1 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor bobgreenfi[email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk The Shrimper THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS June 2019 MK Ladies - Kent Pearson Champions … for 2nd year running! June 2019 has seen a wide variety of events, mostly positive, both on and off of the course. The Shrimper seeks in this issue to publish & celebrate membersachievements whilst remaining alert to the possible risks - such as the changing weather patterns - to our most important asset, a really great golf course. Pictured on this front page are two of the notable events - our Ladies Pearson team retaining the Kent title and now moving on to compete in the Inter Counties Semi & Final to be played at Batchworth Park Golf Club in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire on 24th July. The second, on a slightly different note, June saw MK Captain Paul parachuting to raise money for his charity. Brave guy! Read more on both stories inside ……... Captain Paul jumps!

THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

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Page 1: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

1 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk




MK Ladies - Kent Pearson Champions … for 2nd year running!

June 2019 has seen a wide variety of events, mostly

positive, both on and off of the course. The Shrimper

seeks in this issue to publish & celebrate members’

achievements whilst remaining alert to the possible risks

- such as the changing weather patterns - to our most

important asset, a really great golf course.

Pictured on this front page are two of the notable events

- our Ladies Pearson team retaining the Kent title and

now moving on to compete in the Inter Counties Semi &

Final to be played at Batchworth Park Golf Club in

Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire on 24th July.

The second, on a slightly different note, June saw MK

Captain Paul parachuting to raise money for his charity.

Brave guy! Read more on both stories inside ……... Captain Paul jumps!

Page 2: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

2 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

Captain Paul Jumps - Saturday 1st June 2019

Captain Paul's Charity Jump - Ist June 2019

Huge thanks to all those who sponsored me for the jump on

Saturday. It was a fantastic experience that I will treasure as

part of my year.

A final count up is in the process of being done but it's

looking like being over £3,000 raised for the British Heart


If you signed up, please contact the office to make your

donation. If you didn't sign up, there's still time!

Once again, thank you so so much.


Am I crazy or what? Too late for second thoughts?

Look, no hands …. No problem this parachuting! Over soon - secretly relieved but keep that under your hat!


Page 3: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

3 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

MK Ladies - Pearson Trophy Kent Final - Chris Waghorne Reports

The Kent Pearson Trophy 2018/9, played amongst 39

county clubs through the winter months in leagues of 4 or 5

clubs culminated in semi finals and final knock outs held on

the same day. This year the finals were held at MKGC on

20th June, giving home advantage to our ladies.

A match is 7 singles, match play. For the semis and final

players are allowed caddies.

The first semi final in the morning was between MK and

Hever Castle, with the second between Birchwood and

Sundridge Park alternating from the first tee. When one team

has four wins remaining players on the course are called

back in. The first semi winner was MK with their first four

players having won their matches. Sundridge won their

match, a repeat of last year’s final - MK versus Sundridge!!

The final started well with a fantastic win of 5 and 4 for team

captain Chris Galbraith & caddy Christine Waghorne. The

next match was Wendy Knight with Beverley Barrow as her

caddy. Standing on the 18th tee the match was all square.

The nerves kicked in but Wendy held a putt, another win for

MK. The third player was Janet Harbroe and caddy Brid

McInerney. Again the match went to the 18th with Janet one

up on the tee and she managed to hold on to that game.

Three games now under MK’s belt. The fourth player was

Lyn Ager with her caddy Trevor Buesnel (honorary squad

member for the day as Annette Fraser was on holiday).

There has never been such a silent terrace at MK whilst the

two players putted out. Oh no, putt missed! Up the 19th.

The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill

was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two

chances within sight of the clubhouse and spectators for MK

to take the title. Lyn took the 19th hole so we had done it.

Just to make sure of the day, Janis then sunk her putt.

The remaining games, player Sati Padda & caddy Caroline

Jackson and Aileen Johnson & caddy Dawn Halson, were

then called back in. Both of those games were in a good

position for MK so we had all of our bases covered.

