j < w 1 THE STANDARD OGDEN UTAH TUESDAY AUGUST 31 1909 Ogden Business Directory Advertisements In this column cost 75c per line per mouth payable In ad- vance ALVORD ANYTHING Bell 333 ABSTRACTORS- THE D W ELLIS ABSTRACT CO Licensed and Bonded Abstractors f Title to any land in Weber county ffice under First Natl Bank- ARCHITECTS 1HREEVE L MADSEN 1st Nat Bank ATTORNEYSATLAW- N J HARRIS Lavyer Notary rebate and Real Estate Law Special Jes First NaL Bank Bldg Phones- A G HORN AttorneyalLaw Of Ice over Badcons Drug Store I sock Jic business of all parties am at orney against all corporations and Monopolies Prepared to transact any ind all kinds of legal business E T HULANISKI AUorncyatLaw Rooms 40710S First National Bank Milldlng General practice- S T CORNAUorneyatLaw20- 7W CS Natl Bank Bldg JOSEPH CHEZAttorncyAruJCo- unselor at Law 40 and 41 First Na- tional Bank Bldg Ogden Utah Both phones Notary- R S FARNSWORTH Attorncyat Law 314 and15 Eccles Bldg JOHN T POPE AttorneyatLaw Rooms 4174IS First National Bank Bldg Ogden Utah 85U CIGARS AND TOBACCOS THE DEN Cigars and Tobacco Pipe Doctors S25tl CONTRACTORS BUILDERS- C STUART 2952 Wall Bell 373X Estimates furnished free of charge Scnoral repair work a specialty Prices reasonable DECORATING- F E WEBERGFor first class dec ¬ orating 325 Ninth street DETECTIVESE- XPERT DETECTIVE Box 128 Ogden 7 26 1m HAIR GOODS AND COSTUMES MRS C LEEHair Switches For sale at reduced prices Hair chains a specialty Masquerado cos tumes to rent for balls and theaters All mail orders promptly attended to 321 2ith St P O Box 435 JUNK OGDEN JUNK HOUSE you have ony kind of Junk phono us up Wo will call for it Bell phone 326K- Ind 725 MUSIC- AUDITORIUM BAND MUSICFur ¬ nished for all occasions Ind 1131 C721 A Bell 1205 7 1 tf PAINTERS AND PAPER- HANGERS J R DRANE Painting and Paper- hanqing2219 Madison Bell phone 894K PHOTOGRAPHERS- THE THOMAS STUDSO High grade portraiture In Facial Crayon and India Ink 2457 Wash Ave Both phones PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR A FERNLUND Phyalcian and Surgeon Office hours 10 and 12 a 01 12 10 4 p m 340 25th St Office phones Bell 515K Ind 515 Residence lId Wash Ind phone 502 PIANO TUNING- A H GROSEExpert Piano Tuner Broom Hotel Satisfaction guaran cod S C Smo SHOE REPAIRINGS- HOE REPAIRINGAt the lowest jrices All are Invited to see B W PoBtnia 23CS Wash Av- oSANITARY WORK NELS McCARTY All work subjectt- o sanitary Inspector 272S Grant Bell phone 324Z TRANSFER COMPANIES JOGALONG TRANSFER Vans Piano Moving SpecialtyAlso own- ers ¬ of Wagon Vacuum House Clean- ing ¬ Machine 328 12 25th St Both phones 2S- 3SLADESuccessor to Allen Trnnc er CoJ C Slade Lessee Furniture Vans and Storage Offico lOS 25lh St Both phones 321 ALLEN Baggage Hack and Bus Lino Baggago and passenger tranr cr a specialty 412 25th Both phones 2 UMBRELLA REPAIRING UMBRELLA REPAIRINGUmbrol Ei S repaired and recovered L don Jartog 928 2Sth Street Both phones UPHOLSTERING REPAIRING K VAN KAMPENParlor furnlturoi- plmlBtcred and repaired varnishing ualtroas making carpets cleaned fit md laid Estimates submitted on ro lucst Phones Ind 661 Dell SS3X 1 1769 Volkcr S 9 tf 1 NATIONAL IRRIGATION CONGRESS SPOKANE WASH AUG 914 Round trip from Ogden 3000 Tick Ks on sale August 5 G and 7 return limit September 3rd Ser any O S L agent for further particulars O S EXCURSION TO SALT Lake City every Sunday 5100 round- trip Eight daily trains to and from iho Capital T I fOdtaly9S 1I1Hrun igranis I The Market Place of the Munnimakers Malccs Good to the Buyers or it Couldnt Make Good to the Sellers Good Value Pair Treatmentand a SQUARE DEAL for the Readers aa well as for the Advertisers J 1 J 7 Y- t i I I 4j j 1 A Spare time is often the time that brings you the most profit Sometimes it takes only a few minutes of your spare time to seize upon one of he attracti- ve ¬ offers you see in the Market Place of the Mun c- iiimakcrs the want ad columns of the Standard And the deal often pays you more than all youve made in regular business hours in a whole week or in a month I u HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Good prosser at Elite Cleaning Co Apply 1SS1 Wash I S2Gtf WAITED Chocolate dipper at Olym pla Candy Kitchen 2313 Wash Steady work all winter WANTED Dining room girl Virginia- S HI iwk WANTED Good women for cooking Broom Hotel 8 30 2t KITCHEN holp wanted at the Wood mansee 3CS 24th S30tf SEAMSTRESS dining room supervis- or and assistant matron State In- dustrial ¬ school Apply at once to Su- perintendent ¬ S 30 tf WANTED Chambermaid at the Vir- ginia I S 27 2wka I WANTED An experienced girl for general housework small family good wages 903 21 Ih Boll phono 383 S2Ctf WANTED Competent girl for gen- eral housework 327 23rd St Bell 5G3 Ind 1055 S 23 tf WANTEDAn experienced guI for housework by the first of Sept Family of two 2C10 Jeff S 23 tr I WANTED Woman or steady girl for general housework plain cooking 1070 Oak St Bell 1377Y S 19 Iwk WANTED Chambermaid 22 a I month board and room Reed ho tel 813cf WANTEDGirl or woman for gen- eral ¬ housework 721 24th S 9 If c SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE- DRESSMAKING 2C5C Wash Ave 4 20 tf WANTEDDRESS MAKING WANTED Dressmaking 2228 Lin- coln Ind 3C77A Slllmo DRESSMAKER from cast would like engagement in families Address M care Standard S2Slw HELP WANTED M At E- VANTEDYoung mon to learn auto mobile business by mall and pre- pare ¬ for positions as chaffeurs and re pair men Wo make you expert in ten woeks assist you to secure position Pay big work pleasant demand for men great reasonable write for par- ticulars ¬ and sample lesson Empire Automobile Institute Rochester N Y- S302t I WiANTED Boys and girls Apply U i P Laundry at Depot Commissary building 8171 f I BARBER trade taugnt In eight weeks Graduates earn from 12 to 30 dol- lars per week Molor Barber College 19 Commercial St Salt Lake City Uth 6 lltt i SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE I WANTEDEmployment as night watchman Write L care of Standard S2Clw SALESMAN WANTED- WE WANT A GOOD LIVE SALES- MAN to handle our line If you are a hustler experienced on the road we will make you an attract- ive ¬ proposition The Garland Re ¬ fining Co Cleveland Ohio 82831 AGENTS WANTED- ANTEDLI fo Insurance repicsenta- tiro oldline company 31510 Atlas Blk Salt Lake City S 21 tf FOR RENT- FURNISHED ROOMS Throe furnished house- keeping FOR RENT ¬ rooms modern convent oucea no children Bell phone 241Y- 831lwk FOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping