The Nordic DeltaCon Trial Randomisert enkelt-blindet multisenter studie av komplekse brudd i proksimale humerus Reversert skulderprotese eller ikke - operativ rehabilitering ? Tore Fjalestad prosjektansvarlig lege Tone Wagle prosjektfysioterapeut Ortopedisk avdeling OUS Ullevål Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

The Nordic DeltaCon Trial - oslo-universitetssykehus.no · Rabi S et al. 2015 Operative vs non-operative management of displaced proximal humeral fractures in the elderly: A systematic

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The Nordic DeltaCon Trial

Randomisert enkelt-blindet multisenter studie av komplekse

brudd i proksimale humerus

Reversert skulderproteseeller

ikke-operativ rehabilitering?

Tore Fjalestad prosjektansvarlig lege

Tone Wagle prosjektfysioterapeut

Ortopedisk avdeling

OUS Ullevål

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18


The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

1) Hvem som er invitert til å delta

2) Kort om proksimale humerus brudd og dets egenart

3) Evidens pr. i dag og bakgrunn for studien

4) Gjennomføring

- Inklusjon- /eksklusjon

- Effektmål

- Logistikk

- Tidsramme

5) Spørsmål - diskusjon


The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, Oslo

Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen

Lillehammer Hospital. Lillehammer

Bærum Hospital, Vestre Viken

Østfold Hospital, Kalnes, Fredrikstad

Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo

Deltacon Hospitals includes

1.300 000 Norwegian inhabitants

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

310 000* Region Oslo

Our attending Norwegian hospitals

The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, Oslo

Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen

Lillehammer Hospital

Bærum Hospital

Østfold Hospital, Kalnes

Diakonhjemmet Hospital

4 5



1 2

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 01 /18

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Nordic DeltaCon Trial

A Nordic collaboration

Collaborating hospitals

Protocol authors:

Launonen A Tampere UH

Fjalestad T OUS

Wagle T OUS

Laitinen M Tampere UH

Lähdeoja T Helsinki UH

Ekholm C Sahlgrenska UH

Mattila VM Tampere UH


The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

Some of the members

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

Important aspects

Proximal humeral fractures




Nerve injuries


Rotator cuff


Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

Treatment options

Proximal humeral fractures




Head Replacem.?

ORIF Plate



Fx. classification




Rotator cuff


Axillary nerve



Treatment algorithm

Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

Om bruddklassifiseringen

AO / OTA generelt

DeltaCon spesielt

T. Fjalestad 04/10

AO / OTA 1996classification

Type A


2 part

Type B


3 – 4 – n -parts

Type C


2018 Revision

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

2 -part 3 -part 4 -part

OTA / AO fracture groups

Proximal humeral fractures

T. Fjalestad 04/10Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

OTA / AO fracture groups

Proximal humeral fractures

Universal modifiers [ … ]

1 = Non displaced 3 = Impacted 5 = Dislocation [ 5a, 5b…]

2 = Displaced 4 = Non impacted 7 = Diaphyseal extension

Qualifications ( … ) p = Both tuberosities


B1.1, B1.2 or C1.1, C3.1

Both includes subgroups: Displaced [2], Impacted [3] or Non impacted [4]

classified by radiographs and CT 3D

Valgus displacement (true frontal view) ≥ 45º or

Varus displacement (true frontal view) ≥ 30º and

Displacement head fragment - metaphysis ≥ 50 %

Displacement of

tuberosities =

imprecise measure


(= 3 or 4 parts displaced, not dislocated, no caput split)

OTA / AO fracture groups

Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

T. Fjalestad 04/10

Exclusion criterias

Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18



Proximal humeral fractures

The Nordic countries and RCT’s

Rabi S et al. 2015

Operative vs non-operative management of displaced proximal humeral

fractures in the elderly:

A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Problems: 1. Few patients 2. No blinding

4 / 6 Scandinavian


Proximal humeral fractures


There is moderate quality evidence to suggest that there is

no difference in functional outcomes between the two


Further high quality RCT are required to determine if

certain subgroup populations benefit from surgical


Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

There is high or moderate quality evidence that, compared with non-surgical treatment,

surgery does not result in a better outcome at one and two years after injury.

Operative treatment is likely to result in a greater need for subsequent surgery

The evidence does not cover the treatment of

two-part tuberosity fractures

fractures in young people

high energy trauma

fracture dislocations

head splitting fractures

Insufficient evidence to inform the choices between different surgical interventions



No Reversed Prosthesis

Few C type fractures


Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Orthopaedic Dept. / TF 04 /18

Tore Fjalestad MD, PhD, Consultant, Head of project group. Jan Erik Madsen, Professor PhD, Head of Trauma,

Orthopaedic Dept. Tom C. Ludvigsen MD, PhD, Head of Arthroscopy/Arthroplasty Upper Extremity. Petter Iversen MD,

Consultant. Tone Wagle PT, Project researcher.

