Omlcial Journal of the Parish of St. Landry. I"UBLIIS ED ON .ATFItDAY BI LEONCE & I~, A. SANDOZ. OPELLOUSAS: .SATURDAY, : : : : : MAY 5, 8 .t d L•. o v o v a- I . S52 TIMLE . - - .0 - Wi, '6 TIMES . -nl O x- - x b•84TIMES ...- pel, _ l c"G S• C- 3 TIM E S - -- - ro - c h.2 TIMEs .... e. c , 1 GIJME .. •.•0- MW (P ~ * n~c 0oco 4)uPZ1 Get our prices for job work. WATED.--A good, persevtriug collector. l Communications touching on ailythiug et public interest are solicited. Fox Ra•i.-A business ,taud and residence near the railroad depot Alsoa business stand in the center of town. Apply at this office. e Farmer Brown:-- I say, Jenkins, why are you laughing so heartily I" Jenkins-Why, Brown ,l've been to town, paid two years arrearages and one yeas in ad- vance for my paper, the COURIER, and the Editor felt so good he has given me one year's subscription free to that great farm paper published at Fort Wayne, Ind., called the AMEBICAN FARIER." Farmer Brown-"Is that so I owe him some. Reckon he would do the same by me. Will go in to.day and square up." Those of oauraders who invest even emall amounts in books and literature of any s -t, or wish to purchase any printed matter wl -t- ever, should become members of the U. S. it- erary and Scientific Association, of Chicago. This Association will furnish to its members any and all printed matter, from a child's primer to the largest encyclopedia, at whole- sale priop, and considering the small mem- bership fee, the advantages are very great, and will be the means of saving considerable money. Mr. W. J. Sandoz is the representa- tive for St. Landry. Bmby Bumtimg Again. One of the greatest literary hits of the sea- son is the story of "Baby Bunting; or, the Alphabet of Love," by Laura Jean Libbey, which is at pre~ent being published in the olafis ofT e NEW YORK .MILY STonR Parsa. The paper containing the opening ohte.s of this wonderfully popular romance eon the news stand this morning. ,ls tremeadoun rush for that number by the yomng ladies of the town shows clearly that pfblitsaers have struck a bonanza. THE 1w&twr hroax PAPER is for sale by all news- dealers, or will be sent to any address four months, postage free, for $1.00. Norman L. lAr3o, Pb•l •her,, 24 and 26 Vandewater Street, New York. ate Pttjb srs "Pejratef" and Neamere "Receivers of tolex dleoods ?" The issue of Literature, Alden's illustrated weekly magazine, bearing date April 21, con- tabs a f•ll reprint of the rather remarkable on International Copyright, recentlyy S by Senator Chace, of lRhode Island, smrtek• with an extended and somewhat ap eriew of the same by Mr. Alden. Sen- elbs(lee, beilg ohairman of the committee lieh bascharge of the bill now before the ammte e,isnatrally the one of all others to be looket te as an authority and his paper ols the question is an able, and even brilliant oneS Mr. Alden is not antagonistio toothd measere, but is in hearty sympathy with th copyright movement; he undertakes, how ever , tthe same of the American people, tea. ltat the charge so commonly made, an by Senator Chaoe. stated in the stronger terms, that the publishers, buyers and read+- era of eesp etltkns of ickens and Tenny- ai•lo fe c "prates," or "thieves," or•h•eseiv~r of stolen goods." The cafie; i r. Al1den, is able to stand on' b l) hIs.e aacommon-dS•ae grounds, even l, ter thk a false and libelous basis. Peo- pel w ae lntereste to see the mesits of a lvt ented in a novel and vigorous' was otastlarpd o te, will be glai. to se;pt a for a specimen copy, aa good mny of them, aten they receivl see what a bright, entertaining anda C magazine it is, will ha WO and get it regularly during S$A18den Publisher, 393 Pearg Sork ; 218 Clark Street, Chicago.; STATE TAX SALES IO LB IID IIIOYABLE PROPERTY Stabt of Louisiana, Parish of St. Landry v.v Delinquent Tax Debtors. Byy vioe o@ the authoqrity vested in me by the Contituiouand Iaw of the State of Lou- itase, ,I will mell at the principal front door of *lCourt Souse, in winch the Civil District euCt•,f sid parishuis held, within the legal b forj titadias .jes, beginning at the hour .Ielseveu) o'loeg a. m., on Slaway, tie 5th day of May, A. D. I888 sao o1txllutg on each iucceedin day, unti mainlsl am etompleted,rdl movable and ie- m'aabl property on which taxes are now d heState of puisiana and parish of St. to ea fooe collection of taxes assess ad"is ybak 186 together with interest pareoufrom the 31st day of December, 1887 Stl rate of one per cent per month until l[i J• all tes The names of said ddlin- iu "ee lpa• e ts, the mouant of taxes due by S t•l e•sansummseent of said year, and the " * ebie .• d isnovgm able property assessed t sr.aa e l b e4red for sale are as follows, to- A•It•s. Lauius J.;--eor lots with im- i, othernpoorpation of Opelousas, o nrth by Bellev *ttreet, mouth by' ? byl $ 2"str k Lety street, wes : b -. 5t rsrt, T 6utsu s rU. and cods William-at Ed D~ean's; stock. S~ Leonv•ill; stock. $2 44 PrairIe laurent; stock s e ntee acres q ilM1# bonaded Helem '.',rof land, .9.r L r G uil ory, Jean Bte-near Washington; stock. 'axes $1f 96 and costs Guillory, Jean Piee -- Masnoath; stock. Taxes $1 16 and costs Guillory, Octave--Anohorag PlIatation stock. Taxes $1 32 and oats Guillory, Onile--Big •iamouth;-s'iprove- ments and stock. Taxe.#2 92 and seats tuillory, Paul-Faqudtaique; stock. Taxes $1 16 and costs Guillory, Rodolphe--Old Grand Prairie; stock. Taxes $1 64 and costs Guillory, Simnon-Faqu6taique; stock. Tax- es $l 18 and costs Guillory, Thdrencn--Mallet; stock. Taxes 1) 16 and costs Guy, Znoun-C'hicot ; stock. Taxes $1 16 and costs Halln, Gdrand -- Plaisaunc; stock, Taxes $1 16 and costs Ilamilton,, Adam - Prairie Basse; stock. T''axes $1 3.2 a-d costs Ilampton. Frank - Plaquemine ; stock. Taxes $1 :12 a•d costs llarmau, Autoine - at Mrs Jean Gay's; stock. Tax $2 41 and costs ilarris. Robert-Louville ; stock. Taxes $2 12 and costs IIarrison, Arthur-at Capt. Blanks'; stock. Taxes $3.21 and cost Harrison, Henry-near Washington; stock. Taxes $1 96 and costs 1layes, Sanders-Big Cane; stock. Taxes i1 SO and costs Hi6bert, llenrry-Faqu6taique; stock. Tax- es $1.1 8 and costs Hl6bert, Joseph - Plaquemine Ridge-im- iproveients, stock and vehicle. Taxes $3 56 and costs hIlirs of Prescott-one thousand acres of land near Chicot, in Township 2 south range 1 east, bounded on one side bv Kavanagh and on one bid.e by Haas and Wharton. Taxes le;iderson, Charles- Big Caue ; stock and ~hicle. Taxes $2 60 and costs hill, George-at Lucius David's; stock. axes $1 32 and costs Iill, Miles-B- U ou Current ; stock. 'Taxes 48 iand costs line, Iill--Faquetaique; improvements and ock. Taxes $1 48 and costs. Hampton, tsasn-Bayou Teobe, stock. Tax $3 1 32 and cost Holbrook, J R-Port Barry ; stok. Taxes 1 61 and costs Holland, AM F-Big Cane; stock. Taxes 1 64 and costs Hellier, John-at C B Andrus'; stock. Tax- a $1 48 and costs IIollier, Robt. agt-at Capt Blank's; stock. 'axes $1 32 and costs Hlolman, Edward-Elm Bayou ; three oxen. ;axes $1 48 and costs Holmes, Martin-at Dr Boagni's, stock; tax- a $1 16 and costs Hudson, Thomas-West Melville; one lot ,fground bonudedrJbove by J E Church, be- ow by Levy, front by Atchafalaya river, rear y Rev. Laudr'ium . Taxes $3 42 and costs. Ignace. David-Mamouth; stock. Taxes I 32 ant costs Jackson. Frai--Poplar Grove Plantation; tuck. Taxes $1 16 and costs Jackson. Nelson - Coulee Croche ; stock. raxes $1 96 and costs Jacob, Thdrence-at Mose Landry's ; stock Taxes $2 28 and costs James, Edmond --- ellevue; thirty-eight acres of land with improvements, bounded north by Helen Philip, south by E Richard, Jr, east by Forestier Braam, west lby Alexan- dre Bonnan. stock and vehicle. Taxes $4 68 and costs. James, Joseph-Plaquemine Ridge; stock. Taxes $1 16 and costs Jardoin, Eloi-Mallet; stock. Taxes $1 48 Jean Cyprieu - Plaisance; stock. Taxes $1 61 and costs. Jeannis, Benoit-at J. P. Lafleur, Ville Plate Prairie; larses and cattle. Taxes $2 44 and costs. Jeannis, Onile-Faquetaique; stock. Tax- es $1 80 and costs Jefferson, Alfred - Bayou Boeuf; stock. Taxes $1 64 and costs c Jeferson, Edmond - Black Lake; stock. Taxes $1 64 and costs Johns, Tom--Faqudtaique; stock. Taxes $1 32 and costs * Johb Tolbert--Coulee Croche; stock. Tax $1 32 and costs John, Valery-at Mrs Jos. P. Boy; stock. Taxes I dollar and 48 cents and costs Johnson, Dave-Port Barry ; stook. Taxes 1 dollar and sixteen cents and costs Johnson, Mrs. Denas--Pine Prairie; im- provements and stock. Taxes 2 dollars 76 cents and costs JohnsonJack-•t Cove; stock. Ta , 1I dollar and ~ centW d costs Johnson, James-at Gantt's placejlk. Taxes 1 dollar 32 cents and costs Johnson, Joe-near Bayou Chic; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 32 cents and costs Johnson, Joseph-Plaquemine Ridge; forty acres of land, with improvements, on Plaque- mine Ridge, bounded north by J Meyers & Co south by Bloch, east by Bloch, west by Mrs. Pitre, horses and wagon. Taxes 5 dollars and costs Johnson, Henry - six iundred and forty acres of land, being north halt of S W quarter, south east quarter of north- east quarter and northeast quarter of south- east quarter, section 2, towns. 4 soutJ range 1 east. Taxes 4 dollars 20 cents and costs Jones, Felix-Bayou Toheo; stook. Taxes 2 dollars 28 cents and costs Jones, Henry-Plaquemine Ridge; 1 mare. axes 1 dollar 16 cents and-costs Jones, Jacob-Petite Prairie; ;tock. Taxes 3 dollars and 72 cents and costs. . Jones, Joachin-- Bayou Curment; stock. Taxes I dollar and 80 cents and eosts Jones, Sam-at lenn Place ;stoek, Taxes I dollar and32 cents sad codt s ' Jonbert, Charlea-thir$' acs land*1t Plaisance Prairie, with improv e tsm boead ed nosh by Perrodin, south .by J D'Avw, east by Louis Claiborne, west by R Thiersy, stocls Taxes 4 dollars and 36 eant and coa.• Joubert, J Bte, Agtyat Blacksheb's; stocLk Taxes 1 dollar and 48 cents and oasts Jourdan, Lucy-one fraiotonal lot *ith I|- _provements in Opelouas boundednorth by corporation, south bY V tstrapes, east by Emile Donatoe, west by V Lestrapea: Taxes cts and coats Keith, J J-Bayou Toro ; one horse and ve- lcle. Taxes I dollar and 64 cents and costs' Kennedy, James li-Blaek La~ke stoied Taxes 2 dollarsand 6V cs0 d a .cos5t Kenniskon, Paul-at Eg Catier's ; iMs horse. Taxda 1 dollar atrd 1B tsd coatse Kerlegand, Geo W-Bayou Bceuf; stok, Taxes 1 dollar and 32 cts and costs. Kohn, Joseph-near Eli,; , toq q. Taxea~ dollars and 7d eta and coats, Locke, Frederiok; near Opeleas- -Stock,; taxes $1.48 and costs. Lacomb, Robert; Big .Cane--i ; tazes $1.64 and costs. e ,a•euor, Gustave; near Simon J: Bte. Manu- ee-a-tock, taxes $1.64 and. oesa4, Lafleur, Gustave ; aquealque--stock; TaI\ es $1.16 andecouts. I~udreneau, Jean P- iece-Ig• Mamouthe ei hty aerea oflaud with improvements north ag Bth by.,railroad land, east by ir6epA Snlean, ~70t 7 it S Fonts- ot; twent. 