1. Helen A. joaeu, 30.3a; lot s, barnea Humphrey, o.to; lot 0, aamea iiumpnrey, $0.70; .Jot T, Jamce Humphrey, f0.7o; tot V, Robert Jarubaoo, 30.36: tot 11. Donga En gelatad, $o.70; tot 13, Donga Rugelatad, ait 711: lot 16. W. H. Ward. 3o.nO: lot la. W. . Ward, $0.00; lot X Real Panoaal Rotate . Company, $0.70; tat 4, Real A Peraoaal Ba tate uumnaay, fw.iu; aw u,- - tt. n. wa-- a I .... -- A. 1... U WJ tl 1 , ail Tl,' La ,11 f fU.IV, IU1 O, " abl. I, " , uv WT WelnboU. $0.36; tot 12, Albert U Albert- - aoa, SO.70; lot i, eooepn uemaniiu, au.iu: lot 17. Michael Bultut. 30.30: tot IB. Mlchae BiUtut. $0.80. BLOCK 14, tat 1, Fred. 8. Miller, $0.70; lot 8. Richard KbllBger, $0 7o lot a. Joaeoh DeMartlui. 30.70: tat V. WlUlaa V ltnm.ll TeiMteo. Bu.lu wear 2B' Coat af tat tt. Oreaon A CaUfornla Railroad Company. $o.86;aat 34 feet of tat tt. W. R. Wataon, $u.4b; tat 11, ttophla Walagerbcr, $0.70; tat ' 13, BopMa. W'eiagerlM-r- , v ! tot hi. Ueorge ' Klttmaynr, 30.10; tot it, jamea 1 uaraweu, $0.7O; ta J8, Jamea L. Carawell, $0.70; lot 3, Anna H. Kaeaa, $O.T0; tot 4, Aaaa K. KoetMi $0.70; tot 3, Anna R. Kaeaa, $0.70; tat 8. Anna R. Kecne, 3U.70; tot 10, Anna K. Knene. go.HKt. lot 12. Anna R. Koeoe. 80.70: tat 14, Anna R. Koeoe, 30.70; tat 16, Anna R, Keaoa, 30.701 tat 1, David M. Watkinda, ' A0.7&1 lnt 20. Fred Booaela. '30.75. BLOCK 16, lit 1, Jamea L. Carawell, $0,701 lot X Jamea L. ; Carawell, $0,707 tat 8, Jamea Ix - CanwelL '$o.70; lot 4, Jamea U CJarawcU. $0.7o; tot 6, .Jamea U Carawall, $0.70; tat , Jamea L. Carawell, $0.70; tat 7, LUllaa . Carawell, $0.70; tot a, 3amea 1. carawell, ao.lor tat 8. Jamea L. CanwelL $0.86: tat HI, Jamea L. Cera well, $0.86; tat 11," Jamea , L. CanweU. $0.70; tat 12, Jamea L. Carawell, $u.7o; -- tat 13, Lllllaa CanweU, $u.7o; aorth of lot 14, Kate Corny, $0.86: north of tat IB, Kate Curray, $0.38: aouth of tat 14, Ellen McMulty, $0,36: aouU of tat . . .. , , hj I ao uji. L, K U,a.la aj,. r It, CllVlt Htiaulf , T . ev, - I aon, o. To; let IT, Rudolph Becker, $0.uJ lor 13,. HunnipB Beexer, av.vo; lot xa, aata curray, ao.ati; lot au, aiieu mcneitj, eu.ou, 7 BLOCK Id, tot 1, Joaeph aad R. Weber, $0.70; f tot 1 Jaenh and H. We bar. 30.7O1 tat 8. Jureph and K. Weber, $0.70; tat 4, Joaeph aad K. wener, ao.iu; ail 9, eoaepu in w. wcuer, 30.70, kit 3, Joaeph and K. Weber, $0.70; tat 7. Joaeph aad K. Weber, $0.70; tat B, Joaeph and R. Weber. $.70 tat 8; Joaeph aad B. Weber. $0.86; tat 10, Joaeph aad R. Weber, r, - I... ,1 lM.nl, -- n.l H 1A atlw tit 7ll kit lit, Joaeph and B. Weber, 30.70; kit 16, : oaeim and a. wooer, au. tu; mi is, mu:aaei Tanr.ler. 80.70: Int 14. Michael Tannler. 3o.7o; tat la, Anna Block $0.46; lot 17, ..Fuiton United Artleana' Building Aaaocnt tlon. $l.ooj 'tat IS, Rrneet Houae,- - $1.0$; tat 18, Aana BtocK, f !.; lot ai. joaeun etai. ' BLOCK 17, tat 1, 0. N. McUotL $0.7 lot a C. N. McLaod, $0.70; tat 3, C. N. McLaod. 1 30.70; tat 4, C. N. McLaod, $0.70: tot , c. N. MeLeod, $0.70: tat a, 0. K. McLaod. atfm L1 f I- - T Ifel-aed- - WI TO' Art a . C."N. Mclicod, $0.70; tat 8. Flora t.- - Crit ' tendea, $0.86; tat 10. Flora E. Crittenden, 1 ao.Ml: tat 12. C. 14. MeLeod. $0.70: tat 14. C. la. MeLeod, $0.70; lot 14, C. 14. McLaod. tot IB, v. n. mclcoo, ga.7os--io- t 11 R1.70: Maaou. 30,70: tot 13. Hannah aana ' 811.70: tot Id. Hannah Maaon. 30.70: kit 17. Hannah Maaoa, $0,70; tot 13, M. McNulty, tot 21. M. McNalty, , $0.75; tot. 20, fella, and Joha A., Keller, $0 86, tot .22, ' Kllaa and John A. Beller, vo.w; eot 24, Rllaa and Joha' A. Keller. BO.tfr! lot 23. Alphonee Lenoir, 30.T0; tot 35, Alphonae Le- -' bolr. Int. To:, lot 2. Alphonee Lenoir. 80. TO: tat 27. Hannah Maana, $O.Toi tot 23, Hannah Maaou. au. fu. niA- -. r. 10. tot 1. viara n. llclaeed, $o.T0: tat 3. Clara N, McLaod, , 30.TO; lot 6, The Hlhernlaa 3arlmra Bank. no.711- - lot 1 ae tsinei-iMa- a aaringa naaa, in To: tat 3. Ludwlc Wllbdm. 80.86: tat II, iedwl ' Wilbelm. $0.70; lot 13. Bolomoa Relaa, 30.70; tot 16, Rolnnioa Belaa, $o.T0 - lot TT. Marr I. Hedeea. 8O.T0: lot 18. Marr I Iledeea. aa.as: tot ill. Haanah Mama. 80. TO: lot 11. Bairnah Maana, 30.70: tat 25, Hannah Maana, $.To; tot 3B, Haanah Maaoa. 311.70 lot X Marianne raadtHeur, 30.70; lot 4, Ma - line Vandeleur. 30.70: tat 3, - Clan ' Mcleod, $0.70; tat 8, William and Anna Rente $0.7;' lot 10.' W. F RerraU, Brua-te-e, 30.IUI; tat 12. W. F. Borre.ll, Trnatee, an TO: tot 14. IS. H. Rnhbhw, $0.70: tat Id. Jamea 3. Joknarnne, ' 30.70: tat 1. Jamea .. B. Jobnatnae. $0.70; tat 30. Mortbetn Cnantlea Inveetaient Trnat. Ltd., 30.36; kit ,yU, Andoraoa, 30.70: tat 24, W. A.' and I.IMIe i tC Vlrtrertt, $O.T:' tat 2T, W. A. and- IJllie ' t Vltrere, itai TO; tat 2H. W. A. and Mill C. Virgera. BO TO. PMX'K IB. tot 1, W. r. Bnrrell. Trat-e- . $0.70: tat X W. t. Barren, Trnatee. 30. 10; lot 3 w. r. Bnrreii. Trnatee, ' $0.7; tat 4. W. F; Barrel!. Treatee, 30.TO tat A. Clara If. MeLand. 30.70: tat 3. Wllllan IrledlBder, $0.I0 lot I, ' WiUUm fried' .lander, $a70; lot 3. , WlUlam Frledlaader, $0.70; tot 8,- William rrtedlaadcr, 80.001 hi 10, WlUlam Friediandar, $0.86; let II, l'nlted HUtea National lank, 30. 70; tat 12, lotted hlaiea Naifcoaal Kank, $tl.7o; tat 13, Vnitrd Mtatea Nam-u- Kank. 80.70-- . tat 14, Culled Btatua National tauk. $o.70; Idt 18, l ulled Blataa Natioual Bank, 3O.70; tat 18, Halted State national Bank, 30.70: mi 11, o. m. and W. M. Cake, $0.70; tat 18, H. M. and W. M. Caka. $0.70; tat 10, Artkor W. Graham, $i.86; tot 20, Hannah Maaoa. $0.8$; tot 22 Hannah Maaoa. 30.70: tot 21. Rrorolt K. Bnlllh, $0l7o lot 23, Johanna Irrlng, $0.70; lot 24, Llaxle and Cora N. Bcldlni, $0.70; tat 25, Li-- lo aad Cora N. Beldlug, $0.70; tat 2U, Liaaie aad Cora N. Beldlug, $u.7o; tat 27. A. W. . and 11. , A. Beldlag. $0.To; tat 28. A. W. . and H. A. Beldlug, $0.70. BIXH-'- SO, lot 1, W. F, Burrcll. Truatee, 30.70; tat X W. F. Burrlrll. TrUatee, $0.70; lot 8. W. Y. BurreU, Trnatee, $o.7o; tat 4, W. K. Burrell, Truatea. $0.70; tat 5, W. V. RorrelL Truatee. $0.70: tat 3, W. F. Burrell, $0,704 tat 7, W. K. Burrell. Trualee. Fiatea, lot 8, Allca F. McCarlhy $0.70; kit F. Burrell. . Traatoe, $0.85; tat 10. Allca P. McCarthy, $o.bo; tot 12. AOie r. McCarthy, $0.7o; lot 11, Rdward W, and Helen M. ' Caaaett, $0.70: kit 13, Kra May (iaaaett. $0.70; tat 14. Jeaule R. B. , Fleck. $0.70; tat 16, Joaala K. B. Kleek. $0.70; lot 10, Jeaalo H. B. rierk. $0.70; lut IT. Jeaale R. B. Kleek. $0.70; tat 18, Jeaale B. 8. Ktack, $0.70; tat 13, Jeaale R. 8. fleck. $0.85; tat 20. Jaaaie R. R. Fleck. 30.8S1. tot 21. Jamea 8. Juunetaae, $0.70 kit . Jamea B. JohBatone, $0.70; tat 26.YMarie R. Huxale, ; lot ku. Maria K. lluxale. ao.iv; kit a, BeaalBger M Co., Traatoe, $0.70;. tat. 24, Beoahiaee A Co.. Truatee. 6O.T0: tat 21. Bea alBger 4t Co., Truatee, $0-7- tat 23. Beaalngcr at CO.. iruatae, u.u. bliUciv 21, un a, J. $0.70; lot 3. J ,M. Tbompaon, 20.70; tot 6, Llaxle. MorrtaoB. 40.70; tut 7, Iieloa D. Near. 30.7U: tat 8. Datoa li. Rear.' $0.86; tot 11, Juhn A Johaatpa aud JamtM Olaea, $0.70; lot 13. John A. aohoatoir aad Jamea Olaea. $0.7"; tot 15, Hlberola Havlngt Bank, 30.70; tot 17; moerula Baviuga Bank, $0.70; tot 19, HlliernU Barluga Bank, $0.86; tot 21. T. W. Hauuamaa. $0.10: tot 23. Bernard C McCartky, B0.7O-- , tot 20, Nellie M. Ward. fo.7o; tat. 27, Charlca P. Llttta, $0.70: tat 2, Herman Bleeg, $o.7o; lut 4, Hcr-ma- a Bleeg, 3O.70L tat B, lieruian Bleeg, $0.70; kit 8, A. ,W7. and H. he Wing. $0.70, tat 10, Kannie A. Curtla. . 80.86: tat 12. Nettle l. Oradoa. $0.70; tat 14, Nettle 0. Uradou, $OJ0; lot lo, Roxaana "Courtney, $0.70; tai 18, William P. Courtney, $0.70; lot 20, Joaala BulUvaa, $0.85: tat 23, IL U Tatum and J. J. Bowen, $0.70; tat 24, Beymour C. Friandly, $0.70; lot .28. W. $'. Burrell, Trua- tee, $(1.70; tat 28, Baaala Blmmer, $0.70. 22. tat 1, AlUauca Truat Company, SLOCK lot X Q. and Loulaa Lachutelr, 30.70; tot 6. Albert Krumrey, $0.70; tot T, Jenala Bower, ' $0.70; lot a, Jennla Rower. aO.86: tot 11. bred X MUler, 80.701 tot 13. ired B. Miller, $0.70; lut 16, Willamette Tribe No. 8. lthnroTed Order ot Red Men, $o.7o;' tot it, Wlllametta Tribe No. U. linnroved Order of Red Men. 30.70: lot 18. Kittle R. Ewmooa. $0.86; tot 31. Mary . ttoxaia, go.Tu; tot m, mary m. xtoxaia. 30.70; Jet 25. Mary K. Uozale, $0.70; tot 21, Uxalo Beidina, $0.70; tat 2. Uoorgo , Lach malar. 30.7U: lot 4. Oeorrn lachmoler. 80.70; tot B, Barak K. Bveraoa, 30.70; tat 8, Banh B. KTarvoo, $0.70; tat 10, H. R. Lame, o.ao; tat 12. II. R. Lamm. 80.70: tat 14. 11. R. Long. $0.70; tat 13, McKlnley Mitchell. $0.70: tat is, Meiviniey aiitcncii, fu.10; 104 so, w. u. Reldlna. 30.86: tot 22. A. aad A. W. Beldlnc, 30.70; lot 24, Llaxle Beldlug, $0.70; tot 2u, Mary M. Hoxale, $0.70; tat 28, Llxala Belding, OUalVa MJVgk M eat, A, ,j,-a- . s mj mn , $0.70; lot 8, Maud W. Woolfolk,, $0.70; 'tat 6, Da rid OoodaeU. S0.T0; tat 7. .Clara B. Crane, $0.70; lot 8. Mary B. Hoxale. $0.86; tat 11, Calvary , Pnabyterlaa Church, $0.70; tat 1.1. Calvary Preabyterlaa Church, $0.70; tat 16, BoaannAh Rlmmermaa, $0.70; tat 17, Buaanaa Zlmmermaa. $0.70; lot io, Buaanna Klmmcrman, $0.86; lot 21, Suaanna Rlmmer man. $0.70: tot 23, Buaanna Zimmerman, 80.70: . tot 26, Snaanna Klmmerman, $0.70; lot 23. Buaanna Rlmmannaa, $0.70: tat X a. U. and Dena Bobler, $0.70; lot 4. O. M. and Deaa Bobler. $0.70; tat 8. Bruno K. Uuntber. 30.70: lot 8. Joaeoh- - Klnke. 30.70: tat 10. Ida UwenaBB, $0.85: tot 12. Oeorga Wrleht Pnat Na. 1, u. A. ao.io; iot it. . Joha Matthleeen. $0.70; tot 18, 8ofle R. lAorenca. au. iu: lot in. a. w.ioonea. au. 10 tot 30, Maggie W. Little, $0.86; tat 22, Mania R. Joneo and Marr A. Cooler. $0.7o: . tat 24, Michael Mouler, $0.70; tat 27, Wllbel- - Biina rani, a.7v: tot zb, vonauaa a on noon, $0.70. BLOCK 34, ' lot 1. Haunah Maaon, 3(1.40: lot 2. Hannah Maaoa. $0.70: tat 3. Hannah Maaoa. 80.40: lot 4. Hannah Maaon, ' , . , . . T a. a, .. , 1, ,. I. .. a I tVIV, 1V. W, IMIIU,, .uma, , a.", . .'1 Hannah Maaoa. 30.70: lot 7. llannah M 3O.60: lot L Haanah Maaoa.-- - 80.70: tot S. ntnaia ataaawa, av.vAia tot. iv, oauuiu nwi- -, vAO.85; tot 11, Hannan Maaon, 30.66; tat 12, tiannaa Maaoa, u.io; lot ja, nannaa ataaon, ' $0.65; tot 14, Hannah Maaoa, $0.70;. kit 16, Hannah Maaoa, $0.30; tat 13, Hannah Maaou, BO. to; tot it. Manna maaoa, - BO.ao; tot 18. - Hannah Maaun. 30.701 lot IV. Hannah Maaoa, tali; tot 30, Hannah Maaon, - $11.86; lot 21, .Hannah Maaoa. $0.70; ; tat 22, - llannah Maana. 30.TO: lot 23. Hannah Maaon. $0.7; lot 24, Hannah Maaoa, $0.70; lot 26, Hannah Maaoa. 80.70: lot 2B. Hannah Maaon. $0.70: tat 47, Hannah Maaoa. 80.70: k.tj 28, Hannah Maaon, ' $0.70. BLOCK zn, lot l, atargaret Macaay, fa. an; tot 3, Margaret Mackay, $7 40; tot 8, Margaret i Macaay, ao.no; lot a. marganx aiaixay, 87.40 iBUH'K 28. aabdlrlalon 1- - of tot A, '.Maggla Muriihy, $0.70; aubdlTialoa 3 of tat - A. Maggie Murpnr, o.7o; aubdlTialoa 8 el , lot A. Delia R, Dale. 80.70: aubdlvtaloa rat tot A. L.- - H. aad A. H. Maxwell, $0.70 aubdlvtaloa 8 of lot A. Margaret White. 80.70: t aabdlvlaloa 3 of lot A, Margaret White. 8O.70; aabdlvlaloa T of lot A, Margaret White, , $0.70; aabdlvlatoa f et tot A, Jennie .Carrie, ' 80.70: aabdlvlaloa V of tot A. Jennie Currle. 30.8S; aabdlvlaloa 10 ot tat A, Jennie Carrie. ; eaoaivtaiea Ji ol kk a, Jennie turrie 0.70; eubdlvialoa 12 of tat (A. Oaadef :J, ' RuBUBuur. 30.70: aabdlrialoa 13 af tat- - A. Margaret White, $0.70: aubdlvtaloa 14 of tat . ilaai ail UVhll. OA tfa. .al.lu , ... tat A, c. Hanarn. $oie--' aubdlrlataa 18 of tat A. TlULa F. CorneUua. 30.70: auhtUvlaloa 17 of tat A, Tlllle F. Coraeltua. 30.70; aub--' divUloa IS ot tat A. M. J. Potter, $0.70; aubdlrtaloa 1 of tat B, Waaler Miller $0.7o; aubdlvtaloa 3 of tat H, Wee ley Miller.' $o. 70; aubdlvUlon 3 of tat B, Julia Marquam, $0.70; ' enbdlvlatoa 4 af tat B. JuUa Marquam. $o.T0; aubdlvlalna $ of lot B, Gander J.- - Ramming, $0.70; nabdlvlaton $ of tat B. Mary E. Adama, 30. TO; aubdlrlatoa T of lot B. W. F. Burrell, Truatea. 80.70; aubdlvlatan 8 of tat B, W. F. BurreU, Truatea. $0.7f aubdlrlataa 8 of tat B. W. Truatee. $0.86; aabdlvlatoa 10 of tot B. W. F. BurreU, Truatee, $0.85; aabdivtatoa 11 of lot B. W. F. Burrell. Trua- - e tea. $0.70: aabdlrialoa 13 af tat B. W. F. Button, iTUntrrv ; auaoivtaioa is of c lot B, Mary R. Adama, $0.70; aubdlvtaloa , 14 of tat B. Mnry K. Adama, $0.70; aubdlvla-- , km 16 of tat B, Mary B. Adama. $0.70:, aub-- i dlviatoa 18 ot tot B, Jamea W. Brandt, WTO; aubdlvlalna IT et tat B, Gander J. Humming, $0.7O; aabdlvlatoa 18 of tot B, W. F. Burrell, Troatae, $U70, BLOCK 2T. tot 1, BUoa H. .' BcbotlborB Batate. Helra- - of. $7.40; tat 8, ; KUen H. Bchollborn Ratafa. Heln of, $7.40; aandlvlataa 1 ot tat A. C M. RueeeU. Trnatee, $0.70; aabdlvlaloa 3 of tat A C, M, Rueorll, Truatee. 3tl.70: aubdlrlaloa 8 of lot A. C. M. -t- toaaeU. Trnatee. $0.70;. aabdlvlaloa 4 of tat ' A i at. auaoeii. 'xvuatee, au. iu; anoninaion 6 of tat A, C. M. Ruaoell, Trnatee. $o.70; aub-- . dlrlaloa 3 of lot A, C. M. Ruauell, Truajee, aabdlvlaloa 7 of lot A, Moy Back Hln, Ei; ; aubdlvtaloa 8 of lot a, W. F. Burrell, $0.70; aubdlvtaloa 8 of tot A, Moy Back Hia,. 30.70;- - aabdlvlaloa 10 of lot A. W. K. HurrolL Truatee. 8O.70: anbdivlataa 1 .ett B, M. J Daffr, $0.70: aubdlvlntoa 2 of lot K, Hoog thee How, aaro; auhdlrlalna 3 of tat B, W.. II. McEldowoay and J. T. lennavd. 