WIlBOR0, S. 0. Saturday, October 20, ; 1877. R. MEANS DAVIS, Editor, JNO. S. RENOLDS. Atmouinto FULor. NAST uAs retired from Harper's Weeklk, a li'h pnblic Will no long- or be reg'aleA wiih cartoons of spider logged -Schurz's, Young. Brown tigors, or'oiit-tiroat ktklax in 'that "jou,nal of 'ivilization." LOUISIANA nWs four contostants already for seats in the United Statoh Snato, and Pihchback has como to the soratch again. Ho was not satiqfiod with hie first kicking out, but wants a second chauco. to thinks h0 stands a bottor showing in a field of five. Capt. H. W. Rice has fo'.nd it necessary, oWitg so increased legal busihegs, 'to 'scver his connection with tho 'Lexington Dispatch. Captain'Rice wields a tronehant poi, and his truigot has ever given forth no uncertain sotind. Mr. Harmon bcones oditor, propriotor, press- man and typo. Wo wish him ami-le success. ThE Register misunderstood our allusioh to the casting of 'ton votes for Beecher for Chaplain of tho Iouse. Far be it from us to fly in the teth df Gonosis and avor the existouco of ton rightoons mon in the old original -Sodom that was burned with brimstone. We moant that'there wore just ton ilihtcous mon in this New Sodom of un, rightoune ss-Washing ton-..which has not yot boen destroyed. Those wero the ton who voted for Booch- or. I 'this connection wo may mention Another differenco betweeu Sodom and 'Beeher. Tho former had Lot's wife; the latter has lots o' wives. 'Wo trust the Register will made the amende honorable for having "gono back" on our Sunday school training. Genesis is our atr6ng point. We never got ninch fuithor. A conflict bf jurisdiction bctwoon the State -And -tho Tiited States 'Court has arisen in Spartanbirg. in the caso of a soldier, bavis, who killod a'n ill d distillor, Hall, a year or two sina. Attorhey Northrop appeared in the Staito Court boforb Judge Mackey, and moved for a discharge of the case, as it had been docketed in theo'Uited Stat'es Court, the killing, as defendant allcged, having takeu 'place in 'lhe regular discharge of his duty. Judge M'ackey cited the case of Little 1mid Barromn, in Bd Cranch, and another case in 7th C ranch, and in an oiabo- rato opinion, rofused the discharge of the 'prisoner, on the ground that the Stato Court has the right of in-- vestigating whether the act w'as perforaioi in the line of duty. The case has been appealed, and will finally -reach the 'United States Supreme Court. Judge Mackey has always roelled .any littompted interference in State mattors by the Federal co6uts. County Courts. A writer in the Abboville Medium opposes tesbttto fCut Court for rialjustices, o h plea tha~t the bhange would subject the ounics'togreater expense than they bear 'at prosont. We have not timo to refer to this article at preent, further that to'sry it is based on two assumptions, one that the average cost of a trial that the Cuty Judge ouhld ro-, ceive a large salary, such aa in Alabama 'where 'the salary is 'three thousand dollars. The advocates of the County Courts, on the other hand, claim that this system will be both cheaper and better than the old. It starnds to reason that * eight or ton justicos, depending for rormuneration up)on the number of oases they boar, will do more to encourage litigation than a county judge wold, who receives a salary, irrespetive of work perCorr. V0 Wholjn (.ountt Court rii~ ho run for almost the same sum that tho trial jusficos at each col)t-- houso now receive. A a,in where the whole .logal bus;ness of the county i3 concentrated in one court, tho expenses of each ease can be roduced. Tho ilCr13ea3ed mfilOage) will be more than compensatud by the reduction inl costu fQr istsuing recognizances and war ants, ad- ministering oaths, taking tostimony, and hearing cases. Besides all thig, is the fae that tho. higher the tribunal, the more correct will be its interpretation of the law. LET NO GUILTY MAN E3ALE. W hat a Taxpayer Thilk of the Inves- tigatings--The Courso that 3hould bo Pursued- Prosocutions, not Peorsocu- ions. Me[sdS. Eitor : In tho Thursday',i issuo of your readablo paer was puIblished tho joyful tidings that the ex- boot blaek of Hunf's hotel, alias "Bi;'ok Nash " had stoppe,I down and ont. of the higrh place ho has been disgra,Cing or the last decado. .liI a1 Mt!'