5o" f woo41 lelpa tbsrof divided half of a itract. tae of V Deshe Sryeast B helast ltl. a 66n Os.t ' sae t 4 eJ elatJeaace, stock .s i e_-.axe $656 nd ost - 5a.P1 W aanesd vistok e ear eaft b ;i , $ &Phn Bayon~anf a ck l a~Yab Iraad t an~~:~ Led6, Augustin--Bayou Boeuf; stock. Tax- es $1 80 and costs Ledd, Louis-L onville ; stock. Taxes $1 32 and costs Ledd, Valentin Sr-M•allet ; twenty acres of land in Mallet, with improvements bounded north by Arthur Pitre, south by Antoine Si- mien, west by Joseph Durousseau, east by Antoine Ledd, stock. Taxes $4 20 and costs Ledoux, Dtlicourt-at Jesse McGee; stock and vehicle. Taxes $1 80 and costs Lo e p, Preston-at Dr Boagni's; stock. Tax es $1 48 and costs Lejeune, Angelas - Faquetaique ; stock. Taxes I dollar and 32 cts and costs Lejeune, Angelas - Faquetaique; stock. Taxes 1 dollar and 32 cts and costs. Lejeu•o, Paul-at L C Pulliam's; stock. Taxes I dollar and 32 cts and costs Lamant, Auguste--Ionville; stock. Taxes I dollar and 32 ets and costs Limant Pier ll irie Laurent ; 8 acres of land with improvements, bounded north by Benoit Wable, south by Simon Wable, east by Gustave Paillet, west by John Roy, stock. Taxes 2 dollars and 28 cts and costs Lemons, A.J.-Pine Woods; stock and ve- hicle. Taxes $2 60 and costs Lewis, Daniel-at Dr. Boagni's; stoc . Taxes $1 16 and costs Lewis, David-at Gillespie's; stock. Taxes $1 16 and costs Lewis, Dorcey-at Edward Ddjean's; stock. Taxes $1 16 and costs Lewis, Hyacinthe -Mallet; stock. Taxes $1 32 and costs Liggins, Isaiah-Chicot; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 16 cents and costs Linton, Cheney-Old Graud Prairie; stock. Taxes I dollar 32 cents and costs Littell. Mrs A. L.-Opelousas; four hln- dred and seventy acres of land with improve- ments on bayou 3Iarie Croquant, bounded north by R. M. Littell, south by Carriere, east by bayou Marie Croquant, west by di- vision line. Taxes 31 dollars 52 cents and costs Littell, 16. a.l-upelousas; one loc in cue own of Opelousas, with improvements, ounded north by Mrs Sittig, south by V. loagni, east by Main street, west by Mrs. Pooch, merchandise, stock and vehicle; tax- s 22 dollars and 23 cents and costs Littell, Robt. M,-Opelousas; one hundred ,d fifty acres of land in Prairie Laurent, be- ng Lots 12, 13. and 14 of Section 53, town- hip 7 south range 4 east; taxes 3 dollars 20 ants and costs r: Littell, R. M. - Opelousas; ei'ghty-four cres of land in Prairie Basse, bounded north )y S. Birotte, south by A. L. Littell, cast by bayou Marie Croquant, west by division line, itock. Taxes 4 dollars 64 cents and costs Loper, I. S.-Elm Bayou ; stock. Taxes 2 ollars 28 cents and costs Lewis, Alib--Tate's Cove; stock. Taxes I lollar 16 cents and costs Louis, Pierre Jr.-Faquetaique; stock. Faxes I dollar 32 cents and costs Lucullus, Elise-Mallet; stock. Taxes I lollar 48 cents and costs Lusdale, J. M.-Bellevue; stock and vehi- lc. Taxes 2 dollars 28 cents and costs Lyons, Dan-on Taylor place, Waia ; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 48 cents and costs Malbroux, Lastie-Ville Plate Prairie : Taxes 1 dollar 64 cents and costs Malveau, Mrs. S414stien-Plaisance ; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 28 cents and costs Manuel. Adam-Anse aux Pailles; stock. Taxes 2 dollars 28 cents and costs Manuel, Joseph-Big Mamouth: improve- ments on railroad land and stock; Taxes one dollar 80 cents and costs Manuel, Pierre-Faquetaique ; seventy-five acres of land in Township 6 south range one east, stock. Taxes 2 dollars 92 cents and cost Manuel, Pierre-Mamouth ; improvements and stock. Taxes 1 dollar 64 cents and costs Manmel, Pierre Jean Bte.-Faquetaique Marcantel, Jos. Mr.-Faquetaique; seven feen acres of land with improvements, bound- ed north by Joseph Frugd.south by H. Frugd, east by F. Marcalitel, west by E. Manuel; forty acres of woodland bounded north by Bayou Cane, south by self, east by Joseph Frng6, west by Olib6 Manuel, stock and vehi- cle. Taxes 4 dollars 20 cents and costs Marcantel, Joseph-Mamouth; horse and buggy. Taxes 2 dollars and 2 cts and costs Martel, Balt azar-Faquet que; one horse, Taxes 1 dollar32 cts and cost Martin, Bernard-seven acrelo& lanu situ- ated in Prairie Laurent, bounded nortlf, south and east by Wable, west by C Morninveg; three acres of land ith improvements, situ- ated near Grand C'tea, bounded north and east by Miss Duffy, west by A D Meche, south by public road. Taxes 2 dollars 92 cents and costs Martin, Bernard, tutor-one lot with im- provements in the town of Opelousas, bound- ed north by M Vilaseca, south by L Skinr f, east by Market street, west by Bayou Tessbo. Taxes 11 dollars and costs Martin, Jos-near Washington ; stock. Tax- es 1 dollar and 16 eta and costs Martino, Dorain - Big Mamouth; sttck. Taxes 1 dollar 48 eta and costs Mason Dr-Atchafalaya river; two fiat- boats. 'Tazes 2 dollars and 60 and costs Mayer, Adrien--Coalde Creche; sabck. Tax- es I dollar 64 eoa and costs 4 McCann, John-Pine Woods; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 64 ota and costs Meyers, Wade-Chicot; stock. Taxes 1 dol- lar 48cts and costs Midget, Zion-Bayou Beuf; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 32 eta and costs •ie, Jean Pierr-Manmouth; stock. Taxes Sdollar 96 eta and costs Millam, Jefferson-Bayou Besuf; stock and vehicle. Taxes 5 dollars and costs Miller, Hombre - Coulee Croche; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 64 ets and costs Milloir, Aleandre--Mallet; forty acres ot land in Mallet, with improvements, bounded north by Joan MceCo yonth by Zack Young, west b Pasaline Oi]• stock and wagon. Tae 4 dollars 52 eta and costs iair -K eti improvements on rail•rad n and stock. Taxes I dollar 64 cts and costa Minilne, Lindor--Plaquemine Ridge; stock. Talses f dollar 16 ets and coste Mithell, Joseph--Ville Plate Prairie; stock. TAis 1 dollar 64 ets andn- costs '. Miobl. Moses-near Washington; stock, Taues 1 dollar 16 cts and costs * Mitchell, Osus-Poplar Grove; stock. Tax, es I dollar 16 eta and costs Mixer, Ezekiel-Merrow ; merchandise and stock. 27 dollars-72 eta and costs Monday Horace-Cocodrie ; stock. Taxes I dollar 16 eta snd costs Oeere, W-Big Mamouth ; stock. Taxec 1 daor 32 ot and costs : SMoore, $jry-.-4ayou Bauf; stock. Taxes dla i~%c~alpndoopsts pr&g , pk-osr- u tt Prairie Basse ; fort3 y' p , Jotnded orth by H. L. Gar liu sbutl b•y •o Ladtrey, west by Josepl Stbfie;east by HI L4 Galand. Taxes 3 dollars s4 etandsosta - , M.are Joseph-Prairie Basse; stock. Tax es I dollar 32ta and costs Mornhiaveg. ars H M-Opelousas ; gocT und vehicle. :Taxes.3 dp lars 8 cts and costs SMoses, Frank, agt--Bellevue; stock. Taxes 1 dollar 80 ots and costs ' ; uirotr •o n- yo c nd o ock. Amouni Nfetter•'Dick-Byo• n Basef ; stock. Taxze 1 dollar 48 cents sa seasts Ora8 d Pairle: stock I l -se lIdtases; stock TYses dollat 82 cents and ousta "Ntle1 ,Aj l-hyon Bwef; stoek. Tare ieel, aiio - forty acres of land, with let s etmuted.in Grand Bois, boundes wh by y w. $r, ai d, sod p J by Alexis Oli v , mt~ - Meat b, G. Dekerlegand Nugent, Matthew-Bies Woods: stock aai a Melasi.. Azaount due 2 dollars 92 cents ant ,, stock, amount dle o.Thr 4odbUI add costs O ujtege- aircames- t; ,anpesiovemen and stock, amoedue d tid Iax 48 cents tn +n ; -aolck - Sttafe asount dy *a4 viv1a ", Grsad C0p-raa; vehicle 45e 1Id tar aidt-'atd4g a .,- Peck, Garland, Coul6e Crache; stock and vehicle, amount due 3 dollars 72 cents and d costs Perrault, W C, one lot with improvements, d situated in the town of Opelousas, bounded north by - street, south by Geo Moriarty, east by Main street, west by IH L Garland, c -gt., amount due 12 dollars and costs Perrmo, Louis, Blue Cove; improvements I and stock, amount due 2 dollars 12 cents and c costs Pe'ter, Frederick, Mallet; stock, amount I due 1 dollar 80 cents and costs a Phillippe, Louis, Plaqucmine ; stock, ain't. due I dollar 32 cents and costs r Pierre Auguste, Jean, Conule Croche ; stock amount due I dollar 80 cents andutists Pitre, Joseph, Ville Plate Prairie; stock and \ehicle, amount tdue :3 dollars 40 cents a and costs t Pitre, Ontzime, Ville Plate Prairie; stock. amount due 1 dollar 32 cents and costs Poulard, Alphonse, Faqu6taique ; improve- ments on railroad land and stock, amount due 2 dollars 28 cents and costs Pompey, Isaac, at I)r. Boagni's ; stock, I dollar 32 cents and costs Pi cjean. Paul, Coulde Croche; amount due I dollar 32 cents and costs Prescott, Wllis,. Washington ; stock and vehicle, amount due .1 dollars 4 cents & costs Prewett, Leonidas, Bellevue ; stock, ain't. 1 4 ue I dollar 80 cents and costs Prince, Romeo, Bayou Bctuf; stock, ain't. due I dollar 3: c cits and costs Plnud'houme, Alfred, Mamouth ; improve- ments an:d stuck, amount due I dollar 80 cts. a;d costs Ptud'hotute, )aniel, Mamouth ; stock, amount due 1 dollar 48 cents andI costs Puntday, Monday, Elba ; stock ; amount due I dollar 32 cents and costs Rachal. Marie Bas(clice, 62 acres of laud with inmprovements, near Washington, bound- ed north by C Comeau, south by James Pow- ers, cast by Ba3ou Carron, west by Evariste Joubert, stock atnd vehicle, amount due 8 dol- lars antd costs Reddell, M J, Cocodrie; stock, amount due I dollar )96 cents an1d costs Redlian, William. near Arnaudvilleo ; stock, mollloulnt due I dollar 48 cents and costs Reed, Alexander, Faquelaique ; stock, ain't due I dollar 02' cents and costs Reed, G(us. Bayou BIeuf; sctrck, amlount due I dollar 3:1 cents and costs Reed. Ulger, Big Mamouth ; improvements on railroad land and stock, amount due I dol- lar 80 cents and costs Ruecz, ('Csaire, Pot Cove; stock, amount (due 1 dollar It; cents and costs IReynolds, A C. Big Cane; stock, amolnt lduet 1 dollar GI cents and costs IRialls. Frank, C'hicot ; stock auL, vehicle. atuotuut duo I dollar Gi cents and costs Richlard, Duptrd, Plaquemine Ridge ; forty acres of land, with imp)rovements, bounded north and south by railroad, east and west by H I. Garland, stock, amount due 5 dollars 1i6 ets and costs Richar d. Edmond, one lot with improve- ments in the corporation of Washington, bounded on one ide by P' E 'arriere, o one side I,\ Olivier IRichard, on one tde hv It Boudrcau. on one sidc le , Dupome ,uts, amount due 2'doilars 10 t.ts and costs Richard, Ft ddtic, Plaqucneine ; stock, at- untt due I c,;llar 64 cts and costs Richard. Pierre Z, tnear Grand Coteau ; stock and vehicle, amlount dlue 1 dollar 80 cents and costs. Ridleau, G(olite , Plaisancei; stock. amouunt due I dollar 80 cts and costs ' I Rideau. TrIville, Big Mamouth; improve- ments on railroad laud and stock, amount due I dollar &14 ets and costs Rider, Albert, near Opelousas; stock, am- ount due 1 dollar 80 cts and costs Riggs, Sam., Bellevue; stock and vehicle, amount due 1 dollar 96 cts and costs Riley Jack. Plaquemine Ridge ; stock, am- ount I dollar 3` ets and costs Rivibre. Cdlestin. 