THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBMY RARE: BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS DIVISION ACCESSION SHEET Accession # 45 M 72 bcation top, case 23 Title killiam Conant Church. Papers. Approximate inclusive dates 1863-1909; bulk 1863-1878 Date of ~ceipt riu~ust,1945 Received from Mrs. Willard Church Volume on arrival Nmhr of hies (after reboxing1 7 FB Condition good Restrictions none jlilliam Conant Church (Au~ust 11, 1836-May 23, 1917), editor, born i n Rochester, Description New York, wa6 the son of I'harcellus Church and Chara Smily (Conant) Church. He became a member of the joint military-naval expedition under General W.T. Sherman durine the Civil Llar. In 1863, after a two year military career, he resigned in order to start a military paper, together with his brother Francis P. Church, entitled the Army and Navy Journal. This journal survived under various names until 1926. The same year the jounal was started he married Mary Elizabeth Metcalf. In 1866 - The Galaxy was started hy the two brothers. This literary magazine was born of a discontent with the Atlantic Monthly and the feeling that New York ought to have a monthly of its own. Sheldon and Company became publishers of the magazine a t the end of itrs second year and until 1878 when the magazine merged with the Atlantic Monthly. Church became involved i n a number of New York societies and clubs and at the time of his death he was ranked. according to a NFW York Ti~:esstatement, among the foremost jounalists of the couutry. The papers include correspondence of both ma~a~ines. The bulk of the Army & Navy J o u r n a l are dated 1863-1864; whereas the bulk of The Gal:~xy are 1866-1.878. Those correspondence of t h e Army & Navv Journal include letters written to Church from contributors, subscribers, saler agents, officials of government departments, and newpaper corresnol~dents. The majority of these letters relate to the military establishment of the U.S. Some containinformation on certain Civil :Jar battles and army nersonnel. The Galaxy correspondence mainly consist of some 1,000 letters representing XX) Uritish and American contributors of the magazine. Among these are Iloratio Alger Jr., Eufiene Benson, hma Lazarus, Itebecca Davis, Annie Edwards, Helen Hunt Jackson, Oliver '.dendell Holmes, and Halt Iv'hitman. Ghc.rles Xeade and Henry James constitu- te two of the more frequent correspondents. Henry James submitted an article nearly every month and his letters contain his thou~htficoncerning some of these. (continued on next page) Special Formats 0 Photographs 0 Maps OAudio Tapes 0 Films 0 Graphics ahtifacts OMachine-readable records OOther (list) Tmporapy catalog' card added entries The Galaxy; Army & Nav~ Journal; Church, Francis P.; - Sheldon R Co.; Charles Xeade; llenry James; tiugene Benson; i n l t idhitman; Rebecca 1)avi.s; U.S.-History--Civil War; Periodicals, Publishing of; Editors; Journalism, Military; Authors, English-13th century; Accessioned by J u l i e Ann Hoach Authors, American-19th century Date June 1, 1984

THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBMY RARE: BOOKS AND …archives.nypl.org/uploads/collection/pdf_finding_aid/... · 2013. 11. 13. · THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBMY RARE: BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS DIVISION

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    Accession # 45 M 72 bcation t o p , c a s e 2 3

    T i t l e k i l l i a m Conant Church. Papers.

    Approximate inclusive dates 1863-1909; bulk 1863-1878

    Date of ~ c e i p t r i u ~ u s t , 1945 Received from Mrs. Willard Church

    Volume on arrival

    N m h r of hies ( a f t e r reboxing1 7 FB

    Condi t ion good

    Restrictions none

    j l i l l i am Conant Church ( A u ~ u s t 11, 1836-May 23, 1917), e d i t o r , born i n Rochester , Description N e w York, w a 6 t h e son of I 'harcellus Church and Chara Smily (Conant) Church. H e became a member of t h e j o i n t mi l i t a ry -nava l exped i t ion under General W.T. Sherman d u r i n e t h e C i v i l Llar. I n 1863, a f t e r a two y e a r m i l i t a r y c a r e e r , he res igned i n o rde r t o s t a r t a m i l i t a r y paper , t o g e t h e r w i t h h i s b r o t h e r F r a n c i s P. Church, e n t i t l e d t h e Army and Navy Journa l . Th i s j o u r n a l su rv ived under v a r i o u s names u n t i l 1926. The same y e a r t h e jounal w a s s t a r t e d he marr ied Mary E l i z a b e t h Metcal f . I n 1866 - The Galaxy was s t a r t e d hy t h e two b ro the r s . T h i s l i t e r a r y magazine was born o f a d i s c o n t e n t wi th t h e A t l a n t i c Monthly and t h e f e e l i n g t h a t N e w York ought t o have a monthly of i ts own. Sheldon and Company became p u b l i s h e r s of t h e magazine a t t h e end of itrs second y e a r and u n t i l 1878 when t h e magazine merged with t h e A t l a n t i c Monthly. Church became involved i n a number of New York s o c i e t i e s and c l u b s and a t t h e t ime o f h i s dea th he w a s ranked. according t o a N F W York T i ~ : e s s t a t ement , among t h e foremost j o u n a l i s t s of t h e couutry.

