Coroner's Inquest. Ouijd Scalded to Death .James Cunningham, a child, three yean ofsfe,*ai fatally icaltled yesterday afternoon, U»e apartments of his parents, in Seventh avenue, in ooncequence of a kettle ol boiling water having u|*et over him. Coroner (.arable held an nquest upon the body, and the jury rendered a verdict of "Accidental Another Triumph .Again Uspeiurchcld has been complimented by gentlemen of taste, on the nuirhkis beauty of his model mil hat lor IHid. In beauty of shape and rieral appearance it stands ahead of all competition. Price to, at lib Nassau street. New Style of Soft flat, for Young Men.The Saahir.L-rette Oenin ban just received an exclusive lmnorta- Men of >hr latent style of soft half introduced in I'aris ami I>on doo, it in called the cashmerett", and is superior In llexlljillty, compressibility, lightness and piquant appearance, to any hat of Ms class that has yet appeared on this side of the AtlanUo. The niaterial is of U>q best fur used in the manufacture of felt, aud it dillers from all other fabn h of the kind in being ol mix¬ colorsjif every conceivable shade. The cashmereile, al though only just produced abroad, has already achieved an ^>>.*>*«ce<lented popularly; H '.iaa been universally adopted la France and Kng'aud.lor business xporting and travelling pur- |K»es. Its convenience is obvious al a glance, as it may be folded into the compass ol a pair of g'oves, and Is net liable to sro»h or break under auy pressure. Altogether, the cashme- retus is the most becoming undress ha lor young men, and Ibe best adapted for irav.-lllug by railroad or stage that has sver been manufactured 011 either side of the water. OKNIN, 214 Broadway, opposite St. 1'aul's church. Btcbe di Co., 1AO Broadwiy, have the Aw tomn faahloa for genUtmen's ii.it now ready. They have also 30 hand their usual sssortment of Kretch felt auu traveling kala and caps. Paris Hats at Our Standard Price.To-day will !>.' opened several pacsages of 1'aria hats, m ule by order ami expre-siy lor our retail sales. i.EAKY A CO., Leaders kud introducers of l'ushiou for gentlemen's hats, Afior Bouse, Broad a ay. What <lo yon Call that Shapeless, One¬ sided horrible looking covering lo your head.' It is certainly not a hit. If so it is a shocking bad one. Take our advice, Cart company with it, and adopt in its place one of KMOXS test siyie*. lie is 'o be found at the corner of Broadway aud Pulton streets. Pocket. Pen Md Sportsmen's Knives, Scis¬ sors Ac . i beautiful assortment of ihe above can be seen at the subscribers stores, No. 7 As'.or house, an 3W7 H"oad«ay. A. A J. 8AU5DKR.S. Mo Traveller thinks of I/cavlnn the City wtlhoiiloneof [hose beautifull Ambromies taken by HR.VDY, ai.d his well known galleries, No». JV6 a:. J M Broadway. Call and see tine specimens. The NrfpilActnt Plain and Colored Pho¬ tographs, made only by MKADY, have aiiained an enviabe popularity, and now e»cel any portrait of tlie kind overotfered to the publij. fc'plentlid specimens uiay be seen at No. 351) Bread way. J. Carney would Respectfully An.touiv e to frle.ids ard pstn us that he continues his photographic nd lasBt<Tro:; p< business at his old gallery, 340 Broadway, sof¬ as* of Leonard street, and hat he has not removed an; Sraixn of his esublisLmeat to any pait of the city, nor .l.ven fee Intend so doing, lie his, however, made important altera Moos and improvements in the phonographic department, aud fe aow enabled, with 'lie advam.ge (if superior artis's, to pr> lace nner pictures *bun have heretofore been taken in this (.navy. J. OVHSFY, !1S Broadway, cor. Leonard eu Daguerntypcs lit fB««, i> cents; lnrgc Size, So cent.- taken at our e»'..blishment only, in cases, at these pr.ces. QL'iNliY 4 CO , l'icture Makers, 3S5 Broadway. Portable Dressing Case.. The most Com¬ plete and elegant article now iniuiufaclured, having e.o-ry re- Ui-i'.ef< r a gentleman's toilet. Kor sale *t A. <k J. MAUN DKK.s. No. 7 As'.or House, and 3*7 Broadway, Minnie Mlnturn (certainly a very Pret.ty sod musical nan.e) has been lor scmeume engaged in writisg story of ilfe in the South we- 1 for our ueightMirs of tin Sao newspaper. From what we have he.ird uf it, Minnie will a.ak? a t-Lr among the reading public, by her original style nix! terse, vigorous writing, ihe new story is c uied 'Ihe Aulion*. and said lo <>e founded oa facts wiudi hav ' u: .urn d 10 the Souihwest. Minnie (a very pretty name we re¬ peat, makes her eurtesey in the Dufons on Thursday next. On Thursday, then, look sharp for the Hun. Comb Factory.. A Rich Assortment ofTor- tslae shell dress combs, of the newest Kren j patterns; the variety eu. braces c. ery BLle of ihe imported and iineju.uii.- flsctoie. A. A J. S4LND-.RS, WSJ llroadway. finnuforlrh..A .\timt>rr of Sew and Second tan vuicm, .i>m> roelod-ons, all of lull and r>-h tore, fully warranted, «..<j «l pncca that det'y coiupe'itloti. A MM iMur^am n ay nrvr tie had at Ibe warebouan of JOHN P. WAKK A Co ¦ 167 >uiai a'reet, four doora weit of Vanck. The Plaiio.. I'he Ureiilvnt Imimivrinrnt la t. A HS<. IIRK'8 Improved circular tnaie pianoforte; aareroi.in. Broadway, ppo-.te ire ufw.iy theatre. Mauu ketory, Iwentyeigh'.h air>*l and Ninth avenue, New Yoik. Plnhoa Miid Maloeltroii* The llorni-e Water* Modern improved piano* an<l luelodcona are to be !ojn I oiilj ox 3S3 kria-jwi;, I'mnoa to rent, and rent allowed <>a pur ahss- for tale on monthly pa-, innr«: ae-ond h*..<l puuxoa bum fcwui $1K«, u*eicK c<>iit U-oia **J io JIM. New Hanle..Jnkt Pnlill«)iMl,' by Horac»e> AT IBS. S33 Broadway, "Pool Old Bob," is sung a: hria ty A Wood a last evening, by S. M. BudwoiUi, with gr a.U ap |:>a frier, '!!> (.elite. .let Brnt-e leta and Oriianariita of Ibe Vrweat M«>'rn> continue tola? recet»ed by every alnainer, wi'h an end- taaa vai :ety of lhacjr articH-s ladles' reticules, dressing find aar>' caaea, pearl and .Ivory fiua, poroelain, bronze and other urnin.n,a. Ac., Ac., .«<.., at tin: emenaive i.tucy bazaar ot U. B. KiMiKRa', 4jy '>ioa«l*ay. ¦lark Clodi Malt* $14 Om x-I raaaini'-re bnaitieesmiia n flut bia-k iror-k H Megoi.1 'due nresa riaia » Klatt u»< re antique veals 3 At K V \JiB eLU.iitive cio'fcung warehouse, 00 and lie K ilton be Fmi, For*, Kum . Kord Ai Scott, !fo. 'AlO ¦rend way, lower corner ef K niton atreet, have this I \y opened a»pl« ii:.u n'lxk'f ii uppeta, trlctoi-lu"*. pelerines and M^ei w'.ib cutis in matcb, of tch, mink, stone marten, aablea, ai d otl.i r fin s, wlnrh for style and Anlab cr.imot be eicelle.l. Ibev would m l miens.on to the fact HiAt they have no old .lot! io put ott upon customers, everything In th-lr slock bating b- en aeleoM and manufactured this year etpr-ssly tl in, and und'-r their own supervision. regardless of ei- t«', la a aty .e which rantiot fall to please the moat fastidious, .eir lura will tw r the i-i<swit examination, and are *«. nulled to juai aa tney are repreaenn d. Ktilill A HCOTT, SM Hr< aJway, lower corner of Kulton » reel, aigu ol the Mf Hat. Look at Thiol.To t ltlrena mid «trangera. If you are In want of txtnta and eimes go io H. « ' \ II II I, S, V7 Mn-iu'way. where you <an get any atvle in it yon want. Thin tie largeat, ¦ heapeat and most faatilonahl" In the world. Cnrtaln Malerlnlt and Window Rhtdea, at ^UlM.lc KELTT A rKRUCSOX So ill Bnmdway and Iio 54 heade atr<*ei. have a full and che e alo k uf brocauulea, aa>ir oe...,i e», wwrsud. d'uaoks. lace and musl.n curiaina, «>ornices. kimpa. Ac w hich »rc offered at the lowest prlfw. Window ahanee. Our-'" it ai w ludow shades a the largest m N- w ^<wk, aadour supo tr mauulac:nrlag fardltiea euab> ua to oiTei these guoils le»s th. a other houaea. We invite the atteiitii.il <1 cloae buyer* Weeldlng ("a r<U.-. l n awortiaent of Rver. elril'a .lepaniTv engraved wedding carda, envelopes, Ac., can he Imd on apioi Liiiou, ur aetit by p ail U> any part of the conn try KTK.HIiKI.I-. IW Hi ou lway, corner of iluane ¦'reel. Haublitlii d In !>¦ d WUdet'l Patent ^nlamaader Safe. the m»t rim. moor sxra m tuk world. Warranted Iree fioin ilaupiteiw. Dtul Ho. I £i Wa\nr a'reet, aear Wall, New York. V. (». WII.IIKK A IX)., I'ateateea and manufacmrera firanRtata' Kaoi y 'ioodi Rirlnal tva, comba. anap, eitraoa, pomailea, loaitumeuia, I'aru miry and toilel artlelea, and every artiele sold Dv drug laeeptdi uf» Imported and wild wholeaala by EUKul KTMclVAkO A OO.. St Naeaau aireat Vm Whokwale and Coanlry UragglMi^- Bamea I Park. CM Broadway, Kew York. Invire the at Mkl ot large aad cloae buy era Io th»ir immenw a'.«k ot ¦iaapean and American palnat medicines, at and below taaa Mheturri . ' priee*. by the do/en packaae or Iho gruaa. VAIIH , \ PAftK. >ew Turk. Ciactonal, and Haa Praaclaaa Tomato <«. for Winter l ie .Vow la the llate lo put tl *m tip Ktamin* the lmproi< m nia In " Ar Ibur'i air Ugh «nd ntrs," and aacertain how admir tldy the Te*seia are a«t«rt*'! ta the pnrpoae The trade auppliei by K. P. I OK %¦¥,*" 0 I'lati atreet. New Tork. Important ** Inventora.. Pntenta for tbe IC.aflWH it 1 k foreign eoantrlea promutly aecurwd, aortais. draw lag* «l."ein.-aiHuia Pt '-uipleting invenoon* lieruied. adil< e r aiming palenU imparled I. y C WKIIUK. 1 Proadway, eori -ee -*t fiilion street. rjoni No. IS. .. In the ( on .!*«*«. < nrrenta e.f I tola World, |»On. e . glided band » ».»>> e |.y ,u.' ee Hut to prevent II iajuatlce in the ¦>» \ .",l , d' 'ermlnatkm of iiiantitiea buy one of li HHd)Tll pa en iks m:i I* If the veeyaonea Piale < on Agenoj Bruadway, New lMboriant l»f«»r. a^ton to ladlea and Oe-n- . . _ aU ral! U * a'-*uUon of our eeadera to the " HBH *T NKAKY A a :*tl Br.a.I way, ». . (ren « Inodoroua glove clean TIM AM of Crtatad. w b larak«d by Brwy . a. whh red. gray or a ^ ¦Kin -s Saii fl® I Wig a. Wig a, WtpeaB, V ad" than In rial- I lie Sill w ix-s ,ad .. VOlii H-f A *' Maiden ^ane. made of the beat mat- sis v .' aat<id not i aln lak ..r Itange ci lor I'erfef tit Kuaranlee « Ui wareol e«>ra*a*aat Irnadway prices. Braid*, bands et. ,J *- ¦ * To Crtataetnra'a ! . Is tlie 'T of all «Ks haired and red haired who n Ish to ' '"..autv for esa. His .<. n" 'a V'"pboa«» 'lie-. lies Have m,. p. Ar !. t biaofc altlalned wllk general dtet Hold ani applied at ho t^Astor tiouaa. .atrhflor e Hair I»re, Wig* *."« Tnnpeet .nperlor W> all othera Their new Inn > ' ".mms ¦..Cure fett eomfort In ihe ean r natural e'.ega. ** *n<l durahlll. Ha urrltalled and onlyharmleaa hair ¦ »P»h«dl« Jba prlvatA rooma, at HAT' IIKI.OH «. %\3 bamdw«y. Crlatadovn'a Rat* Oft ll Mnglr. ' Oat b y e ladiea ss iheonlj one «rho«e urt r, n t and thst does not crlap their rlugleta. A head oi isa»r la »tr owned or renderi I h'sck in 'ive tn' iiliea hy this aW-raorSI n tuM. Hold aad ant ile<l at No. . Astor House. I Whlshera anil Mon<l«lirs Komd »" t.'rnw » »|J weeha. by m> ougueut. whndi will not sUIn or t«Jure I n '. Pi m ! ! »ny P«rt of th« conniry. a. ' I fcRAll tM Mm , Broadway; llriggs & Wate atreet, AI. ^auy. I Hwartaay .Lavft'i W nhpene will kV ;*r '"hful anpearnnee. and c irebaldne, s. . H. V *!"' , ?** """ f-'Ttmt bald, aai.< am* 'X''' of hair aa wfienjoung, liy ^ll riatwilrvrw a Halr Dye baa~A«nn.ei lb.- MSSTtSlTT e mtnote's "T "n «T* » .antp.e. m f»r pray r^'rin r>Tr BITn ITIHII. r h#» cntnr ft oWwffMtw (. .* arnrallbal It cannot be distil,gnlshf. I ;,om the lira I m and Km. d-aipyeairsleadot burn . g k,tf. I4ad ai Nn. t lint Mouse w .i aie Something New, and Wanted by Kvery- body.. Kontaine's solidified cream of wi!d llowers, preoared from a reeipe of Dr. Kontakie, the original inventor of " the balm of thousand Mowers," the virtues of which the cream combine* in a solid and more economical form; for shaving, purifying the teeth and breath, making the akin clear, suit and fragrant, and for washing lul'auts. Beautifully prepared. Ex¬ amine it, and you will buy. C. U. RING and C. v. ENER A CO., Agents. The Eye and Kar.-Offlrr Hoar* for Coiimil- tstion, from 'J lot daily. JAMBS W. POWELL, M. I)., Oculist and aurUt, b0£ litOld ,vay. Per Persia..Received a Ciuc of Plcmie A Lubln's frangipnnni, or eternal perlume, with a choice so - lection of other perfumery. Flow er Farms, Mitcham, England, And Nice, Italy. Agents for the United States, GEO. E. INGEK A CO., Dispensing DrucfiaU, corner of Walter st. and Broadway. Hair Dye, Hair Dye.. Crtstadoro's Excel¬ sior hair dye. ''1 is etiled.experience and science declare That there's not in existence a dye for the lutir Tliat with the Excelsior at all cau compare. CRIST ADORO'H Excelsior hair dye made, sold and ap¬ plied, in private rooms, at No. b Astor House. A Perfume In Common I'm, even to this day. Was the invention of one of the earliest of the Rom in nobles, named Krangipanni, and still liea-s Ins name It is a powder or sachet, composed ot every known aplce. In e<iual proportions, lo which Ih added ground iris or orris root, in weight equal to the whole, with one per cent of musk or civet. A liquid ol the same name. Invented t>y hie gr.,n Ison. Morcu tlo Krangipanni, is aiso in common use, prepared by digesting the Fraugipannl powder, in rectified grape snlrlt, which dls solves out the fragrant principles. This has the merit of be Ing the most lastlr g perfume made. Holloway'i Ointment anil Pill* arc Aston¬ ishing remedies for scrofula, and all skin diseases. As salt penetrates meat, so will this ointment reach '.lie aifcetfld parts, if rubbed In externally, fold at the manufactories, MO Maiden lane. New York, ami 'Hi Strand, Loudon; and by all druggists, at »Sc. 6->»c , and 41 per pot or box. Tokal Offers Advantages for those who must chew, when in society; perfumes the breath; do "pitting, juice be'ng swallowed; particularly adapted fov dyspeptics or young men who I'.nd tobtweo Injurious. Ketallan. saloons, segar and drug stores, New Y'ork, Jeraey, Newark, lli'Ojkljn, \o Depot 412 Broadway. To Nervous SufTerers. A Retired Clergy¬ man. restored to health In a few days, after many years of great nervous sullerlng, is anxious lo make known the in.iaris of cure. Will tend (free) the prescription used. Direct the Ilev. JOHN M. DAUNALL, No. S'J Kulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Worthy of Note.. flic faet th«t Diseased lungs, even In the middle and latter stages of consumption, have been c"red, in "Cpea'ed inat/ir.i'.es, by WHTaR'S ba'sii.i of wild efcerry, can be substantiated by !