3O.0: anbdlvlalon a. nf tat R. W. F. Burrell. Truatee, $0.70; aabdlvlatoa 6 of r tat B, w. H. McKioowner ana J. t. Leonard, $0.70: aubdlrlaloa 3 of lot B, C. U. RuaaelL $0.70; aubdlvtaloa T of tat B. W. M. Law, 1 $0.70; anbdlvlalon 8 of tat B, Moy Back Hln, $0.70; aabdlvlaloa $ of tat B, W. M. Law, S0.4O1 eubdlvialoa 10 of lot B. Moy Back Ilia. 80.40. BLOCK 23. lot 1.- - Joaala and - J. M. Belcher. 87.40: Hit 3. Jamea 8. Pol hamua. $7.40; aabdlvlaloa 1 of tat 2. William and Rnnina Oelger, go.BOT aubdlrlalon 3 ec tot -- 2. William and Rnaina Oelger, 3"i.0; aubdl-- - vlalca 3 of tat 2. WUUaa hod Boelna Oelger.' 30.80: aabdlvlaloa 4 af tot aint Rnaina Oeleer. 30.80: aabdlrlalon 8 of tat 2. WllUam and Rnaina Oelger, $0.30; AibdlTtatan , a of tot 2. Wlllam aad Itoatna uetger. ao.oti ; nbdtvlalon T of tat X WUllam and Ro1na Oelger. $o.: aabdlvlaloa 8 of tat 2, WiilUm and Roana Oelger, $o.0; aubdlTialoa It of tat 2. - WlUlam and Roalna Uelger. $0.80; Unbdlvlatan 10 of tat t. WUUam aad1 Roalna ' Oelger, $0.80; anbdivlataa 1 of tat 4. Mra. M. a, nunT, , a, w. .a Mra. M. J. Weatner, $0.6o; mhdlrUInn .1 of tat 4, Mn. M. J. Weamer. $0.66; 4 of tat 4. Mra, M. 3. W earner, go.7o; anlxll vUloo B of lot 4. Mn. M. J weamer. $.7o: ubdlviataa a UT tot 4.' BraV-r- J. Weamer, 3U.701 auhdlvto:oa 7 of tat 4. Mra. m. j, ' Weamer; 30.80; anbdlrlatoa $ of tat 4, Mra, M. J. Weamer. 30.301 anbiUrlalna R of tat 4. Mn. M. . Weamer. 3O.70. . BLOCK 23, Int .1 Marearet 11. Ilenhnim .'. XI. IK: tot 2. Mar. caret H. Denholm, 21.10; tot 3. Margaret H. Denholm. $1.10; lot 4. Margarer ll. oe. holm. 81.10: tat 5. Margaret H. Ilenkolm, ,' $1.10; lot 3. Margaret H. Denholm. $1.10: tat T. Margaret H. Denholm, $1.05; tat 3, Mar- - H. Ilea norm, $1.00; kit 8, Margaret II. Kret $1.00: lot 10, Margar--- t H. Dea-- . koha. gn.KB. BLOCK 30. bnbdlTtetoa Xat tat A, Rmliy H. aad jamee carraa, en.eu; anhdlvuiho 2 of lot A. Frederick Frert. an lift: anhdlrtli.n 8 t f tat A. Fred-rlr- k ; Ragcrt. $n.B5; rabdlr'.atan 4 of M A, Fred- erick Ergert. ao.8i; 'mihdirialoa 8 of tat A. Eggert. $o.80; aehdlrleloa $ of trederirk F. Bnercll, Truatee, $O.T: anh- - dlrrfttoa T of lot A. jenxinn m otev-jn- $0.76; uhdlTUtoa 1 of tat B, W. F. Burrell, l4.HO: undlvOlmv 8 af. tot .B, . W, ratoe, - ' Truatee, 3n.6. A tract af land betweea tha kaalh line, of . Vermont alree. aad tba , aortB' . II of anbdlvwlno 7 T ot ' lnt A af btack 3A. aoeiheevi Pnelland. and between the eaal Una of Fetraerrvanta atreef and the weaterly line or tna ,moaiai ana t iiiinm,. o Ceimnaay'a right af amy, Martka M. Crowell. A ire.- - af had betweea tha aoath Uaa ot Vtr 1 v .,....' citt votioxa. mnut atraat ' and tha north Und auiKilrlalun 2 of lot B. Wock" 80. u '.eru Portland, and katweea the wcat Una ot Connecticut aireat aod tba eaaiarly Una af tna Oreeua and California Railroad Com- pany'a n t of way, U K, CruwaU KaUle, , Heira of. All Oil. BOUTHKRN PORTLAND. OBE00M BLOCK 31. tot 1. Bnionxia Relaa, $0.40; tot x, wio-m- Relaa, $0.40; tat 3, Bolomoa Relaa. $n.41: .t 4, Bolomoa Relaa. 4OJ0; tat 3. Holomoa Relaa. $0.70; tat 8, Belaa. $0.85; tat 7. Bntamuk Halaa, $0.a6; tat 8. Bolomoa Relaa.-- , $0.ti, tat 8. Bolomoa Relaa, $o.do; tat 10, Hntanwo Relay, $0.46; tat 11. Bolomoa Relaa, 0.4o: tot 1.1 Holomon Relaa. 10.4II: tat 18. J.Bukimoa Relaa, $0.00; tat 14, ttalonioa Relaa, au.tw; tot 16, Solomon Relaa, 10.011; air 10, Bolomoa Ri'lea, BLOCK 82. tat 1, llannah Mamm. $1.75; tat 2. Hannah Maaon, 8.V00. UUH'K 33. aubdlTl.lon 1 of tat 1. atamea a. neea. ao. 10; anDaiTiainn a 01 eib 1. Jamea B. Reed, $0.70; eubdlvialoa 3 of . lot 1, Jamea 8. Heed. $0.TO; aubdl-rlajo- n 4 " of tat 1. Jamea 8. 'Reed, $0.70; aubdlTialoa ' 6 of tat- - I,- Jamea 8. ' Read, $0.40j aubdlrlalon' 3 of tat 1, Anna B. BJokman, ' 3O.40; auhtUvlalon 7 of lot 1, Anna 8. BJok- - ' man, $0.70; aubdlTialoa 8 of tat 1. J. B. l'llklitgton and A. W. Wright, $0.70; auhdl-vlal- 6 ot tat 1, J. N. Burt, $0.70; aubdl- - . vlabw 10 of tat 1, I. M. Burt, $0.70; auo. dlvlatoB 11, of tat 1, Aana Olaon, $0.73: j aubdlviatau 12 of tat 1, J. B. Pllklugton and A. W. Wrl.ht. $0.75; aubdlvtatan 13 ot tat 1. J. B. Pllklugtoa and A. W. Wright ?arm; aubdlTlaton 14 of tat 1, Joha T. took, .4U.7.V; aulMllTl.lon 16 of tot 1, Joha T. Cook, , 30.75! aubdlrteton 1 ot tat 2. CeUa M. Frier and Edwin 8. McCllncy, $o.73; auMlviatan 2 of tat 2. CeUa H . Frier and Bdwla 8. r McCllncy, $o.3o: aurNllrlaloa 3 of tat X 11 and Edwin 8, McCllncr. $0.Mi: aubdlTialoa 4 of lot 2, Cejia M. Krler aud Rdwla 8. McCllncy. $0.80; anbrttvlnlon $ of v 'tat li. CeUa M. Frier' and Rdwla 8.' Mots, Cllncy, $0.80; aubdlTialoa $ of tat 2. CeUa M. Krhy and Edwla 8. MoCUocy, $0.70: aub- - : dlvlalon T of tat 2. CeUa M. Krler and Bdwln 8 Mcllacr. so.70: aubdlvtaiiia 8 of lot 2. - VCella M. Frier and Rdwla 8. MoCUncy. $0.70: aubdlrlaloa .0 of lot 2, Ciena .M. rrier ana , Edwin 8. McCllncy. $0.70; aubdl vlalou 10 ot ; lot 2. CeUa M.. Frier and Edwin 8. McCllncy, 30.40; aulHUTUtoa 11 ot lot a. caua ai. 11111 -- and Kdwln 8. McCllncy. $0.70; aubdlvlalna ' 13 of tat X CeUa M. Friar and Kdwln 8. McCllncy, $0.70; eubdlvialoa 13 af tat 2, . Cella M. Frier and Kdwln 8. McCllncy.' $0.70: , anbtlivtaloB 14 of tat X CeUa M. Frier and Edwla 8. McCllncy, $0.70; aubdlvlatan 15 of tat CrlU M. Friar aad Kdwln B. Me- -. Cllncy, $0.40. BUJCK 34, aubdlvUlon 1 of . . . ... I rt V V. j A, aMataallariMta, U. ot hit U. K. C. Bronaugh, $0.80; aubdlrlataa 8 of tot 0, B. C. Bronaugh, $0.35; aubdlrlaloa ,' 4 of tat J, t. C. Bronaugh, B0.35; aubdlTialoa I 6 of tot O. K. 0. Bronaugh, $0.35; aubdlvlaloB' 3 of lot U. K. C. Bronangh, 80.36; aabdlvlaloa 1 of lot O. K. C. Bronaugh. 30.36; aubdlrlaloa . , 8 of tot ii. S. C. Bronaugh, 80.85; aabdlvlaloa - 0 Of tot W, K. t;, BTOOaUBO. OO OO, .juuniai ; 11 ... of ..... tot tl, .1 R. . 0, Bronaugh, . . . $0.36; aala .1. , aabdlvlaloa .. tul ,1 I. , IB IX Ol IOt 11, B. V. Ultlliauaal, TW.bu, ' 13 ot tot , B. 0. Brouaugb. $0.36; aubdlvlaloB. 14 ut lot O, K. 0. Broaaugh, $0.46; auudlvUtaB 15 of tot tl, K. C, Bronaugh, aubdlrlaloa Id of tot U, K. a Brouaugb, $0.36; aubdlrlaloa : IT of tat (1, K. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvtaloa 18 of tat U, R. C Brouaugb, $0.85; aubdlvliiloa 10 of lot O, R. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvlatan 20 of tat U, K. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aulidivtaloa 21 at lot O, H. a Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvlatott 22 of tat O, K. C. Bronaugb. 80.35; aubdlvlaloB 23 of tat O, K. C. Broaaugh, $0.35; aobdlmjaloa 24 af tat ll, E. 0. Bronaugb, $0.35; aubdlvlaloB k 2A of lot U, K. C. Broaaugh. $0.:i&; aubdlvtaloa 2l of tat O, K. C. Bronatwh. 30.35; aubdlvtaloa . ar tat U, R. V. auhcHvlalod I S f tot w, R.C Brona.iih!; $0.86. BL00K , 34. aabdlvlaloa 1 of tat H..R. O, Bronaugb. $.86: auhdlvKloa 3 of tat H, K 0. Bronaugb, $0.36; aubdlvUlon 3 of tat H, E. C. Bronaugh. , $0.35: aubdlvtaloa 4 of tat H, K. C. Bronaugh, Za. jr.. ...ki.iai I al Ioi H. 8. C. Bronaukb. V KiOJ; aubdlvUlon 3 ot tat H, K..C. Bronaugh, ' 30.86 aubdiTlalea T of tot H, B. C. Broaaugh. 1.. ... . ii m a 11- U i 34AfhnaikiirK. 1 4W'0i IUDU1TIMUU 0 VX aar --ma jr. .w a, ub.HvWteHi of lot H, K. tj. HtomukJ, fj.36; biirUioa 10 ol tot H, B. C. Btod-o- U. 7.. UrMtanalL. ' $0.S6; auiMlivUtoa 13 Of lot a, a. proaaaa- -- $0.;6; aubdlvtaloa 14 of tot H, B. C.' Broaaugh, 30..K1; antiuiviaioa ww m n, v. : ao.;m; auouiviaiiiu 0 ua ' , ': 30.35; aabdlvlaloa IT of tot H. K. C. Broaaugh, , 80.1; aubdl vial oa 18 of lot H, E. 0. BrooaUKh. $0.86; aubdlvlaloa 19 of tot H, K. C. Broaaugh. - $0.36 aubdlvlatoa 20 of tat H, B. C. Bronaugh, 80.36; aubdiTlaion 21 of tat H. R. C. BroAaugb. 30.35 i aubdlvlaloB 22 of tat H, R. C. Bronaugh, r 80.r3; aubdlvlatoa 23 of tat H, H. C. Brooaugh, ao.36 aubdlvtaloa 24 of tat H, R. C. Broaaugh. ' go.36 aubdlvlatoa 26 of tat H. g. JJ. Bronaugh, 30.35: aubdlrlaloa 28 of tat H. K. C. Bronaugb, ,.. ur.: ...kJl.lflaa 'IT nl o M K I ' WI COlUl U1 O, $o:3&; aubdlvUtao 28 of tat H. E. C. Bronaugh. Z.. a.t iwi K ..maikailortailMB 1 kf lilt. JEtfdwtat Eggertr$0.T0; aubdlvlatan f tat AViederick Mgert. $O.T0iaubdl-l- a ion 8 of tat A. edorick Eggert. $0J0; aubdlTialoa 4 ot tat A. Krederick Uggert. $0.70; anbdlTlaloa r. tor A Frederick Eggert. 30.70 aubdl vtaloa 3 of tat A, C M. RoMerfL TTuetee, aubdlvlaloB t ot tot Frederick Iggwt. $0.70: aubdl vlalon 8 of Tot vA, WU- llam. Labbe, iW.70; aubdlvlaloa of tat A W. WTLogaB, 30.70; aubdlvlaloa 10 of tat A. William Labbe. 80.70; aubdlvlataa.il 0t- - tat A aubdlTialoa " 12 AT" M, RiIarwirTraatect $0,JO bd.vlS-- 18 of tat A, C. M. Ru-a-cil, Truj- - ' tee. $0.78; aubdlvUlon 14 of kt.A, - Troatcav $0.70; aabdlrlatoa 1 of tat , ST 7 U. and M. . A. HaraT $0.70; aubaivtalon.-- of totB. Banh A. Browa. ; y $o.7o: aubdlvlaloa 3 of tot JB.f C, M. Rueaell, . o.70 aubdlvlatoa 4 of tat B, Arthur MaUier. 1 $0.70 aubdlrtaloa 6 aftat B,. Moy Back - Hln, $0.70! aubdivUlnu 8 of tat B.C. M. . KuaXeuT Truatea. $0.70; aubdlvlaloB V of tat Truatee. $0.70; BortV H W. F. BurreU. it tot I Martha M. Crowell, .34 30. BLOCK 3B, tat 1, KnnkTH. - Urubb, $0.7$: tat 2. , Katta-rln- e 't. Trevett, $0.75; tat 8. Margaret II. Deuuolra. 3o.76; lot 4, krargarut H. Wea- - $0.10; kit B. Margaft H. DanhaliB, " $S.76: Vt tl Maxwell N. Hamilton. $0.75;; tot T, Maxwell N, HamlltoB, $0.76;; -- lot 0; Margaret H. Denholm. $0.75; tot . -- l8rV II. Deuholm, $0.76; lot W, Jamea 4 ."1 $o.75; tat Jamea V BelL $0.75. 13, Margare H. Ocnholio, $o.lo; tat 14, Jarno K. Bell, $0.70; tat li, D. B. McBrldc, $0 5; tot Id, ; Oeorga Btenhouae, 80.O5; tat IT, Oearga BIcb. . $0.76; tat IB, Donald B. MrBrlde, $S7? itt. loald.B. McBride. $0.75; ta 1 5iTDoild B. McBrlde. $0.76: tat 21. d D. Nalra. $0.75; tat 22, Donald B. McBride,-$U7- 6 tat 23, Donald B. McBride, $06; tat 24, C. U. Nalra. $0.78;. tat 28. Itobert Uv- - v 1 11 ga tone. $o.76; tot 28, Robert Urlngatime, $0.75; tat 2T, Robert Liv(ngat.ina, $. 10; tat 38. Margaret H. Denbolin. $0.75. BWJt'K 87, - Haanah Maaoa, $31.16. . BIAICK 38, Sarah ,'' X XtmW IliTII 'v " GRKKN'8 AWDri'IOK-LOC- KA tat l.'aoh W. langatHX ana wiie, w. - ; wile, 30.70: tat X Joba W. lent don and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $o.i0; lot 3. Juba W. Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Baraett aud $o.fo; tat 4, John W. La of don and wife. W? 11. Baraett and wife. $0.80. BLOCK 2. Int 1, Joha W. Langdoa and wUa, W. H. Harnett and wife. Jo.70; tot 3, Joha W. Langdon and wife, W. H. Baraett and wife. 30.10, tot 3, JohB- - W. Laacaoa ana. wire, . , . H. Baraett and wife. $0.10;-t- ot 4, John W. langdoa ana who, w. tx. aiaraan 3U.BU; tat 6, Joha W. Laugdua and wife, W. H. Baraett-an- wife. $0.80; tat a, John W. Langdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wlfb, $0.10; lot 7, Joha W. Laugdoa and wire. W, H, Baruett and wUo, $0.70; tot 8, Joba and wife, W. H. Barnett and. Cite; $5.70. BLOCK 2, lot 1, JohB W. tad wife. W. H. Harnett and wife, r 2o.l0f -- tat . 2. . Juba W. Laagdou aa4 wife, -- ; W. H. Barnett aod wife, $0.i0; tat BaJoba W. Langdoa aad Wife, W. H. Barnett and ' wife. 311.70; kit d. Henry L. Johuaoa, $0.1vi; tat 6. Jobn W. Lanxdou and wife, w. H. Barnetr- - lad. ' Wife, 40.80; tat , Joba tW Langdon and wife, XV.-- Baraett had aVlfe, ' $0.7o; tat T, Joha W. Langdoa aud wlfaj W.. H. Barnett aad wife, $0.10; tat X? ohh W. langdoa and wlfe.w W. H. Barnett aad wife. ' All. IU. IV a,- lot 1, ,iw. ww. aaw 1 wlfer W. IL Barartt andwlfa, $u.Bu: tot 2, John W. Langdon and wire, w. u. aarnetx ' and wife, $0.-1- tat X Joba W. Langdoa and wile. W. H. Barnett and wlfa, $0.06; hit 4, JehB W. Langdoa and wife. W. IL Baraett aad- - wife, 30.8n tat 3. Jnhi W. Langdon aad wife, W. H. BarneU and arlfe. 30.lt; kt 8, - Joba W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Burnett aad wlfa. $0.f0; tat T, Joha - VW. Langdoa aod wlfa. W. , Barnett aod lfe, $o.7o. BLOCK 5, tat 1, Joba WJ JlAngdon and wire, W. H. Baraett and wife, ao.uo; tat I. Joba W. Langiloa aad wife, W. M. Barnett and wlfa. $0.80; tat X Jobn W.- Iancdoa and wife. W, H. Barnett and wife. ,$0.76; tat 4, Joha W. Laagitan and "' wins W. H. Barnett and wife, $0.l; lot-- ' 3. John W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $0,011; lut 8, Joha W. Laagttaa and wife, W.'H. Barnett and wife. --$0.84; tat 7. . 1 IV IMarrlaaak A wife. W. . M. and wlfr$0.7o; tot 8, John W. fangdoa aad - wife, W. H. Barnett aad wlfeJ-$0.66- tat tt, Joba W Langdna-an- d wlfa, VT. li. Baraett aed wife, ao.ao: tot lo. John W. Leagdon 'and tWIfe, W. H. Barnett aad wlfa,"" - $0.8,'; tat 11, Joba W. - Langdoa and arlfe, W. H. Barnett and wife, 30.86; lot 12. Joba W. Ltngdoa aud wife, w, H. f Itaenett aad. wife, $0.70;. lot l.L Joha W. Tanrdon Bad wife. W. II. Barnett hnd wife, $Vii: lot 14. John W. Langdoa and wife,: V. H. Barnelt and wife, $0 00. BLOCK 8. lnt 1. Jobn W. Lanedoa and arlfe, W. H. Barnett and wife, . $0,110; lot 2. Lydla A; Mllla, $0 70; tat 3. Lydik A. Mllla. $0.7)1; 1 tat-4- . John W. Lena don and wife, W. IU Banterr ana wire, i. in; et n. ubb w. langdoa aad w4fn $41.70: lot 8, nbn w. LangitoB aad wife, , WV H. Barawt aad Wife. 30.70: lnt T. Joka W. Langdon aad wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, $o.7(: lot 8. John W. lngtVm and Wire. vt. 11. narnett ana wire, fii. 10; tot B, JohniW. Lanrilna and wife. W. II. Barnett and wife, $: 10. John W. Lanrdoa and wife. W. H.. fai-ne- and wlfa, $l.8A; tat 11. John w. Laerdnt and wife,, W. H. Barrett and Jtlf"," 7t tat 12. Joha W. lanrdmt and (fe, W". H Barnett and wife, $n.7; tat 11. Jobn W, Lanrdoa and wife, W..1J. Barnett and wife, $0.70; total. John W. Uatduu and wife, TT. M. BarneU aad