. tidogen en, I ami puVled to mderst:nd the bont :md diri-ri.ion things sjc(Iu to bo takinl" in this matter. Tho Columibin Rrtgiier f.wetion ly says that "1,. R. II." stadl11 not only for 'R idway's Reay. Hliof. but also for "Resign, Rt IIIr and Relate." It is to ho1 hope1,l that we aro not to understand, that all that is necessary for any oni >f I ho gang of ru.,eals to do. is simply to rosiii his political olice. resturo a small por cent of his ill aeeumula ted riches, or rclate a "twice told tale" to receivo total e_:eiption from ai puiishiment. To ".RR -i.," they don't caro a fig; for th-ir po- litival positions, by (ho redoll.ption of the Stato and itb control b honest 1nd honlorable gentlel-men,arc such as to bo of no pecuniary ad- vantage to them, and without Chwir compeers, are of no valuo in aiding. them to stoal. Thoso poiitions no longor give th0m lower to indulgt in their evil and corrl)t ways, and consequently to resign is no saeri- lice whatever; to restoro a little, a small per cont. of whatever they have stolen, is no rest,oraion to tHic Stato, Uor1 any deprivation to them, as they will fully enjoy tho rela- tively largn fortune left in theil possession. A confession, sueh as they do mako, wou)(l be, to a mA, who was onco ho)neat or' ho'noraIble, a severe puniiishme~t, if a glimmer of self respect was left in his breast. But as to these doughty thieves and political speculators wonever had even a fainut concep- tion of ho nor, nor ever felt a blush of same ti ngo the check ; wihat in the world is it to them, to confess ther oos of corruption and villainy, if they bo permnittoa to on joy tho fruits of it. Or ; whLat it thu name of common sense de t.hey -care for "peaching" on then "pals"' if, by so doing, they, them- selves, cscape t ho peni ten)tttry! 'There is commonly "honor among thiev~es" ;' but this set have not even a whit of thatt kind of honor. I do not wish nor do I intend, tc imnpugn the motives of our good1 men who have this matter in hand, lbut I (10 wish them to remember, 'that there are twvo stand points, from which oich and every quiestion and every act can, and will-bo view- 42. One one side, it is already said that the committeo are ongagedl in political pelrocutions and not in" vestigations for legal l*.roseen~tionls. It is charged b)y tihe defendants thai Iutpon tehnicalities. '11pon a mocre neglect or non per'formanco oJ rod tapoism, they are porlseented1, t< drive them from their p)oliticaI positions, arnd to cru'ish their poQliti- otars iflees, to make room for ohr.Thoy say if they resign, and Loll something more Oin J.J.Pat- torson, wvho has not resigned, and or several others, who stilt retain their political places, all will 1)0 right withl them, and perfeot exemption given them. This song is set to mfusic and is reverberating with measured strains in many par'ts of the countr'y Now this "flimsy ' chop logic'" if being made use of by many North- ern editors ; and their papeirs art -rpad in Europo- So - let the comn- mittoo cease enter nol proe.'s, and vigovouslysV push all thoso sco(In1dre1ls to the bar of tlo courts, and thoro hI em hvn o trieo- mr t.he:r p1st rate-tm(I lndllo - :idlonce. ))ub-- lished to the W orl!d. Clvili:(Od ntitins vill be convinced and h onsL juies -will conviet. It allythinlg shoulA bo developed in the courso of the conlillitteo investAig.tion, or i tostillioniy, smIlnmuiin up tho evi- dence, to implicato any Democrat, lot him bo exposed and punis hed, for he is the greater rascal of thorn tl. TAYPAYR. SOU- CARCOIANA NEWS. The NwborrV i1les wNill Contend for the military'prize at the ;air. Newberry and Laurons aro trying to secure dai'y mail comnni nni,eatit 1n Th Abbevillo Ritles will comCto for tho military prize at the fair. ViMkens ha11s a Sorghnm evaporator IlIad a miinenl Spring, both in full bla-t. iTheo Chestol. /4"Porter wantr, 61h1 Wilpping post to settle accoullits Vitll the Inliall fry I e14-ves. SCVer 'Radical ex--lgi Ulators have bee arrSted and brOnghit t) C,.- humbia for trial. Their rcput:6ion Th1ie Glffins are g*t iing roadv to lo:n A bbeville. 'Th.ir wcupa t ion as Radic al oiylleholdUrs is gone. AA tlr, di-ill of dhn Goerr.or's 61u,11. in) Columbia, privat r tlhnlr Me.v ae roolythe whitc plimi" for skilIl. H10 is Nioigs loitttain boy. Chester viil l'av to vote for a S.tool commllissi<mor an d thwo coun- Iy commhIl Osionlers, the presoent inl-- umbntl not having given bcUd. In tho drawing for seats in the House Conge.am NAikenl's namne was :auung th.e i-st lity, and 1ho se, IO" l anl cligible seat. Colel vins' unm S :unonil the la.t. The drawing ofI J J i1s ' and his brothcrl oi tie petit jury of ich- lnd is 6:)id to have n a'i'lidental, CISvti by using the jur 1 ist a. pre- pared by the lat jilry comuussionler. The Piekens . /nd igtly de- umn,11lds a new deal in tho Federal reveuo Oppoilitiliueits ill 8out'h Carolina. The presolt gang are a mockery of civil servie r.1orm. Prof. W. W. Dimcam, of Wofford, has not yet decided whet.her to aw cp t 11h0 pres.'i l-ey3 of,Andl ph1- Maconl College, tundc-red himlf s ince the death of his bruther. The Charlustin Medical Asssocia- tion resolved not to send a physician to Port R -yalihout pay. They jistly elaim that they should nt) be asked to risk their fives, and gi ve up1) theIir regluiar prOfessiJIn for The Bue