The Delphi Trial

Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

The protocol

The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Godkjent av REK sør-øst D 17.04.2018 Ref. 2018 / 476

Publisert på ClinicalTrails 24.05.2018 ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03531463

Patient approval

The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

An important document: Acceptance or declining?

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

Non-included groupIncluded group

Data collection

The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

Digital datainnsamling planlagt

Pas. svarer på nettbrett

Data sendes til Tampere U.H. database


Personvernløsning –

Langvarig godkjennings prosess (april ?)

Alternativt inntil godkjent

«Gammel metode»: Papirskjema

Vesentlig mer arbeide

Muligheter for feil med ekstra ledd i datahåndtering

Prosjektet kjøper inn «godkjente» nettbrett med programvare

Alternativt: Linken gjøres tilgjengelig på vår nettside / lokale PC’er

Data colletion

The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18


Control group: 2w: Remove sling

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

Primary outcome: Quick-DASH

The Nordic DeltaCon

Secondary outcome: OSS

The Nordic DeltaCon

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18


Noen utfordringer

Hvordan utføre ?

Hvilket måleinstrument ?

I hvilken posisjon med


Må være standardisert!


Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Secondary outcome: Constant score

The DeltaCon Trial

Secondary outcomes: QoL & Health Economics

The DeltaCon Trial

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

Patient involvement

The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Patient involvement

Aim of the interviews:

Patient-centered medicine

5 patients at OUS accepted to

take part




Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Patient form 1 of 3

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18


The DeltaCon Trial

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

Immobilisation sling: Thorax support for 2 weeks

During this period:

Remove the sling once daily assisted by health

professionals for

Personal hygiene

Extending the elbow and anti-edema exercises

Control group

The DeltaCon Trial

Felles egentreningsprogram for alle Nordiske land.

Tilgjengelige på web-side i pdf. format for nedlasting / utskrift

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Treningsprogram 2018 v/ Tone Mehlum Wagle

Modell: Hege Thrygg. Foto: Trine Strøm

Both groups: Self exercises

The DeltaCon Trial

Inclusionstart 01.10.18

Interim analyzis

01.03.20 ?


01.09.21 ?

FU 2 yearcompleted



Proximal humeral fractures

150 pas. / 14 sentra = 11 pas./ senter

5 pas / år = 2,5 år + ?


Rapporterte komplikasjoner monitoreres av uavhengig person

Interim-analyse ved midtveis inklusjonen.

Inclusion starts 75 included 150 included Short term results

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 01 /18

Vanlige motforestillinger man møter:

«Denne må jo opereres…….»

«Du skal vel ikke operere dette bruddet med protese?»

Erfarte motforestillinger («type 5 ½ evidens»)

Min første RCT: kolleger ved eget sykehus

DelPhi: Kolleger ved andre sykehus

I planleggingen av DeltaCon

Fra pårørende


The DeltaCon Trial

Pasientsamtalen sentral: Må vite at dette er en av to etablerte behandlinger

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 01 /18

Is non-operative really treatment safe?

According to evidence: Yes

According to radiographs: No?

Time 0

Time 12

Control group

The DeltaCon Trial


Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18


Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 01 /18


Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 01 /18Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

Is surgery safe?



The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

62 patients older than 70 years were randomized to

RTSA (31 patients) and HA (31 patients). FU mean 28 months.


RSA resulted in better pain and function and lower revision rate.

Revision from HA to RSA does not appear to improve outcomes.

Sebastia-Forcada et al. 2014

Reverse shoulder arthroplasty versus hemiarthroplasty for acute

proximal humeral fractures.

A blinded, randomized, controlled, prospective study.

Orthopaedic Dept. / TF 10 /16


The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Potential complications to operative treatment


The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

Complication When? Prevention

Infection < 12 months Periop. technique

Non-union or

Resorbtion of tuberosities 1 < 3 months Horse shoe graft

Loosening of the implant Infection / notching ? ?

Notching 2 5 -8 years Inferior overhang

Deltoid fatigue 8-10 years Offset - 42 mm ?

Periprosthetic fracture ? No


Horseshoe graft / Tubercle healing

The Nordic DeltaCon RCT

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 04 /18

Park 2016

Tubercle healing better with a bone block

U-shaped block from the humeral head as graft

3x Ticron 5 to cerclage the tubercels

Chun 2017 JSES

Functional outcome (14 healed / 24 resorbed):

Better external rotation, otherwise no diffrence


Proximal humeral fractures

The Nordic DeltaCon Trial

Tore Fjalestad MD. PhD.

Tone Mehlum Wagle PT.

Ortopedisk avdeling

OUS Ullevål

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18


Proximal humeral fractures

Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 09 /18

Thank You

Proximal humeral fractures


Division of Orthopaedic Surgery / TF 05 /18

Still searching for the answers…