Ind Tel GC71A S 31 If FOR RENT Furnished rooms mod orn GaS 25th S 31 lwk- IOItRi3NTFurnIshed front ropm 217 30th S 31 twk- FORRINTNicelYfUrni5hed front room 520 22nd Bell Phono 1386Y sao iwk I THREE plcbly Xurulbd rooms 157 23rd > Ir s E Wilkinson S 27 tf I FOR RENT- FURNISHED ROOMS Continued FOR RENBFurnished rooms 2G13 Wash S 27 Iwk TWO large furnished rooms for light housekeeping 12 per Mo 130 W 22nd St S 27 Iwk FOR RENT Furnished rooms 2JCO Jefferson S20lm TWO housekeeping rooms 112 2Cth 7 29 lIDO FURNISHED rooms for gentleman with bath 1000 References 2341 Adams S 11 tf COOL rooms for housekeeping 10 and 12 No children no clogs SSI 26th S10 to 03 FOR RE Furnished rooms 2613 Washington The Lawrence FOR RENTFurnished rooms mod- ern 261 27th Silm TWO nicely furnished rooms for house- keeping Apply Mrs Blair No 2511 Washington Avenue 7 28 tf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms 171 22nd St 511t- f OR RENT Housekeeping rooms 2353 Monroe G 0 tf FOR RENT- UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED rooms at the Wood mancy Central 3GS 2tb 7304m FOR RENT ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD at the Woodmancy with or without room Central 368 2lth 730lw BOARD and room 459 26th Street C 29 tf FURNISHED rooms wltn oard 233J Adams 317lf mr = = WANTED I ROOMS AND BOARD WANTEDNames and addresses of persons desiring to furnirh rooms and board to students If you have a place dont wait call at once Ogden Business College Lewis Block S 20 tf FOR RENT- UNFURNISHED HOUSES A MODERN house for rent 2832 Pa- cific ¬ S31St MODERN seven ioom brick good I barn good location Bell 4SSX S 3U Iwk FOR RENT Fourroom house with barn Inquire at Christenson Shoe I Store S 27 tf FOURroom house R R locality 8 Weddell 8 14 lino IC FOR HSKT- FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENTNine roomed nicely fur ¬ nished house Ind phone 3G71A i 8 30 tf t FOR RENTSTORESF- OR RENT Store room Inquire 310 I 25th American Tea Co S25lw j FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALENIce brick cottage 28th street between Washington and Ad- ams ¬ I 2100 Also Unco modern houses closo in tho throe for 3000 0 A White 3G2 25th St S 28 it FOR SALE 50 ncros finest fruit land in Utah 18 shares water stock in the Davis ic Weber Counties Canal live acres bearing orchard good house and barn other outbuildings close L- on R station Mathowa Mattson under First Natl Bank 8lSlwk FOR SALE Thrco fino lots 48 by 100 feet easy payments Inquire 3175 Gmut Phsae Bell G2K FOR SALEAt DarKfttnt vacant lots housoB and lots farms rooming houses also houses to rent O A I WHITE 362 25th St G 2G 2mo j FOR SALE Grocoiy och and fix- tures chuap Call after 6 p m 2903 Wash Ave 5 7 ti FOR SALEFARMS POR SALE One fruit and one dairy farm Address 4 Standard S 2C Imo l FOR SALE IVLTSCELLANEOUS- A SADDLE horse for sale A B Pat ton 1506 24th SL 83100 500 SHARES Santa Maria M l M stock 50 cents per share B B I Brooks 117 25th St S30lw FOR SALE Nearly new fivepassen- ger I auto good running order GuO00 i if sold within two weeks Call 351 l2Sth S 31 Iwk I CONN silverplated slide trombone In- case A snap Room 1 tIme Law- rence ¬ S 2S Iwk FOR SALEHousehold furniture All kinds At once 10SO Oak St Half block northeast end 22nd street car line S 22 6t FOR SALEA No 1 portable bako oven in good condition also two Na- tional Cash Registers Wards 356 25th 7 31 tr- KINDLING svocT 2c to sack 250 tier rack Wheelwright Bros Phone 147 47tt FOR SALE Driving mare 55 Weight 950 214 28th St FOR SALEA new Powers moving picture machine and three motors Inquire 2214 Wash S30lwlc FOR SALE Edisou phonograph cheap i 2773 Grant 2nd floor S 26 Iw FOR SALE Furniture Call 47G 22nd j S25lw FOR SALE New 5room While Press- ed brick house Strictly modem Call Bell 530 S 21 Imo FOR SALEOne piano and ono Pi anola or will trade for good team and wagon Call 2154 Grant S 21 2w FOR SALEFine young driving mare gocd buggy and harness 2157 Mad- ison ¬ Axe S 17 tf MONEY TO LOAN NOTES of reliable employes and wage earners bought and payments re- ceived on easy weekly or monthly in- stallments City Loan Agency 31G First National Bank Bldg G 1 tt MONEYAdancel1 salaried people without security on easy payments Drake 41011 Eccles building ON city property and Improved farms HUNTER KENNEDY 211 First National 430tf WANTEDTO BUY- WNTEDCIean wulto rusu at tho Standard office 2 17 U SADDLE HORSES WANTED- WANTEDTo rent two good saddle- or cow horses Inquire of Wm Glas mann Standard office S 27 St LOST ENGRAVED Colts 45 pearl handle Savage sight stolen from 121 25th Any pawnbrokers shop or anyone re- ceiving ¬ it notify police S 30 2t LOSTA purse containing watch and change between 25th and 27th on Grant Return to 2027 Childs S 30 tf LOSTA little white dog body clip- ped 3GG1A Ind S2Clw LOSTGold spectacles bet 857 23rd St and 928 Capital Ave along Quln cy Return to S57 23rd St Reward S271W FRATERNALO- RDER OF OWLS Ogden Nest No 1218 Order of Owls meets In Odd Fellows Hall over Elks club every 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights of each month Visiting Owls cordially invited OLIVER President W M PIGGOTT Secretary 375 24th Street MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Utah Camp No 0900 Business meet- ings first and third Tuesdays Teal drill second and fourth Tuesday nights at S p m Eagle Hall A W AGEE V C J H SHAFEtt Clerk ORDER RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Wasatch Division No 124 O R C meets second an fourth Fridays at 230 p m in K of P hall corner Washington avenue and 21th street All brothers aro cordially invited to attend GEO ALLEN C C D L BOYLE S and T LADIES OF THE MACCABEES Silver Hive No1 meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons at 230- p m in 1 0 O F hall 241G Wash- ington Avo Visiting members cor dlally Invited IDA HOLLAND L C L JENNIE PROUT R K 2355 Van Buren Ave IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN Improved Order oC Redmen Hiawa- tha Tribe No3 meets in Eagle hall Friday evenings at 8 oclock Visiting chiefs cordially Invited J L BLOSSER Sachem E R GEiGER C of R A B WRIGHT C of W ROYAL ARCANUM Fraternal Benefciary Order In- sures men at reasonable rates Accu- mulated ¬ emergency fund nearly fIve million dollars Rocky Mountain Coun cil No G37 meets second and fourth Thursday ut L O O F ball 241G Washington avenue H L Peterson Regent J W Wotherspoon Collector- G B Roberts Secretary- B OF R T Brotherhood Railway Trainmen Og den Ledge No G3 meets every Thurs- day ¬ evening Eagles Hall at S p m C D SIMPSON President I R A IRVINE 272 2Gth Secy A B CANFIEIT Treasurer 2119 Ionrol r r PROBATE AND i GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clorl or the Respec tIe Signers for Further I Information NOTICE TO CREDITORS I For further Information consult S G Dye clerk of tho District Cohrt of We bor County Utah Estate of Nancy B Farr deceased editors of tho estate of Nancy B Farr deceased will present thou claims with vouchers to the undetsign ed at Number 2121 Adams avenue Og den City Ul ahor Number 23 North- west ¬ I Temple street Salt Lake City Utnh1onorvbofpro the 25th or June JOHN HENRY SMITH Administrator Estate of Nancy B- t Farr i Boothe Lee Badger and Benjamin L Rich COSCOS Boston Building Salt Lake City Utah attorney for Admin istrator Date of first publication August 17 1000 Date of last publication September 7 1000 NOTICE OF INTENTION Notice is hereby given by the city council of Ogden City Utah of the intention of such council to make the following improvements to wit To open Hudson Avenue through Block twentyfive 25 Plat A Og den City Survey sixty GO feet wide through the center of said Block twentyfive 25 the whole distance from 24th to 25th Streets said avenue- to be thirty 30 feel In width on either and both sides of the center- line of said Block Tho estimated cost of said Improve- ments ¬ in 100000 The district affected by said Im- provements is tho whole of said Hud- son ¬ Avenue to be opened and a strip of land foityelght 48 feet In width- on either and both sides of said Ave- nue when opened ns proposed and abutting thereon For the payment of the costs and expenses of making said Improve- ments the city council Intends to levy FRATERNALO- DD FELLOWS Ogdcn Lodge No 5 Independent Or der of Odd Fellows Moots In I O 0 F hall every Tuesday evening Visit- ing ¬ brothers cordially Invited to bo present JAMES MacBETH Noble Grand HENRY KISbEL Secretary Queen City Hobekah Lodge No 4 I O O F Meets second and fourth Friday evenings at Odd Fellows hall Visiting members Invited ELIZABETH WIANT N G AMANDA JENKINS Roe Sccy KNIGHTS Ot PYTHIAS Ogden Lodge No2 Knights or Pythias meo s at Castle Hall Utah National Bank building every Mon- day evening All K of Ps requested to meet with us AMOS HUDSON C C W W GROSSMAN M of E W S UNDERWOOD K of R- and S MASONIC Queen Esther Chapter No4 0 E S Regular meetings held at Masonic hall on Washington avenue between Twentyfifth and Twenty sixth streets the first and third Fridays of each month Sojourning members cordlnl ly Invited to attend EVA F COREY W M LILY V HALSTED Secy Sego Lily Circle No Y74 meets ev- ery second and fourth Monday nights at 730 in I 0 0 F hall VIsIting neighbors cordially invited MINNIE MULLER GN 3067 Porter Avenuo KATE HEYMAN Clerk 23SYJ 23rd Street- FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Fraternal Order of Eagles Ogden Aerie No 118 F 0 E meets every Wednesday evening In Eagle hall east of Reed hotel at 800 Visiting Brother Eagles arc invited to attend tho Auria meetings A C FIELITZ W President- E R GEIGER Secretary DR H B FORBES Aerie Physician G P O fcKS B P 0 Elks Ogden Lodge No 719 lodge and club rooms second floor 241G Washington avenue Regular meetings every Tuesday evening JOHN S CRLSW Exalted Ruler J H KNAUSS Secretary WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Women of Woodcraft Ogden Circle 581 meet every Wednesday night nt 730 oclock K ot P hall Visiting NeIghbors invjlcd Dues can bo paid at Blnghams gro- cery store 25th St tho afternoon of the 28th of each n> nth SARAH RANSON G N 145 Weal Paltcrapn Ave MARIE CRITES Clerk 2731 Mon- roe avenue OGDEN LODGE NO1 D OF H Ogden Lodge No1 D of H meets- In I 00 F Hull 2416 Washington- Ave the first and third Thursday cvenJngs of each month at 730 p m Vsltlng sisters arid brothers cordially Invited to attond EDITH PROUT C of H 1ENNETTE HILL Financier L JENNIE PROUT Recorder WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Weber CampNo71 meets in K of P hall in the Utah National Bank building every Thursday evening at 8 oclock Visiting Woodmen cordially Invited to attend A T TYKES C C E AUTH Clerk First National Bank Building- BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YOEMEN Ogdqn Homestead No 1505 meets Eccopd and fourth Thuradav nights ut 730 K C ball No 2473 Wash Ave Visiting archers cordially In vitet Ito meet with us Henry Burcholl foreman 232 22nd street Laura M Weant correspondent 555 27th St Aurela Crokor Lady Rebekab 2665 Wall avenuo ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Excojplor Camp No 3240 meets every second and fourth Monday even- ing of ouch month at tho Eagles hall Visiting members cordially Invited MRS MARY DORA Oracle t365 I Twentysecond street JOSIERHEAJRecorder 5822nd St and collect special and local taxes up1 on the lots blocks parts of lots blocks lands and Ical estate lying nni being within the boundaries of the din trlct benefited and affected to the ex- tent of the benefits to said property by eason of said Improvements The district to be benefited and af fected by saIl improvements anti taxed to pay the costs anti expenses of same Is a trlp of land fort > olght IS feet wldo ribuUlnc on tho East side of saidHudson AVenue when opened ns proposed b jginnlng thirtyfour 211 and fivetenths 345 feel South of tIme North lino of Lot one 1 and run- ning thence North to tho South line of Lot seven 7 and a strip of land fort > olsht 48 feet wide abutting on the West side of said Hudson Avenue when opened ns proposed beginning at the North line of Lot two 2 and running thence North to the South line of Lot six 6 all in said Block twentyfive 25 The city council will on Monday the 20th day of September 1009 at S oclock p m in the city council cham ber City Hall Ogden Utah hear ob ¬ jections In writing from any and all persons Interested In said local and special assessment By order of the city council Aug ust 23 1909 A F PARKER City Engineer First publication August 28 1000 Last publication September IS 1909 WOMAN AND CHILDREN IN NEED OF HELP Mrs Lizzie Alford her two children Samuel Leslie Alford aged two years and Archie Ray Alford aged six years and her niece Sadie Alford were found by Chief of Police Browning yesterday morning and sent to time Crittcnton home Mrs Alford and the three children who were only half clad and were half starved got off the train coming from Nevada and after being refused admit ¬ tance at several of the rooming houses- of the city went to the