The Mid Kent Ladies had again become the winners of the

Kent Pearson Trophy. What a coup, two years in succession!

As winners of the Kent final, the MK team go on to play in the

Inter Counties Finals at Batchworth Park Golf Club in

Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire on 24th July. We are drawn to

play Leatherhead GC in the first semi, tee off at 8.30am.

There must be a big thank you to Chris Galbraith who has

been Captain for the year and has had to make all of those

tough selection decisions and perhaps had sleepless nights

doing so. Also, a big thank you to all of the ladies who have

participated in the games leading up to the final - as the suc-

cess is not just about the finals day but is reliant on good

wins in all of those tough, wet & windy Winter round robin

matches leading up to the final!

The trophy presentation ended with thanks to Mid Kent for

successfully organising a great day, on a well presented

course and with great back up from all MK staff.

A massive thank you to Captain Paul and Lady Captain

Grainne for providing copious amounts of prosecco for the

long, possibly noisy celebration that took place late!

The moral of our success in securing the title is that it is all

down to strong teamwork. Let’s see if we can win the Inter

Counties Final on the 24th July. Come on team! Member

supporters are more than welcome!

MK Team Captain Chris Galbraith receives Pearson Kent Trophy

Page 4: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

4 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

MK Ladies - Competition Results Late May & June 2019

Stableford Extra 23rd May 2019 Congratulations! Beatrice Hope had a hole in one on the 7th hole - very well done, Bea.

Medal Winners 23rd May 2019 Loo Brackpool 7 69 Julia Ridley 10 70 Sati Padda 21 70

May Sunday Stableford 26th May 2019 Nicola Sehmi 9 33 Dawn Halson 22 30 Emma Dann 13 30 Sheila Glass 13 30

Summer Meeting 30th May 2019 Christine Waghorne 20 40 Janet Harbroe 18 39 Lesley Armstrong 21 36 Chris Galbraith 13 36 June Plumb 18 36

June Sunday Stableford 2nd June 2019 Nicola Sehmi 10 37 Christine Waghorne 18 31 Julia Ridley 9 30 Caroline Jackson 24 29 Kent Playing Fields Trophy 9th June 2019 Sheila Glass 13 69 Julia Ridley 9 71

Ladies Club Championships 15th & 16th June 2019

Championship Cup - Scratch 36 holes Competition

1st Kirsty Galbraith 160

2nd Julia Ridley 170

Kirk Cup - Net 36 holes Competition

1st Natasha Glanfield 147 on c/b

2nd Caroline Jackson 147

Ladies Club Champion 2019 - Kirsty Galbraith

Ladies Kirk Cup Winner 2019 - Natasha Glanfield

Stop Press Bradley Cook 2019 - the Bradley Cook team

won their Round Robin section of the competition and

reached the knockout section. The first leg of this was

played against Canterbury on Saturday 22nd June. Mid

Kent were in great form and won 3/2. They then played

the home match the next day, 23rd June again winning the

match 3/2. They now go through to the quarter final and

are playing Hever Castle GC, again play home and away.

Captained again this year by Brid McInerney, the playing

team against Canterbury comprised Kirsty Galbraith. Kim

Woodward, Loo Brackpool, Nicola Sehmi and Julia Ridley.

Dates/team for quarter final to be announced.

Ladies Sunmmer Meeting Winner 2019 - Christine Waghorne

Page 5: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

5 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

MK Men’s Competitions Late May & June 2019

Player Hcp Score

Directors Cup 18th May 2019

Michael Pettitt 22 4

David Stratford 17 3

Adam Clarke 6 3

Spencer Cooper 14 3

Vince Wade Trophy 27th May 2019

Winners pictured below receiving trophy from Captain Paul and Vince’s son Andrew.

D-DAY 75th Anniversary Stableford 6th June 2019

Andy Lewis 6 41

Adam Clarke 5 39

Richard Jago 12 39

The day raised £270 for the Royal Legion.

