t y- t ° r7- q > s 4 a- r r r q s 1 THE OCALA BANNER 54 s5 > The paper Of the IPeoxxLe for the People and bv the People VOL 40 NO 23 FLORID 4 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17 1905 ONE DOT TARA YEAR SABA ZLIZ1MTS HAWS Local ttltir HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN Mrs E P Moody is we regret to learn quite ill Mr George Robinson is back from k a visit to Gainesville Mr and Mrs C E Thomas have gone out to Pine today- Mr Robert Mathews leaves today for Tampa to spend a few days f i Mrs W W Clyatt is suffering with- an to attack of the dengue fever r Mrs J M Barco went out to Cot ¬ ton Plant today to visit her son 1 J C Howard the popular livery- man ¬ of Sarasota is here on a visit- l l Judge and Mrs J B Wall of Tam- pa ¬ i have been visiting Tallahassee Dr Wm H Marean has quite re ¬ covered from his recent attack of dengue- Mr Jule Solomon of Monticello a well known drummer is a guest at the Ocala House Mr F N Marean and his sister Mrs R J Owens are visiting the Tampa Fair llr EW Kraybill has returned from Palatka where he attended the Presbyterian Synod- Mr E F Forbes of Anthony passed through the citv yesterday en route for the Tampa fair Capt Allen Gibson of the Ockla waha steamer line was transacting business in Ocala yesterday- Mrs Thomas and daughter of Alex ¬ ander City Ala are in the city the guests of Mrs W B Whetsone- Col J M DesRochers a well kaown lumberman of Jacksonville is paying a visit to Ocala Messis J M Barco H L Ander son and G A Petteway are promi ¬ nent Ocalaites registered at the Ara- gon Jacksonville yesterdayF- OR SALEM house and lot knowL as the Reardon place situated on I Ocklawaha avenue For particulars address Mrs K Orr 1100 2nd street Louisville Ky 11 17 3t Capt W B Haynes formerly a big merchant at Starke now in the employ of the A O L railway spent yesterday in Ocala Mr J J Tipton Mr Isaac Stevens- Mr and Mrs J C Bankston and ir Webb of Kendrick are taking a peep at the Tampa Fair Dr J H Pittman and his little I daughter Dorothy are here on a visit The little daughter will spend- ten days with her grandparents Mr- snd Mrs J A Pitman f ExSenator Henry W Chandler Rev James Dean and others ad- dressed ¬ f a rather large gathering of- f colored people on the dry side of the campaign from the band stand last night- Mr C L Bittinger has returned t from Tampa where he attended the J editorial banquet given by the man- agement ¬ i 3 of the MidWinter Fair As- sociation ¬ 1f < George IWcKenny colored was yesterday tried and sentenced to a fine of 100 or four months at hard I I labor for the larceny of a tie and J t 1- c sweater from the Guarantee Clothing company 1 Mr Charles H Lloyd with the J > i Buttgenbach Company at Holder- was a visitor to Ocalayesterday He I was returning from a brief visit to- y 4 z Key West Instead of going to New York as he contemplated Mr Lloyd will take in the big MidWinter Fair at Tampa i Y Phpllat Land For Sale I offer at a decided bargain 15 acres i of prospected phosphate land having I flight overlay Same is located in II 20 30 and if operated as adjoining I x are worked will yield a big revenue 1110 05 MRS H M GILMOUR 1 PC 118 llth St Oakland Cal t The Kane KUtsh Yesterday afternoon the W C T U gave another delightful tea Mrs Clarence Camp and Mrs Robert Bur ford were the hostesses of this affair which was given at the armory The armory presented quite an at- tractive ¬ scene with its decorations of evergreens The tables from which were served coffee tea chocolate and frappe were placed around the hall and at the coffee table which was decorated with white chrysan ¬ themums Mrs Lee Miller and Mrs Edward Helvenston presided Mrs Charles Miller and Mrs William Pow ¬ ers poured coffee Their table was beautiful with a battenburg cover over red with a centerpiece of red roses Mrs Ernest Oldfield and Mrs Wm Gary poured tea from a table prettily decorated with chrysanthemums Misses Mary Anderson and Sue Barco served the frappe The color scheme- at this table was blue and white The scheme was also prettily carried out by the young ladies wearing costumes- to match Misses Pauline Sullivan Edna Dozier Louise Harris Gertrude Pereda Eloise Izlar Mary Burford Leta Camp Alta Pearson and Lucile Standley also assisted There were many ladies present who are interested in this work There were also quite a number of gentlemen present- Dr Carroll gave a very pleasant address and during the afternoon Miss Mary Andersen and Mrs Izlar played and Miss Sara Whit field and Mrs Byrne sang This impromptu programme added a great deal to making the affair a success Twentyfive dollars was the amount of the offering which will be used to further the work of the organization Another Big Turpentine Deal Messiti Charles V Miller Lee Mil- ler ¬ and J N Tiller returned from Jacksonville yesterday afternoon where they had been to consummate- a big