City Hall park where they were found by Chief Browning When taken to the Crittcntoa home Mrs Alford said that she and her husband had been living In a tent ou Mclntoshs ranch near Wells Nevada She had come hither to find a home and her husband was to follow her in a few liars The woman and tho children are without money and aro badly in need- It Is probable that steps will be- taken today to secure financial aid for the unfortuuato mother and chil ¬ dren by popular subscription NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS- Ogden Utah August 25 1909 Sealed proposals for building side- walks ¬ In Sidewalk District 102 being 21st Street from Monroe to Harrison Avenues 23rd Street from Madison to Harri- son Avenues Harrison Avenue from 21st to 25th Streets Van Buren Avenue from 21st to 24th Streets Jackson Avenue from 21st to 25th Streets under plans and specifications prepar- ed ¬ by the City Engineer and approved- by the City Council will be received- at time office of the City Recorder in the City Hail at Ogden City aforesaid until oclock p m on the 20th day of September 1000 and in the City Council Chamber on the evening of said late until tho time that the Coun- cil ¬ shall call for said bids at which time all bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects- By order of the City Council- A F Parker City Engineer First publication Aug 26 1000- l >ast publication Sept 21 1909 DOCTOR HiLLIARD To LOCATE IN UTAH- Ruth Hllliard M D late resident physician of the Ann May hospital at Spring Lake Bench KJ returned to Ogden Monday morning for a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Reubon T Hilliard Dr Hllliurd is contemplat- ing ¬ locating in Salt Lake City in the near future She Is a graduate I of the 0 H S class of 03 and of the Hahnemann Medical college of 07 j I SENATOR RIDGLEY IS A FORMER OGDENITE Senator E R Rldglcy of Kansas- is hi Ogden the guest of O J Stohl Senator Ridgley was an oldtime resi- dent of this city and still owns real estate here He is here looking after 1 his interests Senator Ridgley resided In Ogden when the two political parties were Mormon and antiMormon and he was one of the principal men who helped I opthcethpo1caiparj7 Re ¬ and Democratic alignment After leaving Utah Senator Ridgley moved to Kansas and became promi- nent I In the politics of that stale Ho was elected to congress from Kansas t days Ho will remain In town for sovoril j MANY TO ATTEND JAGOON MEETING I There Is to ieZtmnss meeting at Lagoon today of all persons interest ¬ od in the Weber Rivet Irrigation Ills ¬ trict I The farmers throughout Weber and Davis counties are working hard for the establishment of the proposed ir- rigation district and a largo attend ¬ ance is expected Free tickets over the Lagoon road arc being Issued by Secretary Rey- nolds ¬ I of the Weber club and he will be at the depot ready to give them to anyone who Is Interested in the j work The meeting will be called In thi afternoon and the speakers will lie Governor William Spry Major Richard W Young John Henry Smith Prof Lewis A Merrill and Colonel Wlllard Young engineer In charge The train will leave Ogden at 215 and will return at 512 and 712 HER IDEAL DUST PAN The IdealDust Pan we are advertis- ing Is not the common dust pan as advertised by the stores for fifty cents but is adjusted by a spring which by pressing with tho foot prevents tho dust from getting underneath the pan There Is no bonding of the back as the user always remains In an upright position It saves time makes work pleasant- Call at the Standard Office and got one before they are all gone UNION DEPOT TIMECARD EFFECTIVE AUG 22 1909 Mountain Time UNION PACIFIC R R CO TrJ I NO1 Eastbound I Depart st Mail 820 nm S Los Angeles Limited 115 pm 2 Overland Limited 350 pm 1 Atlantic EXlress pm Z01 Westbound I Arrive 3 California ExPreSS 545 nm Fast Mail 1255 pm I 1 Overland Limited 350 pm 7 Los Angeles Limited 635 pm OREGON SHORT LINE R R CO Xo1 North of Ogden I Depart OII3utte arid Portland LOO am l3flOgdeniIalad Motor S45 nm 13 Portland Express 1030 nm II 3 Butte and Portland 400 pIIL- H Cache Vallcv Passsr 510 ptu- Hi Yellowstone Special 750 pm tii No1 North of Ogden I Arrive 1GIYeilowstol1e Special 65 am 4 Salt Lake SpecIal 350 ptn 12 Salt Lake Passenger nm II0 10 Salt Lake Express nm- 132xMiIadOgden Motor j 53a pm- lIIPorLland Express 730 pw- xDailr except Sunday No1 South of Ogden I Depart 16 Yellowstone Special 635 am 4 Salt Lake SpeciaL LOO pm 6 Lical to Salt Lake S30 nm 12 Gaelic Valley Express ld40 am 2 Fast Mail 115 pm 10 Salt Lake Express 7 15 am 20 Salt Lake Express 545 pm IS Los Angeles Limited 655 pm PorLland Express 74opm No1 South of Ogden I Arrive DButtc and Port1anlt1210 am- SAtlantic Express 8 10 nm 13 Portland Express1005 am 17 Los Angeles Limited 105 pm 1 Snit Lake Local1205 pm 3 Butte and Portland 330 pm 11 Cache Valley Express 505 prnl 19 Atlantic Express J 710 pm 151YclIowstone SpeciaL 7lOpm SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO- No1 Tstbound Depart 2 Pacific Express 640 nm 1 9 Fast Mall 135 pm- 10erland Limited 410 pm 5Pacitlc ExprcS3 120 pot No1 From West > I Arrive Atlantic Express 620 nm 30 Fast Mail t 710 am Overland Limited 1 330 pm Atlantic Express 535 pm I OGDEN RAPID TRANSIT CO Subject to change without notice OUTBOUND INBOUND Leavo I Arrive Arrive I Leave I Leave Arrive Union Depot Sanitaiiimm Hemitagc Hermitage Sammitamiimn Union tepo- tAii A I I 1 4tM AM I A f 620 645 700 700 715 740 700 725 740 740 755 820 740 S05 S20 820 835 900 820 S15 900 90J 915 I 9j 900 D25 940 940 I 955 l020 940 1005 1020 1020 I 1035 1100 1020 1h45 1100 1100 1115 1140 1100 1125 1140 1140 1155 1220 1140 I P M P M P M P M P 31 P M 1205 I 1220 1220 1235 100 1220 ii45 100 100 115 ll0 100 15 1iC 110 155 22- 14iJ 25 220 220 235 300 220 200 245 3OO 240 ioo 315 340 240 305 CoSO i20 335 400 300 325 3iO 310 355 420 n20 345 400 460 415 IO 340 406 420 420 136 500 i0fl I 45 f49 410 455 62J 120 f li5 500 600 515 540 440 505 520 520 535 600 500 525 5ID 510 555 620 520 545 600 600 615 6tO 640 605 6O G20 635 700 60a C25 G4Q 640 G55 720- t320 615 700 700 715 740 640 705 72O i20 735 50i- OO 725 7iD 740 755 820- r720 7iS SOO SOO 815 840 740 SO5 820 820 8S5 900 SOO 825 840 SIO S55 920 820 S45 9iJO 900 915 940 S40 O05 I20 920 935 1000 900 925 040 940 955 1021 920 945 IQOO l0OO 10f15 104O 1005 1020 1020 1035 1100 10ip lQ15 1100 1100 1115 1140 1100 a I fl25 I 1140 1140 1155 T 1220am Denotes snecjal servlco as conditions of traffic demands I < L