    The p a p e r s i n c l u d e correspondence of both m a ~ a ~ i n e s . The bulk of t h e Army & Navy J o u r n a l are d a t e d 1863-1864; whereas t h e bulk of The Gal:~xy a r e 1866-1.878. Those correspondence of t h e Army & Navv J o u r n a l i n c l u d e l e t t e r s w r i t t e n t o Church from c o n t r i b u t o r s , s u b s c r i b e r s , s a l e r a g e n t s , o f f i c i a l s o f government departments, and newpaper corresnol~dents . The major i ty o f t h e s e l e t t e r s r e l a t e t o t h e m i l i t a r y es tab l i shment of t h e U.S. Some c o n t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n on c e r t a i n C i v i l :Jar b a t t l e s and army nersonnel. The Galaxy correspondence mainly c o n s i s t of some 1 ,000 l e t t e r s r e p r e s e n t i n g X X ) U r i t i s h and American c o n t r i b u t o r s of t h e magazine. Among t h e s e a r e I l o r a t i o Alger Jr., Eufiene Benson, h m a Lazarus, Itebecca Davis, Annie Edwards, Helen Hunt Jackson, O l i v e r '.dendell Holmes, and Hal t Iv'hitman. G h c . r l e s Xeade and Henry James c o n s t i t u - t e two o f t h e more f requen t correspondents . Henry James submit ted an a r t i c l e n e a r l y every month and h i s l e t t e r s c o n t a i n h i s t h o u ~ h t f i concerning some of these . (cont inued on next page)

    S p e c i a l Formats 0 Photographs 0 Maps OAudio Tapes 0 Fi lms 0 Graphics ahtifacts OMachine-readable records O O t h e r ( l i s t )

    Tmporapy catalog' card added entries The Galaxy; Army & N a v ~ J o u r n a l ; Church, F ranc i s P.; - Sheldon R Co.; C h a r l e s Xeade; llenry James; tiugene Benson; i n l t idhitman; Rebecca 1)avi.s;

    U.S.-History--Civil War; P e r i o d i c a l s , Pub l i sh ing o f ; E d i t o r s ; Journa l i sm, M i l i t a r y ;

    Authors, English-13th cen tu ry ; Accessioned by J u l i e Ann Hoach

    Authors, American-19th cen tu ry

    Date June 1, 1984

  • William Conant Church. Papers.

    Accession Sheet (con't.)

    The Charles Heade folder contains incoming and outgoing letters; some of these concern a copyright/publishing problem of the novel Foul Play. To study these letters is to obtain a good sense o'f many of the problems and situations some of these jounalists faced whpn they submitted articles, short stories, and criticisms. Included in these parers are the actual records maintained by hheldon & Co. which de~ict a marked decrease in magazine sales between the years 1869 and 1877.

  • Conta iner L i s t

    Box - The GGlaxy -


    The Army 6 Navy Jou rna l - Correspondence







  • William Conant Church Correspondence

    The G a l a q

    Box 1 - Abbot, Edwin H.

    Abbott, John Stephens Cabot

    Adams, J.Q.

    Adams, Oscar F.

    Alger, Horatio Jr.

    Ammen, S.Z.

    Anderson, Maggie

    undrews, Helrn F.

    Antley , Viola Appleton, D & Co.

    Ashton, J. Hubley

    Atkinson, Mary E.

    Austin, George Lowell

    Austin, Jane G.

    Baird, William

    Baker, E.

    B a r r e t t , Lawrence

    Barrow, Frances Elizabeth

    Bates, C.F.

    Beach, Fred G.

    Belcher , James I l l i d g e

    Bellamy , Edward Benson, Eugene

    Benton, J o e l

    Bigelow, John

    Bigelow, L.J.

    Bigney, M.F.

    B i l l i n g , Edward C.