Lean Cuisine 19th June 2019 Stableford

Les Wilson 22 40

James Wise 8 40

Adam Clarke 5 40

Men’s Club Championships 22/23rd June 36 Holes

Scratch Champion

Lloyd Godwin 0 73 + 68 = 141

Richard Lock 5 77 + 71 =148


Sajid Bhatti 11 68 + 65 = 133

Christopher Roedel 20 61 + 73 = 134

Seniors Nett

Richard Crush 21 71 + 65 = 136

Michael Cordner 9 71 + 69 = 140

Club Championships winners Lloyd Godwin (top), Sarje Bhatti (left) and Richard Crush (right)

Vince Wade winners Mark Wright, Sajid Bhatti, Spencer Cooper, Simon Barrow - with Vince’s son Andrew

Page 6: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

6 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

MK Men’s Team Results - Late May & June 2019

West Kent Trophy Monday 10th June Following excellent course condition on Saturday’s ProAm day & great weather on the Sunday after, the second round of the West Kent against Dartford GC was scheduled for the Monday. Unfortunately a month’s rain fell on the day, this rendered the course on temporary greens and all bunkers GUR . There went our advantage and unsurprisingly, the call came early stating that Dartford wished to proceed with the match .

The MK team was made up of Martin Cosgrove, Adrian Brett, Steve Webster, Danny Underwood, Clive Pattison, Mitchell Gee, Toby Johnson, Graham Peat. Many thanks to the players that couldn’t make this match & the two reserves that kindly offered their services (Simon West & Richard Jago).

The first two groups stood on the 17th hole two up and both finished all square. Dartford managed to win the next which gave MKGC a bit of concern based on the away team all square win rule ......

Toby then won his match, coming from three down to a very good opponent. Adrian secured another win 5&4 with the view to head home ASAP. Graham secured the team with another great 3&1 win.

This left mid Kent in a very awkward position needing a win from our last man. Steve Webster, bringing up the rear again, provided a great finish at 16 - an unbelievable shot hitting the flag and leaving the ball resting on the hole edge to provide the final point needed .

Thanks go to Steve Armstrong for his behind the scenes work, to Captain Paul James & Brian Peirce for their support and many thanks again to team shirt sponsor NB Groundwork. Finally, well done team for an all-round great performance & result and again for giving their time to represent the club especially in the weather conditions.


Barney’s Army - Open Qualifying News On Monday 24th June, it was the Regional Qualifying for The Open Championship with venues all over the country hosting qualifiers with 120 people at each battling to get through to the Final Qualifying and a chance to tee it up in The Open. Our very own Barney Foreman was one of those, and after a very fine round of level par 72 at Frilford Heath Golf Club in Oxford it looked like he would have a chance to go through with only 13 places up for grabs.

It got very tight and nervous during the afternoon after a couple more sub-par scores came in. With only a few groups left to come in Barney was still in with a shout, and from the tweet by The Open, you can see how close it was. However his hopes were dashed when a couple of the late starters just pipped him, with under par scores meaning he just missed out by only one shot. It can be a very cruel game!

However he is still technically a reserve so let’s see if many people drop out and he gets his chance after all. Despite not going through he can certainly hold his head high as he really flew the flag for Mid Kent finishing ahead of several well-known names and seasoned campaigners. Bad luck Barney, but it’s only your first ever try at getting in to The Open and we’re sure there’ll be many more to come!

While Barney was playing at Frilford Heath, Ollie Lewis-Perkins was also trying to qualify at Wildernesse, where he shot a three over par 75. Although this was in the middle of the pack and a few shots off the qualifying mark, it was still a great learning experience for him that can only help his golf.