The Ogden Standard. (Ogden, Utah) 1909-08-31 [p 3].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/.../1909-08-31/ed-1/seq-3.pdfj < 1 w THE STANDARD OGDEN UTAH TUESDAY AUGUST 31 1909 Ogden Business Directory

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Ogden Business DirectoryAdvertisements In this column cost

75c per line per mouth payable In ad-




THE D W ELLIS ABSTRACT COLicensed and Bonded Abstractors

f Title to any land in Weber countyffice under First Natl Bank-




N J HARRIS Lavyer Notaryrebate and Real Estate Law Special

Jes First NaL Bank Bldg Phones-

A G HORN AttorneyalLaw OfIce over Badcons Drug Store I sockJic business of all parties am atorney against all corporations andMonopolies Prepared to transact anyind all kinds of legal business

E T HULANISKI AUorncyatLawRooms 40710S First National BankMilldlng General practice-

S T CORNAUorneyatLaw20-7WCS Natl Bank Bldg

JOSEPH CHEZAttorncyAruJCo-unselor at Law 40 and 41 First Na-tional Bank Bldg Ogden Utah Bothphones Notary-

R S FARNSWORTH AttorncyatLaw 314 and15 Eccles Bldg

JOHN T POPE AttorneyatLawRooms 4174IS First National BankBldg Ogden Utah 85U


THE DEN Cigars and TobaccoPipe Doctors S25tl


C STUART 2952 Wall Bell 373XEstimates furnished free of charge

Scnoral repair work a specialty Pricesreasonable


F E WEBERGFor first class dec ¬

orating 325 Ninth street


XPERT DETECTIVE Box 128Ogden 7 26 1m


MRS C LEEHair SwitchesFor sale at reduced prices Hairchains a specialty Masquerado costumes to rent for balls and theatersAll mail orders promptly attended to321 2ith St P O Box 435


OGDEN JUNK HOUSE you haveony kind of Junk phono us up Wowill call for it Bell phone 326K-Ind 725



nished for all occasions Ind 1131C721 A Bell 1205 7 1 tf


J R DRANE Painting and Paper-hanqing2219 Madison Bell phone894K


THE THOMAS STUDSO Highgrade portraiture In Facial Crayonand India Ink 2457 Wash Ave Bothphones


DR A FERNLUND Phyalcian andSurgeon Office hours 10 and 12 a01 12 10 4 p m 340 25th St Officephones Bell 515K Ind 515 ResidencelId Wash Ind phone 502


A H GROSEExpert Piano TunerBroom Hotel Satisfaction guaran

cod S C Smo


HOE REPAIRINGAt the lowestjrices All are Invited to see B WPoBtnia 23CS Wash Av-


NELS McCARTY All work subjectt-o sanitary Inspector 272S Grant Bellphone 324Z


JOGALONG TRANSFER VansPiano Moving SpecialtyAlso own-ers


of Wagon Vacuum House Clean-ing


Machine 328 12 25th St Bothphones 2S-

3SLADESuccessor to Allen Trnncer CoJ C Slade Lessee FurnitureVans and Storage Offico lOS 25lh StBoth phones 321

ALLEN Baggage Hack and BusLino Baggago and passenger tranrcr a specialty 412 25th Both phones2


UMBRELLA REPAIRINGUmbrolEi S repaired and recovered L don

Jartog 928 2Sth Street Both phones


K VAN KAMPENParlor furnlturoi-plmlBtcred and repaired varnishingualtroas making carpets cleaned fitmd laid Estimates submitted on rolucst Phones Ind 661 Dell SS3X

1 1769 Volkcr S 9 tf



Round trip from Ogden 3000 TickKs on sale August 5 G and 7 returnlimit September 3rd Ser any O SL agent for further particulars

O S EXCURSION TO SALTLake City every Sunday 5100 round-trip Eight daily trains to and fromiho Capital



fOdtaly9S 1I1Hrun igranisI

The Market Place of the Munnimakers Malccs Good to the Buyers or it Couldnt Make Good to theSellers Good Value Pair Treatmentand a SQUARE DEAL for

the Readers aa well as for the AdvertisersJ

1 J7



I I 4j j 1


Spare time is often the timethat brings you the most profitSometimes it takes only a fewminutes of your spare time toseize upon one of he attracti-ve


offers you see in the Market Place of the Mun c-

iiimakcrs the want ad columns of the StandardAnd the deal often pays you more than all youvemade in regular business hours in a whole week orin a month

I u



WANTED Good prosser at EliteCleaning Co Apply 1SS1 Wash

I S2Gtf

WAITED Chocolate dipper at Olympla Candy Kitchen 2313 Wash

Steady work all winter

WANTED Dining room girl Virginia-S HI iwk

WANTED Good women for cookingBroom Hotel 8 30 2t

KITCHEN holp wanted at the Woodmansee 3CS 24th S30tf

SEAMSTRESS dining room supervis-or and assistant matron State In-


school Apply at once to Su-perintendent


S 30 tf

WANTED Chambermaid at the Vir-ginia


S 27 2wkaI

WANTED An experienced girl forgeneral housework small family

good wages 903 21 Ih Boll phono383 S2Ctf

WANTED Competent girl for gen-

eral housework 327 23rd St Bell5G3 Ind 1055 S 23 tf

WANTEDAn experienced guI forhousework by the first of Sept

Family of two 2C10 Jeff S 23 trI

WANTED Woman or steady girl forgeneral housework plain cooking

1070 Oak St Bell 1377Y S 19 Iwk

WANTED Chambermaid 22 a I

month board and room Reed hotel 813cf

WANTEDGirl or woman for gen-


housework 721 24th S 9 Ifc



DRESSMAKING 2C5C Wash Ave4 20 tf


WANTED Dressmaking 2228 Lin-

coln Ind 3C77A SlllmoDRESSMAKER from cast would like

engagement in families AddressM care Standard S2Slw


M At E-

VANTEDYoung mon to learn automobile business by mall and pre-


for positions as chaffeurs and repair men Wo make you expert in tenwoeks assist you to secure positionPay big work pleasant demand formen great reasonable write for par-ticulars


