Record Closs Of 150 Will Graduate June 1 At NIJC Frida.•. Ju11t· I bu be<'n set 1 aatt or , .... 1962 s .1111 Idaho JunlQ: Coll•&• com· mnic:ement enrdat!ll. Tbe proeram wUI btocln at 10 a.m. lo tbe :.1JC uc,..lum. •llb 150 caoclldatn achedlllod to receive d•&1tt11 cuuOcatu or coeplello n. co""""ncement Mldrna b)-R.n. Jobo P. LtttJ, S. J., PtUld<'nl or Oonup Unheralt7. F'a!Mr LNry la n.aUon.all:r lu.0•11 a.a a apnk<'r and educator. Tb" title or his addr,..sa wilt be ··ne Future la Not SO Dark". ataduallon exercise:< will be,in with the proces· atonal. Ourtn1 the proces· alonal, Mra. Robert \\t11ht will pla7 l!<'ndelasohn'• "War March or tho Prteai.." Fol· lowln1 the proeeaslonal, lnvo· cation will be 11vrn bJ' Putor REV. JOON LEA11Y COfmn.,nc•*"'.,, s,,.o1i., William C. llunler or the lnl BapUat Church. Mirr the lnvocallon. NIJC mlnd wlll aln1 llaYdl'n'• "Tho lle&Vl'na are Tollln1", nnd bontd ol trual•U "Ill b• lniroducl'd. Board merabt·.., att• /\. 6t'llN, chairman, 11. J. uurna. •·lc•·cha1rman, Mra.11. II'. f.dmlnllN, truelet'. l!lchanl l't•n111an, and Chas. II. llU•ftl•ll, lrualN'. Ql'rald O. llendl la At'C!rotary· ol I hl' bOa rd. Followln1 Lnl) '• o. 11. i.ia11rr or the NIJC lacullv •Ill prutnl 1n1dua1<-11. Diplomas and cu• tlncat• or eomploilon •Ill pr<'s••n100 Ilcnoolrtlon •Ill b<' b' Putnt llunl r, •11<1 th« r:o,ram •Ill con<'ludn •lib tbc ll'Ct'B&lonal A.aoclalc of """ d<'Ef<'f' "Ill tor u1ar df'd I tboae lllw den\5 ,.ho ""'" all(fiden1 acadnllc cr.'Cllls. \ ocallo'" •ludonts •Ill reecho eerun- c&lt' r eompl•llon. Acoz:i: th• "'""1lonal c,.duai .. s. •Ill b nrat llldusttl.&l electronlra &raduallll& clus. 1hl•1e:ot'a 1.nduaUn&elua will b<' tbe lAICt'Jil In \WC'" hlatory. •1th 1)0 atudrnll> achedulf'CI t tCD tluoucb the cradu.ollon escrclars. Last >Ur tbert' "er;, candldalrs far cnidullllon. In I 060, tne r:a,,.. ... 10). ZI EGL ER W IL L HEAD NEW MAN CL UB IN FALL .'\t a r• c\' :il N : . t" t SUC Nt• an Club l:'.tc:e.J Tony Zloclrr as Ito rrraldont Cnr nfla.t H"Dr. man Club la an oraanluuon !Jr ca1nollc 1hadrnt" nn •t•cul•r UAt".S. 7.toclrr la a frohrnon enil· nr.-11111: Other om· r-tra •ill l>fl &C'lectNI ne.1t '"'"'· \IOU.ME IVI, '10 l < <:utUR 0'4l£HE, I CIAHO Candidates For Graduation Jomes .:.C..." Ge" lord AOat.s Dono d • San:lro A e ><a nc!e< David t.nd..t-son RotlO!!r•a Be Ror10ld Ba · ze Ho<oce Berber 9-ron Be w I lo Bab Bo ..... John B<andvold Gladys S<ay James B<on Jomes B<ewer Va eno Buffo EdNO<J Bu'"' C.0.-,. Cain S.. ny Sue Ch=krs Lecy Chancy °"" "'Claw ory V•:JC01!1ns e. ""c"""""Y T Crowder l!oty Dalby Sharon Ooven;>or· ' """' Dov1s c 1 1 fe<d [At,.,. De °'"' DoLuco Ru · Dennis Dcnald Ore:na Kc·""""" LAmca1' Co ..... 0umom r- °""" Pcncta E'dlf' 11110.,, fr•c•son Lou'1C fr,. n "home• Evan> I.bl taro Fcraha'1Ch• Goo F.,,,,.,,, Loos F • zS =-s Robar!'unke ea.,.. y Ga chctr Ruby Ciodw n Rona d G<ove Gay l1o loday R•ch:ird Hansrn .Ja'""s tiof' IS 1\ 1 II 1am Hom ,.,,, E!wort HarReg ist rll' Releases P rocedures F or G roos For Commen cement t ....... "' 1.nf mst. l'\D (' DC'crD .. !lft,. ..-! -Cl. roJlo• ID CODDttUOD ".:'" cocmen<'eCt"Dl irirrc15tis ta bdnc 11\ ea !.Jt tbc benrfit or prospcctln- cradc.ues. candldatu t.: c:11.d::atlaa &rt' l!alord eJu..- bet<! ! n :bis lasue or the paper. Tbe procram will be10lt1 at 10 00 a.111., f':ld:a1. Juae l, aad all tbose pattlclpaUDIO are aa\ed 14 be at tlle co!- leae (ID the bame economics room or vtcla1t1l bJ' 9:00 In order to rec el ve tnet:oe .. lions. Tbere .. 1u be 110 rohuraal. Tbere •Ill be an acade:mtc procession l•d by the board or trustees and raculty. StudenL• •Ill march In sine le rile. alpha· bell cal ls b7 na mo. Ca pa and co .. n11 "hould ant"." at a •erk be:· fore tbe Graduau-a and faculty are 10 pick them up In lhe orrtco Coeur d' t.lene Featured By Toastmaster Magazme la pl•ot 1 or t1111 e t.: c et pressrd . S.nce lbe cu· meala are lO lie abl pped b7 air exprua on June l, tb•T mast be rrcura d. boxed, lmmedlatrl 7 af1.r the pro· cram. Graduate& moy the tuaa cl a eouv•niu. AnvonP ha'1n& further aue•t.lon• coocerntnc the! commencai:ntont may crt lnr r111011an b> In· qulnnc at the rccl1tror'i; ornce. Jcr.,es O'Conno II Den."' " O' L..., rv Ed .. orJO '""' Clif'"'dOl>0n !Oran Onsrou Gory Pcr5an• Chorl" s Pt!I!•' Donald Pfost Juckh Pf.,lloin Joann P1okarslu :. Ilia.,, Plons ke Rolph Po>y Romoy V0<n Roomos Porr1 c10 Rheoms E11_.Rutio-.. Londa Ruebl<o .lcmy Ryan Thomas Sayro Chorlos Scorcello Dell Schon: k\.:r 10 Schroer..• Joe' 5ooQl'OYeS Pc'r1ck S.-Clo Pono d ShoPbe II Orren Shu or Poggy S..,,, , Te.ry Smit" Rardoll Sorbal C""y forH• S:omper w 10 s·.rh ano Sr •1: Gordon Sylto' R ct-ord Ta e Londo Thacker Thoma s ' em 1.,., Tl>ompson yn Tov-,,., 11 drod r rembloy W1 loom Turner oll1am Vourjm Glt1m Vogt Arden Norr.., Fer11 W" pplN Jae son Scro Wood James We<sr ;,kn Yooger Bun 1 r rnon Baoo AooChorus Feature Spedmties At Spring C oncert · J ar1 c lOrua r ..naw.. prtnc coact rt n lol:l.J' 10. Thr con- c ert •a.z., attt'!aded bT asaru- frlenda and of tbe usletu:i and a1111em, u wel l aa a DUClbet a( Sllldonla. Tbe Orsi lair o! Ille proc,.m ..... deYOl<d ID vocal mU6IC. •Ith the ch rus th<' •lib 1hrtt a11111bers, F ol lowlac this the Olrls' En· acmbl<' Hiii "Climb E;Ye17 Mountain;· after which the c.horus and tbe audience aanc a number tos•ther In the lolllcb tradllion. Colleon Dunham was aolol st ror thlll aumb<-r. Tl>• audience parllcularlJr •n)o1od Mrlcan sonp and dances or Johnat.onoe Mulhlot10 and AmeUa keno. . Alao v.ell reeelvrd ,...,, a comedy skit b1 chorus ft. mbcra. Th• land presented• variety or aoni:s lncludlns marchrs. Boord Of Trustees Names Christ ianson Acting P resi dent :•nJC"s onn or lll<' couoe aloce 118 al.alt In 1939, P. A. Cbdstlansoo, h:u been named acllnc """"'" pre.<ldent b1 the board of trustc.-cs. He will serve In that capacll,7, aa well as dean, until the boa.rd names a successor to the lnte or. c. o. Kildow. Mr. Clufsllaoson had 11 1ears or publlc school admln· lstrattve espt'rlence In North Dakota prior to comln1 lo ( t> A. CHRISTIANSON Ac,,,,,. P,.. ald e#tf Coeur d'Alene to l<'aeh at Coeur d'Alene Junior Collcse In 1938. That collf!Je NlJC In 1939 b}' act or lbe lelfslatore atld approval ot dllsttlct volers. Mr. ChrtsUan· son lla.s tauaht In addition to carrytng out admlalet,.tlve duties while at NIJC, and la currentlJr teachlnc mathr matlcs. He was wo namod Director or Sllldent Atratrs this spring by the board er ttust<'es. \Ir. Cbrlstlanson earne-d his bachelor of science decree In 1927 rrora tbe linlversltr or i.ortb Dakota. and wu award· ed DJaS ... r or sclencu duree lo J 937 rrom lhe same unh er· slly. His -.,or fields or con· centn11ion ,..,, mathemallcs. pbyr1lca and education. The admlnt.atratlve flP<'t- lence o! t.be acUm: p:nldent also a wide •-atlet.7 ol omces In com1nurtlly orpn- tzauoa:a and manJctpal He bas served on tbe cit• council and urTcd three t•rms u mayor of Coeur d' Alrne from 1955-1961. He ,.as or lhu Idaho Leai:ue In 195!>-60. Mr. Chtbllanaan ls POii of tbl' Kiwanis Club and la cur:rnlls a mes:· bet ot the KOOICOAI County HOliPltal Board. a Dlxlcland and pap· ular music. Band memi><'rs who were reatured on the procram Included D•nnls New· ton. TOm Dick LeFran· cl•. Terry Clem and crrald Kenn eel>·. Popular "I th the oudlenoe \\aff the Dlsloland Ensemble. Tbt> procram eodrd with the band and chorus dolns Sousa'& and s1rlpu F'<>rrHr. ••

The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

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Includes the N.I.J.C Review Yearbook. Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

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Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Record Closs Of 150 Will Graduate June 1 At NIJC

Frida.•. Ju11t· I bu be<'n set 1 aatt or , .... 1962 s .1111

Idaho JunlQ: Coll•&• com· mnic:ement enrdat!ll. Tbe proeram wUI btocln at 10 a.m. lo tbe :.1JC uc,..lum. •llb 150 caoclldatn achedlllod to receive d•&1tt11 ~r cuuOcatu or coeplellon. ~ co""""ncement Mldrna

11lllb<'dcll>e~ b)-R.n. J obo P. LtttJ, S. J., PtUld<'nl or Oonup Unheralt7. F'a!Mr LNry la n.aUon.all:r lu.0•11 a.a a apnk<'r and educator. Tb" title or his addr,..sa wilt be ··ne Future la Not SO Dark". Tb~ ataduallon exercise:<

will be,in with the proces· atonal. Ourtn1 the proces· alonal, Mra. Robert \\t11ht will pla7 l!<'ndelasohn'• "War March or tho Prteai.." Fol· lowln1 the proeeaslonal, lnvo· cation will be 11vrn bJ' Putor

REV. JOON LEA11Y COfmn.,nc•*"'.,, s,,.o1i.,

William C. llunler or the ~ lnl BapUat Church. Mirr the lnvocallon. lh~ NIJC mlnd ena~mblc wlll aln1 llaYdl'n'• "Tho lle&Vl'na are Tollln1", nnd th~ bontd ol trual•U "Ill b• lniroducl'd. Board merabt·.., att• ~;. /\. 6t'llN, chairman, 11. J. uurna. •·lc•·cha1rman, Mra.11. II'. f.dmlnllN, truelet'. l!lchanl l't•n111an, lruel~f'. and Chas. II. llU•ftl•ll, lrualN'. Ql'rald O. llendl la At'C!rotary· lt<'llAUt~r ol I hl' bOa rd.