iRid-e RaMilroa1d 91ans A.nder. a!d Walh alla. Tuesdays, inugs. Litters of admninistration on the cifkets ot' Y. J. P. Owens have been granted by the Orphatns' Court of Baltimore to his~ brother,1 J. T. Owens, and a B3alt:mi.oro lawyer, Frank Gosnella. A 610,000 bond was~required. Governor Haumpt.on oponed the fair at Greonville with a spcCh. Among other things lhe denied the charge that ho was trying to build up a new party. He had but one p)arty and ono0 interest, that of South Carolina and her peopie. Besides Messrs. Rlhet.t and Seegers, Col. Wmn. Wallace, Col. 1F. W. Mc- M.astor', Capt. W. B. S)tanley Capt. John Hi. Kinsler, and JTudige A n- dew Crawford, are suggested ais succeessors to Nash in the Senate. IThe list increases. Gonern I Moise di sbandted several colored comunnies in1 Chle(stonl last week. A number of others were ac- ceopted. They had the best parade that hats yet boon known among colored troop)s. Lieutonant Flipper, the colored West Pointer, attended [thle parade. Mr*. Michael Long, living in Edgfied cunt, cnuntted suicide Thrsa mri.Howas onl his way to Edgetiold Courthouse, and when within two miles of the place, stopped on tile roadlsidl anid cut his throat with his pocket-knife. *When fona he was not quite dead, and his knife wats inl his p)o(ket, with the blade covered with blood, and shut. No cause is assigned for the deed. IMr. Long' wais a good neighbor, a good farmer, and in comfortablo circumJnstanices. Somec time since, Mossrs. R. & W. 0. Swafhield, of Columbia, having lost their post oflice box key, pro- cured a' luplicato. Since that time, having uso to believe that their box was being systematically robbed, they caused search to be inst.ituted, when the thief was dotected in the peron O of one Fritz Schroder. He wvas apprehended, but a plea of uacy was put in by his friends. An oxaimation was held, and ho' 'was BRIC-A-UR A C, .I.,'horo aro Ie Ino 'l won USU ccue i uillrde i'l the jail iul Galvostonl. Boston1's ile(.Ilo froi liquiorl conSs this yeAr wiil aIAount LU $250,000. They succeedod in excluding liquor from tho Loxington, KenLucky, fair. Kentucky squirrels aro swiimmng the Ohio River in greA droves, bound for fdiaija. It will coiit ,11.7,4393 t) imtprovc the i ippi River from thet' J.*L' Muines Raplids to St. Paul. Tho Calvert TC.can wants tihe 3,000 convicts of tho Texas peni tentiary ormganizod into a militalry corps and turned loose on Mex:c, Ono of the most interesti)n ob- jects dcwl rt)-yed in tho Patoi c )ic lire was Whitney's cotton gin, th< invention of which built up the cot, ton trado of the South. American travelers do not brim hIome frOM Europu as imnuty tranki a3 they were wont. Cuitomi hiols( (iliuers aro required to examinm everythidng, and they do. Tho annual session of the Broth- c-hood of .Locvomotive EA rgincer V. S comtcd ill Bostonl oln th< 1710h, and1 wvIll contIinum eight or tor <hIy. '.Th etis are privato )Ilo hiundrI anld nlinetv tw( iiiS are repescnlted froi :l Its of the country, iicluding U ah . litornia and 11he Souither' States. 'here is an increas0 of ter division, during the past year. Thle Barnwoll S?I?ii4l Fays: "A strike oiglht to be inlauigureIvted righI hra homere. 1d, y10 ong 11 ought to strike for sollo prolitabl: emlploymienit, anld 'feeblu' young ladies ouirhit to strike for the kitehl- en, and relieve their poor old moth, ers, who ar-o sweating their da lives out over h- stoves and wash- tubs. "'m one of the tenl virgins ! yelled a Kansas b:-ide, as she hrok( the coal oil lamp over her hushandi ho:td for cominigI, homo at, 2 o'cloci in the morning. "W(l, there wil be but ninc virgins in the ilorniig, said he as ho poured a shovelful o Coals into the oil onl the floor. W.mr>E IIAmPToN, JR., sOn Of th( governior, and oice aid oil the staf of Gren. J. E Johnston, la-s received, without asking, a nominiation to th< Mississippi Legislaturo fromx th< Diemocrats of Washlington county whet ein lie is a planter. Econormy is a good thing. A Ne braska farmor hiteo a paair of cow., to a w-gon Nwhein ho journcvs, am milks them when hIe comes to a toll gate, to pay the toll. INTE1~RN AT IONAL Exposition!i TE could find no other. ap propriate heading to indicato thc large Stock of DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, &c. &c., that w< are now daily receiving. We thought of Headquarters, Emnpo- r'iumn and Bazaar. All too tame. Come One I Come All We are determined not to ho nn- dorsold by any house in South Carolina. Tfhe Best Pr'ints; in Town at 61. etul The very best made at 84 ets. Coats' Cotton, all colors, at 75 ets We intend tb try to please you ir prices, goods and polite attention. CALL AND SEE. r.ADD n1OS. SPEIAL NOTYPES. yoW iII I'vil'ct Reallb. NuAtAl tnm--rrl, GA., March 21, 1870. e ir,s ----iel'm oth-atin: Sane onts go1. moitt,ht at hot t lo of Brad O leld's 'eiue Regtulator froin you. aid havo usd it in iy faluly With the utmost satisfatc'ion, an;d haivo reconmnen, dcd it to throo other families and they have fonid it jint wlit it is recominod. The felnales who have used your Rogula- tor are now in perfoct healtit atl ar ablo to attend to their, household duties, and we cordi.dly reconnuend it to tho public. oct 2 W w V. . RI .fIN"VO . U .VE R CURES DSimErIA on INoEsrioN.