si .99 `. fsa a g vi SdC _ _ _ __tl;- . AI P LAND Z, (Louisiana,) DECEMBER 31st, 1859. ENo. 4. pv '7r _i 1,:.a naJ:j~Jr ~:~~1 L~S ~ j~~~~ r-jx r Sagh! wo~Z-l~l;~;~~ air thee otlarE; if pn a ;t dota~lsls s Antiil the qionAE .P! " aeeti ikkpr :b i US 100 .Lf ctiue. lle l V V trio s Le ilcatie , La1 y;~q~f~'~;, ett.,St. ,itdIia9d W t hi~ te Co. t.QpeloIgsb :tuts C. tbeir Wi eLtuT i a n y t.he. .' r ft i o" t ry, Caoale R e b q a the Aleatudifl 0 {ottcq ait Opteos s $ 5 m% a :tA24 1858.' a1 t*4h P f- VJEdft toe tli dll P~ 1~~Wft ti l t . , sricL Y,:sr vd 6~i~i fidence. s t4. m S iQ " , die. X43~~6i~t ~ "iGr~ LI** , -4i ars9ets, 'New-ii~leane. hey h s auretuslllp to d k 4 e ge. Tei i onMan crU t ~`~ri~~fi ~ fig-~C t ' wee sl~J ib. aan6 $ 00 per b *.'1""bbbl Uipjreigh6L' 50 a - i s5 "J jr Bki iti~sr krWk IC~'acke WA T ;erKU~me'AYQU; B r captain' 30U M : p havin b 2n gurughp ad oo 4efld t s~ei~bb~m~atGiflL14 11 vcea iti ii tiron'er to&m ie iU by. e" so' L. ea t d n9 te e aJio e FiiAiii 1 thD he ohl. e;_un signe vat Ott epzto d or B 3'n , a Qon l~f ttis g6 nto4 feet. nibe wil e~ `a . I dry li d[ s *.~bi~cl~ ' t esxjthis of iuforning the public thee y ,j ra ;$ o u: Bt ~ it Pa•rish of i rt oni~; the i lad a id steam e, Sigar fillg t O•ne8h ka, waSo nal ost $20,9o0 Also a a w g Nse,'aegQsuarters, & st in - T his Pin n will be srelwith or-dwt- Srtilrs, apply to the Editor of the Opelossas 'nourser, to the Overseer on the p•r o9ryo the underiae, gear Gerand e teau, #rrU IHETIEN. .f . o,. Nev. :12th, 1859W. lease copy in Eu- F'or Sale at Private Saile. A Plantation situated in Plai- sauce on the public road leading C ioMFWashinigtdo to Faquetaique, D contiains:g0o aeresof goodarable land, about e 2 f Which is well timnberee land, a Dwell- a 'o fleiiEtoiu,CorniiOrib, a Blacksmith everything in good~ horder. `+Yartic ly tou e undersigned JOSEPHI CHAUMONT. laisane, Oct. 8th, 1859.-6in. SSale at Private Sale. H ~TI threi Lots of Ground, situated cl I Ville Plate, upon which there are a D uso, out Douses and other i- im pro This prroeity is well situated j ithe stores er or shoeinker shopi Fo ticlarOor conditions, .appiy either PC y Ler:e y, to •Jlessrs=. orei L or aeire. Vlate s $ .-- m. th Ri e l e aIprivate sale, adoingech oth to if he, town of Opoloug fu =setP and for nresidence it being on m th eonit a i These will be sold 1e Scheap f'e >. ( ? pariHairs, apply or to the editor e Opelosusas Courier. Oi Opelousas8,1 Jie185k. tf.- Sdl Privte dial - 4 ThA T N LPD " situated at the S d o Min ithe 4 Parihi of 8S J4cd =bciD N . Quarter and;the F b aldf Ite .N. quarter of Section 6, 242=851ip wacr$e r For particulars app Aug. N. Robin, at he f the b ooora oqe, the, residence of esa i ac ~ r ale sale. y R.M bout 43 years, orf=rth. rinfniation, y atthe ofce of ftheOeloeasas Corierg etober 16th, 18 9.-tf. PLANTATION 'O ALE ON l Jk S TRifa 0 IBIIT. TIA fabot0a of Land, of t which about 50 :are. timlered, .the town ees:". e cotton - lacd, o poemets *hereo lbe wold I ree, fur, eve A Tract ot Land, , wo m o t Is c.: ~*1?5 oiA 1 ats auols as ' The 3:tl 'e Trct A. L TO r`- ndere-\i nc- 4eing det the a ,t Y 'team er: mild ate it a ., wood, t gethe bia arcaaoiablecredi tOEFEIIBJ Ef SALE. PIaF i~ me and a w for yourselves. Young, Vs e and Likely SI k. VE S, Inhludib g No. 1 Field rands .and House Servants, fully guarante- with references. Apply to JOtQ. HICKS, .Washington, St. Landry. D erieber 24th, 1859.• ~- THE unde igaed has established a Grocery Storelon Main Street, Ope- lousas, near •. r Vatter's Furniture Store,'where 60 -Will constantly keep freh articles of Grocery asnt4quors et as lo•y pri- ces as a small profit will adii. is present stock comprises fur cured hs6hs, - and other wines Smoked shoulders, Wfiiskey, Dried peasofdiverskinds, Irandies, Sardine, Champagne, Lobsters, /Irish potatoes, Cove oysters, Coffee, Dried-tongues, Sugar, Rice and in fact every thing pertaining to a complete Grocery St~rei RAPHAEL HOLLIER. Opelousas December, 17th, 1859. NEW ARRIVALS. JUST received at the OPELOUSAS DRUG STORE, kept by Soluble Phosphate of Iron,pt Leras; Hypophosphite of Soda, Bromide of Potassium- Iron Alum. And a general assort••iA of French Chemicals and Patent Medicines. ' ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PATENT MEDIC•'ES.-- Kennedy's great Medical Discovery, Mc an's invigoaating Cordial, Jonas Whitcomb's As5 ? hl Remedy,-etc. CTLERY.-Ladies' fine Penknives; Gentlemen's pocket and Sporting Knives; Fine Razors, in cases; Ladies' Scissors assorted in cases, and by the single pair; Forceps and Pullikins. - STrTIONERY.--Record, Letter and Note Paper of the best quality; Steel Pens, Pen Holders, India Rubber Squares; Lead Pencils, Guillot Carmine Ink, Envellopes, Maynard & Noye's celebrated Black writing Iiik. FANcY AETIOLES ANI PsrnSMERY.--Biscuit Sta- tuettes, Porcelaine and Glass Powder Boxes, Porte- monnaies, Handerchiefa Extracts, Pomatum, Toi- let Soaps, Creole Oil for the hair, etc. SurNDRIES.