deal in timber lands for turpen ¬ tine purposes These gentlemen purchased from Mr C H Barnes his valuable hold ¬ ings near Electra which besides tur- pentine ¬ stills consists of twentyfive thousand acres of valuable timber- lands These lands adjoin the property purchased by these gentlemen some- time I ago and give them almost con ¬ trol of all the lands in that section This is a strong and growing firm and since going into business have acquired some of the most valuable I holdings in this section of Florida They are elated with their purchase- and feel confident that they have made a most excellent bargain and are receiving the congratulations of their friends Messrs Charles V and Lee Miller- T E Bridges and JN Tiller were among the Ocalians registered at the Aragon in Jacksonville Wednesday TO REMOVE FRECKLE and PIMPLES- IN 10 DAYS US- ENADINOLA THE COPLEXIOK BEAUTIFIER 4- T i V3- fS > ° jv V y > lid fD NOLAGHL Formerly Advertised and sold as NADINOLA No change in formula or package The name only has been changed to avoid confusion as we anna afford to have so valuable preparation confused with any other- T AHIrfOLA 11 guaranteed and money will be 111 refunded in every case where it fails to re- move treckles pimples liver spots collar dis coloratlotii5sallowness sun tan black heads disfiguraing ernptions etc The worst cases in twenty da vs Leaves the skin clear soft healthy and restores the beauty of youth Price socandSloa Sold in each city by all leading druggists or by mail Prepared only by RATIONAL TOILET CO Paris Tenn ooldOcala by and all leading drug stores I Q l MUNROE Be CH0HBL1SS Purchase the Central National Yank of Ocaia Mr Miinree Elected President By reference to an announcement 1 printed elsewhere in these columns it will be seen that Messrs Munroe Chambliss Ocalas successful and I oldest bankers have purchased the controlling stock of the Central Na ¬ I tional Bank of Ocala and have as ¬ sumed the management of the same Mr T T Munroe has been elected president and Mr Z C Chambliss- vice president and general manager- Mr George H Ford will continue- to perform the duties of cashier and the entire clerical force of the bank will remain just as it is at present- the new management being so well pleased with the success of the Central National under the manage ¬ ment of the old officials that they are gratified that no changes are neces ¬ sary to be made in the working force- It is a matter of sincere gratifica- tion ¬ to know that Mr H A Ford who has done so much to promote- the growth and every material inter ¬ est of Ocala will continue as a direc ¬ tor of the bank and while a large part of his time will be given to his marble quarry in Alabama he will continue to make Ocala his perma ¬ nent home and his family will reside hereWe congratulate Messrs Munroe Chamblibs on their success as bank- s ers and know that in their enlarged sphere they will continue to use their influence in pushing Ocala to the front I Wounded Man Dies in Hospital- Mr 1 W J Lankford who was shot here Saturday night by the officers- of the law in attempting to evade an arrest died at the Marion County Hospital Monday morning at eleven thirty oclock after undergoing a sur- gical ¬ operation It was ascertained- that I the bullet was fatal and it was I impossible for the patient to have lived even thouga a surgical opera ¬ tion had not been performed Mr Lankford was a woodsrider for Mr W H McRainey of Wildwood- who says he was a sober industrious- and faithiul man Mr Lankford had been married nine years and leaves- a wife and one child to mourn his un ¬ fortunate death His remains are being prepared for shipment by Messis Smith Roberts undertakers and will be shipped to Clinch county Georgia his old home for burial I Tournament at Cotton Plant The young men of Cotton Plant are arranging for a big tournament on Thursday Nov 30 Thanksgiving dayA queen will be crowned and all the accessories that are usually seen at a tourney will be in evidence gaily bedecked horses knights in handsome costumes etc The young men from Standard Berlin Dunnellon Buck Pond Mor riston Early Bird Flemington Fair field and Ocala are all invited to at- tend and enterthe lists- A royal good time is anticipated Messrs Foley and Bolin who re ¬ cently sold the lumber mills at Silver Springs were attacked with dengue fever on the eve of their intended departure lor Georgia and are now inmates ofjthe hospital Dr Powers their physician says that they will be able to resume their journey with ¬ in a few days Judge W S Bullock State Attor ¬ ney Edwin W Davis and Hon Ray- mond ¬ B Bullock Carlos L Sistrunk and WK Zewadski have returned from attending court at Inverness- The court will reconvene next Mon ¬ day when Judge Bullock and Mr Davis will return Tbere is quite a heavy docket Mr Frank Sampson has been at his place at BayView shipping his big I lemon