    Binckley, John M.

    B i s s e l l , Champion

    Bixby , James T. Black, Charles A.

    Black. Jeremiah Su l l i an

  • Box 1 (con ' t . )

    B l a i r , Mary E.

    Blake, L i l l i e Devereux Umsted

    Blot , P i e r r e

    Bocock, J.P.

    Boker, George Henry

    Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth

    Boyle, Esmeralda

    Bracket t , S.G.

    Bradford, J.S.

    B r i s t e d , Charles Astor

    Brougham, John

    Brown, Helen D.

    Brown, John Mason

    Browne, Junius Henri

    Bryant, Mlilliam Cullen

    Buffum, E.G.

    Budd, George P.

    Burke, Charles E.

    B u r r i t t , h l ihu

    Burroughs, John

    Bu t l e r , George A.

    Bu t l e r , E.

    Butterworth, Hezekiah

    Calhoun, L.I.G.

    a v e r t , George Henry

    C a r r o l l , Charles

    Cary, Al ice

    Cary, Phoebe

    Casey, Marcus A. /

    Champlin, John Denison

    Champney, Lizz ie Williams

    Chesebro, Carol ine

    Chetwood, F.B.

    Chidsey , Loraine T. C h r i s t i e , N.F.

    Church, Francis E.

    Church, Francis Pharcel lus

    Church, William Conant

  • Box 1 (con ' t . )

    C l a r k , T. Edward

    C l a r k , W i l l i a m kdolphus

    C l a r k e , C h a r l e s W.

    C l a r k e , Rebecca S.

    Coan, T i t u s Munson

    Cobb, Myra L.

    Cobbe, Frances Power

    Codman, John

    Colburn, Richard T.

    C o l l y e r , Robert

    C o l t o n , F r a n c i s

    Congdon, C h a r l e s Taber

    Conner, P.S.P.

    Cons tab le . A.G.

    Conway, K.S.

    Conway, Moncure Danie l

    Cook, Cla rence Chatham

    Cook, Nelson

    Cooke, John Esten

    C o o l b r i t h . I n a U.

    Cooper, A.R.

    Cord ley , Hichard

    C o r l i s s , J.B.

    Cowan, Mrs.---?

    Cowing, Frances

    Coy, E l l e n E.

    Cranch, Chr i s topher P e a r s e

    Crapsey, Edward

    C r o f f u t , W.A.

    C r o l y , Uavid Goodman

    Cron in , D.E.

    Cullurn, George U.

    Cunningham, J.H.

  • Box 2 -

    C u r t i s , George d i l l i a m

    Da l ton , John C a l l

    Dan i e l s , Mrs. J .H.

    Davis , Rebecca

    Dana, Zugene C.

    Davis , L. C la rke

    Davifi, William L.

    Dawson, George

    Dayton, M.G.

    Dean, Richard C.

    De Cos t a , Benjamin Frankl in

    Deer ing. Mary S .

    DeForest , John Uil l iam

    Dement, R.S.

    Dennent , John Richard Dennis , E.W.

    DeVere, Sche le

    DeVere, Mary Ainge

    Dewey, Melvi l

    De'dolfe, F.I.

    Dickinson, Mrs. E.E.

    Dix, Morgan

    Dodge, Mary B.

    Dodge, Theodore i ~ y r a u l t

    Dodge, Mary Abiga i l

    Dodge, Nathaniel Sha t swel l

    Doe. Cha r l e s Henry

    Donahoe, Joseph

    Donaldson, Thomas

    Dool, A.M.

    Doubleday, U.

    Dowe, J e n n i e E.T.

    Downing, Fanny Murdaugh

    Draper , John Chr i s topher

    Draper , Henry

    Draper , William llenry

  • Duyckinck, Evert Augustus

    DuChaillu, Paul Belloni

    Zddj, P.U.

    Edwards, Annie

    Edwards, Howard

    Eldredge, Grace

    E l l i o t t . Charles dyl lys

    E l l i o t t , Sada

    Ellyson, J.H.

    Essick. S.V.

    Evans, K.L.

    Fagnani, E.

    T a i r f i e l d , Francis Gerry

    Farmer, N.H.

    Farnham, Thomas H.

    Faus t . A.J .

    Fawcett , Edgar Fay, Gaston

    Feudge, Fanny Roper

    F i e l d , Mary Katherine

    F i e l d e r , Herbert

    F i she r , Gilman C.

    F i t ch , C.L.

    F i t t s , James Franklin

    Fleeman, W.H.