Followln1 ~llthrr Lnl) '• addrt1~•. o. 11. i.ia11rr or the NIJC lacullv •Ill prutnl th~ 1n1dua1<-11. Diplomas and cu• tlncat• or eomploilon •Ill b~ pr<'s••n100 ~.!' ~tt. ~ltrr. Ilcnoolrtlon •Ill b<' b' Putnt llunl r, •11<1 th« r:o,ram •Ill con<'ludn •lib tbc ll'Ct'B&lonal

A.aoclalc of """ d<'Ef<'f' "Ill tor u1ar df'd I tboae lllw den\5 ,.ho ""'" all(fiden1 acadnllc cr.'Cllls. \ ocallo'" •ludonts •Ill reecho eerun­c&lt' r eompl•llon. Acoz:i: th• "'""1lonal c,.duai .. s . •Ill b ~IJC'• nrat llldusttl.&l electronlra &raduallll& clus.

1hl•1e:ot'a 1.nduaUn&elua will b<' tbe lAICt'Jil In \WC'" hlatory. •1th 1)0 atudrnll> achedulf'CI t tCD tluoucb the cradu.ollon escrclars. Last >Ur tbert' "er;, 10~ candldalrs far cnidullllon. In I 060, tne r:a,,.. ... 10).


.'\t a r• c\' :il N : . ~ t" t SUC Nt• an Club l:'.tc:e.J Tony Zloclrr as Ito rrraldont Cnr nfla.t H"Dr. ~t:• man Club la an oraanluuon !Jr ca1nollc 1hadrnt" nn •t•cul•r camp~ UAt".S.

7.toclrr la a frohrnon enil· nr.-11111: a1ud~n1. Other om· r-tra •ill l>fl &C'lectNI ne.1t


\IOU.ME IVI, '10 l < <:utUR 0'4l£HE, ICIAHO

Candidates For Graduation

Jomes .:.C..." Ge" lord AOat.s Dono d • "'~"'">de< San:lro A e ><anc!e< David t.nd..t-son RotlO!!r•a Be Ror10ld Ba · ze Ho<oce Berber 9-ron Bew I lo Bab Bo ..... John B<andvold Gladys S<ay James B<on Jomes B<ewer Va eno Buffo EdNO<J Bu•'"' C.0.-,. Cain S..ny Sue Ch=krs Le• cy Chancy °"" "'Claw v~c ory V••:JC01!1ns

e. ""c"""""Y T mc.-~y Crowder l!oty Dalby Sharon Ooven;>or·

'"""' Dov1s c 11fe<d [At,.,. De °'"' DoLuco Ru · Dennis Dcnald Ore:na Kc·""""" LAmca1' Co ..... 0umom r-°""" Pc•ncta E'dlf'

11110.,, fr•c•son Lou'1C fr,. n "home• Evan> I.bl taro Fcraha'1Ch• Goo F.,,,,.,,, Loos F •zS =-s Robar• !'unke ea.,.. y Ga chctr Ruby Ciodw n Rona d G<ove Gay l1o loday R•ch:ird Hansrn .Ja'""s tiof' IS 1\ 1 II 1am Hom ,.,,, E!wort Har•

Registrll' Releases Procedures For Groos For Commencement T~• t ....... "' 1.nf mst. l'\D

(' DC'crD .. !lft,. ..-! -Cl. ~re:

roJlo• ID CODDttUOD ".:'" cocmen<'eCt"Dl irirrc15tis t a bdnc 11\ ea !.Jt tbc benrfit or prospcctln- cradc.ues. candldatu t.: c:11.d::atlaa &rt' l!alord eJu..- bet<! ! n :bis lasue or the paper.

Tbe procram will be10lt1 at 10 00 a.111. , f':ld:a1. Juae l, aad all tbose pattlclpaUDIO are aa\ed 14 be at tlle co!­leae (ID the bame economics room or vtcla1t1l bJ' 9 :00 In order to rec el ve tnet:oe .. lions. Tbere .. 1u be 110 rohuraal. Tbere •Ill be an acade:mtc procession l•d by the board or trustees and raculty. StudenL• •Ill march In sine le rile. alpha· bell cal ls b7 na mo.

Ca pa and co .. n11 "hould ant"." at lea~t a •erk be:· fore tbe pro~ram. Graduau-a and faculty are aak~d 10 pick them up In lhe orrtco

Coeur d' t.lene Featured By Toastmaster Magazme

la pl•ot1 or t1111 e t.: c et tb~m pressrd. S.nce lbe cu· meala are lO lie ablpped b7 air exprua on June l, tb•T mast be rrcura d. boxed, lmmedlatrl7 af1.r the pro· cram. Graduate& moy ~ecv the tuaacla ~• eouv•niu.

AnvonP ha'1n& further aue•t.lon• coocerntnc the! commencai:ntont e1t"rcls~a may crt lnr r111011an b> In· qulnnc at the rccl1tror'i; ornce.

Jcr.,es O'Conno II Den."'" O'L...,rv Ed .. orJO '""' Clif'"'dOl>0n !Oran Onsro u Gory Pcr5an• Chorl"s Pt!I!•' Donald Pfost Juckh Pf., lloin Joann P1okarslu :. Ilia.,, Plonske R~r1 Rolph Po•>y Romoy V0<n Roomos Porr1 c10 Rheoms E11_.Rutio-.. Londa Ruebl<o .lcmy Ryan Thomas Sayro Chorlos Scorcello Dell Schon: k\.:r 10 Schroer..• Joe' 5ooQl'OYeS Pc'r1ck S.-Clo Pono d ShoPbe II Orren Shu or • Poggy S..,,, , Te.ry Smit" Rardoll Sorbal C""y Sio·~vall forH• S:omper w 10 s·.rh

ano Sr •1: Gordon Sylto ' R ct-ord Ta e Londo Thacker ~·h Thomas 'em 1.,., Tl>ompson ~'or• yn Tov-,,.,

11 drod r rembloy W1 loom Turner

oll1am Vourjm Glt1m Vogt Arden Norr.., Fer11 W" pplN Jae ·~ •I son Scro Wood James We<sr ;,kn Yooger

Bun 1 r rnon

Baoo AooChorus Feature Spedmties At Spring Concert

· J ar1 c lOrua r ..naw.. prtnc

coact rt n lol:l.J' 10. Thr con­c ert •a.z., attt'!aded bT asaru­frlenda and relaU~es of tbe

usletu:i and a1111em, u wel l aa a DUClbet a( Sllldonla.

Tbe Orsi lair o! Ille proc,.m ..... deYOl<d ID vocal mU6IC. •Ith the ch rus o~al.oc th<' i;r~ram •lib 1hrtt a11111bers, Followlac this the Olrls' En· acmbl<' Hiii "Climb E;Ye17 Mountain;· after which the c.horus and tbe audience aanc a number tos•ther In the lolllcb ~111101 tradllion. Colleon Dunham was aolol st ror thlll aumb<-r.

Tl>• audience parllcularlJr •n)o1od th~ Mrlcan sonp and dances or Johnat.onoe Mulhlot10 and AmeUa Mb~· keno. . Alao v.ell reeelvrd ,...,, a comedy skit b1 chorus ft. mbcra.

Th• land presented• variety or aoni:s lncludlns marchrs.

Boord Of Trustees Names Christianson Acting President

:•nJC"s onn or lll<' couoe aloce 118 al.alt In 1939, P. A. Cbdstlansoo, h:u been named

acllnc """"'" pre.<ldent b1 the board of trustc.-cs. He will serve In that capacll,7, aa well as dean, until the boa.rd names a successor to the lnte or. c. o. Kildow.

Mr. Clufsllaoson had 11 1ears or publlc school admln· lstrattve espt'rlence In North Dakota prior to comln1 lo


t> A. CHRISTIANSON Ac,,,,,. ~UC P,..alde#tf

Coeur d'Alene to l<'aeh at Coeur d'Alene Junior Collcse In 1938. That collf!Je ~esme NlJC In 1939 b}' act or lbe lelfslatore atld approval ot dllsttlct volers. Mr. ChrtsUan· son lla.s tauaht In addition to carrytng out admlalet,.tlve duties while at NIJC, and la currentlJr teachlnc mathr matlcs. He was wo namod Director or Sllldent Atratrs this spring by the board er ttust<'es.

\Ir. Cbrlstlanson earne-d his bachelor of science decree In 1927 rrora tbe linlversltr or i.ortb Dakota. and wu award· ed • DJaS ... r or sclencu duree lo J 937 rrom lhe same unh er· slly. His -.,or fields or con· centn11ion ,..,, mathemallcs. pbyr1lca and education.

The admlnt.atratlve flP<'t­lence o! t.be acUm: p:nldent also loclud~ a wide •-atlet.7 ol omces In com1nurtlly orpn­tzauoa:a and manJctpal su~trw m~t. He bas served on tbe cit• council and urTcd three t•rms u mayor of Coeur d' Alrne from 1955-1961. He ,.as p~ldent or lhu Idaho ~unlclpal Leai:ue In 195!>-60.

Mr. Chtbllanaan ls • POii pre•ld~DI of tbl' Kiwanis Club and la cur:rnlls a mes:· bet ot the KOOICOAI County HOliPltal Board.

a Dlxlcland num~r. and pap· ular music. Band memi><'rs who were reatured on the procram Included D•nnls New· ton. TOm ~la1. Dick LeFran· cl•. Terry Clem and crrald Kenn eel>·. Popular "I th the oudlenoe \\aff the Dlsloland Ensemble.

Tbt> procram eodrd with the band and chorus dolns Sousa'& "Stat~ and s1rlpu F'<>rrHr. ••

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW ~ s •• 1 th n.W, o--. tt. c.n.,. v ... "---··· ... NOltTH ID.AHO JUNIOR COLI..E6E


Editorial. THAHICSI

n ,,,.,.. ol. •no Rev cw for ·he voe·. • appropr c• ti :.e •o recoguze o '' ·?. ""' ha...

c011troboJ •ed o much 1n •ho woy of• ""' C:-.d •'~· '-C<:f r.-.ai< g C..r SluMn' pub •COIJOftS POUi o.

==============· ==~=~==="=·= ···-===="================ Summer Bride?

