m THE OMAHA DAILY "BEE : WEDNESDAY : SEPTEMBER 7. 1887. . _ . C THE SPECULATIVE " < ' %hcat Dull , Prlco rinctnations Narrow , and Trade Light. CORN IN HANDS OF SCALPERS.- Ofttn . and Provision * Kulo Quiet and I owcr nnslncm In Hog * Blow , With a Down Turn Gen- eral ¬ Quotations.- CHICAGOrnoDUOE . MARKET.C- HIOAOO . , Sept. a [ Special Telr fram to the UKK.J Tne wheat market was dull ami price fluctuations were within narrow limit ?. Trade was light anil outside news without special weight. The general range of price was Bunder the level attained on the closing bulge yesterday , but was a little above yesterday'sa- verage. . October opened at 71c , ran zed nt- Tlft'O c and rested at 1 oclock at 70Vi71. December opened at 74c , ranged at 74 %@ 73c and rested at i@iMc. May opened at- 80c , ranged nt By TOfo and closed at 7UJ c. There were voiy few outside orders and local scalpers were disgusted at the dullness of the market Corn was mainly In the scalpers' hands to- day ¬ , there being but few outside orders and no disposition on the part of prominent local houses to extend their lines largely cither way. Price changes were rather fre- quent ¬ within J c ranee and the fecllne , though somewhat unsettled , was firmer, cash nnd September especially showing strength and }{@% advance. More deferred deliveries closed nbout } e butter than yesterday. Octo- ber ¬ opened nt ll c, or J c off , touched 4M@- 41Kc together , then sold down to4l > {( $41c and advanced during the last half hour to- 4IKc , clnslng atl o'clock at 4lc , with Sop- tombcr - Jc discount November closed at- 42cbld , December at 42kc nnd May at 4WO- .Wav . corn sold from 44&45c low to 45 @ 45Xc hlKh. Kasti'rn and foreign markets were reported linn , with snot com In Liver- pool ¬ Mil higher. Export clearings were largo, footiiiL' up 117,000 bushels at two ports- .At . this point lake snippers engaged rouin for 294,000 bushels. The visible supply figures showed an Increase for the week of 4XX , ( ) bushels. Receipts for to-morrow were estl- piatcd - nt333 car. . being less limn expected. Taken all around there was a pretty bullish undertone to tlio market. The smaller class of holders manifest a desire to let go on every little bulge of moment. Surface Indi- cations ¬ do not show that there are many largo operators lutercsted heavily on the bull Oats were weak early owing to selling out by parties who had bought yesterday , but with lighter estimated receipts for tomor- row ¬ the decrease In the supply In sight and some good investment buying toward the close , the speculative market tinned up- gain. . ' 1'rovlslons were quiet Short ribs for Sep ¬ tember and October delivery again rather monopolized attention , though after a brief spurt of life early In the day they rathe r sympathized with the seneral market.- AFTKUXOON . SESSION Wheat easy ; Sep ¬ tember B > c, October 70J c, November Tic. Corn easy ; September and October41k@ 4lJ.Cc ; November closed at41c. Oats steady. Pork was quiet ; January Hold and closed atr- ..GO. . Lisrd advanced about SXc and closed nt 88.45 for September , S6.4rx3 6.47H bid for October , SM7k bid for November nnd De- cember ¬ and SB.M for January. Short ribs were easier and closed at 88.56 for Septem- ber ¬ , StJ.57 > f for October and 5C.4i for January. CHICAGO lilVE STOCK.- H . CHICAGO , Sept 0. I Special lelegram to the HEE.J CATTLE Prices on medium and common natives are lower than during the great break In July. ' To-day and yesterday the top price on natives was 4.90 for a qual- ity that last week would have brought 85,00@ 515. Very fair natives would not bring over J3.80 and prime New Vork or dressed beef steers S40u4no. Host would bring perhaps 475. The decline has been sharp and is n surprise to those, that do not keep a close run of what Is going on outside. To-day and yestcrd nr there were too many rattle at other points. These places usually look to Chicago to strengthen values when the run Is light r , here , but tbc load lust now is too heavy to- lift. . Native canning and cow stocK gener- ally ¬ Is the lowest on record and that Is say- ing ¬ a great deal , but moro numbers and weights went over the scales to-day nnd yes- terday ¬ between 810091.50 ( than for any day that can be remembered. Texas canning stock also Is extremely low. The stacker and breeder trade is literally lifeless and prices are down to low water mark. Shipping steers , 13M to 1500 Ibs , 34ir7i5.00 ; 1200 to 1SSO Ibs , S3SOQl.40 ; 'J50- to I'JUO Ibs , S265R350. ( ; Stockers and feed ¬ ers. 8150t.OO : ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , 81.00- S2.1W ( ; bulk , Sl.'iXJ&l.SO & ; Texas steers. 82.30 8.25 : cows , 810S230. Western rangers weak ; natives and half breeds , 5075.45 ! ; wintered Toxans. 2tO3l5. lloos Husliiess was slow with a down- turn of 5@10c on the ordinary run of mixed and packing sorts. During the early morn- Ing - hours a few fancy heavy sold at S5.50@ 6.55 , but later the same quality could have been bought n good 5c lower. Packing and the ordinary run of shipping sorts sold within a range of S5.JOgIO ( , with common at 55.10 @5.2.light ; sorts, S525Q5.85 ; grass- era , 83.40 ( 5.28- .OM.YI1.X . MVK HTOOK. Tuesday , Sept 8- .Cnttlo. . . The receipts were liberal , there belnr { a- enn ! of 5UO ii3 compared with yesterday. While the greater number of cattle were ran.'crs there was ( | uite it liberal sprinkling ot coed corn fed natives and westerns. The gnneral market was lower , there bclni ;a d - cline of nbout 10u In most Instances. Thcru was a very fair demand nnd quite a good ruany cattle changed hands. There waa more lorstockers and feeders than for days back and more activity In the uitiikut. Hog * . Thn run.of hoes was liberal , the receipts twine considerably over twlco what they were yestnrday. The average qtialit ) of the lions was very fair and there were quite a peed many Knod loads here. The market opened ftctlvt ) at about yesterday's prices and the vcns wcru soon cleared. Ono need load of heavy hotts reached 85.30 , which was more than anything brought yesterday , but they weru butter hot ; !* . There were eight loads re- ceived ¬ late In the day, but the buyers did not oppunr anxious to buy any moro. Only two out of the eicut were sold.and they wont at a decline of 5tlOc. The market closed weak and lower , with six loads unsold- .Sheep. . . The receipts were llpht and only one load told. llooeipti. Cattle 1,20- 0llo9 4f 00 Sheep 800 Shipments Sunday. Cattle 1 33 cars HOKS Dears Provalltnic Prlom.- Bhnwlnutho . prevailing prices paid for IIva stock on this market : Choice steers. mi to 1503 Ibs. .. , 4.av 44.50- Choicesworn , 1100toWi Ibs. . . 4004i.l Fat Illtlo steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. ... 3.75M3.U- OCornfed raiiKO steers 1200 to 1530 3.75 4.35 Rood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 250M3.00 Common to medium cows 2.00 <( tJ.25 Hood to choice bulls 1.7.V.W.O- Otil . ht and medium hoes 5.05 5.15 Good to choice heavy hoits. . . . . . 5,15 ! $ S.V- SJood ! ( to cholcu muoil hogs 5.10 (5.1- 5Ucprejentattve Halo *. WKSTKUN bTEKKS COHXFKIK- No. . Av. 1r. No. Av.- C. . Pr. . ' , .. .Ki09 34.20 .NATIVK STKKUS-COIlN-FKn. 7.1053 S1.75 10.1170 4.15 20. .. . 'Jltl 3.W 85 . .1160 4.20 10.1IKI9 4.00 1U.1220 4.35 37 . . .1201 4.05 87.1201 4.35 1S.1HO 4.10 lit. . . . .1407- a. 4.40 ... .1200 4.10 60..1337T- KXA8 4.45 8Tir.llS : HAY BTAT- K.ion..1212 . aoo IOS..UOT- TAILlNOn 3.00- I.IKR. TSCI1MACIIKK A HK1III. . 11 . .. IHMJ 2.40 12..1140N- ATIVK 2.40- 2.CO SlKRS Gl'.Af-SKRM. 5. . 1000 3.50 8TOCKKHS. 11. . ., 160 l.UO 8. ... M7 21. .. . !WJ' 1.00 4. . . 613 260. 62 , , . , O.XJ' ' 2.40 ' 20701 : 2.65 COWS BAT STATE. k-V 40.10W U.80 * -T- WE8TKUN COWS. 27..10232.50 1.1070 2.65- STAOB. . 1.1470 3.M FKf.DKItS. 29.1140 2.40 SlIF.K.r.- b9. . . ... 70 3.30 nor.s.- No. . . Av. 8hk. Pr. No. AT. 8hfc Tr. 08.221 120 85.10 77.237 10055.15 91. .. . 01 200 6.10 74.242 120 6.1S | C7.24I 200 6.12J4 60.249 120 S.15 W.200 ) 200 fi.15 07.245 40 5.15 C22.ir 100 5.15 70 .. .217 40 6.15- S 0.221 100 5.15 OS.200 200 5.15 71.K9 6.15 72.240 120 5.15 77.224 6.15 100.103 240 5.17 } $ 00.257 5.15 022.17 100 5.20 C8.22J 6.15 07.243 bO 6.20 09.247 feO 5.13 lS02.i2 200 5.20 & 5.KS 120 5.15 63.283 M) 6.20 CJ2.9 ! tO 5.15 01.255 5.20 81. .. .aB 120 6.15 67.202 SO 5.20 70.204 feO 5.15 61.21O 5.20 022.S ) 40 6.15 58.27 40 5.29 01.203 120 5.15 01.270 tO 5.20 04.261 100 5.15 ( . .. .249 bO 5.20 77.237 100 5.15 03. . .259 120 5.20 74.243 120 5.15 02.2TJ 80 6.20 CO.249 120 5.15 67 .. . &Q 5.20 07.245 40 5.15 ( ft.285 40 5.20 70.217 40 5.15 59.2IU 40 5.20 08.aOO 200 5.15 128.2KI 100 5.20 T2.240 120 6.15 07.2S6 100 5.20 07 .. .204 200 6.15 00.284 80 5.20 69.300 200 5.15 CO.277 5.20 03. . . .255 100 5.15 01.279 40 .120 80.221 100 6.15 73.250 bO 6.20 71.229 5.15 66.207 6.22 77.224 - 6.15 002.V5 120 5. ' 1 CO..257 6.15 00.305 40 5.25 03. .. .233 5.15 69.314 5.25 09.247 80 5.15 6S.33S 200 52. " ) 05.228 120 5.15 00.270 5.25 09.239 80 5.15 67. ... : 1 5.25 83.245 120 6.15 59.2b9 120 6.25 70.204 bO 6.15 61.312 500 52.5 03.223 40 6.15 G5. >5 bO 6.25 04.202 120 5.15 CO.259 5.25 04.204 100 5.15 67.H34 bO 6.UO ' Mro Stock Sola. Showing trui number of head of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTI.K.- G. . . II. Hammond fe Co 417- J.ocal 104 Shippers 141 Feeders 110 Anglo American Packing Co 12 Total "b94- lions. . Anglo American PacklngCo 2,5S4- O. . ll. HammondCo 459 Armour A Co C.4 Harris & Fisher 07- J. . P. Squires & Co 500 Total 4.270 Unsold 390- S1IBK1' . Local 89 All antes ot stock in tin * market are made per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at Kc per Ib. for all weights "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than too IDS, no value. Pregnant sowsaro dockoJ 40 IDS. and BtagsSllbi. br the nubile Inspector- .Ijlvc Stuck Notes. Cattle lower. Hogs close weak. Six loads of hogs unsold.