The Odyssey by Homer

The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

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Page 1: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Odyssey by Homer

Page 2: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Trojan War

• As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home, faithful wife, Penelope, and their son, Telemachus.

• Odysseus, one of the heroes of the war, built the Trojan Horse that won the war.

• A strong leader, he is also proud and arrogant.

Page 3: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Land of the Lotus-Eaters

Odysseus’ menexplore a mysteriousisland and join theLotus-Eaters, losingtheir drive and forgetting all their goalsand ambitions.

Page 4: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Land of the Cyclopes

Odysseus’ arrogance causes problems.

He disrespects the Cyclopes’ lifestyle and customs.

Page 5: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

Aeolus’ Gift

Aeolus’ gift helps speed Odysseus and his men back home to Ithaca.

The men disobey Odysseus’ command and become lost at sea.

Page 6: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

Circe the Sea-WitchCirce turns Odysseus’ men into

pigs and entices him to stay with her for a year instead of returning home to Penelope.

Page 7: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

Descent into Hades

The most valuable lessons come from the most difficult challenges. Only the greatest heroes return from Hades, the Underworld, or Land of the Dead.

Page 8: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

Tiresias, the Blind Prophet

The wisdom Odysseus needs in order to survive is only available from Tiresias, who is dead and in the Underworld.

This is the most fearsome journey of all.

What is the irony of a blind prophet?

Page 9: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Sirens

From Circe, Odysseus learns the trick to get his ship past the Sirens.

The Sirens were fantastic creatures (bird-fish-woman) whose song was irresistible to all men.

Once a man was caught, he was lured onto their island and killed or destroyed--or even eaten!

Page 10: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Cattle of the Sun-God, Helios

Tiresias had warned Odysseus that his men had to learn self-discipline and not take what was not theirs.

But when they land on Helios’ island, they’re hungry and steal Helios’ sacred cattle.

Page 11: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

Scylla & CharybdisScylla, a 6-headed

monster, would eat 6 men if the ship came too close.

Charybdis, the whirlpool, would swallow the whole ship.

What’s a captain to do?

Page 12: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,


Odysseus is washed ashore alone and nearly dead on Calypso’s island.

She loves him and keeps him captive for 5 years-- although he longs for home and Penelope.

Athena finally intervenes, and Zeus makes Calypso release him.

Page 13: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Land of the PhaeaciansOdysseus’ raft washes

up in the Land of the Phaeacians where he is recognized as the great hero of the war.

He tells his story to King Alcinous and is given a ship to take him home to Ithaca.

(This retelling, or flashback, is the section of the book we read in class.)

Page 14: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Homecoming—Return to Ithaca

Odysseus finally arrives at home, but after 20 years, much has changed.

He needs to know if Penelope has been faithful to him and who still honors him as king.

Page 15: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Test of the Bow

Disguised as an old beggar, Odysseus finds that his home has been over-run by suitors who want to marry Penelope and take his kingdom.

Penelope hates them, but they won’t leave.

She finally creates a test she hopes no one will win.

Page 16: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The Blood-Bath

With Telemachus at his side, Odysseus slays the suitors in a terrible blood-bath.

Page 17: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

Penelope’s Test

Although Penelope wants to believe Odysseus has returned, she needs to be sure, and has one last test for him.

Page 18: The Odyssey by Homer. The Trojan War As the story begins, the 10-year Trojan War has just ended, and Odysseus is ready to return to his beloved home,

The End of the OdysseyAfter 10 years of war and 10 years of travel, Odysseus

finally finds peace in his beloved home, Ithaca, with Penelope and Telemachus.