Vt'oodcock's Drug Store Cond;.s - Sundrio<

Pro1eriplion1 tlt N F."rth S. •• C.e"' d'Ale"°


RENT · SALES· REPAIR o .. 1ti..1 & Typl•1 s.,,,11.,

INTERSTATE TY,[WRITCll CO. '" Sk•tftlU "'"• · • "'.,_. 4l4t •







Also Onlen To Go

* 0 (fl ' ....,._ l-oi

WEDDING INVITATIONS Al! ,;.,, i.~ 1.~ ... ,.. ~d "'G p.

i •• , .._, gold on ~

1IW\I C••i'iot.c Mc>t"'Of'I ... i.o .... , C"'"'P~, • .CUUO•.tt 'rOu bw'r ct..r.tt ,, """ ""'9N. ftl('l'...,,.. .. , .. ". ~ P'<ff

~~d1!:.' :ex·c~~~~ t~=:'.~

SOUVENIR RECORDS "ICee, A Recot<I Ol /1" "'- Ma.-l ...ss.-i


MODERN DRUG CENTER Prescription Speclo/ltts • Gilts A Specio/ty

1207 H F .. ,.i.

Helen Gall mer Named Queen For Engineers' 'The Astronlllts' Ball

Bazel Ga . .a •r a SIJC h~!ll. ~-ao •• '"D by lb" student •nctnHrs lo t<'l&n OT"' lbelr 1962 &net· nttrs Ball.• blcb •as b•ld las 1 Frlda1 In tb• etud.,nt union, Queen HU<'l ' e court c:ocsta1ed of lou: prln· Cf'SSH 511.>r OQ O'CO~Hll Janet Millard. Sandi<' Alf'l• •lid••· and Sue ColUer.

••Tti!! A.atr.Juut•• ••• tbe d.aace the.me. and tbe .. ,.aJ Olli" decoradons de­ptctf'd space and enclneer-1...: sceau .... tbe couplea appioacb..S tbe stud•nt cnto11, tb"J •ere met by tod and blu• bllnkln& llebta . Uoon enterlns the dance aru. U>e7 paued tbl.)~eb

a allYe: aicb•ay. Th• dance aru •u decorat•d •lib cr•pe paper. arranced by color like tbe II chi apeetn1111.

A "'SPace Room" was,.., orr In one co:nH bJ rr•P• paper, II also contaltutd bll.nklnc llcbts, and noar It •a• a cll1pla7 of •l•c· t tie& I eq ulpment th& t ma 7 be uat'd In !atUrt' •1111c• rllcbts.

Tbe bacd, tbe "t.:lnu of Swine". s at In Ibo soutb­east cotnt: o! lb• 6. u. Tb,. band I• eocpoeed or blcb sebool au c lieu etadenta, and tbe danee:a aeecec! to enjo7 tbelt mule.

Ptcui:r• o: the QUf'f'D an llu court weir dl•pla7ed 01 Ille nrrplace nur tbe band

Tbe dance •a• well al· leaded. ud It•• dee ratio111

ttt t" st r!11b r • .,, a.., dan~~ U'H5 rt•t

AWS Mothers' Tea I.A.al T'ru'9' &e a.;..y Io. I .a• .1 II n Stud•nte

11 .. !d a ica and l'ublo11 abow tc: tile molb~rs aod w hu or th .. students.

:>ll• la JobnS-Oo a~d Maur~•n CIWleY CO!ll!D•oled OD Ille out.!115 lllOdrled. i;porta•t'at,

cllool c ll>tbea. and •••nine rear •ete amona the fuhJorw

nodel<d. Th<' '!Kltt !'!" ~t'1' .... ,.ed IH

•Dd c )vklita..


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP ..._ o .. tt, _, s-;..· ~ MC>h..wl ')145 01 ....,.,.

UJ -· A.. • C..... 4'~



210 -·A•• . c:.... .,._





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Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Administrative Staff N I J.C. AEVIEW YlARHOK. C..v• d"AI•••· 14.l>o. M•y. 1962

J"M Mef"mon VotaUonal SuP<"rvlJo.r

lr• M Chrl1tlanton Ubnrfan

NIJC BOARD OF TilUSTEES L•ft to right ••ound the table : D•. G. 0 . Kildow, coll ... p,...fdonl; Mn. R. W. Edmfn1ter., Coeur cf"AleM; W. J Bums c .. ur d"Alene., Yltt ch1lm\.1n; E. A. S.htf'., Po.ti F11f1,, duifrmen; G. 0 . Wendt, c le"-; Ch1rln H. R1i11ull .. HarrlMn; Rich.rd p,,,,,, .... lltlhdl'Vll\.


P. A. Ch•mlaruon Dean ld&lhtmatio

Mar·lt Kr;Mr Ubrari&o

Ellton S.'f"'O"' RtttpliODlll

I !'

G. 0 . Kildow Colle~ Pre-ude11t

ltwko Nllhlo ~cistnr

Evelyn B•<e Boobto"' \Ian.> :tr Verna P11 Mlrmon


G. 0. Wtndt Bu.anea Manaaor.

EconnmJcs, Publications Flo'fnct Sch-k

Studtnt Uruon M.anaa•r Sophie A...i.non


Eva Ft!< Dean o! Womtn, Ristcry, PollUeal Scltnce. Edu .. tlon

Leon. Patzer Student Union MAnaaer

Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Faculty ..

Annette Blgnoll n-tnch

H. Frank Evant Bloloclcal Sc:tcntts

Warren K•1tlng Physical Sc:l<ntt1

w. F. POW91"'1 AUl4 Modulnlcs

W . Jama Bu-ms Biolosititl SacD<e& Bacd

Helen Finch \'ocal l.ha1c Luelle unve


Earl Priddy Ss>e«ll. F'rtnc:h. Drama

S.nh Cultoft Edunu"

EIS.n Frodrilr.Mft Ra:m: Ecc-no~1a

Orin & LY¥1 L .. Duce

Joi. .. Dre•N? r: b

Ci.ve G•lne 'UIO :llttb•nln Joi.n McF.,l1r>d En&UiJI, Sp&lllah

CattMrlM ScalH Eai.1u11. Pbr.acal


Lorttta Oun.nt91n B1111n~

G.rtrude (;lllNrt Uu·nnf"i

0.•ltr Mowr £nc1.,·tnn Cu1d.lnte

H1fl1n SlelNrt Elttltorun

Keith ErlckMn Elttln>nlal

Frenut He•rd Enaluh

F. S. O•klNr9 Cbt'mlalry

lhymor>d s•­Edue1Uon, P1ycholo17

Florence Str1n1h1n ltol1ncl Wilfl1"" Don•ld WMdw.,d llolNrt Wrl1h1 Ph> 1-. Slell1 Y11tt

Bu sinew Hom' ~nom1cs Cooch Pl\Tslnl EdacatioD Ellr,lllttnn Wiiiiam llredley Normal Chappell

Auto Mtchanu:• Tool cnb Custodun J~ Drlet-Mn ltalnteo•nt"e

Geor,. LeP.rd Crounda

Page 5: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

J•mH Acuff C0<ur d'Alt nr

Soph , E<lutAllon ffi A l Kennet h Alextnder

Worley Fresh , Education. !B A I

Wtyne Andenon Coeur d'AJ•nr

l"N!ahman, BUJ Admtn

Oli ne Auttfnton CO<ur d'Alr nr

Fr~hman. llomc Ec­Ch•rlH &•In

Harvar<I Fruh . Eduuuon. IB A I

Mlch11I 81r-r Spokane, Wa.b

'°""lb.· Education, ID A I

CharlH Adamt Cfl<'ur d \l•n•

Sophomorr Bu• Adm1n Stndra Aleunder

C'nrur d'Alrnt" Soph , F'.durollon tlJ A l

Thom•• Anthony C'OC'ur d ·\l• n•

Soph f:Jurallon BA l

HHel Aylward fo• ur ;J'Alf'M

"'"""1man. R A JaMH 8alr

Wall ~ f 'l'1' h t :Ctu<"•tton. B.A

Richard 8art·on C'O<"u.r d \ lrnt

f'rt-•h man f:l...,tron1n

' ~ i

Gailord Adenn CMut d'Alrn•

Sophomorr. El.rtr•n•• D•vld Amon\On

Wallacf" SOphomott F.ni:1ntrr1n

Gerry A,.mita,.­C.,..ur d \lrnr

Ftt-shman f'ort ti')

Wi nd. B•C"on Sptnt l.i1kf'

n-.. h.,...n 8 ' Rob.rte 8.all

C ll' 1Al•nr Snph< r• 8 A Fune•• le<kmen Cr~·ur d' " lt.Dt'

Fr< hm1n \lod Stt

Robert Ad1m1 ( .. -ur d. \ten~

i;oph r.~uc 111nn B \ l Clifford And•"on

( If" d .\l('nfc Sonho- TC' B-u-. .\dman.

Timothy Amhold Willa~

F're hnun ~O.,nl&I

~•Id S.cus c ~..: d'Al•r.•

Frr<lt Edunt n• lJ.A.) R..-l d lklnoll C..""' d.Al•n•

Soph !'!"'- rt' Bm. Adaun Philip Ben.nett COOW' d .\l•n•

f'n, hnw>. ~\'.:

Vfr9ln1• Adam\ ro•l F'• ll•

Soph , t:durottnn m A. I Otv1d Anderton

R2thdrum Sophomul"(' 1-:na1 ntrrlng

Don Arthur C'<>tur 11· \lrnc

F'Tuh F.•l11c•11on. ID A l

Berrie IHrwtld ChattorO) Wa<h

F're hm1n \ uln \loch Horace Buber c~ur d' \ lrnl•

Sopb<irnort" £ttt1ron1cs R090r A. S.rt C~ur d'Alrn•

Frtihm:.n 81.b Adman

~.aid Alew1ndtr CO<ur d'Alene

Sophomore. Ene1nc"I"" Judith Ande,-M>n

CCK'ur d'1\lt nt' f'rCllhm•n, llome Ee.

J 1me1 Ath• Smrllcrvill•

Frtshman, £1rtlronlt't

Cerol 8•9well Vtnd.2.Jc Wa"'h

f'le.hm.in. Bu~ Adn:un Ann 8ar·nerd Ce><ur d'Alrn•

Fresh • £du<011on tB \ I Rog«r L. Berg C0<ur d'Altnc

F'rethm>n. EnKJnttnni:

Page 6: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

SIMtr,_ Benlle Cotour d'Al•n•

fruit , Eduouon CA A I Cleo 8ucfbury

R.olhdrum Soph Education CB A I

Jtme' Br•wer C«ur d'Altn•

Sophomol'l', En«tnttr1ni

Jenet 8urllno1me Mcdlmonl

Sopb EduuUon (A.A.) G•ry Coln

Cotour d'Al•n• Sophomoro. fore.try

John C1mlt Coeur d'Altnt

F'rcsb Education <B A I

J•~• Blaine R.othdrum

Sopbomoro. ForutrT P•trick lr•den C.....ur d'Altnt

F'rub . Edunuon. (11Al Jeff Brittain

Opporturuti Wuh Freshman lndU'!ltnJ:I Ans

St•'*• luNls CMur d'Al•n•

F'l'l'1hman. Eltttronlcs CherlH Cen1ino Spobnr. Wuh

SPttt•I. J'rto.Sursinc Dorothy C•non CMur d' Alon•

F'r•>h. l::duca11on 18 A.I

A fbtr1 ar ... , Spobnr Wuh

Sopbomoro B A J.o>in 8r•ncfvo1d CMUT d 'ltno

Sopbom ~ Bi.. 'dm"' Sen Brown ~ ~t.