    F l e t che r , H.M.

    Ford, Emily Ellsworth

    Gamble, George H.

    Gardet te , C.D.

    Garr ison, Wendell P h i l l i p s

    Gemiinder, George

    G i l b e r t , Frank

    Gilmore, James Roberts

    Gilmore, Milly L.

    Goodloe, Daniel R.

    Goodwin, Myra A.

    Greeley , Horace G r i f f i s , William E l l i o t t

  • Box 2 (con ' t . )

    Griswold, W.M.

    H n c k e t t , Frank W.

    I l a ld ing ton , J.G.

    Hale , Edward E v e r e t t

    Hale , Mrs. E.W.

    Ilal l , Edward W.

    H a l l , P e t e r Penn Gaskell

    f la l lock. C h a r l e s

    Hancock, Winfield S c o t t

    Hardy, H e n r i e t t a

    Harkar , C h a r l e s H.

    Harris, HnI~nda B.

    Hart, J.M.

    H a r t l e y , Mrs. Benjamin

    Harva l Bro. ?

    Barwood, E. F.

    H a s k e l l , Uan ie l Noyes

    Hawes, C.P.

    Hay, John

    Hayne, Pau l Hamilton

    Haynie, James H.

    Henderson, Samuel

    Hennessy, 'd i l l iam J.

    H e r b e r t , Dozier G.

    Bickox, Chauncey

    H i e s t e r . H.M.

    Higginson, Storrow ~ n r s c t ~ , T/ lcmss we,d i .uor fh

    [{jfard, George S t i l l m a n

    H i l l a r d , Kate

    Wi ldre th , C h a r l e s L.

    Hin ton , Richard J.

    Hobbins, Joseph

    Holmes, O l i v e r Jendel l

    Hooper, Lucy Hamilton

    Hooper, William R.

    Hopkins, E.S.

    Hopkins, S.F.

  • Norton, G.M.S.

    Hot ten , John Cnmden

    Aoughton, H.O. and Co.

    Houghton. J.D.

    Howard, Thomas

    tlowe, Edward H.

    Ilowe, J u l i a Ward

    Howells, William Dean

    Howland, Edward

    Mowland, Marie

    Hoyt, E l t o n

    Hubbard, David G.

    Huber t , P h i l i p Jr.

    Humphreys, M.G.

    Hunt, Helen Maria

    Hunt, R.M.

    Hurd, John Godman

    Hutchinson, N e l l i e M.

    Ingraham, P r e n t i s s

    I r e l a n d , F.G.

    I s a a c s , 1.:;.

    James, Henry

    J a r v e s , H.D.

    J a rvef i , James Jackson

    J e n k i n s , Howard M.

    J o h n s t o n , J.P.

    J o h n s t o n , Jilliam Pres ton

    J o n e s , Amanda T.

    J o r d a n , Edward

    J o y c e , J. Asbury

    Kay, C h a r l e s S.

    Kel ly , Mary E.

    Ker, David

    Keyes, Edward L.

    Kimbal l , ltichard Bur le igh

    King, Theodore

  • Box 3 ( c o n ' t . )

    Kip , Leonard

    Kleugh, George ( K l i n g l e )

    K r e u t z e r , William

    Ladd, Marie S.

    LaFarge, Amalie I

    LaFarge , John Lang ley , Samuel P i e r n o n t

    Lanman, C h a r l e s

    L a n t z , Brank 4 .

    L s r s e n , Mrs. C a r l

    L a t h r o p , George Parsons

    L a t h r o p , Rose (Hawthorne)

    L a z a r u s , Emma

    Lazarun , barah

    Lea (?) , Margdret

    L e e , A.T.

    Leith-Adams, I j s r tha

    L e l a n d , C h a r l e s Godfrey

    LeVert , Oc tav ia i i a l ton

    Lewis, L i z z i e U.

    L i l l i e , Lucy C.

    L i n t o n , d.J.

    L i p p i r i c o t t , J.B. & Co.

    L loyd , Mary

    Lockuood, Florence Baynrd

    Lockwood, Mrs. J.H.

    Logan, C e l i a

    Logan, O l i v e

    Loss ing , Benson John

    Low, A.A.

    Lowe, m n i e

    Lowel l , James R u s s e l l

    Luce, S.B.

    Ludlow, F i t z Hueh

    Lukens, H. Clay

    L u t z , Frank P.

    Lyon, J o s i e A.