crop He will soon begin shipping his oranges at Orange Lake > lii t r ii i > 1 Funeral of Mr Alworth The remains of the late Mr N B Alworth were brought to this city Thursday afternoon and were buried- in Greenwood cemetery They were accompanied from Jacksonville by Messrs Fred C and Ray C Alworth I Rev L W Moore of the Methodist church conducted the funeral exer ¬ cises A number of friends met the remains on the arrival of the train and accompanied them to their rest ¬ ing place The pallbearers were Messrs J McClymonds Clifford L Ander- son ¬ E T Helvenston JJ and Al ¬ bert E Gerig From the Orphanage It will be remembered that the last Thursday in this month will be our national Thanksgiving day Last year- a number of the friends of the Or ¬ phanage over the state unsolicited- sent us a thankoffering This has moved us to ask that this Thanks- giving ¬ be made a day in which the Florida Baptist Orphanage will be re- membered ¬ with an offering Nothing- can be a more suitable Thanksgiving- than to send gifts to orphanages Where services are held on that day- a collection taken and sent to the poor is certainly pleasing to our Father Where services are not held offer ¬ ings sent by individuals is an act of worship Please remember us with a thank offering Bl BEAN Arcadia Fla Death of Mr Sage Sr Mr Charles K Sage received a tel ¬ egram from Lakeland yesterday announcing the death of his father which occurred on the night of the fourteenth Mr Sage had been in feeble health and had suffered from a stroke of paralysis and it is supposed- that he died from the effects of a sec ¬ ond stroke Mr and Mrs Charles K Sage left on the A C L yesterday afternoon to attend the funeral ser- vices ¬ which will take place today Mr Sage had visited here quite fre ¬ quently and the friends he made In Ocala regret very much to hear f his deathThursdays Daily Cypress Syrup Barreis Thirtyfive gallons Plenty for ev ¬ erybody at the O K Grocery Clark Bros proprietors 11 17 2c Rev C C Carroll and Hon W D I Cars delivered temperance addresses 1 yesterday at Anthony These two j gentlemen together with Rev Mr j Moore are making strenuous efforts- to kindle an enthusiasm for temper- ance ¬ Married at Evinsten At the beautiful home of her moth- er ¬ Mrs Mary W Evans at high noon last Frinay the accomplished- and lovely Miss Sara Augusta Evins was married to Mr James W Means- of McI toshThe Rev C M Gor ¬ don performed the ceremony- Mr Means is the youngest son of Mr G W Means who came here from South Carolina over sixty years ago and did more than any other j man to develop this section The J son is worthy of his noble sire Miss I Augusta Evins is a daughter of the late Capt W D Evins a gallant captain of the Confederate army and loved by all for bis kindness and ex ¬ emplary life They have numerous friends in South Carolina and Florida who wish them much happiness in their journey through life Mr and Mrs Means left immediately after the ceremony for a months ramble after which they will settle in their attractive home at McIntosh I Mr and Mrs Means received a great many beautiful and costly pres ¬ ents from their relatives and friends i r Mrs Mary W Evins the brides mother gave sumptuous dinner to the large crowd assembled at the marriage from Gainesville Jackson ¬ ville Sampson City Archer Kirk wood Tacoma Micanopy McIntosh and other points The M Methodists are making prepar ¬ ations for the holding the annual conference in this city during the first week in December Bishop- Candler will preside and it will be an r important convocation Besides the r Bishop there will be quite a number- of distinguished Methodists present- It is expected that Ocala will sustain her reputation for her generous hos ¬ pitality and that the delegates will s be handsomely entertained The Methodists of the city are looking ASS forward to the meeting of the con ¬ ference with a great deal of pleasure k I Raymond B BullocK the brilliant young attorney from Ocala and son of the late lamented General Robert Bullock spent yesterday at the De Soto returning to Ocala last night Tampa Tribune k Conveying Old Power Transmission Appliances Machinery Mill and Mining Supplies- For Catalog and Prices Address THE CAMERON a BARKLEY co CHARLESTON S C F G KOFFHAK Florida Representative Qcala Ra zr aswwwfflW- flfwRColdiStorage d I 4 I Of Meats 0 > We beg to Announce to the pub- lic ¬ f- r e that we are ready to cure 1S- ffl MEATS We guarantee < satisfaction and solicit your pat- ronage ¬ d 3S E r 1t- i Ocala Ice a- E fuel Co 1 l llli1 Jl sou 1 i A Jiijlt J 1 ji1 11ii1 l 11 1 f 1 t f lr GSjZjJIlUXj IS Jtn T ft p 6 II- a lk r The swellest styles in Rock- ers ¬ at our store We have it the prettiest patterns in I Mattings and Rugs Let us I show you our new line of i rz qc Bedroom Suits in Oak 1a Ert Our Iron Bedsteads are Beautie- sJ AIPITTMANSON F THE FURNITURE MEN till Y s f> jr jXi