&¦; strongest pro jf. Rupture..Only Prize Mulnl Awarded to Marsh A Co by the Industrial Exhibition of all Nations at the Crystal Palace for their new patent radical cure truafl. Re¬ ferences hs to its superiority: Professors Valentine Mott, Wil- lard Parker and John M. ( aruochan. Open from 7 A. M. to 9 r. M. MARSH A VI).. No. 2»i Maiden lane, N. Y. ADVERTISEMENES RENEWED EVERY DAY. THE MILITARY. LINDSEY BLUES . H E A IKJU A RTE R8 CRYSTAL, £8 Grand street New York. September, KVi. I'lie mem¬ bers of tilts command are hereby nottlicd to attend ll' regiiiar morthly meeting this (Tuesday) evening, Sept. 0, at 8 o'clock. By order, KD&AK A. ROBERTS, Captain. J.no. II Fkiel. Secretary pro tern \T01DK. TO TARGET COMPANIES. RE AtTTTFUL JAI wreaths and bouquet* manufactured awl sold at ROBERT CODDINGTON'S book store. No. iliii Bowery, one iloorahov Fourth street, New York. Country or ' urs punctually attend cd to. The members of the Mcgowin guvrds are hereby notiiied to attend a meeting at the Green rooms, at'S Pearl at., on Tuesday evening, thuVth Inst., at H o'clock. By order of O. ELLIS, Captain. FINE ARTS. 2n CENTS MINATURES, AND UFK SI/.E PASTIL ») portiaits for t.V superbly sucuted by irstlsts from London, masterly product.! :,s, at increufble llttl cost i'ho togriiphs, 91. I 1> 0 pictures taken daily. HOI.MKS, m Broadway._ A LARUE VARIETY OF LINE ENGRAVINGS TO RE ha.! In exchange for o her goods, or sold for cash. Ad¬ dress i'aul, Herald olflee. TO THE Bl'CHANAN AND BRECKINRIDGE CLUBS, treiuoiilund Pay ton do.. PiUinr re snd Donelson do. I.i'e pictures of the a!'i\ e candidates, photogroph 'd by MEADE ltROTllERd, And colored 111 oil and pastils i>y h inluent artists, Foi sale cheap, for con rntttee looms, .tc. 23'i Hi oadway. FIIIMTVRE. TONAMELLED COTTAGE FU RN1TURE.ELE<1 AN T FJ well made suits, at fcifi, first class marble top stilts, at »s.V st the niHi.ufscloiy.UM lirnadway, below Meeker street. Utxxls safely packed lo go out of the c.iy OHOWCABKS..PCHMIDT A BROTHERS, MANUFAO O lory and warerooms, Wo. ft North William street, near Frankfort, Ntw York, and 77 West Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio. A large aesortment constantly on hand. Old showcases taken in exchange. Orders promptly executed. Fu rniture wantei».-the kprsorirer wishes ase furn:"ire siiBii " t for a mediuui e! ISS hi :-e. Any family about reading up housekeeping will nad a cash customer by addressing Hamilton, Herald elllce. TVANTED-A SI IT <»K OFFICE FURNITURE SECOND TT hand, Including salamander safe and copying press. Must be tu t-.H d order. Address L. K Herald olil -e. BILLIARDS. ANKW BILLIARD TABLE, made BY WINANT- Any griitl.uii in wishing to purchase a good table low for the os rer must »ell it ImmtHllaiely aun do so by address ing or applying to Billiard Table, It7 liowery. BELLIA BD TABLES, TKIMMINGH OF EVERY KIND and all apparx'us »-si entia! u> or eenoect'-d w Iththegaa* of Millar Is, to be i.a.1 at the manufactory of O'CONNOR A COl.I.K.NDfcfi, 6j Ann street. Four goou second hand tables for sale. Billiard taiile wantkd-a combination i-usl.ion table, In use but a abort lime and in gi»id order, at a moderate orice, may bear of a purchaacr by addressing Y. L.. box 321 New Y«*W ^st odiee. IMPROVED PI t J.I aRD TABLES AND ('UHHIOJW TK 1 tinted >sbr :srT 14, IMtf, warranted mathematically o>r ree. sod pnes* »«.iig euiia. elaeUcty In all s< aeoua. For sals ou > by MH.UAKL P11KLAB, 30 Chambers street, up aiairs. SPORTING* ITALIAN OBEYIIOUND W ANTED -APPLY AT a I li< nun piece 1 lurty tllrd street ursl house east of N lath sv. uue, r.om 1. to Z o'clo k this day. r.rnoPKA* advkrtikkjmrnt*. INFORMATION r<)R A <. KRIt'AR TRAVKU.IMtStlOIRO to Kurupe . TlIK DMT lloTF.i.n Hotel Metirlc* Parla. Hot* (!... IMlit'im |)i. Hotel d«a Prln<*e. flu Hotel da Kuaale, kept by M. Voting ....Baden Biidoa Hotel il« I'Angletcrre PrankflirL Hoi'l Feder Turin. Hotel Feder II c una. UoK lite I'Kuropc Hor.-nca. Hmel il« vm^ito oixtnadln Aigusu Florence Hotel da I'Klotle d Or Bonn »u Uia Khloa HOTM.K IIU1 NUT UUOU o>k*. Ail liia holala iu London ar« bad. Hotel do Kl roll Part* Hotel da rade Do. H< >aUlea Trnla Rola Rule, Rwltm land. Awl Biany other* ahu b will be given hereafter. JAMW If A R K W KLL ffMJII. WINK MKRCH ART TO b* r Rajcatj < J'irrn YMorla. late proprietor of Ii.l.otaoVa Unt'a. the Oraftou and the I-ondon Hotel*, and the North and Roma American Codec llonae, bcga U) Inform hia Amorlekn Ban-one and fries,la rialung KngUml that J. M la no* on* of i* largeat win* nirr< bant* at the Wrat Kiwi of I<nn<1« n baring c*llara under J M 'a rarloiia private bmiaea la Alh»mar>« atreet aad lb* neighborhood. Public office for general ag<« el*a and the win* and aptrlt bti«in<>aa. No. 40 goner of Stafford ami Albemarle atree'a. Plrcadill* l/on<lon K (.'retire and l>ank«-ra. Mr iaudeJbcoU, Bart, A Company Mo. 1 CaretHiiak Square. I .nriilon TAMKft MARKWFI.L. U'tTR PROPRIKTOR Of IRBOT- «on a. l.ong« the firaflrn and the Ismdon lloteia anl tha (forth aad Smith American I offea liana*, bega to inform hla American frlenda r'aitlng 1-ondon thai J. M la atlll interested In hotel* In bla neighborhood. an. I haa alao aereral private far- ni«bed houeea alwara In lei, In apartment * or entirely, In ttelg W>e rerr beat parrof l^mdon. W. H All application* to be trade direct or hr let'er to Jamea Markwell. gm eral nflga Ml .mar o MaJhe* and Albdharla au-^ata. PioadlUr. I .if F TOO LATI IXilt < I. VMNIFH ATlov nRl'O STORK rot SAI.R.RTTVATRO IN THK MOST central and biialneaa part of the Hit and doing a bnalneae of flK'i per month Tliere la a leaa* of Ihe alore, whlrh la tra ¦ tnl-la, A<Mrea«. with real uaaic. Mcdlrua. Ilro t lwa> Poal <4lra. tpop MAI.r-A rl*R UPAK OF HOB TAIL BAY r hoi-a*a. Ili handa hijtb, 7 year« old. warranted aonnd and » nd. »tj!i«h dnrrra. aa<l Weil aiaiehed, will he aold together or aepainle. 1 her roat fI 'Aai one r*ar ago Ibay wlU l>e aold TV k.w. to aetll* an -»t»t* They ran he aern at P AUAN H .ial.l»a. rot n*r M I T lfc« and llan l«oa atn-ata. ITnulfc Krvoklyn. UliR HAt.R-A OfViO ri'OKtfTil RAN-IROP A UROR r aire, onlf a few weeka in nae, to b- ao'd rb* »p. aa the par<le« b tre no more ttw for It. Apply at lance jr «tre*t, rorrn r nt Qrrhard. .^UR PAI.K-AN OI-t» K-TMU.tSJKn OTPTRR ANI> J tiring aalo. n. n. a»lf IIM«>d «p ia in one of th* i>e«' toei in nan ihe rltr »>«ing ojpo -e one of ike pilnnutl i allraad depots w !l I- Mala aa -jilirr for c»«h ."a'ialat tory rea- aor« a,ret< I.: ill»po«ing of It. ln,nir' al 2K I'nane a'raet, ai arVTeat. 1 . ic an opiiwtiinl'y aelttotn met with VOR HALF on F.XC'H AXUR. F'tR A Hot <* IN THIS r cl»r,.trotn tifty to l«o htiteli d hit*, with Wiua* l>atn Ac., gratia, lay vd on t!»e hill thla aldeot Newtowu, I, I. N DOOOK, 21 KlUaloxli atreet For ejfe? or KXrH Ajruft.roR noon payiro rity or ttimlln pro|«er»f pi for dry gooda. clothing, lioota and hIhm hardware, t r.a kery and other gnrla enlerlnit lain ib>< atoek cf a r..*ntrr More, two Iraela of rwaOent IHM, rontptMiig «~\ «ral hundred aerc* awrji. lntlieHti>of till tKila, nr.e torUc'ti near the O. and M H ii.roi.l ihectlier near |'i" Ml»ata«nipl filer. IfMh . iirro'tn >d l>y aMIlMWull and Inunitrmewf, Ip flomlalitng jwrtlona af the Male. Forth# rat.* of llteae LnU* aa n denlralt'e and aiitiatanttaJ Inreal met-.'. fir«t i ta«« -liaintoreeled reference M to be had In thla Hty. Apply. l»'lw or otherwlae ( , H \ W1KI. W THoMP SON. Jfenl Halaw Mr l-fr, ttoiiheant oaraer vl llroa^lwa, tud Twnity «lnh «arae'. IJtt.OJHM I.OlhJf N j.2t.rt o. or O P..THB MFM to ra of the (Uv. l.xWLt- arc rei|ite«t«d to i-hcnd the ui tj' ra: of t.-ir »l» lirn (nr. " ft * Runaom. from bM late r< a d.-nre 21 Serenth meaoo M eleven o r loelt t!t|t iTaM'tKri ir.eriilig. IIKNKV K HKtlR N. N. 0. e It Pec y. 1"To i.RT.rr "tov x, or w' l.n rr hdlp a Wkw throe atarr brt* k t 'gh «'aa»> llfnwa aion" uaauicm lif t*. feet bf .".? Filhatn.'tjally bJitlt and neal'r tin «h" I . oRtpvMrg aome 'htrli en roin^« :ind i*n hltchana, w.th^ai aid l'*o'«» itator. I«m nlent to ar« awl a<*g»»^ at|ii-laly ><t»i ¦' ¦»" «¦-. .< -t1 .. >,¦.,» ' a . I i ff> a Apph «l fAMI'a'1. W iHOVPi'iR, Real tfato'" H nkar |.nr''fMt rner 0f »lii»"da»T end Twenty ihth »M« .. * SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALH. AKK-PECTABI K WOMAN WANTS A SIIUATION AS cook. < un muse pud l.ngs and pit:*, ami bake And ro-ist; w..»b ai.i1 iron. B<nt ut ciiy lefwiwe. Call al No. 377 41 Avenue, two il -ors from 24t.'» street. An amkhican girl wants a situation to d > chamber* ork und sewing, or to travel with a lady who ia going South or to Europe. Apply At 3U1 Mulberry At. A PROTESTANT YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITU A- tion as eook un lerstanda her business in all iu> branches; or .is cb.imberiu.tid and Hue washer; go.td city reference given. Can be seen for two duyi at if Murray at. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A YQUNG WOMAN. AS KXmI cook and ta a.-sist in washing und ironing; good city reference girt n. Inquire at 207 1st avenue,^corner of 141b si. A SITUATION WANTKD- BY A YOUNG WOMAN, AS good cook; understands baking; good city refereucja given. I'an U seen at 273 Mott at., lirst Boor, for two days. A SITUATION WANTEl) BY A BEXPECTABLE WO man, as <ook, thoroughly understands Ivor business; ad kinds ni'meats, soups, and pastry. City reference. Call ut No. 113 7th avenue, near lt"h at., lirst tloor, up stairs. ASITUA1 ION WANTED.AH FIRST BYTE CtiAMBEK- mald and waiter, or todoihe general bouse work of a private family. Good relereuce. Call :it 332 East i2ili st. Agoing healthy woman would like to have a situation us wet nurse. Call at lui West i'Jth it,, be:ween 6'h and 7lh avenues, for two days. A SITUATION WANTKD.AS COOK, WASHER AND ironer. City referenoe. Call at 106 'Hilary, three doors from Lawrence si , Brooklyn. A YOUNG GIBL WISHES A SITUATION IN A private family, hm chambermaid and to take card of chil¬ dren. Call at 40 Kast li:h St, lu the rear hou^e. A SITUATION WANTED. BY A MIDDI.E AGED woman, as gotxl < ook; best of reicrences ftrotn her las', place. Call at M> West 11th st in the store, for two days. A SITUATION WANTKD.IIY A RESPECTABLE woman, to do general house work la a good c ...* washer and ttaw; £oud references. Inquire, at 12 lillary street. Brooklyn. I SITUATION WANTED.BY A RESPECT IBLK 1 young woman, as cook, waaher and Ironer; understands tkinj; awl pastry ; tne best of reference from bar last pla^n. Call at 183 Kast It-th it., between 1st and M avenues. Can be t,een lor tw o days. A YOUNG GIRL OK EXCELLENT CHARACTER AND good eiliw nion, on account of a change of ciro'unaiances, wi-ln h a gcnieft Mtn uion as lady's maid, or tn s 'me capacity up stftirs. II Ah g'otl relerenne. Also, a nice young girl ta> attend a store. Apply at a/7 Kast 19th street, near atE a;., sucond floor. A COMPETENT YOUNG WOKAK DESIRES A SITU.v lion, in the citv or country, as cook, washer and ironer; makes good bread and pa-try. and is of a'i obliging disposi¬ tion. Apply at^I Bowery. A YOUNO WOM \N, OK KETIKED HABITS, WISHES a situation In a respectable private family, at plain cook; would bare no objection to do part of the washing; city refer tnce. Apply for two days at No. 6. Marion st. A SITUATION WANTED . AS CHAMBERMAID AND line washer and Ironer. City reference given. Csll a 2Uti 7th avenue, between L3d and 2ltli sts., third ttoir, back room. A SITUATION WANTED. AS COOK, IN A PRIVATE family. Three years' reference given. Call at /XI yth avenue, between -'d and 21th sts., third floor, back room. ARR8TKCTABLE aiRL WISHES A SITUATION TO rook Wash and iron. In A small private family. Best of c.ty ri fere nee from her last place. Call at 323 East 8th St., third floor, back room. Alt E8PECT \ BL" WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION AS sesmstri us, la a g.iod dressmaker; can cut and litbtys' oibes and thoroughly understands all sorts of family sewing; has good recommendations. Call at 130 East 34th st. A RESPECT ABLE YOUNO WOMAN WANTS A SITUA tiou as chambermaid and waiter, or eook and washer and ironer, in a small family; thorough understands her busi- nets. Call at No. 210 1st are., over the bakery. Can be seen for tw o days. The best of relereuce given from her last place, A SITUATION WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WO- man, as good cook and to assist in washing and ironing. Ojod city reference. Can be seen for two days at No. til West 25th it., lirst tloor back room. A YOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION, TO DO chambenvork hnd waiting, or as tirst rate washer and iioner: is Strong ar.d wi ling to wort. Call for two days, at 41'. tiih ave near 26th St., in the bakery. AN ENGLISH LADY, WHO HAS HAD GREAT EXPE rit-nce in teaching h nglish In a'l its branches, Krcncii, ac quired in Krance, Italian drawing and music, is desirous of meeting with sn engagement as resident governess, in a pri vale family. He!ereii<'ci gu en and required. Adircas Miss G. L. K., C'nloa squ.ire Post office, or 831 Bowery. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, AS chambermaid nr.tl waiter, lias the best of city refe rer.ee. Csn be seen st No. 134 6th av., between loth and 11th ?t»., for two days. A RESPECTABLE GIRL WISHES A SITUATION, AH chamber n. tid and seamstress, or as cliambftnnaid, and to do the r'ne w eviiiniv ll»» the best of city referenoe. Call, for two <!ii\ ». at No. 13 Kust 11th st. A SITUATION WANTED. BY A YOUFO WOMAN, TO £o geueiul housework in prlvata family. Gjod refe¬ rence. Inquire at No 1JU Mott st. SITUATION WANTED. BY TWO BRSPKt.'TAULK young g.rls; one as lirst rate cook, In a private fstnlly. lived fourjeais In her hut place; the other to do chamber work. Call at No. 3U9 East 21st St., between 1st and 3d ares ABE8P FCTAUIJt YOUNG WOM AN, WISHES A SITU alien a* chambermaid and waiter: w oo d be willing Ui assist in the washing and ironing If required. Apply for one day at Ibe corner i f Kulton and Franklin avenues, Brooklyn Best of city reference can be had from her present employer A SITUATION WAXTED-BY A YOUNO WOMAN, TO i ooii. wusli snd Iron, in a respectable family, good re frienic. Apply at >1 Hudson at enue, Brooklyn. Actuation wanted. by a young woman, as t liambeimald end to assist In the washing and ironing. (.<xsl n it-rentes. Inquire at No. 116 York st , Bro >klyn, tor two data. A Asitu\tion wanted, p.y a protectant young woman, ns cbsmberi laid and seamstress, or aa child's nur>e tliod rltjr references. Inquire at 310 7th ave., be ween 2Atb sod t h sts. Asitvation wanted, by a yocno girl, in a rea|» r:*hii' prlvata family, aa cook, waiHcr *n I irutier ui i'i ratai.da l nkliiK thoroughly. fan five the ben id city refer nr «. Call at l<M lt>tt> at., between 7tb an l tfth ave%, r> ar uialirg. Asitvation waktid-ht a bkhpbc*tari.k j nix w.inan aa cook, vaihfr an I ironir lla* th«* b»at of city li pi.w. « 'an h«: wen for two day» at 6-t Ridge »!. A1!Fj.PK TAB I.R WEICH PROTEST ANT OIRI. want* a situation, a* norm- and travel with a laly I'm if »een for two <Uya, at 1:3 12th »t., between Stli .<n 1 t,th avi. AftfUAYOTN WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN. \S riwobtniiild. Uo<*l references given. Apply at 4>1 Writ .t.th at between 8th and 9Ui avrsiiea. Asitvation wantkd-by a tovnc woman, as * i -hanlo-i maul and waiier, an 1 to a<«.al tn bo'iacnork. need ret. rei.ce. Apply at a<7 M iwt iMh »t Asitvation wantkd-by a YOVKO WOMAN. AH imk. iiiHli'rilaml* ln'r blMtneta 'hoi i.iuhly. Goo I r"fr HMt Apply nt 101 W»»t I Nth at., I'fltwi'iMi 6th anil 7th ava. Ahitiation wantfd-by a reafzctablr wo inan, aa r h tml ermald and aramaireaa. Bent of city re- Ifrfmf finm Vtrlaat place. Inquire at 219 7th aire., MtN* 24i li hi nl liib sta., aecond Hoor. ARESPEt TABI.E YOl'Nil MAN WANTS A SITVA i km an ri.arhman in a private family. Iln no nbj.iiion to ico a ahnrt dlntaaca tn '.be country. t'aa ramn well re >>ru Il l-Mini troai lua Uat employer. Addroa P. II., tleraldoibr* Asitvation wanted-by a rratbctablr young *< man, aa rU.in.niTiiia.il and wai.'er, or to ih> antral bo«aa »mk in a nuiall family. Apply at 31 Ka«r> ureet. Nl the ear. VTOCBC WOMAN WANTS a SITUATION, ah NURSE arnt to a«t»t with chamherwork. He«t of city rrlnrence from her laat |>lace, where ake h .a lived two yttrnaanutii la kind and f' ml ol children No objenion to travel *nli* lady and a lahy. Vail at 132 SJ1 at, between 7tii and "th MM MMM (loor. front room. Asitvation wanted-ry a YOCKg woman, as rluim'K-raiiid or laun<lr> «e tlnod reference. Ap»»ly at .4 2 6ih ax e , iti the rear, nrat linor, front room. Asitvation wanted- mv a protectant giri. to to unrnl He ivanrk la a amall private family. <».>.. I reterrerea A pply at IM» »'hi a«h at., ba.iveeu mh aud Wli avenm a. A MUTATION WANTED-BY A FIRST RAT* COOK, a ho nnderatanda her bu«tt>eaa: ha* no objection to ai aKt In the mMni and i"mla«. ran pr.«ln -e tin' eai of rit\ refrr ei.re. Can bi »«n lor t*o daya at 127 IPtb at rorner of 7th tn Asitvation w *rtrd.a^ waiter, in a nom, b\ a ioiin(( m*n. ife»l 21 > earn Addreaa II. O., 4Ti>r rhard »tr« et. AS1TI «TION WANTID-&Y A TOVNi) WOM\R, AS ildvntx rmaiil and * alter or to »Mt«i in the waalnnt' and Irnnli.c OM ir'er tire Apply at 24S 7th aveane Van be .ren lor two ila)a. ARVSPKt TAIHE \OVN«i WOMAN WANT' A SITVA tu«i aa rlmmherniaM and waiter ta a mpeetah'e private famltr. 1 he I f«t of city reft*.-t»ee from ber laat pi»r ». Apply at No. 110 Eaa* Uil at., natwean ltd and Id avea., far two tayv. A HCOTC1 (itRI Wilt) HAS l.ATKI.T ARRIVED IN tMp country. Wi«h#e a .ttaatlon in a |»|vate i*mil». a<« < hairtbern n it or to t tad rhtlMren an I aaw. Would oe wilitmt to make her«eif aaef'.l. <'«il at 129 3d ave. Asitvation wantfo-by a vovno oirl. as t h*n't»rn ai'l and waiter, or an food plain rook, and ir*t rule m»mbrr and truner She baa the b<'«t of cltr ri f renoe trntn hrr 'aal plarr, where »h« lived fhr two year* She can he aeen n tin «ti e comer of South ami Nelaou nti eet< Xonth Brook)**, for tw<> itiya i uri at ion wanted- bv a yovno oiri.. to no aeaeralh naawarfc la a amall lamlly. (»ood reference. Appli at 1' t W « «t Broadway, lor Iwedtya. A KITVATION W A NTED. BY A flERMAN OIRU TO J\ ito ge leral honaework. Inquire at M llenry at. REfPFCT ABt.E VOVNO W nMAN WANTS A SITVA family. 19th tion chambermaid and to da plain aewtac, In a private ly. ( an w.«i for two itaya. if not *n«a«ed, at Wr* between Mb rtid 7th avannea. A SITV ATION WANTRO-BY A YOVNO WOMAN. TO J\ do ch imberwark and tine waahln« and iroalng Oood re u rctice Apply at 211 Wrat 2fth at. * PROFF--F.I» PRESSMAKER WOCI.D MKE TO EN J\ catf e with a few Uvitliea to ilo | heir drce>m iJ.int at their ie*'aleii( c«. or would do their fitting and take their work ;'t her n resilience. Addreaa American, Herald olte, for ona Wi ak. Arkmiktabu GIRL WANTS a SITI ATIO* as i haiolx* maid or to do general hooeevrora in a amall family; ta . fld "! waabaf and imner. tiooil refi r»n e from ).er ni»t pl»< fall at tfl Foray Ui at., in the rear, room No. A »ei ond floor. ABKHPRCTARIJC YOVNtl WOMAN WANTS A SITVA- . tlon aa ihatillxuntahf. and a willing fn naalat In « «ahln« aad liotilr* nai' do plain >ewtn« Heat eHf reference Call at iyn I- .! iSd at., third I'rw)-. hick ro.>m. 'onim dav«. A SHU ATION WANTF.H-flY A YOVNO Wt>M A N. AS jA c<<.» «i rr <ti '! .)! ".» ttood rrf^retjea. A' ply ». )U i iMtb (d., tffiohiyd. A SITUATIONS WAX'fKD-yKWAIJBH. YOUNG LADY WAKTH A SITUATION AS HAI.SS- woman in a store w here I bay Hell ladies' articles, is w*H ii' :un m< nditi: tpaUii Kukllsli mi*I Ueruiui would prefer Brooklyn. Audrusa If. J 1 leraid office. A SITUATION WANTED.BY A YOUNG GIRL, TO DO geueral homework, unde inlands baklug and cooking in general; good references. Please cail at 378 Bowery. AYOUNO LADY, of pleasing and genteel appearanco, » .shes some employment, is a good dinger, and would have no objection to travel in a yrofeaalonai com- pan) or would lake a situation in the oity. Pleaae add/cm M. KA Broadway l'ost oiilce. A SITUATION WANTKD BY A Y0UNO WOMAN, TO do chambcrwork and waiting. Good reference. Apply al 7U Warren Brooklyn. A SITUATION WANTED. HY A respectable girl, aii excellent Ku8llfch cook; understands tier but ues* perfectly; ih willing: u> assist in washing and ironing. Oiu be sem for two days at 29 Amity st. tirst lloor. A situation wanted.as chambermaid and to assist in general housework; city reference given, ('ail at the corner of Baltic and Columbia hid., Brooklyn. \ SITUATION WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WO Ji\. Ui»n an eook; uideKiands her business thoroughly; no objection to lha country. Meat of reference. Can be. teen for two days at KHI 12th it., between 5th and oth avenues. AYOUNO LADY, WITH AN EXCELLENT SOPRANO voice, who ran rend music desires an engagement t) sing In a church. An up town church preferred. Address, or call on, J. L.. 402 oth i ave. AYOUNO AMERICAN GIRL WANTS V SITUATION to do chamberwork, in a private family; or w »*ilil do th housework ol a small family. Call for two dayg at 230 M »' between avenues t> tnd C. A RESPECTABLE PROTECTANT WOMAN WANTS A situation ag nurse; will en', toil make 'lie cnildrt n' clothes or take care of a baliy. lias no objecti » to the mun try. Oood reference, 'all a'. 152 Prince st. Can be seen fo.* two da) a. A SITUATION WANTED. BY A RESPECTABLE Wo it man, is cook, wither and Irouer, in a private family, best of city reference. CaU at Ease* it fo. two days. AT Oil NO WOMAN WANTS V SITUATION, AS COOK; understands ail ki. Is of bakiug; no objection to aa-dtt ,n the wasking and ironing City re'erence. Call at 2£l25lh»i second tloi r, br.rk room lor two days. * F.KtPFiTABLE WOMAN WANTS A FAMILY'S /V washing, or a few gentlemen's Washing; h..s washed fo,- the I est families .n this edy. City riiferouce. I'aJ al 22! 26iii si. near ?thia*. \ REFLECT ABLE MARRIED WOMAN WANTS A BABi to et r.ui he at her own residence, 75 Mulberry at., tuir lloor, bs k u ona G10YEHNES-S.-A LADY, WHO 1IAB HAD MCCII «X I peilelice iu tuition, and possesses unusual qualiucat.iri for such a Miuaiion, wisin g a re-engagement, aa govtrne»- *he is a fully competent teacher of English, French, muiic drawing. Ac and can glv« most respectstile an,l undouMeu references and 'estinaonlais. Address M m Pauline llii 111 uli .on cL No objection to go sooth. Situation wantki-by a respectable girt to do general housework in a atuall family; bestof city re ferenn t given. Apply at 179 Ludlow at., second door. Situation wanted.by a respectable mar. to do general housework, or to cook, io a small iu. mlly. Court references. Apply at he.- last employer's W Wtf' 13'h at. SITUATION WANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE YOI N O vioman, Pioleatant, as ehsmberm.tld; is a p>o! pl*ii ((¦tnsireRg. would be willing to asni«i in the care of children Be*; of city reference from hsr lost place. Can be seen it Sixth a v.. near 8'h at. SITUATIONS WANTED.BY TWO YOUNG WOMB" s.stera, oni: as c->ok, and tb- other as cbirab'-rm lid; nei !.. living together, t'.eat of raeommendatioo^ Call at 67 9th h c on. cr o: 4th svenue, for two days. SITUATION WANTED. BY A YOUNG GIU!., WIT! koo«1 city reference, as nurse or chambfrmad. Can ! . reeu tor two days, at 251 Spring st., rear juildlng. SITUATION WANTED. BY A RESPECTABLE YOUN won.;,n. as chaiiiherniHid. or todo g -ueral bouaework; be- of city reiVrenci^ can be givi n. In ,uiro at 193 Weal -Kh uear bth avenue. Q1TUATIONS WANTKD, BY TWO YOUNG <;IR1. O one as i-ei: in stress.can cut aud lit children's clothes, tl. oti.er us ehambe maid and waiter. Can give good city re eucea. Can be seen at 19 East 1 1th st., between 3d and It avenue*. SITUATION WANTED-BY A TRULY RE9PECTABLT Protest aat yount; girl, as Ikondreaa or chambermaid a* lanndreas, In a small private fimily; can prodnM the beat lly reference from he* lnat ) lace; Call at No. 1 EaxtlUstat in tween 1st and 2d ava., in the basement. SITUATION WANTED. HY A RESPECTABLE rR-> ti -taut Kir), as c ok and to avsist In the w.iahuig and iron ¦ g. Good refei ,-nce from her last place, where she h.n livwl live years Can be seen for two ilays, li' not engaged, al 32." ..'th st betwirn avenues B and C SITUATION WANTKD. HY A RESPECTABLE PRO test girl, aa nurse anu plain sewer. tlo<)>l city refertin:- k veil. Please call at 231 7th aveuue, for two days. SITUATIONS WANTKD. HY TWO SISTERS; ON« A cook; is an eicelleut washer a id iro.ier also a givi-l 1 si r; the other ,-is chambermaid and wa ter, or laundress o keunistress. Can be seen at &2 Wi st 25'h St., corner ti.h av. ITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG GIRL, A chamliervnaid; she is willing to assist In washing nn ironlpg. (IishI cl! v n ference. lLi|uire at 109 Cl'tl St., iir I, for s floor, front loom, for two dn)-*. S llTUATION WANTKD. BY A RESPECTABLE PRt tenant young woniML as chambermaid and MMUBatr M woukl take charge of chi'dren, or as waiter Apply tor :w <*a< s. if not engaged, at «3 West 19th st., between etb and 7ti avenues. SITUATION WANTED. BY AN EXPERIENCED PR( O tealant woman, as meat and pastrycook, thoroughly id deratands her I nalnesa will aaa;at in the laundry. Illghe reference. Apply at 315 »ih avenue, near i-'.h St., Iu tl I,BHmint. SITUATION WANTED.BY A GOOD, RE4PECTABI.! girl, to do light chamS'TWork, sewing and waiting. Be, of refi-rei.ee. If required. Can be seen at 10 Forsyth sL, d, ¦¦ No b. in the rear. SITUATION W > STEP. BY A STRONii, HEALTH girl, al out ftn> en reara .<( «g«, to »*» it in hou- 'wn '* and niakr hrrrelf uaeftlL Relarcucra exchanged. Cull at .*¦ Jouii ¦> it up «tair«. Two younq oiris want situation-, i-jt';> miip lioiif 'orethrr: r»n« aa rook, w nh tr and ir tlie other rluri.bfriii .lcl Mid wil r. Hot of cily re'rr rnre. (Tall nt to Baat m at, Erar 4th avenua, tor twoteyt. rpwo RKKPECTAlll.M YOURO WlKI.-t WISH KITU . 1. atmna, one aagixid plain c> ok waakcr and trooar, theoO'" >< cltanibrrm ild. tjnod reference. t *11 lorjlwo at No T HrblK# atre< t, near Tll!*ry, Ilr joUyu. TWO HRfrKrTAIU.K YOURO tllRI* W\NT BITIU tlone, one aa c»>k, wailirr ami Ironrr, theo ber clnui. bcrmaid and «»:«. fan give vie oi cl y rafarau H«»h wlah to ll»c in one faiuny. fan be »ceo i»u daj» ai Went 161 h atrr«L TIrANTEP. BY A RE'PECTABI.K MIPPI.E A'SRP Pf> f T mi.mt woman, a ailiiailon «a rlnl.la nurae. -in bit at at her laat placr, tin at., for two claya. WANTRR-BY A RKSHVTA lll.K M A KRIKD W V A N ff Juat nrrlTnl fr< tn England, a alinat on *« profaa«i where aaalaUtnci' la given In in- kitchen, aim iiiularalMNia M»» Btltici o( a large e*iubil»bin> ut; v lii or without lur l> it. an wul sr. Adiliraa A. it. Madam* I'arry, 4.»