THE OPPC REVIEW May 7, 2020 Sacraments In The Reformed Tradition (Parts of the following are from the PCUSA Book Of Order) Denominations differ over what they recognize as Sacraments. Some recognize as many as seven Sacraments, while others have no Sacraments in the life of the church. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and other churches of the Reformed tradition celebrate two Sacraments: Baptism and Communion, which is also known as the Lord’s Supper. What is a Sacrament? Sacraments are signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church, symbols of God’s action. The Sacraments are “gifts of God for the people of God.” They are a visible, tangible, and even taste-able way of experiencing God’s immeasurable grace and unfathomable goodness…the same grace and goodness we have come to know above all through Jesus Christ, God’s Word made flesh. Through the Sacraments, God seals believers in redemption, renews their identity as the people of God, and marks them for service. We affirm these two Sacraments to be ordained by God and instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ (see Matthew’s Gospel). In Baptism we are united to Christ as members of his body, the church, and we are washed and welcomed by the grace of God. The act of Baptism is deceptively simple, but in a handful of water there is a deep well of mystery and meaning. Baptism is received only once. There are many times in worship, however, when believers acknowledge the grace of God continually at work as they participate in the celebration of another’s Baptism. At Communion we join with the church in every time and place to give thanks for our salvation in Christ, and we are nourished and strengthened by that same grace of God. Around the Table of the Lord, God’s people are in communion with Christ and with all who belong to Christ. Coming to the Lord’s Table, the faithful are actively to seek reconciliation in every instance of conflict or division between them and their neighbors.

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THE OPPC REVIEW May 7, 2020 

Sacraments In The Reformed Tradition (Parts of the following are from the PCUSA Book Of Order)

Denominations differ over what they recognize as Sacraments. Some recognize as many as seven Sacraments, while others have no Sacraments in the life of the church. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and other churches of the Reformed tradition celebrate two Sacraments: Baptism and Communion, which is also known as the Lord’s Supper. What is a Sacrament? Sacraments are signs of the real presence and power of Christ in the Church, symbols of God’s action. The Sacraments are “gifts of God for the people of God.” They are a visible, tangible, and even taste-able way of experiencing God’s immeasurable grace and unfathomable goodness…the same grace and goodness we have come to know above all through Jesus Christ, God’s Word made flesh. Through the Sacraments, God seals believers in redemption, renews their identity as the people of God, and marks them for service. We affirm these two Sacraments to be ordained by God and instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ (see Matthew’s Gospel). In Baptism we are united to Christ as members of his body, the church, and we are washed and welcomed by the grace of God. The act of Baptism is deceptively simple, but in a handful of water there is a deep well of mystery and meaning. Baptism is received only once. There are many times in worship, however, when believers acknowledge the grace of God continually at work as they participate in the celebration of another’s Baptism. At Communion we join with the church in every time and place to give thanks for our salvation in Christ, and we are nourished and strengthened by that same grace of God. Around the Table of the Lord, God’s people are in communion with Christ and with all who belong to Christ. Coming to the Lord’s Table, the faithful are actively to seek reconciliation in every instance of conflict or division between them and their neighbors.

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COMMUNION The Second Sunday is our traditional time to celebrate the ongoing sacrament of Communion. Baptism is a one-time sacrament, connecting us as part of the body of Christ. Communion is a sacrament that keeps us connected. It doesn’t simply remind us, it connects us. As we would celebrate World Communion Sunday and recognize that the bread and cup joins us with Christians of all times and places, we have this opportunity to experience that connection from our various places, and at potentially different times. As you consider how you might participate in this Sunday’s service, and experience Communion via a recorded service, it would help to be mindful and to prepare yourself for the experience. It is your choice whether to participate with bread and drink that you have in your home, or to participate without using the elements. Either way, I would encourage you to take time to consider the community of which you are a part. Remember the people you would usually be with in small groups, in Sunday School, at fellowship gatherings, sitting near you in worship. Who do you miss seeing? Hold them in your heart. You are connected in the Body of Christ. If you choose, select the bread that is available, or has some meaning for you, perhaps a favorite cracker. Pour yourself a small amount of drink. We are used to using grape juice. That is not so common in most houses, any more. What juice do you have? Wine works well, for those who have it. Water can also be used. Water, itself, is life giving. Prepare your elements. Prepare your heart. And keep in mind that it will be different. We are not together in one place. We are together in the Spirit. We celebrate this feast in anticipation of the banquet that awaits us in God’s Kingdom. We celebrate in our separate places, in anticipation of the joyful gathering when we are again at the Lord’s Table in the sanctuary. And may the grace of our Lord be with us as we are together, even as we are separate.