West Kent Team Win - report by captain Paul Jeffrey


Sittingbourne 3 1 2 0 0 0 10.5 1.5 11

Sheerness 3 2 0 0 0 1 7 5.0 6

Mid Kent 3 0 1 2 0 0 6.5 5.5 6

Kings Hill 3 1 0 0 1 1 6 6.0 5

Gillingham 3 1 0 0 0 2 6 6.0 3

West Malling 3 1 0 0 0 2 5.5 6.5 3

Faversham 3 1 0 0 0 2 4 8.0 3

Bearsted 3 0 0 0 1 2 2.5 9.5 2

The Kent Golf League Division "A" as at 16.06.19


Mid Kent 3 1 1 0 0 1 7.0 5.0 7

Sheerness 3 1 1 0 0 1 7.0 5.0 7

Sittingbourne 3 2 0 0 0 1 9.0 3.0 6

Bearsted 3 2 0 0 0 1 7.5 4.5 6

Faversham 3 2 0 0 0 1 6.5 5.5 6

West Malling 3 1 0 0 0 2 5.5 6.5 3

Kings Hill 3 0 0 0 1 2 2.0 10.0 2

Gillingham 3 0 0 1 0 2 3.5 8.5 1

The Kent Golf League Division "B" as at 16.06.19

Page 7: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

7 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

Captain’s Prizegiving June 2nd June 2019

Paul Pharo March Saturday & Mid Week Medal Mark Gee Cornwall Cup Alex Rayner April Silver Medal

Scott Harris April Gold Sunday Medal Andy Haines Gwynne Bennett

Joe Smith - May Midweek Medal Nick Brown, May Sunday Bronze Medal

Michael Pettitt Directors Cup

Richard Crush April Bronze Sunday Medal

Danny Pearce - May Sunday Bronze

Page 8: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

8 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

MKGC Pro Am - Saturday 8th June 2019

Mid Kent Pro Am – Mark Foreman Reports

The Pro Am was once again a resounding success, despite us not having the best of days weather wise.

Having said that we dodged the really bad weather and so the majority of the field played in shirt sleeves

despite a howling wind which made it very tricky.

We had a good turnout of 39 teams which for a club members only Pro Am is brilliant.

The course was in superb condition and all the Pros said how fantastic it was. A massive credit must go

to Darryl and his team.

There was an unfortunate, and very unusual incident involving my assistant Ashley, whereby the PGA

buggy accidently drove over his foot causing him to retire. His team then continued using a ghost pro’s

score for the back nine and eventually came out winners on -13. The winning pro was Paul Nessling

with a very good 68 (-2).

Winning Team - Grant Rayner, Alex Rayner, Martin Elliott

Junior Team - Jamie Copus, Harry Lewis, Jack Dalley Best Dressed Team - Bev, Sue & Brid

“Gnome Team” - Gareth Rout, Peter Brisley, Russell Turley

Page 9: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

9 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

Shrimpers Net - Late May & June 2019

Shrimpers Open 28th May 2019

Shrimpers Secretary Steve Webster summed the day up

perfectly saying that the Club staged another extremely

successful Seniors Open, when 28 visiting teams of 3 with

a Mid Kent host were treated to an excellent day of golf.

This wasn’t staged by the Shrimpers Committee alone.

Great help came from all facets of the club including the

Office staff, Mark and Ashley in the pro shop, Kevin and the

bar staff and Catering providing excellent food.

Darryl, John and the greens staff presented us all with a

challenging and excellently presented course. Caroline

Greenfield, Carol Hooker, June Plumb, Terry O’Sullivan,

Richard Smith and Lyn Byers provided registration, raffle

ticket sales, tee starters and on-course catering facilities.

We were particularly pleased that Captain Paul James

arranged to join us and present the prizes.

Photos of the days prizewinners are shown right.

Costin Putter

After the June Medal, from the best 6 qualifying medals,

Costin positions were as follows -

Ron Collins 206 points from 6 medals

Albert Travatt 195 points from 7 medals

Kevin Harding 191 points from 6 medals

Anthongy Sheds 188 points from 6 medals

Alan Robertson 185 points from 6 medals

Peter Hooker 181 points from 7 medals

So, it’s all to be played for and a tight end of year seems


Kent Golf Veterans Leagues

In the recent G4 match 21st June at Gillingham, the MK

team didn't manage to keep up recent form losing 3½ to

1½. But hopefully this is just a hiccup.