- A . good many cattle change hands.- II. . . C. liollong, Schuyler , was a visitor at the yards. Alexander Lavcrty , Ashland , was taking In the yards.- Mr. . . Duforo was In with a load of 25c hogs from Plattsmouth.- O. . . W. Harness , Defiance , la. , was here and marketed a load ot lie s. Hiram Lewis , Geneva , marketed live loads of cattle and a load of hogs. Gardner , Arris .t Co. , Scrlbner. marketed a load of hogs at 85.30 , the top price.- A. . . P. Falk , Essex , a farmer and feeder, was union ; the visitors at the yards. White & Tindall , Hawthorne , la. , were both hoiu with a load of butcher stock. bliss & Ull.ss , the well known shippers of- Schuyler , marketed a load of 25c nogs. William Klrebaugh , Havenna. came In with a load of cattle and a load ot hogs.- C. . . Beyer, a feeder of Hampton , was at the yards and marketed a loard of sheep. John S. Young , Palmyra , was In with two loads of HOO-lb cattle which sold at 8120. James Cummins , Talmave , came In with a load of hogs , accomp'cd ' by J. N. Wcstfull.- A. . . C. Virgin , a well known and heavy shipper of Utlcn , was among those In with hogs.- A. . . C. Smith , of the tirm of J. Askwlg , Oakland , Neb. , was hero with two loads of- hogs. . Among those In with cattle was Charles Fish , Collins , la. , who marketed a load of- feeders. . John Hviners , Grand Island , was at the yards looking over the market and buying a few stock cattle.- N. . . K. Jllnkeslec , Mead. . Neb. , was hero and marketed a load of 1407-Ib steers of bis own feuding at 8440. John Clay , jr. , of the firm of Clay , Hobtn- son & Co. , whose homo Is In Scotland , was a visitor at the yards. 11. It. Dabney , n feeder of Oakland. la. , was looking over the market witli a view to sending In some fat cattle. George Wlllar.l , Columbus , was In with two loads ot 129Mb native steers shipped from Leigh. They sold a 18405. William P. Kimball. president of the Western Investment llank of Chicago , is visiting the city and stock yards.- G. . . lillttner , a well-known feeder of Madl son , came In with a load of cattle. Twenty head of 093lb. cattln went at 83.90.- J. . . It. McKee , Palmvra , was at the yards and marketed three loads ot cattle. Fifty head averaged 1.3J7 Ibs. and brought 8445. John Wiggins , Columbus , the well-known shipper , and secretary of the Llvu Stock Shippers' association , was hero with one load of cattle.- JetTcrson . Chittonden , a well-known citizen ot Tecumseh , Neb. , formerly a live stock shipper of Berlin , WIs. , was among the vis- itors at the yards. John Hitter, the well-known stockman of North liend , wires to have a room engaged with a temperature at GO degrees. He is an old veteran and will take In the encamp ment.- C. . . Poor, Marysvillo , Kan. , came In wltt two loads of hogs and a load ot rattle belong- Ing to John Degnan. Mr. Poor is on his way back to his old homo In Maine , which ho left forty-one years ago. He Is an old settler In the west and his favorite hunting gnunds for bullalo was the country between Omaha and Lincoln. The following, among others , marketed hogs : li. A. Templeton , Tekamah ; H. It- Gammell , Herman ; Farnnuton & Son Lyons ; G. H. Warren & Co. , Graf ton ; Kep ler llros. , Dorchester ; G. H. Dlxon , Eiuer son ; Allen & F., Tamora ; J. Kills , DuWitt- C. . L. Jones , Hastings ; W. W. Klock & Co- .Hradstiaw . ; D. Anderson , Columbus ; lleau champ A J. , Ord ; Standard C. Co. , Ames F. Kropf, Schuyler ; C. Itudat, Norfolk : C, Hennlngsen , Danuebroi;; T. It. Murrh , Cell wood ; L. C. KickholT , South Hond ; A. Man dlebnuui , Campbell ; J. T. Goodell & Co. Weston ; Chas. Hunter , Klverton ; 0. I) Moore , Harvard ; Fisher & W. , Vork ; A. W Johnson , Loomls ; Fuller S. & F. , Lindsay Jno. Noli , Clarkson ; F. Schneider , Snydcr Dorsey A G. , Newmans Grove ; F. Will cntt , Albion ; A. Cruise , Atkinson Willis .tS. , Avoca ; Flndley & IttfMarne- Shorctt&S. . . Panama ; D. S. Kinsella. Pan- ama ; L. 1 *. Stephens , Klkhorn ; G. P. Mooriv head , Dunlap ; Sterling it V. . Avoca ; J. K- Horsey , Noith llend ; C. J. Ityain. Corlev- W. . II. Errett , Harlan ; W. L- llaughn , Harlan : J. llastle , Tal- intge ; A. K Spearman. Sprlnglield OMAHA WHOLKSALK M.YItKUTS. Tuesday , Sept. C- .Prniiuco. . . The ; are the price * nt which round lota of produce ( ire * oW on thin innrhi't : The receipts of butter , eges and poultrj were very largo to-day and tne market wa1- overstocked. . Tim deuund Is not > rt a ! great as was expected tor this week. Egg ! declined a cent pur dozen. Other prices an the same- .Kii3 . The market Is still weak at 12>i @l c- .UUTTKnOeamery . , ao ivr | pound choicedalrv , l iOc ; medium gt nil- , HXSlG- cordinary. . { 10c- .CHKK . K Market f.vlr. t-jiuuy full creau Cheddars , sluvlo We ; lull cream twins , 13c young Americas ! 3c ; bilek clieese , 1UO ibi- in case. 15c ; Llmberger, 100 Ibs In case , 13. c- Sauni1 fancy Ohio , lOc- .POUI.TKY . Fair market ; spring chickens 11.75 3.50 ; old fowls. < 3.5X ( 13.25 ; ducci ! 122582.75 ( ; turkeys , CQ7C v r Ib. . < - _ . * _ * From - . Darkness - . to Light ! The Silver Moon shining out from the heaven , gives light , hope and joy to a world in darkness. So do the astounding revelations , commendations , testimonials , praises ' sworn evidence , happy results , speedy and permanent cures performed by the famous Carl)6lio Smoke Ball. The nbovc cut Is a gnotl rcprctieiita- ton of flic yeintinc Carbolic Smoke Jtitll , with our patent Smoke Emit- ter ¬ or Liberator attached. bo Pnckneo" FEVHH "Smoko , minutes , bo A "Cnrbolic Smoke Bull" the successful treatment of Catarrh , Asthma , Hay Fever , Bronchitis ami Ulccration of the Lungs. an- nfalliblo compound for , Spleen , Kidneys , Bladder , Malaria Jaundice Dya- pcnsia - , , Moth Patches , , Menses , cto- No household be without remedies. of the Smoke Ball is | 200. It has never than tins , and we warn the public against and Smoke are offered them for less There is only Smoke Ball United States , : at , Insist upon petting Ball accept no other. ASTHMA. 10 Years Standing. Carbolic Smoke B nil Co. : I have sutiered with asthmas sixteen vears. Many times my life was despaired Physicians in Easton , Pa. , Jersey City , J. , in Philadelphia treated me , and , in fact , spent hundreds of dol- lars ¬ ; found no I have your medicine for over two months ; have not an attack , and feel cured. You have my sincere thanks for wiiat your Smoke Unit and Dobollator has done for PHILLIP C. Kerr , 4251 North 20th street , Louis , Mo. Sworn to before mo this 7th day of February , 1887. A. A. PAVSON , Notary Public. St. Louis , Mo- .AN . AFFIDAVIT- .Catarrli . of 5 Years Standing Cured.- OUAIIA . , Nob. , May 11 , 1887. Carbolic Smoke Ball Company ( iun- tlcmon - : I have been a constant sufferer from catarrh for the last live yoars. I have tried many remedies that claimed a sure cure , but received no benefit from any of them. My head at times would become so stopped uu with mucous mat- ter ¬ that it was impossible to breathe through my nostrils. My sleep was also broken by choking sensations caused by the dropping of the mucous matter into the throat. 1 first received a frco test of your Smoke Ball some three months ago , and was surprised to find that it cleared mv head in a few minutes and gavu won ¬ derful relief. I then purchased a ball , whicli I have been using since , and now say honestly and truthfully THAT I AM ENTIRELY I sleep well at night , have a good appetite and foci like <v now man. Yours truly , NKWTOK HALL , With Omaha Republican. Subscribed in my prcsonco and sworn to buforn mo this llth day of May , 1887.- W. . . W. KEYSOH , Notary Public.- A . I'liOMINEKT HECOJIMKNDS THK- SMOKK HALL. Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Gen- tlemen ¬ : I have used your Carbolic Smoke Ball for catarrh and throat troubles , and recommend it as a pleasant nnd effective remedy. It is a sensible way of treating diseases of the and throat. Yours truly , S. A. OuniAiU ) , Wholesale and Retail Carpets , Cor. 15th and Farnam streets. HAY FEVER.