F'rttbm&11 1Ad1uuul Ana

T•r•11 Burri• ~drn i..t.~

Frnhme En.:1nttnn&: Harry C.p.tvf

C°"'..i.r : ..\14",,.. F'rnlu>w>. B \

S.tty Sue Chamb4n H"'!dtn Ulco

Soph Educat100 B A

o. .. 1hr a.11 ... o.-"r d.\lte<

~II Edu atlon A A I Gl•dv> llr•r

C • r d' \l•oe Sopb Ed J<atlon <A A l

Rv1wll Brown Corur d ,\Ion• ~n 81.. Ad.min

T~mu Burton RO<'kl• rd. Wull.

F'rt'<h t:duc l• n IAAl P1tricl1 Carlbert

CMur d'Altn• Fro.I> Educa11on CB A I

Lt•f•Y Ch 1.,.y K<lloct

Sopb, Educauon IA.A )

Phlfffp B ... ler " ' oula, )lont

Sophomol'l'. B A MArtic a,..1th1upt CMur d'Al•n•

~ h F.ducauon CB A I Wllllem a,.own

Koll OU Soph Eduuuon (8 SI

Ectwarcl au·tfer II ope

SophomDro. Enl)ntonna Aud'• Y Cu lMn C.....ur d'AI•"'

l'l-t•h Educ•l oon fB A ) M•urHn Ch•M'f

K•ll•U F'rr•hm•n. 8 S

Bob Bo-n Cat.al do

Sopbomoro, lndu.<trbl AzU Jem" Br•n Poll Falb

Sophomoro. &lttlronlcs Valerie Buffa Cotour d'Altnc

Sophomo~. Bus. £duc11lo11

Judith Brrd Kolloa

Pnsbman. BUJ. Edutatlon Cuo lyn C.rmen

Olla Orchuda, Wub. Freshman, Home Ee.

Cet'I Chepln Pritst Rovtr

F'ruhman, Biu Admln.

Page 7: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

RoY Ch•...,.." Pot..- C ..... ler Wa.,.,. Chrl'1-Athol

l"rbhm•n, lndu<trial Edmon1on. Alben.a. c.nada Spobx. Wuh

Arta Sopbo,_.., B A. Fr-ah.. Educat1<>n 8..A I y.," Clery

01burn Sophomore EnCinffrllll

Mary Col"

T...,., Cl- S..tt.ere Cfon: M_. Lal<t. Wuh Spok&M. Wuh Sop"°"'°"· B A. Sopb Edunuoa iBA)

Ven Cothn• am .. COl'U"Jlelly r .. 1 Pall•

~man. Stt S.-loce Poot Falls POOll Falll

Sophomore 11•- Ee: Sopll Ed...auon 11.A.)

John C-r ltl<hord Cor1>1n Sll•rrton ILtydcn Lal<•

Soph F.durallon Ol A I """'hman Bu Admln. Tl-thy Cro_.r Worno Crvm

CO<'ur d'Alrne Spobn•. Wub Sophomorr, f'.nl!lnr•rln1 f'rt-lhman, lnd!IW'W AIU

Ch•rlot Dolby Mary Dolby Coeour d'Alrnr c .... ur d'Altllf

Fffth , F.durallon IU.A I Soph , Educauon <A.A.>

Robert Corbi" Hardon Lal<•

Sopbomort. II.a Admul. lloneld Culwr Coeur d'Al•n"

F'te&hman, El«tt'C'IUCI Delon ~-nw-re•v

1h7dto Lake FnabmaJ>, El<etroOICI

Oe'"I Clopp Prt RJ,..-r

So;» ,..,,... B S ••n c1 ... 1.nc1

Coe\11' d'Al~nt ~ E<IYMll· ll> IS.A)

Fnnlc Coolc Spohn< Wub.

Sor'" ....,,.. . Forut:y

HOf'1'Mn Cottello CoNJ' d'AJtM

f'Nllunaa. £n&111ttrtn1 Well- Cu,,.lo Coeur d'Al<n..

Freah EducaUo>n <B.A.) Kenny O.vb

Coeur d' AltDt ~a.BA.

&onnle Clerk Coeur d'AltDt

Sl)«l•l. Bus Admui. Ron Coffman

Ntwport. Wash. ~m•n. AUIO ld<eh.

L.oltor Cook Pnat Rhtr

F'rulunan, Forutnr

Hiney Cr•nston Post Falls

nuhm•n Hom• Be. lt°"ald Deh l

Coour d'Alono Freah • Education (II.A.)

Merrill Oawl1 Coeur d'Alone

Sopbomo...,. Forutty

Jolln Cleric Coeur d'Altot

Sopbomo...,. B A.

J )

Svt.1n Colfiet' Coeur d'Al•Dt

Freshman, Home Ee. J•mH Cooley

Spokane, Wuh. Fresh.awl. AUIO ld..:h.

llobon Croclto" Sandpoint

Freshman,B A JeronM Delker

Walbcc Fnshman, a s.

Sheron D•venport P0$1 Flllll

Sophomott, B. A.

Page 8: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

DJ•n• D•y P0$1 F'olls

f'r• hman. f'roo·M•d Ern.-t O.Luc•

K•llOU Soph. Edu<1l1on <B A.l

J ock O.rtlnt CO<'ur d'Al•n•

Soph.. Edu .. uon (A A l

0.1 n Don e tt Sm•ll<rvlll•

t'r'Hll • Edu<at1on (8 A I CollMn Dunh•m CO<'ur d'Al•nc

Soph., Edu<11ton (8.A ) l!llr•beth Dutro Coour d'Alrn•

t're•hman. ~Med

O•ni• I o._.n Pnm RJ,..,.

~hman. Foratry Ron o.m....te r Spobn• W~b Sophorno"' 8 S. OoM ld Dietrich Coour d'Al•n•

Sophomor< 8 A

P• t Driw:hel POii Falls

f'r<•hman. S.-C Sc>•n .. Mn.. tren• Dunn

C0<ur d'Alrnr Soph. F.durotlon 1A.A)

Ron11d E1rl~ SandPOint

F't<tb , Educ•uon 1B A l

Tom O' Andre• CO('QI' d' .,ka.•

F'rm Educat •n BA MJchael o.Minte r

Sandpou:t ~D 8 A

John Duneli"9 c~' d''1•••

Sop!L Educal •n BA.'

Peter ltober1 DvfrffM }!"1L>.D

f"reshm.i.L~ (\"'" \ lnu.n D•n••I Oununore

0.b..:n f"rtshf"Un f"Q""'l.n'

Aten Eborell Cwur d' \.l•n•

Sophoo>orr II A.

Cliff o.J>le Roe r.rd \\ h

Sopli &. • B ,\ ' Donn 0.nr.I• c •"VZ' \lf'I"'

Sopb f; BAI D1•ne Dflon

COt'ur d \I "• F"rtsbman . II< Ee

Jerry Ounun Co..ur d' \.lrn•

f'r<shma Bu. Adnun . Irvin Ou't PO•I ~-.ii.

Soph, Ph7>1rol Educallon Glenda Ed91r Pnt•I RJ."rr

Pro >llman. 8 S

Delo,..• Del uca Krllou

Soph Edu<allon fB A.l Rt.1th 0.nnft

CO<'ur d'Al•n• Soph F.ducauon (8 A.)

l 1 rb.ar• Do1 .. r Crtf'n•ctt.s.. Wa•h S~lal. 8 A

K1therlne Dunc.an Pln<hUJ'll

Soph F.duratlon (A A .) N•dlrw Duthie Co<ur d'Altne

F'r.,h • Education tA A l P1trlcl1 Ed91r Pntat Rivtr

Soph • Education (B.A.l

Page 9: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

ltandolpll Ede« Ntwporl. Wub

~slim.on 8111 Adawa. El•i. E"911olt Coeur d'Al•n•

Frwhman. Dua AdmiA. o.o,... l!olcrl.,..

Do•~ P'rclhm1n, Enrtnttrina

Vlrgll 1 .. ,,. K1nr•ton

l"lt•h lndu•trlal Arts Br.- Fitch

Pollalrh Sopbomott 8 S

11 ..... t Fea Trail. B C.

t...,..,.hman . D S

Nell• Eli.ruck Coeur d.Akne

5PKi&l. Bull­S.lly 1,..11.,,

Coftlr '~ Alt°' ~bmon a.. .\dmltl.

Lyle E"""Y Sl M1nc1

Fnsh , lndu 1t11I Artl

T°"' Ewing \'oerodolt Wub

Soph ""'"' B A Lal• FittSimmom

c... ~ ,, A;. r-e Sop!> ,.. I( - Ee

W 1lh•m Fru_..,.

"-•Dou n-.h. !Mmtrlal Ario

v ..... l!lli& C-·.a Al•M

.......u.m. ... \dmm. Brwe Enda,_

!Urriooa ~ Ellclnttrl"'

Jonwa E-c-i.r d'Al•De

Sopbamett, B A.

Mosl•I• F•nhanchl T"I-. ran, Ina

Sopllam""' ,\ll;n<1&Jt..tt It- Fleld•er

!Ulbdnam ~Pr&O..~ll.I

Ke•lh f ..... ,.._ "rllon. B. C.

hesb::an., Foncry

Robert ErNhi .. r Coeur d' Altnt

Sopb. Educauon CB.A ) John Erlclc>on

Poot Falb hesbma.n. lndu•trlal Arts

Ann. Marie Evtn1 Coeur d'Alene

l'ttsbmAn. Bu• Admln.

Roger Fencl Coeur d'Alene

F'l'Hhman. B S MlchMI Foley c......,. d'Al•·nt

F'teslmun. En nttnns Rob«rt FrMmtn Coftl1' d'.\lt-c•

Fnsluun. Fott try

DlonM Ende" Coeur d'Altnt

Fresh.. Edu~uon CB.A.) Wllllom ErldtllOft Spot.nc. Wash

Sophomore, En11nttna1 Jerry E1un1

Cot11r d'Altnc Freshm•n. En&lnctrln1

Monte Fender Cotur d'Alene

Fruhman. 8 A. R09er Ford

F>1rch1ld A F B Fluhm•n. Enl{anter\ag

Bob Funkt St Marie'

Sopbomorc, 111110 Mtcb.



Edward Eneel Spob.nt, Wuh. ~. Bus .Maun.

Louna Erwin KtlloU

Sopbomort, Homt Ee. Thomn Evan1

Chatteroy, Wub Sophomore, Eltccronlcs

G• I• Fenwn Coeur d'Altnt

Sopbomarc. Enillnttrlns ThonM1 Funkovldt

Coeur d'Alene FreslitMn. B S

O.le Fumllh Kellon

Sopbomott, Bus. lldm1n

Page 10: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

'~ r '.::-· d

R•lph GHbe Wallace

f'tt•hman. B S Kathi"" Gannon

St Mmts 1-'nsh • llomt £4' CA A I

Ann Geldrich Cotur d'Altnt

f'ttJh £durotoon ID A l

Ruby Godwin CO<'ur d'Altnt

Soph Education !A A ) Sharon Guvot ~pok•n• wa,h

Soph., Educ•toon 18 Al Kathy Grow

Cotur d'AJtnt Soph. t:ducatlon (A A )

Jamff Gelbraith Cotur d'Altnt

Sophomort. Enrinttnnc Theo Gard~r

Edmonton. Al~rta Ftt<hman. Bu• Adm1n.