--Paints, Zinc and White Lead, Col- ors ground in Oil and Water, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Brushes, etc. - -*.o,< -- lot of Specie Jars, suitable to put up Preserves. Opelousas, November lith, 189 . AMERrICAN OIMATIc BITTR C1 DIAL, For Ladies, personstadvanced inyea? s, 4-r. O F the two bitters, the first is taken with any A.thingtosnitthe tamt. The second is already ' prepared, and is to be taken as prepared. Both can be taken together. The: ase of one or the other or I both at the same time reptores to health and re- establishes the- digestive rgans, the cause of all I such diseases as Liver Complaint, Nervous Dis- eases, General Debility, &•c., &c., and all conva- leicence acconfpanied with great weakneqt, and sitaral coseequenceseoffevers. Itis a greit remes. dyfor brianing-back strengthof the body, &c., &c; For sale by AA. P.EYCHA UD, Druggist, in New Orleans, and S. Lxwvn agent, in Opelousas. `October-8th, 1S&-Ly,. WASHINGTON. DUG STORE. V THE undersigned hereby -inform 'their friends and the public i: general that they have just received a frteik and considerable assortment of Drugs and Me4ijines, as also Paints, Perfumery of all kinds. &e. :- - They are agents for the sali'of a large quantity of Patent Medicines, the maet popular. A. LOUA LIER & CO. April 9, 1859. - .Washington, La WtAOHMAXER.. T HE undersigned ha4jsatmade arrange- Smerits witth fMr. ; H. Judge, a first rate Watch er, te the celebrated opnse of1yde & 'roadsi aofNew Orleans. I1 M•r. •Jdge wil be constntly in attendano- `t tle jewlry Stor of the :undersign 7d, p of Maiun anaelle •u streets,, Opei•u :here Ohronoeter, PatentLevers and rif.oult ;work will be done in a work- i~iagnsner and with dispateh. .QF De .IZ U 1 ELARU8. Opelo iis :;" -I;. Q ' Ii :i."s ~erchsnt-*atlotpepousats, x 'the honor to`anno nac to his frrds andthe -tin.d eneral that us~a*i jrom a ork with a full l ~e a rutmf goods chosen e- t'1 him a for hit pawions; suitable fgl aen liff i g, nuch s cl ths easi- S ier liefstO . Vie'has aloai l arge bi kt raa 1f x ad ' a ot hing. ' cti4tl and ,r hisi Offii's' ois' and "After, } ute ma u stite of which .to t '`iy tt as 4lothe public whoia I o lp attd elegant clothing. Oct 9th 1869 -t-f , S.: t hRouge, a ~o~ attention to te en- Lat~d4I~th8 tatjte 1in f ice. at Ba sx ' " ZpuO *esb50p iBll. 9 NpN QariO o sf e ote oatstly Ad'to fteIs 1 ! , Cyien. Larose of` her 4leveed ii lI s wihi4~ep t~ tn tetif rtatetof o t rtfaua* * DISTaCT COURT, 8888 Parishk of St. Landry. No. 8888. Estate of Sarah J. Arden, deceaved. , AWRENCE T. BUSHNELL, 'of the Parish of St. Landry, Administrator.c; the Estate of Sarah J. Arden, his de~ascd wife, late of the aforesaid Parish, having filed a Final Tableau of said Estate, accompanied by a petition praying that the same may be homologated ;-And whereas the prayer of said petition has been granted by an order of Court, dated 16 December, 1859. Therefore, notice is hereby given toll in- terested, to make opposition in writing, in my pyce, within thirty days from the date here- of, why said Tableau should not be homologa- ted, that the Administrator be discharged of ali further liabilities as such and that his bond be cancelled. - L. LAST .Pd. CTlAkA....,. Opelousas, December 17th, 1859.' tate of Z3ttthiana. DISTRICT CouRT, N Parish of St. Landry. No. 8889. Estate of Joseph M. Carriere, fils, "J OSEPH lM. CARRIERE pere of the a Parish of St. Landry, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph M. CarriBre fils, decea- sed late of the aforesaid parish, having filed a Tableau of ciassification of the debts and dis- tribution of Jlnds of said Estate, accompa- nied by a ~Tition praying that the same may be I)mologated ;-And whereas the prayer of% ai, petition has been granted by an order of'Couirt dated December 22nd, 1859. Therefore, notice is hereby given to all in- vi-ted, to make opposition, if any they have, within thirty days from the date hereof, why said Tableau should not be homologated and the Administrator be authorized to settle in conformity with said Tableau. L. LASTRAPES, Clerk. Opelousas, December 24th 1859. PUBLIC SALE, By the undersigned Administrator. TILE public are hereby informed. that there will be sold at public sale, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned Administrator, at the residence of Thomas S. Walker, in Bayou Chicot Settlement, in the Parish of St. Landry, on Tuesday 24th. January next, 1860, the following described property, belonging to the succession in community between John Whittington and his children, the, issue of his marriage with Sarah Nelson, his deceased wife to-wit: on which Thomas S. Walker now resides, situated in Bayou Chicot Settlement, Parish of St. Landry. 200 rpents .of Laud, belonging to The Carns Tract. t .21, Acres of Lad, belonging to thie McDianiel Tract. A NEGRO-WOIMAIN. 63 head'. of cattle with the brand JB; 2 yoke of oxen ; 1 ox cart ; 10 head of horse crea- ture ; 2 mules ; one jenny ; 42 head of sheep ; 100 head of hogs ; one lot of blacksmith's tools; 4 beds; 2 tables; kitchen utensils; the improvements on Pine Woods. Terns and conditions:-Payable in four equal and annual instalments, from the 1st of April next, 1860;-Purchasers furnishing their notes with good security in solido, to the satisfaction of whom the right, with 8 per cent. interest per annum, fromnmaturity un- til paid. And moreover, the lands and slave remaining mortgaged until=Fhll and entire payment of capital -and interests. JOHN- WHITTINGTON, 'rAdministrator. Opelousas, December 24th, 1859. Sale at Auctioz. RF Kl freight saved from the Steamboat CIamde-. il* be sold at auction, on Saturday the 31st.December istant, at -10 o'clock A. M. at