- A . DISEASE THAT HAS BAFFLED THE SKILL OK THE HiST PHYSICIANS ) BY THE USE OF CAItUOLIU SMOKE liALL. , . Sept. 1 , 1887. Carbolic Smoke Hall Company Gen- tlemen ¬ : This is to certify that your Car- bolic ¬ Smoke Ball lias cured me of Hay 1'ever , a disease that has annually at- tacked ¬ mo for the lost three years. Thu attack generally came on the first of August , but season it came about the LTitli of July , and seemed to bo moro severe than over. Breathing throuerh- my nostrils was almost impossible , as the passages appeared to bo entirulv- closed. . My eyes were also badly in- llamed - , nnd my general health much im- paired. ¬ . A friend advised mo to try the Smoke Ball , and I immediately pro- cured ¬ and commenced using it. The first application gave mo relief , und in less than a week symptoms of the had disappeared , lours truly , CHAS. F. PoTTKit , Supt. MJ. Valley & Gravel Co. , Board of Trade Building. The only relief received was hypo- dermic ¬ injections of morphine- the Smoke Ball cured him. Road : INDIANAPOLIS , May Having been a sufferer for moro than OxiresCAT- ARUIl Cured In three months ; warranted. The "Dcbollntor" should also taken in chronic cases. ASTHMA Cured in ncarlv every relieved In live minutes , but the "Dobcl- later must be taken Vlth tno "Smoko Hall. " HAY A euro puarantced if taKen in time. No symptoms ot the dls. case rclurninc. The "Dcbelhxtor Package" must bo takun in connection with the Hall. " BRONCHITIS Cured In every case ; warranted. The "Dcbellator" should bo used with the "Smoko Ball. " DEAFNESS Cured in from thrco to six months if the drums of the cars arc not destroyed. Hot salt water used in connection with special instructions. EYES Granulated lids weakness of the optic nerves , etc. , cured in four to six weeks. in live minutes. CROUP in three minutes , and cured in twenty-four hours. OF THE LUNGS-Rclievcd in live , and cured in one week. The "Dobcllator Package" must bo in addition to "Smoko liall. " NEURALGIA Cured the third dose , and it will not return if the remedy is occasionally used. SNORING Thrco doses each night , before retiring , cures this trouble. DIPHTHERIA "Carbolic Stu-jko" destroys the germ of this disease and should given as a preventive. COLD IN THE HEAD Cured In liftccn minutes. COLD ON THE in twelve hours. companion to the famous in Also Liver , , Piles Complexion Suppressed should these infallible The price Carbolic been less price any all Balls which than 200. one Carbolic manufactured in the viz Indianapolis Indiana. this and of. N. and relief. used had permanently me. St. can CURED. can head OMAHA Nob. about this nasal ono all disease Sand from 131887. caoj Relieved Relieved ULCERATION used after CHEST-Cured twelve years with that terrible disease , Asthma , wnicli incapacitated mo from business , nnd causing much of the time untold siiHennfr , I had.jtrJcd many physi- cians ¬ and many remedies from special ¬ ists. Sonus of tliiim.gavo mo momentary relief , but soon it returned witli moro virolenco than ever , li'iimtllv had to re- sort ¬ to inoruhino by hypodermic injon- tions - so as to cet soml ) rest while under its mlliiunce. Mjt-.brcast and. arms are all scarred over from'1 these injections , and I was completely discouraged. Soo- iiiR - a circular from the Carbolic Smoke Hall ollieo , I called , in to ROO what now "humbug" it was and thought 1 would bind' them by roqiiirmg uguarantee , and : u the same time making an oll'ur of if 100 for a euro. They kindly informed mo that they could euro mo lor | ! i as well as $100 , and offered a free test , which gave mn relief. Vet I was not satisfied , but called several times , and bought a Hall and Ddbcllator ; commenced using them according to directions. This was in September , 180. At that tune , while under treatment , I was engaged in ship ¬ ping horses to Buffalo , and was greatly exposed at night , but kept using tint Smoke Hall ; continued to improve , and in November I was a cured man ; anil last winter I worked in the steam , heat and cold , and have had no symptoms of- a return of the disease , and I certainly feel grateful to the Carbolic Smoke Hall for this miraculous restoration to health.- JAS. . . L, . Km : , 200 Hlako St. Subscribed and sworn to before me this liltli day of May , 1887. [ Seal ] H. F.ITT , Notary Public. . Croup , Whooping etc. Whoop- ing Cough Cured in 48 Hours. OMAHA , Neb. , April 22. 1887. Carbolic Smoke Hall Co. Gentlemen : Some time ago you induced mo to try your Smoke Hall. At the time I had a child suu"cring with a very bad whooping cough. Ho could hardly lie down , as it brought on strangulation from the phlegm , and in his otlbrts to throw off this stringy phlegm ho was constantly vomiting his food as fast as taken in. 'I made him inhale the smoke from the ball three times for u day, and inside of 48 hours broke the cough up. From the start the smoke altered the character of the secrntions ; they bccaino loose and easily thrown off in the form of matter , and the child recovered fully in a few days. Since that I have used the Smoke Ball in my family for all ordinary colds , for which it gives instant relief and a speedy cure. Respectfully. &o. , D. H. HKEMRK , Commission Merchant , 801 , 803 , 805 , 807, Howard. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 22d day of April , 1887. [ Seal ] W. W. KKYSOIJ. Notary Public.- A . physician cures his child of croup with the Smoke Hall. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. , Indianapolis , Ind. : My little child one night had a severe attack of crou | > . I used the Car- bolic ¬ Smoke Hall , which I always keep in my hoitio , and it relieved it in a few moments. It went to sleep and slept soundly. I have used it for many dis- eases ¬ , and from my own personal expe- rience ¬ I can recommend it us wonderful in its curative effects.- N. . . P..UAIVTEH , M. D. , Mapletou , Ind.- SOKE . TuuoLr AND COLDS- .OMAiii . , Neb. , Jan. 8 , 1887. Carbolic Smoke ( Bull Co. Gentlemen : I have used yonr Carbolic Smoke Ball for colds and sore thrqut and hnd it lo bo an infallible remedy fbr such troubles. Yours truly , Du. A. S. BILLINGS , Southeast corner Dodge and 10th Sts. Each Ball Is Inclosed in an Individ- ual ¬ Ito.r , lovevcd with our reijlstei'cd label bcarintj note tit hand.- A . Great Family Medicine Headache and Colds. OMAHA , Neb ,. Dee. 27, 1881. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Gentlemen : Your valuable remedy , Carbolic Smoke , as applied through your Carbolic Smoke Ball , has been used in my family and lias afforded immediate relief from head- ache , cold and catarrh. In fact , if prop- erly ¬ applied. I consider it a spocilic for those complaints , and 1 believe it will euro any disease of the mucous mem- brane ¬ thai can bo reached by inhalation. Yours truly. C. C. Fouuv , Trunk Manufacturer , 1400 Douglas St WHAT ONB SMOKi : MALI , ACCOMPLISHED IN- A MONTH ! Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Gen- tleman ¬ : 'I his is to certify that I have been troubled with catarrh for the last three years. I have used many remedies , but failed to receive relief from any of- them. . The disease continued to grow worse until it affected my voice very much , and also caused the breath to become very offensive. I have been using one of your Smoke Balls now for a month , and can notice A DECIDED CHANGE IN MY CONDITION. My throat has ceased to trouble me , my head is perfectly clear , and 1 am satisfied that 1 can obtain a cure from your remedy. Yours Uulv , PHILIP MILLER , Barber 111 South 15th Street. Subscribed in my presence , and sworn to before mo this 17th day of Juno A. D. 1837. CHARLES L. THOMAS. Notary Public.- A . Remarkable Cure. The Smoke Ball Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. A. Newman.- Cor. . . Cumings and 27th Sts. Onuiha Says : Carbolic Smoke Hall Co , Omaha , Nob. Gentlemen : I take pleasure in recom- mending ¬ your remedy , the Carbolic Smoke Ball , for I believe it has saved my- life. . I have been troubled for years with what was considered to bo an in- curable ca o of Catarrh. Have been under treatment of several well known physicians of Omaha , but could receive no relief from them. My condition con- tinued ¬ to grow worse , until at last the disease began to oat through the mom- brancs - of the nose and mouth , making breath very offensive and causing sev- eral ¬ pieces of decayed bono to como from my mouth , 1 had given up all hopes of over receiving a cure , but decided to try your remedy for a relief. I not only re- ceived ¬ relief , but am happy to state that I am entirely cured. I have boon using the remedy now for four months ; mv general health is much improved , and I- am satisfied that the Smoke Hall does all that you claim for it. Very Respectfully , Mas. C. A. NEWMAN, Res. Cor. 27th and Cumiug streets.- DEAFNESS. . . W. L. Adams , Esq. . Completely Cured oi Catarrh and Deafness Read : ST. Louis , Mo. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Gentlemen : Catarrh attacked mo seven years ago.- My . symptoms wore those which are usu- ally ¬ characteristic of the disease , coupled with that of Deafness. My hearing was so impaired as to render it impossible to hoar any ordinary conversation. Thanks to your'Carbolic Smoke Ball , my catarrh is cured , as well as my deaf ness , lean hear the ticking of a watch.- W. . . L. ADAMS , 7037 S. Water St. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this the 18lh day of May , 1887- .WALTEUO. . . CAIIU , Notary Public. * DQ11 Overtljjt South Itith street , one donr south of the , saV ± O arcoj > en to thepubUa from a a. in. to S p. H- I.A . Fr66 TeSt Is given all who will take the trouble to call. " VTci 11 f AVG The complete treatment sent to any address on receipt of price $3 , ± TXttll V l U.O1 O anj 4 cents postage. Smoke Ball $2 , Dobellator 1. Ono complete treatment generally sufficient for a cure. * Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Over 114 S. 15th St. , ( Creighton Block , Omaha , Neb J FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS , JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , Wholemlr nealtrl- nAjrrlcultural Implements , Wagons , 3r.rrlftiti ami nucrl t. Jonrt itroot , between ttb- ml loth , Omaha , K b- .L1XIXURR . C METCAi F CO. , Agricultural Implement *, l7MonirarrlaM. Dugiles , Rte.Tholtnalc , On h- a.PARLINOREyDORFA . MARTIN WholeialoDcaloraln Agricultural Implements , Tagon * and DuKnlea. 901 , SOJ , Wl anil P97 , Jon i at- Artists' Material.- A. . . HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Doiiglai Ptr * t. Omah- a.Builders' . Hardware and Scale- s.HIMEBAUGHA . TAYLOR , Bnllders'Hardwnro&Scalo Repair Shop Mechanics' Toola and Buffalo BraUa. 140J Douflaa at, Omaha. N b. _ ___ __ Books dnd Stationery.