Donald Gtrlmonte Cotur rl'Alont Spte11I. B A

Arthur G-oodale CO<'ur d'Alcnt

F'rt,hman. t'On.""'\r> R1ndy GrHn

CO<'ur d \ltnt f"rtshrn .. n. Ru .. \dm1n

K•hh Guenther Spokanr \\'uh

Sophomort B S

Joenne Gatbntth Cotur d'Altiw

l"r-H.hnan ~ "- •n"" Jamn Gan-on Cot1lr d'Altnt

Frah lr "'"t:'l Arb Bt-n C.reng c~ur d' \lt"Pllf'

Sop.hom r~. E:c 1"~1"1D.I

Walter GoodMn COf'ur d' \Jc-nf'"

Soph t: ' ' 8 \ Robert Gttdl•1 CO<'ur d" \I•

Sophon t"1 H n Oewn Gunuld1on

C0<ur d .\ t'rcshm>n Edu toun !B \ )

a..erly Gall•h•r ~ llf•l""I' ..

Sopb f t n \,\I El .. Mr Garvey l r \

Fre<lt £ at a B \ I Oo"thr c;.,,.., C 1r f \Jc ...

Fn'" ~ .. ( \1lf'UQ.

Hury Goodwin s.. tp int

Son~ r1 f\ A L•"Y Grtff1n

~I \\ h fn: r \dm111

Ftenc•• H.etv• C • nr rl' .\Jtn~

Fr.- hm n. B A

Huel GaUah•r ~mtlttrnll•

Ftt ""''" St- Sc1fntt Phllllp G•tlln

"-SopJit. M )rf' Bu Admln Tolman G•bMn

Spc lri.1n~ Wash i:tt.hman. Pn- \lt-d

T•,..... Goodwin Cotur d'Al•ne

f'rt•h Etlucatoon IA A) M•rt.he Grovnd1 Cotur d" Altnc

Sophnmr,rf' Srf Sc1~ncr K•lhl"n H•ldl

Wall1c:c Frohman. Ste &ionc•

Mlchele Galll .. n C:O.,ur d'Altnt

Ft<Shm•n. Stt &itot'e Ron c;..,.y

lla)dtn Lakt f'ruhm•n. B A

O.nnl1 Giibert Plummtr

Ftt hmao. Auto M0<h

Dennlt Gretton Spokane, Wash

Sophomore. £ni1netrln11 Ron•ld Grove Bonnen ferry

Sophomort. El•ctronlcs Bruce H•lfld•y Coeur d'Alene

Soph , £ducallon ID A.)

.~ '

Page 11: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

G.,., H1 ll1d1y ClH'ur d'Alr,...

Sophomor• En••n•N•na tC.ren ~ H1nMn

ClH'ur d'Al•n• f"rt•hm1n. Ou.• Adm1n

Brent Herl Spohn•. Wuh

Sophomort. Enrtnttrtna

Gilt H•r•no• Cofur d'lll•n•

~~1hm1n, flu lldmtn Htlt n Hende rson

ClH'ur d'llltnr F'roh.mon. S.... S.lrntt

Joyu Hlteln• CO<ur d'l\ltnt

Prr1hmon, Stt S.lrntt

'°"'" Hall9rff!n Cofur d'llkn•

F'rothmon Auto :lltth Ker-en R. Hanson

C:O.-Ur d ;\ltn• Frt•hm1n Education 8.A­

Roy H•rt Cotur d'Altnt

Soph F'Aluahon A A l

KatfMt'iM Hemby Coeur d Altnt

Fr~man Edi' alton 8-.\. 5.nd.r• Htrotd Pne .. t R.nrr

Fr,..bmon. Prr )!,..,

Roberl Har" Cotur dA ·n

F'ro<hman, Bu Adnun

Harl H.-.• Berty .Wi l'W Spohn• Wuh ClH'Ur d' Alrno

Sophomorr Bu F'dur1uon Soph EducJtllon 1 A .A l Roben Henry 0.1 Herf'ing

Do•·<" t.t>at> uk• Wa.h .,.°l'f'o.,hm1n Du Adm1n Sophomon But Adman

Johnnie H iii W illi•-"' Hul\.kle St \lanr• Spok>nr Wash

l'n-•h lnduotr11I Art> Sopbomorr torMIJ')

Jin H1'"'-r

0 '"' Frohr'I' n rrt Mf'tt

Jrm Merri• "P l \\ h

Sop/'• - ... \ •rvc• Hatch c~r d "•••

Sopbomorit £Jttlr ,nan.

J.,-ce ,...,iw Corur d .Al4"n4"

Sopb F.du ·•t n II \ 1

Robert Herwy R.l\'t'n 'ood. W \'1n1n1a

f,.....hm.an 8 s Sh."•I H1rw:hi

S•ttt Ho"" Ornon frt-•hman \lod Stt

Richard Han14n Spokanr. Wa.h

Sophomott 8 A M ilo Huri•

SPokant". Wa'h Fr.-hman. B A

J•mH Haupt PhCM'n1'\, Antona

~~h Edu<1t1on. CB A l

Kartn J. Hanson Coeur d'AloM

Sophomort". Sus Adm1n Willi•m Htrrbon

Ntlson, 8 C. Sophomoro. Bus Admtn

L.slie Hewlr:ln' Pane hunt

Sopbomor"t". Eltttron1cs

Herbert Heisel Judy Hellinger ClH'ur d' \lrnt Palousr. Wash

Sophomo,... Auto Moth Soph , Educ•toon 18 A 1 Don Heuelotn•r S-tev~n Hlclcmen Coour d'.\ltnt Kollou

F'TMhman. Et .. tron1cs F'rtshm•n. 8 S J•mu Hobbs Don Hodg•

Spokane. Wash ClH'ur d'Alcnt t'rnhman. lndu<trt•l Arts Sophomoro. lndu•lnol Aru

Page 12: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

u rry-.. Coeur d'Al• n•

huh &duc:auon CB.II.I Ja.f'ftft Ho~lt

M C*OW Sophomor•. P....,.Pharm• ey

Terry twenon Coeur d'Al• n<

~°'l'nh £duc:auon CB.A I

Mn . Patricia Jennlng1 Smeltcr'1.llo

l"rub • Educallon CA A I M...._ Grate Johnton

Hayden Laite fl'rtthm1n, B A

Silly John.on Coeur d'Altn•

Sophomo...,, S... SclM~

Mt-n ila Holi•n Sandpotnl

Sophomoro. B s Anita How1uwl

P05l Falls Freshman. Komo &.

Joanne J.cobMn Oa\'•nport Wuh.

Sophomo,.,,, »td S..

R .. inald J•nwn SI Manos

Sophom~. En~•nttrin1 Herald John1on ~ur d'Al~nr

F'reshm.1n, B A ~•II• Johni.on Hayden Lake

h«ll.. £ducotoon CB.A )

William Hoht.tn C-.d'~

Sopb. Edun!.><>D B.A_)

K• th(..., Hvftner Coev cf A.law

~.1:i. .... & EchBrd J__,

Cnour d'Al•JK' Sopha""'"' Pro-.loltd.

Susan Jenwn Coeur d Al•n.

FrrshrtUln. H..- Ee-. u rry Jolu\'°" HJl)d•t> LU.

Froshman aw. Admit> WayM Johna.on

8&)'>1 ..... Sophomo"' El<C'lt'On•n

J~.,...tt• K9metv,9 U>ld<ln ' n L 'Ill> ~ E<o 'II AA )

Rochar4 H""t c-r d

f"ttsb!ftlft r • lrODIC't Wtllt• fft JK......,.

Kootcnaa n... ~-n ~ DrntAI

a.tty J•t.t.tdt \;. • '" d Al<n~

f"'h?l hm.an 81.. J\dm1n Lyt'fn Johnton C"M'ur d \h n,.

~It Eduoat• •D to A 1 ltodftey Jo~I

Co<ur d'Al<n< F'rali Ph> 1r•I t:duo111on


lloctrw, H .. .-., Arthu-r Howell SPOklr • \\ b Coour d. \ lrnr

Sorh E·•u• ~11 n 0 \ I Sophomon'. •·or••ll)t O.n Int.Ito Mrt.. Genevie ve 1 .... ,..,. P F I: C°"ur d' \lrnr

'"' .a E tu ;I •n A Al hf'hm• n. £du 11100 18 A l W•tlt•m Jenn.\ohn Lou Jennlft9~

,, n 0 ( Sm•ll•n-lllr FY-< h1 •D l'n-1>< nial f"rah £ducahon IA I\ I

l•tty Joihnt.on \f• 1cb.1 0 ,. '!On

SopholN)l"C !;. S<'ltD<f' Roltil\ JohMon

Spint Lok• Prf" h & ~11c1hon 1\ A J

Ron•ld Jolin Cotur d'Alt"nr

Prc1hm1n. Fort1lry

C• rl Johnt.on c ... ur d»\l•n 1·

Sophomnrr Aulo Mtth Aollle John1Gn l1Ji1d•n Lakr

Soph t:durallon 18 A > A tlHll Jolllff Cnour d' A lenr

f'r.,h f'.durollon IA A J

Page 13: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

AN'I J...U C:O.,ur d"Al•ne

Sophomott Bu> Edu.-.uon Tom KMppl• C~ur d'Altl>I!

floftbm1n En1>nttnn1 JemM t(n.1pp

Spoken• Wash f"n•h lnduttNI i\rU

.... ,, Kom CO<'ur d'Alene

f'"'•hman, f'ott•lr)' DoutfH IC119I_, CO<'ur d'Alon•

f'"'•hman. Auto M~b Wellec• Lene

Kendrick Sophomott ll A

,._ JIH!d

Coeur d'Alene Fresh... Education (II.A l

IC:lrtr K•ut.r llaycka LAU

Sopbom.ore, ~ akhenf IC:Mpp C:O.,ur d"Altne

Sopb PliJUCal Ed11aUOn

- Krol'9r C.taldo

Sopb Eduatloa B.A l Dione KVftl

C«ur d' Altne Sopll Education 8 A l

Th..,en J_ Lene S.rdar 8 C

Sophomore .Wtd .Ste

,..,,..._ Wilbur. Wiiii

Sop-.e 8. A Pbll ic.,,_ Pnbt s. ......

Sopll. Eduatwa (8.A.) Anita Knvt:Mft Coeur d'Akt>e

f'relb_, EduaUOJI (8..A.)

Alton Knvw Polt Falls

~ Edoauoa 18..A.l Sl>oron Lofftrty Coeur d'Alta<'

Sopll.. Eduot1an Ill.Al Olde Lo Franc!• C«u.r d'Al•IM'

Sopb., £ducauon (BA.I

N I J. C REVIEW YEARIOOK. C.n, cl'Al•tte. l1h1'io. Mey. 196.2 17

Cart Kappen Crttaacre>. Wub ~........ Pft..\ltd

K•""lt Ki. ... ,, Ro~

Sojlb £ducauon (8 A.) Dernll Koeppen <Mw' d'~

Sopb EducatJon (A.A.)

C.ry Krob< RalhdNm

Sopbomott, Auto Modi John Lohd

Ktllou f'ruhman, Fo~ll}' ~ L.Go,.. c~ d'Al•n•

Freshman B. A.

G.re ld l<•nnedy Walla~

~shm•n. B. S. Poul KlmlHll C:O.,ur d'Al•n•

l'ttslnnan. £npno<.nni Donn• KMppen Coour d'Altnt

l'ttsh., Educ•Uon (A.A.)

Fred ICrMtch H.arrbon

Soph., Education (8.S.) Ewelyn L•hM

Coeur d' Altnt Sophomore. Homo Ee.

Jack LeGore Spokant, Wash

Sopbomott. 8 . A.

Jen K•nnlnt Uo1 SprtQCS. Mont

l'ttsh . Edu.-.uon (A.Al Robon Kindler Coeur d'Aknt

f'Teshman, £niinttri"i Donnl1 KohU•r Spok>nt, Waab.