'Mallet; .trock. amount due 1 dollar 3`2 eta ana costs Roberts, F Roan, Garland; stock. amount due 1 dollar 32 cts and costs Roberts, James M, Bayou Bmeuf ; one vehi- cle, amount ducJ dollar 32 cts and costs Rogers, Miss Emeline, two lots with im- provements in the town of Opelousas, bounded north by Medecis, south by Lesassier, east by Main street west by Court street, one horse, am't duo 2 dollars 4-12 cts and costs Rougeau, Dennis, Mallet; stock, amount due I dollar 16i eta and costs Rougeau, Jdronme. Pot Cove; stock, amount due I doSlar 18 cts and costs Rowe, W S, Washington: stock, amount due I dollar 38 ets and costs Roy, A D, Arnaudville, stock and wagon, amount due 1 dollar 99 cta and costs. Roy, Alex. U, near Wyble's liridge; one hundred and seven acres of land, with im- provements, bounded north by Gonor claim, south by Mrs Castain, west by Jos U Roy, east by swamp, stock and vehicles, amount due 21 dollars 96 cts and costs Roy, Charles, near Port Barry; stock, amt due 1 dollar 32 cts and costs Roy, Jean Louis, near Opelousas,stock, am- ount due I dollar 32 eta and costs Salles, Mrs Blanche wife of J D Courme-- sixteen acres of land, with improvements bounded north by A P Auguste, south by Mrs Paul Young, eastby D D Ledouz, west. by Mkarie Isaure Salles, amount due 2 dollars and 60 cts and costs SandersPArchle--Bayou Boeuf; stock, am- ount due I dollar 80 ct, and costs Sanders, J A-Bellevue; stock, amount due 3 dollars 57 cents and co•s Savant, William-Bayou Beauf? stock, am- ount due $1 16 and costs Savoie Valcourt-Faquetaique ; stock, am- ount due $1 32 and costs Sawyer, John-near Opelousas; stock, am- ount due $1 16 and costs Schwing, W F-Washington; stock and vehicle, amount due $1 65 and costs Scott, Anthony-Bayou Boeaf; stock, am- ount due $1 16 and costs Semend, Prosper-Mallet; 24 acres of land in Mallet, bounded north by Renb, south by Lemelle, west by Rene, east by J Sullice, stock amount due $2 76 and costs Seward, Emory--near Opelousas; stock amount due $1 64 and costs Sholten, James-nea Opelousas; stock, am ount due $1 16 and costls 'Shaw, Henry-Big Cane; stock and wagon, I amount due $1 80 and costs Shows, N W-Cocodrie; improvements ox e public lnd, stock and vehicle, amount due $3 08 and costs Simicn, Alphonse-Plaquemine Ridge; amn otmt due 1 dollar 32 cts and costs Simien, Antoine-Mallet; stock, amount I dollar 16 cls and costs Simien, Mrs Celestine-forty acres of land with improvements, situated near Mallet bridge bounded by Valentin Led6, jr. west by A Guillory east by Paul Dupre, west by k Jules Perrodin, amount due 2 dollars 40 ct and costs o Simien, Edmond, Mallet; stock, amonn due I dollar 32 cents and costs Simien, Joseph P, Mallet; stock, amoun due I dollar 32 cents and costs Simien, Jos V Sr., Mallet; forty acres o land, with improvements, situated in Mallet bounded north and south by Jules Perrodin west by Theodore Chacher6, east by B6hili Godeau, stock, amount due 4 dollars 20 cent and costs Simien,'Jos V Jr., Plaquemine Ridge; stock amount due I dollar 48 cents and costs Sitnien, Th6oval, Mallet; stock. amoun due 1 dollar 48 cents and costs Simms, Henry, Atchafalaya river; stock and vehicle, amount due 3 dollars 8 cents and costs Simms, Henry, two acres of land, with im t provements, near Opelousas, bounded north south and west by Garland, east by Josep) Bloe•,.stock and vehicle, amount due 2 dol lars 76 cents and costs Sims, lMrs Th6ophile; one lot with im provements in the corporation of Opelousaa bounded nosth by Oak street, south by V Chscher6, east by cosporation line, west b3 h4mie Ch6nler, amount due 2 dollars an Snion, lTabelle, Arnaundville; stock, am'l tdatu'ldollar 48 cents antd costs SSiuaqo, Joseph, near Opelousas; stock al*lUt duel1 dollar 64 cenas sad costs Simon, Valsin, L0onville ; stock, amount ue 1 dollar 80 cents and costs Simmons, Emanuel, Elba; stock; amount no 1 dollar 48 cents and costs - Simmons, Thomas, Cocodrie; stock, amouinnt ue 1 dollar 48 cents and costs Sledge, U W, Elm Bayou ; inlprovemunts ad stock, amount due 2 dollars 12 cents and osts Slocum, B F, Cocodrie ; stuck and vehicle, mount due 2 dollars 44 cents and costs Slocum, L W, Butler's Creek. improve- tents on public land, stock and vehicle. mount due 5 dollars 32 cents and costs Smith, Abner, Beaver Creek ; one hundred ad fifty-eight acres of land and 5,1100, being se east half of north west quarter, south rest quarter of north west quarter, north east narter of south west quarter, section 21, T 4, R 2 west, amount due 4 dollars 4 cents and osts Smith, H J, Whiteville; stock, amount due dollar 64 cents and costs Smith, Josephus; Pine Grove; stock, amount ue 1 dollar 64 cents and costs Smith, Lucius, Faquitaique ; seventy acres fland situated in Faquetalque, bounded north *y Mrs. Ambroise Lejeune, south by Alex Irunet, east by Victor Frug., west by Gus. ave Fusilier, amount due I dollar 604 cents nd costs Smith, Sandy, Plaisance; stock, pbount Inc I dollar 16 cents and costs Soileau, Oswald, Mamouth; impovemnents end stock, amount due 3 dollars 21 cents and :oats Sonnier, Gerand, Mallet; stock, amount lue 1 dollar 30 cents and costs Spencer, Hypolite, Ville. Plate Prairie; ser- nty-five acres of land, with improvements, n Ville Plate Prairie, bounded north by F P Pitre, south by B Fontenot, east by E I)avid, vest by H L Garland, stock, amount dlue 7 lollars 40 cents and costs Steen, William, Prairie Basse of Grand Cu- eau, stock, amount due 2 dollars 6it cents andl 'osts Stephens, Miss Dave Anna, Ciot ; , Ln•, hundred acres of land, with improvemnents. situated near Chicot, boundaries unknown. r.ock,,amount due 2 dollars 53 cents and costs Sto/'es, B F, near Haasville: stock, :amount due 1 dollar 4_tents and costs 'l'ate, Wm. CL Big Mamouth ; improve- ments and stock, amount due I dollar 96 ents and costs Tatman, Godfrey, Bayou Bout'; toek sina due 1 dollar 64 cents and costs l'aylor, Albert, Mallet; stock , amhow.:t iue I dollar 48 cents and costs Taylor, Benjamin,. near Washington ; . ;, amount du' I dollar 4r cents atol costs Taylor, Drake, Bayou B]olto toe, aiun't 1 I dolkt 48 cents and costs Taylor, Felix, Bayou Cut rent ; stock. ani't. due 1 dollar 96 cents and costs Taylor, John L II. near Opelousas; stock. amount due 1 dollar 48 cents and costs Thigpen, Benton, Beaver Creek; improve- ients and stock, amount due 1 dollar 64 cents and costs Thomas, Ben, near Ville Plate; stock, amount due I dollar 32 cents and co.ts Thomas, Sol, Bayou Boeuf; stock. amount due 1 dollar 32 cents and costs Thonmkins, Philogine, Big Cane; stock, amount due I dollar 96 cents Thompson, Mis E. one lot with improve- ments situated in the towI oft Washington, bounded on one side by Bayou ,ourtableau. on one side by J J Nicholson, on one side R S Wilkins, on one side by Prescott Bros. anr, due 3 dollars 30 cts and costs Thompson, Horace, L"u-nvillih -tock almousnt due 1 dollar 32 cts and costs Thompson, Jack, Bayou Teche, stock, am- ount due I dollar 64 cts and costs Thompson, Jeff-Opelousas, merchaii dise, 1 horse, amount due $2 32 and costs Thompson, Joseph-near Grand Co- teau, stock, am't due $1 32 and costs Toussaint, Johb n-Faqueta'ique, stock, amount due $1 48 and costs Trent, Joshua-Bayou Waxia, stock, amount due $1 80 and costs Trell, George-Mallet, stock, amount due $1 32 and costs Trumble, Alex-at Dr Boagni's, stock amount due $1 32 and costs Tyler, Rosalie-at Mose Landry's, stock and vehicle, amount due $1 28 and costs Valere, Augustin-Ma t let, stock, am- ount due $1 48 and costs Val~re, Valerieu--Plaquenii ne Ridge, forty acres of land, with improvemrnts bought of Theodore Chachere, bound. ed north by public road, south by Brun son, stock, amount due $4 68 and costs Valery, Pierre-Faquetaique, stock, amount due $1 32 and costs Valibre, Louis-Ldwer Bayou Boeuf, stock, amount due $1 80 and costs Veillou, Louis--Mamouth, Improve- ments and stock, amount due $1 80 and costs Ventris, Ben-thirty-eight acaes of land, with improvements on Bayou Te- che, bounded north by Garland, south by Bayou Teche, east by Gustave Sa- voie, west by Notley Devilliers, stock, amount due $5 96 and costs Vidrine, Pierre 0-Ville Plate Prai- rie, 130 acres, with improvements, bounded north by V5 Fontenot, south by J Vidrine, east by J Johnson, west by T Vidrine, stock and vehicle, am- ount due $12 36 and costs , Vienne, C L-Big Cane, stock, amn't due $1 48 and costs Vig6, Cdsaire-Old Grand Prairie, stock, ain't due $1 32 and costs Vig6, Gdrarssin-Mallet, stock, amin'l.. due $1 32 and costs Vig6, Jean Bte -Plaisance, stock, am't. due $1 16 and costs Vig6, Martin-at 1) Durio's, stock, amount due $1 80 and costs Vazena, Valmont-Big Mamnouth, im- provements, stock and vehicle, amount due $2 44 and costs Vincent, Thdophile - Faquetaique, stock, amount due $1 32 and costs Viscarte, Christophe--Beaver Creek, one hundred and sixty acres of land, with improvements, situated on Beaver Creek, being the north-east quarter of section 22, township 3 south range 2 west, stock, amin't. due $5 16 and costs Voorhies, Emanuel - Bayou B3euf, stock, amount $1 16 and costs Waldren, Benj-Bayou Toro, stock, amount due $1 48 and costs Waldren, Wm--Bayou Chicot, stock, amount due $1 16 and costs Walker, James Jr-Tate- Cove, 12 acres of land bounded north by Cyprien Aurblien D J Lafleur, south by Achille Guillory, east by Aurdlien D J Lafleur, west by Mary Roysion, stock, amount due $1 96 and coats Walker, Robert - Prairie Laurent, stock, am't. due $1 32 and costs Washington, Alen - Lower Bayou Basaf, stock, ain't. due $1 48 and costs Washington, Millie--Opelousas, stock and vehicles, am't. due $2 20 and costs Welch, Richard-Science Hill, stock and vehicle, ain't due $1 48 and costs Welch, Mrs Sarah-Beaver Creek, stock, am't due $1 44 and costs West, IIcnry-Cliicot, stock amount duoe 1 1 :3 and costs Whatley, Willis--Chicot, stock, ain't due $1 16 and costs White, Aaron -- Bayou lhtll' , stock, ain't due $1 16 and costs White, Lucas -near Opelounas, stock aui't due $1 32 and costs WI'ittiugton, Mis 'I' J-Ba} ou Clii- cot, eighty acres of land, with iimprovc- meats, situated near Chicot, bounded north by Sani Ilhas, south by E VWhit- tington tract, cast by E Wlhittington, west by land s:i•pposi'd to bciilg to John O'Quin, ain't due $1 92 \Vikoll', Julia (; Malhlt, onihundl ed and ninety sevcel acre• of land situat- ed in Mallet, bounded inoth b}I lions- ton Young, west by Pcrrodin, somtlh Iit Mah tin tract, one side by lFil in l)Dal boniio, ain't due $9 4-1 and costs Wilkins, Samson-Bayou hei'u If, stock, anl't due $1 16 and costs \Vinkler, John -- Atchlafalaya, stock. amount dui $2 2F and costs Williams, Dan -Bellevuie, stick, ani olnt due $l 64 and costs Williams, ('haules niar ( t0iiisas, stock, ain't 1due $1 It andii costs Williauis, Janies--neiiar Opliliiusas. stock, ain't dino $1 :2 and costs Williams, Josieph lhli'v,. toick, aniouint duii $1 Ili and csts . \Villi:mi is, Le•vis i 'ayoiti i, lt, ,slut-k amntlll d11 $1 1- antd o..is \\'illiam ,, 1is M1 (lpi lousas, 1 let with inp v4ements in the (own of t ()-1 elh1nsas, houmrhd north lby Suith stheet, south by li1:. S lHicihard, cast lid id,~io Chas Thomlpson, \e cs t l1, (''in t stice't, aimiiiOuit dilh $11 ani d t eo sts W illiams, Ntwk B:uyioi (onlstable'll, stoc'k, ain't idun $1 i i alnld i'sts \VWilliaiU, T'lhomas-atE (Galiti' s ,stck ailln't dli. $1 32 and cists W illiams, 'lThanll-m - llcae('i, sto land inptolVt~ml nt o(n publi" laud(, at't due '1 32 and costs W illi-, ('harlcs--hear l',sud'honmme (•ity, asto , a liii't dl'ue :i u2 and costs Vikiiiu (iric' -inidaii iW- ington. sltdck, amn'i t im I (1 and wosts. W iu f•n d, lau:i ,.nt it lear ilousa . stoilck, an't di ue' $I : anid eits -Winondim, Jrinwe -- near (mpilo iat. s,,ltck, :an't dilt.' $1 li; an;id we st 'lod•l., El1•\ilI - l0 Roch . 