The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers More than you ever want to know about the Oceans and their basins

The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the

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Page 1: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the



Page 2: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 3: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the

* TheOceanBasinsandHowTheyareConnected* AtmosphericOceanCirculationDrivers* DensityCurrentCirculationDrivers* Tides* HowtheOceanBasinsHaveChangedOverTime* ViolentStormGenerationandMovement


Page 4: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


EasternPacific Atlantic





Page 5: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the





Page 6: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 7: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 8: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 9: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the

*  Theatmosphereaffectstheoceansandisinturninfluencedbythem–ASymbioticRelationship

*  Windcreateswavesandinfluencestheoceancurrents*  Strongwindsproducedropletsthatareabsorbedbythe


*  Whenwaterevaporates,heatisremovedfromtheoceansandstoredintheatmosphere

*  Whencondensationoccurs,thisstoredheatisreleasedtotheatmospheretodevelopthemechanicalenergyofitsmotion

*  Theatmosphereobtainsnearlyhalfofitsenergyforcirculationfromthecondensationofevaporatedoceanwater

*  Thepatternofatmosphericcirculationlargelydeterminesthepatternofoceanicsurfacecirculation

*  Thepatternofatmosphericcirculationlargelydeterminesthepatternofoceanicsurfacecirculationaswellasthelocationofcloudswhichinfluencethetemperatureoftheoceans*  InorganicSymbiosisatitsbest


Page 10: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the

*  Twoforcesproducethenon-tidaloceancurrents*  Thewindexertingastressontheseasurface*  Fluxesbetweentheoceanandatmospherethatalterthe

densityofthesurfacewater*  Theformerinducesthewinddrivenoceancirculation,the


*  SurfacewaterismadedenserthroughtheremovalofheatandfreshwatergivingDensitydrivencurrents*  Surfacelayerdescendstodeeperdepths*  Canreachthedeepseafloor*  Thiscirculationiscalledthermo-halinecirculationand

engagesthefullvolumeoftheoceanintotheclimatesystem*  Thusoceanwater'meets'andinteractsdirectlywiththe




Page 11: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the

*  RedistributionofthebuoyantsurfacelayerinducesWindDriven*  Sealevel"valleys"indivergentregions*  Andsealevel"hills"inconvergenceregions*  Hillsandvalleysamounttoonlya1.5meterinamplitude*  Induceshorizontalpressuregradientswhichinitiatewinddrivencirculation

*  Winddrivencirculationislargeclock-wiseandcounterclock-wiseflowinggyres(circularpattern)Thenormalcurrents

*  TheEkmanLayertransport(windstress)isat90°tothedirectionofthewind,*  Rightofthewindinthenorthernhemisphere*  Leftofthewindinthesouthernhemisphere.*  Canproducedivergence(upwelling)orconvergence(sinking)ofsurfacewater

*  Thesurfacelayerislessdense(morebuoyant)thandeeperlayers*  TheEkmantransportfieldactstoredistributethebuoyantsurfacewater*  Thinsthebuoyancysurfacelayerindivergenceregions*  Thickensthebuoyantsurfacelayerinconvergenceregions

*  Thuswehaveaverticalandhorizontalcirculationsystemthatisinfluencedbythepositionofthecontinents


Page 12: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 13: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 14: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 15: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the
Page 16: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the
Page 17: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the
Page 18: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the
Page 19: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the

*  PlateTectonicsisthenowacceptedtermfortheprocessesofseafloorspreadingandcontinentaldrift*  AlfredWegneratthebeginningofthe20thCentury

discoveredaremarkablesimilarityofgeologicfeatures,fossils,andcontinentalcoastalfits*  Suggestedthecontinentsmusthavebeenconnectedata

pasttime*  Suggestedthattheydriftedapart.*  Problem–nomechanism

*  PlateTectonicstotherescuebyidentifyingthemechanismsthatdrivesthemovementofthecontinents*  Astorythatmustbetoldinanotherdiscussionbuthereis



Page 20: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the

*  Tropicalstormsoccurinseveraloftheworld'soceans,andtheyareessentiallythesametypeofstorm.IntheAtlanticOcean,GulfofMexico,andtheEasternPacificOcean,theyarecalledhurricanes.IntheWesternPacificOcean,theyarecalledtyphoons

*  Watervaporisthe"fuel"forthehurricanesbecauseitreleasesthe"latentheatofcondensation"whenitcondensestoformcloudsandrain,warmingthesurroundingair*  Inthisway,Hurricanesaswellasviolentstormsarethewaythattheatmosphere

releasessomeofitsstoredenergy*  Hurricanesareviolentstormswhichcanbringintensewinds,heavyrain,astorm

surge,floods,coastalerosion,landslides,andalsospawntornadoes*  TropicalCyclonesasthesestormsaregenerallynamedoriginateover

tropicalorsubtropicalwatersandrotateclockwiseinthesouthernhemisphereandcounter-clockwiseinthenorthernhemisphere.*  RotationisduetotheCariolesEffect–relatedtothefactthattheEarthisa

sphereandthespeedofrotationisfasterattheequatorthanatthepoles*  Thinkofamerry-go-round


Page 21: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 22: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 23: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 24: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 25: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 26: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the


Page 27: The Oceans, Their Basins and Circulation Drivers · Ocean Basins Over Time – Plate Tectonics * Tropical storms occur in several of the world's oceans, and they are essentially the