GOrand arri re's Waire- house: at Wishington, f•r the benei of whomsoever it may.'c .. on .. ert:. Terrns:-Uash . :delivecsrr. SN. B•-P~itieswhosem goods were noi in- surgd are requeated to cll land receive, phi- vioui to the day of sale, that part whichl has been saved, they paying their gudta of sal- nth parties whose goods were in- suea ti hale so mach thereof as was saved `t' pk i ;anat }belor the invoice ;coat. insurance Agent. Washington, 2th D~eember 1859. ; SATLE AT AIJETION. T H ?'publie .are hereby informed that . sher @wilUbe sold at apublie ala, to the last andJ~ighest bidder, by the undersigned Auctioee~, lbefore the, Court House door, in tl e Tow n of Opelouss., Q.n Tuesday 1i7t January next, 1860, she fllowing; described tract of land, belong- ing i Mr. Rs emy Vioe and Augustin Fol- I e - lain. too wit: Shtuate& ir the parish of St. Landry, at i Moiintyille, bounded Sout by fioperty for. !rly belogigg to Amos WeObb, now to l gaJ. W. Murdock, 'itth by Bayou Cro- ,codile, West by land ormerly elongin to Ki & Walsh and now turned by ?e ar-. te the A t 'il ade iodw on the day . forila r.. - 7-0,44 _tj;. ,~ i Public Sale. By a duly commissioned Auodt2l r, in and for the Parish/ef St La dry. U)Y virtue of an order from the ~on. the Judge, of the 15th Judicial: Distridc in a. for the Parish of St, I andry, bearing date the 22nd November instant, 18,tijjis public are hereby informed that tb'r I Iold at public sale to the last and igheeitbid der, by a duly commissioned Auetctneer, before the Court House Aoor, in the towna o Opelousas, on Saturday, 7th January next, 1860, the following described prope y, belowf to the Estates of the late Antoine Bois• and Manette Boisdore, his wife, bo" s deces- sed, late of the Parish of St. Landry, to wit: measuring'tw6 seven Thin.t dred and fifty-four arpents and 93 hundredths, situated in the Parish of St. Lan- dry, on both sides of Bayou Nezpique, ad- joining the lands of Lemelle and French, at the time of confirmation. This land is well timbered. ANOTHER TRACT OF LAND, confirmed by certificate A, No. 546, measuring six thousand four hun- dred arpents, in Township 5 and 6 South, Range 2 and 3 West, situated on both sides of Bayou Nezpiqud, in the Parish of St. Landry, near the mouth Bayou Beaver Creek, bounded, at the time of the confirma- tion, South by Louis Boisdore, and North by Louis Fontenot. This land is also well timbered. ANO THER situated in the Parish of St. Landry, on Bay- ou Mallet, at the place called " Anse Bour- beuse," consisting in Section 44, Township 6 South, Range 1 East, and of Section 7, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, containing one thousand three hundred and sixty-two acres and 4 hundredths, equal to sixteen hun- dred arpents, it being the same land conceded and confirmed to the widow Antoine Bois- dore, by act of Congress, and reported by the Commissioner in his certificate B, No. 1109. This Tract of Land is also part wood land and part prairie land, INOTHER TRACT OF LAND, situated at Pointe Marianne or Maronne, in the Parish of St. 'Landry, on Bayou des Can- nes, in Prairie Mamouth, measuring seven hundred and fifty-five arpents and 84 hun- dredths, confirmed to Manette Boisdord, wid- ow of Antoine Boisdord, as per Report No. 6, American State Papers. Terms and Conditions:--Twenty per cent on the purchase price payable cash on the day of sale, and the balance payable in one, two and three years credit, from the day vt ~ltw-tbratis, one third on the 7th January 1861, one third on the 7th January 1862 and the last third on the 7th January 1863. Pur- chasers furnishing good and solvent security in solido, to the satisfaction of the Adminis- trator of the Estates, and more over, the lands remaining specially mortgaged and hypothe- cated unto said Estate until full and entire payment of capital and interests which may' accrue thereon, at the rate of eight pet c•nt"i per annum from maturity until paid. Jy Payments to be made at the ofiic of the Recorder of the Parish of St. Landry, in the Town of Opelousas. For further informations as regards the localities of these lands, refer to H. Hayes, Surveyor,. in Opeleusas, and Eugene Martel, :who assisted in the surveys and is well ae- quainted with the localitied. HENRY PROVENT, Administtor Estate of Ant. Boisadr6 & Manette Bo~iir6.I Ondonnsa•_ November. 26th. 1859. TRE PLANTATI4N A on .which I now reside, valua j~as a cotton or stock farm, and disnt four miles andaha lf from the town Ope. lousas, cntaining about 1600 arpe t4 ofI over three hundred and ifty of which are w abotiA 100) acres uder fencin field ea The improvements, all oR cypress, are , and such' s are required on the verv be roe farm. The stock on the place will b with. it;tonsisting of 15i0 head of fie cattli rood makes, colts, muls; 2 young niles plough horses; '200 sheep; oxn; ; th ntatio utensils andan abundance of corn a dr.A new cotton gn and ipress, just put up. Among whom-are1 l6good workl i od one old slate in.the- whole lot, ad one oisva- luable as a Midwife and ~Nurse fo ' children sand.thesick:- . : The stock alone on-the place iseworth $400. and .theamprovementa have costoveir 15,000. The whole will be sold together oiithe follow- ing:termsn 0$65,60.