Copyright © 2014 | www.coachtrainingworld.com | 888-660-5588 1 You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour. ~ Jim Rohn The Numbers Game In the last module, we introduced you to ways to organize your programs, products and services into a Spiral Business Matrix that works for you. This is the framework on which to create, deliver and market your programs. We discussed your “INTRO”, “MAIN”, “COMPLEMENTARY” and “ELITE” offers as a sequence of offerings, one leading to the next, so you can spiral “up-sell” your audience through your line of offerings. The idea is it’s much easier to enroll someone who has already worked with you into a new offering than to constantly market and sell to new clients.

The Numbers Game

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You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for

the value you bring to the hour. ~ Jim Rohn

The Numbers Game

In the last module, we introduced you to ways to organize your programs,

products and services into a Spiral Business Matrix that works for you. This is

the framework on which to create, deliver and market your programs.

We discussed your “INTRO”, “MAIN”, “COMPLEMENTARY” and “ELITE”

offers as a sequence of offerings, one leading to the next, so you can

spiral “up-sell” your audience through your line of offerings. The idea is it’s

much easier to enroll someone who has already worked with you into a

new offering than to constantly market and sell to new clients.

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In this module we will talk about how to price the offerings you have

decided on!

You might ask: Why focus on pricing at this point when I haven’t actually

created the programs, products and services I plan to sell? Great


It may feel counterintuitive to set prices before you have the product, but

we do pricing first because you need a business model that generates the

money you need to support, you, your family, your business and your


The pitfall for far too many people in this industry is that they invest

enormous amounts of time to create their offers (programs, products,

workshops, etc.) and do not have a solid business model from which to

work from. And that is truly risky business.

You might be asking, how could this be so? Or thinking I really want to

focus on creating my programs, products and services! The truth is if you

want to work smarter and not harder this is the way to go. Let’s explore


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Here are behind-the-scenes secrets:

Secret #1: Decide on the dollar amount you want to make for each

offering and then design your program, workshop or product with this

number in mind.

Knowing how much you are going to charge tells you how much time

and effort to put into each offering and shines a light on how much

content or curriculum you might include for your participants. Like I said

before, counterintuitive, but strategic.

The second piece of this is to really look at what your audience can

afford. If it isn’t a lot that means – the lower your price point will need to

be to include them. This can be remedied though, by increasing the size

of the group while still giving them every last scintillating detail of your

Signature Solution. It truly is a numbers game!

Which leads us to the other deep dark secret of this industry that nobody

talks about:

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Most people who are successful in this industry do not even start to fully

develop their programs, workshops or products until after they have

marketed their program.

They fill the program first, and then develop the curriculum. No wasted

effort on programs, products or services that don’t sell or don’t meet the

dollar amount criteria.

Same with writing a self-help book: writers in the know don’t write the

whole book until they have the publisher or other audience in place –

they write a few chapters and an outline… and if it doesn’t sell they move

on to the next project or modify it so it will sell.

This is all about minimizing wasted time and effort… because the more

hours you invest in a project that can’t give you the return you seek, the

more that impacts everything: your time, money, family, business, leisure

and other projects. So the key here is, think like an entrepreneur! Don’t fly

on a wing and prayer: know the value first, determine if there is a market,

deliver the value and earn what your work is worth.

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Which brings us to Secret #2. Remember the famous quote from the

movie Field of Dreams: “Build it and they will come”? Secret #2 flips that

phrase on its head:

Secret #2: Don’t build it until they come.

Start with your services, products and program ideas, market test them to

be sure you can get the dollars you want for the amount of time and

content you are sharing, and key, key, key:

Develop the one that draws the people

Secret #3: Those who have success, market successfully.

The truth is you and your top competitor may offer the exact same

product or program at the exact same price and give the exact same

value – and the one who markets well will always win. The same goes for

the person that offers the same exact service at a higher price point. The

person that knows how to market themselves will get the higher price, not

because they are better but because they know how to attract and

enroll clients.

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Your marketing is the key to your success at

getting top value for your offers.

We cannot emphasize that enough. You and your offers are worth what

you want and need, and your marketing will educate your audience of

that as well.

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Spiral Business Matrix Strategies

To deepen your understanding of the Spiral Business Matrix, let’s discuss

some more strategies on how to choose what you’ll offer for each of the

tiers (Intro, Main, Complementary and Elite offerings) and dive deeper into

two key questions: How much should you charge? and How much

content and time should you deliver with each offering?

Your Intro Offer

This is the first time that someone is likely to be exposed to you and your

Signature Solution as a paying client. Although you may have freebies as

part of your marketing efforts, what we are focusing on here is the first

PAID event that you will offer.

