The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

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The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642. 1)Treaty of _______________ puts an end to the First Bishop’s War 2)When Charles approached Parliament for funds during the Short Parliament, their response was “ ____________ ____________ __________” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642
Page 2: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

1)Treaty of _______________ puts an end to the First Bishop’s War

2)When Charles approached Parliament for funds during the Short Parliament, their response was “ ____________ ____________ __________”

3) How long did the Short Parliament actually last? 4) Charles summoned this person as an advisor for

the Second Bishops War.5) John Pym entered Parliament in what year?

Bonus Question (For Jimmy): What year was John Pym born?

Page 3: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

December 1640: Root and Branch Petition: Signed by over 15,000 demanding an end to episcopacy

Parliament also wanted to punish or neutralise the king’s ‘evil advisers’ particularly Laud and Wentworth.

People of England worried that what Strafford was doing in Ireland could become a reality for England. In November, 1640, they impeached him. Main charge was that he wished to bring his Irish army to use as a force to continue personal rule by setting up a royal military dictatorship

But, But, But, Wentworth’s actions represent THE KING Act of Attainder- was an act of Parliament which stated that the

accused person was guilty of treason. Its appeal for Pym and others was that less evidence had to be provided. The act was simply passed by Parliament the usual way.

Strafford’s execution, 1641. Charles passed the Act under pressure, was also worried of a popular uprising if he didn’t meet their demands.

Laud is imprisoned. Was eventually sent to the Tower of London where he spent three years. He would eventually be beheaded as a result of the Attainder Act in 1645.

Page 4: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

Wanted to restore the old constitutional balance between the rights of the subjects and the rights of the king, believing that the last ten years had seen an attempt at an absolutist state on the continental model.

Dismantle the machinery of ‘prerogative government ’ The Triennial Act was passed in Feb 1641, setting out that the

monarch could not rule for more than three years without calling Parliament.

Tonnage and Poundage (custom duties) was placed under Parliamentary control, to prevent it being imposed unconstitutionally

Financial innovations, such as forest fines and compositions of knighthood were abolished.

Prerogative courts, such as High Commission and Star Chamber (which had been abused to punish opponents of the crown) were also abolished.

Page 5: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

• MPS are on the same side due to their fear of popery and absolutism

• They are led by a strong candidate in John Pym


BUT: When Parliament re-assembles in October 1641, Pym continues to push for Parliament to put further restraints on royal power. He CANNOT trust Charles. • Emergence of ‘Constitutional Royalists’: Led by Edward Hyde, this group argued that Pym’s policies could eventually lead to anarchy. The King must now be trusted.

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Page 7: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

With Wentworth gone, the Catholic native Irish had risen in rebellion against the Ulster Presbyterians. Approx 4,000 died in massacres, and 8,000 from exposure as they were forced to leave their homes in the winter.

The rebels claimed to be acting in Charles’ name. This strengthened the belief in a Roman Catholic conspiracy.

An army would have to be raised to put the rebellion down.

Q: What is the problem with Parliament granting Charles an army for the rebellion?

Page 8: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

Started by listing all the policies and actions of Charles that had caused the Commons to distrust him. It then made some demands which it justified because of the previous track record of Charles and his ministers. The main points included:

-Parliament should choose the king’s ministers. -Parliament should be able to remove the king’s ministers

-There should be a conference of religious ministers to reform the church of England

-There was a Roman Catholic conspiracy to undermine the constitution and religion of England: the commons should investigate it an d have the right to punish those involved.

On 22 November 1641, after a stormy debate that lasted long into the night, the House of Commons passed the Remonstrance by a narrow margin of 159 votes to 148. The King's supporters who tried to enter a protest were shouted down in a bad-tempered confrontation that almost ended in a riot

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Page 10: The Opening Stages of Long Parliament 1640-1642

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