  • Box 3 (con ' t . )

    McAlpine, J u l i a Louise

    McCabe, James D., Jr.

    McCann, Nalter 8.

    McCarthy , Jus t in McClellan, Miss

    McKay , James T. MacKenzie, H. Shelton

    McKnight, Charles

    tlcMaster, W. E.

    McPherson, Mrs. L.S.

    Macquesten, Gara B.

    Macquoid, Katharine S .

    Madox, George W.

    Magil l , Mary Tucker

    Magruder , J u l i a Manley, F.

    Marot, Charles H.

    Marshal l , Emilie U.

    Marston, George W.

    Martz, Charles

    Mason, E.T.

    Mason, Minnie M.

    Mather, Frederic G.

    Matthews, J. Brander

    Maury, Thompson 13.

    May, Char les S.

    Means, P h i l i p

    Meday, C.H.

    Medbery , James K. Meline, James F.

    Meredith, I s a b e l l a Grant

    Herriam, H.C.

    Metcalfe , Charles P.

    Michael is , 0.G.

    Mi l l e r . Cincinnatus Heine

    Mi tche l l , Donald Grant

  • Box 3 (con ' t . )

    M i t c h e l l , Marion

    Montgommery, G.E.

    Monti , Luigi

    Moore, 1;.

    Moore, Char les

    Moore, D. Winthrop & Co.

    Moran, John

    Morley, E l l a F.

    Noulton, Louise (Chandler)

    Murphy. Rlanche

    Murray, E . Grcnv i l l e

    N c i l l , Edward D.

    t ie lson, L i l y

    Nichols , Ada i1.E.

    Nicholson, E l izabe th

    Norton, Char les B.

    Oakey, Mwia R.

    O'Connor , d i l l i a m U o u ~ l a s 0' Dormel, Daniel Kane

    O l c o t t , 11.A.

    Osborne , Theodore 1.1. Osgood , Kate k'utnam Oswald, Fe l i x Leonold

    O t t s , John Martin P h i l i p

    Owston, F.W.

    Palmer, John Williamson

    Palmer, F. (Mrs. W.H. palmer)

    Palmer, J u l i u s A., Jr.

    Pa rke r , Moses E.

    Pa r sons , Anna

    P a r t o n , James

    Parsons , F. W.

    Pa r ton , Sa r a Payson ( W i l l i s ) pseudonym: Fanny Fern

    P a r t r i d g e , C.S.

  • Box 4 (con' t . )

    Pa terson , C.

    P e i r c e , Laura Gay

    Penny, William L.

    P e r d i c a r i s , Ion

    Perk ins , Yilliam R.

    Per ry , Ca r lo t t a

    Per ry , Nora

    P e t e r s , John Charles

    P h i l l i p s , Jaldorf H.

    P h i l l i p s , Mrs. W.S.

    P i a t t , Uonn

    P i a t t , John James P l a t t , John I.

    P o l l a r d , Edward Albert

    Pomeroy , Rachel Pool, Maria L.

    P o r t e r , Robert P.

    Pres ton , Margaret Junkin

    P r i ce , Harry R.

    Proc tor , Mna Dean

    P---, H.C.

    rjuincy , Edmund

    Head, John Meredith Jr.

    Head, Thomas Buchanan

    Rende, Charles

    Heade , ;d. ',hinwood Heclus, 61ie

    Reid, blayne

    Reid, Whitelaw

    Hhodes, Albert

    Richards, William Carey

    Hi tchie , Anna Cora

    Roberts, Edwards

    Robertson, Margaret S.11.

    Robinson, Mary A.

    Roche, James Je f f r ey

  • Box 4 (con ' t . )

    Rogers, George

    Ross, Pe ter

    Ross, Mrs.

    Hound, William Marshall F i t t s

    Russe l l , E. B.

    Russe l l , S i r William Howard

    Sanborn, mwin David

    Sand, J.I.

    Sass , G. Herbert

    Sawyer, L.W.

    Saxe, John Godfrey

    Ssxton, Andrew B.

    Schaumburg, A.

    Schuyler , M.

    S c o t t , Kate M.

    Scudrler, Horace El i sha

    Seabrook, E.B.

    Sear ing , Laura C. ( ~ e d d e n ) Pseudonym: Howard Glyndon

    Sedgwick, i r t h u r George

    S e d p i c k , dilliarn E .

    Sedley, Henry

    Seemuller, Annie Moncure (Crane)

    Seymour, Almira

    Shanks, Villiam Franklin Gore

    Shaw, Samuel M.