The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.). (Portland, Or ... · PDF fileaer--lalou 1 ot lot I, C W. Letch. $4.30; ',vieon of lot 1. Joka Itonnerberg. ... A of lot Z, Ann Flan. $4.T6;

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Page 1: The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.). (Portland, Or ... · PDF fileaer--lalou 1 ot lot I, C W. Letch. $4.30; ',vieon of lot 1. Joka Itonnerberg. ... A of lot Z, Ann Flan. $4.T6;


' e. II.TO: nMKMa M of lot ,' Kew-- i, L. Ollham. $170: eabdtvteloB N of let

ewva U l.llbam. ll.TU; aubdlvtetou

'tU 4. Mercbaat Narlooal Bank of Port-- ,I. Truatee. $l.e;rbdlTlalnB P ot lot 4.

' ot Portland. Trae.cnr National Baski i M). BUkK 6, aubdlvlatoa A of lot1. FMierd C. Prince, $4.a: aubdlrletaa B

tat I. Richard C. Prince. $4.30; aubdl.nm C at lot I. Joha M. Bbrlgler, $4,301aer --lalou 1 ot lot I, C W. Letch. $4.30;

' ,vieon of lot 1. Joka Itonnerberg.,34..:.; aubdlvlaloa K o( lot 1, Aaaa Loulac)n, $4,T5; mtli 42t feet of , nortk

is foot of wtbdlvlaioa H otlot'X .ejutept' X CiUforrila '.Railroad Companr'a

,' neat of war. Richard C. PrH8 .30;aouth 42 foot ot nortk 33 foot of uMlTUloaU of lot L except oregoa 4b CaUfornla Rail-road Cam panj a right of war. Richard t.Prince. $0.20; north 42 Mi feet of aoath 85

.. foot of aubdlrtaloa H of lot I, Clareeoe M.Dllley. 11.15; north 42S et of ueutb B

foot of enhdtvtelua 0 of tot t, iopt Oro-ge- a

California Railroad Company'a right' .it - I'lamro II. Dlller. 3.U5: aoutk" 43 foot of aubdlvteloa U of lot 1. fY W.- Ldcfc. 1.15; aoath 42 foot of Bubdlvh.loB

H of tot 1, r. W. liOirk, at.in; norm vanfoot of aaMlrlato H of tat 1. except Ore--.gua Calif ornle Railroad Compaay'a rlrht

i of war, Hlcbara C. Iviaoe, $0.S; rnDdlrtaioaA of lot Z, Ann Flan. $4.T6; eubdlTletan Bof lot a, Robert thlll. $4.73: aubdlrlataaC of tat 1. Port Und Truat Itonipauy of Ore- -'gwa, $4.Sn; aubdlvteloa l of tat 2. PortlandTruat Company of Oregon, 3.H nuhdlTlelon

, - If uf tat 2, 8. Machnteln, ft.JM; anlHJloaIF of lot t. B. Murkatrla. 4.80; aubdlfintoa

of tat . Ward r, Wotmora, 4.76; aob- -

dlThHoo H of lot 1. War V. Wotmoro. f4.T8tohdWlalo. A of lot 9. W.' K. Ilor. 3.Ti(

aahdlrlKkM B of lot S, E. IIw. $3 ;I aatxllrtatoa t: of 'lot . W. K. llrr. $.(

obdiTtaloa D of tat 8, W. K. liar. M.ai:all of asbdlTMon B ( . tat I cut of

t tiroo Vollforala Railroad Coa-- .'

rloht of war. W. A. Cttrrlo. (5.311:' a of aubdlolaloa V of lot oaat of Orr(oa

A California Railroad lompany'a rlirhf f' war. W. A. Oarrlr, 4.(a; all of aubdlrlaloa

of lot oaat of flrntoa A California Rail-road Vompaar'a rlfht of war.' W. A. Crr..lui.;; all of avMiTtataa K of tat 8 woat oftlrocon ft California Rallraad Company'a rlht

- Sot war, kaio Roatetach, tu.85; aU of aab--dirtaioa O of lot S woat of Oreconfornta Railroad Companr'a right of war. RataRoawtwh. (u.ft; aubdlvtataa A of lot 4. H.R. UIMm. 4.i: aahdlTlalon 1 of lot 4. U.

dllhte UJUt anhdlvlaioo C Of tat 4.tlcorio Arnold. 4.06; oubdlTtatan D of-t-

, 4. (Monro Arnold. !; all of anbdlrtataaB of tat 4 want of Orocoa Callf.rala Rali- -

raad Com poor rl(M of war. Ward 4J. Wat-Btor-

tl.75; all of aabdlrUkm K of tat 4woat at Urocon rallfornla Railroad Uoavtun.', rlsht M wit. Ward C. Wotnwro.

- (T.25; all of anbdiTUIon B of lot 4 aaat of... Orcfoa Callfurala Railroad Oompanj'a riant

of way. C. W. Loire. lo.li all of auhdirl-t- a

r of tat 4 ,tftr of Orrroo. a CaliforniaRailroad Companr'a rlaht of war, (i W.Lolrk, (1.15; all ot aubdlrlataa O of tat 4- - eioFot Orooa 4k CaUfornla Railroad ttom--panr a right of war. rraoeoe at. Bioreoa,

' 11. T5; all of aubdlrtalon 11 of tat 4 woat ofOroaxm California Rallraad Companr'a right

. of war. I'riKH at BUirona. o.lo; all ot. auMlrialnn H of tot 4 oaat of orrgon a

u I Inw A clnmnanr'a rlaht of 'war. CW. Lett. 0 as. . BlXM K. , north 160 footof lot 1. oaat or urogon at lanionua nan-M- t

nmnMBv'a Haht of 4ar. Martin Winch.' ni oft- - nuth an faot of north 3D0 foot of tat' I. caat of Orocoa Callforala Railroad Cora- -

' panr a right of war. Kla-o- r B. Colweu. aa.iu;noath 30 foot of lot 1. oaat 01 urogon i an

- mil ar.iiraad OiniBanr'a rlcht of warMarr A. Clarfco. ti.5; aU of tat 1 went ofOregon Callforala Railroad Companr'a rightof way. Laura A. Book, dd.UO: BubdlrtaiooA of tat 2. i. H. Boror, 14.05 i aubdlTtaloa Bot lot 2, J, H. Boror. 13.75; aubdlrlaloa C

" of tat 2. B. C. Joriionaoa, 13.50; anbdl-iat- aa

' D of tot 1. Rata B. Montgomery. $3.40; aorth)& foot of anbdirtaioa B ot tat 1 Mary A.ri.rb. ai m- - aaoth 4A foot of nabdlrlalon

- E of lot 2. Bono A. Young. 3.af; nortk 65.r at auhrtlrtaion V of lot 1. Buaaa MOppenhoft. 11.00; aooth ITS foot ot abdirl-- k

ataa V of lot 2. rd V. Boodr. ll.tO; north''." an foot of woat ISO foot of lot 3, Frod V.

Boodr. $.; north CO foot of taat 90 foot. I Unaao M. ODOonhoff. 11.10: Oaat

42M tort of .aooth 00 foot rtt aorth 130 foot. ot lot . Vt4 K.. Boodr, .v; woat

foot of amitk to foot of north 130 foot oflot a. J.h a. Honek. ts.&u; oaat 4SV. footof aottth 110 foot of tot 3. 8. Aaatln. 34. 30;woat 13TH toot-o- f nonth 110 foot of tat 3.T ArM.Jit aiR K- - annth 120 foot of tat 4.Laora A Book. 335.05; woat 42H foot of oaatn foot of north 11a fort of lot 4. WlUlara

,M. Bodmaa. 34.; woat 4a foot f oaat62?4 toot of aorth 110 foot ot lot 4. BarakJ. Bodmni. 3430.A tract-o- f land lying botwooa tko nonth

- ' lino of Lowoll aronao and a Una 110 fort aoutkk.-- r d sarallol thorowltk and botwooa

the caat lino. of mat atroot and a Urn 2tfoot woot ot andparallcl with too woat Una ofI rlutt trMf- - Ttioniaa BrhnoldVr. S1V.4U. '


Io or kk ' i, ,!i"mi tt-n- t lnt 1 (Iraro L. Brouanah.KS.45; aabdlrlaloo A of lot 2. Klla U Wye-koo- p.

35.00:. aubdrrialoa B of tat 2, JClla UW rakonp. 35.00; anadlrlaton C of lot . OUra

f. L Warnor. 3r,.00; aiibdltlatan D of K t

il 1JKT Morwln. 35.00; abdlrl-lo- n B of lot. Abb to L. Crorkor. 33.6"; aubdllkio K of

;--Tot ST AbMo 1. Crw-kor- . 33 50: aouth 100 foot

on fMf ixt anholv-taint- r U ot tot 2.' Jam Col Una. 81.80; oooth 100 foot of' anb--

dlrlaton H of lot 2. Jatnok Coiuna.v m Om. m mkitlvlBlnn (I Of lot 2. L

' W. Wmkoon. 3l.no: aootb 100 feot-o-t oaat" in f i,c anhotTUiloa U of tot 3. 14 W.

' - Wrnkouf, 30.95; north TO foot of anbdlTiatoan r B f L W. Wrnkonp. l.ftn: nubdlrl- -

- ' ataa A of lot 3, Goorgo Klgor, 34.S9; aub-dlrlaloa B ot tat S. Joha Kaapp. 4.3o: aoh---

dlTlakm C of tat 3. Mr.. V. F. Boodr. 34.fanbdlrhrtrar A Tboaaaa Bcbnoiaor,

' 34jir aubdlrlaloa K otTot 3, Aanaf R. foM. man. aa.iu; ouoojiMa r'Krldnaa, 34.76; aubdlrlataa O of lot 3. Mo

II nd K. Moraaa, 34.75; aabdtTlaloa H of tot' 4 .75: tot 4, Blrnoa3. Mollnd K. Morgan.

Btamauor. iB.85. BLOCK V l;:.iah.a. i bi a:ta ma lnt 2 Oroaoat 4k California

Railroad Company. 3.16.86; let 3. Ooogoa. dtT California Railroad Company, 336.116; aab- -

dlrlaloa a of tat 4, oorgo H. Krugm-- t,

- 34.U0; nobdlTtatoo B of lot 4. Mary 4in-'u on- - ntwtlvtatna U of lot 4. Mowtoa' ; L. Oll'ham. 4.3o; aubuKrlatoa O of tat 4, CarlBlorblnitor, 4..iu; uiiitih a. " V T'

' '" tiarar I'olaon. 34.T8; aubdlrlaloa r of lot 4,tr,b i 75: woot IB foot of aabdlrl.

ataa O of tot 4, Adoh-- k Hauaman, 33.H6; aaat6 fnot of aobdlrMoa ot tot 4, Cyrua M.

. Mokay. 30.76; aubdiTlaion H of lot 4. CyruaM. McKay. 34:75. BLOCK 3. aubdlrtakm A

' of tat 1. Mary B. Johoaon, $4.30; aabdlrlataBH of tot 1, Mary a. joon-v- i.oy, 71m avtxnrwoa n 1, . . ?- -

.. niib. LL of aubdlrlaloa C of tot 1TZ..I. u.l .iii IM aiikoiTtalon I of tat 1,

' B. M. Mlnokaat. 34.30; aabdlTlaloB B of lot- 1. Jamoa H. Aaprawall Batata, Helm of,

34. T5; aubdlrtataa ot lot 1, Jamea 8. Aaoen-- :wall Ratato, Holra of. 34.75; north 137 foot- Miikia a of lot 1. tiowtoa It. Cllham.33.461 aoath 42.3 foot of aabdlrtatan O ot' - Xn lowilik H Hlumana. 81.16: aubdlrlaloa

' iTaY tot 1. Jadlth U. Hlnmaaa. $4.76; aab.. dirtaioa 1 of lot 3. Canrtaw B. JTOPieuMi

Troatoa. 32.30; aubdirtalon 3 ot tat 2, I barloa- , R. Tomptatoa. Truatoe, W-3- oabdlrlaloB 3

' of tat 2. Charter Templotomi 1'ruatoa.i, ai an. onhaivtaiao 4 of lot X Charlca R. Trm

plotoa. Traatoo. 81.80; aabdlrtatoa 3 of lot 3,tharloa K. Trmptatoas IVaatoo. $2.40;

r. l u 1 Charlra R. Yrmploton., Iruatoo. $2.40; anbdlTtalon 7 ot tat 2. tharloa

' a. Tompiatoa, Trnatoc $2.75; aubdlrlaloa 3of lot--- a. Charlca R. Tomplotoa, Truatoa,$T5: auhdlYlatoB 8 of tot 2. Charlca R. Tom-- r

;..puion. Trnatee. $2,761 aubdlTtaloa 10 at tat' v 2. Charlra R. TcaialoUMi. fruuteo, $2.75; aab-- -

- dlTlaloa 11 of tot 2. tharloa R. 'Tcmplctua.Traotoc. 2.7S; aubdlTtaton 12 of tat X Charlca

'.A- R. TemDhrton. Traatoe,. $2.40; aubdlrlakm 18mt lnt !L fharlra R. TrmDloton.. Truat,

. ' ' t&tu; aorta 22fe toot vt wcat 80 foot of nortk?

'Vi of tat a. ttorlruda Mark. $1.6; aoutk 22loot of aorta oa ice ok ww cw htw vi mii f n. Junoa earmark. 81.U6: aoutk V

t , of lot 3, Mary riarh. 31.0: aouth 22 footV of wjrtk 8X3 foot of woat My, foot of north

. bi ot tot 3. Mra. R. A. Uarrlaoa. 3L15: aoutkfort ofwaith 46 fort of woat 67 trot

. of rjwU of tot 3. Mro. R. A. Oarrlaoa.'

. 31.16; woat 22 feet of oaat 45 foot of, nortk 48. fart or north of lot 3. Bmma

.' .'J. Vaeoun. 80. W. raat 331 foot

. , 46 foot of aorth H of tot 3, Lcaoro B..Orrgarf. $.: oars ao foot of 'woat 123 fort uf

' . aorth 46 fort ot north H of lot 3. LonOra M.:, ; Grory, '31.80; caat 112 foot at aouth 45

. trot of aorth H of tot 8, Lonora 3. trgory,' ' 34.M0; tat 4, Oregon California Railroad

' loot panr. 3:16. hi. BUH'K 10, tat 1. OrrauaCalifornia .Railroad Company, 335.86; aub

dlTl-M- A f l4 2. John Aadrow, $:.H5; auh-'- .-

dlrlrloa B of tat 3, John Andrew, :t.HS; aub---

dlrMna 0 of tot 2, Joha Audyow, I.I.Kft; aub--: dlrtakia D of tot 2. Jnba Aadrow, 83.HA; nun- -

dlTlaloa E aVM 2. Joha Aadrow. $1 no:IM4loa r at tat X J-- a Ajidrew 8;lK5; au- -ilTl.Wm U of tot 2. Joha Andrew, $:t. Ml; anb-- ,dlTlnlna H ot tat 2, r;'' $.1 Mfti auh--

dlrl'ioa 4 of lot 2. John Andrew, $3 NS; tata. upencer II. Cooper, l.ao; woat 42 feetof 11 feet of lot 4. Arauld Bwler.

', holt. $4 85: all of oaat K3 feet of lot 4 lying

norm or ivregon ar vanirnia naiiroou iqmaaar'a ilrht of war. W. A. Lewhi. $H.UM.A trart of load lying be morn the oaat II omt iau arrt and a lino 42 feet eoatof aad parallel therewith and between a line110 foot aoata of ana parallel wnn tneaoath lino of rlamUtoa CTenuo and thenorth Una of tfraao A CaUfornla "Kalh-aa-

t.voioanya rigat wii,iao Bteiarr,II Ula traet af land between two linen rerpn Heelr4U foot nnd M6 feet oaat of and parallelmlta the oaat Una of Onto arreet and betweenn Hoc 110 feet aouth of aad parallel withthe aouth Una of Hamilton arcane and Uenorth Mao of oregoa Lanrnraia Baiiroaa' right of way, W. A. Lew la.

fH iLAO IfOMfHTKAB-BtK- -K jr WC eaart4 fe-- t of wear an wr 01 anna ire icei. , L. a. I rare T. Hlloebrand. 84 tt: all i4

4 - a of nrefna A allf"rnt- - Nallroada r"M of war, PnnotiU Inauraoro, 1.. A BtTK 11. tat V Jiieeea

. v. -- . &tata, Melra at. $J.w5; lot



S. Joaeok A. Btrowbrldga Batate.' Hrira af.3.15. au; tat 4. Joacpk A. Btruwurldgo KaUta,Helra of, 3.15. u; north 80 feet of lo 3.Ykomaa Bchnoldor. $4.76; aouih 30 foot vtnorth vu teat of tot a. Anton niaeeoiuergrr.54. la: couth 30 feet ot nortk 12U foot ot tata. Alexander Klearl, $W.36; woat 06 feet ofaoath 110 fort of tot 3, JoacDh M. .