This intro event is key to the sustainability of your business!

Therefore there are some key considerations:

1.) The MORE THE MERRIER: The more people you get in this intro event,

the more people you will be able to up-sell or cross-sell into other

offerings. Think of it as once you’ve caught their attention and

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warmed their hearts how much easier it will be to invite them into

your next offering vs. going out and looking for new people.

2.) TRUST BUILDING IS KEY: Your audience is testing you and your work

out to see if they like it and it if works. Especially if you are new on

the market. If you don’t have a book, or multiple videos, podcasts,

or other content this is likely their first opportunity to “get to know

you and your work”; therefore it is critical to establish a strong level

of trust.

3.) OPEN DOORS: Pricing shouldn’t be a huge barrier for people to

attend your intro offering. Depending on your Spiral Business Matrix,

your first offering should be extremely attractive to your prospective

audience not only in pricing, but make it easy for them to attend. If

you are doing an in-person event, then make sure its location has

parking, the day and time of day works well for your audience, etc.

If you audience is scattered beyond a single geographic range,

consider using a webinar or web-based delivery.

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4.) DELIVER & ENGAGE: Your Intro offering is where you’ll be enrolling

your prospects into your MAIN or ELITE offerings. This is a big part of

the success of your business! Therefore it should be fun and

engaging for all involved and DELIVER THE RESULT your Audience

came there for… and most importantly: CREATE a need for your

MAIN offering!

Pricing Strategies

The numbers reflected below are for those who are just getting

established and have not yet built up a following, and the numbers are

only suggestions to get you started. Please do not hold yourself back from

charging what you want. If your marketing is magnetic, you’ll get a lot

more. If your marketing is non-existent or lacks ‘magnetism’ then you may

struggle. Just being honest here! Marketing COUNTS.

Pricing Strategy Recommendations (Minimums) • $27-$197 for 3-8 hours of your time

• 3-hour Live or Online Event $27

• 1-Day Live Event: $197

• 3-Day Live Event: $497-$997

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Remember though this is the LOWEST PRICE you will go to. When it comes

to your marketing, you can offer a discount TO your lowest price, from say

$97 to $27 or $697 to $197. This sales strategy is discussed more in the

Magnetic Marketing Course.

Event Duration Recommendations:

For the length of the event – since you will want to build trust, create a

connection and enroll your audience into your bigger programs – give

yourself at least 3 hours with them and deliver value with your heart wide

open. Many people are stingy with their intro offers and lose a lot of

people, meaning they don’t enroll them into additional programs. In

today’s market a lot is already available for free on the Internet. You can

deliver a lot of content and enrich it with your presence. That is what will

win their hearts and pocket books. And of course, since this intro offering

will be solving some of their problems, you want to make sure you have

time to give them the info they need!

Recommended Types of Intro Offerings:

1.) Workshops

a. Live and In Person

b. Provides lots of experiential activity

c. Duration: 3 hour, 8 hour, 2 or 3 day

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2.) Seminars

a. Live and In Person

b. Less Interactive, More Lecture

c. Duration: 3 hours

3.) Webinars

a. Live and Online / Video

b. Less Interactive, More Lecture

c. Duration: 3 hours, or broken up into 3 60-minute or 2 90-minute


4.) Tele-Conferences

a. Live and Phone Only

b. Less Interactive, More Lecture

c. Duration: 3 hours, or broken up into 3 60-minute

or 2 90-minute sessions

Although it might be tempting to create a product for your first intro offer,

it is less effective because the ‘live energy’ isn’t present. And that means

you can’t shift the way in which you are delivering the content in response

to your audience’s needs or interests, nor can you engage them into a

conversation that further deepens rapport, answers objections, clears up

areas of confusion and further adds value. And of course it’s really hard to

sell from inside a product or pre-recorded digital offering…

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Your Main Offering

Your audience now has been exposed to you – unless they just dove in

and purchased your main offering! This means that you’ll want them to

feel like their money was well spent.

Your main offering is the one where you solve their big problem and/or

help them to create their desired opportunity or life enhancement. This is

YOUR BIG OFFERING – it is YOUR Signature Solution delivered as a whole.

And because you are investing your time and brilliance with them, you

should be paid well enough to make it worth your time.

Pricing Strategies

Pricing Strategy Recommendations (Per Person for Main Offerings)

• 7 or 10 Week Program: $697-$1997

• 3-Day Event: $597-$1997

• 5-Day Event: $997-$2497

Time: Plan on at least 15 hours for your main offering – especially if you are

creating an online program. That would be 10 classes over 10 weeks at 90

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minutes a class. Or a 2-3 Day Live Event.