« Bn»4ft;. WANTKR . A RKTkCTA lll.K ENllLIIU WOMl.V wlahea lo «t| iga I'i a RatMl family, eiioer ha baiii.- keener or to t*k- rhaice of an Invalid: b »« no objecmn to t. . vH. (ioodrelerei.ee. Call at, or nl'lrm A. C., 143 K l .» 1> a'r.et Tl'AKT'n-WV * PROTR«TANT OIRt., A SITU ATIO . ff aa i 'iaml nrmanl and a a.ter anl to at at in ih- *.«l, Irg and Ironuiit, baa good rliy raiaraa**. Pinaaa tall at le R ?Mh ¦*.. bet we< o Ut and It' av»., Ior two day*. YET ANTKP . A YOINO OIRt TO n J IT HTAIK f f work. aeaUw, 4nd to ink" cure ol aktMrmi; nam ci|.« blr nf unilrriaku g the an kind to chlklrtn, m jr apt>lr alM Madlaon M. TJTAWTRD. A MTUATIOJ*. BY A UB'PROT %Rt.K yoiin* won an. to do f. nna' lioiiarw.ii t. n e.> ,| !i < ok and * tint rail waaber and kroner. an i>« Men ¦ . MMlft HtmmirT >tre*t, up a.*ira, i-ark r cun the br«t ofrttj referrnre given. WANTKP BY A SI KAPY, BXPKRIEN F.I) 01 RL. A altual-ou In a cnall iirltau- family, w «»¦«, * »«h wmI iron la full) ranprMn! nnd aan h*»r |hi4 iii referea^>' I'lraar i-all lor IWO <ta\ * at iSI lit a»< nor, #«i dm fl «>r. UTAITTRli-BY A RXSTBTTABLR TOt NO WOM \N A oK'ia Ion aa co>k. i xhri ai <1 (roner, or lo do general homework In a prl-ate (anilly. i-y rafrrettoa. Aj'/y fo,- taoilayaat li-9 Wrat 25»h at bet* i en 6tk Mad 7'h atemie*, fourth floor, l ark roan. Xt" A NTKD . A StTCATIfill BY A RK»PriTAHI.R HIRt ff lodoienrral hi u»rwi<rk or rhambr-w.irk, or waltln* gnxl rlt» reference frjun har l»»t plare all, f'»r one dty, ai Ro 1«7 Faat Taraty »«eot,d »t., a roml floor, baek rm>m. DTAirrRn-A situation, by a rkmprttarlii wo 11 man. a good rank, and in rirel.rtr waaber und Iron-r; ti»«l of eBy reference vi»en from b»r laat plare, where ah- Hte<l for iwo yrara. P!ea«« call, for two daya. at 71 Ninettrath tl. |lr ABTKn-BY A RRSPRitABI.R WON A N, A JITIA Yf turn aa ra< k. VMker and Ironer In a «mill prleatr fmii- ly. Krferanrea, II rri|'ilrad. Apply at N.»nd« at., Brooklyn . TVTA','f*'>-»'T A RR*PKtTAB!.R TOl NO Wo«*N. A ff .ItuatW.B aa r-*ok. >o waah at d Imn. In a *nn«ll pirate family or to do rhamhrrwork and plain aewin? iIkv| c!!r referene^ Apply at 1 IT *Mi at., re«r. aeoond lloor. < 'an ri'e teen for two ilaj a. 11'AlfTRn- MTVAtlOBH. BT TWO RB'PR TABI.B ff g >l« one In do the aaaluiMl ami Ironing "f a a.nall fam lly. the ofh< r aa lauiKtraaa. Oaod atty raNrfcaa. Pleve call at 14V Kli/ai . Ih at. .ll'ANTRn-A HTUATION, Bf A Hl'illl.Y RFtPRiTA ff ble \ .inn* woman, to do chamber* ork and wilting or fo mln.l rhlMrm. aha la »rry fond >f clilldrm. Ilaa th<* l»ea> of etty refcratu e for nealneaa In the alMtre caparltlea. Can be aei n ior two laya, at an It h at third floor, ark room. 1JL' ANTKD.BY A B»'PR«TABlJt AMERICAN WO f f man a baha la hrlag ap b) hand treat cow a milk, or a young aMM to boat'l; either would recti e -ha brat ol I rare Call on Mra. Brown, 12V Raat .tMat.. between 2d and ¦VI am. 1\* ANTBII A BITI ATION, BY TWt> RR4PIMT \BI.R ff glt la. Hi the aarnr fanilly one aa good plain -ook, w.iali tr ana Ironrr: haa lirrd Vtr year* In hrr 'iat plice. m- itlier a* < 'liairhei maid and waiter and to aaelal in <ha waa'iing r ad Iroalngi b. at <.( '-It j refer, nr.. «l*en Plea»> c»|| at * v. e- I lib *t betwn n Mh and tlth area, fan be area r. >r t wo da>a. W'ANTrn-A SITUATION, BY A BFSPRCTABI.R ff m. one woman. rimmt-rrma'.l and waiter, re'.-rrn<« in !*?' place Apply at Boa * and 111 Atiiiir pl> h tn a at., between Amny an I llieecker ata , brat ilo >r, b.ick n ' m. \l aMTKIv- A SITUATION. BT A MRST A- - « <K ff a o a latin<!reaa. II," »at ot i r r rn «. <pf. y at P.'> Rati llth at., r.eir ^d avenue, I rat Boor, Ir »r.< ir».n-. ll'ANIIP- AflTUTlDM BT A Rf'TP T \ \MR ff rt' on woman, to i ok waalt aa I iron .. d«i cner*! I i< k In a maM pr'rata family <Vkll for I »o day* at iti Jth a ¦ nnr '-eooTid flour, frrnt room W'ANTKP a MTt ATIf.*, BY A y »l V W .' N, ff to »Io rharr ecwr r|t a I waitirg la a r* .. iVe » fani'lv Be«f nf e*y flarer ee gtf <>« Can ia «r n a lb- b »tri »r, ib 'he dry fnwU ftota. nituatioxs wantkd-femu.br. WANTF.P. A SITUATION BY A YOUN"i WOMAM, a.- chambermaid and seaxstr iui, ( r waiter; is f il'y e ira iieteut, ami can give saUaf.ct ry city reference. Apply at 3i3 Fust av., near jllih el., Uirii lloor, front room WAN1KD. A l'LA< 'K, TO ATTEND AN INFANT, «Y a respectable young ttuuiui. in a respectable family: has no olijfciwm u> lie country < 'an lie seen for iwu days If tot engaged at 47 Thomas it., ia thu s'.ure. GooJ c.iy re'er- enoe. Tl/ANTED-BY A HE PKCTABLH PROlFUMNT TT girl, a sltuutloii. to do chaii.tierwork and sew. or to take chic of children and sew. Cau be seen by calling for two (Java, at 313 Went 19th sb TI/ANTED-A SITUATiON, BY A RESPECTABLE TT girl, to do general hou cwork; In a good cook, washer kbil irm.er. (jnu i city references jivcn. Can be seeu for two ays at 133 Wen Thlri yhrst st. ______ WANTKD BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT WO- man, a ? ituauou. in wet nurse. Best of rtfereneeigivun. . ii lor two day* at lift .Ninth av, WASIKP-A SITUATION. BY A HIGHLY RIMMCT » I able joung g rl, as chambermaid or to do general bouse' work, .ii a small p 'vate family, liesi of city references from her 1: lit place glv en. w here she has lived over two yens. Call at 149 Sixteenth »i., between First av. an I av. A. tl T 'NTKD-HY A RESl'NCTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A TT situation as nurM and seams'icss. Best city reference fr< m hei as*, pace. Can be seen for one day at 110 3oth at, Dear 7th av. WANTED. A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE 1'ioti s'ant young woman, at chambermaid and to do sewing and waiting understands every one of them well; hat lived near four yeaia in hc-la-; place. Please call at 19 KastlMhst., between 3d and 4th avs., second story, front r< cm t 'an be sce.u lor two days. WANTE1). ltY AN AMERICAN LaDY, FULLY COM peten* a situation is cutter itn superintendent in a shirt mauulaclu/u.g efctabllshnu ut. Address M, A T.. Uroalwiy Post office. W ANTE 0.BY A RESPK TABLE YOUNG WOMAN. A situation a< seamstress can cut and tit children's cloth¬ ing Please call lit So. Ob Irving place, from 9 to 4 WANTF.D-UY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, A SITU A lion, us chambermaid and seanutreas; no objection to .ake care of children; b is lived seven years in her last place. U' st of city reference. Call at Sullivan st near Amity. \Vf A NTED. BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT OIRL, TT a iltnation, as chambermaid and waiter, or as cli unbe maid and lnuudress. Good city reference. Can be seen f r twodayc a'. 10 Humir.ond it. TKTANTSD.BT A RESPECTABLE ENGLISH WOMAN, TT a situation as cook, in a private family, or as chamhrr iri.:d Call or address S. C., atgMr. Corbet's jewelry store, ST 'ii Division street TXTANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE ii girl, as cook or cli. ubermaJd in a private family: lias the bi Et of city references; no objection to go a short distance u the country. Can be seen for two days, at ill Chambers st. WANTED. A SITUATION, AS CHAMBERMAID AND TT waiter, hy a respectable young woman; can be Wei. . u,HQCrided. Apply at 440 Pearl St., front room, up stairs' \\f ANTED .A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE T T « ill, to do the general housework of a small private family; undersiande plain cooking, is a good washer and Iron- er; can sew and taVe care of one child; has th» best of city re lerctice Can be seen for two days at 51 Clarkson at. in the tioLt basement. TITaNTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE TT joungqirl, In a private family, as chambermaid and plain sew«r. Can come well recommended. Pieaae call, for two days, at i, rand Kt., top tloor. Tl/'ANTED. BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, YV a situation aa cook. She is an excellent poultry, pas¬ try, and bread and meat cook, ot aU kinds. (loud cny refer¬ ences given. Apply a; No- 90 West 91st street, in the rear, lirst floor. TTITaNTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A SITl'A VV tii. ii :is wet nurse; no objection to the country. Call at UH Cedar st. WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATION to do cb.,mlierwork and plain sewing, or utke care of -hildri-n r.nd waiting. Can cime well recommended from her ast plat e. Call at ll'3 West 33d st. WAMED-BY A RESPEOTABLE YOUNG MAN, A situation In a grnceiy store or some other respectable visln ss; would go as po. ter or drivea«agon; iho best of reference from last employer. Please address A. B., Brook tj n Post office, for two days. flTANTED-A HOUSEKEEPER'S SITUATION, BY A TT lady aged iV she has kept a store for seven years, and wishes to engage In a small family, or lake charge of a gen tleuan'a house country preferiud. Apply or address 82 'Hilary »t corner of Jay, Brooklyn. TVANTKP-A SITUATION, BY A FIRST RATE COOK, tt and to assist at washing and ironing. To he seen for two days at 160 Kast 4flih st. A good recom:u> ndat. ui from where she is now living. TIT AN 1 ED. SITl' ATION-% RY TWO UIRLS, WITH EX- TT reilentcity references, one as cook and to.iss.stiu washing ¦ ud limdog ; 'indersiatnis meal and po lilry baking, and pas:ry soups a> d jellies; wages. totIO: the other at regui tr waiter and ..rlor mald.lt lake charg of the dining loom, w.ig s, »7. t all at lilt; Last a<l su TIT ANTED. A SITUATION, AS CHAMBERMAID AND tT waiter by a highly rtspeetable young woman with the I estof reli rei.ccs. Apply at No 4 Horatio street, re tr. for two days. Wl ANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN. TT a child to wet nurse at her o.vn residi-ncc. Apply to Mrs. Cary, Ml East ilili st. IIMNTED. \ StrUAriON, BY A RESPEiTABLE young tt man, as wet nurse, wl'h a fresh breis- ,t milk; eluld is «l» momhs old. Call at M Prince si. Can be seen until engaged. UTANTEO-BY TWO YOUNG WOMEN, SrTUATIOVS- f |je asrook. washer and Ironer, the otker as chamber nihi and wauer, or ch .mbesinaidan plain sewer, or to issn* in the washing and ironing. Call at 110 Court St., between Amii) and Congress. Bouih Biook yn. WANTEO-BY K RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN. fruit iMdna, a sltuailon as chamberni ud and waiter, n a private family. No objection to ina*,< h'-rself s«eM, si d asa st In washing and Ironing Can be seen tor two lays, at 4 1st avenue, corner of Sal st. \I-ANTRP-8ITP\TIOSH. BY TWO HI1HLY RFNPP.f 11 uble jrouuf womea.One aaftfM rat* cook, who under «taudi cooking In all its bnacht, Map*, pu rfet ant iellie« ibe other M chambermaid and Lmadrea-i. iinderaUuia French tlu'tnc. inni city reference. Nona but a go<Hl family need call for two day«, comer of 3' at »t and avenue. TETABTED-BT A RRWBCTARLR YOl'NO WOMAN A " ait nation aa ehiim'xrrmaid and waaber. or lo umial in » ireii g and Ironing. Ilaa it .. bemof r«fe renfen. ranb*wu tor two dajiat No 19U K mi 17th aired. lat floor, bai'k r oui. \lrANTH"-A SITUATION BY A RWPBCT ABt.E TT > oung woman aa .eamitrma I'ndi-raiandi everything atont (.1 .ii« chidren'a rl piling. Has no objection* to Uic < « i.ctry. Pleaae rail at lit) Ma-d,mual In thd rear. TIT A MTRI».BY A ROPEfTABI.K HIRI,, A BITVATION ft In a amall private family, aa general bimaeworker has nf object loa io go a »bort .liaiam-e in th . country. t'ltv rtfci en e given fail at 66 Chrjatie v., rear >m.: ling, t.iw; Do >r. .mi lid h< nae. lyASiKD. ]1Y A RRM'K« 'T \ BLK »,OTri! WOMAN, M n .miaitov, to travel tvu.i a lady, aa mud or child « ¦nur la h good -.i amatrvaa. Can (It* good reference* No i.lijri tlnM lo going N>ulb. Addrraa Kll/a. ller*id ollk'e, ft* tlir. c (tu> .. WANTKD-RY V gHli MifD VOH V N. A MM Hun. n* (jhiiI rook and lnumlrraa In a private family, illy r< l»i ... re. Call, fur two daya, at SU6 Oreeiiwl-b »t., en- trai i c id Keade, wcot.d floor. TIT ANTED . BY A MCPPBCTABLK UIBL. A KITCA- Yl lieu aa laundrr>«. Mderatan her bnidii. perfautly ; !.r »| Of city rrli-rrrirr* ran be given Call at St 5th at, between the Pi'Wi ry ind |>I avrnue. J AM V D. HY A HBWPE" 1 ABLE YOlNll WteMAN » nlK.ail 'ii .. baaibermaid and toaaetai In waahiog and ti tig < al! for IWi) day « at tl7* II maton, afar Tlaitu >aou «. w !«.. It»'»t of retereii-e gt> en. WANTED. A SITUATION. BT A REUPBOTABI.R 1 1 |'r.. ralant woman, aa rook w%»b<*r ami Ironer tinder ada all »oria of I akin*, in a private family. H>-at of reler ¦ in ra. t all ai WO lloiiMon at.. In the alar*. \\' ANTKD-BT A B EXPECTA BI.K ?Of NO WOMAN A 11 .i'ii ,i on a good c»aik. waalirr mi ir ncr i..««t it) n Ttnav* gl.en. I an l>e *een at I'.ti Raa! ITU) at. U' ANTFD. BY A BWPKrTABia TOrNO WOMAN. A I dilu itloti. ». <>tiaiiib«-rmald undrrataiHlaai: klada >f plain ewtog, » a<lii>ic and Ironin*. Apolyat 167 Kldrtdfe at., Id floor, NMla i. U'AMTKP- % HITl" ATfON. BY A TOf'NO WOMAN, I a< aina(re»a and dreaainx maid tmdi rataiida lalr lrw r. >. the naatcvt manner. Can Rue aailafar "rj rli j refer -, t' raae a'ldreaa Jn3 Weal Jfith at. ty ANTED -BT A BHSPKi TABl.K PROTECTANT 11 ji.tiiig woman, a ettuatto'i, to do i hamberwork, flor wmh'rn and Iroftlr*. Haa 'be heat of etty referenoe. "'an be eeen for two day* ai Ko w tn l ib «u VI* ANTKD. A snCATIOB, BT A RCTPEtT A HI.K Jf yiinrf woman, lo do rhamHerwnrk. line waablnir and Iri.nlnn. raa do Frenrli ftiiliiiR. Ilaa got city reOranre. Piewae Ir,<11111. at IV We»t IVtb at **r..nd Ouor, IroM roia. «.TAXT,tD-A flTl'ATION. BT A RBRPEiTABl.B 11 w oman, ne rook. The beef eitr rr(er>'Uce can be given. Can be »e> n for two daya at V, Eaat lkh at. A NTED BT A PRENf'll OIRU A HITPATION, .eummreoa, in a reaprefaMe family. Addreaa P B., No. "I Went IHh »t r»ar bul'dlnr «< i-ond floor w Tl'AXTED. A ilTUATION, BY A RKSPRtTABI.E fY aimnn wlm la r<.mp< 'entto do (*mkin|t and baklnii. or waakli * and ironla*. al«o for a flrl, 14 »<-ara old, aa waiter, or to itaehamMrwerk. Ac Hofb wtab to lire with one family. Meaea call at !»l Islington atcniie, bnw -en I7ih and *Mh «ta. TBTABTBD-BT A BBBPBtTABLB TOCBO WOMAN, f? a .11 lation aa nurar and «ram«iraa, in a privali' fam». y. frond i ity r-frn nre can be g r«n If re.