-. -$10,000 cah, and the ba- 'lane':in one, two, three, four, flvyh wd six years credit, withW5 per cent interest $ day of sale, and. 8 per cent after maturity; gg and ven- dor's privilege, retained: togeti with personal security,, unless. the purcha prefers paying 815;000 cash. A alst f the n egroe and as , left with this paper.-'ossesaon v giv Opelousas, Decembr w s ft.wit THE erued aaustarrived from N aiensithalageandd choice ' et of 3ewelry, con- statin as nLa4i ses' Camu e ets, Ear.Rings, a hort v rti 1e of the richest ewelry, Ist dneartmentof all di' e rd from one of the largest erme h flrew Yo4k,and whbch e ta s gnat o anenonce to his friendesand li en mhtha d the ' o eene" a kili W )L..f 4O.E Public Sale. in E publio are hereby informed that . tiereiwill be sold at public sale, to the he last and highest bidder, by the undersigned at administrator, or by a duly licensed Auction- g eer, on the Plantation hereinafter described, at Bellevue, on a Monday the 30th January next, 1860,'the following described property be. lofinging the:Estate in community between the late-JosephVictor Richard and Marie L. Richard his widow, both dec.ased, ~e of the 3, Parish of St. Landry, to with .` Saittrated in Bellvue, in the'Pa 8t. Lan- a- dry, about 5 miles from the Gou , tiouse of Opelousas, measuring two hundr ~and for. ty atrpeit (superficial measure * - bounded 'North by the Plantation of Widow Wm. H. :,_Sot , 'oh• Hudson, S bast•ihat ofC A:. razee, dt West by 8 those of Thomas H. Lewis an the late Jean 1- Fabien Richard, it being the ~ame where the 1- deceased last resided. Lt ALBERT, a negro nan aged about 55 11 years, (ruptured.) PAUL, (Attolie) nilatto man aged about 38 years. NARCISSE, mulatto mi•n aged about 20 ;, years. BEN, negro boy aged about 18 years. 6 EDOUARD, negro boy aged about 12 h years. f SOPHIE, negro woman, aged about 40 r years, with her child,<- Charles or Chariot, about 9 years old. 5 SILESIE, negro an, aged about 25 1 years. a b PELAGIE, negro rl aged about 13 years. A fram( house built on the tract of above described four corn ; one shed; carriage house egro cab; kitchen; hen house; a buggy; a cart; a t of pickets in fencing; a lot of rails; ut -43 head of gen- tl ed cattle ; about 18 head of e creature; about 300 barrels of corn work horses; 2 mules; plougs; harroI household furniture, and many other a the enumeration of which would be too . Terms a Conditions.-All sums of ten dollars aci; under payable cash on the day of sale ; sums upwards of ten dollars, payable thus : e third in one year, one third in two yers anyne third in three years from the day of sale apurchasers furnishing their notes with secsilty in solido to the satisfac- tion of the adin istrator of said estate, which notes pay••b~e to the order and at the domicile of said and•inistrator, in this parish and bear- ing intere4atirthe sale of 8 per cent, per an- num fro maturity until paid. And moreo- ver the : d and slaves remaining specially mortga unto said Estate, until final pay- ment o the capital and thginterest that may ALEXANDER V. RICHARD. Administrator. Opelousas, December 24th, 1859. Public Sale. By the undersigned Public Auctzonecr. 7T3HE public are hereby informed that ... there will be sold at public sale, to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned Auctioneer, on the Plantation, last residence of Mrs. Clement Holier sils, about 3 miles from the Court House of Opelousas, on Tuesday 24th, January next, 1860, the following described property, belonging to the Estate of the late Clara Doucet, de- ceased wife of Clement iHoiler fils, to wit: A Certain Lot of Ground, situated in the Town of Opelou- as, bounded North by - street, East by Union street, South-by a property belonging to Charles Thompson, and West by Main street, it being the same property purchased b fom Ddsir Gotet, by act before P.Labycli, together with all and singular the buildings and improvements thereon erected. A .certain negrowoman named MARIE, 'a•ed about 45 years. A negroweman named MARIE, aged a- bout 26 years, and her four ehildreu: Meline, a girl edfiabout 9 years; Louisa, about 7 years; Ceeiia, about *yeare; and Alpheonse, about oun year. A• neg wome n, named SI LVIE, aged about 2 yeats and. her son William, aged about S years A negrowoman named LIZE, aged about 20 years.. A negrowoman named Tinsee, aged about 35 years, Wd her four children: Joseph, 13 years, Manre, 11 years; saac, 8 years; and Mathilde, 8 years. A: certain Fraction :of a Tract of Land si- tuated in the Town of Opelousas, measuring 2i superufial arpents (more or less), bounded North by the Land of W. Dixon Perry, West by that of Joel H. Sandoz, East by the land of the heirs of Godefroy Hollier, decea- sed, and Dion Perry, and South by the land of .•i-Mielinda H. Thompson, Thomas H. Thoa•mso and others,. it being a portion of the land purchased by the deceased at the succeessional sale atof John Thompson, about the ear 1854. Tderms and dti sOne two, and three years creditfr day of sale. Purcha. sers jngisb ood 5 ;and solvent security to the aosf ,the T'utor ofthe minors of said Clars seet, and all, sums not panetu- allpfid amt eityof bear interest at 8 per ett e `a t ateurzity until parid, sa t l f lan edg property and slaves reasisbgupesiay ortgaged nt said Es- Suntil a Ltentire payment of capital aui tost., which aceirpe thereon .i;l , (N, Audcioneer SI 17th 1869. Autc%-sonser fdrt Pa'rak S. Iandrtb