    Notice of Sa le

    Sheldon & Co.

    Sheldon & Co.

    Sheldon & Co.

    Shepard, Charles Upham

    Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson)

    Shinn, Charles H.

    Shrady, George F.

    1877 1877, Dec. 22

    1868, 1869







  • Siddons , J . H .

    S i k e s , W i l l i a m vlirt

    S i l l , Edward Howland

    S l a y t o n , Mrs. J u l i a A.

    S l e i g h t , Char les L.

    Smi th , John Cotton

    Smi th , Nicholas

    Smi th , Ormond G.

    Smith, S.S.

    Smith. T u n s t a l l

    Smith & McUougal

    Snow. Xil l iam Parker

    H South Ca ro l i n i an

    Sparhawk, Frances Campbell

    Spence, G.

    Spence r , Uward

    Spencer , Kate C.

    Spo f fo rd , H a r r i e t P r e s c o t t

    S t a n l e y , Gert rude

    S t e r n e , Simon

    S t evens , John Austin

    S t i l l m a n , William James

    S tockwel l , G. Archie

    Gtoddard, Richard Henry

    S tone , Margaret M.

    S t one , Llilliam 1,eete

    S t r e e t , Alfred B i l l i n g s

    S t u r g i s , Husse l l Jr.

    Swinton, ; d i l l i a m

    Swisshelm, J ane Grey

    T a l b o t t , William T.

    Tappan, Cha r l e s

    Ta rve r , Char les

    T a y l o r , Bay ard

    Tay lo r , Marie llansen

    Temole, L.D.

  • Box 5 ( c o n ' t . )

    T e r r y , Hose

    Thomas, G. W.

    Thompson, E.W.

    Thompson, John Reubm

    Thompson, Mrs, L.W. Pseudonym: Maria P o t t e r

    Thomson, C l i f f o r d

    Thomson (?). Eugene

    Thomson, G.M.

    T icknor and F i e l d s

    'T i l ton . Theodore

    Towle, George Makeneace

    Townsend, George ~ U f r e d

    Townsend, James M., Jr.

    T r a f t o n , Adel ine

    Trowbridge, John Townsend

    Tuckerman, Henry Theodore

    Tuckerman, C h a r l e s Keating

    Tunison, J.S.

    Turner , William \/.

    T y t l e r , Mary C.

    Upham, Francifi Vil l inm

    Van Rea t ty ( 7 ) Edward

    Varnum, Mrs. U.C.

    V e r d i , T u l l i o Suzzara

    V i n c e n t , Marvin Richardson

    Wager-Fisher, Mary A.E.

    Jakeman, George

    Walker, Amasa

    Walker, Mrs. M.E.

    ' . i a l t e r s , C.W.

    Yarwick, d a l t e r

    Wafison, David Atwood

    Waterloo, B e l l e

    White, Horace

    d h i t e , Richard Grant Whiting, \tilliam B.

  • Box 5 ( c o n ' t . )

    Whitman, Ya l t

    d i l d e r , Bur t Green

    W i l l i a m s , Robert

    Ui l son , J. A l b e r t

    d i l s o n , James Grant

    Wilson. John G.

    d i n c h e l l , E.E.

    Winchel l , Jamefi Manning

    J i n c h e l l , Mrfi.

    Winter , W i l l i a m

    irlinsor, F.

    idinsor, J u s t i n

    Wood, W i l l i a m U.

    Woodbury, C h a r l e s J.

    'doodman, H o r a t i o

    dyman, Lloyd

    Yates , Edmund

    Yelver ton , Therese

    Young, John Russe1.l

    Your f r i e n d i n t h e Hawkeye S t a t e

    Z i e e l e r , Louis C.

    U n i d e n t i f i e d and incomplete

  • William Conant Church Correspondence

    U.S. Army and Navy Journal

    Box 6 - Adams, J u l i u s W.

    Aitken, A.

    Alexander, F.Y.


    Athenaeum Club

    Aulick. H

    Ayers. Charles B

    Rabbit, Edwin B

    Babcock , J.C. Bach, Alexander Dallas

    Bacon, Theodore

    Bailey, J.F.

    Balch , George B Barclay. Frank F.

    Barrows, S .H.

    Harry. William Farqular

    B a r t l e t t , Joseph J.C.

    B a r t l e t t , F.M.

    Bates, William d .

    Bay l e s , James C.

    Benedict, George Grenvil le

    Bigelow, H.H.

    Blake, George Smith

    Blodgett , William T.