|ulreil r»n b<- aei-o 'orraodai*. < all at No V I nkm Court, I'idTn.aity place, beiweea lllh and 12th Ma UTaN I FD. BY A YOCNil QIBU, A rtlTl' ATION, T"1 iio chamber* ork and waahinit in a private family hu good city relerepre from her Iwet p.aue, UaU at Ot 7ih are nun, I etween 2Mb and JWh «ta. %4 ' A NT E P. HY A YoVNO WnM AN, A MTUATtON a-, coo* w a»li« r and Imner. or lo do the c-neral k niae wotk of a lamllT, i an glte gm>d «4ty relerencea. la^akre at k inc rt i<eai Var.i 'ANfKD-BY A RKfPEf'TARI.l OIRT,, A VITPA tkm aa ckembertaafcl and nalier. or lo do general houa- Ik In a amall fam y; gooil reference. I'«n Iio wn al 719 IMIi a1 be ween lat and Al avee , from till 6 o'clo-k, wndaye. U' rABTVD. A UTt \TlON. BY A REePMTtABt.R ynnr g w. .mar. aa w ei nniae, -an be well recomieen led > -> ti a' 126 24tb a:. \\ ANT*0. A f»iri \TION, BY A RKSPKCTAIH.K >' >iH «h Ptoteetart woman aa nnrae mil aeameireia. d la wi iigi 'irake h"r«*'f Biefiil la the lionaeeork I'an teen :< r two d%y» ky»rpl'r'v"' Wi* Mit.,k«iwi'>ii i end Mh avenue*, »ei mo i " 'i fcoat rown wimp-* MTr ATION. BY A* KXPKRIB>VEr> M ti I- '"if a r in t. ,r t<» n i" it 4 roWri eb!l !ren. t'eat l!y re'-r'-nee i'a'! or r 'dreaa tor mill, ,a Hi it; »>at liehat. V ween :th aid «h even-tee Uir aMFP -®T » RPel » rvni.K 'J'%1,, A HIT|'« an a' w vh j pr.v . I'ani .j . b i- » o e tnt, . fna* lat 't- be a a I- up -rid -m* I pr.» lure lite rare !*..«» .| .,(».!« r alol'-ne-' mlnairt ;i i,| B etV ('«.«> i rt# M av , 'ju»; tmm, a*«e»i a«tr SITUATWIXS WANTED.I KMALW. WANTKD. A SITUATION, UV a RKSPBCTABL* youi g girl, a- iilain conk. washer and ironer; his no ob- je« lion to du gen> rsl housework In a small family beat of city reference given If le.jU red. Can be seen for two days at 'SI I'a ill c s'r> ri, bt'.wecn l'.oeruui and Smith streets, Brook- \\T A NTKD A SITUATION BY A KKSPKCTABLK T T j:irl, lo do general housework or chauiberwork. Call ut 44 Heater a reei. Tlr ANTED. A SITUATION AS CHAMBERMAID, IN A TT in hi claaa I'anilli by a respectable young '-vomao, who thoroughly understands her bualnssa in thai capacity; she baa lived for several ,y ear* aa upper housemaid In some of the trsl clem lainll.f* m Europe The moat sa isfac'.ory r»fn- noes will bo given. I'm l,c seen for three days, at SKI 1st a veil ue, corner of 14th at second tloor, flout room, or address by lelter to the above number. WANTFD-A SITUATION, A-i CIIAMBERM 4.ID OR w ilier, or a* both, by a resectable young |iirl; has no objection to a private ooaiiilng house. llie h "<t of city re- lerflteas given. Can be aecii at y;,7 Kaat lHili si., second tloor. WANTED. A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE WO- nian. a* nurse, or nur»" and seamstress In a llral claaa family. Heat olclly references given. Call ul H21 Broadway, corner cf 12th at., entrance in 12th »t. "llfANTKD. A 8ITUATIOW. AS CII AMBK.tM AID AND Tt waiter, or to In washing; and ironing; uuderalmd her business thoroughly Call at No. 242 tith ave., In the bout s ore. WANTKD. BY A RESPECT A BLE W I DOW WOMAN, A situation, as good nlaln cook and wa«!ii>r and Ironer. or would do c'lainberwork and iaa a' wi'li the washing and ironing. City reference. t ali at 114 27th St., corner of 7th av T1TA NTKD.SITUATIONS. HY TWO H illill.Y RESPEC- 1 1 lahlo girls one as good cook, wa« her and ironer; the other ue hainbermald h ii'l waiter. Uoili have the beat of citv reference from their lu.-t place where hey have lived to- getter lor some nine. Please call a: 244 lleiiry St., corner of rai IfiC, Brooklyn, fortwo da>a. Wanted. a situation, by a very ke-pkcfv " ble girl, todn charaberwork attl Mas the be« of city reference. Inquire at 4.M 7 lh avenue, third tloor, front room, for two duys. WANTKD. A SITUATION. AS COOK, BY A TRUST- weriby young woman. lies; of city reference given. Please call at 137 la avenue corner '.'Hi si. Can l>e aem for two days. WANTKD. BY \ RBSPKQ 1 ABLE YOUNG WOMAN, A situation. as chambermaid, and to a>.4>si in washing and ironing. Good city reference, fan be i-ecn for iwo days at It.,; East 32d it., near 2d avenue. WANTKD. A SITUATION. HY A YOU NO WOMAN, aa cook, w iwber arid ironer, in a small private family, or w.mld prefer as laundress. Good city re ferer.oe. Call at 49 Alien si. * WANTED- KY A YOUNG WO .[AN, WHO U A OOOD plain cook and hrt.: rale washer and Ironer, a situation in a respectable private lamily. Has go.»l city re'erenee. Apply for two days, ut 14V Panic *t., near Boerum, South Brook)} n. WET NUR8K.. A RES P EOT ABLE AND HEALTHY young married woman, with a fresh breast of milk, wis! en a situation as wei nurse; her baby is seven weeks old. Satisfactory reference.-' given. Apply ut 106 Joralemon si., Brooklyn. ¦fffANTED. BY A YOCNO WOMAN, A SI TIJaTION, TT cook, waaher nn.i ironer. C<y>d city referatce. Can be seen for two days, at lt-fe Wi st 14lh at. WAN1EP. SITUATIONS, BY TWO YOUN.J WOMKN, Scotch and German; one to lalte care of children, ami the other as chambermaid and plain sewer. Can be seen for two days. Call at 74 KUn st. WANTED. BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OIRL, A situation, to do general bou-cwoikln a prr ale family; is a good washer and ironer; an do plain cookin,'. Can gtvn good city refcrencc. Call at 6U3 Houston street. Can be seen for two days. W^AJ>'T.EI1~rA SITUATION, AS CIIAMRRRM nn ivn XlrZT'vulM? e,rl- *** k.k5 Bleeckcr, for two^aya. KHabcth at., two door. From WANTED. TWO KESPEWT ABLE PROTEsTANT GIRLS one to do gereral housework, and must be a good washer and ironer the other U> take car. of children, and mint be capable of w ashing atd Ironing. Call, after 'J o'clock at ,,'J Mercer st, or 124 !'rout at, UTANTED-BY a BBsPEtTABLS YOl'NG GIRl>, A TT situation as chain l.ermal J; is a good plain sewer; la willirg to assist in washing and ironing i.o objection lo travel. (Jood reference enn be given. Please call, tor two d*ys, at 170 Itih st., between 7th and stli avs. WANTKD. BY A RESPHCTABLE M ARRIED WOMAN, a child lo nurse, tn her own house; lost ner'.ab/, of three weeks old, on Saturday la-U Can give sausfae ory re¬ ference. Call at 277 Wh nv., between 27tn aud a«ili sis. TITANTED . A SITUATION. BY A RESPECT A BLK TT Mttag woman to do cooking; is a tirst rate wash' r and ironer, and baa the beat of city reference from her l%at place. Apply at II Wh »t tor two days. SITU ATM) If S W&NTEIUMJII.ES. ARKSUKi TAHI.K PHOTRSTANT MAN AND WIKB wlah situation* In a private fatally the roan as waller, mill the woman us ha iiln rmui an.l to no flue w ,»hii,g tloo.1 city references Riven. t'nn lie teen for two days at ill >«vciitl» »»., between 2Sth and 2fth *t*. !ir«t floor, fron' room A YOUTH IH DF.SIR0C8 OV CHTATVINU A SITU A tlon, a* clerk, In a dry guoJa More; writes a k<>0<1 hand, and ran ce well recutniurtide A l.tr .** Ixtt I'J) Herald oflicc. Af'OHER. STEADY, SIVOLE MAN. will) UNDER- annul* 'he rare an I management "l hor.es U a careful c. river, anil ban a thorough knowledge of gardening, wanu a altt a.ion. will be louml alilr mid wl!!.ng ti m.ike himself u*e lul fl«i d city refeience Address M. N., box 111 Herald nl- lice, Ircm It) 10 2 o'clock, for two Ja} ». A situation waxtfd-hv a rotrjra min as waiter. lajulre at SU West lrtU at., between CUi ami 7lh a*. i. . AYfTKO MAN WAN S A MTl aTION, PLAIN gardener i.ixl agrt nu1 - m- jn iit.-l w.'b the ma¬ nagement of critic, in.' laying out of pleasure gro'tnda and gal del.* til ;he i.e est manner Hit. wife could art aa child ren't. maul or realistic*. Are ProtraUtnta. Addicie II. «. M 2K :«>tb at between let an 1 .'d av.uue* AYOUNO UOI.OltED VAN, OF TIIE HIGHEST OHA- rartcr, w ahe» a ?:tna. 'n a laige tiret clan* private l ouitHii. house, or a tonal! liot. i. a* h\>l wmiee, < 'an give tie lint reft rem * aa to capacity, Ac. Ac. A hires* a. 1)., licral oBea, tor sis day*. COAt'HM AN..WANTED, HY A KINtll.R M 1 V, AN Kaglmhanaa. a situation, 1 he advert In r thoroughly uii- I rei atl.nCs ht« business in at' respects the moat saiiatactury re- lereaeaa can be «!*. «, h»s .(riven thl» my the p**t ten yetre. flnie call, or aildiee* K J , at Mi. Pelioa's etablea. 1.1th at. and Hrtadway. TO LAWYKSR.. A Yt)CNO ATTORNEY OFFUR* HIM H eelf, with the beet reference* an to cliaract. r ami ability to 1 I la* r or legal flrm who wish such services, an I are n tlllrg to pay a fair rompenaatuiti lor the satiie. Ad Ires* 0. U. Atberton. Ilcra'd oQlic TKTANTED.A PROFESSOR FROM PARIS, OF HOOD TT taBuly, mid wtth food reference* ,n .' 1* cttf. but unac- <|iialnted with the English l..ncua.:e would like a situation In *"rne Kngltah r American faintly a* a teacher of the Prone;., l.aMn ami tirrek language* with whti h beta well acquainted. Aildreaa K. T.. at J. Tlaulon *, s# Nassau at. WANTFD. MY A YOI Nil MAN RECENTLY ARRIVKD ll cm England, aged ;ii a situation aa porter, In a who!e»a!i mi .r 111 11 \ othei eapaeRl wiltea a Mr liatu 1 and I* willing In make himself generally iiaeful to hi* employ¬ er. To be «een or adrire**. d for tw 11 day*, at Mr. M'.lllmau e, bootmaker 4'.' < annlne second door. WANTED. BY A RESPEi'TAhMC YOU* i MAN, A altuatlnn a* por*#r. .* am«iaiat»t In a wl.olea ile grocery JC l'rl '" r "tore ha« been In the bualneaa for the l ut live year* ; in nf rtty reference. Call or addreea Charlei Hurry, cor tier <>f Oreeawteh avenue and 19th street WANTED-A HITl' \TION, HY A REsPICfTABI.*! young man wlio h»« recently arrived from the eonntr_ porter or eatry clerk tn- u in between ltl and 1 o'clock I*. M.. at 3U Ut avenue. Reit of city acd country reference H Iftl. "WANTED-A HITUATICN. RY A MARRIED MAN. OF Yf tmall family, to take chnrge of a gen'le«i»n « place >. i.ver*eer and rarnener. a- be iiieleraiande l-oth hraachea and Hi alan a g<«id driver. Can give Bve yearn' reference. Pleaae eddies* H. M. O , Herald oitice. lor two daya. W^HARTED-A EITU ATION. RY A TOUNO MAN. Amertean, either ae eterfc >a a eroeery *iore, eipreaa- man, or to drive a bore* and vafnn ti.md rer»reaee«. OUj or ad.lreee a line to RK Knltna et.. Hrook'yn. up afaira, r «>m 6 TirANTKD-A SITUATION. BY A YOPNO MAN. II TT ytaraof *ge. In a wlii.leeale bonk, grocery or hard¬ ware etore. I* well acquainted with the book trade, wrttee a rood haad aad ran give gi«l reference. A.lireaa W II . Broadway I'oet oflice WTEUJO ENCl OFFItElE BaOOEI.YN RMPIA»TME*T OFFIfR, «H FULTtlW Mreet oeneriit Flneappte etreet Famillen, merchant* merbai.le* ami .ehera *ie in« lte.1 to leave their order* at our other No p. line or expense wiU be spar.-i to procure the belt of help fJUMIUER AKD OTHERS WlSHINU IIRLP OF AHT F kln«l, will Had ttal IH Atlanuc atreet, corner of Henry Frooklyn t ooka. 1 baml ermald*. de with good reeommen- dalleti* will Dad ultuatioaa alwaye ui>en. with good wacee. Ij'IR^T ( I.AWt, OBRMAN hNtll.IHH AJID~!RIHH SF!? rant# li" Hie ity ai.it <.in"rv r:.n he ni.taine.l at MOKRI4 rtiURKRT A ro 8 2*T Mrrwl-;,,. oomer Ke^t,^;, iilo w*«er«. I.borere, Ac., at this or the branch office, 1M tlreen- wtcn fffft YV* A NT*D"vrT«! It Ri A 1 W A V. TWO OONHUi TORN ** bnokkcepera. three clerks, two salesman, two bar krepei*. four w*i:er* two ltagga|femea tw heakn«MMi. tw.» tr.tnrii, two porter*, two dmtra. two rnachnw>a, men om s earners ami railroad* ami three l>ot * for trades and etoree LOCI* EAHPMAN, AIM W'ANTED-tORNKR NAWAP AND MRKMAIT TT atreeis. below Raasen Hank l>*sement. two hookkreo eis. three rlerks, one salesman two barkeeper* three walu-ie tao porter* two l.ag); .rem. n. two Jirm n. two hrakemen teo eoerhmen. two driver* men 00 au>..mere a»l railroad* .nd three hoy* for trade* and stores "EVP* A DARIiOtm. A genu. 'ANTED- VT HO « RAI.T RROaDWaY. TWtrSoY* 10 learn the marh tost trade, two porter* for etorm a St'weidut for a steeniboat. riacee procured fbr clerita. *ale* men, mm on steam, ra. conductor*, tianafeaee «.*-¦¦ Ac *ll girl*, a*eooks ihaiiiberm tids ,*c ' men. OIl.l.EN A 00., Aceata. THB TURF. I^ASHION t'OURHF -TO I, FT. TIIK REFRESHMENT r n<'m. Ae ot the Pash<i<u t 1 nine lor the aiijiroschlng tall meetire Apply upon the premises imtil the lRth Inet , three ek r M at w hi h time, it not rented, they will be ille- pimed i'f at pnl.lt. fiuc'ton. i.-»AMIltT^ .1 Ot K K. \ I'll K -4 F.NTI.F.MRn"~dW*I ROUR I ol jOlnln* the Fashtoi ,li*ke\ t'lnh Will applv. through a nrinber. to the nnd< islgm d, al the len York Hotel between V ami ; .. clock r M .t « VaLRRTIRB. Itee'y P. /. t | . Murt" t 11URSR lT~I .TROTTING .ON THI'RSD 4T. I si pt is, at s o'cUs k. a match for Hit m> two mi lee and t. «agona 11 W.s.lr ift name* *. «. M'cn nam. « b. t UWsni !.-*.¦. 'h" <..u'h ferrr, U ll yn. fot the t oni«e a' o clock ami return a# *e«n *. .1 t Fare to co aad return .*> -wnte Sll aw A wBITi, H^wb lore 1 *1111 N ftil'RSP T I TROTlrRO . ON *0*DAY| I v ; -..it- "f "" J I inn. '. V' "»«' "IVl b JBeM Iglilln pant'-a b m l.a ty, ' *" * '' " * k.. |. ..r, NiookltP at IS e rtn t *ad l«n aa ae.* .4* r n * 1 Ida w ^ Huiiii