3S.W; aaat MA feat of aouth 110 feet ot tatb, tuiBM Mtetoor, s.U. BLOCK 12, tat, 2.Mackay Relate Conpaay; .6.d0; aaat . 60feet ot aalxllrlaloa A of tat o. Radio A.Winkle, . 31.ta; oaat 60 feet of auoairiaiuaB ot lot 3, Madia A. Wlakle, $1.3U wcat 0foot 0 ouhdlrUloa A of kit 3. John H.JHan- -

crey, $2.36; wrat-U- feet of auoaieiaioaaf kit 3. Joha It, 82.36; aubdlTialoaV of tat 3, ivn-- 11. Blyth.' $4.80; aubdlrlaloaD of lot a, rarer II. luyin, aa.su; auouiTiaiouK of lot Hi rerry H. Blytb, $4.76; aubdlrlatoaV of tat 3. IvrcV H.' Blytb. $4.76; aubdlTialoaO af tat 8, rerey U. Blyth, $4.76: aabdlrlalonH of lot 3, rerey H. Blytb. $4.76. BLOt'KJ.l. tat 1. William n. aao.mi;nortk t feet uf lot s. v. r, aeai, ao.w, minw fret of aualh 170 feet ot tot 2. C. '. Boa I.

80..16; nortk 42 feet ot eaet 110 feet ofaouth ITO foci or tot z, ucorgia84.30: nortk 42 W feet af caat 110 foot otaouth 137' feet of tat 2. J. I. MamncLaa.au; aoaia ao ee 01 rmm a w

2. Tboodoro Braekar and J. Winter ho Idee,$7.4 coat Sk of tat 3. , Charlra B. Ladd,$l7.do; oaat of lot 4. char lea B. Ladd,$I7.N0. BLOCK 14. aabdlrlalon A ot 1.William A. Morrow, $4.30; aubdlrlalon B oftat 1. William A. Morrow. 84.3; aubdlrlaloaC ft tat I. Prcatoa W. Gillette, $4.:tu;

11 of tat 1. Proatoa W, Ulllotte,$4 301 aubdlrlaloa of tat I, Albert rebren-ba.--

$4.76; aubdlrlaloa r of Kit 1, Albert. ... .. .reorenuavo. er. itf - w..

John Koparblegl, ; aubdlrlaloa H of tat1. joon a.opocoirgi, a. 10; 101 m, " .Wltherell, $J6.Ho; caat of lot 3. Mlaa M.V. Lanreaec. $17.80: raat of tot 4. Wlllla(. Clarke, $17. Ml. BUICK 15, tot 1, ThomaaHcbnetuar. $36.80; nortk - of tat 3. aoulkof too Oregoa et CaUfaraU Railroad Uobvpanr a rignt or way, laman-rooe- j e m.,

all at tat S north and woat of OregoaIIU.T0: Railroad Company'a rlgbt ofway, J. Ji. Marley, lo.T; an ai aoum ftof lot 2 except Oregon California Railroadtwnpany a rlgnt 01 way, Buiaoa sacanipaaoutKo. 1, I. O. O. V., $8.0; all of aaat oftat Oregoa as California. RailroadCompaay'a right of way, Joaeph A. Btrow- -

brldgo, nr., annate, nrira 01, a' ". wmI'ili feet f eoat 83 feet of north Ka) fretof lot 4, Ori Rilaa Banford. $3.30; aaat 42feet of aorta loo feet of tot a. uin a., saa-fne- d

Kalale. Helra of: 33.Su:- caat 40 feet ofwcat 100 fret of aouth 100 feat of tat 4,Thomaa R-- Weal. 53.ttb; aaat. as feat ox act40 fiat at wcat 120 teat of aoutk 100 fact

kurbiiiaW'm MtiRDlVlBIOH of Part of lot1 aad 3 at, block A M roruaaa nomojwauBLOCK A. oaat of tat 1, Jofca V, aadWUda . Lank In. 38.80: aaat of tot 2,John V. and WUda a. Lankln, U.5: oaat46 fact af watn' M tat 3, fauUna Jorgen-ae- a.

33.10; aubdlrlaloa- - 1 of tat 2. Kate l.Reeetoua, $2.15; aubdlrlataa-- af tot 2, Kate1). $4.30; uibdlTlatoa 8 ot tot 2, Katet, - ' - - aa.aut aabdlcuilaa 4 of lot 2.Kate U. Beaakoaa. 34.au; aubdlrlaloa 3- oftot 2. Bagano A Beeetone, $2.05; aubdlrlataa8 of tat 2. Kugena A. Maaaloaa. $l.oauo.dWIaloa 1 of lot 2. Ruaeuo A. Beaatona; $3.40.

HiUTI.AMI HOMUTBAtl BLOCK B. aubdlrl.aton A of tot 1, rtonnero tjounuoa "'""Truat, Ltd., $3.36; aubdlrlalon B of tat 1,

M. J. aad D. Uallagbor. $3.35; aubdlrtataaC af let 1, William H. Walpole, 33.35; aub-dlrlaloa 1) ot tat 1, Jacob Miebel, 33.36; aub--

dlrlalua H of lot 1, Tnoraaa a. nana, e ""rwoat 03 foot at tat 3, Beury Bcanett, $0.76;all af tat 2 axeept wcat 00 feat, William R.

. 1, a Ikl ... uk-a- h. Aam aaa3- eu TaWaM Ida

ot tat 3,' W. J. Dlltoo.-36.4- 5; caat H of "8. Joan T. Lankln. $10.30; aootb 37 fretof wvat H at tot 3. Joha D. Kcanady, 34.00;tat 4. Joha 1). Kennedy, $10.40; tat. 3, Joha1). Kennedy, fi.2D.lo n, aonu i, avauneor,miai uim w i' lot 1. MarrA. rark,

tat 2. Laula Zimmerman, 810 .20: totx IM.. Hillock Rotate. Hdra af. $13.50.

rULTON PARK BLOCK 18, tat T. Kulloa Park

1T tCpaul: Kft'-- f K to.: ParkLand Company, $o.7o; tat - 4, rultoa ParkLand Company, $0.70; tat 8. PultonParkLand Company, $0.70; tot 3, r'Land Company, $0.70; lot. 10, lulta ParkLand Comiuy $0.70. . . ' "fj I'Kultoa Park Laad Company. 30.70; 8,

ulU Park Land Company, ; tatFultoa Park Land Compauyi 30.70; flot 10,

Park Und Company, $o.70( tot 11.1..1..-.- i.rfe t..ui rAoioeuV. ao.7u: tat 12.

Part Uad Compauy, $o.70-- BL0:K35. aoath 6t toi-- t of lot 14. A. W. TobU.,0.75; nartk 36 feet of aouth 120 feat of tat

14. Bldney . MltabclL $0.75; nortk 80 feetOf lot 14, OlUiam ana lioeriee n.aiu, i. l, Park Land Compear,

'un! 1, a, Vlluhath Keeerf- - 30.30: lot Ik

Ultxaheth Kggert, 3O.00; tat lo, KtlxabctkKggert, 30.00; lot Hi KUaabcth Bcgert, 3O.0W;... it Ell..heth Keacrt. aO.BO. BLOCK 20. Vt

13, Faltoa Park Laud Company. $1.20. BUXJU33, lot I, J. at. lABtoirg. ev.iv, -

Lombard. 80.70; tot . tloorga B. Mclntoah.$0.7; tat lo, . Y. Wheeler. 30.70; tatKliaabetb Kggdrt. $0.70; tot 12, BltxabetkEggert, $0.70. BLOCK UB. tot 1. Baipa w.Uurt, $L16; lot 2. Ralph W. lloyt, $0.80;u I U Outblarb- - 8l.oor tat 4. Jobn Ule- -

black; $1.13; tot 3, Joha 'llcblach, $1.10.BLOCK 40, aU of wcat 50 feet ot tat 1

- an r .t William H. Mck'arlaad.ao.,5: caat 30 feet.af wcat 100 fret of tat1, Oregua Building Loea Aaaociaiioa. au.tn;

nit tmmt r wMt AO feet of tat 1. Ore- -at Loan Aaaorlattan, $0.35; caat

too feet ot tot 1, Mark J. comatoca, ao.ao;tat 2, Llrale B. Toung, $0.70; tat 8, MaryMughaa, $0.70; tot 4, Mary Jfaglica, $0.70;tat 5. Patrick Hughea, $o.7o; o, HalL50.7": tot 7. Parry Jotmebe, 3O.T0; tot 3,Collin C. Olrrln. 3O.T0;. tat 3. Collla C. Olj.via, 3066: tat 10, I. B. Hunt, 80.66; tot 11,

1 IV Konetaka. 80.56: tat 13, B. x. .unai..i an 7in lot 13. H M. Lombard. 3u.70tat 14. C. J. Decker, $0.70; tot-1- 5, MaryKoont. $0,701 f JiufiJ-'- jlot 17. Marr J. Oomatuck. -

1 i T W U MartaaU. 30.70: lot a. Wil uim. L a William. Maekln.

k n.iu. kii.Tu: lut 10. William Markla- -

loan. 'ATueiee, au. i"; "r. 7ji T- - ant 1 x wuiiaw neiaiu.. ev.ov.

huu-- as. lot 1. William Hathaway andf Charlca H. Tkompaoa, xu.ju; Tot a. wiuiaa

Hathaway ana C'hariea m. xaompaon, aw.00,w 3L Uatbawar aad Charlra UThompaao. $0.35; tot 4: William Hathawayand charlca ao-O- tot 5. Will-iam UathawayJi and- - X'harlva 11. Thompaoa,30.70: tot Uanoeo. 3U.TO; 'lot 1,r.rn. Uenaeu. 811.70. BLOCK 46. lot 1,

M. B. Carmine, $0.70: lot 2, Maad Bewail,$ti.7o:,tot 3, Clara V. Carmine, $o.70; tot 4,

. k U. ' ui a HAwrmrA ft.L.-- .U an na, lot k Rdward O. BcwaU. 30.70:

' . . .T . H ....111 Mill. In. 11 nkaKit l. ua n. oii"mii, 9v.iv, ,K. CuUlaon, $ 70. BLOCK 47. tot 1, MariaBtorkmau. $0.7o; lot-- 2. . Maria R lock man,30.70; tat 3. Henrietta Pormlctoa, $0.70; tat4. W. J. Ortmba. $0.55: lot 6, WUllam M.Warren, au.oo; lot a, rriiuam Tianu.30.70: tat 7. Krad 0. Buffam. $0.70; tat 8.IVed 0. Buffum, $O.TO. HLOCkv lot iienm U,MUH IU.1U K1I X. KDna airquam. 30.70; tat 3, JukT 1. Coyne, 30.70; tot4, Alice W. Caawull, 30.70; tot 8, C. J.Decker, 30.70: tat'd, O. J. Docker, 30.70; tatr it j. ivefeer. BO.BO: lot 8. C. J. Decker.$0.70: tot 3, Tbomaa A. Clarka,'$0.70; ; lot10. Valeric Rogera. $0.70; tot 41. ValeriaRocera, $0.5K tat 11 Veleria Rogera, $0.66;lot 13. Valerie Rogera, 8O.70; lot 14, TbomaaA. Clarke, 80.TU; lot lo, joomaa a. .irrBllTll: tot 14 Era P. MtneL $0.30; lot 17,

Walter 11. rrcatoa, $0.70: lot 13. HenryMtereaa. 30.70; tat 13, Allca W. Caewe.lt.BU.TII- - lnt 30. Jnlia r. Coyne. $0.70; lot 21,3. me. Blake. 30.70: tot 22. The TtUe Oaaraau A Traal niaiaH 80 7(1. RLAX.'K 40. tat LK. a nieel. itlYn: tot 2. Kca P. HteeL3O.70; tat 3. J. R. Scott, 30.70; tat 4 J. H.

I $'-- lot 6. Hiram W. Riley, ao.ioifTfct AT Blr.8. W. tat 7. Ell. K.

I era t aeon. au.iu; m or r . w-n- . tv.iv- lot . Bra. B frlee $o.7o; tot 10, A. Raraacia.. au.ni: ac il.. atu r . nievi. ew.iul--t Ke 1. Hleel. 30.70. RIXM'kl Ml. tot- a. I .w a,. . . I . fl u 1J, eillliam jnaraiuiuea, T" . "ao.no; lot a, eiiiiuon aaarauiioau,30. wi; tot 4. alary a. imaey, au.iu; ivi ,

William If. Daucr. 30.Tn: tat . IK C. Ted.ford. 30.70 : tot 7. Juaeph Blmoo, Truafec,

' 'an 7i- - lot a. karlfa J. ralllan. 80.70: aM .

iinn rl, vaiinia, T-- " . e , " 'J. HHfbea. 30. TO: tot it; ratrirk iiugneaj aw.iu;

tot -, mitoa rara tana lanpiaj, rei.-iv- .

HIM'.K 61. lot 1. Joaeoh Blmou. Truateo.$)i.w;; tat 2, Joaeph Hlmoa. Truatea. '$1.06.HUH'K 62,. lot 1. Patrick ana Mary ungnea,i.70; tat 2. Patrick and Mary Uugbea, $0.70:

tot 3. Ratcerue nrueoermaan. ".: ,

William Loeer.. $0.70: lot 6. Wllltaur Henry,ao To: lot 8. William Henry. $i.ao: lot T,

Jane Ryaa. $0,70; tot 8. Henrietta A.30.70; tat 3. Jleurlctu A. Popplcton,

In III: lut HI. Fulton, Park Land ttomuany,; $0.70; tot" 11, Lou H. Kpdegraff, 30.7O; tot

13, LiOH Xt. l.'PoeuTaii, C'.fiv. aunn o.v!.. K. R. U Idmliard. 30.60: lot 4. B. IILamliant. $0.70: tot 7. Anna McQuillan. $11,70;

wlO a. a f-- 1T17WC. fW. M'i 1W O. '. vfwr., Xiitii , RIXll K 44. tot 1. B. M. Uimbardaad Fultou Park Land Company, $0.7o; tat8. B. M. Istmbard aad rultoa. Park LandCompany. $o.7o; tat 8. B. M. (.Lombard and

' t'ultoa Park lead Com paay. 8"To; lot .!!,u u imheea and Vulton Parh land Onni.pany. $n.7o;.taf 11. B. M. Imhard aad Pal--ion rara lean 4iwnraj, ev.iv, nn .M. lMibard and 'nlton Park, Land Company

, BIXX'K. "W. Beaool fiBatrict AO.Jii.TO. ttlM'K 08. tat 1. Brron P. CardwelRotate. Helra of. $0 10: tat 2.. Byroa V. 4erd

ll ICalete. Helra of. 30.78'. lot 3. Brron P; Cardwell Rotate. Helra of. $0 7 let 4, Hyron

P. Cardwell Rotate, Helra af. eo.7": lot, ttwmm P. I'ardwell Kelalo, Helra of. 30.7O:

lot a neroe P. Cardwell B.lale. Helra of.v frii.Tii; lot 7. Brron P. tiardwell Ratale, Helra' or. 8O.70; lnt a, . nrroa i. t arue eu iterate,

Hetra of. 3O.T0; lot . Byroa P. Cardwell, -- i an to. in rmm . 1

r'aerfwell Vate Mrjra af. 3O.701 tot (1

. Hrree. P .Cardwell getale. Helra of. $0.70' tat It. Brron p. t'aritwall Relate. Hetra hie. eo Hi lu-t- f MS i. I o.l biaItm ailiTIi

let J Vrrd BiatTer. to, TO: tat . II. M, Bnh- $" t tat 4. H M. Baoh. $0.Tn; lot 3. Alice

, Kretner, $A.7i: tat 3. Alice Kreejer, $n.T:' lot T. Anna Fllia Btarr. 3" 70: tat 8. AmeHa- B, dud M, J. Maraa, 30.70; tot f, ITlee wank



lie, $0.70; lot 10, William R. rarrla. 30.70;tot 11. Joha Tway. $o.7o; tat 12. Joko Tway,3O.70. BLOCK 0i . tat 1 ruluia Park LandCompany. 3o.; tat -- 2. rultoa Park LaudComrauy, o.lo; tat a, Kultoa Park LaudCompany, ko.wo; tat 4, ultua l"ark LandCompany, aal.uo; tot 5. KulUia Park LaudCompany. i.oo. BLOCK t tot 1, Loul"krleae. $0.1o; lut 2. Loulae k rleae, $0.10; tat3. Manoa kdtly BpaaWlioj. $0.70; tat 4,Ckrlat Uauacu. bu-T- tat 4, Joha M. Meeatak,80.70; tot , Charlca A. Dueller, $0.10; tani 1 '.iiapla a. Iiueber. 8O.I0: tat ci. Charlca

BW.TU, Un JU, 1M-B TOW PMIM. I " -

lloratla R. Hulmua, $0.1u; lot. 13. Uoratta41. Holiuea, $o.JU. BLOCK eu. lot I, dueuaK. v. and Bauie A. wruiaio, ei. mJuaeph k.L. aad Badla, wftakta, $0.70, tot3. Addle I'arrlu. $o.o; tatd. Addle I'anriu.30.70; Jot 6. Bylrauua C. Armitage, 3u.lo,tat a, Andrew Holmca. e0.7o; tat 7. J;- - B.teuruiey, aw.36; tat 3. bletem of the HolyName of Jeeua aad Mary, $0.10; tat M. LwHuugherty. $o.70; lot 10, Juaeph Boat. o lo.

Colin C. Olrrln. 30.70; tat 12, Lullt;. Ulrrla. $o.7o; tat 1.1, Bylraaua C. Aruil-Ug- r,

$o.T0: tat 14. Bylrauua C. Armitage,mu.lu; tot 1. Boutbweet Portland Real Rate. tei

.Compani, ao.lai tot 18, woriaero wuiie--lUTeatmeni irue, e"i - -em Couatlea Incealment Truat, Ltd., $0.10)tat 18. .Nielbrra CouoUea InTaatmcut lruat.Ltd 80.70; tot 1. Juaci ,Bcat..$O.To; tat30, Andrew J. DygerU Jr. and Br.. $0.70,tat 21. H. L. Mariaall. $o.T0; tat 22, U. L.Martaall. $0.86; tat 23, A. W. Balrd. .7;tat 34. 'Jamea H. Chaaa. $O.T0 tat 25, MauriceN. CuetclK $0 To; lot 2d. bint NattonalRank of Portland Oregun, o T0; tat 87, k'nukM. Warren. $u.J0; tat 23, Iran, AT. Warren.30. TO BLOCK 70, lot 1. VincentCook, 30.10; tat .Vtaeent Cooh,8u.lo;lot 3, Vincent Cook; $0.10; tat 4. VincentCuok7$0 IOi tat y Karoluand A. Lit $0.70;tat a, WllUam Barnea. $0.70: tat T, 0. W. addMargaret V. AJlea, $0.70; U 8. 0. W. andMariarot V. Allenv $0.70; tot 0. BarakMlUkalL 30.T0; tot los Maria V atarturd,3u.?o; tot 11, Vincent Cooit. $0.To; tat li,Vincent Cook. $0.7o. BLOciC Tl. tat . Vin-cent Cook. 3O.10; tat 2. Vincent Cook. $0.70;tat 8, Vloeeut Coidt, $0.70; tot 4. VlurcntCook. $0.70; tot 6, red Buragalj. $0.70;tat -- 8. cd Bgeto,$U7o; tat 1, Beruhard-In- e

WeatpahL $o t0; tat B, Bernhardlnc. Wcat-pab- L

$o.7o; tat 8. J.. B. xouug. $0.70; tat10. Jaae Wall. $o.7o; tat ll,Vlnui Cook,$0.70; tat 12. Vliicfnt Cook, 30.TO. BLOCKU, tot 1. Vincent Cook. 30.70; tot 2. VincentCook, 60. TO; tat 3, Vincent Cook, $0. To;lot 4, Vincent Cook. 3O.70; tat 6. VlacentCook. $0.70; tat 3, Vincent Cwk. J?-S-. tatT, rrauk and Mary Hackney, $0.70; tat B.

Laura lUckney, $o.T0; tat 8, Vlnceot Cook;80.70; tat 10, Vincent Cook, $0.70; W 11,Vincent Cook. 30.70: tat .1 Vincent Cook.30.70. BLOCK T3, lot 1, Heery Mcckcn-- a

tela. 81.46; lot 2, llenry r)eckcnateln, $1.45;'tat 3, Henry $1.36; lot 4,Henry $1.20; tat 3, Henry

$1.00; tot 3, Henry rtockca-atet-

30.no; tat T, . Henry Kltkeiaiteln.oT. Utl Mmre Vlackanatelu. 30.40.