    B lun t , Qeorge W.

    Bowdith, Henry Ingersol l

    Bowen, Annie M.

    Bowman. S.M.

    Brandner, A.G.

    Bridge. Horatio

    Br is ted , Charles Astor

    Broadbent, Charles

  • Box 6 (con't .)

    Broom, T. Augustus

    Budd, W.

    Bumstead, Freeman Jos iah

    Bumstead, Horace

    C a l i f f , J.H.

    Cal lan , J.F.

    Carey, James P.

    Casey, S i l i s

    Church, Frank Pharcel lus

    Church, H.

    Church, W i l l i a m Conant

    Classen, P.J.

    Clay, Cecil

    Cleveland, Horace William Shaler

    Coleman, Samuel

    Conant, C.B.

    Coppee, Henry

    Corread, J.

    Crounse, L.L.

    C u t t s , Richard D.

    Dana, William P.W.

    Dartney , J.L. Davis, William J.

    Day, James and Son

    Detmold, C.E.

    Divine, Thomas A.

    Dr i sco t t , Fredrick

    Duhms, John H.

    Doull, Alexander

    Duncan, William Ceci l1

    Dutton. E.P. and Co.

    Dutton, HA. and son

    Dyer, William H.

    Edmunds, John Worth

    Ellsworth, C.C.

    Engle, George M.

    Ecnodeca ( 7 )

    Erdt , C.

  • Box 6 (con' t . )

    Farr ington, William H.

    Faxon, William

    Fel ton , Joseph 0.

    Fergunson, James

    F ie lds , James Thomas

    F i f i e l d , L.B.

    F i she r , Clark

    Forbes, R.B.

    Forney, D.C.

    For---?, E.

    Fos ter , Benjamin B.

    Fox, Thomas Bailey

    Freeman, Zdward A.

    French, William Henry

    Frueauff, William Herman

    G a r r e t t , Henry C. see Mariners'











    Exchange, Boston, MRSS.

    G i l l , J.

    G i l l i s , J .H. 7 h l l i s s , James Meluille Godwin, Parke

    Gordon, William H.

    Gray, John S .

    Greene, H.F.

    Grant, L.H. see Mercantile Library Association Gr-enough, W.W.

    G r i f f i t h , Milton

    Hale, John

    Hallowell, Charles T.

    Halpine, Charles Graham

    Halsey , Corre l ia Halsey, Thomas H.

    Hamilton, J.H.

    Har r i s , S i t w e l l

    Hartley , J.F. Harvard College

    Heaton, Charles W.

    Heintzelman, H.

    Henry, Arthur R.


  • Box 6 (con' t . )

    Henry, Guy V.

    Higginson. Waldo

    Howe ? Frank E.

    Howard, D. Jr.

    Hilgiird, J.E.

    H i l l , Thomas - see Harvard College Holt. Heliry - see (The) Rebellion Record Hoppin, William Jones

    Hot tens te in , Robert?

    Hough, Franklin Benjamin

    Hubbell, C .W.

    Hunt. Levis Cass "H"

    Izod, Thomas

    Jas t ram, (?) P.S.

    Jewett , Jedediah Jones .----?

    Judd, David Wright

    Judson. J.F.?

    "Just ice"

    Kellogg, George D.

    King, Char les

    Box 7 - Lane, 7 Smith E. see Athenaeum Club - Lathrop, S.H.? 1864

    Lippincot t , J.11. & Co. 1863 Livingston. Charles E. 1863

    Lomas, John 1864

    Locker, Thomas H. 1864

    Loyal Publicat ion Society ~ e e - 71,nyer, James 13. 1863-64 Luce, Stephan Bleecker 1863-64

    Luigham, LIilliam Jr. 1863

    Lu l l , Edward Phelps

    Lyman, Ed

  • Box 7 (con ' t . )

    Lyndall, Milliam? o r Joseph?

    Lyons, T.A.

    Mac----? W.M. (?) A.

    Maceuen, C. Izard

    Macy, George N.

    Mahan, Dennis Hart

    Malcolm, Howard

    Mansfield, Edward Deering

    Mariners Exchange, Boston, Mass.