Dear OPPC Friends, As most of you know, last year I had an emergency liver transplant. It has now been one year and my new liver is doing great. But in the process my kidneys were injured and cannot recover. Now we are looking for a live donor. If you know of anyone who is a donor and willing, please give them my name, e-mail ([email protected]) and phone # (904)477-4291. Please stay safe. God Bless Bonnie Gorman

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Deacons have kept in touch with their assigned congregants via email, text, cards, and phone calls. The Congregation, at large, seems to be coping very well with the present situation but are looking forward to resuming their normal life. We find the process of attending to the congregation challenging because what people need most at this time of isolation is that personal touch which we can only give electronically. If members are in need of a groceries, medicine pick up, a takeout meal to be picked up, the deacons are very willing and able to do that. Please do not be hesitant to call on us. Congregants have been asked about being able to access recorded services and the vast majority have expressed their appreciation of this method of keeping in touch and experiencing church. They are all eager to return to regular church services. Deacons will continue to keep a close eye as to the needs of the congregation and to stay in touch with each other. Greetings from the OPPC Christian Education Committee to our OPPC family. The current social distancing and restrictions on gathering that have been placed on our country by the COVID-19 crisis has without a doubt made the CE Committee, Sunday School leaders, and Small Group leaders rethink all we know about Christian education. Leaders of these various groups are trying different types of social media to attempt to maintain contact. If you are not currently active, please contact your leader and ask how to get connected. VBS planning is continuing, please pray for our leadership team as they proceed. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Fran Higson or Laura Wilson. We are not sure if it will be at OPPC or online or a combination, but with God’s help and guidance we will be able to reach out to the local children. May the Lord bless and keep you in His loving embrace during this period of uncertainty. Rick Kirby

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Artisans and workers around the world are struggling with Covid 19. But it’s especially difficult in places without running water and where markets and buyers are more limited under travel restrictions. Serrv International is working hard to support artisans and farmers in many different countries through their on-line sale of Fair Trade merchandise. Select something to brighten your day or a gift for a loved one to express how much you care. Shop from home and 20% of your purchase will be donated to OPPC’s mission budget to help those in need in our community, region and world. On your keyboard you can hit Control & CLICK HERE to go directly to our on-line store. Or you can “copy

and paste” this link into your browser: https://www.serrv.org/?a=OPPC2019 Who knew shopping could help so many people?! Thanks for your support.


Thanks to all who donated food!

As you can see, we had a great turnout!

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During the time we are apart due to the coronavirus, communication has become harder and we must rely even more on technology that helps us share information with all the congregation. To ensure you don’t miss important messages, please be sure during this time to more frequently check your emails, voice messages and text messages. Also, we have people willing to help walk you through how to set up or use technology that might not be familiar to you. If you would like to schedule a virtual “help desk” session with someone in the church please call the church office. Let us know what technology you would like help with and we will work to match you with someone who can help you. Please remember, we aren’t technology experts! However, you can probably get some tips from an experienced user that might be just what you need to feel more comfortable with technology that will help you stay more connected. If you would like someone to contact you, please call the church office (264-0536) or e-mail [email protected].

Bonnie Gorman, Jack & Doris Welkenbach, Karen Rohloff, Sarah Johnson, Mike Tomasso, Ben, Lily, Linda Broadus, Jim Ray, Jay Nettles, Morgan Hawkins, Kathy Daly, Sherry, Peggy Baxley, Mitchell McCormick, Kenneth Weimer, Peggy Trahan, Doug Mercer, Rosalie Johnson, 1st responders, Erica Poole, World suffering due to Coronavirus, Marcia Gross, Leon England, Karen, Tina, Foster, The Family of Evan Lockner, Shirley Weimer & Family, Jane Hawley, Betsy Rinker, Eugene Knowles, Christine, Linda Coday, Madison Duce, The Family of Joey Otton, Harald & Ingeborg Steinbrecher, Maverick Raulerson & Family, Tom,

Darlene Davenport, Kash, Martha Trull, Rachel Magnaso, Kevin Grandstaff, Linda Crimm, Jeni Martin, Sean Hritz, Mary Tuggles, Melinda, Catherine Nadeau, Marge Shultz, Lourene Plunkett Collins, Michael Jackson, Carlye Ellison, Cynthia Lewis, Evelyn, Brenda Mauk, Don Aycock, Ekaterina Bykova, Ed Hayes, Brenda, Rod & Dotty Varella, USA, Shut-ins, Jerry Taylor, Pam Caster, Karen, Habel, TS, Joey Scott, Joan, Rev. Diller, his Family & Unit, James Boyette, Rita Eddins, James Rinker, Harold Wood, Dylan Williams, Sid & Carolyn Sewell, Jean, Danielle Hinson, Mo Moore, J. P. Brown, Pat Rabb, Myra, Val Fuller, Millicent Sirch, Lee Diehr, Ken & Jerri Arsenault, Wayne Moore, Ruth Wall, Timmy Jerrell, Nancy’s mom, Mary Lee, Gary Koontz, Dick Burke, Shawn & Melissa, Rrene Hewett, Steve & Anne Poole, Rhonda Hyler, Dottie & George Lane, Ray Kerbs, Patricia, Paul, Allison, Dyna King, Hayden, Betty Turnage, Gloria Hess, Ray Patterson

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Tom Phillips—Clerk of Session Rev. Jess McCrosky—Moderator of Session


Paige Degryse Jack Higson Rick Kirby

Dean Wilson

CLASS OF 2021 Jon Halter

Marjorie Phillips Rich Rohlof

CLASS OF 2022 Barbara Koontz

John Maierhoffer Connie Martin


Fran Higson, Sarah Johnson

Edna Kirby Debbie Mueller Cathy Sanders Vern Wickline


Rev. John Diller Rev. Jess McCrosky

Pam Frame Jon Halter Julie Hasle

Jack Higson Vernon Humbert

Pheona Kaiser Sonja Lewis Tom Smith