BLOCK 74. Hoary leckaartcln 33. BLOCK75. Henry Vlrckoaateln. 33.56. BLOC'K 70.tat 1. Henry rieckenatela, $0.35 tat 2.,Heuryvi.kt.i : tot 3. Henrr klerkeu- -

(teln, $0.16; tat 4, Henry rierkrnauln. $0.10.BLOCK 30, lot 1, rultoa uat30,40;. tot 3, killtoa) Land Company. $0.45.BLOCK' 81, lot 1. Fultoa Land Company,$0.00; tot 2. Fultoa Land Company, $o.l0;L. a viom lu.l runilf. 30.70: lot 4.rultod Laud Company,, $o.lo; tat 6, rultonLaud Company, to tal tat 8, ryitoa LenaCompany, $0.60; tat T, Knltoa .Land. Com-ean-

al7U: lot 8. Fultou Land Company,r$iklo; kit 8, Kultoa Laud Company, $0.70;

lot ju, ruiuiu vwiwwo - . - -

Kultoa. Land Company, $0.7o; tat 12, fultoo1n romoanr. 3O.70. BLOCK 82.rultoa Land Company, fl.lo; tat 2. rultoaLand Company, $1.00; tat 3. Fulton LaadCompany, au.ao; lot , ruitoa-uaa- uwikw,,$o.eo; tat 6, rulton Und Company,, $0.44.B1XH.K 33. - Henry riectaiiatciii. $5.16.a. ma a a at f d l..L 3x41 Mi LrvT At.aUIlt ae, l" o, r. ;wiV. Cook. $u.76; lot 5, V. Cook. $0.70; tot3, ; V. Cook, $0.70; tot , T, V. Cook. $0.70;

Vi Cook.' $0.40 tot' 2i V. Cook. $0.10; tot8 V. Cookv $0.60; lot 10. V. Cook, 30.70;7'. . v fZ.t. an Rf.fWK Ml. bit 1.v. Coik.' '30.36;' tat 2. V. Cook, 30.70; lot8. T.. Upok, 30. 10; Mix a, t. wia, ev.iv,tat ft. V. Cook. $0.70; lot 3. V. Cook. J0.T0!Ul 1 V .iv.b All HAL bit K. V. Cook. 30.T0;tat 8, V. lot 10, V. Cook,. 80.70;tot 11, vTciX, $b.7o; Jot U V. 'cook,$0.70; lot 18. V, Cook. $0.70: tot 14, V.Cook, $0.10; iot 15, V. Cook. $0.70; tot Id.V. Cook; $0.70; tat IT, V. .Cook, $0.7o;tat 18. V. Ciok, $0.70;' lot-1- Cook.

lot 20, V. Cook, $0.70; lot 11. V,iiLti' anrn:U M V Cook. 30.70: tot 2X

1 V. Cook. $0.70; lot .' y. Cook. $0.70; tat30. V. COOU, eu-'- iov.ee, t. ev.v".juiW ut lor V V Cook 3U.H6: tat 2.V. Cook, so.io; lot A, T. ,1,00m, Ov.iu,

ra. V.. caok; $0.70; tat JJ.. V. Cook, $0.7o;w V i ,k an TOt lot V. Cook. 30.70:

at 10. V. Cook, 30.7o; tat 11, V. Cook, 30 70;-t- ot 8. V. Cook. 3O.70; tat 0 V. Cook, mj.70;,lf4e .Uc.vilt. All Ko. BLOCK DM. lot 1.

V. Cook, go.70; lot x, r. voua, eo.iu, ioa. T . UOOA.' W.IU iv v,tat 6, V. Cook, 30.70; tat , V. Cook. $0.70;tat T. V.'Cook, $O.T0; tat 8, V. Cook. 8O.70;tat B, V. Cook, 30.70: tot 10, V. Cook. 30.70;tat il, V. Cook. 80.70; tot 12, V. Cook.30.70. BLOCK 03, lot 1. V. Oook.l $0.7o;tat 8. V. Cook. 3O.T0; tat Sv. V. Cook. $O.T0;tat 4.V. UHds. $0. To;. lot 8. V. Cook. $O.T0;tot 37V. Cook. 30.T0; tot T, V. Cook. 30.70;tat 8. V. Cook, 3O.70. BLOCK 100, tat 1,

au.ao; era a, t. wv, c'wiV, Cask, $0.70; tot 4. V. Cook, $0.70; tat8.. V. Cook, 30.70; kit 3, V.Oook, 30.70;tot t. V. Cook$0.70; lot 8, V. Caok, $0.70;tot 3. V. Cook. 30.70; tot 10, V. Cook.aV.to. lor 11 V. Cook. 3O.T0: tat 12. V.Cook. $0.85. BLOCK 101. tat 1. V. CookJ

1.805; 1tat 2, v. cook, 31.10; tot a. r. coox.J1.30. BLOCK. 103, wit J, r. vuou, r.iie

t X, V. Cook. $0.70; lot S. V. Cookto. in, a , v jvwii, an TO; lot a. V.

li-v- k ' ao.Tn- - 'lot 8. V. Cook. 8L.45: lot 7,

V. Cook. $1.16: tat 8, V. Cook, "30.80;- - tot3, V. Cook, $0.00; tat 10, V. Cook, 0.00lot U. V Cook., 3J.20; lot 12. V. Cook80.75. BLOCK 103, tat 1, V. Cook, $0.30tat a. V. (look. 30.70: tat A V. Cook. 80.70WAV. Cook. 80.70: tat 6. V. Cook. 30.70;tat 3, Portland CUy Company, $0.70; tatT, Portia ml Clay Company, $0.70; tat 8,

. PortUad Clay - - Company, 30.85. BLOCK104. tot 1, C. J. Decker, $0.7o; tot 2, C Jiwke. ail 7(1: lot 3. Rdwla C. Jon neon.80. 70: tot 4. oh3,,I)aneyr. $0.70; , tot '6,

V Larld "W. '. Kberlla. $0.70; lor-- 8, rultoa

Park Land Company. $0.70; - lot T, FultoaP.rk lsd (Vimoanr. 30.35: lot 8. Kmma

i Marquam, 30.TO; lot 3, D. U. Jackaoa, 30.T0IM 111. iraiHn I'd TBI lallia Urniaailiw. pv, IVtat II. W. J. Orambo. 3O.T0; tat 12. W. J,

ao TO. In 1 A 1 a TmA lon.pany- -- Ltd.. $0.7U4 lot. 14, AlUauca TrnatComoanr. OA.. $0.85; tat 15, Rothacblld

Una. 30.4O: tot. IB. Rothacblld Bra.. $0.16tot 17. .X. it. Church, $0.10; let IB. J. M

Cknrch. 30.6fi: lot 10. j. M. Church. $0.70tat 21)7 D. H. Jackaoa, $0.70; tat 21. D. H.J.ckaon 30.70: tat 22. Minnie BlmoB. 30.86tat 23. Juaeie B. Kirk, 30.70; tot 34, John(ileblakAt $0.70; tat 25.. Julvij Glcbiah. 30.70;tor 2B Alice ' Mackocuklc. ).70:ot 27.Alice Markriuae, $0.70: tat 2H. . AHce Mae--

keuaie, ,4)0.70. , BLOCK 105, aouth B0 feetot block ion, jtyroa r. oantweii satatr.Hetra at, $2.25; aorth 120 feet of block no,City - Buburbaa . Railway Company, 33.40.BLOCK A. 'lot 1. Ktta WUUama. 3V.06

i lot X Etta Wllliama, $o.30; lot X. lullon" l.rk tad 30.45 t,.4atcr. Blta

Wll llama. $0.30; tat 3, . Chriatina rieckea.atein. Ail TO: tot . Ckriatlna aApckeaatela$atv. BLOCK B, tat 1, rultoa Park. Land1 .mtiini X11 .III: lot rultoa Park LandCompany, ' S0.40; tat ' 3, ' rultoa Park RandCemiiaajr, $o.40; lot 4, rultoa' Park LandCompany, 80.46; lot 5, Pultoa Park' LandCompear, $046; tat .a, rultoa Park Land

' Company, 30.6O; lpt T, rultoa Park LandCompany, $0.66; ; tat 8, rultod Park Land' Cempaay, $0.65t - lot 8. Kultoa Park

' Conipauy. $0.00. BLOCK C, tot 1. FultonPark Lapd ComBuny 80.40; lot 2, IMItoapark tat SViiKultoupark IjioH tympany. $0.60 tat 4.. KultoaPark Land tempany. $0.55; Jot 6, KultoaPark lnd I'tHapaJiy, 0.70; tat 8. KulloaPark lAnd Company, 0.76; tat T, Kiiltoo

' Park Laud- - Ouneaey, $11.00: tat 8. Kultoarem wnwi'-.ninj- ,, $0.V6-- ' lot

' Park Land Company, 81.O0. BLOCK D, tat UKultoa Park Land Company, $2.25; tat 2,Knltoa Park Land Coeipany, 30.70; tot 8,Faltoi, ' Park Land Coeneany, ,; fo.Tir; tot 4t

. Kultoa l"ark lnd ComiMtny,' $0.7l tat 3.Oregoa a: calitorma ataiiroau jcainaoyi an. io,BIAICK K. aorta ) Of n tiaru r inney

V 30.30; nortk of lot 8. Clara riuney, fti.B..aouth of tat 1, Mary L. White. $0.36aouth C of tat 2. Mary L. White, $0.36lot nrCnarleo K. Tlnrd.30.90. B1XK K

.. tat 1, 3a ah Curlcy, $n.30; tat 2, 8ara3 CurIcy. ao. to; lot a, J. n. neon, e"o; mt 1

"Vpetiw Cnrley, 31.00; tat 6, Rothchlld Broa.at a Uotbchlld Broa.. 3o.uo: lot 1

Itnthcblld Plena.. 3o.Mil: lot 3. Rothchlld Broa.$0.76; tat . Rothchlld Broa.. 80.30; lot 10,

i Rothchlld Broa.. $"70 -- BIAM'K U, tot 1,r 1 IkWM tn.OR: lot 2. J. Decker.3i.4n; tat 3, C. J. Decker. $0.80; tat 4. MaryII. i;kermly, $0.73; tat 6. B. L.' Thompaoa,-aoTn- - be 4 E. L Tbomneon. 3d Ho: tat 7.K. L. Tuompeoej, au.nti; rot e. A. A. rowera,

tat 3. A. t. Power, $o.: lot 10. A.nil; $0,40: tat 11. P. Li. Marley, $0.80;. tat 12, P. H. Marler. $0.30. BLOCK H, tat

1. F. A. Walpole, $o.60; tat X K. A. Walpole,3nj0; tot 8. Aaa K. Ml'ia. $1.20 tat 4. AnaRrNiXou. $1.35: tat 6.. Ann R. Nlroa, $1.16;weat 36 feet of tat 8. 1. B., CoUcR. $l.4;weat 03 feet af lot T. J. B. Culk-k- . $0 46:

rill of tat $ lylag aaat of want 33 feet, RuthW. Decker. 80.00: all of tat T lying eaet ofWcat- - 35 feet, Rath W. Deeher. $0.70; lot

' 8. Moaea A. Share. $1.16; tat 8, Moaea A.;fthare. 31.16; lot 10, A gee Huttenmuuer.$1.05: tat ,.1, , Uabeth H. ( artla, $0.P0; - lot12. Patrick and Mary Hughea. $il.7"i; tat13, Patrick and Marr Hughea. $0.30. BLOCKI, tat 1. Anna R. Mtoa. $0.30; let 2, AnnaR. Mxon, $i Tt; tat 3, Anna K. Klioa. $d.Tn;

' tat 4. Anna K. Klxoa. $o.76; tat 6. Anna K.' Kltnnj tn M: lot a. Harriet Dunham. $o.76;

l.tat T. HarrletDunham, $1.85: tat . R. M.limnant. e., ' y ut""$1.43. J, tat K Byroa P. CardwellKatata, Helra Aif, - $0. To; let 3 RothchlldBroa., 10.30; tat X Roibcklld Broa., o.70;



lot 4. Rothchlld Broa.. 30.T0; lot 5, ,rtaul-we-

Portland Real Ralate Company, "30;tat 8. Rothchlld Una.. $0.50;, tat 7. Mauricet;uodmau, 3O.70I tat B. Rotbchlld Bcua.,$o.t: tat 3, Kulbrhlld Broa.. $l.4o; tat 10,Kothcfalld Broa.. $1.23: tot II. Rothchlld Broa..$1.20; tat 12, Rothchlld Broa., $0.65: tat Id,Rmh.-bll- Broa.. 3".ao; lot 14, Rothchlld$0.30; tat 16, Rothchlld Broa., $0.66, BLOCKK. tat 1. Rothchlld Broa., $1.20; tafl, Roth-chlld Broa.. $o.75 tat 3, Rolbchlld .Brud-- .

$l.on: tat 4, Rotbchlld Broa.. $1.16i lot 6,Kothehlld Itroa., $1.15: tat 3, Rotbchlld Broa.,$l.u. HCOCK L. Kultoa Park liud Jba-pan-

$.. BLOCK At, Kulum 1'ark Laodilouiiiaur. 3.1.25...

ri'LTON BLOCK 1.' lot 1, R. . Hlegelraana,341.70; tot x, H. if icgeimann, eu.ou; i"i e. n.Rlerelmaan,' 30 u; kit 4, C." H. Plggott,3n.0: lot 6. R. Rlrgelmana. $0.55; tat a,R. Rlegelmaan. 30.au; tot 7, R. Rlegelmann,30.3O; lot 8, R. Rtegalmena.. $0.00. BLOCK2. Robert Pattoa Ratate, Heln of.XI All HIJVK S. -- all of block 8 weat .ofMacadam road, Aaruu Walt, 83.40; all ofiblork 3 aaat of Macadam read, m. eientoa

$0.15. BLOt'K 4. Tbe King Katate.1.03. BLOCK, 3, Tyler ' Woodward, $3.30.LtK-- T. Alexander Meed. $5.35. BLOCK

a, tat 1,' II. J. R. Rlegelmann. $O.T0; undi-vided of lot 2. M, . Murria, $o.3S;

- of tot 8. M. U. Morrla. $0.:i6;Iiadlrlded of tat 3, W. R. Morrla, 30.35:uuairiora or hk a, w. n,. nunw,Int 4. Alice Berry Nuaa, $O.T0; tat 5, AliceBerry, una, $0.T0; uudlelded of tat 8.M. U. Mocria. $o.; aadlrlded . of tatT. M. 0. Murria, $o.:5; unillTliled of tat8. W. R. Morrla, $0.35; uudlTldcd oftat 7. W. R. , Morrla. $0.35; tat o, II. J,R. Rlegelmann. $0.70. '

A tract of land lying between a Una 30 feataoutk- of and parallel with tbe aouth Unaof block 3. Fulton, and the north Una ofllock r, rulton Park, and between e line30 fact eaat of and parallel wllb tbe oaatIlea of block 10, Kultoa, and 3 Una 00 feetweaterly from and parallel with tbe weatrrlyline of btocka 3 and T. rultoa, except thatportion ot aald tract eccualed by tha City ABuburbaa Railway Company'a rlgbt at way,M. U. Morrla and W. R. Morria, $2-3- - .

ITLTON BLOCK 18, undirlded of lot 1.M. U. Morrla, f0.;u; unairiuca T " ,M. U. Morrla. Bti.30: andirioea or ioi o.M.'U. Morrla, $0.35: nndlrlilcd of lot 4M. U. Morrla, $0.36; umllTlHed of lut 6,M. O. Morria, 30.36; undlrkled at lot tl,M. tl. Morrla. $0.35; undlrlded i or lot i,M. O. Morrla, $0.36; uodlrded of tot B,

M. O. Morria. $0.35; undlrlded of lot 1.W. R, Morrla, 30.36; undlrlded t tat 2.W. K. Morrla, 80.36; undlrlded of kit 2,W. R. Morrla, $0.36; undlrlded of lot 4.W. R. Morrla, $0.35; uudlrldcd of tot 3.W. R. Morrla, $0.35; undWIded of lot 8,w u V4,.. in n: undiTlded U ot kit T,

W. R. Morria. . o; undirldedof tat 8, W. R. morrla, $0.36;BLOCK 1T - tat 1. H. W. ICoroettBatata. Boln of, 30.70; tot H. W. Cor-he- tt

Batata, Helra of, $0.70' tat 3, AndrewW. Kreom. $0.70: tot 4. Andrew W. Kraum,

.$0.70; tot 8. R. 1. Kreum. $O70; tot 3, R.

i. rTCUm, AO- '"I Wit t. l. VIJ-tv-. mtmm,Helra of, $0.70; tat 8, LL W. Corbett JiaUte,riui. e an rn


tot T. P. H. Blytb. 8L25; tat . P. H. Blyth,. . .... ... n .. i, i ai on.. 1., in0 1. 1 o art , . n. "J e.w,P, H. Blyth, $1.05; north 23 feet of tat 11.P. 11. niyta. ao.ao; acuta ai icei w oj ,

H. C Breeden. 30.55; tat 12. H. C. Breeden,a. k. L., l 11 ftMML., At 1 0 In 14.11. c Breeden, $L10; tot 16, B- - C. Breeden.8L25: tat lo.. H. C. Breeden. $1.60; tot 17,H. C' Braedea. 11.80; lot 18, H. C. Breeden,$1.70; tot IB, H. C. Breeden, 81.au; tot 20,11. C. Breeden, $1.85; lot 21, H. C. Breeden,32.00; tot 22, u. c. Breeaen, eA.au; ami

IHw I.a of lot 23. H.nnah MaaoB. $1.36;undlrlded J--J ot lot 24. .Hannah Maaon,ki an? endlTldad 3 of tat 25. ' Hannah

. , ul, Ol a . ls.t "iVI

Hannah Maaon. $1.85; undlrlded 1-- of tat37, xtaanau ataaon, . f i.oo; unuiTiuaw e- -

of ' tat 28, Hannah Maaon, $1.86; . undi-vided 2--3 of tat 2$, Hannah Maaon, $1.26;andlrlded 3 of lot 30, Haunah Maaon,

undlrlded 3 of, lot 31, Hannahtl.2S;, ai !. nnlHTlned 2--3 of tot - 32..Haanah Maaon, $1.86; undirldedl-- of tat33, Hannah Maaon, $1.25; undivided 2--8

ot tot 34, Haanah Maaon.- - $1.25; undlrldedt--t of lot 36, Hannah Maaon, $L35;

3 . of tot 38, Hannah Maaon,ai.oa; anairiaea - ot - iwi, .Hannah. Maaon, $1.50; andlrlded 1 oflot 3B, Hannah Maaon, $1.35; undlrlded 2--8

of tat 33, Hannah' Maaon, $1.35; undlrlded2-- of tat 40, Hannah Maaon, $186; undlrlded 3 ot tat 41, Hannah Maaon, 3l.3o;

wiiTliinl 9--a of tot 42. HABuah Maaun. $1.16:undlrlded 8 ot tat 43, Hannah Maaon, $1.10;mull elded 2.8 of lot 44. Hannah Maaon,$1.05; undivided 2--3 of lot 45, Hannah Ma-

aon, $1.0; undivided 2--3 ot lot 40, HannahMaaon. 30.35: undivided 3 of tat 47, 11 a u--

mk Ueiioii.. ZO BO: undivided 3 Of lot 23,4 J. F, Wataoa, $0.30; undlrlced 8 of tot

24, J7F.- - Wataon. 30.70; unaivioeo 0 01lot 25. J. K. Wataon, $0.70; undivided 3

of tat TaV J.VJ" Wataoa,- $0.30; undivided3 af lot 27. J. F. Wataon; $0.80; undivided8 of tat 2. J. F. Wataon, $0.80; undlrlded8 of tat 28, 1. K: Wataon,, $0.80; undivided3 of tat 30. 1. r. Wataoa, $0.65: undivided8 of tat 81. J. r. Wataoa, $0.66; undlvldea

.1-- 8 of tat 82, J. K. wataon. .80: undivided3 of lot 83. J. r. Wataon. 00: undivided

1. r lot !U. I. V. Wataon. 1.60: uudlvldedof lot 6,r K. Wataon,' i t.so; uudlvlded

3 of tat S3. J.-J- r. wataoa, .so: unamoea$ of tat 37, I. F. Wataon, ,su; unaiviaea3 of ' tat 38, 1. T. Wataon, 0i undivided3 of tat 30, J. F. Wataon, 80; undivided3 of lot 40, J. K Wataon, j.ou; unaiviaea3 of tat 41. J. 1.00;- - andivided

a-- 3 af tat 42, S. F. Wataon, a.65: undivided3 of tat 43, . r."Wavn,- - 30.60; undtrided3 of tat 44. 0L. 3P.50--

, undivided3 of taf 45, J. F. Wataoa. $0.45; undivided3 of tot 46, J. K. Wataon, $0.45; andivided

. 3 of tot 47. J. K. wauon, au.au,. blah, a1, undivided 3--3 of lot 1. Hannah Maaon,an am nndiriiled 8 of tar 2--- Hannah Ma.eon, $0.30; undivided 2--3 of tot 8. Hannah

$0.20;, andivided 2 of tot 4, Hannah' Maaon.. . ... . . . , , j .. a In 1 T VAtaBOU. aV.1V IIHUOluni - w avw . - '11-- . ,.... All III! undlTldeil of lot 2. JF. Wataoa,' $0.16; undivided 3 of tatJ, F. Wataoa, 80.10; undivided 3 of. tat4 J. r. wataon. eo-i- bxaicb. a. .unm-

v vided 2--3 of tat 1, Hannah Maaon, 30.4O;.. MuiuiiIhi s or lot x. Htuiffl aaaaoac eu.eu

undivided 3 of lot 3. Hannah Maaon-- .