0h, actes of lanid bumbtl-lh north toy Lolisa W oods, s•oiut by ittilloaid, ,:1ist by E-l mind Conmeat. west by Elvina W\odt, amlult due $5 12 and ('lists S Wodtoe, Jnles-- Coulee ('lnchle, i stuck, ain't due t1 32 and costs Yeager. Tou•.aiit -- Maillet. stoclk, rn't due $1 32 and costs Young, MI• J. B-Mallet, one hun lied ac.es of la1il, with inlo oveinents oind. d not ith by F Guillory, Louth by Ior 1) Anid us, '•,ct by Papillon, tast I, railiroad; Bfity ac!res of vwoodland indletd noii th by --- , ,outh by Bayou Mallet, went by Collius cast by V Soii- nier, stock, an't duc i_13 44 and costs Youtng, James D--Mallet, forty acies f latnd bought of MI si J B Young, bon ni- led noith i by Al x Ialpillon, S'., south by James 1) Adams, ast by Mrs J B kounlg, ani't due $292 and costs Zacharie, Boon -- Prairie Lauren k stock, ain't due $1 32 and costs NON-RESIDENTS. Alley, Johif B--Washington City, 378 and 981100 acres, being s 4 of ii e 4, se ofs w ofsec31; s and ne} of sw , n w} of se of s e 35; w of s v 4 of see 36 tp 2 s r 2 west; 45:3 and 711100 acres, being s 4 of n e 4, in w of sec , nwI\of ne , sec 2, nw if 1 w 4 of sec 5 and n 4 of n e4 and neI of n w I of sec 6, tp 3 r 2 west, aimount (due $16 48 and costsa Alley, John B -- Washington City. thirteen hundiid :rid twenty acres of land, heTng the s w 4 of i e 4, as of i w , sec 2, tp4r w; w 1ofn ei , w' of se 1, sec 8; sw of sw sec 18, 8 w 4sec 21; sw of sw 4, w , ofs e 1, sec28,tp 3 , rl w; ine4of ne se" 10, se ofsw sec2 , sW } of i w and n e}of sw see34, tp2sr 2 w; e otsw, e4ofse sec ; s4ofIi eo ,s of n w, n of sw ,e f e } sec 12, tp 2 s r i west, arnoun due *2(; 40 and costs Anderson, Winm lI-Clay Co , lo , 79) acres of land, with improvements, bought of widow Ad. Arne: a, bounded north by Rider Bros, south by Osbon, east by swamp, west by Bayou Marie Croquant, ain't duo $3 84 and costs Breanx, Narcisse A-Careucro, six- teen acres of land situated near Grand Coteau, hounded north by T C Anderson, south by Ba- you Carencro, east by Charles Peck, west by T C Anderson, amount due 92 cents and costs Broussard, Adolphe--.Lafayette, 16 acres of land situated oni Bayou Caren- cro, bounded north by public road to pLafayette, on one side by A C Guilbean, on one side by Bayou Carencro, ami't. due $1 28 and costs Chaumont, Joseph -Nezpique, nine hundred and cighty acres of land situ- ated on Bayou Nezpiqu6, amount due $19 52 and costs Duboni, Alce---fotty acres of land situated otn bayou Courtablean, bound- ed north by Ntzat. Bron. sonth by Ba- you Courtablean. east by - , west by Joseph Z ringue, ain't due $3 20 and costs Esta 1 ? of J L L'Tylell- two thousand and twenty acres of land, being all of sections 14 and 20, west i of see I' n w I of sec 21 and un c of sec t2, tp 4, a r 7 east, ain't due $4242 and costs Fleming, Robert G--Sayisnah, Ga, three hundred and forty seven acres in section 27, tp 2 south range 2 east, am- ount due $7 04 and costs Frith, Christoval - Avoyelles, four hundred acres of land near Goshen sta- tion., amin't due $6 40 and costs Frith, H H & T P--tivergreeu, eight hundred acres of laud with improve- mentssituated on Bayou Rouge, bound- ed north by Bayou Rouge, east by Thos Claycomb, south by Godeau, west by - , ain't due $17 60 and costs Grand, L & Co--New Orleans, three hundred and ten acres of. land, being thes a ofn w and sa w ofse , tp 3 s range 5 east and n e 4 of a w and n w ofsw and n aofse tp3, sr 5 east; also all the lands north of Ba- you Rouge n e 4 of s e 4 of sec 27, tp 3, s r 5 east, am' due $6 51 and costs Guilbeau, A C-Lafayette, sixteen acres of land situated on Bayou Caren- ero, bounded west by public road to Lafayette, on one side by A Broussard, on one side by Bayou Cartencro, am't due $1 28 and costs Guilbeau, Og6-Lafayette, twenty- five acres of land, with improvements, situated near Bayou Carencro, bound- ed north by Azolin Savoie, south Bayou Carencro, cast by same west I Andrus, ain't due 20 and costs Ilargrode r. Villiar -- Ch ur h Point ini huidred acres of land situated i. Pine I'rai ic in township: range i we1 :Ii't diuel 2 r0 and costs Ilays, \V F-Clini ,t, La ; three bhn. ired and sixty acres of laud on Bayou Clrocodile in township 1,S R east taxes 5$ 7(6 and costs HlIirs, I 1 --New Ibetia; four bun. tredd and one a res and 1 11()0, bein' the SE fNWN 1 \ of " s ?I,I S E of SE andid ofSE E tp 7 sr ; east, and sw 1 of sec 20 sae'l antd range ; taxes l ~ 10 and costs IIei - of I(ul(ohm -- Marksville; forty acres of land in Pine Prairie, bounded on the east by Addison Johnson; tax. es $1 a2 arnd costs Heirs of Nancy King-thirty-four acres of woodland, bounded north by landl formerly belonging to J Overton, south by Jackson, east by - , Wet I by swamp : taxes 1 00 and costs Ilhi1 s of John C McMlillan -Washing. ton, Adaims Co. :Miss.-tw o hundred acries of land, beingi the e t of n e see ::3, tp 2 s r ; east, w of u w and sw I of nw 1, of sec 31, tp 2 s r G6east; toni hundred and eighty acres, being thioe ,'se ,swo ,fsc andud g of siv{,scl, tp:Isr (east; Sw+}of SI see. 9, tp : 11R t; east; ir w of iw , }sec ' l itp .It Ri east ;s of1n1 e seI 15, tp: 3I (Icast; .e of net o , r" S,,f , nle 1~ of tiw of see 17, tp 3 Sr; ceast ; taxes •10 -s ad costs I heirs of E Pedleselanux and A J Pow- ell eleven hndiril d ;t'nd seventeen 'ntds and 7111i0, heiig the w } of see. , e of sec 3, w ~ 'sec 3, 't ofsee. 4, tp 5;s r ; least ; Ilaxes 2: 50 and costs his olt'J WVattrman one hundred and sixty :i'es of !anii .hounded north by Iih ad Fislter, c;( I, William Bla- lock, st.., alnd west by - ; taxes 3 84 and co(sts Knolt:', Samuel G & Co; Plaque. one, Iel rville parisht-forty acres of Il d I,,oght of Pr(val Rideanu, situated ;It (•osihie, elast of se5ctioin lhouse and runFninrg west to thei 'T & P Railroad; I ti s' ':'; I an:llt costs K i'x, \V ,J, N K & Ella--East Bat on Ruge; two hundred and 'eighty- live I'cis (,f land and 361l00, being f ;tcltional cction 9 alnd lots 1, 8, 9, 10, 15Id1d 16 in sei 10tp5 S R 7 east: ,ihty actus and 451100, bring the le ,' s- •w } ofsc 10 tp S . It 7 east; one mi I,• tted. andI sixty acres. t eing the n w -lof sec 10 ti, 5 s R 7 .at ; two hun. Il: e aI nlld ,- i one ml l i1t0t) acres, itf ee II. tp 5 R 7 ea't; one hundred md sixty and 151100 acres, being thee Sof tiw w aud eI of swi of sec 7 tp S7 east ; taxes $19 32 and costs 1IcEnIry, John--New Orleans; two ittudied and seventy-seven acres of and being the s w I of u w }, W Jot on v 1, sem L' ne j of s w , sec 12; wi of a wf , set ofse , sec14, tp5 sR2 vest. Taxes $5 60 and costs" Maurin, Adoliphe, his heirs or repre- centatives--160 and 471100 acres, being the s e of sec 52, tp .4 sR 4 east; 322 and 161100 acres, being the w J of sec. 4, tp 5 s R 5 east; 324 and 90L100 acres, being the north half of sec. 6, Ip 5 s R 5 east. Taxe ' $12 80 and costs Mleinhardt' P J-New Orleans ; one hundred and sixty-three acres, being the ue I of sec 17, tp 1 s R I east. Taxes $2 56 and costs Miller, Evarnste--Acadia; improve. vemeclbs on land of Mrs. Charles Miller in Conule Crocihe. Taxes $1.28 aid 1ilm o & Stokoe-New Iberia; stock of lumber in Opelousas. Taxes $6 60 and costs Prescott, WINI M & Mrs E Kean-one tiholsand acres of land bounded above by A eoiells line, below by D)r Logan, in font I,by Bayou Beotf, in the'resrby unknolown Taxes $46.40 and costs Prescott, W M & Mrs E T Kean; foiur hundred acres of land, with ima provelueluts, bounded north by Bayo- C',urtableanu, south by the town of Washington, east by Bayou Courtab leau, west by Bayou Carron. Tanem $43 t;S and costs Pullen, J E; West Baton Rouge; two :lcr s of land, with improvemetuts, sit- oatcd at West Melville, bounded north Iby '' E Marshmaln, south by Atchaf-- .layn river, east by the ' & P railroad. i;xes $2.52 and costs Rosch, Fetd-one Ilulnred and sixty thlree acres of land, being the n e } of sec 52, tp 3 s R I east. Taxes $2.56 and costs S•bourin, S , New Orleans: tia thousand and twenty- six acres, being sectious 41 and 42 Jo t.p 6 s R 2 weat Taxes $32.48 and costs Sentell, G W; New Orleans; four horses. Taxes $3 20 and costs Simmons, J. Shreveport; one flat, boat at West Melville. Tazes $1.6 and costs Singleton, lthan; Avoyelles- t wo horses; amount due 96 cents and CeO Smith, Ben--one hundred nndaiixt acres of land situated in PetitePtairie, bounded north by Jules Goudern, eal by Jackson Thompson, south by P.Rli' dean, west by Eli Daniels ; amoun t de 3 dollars 84 cents and costs Thibodeau, Louis S-twelve acres of woodland on Bay :u Plaquermie, bOP i ded nortlh y Cyprien Savoie, southby Cha hles Lccrgne, west by Bayou P1i quenine, east lby Placide ThibodeaOs amount duen 80 cents and costa Washiri~nton, John ; Coulee Croclhe- twpnty five acres of land, with ih" provements, bounded north by Nul Richard, south by Ilonore M3clhe, ead by Isidore Richard, west by Joe• Bourque ; amount due I dollar 92ceOU and costs Whitworth. Geo W; Jeauuerette, one lot, with improvements, sitoate in the town of Opelousas, bol dd north by Landry street, east, by1Ii' toad street, south by MI. Schwartz, w by W. Burr; amount due 4 dollars t cents and costs On sail day I will sell such portio. of said propcrfy as each debtor a point out, and in case the debtor 9 not point out sufficient property. I at once and without further delay, the least quantity of said Propet r any debtor, which any bidder will for the amount of taxes, interests a costs due by said debtor. The sale will be without aPP r ment, for cash, in legal tender UI of the United States, and the pro sold shall be redeemable at, anY for the space of one year, by'PY the price given, with twent r per and costs and penalty added. c. C. DUsO•, Sheriff and ex-oficio Tax Caodeto, Opelousas, March 31st 18 " 3

