The Next Fifty Years 7 th grade Jan.10, 2007

The Next Fifty Years 7 th grade Jan.10, 2007. Inventions to Consider The invention that was most intriguing to my study was the sewing machine. Clothes

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The Next Fifty Years

7th grade

Jan.10, 2007

Inventions to Consider

The invention that was most intriguing to my study was the sewing machine. Clothes could be made quicker and easier. Since clothes could be manufactured faster, more clothes made their way to stores and the more clothes there were in stores, the more clothes there were to buy. The invention of the sewing machine improved millions of lives.

The craziest invention was the plant umbrella. This invention, shields fragile plants from rain, sleet, snow or hail. Though it is a good idea, it is definitely a wacky invention.

The Expert

Fashion Designing

I want to give warmth and clothes to people who couldn’t afford new ones, or any at all.

Fashion through the centuries:

19th century- For most of the 19th century, high waisted skirts, puffy sleeves and hoop skirts were fashionable.

20th century- The 20th century had many different styles, but the clothes became less formal, more fun, and sometimes more revealing.

21 century- the century we’re in now! This century is new and fresh and the styles so far are innovative and young, while changing and sleek. Clothes are now flashy and more expressive.

THE 1800S

THE 1900S


This primary document is from Fashion Magazines and Pattern Books: The General Collection: Loc.govIt symbolizes fashion through the years and where we have come from. The Delineator , a catalog for showing patterns, shows styles to sew. Notice the flow and chicness which many designers today refer back to for their own modern designs.



My InventionA clothing line made from old or “throw-away” clothes that people will donate. This clothing line will be sold in a center where people will make the clothes. Others will donate and everything will be absolutely free. This invention is very important to the now and the next fifty years. Resources are running out and many people who don’t have money to use on clothes will be very happy. This will solve at least two of the world’s large problems.

My invention continued

Homeless people and people who can’t afford new, nice clothes will use this center very much. It is important to this century because it will meet a need for clothing and for recycling.

Fashion and clothes are very interesting and make people feel good.

I knew that I could help poverty and the environment with this idea.


Library of Congress sourceGo to:


American Memory

General Collections

Fashion Magazines and Pattern Books

The End