    Marston, Ward

    Meade, Richard Worsam

    Mercantile Library Association

    Merchant, Clarke

    Metcalf, J.K. 1863-64

    Milks, R.G. free New York S t a t e Inspector General's Office

    M i l l e r , George 1864

    Monk, I. 1863

    Morgan, Charles Hale 1864

    Morrison, A.J. 1863

    Morrison, Henry

    Morse, H.J. 1863

    Munther , F.R. 1863 National In t e l l igence r , Yashington, D.C. 1863

    National Union Reading Rooms 1861, 63

    Meil l , Thomas Hewson 1863

    New York S t a t e Inspector General's Office 1863

    Newton, Isaac 1863-64

    Ni les , Samuel V. 1863

    Nordhott, Charles

    Norton, Charles E l i o t 1863

    Nourse, Joseph Everet t 1863

    Off ley , Holmes E. 1863

    Ordsonaux, John 1863

    OIHei l ly , Mwin 1864

    Osgood, J .R. 186?, 1864

    page, Charles A. 1864

    p a l f r e y , Francis Winthrop 1863

    Palmer, Jacob P. 1864

  • Box 7 (con't .)

    Palmer, J.V.

    Parker. Foxhall

    Parker , Scollay

    P a t t i s o n , Thomas

    Pease. W.H.

    Perkin, Fredrick Beecher

    Phipps, Charles H.

    Pickering, Charles Whipple

    P l a n t z , Homer G.

    Pond, George Edward

    Purington, C.

    Putman, G.P. see (The) Rebellion Record Rae(?), Thomas Whiteside

    Rand, A.C.

    Randall , Samuel Jackson

    (The) Rebellion Hecord

    Redfield, W.B.

    Redington, J.C.O.

    Reid, 'Whitelaw

    Rhees, Villiam Jones

    Rhichards, George W.

    R i s t i n e , James

    Robins, Richard

    Rogers, Henry J.

    Ro l l in s , E.A. (? )

    Ruschenberger, William S.W.

    Ryan, George

    Sanket(?) , D.B.

    Sargent , Horace Binney

    Saunderfi, Otley & Morgan

    Schurz. Car l

    Sco t t . Robert N.

    Sea l ly , I s r a e l s Seymour, Edward

    Shubrick, Yilliem Branford

    Sibley , John Lanedon see Harvard College Simmons. John W.

  • Box 7 (con't .)

    S l i p p e r , J.A.

    Smith, A. Thomas

    Smith, C.W.

    Smith, J. George

    Smith J. T u t t l e

    Smith, Thomas Church Haskell

    Smith. W.P.

    Smyth, Laidley - s e e Union League. Philadelphia S?elQing (?) , J . H .

    Spencer Repeating R i f l e Company

    Stedman, C. Fmery

    S t e f f e n s , W i l l i a m

    S t e t s o n , J.

    Stevens, Benjamin F.

    Stevens, John Austin

    Stone, klexander W.

    S t r a d e r , P.W. (? )

    Sul l ivan , C.

    Suydam, C.C.

    Swinton, William

    Taggart , John H. Taylor , Hudson

    Thayer, James B.

    Thomas, J .C.

    Thurber, H.K.

    Ticknor and F ie lds

    T i l t o n , Theodore

    T o l l e s , C.W.

    Tomkins, James S.

    Tompkins, W.W.

    Townsend, E.D.

    T u f t s , O t i s

    Union League, Philadelphia

    Upshur , John Henry Va----?

    J a l s h , John R.

    Ua l t e r s , William Jr.

    Ward, H.C. see Morse, H.J.

  • Box 7 (con'$.)

    Ward, S.G.

    Warner, Adoniram Judson

    Warner, Aug.(?) J.

    Welling, James Clarke see West, Charles I \ .

    Whiting, William R.

    Whittelsey, C.H.

    Willcox, Orlondo Bolivar

    Willcox, William H.

    d i l l e t t , James A.

    W i l l i s , John

    Wilsnn, George

    Wilson, --- Wirtz. Horace N.

    Wise, H.A.

    Woodruff, I s r a e l Carle

    Goodward, J.A.H.

    Wright, Charles B.

    d r i s l e y , S.F. Anonymous and incomplete




    National In te l l igence Waehington, D.C.



    1863 1863


    SummaryContainer listThe GalaxyAbbot - BlackBlair - ChurchClark - CunninghamCurtis - DraperDuyckinck - GriffisGriswold - HopkinsHorton - KirmenKip - LyonMcAlpine - MitchellMoore - PartidgePaterson - RocheRogers - ShradySiddons - TempleTerry - WhitingtonWhitman - Unidentified

    U.S. Army and Navy JournalAdams - BroadbentBroom - ErdtFarrington - HenryHigginson - KingLane - PalmerParker - SimmonsSlipper - WardWarner - Anonymous