- A. . . T. KEN YON ,0 CO. , Who'ctalo and Re alt Booksellers and Stationers , IKS DonplRS8t.Oninhi , Noti. Telephone 601. _ Corre l oinli'npo lollcitpil. Boots and Shoes. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 Farnam !., Omaha , N b. Manufactory , Bumm- Mitrnt , lloHon. _ Bee- r.STORZ . , C ILER , Loffer Beer Brewers , 1571 North l lh Street. Omaha. Nab- .Butchers' . Tools. Coffee , Splcet , Etc. CLARKE BROS. <C CO. , Omaha Corrte and Spice Villa..- Ooffoai . . , Spices. Haklnc Powder. FlnTorlnif B- tracln , laundry Blue , Ink. Bte. 1414-18 Ilaner- Cornier. . . John Epeneter, 1'rop.- Ilumfaoturor . of QalTanliad Iron an-t Conic *. and 103 and 1U N , 10th at. Omaha. Na- b.RUEMPING . tC BOLTE , Manufacture of Ornamental Oalvauized Cornices , Dormer Wlndowi , Klnali. MoUllc Skylight , etc. 310 8. Hti it. . Omaha. _ _ WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , Prop.- Qalvanltad . Iron Cornlcci , etc. Bpecfalmprnred Pat- cnt - MptallcHkylltht. tog andMO H , 13th I..Oniaha , Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbori of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , RngSiL- inoleums. . Mattlngi , Rtc. Ill I Doaftai itrtet. Crockery and Notions.- A . (tent for 'ho Manufacture and Importer * ot Crockery , Glassware , Lamp ! , Chluiuuye , etc. Office , S17 South llth ( t- OmatiB , h' b. CLOTHING _ _ M. ELGUITER'S Mammoth Clothing : Houso. Corner rurnaio and Tenth Blroels Omaha. Neh. Commission and Storage- .It. . . A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing.B- utter. . . Engaand Produce. Conalgnmente aollelted , nuadqnarUra fur tUunewarc. Bcrrr llozra ami- Orapo llatketa. 1 14 Dodge street , Omaha- .L . , C ItlDDELL , Storage and Commission HnrclmnN , Ppeclaltics Bmtrr , Kiigt. Choose , Poiltrjr, Oarae , etc. , etc. 112 S. llth S- LPEYCKE BROS. , . Couiniission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provision ! , Omaha , Neh- .e . CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutter , (! mo , Kiulta , c. tX 8. l th t Omaha Neli. Coal antf Lime.- Uao. . . r. i.MiAon , Pre > . C. r. OooniiAN , V. Pi . J. A. SUNDIHI.AKD , Hoe. and Treaa. OMAHA COAL , COKE C LIME COMPANY, Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.S- U3 . South Thirteenth Street , Omuha , Neb- .p . co. , Mannfiicturors of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper * of Coitl anil dike , Cement , Plaitar , IJme , llalr , Klre nrlck , Drain , Til * nnd 8 wer Pipo.- omru. . . Piiiton Rut : ! , rarnnm ft. , Oimha , N b. ' Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , dun * and Ammunition , 215 to 323 fl. llth at. , 1010 to lUii ramam t.Oimha.Neb. _ _ WEST tC FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Denlera In Leaf Tubaccoi , No . 198 and 110 N. ' 4th atritet. U naha. _ Dry Hoods. Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1IW nnd 1101 ntmuliiii. rnr. llth St. , Omaha. Nnh. Distiller * . Distillers of Mqunrp , Alcohol ami Spirits. Importers Hlnl Jobbers of WlncsHnJ Liquor- s.WILLO . W SPRINGS DISTILLE'fC- O. . and ILER <0 CO. , Importers nnd Jobberr of Flno Wines and I.lnnon- .Holenmnufoturarinf . Kunnodr' * Kast India lilt- ttTBundiniuifailcMqiiors. - . llH llnrneyBU- Furniture. . EY K Wholesale Dealers iu Furniture.F- arnam . sU. Omiiha. Neb. CHARLES SIIlt'ERICK , Furniture , lioddln ? , Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. 1206,1M3 and H1Q Karnain St. . Ouiuha. Groceries , Wholesale tiroccries and I'rovisions , No : . 70J707.70Uana7ll S.lOtli St. . Omaha. Ne- b.McCORD . , BMAJJY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , ltn anil I.envenworth iita.Oruaha. LEE , FRIED M CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Hlicot Iron. Ktc. Aicent * for Howe hcales , anil Miami ruw1crCu.OmalinNili , U' . J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Wnrun hlock. Uardwure Lumber , etc. 1201 and 1211 lUriiey it. , Omah- a.EDNEY . C GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Block , Hearr Hardwara- Etc. . KII and Ula Luavfnworth tt. . Omiihu , Neb. MILTON JiOGEItH , f A'OA'.V , Stoves , Haiiges , Furiiaccn , TilcH , UantlesUrat >, llrait ( ionds. ICtl and UZI K m- fctreet. . Iron Work- s.PA . XTON jS riERLIXG Iron Works , . -alts , llrais- iltb OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR ! Hardware. n. K. SA iri'Kit , . . Mnnnfacturln ? Dcalor in SmokcStackg, nnki. nnd Oenrral Itollor llepalrlu , , F. II. MP.MA.NUS. 0. SULLIVAN. ' ' OMAHA iriRE , C IROX 1IORK3 , l Duf ctur r of ' ' ire Hiul Iron Kallin9 , Desk Rsllt , Wlndjw tlu r l , Flower gtitidi , Wlr f tnt. Hit W3 N. Wia. OrOcr * br msll prampllr tt ndedl . Lumber. * Ai' ' OMAHA TVMJIER CO. , i UealfU All Kindt of- Buildingr Material At Wholes ,l , , 13th Street nd Union p ofBo Track , Omaha. ' " LOUIS UltADFOKV , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash, Doon.Kte. T rlCorn Mth nd Dool | Corn ** _ CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , ) ( UB. lllhftrotOmfihi , Nel. . r.Colpfttor , M nif n- C. . JV. DIETZ , - ; , Lumber.1- 3th . und OllfomU strec Id , Om h , Ne- b.VKED . " W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.- Cor. . . CIS and Douitu it*> Om h . No >, ' T. w. innrsr LUMBER co. , To Dealers Only. ) Offlco , U03 Ktrnnm ilrect.Onuiha._ I COA8. R.- Hardwood . Lumber , Wood C rp t § and rtrqntt Flooring. 9th atiit Io tM JOHN A- .Wholesale . Lumber , Etc.- Importd . and Amcrlmn 1'orlltnd CemrnU RUM > nt forMllwnukro HrJniullo Cemtatnnd Bait qulncy White Lime. Life Stoc- k.UJfI02f . STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. t Umlttd. . John F. Boyd , BuKrtntcadMt. Lift Stock Commission. r , , ALEXANDER . (! FITCH , Commission Dealer * in Live Stock. Union Stock Yardi , South Omaha. Nob. ' Hcr rflncc8-noone County flank. Albion Neb. Thompson A linker , llnnkor4. Alblon.Nob , Union Stock Ynrd Uank , South Omaha , Neb. J. K. Badlor & Co. Now York.- C. . . II. fAt.Mr.IU N P. niCIIMAN. J. II. III.ANUIIA- HDPALME It , R1CHMAN C CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchant * , Office UoamSI. Oupositc KxohnnKO llulldlnff , Union Block Yards. South Oiimrm , No- b.afccor . Jtjto s7 Live Stock Commission Merchants.- Mnrkct . furnlihod free no application. Bloc en an roeden furnlilird on geM ternii. Referent * Pm."hJ > tlol"11 n lnk aiul Sollttl Omaha NaUon Union Stock Viinli , south omalm- .M. . ' 11URKE .C SONS , Live Stock Commission.G- eo. . . Dutko. Uannner ,* Daloo Stock Vnrdi.a. Omnlia. Telephone M. Live Stock Commission Merchants, Shipment * of any and all klnda of Stock lolloUetf. _ Union Stock Van ) . .Omaha. Neb. and fictions.- Imporlari . and Jobban of Millinery and NoHons , H13 and HU Ilarney Sl.-ool , Omaha. Neb.- Motions. . . J. T. JtOBINSON NOl'IOJT CO * WhoUialn Donleri In Not Ion i and Furiilsliiiifi : Goods , , _ " and 405 8. Tenth St. , Omaha. _ Overal- ls.CANflELD . COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , ' J ns Pantt , Shirts , Kte. 110 } and not Uou ; ! Street Omaha , Neb. PAPE- RCARPENTER PAPER c , , Wholesale Paper Dealers.- Canra . nice stock of I'rlntlna, Wrapping and WrM- na paper. Npodul attention iilven to car load or orders , wh rh will be shipped illri-ct from mills. All orders will recolro personal ntlentloa. Wegnar- UoiflaJSu BOO 1S * ntl low l rlcesuu "nl1 UU * Printing ! REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Plunk Book Makers , And Book Hinders. 100 and 103 South Fourtoaatk- street. . Omahi. Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , Presses and Printers'Supplies. CW South Twelfth Street. ; a Ei Pump- s.CHURCHILL . PUMP CO. , ' Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteatnnnd Water Suupllus. HradqiiHitcrs f.ir ilalt Ku-ntCo'H oo | s. 1111 Karnani t. . Omaha. Neb- .U. . S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY.H- alladay Wind Mills : nteam and Water fluppllet- PlumblniiUoods. . Delllnir , lime. Dm nml ITO tar- uam - St. , Omaha. B. K. Keltnn , Mumifcr. Telephone Nu.VlO- .A. . " " . L. STRANG CO. , , < Pumps , Pipes and Engines , ' 1 1- Bteam , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplies. Et 930 , VZiand W4 Karnmu at. . Umaha. Neb. __, BROWXELL ( (5 CO. , - ) Manufacturers and Healers In Engines , Hollers & Ccnoral Machinery beet Iron work , Stonm 1ampr.Muw Mill ) , Aont ) Shafting , Dodge Wood split Pullara , Balttn * Alsowairons , sarapen.aada alollM. UlllllT- enworthst. . Omaha Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , SlunuUcturer and Dealers In nil kind lot Kulihcr ( lOD'lH ' , Oil Clntlilnu nml l.nuhcr ISoMlnB, 1TH 1'nrnaru St. Sales , Etc- .P. . ' . IIOYER < C CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s * riro aad llurx'ar Proof H fi , Time , VaulU- .and . Jill Work ; llfll tarnam street Omaha ,N b. "" G. ANDREKN , Omalm Safe Works.- Uanufurturemef . Klrennd Iluridar Proof Safes , Vault Lioors.Jitll Wurk.fihultcra and Wlru Work. Cor- .Illhuml . JmkBoii Hta.Omiiha , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc , M. Ari > isiiii < ) Tr7e co. , Wholesale MiMiufarturuis of Sash , Doors , Itlinds and Mouldings , Ilmneh ofticu.Ulh aiid l.r.rd ts.Onst.k-'t . ItOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulil'jifs.StuIr ' Wurknnd Irlerli.r Hard Wood Flnllh Just opened. N. K. tor. 8th nnd Lcuvenworthbta. Omaha , Nub. THE CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb.'I'- lio . lifkt liiiiiwii Mini most popular lioicl In- IliufcUto. . I.DC'Ulnii ci'iitirtl , iiipoiiitint | iitfi lrntc- luhii. ) . Ilcuaiiinrtur3 | lor ruiniuuruliil men nU .11 . .K.IU.cal . u U ,. . . . W UNDEVELOPED PARTS of the toatnUr < c l an l ttrtnclhrntd. Fbll I'lilte- aliis - (Malcd ) IIM. .WOK HHU , CO. , Uuffslb. M.JT.