-This iay hMo etlt-d tihe demnon of diseaso. ev. Hlenry Ward Boi-Atr say-, "It i8 a very dilietilt iatter to save the soil of a in1a'n who ials had indigestioll; of siiall avail to f:wt. the devil out ol his heit wilito ht still lurks in his stomach." Sloros%' I i.:1AI C o31o1'1 wi l 'ur) t-il liS ease. Thev uilf:"tilinglrru1edy for- this diswago inl its stages is Suio:<'s iic Cor- I'oIIN 1). It r0eg,l lt(.; tihe liver, expels iti ilnorl'il hn1111)r.; froir the syst eil, and acts ;as i gor'te tonic. A few doses will re.- 1I ,unaiiita lilt le persevernnt ctire the woerst( tS*s. ['you ar htillioa. andul .4l id, you iiay SaVu a doethw>rs hill by t onp ilnd. Maiy Who have used it say that it is -orth its weight. in goid. t -101t IXLns 111 WV. E. Ani-:, Me.snn& 13arIc, Winnsboro, S. C. It, W. liE & CO., Woodward's, S. C. DOVIE & MOISE, Proprietors, ot,( -Chlirleston, S. C. The State of Sou th Carolina, COUN'TY oF r\InIELDx. III the Probate Court. jom CLyipnin, as Ashninistrator of ()to $st.te, of Iichard Dove, Senior, do- Nanley Dovo, Rlichard C. Dnv,,, Willamn Dovo, Robei Dve cl al., D1efendants. To the ldefendanls, Naney Dove Richiartl C. Dove. Villiam Dov-v, Robert' Dove, V.altter Dove, Mary Pove, Elizabeth Aiistiti, wito of Williaiu Austin, Sarah links, 1Hlyrall Dove, Sainel 1Dove, i11o heirs-at-law of Ben Uove. devceased, and the hecirs-at-law otJohn Dove,duecased: ~OIU A RE IRE10Y SUM.I ONED an( rquired to answer the conlitint in tlis actionl, which is filed n1 the otic of the idge of Probate for the said county, .1and to serve 11 copy * your answer to tho said C01oitphilrt On the subscribe!ri at thetir olit!V, onl MNainIi street. ill the town of C,i-ter, in the coiuty (of Chester. :i. C , within twenty days after the servico hereol exclusive f f he day of stich ser- vict): anld it you fail to an'swer tho coi- I,.it within the tiie aforesail1, tihe phlin- tiff il thi't Ition will apply to the (ourt for the relef dnii01aided in tho coiplainlt. IDIted 2"th September. A. D. 1N77. Ull?E& SA NJ)i:11, Plainltifra Atto,rneyvs. To ba defendilants, Sarah ihTmks, wifo ot' .hanlles li11nu, lyram11 Do ve, Saie I ovel, th iiraelY-at-l:-.w of It-ln Dove, d'.. D)ove. deceeasneti Pl(ease takec no(tice thihe 1 sunnnifons iln this5 act ion, of w.vh ichn floe ~rV4 rrigig is aI copy, waIs tiled InI tihc eothiee of the Pro-. heate Judge, at Wi nnbOro. ini thle county of Fiai rfieeld, in Ille Slhte of South1 ('arolina, on thce 2',L.h day of t eberii, A. 1). 187.7. ItlIICE & S.\NDFR~S, oct .1- awC PlaintitT's Attorneys. Thet Stat' of South CaIrolin, anid Kez-iahl Tidell hI is wife., Isaliahl 'I Giled Ien, W..illiamn 1i. 11. Mingo ax d Marry .Jane Miinugr his wifit', leg~al hrer and rop)reentatie j of~n (cl1inor Gladden who died intestauto- OUare hroreby' requirod( to appear at the Court of Probate t.o ho holden at Fairtid Court Hiou-<e for 1"airiochl County, on thio 1 0th day of' )ecembier, A. D. 1877,. to shew cauIse, tif any1 you01 Can, why tho rueul estata of Minor Oladden, deceaisod, deloriboed in the peCtitjin of Eliza JT. Powell, filed in myi~ otlice, shoul not 1)0 div.ided or sold1, alhotting to) the said Elizai J. Powell one-half, and1( to tho said D)aniel W. Gladdon, Koziahe Tidwell aund Isaiah TI. Ghldden the other half in equhal proportLions betwoeon themx. Given unfder miy hand and seaul, this 4th day of Octob)er, A. D. 1877. I ~ .F'airileld County. TO the defendants Daniel W Gladden, JTames Tidiwell and Keziath Tidwell hia' write, William II. H1. Mingo anid Mary Jain(o Minge his wife- r lA1E nrotice that the summnonis in this acition, (if whiolh thio foregoing~ is a copy. wvas nled-inl tho0o1110o of the Probato Court, at Winnshoro, in the county otf Fcairliold, in tho State of South Carolinar on' theo 4th day of Oc'tober. A. D, 1877. J AS. II. IlUON, J?otitioner's Attornoy, oct 9-haw6w Winunsboro, S. C. AUGUSTA. HTL, Corner of Broad and Washington Streets, AUGUSTA, G 4. IIAS beon thoroughly renovated, ro- modeled and1( newly furnished. It is located in the contre of business. Telegraph 0ffic0 in tho IHotel bailding. Ex presus Oflc in tho saine blooli. Post.- Offico only, one bloek off. All other pub-. lie c3onlveniencs close at hrand. ,p7i-I The Offloe of the Hotel will be open during the night, and guests will be received or called at any hnour. W. W. MlOORE, Proprietor. Ita.ten of n3oard, $MOpne dR,