The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1859-12-31 [p ] · si.99 a g `. v i fsa SdC _ _ __tl;- . AI P LAND Z, (Louisiana,) DECEMBER 31st, 1859. ENo. 4. pv '7r naJ:j~Jr _i 1,:.a ~:~~1

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Page 1: The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1859-12-31 [p ] · si.99 a g `. v i fsa SdC _ _ __tl;- . AI P LAND Z, (Louisiana,) DECEMBER 31st, 1859. ENo. 4. pv '7r naJ:j~Jr _i 1,:.a ~:~~1



`. fsa a g v i SdC _ _ _ __tl;-

. AI P LAND Z, (Louisiana,) DECEMBER 31st, 1859. ENo. 4.



_i 1,:.a naJ:j~Jr ~:~~1 L~S ~ j~~~~r-jx r Sagh! wo~Z-l~l;~;~~ air

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nal ost $20,9o0 Also a a w gNse,'aegQsuarters, & st in -

T his Pin n will be srelwith or-dwt-

Srtilrs, apply to the Editor of theOpelossas 'nourser, to the Overseer on thep•r o9ryo the underiae, gear Gerand e

teau, #rrU IHETIEN. .f. o,. Nev. :12th, 1859W.

lease copy in Eu-

F'or Sale at Private Saile.A Plantation situated in Plai-

sauce on the public road leading CioMFWashinigtdo to Faquetaique, D

contiains:g0o aeresof goodarable land, about e2 f Which is well timnberee land, a Dwell- a

'o fleiiEtoiu,CorniiOrib, a Blacksmitheverything in good~ horder.

`+Yartic ly tou e undersignedJOSEPHI CHAUMONT.

laisane, Oct. 8th, 1859.-6in.

SSale at Private Sale. H~TI threi Lots of Ground, situated clI Ville Plate, upon which there are a

D uso, out Douses and other i- impro This prroeity is well situated jithe stores er or shoeinker shopi

Fo ticlarOor conditions, .appiy either PCy Ler:e y, to •Jlessrs=. orei L oraeire. Vlate

s $ .-- m. thRi

e l e aIprivate sale, adoingechoth to if he, town of Opoloug fu

=setP and for nresidence it being on mth eonit a i These will be sold 1eScheap f'e >. ( ? pariHairs, apply orto the editor e Opelosusas Courier. Oi

Opelousas8,1 Jie185k. tf.-

Sdl Privte dial -4 ThA T N LPD " situated at the

S d o Min ithe4 Parihi of8S J4cd =bciD N . Quarter and;the F

b aldf Ite .N. quarter of Section 6,

242=851ip wacr$e rFor particulars app Aug. N. Robin, at he

f the b ooora oqe, the, residence of esa

i ac ~ r ale sale. yR.M bout 43 years,

orf=rth. rinfniation, y atthe ofceof ftheOeloeasas Corierg

etober 16th, 18 9.-tf.


TIA fabot0a of Land, oft which about 50 :are. timlered,

.the town ees:". e cotton -lacd, o poemets *hereo lbe wold

I ree, fur, eve

A Tract ot Land, , wo m o t

Is c.: ~*1?5 oiA

1 ats auols as '

The 3:tl 'e Trct A. L TO


ndere-\i nc- 4eing det the a

,t Y 'team er: mild ate ita ., wood, t gethe

bia arcaaoiablecredi

tOEFEIIBJ Ef SALE.PIaF i~ me and a w for yourselves.

Young, Vs e and Likely

SI k. VE S,Inhludib g No. 1 Field rands .and HouseServants, fully guarante- with references.Apply to JOtQ. HICKS,

.Washington, St. Landry.D erieber 24th, 1859.•

~-THE unde igaed has established

a Grocery Storelon Main Street, Ope-lousas, near •. r Vatter's FurnitureStore,'where 60 -Will constantly keep

freh articles of Grocery asnt4quors et as lo•y pri-ces as a small profit will adii. is present stockcomprises

fur cured hs6hs, - and other winesSmoked shoulders, Wfiiskey,Dried peasofdiverskinds, Irandies,Sardine, Champagne,Lobsters, /Irish potatoes,Cove oysters, Coffee,Dried-tongues, Sugar, Rice and in factevery thing pertaining to a complete GrocerySt~rei RAPHAEL HOLLIER.

Opelousas December, 17th, 1859.


DRUG STORE, kept by

Soluble Phosphate of Iron,pt Leras;Hypophosphite of Soda, Bromide of Potassium-Iron Alum. And a general assort••iA of FrenchChemicals and Patent Medicines. '


Kennedy's great Medical Discovery, Mc an'sinvigoaating Cordial, Jonas Whitcomb's As5 ? hlRemedy,-etc.

CTLERY.-Ladies' fine Penknives; Gentlemen'spocket and Sporting Knives; Fine Razors, in cases;Ladies' Scissors assorted in cases, and by the singlepair; Forceps and Pullikins.- STrTIONERY.--Record, Letter and Note Paper of

the best quality; Steel Pens, Pen Holders, IndiaRubber Squares; Lead Pencils, Guillot CarmineInk, Envellopes, Maynard & Noye's celebratedBlack writing Iiik.

FANcY AETIOLES ANI PsrnSMERY.--Biscuit Sta-tuettes, Porcelaine and Glass Powder Boxes, Porte-monnaies, Handerchiefa Extracts, Pomatum, Toi-let Soaps, Creole Oil for the hair, etc.