Frtshmao. Auto Mttb.

Bobby ICr­SL MlrtH

Freshman. Forulfl' Patricia Lamphere

w.u • .., f'resllm&n, B S.

Carol Lelnum Coeur d' Alone

Sophomore. Stt Solentt

Page 14: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Chri110 Leita Coeur d'Al•ne

f"ruhmon Soc Sdontt llldlord Lllienlc-p

w.11 ... Soph , lndu>tr1al Aris

Oouglu Long S..ndpolnt

Sophomore, Enclnccrlng

Gordon McCow Coeur d'Altne

Fruhm•n, Encln .. rtna MkhHle McDonou9h

Spirit !Akt Sopbomo.,,, Bu• Adoun

E•ert Mid< C1taldo

F'rcshmon, ElottTitnlcs


tngrld L«Mat~r Coeur d'Alont'

Sophomcitt, Soc. Scltntt o .. ld Ltndoht Coeur d'Altnt

Soph., Ech t•tion IBA l Jim Lown

Wall•ot Frcsltman, lndunrtol l\rU

Alic.•m•rle McConnell Coeur d'Altnt

Frcsb, Edue1111on IA.Al L.aura McGee Coeur d'Altnt

Sopb , Education IBA I Dot-othy MlcRew Coeur d'Altnt

Soph.. Educauon IBA l

Tom lcvt'f'tdohlce C-Ur d'AI""

SophomncT ~ •~ .Wtch D••• l tnd..., Cof:ur d'Al.­

Sophomo"' P.,,.P,.nlal Vt~,,. Lvu• Col:ur d'Altat

Fresh., Education CB.A I

110 .... ld McCoy Cof:ur d' Alone

Sophamo.,,. El~""•tn John McGiii Pnest Rn'"r

Ftt<h.man t'o"' tr, Gloria M..chr

P°"t Foll• Frohman. Sc< Scl<n~

"-' J C... l(V IYr Y(Att.IOOIC c .... ~ 4 • ... lda .. e ua, 196. 71

o. .... Le'W'l• Coeur d Al •at

Sop""""'"'· S.. Admul T.,.,.., Livi.,,..ton Spolt.uie w •<II ~ ForTlr}'

~Lv!!<lqvh• Cotur d'Altne

Soptlomott En11n~erinl

Kerrnir Liebel Spoluu•• Wash ~. Bw Admtn

ltoy Lobb Spint !Ako

f'reohmaa. Auto .Wtth 0...lon Lyon1

KeUou t""bman, But Admln

Terry Mc:Coy Donn. McD•nl•I• C or d' Altne Coeur d' Altn•

SopbOJrott lndu<lrW Aru Sopbomort Bu. Adm•n Lynn McGllli1 Ge<ene Mclntyr•

Wallatt Ktll"'!J Sopb Edu .. tton fB A) Sopb, Education IA A )

Robert Maddin Judy #Mgn"''°" Coeur d'Al•n• Coeur d'AI•••

Sopbomoro, Bu Admlll Sophomoro. Soc Sc1<nct

B•rnit• u.,. Coeur dAltn•

Sophomo.,,. Bu• Adm1n 11111 Lohatroh

Spokan" Wo•h f'tt1h., £duc111on CA A 1

Glendo McColl K•llo.1111

Fret/I • lldur1tlon ID A '

Oorh McDol• St Mori"

.....,..hman. Hom• Ee ChorlOI McLetlh Bonno,.. F•rry

Sophomore Eltctrontc E~ft4' M•l•r JL>Jdon Lokt

Fnshnuta Pre Vt1

Page 15: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

V lcto,. Mlnlef CO<'ur d'Alrnr

t""'rf"hm1n l::lf' tron1n ThomH #My

CO<'ur d Alon• Sophornor'f' F.ni1nrrnnr

Janel M Ultrd Smrltrn>tll•

Soph Y.dur111on CR A I

Steph•n Morrow

1•n'°'' RI"'' 1·r.-hm•n II S Ctrol Murphy

w.11 ... Soph, Fdura!lnn CU A 1

Connlt Nel\On C!H'ur d'Alrnr

~°l"t'•h. ~:cturat1on, 111 A 1

Ja"°'" M.-nnfft9 Haydon Latr

Soph Y.durattnn 8 A Am.ti• Mbt'lrtnt• T.an,an)1ka Afnu f'rf hm>n. R S

Dalt Mille,. C-w ar d 'lrf"''

~)'(" hman Eltttrontr<

L•rrr MitiOn Cot-ur d Alrnt"

F"n- hm~n 8 s John\lonn• Muthion

''11roh1 Kt-n'a Afnr.a Sophnmor< R A

e>.nnh, Newton C"Ot"ur d .\JC"nc­

~'r!-•hmu II \

Catole M.ar\•,. c- r \ ~

Sopho~j .. , R A. Mut. Mc-dtef CO('ur d \ ~

Sopb Ea at nn A.A I Oennu M ili.f'

Spokan• w .. b Sopl'°"'"" \ltd Ttth

J••" Mon~ En1'\1lle

f"rT<.h. E.funhon ~A "-' J•nld Naccauto

Pnes1 Rnw Soph • Edunt1on BA I

Stanley Nielten Po<t r.111

Soph lndv,\nal An

Jeann•tt• Ma~tt C .. ur d' \ltnt

t'rt h Ftt al ·\n « \ \ t D•nny M.llldt C"<'1tr d' \Ion•

Soph<..rf111rt Bu' \dm1n G•ry M iiier

Spohn• \\' a>h l"rt>h lndu•trt•I ArU

Jim Mot1tnton R>thdrum

Sophom•<< Bu Adm1n JoAnn Naiman

K•ll•H F'rttb Educ>ltnn IA A I

Arf•M Nogle Pon Fall•

frt'<b. Educa!lon IA A 1

M.arvin Muon C~ur d'Alrne

Sophomort Enc1n•tnni: Dave M4'wes.

Kolloac ,.tt,hman Bu• Adrntn

Ralph M iiier Panthunt

.. ""'rt"d1mJ1n, f:lettronlrs

Fred Muht St Maritt

Sophomore, B A Mfch• el NHMr Corur d'Alon•

Sophomore, Eng1neer1ng G.,y Nogle Pott f'oll<

F'r~hm11n. £nJ;ttnt-cnng

Robert M.!lock Corur d'Altnt

~hman. Ens:1nttnnr Pre-don Miket.ell

Kcllou Soph.. EducalJon 18.S 1

lrit Montpomery Ktlloiu:

Sopb • Educatton IA A I

D1•nne Muraro N<IJon. B C.

Sophomo«. 8 A David Nth1t

Spokane. Wash Prtshman. Bus. Adm.an

Floyd Nolan M oscow

Fresh . lnduslri•I Ari•

Page 16: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Stenley Nordby Dover

Sophomon!. Enelnoering Le lp•I Obe rol

Ntw D•lhl. lndiJ1 Sophomore. Englnccnne

Clifford 01Hn White Sulphur Spnogs.

l lontana Sopbomor•. Bus. Admln

Chester P.,-ic Rathdrum

Fruhman, Pr< )ltd Donald Ptten

Post rans f'ruhman. Eng1netnnc

Oon•ld R. Pfou Haydt n Llkt

Sopb.. Educauon 18 S 1

Mu ie North Post falls

l'rt!shman. Bus. £duc1!1on Jamtt o•conn•ll

CCX'ur d"Al•n• Sophomore. Pre M•d

J1mH OIMn Spokan•. Wash

Sophomor•. B S

Nld c Pulct Po>t fall<

f'r«hman B S Oov9IH Pt ttr1 Spokane. Wub

Sophomore ... ortur; Gtry Phllllp>

Hopt f"n-i h lndu\lr11I Am

Roy Nunn H•>d•n Lib

f'r61uJwi. f°On!'llry Sharon o •c onnell

Cotur d·Alen• Freshman. Rome &

Frank Ot1•lott PoS1 F\alls

Sopbomon!. Auto )l .. h

Gary PartOtU Cotur d 0 Altne

Sopbomort Enr1-nn1 Thomn C.. Peten

Cotur d 0Alon l'rt!sbm:an AUIO '>ltth

Gr ... Phillip• c ... ur d'Al•••

l'rt!•hman Bus Adnun

Oon• ld N-r Spol<ln<. Wash

Sophomore Bus Admtn Keith Odenthal CCX'ur d"Al•n•

l'rt!Jhman lndurtrtal AIU Anthony Orth Cotur d"Altnt

~Jlman Auto M .. b

Matllyn Ny,.. Cotur d"Alent

~man. Hom• & 0.nnlt O'Leary

Sandpoint Soph • l!!ducatlon CB A I

Donald Pao• K<llOU

f'rH!lman. Bus AdfTIJn

Jvd1th Peet.non JatNt Ptrh.," C.,..ur d"Alent Cotur d'Alene

~·h l:;duouon BA) ~sh lndu•trial Arh A. Paul Petenon tc:aren J Pettnon

Co<ur d'Al•n• Post Fallo Sopb £~unuon BA.) Sophomore Bu• Educauon

Judltl\ Phlllli» W llll• m Pl\llllps C°"ur d'Al•n• Cotut d"Al•ne

Sorh Education CAA > f'ruhm•n lndunml Atta

Ann Oekt Coeur d 0 Alent

l'rt!•hmon Med·Str Edwud Ollwer

Os bum Soph . Educallon IA A 1

Rld'lard Palmt r CO«!ur d"Alenc

Fruhman Elcctronu ..

Gr-ant Penon Cotur d"Alcnt

Soph lndu•lr11I Art• Charin M. Petlh Spokan•. W11h

Soph.. Edu<Ah9n IR S I Eduudo Picado

San Jnst Co•t• Rir• f"reshm:m. Auto Mrrh

Page 17: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962


, Joonn Pl.ka.-.lcl S.ndr• Pieri

Kellou Poll.lldi SOph Edue11lon IA A I Fr" hman. Edaoauon 1as l

Otuld Pl11mlff I.el• Poland C°"lll' d'Altn• Albol

rr,..bmon. ~ \'tt F,...Jiman 8 S Clorla Pnfko JMI\ Prle9

Ila lb drum SlhtrtOD tn hmon. llomt & FrNbman. 8"' Adm.m

J .. nM P~cl S.ndpolnt

Sophomort, ltomt ~ David R•tor

SI Merit fr..,hm1n. lndu,tr11I Arh

Gr•cl• I Reed Roull1, Wa.h

Soph, tA!urlllon IA A J

Mkl>MI l!Albcl•11 ld&bo Flt.lit

soph""'ott S.... Admal Ga ry llAtcllll

Ralbdrum t..,...,bmlD £n IDttrlDC

RobenL..R­Cotur d'Altnt

f'n..bman, Fortott)

M.ona Pilk•nt1-Conr d"Attiw ~H-&

J.,,..r P.........u Ra1Jldnua

Freshm&:a. a- & IMh Prial

C«ar d'Amw Prab EdllealMID B..A

Ro.b.rt llA<kett Ooew- d" Aleiw

Sopb Ed..caUOG IB.A V•m Ru:rn.n

Cbatteroy. Wiiii Sopbomort' EltcUOCUO'

c.nnJ. E. R­LtbertJ Lakt. Wllh

F'rtsltman 8\0. AdmlD

John Pixle r POOll Fall..