The news and herald (Winnsboro, S.C.).(Winnsboro, S.C ...historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067705/1877-10-23/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Atmouinto FULor. NAST uAs retired from Harper's Weeklk,

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WIlBOR0, S. 0.

Saturday, October 20, ; 1877.

R. MEANS DAVIS, Editor,JNO. S. RENOLDS. Atmouinto FULor.

NAST uAs retired from Harper'sWeeklk, a li'h pnblic Will no long-or be reg'aleA wiih cartoons of spiderlogged -Schurz's, Young. Browntigors, or'oiit-tiroat ktklax in 'that"jou,nal of 'ivilization."

LOUISIANA nWs four contostantsalready for seats in the UnitedStatoh Snato, and Pihchback hascomo to the soratch again. Howas not satiqfiod with hie firstkicking out, but wants a secondchauco. to thinks h0 stands a

bottor showing in a field of five.

Capt. H. W. Rice has fo'.nd itnecessary, oWitg so increased legalbusihegs, 'to 'scver his connectionwith tho 'Lexington Dispatch.Captain'Rice wields a tronehant poi,and his truigot has ever given forthno uncertain sotind. Mr. Harmonbcones oditor, propriotor, press-man and typo. Wo wish him ami-lesuccess.

ThE Register misunderstood ourallusioh to the casting of 'ton votesfor Beecher for Chaplain of thoIouse. Far be it from us to flyin the teth df Gonosis and avor

the existouco of ton rightoons mon

in the old original -Sodom that wasburned with brimstone. We moantthat'there wore just ton ilihtcousmon in this New Sodom of un,

rightoune ss-Washing ton-..whichhas not yot boen destroyed. Thosewero the ton who voted for Booch-or. I 'this connection wo maymention Another differenco betweeuSodom and 'Beeher. Tho formerhad Lot's wife; the latter has lotso' wives. 'Wo trust the Registerwill made the amende honorablefor having "gono back" on our

Sunday school training. Genesisis our atr6ng point. We never gotninch fuithor.

A conflict bf jurisdiction bctwoonthe State -And -tho Tiited States'Court has arisen in Spartanbirg. inthe caso of a soldier, bavis, whokillod a'n ill ddistillor, Hall, a yearor two sina. Attorhey Northropappeared in the Staito Court boforbJudge Mackey, and moved for adischarge of the case, as it had beendocketed in theo'Uited Stat'es Court,the killing, as defendant allcged,having takeu 'place in 'lhe regulardischarge of his duty. JudgeM'ackey cited the case of Little 1midBarromn, in Bd Cranch, and anothercase in 7th C ranch, and in an oiabo-rato opinion, rofused the dischargeof the 'prisoner, on the ground thatthe Stato Court has the right of in--vestigating whether the act w'asperforaioi in the line of duty. Thecase has been appealed, and willfinally -reach the 'United StatesSupreme Court. Judge Mackey hasalways roelled .any littomptedinterference in State mattors by theFederal co6uts.

County Courts.A writer in the Abboville Medium

opposes tesbttto fCutCourtfor rialjustices, o h

plea tha~t the bhange would subjecttheounics'togreater expense

than they bear 'at prosont. Wehave not timo to refer to this articleat preent, further that to'sry it isbased on two assumptions, onethat the average cost of a trial

that the Cuty Judge ouhld ro-,ceive a large salary, such aa inAlabama 'where 'the salary is 'threethousand dollars. The advocatesof the County Courts, on the otherhand, claim that this system will beboth cheaper and better than theold. It starnds to reason that

* eight or ton justicos, dependingfor rormuneration up)on the numberof oases they boar, will do more toencourage litigation than a countyjudge wold, who receives a salary,irrespetive of work perCorr.V0 Wholjn (.ountt Court rii~ ho

run for almost the same sum thattho trial jusficos at each col)t--houso now receive. A a,in wherethe whole .logal bus;ness of thecounty i3 concentrated in onecourt, tho expenses of each ease canbe roduced. Tho ilCr13ea3ed mfilOage)will be more than compensatud bythe reduction inl costu fQr istsuingrecognizances and war ants, ad-ministering oaths, taking tostimony,and hearing cases. Besides allthig, is the fae that tho. higher thetribunal, the more correct will beits interpretation of the law.


W hat a Taxpayer Thilk of the Inves-tigatings--The Courso that 3hould boPursued- Prosocutions, not Peorsocu-ions.

Me[sdS. Eitor :

In tho Thursday',i issuo of yourreadablo paer was puIblished thojoyful tidings that the ex- boot blaekof Hunf's hotel, alias "Bi;'ok Nash "

had stoppe,I down and ont. of thehigrh place ho has been disgra,Cingor the last decado. .liI a1 Mt!'.

tidogen en, I ami puVled tomderst:nd the bont :md diri-ri.ionthings sjc(Iu to bo takinl" in thismatter.Tho Columibin Rrtgiier f.wetion

ly says that "1,. R. II." stadl11 notonly for 'R idway's Reay. Hliof.but also for "Resign, Rt IIIrandRelate." It is to ho1 hope1,l that we

aro not to understand, that all thatis necessary for any oni >f I hogang of ru.,eals to do. is simply torosiii his political olice. resturo a

small por cent of his ill aeeumulated riches, or rclate a "twice toldtale" to receivo total e_:eiption fromai puiishiment. To ".RR-i.,"they don't caro a fig; for th-ir po-litival positions, by (ho redoll.ptionof the Stato and itb control bhonest 1nd honlorable gentlel-men,arcsuch as to bo of no pecuniary ad-vantage to them, and without Chwircompeers, are of no valuo in aiding.them to stoal. Thoso poiitions nolongor give th0m lower to indulgtin their evil and corrl)t ways, andconsequently to resign is no saeri-lice whatever; to restoro a little, a