THE OMAHA BEE From Darkness to - …nebnewspapers.unl.edu/lccn/sn99021999/1887-09-07/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · lift.. Native canning and cow stocK gener- ... WJ' 1.00 4.. 613 260. 62,,.,

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" <'

%hcat Dull , Prlco rinctnations Narrow ,

and Trade Light.




and Provision * Kulo Quiet andI owcr nnslncm In Hog * Blow ,

With a Down Turn Gen-








, Sept. a [ Special Telr fram tothe UKK.J Tne wheat market was dull amiprice fluctuations were within narrow limit?.

Trade was light anil outside news withoutspecial weight. The general range of price wasBunder the level attained on the closing bulgeyesterday , but was a little above yesterday'sa-verage. . October opened at 71c , ran zed nt-

Tlft'O c and rested at 1 oclock at 70Vi71.December opened at 74c , ranged at 74 %@

73c and rested at i@iMc. May opened at-

80c , ranged nt By TOfo and closed at 7UJ c.There were voiy few outside orders andlocal scalpers were disgusted at the dullnessof the market

Corn was mainly In the scalpers' hands to-


, there being but few outside orders andno disposition on the part of prominentlocal houses to extend their lines largelycither way. Price changes were rather fre-quent


within J c ranee and the fecllne ,

though somewhat unsettled , was firmer, cashnnd September especially showing strengthand }{@ % advance. More deferred deliveriesclosed nbout } e butter than yesterday. Octo-ber


opened nt ll c, or J c off , touched 4M@-41Kc together , then sold down to4l > {($41cand advanced during the last half hour to-

4IKc , clnslng atl o'clock at 4lc , with Sop-tombcr

-J c discount November closed at-

42cbld , December at 42kc nnd May at 4WO-.Wav

.corn sold from 44&45c low to 45

@ 45Xc hlKh. Kasti'rn and foreign marketswere reported linn , with snot com In Liver-pool


Mil higher. Export clearings werelargo, footiiiL' up 117,000 bushels at two ports-.At

.this point lake snippers engaged rouin

for 294,000 bushels. The visible supply figuresshowed an Increase for the week of 4XX, ( )bushels. Receipts for to-morrow were estl-piatcd

-nt333 car. . being less limn expected.

Taken all around there was a pretty bullishundertone to tlio market. The smaller classof holders manifest a desire to let go onevery little bulge of moment. Surface Indi-cations

¬do not show that there are many

largo operators lutercsted heavily on the bull

Oats were weak early owing to selling outby parties who had bought yesterday , butwith lighter estimated receipts for tomor-row

¬the decrease In the supply In sight and

some good investment buying toward theclose , the speculative market tinned up-

gain. .

' 1'rovlslons were quiet Short ribs for Sep ¬

tember and October delivery again rathermonopolized attention , though after a briefspurt of life early In the day they rathe rsympathized with the seneral market.-


SESSION Wheat easy ; Sep ¬

tember B > c, October 70J c, November Tic.Corn easy ; September and [email protected] ; November closed at41c. Oats steady.Pork was quiet ; January Hold and closed atr-

..GO. . Lisrd advanced about SXc and closednt 88.45 for September , S6.4rx3 6.47H bid forOctober , SM7k bid for November nnd De-cember


and SB.M for January. Short ribswere easier and closed at 88.56 for Septem-ber


, StJ.57 > f for October and 5C.4i forJanuary.


.CHICAGO , Sept 0. I Special lelegram to

the HEE.J CATTLE Prices on medium andcommon natives are lower than during thegreat break In July. ' To-day and yesterdaythe top price on natives was 4.90 for a qual-ity that last week would have brought 85,00@515. Very fair natives would not bring overJ3.80 and prime New Vork or dressed beefsteers S40u4no. Host would bring perhaps475. The decline has been sharp and is nsurprise to those, that do not keep a close runof what Is going on outside. To-day andyestcrd nr there were too many rattle at otherpoints. These places usually look to Chicagoto strengthen values when the run Is light

r, here , but tbc load lust now is too heavy to-lift. . Native canning and cow stocK gener-ally


Is the lowest on record and that Is say-


a great deal , but moro numbers andweights went over the scales to-day nnd yes-terday


between 810091.50( than for any daythat can be remembered. Texas canningstock also Is extremely low.The stacker and breeder trade isliterally lifeless and prices are down to lowwater mark. Shipping steers , 13M to 1500 Ibs ,

34ir7i5.00 ; 1200 to 1SSO Ibs , S3SOQl.40 ; 'J50-

to I'JUO Ibs , S265R350.( ; Stockers and feed ¬

ers. 8150t.OO: ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , 81.00-S2.1W( ; bulk , Sl.'iXJ&l.SO& ; Texas steers. 82.30

8.25 : cows , 810S230. Western rangersweak ; natives and half breeds , 5075.45! ;

wintered Toxans. 2tO3l5.lloos Husliiess was slow with a down-

turn of 5@10c on the ordinary run of mixedand packing sorts. During the early morn-Ing

-hours a few fancy heavy sold at S5.50@

6.55 , but later the same quality could havebeen bought n good 5c lower. Packing andthe ordinary run of shipping sorts soldwithin a range of S5.JOgIO( , with commonat 55.10 @5.2.light; sorts, S525Q5.85 ; grass-era , 83.40 ( 5.28-




Tuesday , Sept 8-


.The receipts were liberal , there belnr { a-

enn! of 5UO ii3 compared with yesterday.While the greater number of cattle wereran.'crs there was ( |uite it liberal sprinklingot coed corn fed natives and westerns. Thegnneral market was lower , there bclni ; a d -cline of nbout 10u In most Instances. Thcruwas a very fair demand nnd quite a goodruany cattle changed hands. There waa more

lorstockers and feeders than fordays back and more activity In the


Hog* .Thn run.of hoes was liberal , the receipts

twine considerably over twlco what they wereyestnrday. The average qtialit) of the lionswas very fair and there were quite a peedmany Knod loads here. The market openedftctlvt ) at about yesterday's prices and thevcns wcru soon cleared. Ono need load ofheavy hotts reached 85.30 , which was morethan anything brought yesterday , but theyweru butter hot ; !* . There were eight loads re-ceived


late In the day, but the buyers did notoppunr anxious to buy any moro. Only twoout of the eicut were sold.and they wont at adecline of 5tlOc. The market closed weakand lower , with six loads unsold-




The receipts were llpht and only one loadtold.

llooeipti.Cattle 1,20-0llo9 4f 00Sheep 800

Shipments Sunday.Cattle 1 33 carsHOKS Dears

Provalltnic Prlom.-Bhnwlnutho

.prevailing prices paid for IIva

stock on this market :

Choice steers. mi to 1503 Ibs. . . , 4.av 44.50-Choicesworn , 1100toWi Ibs. . . 4004i.lFat Illtlo steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75M3.U-OCornfed raiiKO steers 1200 to 1530 3.75 4.35Rood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 250M3.00Common to medium cows 2.00 <(tJ.25Hood to choice bulls 1.7.V.W.O-Otil


ht and medium hoes 5.05 5.15Good to choice heavy hoits. . . . . . 5,15 ! $ S.V-SJood


( to cholcu muoil hogs 5.10 (5.1-

5Ucprejentattve Halo *.WKSTKUN bTEKKS COHXFKIK-

No. . Av. 1r. No. Av.-C.

. Pr..' , . . .Ki09 34.20

.NATIVK STKKUS-COIlN-FKn.7.1053 S1.75 10.1170 4.15

20. . . . 'Jltl 3.W 85 . .1160 4.2010.1IKI9 4.00 1U.1220 4.3537 . . .1201 4.05 87.1201 4.351S.1HO 4.10 lit. . . . .1407-


. . . .1200 4.10 60..1337T-KXA8

4.458Tir.llS: HAY BTAT-




11 . . . IHMJ 2.40 12..1140N-ATIVK



SlKRS Gl'.Af-SKRM.5. . 1000 3.50

8TOCKKHS.11. . . , 160 l.UO 8. . . . M721. . . . !WJ' 1.00 4. . . 613 260.62 , , . , O.XJ' ' 2.40 ' 20701: 2.65

COWS BAT STATE. k-V40.10W U.80 * -T-

WE8TKUN COWS.27..10232.50 1.1070 2.65-

STAOB. .1.1470 3.M

FKf.DKItS.29.1140 2.40


.. . . . 70 3.30


.. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. AT. 8hfc Tr.

08.221 120 85.10 77.237 10055.1591. . . . 01 200 6.10 74.242 120 6.1S

| C7.24I 200 6.12J4 60.249 120 S.15W.200) 200 fi.15 07.245 40 5.15

C22.ir 100 5.15 70 . . .217 40 6.15-S 0.221 100 5.15 OS.200 200 5.1571.K9 6.15 72.240 120 5.1577.224 6.15 100.103 240 5.17 } $

00.257 5.15 022.17 100 5.20C8.22J 6.15 07.243 bO 6.2009.247 feO 5.13 lS02.i2 200 5.20&5.KS 120 5.15 63.283 M) 6.20CJ2.9! tO 5.15 01.255 5.2081. . . .aB 120 6.15 67.202 SO 5.2070.204 feO 5.15 61.21O 5.20022.S ) 40 6.15 58.27 40 5.2901.203 120 5.15 01.270 tO 5.2004.261 100 5.15 ( . . . .249 bO 5.2077.237 100 5.15 03. . .259 120 5.2074.243 120 5.15 02.2TJ 80 6.20CO.249 120 5.15 67 . . . &Q 5.2007.245 40 5.15 (ft.285 40 5.2070.217 40 5.15 59.2IU 40 5.2008.aOO 200 5.15 128.2KI 100 5.20T2.240 120 6.15 07.2S6 100 5.2007 . . .204 200 6.15 00.284 80 5.2069.300 200 5.15 CO.277 5.2003. . . .255 100 5.15 01.279 40 .12080.221 100 6.15 73.250 bO 6.2071.229 5.15 66.207 6.2277.224 - 6.15 002.V5 120 5. ' 1

CO..257 6.15 00.305 40 5.2503. . . .233 5.15 69.314 5.2509.247 80 5.15 6S.33S 200 52.")05.228 120 5.15 00.270 5.2509.239 80 5.15 67. . . . : 1 5.2583.245 120 6.15 59.2b9 120 6.2570.204 bO 6.15 61.312 500 52.503.223 40 6.15 G5.>5 bO 6.2504.202 120 5.15 CO.259 5.2504.204 100 5.15 67.H34 bO 6.UO

' Mro Stock Sola.Showing trui number of head of stock sold

on the market to-day :


.. II. Hammond fe Co 417-

J.ocal 104Shippers 141Feeders 110Anglo American Packing Co 12

Total "b94-

lions. .Anglo American PacklngCo 2,5S4-O. . ll. HammondCo 459Armour A Co C.4Harris & Fisher 07-J. . P. Squires & Co 500

Total 4.270Unsold 390-

S1IBK1' .Local 89

All antes ot stock in tin * market are madeper cwt live weight unless otherwise stated.Dead hogs sell at Kc per Ib. for all weights"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than too IDS,no value. Pregnant sowsaro dockoJ 40 IDS.and BtagsSllbi. br the nubile Inspector-

.Ijlvc Stuck Notes.Cattle lower.Hogs close weak.Six loads of hogs unsold.-A


good many cattle change hands.-II.