Recommended Types of Main Offerings:

a. Workshops (2, 3 or 5 day)

b. Programs: Live or Webinar Based

i. Live-Online / Video

ii. Duration: 8-10 Classes @ 60-90 minutes each

c. Products: 12-20 hours*

i. Recorded with Video Segments

* Valuable if you have established your audience and have a big mailing

list. How this might work is you’d start with a low-cost intro offer online and

then at the tail end invite your audience to the next step in their journey.

You could also sell these products from an in person intro event as well.

Your Elite Offering

Your audience now has been exposed to you and has gone through your

MAIN offering with a group of people. They are part of a community and

have had an in-depth experience of you in a group format. It is likely that

some of them will want to go deeper and spend more time with you: they

need or want that additional support you can offer in a smaller group

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format or one-on-one.

My two favorite Elite Offerings:

1.) MasterMind Groups

a. Pricing: $1997-$3997 per person

b. Group Size Limited: 4-8 people

c. Time: 6-10 weeks / Live-Online / Video @ 60-90 minutes each

2.) Private 1-Day MasterMind Session

a. Pricing $2497- $3997

b. 1 Person

c. Time: 7-hour day spent with them

d. Travel to you or you to them

Complementary Offering

Since your audience has been exposed to your main offering, you may

want to cross sell them to another program, product or service. You can

refer to the same information that is listed above for your Main offering for

ideas on your Complementary offering. In fact, you could choose to use

the same pricing strategies as the Main offering or raise the price a bit for

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this offering. A good rule of thumb is if someone paid $1997 for your first

program/workshop, you can charge up to $2997 for your next offering.

The trust has been built and they know the value you deliver to them, and

they want more. Of course in the end, there will be some trial and error

and adjustments as needed for your pricing.

In terms of pricing your products, there is no exact science to this except

for this one rule: the better your marketing the higher the price and more


And lastly, one-on-one time is worth the most – to you and others. Make

sure that you are valuing your one-on-one services accordingly.

Your Hourly Rate

Another way to make sure you are getting what you are worth is to

decide on a number for your hourly rate. That is the smallest amount of

money you want to be making per hour at any given time. Then double it.

Let that be your metric for your time/money trade. Yes, I said DOUBLE it.

If you are doing a workshop and you are not making this amount, then

your either are not charging enough or you don’t have enough bodies in

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the room. Make that 2x number the baseline for all of your efforts and let it

be part of your success strategy. This is especially true if you want to work

less, play more and enjoying your free time!

So PLEASE: Do not sell yourself short, you are worth way more than you’ll

ever believe!

So let’s jump in and get even clearer on the big question – how much

should you charge for your services, products and programs?


Here are a few ways you can decide on how much you’ll charge for your

services, programs & products:

• Recognize the true value of what you offer. You are not selling your

time nor are you selling yourself to others; although this will feel

and appear to be the case, it is not. You are selling a

“TRANSFORMATION” – that is the capacity for someone to change

something in their life that is costing them time and money and is

creating pain in their lives, mentally, physically and emotionally.

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Here is an example: at Coach Training World we sell an opportunity

for someone to change careers and to step into a life and business

they love. At the end of their program, they have the skills,

confidence and capacity to do something completely different

with their lives and/or to wildly enhance their life as it is. These skills

last a lifetime. So how much might these skills be worth to them? $1

or millions? You’ll be asking yourself the same questions. If it’s worth

millions, then you’ll need to factor that in and give yourself a raise.

• Research what your competitors are charging. Align accordingly,

meaning you want to be at a similar price point when you start out

so that your prospects will look beyond just a cost comparison and

consider the value you offer and the problem you solve for them! If

you are the cheapest on the block, that makes you questionable

(they may think you don’t offer the same value) or you attract the

bargain hunters rather than clients who are invested in looking for a

real result. And if you are way out of the ball park, without plenty of

social proof to validate it, again you’ll be overlooked.

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• Know what your audience can and will pay. This can be tricky

because your audience most often can pay more then they are

willing to pay. You are often competing against other opportunities

which aren’t necessarily your competitors! Your greatest

competition may be things like vacations, a new car or other

“enjoyables”. But on the flip side if you are looking at serving

economically-challenged clients, a great way to do this is to offer

groups vs. individual services where you can lower your price per

person and maintain your time-for-money investment.

• Test the waters. You can always go down in price, but you can’t

easily go up unless you shift your audience or list (or build that

expectation in to your marketing materials: after this one offering,

the price goes up!)