THE OCALA BANNER - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00351/00566.pdf · y-tt ° r7- q > s 4 a- r r r q s 1 THE OCALA BANNER 54 s5 > The paper Ofthe IPeoxxLe

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Page 1: THE OCALA BANNER - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00351/00566.pdf · y-tt ° r7- q > s 4 a- r r r q s 1 THE OCALA BANNER 54 s5 > The paper Ofthe IPeoxxLe


t ° r7-q > s

4 a-


rr q





The paper Of the IPeoxxLe for the People and bv the PeopleVOL 40 NO 23 FLORID4 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17 1905 ONE DOT TARA YEARSABA ZLIZ1MTS HAWS Local ttltir


Mrs E P Moody is we regret tolearn quite ill

Mr George Robinson is back fromk a visit to Gainesville

Mr and Mrs C E Thomas havegone out to Pine today-

Mr Robert Mathews leaves todayfor Tampa to spend a few days


Mrs W W Clyatt is suffering with-

anto attack of the dengue fever

r Mrs J M Barco went out to Cot¬

ton Plant today to visit her son

1 J C Howard the popular livery-


of Sarasota is here on a visit-


lJudge and Mrs J B Wall of Tam-



i have been visiting Tallahassee

Dr Wm H Marean has quite re ¬

covered from his recent attack ofdengue-

Mr Jule Solomon of Monticello awell known drummer is a guest atthe Ocala House

Mr F N Marean and his sisterMrs R J Owens are visiting theTampa Fair

llr E W Kraybill has returnedfrom Palatka where he attended thePresbyterian Synod-

Mr E F Forbes of Anthonypassed through the citv yesterdayen route for the Tampa fair

Capt Allen Gibson of the Ocklawaha steamer line was transactingbusiness in Ocala yesterday-

Mrs Thomas and daughter of Alex¬

ander City Ala are in the city theguests of Mrs W B Whetsone-

Col J M DesRochers a wellkaown lumberman of Jacksonville ispaying a visit to Ocala

Messis J M Barco H L Anderson and G A Petteway are promi ¬

nent Ocalaites registered at the Ara-

gon Jacksonville yesterdayF-

OR SALEM house and lot knowLas the Reardon place situated on I

Ocklawaha avenue For particularsaddress Mrs K Orr 1100 2nd streetLouisville Ky 11 17 3t