SurNDRIES.--Paints, Zinc and White Lead, Col-ors ground in Oil and Water, Lamp and LinseedOils, Brushes, etc. -

-*.o,< --lot of Specie Jars, suitable to put upPreserves.

Opelousas, November lith, 189 .

AMERrICAN OIMATIc BITTR C1 DIAL,For Ladies, personstadvanced inyea? s, 4-r.O F the two bitters, the first is taken with any

A.thingtosnitthe tamt. The second is already 'prepared, and is to be taken as prepared. Both canbe taken together. The: ase of one or the other or Iboth at the same time reptores to health and re-establishes the- digestive rgans, the cause of all Isuch diseases as Liver Complaint, Nervous Dis-eases, General Debility, &•c., &c., and all conva-leicence acconfpanied with great weakneqt, andsitaral coseequenceseoffevers. Itis a greit remes.dyfor brianing-back strengthof the body, &c., &c;

For sale by AA. P.EYCHA UD, Druggist, inNew Orleans, and S. Lxwvn agent, in Opelousas.

`October-8th, 1S&-Ly,.

WASHINGTON. DUG STORE.V THE undersigned hereby -inform 'theirfriends and the public i: general that theyhave just received a frteik and considerable

assortment of Drugs and Me4ijines, as also Paints,Perfumery of all kinds. &e. :- -

They are agents for the sali'of a large quantityof Patent Medicines, the maet popular.

A. LOUA LIER & CO.April 9, 1859. - .Washington, La

WtAOHMAXER..T HE undersigned ha4jsatmade arrange-Smerits witth fMr. ; H. Judge, a first

rate Watch er, te the celebratedopnse of1yde & 'roadsi aofNew Orleans. I1M•r. •Jdge wil be constntly in attendano-

`t tle jewlry Stor of the :undersign 7d,p of Maiun anaelle •u streets,, Opei•u

:here Ohronoeter, PatentLevers andrif.oult ;work will be done in a work-

i~iagnsner and with dispateh..QF De .IZ U 1 ELARU8.

Opelo iis

:;" -I;. Q ' Ii :i."s~erchsnt-*atlotpepousats,

x 'the honor to`anno nac to hisfrrds andthe -tin.d eneral that

us~a*i jrom a ork with a fulll ~e a rutmf goods chosen e-t'1 him a for hit pawions; suitable

fgl aen liff i g, nuch s cl ths easi-S ier liefstO . Vie'has aloai l arge bikt raa 1f x ad ' a ot hing. ' cti4tl and,r hisi Offii's' ois' and "After,

} ute ma u stite of which .tot '`iy tt as 4lothe public whoia

I o lp attd elegant clothing.Oct 9th 1869 -t-f

, S. : t hRouge, a

~o~ attention to te en-

Lat~d4I~th8 tatjte 1in fice. at Ba sx '" ZpuO *esb50p iBll. 9

NpN QariO o sf

e ote oatstly Ad'to fteIs 1! , Cyien. Larose of` her 4leveed ii

lI s wihi4~ep t~

tn tetif

rtatetof o t rtfaua** DISTaCT COURT, 8888Parishk of St. Landry. No. 8888.

Estate of Sarah J. Arden, deceaved., AWRENCE T. BUSHNELL, 'of the

Parish of St. Landry, Administrator.c;the Estate of Sarah J. Arden, his de~ascdwife, late of the aforesaid Parish, having fileda Final Tableau of said Estate, accompaniedby a petition praying that the same may behomologated ;-And whereas the prayer ofsaid petition has been granted by an order ofCourt, dated 16 December, 1859.

Therefore, notice is hereby given toll in-terested, to make opposition in writing, in mypyce, within thirty days from the date here-of, why said Tableau should not be homologa-ted, that the Administrator be discharged ofali further liabilities as such and that his bondbe cancelled.

- L. LAST .Pd. CTlAkA....,.Opelousas, December 17th, 1859.'

tate of Z3ttthiana.DISTRICT CouRT, N

Parish of St. Landry. No. 8889.

Estate of Joseph M. Carriere, fils,"J OSEPH lM. CARRIERE pere of the

a Parish of St. Landry, Administrator ofthe Estate of Joseph M. CarriBre fils, decea-sed late of the aforesaid parish, having filed aTableau of ciassification of the debts and dis-tribution of Jlnds of said Estate, accompa-nied by a ~Tition praying that the same maybe I)mologated ;-And whereas the prayerof% ai, petition has been granted by an orderof'Couirt dated December 22nd, 1859.

Therefore, notice is hereby given to all in-vi-ted, to make opposition, if any they have,within thirty days from the date hereof, whysaid Tableau should not be homologated andthe Administrator be authorized to settle inconformity with said Tableau.

L. LASTRAPES, Clerk.Opelousas, December 24th 1859.

PUBLIC SALE,By the undersigned Administrator.

TILE public are hereby informed. thatthere will be sold at public sale, to the

last and highest bidder, by the undersignedAdministrator, at the residence of Thomas S.Walker, in Bayou Chicot Settlement, in theParish of St. Landry, onTuesday 24th. January next, 1860,the following described property, belongingto the succession in community between JohnWhittington and his children, the, issue ofhis marriage with Sarah Nelson, his deceasedwife to-wit:

on which Thomas S. Walker now resides,situated in Bayou Chicot Settlement, Parishof St. Landry.

200 rpents .of Laud,belonging to The Carns Tract. t

.21, Acres of Lad,belonging to thie McDianiel Tract.

A NEGRO-WOIMAIN.63 head'. of cattle with the

brand JB; 2 yoke of oxen ; 1ox cart ; 10 head of horse crea-ture ; 2 mules ; one jenny ; 42

head of sheep ; 100 head of hogs ; one lot ofblacksmith's tools; 4 beds; 2 tables; kitchenutensils; the improvements on Pine Woods.