The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1888-05-05 [p ] · 2017. 12. 15. · Bmby Bumtimg Again. One of the greatest literary hits of the sea-son is the story of "Baby Bunting; or,

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Page 1: The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1888-05-05 [p ] · 2017. 12. 15. · Bmby Bumtimg Again. One of the greatest literary hits of the sea-son is the story of "Baby Bunting; or,

Omlcial Journal of the Parish of St. Landry.




.SATURDAY, : : : : : MAY 5, 8

.t d • L•. ov o v a - •

I .

S52 TIMLE . - - .0 -

Wi, '6 TIMES . -nl O x- - x

b•84TIMES ...-pel, _ l c"G S• C-

3 TIM E S - -- - ro - c

h.2 TIMEs .... e. c ,

1 GIJME .. •.•0-MW (P ~* n~c0oco 4)uPZ1

Get our prices for job work.

WATED.--A good, persevtriug collector. l

Communications touching on ailythiug et

public interest are solicited.

Fox Ra•i.-A business ,taud and residence

near the railroad depot Alsoa business stand

in the center of town. Apply at this office. e

Farmer Brown:-- I say, Jenkins, why areyou laughing so heartily I"

Jenkins-Why, Brown ,l've been to town,

paid two years arrearages and one yeas in ad-vance for my paper, the COURIER, and the

Editor felt so good he has given me one year'ssubscription free to that great farm paper

published at Fort Wayne, Ind., called the

AMEBICAN FARIER."Farmer Brown-"Is that so I owe him

some. Reckon he would do the same by me.Will go in to.day and square up."

Those of oauraders who invest even emall

amounts in books and literature of any s -t,or wish to purchase any printed matter wl -t-

ever, should become members of the U. S. it-

erary and Scientific Association, of Chicago.This Association will furnish to its members

any and all printed matter, from a child's

primer to the largest encyclopedia, at whole-sale priop, and considering the small mem-

bership fee, the advantages are very great,

and will be the means of saving considerablemoney. Mr. W. J. Sandoz is the representa-tive for St. Landry.

Bmby Bumtimg Again.

One of the greatest literary hits of the sea-son is the story of "Baby Bunting; or, the

Alphabet of Love," by Laura Jean Libbey,which is at pre~ent being published in theolafis ofT e NEW YORK .MILY STonRParsa. The paper containing the openingohte.s of this wonderfully popular romance

eon the news stand this morning.,ls tremeadoun rush for that number by theyomng ladies of the town shows clearly that

pfblitsaers have struck a bonanza. THE1w&twr hroax PAPER is for sale by all news-dealers, or will be sent to any address fourmonths, postage free, for $1.00. Norman L.lAr3o, Pb•l •her,, 24 and 26 Vandewater

Street, New York.

ate Pttjb srs "Pejratef" and

Neamere "Receivers oftolex dleoods ?"

The issue of Literature, Alden's illustratedweekly magazine, bearing date April 21, con-tabs a f•ll reprint of the rather remarkable

on International Copyright, recentlyy

S • by Senator Chace, of lRhode Island,smrtek• with an extended and somewhat

ap eriew of the same by Mr. Alden. Sen-

elbs(lee, beilg ohairman of the committeelieh bascharge of the bill now before theammte e,isnatrally the one of all others to

be looket te as an authority and his paper olsthe question is an able, and even brilliantoneS Mr. Alden is not antagonistio toothdmeasere, but is in hearty sympathy with th

copyright movement; he undertakes, however , tthe same of the American people,tea. ltat the charge so commonly made, anby Senator Chaoe. stated in the strongerterms, that the publishers, buyers and read+-era of eesp etltkns of ickens and Tenny-

ai•lo fe c "prates," or "thieves,"or•h•eseiv~r of stolen goods." The cafie;

i r. Al1den, is able to stand on'b l) hIs.e aacommon-dS•ae grounds, even l,ter thk a false and libelous basis. Peo-

pel w ae lntereste to see the mesits of alvt ented in a novel and vigorous'was otastlarpd o te, will be glai.to se;pt a for a specimen copy,

aa good mny of them, aten they receivlsee what a bright, entertaining anda

C magazine it is, will haWO and get it regularly during

S$A18den Publisher, 393 PeargSork ; 218 Clark Street, Chicago.;



Stabt of Louisiana, Parish of St. Landry

v.v Delinquent Tax Debtors.

Byy vioe o@ the authoqrity vested in me bythe Contituiouand Iaw of the State of Lou-itase, ,I will mell at the principal front door of*lCourt Souse, in winch the Civil District

euCt•,f sid parishuis held, within the legalb forj titadias .jes, beginning at the hour

.Ielseveu) o'loeg a. m., on

Slaway, tie 5th day of May, A. D. I888sao o1txllutg on each iucceedin day, unti

mainlsl am etompleted,rdl movable and ie-m'aabl property on which taxes are now d

heState of puisiana and parish of St.to ea fooe collection of taxes assess

ad"is ybak 186 together with interestpareou from the 31st day of December, 1887

Stl rate of one per cent per month untill[i J• all • tes The names of said ddlin-

iu "ee lpa• e ts, the mouant of taxes due byS t•l e•sansummseent of said year, and the

" * ebie .• d isnovgm able property assessed tsr.aa e l b e4red for sale are as follows, to-

A•It•s. Lauius J.;--eor lots with im-i, othernpoorpation of Opelousas,

o nrth by Bellev *ttreet, mouth by'? byl $ 2"str k Lety street, wes

: b -. 5t rsrt, T 6utsu s rU. and codsWilliam-at Ed D~ean's; stock.

S~ Leonv•ill; stock. $2 44

PrairIe laurent; stock

s e ntee acresq ilM1# bonaded


'.',rof land,.9.r L r

G uil ory, Jean Bte-near Washington; stock.'axes $1f 96 and costs

Guillory, Jean Piee -- Masnoath; stock.Taxes $1 16 and costs

Guillory, Octave--Anohorag PlIatationstock. Taxes $1 32 and oats

Guillory, Onile--Big •iamouth;-s'iprove-ments and stock. Taxe.#2 92 and seats

tuillory, Paul-Faqudtaique; stock. Taxes$1 16 and costs

Guillory, Rodolphe--Old Grand Prairie;stock. Taxes $1 64 and costs

Guillory, Simnon-Faqu6taique; stock. Tax-es $l 18 and costs

Guillory, Thdrencn--Mallet; stock. Taxes1) 16 and costs

Guy, Znoun-C'hicot ; stock. Taxes $1 16and costs

Halln, Gdrand -- Plaisaunc; stock, Taxes$1 16 and costs

Ilamilton,, Adam - Prairie Basse; stock.T''axes $1 3.2 a-d costsIlampton. Frank - Plaquemine ; stock.

Taxes $1 :12 a•d costs

llarmau, Autoine - at Mrs Jean Gay's;stock. Tax $2 41 and costs

ilarris. Robert-Louville ; stock. Taxes$2 12 and costs

IIarrison, Arthur-at Capt. Blanks'; stock.Taxes $3.21 and cost

Harrison, Henry-near Washington; stock.Taxes $1 96 and costs

1layes, Sanders-Big Cane; stock. Taxesi1 SO and costs

Hi6bert, llenrry-Faqu6taique; stock. Tax-es $1.1 8 and costs

Hl6bert, Joseph - Plaquemine Ridge-im-

iproveients, stock and vehicle. Taxes $3 56and costshIlirs of Prescott-one thousand acres of

land near Chicot, in Township 2 south range1 east, bounded on one side bv Kavanagh andon one bid.e by Haas and Wharton. Taxes

le;iderson, Charles- Big Caue ; stock and~hicle. Taxes $2 60 and costs

hill, George-at Lucius David's; stock.axes $1 32 and costsIill, Miles-B- U ou Current ; stock. 'Taxes48 iand costsline, Iill--Faquetaique; improvements andock. Taxes $1 48 and costs.Hampton, tsasn-Bayou Teobe, stock. Tax$3 1 32 and cost

Holbrook, J R-Port Barry ; stok. Taxes1 61 and costs

Holland, AM F-Big Cane; stock. Taxes1 64 and costs

Hellier, John-at C B Andrus'; stock. Tax-a $1 48 and costsIIollier, Robt. agt-at Capt Blank's; stock.

'axes $1 32 and costsHlolman, Edward-Elm Bayou ; three oxen.

;axes $1 48 and costs

Holmes, Martin-at Dr Boagni's, stock; tax-a $1 16 and costsHudson, Thomas-West Melville; one lot

,f ground bonudedrJbove by J E Church, be-ow by Levy, front by Atchafalaya river, reary Rev. Laudr'ium . Taxes $3 42 and costs.

Ignace. David-Mamouth; stock. TaxesI 32 ant costs

Jackson. Frai--Poplar Grove Plantation;tuck. Taxes $1 16 and costsJackson. Nelson - Coulee Croche ; stock.

raxes $1 96 and costsJacob, Thdrence-at Mose Landry's ; stock

Taxes $2 28 and costs

James, Edmond --- ellevue; thirty-eightacres of land with improvements, boundednorth by Helen Philip, south by E Richard,Jr, east by Forestier Braam, west lby Alexan-dre Bonnan. stock and vehicle. Taxes $4 68and costs.

James, Joseph-Plaquemine Ridge; stock.Taxes $1 16 and costs

Jardoin, Eloi-Mallet; stock. Taxes $1 48

Jean Cyprieu - Plaisance; stock. Taxes$1 61 and costs.

Jeannis, Benoit-at J. P. Lafleur, VillePlate Prairie; larses and cattle. Taxes $2 44and costs.

Jeannis, Onile-Faquetaique; stock. Tax-es $1 80 and costs

Jefferson, Alfred - Bayou Boeuf; stock.Taxes $1 64 and costs c

Jeferson, Edmond - Black Lake; stock.Taxes $1 64 and costs

Johns, Tom--Faqudtaique; stock. Taxes$1 32 and costs *

Johb Tolbert--Coulee Croche; stock. Tax$1 32 and costs

John, Valery-at Mrs Jos. P. Boy; stock.Taxes I dollar and 48 cents and costs

Johnson, Dave-Port Barry ; stook. Taxes1 dollar and sixteen cents and costs

Johnson, Mrs. Denas--Pine Prairie; im-provements and stock. Taxes 2 dollars 76cents and costs

JohnsonJack-•t Cove; stock. Ta , 1Idollar and ~ centW d costs

Johnson, James-at Gantt's placejlk.Taxes 1 dollar 32 cents and costs

Johnson, Joe-near Bayou Chic; stock.Taxes 1 dollar 32 cents and costs

Johnson, Joseph-Plaquemine Ridge; fortyacres of land, with improvements, on Plaque-mine Ridge, bounded north by J Meyers & Cosouth by Bloch, east by Bloch, west by Mrs.Pitre, horses and wagon. Taxes 5 dollars andcosts

Johnson, Henry - six iundred and fortyacres of land, being north haltof S W quarter, south east quarter of north-east quarter and northeast quarter of south-east quarter, section 2, towns. 4 soutJ range1 east. Taxes 4 dollars 20 cents and costs

Jones, Felix-Bayou Toheo; stook. Taxes2 dollars 28 cents and costs

Jones, Henry-Plaquemine Ridge; 1 mare.axes 1 dollar 16 cents and-costsJones, Jacob-Petite Prairie; ;tock. Taxes

3 dollars and 72 cents and costs. .Jones, Joachin-- Bayou Curment; stock.

Taxes I dollar and 80 cents and eostsJones, Sam-at lenn Place ;stoek, Taxes

I dollar and32 cents sad codt s 'Jonbert, Charlea-thir$' acs land*1t

Plaisance Prairie, with improv e tsm boeaded nosh by Perrodin, south .by J D'Avw,east by Louis Claiborne, west by R Thiersy,stocls Taxes 4 dollars and 36 eant and coa.•

Joubert, J Bte, Agtyat Blacksheb's; stocLkTaxes 1 dollar and 48 cents and oasts

Jourdan, Lucy-one fraiotonal lot *ith I|-_provements in Opelouas boundednorth by

corporation, south bY V tstrapes, east byEmile Donatoe, west by V Lestrapea: Taxes

cts and coats

Keith, J J-Bayou Toro ; one horse and ve-lcle. Taxes I dollar and 64 cents and costs'

Kennedy, James li-Blaek La~ke stoiedTaxes 2 dollarsand 6V cs0 d a .cos5t

Kenniskon, Paul-at Eg Catier's ; iMshorse. Taxda 1 dollar atrd 1B tsd coatse

Kerlegand, Geo W-Bayou Bceuf; stok,Taxes 1 dollar and 32 cts and costs.

Kohn, Joseph-near Eli,; , toq q. Taxea~dollars and 7d eta and coats,

Locke, Frederiok; near Opeleas- -Stock,;taxes $1.48 and costs.

Lacomb, Robert; Big .Cane--i ; tazes$1.64 and costs. e

,a•euor, Gustave; near Simon J: Bte. Manu-ee-a-tock, taxes $1.64 and. oesa4,Lafleur, Gustave ; aquealque--stock; TaI\

es $1.16 andecouts.I~udreneau, Jean P- iece-Ig• Mamouthe

ei hty aerea oflaud with improvementsnorth ag Bth by.,railroad land, east by

ir6epA Snlean, ~70t 7 it S Fonts-ot; twent. 5o" f woo41 lelpa tbsrofdivided half of a itract.tae of V Deshe

Sryeast B h elast

ltl. a 66n Os.t '

sae t4 eJ elatJeaace, stock .s

i e_-.axe $656 nd ost

-5a.P1 Waanesd vistok e

ear eaft b;i , $ &Phn

Bayon~anf a ckl a~Yab Iraad t an~~:~

Led6, Augustin--Bayou Boeuf; stock. Tax-es $1 80 and costs

Ledd, Louis-L onville ; stock. Taxes $1 32and costs

Ledd, Valentin Sr-M•allet ; twenty acres ofland in Mallet, with improvements boundednorth by Arthur Pitre, south by Antoine Si-mien, west by Joseph Durousseau, east byAntoine Ledd, stock. Taxes $4 20 and costs

Ledoux, Dtlicourt-at Jesse McGee; stockand vehicle. Taxes $1 80 and costs


p, Preston-at Dr Boagni's; stock. Taxes $1 48 and costs

Lejeune, Angelas - Faquetaique ; stock.Taxes I dollar and 32 cts and costs

Lejeune, Angelas - Faquetaique; stock.Taxes 1 dollar and 32 cts and costs.