Shrimpers KGU team are in the quarter finals knockout at

Wrotham Heath on the July.

In the Super Seniors Group B League, the MK team under

their captain Jeff Francis continue to put up a valiant

struggle for which they deserve better than reflected in

points scored & league position.

KGVL Group 4 - League to end June

KGVL Super Seniors Group B - League to end June

Total Home Away Won Halved Lost Won Halved Lost Won Lost

Kings Hill 16 5 4 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 19 5.5 13.5

Sheerness 16 7 2 5 2 0 0 2 1 2 21.5 13.5 8

Sittingbourne 14 8 4 4 4 0 0 0 1 3 20 20 0

Redlibbets 10 6 4 2 3 1 0 0 0 2 15 15 0

Bearsted 7 5 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 3 12.5 12.5 0

Mid Kent 7 7 3 4 1 0 2 1 0 3 15 20 -5

Gillingham 4 8 5 3 1 1 3 0 0 3 11.5 28 -16.5

74 114.5 114.5

Group B League Table

Updated 26th June 2019

Home Results Away Results Games




Matches Played

Played HW AW HD AD Lost F A GD Points

1 Sittingbourne 6 3 2 1 18.5 11.5 7 17

2 Bearsted 6 2 2 2 16.5 13.5 3 14

3 Mid Kent 7 3 1 1 2 20.5 14.5 6 12

4 Roch & Cob 7 2 1 1 3 19.5 15.5 4 12

5 Gillingham 5 2 3 13.5 11.5 2 6

6 Kings Hill 5 1 1 3 10 15 -5 5

7 Sheerness 6 1 5 6.5 23.5 -17 3

Note Scoring: Home Win - 3 pts

Away Win - 4 pts

Home Draw - 1 pt

Away Draw - 2 pts

Group 4 League Postions 2019

1st 121 points Tudor Park hosted by Dennis Neighbour

2nd 120 points Bearsted - hosted by Brian Gard

3rd 118 points Wrotham Heath - hosted by Jeff Francis

Page 10: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

10 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

On the MK course - Agronomy report by Lee Sayer MG

At the beginning of June, former MK Course Manager, Master Greenkeeper Lee Sayer, carried out for Director of Greens John Rice a review of the course, maintenance facility, nutrient and chemical applications. On a subject as important as the state of our course, it is published in full across two pages.


The course is recovering well from a very difficult 2018

A new team of green staff are in place and are well directed under Darryl who I could see on the day demonstrated the nec-essary respect you expect from a manager

It is important that Stephen and also Danny provide the support and feedback that is required for this team to function success-fully in good times as well as bad

Course conditioning was very good with playing surfaces nicely presented with accurately set up machinery

The short term priority would be to keep the nutrition and mois-ture on greens tight but sufficient enough to keep localised dry patch to a minimum and clipping yield to a daily average less than 50L

In the very top part of the green root zone, fibre levels are high-er than ideal and require action

Compound facility changes to bring grinding and machinery maintenance in-house are a really good improvement and save money on outside contractors whilst improving mower perfor-mance

Regulatory changes continue to make some aspects of course management more difficult but all for the better of the wider community

Exciting projects with a new 13th hole require outside proven professional construction to ensure success and enable the day to day course maintenance carry on as normal, other tee improvements should continue in house.