and sample lesson EmpireAutomobile Institute Rochester N Y-


WiANTED Boys and girls Apply U i

P Laundry at Depot Commissarybuilding 8171 f


BARBER trade taugnt In eight weeksGraduates earn from 12 to 30 dol-

lars per week Molor Barber College19 Commercial St Salt Lake CityUth 6 lltt i




WANTEDEmployment as nightwatchman Write L care of

Standard S2Clw



MAN to handle our line If youare a hustler experienced on theroad we will make you an attract-ive


proposition The Garland Re ¬

fining Co Cleveland Ohio 82831


ANTEDLI fo Insurance repicsenta-tiro oldline company 31510 Atlas

Blk Salt Lake City S 21 tf



Throe furnished house-keeping


rooms modern conventoucea no children Bell phone 241Y-


FOR RENT Furnished rooms forhousekeeping Ind Tel GC71A

S 31 If

FOR RENT Furnished rooms modorn GaS 25th S 31 lwk-

IOItRi3NTFurnIshed front ropm217 30th S 31 twk-

FORRINTNicelYfUrni5hed frontroom 520 22nd Bell Phono 1386Y

sao iwkI

THREE plcbly Xurulbd rooms 15723rd > Ir s E Wilkinson S 27 tf




FOR RENBFurnished rooms 2G13Wash S 27 Iwk

TWO large furnished rooms for lighthousekeeping 12 per Mo 130 W

22nd St S 27 Iwk

FOR RENT Furnished rooms 2JCOJefferson S20lm

TWO housekeeping rooms 112 2Cth7 29 lIDO

FURNISHED rooms for gentlemanwith bath 1000 References 2341

Adams S 11 tf

COOL rooms for housekeeping 10 and12 No children no clogs SSI 26th

S10 to 03

FOR RE Furnished rooms 2613Washington The Lawrence

FOR RENTFurnished rooms mod-ern 261 27th Silm

TWO nicely furnished rooms for house-keeping Apply Mrs Blair No 2511

Washington Avenue 7 28 tf

FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms171 22nd St 511t-

f OR RENT Housekeeping rooms2353 Monroe G 0 tf



UNFURNISHED rooms at the Woodmancy Central 3GS 2tb 7304m



BOARD at the Woodmancy with orwithout room Central 368 2lth


BOARD and room 459 26th StreetC 29 tf

FURNISHED rooms wltn oard 233JAdams 317lf




WANTEDNames and addresses ofpersons desiring to furnirh rooms

and board to students If you have aplace dont wait call at once OgdenBusiness College Lewis Block

S 20 tf



A MODERN house for rent 2832 Pa-cific



MODERN seven ioom brick good I

barn good location Bell 4SSXS 3U Iwk

FOR RENT Fourroom house withbarn Inquire at Christenson Shoe I

Store S 27 tf

FOURroom house R R locality 8Weddell 8 14 lino




FOR RENTNine roomed nicely fur ¬

nished house Ind phone 3G71A i

8 30 tf t


OR RENT Store room Inquire 310 I

25th American Tea Co S25lwj


FOR SALENIce brick cottage 28thstreet between Washington and Ad-

ams¬ I

2100 Also Unco modern housescloso in tho throe for 3000 0 AWhite 3G2 25th St S 28 itFOR SALE 50 ncros finest fruit land

in Utah 18 shares water stock inthe Davis ic Weber Counties Canallive acres bearing orchard good houseand barn other outbuildings close L-on R station Mathowa Mattsonunder First Natl Bank 8lSlwkFOR SALE Thrco fino lots 48 by

100 feet easy payments Inquire3175 Gmut Phsae Bell G2K

FOR SALEAt DarKfttnt vacant lotshousoB and lots farms rooming

houses also houses to rent O AI

WHITE 362 25th St G 2G 2moj

FOR SALE Grocoiy och and fix-tures chuap Call after 6 p m 2903

Wash Ave 5 7 ti

FOR SALEFARMSPOR SALE One fruit and one dairy

farm Address 4 StandardS 2C Imo


A SADDLE horse for sale A B Patton 1506 24th SL 83100

500 SHARES Santa Maria M l Mstock 50 cents per share B B

I Brooks 117 25th St S30lw

FOR SALE Nearly new fivepassen-gerI auto good running order GuO00

i if sold within two weeks Call 351l2Sth S 31 IwkI

CONN silverplated slide trombone In-

case A snap Room 1 tIme Law-rence


S 2S Iwk

FOR SALEHousehold furniture Allkinds At once 10SO Oak St Half

block northeast end 22nd street carline S 22 6t

FOR SALEA No 1 portable bakooven in good condition also two Na-

tional Cash Registers Wards 35625th 7 31 tr-

KINDLING svocT 2c to sack 250tier rack Wheelwright Bros Phone

147 47ttFOR SALE Driving mare 55

Weight 950 214 28th St

FOR SALEA new Powers movingpicture machine and three motors

Inquire 2214 Wash S30lwlc

FOR SALE Edisou phonograph cheapi

2773 Grant 2nd floor S 26 Iw

FOR SALE Furniture Call 47G 22ndj


FOR SALE New 5room While Press-ed brick house Strictly modem

Call Bell 530 S 21 Imo

FOR SALEOne piano and ono Pianola or will trade for good team

and wagon Call 2154 Grant S 21 2w

FOR SALEFine young driving maregocd buggy and harness 2157 Mad-


Axe S 17 tf


NOTES of reliable employes and wageearners bought and payments re-

ceived on easy weekly or monthly in-

stallments City Loan Agency 31GFirst National Bank Bldg G 1 tt

MONEYAdancel1 salaried peoplewithout security on easy paymentsDrake 41011 Eccles building

ON city property and Improved farmsHUNTER KENNEDY 211 First

National 430tf


WNTEDCIean wulto rusu at thoStandard office 2 17 U


WANTEDTo rent two good saddle-or cow horses Inquire of Wm Glas

mann Standard office S 27 St


ENGRAVED Colts 45 pearl handleSavage sight stolen from 121 25th

Any pawnbrokers shop or anyone re-ceiving


it notify police S 30 2t

LOSTA purse containing watch andchange between 25th and 27th on

Grant Return to 2027 Childs S 30 tf

LOSTA little white dog body clip-ped 3GG1A Ind S2Clw

LOSTGold spectacles bet 857 23rdSt and 928 Capital Ave along Quln

cy Return to S57 23rd St RewardS271W



Ogden Nest No 1218 Order of Owlsmeets In Odd Fellows Hall over Elksclub every 2nd and 4th Wednesdaynights of each month Visiting Owlscordially invited

OLIVER PresidentW M PIGGOTT Secretary

375 24th Street


Utah Camp No 0900 Business meet-ings first and third Tuesdays Tealdrill second and fourth Tuesday nightsat S p m Eagle Hall



Wasatch Division No 124 O R Cmeets second an fourth Fridays at230 p m in K of P hall cornerWashington avenue and 21th streetAll brothers aro cordially invited toattend