Capt W B Haynes formerly abig merchant at Starke now in theemploy of the A O L railway spentyesterday in Ocala

Mr J J Tipton Mr Isaac Stevens-Mr and Mrs J C Bankston and irWebb of Kendrick are taking apeep at the Tampa Fair

Dr J H Pittman and his little I

daughter Dorothy are here on avisit The little daughter will spend-

ten days with her grandparents Mr-

snd Mrs J A Pitman

f ExSenator Henry W ChandlerRev James Dean and others ad-


f a rather large gathering of-f

colored people on the dry side ofthe campaign from the band standlast night-

Mr C L Bittinger has returnedt from Tampa where he attended theJ editorial banquet given by the man-


i3 of the MidWinter Fair As-




George IWcKenny colored wasyesterday tried and sentenced to afine of 100 or four months at hard



labor for the larceny of a tie andJ

t 1-


sweater from the Guarantee Clothingcompany


Mr Charles H Lloyd with the J> i Buttgenbach Company at Holder-

was a visitor to Ocalayesterday He I

was returning from a brief visit to-y4 z

Key West Instead of going to NewYork as he contemplated Mr Lloydwill take in the big MidWinter Fairat Tampa


Y Phpllat Land For SaleI offer at a decided bargain 15 acres i

of prospected phosphate land having I

flight overlay Same is located inII 20 30 and if operated as adjoining I

x are worked will yield a big revenue1110 05 MRS H M GILMOUR 1

PC 118 llth St Oakland Cal


The Kane KUtshYesterday afternoon the W C T

U gave another delightful tea MrsClarence Camp and Mrs Robert Burford were the hostesses of this affairwhich was given at the armory

The armory presented quite an at-


scene with its decorations ofevergreens The tables from whichwere served coffee tea chocolateand frappe were placed around thehall and at the coffee table whichwas decorated with white chrysan ¬

themums Mrs Lee Miller and MrsEdward Helvenston presided MrsCharles Miller and Mrs William Pow¬

ers poured coffee Their table wasbeautiful with a battenburg coverover red with a centerpiece of redroses

Mrs Ernest Oldfield and Mrs WmGary poured tea from a table prettilydecorated with chrysanthemumsMisses Mary Anderson and Sue Barcoserved the frappe The color scheme-at this table was blue and white Thescheme was also prettily carried outby the young ladies wearing costumes-to match Misses Pauline SullivanEdna Dozier Louise Harris GertrudePereda Eloise Izlar Mary BurfordLeta Camp Alta Pearson and LucileStandley also assisted

There were many ladies presentwho are interested in this workThere were also quite a number ofgentlemen present-

Dr Carroll gave a very pleasantaddress and during the afternoonMiss Mary Andersen and Mrs Izlarplayed and Miss Sara Whit field andMrs Byrne sang This impromptuprogramme added a great deal tomaking the affair a success

Twentyfive dollars was the amountof the offering which will be used tofurther the work of the organization

Another Big Turpentine Deal

Messiti Charles V Miller Lee Mil-


and J N Tiller returned fromJacksonville yesterday afternoonwhere they had been to consummate-a big deal in timber lands for turpen¬

tine purposesThese gentlemen purchased from

Mr C H Barnes his valuable hold¬

ings near Electra which besides tur-


stills consists of twentyfivethousand acres of valuable timber-lands

These lands adjoin the propertypurchased by these gentlemen some-


ago and give them almost con ¬

trol of all the lands in that sectionThis is a strong and growing firm

and since going into business haveacquired some of the most valuable I

holdings in this section of FloridaThey are elated with their purchase-

and feel confident that they havemade a most excellent bargain andare receiving the congratulations oftheir friends

Messrs Charles V and Lee Miller-

T E Bridges and JN Tiller wereamong the Ocalians registered at theAragon in Jacksonville Wednesday






i V3-fS>


jvV y >

lid fD NOLAGHLFormerly Advertised and sold as

NADINOLANo change in formula or package The nameonly has been changed to avoid confusion as weanna afford to have so valuable preparation

confused with any other-T AHIrfOLA 11 guaranteed and money will be

111 refunded in every case where it fails to re-move treckles pimples liver spots collar discoloratlotii5sallowness sun tan black headsdisfiguraing ernptions etc The worst cases intwenty da vs Leaves the skin clear soft healthyand restores the beauty of youth