F'ruh Phnlcal Edu.auon Mo<klln Pooler

K•llou F'teah Edu<1Uon 18 A I

o .. " Primmer Ralbdrum

F'ruhmAn Auto )l..,b

Robert R• lph Ciwur d'Altnc

Sophomore Encincerlng Larry Re11or

Cataldo Sophom rt 8 A

L•rrv J. Reid ~r dAlrnt

f r'bhmu. Aulo ~J..,h

Mlurf(.e Ple.nte Cotur d'Alen•

FrtshmAn, Enpneulng RAiph Port

Troy n .. hman. En111netrln1

Ctrolfn Prutn Cotur d'Altnt

Soph., Education (A.A.)

P• tsy Remey Coeur d'Altnc

Sopb Educauon (A.A.) Louis Rector

Spokane. Wnsb FrHll., Educ111on (BA.l

Rodeer R. Rold Coeur d'Alene

Soph , lnd1atrfal Arts

Wiiiiam PlonJlto P05t Falls

Sopbomort. 8. S Pet Powen Pln•hunt

Fttshmant 8. A ~.,,,., Pucd

Sandpoltll F'ruh , Industrial Atta

Mory Dell Rorick Cotur d'Alcnt

Fresh.. Educauon (A.A ) Lynn R-kopp

St. Marl<1 f'luhman. Airtcullu"'

John E. Renfro Cotur d'Alene

Freshman. Elcctrorucs

Page 18: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Larry E. Reulet Spol<.lnc. Wuli.

t't01bman, EnsJnctrlnJI' Patricia R0Mnber9er

Hayden Lake l'rosh.. Education (11.A.)

M. Ell"" Rubew Hayden Lake

Sopb • Enainctrina Stt

Sharon Sa Juicy Spint Lake

t'Hlb.. Education (B.A I Dlclc Scholloclc C..ur d'Alont

Fttlb .. Education CB.A l Robert Schenck

Ubttcy Lakt, Wu.h f'l-tshmon, B. A.

Patricia G. RhHmt- Myron Rich.1rdtCM"1 Sha,..,, Rteh.archon Coeur d'Al•n• $pole.an•, WW.. $pole.ant, Wuh.

Sophomor•. Se•. Sel•nct ftoshman, lndUJtnal Arts •"rtoh Education (B A I Don1ld Rou Gary Rou St\.lart Rou

Coeur d'Alrn• Coeur d'Altn• Noboo B C. Soph., lndW1trl1I Arts Fmhmon. E1111ntcrtJ1J Sopbomott EnSinffrlnc

Lindo Ruobke Archie RulMll o .. ld Rus>0 Coeur d'Alono COtur d'AI••• "'""'"'"" Pa.

Sophomoro. B. A ~ . Eduataon. i'B A I Frnbman. lndustnal ArU

Carl Sandaker Cotur d'Altn•

Sopbomoro. Entt••••rln~ Dell Sc.hi nt.

Olli Ottbarda Wuh Soph , Edutatlon IB A I

Wuren Schott Spokant Wuh

~1hm1n Eni1acenn1

Norman s..no..ubt IAwisu>n

Frubman. Elt<tro'""' Mrs. u .. .t'f\e Sc:h•wr

COtur d'Alt"• ~b. Educauon AAJ

Jock Schroc.k Oc>tur d'Alen ..

Sophomore. 8 S

Thome.I S.yro w ...... 1 .. x-.

SopbOlllOr't, Foreatry Dick Schoffolmolor

Cataldo """11MAD. 8111 Ad.mm.

Marie Schrock C-ur d'A!H><

Sopb Education (A.A.I

Ll...U ltld4r Cotur d'Altne

Soph Educauon (ll I\ l J t n 'Y Roth

Van Wort. Ohio ~hman, D I\

Jerry Ryan Coeur d' Alone

Sophomore, I~ Otntal

Cl\arln Sc.a rc:till• Rat.bdnam

Sophomore Bui Admln 0-.ld Scholler

Kellou l'Hobm&o, B A

l rua Scott Spokane, Wull

Frub .. Education (8.A.)


Sherll RobertMn C0tur d'Alene

Sopb. Education (A A.) ltl<hord RouM l llJldon Lake

Sophomoro, Du .. Admln. Thom11 Ryan

COtur d' Ale.ne Freshman, Bllt Admln

Lorry Sche ffer Coeur d'Alene

l'rnlunan. Auto l letb Don Schi.ct

BoMl'n Ftny Frahman, Bu-. Admln

J im Scourey COtur d'Alene

~bman, Foratry

Page 19: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

w11 11 .... Scr•fford 0.bum

F'reohman. D A Joi.n S.•dr

11-ydtn Lall• Sopb • Educallon rB A l

Connie Slei..nti..lor Cotur d'Alrn~

Fr\".alunan, Mtd·Ttth

H•rold Slppert Splrll Lakt

Sopbomoro. 8 A Phllllp Smith

Port Falls l"reohman. ou.s. Admln

J•-• Stebltlnt Coeur d'Alent

SophomoN', Ous. Admln

0.nftl.l St.etr•..,.. KJnpton

P'tft.h Education BA l J.,,,., g,1 .. 1y Cotur d'Al•ll<'

Sopho.,,.,re. £1octro111<1 Allon 5'-"

Opportunity. Wub. Fttt.bman, !ndu.trW Arla

v..._.. Sllnkord Plummer

f'rtoshman, Auto Wtcb Torry Smith Hayd<'n Laite

Sophomo...,. 011t Admln c;.,y Stotn .. 11 Cotur d'Altn<

Sophomore. £niln-1n1

Jock S.-·­Ootur d'AltM Sorbomore Pre-~ntal

Harold Shocld.., Coeur d'Akn•

Prah .• £ducauon ll.Al Bn>ce Simon

Ralhdrwa f'rn!Jman. £naiJ>«nAI

JM S-tlon eo.-ar d'Alene

Fnshman. Bui Admin. Jon Smock

Coeur d'Alene

Fn-shm&n ~· Forat Stemper Cotur cl' Alene

Sopbnmo..., Forestry

P•ITlclt S.•1• <:wv d'Altn•

Sopbomor\" PN-~nu.1 11 ... Shopbell Poot Falls

Sopll. IJ1d ... 1r1al ArU DiaN Sfmpt0n Cot.,. d'Alene

f'ttsll.. Educauon IB.A.l

G.nld Smith Poot Nb

fniabman. £lottronlet IW>cloll Sorbol Cotur d'Alen•

Soph. £ducaUon (8.A l Potrlclo Stlu Coeur d'Alene

IP!ub.. Educauon, Cll.A.l

lltlto S.11 p .. , Palls

Fr\"sh, £ducatloo (A.A.) G.r• lcf Shr·iner Coeur d'AI•••

FrHll.. Education CB.A.) Jogl,,...r Slnei. Otu.wa, <:anadli

Fr\"ahman, Enclnttrinc

H•rt..rl Smith SL Maries

Soph • Education ('8.A.) M.Nln SpMr Coeur d'Ale.nc

FrHhman, Forulr)I w1111.,.. s11111

POil Falls Sopb., Education (B.A.)

How• rd S.Vcly Coeur d' Alen•

Sopb., Education CB.A.) Orren S)tul•r SL !olarles

Sopb.. lndu.strial ArU Geor .. Sink

WaUaoe Freshawi. B S

P.,.y Smllll SL Maries

Sophomore, Bus. Admln. Curll• Stork Sandpoint

Freshman £n11nttr1n1 Gary Stovem Coeur d'Alo.oe

Fresh., Education (8.A.)

Page 20: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Karen Streeter Coeur d'Alene

F'r<:shmAn, Bus. Admln ltkh.,d Tale Coeur d'Altne

Soph Education (A.A l Ken ThOfl'I ..

ChatlUOy, Wuh. Sophomort, Eltttronlcs

O.loru Toototl Po.I F•lls

Frethman, Ptt-Med Fred Troutman Coeur d'Alen•

f'tuhman, B. A. T•rry Van Slate

Cotur d'Alene f'reohm•n, Forestry

.~ t

Wiiiiam s.­Cotur d'Al• n..

Sopbomo...,, Industrial Arts Kathl .. n T•­Coeur d'Altne

~sbman. Stt. Sdtatt Merril" Thompwn

Spirit Lakt Sopb., EduaUon CB.Al

Judy T-non Kellou

Sophomore. Ptt-Mtd. M..ry Trus,coH

Spokaot, Wub. Soph Edueauon (8.A l

Wllllam Vau9hn Creaton. B. C.

Sopbomort, Enlf\nttnnE

Patrida Studll.n Coeur er Alene

SOpbomoro loled-Tttb E-.tt T.......,

KeDou !"'rah.. Educaaoa.. CB.A.> S~Th­

Elk. ~uh. f'tesbmm, 8 A.

Morftyn T­&Tdtn Uh

Sopbom0tt. Bomt Ee Tll.omet Tucker &rdfn Lah

lnsbman. 8~ Admm 0.0..ne Voltrl Print Rinr

Sopb , Educauon (8.A )

Diane Stvm De-•14 SwfftMn c.ur d'Alene Spokane, Wub

Sop!! EducaUoo 18.A l ~abman, lochatrlal Arts O.arf .. Tayi.r I.I ..... TN<lrar Coeur d'Altiw Vtn.d&le, Wuh

1"esh.. Edl>CltlOD Ill.A.I Soph. Eduallon CB A l A,,..ia n.m.... ltk hard T imken Coeur d'Altne Medlznont

Freahman 8 A l"reslunan. l"oru1r7

Mlld,..f Tremblay Coeur d'Alene

So!>cb education (8.A.) Wllllam Turbin Coeur d'Alene

Sophomore, 8. A. Leroy Vlche

Wallace F'telb., Education. CB.A I

l.orry Tritten Cneur d'Altne

FRahman, 8 A. Wllllom Turner Coeur d'Altne

Sophomore. B. A. Glenn V09t Poot Falb

Sophomo,., B S.

Gwdon Sylla Rathdrum

Sopbomo...,, 8. S. Mar9wrlt• Thede.,. V~ncble. Wub

F'tuhman. Romo &c. Gary Tomblin Coeur d'Alene

f'tubman. Fortstry

ltl<hard Troup Spobne, Wuh

F'telhman Bus. Admin Mory A"" unci.....­

Spobne, Wuh Fresh., Educallon (A.A.)

Myrle Wallace Coeur d'Alene

Frtsh , Eduootlon CA.A.)

Page 21: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Jehn Wolli..r N""""1 W • h. f",-~hm1n ft 8

•enold w .. 11i.vrn c;.,..ur d'AI•.,.

fr .. hman. II A Clyde Woll.,

CC><'ur d'Altnt rr.-hm•n t.ncrnr• ""'

Tltff Ann Wtlllo"'• Co .. llr ct'Alrn•

t'l'••hman. JI A Vert•n4 WMtnPMr

,.,,..ur d'Al•n• t~"" ,hman. Au ta 'trrh

L•rry Wyett Cot"ur ft'Alfflc

f'r•1tun1n. uu.. Admln

Chff.,d Wo!t.,. R.at"dnl111

I rro~r- • .t.lllO Medi Cl•n W•t•n

'""'"""' Pre.II ( • a !AA ) fl:ern w...,i.,-

w i.. Sopbon ft Scll'D<lr

•tellord Wil'-91-..., 111, d~ .. L.aU

f'r. h•·aa. B "a.in c;....,. w­U1'" "-t

FfC' hr 11r 8-. Adain ...... ~" Slndl'O'DI

Sorhom""' IJw Admla,

,,. .... w.,.,.., &elJoa

Sopb . Edonlloa V. A ..... w.,....,. C:- d·A1 ...

f"rml11Ull. Aulo )Ledl Artw..,,.. Post r.u. r--.-. Allmwl

-...wi­c- d"Aldr Sopllomar-e ,..,._,,.