Terns and conditions:-Payable in fourequal and annual instalments, from the 1stof April next, 1860;-Purchasers furnishingtheir notes with good security in solido, to thesatisfaction of whom the right, with 8 percent. interest per annum, fromnmaturity un-til paid. And moreover, the lands and slaveremaining mortgaged until=Fhll and entirepayment of capital -and interests.

JOHN- WHITTINGTON,'rAdministrator.

Opelousas, December 24th, 1859.

Sale at Auctioz.RF Kl freight saved from the Steamboat

CIamde-. il* be sold at auction, onSaturday the 31st.December istant, at -10o'clock A. M. at GOrand arri re's Waire-house: at Wishington, f•r the benei ofwhomsoever it may.'c ..on ..ert:.

Terrns:-Uash . :delivecsrr.SN. B•-P~itieswhosem goods were noi in-

surgd are requeated to cll land receive, phi-vioui to the day of sale, that part whichl hasbeen saved, they paying their gudta of sal-

nth parties whose goods were in-suea ti hale so mach thereof as was saved`t' pk i ;anat }belor the invoice ;coat.

insurance Agent.Washington, 2th D~eember 1859. ;

SATLE AT AIJETION.T H ?'publie .are hereby informed that

. sher @wilUbe sold at apublie ala, to thelast andJ~ighest bidder, by the undersignedAuctioee~, lbefore the, Court House door, intl e Tow n of Opelouss.,Q.n Tuesday 1i7t January next, 1860,she fllowing; described tract of land, belong-ing i Mr. Rs emy Vioe and Augustin Fol-

I e -lain. too wit:

Shtuate& ir the parish of St. Landry, ati Moiintyille, bounded Sout by fioperty for.!rly belogigg to Amos WeObb, now tol gaJ. W. Murdock, 'itth by Bayou Cro-

,codile, West by land ormerly elongin toKi & Walsh and now turned by ?e ar-.

te the A t

'il ade iodw on the day


r.. -7-0,44 _tj;. ,~ i

Public Sale.By a duly commissioned Auodt2l r, in

and for the Parish/ef St La dry.U)Y virtue of an order from the ~on. the

Judge, of the 15th Judicial: Distridcin a. for the Parish of St, I andry, bearingdate the 22nd November instant, 18,tijjispublic are hereby informed that tb'r IIold at public sale to the last and igheeitbidder, by a duly commissioned Auetctneer,before the Court House Aoor, in the towna oOpelousas, onSaturday, 7th January next, 1860,the following described prope y, belowfto the Estates of the late Antoine Bois•and Manette Boisdore, his wife, bo" s deces-sed, late of the Parish of St. Landry, to wit:

measuring'tw6 seven Thin.tdred and fifty-four arpents and 93

hundredths, situated in the Parish of St. Lan-dry, on both sides of Bayou Nezpique, ad-joining the lands of Lemelle and French, atthe time of confirmation. This land is welltimbered.

ANOTHER TRACT OF LAND,confirmed by certificate A, No. 546,measuring six thousand four hun-dred arpents, in Township 5 and 6

South, Range 2 and 3 West, situated on bothsides of Bayou Nezpiqud, in the Parish ofSt. Landry, near the mouth Bayou BeaverCreek, bounded, at the time of the confirma-tion, South by Louis Boisdore, and Northby Louis Fontenot. This land is also welltimbered.


situated in the Parish of St. Landry, on Bay-ou Mallet, at the place called " Anse Bour-beuse," consisting in Section 44, Township6 South, Range 1 East, and of Section 7,Township 6 South, Range 2 East, containingone thousand three hundred and sixty-twoacres and 4 hundredths, equal to sixteen hun-dred arpents, it being the same land concededand confirmed to the widow Antoine Bois-dore, by act of Congress, and reported by theCommissioner in his certificate B, No. 1109.This Tract of Land is also part wood land andpart prairie land,

INOTHER TRACT OF LAND,situated at Pointe Marianne or Maronne, inthe Parish of St. 'Landry, on Bayou des Can-nes, in Prairie Mamouth, measuring sevenhundred and fifty-five arpents and 84 hun-dredths, confirmed to Manette Boisdord, wid-ow of Antoine Boisdord, as per Report No.6, American State Papers.

Terms and Conditions:--Twenty percent on the purchase price payable cash onthe day of sale, and the balance payable inone, two and three years credit, from the dayvt ~ltw-tbratis, one third on the 7th January1861, one third on the 7th January 1862 andthe last third on the 7th January 1863. Pur-chasers furnishing good and solvent securityin solido, to the satisfaction of the Adminis-trator of the Estates, and more over, the landsremaining specially mortgaged and hypothe-cated unto said Estate until full and entirepayment of capital and interests which may'accrue thereon, at the rate of eight pet c•nt"iper annum from maturity until paid.

Jy Payments to be made at the ofiic ofthe Recorder of the Parish of St. Landry, inthe Town of Opelousas.For further informations as regardsthe localities of these lands, refer to H. Hayes,Surveyor,. in Opeleusas, and Eugene Martel,

:who assisted in the surveys and is well ae-quainted with the localitied.

HENRY PROVENT, AdministtorEstate of Ant. Boisadr6 & Manette Bo~iir6.I

Ondonnsa•_ November. 26th. 1859.

TRE PLANTATI4NA on .which I now reside, valua j~as acotton or stock farm, and disnt fourmiles andaha lf from the town Ope.

lousas, cntaining about 1600 arpe t4 ofI overthree hundred and ifty of which are wabotiA 100) acres uder fencin field ea

The improvements, all oR cypress, are , andsuch' s are required on the verv be roefarm. The stock on the place will b with.it;tonsisting of 15i0 head of fie cattli roodmakes, colts, muls; 2 young niles ploughhorses; '200 sheep; oxn; ; th ntatioutensils andan abundance of corn a dr.Anew cotton gn and ipress, just put up.

Among whom-are1 l6good workl i odone old slate in.the- whole lot, ad one oisva-luable as a Midwife and ~Nurse fo ' childrensand.thesick:- . :

The stock alone on-the place iseworth $400.and .theamprovementa have costoveir 15,000.