small per cont. of whatever theyhave stolen, is no rest,oraion to tHicStato, Uor1 any deprivation to them,as they will fully enjoy tho rela-tively largn fortune left in theilpossession. A confession, sueh as

they do mako, wou)(l be, to a mA,who was onco ho)neat or' ho'noraIble,a severe puniiishme~t, if a glimmerof self respect was left in hisbreast. But as to these doughtythieves and political speculators

wonever had even a fainut concep-tion of ho nor, nor ever felt a blushof same tingo the check ; wihat inthe world is it to them, to confess

theroos of corruption andvillainy, if they bo permnittoa toon joy tho fruits of it. Or ; whLat itthu name of common sense det.hey -care for "peaching" on then"pals"' if, by so doing, they, them-selves, cscape t ho peni ten)tttry!'There is commonly "honor amongthiev~es" ;' but this set have noteven a whit of thatt kind of honor.

I do not wish nor do I intend, tcimnpugn the motives of our good1men who have this matter in hand,lbut I (10 wish them to remember,'that there are twvo stand points,from which oich and every quiestionand every act can, and will-bo view-42. One one side, it is already saidthat the committeo are ongagedl inpolitical pelrocutions and not in"vestigations for legal l*.roseen~tionls.It is charged b)y tihe defendants thaiIutpon tehnicalities. '11pon a mocreneglect or non per'formanco oJrod tapoism, they are porlseented1, t<drive them from their p)oliticaIpositions, arnd to cru'ish their poQliti-otarsiflees, to make room for

ohr.Thoy say if they resign,and Loll something more Oin J.J.Pat-torson, wvho has not resigned, and orseveral others, who stilt retain theirpolitical places, all will 1)0 right withlthem, and perfeot exemption giventhem. This song is set to mfusicand is reverberating with measuredstrains in many par'ts of the countr'yNow this "flimsy ' chop logic'" ifbeing made use of bymany North-ern editors ; and their papeirs art-rpad in Europo- So - let the comn-mittoo cease enter nol proe.'s, and

vigovouslysV push all thoso sco(In1dre1lsto the bar of tlo courts, and thorohI emhvno trieo- mr t.he:r p1st

rate-tm(Ilndllo - :idlonce. ))ub--lished to the W orl!d. Clvili:(Odntitins vill be convinced and h onsLjuies -will conviet. It allythinlgshoulA bo developed in the coursoof the conlillitteo investAig.tion, ori tostillioniy, smIlnmuiin up tho evi-dence, to implicato any Democrat,lot him bo exposed and punis hed,for he is the greater rascal of thorntl. TAYPAYR.


The NwborrV i1les wNill Contendfor the military'prize at the ;air.

Newberry and Laurons aro tryingto secure dai'y mail comnni nni,eatit 1n

Th Abbevillo Ritles will comCtofor tho military prize at the fair.

ViMkens ha11s a Sorghnm evaporatorIlIad a miinenl Spring, both in fullbla-t.

iTheo Chestol. /4"Porter wantr, 61h1Wilpping post to settle accoullitsVitll the Inliall fry I e14-ves.SCVer 'Radical ex--lgiUlators have

bee arrSted and brOnghit t) C,.-humbia for trial. Their rcput:6ion

Th1ie Glffins are g*t iing roadv tolo:n A bbeville. 'Th.ir wcupa t ionas Radic al oiylleholdUrs is gone.

AA tlr, di-ill of dhn Goerr.or's61u,11. in) Columbia, privat r tlhnlrMe.v aeroolythe whitc plimi" forskilIl. H10 is Nioigsloitttain boy.

Chester viil l'av to vote for aS.tool commllissi<mor an d thwo coun-

Iy commhIlOsionlers, the presoent inl--umbntl not having given bcUd.In tho drawing for seats in the

HouseConge.am NAikenl's namnewas :auung th.e i-st lity, and1ho se,IO" l anl cligible seat. Colel

vins' unm S :unonilthe la.t.The drawing ofI J J i1s ' and his

brothcrloi tie petit jury of ich-lnd is 6:)idto have na'i'lidental,CISvti by using the jur 1 ista. pre-pared by the lat jilry comuussionler.

The Piekens . /nd igtly de-umn,11lds a new deal in tho Federalreveuo Oppoilitiliueits ill 8out'hCarolina. The presolt gang are a

mockery of civil servie r.1orm.

Prof. W. W. Dimcam, of Wofford,has not yet decided whet.her to aw

cp t 11h0 pres.'i l-ey3 of,Andl ph1-Maconl College, tundc-red himlf sincethe death of his bruther.The Charlustin Medical Asssocia-

tion resolved not to send a physicianto Port R -yalihout pay. Theyjistly elaim that they should nt) beasked to risk their fives, and gi veup1) theIir regluiar prOfessiJIn for

The BueiRid-e RaMilroa1d 91ans

A.nder. a!dWalh alla. Tuesdays,

inugs.Litters of admninistration on the

cifkets ot' Y. J. P. Owens have beengranted by the Orphatns' Court ofBaltimore to his~ brother,1 J. T.Owens, and a B3alt:mi.oro lawyer,Frank Gosnella. A 610,000 bondwas~required.

Governor Haumpt.on oponed thefair at Greonville with a spcCh.Among other things lhe denied thecharge that ho was trying to buildup a new party. He had but onep)arty and ono0 interest, that ofSouth Carolina and her peopie.Besides Messrs. Rlhet.t and Seegers,

Col. Wmn. Wallace, Col. 1F. W. Mc-M.astor', Capt. W. B. S)tanley Capt.John Hi. Kinsler, and JTudige A n-dew Crawford, are suggested aissucceessors to Nash in the Senate.IThe list increases.