Sara w-Coeor d'~ SOpb . u--. 18.A )

Him y­C-d'~

Sopb-. 8:..

P•vl W•mer ~ Wull ~ Bm AdllWL

IMrllY'I W•,_ ._Falb ~ l're-)lod ~·White

5petne. Wuh ~ IJM:mtn&I .\na

J.O Wil­e- d'Ale:w ~ ....... '-""-C«ar d" Ale:w

~~"' K-hY-Coow d·AJ­~. ll A.

.,.." w.~ C-W d'AIHe

Sop1'.,mol"t Eltttn>nlcs Wllll• m Watson

Ralhclnim ~nun In.tu trtal Art.

JMI Wlltum ~ d'-\lene

l"ratam.110 B A

Rlchord Wimmer KtUocc

~man. £l«:tn>nlcs Henry Wotow

Ptntbunt f're<bman. Bua. Admln

Rkh.rd Young Coeur d'Al•n•

f'l"t\bm•n, 8 A.

ROftnl• W•rn" Coew- d•AftM

t"resh • educauon IA.A ) Gort Woltt.1

Otbllm ~an. Bu Aclmln

Eve Wllllamt Coeur d'Al•oe

f'rabm.an. Scot- Sc.ac:ntt

Shirley WoemJ)nff Coew- d'Al•n<'

f'rnh , F'.clucaUon IB A I Ronold W.mko Coeur d" Al•nr

l"rcslhman, En11n.,..nar Glen You~m•.n C°"ur d'Alrn<

Frubman. Etrc1ron1e>

Page 22: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Llny Z..tomlky Coeur d'Alene

~man, Pre-\ 'N

Wltllam F llrown MAl<NllM lluffa ~ra Campkll 0.,.,..1 Colbert Opal Collln1

M.ma Condie Stan Co.,,,,.,lhl Marvin Eridtlon Loel Fairchild

Walter Good.Mn


P ... t~ K- tt.bw

....... IW...i.. O.VW Ke!l­Jim Kef'IM'ftltf' Will'-~·· ,,..._LI,_, M.;,b L_...• IMf•in Moore M.ncme Nei.- c;.,., ..,..,_

Ronald,_ Vlctw Sampoon •-Ids..-..

ltob•n Sdum Leon Skidrno ... Nl"•S­Mode!Yft Stein

w.tm ·Zl_,,..n eo.w d' .\ttnt

rtnllm•n B"' Admln

O.Ut.. si.1m .... ndel JM Ann Utder

Page 23: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

Candid Camera


H. I J.C. UVl[W YEAUOOIC. C..o1 .r Ake•, ld•!.o M•y. 1961


F.d ;\'11tc. The Jd\'l:rt1,cmrn1> 11n 1he foll1m ing four pages have

been pta,cd b) bu>tnC>•mcn 111 Coeur d'Alene no >punsor;, of the

;mnual ,olle::c ~earbunk l"h•>'c nn the prc•ed1n~ page> were placed

durm~ the ,,h1111I ~c.ir 111 the b1-m11nthl) i>>U•'> 111 Tlic Rct:ic~i b)

bu'm~·men "ho •pnn,ured the 11cwp.1per portion uf college publi­

•mnn•. "I heir intcrc•t an :'.\ IJC ha> helped make pu,sibh: uur

publ1<J111111· pro::r;m1


J 4 M """""' ~••



;;>\. ' :::. ·1-1e EMERALD EMPi l!E

S...-~ o 4 t.. .-.W.

eot~t D'-UkC. DAr<O


A ed v•~ U...,



REID BROTHERS Texaco Products

Rrestone & Goodrich Tires

HON! "'Oh•• I 4-2111

~.,!Iii w., .,.,, V'tf't"t.



J_ ..... . S-···~ ,.~ ......




7S> N. -~ SttMI



COMPANY PHONE "'Ohewk 4 4S16

100 N. f..,;l, St."t




owos. "°'-' •-' n CLOTHIERS BREWER'S TEXACO 10S u.c.t. 'W .,

COlut t1 AU."l DAHO

NE"' A".D USED RA.Dt'-TORS "•$"' ..... a-.... -...u ...

,....,,. • M Utffl Ceo1


N•• C-•• toci lvir T'rP• lte<f..,, Tr.d .,.. C. r • t • S.•••9 te Y""

h_c,,n9 M0•1to•l • tit ~


H0t1hY1ew Plo10



MARVIN JONES. , ,.,., ... .,


Oppottt• '•" Ofnu

· ·~. ,. •• d y0., j.ft'O

/or Q<JI bi.'1"'9•• "'

PHONE "'()I..•• ._..S2S

Four+• ..a w.a.c.. COEUR O' ALENE. IDAHO


c.ndi•s - Sun<fn .. p,.scriptions

n• N. Fo111rtla S..._et


Page 24: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962



FIRST FEDERAL Sovings & loon

Associotion COlUI D'ALENE. IDAHO

'"''"''d s..-,""9' lo 110.000 ...,. F.S.L. l.C.

Congratulations Graduates



Coeut J'4/ene's Finest Food Stor•



' t ' •• . •



22) s,Ji • .,,... A-~

CO( ua 0 AUNt. DAMO





Class of '62


I I ~I




1240 On Tbe Di al

Coewr d A "'- ' Fvtltirn•­Fa~;!y R.d;.. S+ahon

SHIMEO NISHIO U H·•••1t > '"

COflll 0 AU"l 0AH0

Gardner Supply Ca. "° '"' -·· .....

Gardner Welding Supply Co.

•t• A·•

Inland Marine Supply Ca. .....


Congratulations & Best Wishes



W .t.:J] Pr AC•*' ~ , ..

FA S-31.11

'1$UJA.N l

•lAt BHT<



s .... 1•13

Sh.rwfn.Wilt1•m• P•1.nt

6arcl•n Equipment



,HCN u •·' • 1t- i

Best Wishes Class of '62


Finest Quallly ff.eats, Produce and b,

Oehcatessen Department That Features

Ho e ff.ade Products Al &.II Times

ohonoMO 4-SHI

1010• si...- ..... -'""'. A IS'!'•. le.ho

Student Union & Bookstore

Page 25: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962






Ponhondle Neon


&""" ., ...... c.1 s.-. o., ...... tr.pt

Centrol Motors ""-. • . , 4J v '- ...

l t..J.4 ~ • • "­COEUl trAUNE. DAHO

"'cC0l" ICIC fAl M ... AO<INUT

....,..,, . .. , S."9"11Ce

Fw y...,.

Spor1rn9 Coo.I• Aro t! Arlif• tic Eqvl,,..enr



JC:S~•A,... ...



N l. J .C. UVIEW YIAHOOIC. Coow .rAle ••• 1'oi.. "4oy 1'161 89


SERVICE APPAREL Atl.1 S.tten.. •Ml Tiru o,-a. ,.., Off!ca n•~.,,. ...... COEU• trAUNE. IOAHO

.a..-. ,.97, ~ ... ()li.., .... . . ):tl


MIDTOWN OVERJORDE'S Nori~ l4eh.'1 Ooly c..,i..,

Northside Hordwore Bob's Point Shop, Inc. VARIETY JEWELERS Sit• S-.lu

COlUl trAUNE. IDAHO & Mochinery

;.o.-. .. ..," ~ • ..-o ..... u 110 H F._..,.. ..... , .... ., -s.. ...




rHO N( ""QI.••• < 2S20

2t4 M Fe.ff9' So .. t


I Of N F..tt• Sf-...-i



Womott HAMIUl lillS

COEUR D'ALENE s'"." s.""""

STYLE SHOP TOPPER IN 'N OUT m H ,.111ttlil Str•.t

... ., COtUl O'AUNt IDAHO

.,, .. •-' s~, .. "' COEUl D ALllll. IDAHO

~ '-.tOI-·-· • 54JC M t t"~ F.wtt. S''f••t )0, SM,.... A••· "7 N '-"" Son.t COEUl D'AUNE. IDAHO COEU~ D'ALENE. IDAHO




RICHFIELD E• pef'f lte,. ~ W°'\ Conley Chemical & ,...,.,.... ~()to •• , 4 !.5 •2

Supply Co. "'10NE , .fn S POOL MOTORS 71ll & SHE RM.l.'< w. 4th .l'I .. o.,

COEUJ> ITALE><E. IOAHO 111 S• c:ee4 Str .. t srolCANE 10. WASHINGTON




2 II N NW11rri Str .. i tlt t ~, ... ._ " .......

1t':' " • ec•A..,_,• COEUl D"AU NE. IDAHO COEUl D"AUNE. IDAHO

(.,..., ~Al9'!1'!e, IMha

--· '·1211





PANHANDLE The plane u locau:d four nulc• \\CI ot Coeur d':\lenc on H1gh\\ :I) ?5, .:mng lo\\ard Spubne T wo hundred and flit} men He emplu\c<l al chc: plant and in rhc \\o<ids, c1111•111u1m~ a p.n roll nf :ip pru\ imarcl) $145,000 per month Et1u1pmen1 Jnd .uppltc• Jre bought locally, \\hc:nc:,cr posuble 01Jm•tnd Xa11nnal'> mnno is "G row-1n~ For ·1 he Future .• nd we arc h:ipp) to conrribute 10

the ;: ruwth ol the 1.•1mmun1I). STATE BANK

COH R l> \LFXl· ID:\HO

Page 26: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review & Yearbook 16 (16) May 16, 1962

\\'HILi· YO! \RI·. Bl 11.DIXG YOI R

EDl C \I IO;\ FOR I IH. Ft Tl RE

W E A I Cl-.~ I RAL l'RF.-~11X .\RF

Bl ILDl~G Bl·.'n hR Cl-.:\11.~ I !'RODI CTS FO R l'HI·. JIO\ll~S OF ·1 He Fl l L.Rr.

CENTRAL PRE-MIX On Highway 10 West of Coeur d'Alene

Phone MOhawk


C-C•J: tC1 :f ·S ,1 1 , .\ i C· J: b1


/1'4 111


(Oper o • "'9 ..ndef rhe second older "4 • ""'4 i..,.,.

chorter ... • oi rhe Roches)


Coeur d'Alene Mo•n Office ol com"' Fourth Sn-t ono She,,,..,, Avenue

Fourth Street Oft.ce ol 926 Nortli Fourth Street

,\[ tmba af FcdutJI Dcpr,s1/ /11s11ra11u Corparat1011

N I J.C. UVl(W YlAl lOOI(. C:.o• d.A!. ,.. l.W.., M..,. 1961 90

II symbo/o"F" qua/it::y


Your Building Materials


Potlatch Forests, Inc. RI-. I.\ I l. Dl-.1' \ RI \I F.i'orl

E CA II' T ST A ti 0 ST I L LI

- ... V/ash "ij!an Wo •or Po .. er Compon~ hos been 1dcntofood .,,. dopendoblo uh 1y

sefv ce 'or inos o' •h• pos• • '.'1 re~-4UOO•rs.

of o COf\ '.ny.

~ s • e reputc•1on o' o con: uni tt bu der. howe ~•'·•nor .,,... 10 ue mos: ·. Each

ve found new '"O•h. •o cu' ., ne"' ions ro C'Oss. r.iew Nays ro ser .,e.

P's p edge ' !:> 1ocloy's groduo•es, "'

we c1 •o ''' e'~' felloN c1 ·uens, • .,, ro c n' '1ue. undur.m1shed~ thn uad1•1on of

<' p ng bu• d your comr.:.,n :y.

The Washington Water Power Company