$0.40; undivided 2--2 of tat 4, Hannah Maaon,ao Ail!, undivided 2--3 at tot 6. UaQnah Ma- -

' aoa, $0.40; undivided 2--3 of lot a, UamtahMaaon. 30.40: undivided 2--3 af tot 7, Hao- -

'.n.k Uaaon. 30.411: undivided 2--3 of. tat B.

Hannah Maaon, $0.40; undivided 2--3 of tot0. Hannah Maaon. 80.56; .undivided 2--9 of

'tot 10, Hannah Maaon, $0.35; undivided 8

or lot 11. Hannah Maaon. (0.30: undivided8 of lot 12, Hannah Manoa, $0.46; uudly

-- vided . of tot 12. Hannah Maaoa. 80.36andielded - af . tot 14. Haanah Maaon,

. 30.45: undlrlded 3--8 of tot 18, UAaoah Ma$0.20; undivided 3 of tat- - 18. Han- -aon,.. . . -- . . ... a, .1 . . a, a, ., 1.... m

aan maaon, eo.au , qnitiuim u v.. Hannah Maaon, 30.10; undivided 2--3 ot tat- 13. Hknaak Maaoa. .$0.46; aadlrlded 3 of

tat 1. J. f. Watatm. $0.20; undivided 3

of tat 2, J. r. Wataon. $0.20; undlrlded3 of lot a. J. F. Wataon. $0.20: undiviaed3 of Jot 4, J. F. Wataoa, $0.20; undlrlded8 i tot 8, J. F, Wataon, $0.20; nodi

Tided 8 of tot 3, J. K. Wataoa, fu.iw' undivided 1 ot tat 7, J. F. Wataoa, $0.20- undivided 1.3, of lot 8. J. F. Wataon. $0.20

undivided 3 f tot 3, J. F. Wataoa, $0.30;. undivided 8 of tot in. j.. r. wataon, au.cvo:

andivided 8 af lot II. t. F. Wataon, $0.10undivided ot tot 12, J. F.. Wataoa,

i umUvMed 8 of tot 13, J. P. Wataoa,Undivided 8 of tot 14, J. F. Wataoa,uadlvtded 3 of tat in, 1. r. wataoa,

i und I Wiled 8 of tat lo, J. F. Wataon, $0.20' uudlVlded 3 of lnt 17. J. Yt Wataoa. $0.10undivided 3 of tat 18. J. F. Wataoa. $0.20.BLOCK, 3, uadlrlded 3 of tat 1, Hamwh

- Majtuh. $0.46: andlrlded 2--3 of lot 2,Han-aa- b

' Maaon: 30.45: undivided 2--3 of fittriiaimak Maaon, $0.45; uudlvlded 8 of tat

4.' Hannah Maaon, '$0.46; undivided 2-- oflot 6. Hannah Maaoa. $0.45; undivided 2--3

lot (I, --Hannah Maaon, $0.46: undivided 2--3

of lot 7, Hannan Maaon, ao.i; anairiaea3 of iot a, Hannan maaoax ao.ao; until

vided 3 af tot 8, Hannah Maaon, $0.66;I uudlvlded 2--3 of let 10, . Manna a Maaon,

undivided 3--8 of tot 11. Haunah Ma-ana. $0.46: undivided 2--3 of lot 12, Hannah

. Maaon, $o.k4fi; undlrlded 2--3 of tat 13. Uau- -n. k .Maaon. 30.43: undivided 2-- Of lot 14.Hannah Maaoa. 30.46; undivided 8 of tat13,' Hannah Maaon, $0.46; undivided 2-- ot

' tat 1ft, Hannah Maaon. $0.45; undivided 2--3

ot lot 17, Haanah Maaon. $0.46; undividedi 3--3 of lot IS, liannan maaon, av.ao: uaui

vbled 8 ot tot 1. J. F. wataon. 30.20; iin Idivided 3 of tat 2. J. P. Wataon.. 30

' undivided 3 of taf 8. J. F. Wataon. 30 20undivided 8 of tat 4. J. F. Wataoa.andivided 3 of tat 6. J. F. Wataon. '$o.2o-- .nadlvlded 8 of tat . J. F. Wereon. 80.20

"undivided 3 of kit 7. J. F. Wataoa, $o.2o,' aadlvtded 3 of tat 3, I. F. Wataoa, $0.20

undivided 8 of hit 8, J. F. Wataoa, $0.30- undivided 'l Of U 10. 1. F. undlvldedV of tat II. J. F. Wataon, $0.2"

, uailivlded of tat 12,. J. F. Watamv 8f 20' andlTtdod 3 of tat 13, J. K, Watanu, fo.20

undlrlded 3 of tat 14, t. K. Wataoa, 30-2-

undivided of tat 16. t. F. Wataon, $0.20unMivliled 1 8 of lot 14. J. --F.- Wataon. 3) 21

aadt Tided of tat 17. J. F. Wataon. 80.i, t a 1 II J a ta.--. j 'M,

BIam:K 4, undiTlded 3 Of lot 1 HanaakMaaoa. f ..tt; undiTlded 2-- or lot 3, HannanMaaoa. 1.3ft: andivided af tat 6. HannahMaaoa, j i.:ik; undivided' 2- - ot tat T. Hannah

.:a: undiTlded 3 of tat 3. Ha- Maeon. ; until Tided af hit 11, Hannah

Maaaoa. fom; nndiTined a of tot 13, ManoaMam. $l..'6: aadlvlned 3 nf lot 15, HaMaaon. $0,364 anillTldetf 3--3 of tat 17. UannaMaana. $n v; andlrlded 3 of tat I, J. K,

Watma. $0.16; andlrlded 3 or lot 3, J.Wataoa, $n.Vi anillTldrd of tat 6. J.

- m'ateoa. 3n. 15: undivided of tat T. 4."Wataoa. $n.l; andiTSded of lot 8. J. F.

-- . Waraea. $.li: undlrlded i,i or lot II, J. l. a face. 3IVI3; luodlrl.led of Int 13, J. F

Wataoa, ear tat INWala 16: andivided 14 of bit IT. JWataoa, 15j tat 3, Rear 4 rereoaal EaUU


Company, $0 60; tat 4, Real Parooaal FatataCtimpany, $M.50; tot 8, Real A Perauual RatateCompauy, 30 5O; aouth 4 of tat B. RealPvmoiiel Rauta tompany, $0.16; north 2--

of lot 8, Hauuah Maaoi, 0.36; tat 10, HannahMaaoa. $0-a- ; tat 12, Hannah Maaoa. $o.7o;tat 14, ttanaak Maaqu. $0.70? tot IB. HaunahMaaoa, fo.io. lot lb, iiaanan auaoo, eu-i-

BLOCK 6, undlvldt-- d 2--8 at Itot 1, HaanahMaauu, $O.S6; undivided 2--3 of tot 3, HanaakMaaou, 30.36; undlrlded 2--3 of tot 3, HannahMaaon, $o.36; undiTlded 3 ot tat 7, UanuakMaaou, bO.36; nadlvlded 8 of tat V, HaunahMaaou. ao. i : uudlTldtMl 2--8 of tat 11. HaanahMaaun, $0.36; audlTtded 2--3 of let 13, Haanah I,Maauu, ao.aio; uuaiviuca a-- a ik uia it, nmnnHMaaoa, b0.36; undivided 8 of tat 17, HannahMaauu, 30.36; undivided 3 of lot 1, J. K.Wataoa, 30.16; uudlvlded of tat 8, J. K.Wataoa, ao.16; undivided, of tat 6, J. .

Wataon, ao.16; uudlvlded pt tat T. 1. V.Walaou, 30.15; uudlvlded af tat 8. J. K.Watauu, $o.l6; undivided 8 et tat H. J. K.Watauu, $Oil&; undivided 2 vt tat 13, J. K.Watauu, $0.16; undivided 3 of tat 16, J. K.YVataoM, 0.15; uudlvlded 8 et tat 17. J. F.Watauu, bu.16; tat 2. Rrnatlue Bcboenbechler,$11.70; tot 4, Krnatlne $o.70jaoutk y, or jot a. oaa ncnrauuot-uuir-

, ew.eaBurlh of tat B. 'KrnaaUua Peppel. $0.36;tat b. llannah Maaon, ao.7o; tat 10. HannahMaauu, $o.6; tat 12. Hannah Maaoa, $o.7o;kit 14, Hannah Maaou, 3O.70; tat Id, HaanahMaaou. 3O.70; lot ,13. Chartaa W. Hlgxlua,$0.70. BIAICK a, undlrlded 2 8 of tot 1exorpt Oregua California Railroad Com-

panr'a rlgbt of way, Hannah Maaoa, $0.36;undivided 3 of tat 1 except Oregua X Call--:

furnla Railroad Company'a right- - af way.Real IVreunal Km lata Company, $0.1a;tat 2, W. B. Baker, .$0.70; undivided 8

of tat "3. Hannah Maaou, $0,36: uudlvlded8 of let 3, Real Pononal Batata Com-ou-

$0.15; tat 4. Hannah Maauu, $0.To;tat Martha M. Crowell, $0.60; lo-t- a,Martha M. (Lowell, $0.70; lot B, AmeliaBerretb, $0.70; air ut tat X except regJO4i .California Railroad . Cotnpaay'a rlgbt ofway. Amelia 1 Bamth. $0.6o; all of lot 8except Oregoa CaUfornla Railroad Com-pany ' right of way, Martha M. Crowell,$061 lut ,10, Martha M. Crowell, $0.86; allof tat 11 except Oregon CaUfornla RaU-aoa- d

Company'a right ot way, Martha M.Crowell, $0.60; lot 12, Martha M. Crowell,$0.T0; all of lot 18 except Oregoa Callfo-rala Railroad Company'a right at- way, Mar-tha - M. Crowell, $0.50; ' tat 14, Martha M.Crowell, $0.70: Tot 15, John P. Ward, $0.o;lot 18, Joha e. Ward, Jo. 70; tot IT, Joha P.Ward, $0 TO; lot 13. Job a V. Ward, $o.T0.BLOCK T, tot 1. KUxabeth Toong, $o.T0;tat 2, Rllxabeth Touag, $0.70; tat t, KUa-

abcth Toung, 0.T0; lut 4, Rllaabath Toung,$.70, tot 5, Charity H. Neidormeyar, $0.7u;tat 9, Mary K. Adama, $0.70; tot 7, DeliaM. Bchrocder, $0.70; tat B, Mary F. Adama,$0.70; tat , K. A. Livaatov. 30.861 tot 10.Oottfrlcd MCtalar. $0.85; lot ll. Annie CBcbmocr, $0.70; lot 12, AnoU C. Bchmeer,

tot 13, Joaeph Beat. 0.70;tot Id,K.70J Meat. 30.TO: lot .15. D. W. Hoelblnc.$o.7o; tat 13, D. W. Uoclblng. $0.70; tatJT, Bophla Wetagtwoer, $o.7o; tat IB, ttoplilaweiaeerner. ao.luv bxaiva o, , tut. a, i-- ttn,avtt. no. To; lot a. Gur Bennett. 30.70:tot 3, tiny nennett, au.io: jox a,iuuy neenott, $0.7o; tat 6, Percy H. Blyth, $0.70; tatT. Percy H. Blyth. $o.To; lot 3, .Percy H.Blytb, $0.70; tat . Loulae IL Bmlth, $0.70;tat 8. Loulae H. Bmlth, $0.70; lot 10, Har-riett B. KUleo, $o.7o; lot 11, Oeorge H.Vaugha, $0.60; kit 12. Oeorge H. Vaugha,ah BUMlv I. ML ARwrt Demke. $0.70;lot .' Albert Demka. $0.70; tat 6. JacobRelack, $o.7o; lot T. Jacob- - Belach, $iJ.7oitola, Jaouu tteiaca, 9uao, iot aw. aacou mm,30.00; tot 3. Albert Demke, $0.70; tot 4.AiKt ikm iilIu: lot a. C. K. Oakea.$0.10; tat 8. C. K. Oakea, 3a70; all of tat11 lying aaat of wcat 28 feet of aald tot,C. . oakea, $0.65; all of lot 12 lying aaato, . MI xa feet of Mid hlL C K. OaktM.ao.ao: weat 20 feet of lot 11, Oregoa AcaUiurnla Railroad Company, $0.16; weat2B feet of tat 13, Oregon A CalUomla Rall-rua- d

Company, . $0.15. BLOCK 10, lot.. 1,

lnt Manahaw. 'iTuatee. BO. 70: lot 3. KerryHeuabaw, Truatea, $0.70, tot 5, . RdwardHughea afctate, Heln of, $o.7u; tat V, iMiwardHughea Katate, Helra af, $0.70; tat 3, BdwardHughea Batata, Helra af, $0.86; tat 11, Kdwardliug&ea Batate, neira oi, aw.o; mi ao,

Huebea RatAta. Heln of. 30.30! tot 3..loel W, Crocker. $0.1o; tat 4, Joel W.lleocftor. BO.70: loc a. . tieoraa aauier. au.iulot a. Olive MeCartv. au.7o: tat to. OUva

. McCktty,, $0.86; aU of tot 13 except weat43 laeu Aiex aeaaei, fu.eof au i.except weat 43 teet, Ataa Koaael. $0.3o1woat 42 . teet ot tat 13, Karl Kanaeubach,30.30; weat 42 feet of tat 14,, Karl,

$0.30. BLOCK U. tat 1. Mary a Burt,' $0.70; tat 3, George K. and H. L. Btepbenauu.

0.7o; tot 6, A. W. Beldlug. $0.70; tat 7,. Henry A. Uelulng. 30.70; tot t, r Tl

Beldlug, 0.B6: tat 11. W.,IX Bcldlag, $0.86lot 13. lienrv A. Beldlnc. 8O.B0; tat 18

, Rmlla C. kety. $uVb5; tat Id, KS&la C. Fety,An .! lot !L P. Duach. 30.70: tat 4.Rraeat P. Ooaca, 30.70: tot 6, M. A. ' aadA. W. Beldlug. 30.10; tot a, H. A. and A.W,. Melding. 0.7o; weat 28 feet of tat lo,twegua Ik .Railroad Compear, 30.86;aaat, 34 feet ot tat lo, Mva J. Parker, 40.au;lot 13. Rva J. Parker. 30.70: tat 14. Vt. 1.Beldlug, aao.15. : BLOCK 12, .tat 1, JoaephF. Kelly, $0.70; tot 8, Char lea W. urnacncl.$0.70; tot a, ta noanure, fu.iw, mix 1

i A. C. Lobmlre, 0.7o; tot W, If. A. and A. W,Reldlna. 4o.8s : lot 11. Martin Winch. 0.7otot 13. Mary fV Klnch, 30.7O; tot 14, MaryK. KlBch, $0j7A; tat 17. Rudolph Becker,ko.76: lot 18 'Rudolph Becker. So.78; tot 3.W. C McMUlaa. $0.70; lot 4, W. C. McMillan, ao.lo: tot BJ W.'C. McMUlaa. 80.70:

r lot B, W. C. McMUlaa, $0.70; tot 10, Alicia, j. Rate, bo.bd; wt J3, suaa jarea, o.iu

lot 14. Kbaa Jared. 30,70: tot Id. Marr K,

liockT 3O.70. BLOCK 13, uadlrlded oftot 1. ST. K. Braadca, $0.35; undividedof tot 1. Helen A. joaeu, 30.3a; lot s, barneaHumphrey, o.to; lot 0, aamea iiumpnrey,$0.70; .Jot T, Jamce Humphrey, f0.7o; tot V,

Robert Jarubaoo, 30.36: tot 11. Donga Engelatad, $o.70; tot 13, Donga Rugelatad,ait 711: lot 16. W. H. Ward. 3o.nO: lot la. W.

. Ward, $0.00; lot X Real Panoaal Rotate. Company, $0.70; tat 4, Real A Peraoaal Ba

tate uumnaay, fw.iu; aw u,- - tt. n. wa-- aI .... --A. 1... U WJ tl 1 , ail Tl,' La ,11f fU.IV, IU1 O, " abl. I, " , uv

WT WelnboU. $0.36; tot 12, Albert U Albert- -aoa, SO.70; lot i, eooepn uemaniiu, au.iu:lot 17. Michael Bultut. 30.30: tot IB. MlchaeBiUtut. $0.80. BLOCK 14, tat 1, Fred. 8.Miller, $0.70; lot 8. Richard KbllBger, $0 7olot a. Joaeoh DeMartlui. 30.70: tat V. WlUlaaV ltnm.ll TeiMteo. Bu.lu wear 2B' Coat aftat tt. Oreaon A CaUfornla Railroad Company.$o.86;aat 34 feet of tat tt. W. R. Wataon,$u.4b; tat 11, ttophla Walagerbcr, $0.70; tat

' 13, BopMa. W'eiagerlM-r- , v ! tot hi. Ueorge' Klttmaynr, 30.10; tot it, jamea 1 uaraweu,

$0.7O; ta J8, Jamea L. Carawell, $0.70;lot 3, Anna H. Kaeaa, $O.T0; tot 4, Aaaa K.KoetMi $0.70; tot 3, Anna R. Kaeaa, $0.70;tat 8. Anna R. Kecne, 3U.70; tot 10, Anna K.Knene. go.HKt. lot 12. Anna R. Koeoe. 80.70:tat 14, Anna R. Koeoe, 30.70; tat 16, AnnaR, Keaoa, 30.701 tat 1, David M. Watkinda,

' A0.7&1 lnt 20. Fred Booaela. '30.75. BLOCK16, lit 1, Jamea L. Carawell, $0,701 lot XJamea L. ; Carawell, $0,707 tat 8, Jamea Ix

- CanwelL '$o.70; lot 4, Jamea U CJarawcU.$0.7o; tot 6, .Jamea U Carawall, $0.70; tat

, Jamea L. Carawell, $0.70; tat 7, LUllaa. Carawell, $0.70; tot a, 3amea 1. carawell,

ao.lor tat 8. Jamea L. CanwelL $0.86: tatHI, Jamea L. Cera well, $0.86; tat 11," Jamea

, L. CanweU. $0.70; tat 12, Jamea L. Carawell,$u.7o; -- tat 13, Lllllaa CanweU, $u.7o; aorth

of lot 14, Kate Corny, $0.86: northof tat IB, Kate Curray, $0.38: aouth of tat14, Ellen McMulty, $0,36: aouU of tat

. . .. , ,hj I ao uji. L, K U,a.la aj,.r It, CllVlt Htiaulf , T . ev, - I

aon, o. To; let IT, Rudolph Becker, $0.uJlor 13,. HunnipB Beexer, av.vo; lot xa, aatacurray, ao.ati; lot au, aiieu mcneitj, eu.ou,

7 BLOCK Id, tot 1, Joaeph aad R. Weber, $0.70;f tot 1 Jaenh and H. We bar. 30.7O1 tat 8.

Jureph and K. Weber, $0.70; tat 4, Joaeph aadK. wener, ao.iu; ail 9, eoaepu in w. wcuer,30.70, kit 3, Joaeph and K. Weber, $0.70; tat7. Joaeph aad K. Weber, $0.70; tat B, Joaephand R. Weber. $.70 tat 8; Joaeph aad B.Weber. $0.86; tat 10, Joaeph aad R. Weber,

r, - I... ,1 lM.nl, -- n.l H 1A atlw tit 7llkit lit, Joaeph and B. Weber, 30.70; kit 16,

: oaeim and a. wooer, au. tu; mi is, mu:aaeiTanr.ler. 80.70: Int 14. Michael Tannler. 3o.7o;tat la, Anna Block $0.46; lot 17, ..FuitonUnited Artleana' Building Aaaocnt tlon. $l.ooj

'tat IS, Rrneet Houae,- - $1.0$; tat 18, AanaBtocK, f!.; lot ai. joaeun etai.