Lejeu•o, Paul-at L C Pulliam's; stock.Taxes I dollar and 32 cts and costs

Lamant, Auguste--Ionville; stock. TaxesI dollar and 32 ets and costs

Limant Pier ll irie Laurent ; 8 acres ofland with improvements, bounded north byBenoit Wable, south by Simon Wable, eastby Gustave Paillet, west by John Roy, stock.Taxes 2 dollars and 28 cts and costs

Lemons, A.J.-Pine Woods; stock and ve-hicle. Taxes $2 60 and costs

Lewis, Daniel-at Dr. Boagni's; stoc .Taxes $1 16 and costs

Lewis, David-at Gillespie's; stock. Taxes$1 16 and costs

Lewis, Dorcey-at Edward Ddjean's; stock.Taxes $1 16 and costs

Lewis, Hyacinthe -Mallet; stock. Taxes$1 32 and costs

Liggins, Isaiah-Chicot; stock. Taxes 1dollar 16 cents and costs

Linton, Cheney-Old Graud Prairie; stock.Taxes I dollar 32 cents and costs

Littell. Mrs A. L.-Opelousas; four hln-dred and seventy acres of land with improve-ments on bayou 3Iarie Croquant, boundednorth by R. M. Littell, south by Carriere,east by bayou Marie Croquant, west by di-vision line. Taxes 31 dollars 52 cents andcosts

Littell, 16. a.l-upelousas; one loc in cueown of Opelousas, with improvements,ounded north by Mrs Sittig, south by V.loagni, east by Main street, west by Mrs.Pooch, merchandise, stock and vehicle; tax-s 22 dollars and 23 cents and costs

Littell, Robt. M,-Opelousas; one hundred,d fifty acres of land in Prairie Laurent, be-ng Lots 12, 13. and 14 of Section 53, town-hip 7 south range 4 east; taxes 3 dollars 20ants and costs r:

Littell, R. M. - Opelousas; ei'ghty-fourcres of land in Prairie Basse, bounded north)y S. Birotte, south by A. L. Littell, cast bybayou Marie Croquant, west by division line,itock. Taxes 4 dollars 64 cents and costs

Loper, I. S.-Elm Bayou ; stock. Taxes 2ollars 28 cents and costs

Lewis, Alib--Tate's Cove; stock. Taxes Ilollar 16 cents and costsLouis, Pierre Jr.-Faquetaique; stock.

Faxes I dollar 32 cents and costsLucullus, Elise-Mallet; stock. Taxes I

lollar 48 cents and costs

Lusdale, J. M.-Bellevue; stock and vehi-lc. Taxes 2 dollars 28 cents and costs

Lyons, Dan-on Taylor place, Waia ; stock.Taxes 1 dollar 48 cents and costs

Malbroux, Lastie-Ville Plate Prairie :Taxes 1 dollar 64 cents and costs

Malveau, Mrs. S414stien-Plaisance ; stock.Taxes 1 dollar 28 cents and costs

Manuel. Adam-Anse aux Pailles; stock.Taxes 2 dollars 28 cents and costs

Manuel, Joseph-Big Mamouth: improve-ments on railroad land and stock; Taxes onedollar 80 cents and costs

Manuel, Pierre-Faquetaique ; seventy-fiveacres of land in Township 6 south range one

east, stock. Taxes 2 dollars 92 cents and cost

Manuel, Pierre-Mamouth ; improvementsand stock. Taxes 1 dollar 64 cents and costs

Manmel, Pierre Jean Bte.-Faquetaique

Marcantel, Jos. Mr.-Faquetaique; sevenfeen acres of land with improvements, bound-ed north by Joseph Frugd.south by H. Frugd,east by F. Marcalitel, west by E. Manuel;forty acres of woodland bounded north by

Bayou Cane, south by self, east by JosephFrng6, west by Olib6 Manuel, stock and vehi-cle. Taxes 4 dollars 20 cents and costs

Marcantel, Joseph-Mamouth; horse andbuggy. Taxes 2 dollars and 2 cts and costs

Martel, Balt azar-Faquet que; one horse,Taxes 1 dollar32 cts and cost

Martin, Bernard-seven acrelo& lanu situ-ated in Prairie Laurent, bounded nortlf, southand east by Wable, west by C Morninveg;three acres of land ith improvements, situ-ated near Grand C'tea, bounded north andeast by Miss Duffy, west by A D Meche, southby public road. Taxes 2 dollars 92 cents andcosts

Martin, Bernard, tutor-one lot with im-provements in the town of Opelousas, bound-ed north by M Vilaseca, south by L Skinr f,east by Market street, west by Bayou Tessbo.Taxes 11 dollars and costs

Martin, Jos-near Washington ; stock. Tax-es 1 dollar and 16 eta and costs

Martino, Dorain - Big Mamouth; sttck.Taxes 1 dollar 48 eta and costs

Mason Dr-Atchafalaya river; two fiat-boats. 'Tazes 2 dollars and 60 and costs

Mayer, Adrien--Coalde Creche; sabck. Tax-es I dollar 64 eoa and costs4 McCann, John-Pine Woods; stock. Taxes

1 dollar 64 ota and costs

Meyers, Wade-Chicot; stock. Taxes 1 dol-lar 48cts and costs

Midget, Zion-Bayou Beuf; stock. Taxes1 dollar 32 eta and costs

•ie, Jean Pierr-Manmouth; stock. TaxesSdollar 96 eta and costs

Millam, Jefferson-Bayou Besuf; stock andvehicle. Taxes 5 dollars and costs

Miller, Hombre - Coulee Croche; stock.Taxes 1 dollar 64 ets and costs

Milloir, Aleandre--Mallet; forty acres otland in Mallet, with improvements, boundednorth by Joan MceCo yonth by Zack Young,west b Pasaline Oi]• stock and wagon.Tae 4 dollars 52 eta and costs

iair -K eti improvements onrail•rad n and stock. Taxes I dollar 64 ctsand costa

Minilne, Lindor--Plaquemine Ridge; stock.Talses f dollar 16 ets and coste

Mithell, Joseph--Ville Plate Prairie; stock.TAis 1 dollar 64 ets andn- costs'. Miobl. Moses-near Washington; stock,Taues 1 dollar 16 cts and costs* Mitchell, Osus-Poplar Grove; stock. Tax,

es I dollar 16 eta and costsMixer, Ezekiel-Merrow ; merchandise and

stock. 27 dollars-72 eta and costsMonday Horace-Cocodrie ; stock. Taxes I

dollar 16 eta snd costsOeere, W-Big Mamouth ; stock. Taxec

1 daor 32 ot and costs :SMoore, $jry-.-4ayou Bauf; stock. Taxes

dla i~%c~alpndoopstspr&g , pk-osr- u tt Prairie Basse ; fort3

y' p , Jotnded orth by H. L. Garliu sbutl b•y •o Ladtrey, west by JoseplStbfie;east by HI L4 Galand. Taxes 3 dollarss4 etandsosta - ,

M.are Joseph-Prairie Basse; stock. Taxes I dollar 32ta and costs

Mornhiaveg. ars H M-Opelousas ; gocTund vehicle. :Taxes.3 dp lars 8 cts and costsSMoses, Frank, agt--Bellevue; stock. Taxes

1 dollar 80 ots and costs '

; uirotr •o n- yo c nd o ock. Amouni

Nfetter•'Dick-Byo• n Basef ; stock. Taxze1 dollar 48 cents sa seasts

Ora8 d Pairle: stock

I l -se lIdtases; stockTYses dollat 82 cents and ousta

"Ntle1 ,Aj l-hyon Bwef; stoek. Tare

ieel, aiio - forty acres of land, with lets etmuted.in Grand Bois, boundes

wh by y w. $r, ai d, sod p J by Alexis Oliv , mt~ - Meat b, G. Dekerlegand

Nugent, Matthew-Bies Woods: stock aaia Melasi.. Azaount due 2 dollars 92 cents ant

,, stock, amountdle o.Thr 4odbUI add costs

O ujtege- aircames- t; ,anpesiovemenand stock, amoedue d tid Iax 48 cents tn

+n ; -aolck

- Sttafe asount dy

*a4 viv1a ", Grsad C0p-raa; vehicle45e 1Id tar aidt-'atd4g a .,-

Peck, Garland, Coul6e Crache; stock andvehicle, amount due 3 dollars 72 cents and dcosts

Perrault, W C, one lot with improvements, dsituated in the town of Opelousas, boundednorth by - street, south by Geo Moriarty,east by Main street, west by IH L Garland, c-gt., amount due 12 dollars and costs

Perrmo, Louis, Blue Cove; improvements Iand stock, amount due 2 dollars 12 cents and ccosts

Pe'ter, Frederick, Mallet; stock, amount Idue 1 dollar 80 cents and costs a

Phillippe, Louis, Plaqucmine ; stock, ain't.due I dollar 32 cents and costs r

Pierre Auguste, Jean, Conule Croche ; stockamount due I dollar 80 cents andutists

Pitre, Joseph, Ville Plate Prairie; stockand \ehicle, amount tdue :3 dollars 40 cents aand costs t

Pitre, Ontzime, Ville Plate Prairie; stock.amount due 1 dollar 32 cents and costs

Poulard, Alphonse, Faqu6taique ; improve-ments on railroad land and stock, amountdue 2 dollars 28 cents and costs

Pompey, Isaac, at I)r. Boagni's ; stock, Idollar 32 cents and costs

Pi cjean. Paul, Coulde Croche; amount dueI dollar 32 cents and costs

Prescott, Wllis,. Washington ; stock andvehicle, amount due .1 dollars 4 cents & costs

Prewett, Leonidas, Bellevue ; stock, ain't. 14 ue I dollar 80 cents and costs

Prince, Romeo, Bayou Bctuf; stock, ain't.due I dollar 3: c cits and costs

Plnud'houme, Alfred, Mamouth ; improve-ments an:d stuck, amount due I dollar 80 cts.a;d costs

Ptud'hotute, )aniel, Mamouth ; stock,amount due 1 dollar 48 cents andI costs

Puntday, Monday, Elba ; stock ; amountdue I dollar 32 cents and costs

Rachal. Marie Bas(clice, 62 acres of laudwith inmprovements, near Washington, bound-ed north by C Comeau, south by James Pow-ers, cast by Ba3ou Carron, west by EvaristeJoubert, stock atnd vehicle, amount due 8 dol-lars antd costs

Reddell, M J, Cocodrie; stock, amount dueI dollar )96 cents an1d costs

Redlian, William. near Arnaudvilleo ; stock,mollloulnt due I dollar 48 cents and costs

Reed, Alexander, Faquelaique ; stock, ain'tdue I dollar 02' cents and costs

Reed, G(us. Bayou BIeuf; sctrck, amlountdue I dollar 3:1 cents and costs

Reed. Ulger, Big Mamouth ; improvementson railroad land and stock, amount due I dol-lar 80 cents and costs

Ruecz, ('Csaire, Pot Cove; stock, amount(due 1 dollar It; cents and costs

IReynolds, A C. Big Cane; stock, amolntlduet 1 dollar GI cents and costs

IRialls. Frank, C'hicot ; stock auL, vehicle.atuotuut duo I dollar Gi cents and costs

Richlard, Duptrd, Plaquemine Ridge ; fortyacres of land, with imp)rovements, boundednorth and south by railroad, east and westby H I. Garland, stock, amount due 5 dollars1i6 ets and costs

Richar d. Edmond, one lot with improve-ments in the corporation of Washington,bounded on one ide by P' E 'arriere, o oneside I,\ Olivier IRichard, on onetde hv It Boudrcau. on one sidc le , Dupome,uts, amount due 2'doilars 10 t.ts and costs

Richard, Ft ddtic, Plaqucneine ; stock, at-

untt due I c,;llar 64 cts and costs

Richard. Pierre Z, tnear Grand Coteau ; stockand vehicle, amlount dlue 1 dollar 80 cents andcosts.