One way is to put a price to the test and see what happens. Listen

to the feedback. If people are comparing you to other options, it

might be time to adjust either up or down. You don't want to be the

cheapest or most expensive option on the block, especially in

startup mode, but of the two, lean to the higher side as it gives you

the opportunity to offer a discount. And, stay on top of what the

market is asking, if other people are charging more and/or you are

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still charging the same amount 4 years later… Give yourself a raise!

• Know what your costs are. If you are offering in-person services,

how much is your time worth? A good rule of thumb is most people

generate income about 40-50% of the time they are actually

working, so remember you’ll need to make enough money to

afford to work on the other aspects of your business.

A one-on-one service is costly to you and therefore your pricing

should reflect that. In terms of offering programs and workshops,

make sure you understand what are the costs involved in hosting a

program. If you are doing it live you’ll have the costs for the space,

unless you get creative like using a library or restaurant or a friend’s

space. You’ll likely have additional costs, everything from

refreshments to liability insurance to marketing the event to any

paid support staff.

If you are offering a multi-day event you’ll need to consider more

hospitality services and people comfort.

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If you are going virtual you’ll be paying for the hosting service which

can range from free to several hundred dollars a month…. By far

virtual programs are the cheapest to run.

And if you are looking at products you’ll need to figure out what it

will cost to produce the product. For a book do you need a writer or

can you write it? Do you have an editor? How will you lay out and

design your book? If you are doing audio, what software and

equipment will you need? Same for video.

• Know the lifestyle you want to lead and its costs. Of course this is

very important… Presumably you want a business that supports you

vs. you supporting it! To figure this out ask yourself right now, am I

making the amount of money necessary to live the lifestyle I want?

If the answer is yes, then you have some numbers to draw upon, if

no, then envision what an additional 10K a year would feel like,

then 20k or go for it… Think what would an additional 100k feel like.

And put that out there.

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• The number of people served per hour. How many people can you

serve at a time with your service or program – if it’s few then charge

higher rates. This is important, because often heart-centric business

owners find a lot of passion around helping people that truly can’t

afford their services (and that’s ok!) the key is to find ways to help

them and be in service to yourself. It’s not selfish, it’s just being

realistic. No one can continue to help others if they can’t take good

care of themselves. Think of it as the airline oxygen mask rule, put

your mask on first so you can help others…

• Look at the whole. Think of your pricing structure as a whole (across

all your offerings) since you’ll want to spiral people to other

products. Your pricing should go up with the greater value or the

bigger problem you solve.

If your first tier offering is focused on disseminating information and

creating awareness through education – maybe it's worth $

because it doesn’t transform.

But your second tier creates transformation and therefore it should

be worth $$.

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Your top tier really creates transformation across someone’s whole

life level or it offers a deep value for the time and experience given

and therefore is worth $$$.

Tips on Talking Numbers

• Number Psychology:

Use “5” “7” or “9” as the last digit: The reason behind this is first $497 looks much less then $500. The “7” also looks good because it is slimmer then the “5” or “9”. I know crazy, right? Here are some examples: • 19 • 29 • 97 or 99 • 197 • 297 • 397 • 497 • 997 • 1497 • 1997 • 2497 • 2997 • And so on!

• Length Matters:

Don’t add .00 it makes the number look bigger and more


$99.00 vs. $99

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• Size Matters:

Write the number smaller and in bold on your website vs. big. Size


$49 vs Only $49.

• Use “Value” Language:

When writing or talking about how much your services, products or

programs cost, use positive words: Your Investment or Tuition, and

not Your Cost, Fee, Expense or Price. The former feels valuable while

the latter feels like something is being taken away.

• Avoid “Options” Overload: KISS

Keep it simple sweetie. Avoid the: “You could take this, or if you’re

like this you might want to take this instead or over here we have

this…” Don’t make your audience figure it out. You figure it out. If

you have three classes, tell them where to start. For each of your

three tiers in your Spiral Business Matrix, have only 1 option for each.

• Make it easy!

You want your lowest-investment offering to be easy for them to say

yes to. That is your Intro Offer, and it should be either free or

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affordably priced. Just starting out, the trust level is low as they

have not gotten to know you yet or spent much time with you.

There isn’t a relationship so you are relying on them to say ‘yes’ to

your marketing materials and your easy entry price.

Now it’s time to go back to your Spiral Business Matrix Template and your

work from the previous model and finish up your first draft. For now you are

sculpting your business model and in the very next model you’ll learn how

to validate your thinking through real-time research!