Silver Hive No1 meets the 2ndand 4th Tuesday afternoons at 230-p m in 1 0 O F hall 241G Wash-ington Avo Visiting members cordlally Invited


2355 Van Buren Ave


Improved Order oC Redmen Hiawa-tha Tribe No3 meets in Eagle hallFriday evenings at 8 oclock Visitingchiefs cordially Invited



Fraternal Benefciary Order In-

sures men at reasonable rates Accu-mulated


emergency fund nearly fIvemillion dollars Rocky Mountain Council No G37 meets second and fourthThursday ut L O O F ball 241GWashington avenue H L PetersonRegent J W Wotherspoon Collector-G B Roberts Secretary-


Brotherhood Railway Trainmen Ogden Ledge No G3 meets every Thurs-day


evening Eagles Hall at S p mC D SIMPSON President I

R A IRVINE 272 2Gth SecyA B CANFIEIT Treasurer

2119 Ionrol



Consult County Clorl or the RespectIe Signers for Further

I Information


For further Information consult S GDye clerk of tho District Cohrt of Webor County Utah

Estate of Nancy B Farr deceasededitors of tho estate of Nancy B

Farr deceased will present thouclaims with vouchers to the undetsigned at Number 2121 Adams avenue Ogden City Ulahor Number 23 North-west


I Temple street Salt Lake CityUtnh1onorvbofpro the 25th or June

JOHN HENRY SMITHAdministrator Estate of Nancy B-

t Farr i

Boothe Lee Badger and BenjaminL Rich COSCOS Boston Building SaltLake City Utah attorney for Administrator

Date of first publication August 171000

Date of last publication September 71000


Notice is hereby given by the citycouncil of Ogden City Utah of theintention of such council to make thefollowing improvements to wit

To open Hudson Avenue throughBlock twentyfive 25 Plat A Ogden City Survey sixty GO feetwide through the center of said Blocktwentyfive 25 the whole distancefrom 24th to 25th Streets said avenue-to be thirty 30 feel In width oneither and both sides of the center-line of said Block

Tho estimated cost of said Improve-ments


in 100000The district affected by said Im-

provements is tho whole of said Hud-son


Avenue to be opened and a stripof land foityelght 48 feet In width-on either and both sides of said Ave-nue when opened ns proposed andabutting thereon

For the payment of the costs andexpenses of making said Improve-ments the city council Intends to levy



Ogdcn Lodge No 5 Independent Order of Odd Fellows Moots In I O 0F hall every Tuesday evening Visit-ing


brothers cordially Invited to bopresent

JAMES MacBETH Noble GrandHENRY KISbEL Secretary

Queen City Hobekah Lodge No 4

I O O F Meets second and fourthFriday evenings at Odd Fellows hallVisiting members Invited



Ogden Lodge No2 Knights orPythias meo s at Castle Hall UtahNational Bank building every Mon-day evening All K of Ps requestedto meet with us


and S


Queen Esther Chapter No4 0 ES Regular meetings held at Masonichall on Washington avenue betweenTwentyfifth and Twenty sixth streetsthe first and third Fridays of eachmonth Sojourning members cordlnlly Invited to attend


Sego Lily Circle No Y74 meets ev-ery second and fourth Monday nightsat 730 in I 0 0 F hall VIsItingneighbors cordially invited

MINNIE MULLER GN3067 Porter Avenuo

KATE HEYMAN Clerk 23SYJ23rd Street-


Fraternal Order of Eagles OgdenAerie No 118 F 0 E meets everyWednesday evening In Eagle hall eastof Reed hotel at 800 VisitingBrother Eagles arc invited to attendtho Auria meetings

A C FIELITZ W President-E R GEIGER SecretaryDR H B FORBES Aerie Physician

G P O fcKSB P 0 Elks Ogden Lodge No 719

lodge and club rooms second floor241G Washington avenue Regularmeetings every Tuesday evening

JOHN S CRLSW Exalted RulerJ H KNAUSS Secretary


Women of Woodcraft Ogden Circle581 meet every Wednesday night nt730 oclock K ot P hall VisitingNeIghbors invjlcd

Dues can bo paid at Blnghams gro-cery store 25th St tho afternoon ofthe 28th of each n> nth

SARAH RANSON G N 145 WealPaltcrapn Ave

MARIE CRITES Clerk 2731 Mon-roe avenue


Ogden Lodge No1 D of H meets-In I 00 F Hull 2416 Washington-Ave the first and third ThursdaycvenJngs of each month at 730 p mVsltlng sisters arid brothers cordiallyInvited to attond



Weber CampNo71 meets in Kof P hall in the Utah National Bankbuilding every Thursday evening at 8

oclock Visiting Woodmen cordiallyInvited to attend


E AUTH Clerk First NationalBank Building-


Ogdqn Homestead No 1505 meetsEccopd and fourth Thuradav nights ut730 K C ball No 2473 WashAve Visiting archers cordially Invitet Ito meet with us Henry Burchollforeman 232 22nd street Laura MWeant correspondent 555 27th StAurela Crokor Lady Rebekab 2665Wall avenuo


Excojplor Camp No 3240 meetsevery second and fourth Monday even-ing of ouch month at tho Eagles hallVisiting members cordially Invited

MRS MARY DORA Oracle t365ITwentysecond street

JOSIERHEAJRecorder 5822nd St

and collect special and local taxes up1on the lots blocks parts of lotsblocks lands and Ical estate lying nnibeing within the boundaries of the dintrlct benefited and affected to the ex-tent of the benefits to said propertyby eason of said Improvements

The district to be benefited and affected by saIl improvements antitaxed to pay the costs anti expenses ofsame Is a trlp of land fort > olght ISfeet wldo ribuUlnc on tho East side ofsaidHudson AVenue when opened nsproposed b jginnlng thirtyfour 211and fivetenths 345 feel South oftIme North lino of Lot one 1 and run-ning thence North to tho South line ofLot seven 7 and a strip of landfort > olsht 48 feet wide abutting onthe West side of said Hudson Avenuewhen opened ns proposed beginningat the North line of Lot two 2 andrunning thence North to the Southline of Lot six 6 all in said Blocktwentyfive 25

The city council will on Mondaythe 20th day of September 1009 at Soclock p m in the city council chamber City Hall Ogden Utah hear ob ¬

jections In writing from any and allpersons Interested In said local andspecial assessment

By order of the city council August 23 1909

A F PARKERCity Engineer

First publication August 28 1000Last publication September IS 1909



Mrs Lizzie Alford her two childrenSamuel Leslie Alford aged two yearsand Archie Ray Alford aged six yearsand her niece Sadie Alford werefound by Chief of Police Browningyesterday morning and sent to time

Crittcnton homeMrs Alford and the three children

who were only half clad and were halfstarved got off the train coming fromNevada and after being refused admit ¬

tance at several of the rooming houses-of the city went to the City Hallpark where they were found by ChiefBrowning