Ridleau, G(olite , Plaisancei; stock. amouunt

due I dollar 80 cts and costs ' IRideau. TrIville, Big Mamouth; improve-

ments on railroad laud and stock, amount dueI dollar &14 ets and costs

Rider, Albert, near Opelousas; stock, am-ount due 1 dollar 80 cts and costs

Riggs, Sam., Bellevue; stock and vehicle,amount due 1 dollar 96 cts and costs

Riley Jack. Plaquemine Ridge ; stock, am-ount I dollar 3` ets and costs

Rivibre. Cdlestin. 'Mallet; .trock. amountdue 1 dollar 3`2 eta ana costs

Roberts, F Roan, Garland; stock. amountdue 1 dollar 32 cts and costs

Roberts, James M, Bayou Bmeuf ; one vehi-cle, amount ducJ dollar 32 cts and costs

Rogers, Miss Emeline, two lots with im-provements in the town of Opelousas, boundednorth by Medecis, south by Lesassier, east byMain street west by Court street, one horse,am't duo 2 dollars 4-12 cts and costsRougeau, Dennis, Mallet; stock, amount due

I dollar 16i eta and costsRougeau, Jdronme. Pot Cove; stock, amount

due I doSlar 18 cts and costsRowe, W S, Washington: stock, amount

due I dollar 38 ets and costs

Roy, A D, Arnaudville, stock and wagon,amount due 1 dollar 99 cta and costs.

Roy, Alex. U, near Wyble's liridge; onehundred and seven acres of land, with im-provements, bounded north by Gonor claim,south by Mrs Castain, west by Jos U Roy, eastby swamp, stock and vehicles, amount due 21dollars 96 cts and costs

Roy, Charles, near Port Barry; stock, amtdue 1 dollar 32 cts and costs

Roy, Jean Louis, near Opelousas,stock, am-ount due I dollar 32 eta and costs

Salles, Mrs Blanche wife of J D Courme--sixteen acres of land, with improvementsbounded north by A P Auguste, south by MrsPaul Young, eastby D D Ledouz, west. byMkarie Isaure Salles, amount due 2 dollars and60 cts and costs

SandersPArchle--Bayou Boeuf; stock, am-ount due I dollar 80 ct, and costs

Sanders, J A-Bellevue; stock, amount due3 dollars 57 cents and co•s

Savant, William-Bayou Beauf? stock, am-ount due $1 16 and costs

Savoie Valcourt-Faquetaique ; stock, am-ount due $1 32 and costs

Sawyer, John-near Opelousas; stock, am-ount due $1 16 and costs

Schwing, W F-Washington; stock andvehicle, amount due $1 65 and costs

Scott, Anthony-Bayou Boeaf; stock, am-ount due $1 16 and costs

Semend, Prosper-Mallet; 24 acres of landin Mallet, bounded north by Renb, south byLemelle, west by Rene, east by J Sullice, stockamount due $2 76 and costs

Seward, Emory--near Opelousas; stockamount due $1 64 and costs

Sholten, James-nea Opelousas; stock, amount due $1 16 and costls

'Shaw, Henry-Big Cane; stock and wagon,I amount due $1 80 and costs

Shows, N W-Cocodrie; improvements oxe public lnd, stock and vehicle, amount due$3 08 and costs

Simicn, Alphonse-Plaquemine Ridge; amnotmt due 1 dollar 32 cts and costs

Simien, Antoine-Mallet; stock, amountI dollar 16 cls and costs

Simien, Mrs Celestine-forty acres of landwith improvements, situated near Mallet bridgebounded by Valentin Led6, jr. west byA Guillory east by Paul Dupre, west byk Jules Perrodin, amount due 2 dollars 40 ct

and costs oSimien, Edmond, Mallet; stock, amonn

due I dollar 32 cents and costsSimien, Joseph P, Mallet; stock, amoun

due I dollar 32 cents and costsSimien, Jos V Sr., Mallet; forty acres o

land, with improvements, situated in Malletbounded north and south by Jules Perrodinwest by Theodore Chacher6, east by B6hiliGodeau, stock, amount due 4 dollars 20 centand costs

Simien,'Jos V Jr., Plaquemine Ridge; stockamount due I dollar 48 cents and costs

Sitnien, Th6oval, Mallet; stock. amoundue 1 dollar 48 cents and costs

Simms, Henry, Atchafalaya river; stock andvehicle, amount due 3 dollars 8 cents andcosts

Simms, Henry, two acres of land, with imt provements, near Opelousas, bounded northsouth and west by Garland, east by Josep)Bloe•,.stock and vehicle, amount due 2 dollars 76 cents and costs

Sims, lMrs Th6ophile; one lot with improvements in the corporation of Opelousaabounded nosth by Oak street, south by VChscher6, east by cosporation line, west b3

h4mie Ch6nler, amount due 2 dollars an

Snion, lTabelle, Arnaundville; stock, am'ltdatu'ldollar 48 cents antd costsSSiuaqo, Joseph, near Opelousas; stock

al*lUt duel1 dollar 64 cenas sad costs

Simon, Valsin, L0onville ; stock, amountue 1 dollar 80 cents and costsSimmons, Emanuel, Elba; stock; amount

no 1 dollar 48 cents and costs -

Simmons, Thomas, Cocodrie; stock, amouinntue 1 dollar 48 cents and costs

Sledge, U W, Elm Bayou ; inlprovemuntsad stock, amount due 2 dollars 12 cents and


Slocum, B F, Cocodrie ; stuck and vehicle,mount due 2 dollars 44 cents and costs

Slocum, L W, Butler's Creek. improve-tents on public land, stock and vehicle.mount due 5 dollars 32 cents and costs

Smith, Abner, Beaver Creek ; one hundredad fifty-eight acres of land and 5,1100, beingse east half of north west quarter, south

rest quarter of north west quarter, north east

narter of south west quarter, section 21, T 4,R 2 west, amount due 4 dollars 4 cents andosts

Smith, H J, Whiteville; stock, amount duedollar 64 cents and costsSmith, Josephus; Pine Grove; stock, amount

ue 1 dollar 64 cents and costsSmith, Lucius, Faquitaique ; seventy acres

fland situated in Faquetalque, bounded north*y Mrs. Ambroise Lejeune, south by AlexIrunet, east by Victor Frug., west by Gus.

ave Fusilier, amount due I dollar 604 cents

nd costsSmith, Sandy, Plaisance; stock, pbountInc I dollar 16 cents and costs

Soileau, Oswald, Mamouth; impovemnentsend stock, amount due 3 dollars 21 cents and


Sonnier, Gerand, Mallet; stock, amountlue 1 dollar 30 cents and costs

Spencer, Hypolite, Ville. Plate Prairie; ser-nty-five acres of land, with improvements,

n Ville Plate Prairie, bounded north by F PPitre, south by B Fontenot, east by E I)avid,

vest by H L Garland, stock, amount dlue 7lollars 40 cents and costs

Steen, William, Prairie Basse of Grand Cu-eau, stock, amount due 2 dollars 6it cents andl'osts

Stephens, Miss Dave Anna, Ciot ; , Ln•,hundred acres of land, with improvemnents.situated near Chicot, boundaries unknown.r.ock,,amount due 2 dollars 53 cents and costs

Sto/'es, B F, near Haasville: stock, :amountdue 1 dollar 4_tents and costs

'l'ate, Wm. CL Big Mamouth ; improve-ments and stock, amount due I dollar 96 entsand costs

Tatman, Godfrey, Bayou Bout'; toek sinadue 1 dollar 64 cents and costs

l'aylor, Albert, Mallet; stock, amhow.:t iue

I dollar 48 cents and costs

Taylor, Benjamin,. near Washington ; . ;,amount du' I dollar 4r cents atol costs

Taylor, Drake, Bayou B]olto toe, aiun't 1I dolkt 48 cents and costs

Taylor, Felix, Bayou Cut rent ; stock. ani't.due 1 dollar 96 cents and costs

Taylor, John L II. near Opelousas; stock.amount due 1 dollar 48 cents and costs

Thigpen, Benton, Beaver Creek; improve-ients and stock, amount due 1 dollar 64 cents

and costsThomas, Ben, near Ville Plate; stock,

amount due I dollar 32 cents and co.ts

Thomas, Sol, Bayou Boeuf; stock. amountdue 1 dollar 32 cents and costs

Thonmkins, Philogine, Big Cane; stock,amount due I dollar 96 cents

Thompson, Mis E. one lot with improve-ments situated in the towI oft Washington,bounded on one side by Bayou ,ourtableau.on one side by J J Nicholson, on one side R SWilkins, on one side by Prescott Bros. anr,due 3 dollars 30 cts and costs

Thompson, Horace, L"u-nvillih -tock almousntdue 1 dollar 32 cts and costs

Thompson, Jack, Bayou Teche, stock, am-ount due I dollar 64 cts and costs

Thompson, Jeff-Opelousas, merchaiidise, 1 horse, amount due $2 32 andcosts

Thompson, Joseph-near Grand Co-teau, stock, am't due $1 32 and costs

Toussaint, Johb n-Faqueta'ique, stock,amount due $1 48 and costs

Trent, Joshua-Bayou Waxia, stock,amount due $1 80 and costs

Trell, George-Mallet, stock, amount

due $1 32 and costsTrumble, Alex-at Dr Boagni's, stock

amount due $1 32 and costs

Tyler, Rosalie-at Mose Landry's,stock and vehicle, amount due $1 28and costs

Valere, Augustin-Mat let, stock, am-

ount due $1 48 and costs

Val~re, Valerieu--Plaquenii ne Ridge,forty acres of land, with improvemrntsbought of Theodore Chachere, bound.ed north by public road, south by Brunson, stock, amount due $4 68 and costs

Valery, Pierre-Faquetaique, stock,amount due $1 32 and costs

Valibre, Louis-Ldwer Bayou Boeuf,stock, amount due $1 80 and costs

Veillou, Louis--Mamouth, Improve-ments and stock, amount due $1 80 andcosts

Ventris, Ben-thirty-eight acaes ofland, with improvements on Bayou Te-che, bounded north by Garland, southby Bayou Teche, east by Gustave Sa-voie, west by Notley Devilliers, stock,amount due $5 96 and costs

Vidrine, Pierre 0-Ville Plate Prai-rie, 130 acres, with improvements,bounded north by V5 Fontenot, southby J Vidrine, east by J Johnson, westby T Vidrine, stock and vehicle, am-ount due $12 36 and costs ,

Vienne, C L-Big Cane, stock, amn'tdue $1 48 and costs

Vig6, Cdsaire-Old Grand Prairie,stock, ain't due $1 32 and costs

Vig6, Gdrarssin-Mallet, stock, amin'l..due $1 32 and costs

Vig6, Jean Bte -Plaisance, stock,am't. due $1 16 and costs

Vig6, Martin-at 1) Durio's, stock,amount due $1 80 and costs

Vazena, Valmont-Big Mamnouth, im-provements, stock and vehicle, amountdue $2 44 and costs

Vincent, Thdophile - Faquetaique,stock, amount due $1 32 and costs

Viscarte, Christophe--Beaver Creek,one hundred and sixty acres of land,with improvements, situated on BeaverCreek, being the north-east quarter ofsection 22, township 3 south range 2west, stock, amin't. due $5 16 and costs

Voorhies, Emanuel - Bayou B3euf,stock, amount $1 16 and costs

Waldren, Benj-Bayou Toro, stock,amount due $1 48 and costs

Waldren, Wm--Bayou Chicot, stock,amount due $1 16 and costs

Walker, James Jr-Tate- Cove, 12acres of land bounded north by CyprienAurblien D J Lafleur, south by AchilleGuillory, east by Aurdlien D J Lafleur,west by Mary Roysion, stock, amountdue $1 96 and coats

Walker, Robert - Prairie Laurent,stock, am't. due $1 32 and costs

Washington, Alen - Lower BayouBasaf, stock, ain't. due $1 48 and costs

Washington, Millie--Opelousas, stockand vehicles, am't. due $2 20 and costs

Welch, Richard-Science Hill, stockand vehicle, ain't due $1 48 and costs

Welch, Mrs Sarah-Beaver Creek,stock, am't due $1 44 and costs

West, IIcnry-Cliicot, stock amountduoe 1 1 :3 and costs

Whatley, Willis--Chicot, stock, ain'tdue $1 16 and costs

White, Aaron -- Bayou lhtll' , stock,ain't due $1 16 and costs

White, Lucas -near Opelounas, stockaui't due $1 32 and costs

WI'ittiugton, Mis 'I' J-Ba} ou Clii-

cot, eighty acres of land, with iimprovc-meats, situated near Chicot, boundednorth by Sani Ilhas, south by E VWhit-tington tract, cast by E Wlhittington,west by land s:i•pposi'd to bciilg toJohn O'Quin, ain't due $1 92

\Vikoll', Julia (; Malhlt, onihundl edand ninety sevcel acre• of land situat-ed in Mallet, bounded inoth b}I lions-

ton Young, west by Pcrrodin, somtlh Iit

Mah tin tract, one side by lFil in l)Dal

boniio, ain't due $9 4-1 and costs

Wilkins, Samson-Bayou hei'u If, stock,

anl't due $1 16 and costs

\Vinkler, John --Atchlafalaya, stock.amount dui $2 2F and costs

Williams, Dan -Bellevuie, stick, aniolnt due $l 64 and costs

Williams, ('haules niar ( t0iiisas,stock, ain't 1due $1 It andii costs

Williauis, Janies--neiiar Opliliiusas.stock, ain't dino $1 :2 and costs

Williams, Josieph lhli'v,. toick,aniouint duii $1 Ili and csts .