' BLOCK 17, tat 1, 0. N. McUotL $0.7 lot aC. N. McLaod, $0.70; tat 3, C. N. McLaod.

1 30.70; tat 4, C. N. McLaod, $0.70: tot , c.N. MeLeod, $0.70: tat a, 0. K. McLaod.atfm L1 f I- - T Ifel-aed- - WI TO' Art a

. C."N. Mclicod, $0.70; tat 8. Flora t.- - Crit' tendea, $0.86; tat 10. Flora E. Crittenden,1 ao.Ml: tat 12. C. 14. MeLeod. $0.70: tat 14.

C. la. MeLeod, $0.70; lot 14, C. 14. McLaod.tot IB, v. n. mclcoo, ga.7os--io- t 11R1.70: Maaou. 30,70: tot 13. Hannah aana

' 811.70: tot Id. Hannah Maaon. 30.70: kit 17.Hannah Maaoa, $0,70; tot 13, M. McNulty,

tot 21. M. McNalty, , $0.75; tot. 20,fella, and Joha A., Keller, $0 86, tot .22,

' Kllaa and John A. Beller, vo.w; eot 24,Rllaa and Joha' A. Keller. BO.tfr! lot 23.Alphonee Lenoir, 30.T0; tot 35, Alphonae Le- -'

bolr. Int. To:, lot 2. Alphonee Lenoir. 80. TO:tat 27. Hannah Maana, $O.Toi tot 23, HannahMaaou. au. fu. niA- -. r. 10. tot 1. viara n.llclaeed, $o.T0: tat 3. Clara N, McLaod,

, 30.TO; lot 6, The Hlhernlaa 3arlmra Bank.no.711- - lot 1 ae tsinei-iMa- a aaringa naaa,in To: tat 3. Ludwlc Wllbdm. 80.86: tat II,iedwl ' Wilbelm. $0.70; lot 13. BolomoaRelaa, 30.70; tot 16, Rolnnioa Belaa, $o.T0

- lot TT. Marr I. Hedeea. 8O.T0: lot 18. Marr IIledeea. aa.as: tot ill. Haanah Mama. 80. TO:

lot 11. Bairnah Maana, 30.70: tat 25, HannahMaana, $.To; tot 3B, Haanah Maaoa. 311.70lot X Marianne raadtHeur, 30.70; lot 4, Ma

- line Vandeleur. 30.70: tat 3, - Clan' Mcleod, $0.70; tat 8, William and Anna

Rente $0.7;' lot 10.' W. F RerraU, Brua-te-e,

30.IUI; tat 12. W. F. Borre.ll, Trnatee,an TO: tot 14. IS. H. Rnhbhw, $0.70: tat Id.Jamea 3. Joknarnne, ' 30.70: tat 1. Jamea

.. B. Jobnatnae. $0.70; tat 30. Mortbetn CnantleaInveetaient Trnat. Ltd., 30.36; kit

,yU, Andoraoa, 30.70: tat 24, W. A.' and I.IMIei tC Vlrtrertt, $O.T:' tat 2T, W. A. and- IJllie

' t Vltrere, itai TO; tat 2H. W. A. and MillC. Virgera. BO TO. PMX'K IB. tot 1, W. r.Bnrrell. Trat-e- . $0.70: tat X W. t. Barren,Trnatee. 30. 10; lot 3 w. r. Bnrreii. Trnatee,

' $0.7; tat 4. W. F; Barrel!. Treatee, 30.TOtat A. Clara If. MeLand. 30.70: tat 3. WllllanIrledlBder, $0.I0 lot I, ' WiUUm fried'

.lander, $a70; lot 3. , WlUlam Frledlaader,$0.70; tot 8,- William rrtedlaadcr, 80.001 hi10, WlUlam Friediandar, $0.86; let II, l'nltedHUtea National lank, 30. 70; tat 12, lottedhlaiea Naifcoaal Kank, $tl.7o; tat 13, VnitrdMtatea Nam-u- Kank. 80.70-- . tat 14, CulledBtatua National tauk. $o.70; Idt 18, l ulledBlataa Natioual Bank, 3O.70; tat 18, HaltedState national Bank, 30.70: mi 11, o. m.and W. M. Cake, $0.70; tat 18, H. M. and W.M. Caka. $0.70; tat 10, Artkor W. Graham,$i.86; tot 20, Hannah Maaoa. $0.8$; tot 22Hannah Maaoa. 30.70: tot 21. Rrorolt K.

Bnlllh, $0l7o lot 23, Johanna Irrlng, $0.70;lot 24, Llaxle and Cora N. Bcldlni, $0.70;tat 25, Li-- lo aad Cora N. Beldlug, $0.70;tat 2U, Liaaie aad Cora N. Beldlug, $u.7o;tat 27. A. W. . and 11. , A. Beldlag. $0.To;tat 28. A. W. . and H. A. Beldlug, $0.70.BIXH-'- SO, lot 1, W. F, Burrcll. Truatee,30.70; tat X W. F. Burrlrll. TrUatee, $0.70;lot 8. W. Y. BurreU, Trnatee, $o.7o; tat 4,W. K. Burrell, Truatea. $0.70; tat 5, W. V.RorrelL Truatee. $0.70: tat 3, W. F. Burrell,

$0,704 tat 7, W. K. Burrell. Trualee.Fiatea,lot 8, Allca F. McCarlhy $0.70; kit

F. Burrell. . Traatoe, $0.85; tat 10.Allca P. McCarthy, $o.bo; tot 12. AOie r.McCarthy, $0.7o; lot 11, Rdward W, andHelen M. ' Caaaett, $0.70: kit 13, Kra May(iaaaett. $0.70; tat 14. Jeaule R. B. , Fleck.$0.70; tat 16, Joaala K. B. Kleek. $0.70;lot 10, Jeaalo H. B. rierk. $0.70; lut IT.Jeaale R. B. Kleek. $0.70; tat 18, Jeaale B. 8.Ktack, $0.70; tat 13, Jeaale R. 8. fleck. $0.85;tat 20. Jaaaie R. R. Fleck. 30.8S1. tot 21.Jamea 8. Juunetaae, $0.70 kit . JameaB. JohBatone, $0.70; tat 26.YMarie R. Huxale,

; lot ku. Maria K. lluxale. ao.iv; kit a,BeaalBger M Co., Traatoe, $0.70;. tat. 24,Beoahiaee A Co.. Truatee. 6O.T0: tat 21. BeaalBger 4t Co., Truatee, $0-7- tat 23. Beaalngcrat CO.. iruatae, u.u. bliUciv 21, un a,J. $0.70; lot 3. J ,M. Tbompaon,20.70; tot 6, Llaxle. MorrtaoB. 40.70; tut 7,Iieloa D. Near. 30.7U: tat 8. Datoa li. Rear.'$0.86; tot 11, Juhn A Johaatpa aud JamtMOlaea, $0.70; lot 13. John A. aohoatoir aadJamea Olaea. $0.7"; tot 15, Hlberola HavlngtBank, 30.70; tot 17; moerula Baviuga Bank,$0.70; tot 19, HlliernU Barluga Bank, $0.86;tot 21. T. W. Hauuamaa. $0.10: tot 23.Bernard C McCartky, B0.7O--

, tot 20, NellieM. Ward. fo.7o; tat. 27, Charlca P. Llttta,$0.70: tat 2, Herman Bleeg, $o.7o; lut 4, Hcr-ma- a

Bleeg, 3O.70L tat B, lieruian Bleeg, $0.70;kit 8, A. ,W7. and H. heWing. $0.70, tat 10,Kannie A. Curtla. . 80.86: tat 12. Nettle l.Oradoa. $0.70; tat 14, Nettle 0. Uradou,$OJ0; lot lo, Roxaana "Courtney, $0.70; tai18, William P. Courtney, $0.70; lot 20, JoaalaBulUvaa, $0.85: tat 23, IL U Tatum andJ. J. Bowen, $0.70; tat 24, Beymour C.Friandly, $0.70; lot .28. W. $'. Burrell, Trua-tee, $(1.70; tat 28, Baaala Blmmer, $0.70.

22. tat 1, AlUauca Truat Company,SLOCK lot X Q. and Loulaa Lachutelr,30.70; tot 6. Albert Krumrey, $0.70;tot T, Jenala Bower, ' $0.70; lot a,Jennla Rower. aO.86: tot 11. bred X MUler,80.701 tot 13. ired B. Miller, $0.70; lut 16,Willamette Tribe No. 8. lthnroTed Order otRed Men, $o.7o;' tot it, Wlllametta TribeNo. U. linnroved Order of Red Men. 30.70:lot 18. Kittle R. Ewmooa. $0.86; tot 31. Mary

. ttoxaia, go.Tu; tot m, mary m. xtoxaia.30.70; Jet 25. Mary K. Uozale, $0.70; tot 21,Uxalo Beidina, $0.70; tat 2. Uoorgo , Lachmalar. 30.7U: lot 4. Oeorrn lachmoler. 80.70;tot B, Barak K. Bveraoa, 30.70; tat 8, BanhB. KTarvoo, $0.70; tat 10, H. R. Lame, o.ao;tat 12. II. R. Lamm. 80.70: tat 14. 11. R. Long.$0.70; tat 13, McKlnley Mitchell. $0.70: tatis, Meiviniey aiitcncii, fu.10; 104 so, w. u.Reldlna. 30.86: tot 22. A. aad A. W. Beldlnc,30.70; lot 24, Llaxle Beldlug, $0.70; tot 2u,Mary M. Hoxale, $0.70; tat 28, Llxala Belding,OUalVa MJVgk M eat, A, ,j,-a- . s mj mn ,

$0.70; lot 8, Maud W. Woolfolk,, $0.70; 'tat6, Da rid OoodaeU. S0.T0; tat 7. .Clara B.Crane, $0.70; lot 8. Mary B. Hoxale. $0.86;tat 11, Calvary , Pnabyterlaa Church, $0.70;tat 1.1. Calvary Preabyterlaa Church, $0.70;tat 16, BoaannAh Rlmmermaa, $0.70; tat 17,Buaanaa Zlmmermaa. $0.70; lot io, BuaannaKlmmcrman, $0.86; lot 21, Suaanna Rlmmerman. $0.70: tot 23, Buaanna Zimmerman,80.70: . tot 26, Snaanna Klmmerman, $0.70;lot 23. Buaanna Rlmmannaa, $0.70: tat Xa. U. and Dena Bobler, $0.70; lot 4. O. M.and Deaa Bobler. $0.70; tat 8. Bruno K.Uuntber. 30.70: lot 8. Joaeoh- - Klnke. 30.70:tat 10. Ida UwenaBB, $0.85: tot 12. OeorgaWrleht Pnat Na. 1, u. A. ao.io; iot it.. Joha Matthleeen. $0.70; tot 18, 8ofle R.

lAorenca. au. iu: lot in. a. w.ioonea. au. 10tot 30, Maggie W. Little, $0.86; tat 22,Mania R. Joneo and Marr A. Cooler. $0.7o:

. tat 24, Michael Mouler, $0.70; tat 27, Wllbel- -Biina rani, a.7v: tot zb, vonauaa aon noon,$0.70. BLOCK 34, ' lot 1. Haunah Maaon,3(1.40: lot 2. Hannah Maaoa. $0.70: tat 3.Hannah Maaoa. 80.40: lot 4. Hannah Maaon,

' , . , . . T a. a, .. , 1, , . I. .. a ItVIV, 1V. W, IMIIU,, .uma, , a.", . .'1

Hannah Maaoa. 30.70: lot 7. llannah M3O.60: lot L Haanah Maaoa.-- - 80.70: tot S.

ntnaia ataaawa, av.vAia tot. iv, oauuiu nwi- -,

vAO.85; tot 11, Hannan Maaon, 30.66; tat 12,tiannaa Maaoa, u.io; lot ja, nannaa ataaon,

' $0.65; tot 14, Hannah Maaoa, $0.70;. kit 16,Hannah Maaoa, $0.30; tat 13, Hannah Maaou,BO. to; tot it. Manna maaoa, - BO.ao;tot 18. - Hannah Maaun. 30.701 lot IV.Hannah Maaoa, tali; tot 30, Hannah Maaon,

- $11.86; lot 21, .Hannah Maaoa. $0.70; ; tat 22,- llannah Maana. 30.TO: lot 23. Hannah Maaon.$0.7; lot 24, Hannah Maaoa, $0.70; lot 26,Hannah Maaoa. 80.70: lot 2B. Hannah Maaon.$0.70: tat 47, Hannah Maaoa. 80.70:k.tj 28, Hannah Maaon, ' $0.70. BLOCKzn, lot l, atargaret Macaay, fa. an; tot 3,Margaret Mackay, $7 40; tot 8, Margaret

i Macaay, ao.no; lot a. marganx aiaixay,87.40 iBUH'K 28. aabdlrlalon 1- - of tot A,

'.Maggla Muriihy, $0.70; aubdlTialoa 3 of tat- A. Maggie Murpnr, o.7o; aubdlTialoa 8 el, lot A. Delia R, Dale. 80.70: aubdlvtaloarat tot A. L.- - H. aad A. H. Maxwell, $0.70

aubdlvtaloa 8 of lot A. Margaret White. 80.70:t aabdlvlaloa 3 of lot A, Margaret White.

8O.70; aabdlvlaloa T of lot A, Margaret White,, $0.70; aabdlvlatoa f et tot A, Jennie .Carrie,' 80.70: aabdlvlaloa V of tot A. Jennie Currle.

30.8S; aabdlvlaloa 10 ot tat A, Jennie Carrie.; eaoaivtaiea Ji ol kk a, Jennie turrie

0.70; eubdlvialoa 12 of tat (A. Oaadef :J,' RuBUBuur. 30.70: aabdlrialoa 13 af tat- - A.

Margaret White, $0.70: aubdlvtaloa 14 of tat. ilaai ail UVhll. OA tfa. .al.lu , ...tat A, c. Hanarn. $oie--' aubdlrlataa 18 oftat A. TlULa F. CorneUua. 30.70: auhtUvlaloa17 of tat A, Tlllle F. Coraeltua. 30.70; aub--'

divUloa IS ot tat A. M. J. Potter, $0.70;aubdlrtaloa 1 of tat B, Waaler Miller $0.7o;aubdlvtaloa 3 of tat H, Wee ley Miller.' $o. 70;aubdlvUlon 3 of tat B, Julia Marquam, $0.70;' enbdlvlatoa 4 af tat B. JuUa Marquam. $o.T0;aubdlvlalna $ of lot B, Gander J.-- Ramming,$0.70; nabdlvlaton $ of tat B. Mary E. Adama,30. TO; aubdlrlatoa T of lot B. W. F. Burrell,Truatea. 80.70; aubdlvlatan 8 of tat B, W. F.BurreU, Truatea. $0.7f aubdlrlataa 8 of tatB. W. Truatee. $0.86; aabdlvlatoa10 of tot B. W. F. BurreU, Truatee, $0.85;aabdivtatoa 11 of lot B. W. F. Burrell. Trua- -

e tea. $0.70: aabdlrialoa 13 af tat B. W. F.Button, iTUntrrv ; auaoivtaioa is of

c lot B, Mary R. Adama, $0.70; aubdlvtaloa, 14 of tat B. Mnry K. Adama, $0.70; aubdlvla-- ,km 16 of tat B, Mary B. Adama. $0.70:, aub-- idlviatoa 18 ot tot B, Jamea W. Brandt, WTO;aubdlvlalna IT et tat B, Gander J. Humming,$0.7O; aabdlvlatoa 18 of tot B, W. F. Burrell,Troatae, $U70, BLOCK 2T. tot 1, BUoa H.

.' BcbotlborB Batate. Helra- - of. $7.40; tat 8,; KUen H. Bchollborn Ratafa. Heln of, $7.40;

aandlvlataa 1 ot tat A. C M. RueeeU. Trnatee,$0.70; aabdlvlaloa 3 of tat A C, M, Rueorll,Truatee. 3tl.70: aubdlrlaloa 8 of lot A. C. M.