Greens The greens have good coverage and present a uni-form putting surface, on the day small areas showed signs of wilt stress from the warm and dry weekend but the wetting agent programme and hand watering plans should take care of that issue

The daily mowing with the groomers working the lateral growth provide a fine sward surface with smooth ball roll

Light verti-cutting with occasional deeper scarification will aid removal of lateral stems whilst fining up the coarser leaved grass plants, ideally only carried out at times of low environ-mental stress

Hollow tine core removal although disruptive and labour inten-sive I still believe is especially important on small greens with large volumes of play as experienced at MKGC

The clean sand columns that are left following a successful coring provide quicker percolation of rainfall and will break up the thick layer of fibre that is there currently, probably following 2 years without that process

Deep aeration (300mm x 12mm) with solid tines during the off season will open up those small fissures through to the chalk layer in the sub soil profile to increase percolation at times of high rainfall, this will help keep greens in play during wet peri-ods

Use of the air2G2 with the long tines will have a similar affect, Darryl already has this in his plans

We have experienced a relatively dry winter so to hear the front of the second green continues to be unplayable may suggest more drastic action should be taken more seriously

Top dressing with pure sand aiming towards 100 ton per year is recommended where possible working into the profile rather than just on the surface

Green speed comments continue to feedback from some members, so keeping grass growth on the greens low reduces that later in the day slow feel whilst preventing the fibre build up that excess growth produces. This area of course set-up will always be emotive but should not be put ahead of uniform, smooth greens in the region of 8-9 feet on the stimp meter

Sample from 12th green showed good root depth at around 100mm but too fibrous top 25mm which will impede drainage, especially in flash floods

The cutting height of 3.2mm currently is as low as I would sug-gest you go, speed can be gained with light dressings, fining up the leaf with grooming and light vertical cutting, keeping yields low to around 30 litres per day and occasion rolling or ironing in dryer conditions

/continues next page

Great definition at back of 5th green surrounds

Page 11: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

11 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

Lower cutting heights will bring increased stress and dis-ease pressure especially in hotter periods and Anthracnose time around July and August.

Priority with the greens should be how they putt, rather than what they look like, as a verdant green lush sward is easy to produce but requires more disruptive maintenance and putts slower late in the day.

Reviewing Darryls nutrient and product plan make good sense with a flexible view especially on nitrogen to greens surfaces if not too much top growth and fibre is to be produced making current issues all the more difficult.

The slight increase in nitrogen before the anthracnose pressures usually in July and August are advisable along with additives proved to reduce stress in the plant. Varying aera-tion work to greens is a crucial building block to good root depth, root density, air exchange and allowing drainage, so keep the frequent solid tine work to varying depths going

Maintenance days cleverly planned around major golf events should be possible with the clubs help to make these critical procedures work and the whole club buying into their im-portance

Triplex ring around greens perimeters is something all cours-es that mow with ride-on machines suffer, missing every oth-er perimeter cut can help and Darryl has this planned. Hand mowing soft greens and following top dressing is also to be recommended.

Collar/Approach Highly defined and in great condition with Darryl top dressing them when he does the greens, the extra widths around some collars a welcome new feature

Bunkers The course bunkering was consistent, with sand evenly spread and raked. Some ingress of stone from the base and bunker edges is unavoidable if part of the local sub soil, only hand picking or sieving in dry conditions can reduce this problem, both are very labour intensive but worthwhile.

Beware cheap lining methods that are not as effective and likely to cause different problems in the future if indeed that is the route bunker improvements go down.

Tees Neat and uniform surfaces nicely cut at a height of 8mm, Keep on with the deep tine aeration for root growth and increased water percolation, when possible the addition of light top dressings a good practice.

Tees were well devoted for repair, with a couple in need of levelling in an ideal world

The new 18th tee looked good on the day but did feel very firm, use of the shockwave aerator at a cross angle along with deep hollow tine aeration will reduce the surface water holding found so far

Fairways Presented beautifully and with good grass cover-age. Dealing with casting worms during the autumn and winter is an issue for most clubs now there is not a chemical solution, double width drag matting before mowing has shown to reduce cylinder mower wear and smearing the casts but does add another task to the day

Training BIGGA membership Continued Professional Development (CPD) is a good start to Darryl’s Management training as it logs the seminars and courses that are available locally and at the national conference. Technical training seminars and advice can be very informative rather than at-tending sales events.