The New York herald. (New York [N.Y.]). 1856-09-09 [p 5].€¦ · the Te*seia are a«t«rt*'! ta the pnrpoae The trade auppliei by K. P. I OK %¦¥,*" 0 I'lati atreet. New Tork. Important

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  • Coroner's Inquest.Ouijd Scalded to Death .James Cunningham, a child,

    three yean ofsfe,*ai fatally icaltled yesterday afternoon,U»e apartments of his parents, in Seventh avenue, in

    ooncequence of a kettle ol boiling water having u|*etover him. Coroner (.arable held an nquest upon thebody, and the jury rendered a verdict of "Accidental

    Another Triumph .Again Uspeiurchcld hasbeen complimented by gentlemen of taste, on the nuirhkisbeauty of his model mil hat lor IHid. In beauty of shape and

    rieral appearance it stands ahead of all competition. Priceto, at lib Nassau street.New Style of Soft flat, for Young Men.The

    Saahir.L-rette Oenin ban just received an exclusive lmnorta-Men of >hr latent style of soft half introduced in I'aris ami I>ondoo, it in called the cashmerett", and is superior In llexlljillty,compressibility, lightness and piquant appearance, to any hatof Ms class that has yet appeared on this side of the AtlanUo.The niaterial is of U>q best fur used in the manufacture of felt,aud it dillers from all other fabn h of the kind in being ol mix¬

    ed colorsjif every conceivable shade. The cashmereile, although only just produced abroad, has already achieved an^>>.*>*«ce.' opened several pacsages of 1'aria hats, m ule by orderami expre-siy lor our retail sales. i.EAKY A CO.,Leaders kud introducers of l'ushiou for gentlemen's hats,

    Afior Bouse, Broad a ay.

    What ornices. kimpa. Ac w hich »rc offered at the lowest prlfw.Window ahanee. Our-'" it ai w ludow shades a the largestm N- w ^ua to oiTei these guoils le»s th. a other houaea. We invite theatteiitii.il » \ .",l , d' 'ermlnatkm ofiiiantitiea buy one of li HHd)Tll pa en

    -¦ iks m:i I* If the

    veeyaonea Piale < on Agenoj .« Bruadway,New

    lMboriant l»f«»r. a^ton to ladlea and Oe-n-. . _ aU ral! U * a'-*uUon of our eeadera to the"HBH *T NKAKY Aa :*tl Br.a. Iway,

    ». .

    (ren « Inodoroua glove cleanTIM AM of Crtatad. w b larak«d by Brwy.

    a. whh red. gray or a ^

    ¦Kin -sSaiifl®I Wig a. Wiga, WtpeaB, V ad" than Inrial-I lie Sill w ix-s ,ad .. VOlii H-f A *' Maiden^ane. made of the beat mat- sis v .' aat ougueut. whndi will not sUIn or t«Jure

    I n '. Pi m ! ! »ny P«rt of th« conniry. a.' I

    fcRAll tM Mm , Broadway; llriggs & Wate atreet, AI. ^auy.

    I Hwartaay.Lavft'i W nhpene will kV;*r '"hful anpearnnee. and c irebaldne, s.

    . H. V *!"' , ?** """ f-'Ttmt bald, aai.< am*'X''' of hair aa wfienjoung, liy^ll( riatwilrvrw a Halr Dye baa~A«nn.ei lb.-

    MSSTtSlTT e mtnote's"T "n «T* » .antp.e.m f»r pray r^'rin r>Tr BITn ITIHII. r h#» cntnr ft oWwffMtw (. .*arnrallbal It cannot be distil,gnlshf.I ;,om the lira I m andKm. d-aipyeairsleadot burn . g k,tf.I4ad ai Nn. t lint Mouse w .i aie

    Something New, and Wanted by Kvery-body.. Kontaine's solidified cream of wi!d llowers, preoaredfrom a reeipe of Dr. Kontakie, the original inventor of " thebalm of thousand Mowers," the virtues of which the creamcombine* in a solid and more economical form; for shaving,purifying the teeth and breath, making the akin clear, suit andfragrant, and for washing lul'auts. Beautifully prepared. Ex¬amine it, and you will buy. C. U. RING and C. v.ENER A CO., Agents.The Eye and Kar.-Offlrr Hoar* for Coiimil-

    tstion, from 'J lot daily. JAMBS W. POWELL, M. I).,Oculist and aurUt, b0£ litOld ,vay.

    Per Persia..Received a Ciuc of Plcmie ALubln's frangipnnni, or eternal perlume, with a choice so -lection of other perfumery.

    Flow er Farms,Mitcham, England,

    And Nice, Italy.Agents for the United States,

    GEO. E. INGEK A CO., Dispensing DrucfiaU,corner of Walter st. and Broadway.

    Hair Dye, Hair Dye..Crtstadoro's Excel¬sior hair dye.

    ''1 is etiled.experience and science declareThat there's not in existence a dye for the lutirTliat with the Excelsior at all cau compare.

    CRISTADORO'H Excelsior hair dye i» made, sold and ap¬plied, in private rooms, at No. b Astor House.A Perfume In Common I'm, even to this

    day.Was the invention of one of the earliest of the Rom innobles, named Krangipanni, and still liea-s Ins name It is apowder or sachet, composed ot every known aplce. In ey hie gr.,n Ison. Morcutlo Krangipanni, is aiso in common use, prepared by digestingthe Fraugipannl powder, in rectified grape snlrlt, which dlssolves out the fragrant principles. This has the merit of beIng the most lastlr g perfume made.

    Holloway'i Ointment anil Pill* arc Aston¬ishing remedies for scrofula, and all skin diseases. As saltpenetrates meat, so will this ointment reach '.lie aifcetfld parts,if rubbed In externally, fold at the manufactories, MO Maidenlane. New York, ami 'Hi Strand, Loudon; and by all druggists,at »Sc. 6->»c , and 41 per pot or box.Tokal Offers Advantages for those who

    must chew, when in society; perfumes the breath; do "pitting,juice be'ng swallowed; particularly adapted fov dyspeptics oryoung men who I'.nd tobtweo Injurious. Ketallan. saloons,segar and drug stores, New Y'ork, Jeraey, Newark, lli'Ojkljn,\o Depot 412 Broadway.To Nervous SufTerers.A Retired Clergy¬

    man. restored to health In a few days, after many years ofgreat nervous sullerlng, is anxious lo make known the in.iarisof cure. Will tend (free) the prescription used. Direct theIlev. JOHN M. DAUNALL, No. S'J Kulton street, Brooklyn,N. Y.

    Worthy of Note.. flic faet th«t Diseasedlungs, even In the middle and latter stages of consumption,have been c"red, in "Cpea'ed inat/ir.i'.es, by WHTaR'S ba'sii.iof wild efcerry, can be substantiated by !&¦; strongest pro jf.

    Rupture..Only Prize Mulnl Awarded toMarsh A Co by the Industrial Exhibition of all Nations at theCrystal Palace for their new patent radical cure truafl. Re¬ferences hs to its superiority: Professors Valentine Mott, Wil-lard Parker and John M. ( aruochan. Open from 7 A. M. to9 r. M. MARSH A VI).. No. 2»i Maiden lane, N. Y.


    LINDSEY BLUES.H E A IKJUARTER8 CRYSTAL, £8Grand street New York. September, KVi. I'lie mem¬bers of tilts command are hereby nottlicd to attend ll' regiiiarmorthly meeting this (Tuesday) evening, Sept. 0, at 8 o'clock.By order, KD&AK A. ROBERTS, Captain.

    J.no. II Fkiel. Secretary pro tern

    \T01DK.TO TARGET COMPANIES. RE AtTTTFULJAI wreaths and bouquet* manufactured awl sold at ROBERTCODDINGTON'S book store. No. iliii Bowery, one iloorahovFourth street, New York. Country or ' urs punctually attendcd to.

    The members of the Mcgowin guvrds arehereby notiiied to attend a meeting at the Green rooms,at'S Pearl at., on Tuesday evening, thuVth Inst., at H o'clock. Byorder of O. ELLIS, Captain.


    2n CENTS MINATURES, AND UFK SI/.E PASTIL») portiaits for t.V superbly sucuted by irstlsts fromLondon, masterly product.! :,s, at increufble llttl cost i'hotogriiphs, 91. I 1> 0 pictures taken daily.

    HOI.MKS,m Broadway._A LARUE VARIETY OF LINE ENGRAVINGS TO REha.! In exchange for o her goods, or sold for cash. Ad¬dress i'aul, Herald olflee.

    TO THE Bl'CHANAN AND BRECKINRIDGE CLUBS,treiuoiilund Pay ton do..PiUinr re snd Donelson do.

    I.i'e pictures of the a!'i\ e candidates, photogroph 'd byMEADE ltROTllERd,

    And colored 111 oil and pastils i>yh inluent artists,

    Foi sale cheap, for con rntttee looms, .tc. 23'i Hi oadway.