. C. liollong , Schuyler , was a visitor atthe yards.

Alexander Lavcrty , Ashland , was takingIn the yards.-


. Duforo was In with a load of 25c hogsfrom Plattsmouth.-



. W. Harness , Defiance , la. , was here andmarketed a load ot lie s.

Hiram Lewis , Geneva , marketed live loadsof cattle and a load of hogs.

Gardner , Arris .t Co. , Scrlbner. marketeda load of hogs at 85.30 , the top price.-


. P. Falk , Essex , a farmer and feeder,was union ; the visitors at the yards.

White & Tindall , Hawthorne , la. , wereboth hoiu with a load of butcher stock.

bliss & Ull.ss , the well known shippers of-Schuyler , marketed a load of 25c nogs.

William Klrebaugh , Havenna. came Inwith a load of cattle and a load ot hogs.-



. Beyer, a feeder of Hampton , was atthe yards and marketed a loard of sheep.

John S. Young , Palmyra , was In with twoloads of HOO-lb cattle which sold at 8120.

James Cummins , Talmave , came In with aload of hogs , accomp'cd' by J. N. Wcstfull.-



. C. Virgin , a well known and heavyshipper of Utlcn , was among those In withhogs.-



. C. Smith , of the tirm of J. Askwlg ,Oakland , Neb. , was hero with two loads of-hogs. .

Among those In with cattle was CharlesFish , Collins , la. , who marketed a load of-

feeders. .

John Hviners , Grand Island , was at theyards looking over the market and buying afew stock cattle.-



. K. Jllnkeslec , Mead. . Neb. , was hero andmarketed a load of 1407-Ib steers of bis ownfeuding at 8440.

John Clay , jr. , of the firm of Clay , Hobtn-son & Co. , whose homo Is In Scotland , was avisitor at the yards.

11. It. Dabney , n feeder of Oakland. la. ,was looking over the market witli a view tosending In some fat cattle.

George Wlllar.l , Columbus , was In withtwo loads ot 129Mb native steers shippedfrom Leigh. They sold a 18405.

William P. Kimball. president of theWestern Investment llank of Chicago , isvisiting the city and stock yards.-



. lillttner , a well-known feeder of Madlson , came In with a load of cattle. Twentyhead of 093lb. cattln went at 83.90.-


. It. McKee , Palmvra , was at the yardsand marketed three loads ot cattle. Fiftyhead averaged 1.3J7 Ibs. and brought 8445.

John Wiggins , Columbus , the well-knownshipper , and secretary of the Llvu StockShippers' association , was hero with one loadof cattle.-


Chittonden , a well-known citizenot Tecumseh , Neb. , formerly a live stockshipper of Berlin , WIs. , was among the vis-itors at the yards.

John Hitter, the well-known stockman ofNorth liend , wires to have a room engagedwith a temperature at GO degrees. He is anold veteran and will take In the encampment.-



. Poor, Marysvillo , Kan. , came In wltttwo loads of hogs and a load ot rattle belong-Ing to John Degnan. Mr. Poor is on hisway back to his old homo In Maine , whichho left forty-one years ago. He Is an oldsettler In the west and his favorite huntinggnunds for bullalo was the country betweenOmaha and Lincoln.

The following, among others , marketedhogs : li. A. Templeton , Tekamah ; H. It-

Gammell , Herman ; Farnnuton & SonLyons ; G. H. Warren & Co. , Graf ton ; Kepler llros. , Dorchester ; G. H. Dlxon , Eiuerson ; Allen & F. , Tamora ; J. Kills , DuWitt-C. . L. Jones , Hastings ; W. W. Klock & Co-.Hradstiaw

.; D. Anderson , Columbus ; lleau

champ A J. , Ord ; Standard C. Co. , AmesF. Kropf, Schuyler ; C. Itudat, Norfolk : C ,

Hennlngsen , Danuebroi; ; T. It. Murrh , Cellwood ; L. C. KickholT , South Hond ; A. Mandlebnuui , Campbell ; J. T. Goodell & Co.Weston ; Chas. Hunter , Klverton ; 0. I )Moore , Harvard ; Fisher & W. , Vork ; A. WJohnson , Loomls ; Fuller S. & F. , LindsayJno. Noli , Clarkson ; F. Schneider , SnydcrDorsey A G. , Newmans Grove ; F. Willcntt , Albion ; A. Cruise , AtkinsonWillis .tS. , Avoca ; Flndley & IttfMarne-Shorctt&S. . . Panama ; D. S. Kinsella. Pan-ama ; L. 1 *. Stephens , Klkhorn ; G. P. Moorivhead , Dunlap ; Sterling it V. . Avoca ; J. K-

Horsey , Noith llend ; C. J. Ityain. Corlev-W. . II. Errett , Harlan ; W. L-

llaughn , Harlan : J. llastle , Tal-intge ; A. K Spearman. Sprlnglield




The ; are the price * nt whichround lota of produce ( ire *oW on thininnrhi't :

The receipts of butter , eges and poultrjwere very largo to-day and tne market wa1-

overstocked. . Tim deuund Is not > rt a !

great as was expected tor this week. Egg !

declined a cent pur dozen. Other prices anthe same-

.Kii3.The market Is still weak at 12>i

@l c-


, ao ivr| poundchoicedalrv , l iOc ; medium gt nil- , HXSlG-cordinary. . { 10c-


K Market f.vlr. t-jiuuy full creauCheddars , sluvlo We ; lull cream twins , 13cyoung Americas !3c ; bilek clieese , 1UO ibi-

in case. 15c ; Llmberger, 100 Ibs In case , 13. c-

Sauni1 fancy Ohio , lOc-


Fair market ; spring chickens11.75 3.50 ; old fowls. < 3.5X( 13.25 ; ducci!

122582.75( ; turkeys , CQ7C v r Ib.

. <-_ . * _ *From- .

Darkness-. to Light !

The Silver Moon shining out from the heaven , gives light , hope and joy to a worldin darkness. So do the astounding revelations , commendations , testimonials , praises

' sworn evidence , happy results , speedy and permanent cures performed by thefamous Carl)6lio Smoke Ball.

The nbovc cut Is a gnotl rcprctieiita-ton of flic yeintinc Carbolic Smoke

Jtitll , with our patent Smoke Emit-ter


or Liberator attached.








A "Cnrbolic Smoke Bull" the successful treatment

of Catarrh , Asthma , Hay Fever , Bronchitis ami Ulccration of the Lungs. an-

nfalliblo compound for , Spleen , Kidneys , Bladder , Malaria Jaundice Dya-



, , Moth Patches , , Menses , cto-

No household be without remedies.

of the Smoke Ball is |200. It has never than tins

, and we warn the public against and Smoke are offered

them for less There is only Smoke Ball

United States , : at , Insist upon petting Ball

accept no other.

ASTHMA.10 Years Standing.

Carbolic Smoke B nil Co. :

I have sutiered with asthmas sixteenvears. Many times my life was despaired

Physicians in Easton , Pa. , JerseyCity , J. , in Philadelphia treatedme , and , in fact , spent hundreds of dol-


; found no I have yourmedicine for over two months ; have not

an attack , and feelcured. You have my sincere thanks forwiiat your Smoke Unit and Dobollatorhas done for PHILLIP C. Kerr ,

4251 North 20th street , Louis , Mo.Sworn to before mo this 7th day ofFebruary , 1887. A. A. PAVSON ,

Notary Public. St. Louis , Mo-.AN




of 5 Years Standing Cured.-OUAIIA


, Nob. , May 11 , 1887.Carbolic Smoke Ball Company ( iun-


: I have been a constant suffererfrom catarrh for the last live yoars. Ihave tried many remedies that claimed asure cure , but received no benefit fromany of them. My head at times wouldbecome so stopped uu with mucous mat-ter


that it was impossible to breathethrough my nostrils. My sleep was alsobroken by choking sensations caused bythe dropping of the mucous matter intothe throat. 1 first received a frco test ofyour Smoke Ball some three months ago ,and was surprised to find that it clearedmv head in a few minutes and gavu won ¬

derful relief. I then purchased a ball ,whicli I have been using since , andnow say honestly and truthfully THATI AM ENTIRELY I sleep wellat night , have a good appetite and focilike <v now man. Yours truly ,


With Omaha Republican.Subscribed in my prcsonco and sworn

to buforn mo this llth day of May , 1887.-W.


. W. KEYSOH , Notary Public.-




Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Gen-tlemen


: I have used your CarbolicSmoke Ball for catarrh and throattroubles , and recommend it as apleasant nnd effective remedy. It is asensible way of treating diseases of the

and throat. Yours truly ,S. A. OuniAiU ) ,

Wholesale and Retail Carpets , Cor. 15thand Farnam streets.




, . Sept. 1 , 1887.Carbolic Smoke Hall Company Gen-


: This is to certify that your Car-bolic


Smoke Ball lias cured me of Hay1'ever , a disease that has annually at-tacked


mo for the lost three years. Thuattack generally came on the firstof August , but season it came aboutthe LTitli of July , and seemed to bo morosevere than over. Breathing throuerh-my nostrils was almost impossible , as the

passages appeared to bo entirulv-closed. . My eyes were also badly in-llamed


, nnd my general health much im-paired.


. A friend advised mo to try theSmoke Ball , and I immediately pro-cured


and commenced using it. Thefirst application gave mo relief , und inless than a week symptoms of the

had disappeared , lours truly ,CHAS. F. PoTTKit ,

Supt. MJ. Valley & Gravel Co. ,Board of Trade Building.