Gonern I Moise di sbandted severalcolored comunnies in1 Chle(stonl lastweek. A number of others were ac-ceopted. They had the best paradethat hats yet boon known amongcolored troop)s. Lieutonant Flipper,the colored West Pointer, attended[thle parade.

Mr*. Michael Long, living inEdgfiedcunt, cnuntted suicide

Thrsa mri.Howas onl hisway to Edgetiold Courthouse, andwhen within two miles of the place,stopped on tile roadlsidl anid cut histhroat with his pocket-knife. *Whenfona he was not quite dead, and hisknife wats inl his p)o(ket, with theblade covered with blood, and shut.No cause is assigned for the deed.IMr. Long' wais a good neighbor, agood farmer, and in comfortablocircumJnstanices.

Somec time since, Mossrs. R. & W.0. Swafhield, of Columbia, havinglost their post oflice box key, pro-cured a' luplicato. Since that time,having uso to believe that theirbox was being systematically robbed,they caused search to be inst.ituted,when the thief was dotected in theperonO of one Fritz Schroder. Hewvas apprehended, but a plea ofuacywas put in by his friends. An

oxaimation was held, and ho' 'was


.I.,'horo aro IeIno 'lwon USUccue iuillrde i'l the jail iul Galvostonl.

Boston1's ile(.Ilo froi liquiorlconSs this yeAr wiil aIAount LU$250,000.They succeedod in excluding liquor

from tho Loxington, KenLucky,fair.Kentucky squirrels aro swiimmng

the Ohio River in greA droves,bound for fdiaija.

It will coiit ,11.7,4393 t) imtprovcthe i ippi River from thet' J.*L'Muines Raplids to St. Paul.Tho Calvert TC.can wants tihe

3,000 convicts of tho Texas penitentiary ormganizod into a militalrycorps and turned loose on Mex:c,Ono of the most interesti)n ob-

jects dcwl rt)-yed in tho Patoi c )iclire was Whitney's cotton gin, th<invention of which built up the cot,ton trado of the South.American travelers do not brim

hIome frOM Europu as imnuty trankia3 they were wont. Cuitomi hiols((iliuers aro required to examinmeverythidng, and they do.

Tho annual session of the Broth-c-hood of .Locvomotive EA rgincerV. S comtcd ill Bostonl oln th<1710h, and1 wvIll contIinum eight or tor<hIy. '.Th etis are privato

)Ilo hiundrI anld nlinetv tw(iiiS are repescnlted froi :lIts of the country, iicluding

Uah . litornia and 11he Souither'States. 'here is an increas0 of terdivision, during the past year.

Thle Barnwoll S?I?ii4l Fays: "Astrike oiglht to be inlauigureIvted righIhrahomere. 1d,y10ong 11

ought to strike for sollo prolitabl:emlploymienit, anld 'feeblu' youngladies ouirhit to strike for the kitehl-en, and relieve their poor old moth,ers, who ar-o sweating their dalives out over h- stoves and wash-tubs.

"'m one of the tenl virgins !

yelled a Kansas b:-ide, as she hrok(the coal oil lamp over her hushandiho:td for cominigI,homo at, 2 o'clociin the morning. "W(l, there wilbe but ninc virgins in the ilorniig,said he as ho poured a shovelful oCoals into the oil onl the floor.

W.mr>E IIAmPToN, JR., sOn Of th(governior, and oice aid oil the stafof Gren. J. E Johnston, la-s received,without asking, a nominiation to th<Mississippi Legislaturo fromx th<Diemocrats of Washlington countywhet ein lie is a planter.

Econormy is a good thing. A Nebraska farmor hiteo apaair of cow.,to a w-gon Nwhein ho journcvs, ammilks them whenhIe comes to a tollgate, to pay the toll.


Exposition!iTE could find no other. ap

propriate heading to indicato thc

large Stock of DRY GOODS,SHOES, HATS, &c. &c., that w<are now daily receiving. We

thought of Headquarters, Emnpo-r'iumn and Bazaar. All too tame.

Come One I Come All

We are determined not to ho nn-

dorsold by any house in SouthCarolina.

Tfhe Best Pr'ints; in Town at 61. etulThe very best made at 84 ets.

Coats' Cotton, all colors, at 75 ets

We intend tb try to please you ir

prices, goods and polite attention.


r.ADD n1OS.


yoW iII I'vil'ct Reallb.NuAtAl tnm--rrl, GA., March 21, 1870.

e ir,s ----iel'moth-atin:Saneonts go1. moitt,ht at hot t lo ofBrad Oleld's 'eiue Regtulator froin you.aid havo usd it in iy faluly With theutmost satisfatc'ion, an;d haivo reconmnen,dcd it to throo other families and theyhave fonid it jint wlit it is recominod.The felnales who have used your Rogula-tor are now in perfoct healtit atl ar abloto attend to their, household duties, andwe cordi.dly reconnuend it to tho public.

oct 2 Ww V. . RI .fIN"VO .



DSimErIA on INoEsrioN.-This iayhMo etlt-d tihe demnon of diseaso. ev.Hlenry Ward Boi-Atr say-, "It i8 a verydilietilt iatter to save the soil of a in1a'nwho ials had indigestioll; of siiall availto f:wt.the devil out ol his heit wilitoht still lurks in his stomach." Sloros%'I i.:1AI C o31o1'1 wi l'ur) t-il liS ease.