    TONAMELLED COTTAGE FURN1TURE.ELEsbr :srT 14, IMtf, warranted mathematically o>rree. sod pnes* »«.iig euiia. elaeUcty In all s< aeoua. For salsou > by MH.UAKL P11KLAB, 30 Chambers street, up aiairs.

    SPORTING*ITALIAN OBEYIIOUND W ANTED -APPLY AT aI li< nun piece 1 lurty tllrd street ursl house east ofN lath sv. uue, r.om 1. to Z o'clo k this day.

    r.rnoPKA* advkrtikkjmrnt*.

    INFORMATION r«ing ojpo -e one of ike pilnnutl i allraaddepots w !l I- Mala aa -jilirr for c»«h ."a'ialat tory rea-aor« a,ret< I.: ill»po«ing of It. ln,nir' al 2K I'nane a'raet,ai arVTeat. 1 . ic an opiiwtiinl'y aelttotn met with

    VOR HALF on F.XC'HAXUR. F'tR A Hot atn Ac.,gratia, layvd on t!»e hill thla aldeot Newtowu, I, I.

    N DOOOK, 21 KlUaloxli atreet

    For ejfe? or KXrH Ajruft.roR noon payirority or ttimlln pro|«er»f pi for dry gooda. clothing,lioota and hIhm hardware, t r.a kery and other gnrla enlerlnitlain ib>< atoek cf a r..*ntrr More, two Iraela of rwaOent IHM,rontptMiig «~\ «ral hundred aerc* awrji. lntlieHti>of tilltKila, nr.e torUc'ti near the O. and M H ii.roi.l ihectlier near|'i" Ml»ata«nipl filer. IfMh . iirro'tn >d l>y aMIlMWull andInunitrmewf, Ip flomlalitng jwrtlona af the Male. Forth#rat.* of llteae LnU* aa n denlralt'e and aiitiatanttaJ Inrealmet-.'. fir«t i ta«« -liaintoreeled reference M to be had In thlaHty. Apply. b» l»'lw or otherwlae ( , H \ W1KI. W THoMPSON. Jfenl Halaw Mr l-fr, ttoiiheant oaraer vl llroa^lwa, tudTwnity «lnh «arae'.

    IJtt.OJHM I.OlhJf N j.2t.rt o. or O P..THB MFMto ra of the (Uv. l.xWLt- arc rei|ite«t«d to i-hcnd the uitj' ra: of t.-ir »l» lirn (nr. " ft * Runaom. from bM late r< ad.-nre 21 Serenth meaoo M eleven o r loelt t!t|t iTaM'tKriir.eriilig. IIKNKV K HKtlR N. N. 0.

    e It Pec y.

    1"To i.RT.rr "tov x, or w' l.n rr hdlp a Wkwthroe atarr brt* k t 'gh «'aa»> llfnwa aion" uaauicmlif t*. feet bf .".? Filhatn.'tjally bJitlt and neal'r tin «h" I

    . oRtpvMrg aome 'htrli en roin^« :ind i*n hltchana, w.th^aiaid l'*o'«» itator. I«m nlent to ar« awl a a Apph «l fAMI'a'1. W iHOVPi'iR, Real tfato'"H nkar |.nr''fMt rner 0f »lii»"da»T end Twenty ihth»M« .. *


    AKK-PECTABI K WOMAN WANTS A SIIUATION AScook. < un muse pud l.ngs and pit:*, ami bake And ro-ist;w..»b ai.i1 iron. B

    Ahitiation wantfd-by a reafzctablr woinan, aa r h tml ermald and aramaireaa. Bent of city re-Ifrfmf finm Vtrlaat place. Inquire at 219 7th aire., MtN*24i li hi nl liib sta., aecond Hoor.

    ARESPEt TABI.E YOl'Nil MAN WANTS A SITVAi km an ri.arhman in a private family. Iln no nbj.iiionto ico a ahnrt dlntaaca tn '.be country. t'aa ramn well re >>ru

    Il l-Mini troai lua Uat employer. Addroa P. II., tleraldoibr*

    Asitvation wanted-by a rratbctablryoung *< man, aa rU.in.niTiiia.il and wai.'er, or to ih>antral bo«aa »mk in a nuiall family. Apply at 31 Ka«r>ureet. Nl the ear.

    VTOCBC WOMAN WANTS a SITUATION, ah NURSEarnt to a«t»t with chamherwork. He«t of city rrlnrencefrom her laat |>lace, where ake h .a lived two yttrnaanutiila kind and f' ml ol children No objenion to travel *nli*lady and a lahy. Vail at 132 SJ1 at, between 7tii and "thMMMMM (loor. front room.

    Asitvation wanted-ry a YOCKg woman, asrluim'K-raiiid or laun «e tlnod reference. Ap»»ly at.4 2 6ih ax e , iti the rear, nrat linor, front room.

    Asitvation wanted- mv a protectant giri.to to unrnl He ivanrk la a amall private family. .. Ireterrerea A pply at IM» »'hi a«h at., ba.iveeu mh aud Wliavenm a.

    A MUTATION WANTED-BY A FIRST RAT* COOK,a ho nnderatanda her bu«tt>eaa: ha* no objection to ai aKtIn the mMni and i"mla«. ran pr.«ln -e tin' eai of rit\ refrrei.re. Can bi »«n lor t*o daya at 127 IPtb at rorner of7th tn

    Asitvation w *rtrd.a^ waiter, in a nom,b\ a ioiin(( m*n. ife»l 21 > earn Addreaa II. O., 4Ti>rrhard »tr« et.

    AS1TI «TION WANTID-&Y A TOVNi) WOM\R, ASildvntx rmaiil and * alter or to »Mt«i in the waalnnt' andIrnnli.c OM ir'er tire Apply at 24S 7th aveane Van be.ren lor two ila)a.

    ARVSPKt TAIHE \OVN«i WOMAN WANT' A SITVAtu«i aa rlmmherniaM and waiter ta a mpeetah'e privatefamltr. 1 he I f«t of city reft*.-t»ee from ber laat pi»r ». Applyat No. 110 Eaa* Uil at., natwean ltd and Id avea., far two tayv.

    A HCOTC1 (itRI Wilt) HAS l.ATKI.T ARRIVED INtMp country. Wi«h#e a .ttaatlon in a |»|vate i*mil». aewtn« Heat eHf reference Callat iyn I- .! iSd at., third I'rw)-. hick ro.>m. 'onim dav«.A SHU ATION WANTF.H-flY A YOVNO Wt>M A N. ASjA c assist in washing and ironing. Oiu besem for two days at 29 Amity st. tirst lloor.

    A situation wanted.as chambermaid andto assist in general housework; city reference given,('ail at the corner of Baltic and Columbia hid., Brooklyn.\ SITUATION WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WOJi\. Ui»n an eook; uideKiands her business thoroughly; no

    objection to lha country. Meat of reference. Can be. teen fortwo days at KHI 12th it., between 5th and oth avenues.

    AYOUNO LADY, WITH AN EXCELLENT SOPRANOvoice, who ran rend music desires an engagement t)sing In a church. An up town church preferred. Address, orcall on, J. L.. 402 oth iave.

    AYOUNO AMERICAN GIRL WANTS V SITUATIONto do chamberwork, in a private family; or w »*ilil do thhousework ol a small family. Call for two dayg at 230 M »'between avenues t> tnd C.A RESPECTABLE PROTECTANT WOMAN WANTS Asituation ag nurse; will en', toil make 'lie cnildrt n'

    clothes or take care of a baliy. lias no objecti » to the muntry. Oood reference, 'all a'. 152 Prince st. Can be seen fo.*two da) a.A SITUATION WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE Woit man, is cook, wither and Irouer, in a private family,best of city reference. CaU at Ease* it fo. two days.

    ATOil NO WOMAN WANTS V SITUATION, AS COOK;understands ail ki. Is of bakiug; no objection to aa-dtt ,nthe wasking and ironing City re'erence. Call at 2£l25lh»isecond tloi r, br.rk room lor two days.

    * F.KtPFiTABLE WOMAN WANTS A FAMILY'S/V washing, or a few gentlemen's Washing; h..s washed fo,-the I est families .n this edy. City riiferouce. I'aJ al 22! 26iiisi. near ?thia*.

    \ REFLECT ABLE MARRIED WOMAN WANTS A BABito et r.ui he at her own residence, 75 Mulberry at., tuir

    lloor, bs k u ona

    G10YEHNES-S.-A LADY, WHO 1IAB HAD MCCII «XI peilelice iu tuition, and possesses unusual qualiucat.irifor such a Miuaiion, wisin g a re-engagement, aa govtrne»-*he is a fully competent teacher of English, French, muiicdrawing. Ac and can glv« most respectstile an,l undouMeureferences and 'estinaonlais. Address M m Pauline llii 111 uli.on cL No objection to go sooth.

    Situation wantki-by a respectable girtto do general housework in a atuall family; bestof city referenn t given. Apply at 179 Ludlow at., second door.

    Situation wanted.by a respectablemar. to do general housework, or to cook, io a small iu.mlly. Court references. Apply at he.- last employer's WWtf' 13'h at.

    SITUATION WANTKD.BY A RESPECTABLE YOI NO vioman, Pioleatant, as ehsmberm.tld; is a p>o! pl*ii((¦tnsireRg. would be willing to asni«i in the care of childrenBe*; of city reference from hsr lost place. Can be seen itSixth a v.. near 8'h at.

    SITUATIONS WANTED.BY TWO YOUNG WOMB"s.stera, oni: as c->ok, and tb- other as cbirab'-rm lid; nei !..living together, t'.eat of raeommendatioo^ Call at 67 9th hc on.cr o: 4th svenue, for two days.

    SITUATION WANTED.BY A YOUNG GIU!., WIT!koo«1 city reference, as nurse or chambfrmad. Can ! .reeu tor two days, at 251 Spring st., rear juildlng.

    SITUATION WANTED. BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNwon.;,n. as chaiiiherniHid. or todo g -ueral bouaework; be-of city reiVrenci^ can be givi n. In ,uiro at 193 Weal -Khuear bth avenue.

    Q1TUATIONS WANTKD, BY TWO YOUNG < cltanibrrm ild. tjnod reference. t *11 lorjlwo at NoT HrblK# atre< t, near Tll!*ry, Ilr joUyu.

    TWO HRfrKrTAIU.K YOURO tllRI* W\NT BITIUtlone, one aa c»>k, wailirr ami Ironrr, theo ber j« clnui.bcrmaid and «»:«. fan give vie oi cl y rafarauH«»h wlah to ll»c in one faiuny. fan be »ceo i»u daj» aiWent 161 h atrr«L

    TIrANTEP.BY A RE'PECTABI.K MIPPI.E A'SRP Pf>f T mi.mt woman, a ailiiailon «a rlnl.la nurae. -in bit at

    at her laat placr, tin at., for two claya.

    WANTRR-BY A RKSHVTA lll.K M A KRIKD W V A Nf f Juat nrrlTnl fr< tn England, a alinat on *« profaa«iwhere aaalaUtnci' la given In in- kitchen, aim iiiularalMNia M»»Btltici o( a large e*iubil»bin> ut; v lii or without lur l> it.an wul sr. Adiliraa A. it. Madam* I'arry, 4.»« Bn»4ft;.

    WANTKR .A RKTkCTA lll.K ENllLIIU WOMl.Vwlahea lo «t| iga I'i a RatMl family, eiioer ha baiii.-keener or to t*k- rhaice of an Invalid: b »« no objecmn to t. .vH. (ioodrelerei.ee. Call at, or nl'lrm A. C., 143 K l .» 1>a'r.et

    Tl'AKT'n-WV * PROTR«TANT OIRt., A SITU ATIO .ff aa i 'iaml nrmanl and a a.ter anl to at at in ih- *.«l,

    Irg and Ironuiit, baa good rliy raiaraa**. Pinaaa tall at leR ?Mh ¦*.. bet we< o Ut and It' av»., Ior two day*.YET ANTKP.A YOINO OIRt TO n J IT HTAIKf f work. aeaUw, 4nd to ink" cure ol aktMrmi; nam ci|.«blr nf unilrriaku g the an kind to chlklrtn, m jr apt>lralM Madlaon M.

    TJTAWTRD.A MTUATIOJ*. BY A UB'PROT %Rt.KT» yoiin* won an. to do f. nna' lioiiarw.ii t. I« n e.> ,| !i< ok and * tint rail waaber and kroner. an i>« Men¦ t« .

    MMlft HtmmirT >tre*t, up a.*ira, i-ark rcun the br«tofrttj referrnre given.

    WANTKP BY A SI KAPY, BXPKRIEN F.I) 01 RL. Aaltual-ou In a cnall iirltau- family, w «»¦«, * »«h wmIiron la full) ranprMn! nnd aan h*»r |hi4 iii referea^>'I'lraar i-all lor IWO r.

    UTAITTRli-BY A RXSTBTTABLR TOt NO WOM \N AoK'ia Ion aa co>k. i xhri ai f clilldrm. Ilaa thof etty refcratu e for nealneaa In the alMtre caparltlea. Can be

    aei n ior two laya, at an It h at third floor, ark room.

    1JL'ANTKD.BY A B»'PR«TABlJt AMERICAN WOff man a baha la hrlag ap b) hand o« treat cow a milk,or a young aMM to boat'l; either would recti e -ha brat olI rare Call on Mra. Brown, 12V Raat .tMat.. between 2d and¦VI am.

    1\* ANTBII A BITI ATION, BY TWt> RR4PIMT \BI.Rff glt la. Hi the aarnr fanilly one aa good plain -ook, w.ialitr ana Ironrr: haa lirrd Vtr year* In hrr 'iat plice. m-itlier a* < 'liairhei maid and waiter and to aaelal in c»|| at *v. e- I lib *t betwn n Mh and tlth area, fan be area r. >r t woda>a.

    W'ANTrn-A SITUATION, BY A BFSPRCTABI.Rff m.one woman. a» rimmt-rrma'.l and waiter, re'.-rrn

    Tl/ANTED-BY A HE PKCTABLH PROlFUMNTTT girl, a sltuutloii. to do chaii.tierwork and sew. or totake chic of children and sew. Cau be seen by calling for two(Java, at 313 Went 19th sb

    TI/ANTED-A SITUATiON, BY A RESPECTABLETT girl, to do general hou cwork; In a good cook, washerkbil irm.er. (jnu i city references jivcn. Can be seeu for twoays at 133 Wen Thlri yhrst st.


    WANTKD BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT WO-man, a ? ituauou. in wet nurse. Best of rtfereneeigivun.. ii lor two day* at lift .Ninth av,WASIKP-A SITUATION. BY A HIGHLY RIMMCT

    » I able joung g rl, as chambermaid or to do general bouse'work, .ii a small p 'vate family, liesi of city references fromher 1: lit place glv en. w here she has lived over two yens. Callat 149 Sixteenth »i., between First av. an I av. A.tlT 'NTKD-HY A RESl'NCTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, ATT situation as nurM and seams'icss. Best city referencefr< m hei as*, pace. Can be seen for one day at 110 3oth at,Dear 7th av.

    WANTED.A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE1'ioti s'ant young woman, at chambermaid and to dosewing and waiting understands every one of them well; hatlived near four yeaia in hc-la-; place. Please call at 19KastlMhst., between 3d and 4th avs., second story, frontr< cm t 'an be sce.u lor two days.

    WANTE1). ltY AN AMERICAN LaDY, FULLY COMpeten* a situation is cutter itn superintendent in a shirtmauulaclu/u.g efctabllshnu ut. Address M, A T.. UroalwiyPost office.