Health and Safety Make good use of the Club’s consultant to ensure facilities and staff are properly advised and trained on the safe use and carrying out of tasks.

Machinery maintenance records kept up to date showing all safety checks and servicing are invaluable, they also show expensive equipment is well maintained

Several dead trees on the course were observed and the Willow at 4 are planned for removal or professional attention.

Other areas Native grass areas provide great definition to several holes and increase flora and fauna whilst allow diver-sity to intensely managed cut surfaces

Should these areas become too thick resulting in slow play with players looking for golf balls, reducing these areas with mowing and ideally collecting followed by selective herbicide to reduce undesirable coarse rye grass and yorkshire fog, leaving a finer sward where ball spotting is much easier

With well over a thousand trees in cut grass around the course should grass growth around the bases become an issue an application of flazasulfuron and glyphosate mix will remove the need to strim and prevent damage to young trees trunks. Shade and a reduction in air movement from some areas of trees and scrub close to greens will effect drying the putting surface, where possible thin and open up, benefiting the greens in the difficult disease pressure period of August to November.

On the Course … Lee Sayer’s report continued from page 4

Sample from 12th green

Page 12: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

12 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

What’s On at your Club

Sikh Temple Visit—June 2019

Many thanks to Baljit Hayre for organising a very

enjoyable and informative trip to the Sikh Gurdwara

Temple in Gravesend for Mid Kent Members.

Saturday 6th July, Party In the Park

Headline band the Bandit Beatles

Tickets are £22 per adult via the Bar or office.

Members are welcome to bring guests.

Sunday 14th July, Captain’s Week Presentation

and announcement of next year’s Vice Captain.

From 2pm to 5pm Georgio Elia plays smooth music

for the electric violin with Angel on vocals.

www.contemporaryviolinist.com First time at Mid

Kent. Members are welcome to bring guests.

Sunday 11th August, Charity Day Presentation

2pm to 5pm - A Spanish afternoon with a Spanish

dancer, music and singer. Members are welcome

to bring guests Dress code relaxed, prize for the

best dressed male & female Spaniard

Sunday 18th August, Golfer & Non Golfer

The golfer plays the shots and the non-golfer putts

out. A 10 hole competition.

Saturday 21st September, Captain’s Ball

This year being held at The British Legion Rooms,

Gravesend 6.30pm for 7pm. £45 per person, pay-

ment will be debited from your membership card.

Maximum number of people per table 10. Music by

Junction 5. On sale week commencing 15th July.

Members are welcome to bring guests. The menu

is available on the notice board or website.

Page 13: THE NEWSLETTER FOR MID KENT GC MEMBERS · The fifth game of Janis Bourne and caddy Diane Pickersgill was coming down the 18th.That meant there were now two chances within sight of

13 Shrimper - June 2019 Editor [email protected] www.mkgc.co.uk

Dingbats - courtesy of John O’Toole

Dingbats Answers

1. All for one and one for all.

2. Born out of necessity.

3. Look on the bright side.

4. Double vision.

5. Family get together.

6. Small fish in a big pond.

7. A night on the tiles.

8. Pause for thought.

9. Round and about.

One evening a man gets off the train from work. Outside the station is a

blind man with a tray full of matches and a little money box. The man

puts 10 pence in the money box but doesn’t take any matches because

he doesn’t smoke. He follows this procedure the following nights. Then

for weeks and weeks, month after month, for a whole year, till finally he

gets off the train, puts 10 pence in the money box and the blind man

says. “Excuse me sir, but would you be the gentleman that always puts

10 pence in the money box but doesn’t take any matches?” The Man

replies “ Yes I am, why do you ask?” The blind man says. “Well, they’ve

gone up!”

SIR ----------------



bright -----------

Aston villa 4 -1 Charlton

Arsenal 4 -1 Everton

Liverpool 4 -1 Chelsea

Bradford 4- 1 Leicester

West Ham 4-4 Fulham