The only relief received was hypo-dermic


injections of morphine- theSmoke Ball cured him. Road :

INDIANAPOLIS , MayHaving been a sufferer for moro than

OxiresCAT-ARUIl Cured In three months ; warranted. The "Dcbollntor" should also

taken in chronic cases.ASTHMA Cured in ncarlv every relieved In live minutes , but the "Dobcl-

later must be taken Vlth tno "Smoko Hall. "HAY A euro puarantced if taKen in time. No symptoms ot the dls.

case rclurninc. The "Dcbelhxtor Package" must bo takun in connection with theHall. "

BRONCHITIS Cured In every case ; warranted. The "Dcbellator" should boused with the "Smoko Ball. "

DEAFNESS Cured in from thrco to six months if the drums of the cars arc notdestroyed. Hot salt water used in connection with special instructions.

EYES Granulated lids weakness of the optic nerves , etc. , cured in four to sixweeks. in live minutes.

CROUP in three minutes , and cured in twenty-four hours.OF THE LUNGS-Rclievcd in live , and cured in one

week. The "Dobcllator Package" must bo in addition to "Smoko liall. "NEURALGIA Cured the third dose , and it will not return if the remedy

is occasionally used.SNORING Thrco doses each night , before retiring , cures this trouble.DIPHTHERIA "Carbolic Stu-jko" destroys the germ of this disease and should

given as a preventive.COLD IN THE HEAD Cured In liftccn minutes.COLD ON THE in twelve hours.

companion to the famous in


Liver , ,

Piles Complexion Suppressed

should these infallible

The price Carbolic been less

price any all Balls which

than 200. one Carbolic manufactured in

the viz Indianapolis Indiana. this and

of.N. and

relief. used

had permanently



















twelve years with that terrible disease ,

Asthma , wnicli incapacitated mo frombusiness , nnd causing much of the timeuntold siiHennfr , I had.jtrJcd many physi-cians


and many remedies from special ¬ists. Sonus of tliiim.gavo mo momentaryrelief , but soon it returned witli morovirolenco than ever , li'iimtllv had to re-sort


to inoruhino by hypodermic injon-tions

-so as to cet soml) rest while under

its mlliiunce. Mjt-.brcast and. arms areall scarred over from'1 these injections ,and I was completely discouraged. Soo-


a circular from the Carbolic SmokeHall ollieo , I called , in to ROO what now"humbug" it was and thought 1 wouldbind' them by roqiiirmg uguarantee , and:u the same time making an oll'ur of if 100for a euro. They kindly informed mothat they could euro mo lor | ! i as well as$100 , and offered a free test , which gavemn relief. Vet I was not satisfied , butcalled several times , and bought a Halland Ddbcllator ; commenced using themaccording to directions. This was inSeptember , 180. At that tune , whileunder treatment , I was engaged in ship ¬

ping horses to Buffalo , and was greatlyexposed at night , but kept using tintSmoke Hall ; continued to improve , andin November I was a cured man ; anillast winter I worked in the steam , heatand cold , and have had no symptoms of-

a return of the disease , and I certainlyfeel grateful to the Carbolic Smoke Hallfor this miraculous restoration to health.-


. L, . Km : , 200 Hlako St.Subscribed and sworn to before me

this liltli day of May , 1887.[Seal ] H. F.ITT , Notary Public. .Croup , Whooping etc. Whoop-

ing Cough Cured in 48 Hours.OMAHA , Neb. , April 22. 1887.

Carbolic Smoke Hall Co. Gentlemen :

Some time ago you induced mo to tryyour Smoke Hall. At the time I had achild suu"cring with a very bad whoopingcough. Ho could hardly lie down , as itbrought on strangulation from thephlegm , and in his otlbrts to throw offthis stringy phlegm ho was constantlyvomiting his food as fast as taken in. 'Imade him inhale the smoke from the ballthree times for u day, and inside of 48hours broke the cough up. From thestart the smoke altered the character ofthe secrntions ; they bccaino loose andeasily thrown off in the form of matter ,

and the child recovered fully in a fewdays. Since that I have used the SmokeBall in my family for all ordinary colds ,for which it gives instant relief and aspeedy cure. Respectfully. &o. ,


Commission Merchant , 801 , 803 , 805 , 807,

Howard.Subscribed in my presence and sworn

to before me this 22d day of April , 1887.[Seal ] W. W. KKYSOIJ.

Notary Public.-A


physician cures his child of croup withthe Smoke Hall.Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. , Indianapolis ,

Ind. : My little child one night had asevere attack of crou | > . I used the Car-bolic


Smoke Hall , which I always keepin my hoitio , and it relieved it in a fewmoments. It went to sleep and sleptsoundly. I have used it for many dis-eases


, and from my own personal expe-rience


I can recommend it us wonderfulin its curative effects.-


. P..UAIVTEH , M. D. ,Mapletou , Ind.-




., Neb. , Jan. 8 , 1887.

Carbolic Smoke (Bull Co. Gentlemen :

I have used yonr Carbolic Smoke Ball forcolds and sore thrqut and hnd it lo bo aninfallible remedy fbr such troubles.

Yours truly , Du. A. S. BILLINGS ,

Southeast corner Dodge and 10th Sts.

Each Ball Is Inclosed in an Individ-ual


Ito.r , lovevcd with our reijlstei'cdlabel bcarintj note tit hand.-



Great Family Medicine Headacheand Colds.

OMAHA , Neb , . Dee. 27, 1881.Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Gentlemen :

Your valuable remedy , Carbolic Smoke ,

as applied through your Carbolic SmokeBall , has been used in my family andlias afforded immediate relief from head-ache , cold and catarrh. In fact , if prop-erly


applied. I consider it a spocilic forthose complaints , and 1 believe it willeuro any disease of the mucous mem-brane


thai can bo reached by inhalation.Yours truly. C. C. Fouuv ,

Trunk Manufacturer , 1400 Douglas St



Carbolic Smoke Ball Company Gen-tleman


: 'I his is to certify that I havebeen troubled with catarrh for the lastthree years. I have used many remedies ,

but failed to receive relief from any of-

them. . The disease continued to growworse until it affected my voice verymuch , and also caused the breath tobecome very offensive. I have beenusing one of your Smoke Balls now fora month , and can notice A DECIDEDCHANGE IN MY CONDITION. Mythroat has ceased to trouble me , my headis perfectly clear , and 1 am satisfied that1 can obtain a cure from your remedy.Yours Uulv , PHILIP MILLER ,

Barber 111 South 15th Street.

Subscribed in my presence , and swornto before mo this 17th day of Juno A. D.1837. CHARLES L. THOMAS.

Notary Public.-



Remarkable Cure. The Smoke BallSaved Her Life. Mrs. C. A. Newman.-Cor.


. Cumings and 27th Sts. Onuiha Says :

Carbolic Smoke Hall Co , Omaha , Nob.Gentlemen : I take pleasure in recom-mending


your remedy , the CarbolicSmoke Ball , for I believe it has saved my-life. . I have been troubled for yearswith what was considered to bo an in-

curable ca o of Catarrh. Have beenunder treatment of several well knownphysicians of Omaha , but could receiveno relief from them. My condition con-


to grow worse , until at last thedisease began to oat through the mom-


of the nose and mouth , makingbreath very offensive and causing sev-


pieces of decayed bono to como frommy mouth , 1 had given up all hopes ofover receiving a cure , but decided to tryyour remedy for a relief. I not only re-


relief , but am happy to state thatI am entirely cured. I have boon usingthe remedy now for four months ; mvgeneral health is much improved , and I-

am satisfied that the Smoke Hall doesall that you claim for it.

Very Respectfully ,

Mas. C. A. NEWMAN ,

Res. Cor. 27th and Cumiug streets.-




W. L. Adams , Esq. . Completely Cured oiCatarrh and Deafness Read :

ST. Louis , Mo.Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Gentlemen :

Catarrh attacked mo seven years ago.-


symptoms wore those which are usu-ally


characteristic of the disease , coupledwith that of Deafness. My hearing wasso impaired as to render it impossible tohoar any ordinary conversation. Thanksto your'Carbolic Smoke Ball , my catarrhis cured , as well as my deaf ness , leanhear the ticking of a watch.-


. L. ADAMS , 7037 S. Water St.Subscribed and sworn to before mo

this the 18lh day of May , 1887-


Notary Public.

*DQ11 Overtljjt South Itith street , one donr south of the ,saV ± O arcoj > en to thepubUa from a a. in. to S p. H-



Fr66 TeSt Is given all who will take the trouble to call.

"VTci 11 f AVG The complete treatment sent to any address on receipt of price $3 ,±TXttll V l U.O1 O anj 4 cents postage. Smoke Ball $2 , Dobellator 1. Ono complete

treatment generally sufficient for a cure.*

Carbolic Smoke Ball CompanyOver 114 S. 15th St. , (Creighton Block , Omaha , NebJ



Agricultural Implements.

CHURCHILL PARKER ,Wholemlr nealtrl-

nAjrrlcultural Implements , Wagons ,

3r.rrlftiti ami nucrl t. Jonrt itroot, between ttb-ml loth , Omaha , K b-



Agricultural Implement *,l7MonirarrlaM. Dugiles , Rte.Tholtnalc , On h-a.PARLINOREyDORFA



Agricultural Implements ,Tagon * and DuKnlea. 901 , SOJ , Wl anil P97 , Jon i at-

Artists' Material.-



. HOSPE, JR. ,

Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,1M3 Doiiglai Ptr * t. Omah-



Hardware and Scale-


TAYLOR,Bnllders'Hardwnro&Scalo Repair ShopMechanics' Toola and Buffalo BraUa. 140J Douflaa at,

Omaha. N b. _ ___ __Books dnd Stationery.-



. T. KEN YON ,0 CO. ,Who'ctalo and Re alt

Booksellers and Stationers ,

IKS DonplRS8t.Oninhi , Noti. Telephone 601._Corre l oinli'npo lollcitpil.

Boots and Shoes.

Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.1411 Farnam !., Omaha , N b. Manufactory , Bumm-

Mitrnt , lloHon._





Loffer Beer Brewers ,1571 North l lh Street. Omaha. Nab-




Coffee , Splcet , Etc.


Omaha Corrte and Spice Villa..-Ooffoai

.. , Spices. Haklnc Powder. FlnTorlnif B-

tracln , laundry Blue , Ink. Bte. 1414-18 Ilaner-

Cornier. . .

John Epeneter, 1'rop.-Ilumfaoturor

.of QalTanliad Iron an-t Conic*.

and 103 and 1U N , 10th at. Omaha. Na-


tC BOLTE ,Manufacture of

Ornamental Oalvauized Cornices ,Dormer Wlndowi , Klnali. MoUllc Skylight , etc. 310 8.