The whole will be sold together oiithe follow-ing:termsn 0$65,60.-. -$10,000 cah, and the ba-'lane':in one, two, three, four, flvyh wd six yearscredit, withW5 per cent interest $ day of sale,and. 8 per cent after maturity; gg and ven-dor's privilege, retained: togeti with personalsecurity,, unless. the purcha prefers paying815;000 cash.

A alst f the n egroe and as , left withthis paper.-'ossesaon v giv

Opelousas, Decembr w s ft.wit

THE erued aaustarrivedfrom N aiensithalageanddchoice ' et of 3ewelry, con-statin as nLa4i ses' Camu e

ets, Ear.Rings, a hort v rti 1e of therichest ewelry, Ist dneartmentof

all di' e rd from one of thelargest erme h flrew Yo4k,and whbch

e ta s gnat o anenonce to hisfriendesand li en mhtha dthe ' o eene" a kili W



Public Sale.in E publio are hereby informed that

.tiereiwill be sold at public sale, to thehe last and highest bidder, by the undersignedat administrator, or by a duly licensed Auction-

g eer, on the Plantation hereinafter described,at Bellevue, ona Monday the 30th January next,1860,'the following described property be.lofinging the:Estate in community betweenthe late-JosephVictor Richard and Marie L.Richard his widow, both dec.ased, ~e of the3, Parish of St. Landry, to with . `

Saittrated in Bellvue, in the'Pa 8t. Lan-a- dry, about 5 miles from the Gou , tiouse of

Opelousas, measuring two hundr ~and for.ty atrpeit (superficial measure*- bounded'North by the Plantation of Widow Wm. H.:,_Sot • , 'oh• Hudson,

S bast•ihat ofC A:. razee, dt West by8 those of Thomas H. Lewis an the late Jean1- Fabien Richard, it being the ~ame where the

1- deceased last resided.Lt ALBERT, a negro nan aged about 5511 years, (ruptured.)

PAUL, (Attolie) nilatto man aged about38 years.

NARCISSE, mulatto mi•n aged about 20;, years.BEN, negro boy aged about 18 years.6 EDOUARD, negro boy aged about 12

h years.

f SOPHIE, negro woman, aged about 40r years, with her child,<- Charles or Chariot,

about 9 years old.5 SILESIE, negro an, aged about 251 years. a b

PELAGIE, negro rl aged about 13years.

A fram( house built on thetract of above described fourcorn ; one shed; carriage

house egro cab; kitchen; hen house; abuggy; a cart; a t of pickets in fencing; alot of rails;

ut -43 head of gen-tl ed cattle ; about 18 head

• of • e creature; about 300barrels of corn work horses; 2 mules;plougs; harroI household furniture, andmany other a the enumeration of whichwould be too .

Terms a Conditions.-All sums often dollars aci; under payable cash on theday of sale ; sums upwards of ten dollars,payable thus : e third in one year, one thirdin two yers anyne third in three years fromthe day of sale apurchasers furnishing theirnotes with secsilty in solido to the satisfac-tion of the adin istrator of said estate, whichnotes pay••b~e to the order and at the domicileof said and•inistrator, in this parish and bear-ing intere4atirthe sale of 8 per cent, per an-num fro maturity until paid. And moreo-ver the : d and slaves remaining speciallymortga unto said Estate, until final pay-ment o the capital and thginterest that may


Opelousas, December 24th, 1859.

Public Sale.By the undersigned Public Auctzonecr.7T3HE public are hereby informed that... there will be sold at public sale, to the

last and highest bidder, by the undersignedAuctioneer, on the Plantation, last residenceof Mrs. Clement Holier sils, about 3 milesfrom the Court House of Opelousas, onTuesday 24th, January next, 1860,the following described property, belongingto the Estate of the late Clara Doucet, de-ceased wife of Clement iHoiler fils, to wit:

A Certain Lot of Ground,situated in the Town of Opelou-as, bounded North by - street,

East by Union street, South-by a propertybelonging to Charles Thompson, and Westby Main street, it being the same propertypurchased b fom Ddsir Gotet, by act beforeP.Labycli, together with all and singularthe buildings and improvements thereonerected.

A .certain negrowoman named MARIE,'a•ed about 45 years.

A negroweman named MARIE, aged a-bout 26 years, and her four ehildreu: Meline,a girl edfiabout 9 years; Louisa, about 7years; Ceeiia, about *yeare; and Alpheonse,about oun year.

A• neg wome n, named SI LVIE, agedabout 2 yeats and. her son William, agedabout S years

A negrowoman named LIZE, aged about20 years..

A negrowoman named Tinsee, aged about35 years, Wd her four children: Joseph, 13years, Manre, 11 years; saac, 8 years; andMathilde, 8 years.

A: certain Fraction :of a Tract of Land si-tuated in the Town of Opelousas, measuring2i superufial arpents (more or less), boundedNorth by the Land of W. Dixon Perry,West by that of Joel H. Sandoz, East by theland of the heirs of Godefroy Hollier, decea-sed, and Dion Perry, and South by the landof .•i-Mielinda H. Thompson, Thomas H.Thoa•mso and others,. it being a portionof the land purchased by the deceased at thesucceessional sale atof John Thompson, aboutthe ear 1854.

Tderms and dti sOne two, andthree years creditfr day of sale. Purcha.sers jngisb ood5 ;and solvent security to

the aosf ,the T'utor ofthe minors ofsaid Clars seet, and all, sums not panetu-allpfid amt eityof bear interest at 8 per

ett e `a t ateurzity until parid,sa t l f lan edg property and slaves

reasisbgupesiay ortgaged nt said Es-Suntil a Ltentire payment of capital

aui tost., which aceirpe thereon.i; l , (N, Audcioneer

SI 17th 1869.

Autc%-sonser fdrt Pa'rak S. Iandrtb