Thev uilf:"tilinglrru1edy for- this diswagoinl its stages is Suio:<'s iicCor-I'oIIN 1). It r0eg,l lt(.; tihe liver, expels itiilnorl'il hn1111)r.; froir the syst eil, and acts;as i gor'te tonic. A few doses will re.-1I ,unaiiita lilt le persevernnt ctire thewoerst( tS*s.['you ar htillioa. andul.4l id, you iiay SaVu a doethw>rs hill by

t onp ilnd. Maiy Who have used it saythat it is -orth its weight. in goid.t -101tIXLns 111

WV. E. Ani-:,Me.snn& 13arIc,Winnsboro, S. C.

It, W. liE & CO.,Woodward's, S. C.

DOVIE & MOISE, Proprietors,ot,( -Chlirleston, S. C.

The State of Sou th Carolina,COUN'TY oF r\InIELDx.

III the Probate Court.jom CLyipnin, asAshninistrator of ()to

$st.te, of Iichard Dove, Senior, do-

Nanley Dovo, Rlichard C. Dnv,,, WillamnDovo, Robei Dve cl al., D1efendants.

To theldefendanls, Naney Dove RichiartlC. Dove. Villiam Dov-v, Robert' Dove,V.altter Dove, Mary Pove, ElizabethAiistiti, wito of Williaiu Austin, Sarahlinks, 1Hlyrall Dove, Sainel1Dove, i11oheirs-at-law of Ben Uove. devceased, andthe hecirs-at-law otJohn Dove,duecased:

~OIU A RE IRE10Y SUM.I ONED an(rquired to answer the conlitint in

tlis actionl, which is filed n1 the otic ofthe idge of Probate for the said county,.1and to serve 11 copy


your answer to thosaid C01oitphilrt On the subscribe!ri at thetirolit!V, onl MNainIi street. ill the town ofC,i-ter, in the coiuty (of Chester. :i. C ,within twenty days after the servicohereol exclusive f f he day of stich ser-vict): anld it you fail to an'swer tho coi-I,.it within the tiie aforesail1, tihe phlin-tiff il thi't Ition will apply to the (ourtfor the relef dnii01aided in tho coiplainlt.IDIted 2"th September. A. D. 1N77.

Ull?E& SANJ)i:11,Plainltifra Atto,rneyvs.

To ba defendilants, Sarah ihTmks, wifoot' .hanlles li11nu, lyram11 Do ve, SaieI ovel, th iiraelY-at-l:-.w of It-ln Dove, d'..

D)ove. deceeasnetiPl(ease takec no(tice thihe 1 sunnnifons ilnthis5 act ion, of w.vh ichn floe ~rV4rrigig is aI

copy, waIs tiled InI tihc eothiee of the Pro-.heate Judge, at Wi nnbOro. ini thle countyof Fiai rfieeld, in Ille Slhte of South1 ('arolina,on thce 2',L.h day of t eberii, A. 1). 187.7.

ItlIICE & S.\NDFR~S,oct .1- awC PlaintitT's Attorneys.

Thet Stat' of South CaIrolin,

anid Kez-iahl TidellhI is wife., Isaliahl 'IGiled Ien, W..illiamn 1i. 11. Mingo ax dMarry .Jane Miinugr his wifit', leg~al hrerand rop)reentatiej of~n(cl1inor Gladdenwho died intestauto-

OUare hroreby' requirod( to appear atthe Court of Probate t.o ho holden atFairtid Court Hiou-<e for 1"airiochlCounty, on thio 1 0th day of' )ecembier,A. D. 1877,. to shew cauIse, tif any1 you01 Can,why tho rueul estata of Minor Oladden,deceaisod, deloriboed in the peCtitjin of

Eliza JT. Powell, filed in myi~ otlice, shoulnot 1)0 div.ided or sold1, alhotting to) thesaid Elizai J. Powell one-half, and1( to thosaid D)aniel W. Gladdon, Koziahe Tidwellaund Isaiah TI. Ghldden the other half inequhal proportLions betwoeon themx.Given unfder miy hand and seaul, this4th day of Octob)er, A. D. 1877.

I ~ .F'airileld County.TO the defendants Daniel W Gladden,JTames Tidiwell and Keziath Tidwell hia'write, William II. H1. Mingo anid MaryJain(o Minge his wife-r lA1E nrotice that the summnonis in this

acition, (if whiolh thio foregoing~is acopy. wvas nled-inl tho0o1110o of the ProbatoCourt, at Winnshoro, in the county otfFcairliold, in tho State of South Carolinaron' theo 4th day of Oc'tober. A. D, 1877.

JAS. II. IlUON,J?otitioner's Attornoy,oct9-haw6w Winunsboro, S. C.

AUGUSTA. HTL,Corner of Broad and Washington Streets,

AUGUSTA, G 4.IIAS beon thoroughly renovated, ro-modeled and1( newly furnished. Itis located in the contre of business.

Telegraph 0ffic0 in tho IHotel bailding.Ex presus Oflc in tho saine blooli. Post.-Offico only, one bloek off. All other pub-.lie c3onlveniencs close at hrand.,p7i-I The Offloe of the Hotel will beopen during the night, and guests will bereceived or called at any hnour.

W. W. MlOORE, Proprietor.Ita.ten of n3oard, $MOpne dR,