Price socandSloa Sold in each city by allleading druggists or by mail

Prepared only byRATIONAL TOILET CO

Paris TennooldOcala by and all leading drug stores I



Purchase the Central National Yank ofOcaia Mr Miinree Elected

PresidentBy reference to an announcement

1 printed elsewhere in these columns itwill be seen that Messrs MunroeChambliss Ocalas successful andIoldest bankers have purchased thecontrolling stock of the Central Na¬

Itional Bank of Ocala and have as¬

sumed the management of the sameMr T T Munroe has been elected

president and Mr Z C Chambliss-vice president and general manager-

Mr George H Ford will continue-to perform the duties of cashier andthe entire clerical force of the bankwill remain just as it is at present-the new management being so wellpleased with the success of theCentral National under the manage ¬

ment of the old officials that they aregratified that no changes are neces ¬

sary to be made in the working force-

It is a matter of sincere gratifica-tion


to know that Mr H A Fordwho has done so much to promote-the growth and every material inter¬

est of Ocala will continue as a direc ¬

tor of the bank and while a largepart of his time will be given to hismarble quarry in Alabama he willcontinue to make Ocala his perma ¬

nent home and his family will reside

hereWecongratulate Messrs Munroe

Chamblibs on their success as bank-sers and know that in their enlargedsphere they will continue to use theirinfluence in pushing Ocala to thefront I

Wounded Man Dies in Hospital-Mr


W J Lankford who was shothere Saturday night by the officers-

of the law in attempting to evade anarrest died at the Marion CountyHospital Monday morning at eleventhirty oclock after undergoing a sur-


operation It was ascertained-that


the bullet was fatal and it was I

impossible for the patient to havelived even thouga a surgical opera ¬

tion had not been performedMr Lankford was a woodsrider for

Mr W H McRainey of Wildwood-who says he was a sober industrious-and faithiul man Mr Lankford hadbeen married nine years and leaves-

a wife and one child to mourn his un¬

fortunate deathHis remains are being prepared for

shipment by Messis Smith Robertsundertakers and will be shipped toClinch county Georgia his old homefor burial I

Tournament at Cotton PlantThe young men of Cotton Plant are

arranging for a big tournament onThursday Nov 30 Thanksgiving

dayAqueen will be crowned and all

the accessories that are usually seenat a tourney will be in evidencegaily bedecked horses knights inhandsome costumes etc

The young men from StandardBerlin Dunnellon Buck Pond Morriston Early Bird Flemington Fairfield and Ocala are all invited to at-

tend and enterthe lists-A royal good time is anticipated

Messrs Foley and Bolin who re ¬

cently sold the lumber mills at SilverSprings were attacked with denguefever on the eve of their intendeddeparture lor Georgia and are nowinmates ofjthe hospital Dr Powerstheir physician says that they willbe able to resume their journey with ¬

in a few days

Judge W S Bullock State Attor ¬

ney Edwin W Davis and Hon Ray-


B Bullock Carlos L Sistrunkand WK Zewadski have returnedfrom attending court at Inverness-The court will reconvene next Mon ¬

day when Judge Bullock and MrDavis will return Tbere is quite aheavy docket

Mr Frank Sampson has been at hisplace at BayView shipping his big I

lemon crop He will soon beginshipping his oranges at Orange Lake

> lii t r ii i >1

Funeral of Mr AlworthThe remains of the late Mr N B

Alworth were brought to this cityThursday afternoon and were buried-in Greenwood cemetery They wereaccompanied from Jacksonville byMessrs Fred C and Ray C Alworth I