-t-toaaeU. Trnatee. $0.70;. aabdlvlaloa 4 of tat' A i at. auaoeii. 'xvuatee, au. iu; anoninaion

6 of tat A, C. M. Ruaoell, Trnatee. $o.70; aub--.dlrlaloa 3 of lot A, C. M. Ruauell, Truajee,

aabdlvlaloa 7 of lot A, Moy Back Hln,Ei;; aubdlvtaloa 8 of lot a, W. F. Burrell,$0.70; aubdlvtaloa 8 of tot A, Moy

Back Hia,. 30.70;- - aabdlvlaloa 10 of lot A.W. K. HurrolL Truatee. 8O.70: anbdivlataa 1.ett B, M. J Daffr, $0.70: aubdlvlntoa 2of lot K, Hoog thee How, aaro; auhdlrlalna3 of tat B, W.. II. McEldowoay and J. T.lennavd. 3O.0: anbdlvlalon a. nf tat R. W.F. Burrell. Truatee, $0.70; aabdlvlatoa 6 of

r tat B, w. H. McKioowner ana J. t. Leonard,$0.70: aubdlrlaloa 3 of lot B, C. U. RuaaelL$0.70; aubdlvtaloa T of tat B. W. M. Law,

1 $0.70; anbdlvlalon 8 of tat B, Moy Back Hln,$0.70; aabdlvlaloa $ of tat B, W. M. Law,S0.4O1 eubdlvialoa 10 of lot B. Moy BackIlia. 80.40. BLOCK 23. lot 1.- - Joaala and

- J. M. Belcher. 87.40: Hit 3. Jamea 8. Polhamua. $7.40; aabdlvlaloa 1 of tat 2. Williamand Rnnina Oelger, go.BOT aubdlrlalon 3 ec tot

-- 2. William and Rnaina Oelger, 3"i.0; aubdl-- -

vlalca 3 of tat 2. WUUaa hod Boelna Oelger.'30.80: aabdlvlaloa 4 af tot aintRnaina Oeleer. 30.80: aabdlrlalon 8 of tat 2.WllUam and Rnaina Oelger, $0.30; AibdlTtatan

, a of tot 2. Wlllam aad Itoatna uetger. ao.oti; nbdtvlalon T of tat X WUllam and Ro1na

Oelger. $o.: aabdlvlaloa 8 of tat 2, WiilUmand Roana Oelger, $o.0; aubdlTialoa It oftat 2. - WlUlam and Roalna Uelger. $0.80;Unbdlvlatan 10 of tat t. WUUam aad1 Roalna

' Oelger, $0.80; anbdivlataa 1 of tat 4. Mra.M. a, nunT, , a, w. .aMra. M. J. Weatner, $0.6o; mhdlrUInn .1 oftat 4, Mn. M. J. Weamer. $0.66;4 of tat 4. Mra, M. 3. W earner, go.7o; anlxllvUloo B of lot 4. Mn. M. J weamer. $.7o:ubdlviataa a UT tot 4.' BraV-r- J. Weamer,

3U.701 auhdlvto:oa 7 of tat 4. Mra. m. j,' Weamer; 30.80; anbdlrlatoa $ of tat 4, Mra,

M. J. Weamer. 30.301 anbiUrlalna R of tat 4.Mn. M. . Weamer. 3O.70. . BLOCK 23, Int

.1 Marearet 11. Ilenhnim .'. XI. IK: tot 2. Mar.caret H. Denholm, 21.10; tot 3. MargaretH. Denholm. $1.10; lot 4. Margarer ll. oe.holm. 81.10: tat 5. Margaret H. Ilenkolm,

,' $1.10; lot 3. Margaret H. Denholm. $1.10: tatT. Margaret H. Denholm, $1.05; tat 3, Mar- -

H. Ilea norm, $1.00; kit 8, Margaret II.Kret $1.00: lot 10, Margar--- t H. Dea-- .koha. gn.KB. BLOCK 30. bnbdlTtetoa Xat tatA, Rmliy H. aad jamee carraa, en.eu;anhdlvuiho 2 of lot A. Frederick Frert.an lift: anhdlrtli.n 8 t f tat A. Fred-rlr- k

; Ragcrt. $n.B5; rabdlr'.atan 4 of M A, Fred-erick Ergert. ao.8i; 'mihdirialoa 8 of tat A.

Eggert. $o.80; aehdlrleloa $ oftrederirk F. Bnercll, Truatee, $O.T: anh- -dlrrfttoa T of lot A. jenxinn m otev-jn-

$0.76; uhdlTUtoa 1 of tat B, W. F. Burrell,l4.HO: undlvOlmv 8 af. tot .B, . W,ratoe, - 'Truatee, 3n.6.

A tract af land betweea tha kaalh line, of. Vermont alree. aad tba , aortB' . II

of anbdlvwlno 7 T ot ' lnt A af btack3A. aoeiheevi Pnelland. and between the eaalUna of Fetraerrvanta atreef and the weaterlyline or tna ,moaiai ana t iiiinm,. oCeimnaay'a right af amy, Martka M. Crowell.

A ire.-- af had betweea tha aoath Uaa ot Vtr



citt votioxa.

mnut atraat'

and tha north UndauiKilrlalun 2 of lot B. Wock" 80.

u '.eru Portland, and katweea the wcat Unaot Connecticut aireat aod tba eaaiarly Unaaf tna Oreeua and California Railroad Com-

pany'a n t of way, U K, CruwaU KaUle, ,Heira of. All Oil.

BOUTHKRN PORTLAND. OBE00M BLOCK31. tot 1. Bnionxia Relaa, $0.40; tot x, wio-m-

Relaa, $0.40; tat 3, Bolomoa Relaa. $n.41:.t 4, Bolomoa Relaa. 4OJ0; tat 3. Holomoa

Relaa. $0.70; tat 8, Belaa. $0.85; tat7. Bntamuk Halaa, $0.a6; tat 8. Bolomoa Relaa.-- ,

$0.ti, tat 8. Bolomoa Relaa, $o.do; tat 10,Hntanwo Relay, $0.46; tat 11. Bolomoa Relaa,0.4o: tot 1.1 Holomon Relaa. 10.4II: tat 18.

J.Bukimoa Relaa, $0.00; tat 14, ttalonioa Relaa,au.tw; tot 16, Solomon Relaa, 10.011; air 10,Bolomoa Ri'lea, BLOCK 82. tat 1,llannah Mamm. $1.75; tat 2. Hannah Maaon,8.V00. UUH'K 33. aubdlTl.lon 1 of tat 1.atamea a. neea. ao. 10; anDaiTiainn a 01 eib1. Jamea B. Reed, $0.70; eubdlvialoa 3 of

. lot 1, Jamea 8. Heed. $0.TO; aubdl-rlajo- n 4 "of tat 1. Jamea 8. 'Reed, $0.70; aubdlTialoa '

6 of tat- - I,- Jamea 8. ' Read, $0.40jaubdlrlalon' 3 of tat 1, Anna B. BJokman, '

3O.40; auhtUvlalon 7 of lot 1, Anna 8. BJok- -' man, $0.70; aubdlTialoa 8 of tat 1. J. B.

l'llklitgton and A. W. Wright, $0.70; auhdl-vlal-

6 ot tat 1, J. N. Burt, $0.70; aubdl- - .

vlabw 10 of tat 1, I. M. Burt, $0.70; auo.dlvlatoB 11, of tat 1, Aana Olaon, $0.73: jaubdlviatau 12 of tat 1, J. B. Pllklugton andA. W. Wrl.ht. $0.75; aubdlvtatan 13 ot tat1. J. B. Pllklugtoa and A. W. Wright

?arm; aubdlTlaton 14 of tat 1, Joha T. took,.4U.7.V; aulMllTl.lon 16 of tot 1, Joha T. Cook, ,

30.75! aubdlrteton 1 ot tat 2. CeUa M. Frierand Edwin 8. McCllncy, $o.73; auMlviatan2 of tat 2. CeUa H . Frier and Bdwla 8. rMcCllncy, $o.3o: aurNllrlaloa 3 of tat X 11

and Edwin 8, McCllncr. $0.Mi:aubdlTialoa 4 of lot 2, Cejia M. Krler audRdwla 8. McCllncy. $0.80; anbrttvlnlon $ of v

'tat li. CeUa M. Frier' and Rdwla 8.' Mots,Cllncy, $0.80; aubdlTialoa $ of tat 2. CeUaM. Krhy and Edwla 8. MoCUocy, $0.70: aub- - :dlvlalon T of tat 2. CeUa M. Krler and Bdwln8 Mcllacr. so.70: aubdlvtaiiia 8 of lot 2. -

VCella M. Frier and Rdwla 8. MoCUncy. $0.70:aubdlrlaloa .0 of lot 2, Ciena .M. rrier ana ,

Edwin 8. McCllncy. $0.70; aubdl vlalou 10 ot ;

lot 2. CeUa M.. Frier and Edwin 8. McCllncy,30.40; aulHUTUtoa 11 ot lot a. caua ai. 11111

-- and Kdwln 8. McCllncy. $0.70; aubdlvlalna '13 of tat X CeUa M. Friar and Kdwln 8.McCllncy, $0.70; eubdlvialoa 13 af tat 2, .

Cella M. Frier and Kdwln 8. McCllncy.' $0.70: ,anbtlivtaloB 14 of tat X CeUa M. Frier andEdwla 8. McCllncy, $0.70; aubdlvlatan 15of tat CrlU M. Friar aad Kdwln B. Me- -.

Cllncy, $0.40. BUJCK 34, aubdlvUlon 1 of. . . ...I rt V V. j A, aMataallariMta, U.ot hit U. K. C. Bronaugh, $0.80; aubdlrlataa8 of tot 0, B. C. Bronaugh, $0.35; aubdlrlaloa ,'4 of tat J, t. C. Bronaugh, B0.35; aubdlTialoa

I 6 of tot O. K. 0. Bronaugh, $0.35; aubdlvlaloB'3 of lot U. K. C. Bronangh, 80.36; aabdlvlaloa1 of lot O. K. C. Bronaugh. 30.36; aubdlrlaloa .

, 8 of tot ii. S. C. Bronaugh, 80.85; aabdlvlaloa -

0 Of tot W, K. t;, BTOOaUBO. OO OO, .juuniai; 11... of.....tot tl,

.1R.. 0, Bronaugh,. . . $0.36;

aala .1. ,aabdlvlaloa.. tul ,1 I. , IBIX Ol IOt 11, B. V. Ultlliauaal, TW.bu, '13 ot tot , B. 0. Brouaugb. $0.36; aubdlvlaloB.14 ut lot O, K. 0. Broaaugh, $0.46; auudlvUtaB15 of tot tl, K. C, Bronaugh, aubdlrlaloaId of tot U, K. a Brouaugb, $0.36; aubdlrlaloa

: IT of tat (1, K. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvtaloa18 of tat U, R. C Brouaugb, $0.85; aubdlvliiloa10 of lot O, R. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvlatan20 of tat U, K. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aulidivtaloa21 at lot O, H. a Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvlatott22 of tat O, K. C. Bronaugb. 80.35; aubdlvlaloB23 of tat O, K. C. Broaaugh, $0.35; aobdlmjaloa24 af tat ll, E. 0. Bronaugb, $0.35; aubdlvlaloB k2A of lot U, K. C. Broaaugh. $0.:i&; aubdlvtaloa2l of tat O, K. C. Bronatwh. 30.35; aubdlvtaloa .

ar tat U, R. V. auhcHvlalodI S f tot w, R.C Brona.iih!;$0.86. BL00K ,

34. aabdlvlaloa 1 of tat H..R. O, Bronaugb.$.86: auhdlvKloa 3 of tat H, K 0. Bronaugb,$0.36; aubdlvUlon 3 of tat H, E. C. Bronaugh.

, $0.35: aubdlvtaloa 4 of tat H, K. C. Bronaugh,Za. jr.. ...ki.iai I al Ioi H. 8. C. Bronaukb.

V KiOJ; aubdlvUlon 3 ot tat H, K..C. Bronaugh, '30.86 aubdiTlalea T of tot H, B. C. Broaaugh.1.. ... . ii m a 11- U i 34AfhnaikiirK. 1

4W'0i IUDU1TIMUU 0 VX aar --ma jr. .w a,

ub.HvWteHi of lot H, K. tj. HtomukJ,fj.36; biirUioa 10 ol tot H, B. C. Btod-o- U.

7.. UrMtanalL.' $0.S6; auiMlivUtoa 13 Of lot a, a. proaaaa- --

$0.;6; aubdlvtaloa 14 of tot H, B. C.' Broaaugh,30..K1; antiuiviaioa w w m n, v.

: ao.;m; auouiviaiiiu 0 ua ' ,': 30.35; aabdlvlaloa IT of tot H. K. C. Broaaugh, ,

80.1; aubdl vial oa 18 of lot H, E. 0. BrooaUKh.$0.86; aubdlvlaloa 19 of tot H, K. C. Broaaugh.

- $0.36 aubdlvlatoa 20 of tat H, B. C. Bronaugh,80.36; aubdiTlaion 21 of tat H. R. C. BroAaugb.30.35 i aubdlvlaloB 22 of tat H, R. C. Bronaugh,

r 80.r3; aubdlvlatoa 23 of tat H, H. C. Brooaugh,ao.36 aubdlvtaloa 24 of tat H, R. C. Broaaugh.

' go.36 aubdlvlatoa 26 of tat H. g. JJ. Bronaugh,30.35: aubdlrlaloa 28 of tat H. K. C. Bronaugb,,.. ur.: ...kJl.lflaa 'IT nl o M K I ' WICOlUl U 1 O,

$o:3&; aubdlvUtao 28 of tat H. E. C. Bronaugh.Z.. a.t iwi K ..maikailortailMB 1 kf lilt.

JEtfdwtat Eggertr$0.T0; aubdlvlatan f tatAViederick Mgert. $O.T0iaubdl-l- a ion 8 oftat A. edorick Eggert. $0J0; aubdlTialoa 4ot tat A. Krederick Uggert. $0.70; anbdlTlaloar. tor A Frederick Eggert. 30.70 aubdlvtaloa 3 of tat A, C M. RoMerfL TTuetee,

aubdlvlaloB t ot tot FrederickIggwt. $0.70: aubdl vlalon 8 of Tot vA, WU-

llam. Labbe, iW.70; aubdlvlaloa of tat A

W. WTLogaB, 30.70; aubdlvlaloa 10 of tatA. William Labbe. 80.70; aubdlvlataa.il 0t- -

tat A aubdlTialoa "

12 AT" M, RiIarwirTraatect $0,JObd.vlS-- 18 of tat A, C. M. Ru-a-cil, Truj-- '

tee. $0.78; aubdlvUlon 14 of kt.A,- Troatcav $0.70; aabdlrlatoa 1 of tat ,

ST 7 U. and M. . A. HaraT $0.70;aubaivtalon.-- of totB. Banh A. Browa. ;

y $o.7o: aubdlvlaloa 3 of tot JB.f C, M. Rueaell, .

o.70 aubdlvlatoa 4 of tat B, Arthur MaUier. 1

$0.70 aubdlrtaloa 6 aftat B,. Moy Back- Hln, $0.70! aubdivUlnu 8 of tat B.C. M. .

KuaXeuT Truatea. $0.70; aubdlvlaloB V of tatTruatee. $0.70; BortV HW. F. BurreU.it tot I Martha M. Crowell, .34 30. BLOCK

3B, tat 1, KnnkTH. - Urubb, $0.7$: tat 2., Katta-rln- e 't. Trevett, $0.75; tat 8. Margaret

II. Deuuolra. 3o.76; lot 4, krargarut H. Wea- -$0.10; kit B. Margaft H. DanhaliB,

" $S.76: Vt tl Maxwell N. Hamilton. $0.75;;tot T, Maxwell N, HamlltoB, $0.76;; --lot 0;Margaret H. Denholm. $0.75; tot . --l8rVII. Deuholm, $0.76; lot W, Jamea 4 ."1$o.75; tat Jamea V BelL $0.75.

13, MargareH. Ocnholio, $o.lo; tat 14, Jarno K. Bell,$0.70; tat li, D. B. McBrldc, $0 5; tot Id,

; Oeorga Btenhouae, 80.O5; tat IT, Oearga BIcb.. $0.76; tat IB, Donald B. MrBrlde,

$S7? itt. loald.B. McBride. $0.75; ta1 5iTDoild B. McBrlde. $0.76: tat 21. d D.

Nalra. $0.75; tat 22, Donald B. McBride,-$U7- 6

tat 23, Donald B. McBride, $06; tat24, C. U. Nalra. $0.78;. tat 28. Itobert Uv- -

v 1 11 ga tone. $o.76; tot 28, Robert Urlngatime,$0.75; tat 2T, Robert Liv(ngat.ina, $. 10; tat38. Margaret H. Denbolin. $0.75. BWJt'K 87,

- Haanah Maaoa, $31.16. . BIAICK 38, Sarah,'' X XtmW IliTII 'v "

GRKKN'8 AWDri'IOK-LOC- KA tat l.'aohW. langatHX ana wiie, w. - ;wile, 30.70: tat X Joba W. lent don andwife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $o.i0; lot 3.Juba W. Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Baraettaud $o.fo; tat 4, John W. Laof don andwife. W? 11. Baraett and wife. $0.80. BLOCK2. Int 1, Joha W. Langdoa and wUa, W. H.Harnett and wife. Jo.70; tot 3, Joha W.Langdon and wife, W. H. Baraett and wife.30.10, tot 3, JohB- - W. Laacaoa ana. wire, . ,

. H. Baraett and wife. $0.10;-t- ot 4, John W.langdoa ana who, w. tx. aiaraan3U.BU; tat 6, Joha W. Laugdua and wife,W. H. Baraett-an- wife. $0.80; tat a, JohnW. Langdon and wife. W. H. Barnett andwlfb, $0.10; lot 7, Joha W. Laugdoa and wire.W, H, Baruett and wUo, $0.70; tot 8, Joba

and wife, W. H. Barnett and.Cite; $5.70. BLOCK 2, lot 1, JohB W.tad wife. W. H. Harnett and wife,

r2o.l0f -- tat . 2. . Juba W. Laagdou aa4 wife, --

; W. H. Barnett aod wife, $0.i0; tat BaJobaW. Langdoa aad Wife, W. H. Barnett and

' wife. 311.70; kit d. Henry L. Johuaoa, $0.1vi;tat 6. Jobn W. Lanxdou and wife, w. H.Barnetr- - lad. ' Wife, 40.80; tat , Joba tWLangdon and wife, XV.-- Baraett had aVlfe,

' $0.7o; tat T, Joha W. Langdoa aud wlfaj W..H. Barnett aad wife, $0.10; tat X? ohh W.langdoa and wlfe.w W. H. Barnett aad wife. '

All. IU. IV a,- lot 1, ,iw. ww. aaw1 wlfer W. IL Barartt andwlfa, $u.Bu: tot 2,

John W. Langdon and wire, w. u. aarnetx' and wife, $0.-1- tat X Joba W. Langdoaand wile. W. H. Barnett and wlfa, $0.06;hit 4, JehB W. Langdoa and wife. W. ILBaraett aad- - wife, 30.8n tat 3. Jnhi W.Langdon aad wife, W. H. BarneU and arlfe.30.lt; kt 8, - Joba W. Langdoa and wife,W. H. Burnett aad wlfa. $0.f0; tat T, Joha

- VW. Langdoa aod wlfa. W. , Barnett aodlfe, $o.7o. BLOCK 5, tat 1, Joba WJ

JlAngdon and wire, W. H. Baraett and wife,ao.uo; tat I. Joba W. Langiloa aad wife,W. M. Barnett and wlfa. $0.80; tat X JobnW.- Iancdoa and wife. W, H. Barnett andwife. ,$0.76; tat 4, Joha W. Laagitan and

"' wins W. H. Barnett and wife, $0.l; lot-- '3. John W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnettand wife, $0,011; lut 8, Joha W. Laagttaa andwife, W.'H. Barnett and wife. --$0.84; tat 7.

. 1 IV IMarrlaaak A wife. W. . M.

and wlfr$0.7o; tot 8, John W. fangdoa aad- wife, W. H. Barnett aad wlfeJ-$0.66- tat tt,

Joba W Langdna-an- d wlfa, VT. li. Baraettaed wife, ao.ao: tot lo. John W. Leagdon

'and tWIfe, W. H. Barnett aadwlfa,"" - $0.8,'; tat 11, Joba W. - Langdoaand arlfe, W. H. Barnett and wife, 30.86;lot 12. Joba W. Ltngdoa aud wife, w, H.

f Itaenett aad. wife, $0.70;. lot l.L Joha W.Tanrdon Bad wife. W. II. Barnett hnd wife,$Vii: lot 14. John W. Langdoa and wife,:

V. H. Barnelt and wife, $0 00. BLOCK 8.lnt 1. Jobn W. Lanedoa and arlfe, W. H.Barnett and wife, . $0,110; lot 2. Lydla A;Mllla, $0 70; tat 3. Lydik A. Mllla. $0.7)1;

1 tat-4- . John W. Lena don and wife, W. IUBanterr ana wire, i. in; et n. ubb w.langdoa aad w4fn$41.70: lot 8, nbn w. LangitoB aad wife,

, WV H. Barawt aad Wife. 30.70: lnt T. JokaW. Langdon aad wife. W. H. Barnett andwife, $o.7(: lot 8. John W. lngtVm andWire. vt. 11. narnett ana wire, fii. 10; tot B,JohniW. Lanrilna and wife. W. II. Barnettand wife, $: 10. John W. Lanrdoaand wife. W. H.. fai-ne- and wlfa, $l.8A;tat 11. John w. Laerdnt and wife,, W. H.Barrett and Jtlf"," 7t tat 12. Joha W.lanrdmt and (fe, W". H Barnett and wife,$n.7; tat 11. Jobn W, Lanrdoa and wife,W..1J. Barnett and wife, $0.70; total. JohnW. Uatduu and wife, TT. M. BarneU aad