Elasticity Hybrid INFRASTRUCTURE On-Premise Private Cloud Public Cloud MediaCentral Platform NEWS Newswires International Feeds Agencies WORLD NEWS On Location Mobile Journalist Field Crews User-Generated Content Social Multiple Devices Twitter Facebook Live Future Social 63,215 $ £ R E A L I T Y A U G M E N T E D W O R L D N E W S MANAGEMENT NEWSROOM PRODUCERS Digital Distribution News Production Intake Assignment Desk Distributing & Monitoring Editing Crew Planning Research & Social Media Graphics Breaking News Desk Review & Approve Studio Rights Finance Legal Compliance Syndication Developers Sales Analytics Brand & Design Archives & Libraries Print Radio OTT TV #### Automated Metadata Enhancement The News Ecosystem Enhancing the workflow and editorial efficiencies of the modern newsroom. Advanced consumption deployment options, improved business intelligence and automated metadata. Enabled by the Avid MediaCentral Platform and Microsoft Azure. INTEGRATION WITH DISTRIBUTION AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS • Delivery of content to any device • Engagement with social media communities • Real-time editorial feedback analysis • Tracking workflows and metrics across online content management and distribution networks CONTENT EXPLOITATION • Automated content indexing leveraging Microsoft cognitive services for deep searchable metadata rich content library • Maximize re-use potential with agencies and content libraries • Repurpose content to generate new revenue streams BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE • Gain insight on usage and operating costs • Analytical approach to audience interaction and engagement across multiple platforms • Artificial Intelligence to analyze social media sentiments for real time BI • Enhanced visibility of business systems such as rights, billing and scheduling • Drive new business models and revenue streams METADATA ENRICHMENT • Faster, deeper, more accurate content discovery • Intelligent and automatic indexing of media • Image analysis (Objects, Text, Brand and Face recognition) • Emotion and sentiment analysis • Automated transcription and translation NEWS TEAM MOBILITY AND COMMUNICATIONS • Get your coverage of breaking news to multiple platforms quicker • Seamless collaboration for live story production • Keep your field crews connected with the station, and with each other • Quick access to tools and services to support live coverage on any device COMMON SERVICE PLATFORM • Fluid, secure and efficient operations with enterprise shared tools, workflows and services, including Microsoft Azure (in the cloud) • Access of information and content regardless of system or location through unified UI • Faster delivery of new business workflows TIERED STORAGE • Optimized storage management across workflows and locations • Elasticity and scaling to match business needs • Intelligent lifecycle policies to balance accessibility and storage costs INFRASTRUCTURE OPTIMIZATION • Burst capacity—auto-provision resources to respond to short term demand • Improve business continuity with flexible and adaptable infrastructure • Align technical spend and simplify systems management

The News Ecosystem - Avid Technology · 2018-08-07 · The News Ecosystem Enhancing the workflow and editorial efficiencies of the modern newsroom. Advanced consumption deployment

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Page 1: The News Ecosystem - Avid Technology · 2018-08-07 · The News Ecosystem Enhancing the workflow and editorial efficiencies of the modern newsroom. Advanced consumption deployment


HybridI N F R A S T R U C T U R E


Private Cloud Public Cloud


a l








On Location



User-GeneratedContent Social

Multiple Devices

TwitterFacebook Live














Distributing &Monitoring




Research &Social Media


BreakingNews Desk

Review& Approve










Brand &Design

Archives& Libraries








The News EcosystemEnhancing the workflow and editorial efficiencies of the modern newsroom. Advanced consumption deployment

options, improved business intelligence and automated metadata.

Enabled by the Avid MediaCentral Platform and Microsoft Azure.

I N T EG R AT I O N W I T H D I S T R I B U T I O N A N D S O C I A L M E D I A P L AT FO R M S• Delivery of content

to any device• Engagement with social

media communities• Real-time editorial feedback

analysis• Tracking workflows

and metrics across online content management and distribution networks

C O N T E N T E X P LO I TAT I O N• Automated content indexing

leveraging Microsoft cognitive services for deep searchable metadata rich content library

• Maximize re-use potential with agencies and content libraries

• Repurpose content to generate new revenue streams

B U S I N E S S I N T E L L I G E N C E• Gain insight on usage and

operating costs• Analytical approach to

audience interaction and engagement across multiple platforms

• Artificial Intelligence to analyze social media sentiments for real time BI

• Enhanced visibility of business systems such as rights, billing and scheduling

• Drive new business models and revenue streams

M E TA DATA E N R I C H M E N T• Faster, deeper, more accurate

content discovery• Intelligent and automatic

indexing of media • Image analysis (Objects, Text,

Brand and Face recognition)• Emotion and sentiment

analysis• Automated transcription

and translation

N E W S T E A M M O B I L I T Y A N D C O M M U N I C AT I O N S• Get your coverage of

breaking news to multiple platforms quicker

• Seamless collaboration for live story production

• Keep your field crews connected with the station, and with each other

• Quick access to tools and services to support live coverage on any device

C O M M O N S E R V I C E P L AT FO R M• Fluid, secure and efficient

operations with enterprise shared tools, workflows and services, including Microsoft Azure (in the cloud)

• Access of information and content regardless of system or location through unified UI

• Faster delivery of new business workflows

T I E R E D S TO R AG E• Optimized storage

management across workflows and locations

• Elasticity and scaling to match business needs

• Intelligent lifecycle policies to balance accessibility and storage costs

I N F R A S T R U C T U R E O P T I M I Z AT I O N• Burst capacity—auto-provision

resources to respond to short term demand

• Improve business continuity with flexible and adaptable infrastructure

• Align technical spend and simplify systems management