Rev L W Moore of the Methodistchurch conducted the funeral exer¬

cises A number of friends met theremains on the arrival of the trainand accompanied them to their rest¬

ing placeThe pallbearers were Messrs J

McClymonds Clifford L Ander-son


E T Helvenston J J and Al¬

bert E Gerig

From the OrphanageIt will be remembered that the last

Thursday in this month will be ournational Thanksgiving day Last year-a number of the friends of the Or¬

phanage over the state unsolicited-sent us a thankoffering This hasmoved us to ask that this Thanks-giving


be made a day in which theFlorida Baptist Orphanage will be re-


with an offering Nothing-can be a more suitable Thanksgiving-than to send gifts to orphanagesWhere services are held on that day-a collection taken and sent to thepoor is certainly pleasing to ourFather

Where services are not held offer¬

ings sent by individuals is an act ofworship

Please remember us with a thankoffering Bl BEAN

Arcadia Fla

Death of Mr Sage SrMr Charles K Sage received a tel ¬

egram from Lakeland yesterdayannouncing the death of his fatherwhich occurred on the night of thefourteenth Mr Sage had been infeeble health and had suffered from astroke of paralysis and it is supposed-that he died from the effects of a sec¬

ond stroke Mr and Mrs Charles KSage left on the A C L yesterdayafternoon to attend the funeral ser-


which will take place todayMr Sage had visited here quite fre ¬

quently and the friends he made InOcala regret very much to hear fhis deathThursdays Daily

Cypress Syrup BarreisThirtyfive gallons Plenty for ev¬

erybody at the O K Grocery ClarkBros proprietors 11 17 2c

Rev C C Carroll and Hon W D I

Cars delivered temperance addresses 1

yesterday at Anthony These two j

gentlemen together with Rev Mr j

Moore are making strenuous efforts-

to kindle an enthusiasm for temper-



Married at EvinstenAt the beautiful home of her moth-


Mrs Mary W Evans at highnoon last Frinay the accomplished-and lovely Miss Sara Augusta Evinswas married to Mr James W Means-of McI toshThe Rev C M Gor¬

don performed the ceremony-Mr Means is the youngest son of

Mr G W Means who came herefrom South Carolina over sixty yearsago and did more than any other j

man to develop this section The J

son is worthy of his noble sire Miss I

Augusta Evins is a daughter of thelate Capt W D Evins a gallantcaptain of the Confederate army andloved by all for bis kindness and ex¬

emplary life They have numerousfriends in South Carolina and Floridawho wish them much happiness intheir journey through life Mr andMrs Means left immediately afterthe ceremony for a months rambleafter which they will settle in theirattractive home at McIntosh I

Mr and Mrs Means received agreat many beautiful and costly pres¬

ents from their relatives and friends i

rMrs Mary W Evins the bridesmother gave sumptuous dinner tothe large crowd assembled at themarriage from Gainesville Jackson¬

ville Sampson City Archer Kirkwood Tacoma Micanopy McIntoshand other points

The M Methodists are making prepar¬

ations for the holding the annualconference in this city during thefirst week in December Bishop-

Candler will preside and it will be anr important convocation Besides ther

Bishop there will be quite a number-of distinguished Methodists present-

It is expected that Ocala will sustainher reputation for her generous hos¬

pitality and that the delegates will sbe handsomely entertained TheMethodists of the city are looking


forward to the meeting of the con ¬

ference with a great deal of pleasure kI

Raymond B BullocK the brilliantyoung attorney from Ocala and sonof the late lamented General RobertBullock spent yesterday at the DeSoto returning to Ocala last nightTampa Tribune k

Conveying Old Power Transmission Appliances

Machinery Mill and Mining Supplies-

For Catalog and Prices Address


F G KOFFHAK Florida Representative Qcala Ra zr


flfwRColdiStoraged I 4

I Of Meats0


We beg to Announce to the pub-


¬ f-


ethat we are ready to cure



MEATS We guarantee<

satisfaction and solicit your pat-



d 3S

Er 1t-


Ocala Ice a-

E fuel Co 1l llli1 Jl sou 1 i A Jiijlt J1 ji1 11ii1l11

1 f 1t flr GSjZjJIlUXj IS Jtn T ftp 6 II-alk

r The swellest styles in Rock-ers


at our store We haveit

the prettiest patterns in IMattings and Rugs Let us Ishow you our new line of i


Bedroom Suits in Oak1a


Our Iron Bedsteads areBeautie-




sf > jr jXi