    WANTE0.BY A RESPK TABLE YOUNG WOMAN. Asituation a< seamstress can cut and tit children's cloth¬ing Please call lit So. Ob Irving place, from 9 to 4

    WANTF.D-UY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, A SITU Alion, us chambermaid and seanutreas; no objection to.ake care of children; b is lived seven years in her last place.U' st of city reference. Call at Sullivan st near Amity.

    \VfA NTED.BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT OIRL,TTa iltnation, as chambermaid and waiter, or as cli unbemaid and lnuudress. Good city reference. Can be seen f rtwodayc a'. 10 Humir.ond it.TKTANTSD.BT A RESPECTABLE ENGLISH WOMAN,TTa situation as cook, in a private family, or as chamhrr

    iri.:d Call or address S. C., atgMr. Corbet's jewelry store,ST 'ii Division streetTXTANTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLEii girl, as cook or cli. ubermaJd in a private family: lias

    the bi Et of city references; no objection to go a short distanceu the country. Can be seen for two days, at ill Chambers st.

    WANTED.A SITUATION, AS CHAMBERMAID ANDTT waiter, hy a respectable young woman; can be Wei.. u,HQCrided. Apply at 440 Pearl St., front room, up stairs'

    \\fANTED .A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLET T « ill, to do the general housework of a small privatefamily; undersiande plain cooking, is a good washer and Iron-er; can sew and taVe care of one child; has th» best of city relerctice Can be seen for two days at 51 Clarkson at. in thetioLt basement.

    TITaNTED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLETT joungqirl, In a private family, as chambermaid andplain sew«r. Can come well recommended. Pieaae call, fortwo days, at i, rand Kt., top tloor.

    Tl/'ANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN,YVa situation aa cook. She is an excellent poultry, pas¬try, and bread and meat cook, ot aU kinds. (loud cny refer¬ences given. Apply a; No- 90 West 91st street, in the rear,lirst floor.

    TTITaNTED.BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A SITl'AVV tii. ii :is wet nurse; no objection to the country. Call atUH Cedar st.

    WANTED-BY A YOUNG WOMAN, A SITUATIONto do cb.,mlierwork and plain sewing, or utke care of-hildri-n r.nd waiting. Can cime well recommended from herast plat e. Call at ll'3 West 33d st.

    WAMED-BY A RESPEOTABLE YOUNG MAN, Asituation In a grnceiy store or some other respectablevisln ss; would go as po. ter or drivea«agon; iho best ofreference from last employer. Please address A. B., Brooktj n Post office, for two days.flTANTED-A HOUSEKEEPER'S SITUATION, BY ATT lady aged iV she has kept a store for seven years, andwishes to engage In a small family, or t» lake charge of a gentleuan'a house country preferiud. Apply or address 82'Hilary »t corner of Jay, Brooklyn.TVANTKP-A SITUATION, BY A FIRST RATE COOK,tt and to assist at washing and ironing. To he seen fortwo days at 160 Kast 4flih st. A good recom:u> ndat. ui fromwhere she is now living.TIT AN 1 ED.SITl' ATION-% RY TWO UIRLS, WITH EX-

    TT reilentcity references, one as cook and to.iss.stiu washing¦ ud limdog ; 'indersiatnis meal and po lilry baking, and pas:ry

    soups a> d jellies; wages. totIO: the other at regui tr waiterand ..rlor mald.lt lake charg of the dining loom, w.ig s,»7. t all at lilt; Last am.: ling, t.iw; Do >r..mi lid h< nae.

    lyASiKD. ]1Y A RRM'K« 'T \ BLK »,OTri! WOMAN,M n .miaitov, to travel tvu.i a lady, aa mud or child «¦nur la h good -.i amatrvaa. Can (It* good reference* Noi.lijri tlnM lo going N>ulb. Addrraa Kll/a. ller*id ollk'e, ft*tlir. c (tu> ..

    WANTKD-RY V gHli MifD VOH V N. A MMHun. n* (jhiiI rook and lnumlrraa In a private family,illy r< l»i ... re. Call, fur two daya, at SU6 Oreeiiwl-b »t., en-trai i c id Keade, wcot.d floor.

    TITANTED.BY A MCPPBCTABLK UIBL. A KITCA-Yl lieu aa laundrr>«. Mderatan !« her bnidii. perfautly ;

    !.r »| Of city rrli-rrrirr* ran be given Call at St 5th at, betweenthe Pi'Wi ry ind |>I avrnue.

    JAM V D.HY A HBWPE" 1 ABLE YOlNll WteMAN» nlK.ail 'ii .. baaibermaid and toaaetai In waahiog and

    ti tig < al! for IWi) day « at tl7* II maton, afar Tlaitu >aou «.w

    !«.. It»'»t of retereii-e gt> en.

    WANTED.A SITUATION. BT A REUPBOTABI.R1 1 |'r.. ralant woman, aa rook w%»b-at of reler

    ¦ in ra. t all ai WO lloiiMon at.. In the alar*.

    \\' ANTKD-BT A BEXPECTA BI.K ?OfNO WOMAN A11 .i'ii ,i on i« a good c»aik. waalirr mi ir ncr i..««t it)n Ttnav* gl.en. I an l>e *een at I'.ti Raa! ITU) at.

    U' ANTFD.BY A BWPKrTABia TOrNO WOMAN. AI dilu itloti. ». tiaiiib«-rmald undrrataiHlaai: klada >f plainewtog, » aic and Ironin*. Apolyat 167 Kldrtdfe at., Idfloor, NMla i.

    U'AMTKP- % HITl" ATfON. BY A TOf'NO WOMAN, A«I a< aina(re»a and dreaainx maid tmdi rataiida lalr lrw r.>. the naatcvt manner. Can Rue aailafar "rj rli j refer -,t' raae a'ldreaa Jn3 Weal Jfith at.

    tyANTED-BT A BHSPKi TABl.K PROTECTANT11 ji.tiiig woman, a ettuatto'i, to do i hamberwork, florwmh'rn and Iroftlr*. Haa 'be heat of etty referenoe. "'an beeeen for two day* ai Ko wtn l ib «uVI* ANTKD. A snCATIOB, BT A RCTPEtT A HI.KJf yiinrf woman, lo do rhamHerwnrk. line waablnir and

    Iri.nlnn. raa do Frenrli ftiiliiiR. Ilaa got city reOranre. PiewaeIr, n for two daya at V, Eaat lkh at.

    A NTED BT A PRENf'll OIRU A HITPATION, A«.eummreoa, in a reaprefaMe family. Addreaa P B., No.

    "I Went IHh »t r»ar bul'dlnr «< i-ond floorwTl'AXTED.A ilTUATION, BY A RKSPRtTABI.EfY aimnn wlm la rd «4ty relerencea. la^akre atk inc rt i' >iH «h Ptoteetart woman aa nnrae mil aeameireia.d la wi iigi 'irake h"r«*'f Biefiil la the lionaeeork I'anteen :< r two d%y» ky»rpl'r'v"' Wi* Mit.,k«iwi'>ii

    i end Mh avenue*, »ei mo i " 'i fcoat rown

    wimp-* MTr ATION. BY A* KXPKRIB>VEr>M ti I- '"if a a» r in t. ,r tr and Ironer.or would do c'lainberwork and iaa a' wi'li the washing andironing. City reference. t ali at 114 27th St., corner of 7th avT1TA NTKD.SITUATIONS. HY TWO H illill.Y RESPEC-1 1 lahlo girls one as good cook, wa« her and ironer; the

    other ue hainbermald h ii'l waiter. Uoili have the beat of citvreference from their lu.-t place where hey have lived to-getter lor some nine. Please call a: 244 lleiiry St., corner ofrai IfiC, Brooklyn, fortwo da>a.

    Wanted.a situation, by a very ke-pkcfv" ble girl, todn charaberwork attl Mas the be«of city reference. Inquire at 4.M 7 lh avenue, third tloor, frontroom, for two duys.

    WANTKD. A SITUATION. AS COOK, BY A TRUST-weriby young woman. lies; of city reference given.Please call at 137 la avenue corner '.'Hi si. Can l>e aem fortwo days.

    WANTKD.BY \ RBSPKQ 1 ABLE YOUNG WOMAN, Asituation. as chambermaid, and to a>.4>si in washing andironing. Good city reference, fan be i-ecn for iwo days atIt.,; East 32d it., near 2d avenue.

    WANTKD.A SITUATION. HY A YOU NO WOMAN,aa cook, w iwber arid ironer, in a small private family, orw.mld prefer as laundress. Good city re ferer.oe. Call at 49Alien si. *

    WANTED-KY A YOUNG WO .[AN, WHO U A OOODplain cook and hrt.: rale washer and Ironer, a situationin a respectable private lamily. Has go.»l city re'erenee.Apply for two days, ut 14V Panic *t., near Boerum, SouthBrook)} n.

    WET NUR8K.. A RESPEOTABLE AND HEALTHYyoung married woman, with a fresh breast of milk,wis! en a situation as wei nurse; her baby is seven weeks old.Satisfactory reference.-' given. Apply ut 106 Joralemon si.,Brooklyn.

    ¦fffANTED.BY A YOCNO WOMAN, A SI TIJaTION, A«TT cook, waaher nn.i ironer. Cd city referatce. Can beseen for two days, at lt-fe Wi st 14lh at.

    WAN1EP.SITUATIONS, BY TWO YOUN.J WOMKN,Scotch and German; one to lalte care of children, amithe other as chambermaid and plain sewer. Can be seen fortwo days. Call at 74 KUn st.

    WANTED.BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OIRL, Asituation, to do general bou-cwoikln a prr ale family;is a good washer and ironer; an do plain cookin,'. Can gtvngood city refcrencc. Call at 6U3 Houston street. Can be seenfor two days.

    W^AJ>'T.EI1~rA SITUATION, AS CIIAMRRRM nn ivnXlrZT'vulM? e,rl- *** k.k5Bleeckcr, for two^aya. KHabcth at., two door. From

    WANTED.TWO KESPEWTABLE PROTEsTANT GIRLSone to do gereral housework, and must be a goodwasher and ironer the other U> take car. of children, and mintbe capable of w ashing atd Ironing. Call, after 'J o'clock at ,,'JMercer st, or 124 !'rout at,

    UTANTED-BY a BBsPEtTABLS YOl'NG GIRl>, ATT situation as chain l.ermal J; is a good plain sewer; lawillirg to assist in washing and ironing i.o objection lo travel.(Jood reference enn be given. Please call, tor two d*ys, at 170Itih st., between 7th and stli avs.

    WANTKD.BY A RESPHCTABLE M ARRIED WOMAN,a child lo nurse, tn her own house; lost ner'.ab/, ofthree weeks old, on Saturday la-U Can give sausfae ory re¬ference. Call at 277 Wh nv., between 27tn aud a«ili sis.

    TITANTED.A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTA BLKTT Mttag woman to do cooking; is a tirst rate wash' rand ironer, and baa the beat of city reference from her l%atplace. Apply at II Wh »t tor two days.


    ARKSUKi TAHI.K PHOTRSTANT MAN AND WIKBwlah situation* In a private fatally the roan as waller,mill the woman us ha iiln rmui an.l to no flue w ,»hii,g tloo.1city references Riven. t'nn lie teen for two days at ill >«vciitl»»»., between 2Sth and 2fth *t*. !ir«t floor, fron' room

    A YOUTH IH DF.SIR0C8 OV CHTATVINU A SITU Atlon, a* clerk, In a dry guoJa More; writes a k0tb at between let an 1 .'d av.uue*

    AYOUNO UOI.OltED VAN, OF TIIE HIGHEST OHA-rartcr, w ahe» a ?:tna. 'n a laige tiret clan* privatel ouitHii. house, or a tonal! liot. i. a* h\>l wmiee, < 'an givetie lint reft rem * aa to capacity, Ac. Ac. A hires* a. 1).,licral oBea, tor sis day*.

    COAt'HM AN..WANTED, HY A KINtll.R M 1 V, ANKaglmhanaa. a situation, 1 he advertIn r thoroughly uii-I rei atl.nCs ht« business in at' respects the moat saiiatactury re-lereaeaa can be «!*. «, h»s .(riven thl» my the p**t ten yetre.flnie call, or aildiee* K J , at Mi. Pelioa's etablea. 1.1th at.and Hrtadway.

    TO LAWYKSR..A Yt)CNO ATTORNEY OFFUR* HIMH eelf, with the beet reference* an to cliaract. r ami ability to1 I la* r or legal flrm who wish such services, an I are

    n tlllrg to pay a fair rompenaatuiti lor the satiie. Ad Ires* 0.U. Atberton. Ilcra'd oQlicTKTANTED.A PROFESSOR FROM PARIS, OF HOODTT taBuly, mid wtth food reference* ,n .' 1* cttf. but unac-

    a a eroeery *iore, eipreaa-man, or to drive a bore* and vafnn ti.md rer»reaee«. OUjor ad.lreee a line to RK Knltna et.. Hrook'yn. up afaira, r «>m 6TirANTKD-A SITUATION. BY A YOPNO MAN. IITT ytaraof *ge. In a wlii.leeale bonk, grocery or hard¬ware etore. I* well acquainted with the book trade, wrttee arood haad aad ran give gi«l reference. A.lireaa W II .Broadway I'oet oflice


    BaOOEI.YN RMPIA»TME*T OFFIfR, «H FULTtlWMreet oeneriit Flneappte etreet Famillen, merchant*merbai.le* ami .ehera *ie in« lte.1 to leave their order* at ourother No p. line or expense wiU be spar.-i to procure thebelt of helpfJUMIUER AKD OTHERS WlSHINU IIRLP OF AHTF kln«l, will Had ttal IH Atlanuc atreet, corner of HenryFrooklyn t ooka. 1 baml ermald*. de with good reeommen-dalleti* will Dad ultuatioaa alwaye ui>en. with good wacee.

    Ij'IR^T ( I.AWt, OBRMAN hNtll.IHH AJID~!RIHH SF!?rant# li" Hie ity ai.it a, men oms earners ami railroad* ami three l>ot * for trades and etoreeLOCI* EAHPMAN, AIM

    W'ANTED-tORNKR NAWAP AND MRKMAITTT atreeis. below Raasen Hank l>*sement. two hookkreoeis. three rlerks, one salesman twobarkeeper* three walu-ietao porter* two l.ag); .rem. n. two Jirm n. two hrakementeo eoerhmen. two driver* men 00 au>..mere a»l railroad*.nd three hoy* for trade* and stores

    "EVP* A DARIiOtm. A genu.'ANTED- VT HO « RAI.T RROaDWaY. TWtrSoY*10 learn the marh tost trade, two porter* for etorm aSt'weidut for a steeniboat. riacee procured fbr clerita. *ale*

    men, mm on steam, ra. conductor*, tianafeaee «.*-¦¦Ac *ll girl*, a*eooks ihaiiiberm tids ,*c ' men.

    OIl.l.EN A 00., Aceata.THB TURF.

    I^ASHION t'OURHF -TO I,FT. TIIK REFRESHMENTr n two mi lee andt. «agona 11 W.s.lr ift name* *. «.M'cn nam. « b. t UWsni !.-*.¦. 'h" -wnte

    Sllaw A wBITi, H^wb lore1 *1111 N ftil'RSP T I TROTlrRO .ON *0*DAY|Iv ; -..it- "f"" J Iinn. '. V' "»«' "IVlb JBeM Iglilln pant'-a b m l.a ty, ' *" * '' " *k.. |. ..r, NiookltP at IS e rtn t *ad l«n aa ae.*

    .4* r n *1 Idaw ^ Huiiii