\Villi:mi is, Le•vis i 'ayoiti i, lt, ,slut-kamntlll d11 $1 1- antd o..is

\\'illiam ,, 1is M1 (lpi lousas, 1 letwith inp v4ements in the (own of t ()-1elh1nsas, houmrhd north lby Suith stheet,south by li1:. S lHicihard, cast lid id,~io

Chas Thomlpson, \e cs t l1, (''in t stice't,

aimiiiOuit dilh $11 ani d t eo sts

W illiams, Ntwk B:uyioi (onlstable'll,stoc'k, ain't idun $1 i i alnld i'sts

\VWilliaiU, T'lhomas-atE (Galiti' s ,stckailln't dli. $1 32 and cists

W illiams, 'lThanll-m - llcae('i, stoland inptolVt~ml nt o(n publi" laud(, at't

due '1 32 and costs

W illi-, ('harlcs--hear l',sud'honmme(•ity, asto , a liii't dl'ue :i u2 and costs

Vikiiiu (iric' -inidaii iW- ington.sltdck, amn'i t im I (1 and wosts.

W iu f•n d, lau:i ,.nt it lear ilousa .

stoilck, an't di ue' $I : anid eits-Winondim, Jrinwe -- near (mpilo iat.s,,ltck, :an't dilt.' $1 li; an;id we st

'lod•l., El1•\ilI - l0 Roch . 0h,

actes of lanid bumbtl-lh north toy Lolisa

W oods, s•oiut by ittilloaid, ,:1ist by E-l

mind Conmeat. west by Elvina W\odt,

amlult due $5 12 and ('lists

S Wodtoe, Jnles-- Coulee ('lnchle,i stuck, ain't due t1 32 and costs

Yeager. Tou•.aiit -- Maillet. stoclk,rn't due $1 32 and costs

Young, MI• J. B-Mallet, one hunlied ac.es of la1il, with inlo oveinents

oind. d not ith by F Guillory, Louth byIor 1) Anid us, '•,ct by Papillon, tast

I, railiroad; Bfity ac!res of vwoodlandindletd noii th by --- , ,outh by BayouMallet, went by Collius cast by V Soii-nier, stock, an't duc i_13 44 and costs

Youtng, James D--Mallet, forty aciesf latnd bought of MI si J B Young, bon ni-

led noith i by Al x Ialpillon, S'., south

by James 1) Adams, ast by Mrs J Bkounlg, ani't due $292 and costs

Zacharie, Boon -- Prairie Lauren kstock, ain't due $1 32 and costs


Alley, Johif B--Washington City,378 and 981100 acres, being s 4 of ii e 4,se ofs w ofsec31; s and ne} of

sw , n w} of se of s e 35; w of s

v 4 of see 36 tp 2 s r 2 west; 45:3 and711100 acres, being s 4 of n e 4, in wof sec , nwI\of ne , sec 2, nw if

1 w 4 of sec 5 and n 4 of n e4 and neIof n w I of sec 6, tp 3 r 2 west, aimount(due $16 48 and costsa

Alley, John B -- Washington City.thirteen hundiid :rid twenty acres ofland, heTng the s w 4 of i e 4, as of iw , sec 2, tp4r w; w 1ofn ei , w'of se 1, sec 8; sw of sw sec 18, 8

w 4sec 21; sw of sw 4, w , ofs e 1,sec28,tp

3, rl w; ine4of ne se"

10, se ofsw sec2 , sW } of i wand n e}of sw see34, tp2sr

2 w;e otsw, e4ofse sec ; s4ofIieo ,s of n w, n of sw ,e f e} sec 12, tp 2 s r i west, arnoun due*2(; 40 and costs

Anderson, Winm lI-Clay Co , lo , 79)acres of land, with improvements,bought of widow Ad. Arne: a, boundednorth by Rider Bros, south by Osbon,east by swamp, west by Bayou MarieCroquant, ain't duo $3 84 and costs

Breanx, Narcisse A-Careucro, six-teen acres of land situated near

Grand Coteau, hounded north

by T C Anderson, south by Ba-you Carencro, east by Charles Peck,west by T C Anderson, amount due 92cents and costs

Broussard, Adolphe--.Lafayette, 16acres of land situated oni Bayou Caren-cro, bounded north by public road topLafayette, on one side by A C Guilbean,

on one side by Bayou Carencro, ami't.due $1 28 and costs

Chaumont, Joseph -Nezpique, ninehundred and cighty acres of land situ-ated on Bayou Nezpiqu6, amount due$19 52 and costs

Duboni, Alce---fotty acres of landsituated otn bayou Courtablean, bound-ed north by Ntzat. Bron. sonth by Ba-you Courtablean. east by - , west byJoseph Z ringue, ain't due $3 20 andcosts

Esta1? of J L L'Tylell- two thousand

and twenty acres of land, being all ofsections 14 and 20, west i of see I' nw I of sec 21 and un c of sec t2, tp 4, ar 7 east, ain't due $4242 and costs

Fleming, Robert G--Sayisnah, Ga,three hundred and forty seven acres insection 27, tp 2 south range 2 east, am-ount due $7 04 and costs

Frith, Christoval - Avoyelles, fourhundred acres of land near Goshen sta-tion., amin't due $6 40 and costs

Frith, H H & T P--tivergreeu, eighthundred acres of laud with improve-mentssituated on Bayou Rouge, bound-ed north by Bayou Rouge, east by ThosClaycomb, south by Godeau, west by- , ain't due $17 60 and costs

Grand, L & Co--New Orleans, threehundred and ten acres of. land, beingthes a ofn w and sa w ofse , tp 3s range 5 east and n e 4 of a w and nw ofsw and n aofse tp3, sr5 east; also all the lands north of Ba-you Rouge n e 4 of s e 4 of sec 27, tp 3,s r 5 east, am' due $6 51 and costs

Guilbeau, A C-Lafayette, sixteenacres of land situated on Bayou Caren-ero, bounded west by public road toLafayette, on one side by A Broussard,on one side by Bayou Cartencro, am'tdue $1 28 and costs

Guilbeau, Og6-Lafayette, twenty-five acres of land, with improvements,situated near Bayou Carencro, bound-

ed north by Azolin Savoie, southBayou Carencro, cast by same west •I Andrus, ain't due • 20 and costs

Ilargrode r. Villiar -- Ch ur h Pointini huidred acres of land situated i.

Pine I'rai ic in township: range i we1:Ii't diuel 2 r0 and costs

Ilays, \V F-Clini ,t, La ; three bhn.ired and sixty acres of laud on BayouClrocodile in township 1, S R easttaxes 5$ 7(6 and costs

HlIirs, I 1 --New Ibetia; four bun.tredd and one a res and 1 11()0, bein'the SE fNWN 1 \ of " s?I,I S E of SE andid ofSE E tp7 sr ; east, and sw 1 of sec 20 sae'lantd range ; taxes l ~ 10 and costs

IIei - of I(ul(ohm -- Marksville; fortyacres of land in Pine Prairie, boundedon the east by Addison Johnson; tax.es $1 a2 arnd costs

Heirs of Nancy King-thirty-fouracres of woodland, bounded north bylandl formerly belonging to J Overton,south by Jackson, east by - , Wet Iby swamp : taxes 1 00 and costsIlhi1 s of John C McMlillan -Washing.

ton, Adaims Co. :Miss.-two hundredacries of land, beingi the e t of n esee ::3, tp 2 s r ; east, w of u w andsw I of nw 1, of sec 31, tp 2 s r G6east;toni hundred and eighty acres, beingthioe ,'se ,swo ,fsc andud gof siv{,scl, tp:Isr (east; Sw+}of

SI see. 9, tp : 11R t; east; ir w ofiw , }sec ' l itp .It Ri east ;s of1n1 eseI 15, tp: 3I (Icast; .e of net o , r"S,,f , nle 1~ of tiw of see 17, tp 3Sr; ceast ; taxes •10 -s ad costs

I heirs of E Pedleselanux and A J Pow-ell eleven hndiril d ;t'nd seventeen

'ntds and 7111i0, heiig the w } of see., e of sec 3, w ~ 'sec 3, 't of see. 4,

tp 5;s r ; least ; Ilaxes 2: 50 and costshis olt'J WVattrman one hundred

and sixty :i'es of !anii .hounded northby Iih ad Fislter, c;( I, William Bla-lock, st.., alnd west by - ; taxes3 84 and co(sts

Knolt:', Samuel G & Co; Plaque.one, Iel rville parisht-forty acres of

Il d I,,oght of Pr(val Rideanu, situated;It (•osihie, elast of se5ctioin lhouse andrunFninrg west to thei 'T & P Railroad;I ti s' ':'; I an:llt costs

K i'x, \V ,J, N K & Ella--East Baton Ruge; two hundred and 'eighty-live I'cis (,f land and 361l00, beingf ;tcltional cction 9 alnd lots 1, 8, 9, 10,15Id1d 16 in sei 10tp5 S R 7 east:,ihty actus and 451100, bring the le,' s- •w } ofsc 10 tp S . It 7 east; one

mi I,• tted. andI sixty acres. t eing the nw -lof sec 10 ti, 5 s R 7 .at ; two hun.Il: e aI nlld ,- i one ml l i1t0t) acres,

itf ee II. tp 5 R 7 ea't; one hundredmd sixty and 151100 acres, being thee

Sof tiw w aud eI of swi of sec 7 tpS7 east ; taxes $19 32 and costs1IcEnIry, John--New Orleans; two

ittudied and seventy-seven acres ofand being the s w I of u w }, W Jot onv 1, sem L' ne j of s w , sec 12; wi ofa wf , set ofse , sec14, tp5 sR2vest. Taxes $5 60 and costs"

Maurin, Adoliphe, his heirs or repre-centatives--160 and 471100 acres, being

the s e of sec 52, tp .4 sR 4 east; 322and 161100 acres, being the w J of sec.4, tp 5 s R 5 east; 324 and 90L100 acres,being the north half of sec. 6, Ip 5 s R5 east. Taxe ' $12 80 and costs

Mleinhardt' P J-New Orleans ; onehundred and sixty-three acres, beingthe ue I of sec 17, tp 1 s R I east.Taxes $2 56 and costs

Miller, Evarnste--Acadia; improve.vemeclbs on land of Mrs. Charles Millerin Conule Crocihe. Taxes $1.28 aid

1ilm o & Stokoe-New Iberia; stockof lumber in Opelousas. Taxes $6 60and costs

Prescott, WINI M & Mrs E Kean-onetiholsand acres of land bounded aboveby A eoiells line, below by D)r Logan,in font I,by Bayou Beotf, in the'resrbyunknolown Taxes $46.40 and costs

Prescott, W M & Mrs E T Kean;foiur hundred acres of land, with imaprovelueluts, bounded north by Bayo-C',urtableanu, south by the town ofWashington, east by Bayou Courtableau, west by Bayou Carron. Tanem$43 t;S and costs

Pullen, J E; West Baton Rouge; two:lcr s of land, with improvemetuts, sit-oatcd at West Melville, bounded northIby '' E Marshmaln, south by Atchaf--

.layn river, east by the ' & P railroad.i;xes $2.52 and costs

Rosch, Fetd-one Ilulnred and sixtythlree acres of land, being the n e } ofsec 52, tp 3 s R I east. Taxes $2.56and costs

S•bourin, S , New Orleans: tiathousand and twenty- six acres, beingsectious 41 and 42 Jo t.p 6 s R 2 weatTaxes $32.48 and costs

Sentell, G W; New Orleans; fourhorses. Taxes $3 20 and costs

Simmons, J. Shreveport; one flat,boat at West Melville. Tazes $1.6and costs

Singleton, lthan; Avoyelles-two

horses; amount due 96 cents and CeOSmith, Ben--one hundred nndaiixt

acres of land situated in PetitePtairie,bounded north by Jules Goudern, ealby Jackson Thompson, south by P.Rli'dean, west by Eli Daniels ; amoun

t de3 dollars 84 cents and costs

Thibodeau, Louis S-twelve acres of

woodland on Bay :u Plaquermie, bOPided nortlh y Cyprien Savoie, southbyCha hles Lccrgne, west by Bayou P1iquenine, east lby Placide ThibodeaOsamount duen 80 cents and costa

Washiri~nton, John ; Coulee Croclhe-

twpnty five acres of land, with ih"

provements, bounded north by NulRichard, south by Ilonore M3clhe, eadby Isidore Richard, west by Joe•Bourque ; amount due I dollar 92ceOUand costs

Whitworth. Geo W; Jeauuerette,one lot, with improvements, sitoatein the town of Opelousas, bol ddnorth by Landry street, east, by1Ii'toad street, south by MI. Schwartz, wby W. Burr; amount due 4 dollars tcents and costs

On sail day I will sell such portio.

of said propcrfy as each debtor a

point out, and in case the debtor 9not point out sufficient property. Iat once and without further delay,

the least quantity of said Propet rany debtor, which any bidder willfor the amount of taxes, interests a

costs due by said debtor.The sale will be without aPPr

ment, for cash, in legal tender UI

of the United States, and the prosold shall be redeemable at, anYfor the space of one year, by'PYthe price given, with twent r perand costs and penalty added.

c. C. DUsO•,Sheriff and ex-oficio Tax Caodeto,

Opelousas, March 31st 18 " 3