Hti it. . Omaha._ _



Iron Cornlcci , etc. Bpecfalmprnred Pat-cnt

-MptallcHkylltht. tog andMO H , 13th I..Oniaha ,


OMAHA CARPET CO. ,Jobbori of

Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , RngSiL-inoleums. . Mattlngi , Rtc. Ill I Doaftai itrtet.

Crockery and Notions.-



(tent for 'ho Manufacture and Importer * otCrockery , Glassware ,

Lamp ! , Chluiuuye , etc. Office , S17 South llth ( t-OmatiB , h' b.


Mammoth Clothing : Houso.Corner rurnaio and Tenth Blroels Omaha. Neh.

Commission and Storage-



. A. HURLEY,Commission and Jobbing.B-


. Engaand Produce. Conalgnmente aollelted ,

nuadqnarUra fur tUunewarc. Bcrrr llozra ami-Orapo llatketa. 1 14 Dodge street, Omaha-



, C ItlDDELL ,

Storage and Commission HnrclmnN ,Ppeclaltics Bmtrr , Kiigt. Choose , Poiltrjr, Oarae ,

etc. , etc. 112 S. llth S-

LPEYCKE BROS. , .Couiniission Merchants.

Fruits , Produce and Provision ! , Omaha , Neh-


CO. ,Produce Commission Merchants ,

Poultry , llutter , (! mo , Kiulta , c. tX 8. l th tOmaha Neli.

Coal antf Lime.-



. r. i.MiAon , Pre > . C. r. OooniiAN , V. Pi .J. A. SUNDIHI.AKD , Hoe. and Treaa.


Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.S-U3

.South Thirteenth Street , Omuha , Neb-



co. ,Mannfiicturors of Illinois White Lime.And Shipper * of Coitl anil dike , Cement , Plaitar ,IJme , llalr , Klre nrlck , Drain , Til * nnd 8 wer Pipo.-omru.

.. Piiiton Rut : ! , rarnnm ft. , Oimha , N b.'

Cigars and Tobacco.

MAX MEYER CO. ,Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,

dun * and Ammunition , 215 to 323 fl. llth at. , 1010 tolUii ramam t.Oimha.Neb._ _

WEST tC FRITSCHER ,Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,

And Wholesale Denlera In Leaf Tubaccoi , No . 198and 110 N. '4th atritet. U naha._

Dry Hoods.

Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions1IW nnd 1101 ntmuliiii. rnr. llth St. , Omaha. Nnh.

Distiller * .

Distillers of Mqunrp , Alcohol ami Spirits. ImportersHlnl Jobbers of WlncsHnJ Liquor-



Importers nnd Jobberr of Flno Wines and I.lnnon-.Holenmnufoturarinf

.Kunnodr' * Kast India lilt-


. llH llnrneyBU-

Furniture. .


Wholesale Dealers iu Furniture.F-arnam

.sU. Omiiha. Neb.

CHARLES SIIlt'ERICK ,Furniture , lioddln? , Upholstery ,

Mirrors , etc. 1206,1M3 and H1Q Karnain St. . Ouiuha.

Groceries ,

Wholesale tiroccries and I'rovisions ,No : . 70J707.70Uana7ll S.lOtli St. . Omaha. Ne-



Wholesale Grocers ,

ltn anil I.envenworth iita.Oruaha.


Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,Tinware , Hlicot Iron. Ktc. Aicent * for Howe hcales ,

anil Miami ruw1crCu.OmalinNili ,

U'. J. BROATCH ,Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,

Wnrun hlock. Uardwure Lumber , etc. 1201and 1211 lUriiey it. , Omah-



C GIBBON ,Wholesale Iron and Steel ,

Wagon and Carriage Wood Block , Hearr Hardwara-Etc. . KII and Ula Luavfnworth tt. . Omiihu , Neb.


Stoves , Haiiges, Furiiaccn , TilcH ,UantlesUrat > , llrait ( ionds. ICtl and UZI K m-

fctreet. .

Iron Work-



XTON jS riERLIXGIron Works ,

. -alts ,llrais-



n. K. SA iri'Kit , . .

Mnnnfacturln ? Dcalor in SmokcStackg,nnki. nnd Oenrral Itollor llepalrlu , ,


l Duf ctur r of ' 'ire Hiul Iron Kallin9 , Desk Rsllt ,

Wlndjw tlu r l , Flower gtitidi , Wlr f tnt. HitW3 N. Wia. OrOcr* br msll prampllr tt ndedl .

Lumber. * Ai''


UealfU All Kindt of-

Buildingr Material At Wholes ,l , ,

13th Street nd Union p ofBo Track , Omaha. '

"LOUIS UltADFOKV ,Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash,Doon.Kte. T rlCorn Mth nd Dool | Corn **_

CHICAGO LUMBER CO. ,Wholesale Lumber , )

(UB. lllhftrotOmfihi , Nel. . r.Colpfttor , M nif n-

C.. JV. DIETZ ,-;,



und OllfomU strec Id , Om h , Ne-



Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.-Cor.

.. CIS and Douitu it* > Om h . No > ,

'T. w. innrsrLUMBER co.,

To Dealers Only. )

Offlco , U03 Ktrnnm ilrect.Onuiha._ I

COA8. R.-


Lumber ,Wood C rp t § and rtrqntt Flooring. 9th atiit Io tM



Lumber , Etc.-Importd

.and Amcrlmn 1'orlltnd CemrnU RUM> nt forMllwnukro HrJniullo Cemtatnnd Bait

qulncy White Lime.

Life Stoc-



STOCK YARDS CO. ,Of Omaha. t

Umlttd. . John F. Boyd , BuKrtntcadMt.Lift Stock Commission. r,,

ALEXANDER .(! FITCH ,Commission Dealer * in Live Stock.

Union Stock Yardi , South Omaha. Nob. 'Hcr rflncc8-noone County flank. Albion

Neb. Thompson A linker , llnnkor4. Alblon.Nob ,Union Stock Ynrd Uank , South Omaha , Neb. J.K. Badlor & Co. Now York.-




Live Stock Commission Merchant *,Office UoamSI. Oupositc KxohnnKO llulldlnff ,

Union Block Yards. South Oiimrm , No-b.afccor


Jtjto s7Live Stock Commission Merchants.-


furnlihod free no application. Bloc en anroeden furnlilird on geM ternii. Referent*Pm."hJ > tlol"11 n lnk aiul Sollttl Omaha NaUonUnion Stock Viinli , south omalm-



'11URKE .C SONS ,Live Stock Commission.G-


. Dutko. Uannner , *

Daloo Stock Vnrdi.a. Omnlia. Telephone M.

Live Stock Commission Merchants,Shipment * of any and all klnda of Stock lolloUetf._Union Stock Van ) . .Omaha. Neb.

and fictions.-



and Jobban ofMillinery and NoHons ,

H13 and HU Ilarney Sl.-ool , Omaha. Neb.-




J. T. JtOBINSON NOl'IOJT CO *WhoUialn Donleri In

Not Ion i and Furiilsliiiifi : Goods , ,_" and 405 8. Tenth St. , Omaha._Overal-


COMPANY,Manufacturers of Overalls , '

J ns Pantt , Shirts , Kte. 110} and not Uou ; ! StreetOmaha , Neb.



Wholesale Paper Dealers.-Canra

.nice stock of I'rlntlna , Wrapping and WrM-

na paper. Npodul attention iilven to car load ororders , wh rh will be shipped illri-ct from mills. All

orders will recolro personal ntlentloa. Wegnar-UoiflaJSu BOO 1S * ntl low l rlcesuu "nl1 UU *

Printing !

REES PRINTING COMPANYJob Printers , Plunk Book Makers ,

And Book Hinders. 100 and 103 South Fourtoaatk-street. . Omahi. Neb.


Dealers In Type , Presses and Printers'Supplies. CWSouth Twelfth Street.

; a Ei




PUMP CO. ,'Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,

Bteatnnnd Water Suupllus. HradqiiHitcrs f.ir ilaltKu-ntCo'H oo | s. 1111 Karnani t. . Omaha. Neb-




alladay Wind Mills : nteam and Water fluppllet-PlumblniiUoods. . Delllnir , lime. Dm nml ITO tar-


St. , Omaha. B. K. Keltnn , Mumifcr.Telephone Nu.VlO-



"". L. STRANG CO. , , <

Pumps , Pipes and Engines , ' 11-

Bteam , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplies. Et930 , VZiand W4 Karnmu at. . Umaha. Neb. __,

BROWXELL ((5 CO. ,- ) Manufacturers and Healers In

Engines , Hollers & Ccnoral Machinerybeet Iron work , Stonm 1ampr.Muw Mill ) , Aont)Shafting , Dodge Wood split Pullara , Balttn *Alsowairons , sarapen.aada alollM. UlllllT-enworthst. . Omaha

Rubber Goods.

OMAHA RUBBER CO. ,SlunuUcturer and Dealers In nil kind lot

Kulihcr ( lOD'lH' ,

Oil Clntlilnu nml l.nuhcr ISoMlnB , 1TH 1'nrnaru St.

Sales , Etc-



. IIOYER < C CO. ,

Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s *

riro aad llurx'ar Proof H f i , Time , VaulU-.and. Jill Work ; llfll tarnam street Omaha , N b.


Omalm Safe Works.-Uanufurturemef

.Klrennd Iluridar Proof Safes , Vault

Lioors.Jitll Wurk.fihultcra and Wlru Work. Cor-.Illhuml

.JmkBoii Hta.Omiiha , Neb ,

Sash , Doors , Etc ,

M. Ari >isiiii<) Tr7e co. ,Wholesale MiMiufarturuis of

Sash , Doors , Itlinds and Mouldings ,Ilmneh ofticu.Ulh aiid l.r.rd ts.Onst.k-'t .

ItOHN MANUFACTURING CO. ,Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,

Moulil'jifs.StuIr' Wurknnd Irlerli.r Hard Wood FlnllhJust opened. N. K. tor. 8th nnd Lcuvenworthbta.

Omaha , Nub.


Lincoln , Neb.'I'-lio

.lifkt liiiiiwii Mini most popular lioicl In-

IliufcUto. . I.DC'Ulnii ci'iitirtl , iiipoiiitint| iitfi lrntc-luhii.


. Ilcuaiiinrtur3| lor ruiniuuruliil men nU.11 ..K.IU.cal. u U , . . . .

W UNDEVELOPED PARTSof the toatnUr < c l an l ttrtnclhrntd. Fbll I'lilte-aliis

-(Malcd ) IIM. .WOK HHU , CO. , Uuffslb. M.JT.