When taken to the Crittcntoa homeMrs Alford said that she and herhusband had been living In a tent ouMclntoshs ranch near Wells NevadaShe had come hither to find a homeand her husband was to follow her ina few liars

The woman and tho children arewithout money and aro badly in need-

It Is probable that steps will be-

taken today to secure financial aidfor the unfortuuato mother and chil ¬

dren by popular subscription


Ogden Utah August 25 1909Sealed proposals for building side-


In Sidewalk District 102 being21st Street from Monroe to Harrison

Avenues23rd Street from Madison to Harri-

son AvenuesHarrison Avenue from 21st to 25th

StreetsVan Buren Avenue from 21st to 24th

StreetsJackson Avenue from 21st to 25th

Streetsunder plans and specifications prepar-ed


by the City Engineer and approved-by the City Council will be received-at time office of the City Recorder inthe City Hail at Ogden City aforesaiduntil oclock p m on the 20th dayof September 1000 and in the CityCouncil Chamber on the evening ofsaid late until tho time that the Coun-cil


shall call for said bids at whichtime all bids received will be publiclyopened and read aloud

The right Is reserved to reject anyor all bids and to waive any defects-

By order of the City Council-A F Parker City Engineer

First publication Aug 26 1000-l >ast publication Sept 21 1909



Ruth Hllliard M D late residentphysician of the Ann May hospital atSpring Lake Bench KJ returned toOgden Monday morning for a visit toher parents Mr and Mrs Reubon THilliard Dr Hllliurd is contemplat-ing


locating in Salt Lake City in thenear future She Is a graduate I

of the 0 H S class of 03 and of theHahnemann Medical college of 07 j




Senator E R Rldglcy of Kansas-is hi Ogden the guest of O J StohlSenator Ridgley was an oldtime resi-dent of this city and still owns realestate here He is here looking after 1

his interestsSenator Ridgley resided In Ogden

when the two political parties wereMormon and antiMormon and he wasone of the principal men who helped


opthcethpo1caiparj7 Re ¬

and Democratic alignmentAfter leaving Utah Senator Ridgley

moved to Kansas and became promi-nentI In the politics of that stale Howas elected to congress from Kansas t

daysHo will remain In town for sovoril j



There Is to ieZtmnss meeting atLagoon today of all persons interest ¬

od in the Weber Rivet Irrigation Ills ¬

trict I

The farmers throughout Weber andDavis counties are working hard forthe establishment of the proposed ir-rigation district and a largo attend ¬

ance is expectedFree tickets over the Lagoon road

arc being Issued by Secretary Rey-nolds



of the Weber club and he willbe at the depot ready to give themto anyone who Is Interested in the


workThe meeting will be called In thi

afternoon and the speakers will lieGovernor William Spry Major RichardW Young John Henry Smith ProfLewis A Merrill and Colonel WlllardYoung engineer In charge

The train will leave Ogden at 215and will return at 512 and 712

HER IDEAL DUST PANThe IdealDust Pan we are advertis-

ing Is not the common dust pan asadvertised by the stores for fifty centsbut is adjusted by a spring which bypressing with tho foot prevents thodust from getting underneath the pan

There Is no bonding of the back asthe user always remains In an uprightposition It saves time makes workpleasant-

Call at the Standard Office and gotone before they are all gone


EFFECTIVE AUG 22 1909Mountain Time



NO1 Eastbound I Depart

st Mail 820 nmS Los Angeles Limited 115 pm2 Overland Limited 350 pm1 Atlantic EXlress pm

Z01 Westbound I Arrive

3 California ExPreSS 545 nmFast Mail 1255 pm I1 Overland Limited 350 pm7 Los Angeles Limited 635 pm


Xo1 North of Ogden I Depart

OII3utte arid Portland LOO aml3flOgdeniIalad Motor S45 nm13 Portland Express 1030 nm II

3 Butte and Portland 400 pIIL-H Cache Vallcv Passsr 510 ptu-Hi Yellowstone Special 750 pm


No1 North of Ogden I Arrive

1GIYeilowstol1e Special 65 am4 Salt Lake SpecIal 350 ptn

12 Salt Lake Passenger nmII010 Salt Lake Express nm-

132xMiIadOgden Motor j 53a pm-lIIPorLland Express 730 pw-xDailr except Sunday

No1 South of Ogden I Depart

16 Yellowstone Special 635 am4 Salt Lake SpeciaL LOO pm6 Lical to Salt Lake S30 nm

12 Gaelic Valley Express ld40 am2 Fast Mail 115 pm

10 Salt Lake Express 7 15 am20 Salt Lake Express 545 pmIS Los Angeles Limited 655 pmPorLland Express 74opm

No1 South of Ogden I Arrive

DButtc and Port1anlt1210 am-SAtlantic Express 8 10 nm

13 Portland Express1005 am17 Los Angeles Limited 105 pm

1 Snit Lake Local1205 pm3 Butte and Portland 330 pm

11 Cache Valley Express 505 prnl19 Atlantic Express J 710 pm151YclIowstone SpeciaL 7lOpm


No1 Tstbound Depart

2 Pacific Express 640 nm1

9 Fast Mall 135 pm-10erland Limited 410 pm5Pacitlc ExprcS3 120 pot

No1 From West > I Arrive

Atlantic Express 620 nm30 Fast Mail t 710 amOverland Limited 1 330 pmAtlantic Express 535 pm I


Subject to change without notice


Leavo I Arrive Arrive I LeaveI

Leave ArriveUnion Depot Sanitaiiimm Hemitagc Hermitage Sammitamiimn Union tepo-

tAiiA I I 1 4tM AM I A f620 645 700 700 715 740700 725 740 740 755 820740 S05 S20 820 835 900820 S15 900 90J 915 I 9j900 D25 940 940 I 955 l020940 1005 1020 1020 I 1035 1100

1020 1h45 1100 1100 1115 11401100 1125 1140 1140 1155 12201140 I P M P M P M P M P 31

P M 1205 I 1220 1220 1235 1001220 ii45 100 100 115 ll0100 15 1iC 110 155 22-14iJ 25 220 220 235 300

220200 245 3OO

240ioo 315 340

240 305 CoSO i20 335 400300 325 3iO 310 355 420n20 345 400 460 415 IO340 406 420 420 136 500i0fl I 45 f49 410 455 62J120 f li5 500 600 515 540440 505 520 520 535 600500 525 5ID 510 555 620520 545 600 600 615 6tO640 605 6O G20 635 70060a C25 G4Q 640 G55 720-t320 615 700 700 715 740640 705 72O i20 735 50i-

OO 725 7iD 740 755 820-r720 7iS SOO SOO 815 840740 SO5 820 820 8S5 900SOO 825 840 SIO S55 920820 S45 9iJO 900 915 940S40 O05 I20 920 935 1000900 925 040 940 955 1021920 945 IQOO l0OO 10f15 104O

1005 1020 1020 1035 110010ip lQ15 1100 1100 1115 11401100 a I fl25 I 1140 1140 1155 T 1220am

Denotes snecjal servlco as conditions of traffic demandsI
